Brief description of all natural zones. Natural zones of the hot zone

The spherical shape of our planet is the cause of the uneven distribution sunlight. As a result, in some areas the surface of the earth warms up more, in others - much less. As a result, they formed natural areas, each of which has unique properties and climatic conditions.

What are natural areas

Natural complexes are impressive land areas, which are characterized by the same climate, soil composition, flora and fauna. The main reason for the emergence of natural zones is the uneven distribution of heat and moisture on Earth.

Table "Characteristics of natural areas"

natural area

climate zone

Average temperature in Celsius (winter/summer)

Antarctic and Arctic deserts

Antarctic, arctic

Tundra and forest tundra

Subarctic and Subantarctic


mixed forests


broadleaf forests


Steppes and forest-steppes

subtropical and temperate

temperate deserts and semi-deserts


hardwood forests


Tropical deserts and semi-deserts


Savannahs and woodlands

20+24 and above

Variable rainforests

subequatorial, tropical

20+24 and above

Permanently wet forests


This characteristic is concise, since a lot can be said about the features of the natural zones of the world.

temperate climate zone

Rice. 1. Taiga forests occupy vast territories.

  • mixed forests . They have good resistance to long frosty winters. The soil, although not distinguished by fertility, but, unlike the taiga, is already suitable for agriculture.
  • broadleaf forests . This area is characterized by mild winters. The soil is fertile, with a high content of humus. significant portion deciduous forests represented by deciduous trees. The fauna is very diverse.
  • temperate deserts and semi-deserts . Them hallmark is a scarce vegetable and animal world, aridity and sharp temperature jumps by the seasons.

Arctic deserts and semi-deserts

These are vast areas covered with a thick layer of ice and snow. By by and large the arctic deserts are a lifeless place. Only on the coast you can find a few representatives of the local fauna: seals, walruses, polar bears, arctic foxes and penguins. Mosses and lichens grow on small areas of land that are not covered with ice.

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Rice. 2. Arctic desert.

Moist equatorial forests

Highly hot climate and stable high humidity created ideal conditions for equatorial forests. The impenetrable jungle is home to 70% of all living beings inhabiting our planet. The trees remain evergreen throughout the year as they shed their leaves gradually.

The flora of this natural zone is incredibly diverse. But most of all, it is striking that such an abundance of plants became possible on soils in which the humus content is very small.

Fig.3. The nature of the equatorial forests is rich.

Equatorial and subtropical climate zone

  • Variable rainforests . Heavy rainfall occurs only during the rainy season, followed by a long dry period. Fauna and flora are also very diverse.
  • Woodlands and savannas . Appear on those areas of land where for variable moist forests no more moisture. The rainy season is very long and lasts at least six months.

hardwood forests

They got their name due to the dense shell of the leaves, which contributes to the retention of moisture. This zone is characterized by not too abundant precipitation. Such forests grow along the coasts of the seas and oceans.

Steppes and forest-steppes

They are vast areas overgrown with grass. Steppe soils are the most fertile due to their high humus content and are often used for agriculture.

Tundra and forest tundra

It has a harsh climate that even resistant coniferous trees cannot withstand. This zone is characterized by a lack of heat and high humidity, which leads to swamping of the area. The flora of the tundra is represented only by lichens and mosses, there are no trees at all.

To date, the tundra is the most fragile and unstable ecosystem. Active development of minerals has led to the fact that this zone is on the verge of complete extinction.

What have we learned?

A wide variety of natural zones is due to the uneven distribution of humidity and heat on the planet. Each natural complex has its own unique flora and fauna, soil composition, climate.

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Now, studying geography in the classroom, we have a lot of information: maps, diagrams, photographs. Back in the 19th century, knowledge about natural areas was very scarce. Long time Dokuchaev dealt with them, but he was never able to systematize the collected data, and his work was continued by L. S. Berg, a well-known geographer in the USSR.

Parameters for characterizing natural areas

Any biological complex has similar characteristics. This applies to the animal and plant world, soil, weather conditions winter and summer. The student's task is to be able to systematize information and provide a description of the natural areas of Russia using a table.

L. S. Berg not only gave detailed description natural zones throughout Eurasia, but also identified differences on other continents. His textbook "Nature of the USSR" became the basis for the knowledge that we have now.

Rice. 1. Natural areas of Russia

Table "Natural zones of Russia" (Grade 8)

Zone name

Geographical position


The soil



arctic desert

Northern Islands Arctic Ocean, north of the Taimyr Peninsula

Cold arctic climates predominate air masses. Summer is short and cold.

Eternal Frost

Mosses, lichens, polar poppy

Polar bear, walrus, seal

From the coast of the Arctic Ocean to the Arctic Circle. The widest strip of tundra in Siberia

Long winter (9 months), a lot of precipitation due to low evaporation, summer is short.

Tundra-gley, peat

Mosses, lichens, berry bushes

Reindeer, arctic fox, white hare

forest tundra

Extent throughout Russia in a narrow strip from the tundra to the taiga

Subarctic, gradual warming. Wed January temperature from -10° to -40°, in summer +13°-+19°

Peat and sphagnum bogs predominate. Soils are peat-gley and transitionally podzolic

Low spruce, fir, cedar, dwarf birch

Brown bear, elk, white hare. From birds: capercaillie, hazel grouse, nutcracker

Length from Baltic Sea to the coast Pacific Ocean. Occupies all of Siberia

Warm summer 4-5 months and Cold winter. T-ra January from -10 ° to -50 °. Summer +16°


This is a forest area. Representatives: larch, fir, spruce, cedar, pine

Brown bear, elk, squirrel, wolf, sable, lynx.

Birds: capercaillie, hazel grouse

mixed forests

European part of Russia and Western Siberia

Zone temperate climate, humus layer prevails


Lots of herbaceous vegetation. Trees include both coniferous and deciduous

Elk, hare, beaver, wild boar, fox, raccoon.

broadleaf forests

Russian plain and south Far East

Moderate in the European part and monsoonal in the Far East.

Gray podzolic, brown forest, in the European part - chernozems.

Oaks, maples, lindens, aspens. Due to overuse by humans. Almost all forests have been cut down

Hare, wild boar, desman, fox


Narrow transitional strip from forests to steppes

Moderate continental.


Deciduous trees and a variety of herbs

Hare, squirrel, beavers, mice

Northern coast of the Black Sea, south of Western Siberia

Arid, high evaporation, low humidity. Winters are cold, summers are hot


Herbs and cereals: feather grass, tumbleweed, wheat

Mice, gophers, snakes. Of the birds - the steppe eagle

Deserts and semi-deserts

Areas near the Caspian Sea

Dry climate with cold winters

Gray-brown soil, solonchaks, solonetzes predominate

Drought resistant plants. There are valuable feed for sheep and camels

Snakes, turtle, jerboa, scorpion


Southern coast of the Black Sea

Warm maritime climate throughout the year

Brown mountain-forest soils, zheltozems and humus-calcareous

Boxwood, rhododendron, laurel

Mouflon, turtle, snakes, red deer

Rice. 2. Taiga

Formation of natural zones in mountainous areas occurs at a level of more than 2000 m. In the Caucasus and the Urals, this height corresponds to alpine meadows, in the northern regions Siberian mountains- mountain tundra.

The warmth of the sun, clean air and water are the main criteria for life on Earth. Numerous climatic zones led to the division of the territory of all continents and body of water to certain natural areas. Some of them, even separated by vast distances, are very similar, others are unique.

Natural areas of the world: what is it?

This definition should be understood as very large in area natural complexes(in other words, parts geographic zone Earth) that have similar, homogeneous climatic conditions. The main characteristic of natural areas is animal and vegetable world who inhabit this area. They are formed as a result of uneven distribution of moisture and heat on the planet.

Table "Natural zones of the world"

natural area

climate zone

Average temperature (winter/summer)

Antarctic and Arctic deserts

Antarctic, arctic

24-70°С /0-32°С

Tundra and forest tundra

Subarctic and Subantarctic



8-48°C /+8+24°C

mixed forests


16-8°С /+16+24°С

broadleaf forests


8+8°С /+16+24°С

Steppes and forest-steppes

subtropical and temperate

16+8 °С /+16+24°С

temperate deserts and semi-deserts


8-24 °С /+20+24 °С

hardwood forests


8+16 °С/ +20+24 °С

Tropical deserts and semi-deserts


8+16 °С/ +20+32 °С

Savannahs and woodlands

20+24°C and above

Variable rainforests

subequatorial, tropical

20+24°C and above

Permanently wet forests


above +24°C

This characteristic of the natural zones of the world is only introductory, because you can talk about each of them for a very long time, all the information will not fit in the framework of one table.

Natural zones of the temperate climate zone

1. Taiga. Surpasses all other natural zones of the world in terms of the area occupied on land (27% of the territory of all forests on the planet). It is characterized by very low winter temperatures. Deciduous trees do not withstand them, so the taiga is dense coniferous forests (mainly pine, spruce, fir, larch). Highly large territories taiga in Canada and Russia are occupied by permafrost.

2. Mixed forests. Characteristic in more for northern hemisphere Earth. It is a kind of border between the taiga and broadleaf forest. They are more resistant to cold and long winters. Tree species: oak, maple, poplar, linden, as well as mountain ash, alder, birch, pine, spruce. As the table "Natural areas of the world" shows, the soils in the zone of mixed forests are gray, not very fertile, but still suitable for growing plants.

3. Broad-leaved forests. They are not adapted to harsh winters and are deciduous. They occupy most of Western Europe, the south of the Far East, the north of China and Japan. Suitable for them is a maritime or temperate continental climate with hot summers and fairly warm winters. As the table "Natural zones of the world" shows, the temperature in them does not fall below -8 ° C even in the cold season. The soil is fertile, rich in humus. Characteristic the following types trees: ash, chestnut, oak, hornbeam, beech, maple, elm. The forests are very rich in mammals (ungulates, rodents, predators), birds, including commercial ones.

4. Temperate deserts and semi-deserts. Their main distinguishing feature- practically complete absence vegetation and sparse wildlife. There are a lot of natural areas of this nature, they are located mainly in the tropics. There are temperate deserts in Eurasia, and they are characterized by sharp temperature changes during the seasons. Animals are represented mainly by reptiles.

Arctic deserts and semi-deserts

They are huge areas of land covered with snow and ice. The map of natural zones of the world clearly shows that they are located on the territory of North America, Antarctica, Greenland and the northern tip of the Eurasian continent. In fact, these are lifeless places, and polar bears, walruses and seals, arctic foxes and lemmings, penguins (in Antarctica) live only along the coast. Where the land is free of ice, lichens and mosses can be seen.

Moist equatorial forests

Their second name is rain forests. They are located mainly in South America, as well as in Africa, Australia and the Greater Sunda Islands. The main condition for their formation is constant and very high humidity (more than 2000 mm of precipitation per year) and a hot climate (20 ° C and above). They are very rich in vegetation, the forest consists of several tiers and is an impenetrable, dense jungle that has become home to more than 2/3 of all types of creatures that now live on our planet. These rainforests are superior to all other natural areas of the world. Trees remain evergreen, changing foliage gradually and partially. Surprisingly, the soils of moist forests contain little humus.

Natural zones of the equatorial and subtropical climatic zone

1. Variably humid forests, they differ from rainforests in that precipitation falls there only during the rainy season, and during the period of drought that follows it, the trees are forced to shed their leaves. The animal and plant world is also very diverse and rich in species.

2. Savannas and woodlands. They appear where moisture, as a rule, is no longer enough for the growth of variable-humid forests. Their development occurs in the depths of the mainland, where tropical and equatorial air masses dominate, and the rainy season lasts less than six months. They occupy a significant part of the territory of subequatorial Africa, interior regions South America, partly Hindustan and Australia. More detailed information about the location is reflected in the map of natural areas of the world (photo).

hardwood forests

This climate zone is considered the most suitable for human habitation. Hardwood and evergreen forests are located along sea and ocean coasts. Precipitation is not so plentiful, but the leaves retain moisture due to the dense leathery shell (oaks, eucalyptus), which prevents them from falling off. In some trees and plants, they are modernized into thorns.

Steppes and forest-steppes

They are characterized by an almost complete absence woody vegetation due to poor rainfall. But the soils are the most fertile (chernozems), and therefore are actively used by man for agriculture. Steppes occupy large areas in North America and Eurasia. The predominant number of inhabitants are reptiles, rodents and birds. Plants have adapted to the lack of moisture and most often have time to make their life cycle for a short spring period when the steppe is covered with a dense carpet of greenery.

Tundra and forest tundra

In this zone, the breath of the Arctic and Antarctic begins to be felt, the climate becomes more severe, and even conifers trees cannot bear it. Moisture is in excess, but there is no heat, which leads to swamping of very large areas. There are no trees at all in the tundra, the flora is mainly represented by mosses and lichens. It is believed that this is the most unstable and fragile ecosystem. In connection with the active development of gas and oil fields it is on the verge of an ecological catastrophe.

All natural areas of the world are very interesting, whether it is a seemingly completely lifeless desert, endless arctic ice or millennia-old rainforests teeming with life.

In different ways, the sun is the source of all living things, it illuminates and warms different parts the globe.
Most heat falls on the equator of the earth, least of all on the North and South Poles.

AT different zones the globe receives a certain amount of heat, light, moisture. These conditions define separate zones with their own special climate.

What is a natural area?

Natural zone - a territory that is determined by uniform climatic conditions, vegetation and wildlife.

The names of natural zones correspond to the name of the prevailing vegetation in this zone.

And so, a journey from the north to the south of the country ...

Arctic desert zone

In the very north of Russia, on the islands of the Arctic Ocean, there is a zone Arctic deserts. Most of the area (85%) is covered by glaciers. In the middle of summer, there is no more than 4-2 degrees of heat, and in winter it is frost down to -50 ° C, strong winds, fogs. The climate is very harsh.

Soil, flora
The soils are very weak, there is no fertile layer, there are many stone ruins. Only mosses and lichens grow on the rocks. Poor flora and fauna.

Typical animals and birds
AT arctic wilderness reindeer, polar bears live, and sea birds settle on the rocky shores of the ocean: auks, gulls, polar owls and partridges. In the Arctic Ocean are found baleen whales, seals, walruses, seals, white whales.

tundra zone

The climate of the tundra is harsh. In this cold natural zone, short, cool summer and a severe long winter with strong winds from the Arctic Ocean.


  • Along the coast of the Arctic Ocean is arctic tundra with sparse vegetation in the form of mosses, lichens,
  • Further south, in the middle of the zone lichen-moss tundra with islets of moss, lichens, among them reindeer moss and a lot of cloudberries,
  • In the south of the zone is shrub tundra with more abundant vegetation: shrub willows, dwarf birches, herbs and berries.

The soil
Tundra soils are usually swampy, poor in humus, and have high acidity.

Vegetable world
Most of the tundra is treeless. Low-growing plants cling to the ground, using its heat and hiding from strong winds. The lack of warmth strong wind, the lack of moisture for the root system does not allow the shoots to turn into large trees.

In the south of the tundra zone, dwarf birches and shrub willows grow.

Typical birds and animals
In winter, the lack of food for animals is made up for by evergreens wintering under cover of snow.

Ducks, geese, black goose and sandpipers settle in the marshes. Herds of deer roam the tundra in search of reindeer moss - the main food. Deer, white partridges, owls, and crows constantly live in the tundra.

Forest-tundra zone

In the forest-tundra, summers are warmer and the winds are weaker than in the tundra. Winter is cold, snowy lasts more than 9 months.

The forest tundra is a transitional zone from the harsh tundra to the forests of the taiga. The width of the forest-tundra ranges from 30 to 300 km in different regions of the country. The climate is warmer than in the tundra.

The soil
The soils of the forest-tundra are frozen-marsh, peaty-podzolic. These low fertile soils low in humus and nutrients, with high acidity.

Vegetable world
Meadows with willow bushes, sedge and horsetail grasses serve as a good pasture for deer. Due to the harsh climate, the islands of the forest are very sparse. In these forests - Siberian spruce, larch and birch.

Typical birds and animals
Animals of the forest-tundra - polar bears, wolves, arctic foxes.

Geese, ducks, swans live on lakes and swamps. In the summer in the forest-tundra there are a lot of blood-sucking horseflies and mosquitoes. Closer to the south, in the forest-tundra, there are squirrels, elk, brown bears, capercaillie.

Taiga zone

Taiga is the largest natural zone in Russia, to the south of it there is a forest zone, or forest-steppe. Winter here is quite warm - 16-20 degrees of frost, in summer - 10 - 20 degrees of heat.

Within the zone there are significant natural differences as it is located in two climatic zones - subarctic and temperate. Zones flow from south to north major rivers Ob, Yenisei and Lena.

The soil
The taiga is rich in swamps, lakes, groundwater. The amount of heat and moisture is sufficient for soil formation of fertile podzolic and marsh-podzolic soils.

Vegetable world
Coniferous trees grow in the taiga - spruce, fir, cedar and deciduous trees: birch, aspen, alder, larch. There are many meadows in the forests, there are swamps, many berries and mushrooms.

Typical birds and animals
There are many different animals in the taiga - sable, capercaillie, hazel grouse, elk, squirrel. Brown bears, wolverines, lynxes are widespread. There are many blood-sucking insects in the taiga.

Zone of mixed and deciduous forests

To the south of the taiga is a forest zone. It has a lot of heat and moisture, a lot deep rivers, lakes, and swamps are much smaller than in the taiga. Summers are long and warm (18-20 warm), winters are mild. There are large reserves of timber in this zone, and mineral deposits in the bowels of the earth.

The vegetation of the zone has been heavily modified by man, most of The area is used for agriculture and animal husbandry.

The zone of mixed and broad-leaved forests is located on the East European Plain and in the Far East.

Soils are formed by tree litter and are rich in ash elements. They have a top layer of fertile humus. The soils are soddy-podzolic, in the southern part - gray forest.

Vegetable world
In this zone different trees: in the northern part mixed forests with leafy and coniferous trees: spruces, pines, birches, maples and aspens. Toward the south dominate broad-leaved trees: oak, elm, linden, maple.

There are many shrubs in the forests: elderberry, raspberry; berries and mushrooms; abundance of herbs.

Typical birds and animals
The availability of food throughout the year allows animals and most birds to live in the forest. There are many different animals in the forests: squirrels, owls, pine marten, moose, Brown bear, foxes, and from birds - orioles, woodpeckers, etc.


The forest-steppe zone is part of the temperate climate zone. This is a transitional zone between the forest zone and steppe zone, combines forest belts and meadows covered with herbs. Flora and fauna represent plants and animals and forests and steppes. The closer to the south, the less forests, the fewer forest animals.


The south of the forest-steppe passes into the steppe zone. The steppe zone is located on plains with grassy vegetation in temperate and subtropical climate. In Russia, the steppe zone is located in the south near the Black Sea and in the valleys of the Ob River.

The soil in the steppe is fertile black soil. There are many arable lands and pastures for livestock. The climate of the steppes is characterized by very dry weather, hot summers, and lack of moisture. Winters in the steppe are cold and snowy.

Vegetable world
The vegetation is mostly cereals growing in tufts with bare soil in between. Lot different types feather grass, which can serve as fodder for sheep.

Typical birds and animals
In summer, animals are active mainly at night: jerboas, ground squirrels, marmots.
Typical steppe birds: bustard, kestrel, steppe eagle, lark. Reptiles live in the steppe.

desert zone

Desert - zone with flat surface, sand dunes or clay and rocky surfaces. In Russia, there are deserts in the east of Kalmykia and in the south of the Astrakhan region.

Vegetable world
Drought-resistant small shrubs grow in the desert, perennials that bloom and grow in early spring when there is moisture. Some herbaceous plants, after they wither, turn into balls of dry branches, they are called tumbleweeds. The wind drives them across the desert, scattering the seeds.

Typical birds and animals
Deserts are inhabited by hedgehogs, ground squirrels, jerboas, snakes, lizards. Of the birds - larks, plovers, bustards.

subtropical zone

In Russia, the territory of the subtropics is small - it is a narrow part of the coastal land near the Black Sea to the Caucasus Mountains. In this zone - tropical summer, there is practically no winter.

Russian subtropics climatic conditions divided into dry and wet. From the southern coast of Crimea to the city of Gelendzhik - dry subtropics. Summers are dry, and only drought-resistant plants survive: prickly blackberries and wild roses. Pitsunda pine grows here, shrubs: juniper, cherry plum.

Vegetable world
The mountains are covered with a dense green carpet of trees and shrubs. Broad-leaved trees are present - oaks, beech chestnuts, coniferous yew is noteworthy, grow evergreen shrubs: laurel, rhododendron and boxwood.

Typical birds and animals
In the forests near Sochi you can meet bears, wolves, forest cats, badgers, jackals. There are many rodents in the forests - squirrels, mice, there are snakes. There are many shellfish on the coast: snails, slugs. Birds settle in the mountains - kites, eagles, owls.

Arctic desert zone. Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya, Severnaya Zemlya, and the New Siberian Islands lie in this zone. The zone is characterized by a huge amount of ice and snow in all seasons of the year. They are the main element of the landscape.

Arctic air prevails here all year round, the radiation balance for the year is less than 400 mJ/m 2 , the average temperature in July is 4-2°C. Relative humidity is very high - 85%. Precipitation is 400-200 mm, and almost all of it falls in solid form, which contributes to the formation of ice sheets and glaciers. However, in some places the supply of moisture in the air is small, and therefore, with an increase in temperature and a strong wind, a large lack of it is formed and strong evaporation of snow occurs.

The soil-forming process in the Arctic takes place in a thin active layer and is located on initial stage development. In the valleys of rivers and streams and on sea terraces, two types of soils are formed - typical polar desert soils on drained polygonal plains and polar desert solonchak soils in saline coastal areas. They are characterized by a low content of humus (up to 1.5%), weakly expressed genetic horizons and very small thickness. In the Arctic deserts, there are almost no swamps, few lakes, and salt spots form on the surface of the soil in dry weather with strong winds.

The vegetation cover is extremely sparse and spotty, it is characterized by poverty species composition and exceptionally low productivity. Low-organized plants dominate: lichens, mosses, algae. The annual growth of mosses and lichens does not exceed 1-2 mm. Plants are extremely selective in their distribution. More or less close groupings of plants exist only in places sheltered from cold winds, on fine earth, where the thickness of the active layer is greater.

The main background of the Arctic deserts is formed by scale lichens. Hypnum mosses are common, sphagnum mosses appear only in the south of the zone in very limited quantities. Of the higher plants, saxifrage, polar poppy, grains, chickweed, arctic pike, bluegrass and some others are characteristic. Cereals grow luxuriantly, forming hemispherical pillows up to 10 cm in diameter on a fertilized substrate near nesting gulls and lemming burrows. An ice ranunculus and a polar willow grow near the snow patches, reaching only 3-5 cm in height. The fauna, like the flora, is poor in species; meet lemming, arctic fox, reindeer, polar bear, and among the birds, the white partridge and the snowy owl are ubiquitous. On the rocky shores there are numerous bird colonies - mass nesting sea ​​birds(guillemots, little auks, white gulls, fulmars, eiders, etc.). southern shores The Franz Josef Lands, the western shores of Novaya Zemlya are a complete bird colony.