Project of a one-story house with a good layout. Projects of one-story houses for free: drawings and photos

If you have decided to individual construction, first analyze the variety of cottages offered on the websites of professional designers. Designing a brick house will be the first step towards realizing your dream.

Professional architects who constantly create beautiful one-story brick houses warn about how complex and painstaking the procedure for creating a high-quality residential building is.

Attention! If you lack the skills, you should not undertake the independent design of a one-story brick house, entrust this process to professional architects.

Distinctive features of beautiful one-story houses

Such structures can easily be supplemented with a high-quality basement, a residential attic, an original terrace, as well as a functional garage.

Why do many buyers try to choose beautiful one-story brick houses, photos of which can be found on the websites of architectural bureaus and design websites? First of all, people are attracted by the reasonable cost of such housing, their comfort, and minimal costs for subsequent maintenance.

Advice! If desired, such a building can be erected even in a small part land plot.

Since a residential attic, a terrace, and a garage can be added to the main building of a private one-story house, the usable area increases significantly, which provides opportunities to expand your space.

Beautiful one-story houses, projects, photos, as well as useful tips architects at the stages of design and construction, presented in the video

If you wish, you can order an individual project of a beautiful one-story brick house.

Attention! The cost of such a project will be significantly higher than the cost of “tested” standard options.

Among the distinctive characteristics one-story houses We can mention the possibility of a clear layout of free space.

Such buildings also have their own individual characteristics, for example, they require clear preliminary planning of the living space. All activities related to the placement of premises and rooms must be carried out at the project development stage. The reason for this “paper construction” is the difficulty of adjusting the buildings after they are completed. construction work.

In order to make some minor adjustments to the erected one-story house, you will have to work hard so as not to spoil the operational and visual characteristics of the building.

Among those factors that directly influence the choice of the number of floors in a residential building being constructed are special meaning has the area of ​​land.

Architects consider the optimal option to be the construction of a beautiful one-story house on a plot of land with average parameters.

Advice! It is better to erect a multi-story building on a spacious area, small house it will simply “get lost” on it.

Advantages of one-story construction

Among the advantages of one-story houses, the designs of which can be selected from the developer, we note their aesthetics. Currently, such original designs of one-story buildings have been developed that their attractive appearance will impress even owners of multi-story “castles”.

In the case when a high-quality architect is involved in developing the plan, reliable finishing materials are selected, the wishes of even the most fastidious customer will be realized. Special attention professionals pay not only to the interior, but also to the exterior decoration of the house, the facade, and the terrace, so that the finished structure does not look like a separate architectural form, but fits harmoniously into the overall landscape design of the plot.

Due to the fact that during one-story construction there will be less load from the walls and roof on the foundation, you can save significantly at this stage of construction.

Advice! The resulting savings can be used to purchase high-quality finishing materials.

One-story private construction can rightfully be considered budgetary not only in terms of the material resources invested in it, but also in terms of time costs. The advantage of this choice is the fact that during the subsequent operation of such a structure it will also be possible to save significantly.

The costs of lighting, heat, and gas will certainly be significantly lower than in the case of operating multi-story residential buildings.

Versatility can also be highlighted as positive characteristics one-story building. You can begin construction work on any type of soil, having previously completed the work associated with the construction of the foundation. The constructed one-story structure can be used not only as a residential building, but also as additional premises.

The choice to build a one-story house is also supported by the fact that such a building will be much safer for children and the elderly to move around.

The location of all residential and technical premises on the same level significantly reduces the risk of injury.

Savings in one-story construction can also be found in the ease of arrangement of utility networks, communication lines, and a simplified construction scheme.

Psychologists are convinced that for comfortable stay seven, each member must have their own individual (personal) space.

But at the same time, it is important to allocate a room inside the house in which all family members can gather. In a one-story house, it is much more convenient to organize a living room; you can take it out in the form of a closed or open terrace outside the house itself.


Among the main disadvantages that can be noted in low-rise residential buildings is the limited size. For those owners of summer cottages whose plans include the construction of spacious rooms for big family, such projects will not be suitable.

Also, among the disadvantages of one-story residential buildings, professionals note the proximity of residential premises to the ground.

If you build a new residential building on a pile foundation, you can increase its load-bearing capacity.

Requirements for one-story construction

The photo shows a version of a beautiful one-story house outside and inside. In order to decide on the project of a future private house, you need to take care of its main components in advance.

The area of ​​the house, which must be indicated in the project, includes the number of utility rooms, rooms, as well as the number square meters plots that the owner is willing to “donate” for construction.

If construction will be carried out on an area that has uneven terrain, you will have to take into account additional costs for high-quality waterproofing. This is especially true with high ground aquifers.

For those land owners who cannot independently decide on the choice of house design, professional designers offer the development of an individual version of a one-story house.

Advice! If the site is quite modest in size, then you can consider the option of placing an underground garage and storage facilities.


Currently on construction market There are many development companies that offer high-quality and original designs of one-story houses at very reasonable prices. Having thought through exactly what objects you need on a residential plot in addition to the main house, you can propose your ideas to the designer and begin implementing your plans.

For those who are looking for designs for one-story residential buildings, this article can be very useful. I have collected here 24 projects with layouts and dimensions, according to which you can already make a working draft and draw up an estimate. Here you can find houses of different sizes - from very small to spacious, designed for a large family.

Project No. 1

The first project is a house 6 x 10 meters in plan - its overall dimensions are very modest. This is a small house with two bedrooms; a family of three can comfortably live in such a house. At the entrance the house has a small terrace under the roof.

The house has a separate kitchen with its own bathroom and a large living-dining room measuring 21 square meters. The kitchen in this house measures 3 x 4.5 meters.

Project No. 2

The next house is larger than the previous one - with a length of 10 meters, it also has an overall width of 10 meters, although in plan it is not rectangular, but has a more complex outline.

The house has three bedrooms, it has two bathrooms, one of which is equipped with a bath. In the center of the house there is a living room of 25 square meters, from which there is access to the terrace. The kitchen measures 3 x 4 meters. The disadvantage of this project is that the living room is a walk-through and from it there is an entrance to the bedrooms. It can be improved by moving the wall between the kitchen and living room, creating a single kitchen-dining-living room space and highlighting a corridor from which there will be doors to the bedrooms.

Project No. 3

This is a house project 9 x 11 meters, quite spacious, but not huge. Moreover, adjacent to the wall of the house is a car parking area with a canopy. If desired, the parking lot can be turned into a garage by laying down the walls. The house has three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The total area is 70 meters without a balcony, terrace and garage.

The disadvantage of this project is the same as the previous one. The plan can be refined by adding a walk-through living room to one of the bedrooms. Thus, by sacrificing the latter, we get a large living room measuring 3.5 x 6 meters.

Project No. 4

This house is quite spacious, its dimensions are 8.5 by 12 meters. The house has three bedrooms, one of which is very large - measuring 4 x 4.5 meters. The other two bedrooms are smaller, 9 square meters each.

The house has two entrances - from the street and from the courtyard. There is a covered porch at each entrance. The layout of the house requires clarification; the living room can be combined with the kitchen, and the guest bathroom can be moved closer to the main entrance. Also, in such a large area, it is possible to fence off technical rooms: laundry, ironing, etc.

Project No. 5

This is a large house for a large family. Dimensions in plan: 12 x 12.5 meters. On such a huge area you can place three bedrooms, a kitchen-dining room, a living room, an office and a number of technical rooms.

The designers who created this project, in my opinion, handled the distribution of areas unreasonably. I would remove the right bathroom and make a large kitchen-living room measuring 6.5 by 7 meters, zone it correctly, and designate the remaining rooms for bedrooms and children’s rooms. There would also be room for a study.

Project No. 6

A one-story house measuring 15.5 by 10 meters. This project is very big house. The house has a carport designed for two cars, which can be turned into a full-fledged built-in garage.

In such a large area can live big family, needing three bedrooms and two bathrooms.

Project No. 7

Nice house project 10 x 9 meters. The house compactly houses three bedrooms, a large living room measuring 6 x 3.5 meters and a separate kitchen measuring 9 meters.

The living room has a beautiful bay window, which creates an interesting plasticity of the facade.

Project No. 8

Project of a one-story house 6 x 6 meters in overall dimensions. The house has two bedrooms and one large kitchen-living area.

At the entrance there is a small terrace with a canopy. The bathroom has an entrance from the kitchen area.

The house has access to the courtyard. The bedrooms are quite modest in size, 3 x 3 meters. Sliding wardrobes and the presence of two windows in each of them save the situation.

Project No. 9

Nice house project with a high roof. Dimensions are 8 x 9 meters, the walls in plan have a complex geometry. This is a chalet style house that will look very picturesque.

The layout, in my opinion, needs some improvement.

Project No. 10

Project of a one-story house 9 x 8 meters with two bedrooms. The house has a large roof terrace.

One bedroom is large 5 x 3.5 meters, the second is smaller - 4 x 3 meters. The kitchen is fenced off in separate room, living-dining room walk-through. The layout can be adjusted to suit your needs.

Project No. 11

A one-story house 9 x 9 meters with a measured plan. Inside the house there is a winter garden, two bedrooms and a kitchen-living room.

Good option for country house for a family of three. Instead of a winter garden, you can arrange an office or a small guest room.

Project No. 12

House project in modern style with a flat roof. The dimensions of the house in plan are 8 x 8 meters. A carport has been installed. The house has one large bedroom of 16 square meters and a single kitchen-living room space.

Instead of a carport, it would be more correct to arrange another bedroom, in my opinion.

Project No. 13

Large house 9 x 13 meters. The plan has complex shape. Three bedrooms, kitchen, living room and dining room.

There is immediately space for a car under the roof canopy.

Project No. 14

A large house with dimensions of 9 x 14 meters. The facade is very interesting, the house is one-story.

Beautiful stained glass glazing at the entrance. First we find ourselves in the living-dining room, then into the corridor, from which there is an entrance to the kitchen and three bedrooms.

Along the house there is a narrow terrace, which will be pleasant to use for relaxation.

Project No. 15

Project of a one-story house measuring 11 x 11 meters in plan.

The house can have four bedrooms, although in the presented project there are three. One bedroom is very large - almost 20 square meters. It can be divided into two bedrooms of 10 m2 each.

Project No. 16

Dimensions of the house are 6 x 9 meters. The house has three bedrooms and a small living room.

The kitchen is, as it were, separately attached to the house along with a terrace leading out to the courtyard.

Project No. 17

An interesting project for a narrow house for a long plot.

The house has three bedrooms and two bathrooms, one of which has a bath.

The debate about how many floors in a house are better will never end. Traditionally, they are intertwined with considerations of economy, rational use usable space and aesthetics. For example, if the plot is 6 acres, and there are more than 4 people in a family, then one floor is clearly not enough - there are not enough rooms for everyone to live comfortably. On the other hand, modern one-story houses are always popular with buyers. Housing with an area of ​​up to 70 m² is equally suitable for a young family and adult couples whose children have already left for their apartments, and a house of 100 square meters will be spacious for a young family of 4-5 people. In addition, the size of the plot decides a lot - to comfortably place an average house on it you need at least 10 acres.

A good project is not only a layout, but also a competent placement on the site

Pros and cons of a 1-story house

To determine the feasibility of construction, you need to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages. Pros of a one-story house:

    You can prepare the project yourself

    Lightweight foundation and walls, lower costs

    Simple scheme engineering communications (electrical wiring, heating, water supply, sewerage)

    Easy to build without special equipment and scaffolding

    Save time moving between rooms

    Safety for children, elderly and disabled people

    The stairs do not hide the usable area

    Psychological comfort, the house is always under control

    The area can be increased if you equip the attic

Video description

Visually about the pros and cons of one-story houses in the video:

The disadvantages include the high cost of the roof. Roofing materials and installation cost approximately the same as the foundation. But for a two-story cottage, the roof is cheaper because the coverage area is small. One more thing: in a one-level house you cannot make a balcony to admire the views from above. The only alternative here is an attic, but its arrangement is also an additional expense.

Houses with an attic are classified as one-story, but these are separate projects

Selecting the main parameters of the cottage

Construction companies offer beautiful one-story houses inexpensively. Their prices are quite reasonable. The main thing is not to skimp on the key components of the building - the foundation, walls and roof.

A columnar, strip or pile structure is suitable as a base. Their strength is enough to withstand the load of one floor with a roof. The choice of the appropriate type depends on the materials from which you plan to build the house and the features of the landscape.

For swampy soil, it is better to drive piles, then its changes will not affect the integrity of the building. They can easily withstand brick walls. It is recommended to build a wooden house on a columnar foundation. It’s possible even on a steep bank. The strip structure needs stable soil. The walls can be brick, stone or foam concrete.

Before laying the foundation, you need to decide on the size of the future building. A plan for a one-story house will help you do this.

The foundation follows the plan of the house and shows all its load-bearing walls

The area and number of rooms depend on the budget and family composition of the residents. However, it is necessary to adhere to the minimum building standards:

    Hall area from 12 sq. m

    Kitchen from 6 sq. m

    Bedroom from 8 sq.m. m

    Bathroom from 4 sq. m

In addition to these rooms, the house must have a separate room for boiler equipment and storage of equipment. The height of the walls is not less than 2.5 m. Without compliance with these standards, the local administration will not give permission for construction.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects one-story houses from construction companies represented at the exhibition of Low-Rise Country houses.

Based on these figures, a cottage project is drawn up with the exact location of rooms, door and window openings, heating systems, and communications. Here we mean the main furniture with household appliances. The more specific, the easier it will be for builders to work. Virtual interior models help you check the comfort of living in your future home. It’s good if the entrances to the bedrooms are from the corridor and not from other rooms.

A 3D model of a house allows you to clearly evaluate the pros and cons of the layout

As for the total area of ​​the house, for one person it is ideally 30 square meters. m. More is lonely, less is crowded. So, for a family of 5 people, a cottage needs 150 square meters. And a very large one-story house is not needed, so as not to go broke on materials and maintenance.

Materials and technologies for building a house

When the project for the future cottage is ready, it’s time to purchase materials for construction. Most often for the construction of a one-story house they use:


Such a house is the most durable - it is not afraid of moisture, fire, temperature changes, mold and does not require special care. With brickwork, beautiful one-story houses are obtained without additional external decoration. The building looks impressive, and the brick itself is generally suitable for implementing various design solutions. Many people are forced to abandon bricks by the high cost of mortar and labor. The installation itself takes longer than with other materials. The foundation must be deep and strong. Ceramics absorb a lot of heat, heating requires additional energy.

Brick house is a design classic

Foam blocks

The properties are similar to brick, only the dimensions are 3 times larger. The blocks are fastened together with cement mortar. Foam concrete does not cause any harm to health. Keeps heat well and soundproofs the room. However, it requires obligatory lining, as it actively absorbs water and steam. It cracks easily during transportation and shrinkage of the foundation.

A house made of foam blocks is one of the leaders in construction speed

Wooden beam

The most environmentally friendly material for the home. It can be laid in any weather. The construction technology is simple and does not require a large team of workers. The logs are placed on top of each other, inserting a tenon into the groove. Between them there is a thin layer of thermal insulation. A lightweight foundation is suitable - columnar or strip. The cladding inside and outside is not necessarily made of wood, and without this, beautiful designs of one-story houses are obtained, besides, modern craftsmanship makes it possible to build interesting and even fairy-tale houses even from timber. The disadvantages of timber include fragility, susceptibility to fungi, and low fire resistance. To protect your home, you need to periodically treat the walls with protective compounds.

A house made of timber is beautiful even without any decoration

Frame buildings

Finnish frame construction technology is gradually moving to Russia. The shield resembles a sandwich: there is insulation in the middle, and oriented strand panel (OSB) at the edges. These are ready-made walls that are connected to each other with grooves. This material is cheaper than its competitors and the frame of a house can be built in a week. No additional thermal insulation is needed. But it is more suitable for a summer house or cottage in a warm climatic zone. The service life is even shorter than that of a foam block. Wooden panels are susceptible to fire, moisture and mold.

Exterior decoration of a frame house is only a matter of imagination

Which is better: a ready-made or an individual project?

A family planning to acquire their own home approaches the project responsibly. Usually owners want something extraordinary. But some prefer finished projects one-story houses. Moreover, construction companies offer thousands of options for planning a cottage with an area of ​​up to 150 square meters. m.

Individual plan it takes a lot of time to make it ergonomic, beautiful and technically possible. Without special skills, nothing will work. But ordering a personal project from an architect is expensive and time-consuming.

If the owner has time and money, then you can order an individual drawing of a one-story house. In other cases it is better to take ready-made option. It will be thoroughly thought out and agreed upon for construction.

Video description

In the video there are projects of beautiful one-story houses:

Project options for 1-story cottages

Of the standard layouts, 4 types are popular. And regardless of the materials used in construction, in deft, experienced hands, beautiful one-story houses are obtained: we’ll look at projects and photo examples right now.

Three bedroom house for adults and two children.

Total area 100 sq. m. The kitchen with an arch and the combined living-dining room occupy a third of the entire space. The wide glass sliding door to the terrace is the highlight of this home. In summer you can dine outdoors. There is a boiler room next to the kitchen. The bathroom is small, but it contains all the necessary plumbing. The entrance hall and the hall are separated by a door. All bedrooms are located next to each other, which is convenient for parents and children.

It will not be possible to create a small and comfortable house with three bedrooms

House with garage.

Nowadays, every family has at least 1 car. Leave him on the street all year round undesirable to avoid premature appearance of rust. The ideal solution is one-story houses with a garage under one roof. It can be installed right in the house, then people won’t have to get wet in the rain again. An example of such a project is shown in the figure.

In our catalog, you can see the most popular construction companies, specializing in building houses, among the houses presented at the exhibition is Low-Rise Country.

House with an area of ​​320 sq. m requires a spacious plot of land. But everything in it is thought out to the smallest detail. You can go inside through any of 4 entrances: porch, garage, summer kitchen and terrace. The cottage has 2 bedrooms measuring about 19 square meters. m. One of them is for parents, the other for same-sex children. 2 bathrooms and a laundry room, a dressing room - all rooms have free access from the hall. The kitchen is combined with the living room, its total area is 36 sq. m. m. There is also access to a spacious terrace for a feast in warm weather. The summer kitchen is not insulated, the garage can also be left cold. The house has a dedicated room for a study. If necessary, guests will spend the night there.

The garage looks like a natural extension of the house

The garage can also be frontal, that is, protruding forward. Living area 171 sq. m. The house is designed for a family of up to 6 people. It has 4 bedrooms - for parents and 3 children. To avoid queues in front of the bathroom, the designers provided 2 combined bathrooms and 1 guest toilet with a sink and toilet. All bedrooms have access to the backyard. Huge living room of 40 sq. m combined with a 13-meter kitchen. An excellent place for gatherings of a large family, which has a long table and a fireplace. Through the garage you can enter the vestibule of the house or the boiler room.

Front garage usually large sizes– can accommodate two cars

If the plot is 6-8 acres, then a cottage with one floor will be about 70 square meters. m. There is enough space for 2-3 people, but for a large family it will be cramped. In this case, it is recommended to build a house with an attic. This is an economical solution that will add about 50 square meters of usable space.

The staircase to the attic is usually placed in the middle of one of the walls

On the 1st floor there will be a kitchen-living room of 33 sq. m, bathroom, boiler room and office. The common room has access to the backyard, as well as large window near the table. Total living area 70 sq. m. Staircase to the attic inside the building.

In the furnished attic there are 3 bedrooms, two adjacent ones have access to a small balcony. And also a spacious bathroom. The total floor area is about 45 sq. m. m.

A house with an attic has a large roof area

House with a bay window.

An interesting design solution is a bay window. It can accommodate a winter garden, a table or an armchair. The appearance of such a house is superior to standard ones. square boxes. Wooden one-story houses, the designs of which include a bay window, are in demand.

Today, projects of one-story houses and various cottages are incredibly popular among modern youth, which is quite easily explained. Of course, it is much easier to build this type of house, it turns out faster in terms of time and is much cheaper thanks to the use simple solutions in the drawings regarding the design.

When choosing a future one-story house project for construction, it is important to understand that in this case all the rooms will in any case be on the same level and, as a result, the most important things will always be nearby.

Almost all modern one-story houses are perfect for people who no longer work and are retired due to age.

If your main goal when moving is to save money cash, then this is the most best option, since one-story houses with a small area of ​​​​about 100 sq.m. They retain heat well and at the same time do not require significant costs for such an important expense item as heating.

Pros and cons of projects with one-story houses

If you now have a space from 70 to 125-130 sq.m. ready, then a one-story house 10 by 10 can be an excellent choice. They have quite a lot in front of the two-story ones various benefits and here are some of them.

Firstly, the ease of construction. It will take much less time to build a house with the same living volume. Due to the presence of only one floor, in any case, the foundation of the house is smaller; its future construction does not become more complicated, since when initially laying the foundation necessary for a house with two floors or more, the greater pressure of the walls directly on it is necessarily taken into account.

Secondly, the cost of the building is lower.

Thirdly, there is no need for a ladder, which in practice takes up quite a lot large number required useful volume during construction. In addition, the absence of a ladder minimizes possible injuries. This should be especially taken into account if a small child lives in the house.

However, like any project, the layout of a one-story house may have its drawbacks. It is worth noting here that the cost of land for future development is quite large.

If construction is planned within the city, then one cannot help but pay attention to the fact that a two-story house can be built on a smaller area.

The process of planning a house and its rooms

If you decide to build a 12 by 12 house, then there are a number of points that must be taken into account when planning the building.

When drawing up a detailed plan yourself, it is important to remember the following details:

  • The location of the building relative to the wind rose, as well as the cardinal directions.
  • Features of landscape design around the building.
  • The direction in which groundwater flows.
  • Buildings that appeared long before the start of construction of a new house on the territory, their characteristic features, as well as the immediate distance from the site, which was allocated for future construction.
  • Linking to existing communication systems.
  • House shape.
  • The number of rooms inside the house, the purpose of each.
  • The ability to highlight hidden areas that can be used as useful space if small amendments are made to the standard project.

Important point. It is best if all parts of the communication system are combined into units, as this will make it possible to significantly reduce costs and get rid of the installation of parts that are not needed. For example, a bathroom and a kitchen should have an adjacent combination, which will avoid laying additional pipelines.

Nuances of the design stage

If you decide to choose a house with a terrace, then it is very important to pay due attention to communication systems. Since installing long pipes necessarily involves a huge number of different connections, it is best if you manage to minimize the length of your pipeline at the initial stage. In this way, it will be possible to minimize the risk of leakage.

U sewer system there must be good drainage of water. It is calculated in such a way that it can take in a daily volume of liquid if a powerful power supply is operating in the building at the same time. washing machine, household appliances like dishwasher and the bathroom is used. This moment will mainly depend on the number of residents in your house and, accordingly, their water needs.

When considering frame houses, you must understand that when linking any living space to communication systems, it is important to take into account all sanitary and hygienic standards.

Basically, all wastewater is sent for processing today in a natural manner. They should be removed only to a specially designated place just for these purposes. You will have to obtain official special permission from the sanitary service, and then independently organize a pit for future waste.

It is prohibited to use ponds or even storm drains for drainage. For these actions, the sanitary service may impose a fine, since this entails pollution of the surrounding groundwater, as well as nature in general.

Therefore, when organizing your sewer system, you must carefully study all the rules that relate to this process.

When looking at photos of one-story houses, it can be very difficult to decide which project is truly more successful than the others.

The optimal location today is that the winds in your suburban area should predominantly be directed directly into the roof slopes. In this way, it is possible to reduce resistance, an important wind load during bad weather and various strong gusts. In addition, precipitation in this case will never fall into the gables.

Having decided to build a one-story house with a garage in a place characterized by frequent changes in the direction of winds, it is best to use a roof of one of two types: hip, half-hip, since these designs have great opportunity independently form additional planes or canopies that will protect the walls from the unpleasant effects of frequent precipitation.

Remember that there are many nuances to the landscape of the chosen area. And never place your house in the lowest or highest high zone allocated area.

There is a huge number of the most various options to quickly create a comfortable, but at the same time convenient floor plan for the future development of your favorite suburban area. The choice is limited only by yours financial capabilities and fantasy.

Photos of one-story houses

When the time comes to build your own house, the question of which project to choose is one of the first to arise. Naturally, the layout, number of floors, and living space depend on the characteristics of the site, personal preferences and how large the family will live or vacation there. But still, when choosing a project for your cottage, pay attention to one-story houses, which have many advantages.

The number of floors of the future house should be chosen based on the functionality and characteristics of the people living in it. An important factor is also the cost-effectiveness of construction, as well as the area of ​​the site: on large territory a one-story house will look most appropriate, but on medium-sized and even small plots it will be an excellent option if its design is chosen correctly.

One-story houses more economical both in terms of construction and in terms of operation. it does not require as much power as for multi-storey buildings, but, however, the larger the area of ​​the house, the greater the cost of the foundation. The construction of walls in such a house will cost much less, because they will not need to be further reinforced to withstand the load top floor. Another aspect of savings is the installation of communications, the circuits of which in a one-story house are much simpler, which means their implementation will take less time and require less financial costs, and heating a one-story house in winter is much easier and cheaper than a two-story one. But you can save not only at the construction stage, but also on operation, because repair work will be much cheaper. In addition, such houses are excellent for families with children and elderly people, because they do not have structures that can cause injuries. A one-story house or cottage also attracts attention from a purely psychological point of view, because it creates a feeling of unity, which is important, especially if it is a family with children.

When choosing a one-story house project for yourself, it is worth considering one of its features - large area roof, which means its installation should be approached carefully, and the costs here will be higher than in a two-story house of the same square footage.

Option one-story project will be most suitable if you need to build a house with an area of ​​about 100 m2, and at the same time use funds, time and effort as rationally and economically as possible. Often one of the disadvantages of one-story houses is the peculiarity of the layout, in which some rooms will necessarily be walk-through. But this can easily be avoided if you choose a suitable project, and we chose several of the most best projects one-story houses.

Classic one-story house

This is a 61 m2 house with a spacious living room, kitchen, bathroom, two bedrooms and a storage room. It is ideal for a family of three or can be used as a home, as it combines such important qualities as efficiency and comfort.

The project attracts attention with a spacious living room, which is combined with a kitchen. There is not only a fireplace in the room - there is also a huge glazed exit to the terrace. If you want to have a small picnic or lunch outdoors, you can quickly and easily take everything you need right from the kitchen. The covered terrace will allow you to be there in any weather: both when the sun is blinding and when it rains. Two bright, spacious bedrooms will make your stay comfortable and enjoyable, and all the necessary things that you may need in the garden, house, etc. can be stored in the pantry.

The simple shape of the house itself and the gable roof make it possible to erect a similar building in as soon as possible, save on construction and utility bills. The combination of all these advantages makes this project one of the most thoughtful, comfortable and economical.

Iris project

Chic huge house for a large family that is very demanding about its own coziness and comfort. The area is 160 m2, the project involves using laminated veneer lumber as a material for the construction of walls. Stunning appearance and spacious functional rooms are the main advantages of this one-story house. On its area there are three large bedrooms, a kitchen with a living room, an entrance hall, several bathrooms and other rooms.

Fairytale house

The project of a real fairy-tale house with an area of ​​110 m2 is optimal for a large family: there are three rooms, a couple of bathrooms and the trump card of the house - a living room combined with a kitchen. The walls of the house can be made of ceramic blocks, which will make construction not very expensive, and a strip or monolithic prefabricated foundation will make the building durable and reliable.

This house attracts attention with its clear division into day and night zones: and if the night zone is simply the most functional, then the day zone can attract the attention of anyone. The large living room here is equipped with a fireplace and is adjacent to the kitchen, which is decorated with a corner window. At first glance, it may seem that this is a trifle, but in fact such a window allows more into the room. sunlight, makes the room visually more spacious, and, most importantly, unique and original. But that’s not all: huge glass doors lead from the living room to the courtyard. They, while remaining reliable protection for all residents, let light into the house, unite with nature, and on the adjacent terrace you can have a picnic at any time, because everything you need is at hand, in the adjacent kitchen.

The night area of ​​the house contains three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a storage room, and spacious corridors allow you to place an additional built-in wardrobe: convenient if a large family lives in the house and there is really a lot of things.

House with front garage

A huge spacious house that provides comfort, convenience and coziness to each of its inhabitants. The total area here is 212 m2, the living area is 178 m2, there is a garage for two cars, three bedrooms, several bathrooms, many utility rooms where you can store tools, household items, install built-in wardrobes, etc.

Externally, a house built according to such a project cannot be called anything other than luxurious, but the triangular attic window gives it a zest. This project is unique, as it provides the opportunity to completely customize everything to your taste, even to the extent of equipping a full second floor, giving about another 90 m2 of space. Also amenable to “remodeling” is a large bathroom, which can be divided into two, bedrooms, which can turn into an office, library, etc.

The house can be visually divided into two zones: night and day. The day area has a spacious living room with plenty of natural light, helped by a huge covered doorway leading directly to the deck and backyard. This allows you not only to save electricity and make the most of natural light, but also creates comfort of movement, because you can go out into the yard quickly and easily, and grab ready-made food from the kitchen.

In the night area of ​​the house there are three bedrooms and two separate bathrooms, the entrance to which is not through the bedrooms, but from the common corridor. A huge hallway will allow you to conveniently arrange any system of cabinets and carefully store numerous things. In addition, the house has access to the garage, which is adjacent to the workshop. The garage can accommodate two cars. In this house, every detail has been thought out for the comfort of a large family.

Cozy house with a large covered terrace

This house, despite its miniature dimensions, can become comfortable both for permanent residence and for seasonal holidays. With an area of ​​65 m2, it accommodates everything you need, namely three bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen with a living room, and the terrace area is simply phenomenal - 30 m2, which makes the house ideal for a family holiday, especially since the terrace is equipped with an external fireplace: with its help You can fry kebabs and heat the house, since it is double.

The design of this one-story house with a wooden facade is striking in its thoughtfulness, because three bedrooms and a spacious bathroom are comfortably located in a very small area. In addition, in the common corridor there is enough space to put a closet, arrange shelves and other storage areas. The kitchen area is combined with the living room and has access to the terrace. All this is done for maximum comfort of the family who lives here permanently or comes to relax. The covered terrace can be arranged as you like, you can even organize several zones there: a dining area, a beach area, an area with comfortable chairs and a coffee table, because you don’t have to be afraid atmospheric precipitation and direct sunlight.

Feature and main advantage of this project– non-standard arrangement of inputs. Thus, the central entrance is located at the back of the house, and at the front the house welcomes guests with two entrances to the bedrooms and a swimming pool, which is accessed by a huge glazed door from the living room. The fact that you can immediately go out into the courtyard from two bedrooms and from the living room is the key difference between this project and a number of similar ones. The bright, spacious living room is equipped with a fireplace and smoothly flows into the casual kitchen area. The project assumes the presence of two bathrooms, which will be especially convenient for a large family. There are a number of rooms that can be equipped as storage rooms, dressing rooms, utility rooms, which will make life in such a house comfortable. Following the idea of ​​the project, you can install a strictly square-shaped swimming pool on the terrace, which emphasizes the minimalism and futurism of the whole house.