Roman Abramovich. Biography. Abramovich, Roman Arkadyevich - biography Who is Abramovich and what does he do

Roman Abramovich is an entrepreneur, one of the richest people in the world. He gained wide popularity in the course of his work as governor of Chukotka autonomous region.


Roman Abramovich was born on October 24, 1966 in a family of workers. The father was a builder and the main earner in the family; the profession of the mother is not known for certain. The family lived in the city of Saratov.

Roman's childhood cannot be called easy: when the boy was only one year old, he lost his mother. However, his trials did not end there. His father, trying to provide for his family, worked hard. One of the days at the construction site turned out to be fatal for him - as a result of an accident, he died, leaving his son a complete orphan.

After the loss of his parents, little Roman was taken in by relatives. The first responder was his own uncle, who lives in the city of Ukhta, where the boy subsequently moved.

When Roman was 8 years old, he was waiting for another move - this time to Moscow. There he came under the guardianship of another uncle, Abram. Simultaneously with the change of residence, the boy went to educational institution. School No. 232 was chosen as a start, in which he studied until graduation.

Studying never attracted Roman - that's all school items seemed boring to him, and immediately after receiving the certificate, he decided to go to serve in the army.

Upon his return from service, he nevertheless succumbed to the persuasion of relatives to receive higher education. Roman chose the direction as close as possible to his hobbies and opportunities at that time - the Faculty of Forestry Engineering of the Regional Institute. The granite of science this time turned out to be uninteresting for him, which is why he later dropped out of school. The only useful thing that Roman learned from his studies was the discovery of his own organizational skills, which were useful to him in the future.


The beginning of the career of Roman Abramovich can be considered the beginning of the 80s. It was during this period that he first turned his attention to entrepreneurial activity. The money accumulated during part-time jobs was enough for him to purchase the first enterprise, Uyut, whose profile of work consisted in the manufacture of children's toys. Even then, he met colleagues with whom he still does business (in the future they will jointly manage the Sibneft enterprise).

However, the chosen field of work was not enough to realize Roman's ambitions, and he decided to try his hand at trading. The most promising area then was already the oil industry. The similarity of interests and the desire to prove himself in business pushed the young motivated person into a number of "important" people. Among the loudest names are Boris Berezovsky and Boris Yeltsin.

Then came the "dashing 90s". Roman, already having a lot of capital at that time, was able to become the founder of a number of large corporations. It is noteworthy that despite exponentially growing income, he managed to avoid the attention of the press for a long time. Factor X in this matter turned out to be the declassification of his working ties with Boris Yeltsin. At this time, Roman was the head of AVK, still focusing on working with oil. It was during that period of his life that the entrepreneur first became involved in a major scandal (a case was opened about the theft of a large consignment of fuel).

Roman Abramovich: Yes, I am an oligarch!

In 1998, Abramovich's name was finally mentioned in the media. He was credited with a close friendship with Boris Yeltsin and even conducting the personal affairs of the president. In the late 90s, Roman collaborated a lot with another "growing" billionaire - Oleg Deripaska, who later became the central figure in the scandal with Nastya Rybka and Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko. As the head of Sibneft, Abramovich became the owner of a large stake in Aeroflot.

Interview with Roman Abramovich

Further, in the early 2000s (2001-2008), Roman directed his forces to a "peaceful" course and became the governor of Chukotka. Under his leadership, the region's oil industry grew at a rapid pace. In 2003, Roman became the owner of the Chelsea club - under his "beginning" the club won the UEFA Champions League.

The period after 2008 was concentrated on the management of existing enterprises and development in the real estate sector. At that time, Abramovich's fortune reached the highest mark for him so far - $ 23.5 billion.

Personal life of Roman Abramovich

Roman Abramovich had three official marriages. With his first wife, Olga Lysova, he met in a business environment. After parting with her, the billionaire drew attention to the stewardess Irina Malandina, whose marriage brought him five children. The couple's relationship ended in 2007.

There are no less white spots in the biography of Roman Abramovich than in the photographs of Chukotka he leads. For some, he is the owner of Sibneft, for others, he is the governor of Chukotka. Some people do not know anything about this mysterious figure at all. Mystery man. By Forbes versions Roman Abramovich topped the list the richest people Russia, according to Time, he is one of the most influential people in the world.

Roman Abramovich was born on October 24, 1966 in Saratov in the family of an employee of the Syktyvkar Economic Council. His mother died when Abramovich was one and a half years old. His father died when Abramovich was four years old. After the death of his parents, Roman was adopted by his father's brother and lived with his family in Moscow until graduating from high school. According to the recollections of relatives, Roman was always emphatically polite, sociable and was known as a rather sensible child.

According to one version, Abramovich studied for several months at an industrial institute in Ukhta, served in Soviet army an ordinary autoplatoon of an artillery regiment. According to the second version, Abramovich studied at the Moscow Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry. I. M. Gubkin, although the institute itself does not confirm the fact of his studies. There is a version that he entered two universities at once - both in Ukhta and in Moscow. According to other testimonies, Abramovich gnawed at the granite of science at the Moscow State Law Academy and received the specialty of a lawyer.

Roman Abramovich: first steps in business

Roman Abramovich began his career in 1987 as a mechanic at the construction department No. 122 of the Mosspetsmontazh trust. Abramovich himself tells how, while studying at the institute, he organized the Uyut cooperative in parallel: “We made toys from polymers. Those guys with whom we worked in the cooperative, then made up the management of Sibneft, then for some time I was a broker on the stock exchange. They sold products in the markets of Moscow (including Luzhniki), which made it possible for that period of time to make a profit in cash and pay taxes.

In 1992-1995, he created 5 firms: IPP Firm Supertechnology-Shishmarev, CJSC Elita, CJSC Petroltrans, CJSC GID, NPR firm, engaged in the production of consumer goods and intermediary activities. In the course of his business activities, Abramovich has repeatedly attracted attention law enforcement. So, on June 19, 1992, Roman Abramovich was taken into custody on suspicion of stealing 55 wagons with diesel fuel from the Ukhta oil refinery in the amount of about 4 million rubles. There is no information about the results of the investigation.

In 1993, Roman Abramovich continued his commercial activities, in particular, the sale of oil from the city of Noyabrsk. From 1993 to 1996 he was the head of the Moscow branch Swiss company RUNICOM S.A.

Roman Abramovich and Sibneft

Roman AbramovichRoman Abramovich's entry into the big oil business is associated with Boris Berezovsky and the latter's struggle for the possession of OAO Sibneft. In May 1995, Berezovsky and Abramovich created CJSC P.K.-Trust.

The years 1995-1996 were fruitful for Abramovich in the creation of new firms. He establishes 10 more companies: Mekong CJSC, Centurion-M CJSC, Agrofert LLC, Multitrans CJSC, Oilimpex CJSC, Sibreal CJSC, Forneft CJSC, Servet CJSC, CJSC " Branko, LLC Vector-A, which, together with Berezovsky, used to acquire shares in OAO Sibneft. In June 1996, Roman Abramovich joined the board of directors of JSC Noyabrskneftegaz (one of the companies included in Sibneft), and also became the head of the Moscow representative office of Sibneft.

Having set themselves the goal of taking over the Sibneft company, Roman Abramovich and his associates used the tried-and-tested method of the “shares-for-shares” auction. It should be noted that the law did not at all provide for such a method of privatization as the alienation of state property taken as a pledge. On September 20, 1996, an investment competition was held for the sale of a state-owned stake in 19% of the shares of Sibneft. Winner - CJSC Firm Sins. On October 24, 1996, an investment competition was held for the sale of another 15% stake in Sibneft, which was in state ownership. Winner - CJSC "Refine-Oil". On May 12, 1997, a commercial competition was held for the sale of a state-owned stake in 51% of the shares of Sibneft. And Abramovich's firms won again. All these firms arose shortly before the competitions. In 1996-1997 Roman Abramovich was the director of the Moscow branch of OAO Sibneft. Since September 1996 - Member of the Board of Directors of Sibneft.

Roman Abramovich: Governor of Chukotka

In December 1999, Roman Abramovich was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the Chukotka single-mandate constituency. He won the election of the governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug on December 24, 2000, with over 90% of the vote. In October 2005, the President of Russia submitted Abramovich's candidacy for consideration by the Duma of Chukotka to empower him with the powers of the governor again. The deputies approved Abramovich's candidacy unanimously.

Notable is the fact that in March 2001, Abramovich handed over own funds$18 million to improve the living conditions of Chukotka residents. There are several versions of why Roman Abramovich needed to be elected governor of Chukotka. In his own words, "it's just a pity for the Chukchi." According to another version, his election is political in nature, since in this case he becomes a legal politician. There is also an economic version, since oil and gas production is considered the most promising area for the development of Chukotka. Chukotka is also rich in gold. Another wealth of Chukotka, which may be of interest to Abramovich, is bioresources, namely fish.

Roman Abramovich's personal life, Abramovich's wife

The first wife of Roman Abramovich was Olga, with whom he did not live long. With the second wife Irina Roman was associated for more than 15 years life together and five children. Their marriage was registered on October 18, 1991, and dissolved on March 12, 2007. According to rumors, it was Abramovich's wife Irina who became the "fault" of her husband's numerous successes in the business Olympus, with her help more than one profitable deal was concluded.

Roman Abramovich's fortune

Roman Abramovich, together with his partners through the UK-registered holding company Millhouse Capital, controls more than 80% of Sibneft, Russia's fifth largest oil company, 50% of the aluminum company "Russian Aluminum" ("RusAl") and 26% of the company "Aeroflot". Through intermediary firms, according to some reports, the “Abramovich holding” includes power plants, factories for the production of cars and trucks, buses, paper mills, banks and Insurance companies in different regions Russia. The share of this "holding" accounts for 3 to 4% of Russia's GDP.

Partners of Roman Abramovich

Roman AbramovichRusal combines the interests of Abramovich and Oleg Deripaska. It is curious that at the beginning of 2000, when the purchase of controlling stakes in Siberian aluminum smelters by Sibneft shareholders was announced, relations between the two contenders for the position of leader in the industry were quite tense. At first, everything went to their confrontation and fierce competition for metallurgical assets. However, within just a few weeks, Abramovich and Deripaska agreed on the consolidation of assets and the creation of Rusal.

Alexander Mamut (MDM, Troika Dialog), Andrey Melnichenko (MDM), Alexander Abramov (EvrazHolding) and Iskander Makhmudov (UMMC) are also called business partners of Abramovich and Deripaska. According to experts, this group controls up to 20% of Russia's GDP.

Roman Abramovich and Chelsea

In July 2001, Roman Abramovich acquired a controlling stake in Chelsea, the oldest English football club, and bought out his debts for £140 million. The value of the club's shares on the London Stock Exchange immediately increased almost three times. The purchase of a foreign club by the governor of Chukotka, naturally, caused a strong reaction in Russia and Great Britain. There were rumors that the sensational contract was just a successful pr-action, according to other versions, Abramovich's first step in the sports business.

Roman Abramovich between London and Chukotka


According to media reports, Roman Abramovich "lives between London and Anadyr, which does not prevent him from sometimes having dinner in Canada." But it is, of course, impossible to speak of the “chief of Chukotka” as a 100% emigrant. As the governor of one of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, he is obliged to have Russian citizenship and at least occasionally visit his constituents.

Roman Abramovich on stage

The life of Roman Abramovich, already honored with an English-language biography, can become an English musical. English show producer Billy Guff, whose "project" for a long time was the famous rock musician Rod Stewart, bought the rights to his book "Abramovich: Millionaire from Nowhere" from writer Chris Hutchins. Guff wants to order the music to Sir Elton John, and the musical itself, according to the producer's intention, voiced by the British tabloid The Sun, will "shake the scenes of Europe."

Roman Arkadyevich AbramovichRussian entrepreneur, billionaire, former governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, deputy of the Chukotka District Duma (2008), chairman of the Duma of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (2008-2013). Owner of Chelsea Football Club (London).

Childhood of Roman Abramovich

Father - Arkady Nakhimovich Abramovich (1937−1969) - worked in the economic council of the Autonomous Republic of Komi. Roman Abramovich's mother, Irina Vasilievna Abramovich (maiden name - Mikhailenko) was a music teacher, died when Roman was 1 year old.

Abramovich's grandfather Nakhim (Nakhman) Leibovich and grandmother Toibe (Tatiana) Stepanovna (according to other sources - Semyonovna) were wealthy residents of the Lithuanian city of Taurage, after the annexation of Lithuania to the USSR, they lost their property and were deported to Siberia, having lost each other on the train. Abramovich's grandfather died in 1942 in the Reshety camp (Krasnoyarsk Territory) as a result of an accident, a tractor with Nakhim Abramovich fell into a pit, as the biography of the oligarch says. Toybe raised three sons - Roman Abramovich's father Arkady and his brothers Leib and Abram. As a neighbor of the Abramovichs recalled in an interview with SP, Tatyana Semyonovna was a seamstress, she sewed clothes even for actors in Syktyvkar theaters.

Abramovich's maternal grandmother Faina Borisovna Grutman (1906-1991) was evacuated to Saratov from Ukraine at the beginning of the war. There is almost no information about Abramovich's grandfather Vasily Mikhailenko in biographies. In Alexander Khinshtein's book "Berezovsky and Abramovich: Oligarchs from the High Road", it is said that "only the euphonious surname Mikhailenko" remained from him.

Abramovich's parents met in Saratov, where Arkady Abramovich studied in absentia at the Road Institute. Irina Mikhailenko graduated from a music school and worked as a piano teacher at a school at the garrison officers' house. Having married, Arkady and Irina left for Syktyvkar, where Abramovich's father rose to a senior position in the supply department of the Komistroy construction association. Irina for the birth of Roman Abramovich came to her mother in Saratov, and then returned to Syktyvkar with the child. Abramovich's mother died of leukemia in 1967, according to Khinshtein's book, the cause was an unsuccessful abortion.

Arkady Abramovich, who blamed himself for what happened, outlived his wife by 18 months. On May 5, 1969, during a community work day, a multi-ton reinforced concrete slab fell on Abramovich's father, flying off a crane. On May 13, 1969, Arkady Abramovich died (in the biography of Roman Abramovich on Wikipedia, 1970 is indicated as the year of his father's death).

After life took little Roman into its cold embrace, making the boy an orphan, his uncle Leib Abramovich took him into his family for education. Roman lived with his uncle in the city of Ukhta (Komi ASSR), where Leib Abramovich worked as the head of the Pechorles working supply department at KomilesURS. In Ukhta, Roman studied in the 1st-2nd grade. In 1974, Roman Abramovich moved to Moscow to live with his second uncle, Abram Abramovich. In 1983 he graduated from Moscow secondary school No. 232.

Roman Abramovich in the army

At school, as his classmates recall, Roman Abramovich was quiet and modest, he studied averagely and there were no fives in the certificate of the oligarch. At the same time, already at school, Abramovich showed commercial abilities: he traded cigarettes, “farted” at the Moscow Intourist hotels. Singer Natalya Shturm, who studied with Abramovich, recalled the signature smile of the future billionaire.

Immediately after school, Roman Abramovich entered the Ukhta Industrial Institute at the Faculty of Forestry Engineering. However, he did not show much zeal for study and did not receive a diploma. In 1984-1986 he underwent urgent military service private in training center Air defense (military unit No. 63148) in Bogodukhov (Kharkiv region). Later, Roman Abramovich studied for six months at evening department at the Moscow Road Institute. In 2000 he graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy.

Business of Roman Abramovich

After returning from the army, the guy decided to devote himself to business, especially since Roman, even as a student, showed excellent organizational skills. At first, Abramovich went into small business (in the late 1980s and early 1990s). In 1988, he headed the Uyut cooperative, which produced rubber toys. In 1991-1993 Abramovich headed the small enterprise AVK, which was engaged in commercial and intermediary activities, including the resale of petroleum products. In 1992, the investigation issued a decision to place him in custody, suspecting Roman Abramovich of stealing 55 tanks of diesel fuel from the state-owned Ukhta oil refinery worth about 4 million rubles (criminal case No. 79067 of the Moscow city prosecutor's office). The damage to the Ukhta refinery was compensated by the actual recipient of the fuel, the Latvian-American enterprise Chikora International. Roman Abramovich himself, as reported in the news, actively helped the investigation, in December 1992 the case was dismissed due to the lack of corpus delicti.

From June 1993 to December 1995, Abramovich was the director of AOZT Petroltrans. From 1993 to 1996, Roman Arkadyevich headed the Moscow branch of the Swiss company RUNICOM S.A. In 1995-1996, together with Boris Berezovsky, he became the founder of several new companies, in particular CJSC PK-Trust.

In early 1995, 28-year-old Roman Abramovich, together with Boris Berezovsky, embarked on a joint project to create a single vertically integrated oil company based on Noyabrskneftegaz and the Omsk Oil Refinery, which at that time were part of Rosneft. In June 1996, Roman Arkadievich became the head of the Moscow representative office of Sibneft, and then joined the board of directors of this company.

It was only in 1998 that Roman Abramovich was first mentioned in the media by the ex-head of the presidential security service Alexander Korzhakov, who described Abramovich as the treasurer of the "family", that is, Boris Yeltsin's entourage.

Boris Berezovsky (left) and Roman Abramovich (right) during a meeting held by Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin with members of the new State Duma elected in single-member constituencies, 1999 (Photo: DPI-TASS)

In 2005, Roman Abramovich made $13 billion from the sale of a 73% stake in Sibneft to Gazprom.

London's serious attack on the interests of Roman Abramovich received an immediate rebuff from Moscow. Moreover, in fact high level President's press secretary said Dmitry Peskov and representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. According to Peskov, the report of the committee on international affairs The House of Commons of the UK Parliament's "dirty money" from Russia is "another step in the direction of unfriendly and unfair competition". He recalled that in recent decades Russian business grew, developed and led a peaceful economic expansion to other countries, and suddenly this process came to such an unfortunate ending.

Israeli citizenship gives Abramovich the right to visa-free entry to dozens of countries, including the UK, and the status of a “new repatriate” gives him tax exemption for 10 years and assistance in settling in his new homeland, the so-called “absorption basket”.

Recall that in Israel, a Russian businessman has long been engaged in philanthropic and commercial activities, investing in companies in the high-tech sector and real estate. In particular, Abramovich is building a large mansion in a prestigious tourist area Tel Aviv Neve Tzedek.

As written in the news, Roman Abramovich left Israel almost immediately after obtaining local citizenship, having spent a few hours in the country. The billionaire went to the airport terminal on a general basis - to the room where the arrived repatriates are processed. There, Abramovich was issued a certificate of a new repatriate (“teudat-ole”) and an identity card (“teudat-zeut”), RIA Novosti reported.

The fortune and income of Roman Abramovich

In the list of the richest people in the UK according to The Sunday Times (April 2007), he ranked second; Roman Abramovich's fortune was estimated at 10.8 billion pounds. In 2009, Abramovich's fortune was reduced by three billion pounds as a result of the financial crisis - to 8.7 billion pounds.

In the rating of Russian businessmen Forbes since 2012, Roman Abramovich has been outside the top ten. In 2017, Abramovich's fortune was estimated at $9.1 billion, he was in 12th place. Abramovich's fortune over the past 5 years has varied between 7-10 billion. In 2011, Roman Abramovich had $ 13.4 billion. According to the publication, Abramovich's assets include: Evraz (31%), Channel One (24% ), real estate.

Personal life of Roman Abramovich

Roman Abramovich was married three times.

The first wife of Roman Abramovich - Olga Yurievna Lysova. There are no common children.

The first wife of Roman Abramovich - Olga Lysova

Second wife - Irina Vyacheslavovna Abramovich(Malandina, b. November 26, 1967), former flight attendant. During family life with Irina, Roman Abramovich had five children: Anna (January 30, 1992), Arkady (September 14, 1993), Sophia (April 3, 1995), Arina (2001) and Ilya (February 18, 2003). In March 2007, Abramovich was divorced by the Chukotka District Court, the couple agreed on the division of property.

Irina Abramovich, with whom Roman Abramovich divorced in 2007, shares photos from her personal photo archive. On her Instagram page, the ex-wife of the billionaire published pictures of her children - Sophia, who had first been published, Arina and Ilya.

Chelsea FC owner Roman Abramovich with his wife Irina and son Arkady during a football match between Charlton Athletic and Chelsea in London, 2005 year (Photo: Mike Egerton/PA Photos/PHOTAS)

The third wife of Roman Abramovich is designer Daria Zhukova (1981), daughter of the famous entrepreneur Alexander Zhukov, founder and main owner of the international investment group Interfinance. Abramovich's third wife lived with her mother in the United States, then studied at the London Institute of Naturopathy. Daria Zhukova is the founder of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow, designer and co-owner of Kova & T.

Roman Abramovich and Daria Zhukova (Photo: FA Bobo/PIXSELL/PA Images/TASS)

Roman Abramovich and his third wife Daria Zhukova have two children: son Aaron Alexander (December 5, 2009) and daughter Leya (April 8, 2013).

Abramovich's children, in particular Sofya, often post photos on Instagram, in addition, the British media publish news about the children of the owner of Chelsea. Yet big photo and gossip news, you can read about Abramovich's last wife Daria Zhukova.

On August 7, 2017, the central news in the media was the statement of Roman Abramovich and his third wife Daria Zhukova about the decision to divorce. As the businessman's adviser John Mann told reporters, the decision to divorce after 10 years of marriage was not easy for Abramovich and Zhukova. At the same time, Roman Abramovich and Daria Zhukova emphasize that they remain close friends, parents of two wonderful children and partners in projects that they developed together (the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow and the cultural center in St. Petersburg).

About why Roman Abramovich and Daria Zhukova are getting divorced, the tabloids can only guess. Undoubtedly, the topic of the oligarch's divorce, as in other similar cases, will be a hot topic in the news in the coming years.

After the news of Abramovich's divorce, it became fashionable in the media to write about the future new wife of the billionaire.

A former classmate of Roman Abramovich, Natalya Shturm, suggested that the billionaire had already decided on a replacement for Darya Zhukova. “I think that most likely this place has been occupied for a long time. I'm even sure. For the public, they "dotted the i's for something. Whether it will be an official marriage or Dasha, or Roman Arkadyevich, or will it be announced new union", Sturm noted.

Natalia also told what will be new wife Abramovich. “Slightly imagining the personality of Roman Arkadyevich, I think that this must be a very beautiful woman. And she's beautiful in her work too. An outstanding personality, relations with which, perhaps, have been tested over the years, ”she made a forecast about new love oligarch singer. Later, Natalya Shturm added that the news about the reunion of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie could have appeared thanks to Abramovich, since Roman Arkadyevich allegedly wanted to divert attention from his person and discuss his new companion.

If this is true, then the idea was not successful, at least in Russia. Russian yellow press continues to discuss new novel Abramovich, in particular, rumors about the connection between Roman Arkadyevich and the star ballerina Diana Vishneva intensified. The press recalled that Abramovich and Vishneva appeared together at the Sochi Olympics, and the oligarch is also a sponsor of Vishneva's projects. However, Diana Vishneva is married to her own producer Konstantin Selinevich. It must be said that after the news about Abramovich's divorce, Vishneva herself gave rise to rumors by posting her photo on Instagram in a scarf and a London Chelsea baseball cap. "Game day. The Mariinsky Ballet and Orchestra team at the legendary Wembley Arena,” Diana Vishneva captioned her photo in the Abramovich club’s logo.

Also, Nadezhda Obolentseva and Yulia Peresild were mentioned in the tabloid news. The Moscow actress and Abramovich were photographed by the yellow press at Kinotavr in Sochi, it is also known that, at the invitation of Peresild, Roman Abramovich attended social evenings of the Galchonok charity foundation.

There is also an initiative from below, so one of the participants in the famous Dom-2 TV show, Ruslan Solntsev, decided to marry the future enviable bachelor Roman Abramovich, Olga Buzova, who, by the way, also recently experienced a difficult divorce from football player Dmitry Tarasov.

Hobbies of Roman Abramovich

Roman Arkadyevich is fond of football. In 2003, Abramovich bought English for £140 million. football club Chelsea. However, Abramovich also supports Russian football. He was one of the initiators of the invitation of the Dutch specialist Guus Hiddink to the post of head coach of the Russian national football team. The salary of Hiddink, as well as the second coach of the national team Igor Korneev, as well as all expenses associated with their stay in Russia (accommodation, transport, etc.) were paid by the National Football Academy Foundation, created by Roman Abramovich in 2004. The ex-coach of the Russian national team Leonid Slutsky noted that Abramovich did a lot to “help Russian football”, in particular, built about 300 artificial football fields and was a sponsor of the Russian national team.

Roman Abramovich and John Terry (center) (Photo: FA Bobo/PIXSELL/PA Images)

In addition to football, Roman Abramovich has many other interests. Abramovich built a venue for concerts and other musical events under London's Stamford Bridge stadium. The cost of the work is 7 million pounds.

In general, a billionaire's hobbies are quite expensive. Abramovich owns five luxury yachts, in the news of the Western media they are called "Abramovich's fleet." By the way, one of his yachts - Pelorus - is equipped with a system missile defense, a plasma generator, a laser holographic projector, a helicopter and a submarine to escape in case of danger.

The yacht Pelorus of Roman Abramovich is moored to the pier of the English Embankment (Photo: Ruslan Shamukov / TASS)

In addition to yachts, Abramovich is also interested in airplanes. So, the Russian billionaire owns a private Boeing 767-33A/ER (registration P4-MES, registered in Aruba), known as the "Bandit" because of the cockpit painting details. The aircraft was originally ordered by Hawaiian Airlines, but the order was canceled and Abramovich bought the Boeing and refitted it to his own specifications. In September 2008, on the personal order of Abramovich, Airbus completed the construction of a new oligarch aircraft - A340-313X. He also owns three Eurocopter helicopters.

Boeing 767-33A / ER Roman Abramovich (Photo: Anatoly Semekhin / TASS)

And Roman Arkadevich is also known for his love for large and expensive cars. In 2004, Abramovich bought two Maybach 62 armored limousines worth £1 million. Abramovich owns a $2,200,000 Ferrari FXX. Interestingly, only 30 such cars were produced in the world. Roman Arkadievich also has other models in his fleet - Bugatti Veyron, Maserati MC12 Corsa, Ferrari 360 and a modified Porsche Carrera GT. Sometimes Abramovich likes to drive and drive. Of course, under the supervision of numerous guards.

Ferrari FXX supercar owned by Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich

In 2013, a Russian billionaire bought a posh apartment in New York's fashionable neighborhood, according to the news, the apartment, located on Fifth Avenue, has eight bedrooms, several bathrooms, a huge kitchen and a large central hall.

Abramovich's fortune allows him to go to good restaurants. In 2009, the oligarch had dinner with his girlfriend Daria Zhukova, his son Arkady and three of his acquaintances in a restaurant in New York for 47 thousand dollars. After Abramovich and company left the restaurant, the waiters discussed their generous tips.

At the same time, sometimes Abramovich is not averse to walking. He had long dreamed of climbing Kilimanjaro. For the ascent, Roman Arkadyevich invited six friends. In order to have everything they needed at hand, they took 13 porters with them. Naturally, Roman Arkadyevich was also accompanied by security guards. However, due to the lack of training at the level of 4,602 m, Abramovich developed symptoms of altitude sickness, so his companions hurried to deliver the billionaire to the foot of the mountain.

Abramovich also loves to listen to good music. In January 2017, the famous "Beatle", the legendary British musician Paul McCartney performed at the exclusive New Year's party of the oligarch Roman Abramovich, which was held on the Caribbean island of Saint Barthélemy.

Abramovich Roman Arkadyevich is one of the richest and most influential people in Russia. A dollar billionaire, former governor of Chukotka, owner of the Chelsea football club and just a lover of beautiful women, he is always in the spotlight of the world press. How did Abramovich earn his billions? You can get an answer to this question by reading the biography of this extraordinary businessman and politician.

Childhood and youthful years of the future oligarch

Roman Abramovich was born in Saratov in 1966 in a simple working family. When the boy was one year old, as a result of complications after an abortion, his mother, Irina Vasilievna, died. At the age of four, he was left without his father, Aron (Arkady) Nakhimovich, who died in a construction accident. The little orphan was taken to be raised by his paternal uncle Leib Abramovich, who lived in Ukhta (Komi Republic). Here, in 1973, Roma went to the first grade of secondary school No. 2. In 1974, the future billionaire moved to Moscow, where his second uncle, Abram Abramovich, lived. In the capital, Roman studied at high school No. 232. After receiving a certificate, he became a student at the forestry department of the Ukhta Industrial Institute, which he never graduated from. In the period from 1984 to 1986, the young man did military service in the small town of Bogodukhov, Kharkov region.

First steps in business

After demobilization from the army, Roman Abramovich decided to do business. In 1988, he became the owner of the Uyut cooperative, which specialized in the production of polymer children's toys. Finished products was sold in the Moscow markets and brought the novice businessman his first capital. In the early 90s, young Abramovich managed to establish a number of profitable trading and intermediary firms (Elite, GID, Petroltrans, etc.), as well as head the AVK company, which was engaged in the resale of petroleum products. Organizational skills, a punchy character and the ability to make money out of thin air allowed Roman Arkadyevich to become a prominent person and find many influential acquaintances among Russian businessmen and politicians. The people with whom he spoke in the first half of the 90s were Boris Berezovsky and Boris Yeltsin. It was the acquaintance with the President of Russia that helped Abramovich become CEO major oil company Sibneft.

Further development of Abramovich's business

Roman Arkadyevich was associated with the oligarch Berezovsky for some time business relationship. Acquainted on Caribbean Islands, businessmen jointly founded the offshore company Runicom Ltd and 5 of its official representative offices in the countries Western Europe. In 1995, Abramovich and Berezovsky began a project to create a large vertically integrated oil corporation based on the Omsk Oil Refinery and Noyabrskneftegaz. The business partnership of the oligarchs lasted until 1998 and was terminated due to commercial conflicts that arose between them.

successful entrepreneurial activity brought Abramovich billions of dollars in income. At 33, he became the owner of a fortune of $ 14 billion, which allowed him to enter the list of the richest people in Russia. Despite the huge sums in bank accounts and the presence of a solid business, the public did not know for a long time what Roman Abramovich looked like. Photos of him began to be published in the press only in 1998. The reason for this was information accidentally leaked to the media that the young oligarch in 1996 sponsored Yeltsin's presidential election campaign and paid for the financial expenses of his family.

In the early 2000s, Abramovich expanded his business significantly. Together with Oleg Deripaska, he created the Russian Aluminum company. In addition, he managed to buy out 49% of the shares of the ORT television channel, which previously belonged to Berezovsky, and then profitably resell them to Sberbank. The acquisition by Sibneft of a controlling stake in Aeroflot, Russia's largest airline, can also be attributed to profitable transactions of this period.

Political career

At the turn of the century, Roman Abramovich thought about building political career. In 1999, he was elected to the State Duma from the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, an area that worked closely with Sibneft. The following year, the young oligarch was appointed governor of Chukotka. Roman Arkadyevich held this post until 2008, while investing a lot of his own Money in the development of the region entrusted to him. After leaving the governor's post, the billionaire was elected to the Duma of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, receiving almost 97% of the vote in the elections.

Acquisition of Chelsea

Roman Abramovich, whose biography is discussed in this article, became known far beyond the borders of Russia after in 2003 he bought the English football club Chelsea, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, for 140 million euros and paid off all its debts. Then he set about updating the team, inviting the best football players on the planet to join it. Having invested about 150 million pounds in Chelsea, the businessman has ensured that his club has become one of the strongest in Europe.

The billionaire did not forget Russian sports either. In 2006, he initiated the invitation of the outstanding Dutch football player Guus Hiddink to the post of head coach of the Russian football team.

Roman Abramovich: fortune, real estate and collections of the oligarch

A businessman and politician constantly appears on the lists of the richest people on the planet. In 2015, his fortune was 9.1 billion dollars, which allowed him to take 137th position in the ranking of the world's billionaires, compiled by the American Forbes magazine. Listed the richest people The Russian oligarch in the same year took 12th place.

In addition to a multi-billion dollar fortune, Abramovich is the owner of many luxurious mansions, expensive cars, yachts and aircraft. He owns a penthouse in central London worth £29 million and a huge villa in the British county of West Sussex, bought for £28 million. Also, the oligarch is the owner of luxury real estate in Knightsbridge, Belgravia, Saint-Tropez and the Moscow region.

Abramovich owns 3 luxury yachts (including the £340 million Eclipse), a mini-submarine, 2 armored limousines, a collection of exclusive cars, a couple of planes and helicopters. In society, a billionaire always appears accompanied by a bodyguard consisting of 20 security specialists.

In addition to real estate and vehicles, Roman Abramovich collects art. According to rough estimates of experts, the cost of his paintings is about $ 1 billion. In 2013, the oligarch added 40 paintings to his collection by Russian artist Ilya Kabakov, paying $60 million for them.

The first and second marriages of a billionaire

Abramovich Roman was married three times. For the first time, he went to the registry office with a native of Astrakhan, Olga Lysova, but this marriage was not destined to last long. Shortly after the divorce, the businessman married flight attendant Irina Malandina, whom he met on an airplane during a flight to Germany. The second marriage of a businessman lasted 16 years (from 1991 to 2007). In it, the couple had 5 children (sons Arkady and Ilya, daughters Anna, Sofia and Arina). Irina became for Roman a faithful companion of life, sharing with him not only victories, but also defeats. but family union, which seemed ideal, cracked after the billionaire had an affair with designer Dasha Zhukova. After the divorce, Abramovich left Irina $ 230 million in compensation and real estate in the UK. The oligarch also pledged to ensure a comfortable existence for all his children.

Relations with Zhukova

Daria Zhukova and Roman Abramovich met in 2005 at a party hosted by Chelsea in Barcelona. Both at that time were not free, but this did not prevent them from plunging headlong into the feelings that suddenly flooded over them. For the sake of Daria, Abramovich left his second wife, and the girl broke up with her fiancé, tennis player Marat Safin. The couple did not hide their relationship, appearing together at all social events. The paparazzi managed to photograph them more than once during their holidays in prestigious foreign resorts. The media kept getting information about expensive gifts that the billionaire did to his beloved. In 2008, he sponsored the opening of the Garage Center for Contemporary Art in Moscow, owned by Zhukova.

Relations with Abramovich attracted close attention of the world community to Daria. In 2008, the girl was included in the Top 10 most stylish people, compiled by the prestigious American edition of Vogue. To date, Zhukova is the official wife of Abramovich. In 2009, she gave her billionaire husband a son, Aaron Alexander, and in 2013, a daughter, Leah.

The heirs of the Russian oligarch

All children of Roman Abramovich live outside of Russia. Despite the fact that the billionaire has 7 offspring, very little is known about most of them. The only exceptions are the eldest son and daughter of Roman Arkadyevich, who were born in a marriage with Irina Malandina. Born in 1992, Anna Abramovich lives permanently in London. She graduated from the prestigious Godolphin & Latymer School in the capital, after which she became a student at the University of Westminster. For some time, the girl was the bride of the famous lawyer Nikolai Lazarev, but subsequently broke up with him.

Abramovich's son Arkady, born in 1993, decided to follow in his father's footsteps and become a businessman. He owns the corporation ARA Capital Limited, which owns a 40% stake in the investment firm Zoltav. By 2011, Abramovich's eldest son had earned over $13 billion. Arkady is a passionate football fan who is a fan of Chelsea. He forgave his father for leaving the family and was able to establish a warm relationship with his new wife Daria.