A beautiful unknown word. Dictionary of rare and forgotten words

In the first grade, the average student knows about two thousand words and further learns up to ten words a day while studying at school. Thus, upon graduation, the average citizen we are considering knows tens of thousands of words. At the same time, we use an average of five thousand words, which constitute a constant lexicon.


Good to know Clever words and their implications for conversation with other people. Rich speech helps to attract attention, interest a person, look better, clearly express thoughts, control the opinion of the interlocutor and gives many other pleasant bonuses. You can also find those who study smart words and their meaning to humiliate an opponent and gain a feeling of superiority. However, such motivation is not ideal, although a dictionary of buzzwords can indeed help you feel better and superior to those who do not know such words.

If we talk about the function that smart words have for communication in everyday life, then rich speech, knowledge of certain quantities and their meanings attract attention. The interlocutor’s brain focuses on expressions that are atypical for everyday speech. Therefore, they begin to listen to you more carefully. As a result, your words are better remembered, and you become an interesting, sharp-tongued, interlocutor with whom it is pleasant to communicate.

In addition, knowing a list of smart words is a status norm for people who communicate with intellectuals, are interested in creativity, and use brainwork. If you communicate in this area, you must have the appropriate skills. Among other things, it is important to learn to speak reasonedly and to the point, to add interesting accents and tones to your own speech, which the following words will help you achieve.


A priori. It does not require proof, is understandable and has been obtained experimentally.

Biennale. Originally an art exhibition, in our time this is also called simply a get-together related to art. The peculiarity is that it is held every two years.

Vesicular. Initially medical term, which refers to vesicles found in the lungs.

Gesheft. German word, originally refers to trade and profit, and is still used in a similar meaning, but it can also be used in another, figurative sense.

Dissonance. Originally a musical term that indicates an inharmonious combination of sounds. Now it is used quite often, including in combination with cognitive dissonance, which everyone wants to plunge each other into. Example of use: “Your illiterate use of smart words introduces dissonance into your speech.”

Endova. Utensils for drinking and eating, but also a valley means a kind of gutter between two roof slopes. If at the roof complex structure, then where two oppositely directed slopes connect, a valley is formed. Not often used in modern speech.

Jamevu. A term close to psychiatry, the antonym of déjà vu. With jamevu, you are in familiar surroundings or circumstances that you have been in many times before, but you feel as if you are here for the first time.

It is being built. To understand, simply associate this word with the word based.

Indulgence. Previously in catholic church They sold the document for the atonement of sins, retail, wholesale and by weight. Such a product was called indulgence. Now used figuratively.

Incident. Originally a Latin word, relatively recently it was often used in jurisprudence. In general, it indicates a strange situation, a coincidence of circumstances that does not depend on characters, can have both positive and negative meaning. Not noticing and stepping into a puddle is an incident, but meeting a good friend is also an incident.

Liquidity. An economic term, but now used in everyday life. Indicates your ability to convert assets or private property into money.

Skimping. Disdainful attitude. For example: “At work, Ivan skimped on his direct responsibilities.”

Neologism. Literally translated from Latin - “new word”. It can be a new word created or a word used with a new meaning. An example from the Internet: like is a completely new neologism.

Orthodox. Greek word, antonym of heretic. In the original meaning - a person who is faithful to the teaching, who does not deviate from the original postulates. Now it can be used in other contexts.

Puritanism. A unique understanding of purity of views and behavior in society. Characteristics are moderation, conservatism of views, minimization of pleasures, claims, needs.

Radicalism. Extreme adherence to views, the use of crude methods to create change, often in social structures.

Maxim. Moral teaching or wise saying. For example, “afterwards Ivan spent the whole evening bursting out in the company of friends with deep maxims on the topic of education.”

Interpretation. A similar word is interpretation. Generally we're talking about about some comment, explanation, view of a certain phenomenon. For example, “his interpretation of Lars von Trier’s film differs from the generally accepted one.”

Union. A form of association or generalization. Originally a political-economic term, but it can be used in other contexts.

Frustration. The feeling when you want to get what you want, but cannot achieve the goal.

Hypocrisy. Creation positive image own personality, intentionally bright negative attitude to free views, flaunted virtue, modesty (sometimes religiosity). Although in reality the hypocrite is far from the ideals declared out loud.

Time trouble. Lack of time.

Swaggering. Arrogant and dismissive attitude. For example, “The boss, although he kept his distance, was not arrogant, he could communicate normally and joke.”

Chauvinism. Initially refers to nationalism and represents its radical form. Chauvinists considered their own nation to be exceptional and the best. The term can be used in other contexts, but the meaning of the understanding of exclusivity remains.

Scrupulousness. Following to each “chip”. Behaving according to standards or treating something with care and rigor.

Etymology. The field of knowledge about the origin and meaning of words. In order to expand your own vocabulary, it is useful to study etymology.

Jurisdiction. Range of powers possessed government agency or structure.

Jagdtash. Hunting bag. Now the term is used as a name for a convenient, stylish bag.

Now that you know some smart Russian words and their meanings, here's some additional advice. You should not use these terms everywhere, as for different situations They wear different clothes, so they use appropriate communication styles for different circumstances.

Otherwise, you will look ridiculous, throwing terms everywhere and inserting them indiscriminately into all phrases. The beauty of speech lies in the harmonious combination of words, weaving a pattern of their sound and meaning.

Mastering the art of competent communication is not difficult if you wish. However, it will be equally important to pay attention to such aspects as correct diction, a well-trained voice and the appropriateness of using certain words.

There are situations when simply using smart words and terms is not enough, especially if they are used completely out of place and off topic. To avoid ridiculous attempts to attract the attention of your interlocutor only by inserting clever words, you should definitely study not only the meaning of these words, but also their synonyms and antonyms, the correct placement of stress, declension and gender. For example, it is a common mistake to use the neuter word “coffee” or to try to make the word “coat” plural.

Another opportunity to show yourself as a competent interlocutor is the ability to avoid banal, hackneyed and “hackneyed” expressions. Instead of “good” you can say “smart” if you are talking about an employee or colleague as a specialist, instead of “beautiful” you can say “spectacular”, “catchy” if you are discussing the appearance of anyone, even an acquaintance, even a celebrity. Using a dictionary, you can find a synonym for almost every word that is both understandable to everyone and at the same time quite unusual. This approach will undoubtedly attract attention to you during communication.

Parasitic words can be omitted or replaced. You will not learn this right away, but persistent and thoughtful training will help you achieve the desired effect. Speak slowly, carefully thinking through your phrases and their logical construction. Gradually, you will definitely master the art of conducting a conversation competently, and this will help you make the right impression, and, perhaps, will push your rise in success. career ladder. Do not underestimate the ability to correctly express your thoughts and the ability to argue your own opinion; such skills can be useful in any situation.

In this article we will look at some buzzwords and their meaning. Many of them are probably familiar to you. However, not everyone knows what they mean. The most taken by us from various areas human knowledge.


Quintessence - in medieval and ancient alchemy and natural philosophy - the fifth element, ether, the fifth element. He is like lightning. This is one of the main elements (elements), the most accurate and subtle. IN modern cosmology quintessence is a model of dark energy (its hypothetical form, which has negative pressure and uniformly fills the space of the Universe). Quintessence in a figurative sense is the most important, essential, the main point, the purest and subtlest essence, extract.


Onomatopoeia is a word that is an onomatopoeia that arose as a result of phonetic assimilation to various non-speech complexes. Onomatopoeic vocabulary is most often associated directly with objects and creatures - sources of sound. These are, for example, verbs such as “meow”, “croak”, “rumble”, “crow”, and nouns derived from them.


Singularity - which represents a certain point at which the mathematical function in question tends to infinity or has some other irregular behavior.

There is also a gravitational singularity. This is a region of space-time where the curvature of the continuum turns to infinity or suffers a discontinuity, or the metric has other pathological properties that do not allow physical interpretation. - short period rapid technological progress expected by researchers. The singularity of consciousness is a globally generalizing, expanded state of consciousness. In cosmology, this is the state of the Universe in which it was at the beginning of the Big Bang, it is characterized by infinite temperature and density of matter. In biology, this concept is used mainly to generalize the evolutionary process.


The term "transcendence" (the adjective is "transcendent") comes from the Latin word meaning "to step over." This is a philosophical term that characterizes something inaccessible to experimental knowledge. B was used together with the term “transcendental” to denote God, soul and other concepts. Immanent is its opposite.


“Catharsis” is a term from modern psychoanalysis that denotes the process of relieving or reducing anxiety, frustration, conflict through emotional release and their verbalization. In ancient Greek aesthetics, this concept was used to express in words the impact of art on a person. The term "catharsis" in ancient philosophy used to denote the result and process of ennobling, purifying, facilitating the impact of various factors on a person.


What other smart words should you know? For example, continuum. This is a set equal to the set of all real numbers, or a class of such sets. In philosophy, this term was used by the ancient Greeks, as well as in the works of the scholastics of the Middle Ages. IN contemporary works in connection with changes in the “continuum” itself, it is often replaced by the noun “duration”, “continuity”, “indissolubility”.


"Nigredo" is a term of alchemy that refers to complete decomposition or the first stage of creating the so-called philosopher's stone. This is the formation of a homogeneous black mass of components. The next stages after nigredo are albedo (the white stage, which produces the small elixir, which turns metals into silver) and rubedo (the red stage, after which the great elixir is obtained).


“Entropy” is a concept that was introduced by the German mathematician and physicist Clausius. It is used in thermodynamics to determine the degree of deviation from an ideal real process, the degree of energy dissipation. Entropy, defined as the sum of reduced heats, is a function of state. It is constant in various reversible processes, and in irreversible processes its change is always positive. We can highlight, in particular, This is a measure of the uncertainty of a certain message source, which is determined by the probabilities of the appearance of certain symbols during transmission.


In psychology, there are often smart words, and their designations sometimes cause difficulties in definition. One of the most popular is the word “empathy”. This is the ability to empathize, the ability to put oneself in the place of another (object or person). Also, empathy is the ability to accurately identify a particular person based on actions, facial reactions, gestures, etc.


Clever words and expressions from psychology also include a direction in this science that explains human behavior. It studies the direct connections existing between reactions (reflexes) and stimuli. Behaviorism directs the attention of psychologists to the study of experience and skills, as opposed to psychoanalysis and associationism.


Enduro is a style of riding on special trails or off-road, racing over long distances over rough terrain. They differ from motocross in that the race takes place on a closed track, and the lap length ranges from 15 to 60 km. Riders cover several laps per day, the total distance being from 200 to 300 km. Basically, the route is laid in mountainous areas and is quite difficult to pass due to the abundance of streams, fords, descents, ascents, etc. Enduro is also a mixture of city and motocross motorcycles.

They are easy to drive, like road vehicles, and have increased cross-country ability. Enduros are close in a number of characteristics to cross-country skis. You can call them jeep motorcycles. One of their main qualities is unpretentiousness.

Other smart words and their meanings

Existentialism (otherwise known as the philosophy of existence) is a movement in the 20th century in philosophy that viewed man as a spiritual being capable of choosing his own destiny.

Synergetics is an interdisciplinary area of ​​research in science, the task of which is to study natural processes and phenomena based on the principles of self-organization of various systems that consist of subsystems.

Annihilation is the reaction of the transformation of an antiparticle and a particle upon collision into some particles different from the original ones.

A priori ( literal translation from Latin - “from previous”) is knowledge that is obtained independently of and before experience.

Modern smart words are not understood by everyone. For example, “metanoia” (from the Greek word meaning “rethinking”, “after the mind”) is a term that means repentance (especially in psychotherapy and psychology), regret about what has happened.

Compilation (otherwise known as programming) is the transformation by some compiler program of text written in a complex language into a machine-like, similar or objective module.

Rasterization is the conversion of an image, which is described in a vector format, into dots or pixels for output to a printer or display. This is a process that is the inverse of vectorization.

The next term is intubation. It comes from the Latin words for "into" and "pipe." This is the insertion of a special tube into the larynx in case of narrowings that threaten suffocation (with swelling of the larynx, for example), as well as into the trachea in order to administer anesthesia.

Vivisection is the performance of surgical operations on a living animal in order to study the functions of the body or individual removed organs, to study the effects of various drugs, to develop surgical treatment methods, or for educational purposes.

The list of “Smart words and their meaning” can, of course, be continued. There are a lot of such words in various branches of knowledge. We have highlighted only a few that are quite widespread today. Knowing buzzwords and their meaning is useful. This develops erudition and allows you to better navigate the world. Therefore, it would be nice to remember what smart words are called.

List of "rare" words in the Russian language ACCORDING TO THE SITE VERSION http://language.mypage.ru

The list is strange in places, but still interesting.

1.Multifora- this is the most common file for documents

2.Gap- threaten

3.Rubbish-blam(or halam-balam) - “This is not halam-balam for you!”

4.Kichkinka- baby, addressing a little girl - not Uzbek, but not Slavic either. From Uzbek "kichkintoy" - baby.

5.Yeh-ay-yay- Nizhny Novgorod exclamation of surprise

6.Kefirka- girl trying to whiten her face sour milk(can be seen from patches of unevenly lightened skin, and they also smear the face and neck, sometimes hands. The ears look amazing)

7.Dubai- a lady who came to earn money and was engaged in prostitution. Or dressing “like a Dubai woman” - bright, tasteless, with an abundance of rhinestones, gold and trinkets.

8.Oud- part of the body (shameful oud - what is usually called an indecent word).

9.Shake- rag, rags - thick lace

10.Chuni- type of shoes. This is often the name for general shoes that are used to go out at night for minor needs.

11.Rumble- drink alcohol.

12.Confusion- a tangle of everyday affairs or events.

13.Galimyy(or golimy) - bad, low-quality, uninteresting

14.Yokarny Babai- exclamation (eprst, hedgehog cat, e-moe, etc.), resentment at the current situation.

15.Scoobut- shave, cut hair.

16.ShuflYadka(shuffleYada) - a small drawer (in a desk, wardrobe, chest of drawers, etc.)

17.FLYING- last summer.

18.Ticket- receipt, bill, ticket, small piece of paper.

19.ZanAdto- too, too much.

20.MlYavatst, mlYavy - relaxation, reluctance to do anything, fatigue.

21.Get dirty- crack, make holes.

22.Kotsat- spoil.

23.To be a coward- run in small steps.

24.Scabrous- vulgar

25.Punch, plod - to walk slowly, not to keep up with someone.

26.Bukhich- alcoholic party.

27.Overdressed- very bright, dressed in a dirty manner.

28.Khabalka- a rude, uneducated woman.

29.Broody- chicken woman (offensive)

30.To gasp- hit.

31.Jamb- error.

32.spinogryz- harmful child.

33.Hag- crow, old woman.

34.Locker- porch.

35.Catch- attic.

36.BLUE- eggplants.

37.Fisherman, catcher - fisherman.

38.Nag- lose.

39.Tights- push in the crowd.

40.Sardonic laughter- uncontrollable, convulsive, bilious, angry, caustic.

41.Lapidarity- brevity, conciseness, expressiveness of syllable, style.

42.Algolagnia- sexual satisfaction experienced: - when pain is caused to a sexual partner (sadism); or - in connection with pain caused by a sexual partner (masochism).

43.Sublimation- this is a process in which attraction (LIBIDO) moves to another goal, far from sexual satisfaction, and the energy of instincts is transformed into socially acceptable, morally approved.

44.Lyalichny, Lyalichnaya - something very childish.

45.Buy up- do shopping.

46.Transcendental- incomprehensible to human understanding

47.Eschatology- ideas about the end of the world.

48.Apologist- Christian writer who defends Christianity from criticism.

49.Flute- vertical groove on the column.

50.Anagoga- allegorical explanation of biblical texts.

51.Lucullov- feast

52.Aiguillettes- these are these plastic things at the end of the laces.

53.Bonhomie- unceremonious, inappropriately familiar treatment under the guise of friendship.

54.Honeymoon(honeymoon in English) - we believe that this is the first month of newlyweds, but in English the word is divided into “honey” and “Moon”. Most likely, the English word “honeymoon” implies that the ordinary Moon, which in the American imagination is in the form of cheese, becomes honey.

55.Acquisitive- a selfish, profit-seeking person. How many of them are around us...

56.Chat(“he’s going to squabble”, “to squirm”, “don’t squirm”) - to get cocky, to “show off”, to show off.

57.MorosYaka, pAmorkha (emphasis on the first syllable) - drizzling rain during warm weather and the sun.

58.Witchcraft(don't conjure) - to disturb something, to cause it to sway.

59.Vekhotka, whirlpool - a sponge (rag, washcloth) for washing dishes, bodies, etc.

60.Bawdy(noun “obscenity”) - vulgar, shameless.

61.Glumnoy- stupid.

62.Korchik, also known as a ladle, is a small saucepan with a long handle.

64.Deal on the ball- the same as for free.

65.Punch to the top- upside down.

66.KagalOm- all together.

67.WALK- fidgeting, not finding a place before falling asleep in bed.

68.kiss, kiss - kiss.

69.Trandykha(tryndet) - a woman who is an empty talker (talk nonsense).

70.Nonsense- verbal nonsense.

71.Trichomudia- junk, husband. genitals.

72.Fuck you- defecate.

73.Bundel(bundul) - large bottle, carboy

74.Hamanok- wallet.

75.Buza- dirt, thick.

76.Shkandybat- trudge, walk.

77.Snoop around- walk, jog.

78.Zhirovka- an invoice for payment.

79.Ida- let's go, come on (let's go to the store).

80.Exercise- exercise.

81.Exercise- do exercises, faire ses exercises

82.Buffoon- buffoon, pretentious person.

83.Phat- talker, braggart.

84.Skvalyga- stingy.

85.Yoksel-moxel- used with feeling in moments of complete chaos.

86.Mess- mess.

87.Idle talker- Chatterbox.

88.Mandibles- unskillful hands.

89.Rinda- queue.

90.Poland- volume of a certain container.

91.Maza- small (from Latvian Mazais).

92.Nonche- today.

93.Apotheosis- deification, glorification, exaltation of any person, event or phenomenon.

94.Sneeze- scold someone.

95.Planter, mochilo - a small artificial reservoir near the garden.

96.Sandy- scold.

97.Epidersion- accident, surprise.

98.Perdimonocle- an illogical unexpected conclusion.

99.Set up- set against.

100.Skip- skip something.

101.Insinuation- (from Latin insinuatio, literally - insinuating) - slander.

102.SkopidOmstvo- greed.

103.SabAn- stairs with a platform (used when painting walls or other construction work).

104.Adobe- a dwelling made of reed bundles coated with clay.

105.Kryzhit— mark each verified list item with a check mark.

106.Mikhryutka- a homely, frail person.

107.Dradedam- cloth (dradedam - a type of cloth) (the word is found in classical Russian literature).

108.Expansion- expansion of boundaries, limits.

109.De facto- actually, in fact.

110.De jure- legally, formally.

111.Rezochek- a cut piece of a product (from life).

112.looseness- different books in one box at the reception in the store.

113.Perzhnya- nonsense, trifle.

114.Check- the same as jackaling.

115.Herashka(vulg.) - something small and unpleasant, inorganic. origin.

116.Navel- something small, pleasant (Nabokov).

117.Pomuchtel(chekist.) - phone accounting assistant.

118.Triticale(bot.) - a hybrid of wheat and rye.

119.Rampetka- butterfly net (Nabokov).

120.Shpak- any civilian(Kuprin).

121.Bilbock- a toy (to catch a ball on a string with a stick) (L. Tolstoy).

122.Bibabo- a hand doll, like Obraztsov’s.

123.Nadys- the other day, recently, to spray, to brag, to brag.

124.Previously- better.

125.Smite- get dirty.

126.Mandibles- unskillful hands.

On October 4, 1872, Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, a Russian doctor, famous lexicographer, author, passed away. Explanatory dictionary living Great Russian language." The collection of words has become main job throughout his life, this dictionary is a unique and inimitable monument of literature. Today we decided to talk about the most unusual dictionaries of the Russian language

Dictionary in reverse

An ignorant person, having opened such a reverse dictionary, will not immediately understand what its essence is. The words are aligned to the right, rather than to the left as we are used to. And they are not arranged alphabetically, but in some random order. In fact, everything is not like that.

In reverse dictionaries, words are arranged in alphabetical order not the initial letters, but the final ones. And they are printed on the other edge of the page to make it convenient to search for the right word.

Such dictionaries are indispensable when studying the formation of words using suffixes. You can also track the pronunciation of a word.

The first such dictionaries appeared in the XIII-XIV centuries in Arab countries. True, they were used not by linguists, but by poets. The endings of words collected in alphabetical order made it easy to find the necessary rhyme and finish the poem.

The first reverse dictionaries of the Russian language appeared abroad, in the middle of the 20th century. In the USSR, similar publications began to be published in the 70s of the last century. One of the pioneers was the “Reverse Dictionary of the Russian Language” (scientific consultants A. A. Zaliznyak, R. V. Bakhturina, E. M. Smorgunova) (M., 1974), it contains about 125,000 words.

Dictionaries rare words

“But these are pies! These are cheese pies! it's in Urdu! but these are the ones that Afanasy Ivanovich loves very much, with cabbage and buckwheat porridge.” What will you forgive the pies with? With Urda? An astute reader is unlikely to stumble over this word while reading Nikolai Gogol’s wonderful work “Old World Landowners.” For the author and his contemporaries, this seemed to be clearly understandable and used in everyday life.

But what about us, readers from the 21st century, who also want to know what Urda is? Dictionaries of rare words will come to our aid; fortunately, there are now a sufficient number of them on the Internet. So, Urda is a squeeze from poppy seeds, with which pies were baked in the time of Nikolai Vasilyevich. With the help of such dictionaries you can find out who the chapyzhnik is, where to wear the current and who was called the yellow-eyed one.

Dictionaries of resident names

How to call the residents of Kursk in one word? And Uglich? And Salekhard? Okay, don't worry! Linguists, geographers and historians have already done everything for us; all we have to do is open the dictionary and find the right city. Such collections are very valuable and are always at hand for an experienced traveler. In order, for example, not to get into a puddle in front of the residents of Omsk, we recommend that you look into such a dictionary before your trip.

One of the first such publications was “Dictionary of the names of residents of the RSFSR”, edited by A. M. Babkin. It was published in 1964 and included about six thousand names of residents of 2000 settlements Russian Federation. Each name is given with emphasis, and some even with illustrations.

Such dictionaries are constantly republished, supplemented and updated. For example, one of the latest editions was published in 2003.

Clueless dictionaries

To be honest, it’s hard to call it a dictionary. Rather, it is a collection of jokes and gags. The authors of such publications call them stupid dictionaries. Now there are a lot of them both on the Internet and on bookshelves. Their meaning lies in a funny decoding familiar words. Both consonance of word forms and simple associations are used. So, for example, one of the stupid electronic dictionaries offers us the following meanings.

Dolphin - business Finn

Dilution – diluted vodka

Ban - go on a spree with friends in the bathhouse

Anyone can compile such dictionaries, you just need to apply a little imagination and a sense of humor.

Clever words borrowed from other languages ​​are designed to amaze others with the intelligence of the speaker or writer. And many people want to know abstruse words for communication and their meaning, but are too lazy to simply look for them on the Internet and use them in simple speech. It's time to finally compile a dictionary of the most unclear words in Russian and their meanings and memorize them! Where and how will this help you? For example, in reviews of new films, plays and books, in conversations with colleagues, in talk shows on TV and the blogosphere, “insight”, “excess”, “existential” and, of course, the trendy “cognitive” are flashed here and there with an important air. dissonance". But you don’t understand a word, and no one wants to feel “close-minded” and ignorant.

Remember the proverb “The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it”? We, of course, cannot provide a complete list of the smartest words in the world that can be used for conversation, and their meaning, but we bring to your attention a list of competent smart words for communicating with people (and their meaning) - a sort of mini-dictionary of popular smart expressions .

Smart nouns

The most useful complicated words with meanings that everyone should know are nouns, because they are the basis of our speech. All these smart words, like “insight”, “collaboration”, “frustration”... So, let’s replenish our vocabulary with long smart words that you need to know by heart.


The English word addiction characterizes dependence, addiction, a way of escaping reality. Addictions are not only alcoholism, gambling, drug addiction, and smoking. Psychologists assure: a similar mechanism of addiction is found in those who overeat, live and burn at work, love extreme sports, hang out on the Internet for days, love creativity and... fall in love. Another thing is that forms of addiction are divided into those acceptable by society, such as workaholism or falling in love, and unacceptable, such as excessive craving for alcohol.


Amphibolicity is the ambiguity of a concept, its contradictory interpretation. As a rule, this word is used rarely - in dissertations, in court hearings or in biochemical work. But it’s not bad to understand if someone says “this is amphibolic” or “the amphibolic nature of this concept baffles me, because I adhered strictly to one line,” but you understand that it’s all about the ambiguity of the concept you are discussing.


“French” vis-a-vis in Russian can be both an adverb (“sit vis-a-vis”, that is, opposite each other), and a noun, both masculine and female(“my smart counterpart”, “your beautiful counterpart”). You have every right to call your counterpart the one who is opposite you, with whom you are sitting face to face.


What did Stirlitz mean when he said: “I have an idiosyncrasy for rhyme”? The fact that he is completely devoid of poetic gift. He was modest, of course... A word with ancient Greek roots (idos - “separate, special”; synkrasis - “mixture”) for a long time was familiar only to doctors, but came into wide use as a synonym for the words “allergy”, “rejection”: “Yes, he has an idiosyncrasy for everything new!”, “I have an idiosyncrasy for empty talk.”


Translated from English, “insight” literally means insight, insight. This concept is used in philosophy and psychology to convey insight, a sudden understanding of something that is not inferred from past experience. So someone will say: “And then it dawned on me!” - and someone will proudly declare: “I had an insight!”


The unification of several equal, independent participants to achieve common goals in fashion, art, business, science and education is called (from the English collaboration - cooperation). For example, at the end of March in honor of the 50th anniversary of the science fiction franchise “ Star Trek» cosmetics company MAC announced the release of a Star Trek beauty collection. Makeup options will be borrowed from the movie heroines of the franchise and implemented using 25 limited-edition products for lips, eyes and face. Sales start in August 2016.


A phenomenon in which the interlocutor asks you a question again, although he heard it perfectly well. Why is he doing this? Scientists say that a person does this consciously or subconsciously in order to have more time to formulate an answer. They (or their colleagues) are still arguing about the origin of the word. Many associate him with American politician John Kerry, who at the end of 2015 could not immediately answer a question from a Russian schoolboy and asked him again several times. If anyone wants to accuse you of being slow to respond, tell them that this is nothing more than Carrilism, and you need a couple of seconds to formulate an answer.


Remember this: “Don’t touch me, old woman, I’m sad.” It was not Ivan the Terrible who said this, but a lipophrenic. In more detail, a lipophrenic is a person who feels irresistible sadness, melancholy and does not know the reasons for the appearance of this condition. Lipophrenia, which is also called apathy, depression, melancholy, usually appears from being alone for a long time, from routine activities or insufficient activity (which is important for modern youth), as well as from a lack of positive emotions. If you don’t want to bear the not-so-proud name “lipophrenic,” do your favorite things more often, prefer live communication to virtual communication, and walk more in the fresh air.


Have you ever seen heart-shaped stones or a tomato with a nose? If yes, then you are halfway to understanding the word “natiform”. But here there is more special case, because natiform is nature education, resembling the outline female body or parts thereof. It could be a tree that you looked at from a certain angle and saw shoulders, chest, waist, hips... Or stones in a rock that look so bizarre that they reminded you of your ex. These are all natiforms.


Have you noticed that some people repeat one word or phrase in almost every sentence? If not, you are lucky, and if you have encountered this, congratulate your friend: he has palinphrasia. It’s not contagious, but it’s absolutely unpleasant when in every sentence they say “sir” or “I told you that...”. And so on in a circle. As a result, you will not hear other words, you will lose the essence of the story and generally lose all interest in the conversation.


When this word is mentioned, one usually remembers its arithmetic “formula”: 1 + 1 = 3. The ancient Greek synergeia is translated as “cooperation, commonwealth.” It means an amazing effect that occurs when several subjects or objects interact. This cumulative effect exceeds the return from the actions of each participant in the process individually. An example of synergy: you've mastered a few secrets of applying concealer, and your friend knows the ins and outs of mascara. By sharing life hacks, both of you, without losing your previous experience, will gain new ones, that is, you will grow in the art of makeup.


A philosophical movement in Ancient Greece, whose followers were famous for their ability to cleverly conduct scientific disputes, gave its name to verbal statements based on juggling facts, simplifications, and violations of logic. Another sophist (from the ancient Greek sophia - “skill, skill, cunning invention, trick, wisdom, knowledge") is brilliantly able to prove the obvious absurdity: “Half-empty is the same as half-full. If the halves are equal, then the wholes are equal. Therefore, the empty is the same as the full.” Therefore, sophistry in a figurative sense refers to any speech that is built on false conclusions, but disguises itself as correct, logical.


The word "touché" (touchér in French - touch), borrowed from the sports sphere, brings an end to a certain dispute when one of the interlocutors admits the rightness, the superiority of the other after a decisive argument or a verbal jab - what if you competed not in knowledge of the topic, but in wit? Touché, the argument is valid, just as fencing touches or throws on the back of wrestlers, performed according to all the rules, are counted.


To fall into a state of frustration (Latin frustratio - deception, failure, futile expectation) means to experience a whole range of negative feelings due to the inability to achieve what you want. For example, you were planning a vacation at the seaside, had already packed your suitcase, and suddenly your bosses, using carrots and sticks, postpone your vacation a month later because of an important project that cannot be done without you. Naturally, you feel anger, despair, anxiety, irritation, disappointment and hopelessness... Frequent experiences of such states, psychologists note, spoil your character and damage your self-esteem.


The egoist's namesake, egocentric (from the Latin words ego - “I” - and centrum - “center”) is still not similar to him. An egocentric person is focused on his own inner world, point of view, his own interests, needs and does not notice others, but is able to “move”, help others, hear them if asked for support. Egocentrism is inherent in everyone to one degree or another. An egoist sees other people's interests, but deliberately ignores them, opposes himself to others, always putting his own person first.


The Latin excessus means “exit, evasion.” In Russian, the word consonant with “process” has two meanings. The first is an extreme manifestation of something: “This is not literature, but a graphomaniac excess!” The second is an emergency, a disruption to the normal course of events: “Her gossip caused a real excess in the team.”


A daring, shocking, provocative, willful trick in the style of Salvador Dali, Lady Gaga or Miley Cyrus, for example, a rotten herring on a hat or a dress made of raw meat, - this is an escapade. The French word escapade also has a second meaning - an adventure trip - which is not in demand in our language.

Smart adjectives

After nouns, it’s time to see a dictionary of smart adjectives for every day and their meanings, because it is the presence of adjectives in your speech that will distinguish you favorably from other interlocutors. Decorate your speech with little-known smart words, believe me: it will help you in all areas of life. These unfamiliar intelligent words (and their meanings) will help increase your status among both friends and colleagues.


Derived from English adjective upscale – “high quality, first class, exclusive.” Characterizes the absolute embodiment of the desired properties in any subject or object: upscale interior design, upscale sound, upscale image.


This adjective has nothing to do with a tree with fluffy buds, but it has very much to do with our speech. The Latin verbum is translated as “word,” so “verbal” is verbal, oral. For example, verbal thinking, verbal intelligence, verbal method. There is also an adjective “non-verbal” - without verbal expression: non-verbal communication, nonverbal signals.


What do they mean when they talk about deviant behavior? French word Deviation characterizes a deviation from the norm, be it the position of the compass needle, the heading of an airplane or a sea vessel, as well as a feature of the human psyche. In other words, deviant behavior destroys the personality and health of someone who prefers an asocial lifestyle, and also causes moral and material harm to others.


Translated from Latin, cognitio is knowledge, cognition. The adjective “cognitive” describes a person’s ability to acquire knowledge, to cognize the world and yourself. This psychological term would not be so popular without its “French” companion: dissonance means “discord, disharmony, inconsistency.”

What we get is a kind of “mine is yours, don’t understand” situation, when previous experience and already accumulated knowledge come into conflict with new information, new circumstances. There are two opposing ideas about the same thing in your head at once. Let’s say your friend emphasizes that he values ​​punctuality very much, you like it, and at the same time you don’t remember a single meeting when he was not late. So should we consider him punctual, organized, true to his word and justify his behavior as accidents or not? The need to choose one thing, evaluate and interpret the newly received picture becomes a cause of mental discomfort.

Another stable phrase, the meaning of which not everyone knows, can be called a synonym for “cognitive dissonance”. This is a “break of the pattern.” This is a broader concept, but the essence is the same: you had some kind of scheme in your head regarding a person, concept, phenomenon, and overnight this scheme collapses due to new knowledge. It turns out that two and two are not always four. Like this?..


WITH English word“smart” is translated as “intelligent”, “savvy”. This is precisely the meaning of the word “smart” that is now used in Russia. It cannot be said that it is firmly entrenched in the minds of Russians, but if you do not know what a “smart watch” or “smart television” is, and even more so a “smartphone”, shame on you. To put it simply, the prefix (or part in the word) “smart” means “smart”: smartphone = smart phone, smart watch = smart watch etc. As you probably noticed, the word “smart” is used specifically with high-tech items, so when using it, pay attention to the context.


An adjective with English roots (transparent) is held in high regard by politicians, bloggers and even cosmetologists. The former enter into transparent agreements and voice transparent positions without secrets or omissions, while the latter vow to be as open and sincere as possible with the audience. And transparent, that is, transparent powder does not look like a mask on the face and at the same time mattifies it perfectly. Yes, she is unable to hide skin imperfections, but that’s another topic for discussion.


There is good understandable word"incomprehensible". And when, outside of a philosophical debate, one wants to add intellectual depth to speeches, some flaunt the Latin “transcendent” (transcendentis) with the same meaning. And now the speaker or writer and his audience begin to look for and discuss transcendental meanings, connections, feelings...


Banal, boring, ordinary, primitive, ordinary - that’s how many synonyms the adjective “trivial” has. It has French origins, and in the native language trivial means the same thing - something ordinary. Fewer interlocutors with trivial thoughts and anecdotes, theater productions and film premieres with a trivial plot!


Another philosophical concept associated with being, human life. The Latin word existentia is translated as “existence.” There are many things that influence our days, but the use of the epithet “existential” adds a universal dimension to these “agents of influence.” Existential problems, crises, experiences are phenomena that exist at the core of the world, manifest themselves in reality and are often beyond the control of human will.


In general, if not all the new words were able to immediately fit into your head, we advise you to compile a dictionary of complex intellectual words for conversation, which few people know, with their meaning, of course, and use them as often as possible - in correspondence, when writing in a diary, in conversation . This is the only way it won’t become empty information that you will forget about when you close this page. And by the way: don’t think that this is shameful or feigned. There is no shame in looking for and memorizing tricky words with definitions in order to appear smart. After all, the request “ Difficult words with explanations for smart people» is found very often in RuNet. Note that for already “smart people”, stupid people won’t even look for this.