Ilya Reznik could not hold back his tears, remembering his difficult childhood and the betrayal of his own mother. Ilya Reznik - biography, information, personal life Ilya Reznik where he lives now

The biography of Ilya Reznik is well known to all fans of modern Russian music. This National artist Russia, famous songwriter, famous actor cinema and screenwriter. In this article we will talk about the features of his life and fate.


Let's start looking at the biography of Ilya Reznik from the time when the hero of the article was born in Leningrad (1938). He was born in Jewish family. In the biography of Ilya Reznik, nationality played a certain role, since it was more difficult for him to get to the top than for many others.

When did the Great Patriotic War, Ilya was still a very small child. He endured the blockade of Leningrad, and after the liberation of the city from Nazi invaders went with his family to evacuate to the Urals. During the war, Ilya lost his father, he was seriously wounded, from which he died in the hospital.

Raised by grandparents

In the biography of Ilya Reznik, this was a difficult time. His mother remarried soon after her husband's death, going with her new husband to Riga. And her new husband didn’t want to accept Ilya into the family, even set an ultimatum to his mother: either he or her son. The woman abandoned the boy. For Reznik, this was a serious blow; he considered it a betrayal, and for a long time could not forgive his mother, reconciling with her only in adulthood.

As a result, a key role in the biography of Ilya Reznik and his upbringing was played by his grandparents, with whom he remained in Leningrad. They were emigrants from Denmark who came to Soviet Union only in 1934. My grandfather was a shoemaker and provided for the whole family. Rakhmiel Samuilovich and Riva Girshevna officially adopted the boy, and did not just take guardianship of him.


When Ilya studied at primary school, he dreamed that he would become a long-distance sailor and was going to enter the Nakhimov School. In high school I began to think about artillery school. But just before graduation I wanted to become an actor.

After school, he immediately applied to the Institute of Music, Theater and Cinema, but failed the entrance exams. Preparing to enter next year, he worked as a laboratory assistant at a medical institute, worked as an electrician, and tried to pass the exams again every summer. Luck turned his way in 1958.

After graduating from university, he was accepted into the troupe of the Komissarzhevskaya Theater. He participated in performances, while honing his poetic skills. By the way, he wrote his first songs (“Cockroach” and “Ballad of the French Duel”) while he was studying at a theater university.

Four years later, his first book of poems was published, all of them addressed to children. The publication is called "Tyapa Doesn't Want to Be a Clown." Several more works for young readers appear next. An important event for him it happens in 1969, when he decides to devote himself to the stage. This happens after the song “Cinderella” performed by Lyudmila Senchina gains all-Union popularity.

Popular songs

In 1972, Reznik finally left the theater to focus on writing lyrics for songs. His entry into the Union of Writers of Leningrad dates back to the same period.

This year is turning out to be a landmark year for Reznik. It was then that he met Alla Pugacheva, writing the song “Let’s Sit and Eat” for her. With this composition the future Diva national stage wins the All-Union competition, gaining the right to represent the USSR at the international festival in Sopot.

At that time, Reznik wrote several more texts that made him a fashionable and famous author. For example, the song “Apple Trees in Bloom” performed by Sofia Rotaru becomes a hit. She wins the vocal competition in Czechoslovakia "Bratislava Lyre". Moreover, this victory turns out to be the first for the Soviet Union at the prestigious international competition. Rotaru also performs “Apple Trees in Blossom” at the “Song of the Year” festival; in the future, Reznik will become a laureate of this competition about 30 more times.

Success after success follows creative biography Ilya Reznik. Composers Raymond Pauls, Maxim Dunaevsky, Vladimir Feltsman consider it prestigious to write music for his texts. The songs of the hero of our article are performed by Irina Ponarovskaya, Mikhail Boyarsky, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr., Valery Leontyev, Nikolai Karachentsev, Laima Vaikule, Tamara Gverdtsiteli.

Collaboration with Pugacheva

Still, Reznik’s work with Alla Pugacheva turns out to be the most fruitful and long-lasting. Thanks to the hero of our article, the songs “Ballet”, “Maestro”, “Without Me”, “My Years”, “Antique Clock”, “Photographer”, “Three” appear in her repertoire happy day".

In the mid-90s, this creative union broke up as a result of a major scandal. Pugacheva and Reznik quarreled over money. When the poet learned that sales proceeds latest hits The prima donna amounted to about six million dollars, he decided that he was entitled to part of the money. But the singer refused.

Then Reznik went to court. Themis' servants ordered the singer to pay the poet $100,000.

Made up former friends only in 2016. As a sign that all grievances have been forgotten, Pugacheva even spoke at the creative evening of the hero of our article in the Kremlin. After that, they began to regularly call each other, and Pugacheva even voluntarily helped the poet with money, for which he and his wife went on vacation to Dubai.

Biographies and collections of poetry

In addition to lyrics for songs, Reznik released about ten collections of poetry intended for children. He also authored a biographical study entitled “Alla Pugacheva and others.”

IN different years His collections of poems “Ditties”, “Leili”, “Two Above the City”, “Square Quatrains” were published.

He is also the author of the poem “Yegor Panov and Sanya Vanin,” dedicated to the work of the police, and a patriotic work for children called “Where to Serve.” In 2004, an unusual volume of poems called "Napkin" is a collection of his works written on napkins.


Not everyone knows that Reznik is also known as a film actor. His debut on the big screen happened in Yevgeny Tatarsky’s 1979 adventure film “The Suicide Club, or The Adventures of a Titled Person.” In this film adaptation of Stevenson's stories, he played the role of a criminal in wheelchair. Donatas Banionis, Oleg Dal, and Igor Dmitriev worked with him on the same set.

In 1985, he appeared in a cameo role in Naum Ardashnikov’s musical film “I Came and I Say.” Reznik wrote the script for this film, which tells about one of the stages in the creative biography of Alla Pugacheva.

Then he appeared in small roles in the New Year's film "Only Once...", the melodrama "Moscow Beauties", and the comedy "Diamonds for Juliet". In 2006, he played in the comedy film-concert by Eldar Ryazanov “Carnival Night 2, or 50 Years Later.”

Reznik often collaborated with film directors, creating songs that sound in films. For example, compositions written based on his poems can be heard in Alla Surikova’s comedy “Monday’s Children” and the melodramatic comedy “New Year’s Men” by Valery Sarkisov and Viktor Merezhko.


Personal life, wife played in the biography of Ilya Reznik important role. From a young age, he enjoyed success with women, but remained free for a long time, deciding to marry for the first time only at the age of 30. His chosen one was Regina, who at that time worked as deputy director of the Variety Theater in Leningrad. They met on tour, the girl was ten s extra years younger than the hero of our article, but this did not bother them.

Over time, Regina also began to play on stage, not forgetting to organize her family life. Ilya Reznik remembers this marriage with warmth. The biography (his wife had a significant influence on her) of the poet was successful, he became the father of two children. Son Maxim became a journalist. He was born in 1969, was one of the participants in the cult music talk show of the mid-90s, “Sharks of the Feather.” In 1976, daughter Alice was born, who became a photographer. Children occupied an important place in the biography of Ilya Reznik, but the alliance with Regina gradually disintegrated.

Perhaps the last straw was the birth of the hero of the article’s illegitimate son, Evgeniy, in 1981. Almost nothing is known about him. Now he lives in Odessa. At some point, the wife and children in the biography of Ilya Reznik stopped playing such a significant role as before, and the couple divorced. At the same time, Maxim remained to live with his father.

Second marriage

The composer's second wife was the Uzbek choreographer and dancer Munira Argumbayeva. They married in 1985, and four years later their son Arthur was born. At that time, great changes were taking place in the biography and personal life of Ilya Reznik, and this was also connected with what was happening in Russia.

As a result, the artist and his family left for America in the early 90s. True, he returned to his homeland quite quickly, already in 1992. But Munira and her son chose to stay in the USA. They never lived together again, although they officially divorced only 20 years later.

At the same time, his second divorce was actively covered in the press, since Munira refused to sign Required documents, stating that Reznik is leaving her and her son without a livelihood. She also told reporters that she learned about the divorce itself from the newspapers. They were able to get a divorce only through the court.

Third wedding

Almost immediately after the second divorce, the hero of the article entered into a new marriage. In the biography of Ilya Reznik, his wife Irina Romanova today plays a leading role. She is a master of sports in athletics who currently runs a company called " Music Center Ilya Reznik."

For the sake of his new wife, the composer converted to Orthodoxy. They got married in 2018. They have no children in their marriage. Irina is 27 years younger than her husband, but this does not in the least interfere with their family happiness.

It is known that for the last 20 years Reznik has been living in a rented house in the Moscow region. This had to be done because after 1998 the composer was almost completely bankrupt and lost almost all his savings. Then his health suffered greatly. Only a meeting with Irina helped him get back on his feet. Here is everything that is known about the biography, personal life, and nationality of Ilya Reznik.

Activities in recent years

In April 2018, Reznik celebrated his 80th birthday. On the eve of this significant event His creative evening took place on the stage of the Kremlin Palace under the name “Anniversary Vernissage”. The majority took part famous artists who have ever collaborated with him. Among them are Alla Pugacheva, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Laima Vaikule, as well as children’s Musical Theatre Ilya Reznik, many other creative groups and artists.

On the birthday of the hero of our article, President Vladimir Putin congratulated him. In general, at that time everyone was attracted to him increased attention funds mass media and the public. Came out on television documentary entitled "How many years have I been wandering the earth...".

One of the episodes of the talk show “Tonight” was entirely dedicated to the poet Ilya Reznik. Reznik’s friends, his relatives and the birthday boy himself came to visit presenters Yulia Menshova and Maxim Galkin. They recalled interesting and funny stories and incidents from his life, the poet himself told how certain hits were created.

The Soviet songwriter was born in 1938 into a family of political emigrants who came to the Soviet Union in the early thirties from Denmark. His early biography coincided with the war, and little Ilya had to go through a lot severe tests. Whole year he lived in besieged Leningrad, and then the family was evacuated to the Urals. His father was seriously wounded in 1944 and died of his wounds in a Sverdlovsk military hospital, and his mother soon got married and went to Riga, leaving her son to the parents of her deceased husband, who soon officially adopted their grandson, and therefore Reznik does not bear the middle name own father, and grandfather.

Already in school years Ilya began to dream about the theater stage, took up dancing, took part in amateur performances, and, having received a diploma of secondary education, applied to the Leningrad state institute theater, music and cinema. However, the attempt to enter the university was unsuccessful neither the first, nor the second, nor the third time, and only the fourth time Reznik successfully passed the entrance exams and became a student acting department, and all the time between admissions, he not only prepared, but also worked either as an electrician, or as a laboratory assistant at a medical institute, or as a stagehand in a theater.

In the photo - Reznik with his second wife Munira Argumbayeva

After graduating from the institute, Ilya Reznik’s work biography began - he joined the troupe of the Theater. Komissarzhevskaya and then began to write poetry, compose reprises and songs for performances. The poet’s first great success came in 1969, when the song based on his poem “Cinderella,” which instantly became super popular, was performed by the young singer Lyudmila Senchina. In the same year, the first book of poems by Ilya Reznik for children was published.

Poetry began to occupy everything more space in the life of Ilya Rakhmielevich, and in 1972 he finally left the theater to devote himself to this form literary activity. He very quickly found recognition, including among pop stars, for whom he began writing songs.

In the photo - Reznik and Irina Romanova

The beginning of Reznik’s poetic biography coincided with changes in his personal life. He always enjoyed enormous success with women, and for the first time he gave up his bachelor status by marrying a nineteen-year-old student named Regina, who in 1969 gave birth to the poet’s son Maxim, and seven years later a daughter Alice. However, children did not guarantee a long life family life- Reznik divorced Regina, while his son remained to live with him.

The second wife of Ilya Reznik was the Uzbek dancer and choreographer Munira Argumbayeva. In 1989, she gave birth to Ilya Rakhmielevich’s son Arthur, with whom they left for the USA when Reznik was offered to work there under a contract. The health of the child of Munira and Ilya Reznik required that he remain in the States, naturally, with his mother, and Ilya Rakhmielevich returned to Russia.

In 2012, he decided to radically change his personal life and divorced Munira, with whom he had been married for almost a quarter of a century, although for the most part, away from his wife, who lived most of the time with her son in the United States. He took this step for the sake of another woman, Irina Romanova, whom he met in the company of mutual friends. Irina is twenty-seven years younger than the maestro, and immediately captivated him not only with her beauty, but also with her indescribable charisma. Having met, they exchanged phone numbers, and after some time a whirlwind romance broke out between them.

When the official wife of Ilya Reznik found out that his husband had another woman, she immediately flew to Russia and caused a loud scandal, calling Reznik a polygamist. But, to Munira’s great surprise, it turned out that she and Ilya Rakhmielevich were already divorced. She started a long trial to annul the divorce, but apart from lengthy proceedings and mutual reproaches, the courts brought nothing. One of the programs “Let Them Talk” was dedicated to Reznik’s divorce, in which his second wife was a participant, and after this talk show, due to strong emotions, Reznik had a stroke.

In the end, everything was resolved, and Ilya Reznik was left alone, and after fourteen years he civil marriage became the legal spouse of Irina Romanova. Irina is not only the wife of Ilya Rakhmielevich, but also works as the director of the theater named after him.

More than one generation of our fellow citizens grew up on songs written to the poems of Ilya Rakhmielevich Reznik. The most famous songwriter of our time was born on April 4, 1938 in St. Petersburg. The biography of Ilya Reznik begins just a few years before the start of the Great Patriotic War. Ilya Rakhmielevich survived the siege of Leningrad while still a very young boy. Subsequently, he and his family were evacuated to the Urals. Ilya Reznik’s parents did not live together for long. My father was a front-line soldier, received serious wounds from which he died. Ilya's mother quickly married a second time and left for Riga. From her second marriage she gave her eldest son a brother and twin sisters.

After Ilya Reznik’s mother remarried and left, the boy stayed to live in Leningrad with his grandparents, who were immigrants from Denmark. Grandfather was a shoemaker and supported the whole family. They not only took custody of their grandson, but adopted him completely, so famous poet-the songwriter bears the patronymic name Rakhmielevich, and not Leopoldovich, as his father was called.

In the photo: Ilya Reznik in his youth

While studying at school, Ilyusha dreamed of becoming an admiral and entering the Nakhimov School. However, by high school his dreams were redirected to artillery school. By the time he graduated from school, the boy firmly decided to become an actor. He was simply crazy about the theater. He submitted documents to theater university Leningrad, but failed the exams.
Reznik Ilya did not give up and tried every year to enter a theater university. In parallel with this, he worked part-time as a laboratory assistant in medical school, electrician and theater stage worker. Only in 1958 was he finally enrolled as a student. Young Ilya Reznik wrote his first few songs during his studies.

After graduating from university, Ilya was hired at the Komissarzhevskaya Theater. He played quite a lot on stage, nevertheless, he never stopped thinking about poetry for a minute and constantly improved his skills. As a result, several of his collections were published, including children's ones. A huge number of songs were written based on the words of Ilya Reznik, which became hits. To this day, songs based on his poems are extremely popular and in demand; listeners simply adore them.

In the photo: Ilya Reznik

Personal life of Ilya Reznik

The personal life of Ilya Reznik did not develop immediately. Although in his youth he enjoyed great success with women. Despite this, he was in no hurry to enter into a legal marriage. Women surrounded him always and everywhere, he enjoyed their company.

Ilya Reznik got married for the first time only at the age of thirty. His chosen one was a girl named Regina, who was ten years younger. The couple met during Ilya Rakhmielevich’s next tour. Ilya Reznik’s first wife gave him two children: son Maxim and daughter Alice. Moreover, the girl was seven years younger. The family of Ilya Reznik in this composition broke up after some time, but the son remained to live with his father. He became a professional journalist.

In the photo: Ilya Reznik’s first wife Regina Reznik

Ilya entered into his second official marriage with the Uzbek dancer and choreographer Munira Argumbayeva. The happy head of the family dedicated poems and songs to his beloved, they rejoiced at every moment spent together. Four years later they had a son, who was named Arthur. Over time, the family left for America, but Reznik returned two years later in 1992, and his wife and son remained on the other side of the ocean.

In the photo: Ilya Reznik with his second wife and son

The official divorce, which was preceded by several scandals, was formalized only 20 years later. Ex-wife accused Reznik of leaving her in a foreign country without a livelihood, and this was the first time she had heard about the breakup of their relationship. As a result, the court recognized Ilya Reznik’s new marriage as fictitious. We finally managed to get a divorce only the second time.

Ilya Reznik's wife

After the maestro divorced his second wife, Ilya Reznik immediately married for the third time. As soon as he received the divorce papers, the maestro again plunged into new novel and hastened to legitimize the relationship. Now his chosen one is the famous athlete Irina Romanova, and now a woman holding the post of director of the Ilya Reznik Theater. The age difference between the lovers was 27 years, but this did not stop them from starting a family. In fact, Ilya Reznik and Irina Romanova began living together even before their relationship was formalized, and they met even earlier.

In the photo: Ilya Reznik and Irina Romanova

Irina Reznik, wife of Ilya Reznik, supported her husband in the most difficult life circumstances. Few people know that the world famous poet barely made ends meet. The fact is that the man kept his royalties in a savings book. The 1998 default destroyed everything. Naturally, this could not but affect Ilya’s health. Being a Jew by nationality, he was very sensitive and sensitive to the turning points. If it weren’t for Ilya Reznik’s beloved wife, at that moment, no one knows how the matter would have ended.

Children of Ilya Reznik

Ilya Rakhmielevich had children in his first two marriages. On this moment They are already adults, and the famous poet has grandchildren growing up from them. Ilya Reznik, whose children were born in different marriages, was completely independently involved in raising only his eldest son. The first wife, Regina, gave her husband a son, Maxim, and a daughter, Alice. After his parents separated, Maxim decided that he should be raised by his father and stayed to live with him. He received the profession of a journalist and worked on the famous program “Sharks of the Feather”. Alisa Reznik stayed with her mother, but her father kept in touch with her and took part in her upbringing. Now Maxim already has own child. The boy was named after his famous grandfather - Ilya.

In the photo: Ilya Reznik with his son Maxim

In his second marriage to Munira Argumbayeva, a son, Arthur Reznik, was born. Mostly his mother was involved in his upbringing, with whom the boy lived. Almost all of his childhood was spent in America.

The press has repeatedly mentioned that there is still illegitimate son Ilya Reznik Evgeniy, born in 1981. Now the guy lives in Odessa.

Ilya Reznik – news

Today, the personal life and work of Ilya Reznik still causes huge interest from the public. It is known that the famous poet has serious financial difficulties. He was helped by an old friend with whom he for a long time were in a quarrel, - Alla Pugacheva. Even despite the lack of funds, the Reznik family keeps 3 dogs and 5 cats at home. Spouses dote on their pets.

In the photo: Ilya Reznik celebrates his 80th birthday

In the spring of 2018, Ilya Reznik celebrated his 80th birthday. A month before this, a creative evening of the poet took place, in which stars of domestic show business took part. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin also congratulated the hero of the day. The poet admitted to his friends that in the same 2018 he plans to get married to his beloved wife Irina Romanova in Nizhnyaya Oreanda.

Ilya Rakhmielevich continues to collaborate with many Russian pop stars and writes songs for them. In addition, he was engaged in acting work, wrote quite a lot a large number of books. Sometimes it seems that his talents are limitless. After all, whatever he undertakes is doomed to success. I would like to believe that in his personal life, too, everything will finally work out well.

Ilya Reznik is a Soviet and Russian songwriter who was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia in 2003 for his services to world culture, and 10 years later he was also named People's Artist of Ukraine.

Future master Russian stage born in the spring of 1938 into a Jewish family. He was just a baby when the Great Patriotic War began. A little boy survived Leningrad blockade, and subsequently evacuated with his family to the Urals. During the war, my father was seriously wounded at the front. Leopold Reznik died from his wounds.

Mom remarried quite soon and left with her husband for Riga. New spouse set a condition for the woman - either a family with a husband, or an “old” son. She chose the former. Ilya Reznik considered his mother’s act a betrayal and forgave his mother only in adulthood. On his mother's side, Ilya has a younger brother and twin sisters.

The boy himself then remained to live in Leningrad with his grandmother Riva Girshevna and grandfather Rakhmiel Samuilovich. These people immigrated to the Soviet Union from Denmark back in 1934. Grandfather was an excellent shoemaker, and, according to Reznik’s recollections, the whole family relied on him. By the way, the grandparents not only took guardianship of their grandson, but officially adopted the boy, which is why Ilya bears the middle name Rakhmielevich, and not Leopoldovich.

In elementary school, the future poet dreamed of long voyages, so he said that he would enter the Nakhimov School and become an admiral. Thoughts about a military career haunted Reznik until high school, however, as he got older, he was already thinking about artillery school.

But closer to the prom, Ilya became obsessed with the idea of ​​becoming an actor, as he really loved the theater. After school, the guy applied to the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema, but failed the exams.

The young man got a job as a laboratory assistant at a medical institute, later worked as an electrician and theater stage worker, and every summer he tried again and again to become a student at the coveted university. But only in 1958 Ilya’s perseverance was rewarded. By the way, Ilya wrote the first songs “The Ballad of the French Duel”, “Cockroach” and several others while he was studying at the theater institute.

In 1965, the young actor joined the troupe of the V.F. Komissarzhevskaya Theater, played a lot in various performances, but at the same time continued to improve in poetry. Four years later, he published his first book of children’s poems, “Tyapa Doesn’t Want to Be a Clown.” Later, many other collections intended for young readers saw the light of day. But main career In the same 1969, Reznik turned towards the stage, as the composition “Cinderella” based on the words of the poet performed by Lyudmila Senchina became popular throughout the country.

Poetry and music

In 1972, feeling strong, recognized and in demand, Ilya Reznik left the theater and focused exclusively on song poetry. During the same period, he was accepted as a member of the Leningrad Union of Writers. By the way, the year 1972 is also notable in the poet’s life because Ilya Rakhmielevich first met the then-beginning singer Alla Pugacheva and gave the girl the song “Let’s Sit and Eat.” With this composition, Pugacheva became one of the laureates of the All-Union Competition of Variety Artists and received the right to represent the Soviet Union at the international festival in the Polish city of Sopot.

The song “Apple Trees in Bloom” was a huge success. The composition was sung by Sofia Rotaru, as well as the author of the music, Evgeny Martynov. His performance received the first prize “Golden Lyre” at the Czechoslovak vocal competition “Bratislava Lyre”. By the way, this was the first time that a Soviet song received such a high award. “Apple Trees in Bloom” also brought Ilya Reznik recognition on the Russian television show “Song of the Year.” Subsequently, Ilya Rakhmielevich will be a laureate of the annual competition about three dozen times.

Over the years of creativity, Reznik collaborated with such great composers as Maxim Dunaevsky, Raymond Pauls, Vladimir Feltsman and others. Songs based on the poet's words were performed by Mikhail Boyarsky, Irina Ponarovskaya, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr., Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Nikolai Karachentsov, Valery Leontyev, Laima Vaikule and other artists.

However, the main thing was the tandem of Ilya Reznik and Alla Pugacheva. Alla Borisovna’s repertoire included such recognized hits written by the songwriter as “Maestro”, “Ballet”, “My Years”, “Without Me”, “Photograph”, “Antique Clock”, “Three Happy Days” and others.

Today the poet does not stop writing songs. Fans of Russian music are well aware of the compositions of Aziza “St. Petersburg” and “Return”, Edita Piekha’s “I Love This World”. Reznik wrote entire albums for Tatyana Bulanova, Diana Gurtskaya, Elena Vaenga and other contemporary musicians.

In addition to the collections of children's poems mentioned above, Ilya Reznik wrote a number of books. The writer published a biography book “Alla Pugacheva and Others”, collections of his poems “Leili”, “Ditties”, “Favorites”, “Two Above the City”, “Square Quatrains” and others. In addition to poetry, Reznik also has large forms, For example, folk poem about the police "Egor Panov and Sanya Vanin." A patriotic work for children, “Where to Serve,” was also released. A notable publication was published in 2004: “Napkin” is a collection of the poet’s dedications written on napkins.

It must be said that acting education was not superfluous for Ilya Reznik. He played a lot on the theater stage, including in original plays, and acted in films. The first film in which Ilya appeared as an actor was the famous comedy “The Adventures of Prince Florizel,” where Reznik portrayed a criminal in a wheelchair. Later, he starred in the musical “I Came and Say,” for which he wrote the script himself, in the melodrama “Moscow Beauties,” the New Year’s film “Only Once...” and the comedy “Diamonds for Juliet.” Ilya Rakhmielevich’s last appearance in feature films was in the remake of “Carnival Night 2, or 50 Years Later.”

From 2006 to 2009, the poet was a member of the jury of the “Two Stars” project.

Personal life

From a young age, the poet Ilya Reznik enjoyed success with women, but remained a bachelor for a long time. A man got married for the first time at the age of 30. He met his first wife Regina on tour. The girl was more than 10 years younger, but this did not stop the newlyweds from creating a good family.

After the wedding, Regina worked as deputy director of the Leningrad Variety Theater, and later played on the theater stage. In this marriage, Reznik had two children: son Maxim and daughter Alice, who younger than brother for seven years. It is noteworthy that after the divorce, the son remained to live with his father. The boy trained as a journalist and collaborated with the fairly well-known program “Sharks of the Feather.”

The Russian pop master entered into his second official marriage in 1985. The poet’s chosen one was the Uzbek dancer and choreographer Munira Argumbayeva. Four years after the wedding, the couple had a son, Arthur. In the early 90s, the family moved to live in the USA, but in 1992 Reznik returned to his homeland, and Argumbayeva and her child remained in America. Officially, Ilya and Munira divorced only 20 years later, although they no longer lived together.

By the way, Reznik’s second divorce was widely covered in the press. The fact is that the ex-wife stated that Ilya Rakhmielevich left the woman without a livelihood. In addition, she said that she learned about the divorce from her husband from newspaper headlines, although she did not even suspect about the break with the poet. Therefore, the writer’s new marriage was considered fictitious and the divorce was denied for the first time.

When Ilya Reznik found out that he was still married to ex-wife, he filed a new lawsuit for divorce. Munira again opposed this and filed a complaint. But this time the court granted Ilya Rakhmielevich’s wishes and divorced the spouses forever.

Almost immediately, having received the documents, the poet marries again. The author's current wife is a former athlete, master of sports in athletics, and today – director of the Ilya Reznik Theater Irina Romanova. She is 27 years younger than her husband, but this does not interfere with family happiness. The couple have known each other for a long time and were actually married for many years even before the wedding.

The wedding celebration took place in a narrow circle. The groom's witness was lawyer Sergei Zhorin, who was involved in the poet's divorce proceedings.

For the last 20 years, the poet lived in a rented house in the Moscow region. Few people know that he somehow made ends meet.

The point is that in Soviet years Ilya Reznik received good copyrights, and the money went into a savings book. The songwriter saved up his savings and thought that he would live comfortably in retirement. But the 1998 default destroyed savings.

Then Ilya Rakhmielevich’s health deteriorated greatly. But he met Irina, and the woman put the writer on his feet. WITH new lover time turned back for the poet.

In 1996, there was a huge quarrel between two friends - Ilya Reznik and Alla Pugacheva. Later the man admitted that they had quarreled over money. Sales revenue latest collection hits based on the poet's poems amounted to $6 million. The man believed that the Diva should give him part of the money, but the singer refused. Then Reznik filed a lawsuit against Alla Borisovna, which ordered the performer to pay Ilya Rakhmielevich $100 thousand. Pugacheva fulfilled the condition, but harbored a grudge against her friend.

Alla and Ilya reconciled only in 2016 at the evening of Raymond Pauls. As a sign of reconciliation, the Prima Donna performed at Reznik’s evening in the Kremlin. They started calling each other. Alla Borisovna also helped her old friend with money. He and his wife traveled to Dubai and to a sanatorium.

Despite the problems that beset the family, Ilya Rakhmielevich and Irina keep three dogs and five cats at home. They love animals very much.

In addition, the master of Russian pop music has developed an official website. Fans of the poet's work can find on the web resource last news about the writer, see photos and videos.

In April 2018, in an interview, Ilya Reznik admitted that he and his wife were planning to get married in Nizhnyaya Oreanda. And in August 2017, the songwriter was baptized in the Orthodox Church.

Ilya Reznik now

On April 4, 2018, Ilya Rakhmielevich Reznik celebrated his 80th birthday. Shortly before the significant event, on March 20, 2018, the poet’s creative concert “Anniversary Vernissage” took place. On the gala evening, Alla Pugacheva, Laima Vaikule, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Ilya Reznik Children's Musical Theater and other artists and musical groups appeared on the stage of the Kremlin Palace.

And on the birthday of the hero of the day, the President congratulated Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

In the same month, a documentary film about the poet “For many years have I wandered the earth...” was released.

On April 14, the “Tonight” show dedicated to Ilya Reznik went on air. Relatives, friends of Ilya and the birthday boy himself came to visit Maxim Galkin and Yulia Menshova. They remembered interesting stories from the life of Reznik, how popular hits were created and much more.

From 1967 to 1971, he wrote lyrics for musical parodies of the famous pop artist Viktor Chistyakov.

The first song based on Reznik’s poems, “Cinderella” (music by Igor Tsvetkov), was performed in 1969, performed by Lyudmila Senchina. She brought the poet all-Union popularity and decided to future fate. In 1972, Ilya

Reznik left the theater and began to study song poetry professionally.

In 1975, Ilya Reznik achieved his first international success. He was awarded the Golden Lyre prize at the Bratislava Lyre song competition (Czechoslovakia) for the song “Apple Trees in Blossom” to the music of Evgeny Martynov performed by the composer.

Songs based on Reznik's poems were performed by Alla Pugacheva, Laima Vaikule, Irina Ponarovskaya, Valery Leontyev, Philip Kirkorov and others famous singers and teams. Among the composers who wrote music to his texts are Isaac Dunaevsky, Mark Fradkin, Yuri Saulsky, Evgeny Krylatov, Andrey Petrov, Raymond Pauls, Vladimir Matetsky, Igor Krutoy and others.

The most popular works of Ilya Reznik are “Maestro”, “The Ferryman”, “Antique Clock”, “Without You”, “Vernissage”, “It’s Not Evening”, “Apple Trees in Blossom”.

The poet's work has been awarded various awards. Ilya Reznik - People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2003),