Eugenia translated from Greek means. Evgeniy, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for boys. Evgeniya and Oleg

Short form named Evgeniy. Zhenya, Zhenya, Zhenechka, Zheka, Enya, Gena Zhenyura, Zhenya, Zhesha, Evgekha, Evgesha, Gesha, Enyuta, Enyukha, Enyusha, Enyasha, Evgenyushka, Evgenya, Genya.
Synonyms for the name Eugene. Eugenios, Eugene, Eugen, Eugene, Eugenio, Eugenie, Eugen, Owen, Ivain.
Origin of the name Evgeniy. The name Evgeniy is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Evgeniy translated from Greek language means “noble”, literally this name can be translated as “with good genes”. It was derived from a male name female name– Evgenia. In Russia, the names Evgeniy and Evgeniya began to be widely used in the 19th century. This is what the nobles began to call their children. But they used the name Eugene mainly in the French manner - Eugene (later the modern diminutive Zhenya appeared from him) or in English version- Eugene.

The second English version of the name Eugene is the name Owen. But it is also possible that the origin of the name Owen comes from the Welsh "lamb" (oen) or "youth" (eoghunn). This was the name of one of the heroes of the epic of King Arthur; he was one of the knights of the Round Table.

As a child, Evgeniy was a great dreamer. Showing ingenuity, he will come up with interesting game completely out of nowhere. He loves active, noisy games, in which he is always main character conquering evil. But in life, Evgeny prefers to find compromises peacefully. Evgeniy finds it easy foreign languages, mathematics, he writes poetry well and speaks competently. He usually does well at school and pleases his parents with his successes.

For Zhenya, his own world is very important. It is sometimes very difficult for him to accept the real world as it is, therefore, from early childhood, such traits as indecision appear in him, he cannot concentrate on one thing for a long time. He should train his self-confidence. But his indecisiveness does not extend to communication: it is easy for him to find mutual language with both boys and girls.

As he grows up, Evgeniy can become hot-tempered. Since his doubt in his own strength can make him quite nervous, very vulnerable to any comments. Zhenya very often tries to hide his fears, putting on a mask of indifference or swagger, and his true feelings doesn't trust anyone. He will never refuse help and is very attentive to his loved ones.

Evgeniy has a very well developed intuition; he knows how to notice the smallest details, which help him keep abreast of all events. The owner of the name Evgeniy is well versed in completely various issues. Evgeniy is a very versatile young man with whom it is pleasant to have conversations on any topic. Evgeniy is a sophisticated and impassive man.

It’s easy for Evgeniy to be the life of the party, because he can always tell a joke or an anecdote to the point, interesting story. His sociability, artistry and intelligence decorate any party or reception. Doesn't like routine work. Evgeniy gravitates towards theater and literature. He also likes to understand technology, and is often interested in logical and mathematical problems and various puzzles.

Evgeniy does not like obstacles in his path; he often does not know how and does not really want to overcome them. Therefore, the owner of the name Evgeniy does not like creative activity, prefers logical and consistent actions. He always works honestly and conscientiously, but is also not without ambition and will try not to miss the moment when he can advance in his career. Very often among Evgeniy he chooses technical professions- engineer, programmer, architect, designer. But Evgeniy’s other side is also very strong - romanticism, which is why there are many writers, actors, and journalists among Evgeniy.

IN family life Eugene an exemplary husband and an excellent father. She has enough patience not to start quarrels, separate her beloved children, and helps everyone in the family find a compromise and come to an agreement. In women, Evgeniy values ​​openness, a rich inner world and purity of soul. Therefore, Zhenya is very jealous, fickle in his feelings and may be disappointed in his ideal.

Evgeniy's name day

Evgeny celebrates his name day on January 21, February 3, February 25, March 4, March 10, March 20, August 3, August 31, September 20, September 23, October 8, October 29, November 11, November 20, November 24, December 7 , December 23, December 26.

Famous people named Evgeniy

  • Evgeny Vakhtangov (actor, director, founder of the theater that became the theater named after him)
  • Evgeny Evstigneev (theater and film actor)
  • Eugene-François Vidocq ((1775 - 1857) French criminal, later - founder and head of the General Directorate national security, as well as the world's first private detective bureau)
  • Eugene Delacroix ((1798 - 1863) French artist)
  • Evgeny Zamyatin (writer)
  • Evgeny Mironov (theater and film actor, National artist Russia)
  • Evgeny Yevtushenko (Russian, Soviet poet, prose writer, publicist, screenwriter, film director)
  • Evgeni Plushenko (figure skater, Olympic champion 2006)
  • Evgeny Morgunov (theater and film actor)
  • Evgeny Schwartz (writer, playwright)
  • Evgeny Petrov (writer, co-author of Ilya Ilf)
  • Evgeny Klyachkin (bard, singer-songwriter)
  • Evgeniy Vuchetich (monumental sculptor)
  • Flavius ​​Eugenius (usurper emperor of the Western Roman Empire (392-394))
  • Eugene I ((d.657), Pope)
  • Eugene O'Neill ((1888 - 1953) American playwright, laureate Nobel Prize on literature)
  • Evgeny Grishin (famous Soviet speed skater and coach)
  • Evgeny Salias de Tournemire ((1840 - 1908) Russian writer)
  • Evgeny Abalakov (Soviet sculptor and famous mountaineer)
  • Evgeny Baratynsky (famous Russian poet)
  • Evgeny Mravinsky (conductor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Evgeny Samoilov (theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Evgeny Primakov ( political figure, economist and historian (born 1929))
  • Evgeny Grishkovets (writer, actor, musician, director)
  • Evgeny Kafelnikov (tennis athlete, Honored Master of Sports of Russia)
  • Evgeny Dvorzhetsky (theater and film actor)
  • Evgeny Zharikov (theater and film actor)
  • Eugene Ionesco ((1909 - 1994) French playwright of Romanian origin, one of the founders of the theater of the absurd)
  • Eugenio Beltrami ((1835 - 1900) Italian mathematician)
  • Evgeny Dolmatovsky (poet and prose writer)
  • Evgeny Krylatov (composer)
  • Evgeniy Lansere (artist)
  • Eugenio d'Ors, Eugenie d'Ors ((1881 - 1954) Spanish and Catalan philosopher, writer, publicist)
  • Eugenio German (Brazilian chess player)
  • Eugeniusz Romer ((1871 - 1954) Polish geographer and cartographer)
  • Evgeny Leonov (theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Evgeniy Khavtan (guitarist, composer, leader of the group “Bravo”)
  • Evgeny Martynov (pop singer, composer, musician, teacher)
  • Evgeny Obolensky (Decembrist)
  • Eugene of Savoy (outstanding commander of the Holy Roman Empire, French origin, generalissimo)
  • Evgeny Vesnik (theater and film actor, theater director)
  • Evgeny Svetlanov (outstanding Soviet Russian conductor, pianist and composer, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Evgeny Trubetskoy (Russian philosopher, publicist, lawyer, public figure)
  • Gene Kelly ((1912 - 1996) American dancer, choreographer, actor, singer and film director)
  • Gene Simmons ((born 1949) real name - Chaim Witz; one of the founders of the group “Kiss”)
  • Eugen Dühring ((1833 - 1921) German philosopher and economist)
  • Eugene de Beauharnais, Eugene de Beauharnais ((1781 - 1824) son of Josephine de Beauharnais, stepson of Napoleon Bonaparte, Prince of France, Viceroy of Italy)
  • Eugene-Charles Catalan ((1814 - 1894) Belgian mathematician)
  • Evžen Zamečnik (Czech violinist, conductor and composer)

As a child, Evgenia is very obedient and flexible. They cannot be called leaders in the company. Rather, they always play second roles, letting brighter children go ahead without offense. There is no hassle for parents.

Mom and dad are often perplexed why their child prefers to sit at home watching TV instead active games with peers. Little Zhenya absolutely does not know how to lie and has a negative attitude towards any manifestation of lies. Evgeniya studies well at school, as she is very persevering and patient. They often become winners of Olympiads and competitions.

From an early age, Evgenia has been interested in literature, showing herself as creative person. Parents should pay attention to her talents, directing their development in the right direction.

Evgenia is not characterized by the desire for noisy companies at a young age. She is not a regular at nightclubs or cinemas. He prefers to spend his evenings at home with his parents or reading books. For her great importance has self-discipline.

Young Zhenya may show great interest in proper nutrition, sports and healthy image life. Differs in decency, honesty, rigor. Many consider Evgenia mysterious. This girl never works for the public, does not reveal her soul to almost anyone, but if someone trusts her, then Zhenya will appreciate such an act and will try to make sure that the person does not lose respect for her.

IN adolescence The girl is very modest and shy. She lives in own world and doesn't need large quantities friends nearby. Just one person is enough, and Evgenia will be truly happy.

Evgenia's character does not change with age. She is still the same quiet, calm woman. Even if he has his own opinion, he does not always express it, preferring to do without disputes and conflict situations. Often these women lead personal diaries, where they splash out their own emotions and thoughts.

At work, she delights with her hard work, and at home with her ability to take the opponent’s position in almost any situation. Many people want to be friends with Evgenia, since there is always an atmosphere of warmth and calm next to her. Evgeniya loves to take care of herself. Appreciates high-quality expensive things, knows how to accept beautiful gifts, but never seeks profitable alliances. It will be equally easy to communicate with people below you in terms of social level, and with those who surpassed it. Charming and smart, Evgenia knows how to win people over at any age.

To please this woman, you need to be honest, fair, kind person, because Zhenya herself has cultivated these qualities in herself since childhood and values ​​them above all others in other people. Evgenia, despite her modesty, is very confident in herself and her abilities.

Zhenya - true name For little man, kind, but serious. What is the meaning of Evgeniy’s name, character and destiny for boys, what awaits them in life, what Interesting Facts related to the name? About all the most important things - for readers of the article.

The meaning of the name Evgeniy for a boy, briefly

If we delve deeper into the meaning of the name Eugene for a boy, it can be briefly described in one word - “noble.” A child with this name has an inflated sense of justice, is friendly to others, and wise beyond his years.

What does the name Evgeniy mean for a boy according to the church calendar?

Before the birth of a child, parents carefully select a name for the baby, because his fate may directly depend on this. When choosing the name Zhenya, its Orthodox designation is no less important. What does the name Evgeniy mean for a boy? church calendar? In Orthodoxy, the name has the same meaning - “noble”, “kind”.

The mystery of the name Evgeniy: interesting facts

Evgeniy, the meaning of the name, character and fate has many secrets and mysteries.

  1. It is interesting to consider the opinion of psychologists and astrologers that boys born in spring are especially unique. It is they who have sharpened all the features characteristic of the name. However, the most successful time for spring Eugenes is winter. They are more goal-oriented and like to set specific goals for themselves. But Zhenya, born in other seasons, have a more flighty character and often become victims of multiple marriages.
  2. Astrologers strongly do not recommend giving a “noble” name to boys born under the zodiac sign Capricorn. Eugene’s masculinity, goodwill, and friendliness are categorically incompatible with Capricorn’s stubborn disposition. Otherwise, the boy may be doomed to some kind of split personality, and will be at odds with himself all his life.
  3. Another secret of the name Evgeniy is in the boy’s character. Psychologists say that it is men with such an aristocratic name who have the lion’s patience, restraint, and sense of tact. Zhenya is one of the calmest, kindest and most reasonable among the male representatives.

Many are convinced that the name Evgeniy means “brilliant.” This assumption is wrong, although it is quite suitable for the name. This epithet very accurately reflects the intellectual development of a boy, a man. Experts say that it is Zhenya who, much more often than others, have tremendous success. Moreover, this manifests itself in different paths - art, science, artistic creativity.

Origin of the name Evgeniy and its meaning for children

The origin of the name Eugene and its meaning for children is closely connected with Greece. It was born in Ancient Greece and was pronounced Eugenios. The name was incredibly popular in the 19th century among noble nobles. However, the nobles preferred not the Greek, but the French sound - Eugene. Recognition and veneration of the name is due to the fact that it had not only a luxurious pronunciation, but also a meaning - “noble”, “with good genes”. Representatives of the noble class considered it an honor to “bear” such a significant name.

IN modern times the name is no less popular among Slavs, Orthodox Europeans and Catholics. Anthroponymists suggest that the abbreviation of the name Zhenya has direct roots with the French Eugene. The name has an aristocratic meaning; representatives of the fair sex also desired to be called “noble”. Thus, the male name also acquired a female form - Evgenia.

Regardless of the form of pronunciation, boys named Evgeniy are peace-loving, good-natured and noble.

Character of a boy named Evgeniy

The character of a boy named Evgeniy has been manifested since early years. His nobility and kindness can be clearly seen, regardless of his upbringing. Little Zhenya is the most capable, responsive, smart and kind boy in the class. The young boy is a true gentleman. He is very tactful both with his peers and with the older generation.

By nature he is not a hooligan; he does not like fights and brawls. Prefers any conflict situations smooth out with friendly dialogue. Little Zhenya is a real diplomat. Friendly, able to get along with everyone, but he has few real friends. For him, the word “friendship” has enormous meaning, and not everyone is honored to be called Zhenya’s friend. But at the same time, friendship with him, begun in childhood, most often lasts a lifetime.

The nobility of character associated with the name is clearly visible in Eugene’s behavior. He never refuses help, he is ready to literally give away your last shirt. He does not know how to be indifferent to the problems of others, he always strives to make himself as useful as possible.

However, many take advantage of Eugene's kindness, which can ultimately lead to trouble in his life. Moreover, he often does not realize that he has become a victim of people’s consumerism. It’s hard for him to go through such situations, but they don’t teach him anything. Next time Zhenya will rush to help again, without thinking about the consequences.

Another one characteristic Zhenya is an attachment to the family. For him, his parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents will forever remain the most beloved and important people in life. He always finds time to call or visit his loved ones. That is why the matured Evgeniy is very sensitive to serious relationship, personal life, creation own family. In most cases, his parents are perfect example family relationships.

Despite the masculinity of his character, he has a hard time experiencing failures and losses in his soul. Quite vulnerable, but rarely makes it public. For the whole world, he is a positive, good-natured person, with a wide soul and a huge heart.

The fate of a boy named Evgeniy

Evgeniy, the meaning of the name, character and fate are inextricably linked. According to anthroponymic experts who study the meaning of names, good name predicts a person and good fate. This statement fits Zhenya exactly.

The fate of a boy named Evgeniy is shaping up like a beautiful house of cards. But perhaps with minor defects.

  1. Since childhood, the boy has interesting thinking, loves to fantasize, often comes up with games for his friends. Not a bully, but likes funny and big companies peers. In games, little Zhenechka always imagines himself as a knight, a good hero who triumphs over evil. However, such character traits are noted not only in games, but also in real life.
  2. At school he behaves quite diligently, and many subjects are easy for him. The young genius is especially interested in exact sciences, foreign languages, and creative pursuits.
  3. Evgeniy’s excessive kindness often does him no good adult life. Tactfulness and nobility do not allow him to make tough decisions. Many people around take this for indecisiveness, but this is only one of the manifestations of Zhenya’s character.
  4. Evgeny has a powerful intuition, which throughout his life helps him to accept the most right decisions. Experts note that Zhenya has the most developed “sixth sense” compared to others male names.
  5. Personal life young man his rather violent, natural attractiveness makes him the object of dreams of many women. He strives for family life, but often the search for a life partner takes long time. Most of this has to do with searching. ideal woman looks like mom. He is calm in relationships; it is almost impossible to see Evgeniy in anger. He is partial to children and animals, which is directly related to his good disposition.

Evgeniya is a promising name. An example is the fate of Countess Eugenia Montijo, who became last empress France. Playing in the imperial garden little Louis I saw the lovely Mary admiring the violets. It was Louis Napoleon III. They met and played for a long time; a tender childhood friendship began between the children. The next day Louis gallantly presented his lady with a bouquet of blue violets and Golden ring, which later became the fate of her daughter. And at this time, Empress Josephine was looking for the wedding ring that had disappeared without a trace, the one that Maria gave to her daughter Eugenia for good luck. And when in 1851 young girl appeared at the ball with a bouquet of violets and Josephine’s gold ring, Louis never let her go anywhere else. This is how she became the French Empress. If you are interested, the further content of the text will reveal the secrets and meaning of the name Eugene.

Brief meaning of the name Evgeniya


We owe the origin of the name Eugene to the ancient Greeks. The name Eugenia comes from the Greek eugenis, which means high-born, noble. It is the feminine form of the male name Evgeniy. The name is popular all over the world, differing in sound derivatives. In England it is Eugenia, in China - Eugenia, in Japan - Eugenia, in Spain - Eugenia, in Germany - Eugenia, in Poland - Eugnena, in France - Eugenie.

The name's roots go back to the distant 3rd century. Ancient Rome, where the noble girl Evgenia lived. Being in the pagan faith, she began to worship the Lord and converted to Christianity. Dressed as a man, in secret from her father and mother, she ran away to monastery and became a monk. Over time, Evgenia became the abbot of this monastery. She was decapitated for her faith in Christ. She was subsequently canonized by the church as a great martyr.

Characteristics and meaning of the name Evgeniya

Evgenia's character in view masculinity solid. She is distinguished by a highly developed sense of justice, duty, and rigor in judgments and assessments. He always rushes to help, rarely becomes the cause of conflict, knows how to make friends, and loves smart, honest people when communicating. She gets along with men more easily; the female half seems too flighty to her.

At the same time, she keeps men at a distance, preferring friendship. The choice of friends is of great importance for her, Zhenya treats it extremely carefully, usually she has one friend, maximum two. Prefers to communicate with people who are courteous and reserved, endowed with slightly old-fashioned manners. Its secret lies in contradictions, which means that optimism and cheerfulness directly border on firmness and restraint.

The meaning of marriage and family

Evgenia is distinguished by her hospitality, friendliness, ability to cook and set the table. However, it is worth noting that all this must be agreed upon in advance. She does not accept unexpected visits. A woman named Evgenia is thrifty, doesn’t waste money, and tries to give old things a new life.

An excellent wife, but her personal life is not easy. In relationships with her husband and children, misunderstandings sometimes arise, which disappoints Evgenia. The owner of the name Evgenia, as a rule, has two or more children. He finds a common language with daughters faster, they cause less trouble than sons. This happens due to isolation, excessive pride, independence, which sometimes even those closest to her, children, cannot reach her. She carries the image of a cold woman with her throughout her life, unless her grandchildren can draw out her feelings.

The mystery of the name

The character depends on the time of year:

  • Winter Evgenia has masculine character, shows persistence and stubbornness, and is sometimes nervous and quick-tempered.
  • Autumn is not distinguished by its verbosity and isolation; it lives based on the conditions in which it finds itself and at the same time knows exactly its capabilities.
  • Summer Evgenia has a softer character, shows responsiveness and participation.
  • Vesennaya is eccentric, prefers her own interests above all else, and is narcissistic.

Evgenia's character means determination. With perseverance, she can turn everything upside down in one day and start all over again. Although the owner of the name is considered non-conflict, her severity often goes beyond the limits and becomes the cause of not only scandals, but also divorces. She is offended very often and does not forgive this to anyone.


As a child, a girl named Zhenya shows activity and curiosity. He has a strong-willed character. She loves to invent and fantasize; her personal space is sometimes invented by her from beginning to end. Zhenya is not one of those who can easily come up and get acquainted. But he will not mind communicating with the child if such an acquaintance has occurred. She prefers to play together; noisy company is not for her.

School time

Her mother and father consider her an example for others. At school, she has difficulty communicating with her peers due to her great desire to take a leading position in the class. If someone has a different opinion, he gets very offended by him.

Evgenia is a favorite among teachers because of her thirst for knowledge and diligence. She enjoys participating in public life at school and when he grows up. However, Zhenya requires encouragement and constant monitoring from her parents. If she is given freedom, she will easily abandon her studies and social activities. Evgenia, it is worth noting, is very easy to re-educate.

Zhenya will be happy to go into nature, forest walks, hiking and traveling - this is for her. She loves to grow flowers and tinker in the zoo corner. If she has a pet at home, she will create the best conditions for it.

Zhenya matures sexually very early, parents must show maximum attention when communicating with their daughter so that the girl does not do anything stupid. Little Zhenya requires increased sensitivity and love from her parents. Too strict an attitude on their part can lead the girl to a nervous breakdown.


As a child, Zhenya practically never got sick, but a simple cold sometimes turns into all sorts of complications. Father and mother should pay attention to strengthening the immune system and hardening. It is necessary to constantly monitor your posture to prevent the development of scoliosis. From childhood, a child should be limited in sweets, especially chocolate; the girl is predisposed to allergies.

For a girl, constant visits to a urologist and gynecologist are of great importance, due to the high likelihood of diseases of the genitourinary system.

IN old age Evgeniya often develops polyarthritis, and may experience infectious diseases. Her character changes fundamentally, making her conservative, grumpy and uncooperative.

Personal life

The girl often falls in love, and feelings intensify to the point of depth and despair. For her, fate means love to the point of self-forgetfulness, dissolving in a partner, guessing his desires, feeling his moods. She is inclined to forgive him anything, however, she will never forget the betrayal. Her old-fashioned outlook on life, her inherent integrity, and morality forbid her to frequently change sexual partners. You can't buy Evgenia's love.

In sex, the owner of this name attaches great importance to foreplay, in which she reaches the height of bliss. Rudeness is not welcome, only tenderness and passion. He will always treat his partner favorably, support him if necessary, give him confidence, and will never laugh in case of failure. However, not every man can give satisfaction to such a passionate and sensual partner. Therefore, according to fate, Evgenia is often lonely. Their passionate love sometimes scares men away. A representative of this name will not initiate a breakup; the separation occurs at the request of the man.

Profession and career

Evgenia does not have talents; she is distinguished by responsibility and honesty in relation to her functional responsibilities. Main characteristics, which is of great importance to her, financial support, so she easily changes both her place of work and the profession itself.

In her profession, Evgenia will find use as a teacher and doctor, educator and lawyer, actress or designer. But still, vocation and success will come to her in social activities. The owner of the name has a non-standard approach to solving problems. For her, a leadership position does not matter, but if this happens, she gets a strict and fair boss.

Promotion by career ladder Evgenia is due to her imperious character and the ability to manipulate people. She tends to bring any task to the end and achieve positive results. But own business will fail due to excessive conservatism and emotionality.

Name forms

In a short affectionate form, the name Evgenia will sound like: Zhenya, Zhenka, Zhenechka, Zhenyura, Zhenyusha, Evgesha, Eva, Enya, Ena, Enyuta, Enyukha, Enyusha, Enyakha, Enyasha, Evgenya, Genya, Zhenya, Genika, Henya, Jenny, Jenna, Jenica.


The name Evgenia has Ancient Greek origin. Derived from the Greek word "eugenes", which translates as "noble" or "man of noble family". Accordingly, the literal interpretation of the female variation, Eugene, sounds like “noble.”

The female name Evgenia today continues to be in demand in all countries with a Russian-speaking population, and the reason lies in several factors at once - this is a unique meaning that promises many important qualities, and good compatibility with most male names...

Conversational options: Zhenya, Zhenya, Zhenechka

Modern English analogues: Eugene, Eugenia, Eugenie

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Evgenia promises its bearers, first of all, such character traits as ambition, sensitivity, emotionality, pride, self-sufficiency, swiftness and impetuosity. True, they will all appear gradually, and not all together, as they grow older and develop as individuals...

Like any female or male name, this too begins to shape one’s personality from childhood. For the most part, Evgenias are stubborn and restless girls; they react too sharply to any criticism or remarks, get offended, are capricious, but at the same time try to deal with their shortcomings. And the most important thing is that all Zhen have the strongest leadership potential hidden deep inside, which needs to be revealed...

Advantages and positive features: leadership abilities, tolerance, emotionality, impetuosity, persistence, determination and hard work. These girls are great at controlling emotions, plus they are sensitive, have a good imagination and also take initiative.

Evgeniya has a bad attitude towards people who have too high self-esteem. She will not communicate with those who have ever been suspected of lies and betrayal. Moreover, she will avoid communicating with anyone who does not meet her criteria.

The name Eugene became popular for the first time in the 19th century, especially in noble circles. Later it spread to lower social strata...

Character of the name Evgeniy

The nature of the name Evgeniya is such that it promises girls named by this name a difficult nature. Usually these are soft, modest, shy, suspicious and fearful girls. It is difficult to get into full contact with such people; they try to avoid getting close to people, because what they fear most in life is betrayal and deception. At the same time, the character of girls with the name Evgenia suggests the presence of a very good qualities, advantages. Typically, the character of the bearers of this name is endowed with such things as determination, hard work, perseverance, diligence, integrity and planning. Evgenia’s character will never allow her to give up without achieving her goal, quit a job halfway, or switch to something else without finishing the previous one.

Among other things, Evgenia’s character also presupposes the presence of a whole bunch of other equally important qualities. For example, all Eugenes, without exception, are timid in terms of contact with people, never take the first steps, and never get close to people until they are confident in the honesty of a particular person. On the other hand, character is difficult to predict, because it depends on many factors. And in the case of girls, over whom the meaning of the nominal form of Eugene patronizes, for the most part, the character depends on upbringing and the zodiac sign.

Early childhood

IN early childhood in a girl who is protected by the meaning of the feminine rare name Evgenia can be a very calm person. The parents of this girl will be incredibly lucky if exactly those qualities that promise meaning awaken in her. Among their huge number are calmness, good nature, obedience, prudence, moderation, restraint, caution, responsibility, which is usually not inherent in children at such a young age, goodwill, sociability and eloquence. A little girl named Evgenia has many talents, and all of them usually begin to manifest themselves in early childhood - this includes creative potential, excellent imagination, and in general, a love for everything that requires a lot of work.

With all this, the baby, for whom the parents decided to choose beautiful name Evgeniya, there is no tendency towards loneliness, as it may seem. On the contrary, she is a very sociable and sociable girl, a child who craves communication, who does not care who she has to communicate with, an adult, a parent, or a peer - as long as there is communication, as long as there is something to learn from the conversation.

Already at such early age Other character traits may also appear. For example, bright ambitions, pride, a little selfishness and self-sufficiency are promised.


The teenage girl, who received the name Evgenia at birth, has a completely unique nature. Sociable, friendly, eloquent, kind and generous, fair and calm, judicious and responsible, obligatory and responsible in fulfilling her promises, practical and quick-witted - that’s what she is, the nature of the girl, over whom the meaning and energy of the name Eugene patronizes.

This girl doesn’t succeed in everything, but she always tries to finish the job and never gives up at the first obstacle. Evgenia is diligent, efficient, hardworking, never lazy and tries with all her behavior to comply with the norms of society, so as not to stand out too much from the crowd. But it also has its drawbacks...

Usually girls who are protected by the meaning of the name Evgenia are too modest and timid. It is difficult for such people to make friends, they never come up to meet people first, even if the person is attractive, Evgenias always wait for the first step from a potential interlocutor, but never make it first. Plus, timidity can make itself felt - all Evgenia’s girls are too timid, they are afraid of betrayal and lies, they are afraid of ridicule, they are afraid of being wrong, and in general, they are very afraid that they will think something bad about them. But the hard work and diligence of the girl, who is patronized by the energy named after Evgenia, will definitely not go unnoticed - it is thanks to these traits that Evgenia will be able to achieve a lot in life.

Adult woman

With age, Evgenia may become more serious, firm, strong, morally stable and courageous, but suspiciousness and fear of deception and betrayal will not go away. It is because of them that Evgenia can try to spend as much time as possible alone. In general, the adult Evgenia, over whom the meaning of this little name reigns, is unique person– hardworking, diligent, committed, responsible, always achieves her goals, has organizational skills and a lot of talents, excellent imagination and enormous creative potential. Evgenia may have many friends and like-minded people, but she will not call everyone a friend - she will first have to prove to her that she can trust this person, which is quite difficult.

In the eyes of the people around her, Evgenia tries to look as confident as possible, more decisive and serious, but in fact, behind this mask only hides her fragile, vulnerable and capricious soul, the nature of a touchy little girl. Only an everyday mistake, the betrayal of a loved one, or big lie. Otherwise, she will remain a touchy, capricious, silent girl who keeps all the grievances inside herself. But at least adult woman, over which the meaning and the very name of Evgenia dominates, there may be an enviable determination and perseverance - it is thanks to them that she will be able to achieve a lot in her chosen field of activity. But you shouldn’t expect her to become a boss or leader...

The interaction of Eugene’s character with the seasons

Spring - a girl born under the auspices of the spring season and given the name Evgenia, has such traits as responsibility and hard work. Kindness, temper, emotionality and diligence. She combines leadership abilities, and this combination promises her a difficult, but very bright and successful future, both in her career and in her personal life.

Summer - the meaning of Summer gives the character of the girl named this way timidity, shyness, indecisiveness, the talent to make friends where this is impossible, sociability and the gift of organization. She easily adapts to any environment and situation, and her determination allows her to achieve what she wants, she just needs to learn not to be rude.

Autumn - and this girl is a loner by birth. Closedness, secrecy, silence, combined with positive attitude, cheerfulness, sociability and the ability to recognize good and bad people. She has well-developed intuition, but there are obvious problems with communication skills. She needs a cheerful optimist, a joker as a wife.

Winter - and born in winter months the lady has such qualities as romance, dreaminess, activity, efficiency, unscrupulousness, and the ability to distinguish lies from the truth. He has excellent intuition, but rarely uses it; he is guided in making decisions by emotions, which often harms himself. But the chosen one will feel good with her, because she is positive.

The fate of the name Evgeniy

The fate of the name Eugene in love, marriage, and relationships with representatives of the male half of humanity is very difficult, but all its complexity primarily lies in Eugene themselves. The fact is that Eugene themselves are very demanding in terms of choosing a soulmate; in most cases, these are girls looking for an ideal that simply does not exist. At the same time, fate can lead the one named after Eugene through a whole series of betrayals and deceptions, which will further aggravate the problem.

If Evgenia’s fate pits her against a man with whom she can fall in love, then Evgenia will never leave such a man. But fate assumes that Zhenya will definitely demand changes from her lover - and it is important that Evgenia does not overdo it, because not every man wants to change.

Well, in addition to all of the above, it would be worth saying that Evgenia’s fate presupposes her becoming a good mother and an excellent wife. Most women named by this name become excellent housewives and mothers. But it is important that a man can take on all other worries and responsibilities, because if Evgenia is immersed in household chores, then it is unlikely that anyone will be able to get her out of them.

Love and marriage

Evgenia can safely be called an amorous person, capable of loving selflessly, dissolving in her beloved and in his essence. The condition for such a magical feeling is the man’s reciprocity. He should also idolize Zhenya, while we're talking about It is about spiritual kinship and fusion.

Glamorous handsome men throwing sweet and vulgar compliments at every corner disgust her. She is looking for a domineering, intelligent, strong, discreet, reliable and even slightly old-fashioned man. Only next to him can she feel like an easy-going and gentle woman, forgetting about her tough character.

Evgenia will choose as her husband the man closest to her ideal and with good material income. Both of these components are important to her, so arranged marriage is not for her, but life in poverty does not suit her either. In addition, it is important for her that the chosen one has a perfectly clean reputation. Married men she avoids it. Only a responsible, wealthy, practical, patient and romantic man can become her husband.

For the sake of her beloved husband, Zhenya will be able to become a hospitable hostess, a caring wife, learn to cook deliciously and will always be glad to see friends and relatives visiting her. It is worth remembering that she does not like spontaneous visits; she needs to be warned in advance so that she can tune in and prepare for receiving guests.

Evgenia as Mother

Evgenia becomes not only a wonderful wife and a careful housewife, but also a caring mother. She loves her children very much, but prefers to behave quite strictly with them. She believes that this will help her children grow up to be people with strong character. She is ready to work hard and diligently on herself, so that she not only learns to restrain her negative emotions, but also not allow them to affect relationships with children. Besides,

The role of a housewife is unusual for her and at first it is very difficult for her to understand all this, but soon Evgenia will be able to boast of excellent performance of her duties. By the way, she does not refuse the help of her husband or other relatives, but on the contrary, she actively uses it. Whether there is one or several children in the family, Zhenya will always dig her nose into the ground for the sake of a happy childhood for her children.

From childhood, she begins to educate in children only the most necessary and important features. Independence, commitment, punctuality - all this is far from a complete list. The independence developed in her children from the cradle helps them in the future to approach their choice of professions and universities wisely and seriously.

Horoscope named after Eugene


Aries - a girl named Evgenia, born under the zodiac sign of Aries, is efficient and hardworking, responsible and active, does not give up halfway and always achieves her goal. He understands people very well and never allows himself to be manipulated by anyone.


Taurus is quick-tempered and emotional, independent and self-sufficient, makes only independent decisions and does not allow himself to be taken advantage of. Often guided by emotions and mood in making decisions, which leads to making serious mistakes, but treats this in a simple way.


Gemini - charming and pleasant to talk to, easily makes contact and does not neglect new acquaintances, gets offended and suffers a lot, but hides all her suffering under the mask of positivity and Have a good mood. It is difficult for even the most experienced psychologist to figure her out - she is too secretive.


Cancer - here, the character of Evgenia, who received the name, is completely unique, because she combines traits of different nature. She's timid. She is shy and indecisive, but at the same time she always tries to be a loner, independent and strong. He cannot say “no,” but at the same time he easily imposes his opinion on everyone around him.

a lion

Leo – and this bearer of the name Evgenia is, by soul origin, an organizer and leader. She always goes straight to the goal she sets for herself, achieves what she wants in one hundred percent of cases. The only thing she lacks is delicacy and eloquence, she is too rude.


Virgo - the meaning of this zodiac sign bestows erudition, intuition, creativity and perseverance on the lady who received the name Eugene at birth. And the compatibility here is not bad, because any man can get along with her, be he a powerful tyrant or an indecisive weakling.


Libra is a connoisseur of beauty, a refined nature and a personality who is always in ideal relationships with everyone. She doesn't have bad mood, always thinks positively and tries to impose the same mood on everyone. Her downside is one thing - she keeps all her grievances and suffering within herself.


Scorpio - closed and silent, lonely and uncommunicative, secretive and distrustful, always worried about something, afraid to accept independent decisions, does not like change, is constant and stable. It’s difficult to get along with someone like that, because life with her quickly turns into a monotonous and boring routine.


Sagittarius is positive, cheerful, cheerful and optimistic, eloquent and sociable, easily makes new friends, easily gains trust and makes new contacts. But she is superficial, both in assessing others and in all matters, and does not know how to be serious and reasonable.


Capricorn is active and active, hardworking, purposeful, energetic and always on the move. She only lacks time to achieve everything she dreams of. Too effective, rushing between goals. Doesn't know how to concentrate on what's important, abandons many things halfway through.


Aquarius - knows how to listen and empathize, gaining trust is not a problem for her, not a brawler, conflict-free, with everyone good relations. Her husband will be fine, because living with her is a pleasure, she will always support, help, advise, and is not demanding of her partner.


Pisces - well, here, the woman named Eugene is completely unique, because she usually combines the characteristics of a dreamer with a vivid imagination and a hard worker with an incredible amount of energy. The only “but” is that he lives in his own imaginary world, where there is no betrayal...

Compatibility with male names

The name Eugene has good compatibility with such male names as Ignat, Ippolit, Konstantin, Sergei, Solomon, Khariton, Abraham, Adrian, Prokhor, Bogdan and Victor.

Alfred, Varlaam, Egor, Trofim, Maxim, Robert and Yuri - an alliance with men named at birth with such names will not be as strong, but there is at least more than enough passion and feelings here.

And with the likes of Plato, Yaroslav, Svyatoslav, Arthur and Maximilian, it is better not to create a couple for Zhenechka, because there is complete incompatibility.