Biological and social factors of development. Social development of preschoolers: stages, factors, means

galina gracheva
Seminar for educators "Factors of the development of the child's personality"

GBOU School No. 1373 ODO 4

Seminar for educators


Prepared and conducted:

Gracheva G. V., Chizh L. A

Moscow 2015

Factors in the development of the child's personality

In psychology, many theories have been created that explain the mental state in different ways. child development, its origins. Science is now talking about biological and social development factors.

Biological factor includes First of all, heredity. The influence of heredity is studied by geneticists. This is something that is passed from parents to children, it is embedded in the genes.

Legacy Programs development human include a deterministic (permanent) and variable parts, defining both the general thing that makes a person a person, and the special thing that makes people so different from each other.

The deterministic part of the program ensures, first of all, the continuation of the human race, as well as the specific inclinations of a person as a representative of the human race, including the inclinations of speech, bipedal locomotion, labor activity, and thinking. The deterministic properties also include features nervous system that determine the nature, features of the course of mental processes.

From parents to children, external signs are transmitted, in particular, physique, hair, eye and skin color. Variable, or variable, part of the program provides systems development that help the human body adapt to changing conditions of existence.

The carrier of heredity in the body is the DNA molecule, which subtly reacts to harmful impact: (alcohol, smoking, drug addiction). These habits upset the gene structure, leading to physical and mental disorders of the fetus.

An analysis of the causes of death of 18,000 newborns showed that in 1,500 cases, mortality was due to smoking by mothers.

A regular increase in the risk of congenital malformations was established with an increase in the number of cigarettes smoked by a woman daily, especially during the 3rd month of pregnancy.

Scientists have identified a significant predominance of smokers in the group of women who gave birth to children with a cleft palate and cleft lip. It is appropriate to note at the same time that heavy paternal smoking also contributes to an increase in the frequency various developmental defects in children.

Children of smoking parents are born with a predisposition to early atherosclerosis.

In this regard, obstetricians and gynecologists around the world strongly recommend expectant mothers to stop smoking.

The 3rd month of pregnancy is especially important for the normal maturation of the fetus. At this time, the organs and systems of the organism of the future are formed. child. If a woman stops smoking in the first month of pregnancy, then child is born with normal body weight, the complications caused by smoking disappear.

The power of the damaging effects of alcohol at the time of conception unpredictable: there may be both mild disorders and severe organic lesions various organs and tissues of the future child.

The period from the moment of conception to 3 months of pregnancy doctors call critical fetal development, since at this time there is an intensive laying of organs and the formation of tissues. The use of alcohol can lead to a disfiguring effect on the fetus, and the damage will be the stronger, the earlier in the critical period alcohol was affected.

A special term has appeared in the medical literature, denoting a complex of defects in children caused by the damaging effects of alcohol during the prenatal period. development- fetal alcohol syndrome (ASP). ASP is characterized by congenital anomalies heart development, external genital organs, dysfunction of the central nervous system, low birth weight, lag child in growth and development. In such children character traits faces: small head, especially the face, narrow eyes, specific crease of the eyelids, thin upper lip.

Drinking alcohol is dangerous throughout pregnancy, as alcohol easily passes from the mother through the placenta through the blood vessels that nourish the fetus. The impact of alcohol on the fetus in the following months of pregnancy leads to prematurity, weight loss, birth of children, stillbirth.

Long-term drug use causes a variety of changes in people's physical and mental health.

Drug addicts usually suffer from digestive disorders, and their liver is affected, the activity of the cardiovascular system, and especially the heart, is disturbed. The production of sex hormones, the ability to conceive, is rapidly reduced.

And although sex drive with drug addiction quickly fades, about 25% of drug addicts have children. And these children, as a rule, are burdened with serious illnesses.

If drug poisoning in the first 3 months of pregnancy leads to various anomalies of the musculoskeletal system, kidneys, heart and other organs child, then at a later date there is a delay in fetal growth. 30-50% of addicted mothers have low birth weight babies. The fetus, when the mother uses drugs, may form a physical dependence on drugs.

Second factor - environment. Directly affects development social environment, in connection with which factor environments are often referred to as social.

concept "Wednesday" has many meanings. Consider the macro environment (natural, geographical, social, home environment as part of the social and macro environment, since in every unit of time a person is influenced by them.

Macroenvironment. This refers to the outer space around us. numerous observations, facts, experiments have confirmed the effect on intrauterine development, not to mention a born person, space, a special arrangement of stars, comets, actions magnetic storms on the sun, changing phases of the moon, lunar and solar eclipses, magnetic and gravitational fields of the earth ...

Solar and geomagnetic activity affect intrauterine child development, experts say Russian Institute biochemical physics.

Space weather is an integral part of environmental factors capable of influencing developing organism. It affects the future child and during the mother's pregnancy.

Studies have shown that the number of hospitalizations and threats of miscarriage during pregnancy is much higher in women born during the period of maximum solar activity. An increase or decrease in solar activity must necessarily lead to development pathologies or abnormalities child.

The geographic environment is a specific territorial landscape with its own geographical latitude and longitude, climate, diversity of relief, flora and fauna, natural resources, heat sources, healing waters, zones of geomagnetic and geopathological activity, etc., environmental conditions ...

The deterioration of the environmental situation in Russia gives rise to conditions under which, against the background of an increase in the survival rate, the level of children's health is significantly reduced. Number with problems in development increases from year to year with growth risk factors. According to the Research Institute of Childhood, 5–8% of children are born annually with a hereditary pathology, 8–10% have a pronounced congenital or acquired pathology, a significant number of children have erased disorders. development. According to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 85% of children of preschool and school age need medical, psychological or correctional-pedagogical assistance. About 25% of children need specialized (correctional) help. Of particular concern is the significant increase in the number of children with mental and intellectual disabilities. development.

Social environment - totality public relations, emerging in society (way of life, traditions surrounding a person, social and living conditions, environment, as well as a set of people connected by the commonality of these conditions, dominant public ideas and values. A favorable social environment is one where the dominant ideas and values ​​are directed towards development of creative, initiative personalities.

Research results development children of the first year of life left by their mothers in maternity hospitals and raised in children's homes showed that only 6 to 10% of children entering homes child, are practically healthy children without diseases. And even healthy children, without somatic, genetic and hereditary diseases, who grow up and brought up in modern rather prosperous houses child, already in the first year of life, they clearly experience the negative impact of the lack of human communication, the lack of such positive emotions as unconditional love to them. This, of course, is reflected in a slowdown in the rate of neuropsychic development.

It has been proven that children who do not hear the mother's heartbeat, even with sufficient high-calorie nutrition, have a weight deficit, fall asleep worse. Without receiving response speech reactions to the sounds made, children become silent, their speech activity decreases, lexicon develops slowly. Ways to communicate with adults and emotional reactions become poorer. Children don't learn to be possessive if they have everything in common. (otherwise it is impossible, as there will be fights for toys). The formation of self-consciousness will be delayed. And the attachment system, which in children from a family is so pronounced at the age of 8-12 months in the form of fear that arises from the appearance of strangers, if they do not want to part with their mother, is almost never formed.

Home environment - the cradle of the beginning of life, the environment of loved ones, material conditions; it's a whole world... Child development provided by friendship and love in parental relationships, relationships with loved ones. Special meaning in enrichment with knowledge and life experience has communication with parents and adults. At child the need to communicate with others is formed, which becomes the most important source of its versatile development.

The home and social environment can also have a negative impact: drinking and swearing in families, rudeness and ignorance, blatant humiliation of children, the negative influence of comrades and friends, especially older ones and adults, all the negative things that are happening around us.

Any example makes it possible to see the social phenomenon of different sides. The influence of the environment is spontaneous, which causes difficulties. However, isolate the child from the environment is impossible. There will be a delay development. The influence of the environment is constant, throughout life. The environment can hold back development, but can activate.

Science knows 15 cases of feeding human cubs by wolves, 5 - by bears, 1 - by baboons, other breeds of monkeys - at least 10 cases, 1 child was fed by a leopard, 1 by a sheep. In 1920, in India, Dr. Sing discovered two girls in a wolf den - 2 years old and 5-7 years: children taken out of the jungle walked and ran on all fours, and only at night, and during the day they slept, huddled in a corner; the youngest girl - Amala - soon died, having never learned anything, the eldest - Kamala - lived until the age of 17 (two years she had to be taught to stand, for 10 years of training the girl's vocabulary amounted to one hundred words - language progress did not go further, the girl learned to eat with her hands , drink from a glass, at 17 years old by level development Kamala fit a 4 year old to kid).

Man becomes personality only in the process of socialization, that is, interaction with other people. Outside of human society spiritual, social, mental development cannot happen.

The influence of heredity and environment is corrected upbringing.

Efficiency educational impact is focused, systematic and qualified leadership. However, weakness education is that it is based on the consciousness of a person and requires his participation, while heredity and environment act unconsciously and subconsciously.

Role Rating Range education is wide: from the assertion of complete impotence education(with unfavorable heredity and negative environmental influence) until it is recognized as the only means of changing human nature. The statement of the French educator D. Diderot seems to be fair that upbringing much can be achieved, however education develops that gave baby nature.

In this way, upbringing is the filling of gaps in the program of the human development. One of the most important tasks of a properly organized education- identification of inclinations and talents, development in accordance with the individual characteristics of a person, his abilities and capabilities. Special studies have shown that education can develop certain qualities, only relying on the inclinations laid down by nature.

Influencing human development, education itself depends on the development and constantly builds on the achieved level development, i.e development is the goal, but education is a means. Efficiency education determined by the level of preparedness of a person for perception of educational impact due to the influence of heredity and environment. People succumb education unequal - from complete rejection educational requirements to absolute submission to the will educators.

Heredity, environment do not depend on the child, therefore, they cannot provide a full development without turning on the activity itself child. Activity child: motor, cognitive, emotional. Activity is clothed in social forms in various types activities: in a game that satisfies the need child to show activity where real actions are impossible, the need to receive real result, self-assertion. Teaching satisfies the need for knowledge. Activity stimulates action. If the activity is not controlled, not organized, it can develop into aggression.

Man reaches a higher level development there where the near and far environment provides him with the most favorable conditions. Everyone develops in its own way, And "share" The influence of heredity and environment is different for everyone.

Everything factors activates an adult. It is the adult who controls. An adult with his right influence helps child to become a person. On the one hand, he himself is a role model, on the other hand, he is the organizer of the process education and training.

Biological factors include:

hereditary properties

Innate properties of the body

Heredity is the property of an organism to repeat in a number of generations similar types of metabolism and individual development as a whole.

First of all, by inheritance, the child receives the human features of the structure of the nervous system, brain, and sense organs. physical signs, common to all people, among which the rectilinear gait, the hand, as an organ of knowledge and influence on the world refer to the phenotype as the totality of all the traits and properties of the individual that developed in ontogenesis during the interaction of the genotype with external environment. Children inherit biological, instinctive needs (needs for food, warmth, etc.), features of the GNI type.

Along with heredity, congenitality also belongs to the biological factor. Not everything a child is born with is hereditary. Its individual congenital features, individual signs are explained by the conditions of the intrauterine life of the infant (the health of the mother, the influence of drugs, alcohol, smoking, etc.). Inborn psychophysiological and anatomical features The nervous system, sense organs, and the brain are usually called inclinations, on the basis of which human properties and abilities, including intellectual ones, are formed and developed.

So the biological factor is importance, it determines the birth of a child with its inherent human features of the structure and activity of various organs and systems, its ability to become a person. Although at birth people have biologically determined differences, however, every normal child can learn everything that involves his social program. natural features of a person do not in themselves predetermine the development of the child's psyche. Biological features constitute natural basis person. Its essence is socially significant qualities.

Social factors include:

Social environment;

Education, training;


Social environment - human environment social situation, material, spiritual conditions of its existence. The environment is divided into macro- and microenvironment. The microenvironment is the immediate environment (family, school, peers). The macroenvironment involves ideas, values, attitudes, social order.

A certain influence on the development of the child's psyche is exerted by the natural environment, physical world: air, water, sun, climate features, vegetation. natural environment important, but it does not determine development, its influence is indirect, indirect (through the social environment, through the labor activity of adults).

The main impetus to the mental development of the child is given by his life in a society of people. Outside of communication with other people there is no development of the child's psyche.

Education and training can be viewed as a purposeful process when a child learns the norms and rules of society through the influence of social institutions and as a spontaneous process when a child learns through direct observation of interpersonal relationships others, the peculiarities of their behavior, the norms and stereotypes of society.

Education and training are inseparable from the concept of "socialization".

Socialization is the process by which a person becomes a member of a social group, family, society, etc. It includes the assimilation of all attitudes, opinions, customs, life values, roles and expectations of a particular social group.

There are the following stages of socialization:

1) Primary socialization, or stage of adaptation (from birth to adolescence the child learns social experience uncritically, adapts, adapts, imitates).

2) The stage of individualization (there is a desire to distinguish oneself from others, a critical attitude to social norms of behavior). In adolescence, the stage of individualization, self-determination "the world and I" is characterized as an intermediate socialization, because. still not stable in the outlook and character of the child.

3) The stage of integration (there is a desire to find one's place in society). Integration goes well if the properties of a person are accepted by the group, society. Otherwise, the following outcomes are possible:

preservation of one's dissimilarity and the emergence of aggressive relationships with people and society;

change yourself, "to become like everyone else";

Conformism, external conciliation, adaptation.

4) The labor stage of socialization covers the entire period of a person's maturity, the entire period of his activity, when a person not only assimilates social experience, but also reproduces it through active influence on the environment through his activity.

5) The post-labor stage of socialization considers elderly age as an age that makes a significant contribution to the reproduction of social experience, to the process of passing it on to new generations.

The question arises of the relationship between the biological and the social in development. The dispute of psychologists about what determines the process of child development - heredity or environment - has led to the theory of convergence of these two factors. Its founder V. Stern. He believed that both factors were equally important for mental development child. According to Stern, mental development is the result of the convergence of internal inclinations with external conditions of life.

Modern ideas about the relationship between the biological and the social, adopted in domestic psychology, are mainly based on the provisions of L.S. Vygotsky.

Vygotsky emphasized the unity of hereditary and social elements in the process of development. Heredity is present in the development of all mental functions of the child, but has a different proportion. Elementary functions (beginning with sensations and perception) are more hereditarily determined than higher ones (voluntary memory, logical thinking, speech). Higher Functions- a product of cultural and historical development, and hereditary inclinations here play the role of prerequisites that determine mental development. On the other hand, the environment always "participates" in development.

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More on the topic Biological and social factors of development:

  1. 5. The role of biological and social factors in the development of the child.
  2. 3. The concept of personality development. Biological and social factors of personality development, their characteristics
  3. 16. the role of biological and social prerequisites in the mental development of a person. General patterns of mental development of a normal and uo child.
  4. Biological and social in human development and the formation of his personality
  5. 7. The main causes of environmental degradation. Adverse factors of chemical, physical and biological nature, affecting the health of the population in modern conditions. The value of "biological chains" in the transition of toxic and radioactive factors from the environment to humans.

The social factor is the driving force behind the development of society; phenomenon or process that establishes certain social change. The basis of the social factor is such a connection of social objects, in which some of them (causes) under certain conditions necessarily give rise to others. social facilities or their properties (consequences).

(Human ecology. Conceptual and terminological dictionary. - Rostov-on-Don. B.B. Prokhorov. 2005.)

Social factor - any variable in the social environment that has a significant impact on the behavior, well-being and health of the individual.

(Zhmurov V.A. Great Encyclopedia of Psychiatry, 2nd ed., 2012)

The social factor is a condition of socialization acting on a person, occurring in the interaction of children, adolescents, young men, more or less actively influencing their development.

(A.V. Mudrik)

Social factors and problems affecting a person are studied by such sciences as anthropology, psychology, sociology, socionomy (social work), economics, jurisprudence, cultural studies, regional studies. (

child development society pedagogical

§3. Social Factors Affecting Child Development in Preschool Childhood

From birth, a child is influenced by many different factors. They shape his personality and worldview. This is the whole world around him. Megafactors - space, planet, world, which in one way or another through other groups of factors influence the socialization of all inhabitants of the Earth. Macrofactors-country, ethnicity, society, state, which affect the socialization of all living in certain countries (this influence is indirect by two other groups of factors). Mesofactors-conditions of socialization large groups people allocated: by area and type of settlement in which they live (region, village, city, township); by belonging to the audience of certain networks of mass communication (radio, television, etc.); by belonging to certain subcultures. (Mudrik A.V. Social pedagogy. - M .: Academy, 2005. - 200 p.)

The transformation of a biological individual into social subject occurs in the process of socialization.

Socialization is a continuous and multifaceted process that continues throughout a person's life. However, it proceeds most intensively in childhood and adolescence, when all the basic value orientations are laid down, the basic social norms and relationships, motivation is formed social behavior. If you figuratively imagine this process as building a house, then it is in childhood that the foundation is laid and the entire building is erected; in the future, only finishing work is carried out, which can last a lifetime.

The process of socialization of the child, his formation and development, becoming as a person takes place in interaction with the environment, which has a decisive influence on this process through a variety of social factors mentioned above.

If we represent these factors in the form of concentric circles, then the picture will look like this.

The child is at the center of the spheres, and all the spheres influence him. As noted above, this influence on the process of socialization of the child can be purposeful, deliberate (as, for example, the influence of socialization institutions: family, education, religion, etc.); however, many factors have a spontaneous, spontaneous effect on the development of the child. In addition, both targeted influence and spontaneous impact can be both positive and negative, negative.

The most important for the socialization of the child is the society. The child masters this immediate social environment gradually. If at birth a child develops mainly in the family, then in the future he masters more and more new environments - a preschool institution, then a school, out-of-school institutions, groups of friends, discos, etc. With age, the "territory" of the social environment is expanding more and more. If this is visually depicted in the form of another diagram presented below, then it is clear that mastering everything more environments, the child seeks to occupy the entire "area of ​​the circle" - to master the entire society potentially accessible to him.

At the same time, the child, as it were, constantly seeks and finds the environment that is most comfortable for him, where the child is better understood, treated with respect, etc. Therefore, he can “migrate” from one environment to another. For the process of socialization, it is important what attitudes are formed by this or that environment in which the child is located, what kind of social experience he can accumulate in this environment - positive or negative.

The environment is the object of research by representatives of various sciences - sociologists, psychologists, teachers who are trying to find out the creative potential of the environment and its influence on the formation and development of the child's personality.

The history of studying the role and significance of the environment as an existing reality that has an impact on the child is rooted in pre-revolutionary pedagogy. Even K. D. Ushinsky believed that for education and development it is important to know a person “what he really is with all his weaknesses and in all greatness”, you need to know “a person in a family, among the people, among humanity ... at all ages , in all classes ... ". Other prominent psychologists and educators (P.F. Lesgaft, A.F. Lazursky, and others) also showed the importance of the environment for the development of the child. A.F. Lazursky, for example, believed that poorly gifted individuals usually obey the influences of the environment, while richly gifted natures themselves tend to actively influence it.

At the beginning of the 20th century (20-30s), a whole scientific direction- the so-called "pedagogy of the environment", whose representatives were such outstanding teachers and psychologists, such as A. B. Zalkind, L. S. Vygotsky, M. S. Iordansky, A. P. Pinkevich, V. N. Shulgin and many others. The main issue discussed by scientists was the impact environment on the child, managing this influence. There were different points view of the role of the environment in the development of the child: some scientists advocated the need for the child to adapt to a particular environment, others believed that the child, to the best of his strength and ability, can organize the environment himself and influence it, others suggested considering the personality and environment of the child in the unity of their characteristics, the fourth made an attempt to consider the environment as single system influence on the child. There were other points of view as well. But what is important is that deep and thorough studies of the environment and its influence on the formation and development of the child's personality were carried out.

It is interesting that in the professional vocabulary of teachers of that time such concepts as “environment for the child”, “socially organized environment”, “proletarian environment”, “age environment”, “comradely environment”, “factory environment”, were widely used. " public environment" and etc.

However, in the 1930s Scientific research in this area were practically banned, and the very concept of "environment" on long years was discredited and left the professional vocabulary of teachers. The school was recognized as the main institution for the upbringing and development of children, and the main pedagogical and psychological research were devoted specifically to the school and its impact on the development of the child.

Scientific interest in environmental problems resumed in the 60-70s of our century (V. A. Sukhomlinsky, A. T. Kurakina, L. I. Novikova, V. A. Karakovsky, etc.) in connection with the study of the school community, having features of complexly organized systems functioning in different environments. The environment (natural, social, material) becomes the object of a holistic system analysis. Various types of environments are studied and researched: "learning environment", "out-of-school environment of the student team", " home environment”, “environment of the microdistrict”, “environment of the socio-pedagogical complex”, etc. In the late 80s - early 90s, a new impetus was given to research on the environment in which the child lives and develops. into an independent scientific field social pedagogy, for which this problem has also become an object of attention and in the study of which it finds its own facets, its own aspect of consideration.

In psychology, there are two areas that explain the process of child development.

1) Biologization direction

2) Sociological direction

Contradictions between the needs and abilities, the needs and requirements of society - are source of child development. The resolution of contradictions allows the child to rise to a higher level of development.

The process of individual development of each child occurs in certain conditions, surrounded by specific objects of material and spiritual culture, people and relationships between them. These conditions determine his individual characteristics, the use and transformation into appropriate abilities of certain inclinations available from birth, qualitative originality and a combination of psychological and behavioral properties acquired in the process of development.

Developmental factors can promote or hinder it, accelerate or, conversely, slow down the process of a child's development. They contain the sources of development and direct it.

Development factors - are the "driving forces" that determine progressive development child and are its causes.

According to L.S. Vygotsky, the driving force of mental development is learning. Thus, the factors of development can be a set of methods and means of teaching, the organization and content of training, the level of pedagogical preparedness of teachers.

Learning goes ahead of development and creates zone of proximal development.

Zone of proximal development - it is the difference between what a child can do by himself and what - with the help of adults

Education is inextricably linked to activity, which is also a source of development of the child's psyche. According to A.N. Leontiev, leading activities play a major role in development, while others play a subordinate role.

Question 4. Periodization of the mental development of the child

Separation life path child for periods allows you to better understand the patterns of child development, the specifics of age stages. The strategy of building a system of education and training of the younger generations largely depends on the correct solution of the problem of periodization.

Vygotsky L.S. having studied the work of many scientists, identified three groups of periods: on outward sign; on an internal basis (on one or several signs of child development); based on the definition of stable and crisis periods, as well as the social situation of development, leading activities and central neoplasms.

To the first group include periodization based on outward appearance but related to the development process itself.

Periodization by Rene Zazzo. In it, the stages of childhood coincide with steps of the system of education and training. According to the author, development and education are interconnected .

Up to 3 years - early childhood.

3-6 years - stage of preschool age ( upbringing in a family or preschool institution).

6-12 years - the stage of primary school education ( acquisition of basic intellectual skills).

12-16 years - stage of study in high school (the child receives a general education).

After 16 years - the stage of higher or university education.

There are other periodizations ( Getchinson, A. Vallon).

In the second group periodization is used internal sign child development (most often only one) .

Pavel Petrovich Blonsky chose for the criterion development of bone tissue in children, the appearance and change of teeth. According to this periodization, childhood is divided into three epochs.

From 8 months up to 2.5 years - the era of toothless childhood.

From 2.5 years. up to 6.5 years - the childhood of milk teeth.

Sigmund Freud believed that the main source of human behavior is unconscious which is saturated with sexual energy - libido. The author believed that the stages of development differ from each other in the way of fixing the libido. sexual development serves as a criterion for this periodization. Development stages are associated with displacement of erogenous zones.

Up to 1 year - oral stage. The erogenous zone is the mucous membrane of the mouth and lips.

1-3 years - anal stage. The erogenous zone is the intestinal mucosa. The child learns social norms.

3-5 years - phallic stage. Erogenous zone - genitals. The highest stage of development of children's sexuality.

5-12 years - latent stage. There is a temporary interruption in the child's sexual development. His interests are directed to communication with friends.

12-18 years - genital stage. All erogenous zones are combined, there is a desire for normal sexual intercourse.

In the third group periodization periods of the mental development of the child are distinguished on the basis of the definition: stable and crisis periods, as well as the social situation of development, leading activities and central neoplasm.

This group includes periodizations proposed by Lev Semenovich Vygotsky and Daniil Borisovich Elkonin.

L.S. Vygotsky considered the alternation of stable and crisis periods as a law of child development. Crises, unlike stable periods, do not last long, a few months, under unfavorable circumstances stretching up to a year or even two years.

The crisis begins and ends imperceptibly, its boundaries are blurred, indistinct. The aggravation occurs in the middle of the period. For the people around the child, it is associated with a change in behavior, the appearance of "difficulty in education," as L. S. Vygotsky writes. The child is out of control of adults, and those measures pedagogical impact, which used to be successful, now stop working. Affective outbursts, whims, more or less acute conflicts with loved ones - a typical picture of the crisis, characteristic of many children. Schoolchildren's working capacity decreases, interest in classes weakens, academic performance decreases, sometimes painful experiences and internal conflicts arise.

However, different children have crisis periods in different ways. The behavior of one becomes difficult to bear, and the second almost does not change.

The main changes that occur during crises are internal. The child's interests and values ​​change.

neonatal crisis

0-1 month - neonatal period

1 month - 1 year - infancy

Crisis 1 year

1-3 years - early childhood

Crisis 3 years

3-7 years - up to school age

School Entry Crisis

7-10 years old - primary school age

10-15 years - adolescence

Crisis 12 years

15-18 years old - senior school age

Each of these age periods has its own characteristics and boundaries, which are relatively easy to notice, carefully observing the development of the child, analyzing his psychology and behavior. Every psychological age requires its own style of communication with children, the use of special techniques and methods of education and upbringing.

Additional Information.

Of the other modern periodizations of child development, the periodizations of A. V. Petrovsky and D. I. Feldstein deserve attention.

A. V. Petrovsky considers the development of personality as a process of integration in various social groups. According to A.V. Petrovsky, childhood is mainly the adaptation of the child to social environment, adolescence is a manifestation of one's individuality. In youth, integration into society must occur.

D. I. Feldstein determines the position of the “I” in society as the main criterion for the development of a child’s personality from birth to early adolescence.

He identifies two blocks of social development of the individual. These blocks can be designated as phases of personality formation.

In the first phase (from 0 to 10 years) - the phase of childhood itself - the formation of a personality takes place at the level of an undeveloped self-awareness.

In the second phase (from 10 to 17 years) - the phase of adolescence - there is an active formation of the self-consciousness of a growing person, acting in the social position of a socially responsible subject.

The identified phases cover certain cycles of personality development, fixing the result of this form of social development - the formation of the child's position in the system of society and the implementation of this position.

Currently, most psychologists have adopted the following age periodization:

Neonatal period - up to 1 month;

The period of infancy -1 - 12 months;

Period early childhood- 1 - 4 years;

Preschool period - 4 - 7 years;

Junior school - 7-12 years;

Adolescence - 12 - 16 children;

Early youth - 16 - 19 years old;

Late youth - 19 - 21 years old;

Youth (early maturity.) - 21 - 35 years;

Maturity - 35 - 60 years;

The first old age (old age) - 60 - 75 years;

old age ( old age) - 75 - 90 years;

Longevity - over 90 years.

Article "Biological factors of child development"

Guryanova Ekaterina Petrovna, educator Municipal budgetary preschool educational organization « Kindergarten combined type No. 11 "Shatlyk" Menzelinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan
Purpose of material: This material is intended for kindergarten teachers. The presented material will be useful for kindergarten teachers
Target: disseminate pedagogical experience among kindergarten teachers.
A task: reveal the importance of the biological factor in the development of preschool children.
Various factors influence the development of a child. The very first and significant factor before the birth of a child is the biological factor. biological factor finds its development in the fetal state.
The fundamental indicator is biological heredity. Biological heredity includes general indicators in its content.
Heredity is individual for each representative of mankind. It allows you to distinguish and distinguish in each representative of humanity not only internal, but also external characteristics.
Parents by inheritance pass on certain features and qualities of personality to their child. The transfer of hereditary qualities form the genetic program.
The great significance of heredity lies in the fact that it serves as a source of human body, nervous system, brain,
organs of hearing.
External factors make it possible to distinguish one person from another. The specificity of the nervous system, inherited, develops a certain type of nervous activity.
The influence of heredity is so great that it is able to form certain abilities in various activities. This ability is formed on the basis of natural inclinations.
Based on the data of physiology and psychology, we can conclude that at birth, a child does not acquire abilities, but only the inclinations for any activity.
However, for the development and disclosure of certain inclinations, it is necessary to create a favorable atmosphere for proper development.
Heredity includes not only favorable, positive sides for the development of the child, it is not uncommon for a number of diseases to be inherited by the child
The cause of these diseases: violation of the hereditary apparatus (genes, chromosomes).

In the modern world, the proper development of a child is influenced not only by heredity, but also by the environment itself.
Polluted atmosphere negatively affects the development of the child, already in the prenatal state. Pollution air masses in the atmosphere, the sharp deterioration of water and forest resources contribute to the fact that the percentage of children born with certain disabilities is increasing. For example, the birth of deaf-mute, blind children.
The development of deaf-mute and blind children is significantly different from the development of healthy children, it is slow.
Despite this fact, special methods have been developed and created in pedagogy that contribute to the development of special children. New specialized institutions and centers for special children are built and opened every year. It is also important to point out that active work and retraining of workers in this area is being carried out. Numerous specialists are working on this problem, such as teachers, psychologists, etc.
Serious and sometimes super-achievable tasks are assigned to these specialists. but main task in the work of qualified specialists is to help each special child at least a little closer to real world to provide support in the adaptation of the child to the world around him.