Concrete products according to customer drawings. Methods for manufacturing reinforced concrete products and structures. How does a crossbar differ from a beam?

There are five main reasons to order concrete products from our company:

  • We manufacture products according to the full cycle principle: design-production-delivery. This provides the ability to control all stages of the process and be directly responsible for them.
  • All manufactured reinforced concrete products are different for a long time operation, durability and consistent reliability.
  • The client receives a guarantee for all manufactured products.
  • Delivery of reinforced concrete products ordered from us is carried out at low prices.
  • We not only have reasonable prices, but also a flexible system of discounts for wholesale purchases.

We have all the necessary certificates of conformity, and our products fully comply with GOST. By contacting us, you can have no doubt about the quality of products and the efficiency of solving problems.

Our company produces first-class reinforced concrete products based on customer drawings. In this we are helped by many years of experience, high-quality raw materials and modern technical equipment. Our products will help you implement ideas such as:

  • Creation of new simple construction projects and aesthetic architectural objects.
  • Installation related to reinforced concrete structures of non-standard shapes and sizes.
  • Construction of new buildings, the appearance of which should harmoniously fit into the existing architectural ensemble.
  • A construction process limited by a clear schedule without the ability to find time to adjust standard products to the requirements of the facility under construction.

Our products are easy to install, since they exactly correspond to the tasks set by the customer and do not require modifications on site. This is a serious argument in favor of custom-made reinforced concrete products.

Areas of use of custom-made concrete products

Today, during the construction of many objects, additional requirements arise, along with the standard ones, specifically for the appearance of these objects. In other words, today the aesthetic side plays a significant role, in particular in urban planning. That is why the production of reinforced concrete products according to individual customer drawings is very popular and, in a sense, the only option when various construction programs are being implemented.

The main advantages are:

  • Quick installation, since there is no need to adjust or adjust the part.
  • Architectural aesthetics are at a decent level with the possibility of enhancing it through subsequent processing of product surfaces.
  • Design potential that has led and will continue to lead to the creation of the most unexpected and daring designs.

You can give an example to make it more clear: let’s say a new fence for an architectural monument - an old estate. Such structures cannot be made according to standard designs using conventional reinforced concrete products, because in addition to reliability, they must also have an appearance that would not contrast with the era of construction of the estate itself, but would be in harmony with it.

Thanks to well-thought-out drawings, we can produce custom products that are easy to install, which saves both the customer’s time and financial costs.

Types of custom-made concrete products

We produce individual concrete products of the following types:

  • Reinforced concrete structures created in accordance with a specific architectural style.
  • External facade panels and small architectural forms, made according to ready-made drawings.
  • Non-standard reinforced concrete products of various configurations.
  • Products with a complex spatial shape.

If you don't have it yet finished project, then our specialists will develop it for you, and on its basis the order will be completed.

Production Features

Our company has its own laboratory, which examines the raw materials used in the production process. The materials are supplied to us by reliable partners proven over years of cooperation.

Thanks to the wide range of mixtures used, it becomes possible to produce the most unusual elements with different textures, including those imitating natural stone. This technology helps reduce total mass finished structure and makes it more resistant to the adverse effects of external factors.

Sometimes customers emphasize special attention on any specific requirements for the performance properties of the final product. This could be, for example, increased water resistance or frost resistance of parts.

Installation of non-standard concrete products is a process that requires scrupulous calculations, which are indicated in the technical specifications. tasks. These calculations make it possible to ultimately quickly and accurately install the structure without additional adjustments and adjustments.

Reinforced concrete transom

The crossbar is an important part reinforced concrete structure, since this element serves as the basis for floors in multi-story buildings. It is a reinforced product that connects load-bearing walls vertically. And it is on it that the slabs are placed. The crossbar is made from concrete belonging to class B22.5-B60. In addition to concrete, high-strength reinforcement and binding wire are used for greater reliability.

What requirements must the crossbar meet? There are several of them:

  • Be frost resistant.
  • Be resistant to aggressive chemical compounds.
  • Have high anti-corrosion properties.
  • Possess qualities such as waterproof and fire resistance.

The output products must be rigid, durable and well-resistant to mechanical stress, that is, not prone to cracking. According to the standards, the reinforcement connecting the crossbars to the columns does not exceed 3 meters.

Today there are three types of crossbars: single-shelf, double-shelf and shelfless.

The first type is used to support slabs on one side only. These can be the building's flights located along the edges, or staircases.

The second type is designed to support the middle floors on both sides.

Crossbars of the third type have a rectangular, even cross-section and are used to support special ceilings.

The scope of application of crossbars in construction is quite wide:

  • With their help, structures are created that have a collective structural layout. Such buildings require long corridors of fairly wide width and high ceilings.
  • Modular buildings also require the presence of crossbars.
  • When constructing fences or creating connecting structures for windows, crossbars are used.
  • The products are used in the construction of power lines.

TO interesting facts can be attributed to the moment that for especially tall buildings or structures with large dimensions, crossbars are usually used, the length of which is as much as 12 meters.

What is considered the main feature of crossbars? This, of course, is persistently withstanding loads of varying degrees, and in any direction. Sometimes crossbars are used instead of simple beams when building attics are constructed. In this case, you need products in which the shelf has a T-shaped section.

Manufacturing process

First, the formwork is installed. For this, a metal frame with wooden walls is used. Two extreme rows covered with boards located perpendicular to each other. The result of these actions should be a flat plane.

A reinforced lattice is tied to the ground and installed directly on the frame. The lower reinforcement should not be connected to a third of the crossbar, and the upper reinforcement should not be connected to its first quarter. It is in these places that the tensile loads are the strongest.

Welding joints must be checked using special apparatus to the light. Next, sidewalls with a clear geometry are mounted to the formwork, and stiffeners are installed. After this, the crossbar must be concreted.

On the third day after dismantling the formwork, the side panels are removed: everything else - no earlier than 28 days. When a month has passed, it is worth inviting specialists who could evaluate the quality of the resulting product.

Many mistakes in construction can be avoided if you know and understand what a crossbar is and how it should be used. And, of course, do not confuse this concept with the concept of a beam.

Installation of the crossbar

Reinforced concrete floor beams

Reinforced concrete beam products are widely used in the construction industry. They are used when performing work related to creating a foundation, installing slabs, constructing buildings and structures for a wide variety of purposes, etc. Precast concrete products help to correctly distribute the load between load-bearing structures and the floor.

Reinforced concrete products are characterized by durability, resistance to various types of impacts, and strength. But we should not forget that they are by no means light in weight, and, despite the relative ease of installation, it requires special equipment.

Basic Requirements

In order for modern structures being built to be truly reliable, reinforced concrete beams are subject to many fairly stringent requirements. The main ones are the following:

  • If we're talking about about attic floors, then the stiffness parameter should have a ratio of 1:200. If we mean interfloor ceilings, then the ratio should be 1:250.
  • Each type of building has its own strength value for reinforced concrete beams. Located between floors or on the ground floors, they must withstand a load of 210 kg per 1 sq.m. When located in attics or in residential premises, reinforced concrete beams must withstand a pressure of 105 kg per 1 sq.m.
  • The regulatory documentation must specify the requirements related to the required level of heat and sound insulation of reinforced concrete products.
  • Sometimes there is a need for additional cladding of the beam.

Types of reinforced concrete floors

Precast concrete beams are divided into types depending on the classification option, and there are three such options: by production method, by type of construction and by scope of application.

So, according to the method of manufacturing reinforced concrete floors, there are:

  • Concrete beams that are produced directly on the construction site. This type is used to support monolithic structures.
  • Prefabricated concrete beams produced in industrial conditions. They have either a rectangular or T-section.
  • “Mixed” type, in other words, a monolithic prefabricated structure, partly manufactured in production, and partly on the construction site.

Based on the design moment, reinforced concrete beams are divided into:

  • To ordinary ones.
  • On gable lattice.
  • For reinforced concrete sheds.
  • On the rafters. This type has rail fastenings located in parallel: they fix the equipment itself.

By scope of application it is customary to distinguish:

  • Lattice.
  • Crane
  • I-beams.
  • Rafters.
  • Strapping.
  • Fundamental.

Lattice-type products are needed in order to build overpasses of various sections. Crane-type elements are used to create balance in the operation of cranes. When creating large-panel structures and industrial buildings I-beam structures are used.

And the roofs of buildings no higher than one floor are reinforced with rafter beams. The strapping type of reinforced concrete beams helps to build lintels in the openings that are formed between the walls. The foundation ones speak for themselves: they are needed when building a continuous type strip foundation.

Based on existing standards and presented classifications, all prefabricated concrete structures have their own markings:

  • BP – rafter structures.
  • BSP - rafter beams with parallel chords.
  • BSD - gable rafter products.
  • BSO - single-pitched rafter products.

Numbers are usually added to abbreviations in markings. The three necessary parameters that must be carefully calculated are the length, height and width of the beam.

Manufacturing process

Sometimes there are situations when it is better to use constructions without industrial production, but made independently. What is needed for this?

First, a detailed and thorough calculation is required, on the basis of which a drawing of the future product will be created. The manufacturing algorithm itself is as follows:

  • Formwork is formed from plywood or wooden boards. The thickness of the material used should be in the range of 25 – 40 mm for boards and 10 – 20 mm for plywood. What is the size of the created formwork, so will be the dimensions of the resulting product. To waterproof the coating, the inside of the mold must be covered with film.
  • The next stage is reinforcement. It is made using metal rods in the amount of 4 pieces, having a T-type section of 12 - 14 mm. If steel rods are mated, it is better to overlap and secure the joint with wire. The overlap must be at least 80 cm. To prevent the metal from rusting, a concrete layer above the reinforcement is recommended at least 50 mm. Special plastic stands help clearer calculations.
  • Concrete should be poured into the resulting form without interruption. After pouring is completed, the mold is also covered with waterproof material. If a reinforced concrete beam is prepared under conditions high temperature air, then the poured concrete must be watered once a day.

The product is considered ready no earlier than after 2 weeks. Using this principle, you can make beams for any type of floor.

Installation and installation technology of foundation beams

How is a transom different from a beam?

Some people think that a beam and a transom are the same thing, but this is not so. So what's the difference?

It is an element of a building structure, and its main purpose can be considered bending work. It can be made from either wood or metal. Replacing a crossbar with a beam is gross violation, therefore it is strictly prohibited.

The beam is an independent element, and its dimensions are mandatory are carefully calculated and reflected in project documentation. In the case of a crossbar, entering its dimensions into regulatory documents is not necessary.

As for the main purposes of the beam and crossbar, they are as follows:

  • The crossbar has supporting functions and is always installed horizontally. The beam works exclusively in bending.
  • During the construction of the support frame, the crossbar is directly connected to the racks. The beam is independent.
  • The crossbar can be made from different materials, in particular reinforced concrete. The beam is made of either metal or wood.
  • The crossbar is the basis of any structure. The beam is the basis of the frame.

All crossbars have a specific marking: RLP 4.26-60. How to understand this? It's simple:

  • RL stands for stair bolt.
  • The letter P explains that the floor slabs are polygonal.
  • If the slabs used for floors are ribbed, then the letter P is used.
  • Number 4 is the height of one side (45 cm).
  • The number 26 is the circumference of the product (in dm).
  • The number 60 is a feature of the supporting structure.

Reinforced concrete columns

Most people most often associate the word “column” with a majestic architectural decorative element that came to us from antiquity. But in modern world There are also reinforced concrete parts that have this name. Their purpose is not decorative, but practical: they strengthen the frame of the structure.

Using reinforced concrete columns, arches, crossbars, beams, etc. are strengthened. Prefabricated columns are made from concrete grades such as 300 and 200, that is, heavy ones. Special fittings are also used.

Such products are used in the construction of structures and buildings of various purposes and sizes.

Reinforced concrete columns must meet the following characteristics:

  • Have a high level of resistance to external influences.
  • Impeccably meet the requirements for all load-bearing structures.
  • Be stable in case of seismic imbalance.
  • Be moisture resistant.
  • Be frost resistant.

When one or another type of reinforced concrete columns is selected for construction, this must be done taking into account such points as:

  • Availability complete information, obtained during genealogical research of the object.
  • The climatic situation in which this object will be located.
  • Number of storeys of the planned structure.
  • Purpose of the building under construction.

The load-bearing function of reinforced concrete columns is the main one. The structures that have the highest performance in this regard are used either in basements or on the lowest floors of buildings.

When the structure has more than one floor, supporting elements are used that have two cantilevered convexities. They are located at a height of 3 meters. This allows you to mark where the floor ends and you can begin to install the next level of the building. If it is necessary to mount supports in industrial buildings or simply one-story buildings, higher reinforced concrete columns without convexities are used.

As for the regulatory documentation, it very strictly regulates the requirements that are imposed on reinforced concrete columns. And these requirements include not only aspects related to the installation of products, but also the technology and standards of their manufacture. All technical specifications must be observed, and what they are is stated in special Series and relevant GOSTs.

Production material

What a reinforced concrete product, called a column, will be like directly depends on the concrete used. Typically, grades such as 300, 400 and 600 are used. Reinforcement also falls into the category of carefully selected column components and can be either stressed or unstressed. The frame inside the product is made of rigid wire, which provides additional strength and reliability of the structure.

Types of columns

These products are accepted

divided into certain types depending on the classification used. This can be classified according to structure, the presence of consoles, type of sections, production technology, location of the support.

So, the columns are:

  • Solid and lattice. The first category has a constant cross-section in height, and the second has a variable cross-section.
  • With and without consoles. Those products that have consoles can be two-branched and have a rectangular shape.
  • With square, rectangular and round cross-section.
  • Monolithic and prefabricated. The former are made directly on the construction site, while the latter are produced in industrial conditions.
  • Located on the edge, in the middle or on the facade of a structure.

How to do the calculations correctly

When a construction project is being formed, very scrupulous calculations must be made. This applies to every element, so reinforced concrete columns are no exception.

Let's find out what the experts advise. If we talk about brands of concrete mixtures, then according to their recommendations it is best to use grade B30 for buildings with a small number of floors, and in other cases use from 15 to 25.

It is very important to correctly calculate the cross-sectional area of ​​a reinforced concrete beam. There is a special formula for this, where the compression force (F) is divided by the strength of the concrete itself under this compression (Rb).

After finding the desired indicator, you need to find out all the other parameters. Due to the certain complexity of calculations, errors are often made. That is why, to carry out such a procedure, it is more advisable to use special devices designed for such cases. But special equipment is not mandatory.

Please note that when making calculations, not only the strength of the product is important, but also whether it is connected, for example, to the floor slabs or to the base of the building. In this regard, experts recommend increasing the cross-section for greater strength of reinforced concrete columns.

How to install correctly

If the building has a small number of storeys, then the beams are installed there entirely, that is, as a single monolith. If the column is of considerable length, it is delivered to the construction site in parts and assembled directly there. The installation itself takes place differently depending on various factors: it can be installation on a special column or in a foundation glass.

How are the columns installed? If we are talking about the basement version, then the initial marking is carried out. When installing supports from the bottom of the beams, marking their axes is done from the side of the traverses. If the columns are very long, then special clamps are used.

Products are mounted suspended, and special frame fasteners are used to grip the beams. A support is installed directly into the base glass using a crane, taking into account all the markings made in advance. To control that the support is absolutely vertical - and this is very important - theodolites are used. The installation process is completed by pouring concrete mortar into the cavities. But before this, the beams are additionally secured with wedges made of reinforced concrete or metal.

Video about the correct installation of columns in accordance with current GOST:

In the case of installing columns on column supports, everything happens approximately the same as when installing plinths in glasses, with only one difference: the connection is fastened by welding. Following SNiPs at all stages of installation of reinforced concrete columns is strictly necessary.

If reinforced concrete beams have a square cross-section, then each support is mounted separately from the others. If the supports have crossbars, they can be enlarged and installed using a crane. The lower beams are carefully secured, and the subsequent ones are placed on top of each other: either directly at the ends, or on the crossbars of the products.

There are quite a few types of installation of reinforced concrete columns:

  • The already mentioned installation option on the ends of beams. The correctness of the process is checked using the layout axes.
  • Installation at the ends using temporary fastening, and inspection is carried out by a group conductor.
  • Installation of columns according to the marked marks, when the position is checked using a plumb line, and the joints are secured by welding. This method is usually used when beams are installed on column sills, and not, say, in base glasses.

There are actually more installation options, and we have only introduced you to some of them. It all depends on the specific case, the building being built, its purpose and many other factors.

Choosing: how not to make a mistake

When looking for reinforced concrete columns, you need to be very careful in this selection process before purchasing them. Disadvantages, which, of course, may be present in the highest quality product, should be kept to a minimum. Careful collection of the following information will help you avoid mistakes and find truly reliable products:

  • Technical drawing of the required beam.
  • Accurate knowledge of the height of the building under construction and the number of floors in it.
  • What type of reinforced concrete supports is needed?
  • The exact cross-sectional volume of the product.
  • Where is the construction site with the work being carried out?

With the right approach, that is, finding out maximum quantity important data, you can find the manufacturer and supplier who will meet all the above

In this article we will look at the technology for the production of reinforced concrete products in industrial scale, and in addition, we will determine what methods of casting concrete products are used in individual construction. But, before considering the technological features, we will talk about the basic properties of reinforced concrete.

Features of production material

Reinforced concrete is a material made using cement-containing mortars and metal reinforcing structures.

The technology for manufacturing precast concrete products is not new, since the fundamental methods were patented in the second half of the 19th century. However, the widespread use of reinforced concrete structures and structures in the construction industry dates back to the beginning of the twentieth century.

The use of this material in construction is not accidental, since reinforced concrete products are distinguished by the following qualities:

  • resistance to the negative effects of a number of environmental factors;
  • operational reliability and durability;
  • reasonable price in comparison with structures made using other materials;
  • resistance to critical temperatures (both low and high);
  • resistance to chemical and biological factors;
  • high degree of resistance to dynamic and static loads.

However, reinforced concrete products have some disadvantages. For example, the compressive strength of a material is less than similar parameters of pure metal. In relation to large buildings and structures, reinforced concrete products “carry” their mass an order of magnitude more than the payload.

Types of reinforced concrete products

The photo shows the shipment of finished floor slabs

Today, a wide range of various reinforced concrete products are manufactured and produced everywhere. And this is not surprising, since reinforced concrete products are used not only in construction, but also in other areas.

For example, most Lighting poles and power line supports are traditionally made using reinforced concrete. The most advanced and technologically advanced equipment is made from the same production material. at the moment railway sleepers.

However, let’s dwell on those modifications that have found application in construction.

Among them we note the following varieties:

  • foundation wall blocks (FBS);
  • floor slabs;
  • road slabs;
  • reinforced concrete piles;
  • concrete supports and fences;
  • decorative products used in finishing construction projects.

In the photo - finished products, including wall blocks and concrete rings

Let's talk about these varieties in more detail:

  • Foundation wall blocks (FBS) is a modification of reinforced concrete products that has found application as the main building material in the construction of prefabricated foundations and basements of various buildings. Such facilities significantly reduce the time required to carry out construction work, since the block is large and allows you to avoid long and labor-intensive bricklaying.
  • Floor slabs- these are installed between floors. To prepare such products, especially strong grades of reinforced concrete are used, designed to withstand high mechanical loads throughout their entire service life.

To reduce weight, the slabs are produced hollow, which makes them lighter and less thermally conductive. Again, due to the cavities in the slabs, concrete is saved, which has a beneficial effect on the cost of the finished product.

  • Road slabs— these are reinforced concrete products used in the construction of roads, airfield runways and other surfaces, the strength of which is subject to increased requirements.
  • - these are products that are used in construction, along with foundation blocks. Due to the increased resistance of concrete to the negative effects of environmental factors, such piles can be installed on various types soil without compromising the quality of finished construction projects.
  • Fences, supports and decorative products is a special type of reinforced concrete that performs not so much a utilitarian as an aesthetic function. Due to high consumer demand, the production of these precast concrete products has now been mastered by various small and small enterprises.

Features of manufacturing concrete products

The instructions for the manufacture of reinforced concrete products are determined by the basic properties production materials. Cement-containing solutions are liquid or semi-liquid, and therefore the main technological feature of the production process is their pouring into special molds.

Essentially, production technology involves installing a reinforcing frame in the mold cavity with your own hands and then pouring the solution. As the solution dries, the finished product gains the required strength. At the end of this process, the finished product is removed from the mold and can be used for its intended purpose.

The manufacturing technology of reinforced concrete and prefabricated concrete products includes a list of individual operations that make up the production process. All operations carried out during the production of reinforced concrete products are conventionally divided into main, auxiliary and transport.

Conditionally process can be divided into the following sequentially implemented stages:

  • concrete preparation;
  • production of reinforcement and frame production;
  • reinforcement of concrete products;
  • molding concrete mixture;
  • temperature and humidity treatment of the product;
  • decorative finishing of the front surface.

Important: When producing external wall panels, concrete structures may be subject to additional modifications. Thermal insulation materials can be placed in the panels, both during molding and at the stage of assembly of individual product shells.

Production equipment

The photo shows formwork for making floor slabs

The equipment used in the production of reinforced concrete products, in accordance with its purpose, is divided into technological - main, as well as auxiliary and transport. Equipment for the production of reinforced concrete products involved in a single production complex is called a production line.

In the production of reinforced concrete products, special forms are used, which can be made of metal, reinforced concrete, or lumber of wood origin. Combined forms are also used, built using several different materials.

The photo shows the use of a vibropress during concrete compaction

Regardless of the type of materials used, the finished forms must meet the following requirements:

  • accuracy of ensuring the established standard sizes and configurations of products upon completion of all technological operations;
  • rational design and, as a result, low weight of the mold in relation to the weight of the finished product;
  • lack of labor intensity and ease of assembly and disassembly;
  • structural rigidity when pouring concrete with different densities and specific gravity.

Important: The effectiveness of using production forms is largely determined by the correct choice of lubricants. A properly selected lubricant prevents the solution from sticking to the inner surface of the formwork, thereby contributing to the durability of the form and improving the quality of the manufactured concrete products.

Current schemes for industrial production of reinforced concrete products

In accordance with the methodology for implementing the molding process, three main schemes for the manufacture of reinforced concrete products can be distinguished:

  • Production in non-movable forms involves carrying out all technological operations, starting with preparation and ending with dismantling the formwork in one place. An example of the implementation of such a scheme is the molding of reinforced concrete products in matrices, in cassettes or on flat stands.
  • Production in movable molds involves the step-by-step transportation of formwork with poured mortar from one production station to another. This production scheme applies to the in-line aggregate and conveyor molding method.
  • Continuous molding is a relatively new production process that is characterized by efficiency, high productivity and relatively low energy consumption. The method is carried out using a vibratory rolling mill.

Concrete reinforcement

Regardless of what equipment is used for the production of reinforced concrete products, the most important technological stage is the reinforcement of the mixture. And this is not surprising, since the method of implementing the reinforcement of mortars determines such parameters of the finished structure as the strength and cost of reinforced concrete products.

Important: According to statistics, the price of a finished reinforced concrete product depends 20-30% on the cost of the reinforcement. Therefore, the approach to developing the features of reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures is important both technically and economically.

In the photo - frames for casting piles

Reinforcement of mortars in the production of reinforced concrete products is of two types: prestressed and ordinary - unstressed.

Let us consider in more detail the features of the implementation of each of these methods, since the strength qualities of the finished products largely depend on them.

  • Non-stressed reinforcement of reinforced concrete products is carried out both using a spatial frame and using flat meshes made from wire rod or steel rods with the appropriate cross-sectional diameter.

Frames, during such reinforcement, can only be manufactured using the welded method. Unstressed reinforcement is divided into main (working) and auxiliary (installation).

The main reinforcement is placed in areas experiencing maximum tensile stress. Auxiliary reinforcement, on the contrary, is used in those areas of reinforced concrete products where there is no tensile stress or, on the contrary, compression is present.

  • Stressed reinforcement of reinforced concrete involves the creation of preliminary compression, both in the area of ​​tensile stresses and throughout the entire section of reinforced concrete products. For example, in the manufacture of foundation blocks or piles, the pre-compression parameters are up to 60 kg/cm². Compression is performed by tensioning the reinforcement for a certain time.


So, we have examined the main points of the production process, and, in addition, we have listed the operational features of reinforced concrete products. You will be able to take into account the information obtained both when ordering ready-made reinforced concrete products and when using reinforced concrete in individual construction.

Still have any questions? You can get comprehensive answers by watching the video in this article.

Developers of residential complexes and non-standard buildings are increasingly turning to foreign technologies when constructing them, because European layouts, which have their own characteristics, are very popular these days.

To implement all the tasks set by the architects, construction companies forced to order non-standard concrete products. This allows you to save money and time to complete installation work and makes it possible to build a high-quality structure that meets current norms and standards.

The manufacturing plant "Beton-Center" is engaged in the custom production of high-quality reinforced concrete products at a reasonable cost. The catalog on our website presents a wide variety of reinforced concrete products of classical shapes. In the case when you need structures of non-standard dimensions, it is possible to change the parameters for the implementation of each specific project. According to customer requirements, the location of the metal frame, the grade of concrete used and other parameters change. We practice an individual approach to each client.

The production of non-standard reinforced concrete products of various architectural forms on an individual order is the core activity of our plant, since its production facilities are equipped with high-precision machines.

Advantages of personal production of concrete products

The production of reinforced concrete products according to the customer’s conditions significantly expands the possibilities of constructing buildings and laying utility lines running underground, and also allows for the implementation of non-standard projects. Production capacity Our plant makes it possible to produce batches of any volume of reinforced concrete products in a short time without losing the declared quality.

The organization has many successful orders from large companies- developers. Among them, we should highlight the production of the RK-1 grate, produced according to an individual project of the Mikhailovsky GOK. In addition, we produced ventilation system units according to personally developed drawings for the needs of a residential area of ​​the Moscow region. Individual production of reinforced concrete products has a lot of advantages:

  • Receiving products of any type and level of complexity. The production part of our plant is equipped with modern machines for various purposes. Constant quality control at all stages guarantees compliance with all technical standards and standard size drawings.
  • Strict adherence to agreed deadlines. We are able to produce the required quantity of reinforced concrete products within the planned time frame, because the necessary consumables for various purposes are always available.
  • Delivery of reinforced concrete products is carried out in Moscow and Tver; by separate agreement, products can be sent to nearby regions.

Attractive prices for custom-made products. After reviewing the order, our specialists offer profitable options for completing the assigned tasks.

Why are concrete products ordered according to drawings from Beton-Center?

"Beton-Center" is engaged in the production of custom-made reinforced concrete products of various configurations, production lines allow you to quickly carry out work of any complexity and volume. The enterprise has a full-time laboratory that controls the quality of the concrete used. Manufactured products comply with the international ISO quality standard, which is proof of reliability and long service life.

Manufacturing of reinforced concrete products according to customer drawings is the profile of the Beton-Center organization. To get started, our specialists need to provide the following information:

  • Direct drawing,
  • The brand of concrete used,
  • Reinforcement diagram
  • The quality of the front surfaces,
  • Requests for the degree of waterproofness and frost resistance of the future product.

In addition to the production of reinforced concrete products, we offer additional services to our customers:

  • Metal cutting. We have at our disposal high-precision guillotine shears, with which you can get perfectly smooth edges.
  • Plasma cutting. Metal processing in this way is used to create complex and non-standard products. geometric shapes, exactly corresponding to the required parameters.
  • Welding of metal structures. All work is carried out by specialized welders, which ensures the accuracy and reliability of the seams.

Our company is a leader in its segment of the construction market and has a reputation as a responsible partner, because we pay close attention to each order, are able to implement projects of any level of complexity, and are aimed at long-term cooperation. "Beton-Center" successfully cooperates not only with private owners, but also with commercial enterprises.

You can find out more detailed information regarding cooperation, deadlines and costs by calling the indicated phone numbers.

We provide delivery to any region of the Russian Federation. We fulfill our delivery obligations regardless of the size of the shipment and the number of commodity items, the destination and the state of the transport network in the addressee’s region.

Prom ZhBI sends tens of tons of reinforced concrete products every day to different parts of the country. Our regular customers are large contracting organizations from Kaliningrad and Vladivostok, Arkhangelsk and Belgorod, Nizhny Novgorod and Astrakhan. The consistency of orders placed by construction companies and operating organizations at Prom-ZhBI is due to:

  • our compliance with delivery conditions (deadlines, nomenclature and quantity of concrete products)
  • efficiency in order processing
  • compliance with the rules for transporting reinforced concrete products
  • vast experience in organizing transportation of reinforced concrete products, which allows you to avoid force majeure along the way
  • well-functioning logistics system (we choose the most convenient and inexpensive delivery options)

With us you will always receive your ordered materials on time. We organize delivery of any goods manufactured in our production.

The low price for the entire range of products manufactured by the company is complemented by affordable delivery costs. At the same time, the Prom-ZhBI company takes upon itself all organizational efforts. We control:

  • order completion and shipment
  • route and travel time
  • delivery time to the destination and order completeness at the unloading point

Regardless of the region in which you are located, delivery is organized as quickly as possible: no matter where you expect the cargo, it will arrive to you on time and without any effort on your part.

It is not always possible to make do with only standard reinforced concrete elements, and in such cases, reinforced concrete products are made to order. Send your drawings by email [email protected], our managers in as soon as possible They will calculate the cost of the products and contact you.

Scope of application of exclusive reinforced concrete products

Complex and exclusive products can be used for the following purposes:

  • to solve non-standard installation problems, which are technically impossible or economically unprofitable to fully understand using standard designs;
  • to create unusual aesthetically advantageous forms;
  • for the manufacture of additional structures within an existing architectural structure;
  • in conditions of construction and installation under a tight work schedule, in which there is not enough time to adjust standard structures.

After submitting the drawings to the design department, the possibility of manufacturing exclusive reinforced concrete products is considered. If the specified technical solution is possible, the cost of the work is calculated, taking into account its complexity and the volume of the order. At this stage, specialists from the factory design department can offer the customer alternative solutions that maintain the technical characteristics of the ordered reinforced concrete products, but reduce their cost.

Advantages and features of non-standard concrete products

The production of precast concrete products upon exclusive request allows us to implement individual projects in which the original design plays a special role, since modern conditions building aesthetics has no less important, how performance characteristics objects.

The production of non-standard products helps architecture to develop and move forward towards beautiful, comfortable buildings and original design projects. Sometimes it is convenient to use drawings to create small original architectural forms or façade elements for which ready-made drawings are already available.

Features of the production of reinforced concrete products according to customer drawings

In the production of non-standard reinforced concrete products, various concrete mixtures can be used to provide the finished products with the required operational and consumer characteristics, and, first of all, resistance to external influences. High-quality raw materials guarantee a high level of manufacturing and durability of finished products. They are often subject to special technical requirements, for example, high frost resistance, or low sensitivity to moisture.

Production of reinforced concrete products according to drawings is convenient and profitable. Firstly, because you can order full cycle manufacturing, including design, turnkey manufacturing and delivery to the construction site. Secondly, a quality certificate is always provided for finished products. In addition, custom-made reinforced concrete products are precisely those products that fully meet the customer’s needs and requirements, and can be used in complex natural and climatic conditions, or on soils that are not suitable for development.

You can get products high level complexity. This is quite realistic, since the production base of the manufacturing enterprise is well developed and equipped with modern technological capabilities. When using products, we must not forget that each element is created with the expectation of certain static and dynamic loads.

How to order reinforced concrete products

In order for the plant to begin calculating the cost, you need to provide a drawing for the product in which you should indicate:

  • characteristics of raw materials, for example, brand of concrete or concrete mix recipe;
  • provide a reinforcement diagram;
  • indicate the required surface quality;
  • physical and technical characteristics of finished products, for example, the required degree of frost resistance and water resistance;
  • exact dimensions of the product;
  • required number of products.

You can find out detailed information regarding the possibility and timing of order fulfillment from our managers.