Bityanova school start methodological recommendations. School start diagnostics of starting readiness for successful learning

Educational complex "SCHOOL START":

School years are a person’s long road to knowledge and understanding of the world and society. To yourself. The road is complex, requiring desire and effort from the one who walks along it, as well as understanding and professionalism from the one who leads and accompanies. Every step on this path is significant. Especially the first steps. Our diagnostic program allows an adult to set the right guidelines on the starting pad of education.


. preschool teacher;

. 1st grade teacher;

. teacher of the school preparation group.


. finding out the reasons for the child’s success and failure;

. work on the formation of universal educational activities.


. 3-4 weeks of April (for preschool educational institutions);

. 3-4 weeks of study in 1st grade.

"School start"- it is fundamentally new approach to pedagogical diagnostics and teacher organization of the first weeks and months of children’s education at school.
It allows:
- obtain reliable information about whether the child is ready to study successfully;
- create a basis for the development of universal educational activities;
- provide an emotionally comfortable educational environment for each child;
- pick up pedagogical methods and techniques taking into account the level of readiness and plan individual work with kids.

Uniqueness of diagnostics

A psychological examination of 1st grade textbooks allowed the authors of the educational curriculum to identify a basic set of skills that are important to develop in a child from the very first days of education. These skills:
- ensure understanding of the textbook material and teacher instructions,
- allow you to engage in educational dialogue in the classroom,
- help organize activities in the lesson, etc.
- timely diagnosis of such skills allows the teacher to “tune” educational process to the individual level of readiness of each student and the class as a whole.
- from the first days of training, comfortable conditions are created to achieve educational results that comply with the Federal State Educational Standard of the NEO.

A total of 17 skills are identified. They are grouped into the blocks “observation”, “Thinking abilities”, “Control skills”, “Communication skills” and “Personal readiness”:

IN methodological manual For the teacher, detailed characteristics of each skill are given according to the following scheme:

How does diagnostics work?

Each child works in his own personal workbook.

Special diagnostic exercises make it possible to identify those skills that help children cope with educational tasks at the beginning of 1st grade.
The tasks are built on the basis of color drawings, which makes them easier for the child to perceive.

How is diagnostics carried out?

Pedagogical diagnostics of starting readiness can be carried out at the end of children’s stay in preparatory group preschool (3-4 weeks of April) or 3-4 weeks of 1st grade.

All exercises are performed under the guidance of a teacher. Methodological recommendations have been developed to help the teacher. They provide everything necessary information: purpose of the task, instructions, completion time, advice on what to do in certain unforeseen situations, how to respond to children’s questions, etc.

Processing diagnostic results

We have tried to simplify the procedure for processing diagnostic results as much as possible. It is produced using specialized systems. To work in the system, registration is required.

What does diagnostics give a teacher?

“School start” is an opportunity for a teacher to understand the reasons for the success and failure of his students and, from the first days, to consciously and purposefully work on the formation of universal educational actions.
The data obtained as a result of diagnostics can be included in the portfolio of each child.

How to learn how to diagnose

The methodological manual provides comprehensive information on the conduct and processing of diagnostic data.
- You can undergo training at a one-day seminar conducted by the Center psychological support education "POINT PSI".
- Information about the seminars can be obtained on the website

What aids should I use for diagnostics?

In UMK "School start" includes:

Successful start - a good start learning at school!

The results of the initial diagnostics will help the teacher organize work in the first months of training, and then the data from monitoring meta-subject educational results will serve as guidelines for work. Monitoring is also built on a system of special diagnostic tasks and is carried out in February-March of each year of study at primary school.
(This material can be downloaded)
(Educational presentation by M.R. Bityanova can be downloaded)

A continuation of the educational and methodological complex “School Start” is an educational and methodological kit, which is a system for monitoring meta-subject teaching aids.

School years are a person’s long road to knowledge and understanding of the world and society.

To yourself.

The road is difficult, requiring desire and effort from those who walk along it. And also understanding and professionalism from the one who leads and accompanies.

Every step on this path is significant. Especially the first steps.

Our diagnostic program allows an adult to set the right guidelines on the starting pad of education.

“School start” is a fundamentally new approach to pedagogical diagnostics and teacher organization of the first weeks and months of children’s schooling.

It allows:

Obtain reliable information about whether the child is ready to study successfully;

Create a basis for the development of universal learning activities;

Provide an emotionally comfortable educational environment for each child;

Select pedagogical methods and techniques taking into account the level of readiness and plan individual work with children.

Uniqueness of diagnostics

A psychological examination of 1st grade textbooks allowed the authors of the educational curriculum to identify a basic set of skills that are important to develop in a child from the very first days of education. These skills:

Ensure understanding of textbook material and teacher instructions,

Allows you to engage in educational dialogue in the classroom,

Help organize activities in class, etc.

Timely diagnosis of such skills allows the teacher to “tune” the educational process to the individual level of readiness of each student and the class as a whole.

From the first days of training, comfortable conditions are created to achieve educational results that comply with the Federal State Educational Standards of the NEO.

A total of 17 skills are identified. They are grouped into the blocks “observation”, “Thinking abilities”, “Control skills”, “Communication skills” and “Personal readiness”:

How does diagnostics work?

Each child works in his own personal workbook.

Special diagnostic exercises make it possible to identify those skills that help children cope with educational tasks at the beginning of 1st grade.

The tasks are built on the basis of color drawings, which makes them easier for the child to perceive.

How is diagnostics carried out?

Pedagogical diagnostics of starting readiness is carried out at 3-4 weeks of teaching a first-grader.

All exercises are performed under the guidance of a teacher. Methodological recommendations have been developed to help the teacher. They provide all the necessary information: the purpose of the task, instructions, completion time, advice on what to do in certain unforeseen situations, how to respond to children’s questions, etc.

Information about seminars can be found on the websites

The educational complex “School Start” includes:

- - guidelines To her (authors Beglova T.V., Bityanova M.R., Merkulova T.V., Teplitskaya A.G.).



“School start”: diagnostics of readiness for learning and others professional steps teacher

Pedagogical diagnostics of initial readiness for successful learning in primary school

School years are a person’s long road to knowledge and understanding of the world and society.

To yourself.

The road is difficult, requiring desire and effort from those who walk along it. And also understanding and professionalism from the one who leads and accompanies.

Every step on this path is significant. Especially the first steps.

Our diagnostic program allows an adult to set the right guidelines on the starting pad of education.

“School start” is a fundamentally new approach to pedagogical diagnostics and teacher organization of the first weeks and months of children’s schooling.

It allows:

Obtain reliable information about whether the child is ready to study successfully;

Create a basis for the development of universal learning activities;

Provide an emotionally comfortable educational environment for each child;

Select pedagogical methods and techniques taking into account the level of readiness and plan individual work with children.

Uniqueness of diagnostics

A psychological examination of 1st grade textbooks allowed the authors of the educational curriculum to identify a basic set of skills that are important to develop in a child from the very first days of education. These skills:

Ensure understanding of textbook material and teacher instructions,

Allows you to engage in educational dialogue in the classroom,

Help organize activities in class, etc.

Timely diagnosis of such skills allows the teacher to “tune” the educational process to the individual level of readiness of each student and the class as a whole.

From the first days of training, comfortable conditions are created to achieve educational results that comply with the Federal State Educational Standards of the NEO.

A total of 17 skills are identified. They are grouped into the blocks “observation”, “Thinking abilities”, “Control skills”, “Communication skills” and “Personal readiness”:

The teacher's manual provides detailed characteristics everyone skills according to the following scheme:

How does diagnostics work?

Each child works in his own personal workbook.

Special diagnostic exercises make it possible to identify those skills that help children cope with educational tasks at the beginning of 1st grade.

The tasks are built on the basis of color drawings, which makes them easier for the child to perceive.

How is diagnostics carried out?

Pedagogical diagnostics of starting readiness is carried out at 3-4 weeks of teaching a first-grader.

All exercises are performed under the guidance of a teacher. Methodological recommendations have been developed to help the teacher. They provide all the necessary information: the purpose of the task, instructions, completion time, advice on what to do in certain unforeseen situations, how to respond to children’s questions, etc.

Processing diagnostic results

All data is entered into 2 summary tables, which allows them to be used in the future for qualitative pedagogical analysis.

What does diagnostics give a teacher?

“School start” is an opportunity for a teacher to understand the reasons for the success and failure of his students and, from the first days, to consciously and purposefully work on the formation of universal educational actions.

The data obtained as a result of diagnostics can be included in the portfolio of each child.

How to learn how to diagnose

The methodological manual provides comprehensive information on the conduct and processing of diagnostic data.

You can undergo training at a one-day seminar, which is conducted by the Center for Psychological Support of Education “POINT PSI” and the Federal Scientific and Methodological Center named after. L.V. Zankova.

A successful start is a good start to school!

The results of the initial diagnostics will help the teacher organize work in the first months of training, and then the data from monitoring meta-subject educational results will serve as guidelines for work. Monitoring is also based on a system of special diagnostic tasks and is carried out in February-March of each year of primary school.

Currently, a program for monitoring meta-subject educational results for grades 1 and 2 is being prepared for publication.

What aids should I use for diagnostics?

The educational complex “School Start” includes:

- workbook for first graders(authors Beglova T.V., Bityanova M.R., Teplitskaya A.G.)

T.V. Beglova, M.R. Bityanova T.V. Merkulova, A.G. Teplitskaya



to the workbook “School Start”

Pedagogical diagnostics of starting readiness

To successful learning

in primary school

general characteristics pedagogical diagnostics of starting readiness

Description of the diagnostic procedure

Evaluation and analysis of results

The use of diagnostic data in the work of a teacher to individualize learning

Publishing house "Educational Literature"

BBK 74.202.5 B37


them. L.V. ZANKOVA

Scientific editor S. G. Yakovleva

IN Methodological recommendations addressed to primary school teachers describe a program for pedagogical diagnostics and assessment of a child’s initial readiness for successful learning in primary school. Diagnostics are carried out on the third or fourth week of children's schooling. Its goal is to determine the level of readiness of each child

To development curriculum and achievement of educational results in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of NEO.

The diagnostic results will allow the teacher not only to provide targeted pedagogical assistance and support to each student, taking into account his individual characteristics, but also to “tune” the learning process of the class as a whole. Diagnostic data opens a child’s portfolio, which will be supplemented with new materials as he or she learns.

description of the diagnostic procedure, evaluation and analysis of its results. The manual may be useful to teachers who use various teaching materials, as well as school psychologists and parents.

Beglova T.V., Bityanova M.R., Merkulova T.V., Teplitskaya A.G.

B37 Methodological recommendations for the workbook “School Start”. Pedagogical diagnostics of starting readiness for successful learning in primary school / Ed. M.R. Bityanova. $ 2nd ed., rev. $ Samara: Publishing House "Educational Literature": Publishing House "Fedorov", 2012. $ 64 p.

ISBN 978$5$9507$1462$7 (Educational Literature Publishing House). ISBN 978$5$393$00683$9 (Fedorov Publishing House).

Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

General characteristics of pedagogical diagnostics

starting readiness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Pedagogical diagnostics of starting readiness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Structure of the diagnostic notebook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Carrying out diagnostics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25

conducting and evaluating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27

Processing and presentation of diagnostic data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Diagnostic data for a specific child. . . . . . . . 49

Diagnostic data per class. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50

Qualitative assessment and use of data

diagnostics in the work of a teacher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52

Assessment of the level of development of specific skills. . . 52

Assessment of the level of instrumental readiness

Assessment of the level of personal readiness

each child and the class as a whole. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55

Grade general level starting readiness

each child and the class as a whole. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57


The beginning of schooling, both in the minds of teachers and in the minds of the parents of a future first-grader, is traditionally associated with the problem of readiness. It's rare that a parent doesn't wonder if their child is ready for school. This question hides many different feelings and experiences of parents: concern for the child (will he be good at school? will studying harm his well-being and mental health?), and social fears (will my child be worse than others?), and parental ambitions (what will they think of me?), and much more. Teachers also think seriously about children’s readiness for systematic learning. For him, this is both a question of his own professional success (will I be able to show a high professional level by teaching these children?), and concern for the quality of education (will the children be able to learn everything they need?). These questions are especially relevant now, when every teacher is faced with the task of setting up the learning process to achieve not only subject, but also meta-subject educational results (MSE). This “tuning” involves increased attention to each child, his individual capabilities, and level of starting readiness.

Both parents and teachers, worried about the child’s readiness to learn, place their hopes on the psychologist and his professional knowledge. Psychological diagnostics are most often considered as a tool for studying readiness. Why is this so? And is this right? The first question is easy to answer. The term “readiness” in relation to first-graders is traditionally supplemented with the adjective “psychological”. Psychological readiness is a look at the child’s educational prospects, success or failure from the point of view of various development parameters. A psychologist has a set of diagnostic tools in his arsenal to assess various aspects of such readiness: motivation, personal vision

strength, level of intellectual and sensorimotor development, formation of volition, etc. Based on the diagnostic results, individual indicators mental development are compared with the age norm. Due to this, it becomes possible to assess the level (degree) of psychological readiness.

If the readiness level is low, the child will have difficulty learning at the same level as other children. He will need individual help from a teacher, and in some cases from a psychologist or speech pathologist. As a rule, you need special classes, which allow the development of certain mental processes.

Psychological readiness has become last years the main “starting” indicator school life first-grader. And this is very good. This suggests that we care about each child, his well-being, and his personal success. But is the whole “truth about a child’s readiness” for learning contained in the traditional set of indicators of mental development? Are we missing something very important that can prevent even psychologically ready children from successfully adapting to the learning process and receiving a quality education? The question is clear to every practitioner - both a teacher and a psychologist. From time to time we are faced with a situation where, by all indicators, psychological readiness the child is within the age norm, and learn, master educational material, it is very difficult for him to communicate with other children in educational situations. What is the reason: the diagnostics were carried out poorly? Or did you miss something important? It seems to us that psychological readiness alone is not enough to determine the learning prospects of a particular child and the class as a whole, since it does not offer an assessment of a number of indicators. Let's call the sum of such indicators “starting readiness”.

Starting readiness is a set of skills (that is, mastery of methods of action, thinking, communication) that allow a child to successfully master educational material presented in a certain way and to be involved in educational situations that the teacher creates for him.

Coming to school, a child finds himself in an educational space specially organized for him, consisting of

new objects, visual images, activities and communication. All this is created by the teacher in order to teach better. But first, the child must be ready to learn the way the teacher suggests. Learning situations must be built on the basis of those skills and mental processes, which are already developed in the student at least at the initial level. Certain starting skills are required. We are not talking about the ability to read or count. It's about about various abilities, as we would say in relation to a schoolchild, of a meta-subject nature. This is starting readiness.

Psychological and starting readiness complement each other and provide a general vision of the prospects for a child’s learning and development in a specific educational environment. Below, in Table 1, their comparative characteristics are given.

Table 1. Comparative analysis of the child’s pedagogical and psychological readiness for schooling




for comparison









about the child's

about maturity or





on purpose



and psychophysiological

for this

ski processes



Is being studied

Is being studied

and is assessed

and is assessed



is being studied

and is assessed

at 2–3 weeks


1 For more information about this, see table 2 on p. 14.

Continuation of Table 1




for comparison




Accounting for received


data at


with baby.



development of each

by construction

child; making



during working hours


teacher program;



pace of passage





With the joint application and interconnected analysis of the results of diagnosing psychological and starting readiness, we, adults who teach and accompany the development of the child, have the opportunity to maximally customize the educational process for each specific student, strengthen positive influence one or another educational system.

But if the diagnosis of psychological readiness is well developed both at the theoretical and instrumental levels, then the pedagogical diagnosis of starting readiness is more of a “figure of speech” than a specific professional tool.

We have attempted to develop and describe a program for pedagogical diagnostics of starting readiness. Using this program, you can assess your child’s capabilities for systematic learning in first grade. The proposed recommendations for teachers can be an important tool for pedagogical analysis and design of the educational process.


In the very general view The purpose of this program (its goal) is to obtain reliable information about the child’s readiness to study successfully and achieve a high-quality educational result in 1st grade. In the future, this information can be used by the teacher to:

1) create psychological and pedagogical prerequisites for the development of universal educational activities and, accordingly, achieving high-quality meta-subject and personal educational results by the end of primary school;

2) provide an emotionally comfortable educational environment for each child by planning the pace of completion and level of difficulty of the program;

3) adjust the forms and methods of teaching the class as a whole, taking into account the level of readiness for individual blocks of skills;

4) plan individual teaching work

With every child;

5) if necessary, obtain advice on issues of educating children from specialized specialists (psychologists, speech pathologists).

The criteria we propose for a child’s starting readiness follow from the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary general education and correspond to the request of the developmental education system of L.V. Zankova1.

1 More details about the system of developmental education L.V. Zankova and her capabilities in achieving the results planned by the Federal State Educational Standard, see: Vantsyan A.G., Nechaeva N.V., Petrova E.N., Plotnikova A.Yu., Yakovleva S.G. “Implementation of a new educational standard: the potential of the L.V. system. Zankova." Samara: Publishing House "Educational Literature": Publishing House "Fedorov", 2010, 2011.

The most important component of this system are didactic principles, which act as a link between the goals, objectives and practice of teaching, creating conditions for the holistic development of the child. Brief characteristics of the named L.V. Zankov’s didactic principles of developmental education will reveal, on the one hand, the level of expectation imposed modern school to the child, and, on the other hand, the features of teaching that contribute to the development of the expected qualities of the student.

For developmental education and modern Federal State Educational Standards, the basic position is L.S. Vygotsky that learning should take place in the zone of proximal development, and not on the current one, already achieved by the child level. In the system of developmental education L.V. Zankov’s position is implemented as follows.

The content of education is selected and structured on the basis of didactic the principle of the leading role of theoretical knowledge. The essence of the principle is that it is aimed at a deep awareness of the connections and dependencies between theoretical material both within one subject and between different subjects, as well as the leading role of theoretical knowledge in relation to practical knowledge. The implementation of this principle in the content of educational subjects creates conditions for students to study the interdependence of phenomena, their internal essential connection, which forms the systematicity of knowledge and the necessary mental abilities, first of all, methods of carrying out mental operations.

The child’s work not with individual facts and phenomena, but at the crossroads of knowledge, in turn, creates conditions for the implementation of didactic the principle of learning at a high level of difficulty while observing the measure of difficulty. The implementation of this principle requires maximum of this child tension of the mind, will, and feelings to solve a complex (but feasible) cognitive task. It provides for the organization of collective learning activities in the classroom to solve a problem that the child cannot cope with on his own ( high level difficulties), but solves them in cooperation with the teacher and classmates (compliance with the measure of difficulty). The measure of difficulty is established and adjusted by studying the child, starting from his admission

to school, the main objective which is to determine the level of current development of each student. This knowledge gives an idea of ​​the zone of proximal development, which should be activated by the presented level of difficulty of the task. Knowing the level of a student’s achievements allows one to quite accurately determine the need for this or that assistance and its extent in order to organize productive independent activity. Thus, the student’s cognitive activity is built not from simple to complex, but from complex to simple, from some unfamiliar situation through an independent or collective search to its resolution, if necessary, with assistance - from general hinting to direct. It is precisely the encounter with cognitive difficulty that evokes emotions that stimulate the search activity of the student and the class.

The child overcomes the difficulty that has arisen thanks to the implementation of didactic the principle of awareness of the learning process. In accordance with this principle, education is structured so that schoolchildren understand not only the regularity of the sequence of material and the interrelation of concepts studied in academic subjects, but also the process of acquiring knowledge itself, so that they evaluate their capabilities and themselves in the class team, those. developed an important human ability – reflection. When faced with difficulty, the student asks the questions: “Why didn’t it work?”, “What knowledge or skills are missing?” This is how the child’s educational and research activities are motivated, during which they become more active. personal qualities, character and will are developed, communication, discussion, reasoning thinking are activated, “knowledge - ignorance” are differentiated, the child looks for the missing information, which leads to solving the problem.

Systematicity, awareness of knowledge and methods of activity are necessary conditions for the implementation the principle of a fast pace of learning material. This principle affects not so much the quantitative as the qualitative characteristics of learning. He demands constant movement forward and resists multiple monotonous repetitions, marking time, “chewing” the same material. L.V. Zankov wrote: “Continuous enrichment of the schoolchild’s mind

“Nika’s diverse content creates favorable conditions for a deeper understanding of the information obtained, since it is included in a widely ramified system”1. Rapid progress occurs simultaneously with a constant return to the past. The study (discovery) of something new is carried out on the basis of understanding what is already known. This structure is characteristic of programs in the developmental education system of L.V. Zankov, helps to overcome the isolation of its parts and ensures the permanence of repetition, which leads to the strength of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities. Children not only make rapid progress in learning new things, but at the same time constantly reinforce previously acquired knowledge.

The next didactic principle requires targeted and systematic work on the overall development of all participants

members of the class, including both strong and weak, subject to the requirement of constant care for mental and physical health every child . The implementation of this principle requires the creation of such conditions that the child, based on his childhood personal experience and his abilities, inclinations could optimally advance in general development. Such opportunities are provided by the content of training courses, built on an integrated basis. Integrated courses, providing different aspects of reality, create conditions for the formulation of multifaceted tasks for one content. Such tasks combine different levels of generalization, theoretical and practical material from different sections of the academic subject and from different subjects. Knowledge is also presented in the form of combinations different levels: reproductive, logical, problematic, creative. In such a wide field of possibilities, each child can express his or her strengths and develop insufficiently developed ones, which creates real conditions for individualization of training 2 .

1 Zankov L.V. Selected pedagogical works. M.: House of Pedagogy, 1999. P. 230.

2 Description of didactic principles was carried out by the scientific director of the Federal Scientific and Medical Center named after. L.V. Zankova $ N.V. Nechaev.

By creating conditions for the individualization of learning, the implementation of this didactic principle, like all those mentioned above, is possible only with the constant study of the individual characteristics of each child. The use of the proposed program for studying the starting readiness of children seems to us to be one of the effective ways to obtain knowledge about the individual characteristics and capabilities of first-graders at the time of the start of their education.

We are talking not so much about the maturity of certain mental processes necessary for learning, but rather about the fact that certain skills must be formed on their basis. Let us emphasize that it is not always possible to equate the level of a child’s psychological maturity with his readiness to learn, since the psychological prerequisites for successful learning may already have been formed, but specific skills may not. If the skills are not formed by the child’s previous developmental experiences, the teacher will need to spend time and organize special situations in order to develop these basic skills in the child himself or seek help from a specialist (for example, a psychologist).

The sum of these skills constitutes the instrumental component of initial readiness for systematic learning. It reflects the extent to which the child is equipped with special processing tools educational information(skills or abilities). These skills ensure the effectiveness of educational observations and solutions logical problems(age-appropriate, of course), educational cooperation and dialogue between children, primary control of their actions. No less important are the indicators of the personal component of starting readiness, which characterize the child’s attitude to learning: whether knowledge and the process of learning itself is valuable for the child. The skills that make up the instrumental component of starting readiness are especially important at the beginning of training. At the same time, they are an important prerequisite for the formation of universal personal and meta-subject learning activities.

The development of skills included in the blocks of “observation” and “mental abilities” creates the most important prerequisites for the formation of cognitive learning skills. “Control” skills form the basis for the formation of regulatory control systems.

Communication skills included in the instrumental component of starting readiness and the personal component also correlate with the educational results of grade 1 and the entire primary school.

Diagram 1. Diagnosis of a child’s initial readiness for successful learning: main parameters












and value



In table 2 on p. 14 shows the indicators of starting readiness, given brief characteristics each skill and examples are given educational assignments using these skills. All of them are taken from the educational teaching and learning system according to the system of developmental education by L.V. Zankov or teaching methods for different courses in the first two quarters of 1st grade.

Table 2. Indicators of a child’s initial readiness for learning



Educational meaning

educational assignments,

types of tasks

in textbooks


1 . Questions

In the process of formation

“Complete the drawing

mother acquaintance

images of letters, numbers, words


object as ce


low in conditions

various tasks, preferably


delaying recognition and up

“Complete the drawing


building this image to

the whole. In order to

deal with it quickly

my tasks


the child knows well how


looks like a letter or number

in its entirety), to him

this skill will be required

2. Select from

In the first grade, the child

children are offered a large amount


number of tasks, built

new parts used

nykh on search "hidden"

"How many

walking from the postavy

ny" in the picture of objects

on the image


or living beings to


learned more

take a child in a complex image

whether, focusing on insta

hand of an adult (in the distance

neyshem - on the conditions of the problem

or educational purpose).

In addition, in first class

this is a skill

will be needed


aimed at

forming a letter image

and numbers. It's difficult without them

get by, as they will help

tell the child to remember to see

bold outline of the necessary



Educational meaning

educational assignments,

types of tasks

in textbooks

Recognizing a friend before


meta, phenomena in schematics




on the image?",

vital signs – important

"Fold the owl


a prerequisite for successful

from paper,

training. It is on the basis

make a wolf

this skill will be developed

from the box"

figuratively logical

thinking, which in its

queue is impossible without help


acknowledge significant






4. Hold it




be given

part varied and knowledgeable

research assignments

noah sequence

this type of child cares about you

and say"


work in a certain country

"What is possible

in progress

observations (order

find out what



"thaya" these ri

stick to

her. This allows him to


inference information

mation. This skill is

is a prerequisite


subordinate your perception

specific task

battle strategy watching

deniya, adequate educational



Educational meaning

educational assignments,

types of tasks

in textbooks

5. Lean




to the visual


to the drawing

image for

based on the principle: “Look

and remember..."


in the picture (or watching

give)" or "Listen to me."

First the teacher suggests


relate to the child

the knowledge he expounds

yes, with visual images

mi. Then the child was offered


shannano. At the same time he has

there is an opportunity to rely


to the same image. Such for

child to mediate his

important, so

like they are, to put it psycho

logical language


memory. Thus age

“Add each

it is impossible to post them

increases the ability to produce

free memorization

Thinking abilities

6. Installed

The importance of these skills



but overestimate, because without

to the group"

"genus species"

natural law

I'm blowing a group"

dimensions, nor practical

"What kind of


What are the activities in the lessons?

Is there too much meth?



7. Installed

mastering the rules


"What happened

be logical


at first?",

some type of connections

From the very first weeks of training



niya child should accordingly


force phenomena or objects

certain recognition



spare and do justified

new conclusions. Many logs

Continuation of Table 2



Educational meaning

educational assignments,

types of tasks

in textbooks

8. Installed

technical skills form


give more quantity

being a teacher in


what more"


training. However, there is a mind


relationship type

knowledge on which he relies

appears when executing the task

less" between

ny, considering them formed


and phenomena

skills are a must

again successful

of such tasks

9. Highlight



groups are possible

from many



combine them

"Divide into


different groups


with the supplied

10. Operate

Successful mastery of technology



or other knowledge or skills


by using

dog action


in pictures"",

image, word,

no, when the child acquires


diagrams and signs

melts them or learns to accept them


by doing

based on different

example in the form

educational tasks

“language”: word, sign, diagram


drawing, image.

Therefore, in textbooks

tasks are laid out in which

ry children must quickly

switch from one way

ba presentation information

Educational meaning

educational assignments,

types of tasks

in textbooks

11. See




ability to draw conclusions based on

available information and


in the studied

make forecasts. If you study

row", "Find


Nick saw a pattern, he


will be able to reproduce it, about

to keep, to carry out an offer

my learning activity

School education is based on



word, concept. At the very beginning

objects and

le 1st class still has support for



image of an object or phenomenon, but

and drawings,


put in them

every day the role is conceptual

to which


th thinking and words will be

these words


melt. In order to fit


ki concepts

read the transition from image to word,


in the textbook the child is offered

what is it about


all tasks based on the

naming and designation by word


(concept) of various phenomena


and objects. To execute

such tasks, the child needs

dimo isolate in perception

at my site


signs and, based on them, correlation

carry an object with a word, it

denoting. If

difficult to analyze perceptions

the object being considered from the point of view

significant signs, he will

children will be mistaken in designating it

This skill is preferred

development more

complex mental abilities

tey: to subsume the concept of

basis for highlighting essential

signs and their generalizations, and

Educational meaning

educational assignments,

types of tasks

in textbooks

Control (correction) skills

13. Relate

Underlies the ana skill

"Compare with


streamline your work and

side by side

with sample

walk in it mistakes. Yavlya

di errors",

and installed

control is a prerequisite



but evaluative


same beech


The basis of this skill is

you, but small

voluntary attention and

cue", "Fix

ability to analyze


14. Follow

Strict adherence to instructions



tions are the basis of any training

in a given

when executing

nia. The student must understand


scientific research institutes

the meaning of the task and keep


given sequence


actions until the result is achieved


result. Is the basis

the letters are the same

more complex skill - you

completing the task according to the algorithm


Communication skills

15. Use



give a speech

create a communicative situation


tion in class to receive

as a source




The source of information is

when executing

not only the teacher, but

scientific research institutes

and classmates.

trying to focus on speech

adult, the student can


new, more

difficult, level – educational

interaction with peers

kami. For the child to teach

xia to operate educational in

formation received from

peers, first he must

wives master this skill

in relation to adults



The beginning of schooling, both in the minds of teachers and in the minds of the parents of a future first-grader, is traditionally associated with the problem of readiness. It's rare that a parent doesn't wonder if their child is ready for school. Behind this question lies many different feelings and experiences of parents: concern for the child (will he be good at school? will it harm his well-being, mental health?), and social fears (will my child be worse than others?), and parental ambitions (what will they think of me?), and much more. Teachers also think seriously about children’s readiness for systematic learning. For him, this is both a question of his own professional success (will I be able to show a high professional level by teaching these children?), and concern for the quality of the children’s education (will they be able to learn everything they need?).

And psychological diagnostics are most often considered as a tool for studying readiness. Why is that? And is this right? The first question is easy to answer. The term “readiness” in relation to first-graders is traditionally supplemented with the adjective “psychological.” Psychological readiness is a look at the prospects for a child's learning - success or failure - from the point of view of various aspects of mental development. Based on the diagnostic results, individual indicators of mental development are compared with indicators of the age norm. Due to this, it becomes possible to assess the level (degree) of psychological readiness. If the readiness level is low, the child will have difficulty learning at the same level as other children. He will need individual help from a teacher, and in some cases from a psychologist or speech pathologist. As a rule, special developmental activities are needed that allow one to develop certain mental processes.




School years are a person’s long road to knowledge and understanding of the world and society. To yourself.

The road is difficult, requiring desire and effort from those who walk along it. And also understanding and professionalism from the one who leads and accompanies.

Every step on this path is significant. Especially the first steps.

Our diagnostic program allows an adult to set the right guidelines on the starting pad of education.

"School start" is a fundamentally new approach to pedagogical diagnostics and teacher organization of the first weeks and months of children’s education at school.
It allows:
- obtain reliable information about whether the child is ready to study successfully;
- create a basis for the development of universal educational activities;
- provide an emotionally comfortable educational environment for each child;
- select pedagogical methods and techniques taking into account the level of readiness and plan individual work with children.

Uniqueness of diagnostics

A psychological examination of 1st grade textbooks allowed the authors of the educational curriculum to identify a basic set of skills that are important to develop in a child from the very first days of education. These skills:
- ensure understanding of the textbook material and teacher instructions,
- allow you to engage in educational dialogue in the classroom,
- help organize activities in the lesson, etc.
- timely diagnosis of such skills allows the teacher to “tune” the educational process to the individual level of readiness of each student and the class as a whole.
- from the first days of training, comfortable conditions are created to achieve educational results that comply with the Federal State Educational Standard of the NEO.

A total of 17 skills are identified. They are grouped into the blocks “observation”, “Thinking abilities”, “Control skills”, “Communication skills” and “Personal readiness”:

The teacher's manual provides detailed characteristics of each skill according to the following scheme:

How does diagnostics work?

Each child works in his own personal workbook.

Special diagnostic exercises make it possible to identify those skills that help children cope with educational tasks at the beginning of 1st grade.
The tasks are built on the basis of color drawings, which makes them easier for the child to perceive.

How is diagnostics carried out?

Pedagogical diagnostics of starting readiness is carried out at 3-4 weeks of teaching a first-grader.

All exercises are performed under the guidance of a teacher. Methodological recommendations have been developed to help the teacher. They provide all the necessary information: the purpose of the task, instructions, completion time, advice on what to do in certain unforeseen situations, how to respond to children’s questions, etc.

Processing diagnostic results

We have tried to simplify the procedure for processing diagnostic results as much as possible. All data is entered into 2 summary tables, which allows them to be used in the future for qualitative pedagogical analysis.

What does diagnostics give a teacher?

“School start” is an opportunity for a teacher to understand the reasons for the success and failure of his students and, from the first days, to consciously and purposefully work on the formation of universal educational actions.
The data obtained as a result of diagnostics can be included in the portfolio of each child.

How to learn how to diagnose

The methodological manual provides comprehensive information on the conduct and processing of diagnostic data.
- You can undergo training at a one-day seminar, which is conducted by the Center for Psychological Support of Education “POINT PSI” and the Federal Scientific and Methodological Center named after. L.V. Zankova.
- Information about seminars can be obtained on the websites

presents a unique project for 1st grade teachers


Pedagogical diagnostics of starting readiness
to successful learning in primary school

T.V. Beglova, M.R. Bityanova,

T.V. Merkulova,

A.G. Teplitskaya

Ed. M.R. Bityanova

pedagogical diagnostics of initial readiness for successful learning is a fundamentally new approach to organizing the first weeks and months of children’s education
At school. The teacher gets the opportunity to identify in first-graders the level of development of those basic skills that ensure their understanding of the textbook material and the teacher’s educational instructions, allow the child to engage in educational dialogue in the lesson, organize his cognitive activity, etc. Analysis of the diagnostic results will allow the teacher to “tune” the educational process to individual level of readiness of each student and the class as a whole. Thus, from the first days of training, comfortable psychological and pedagogical conditions are created for high-quality training and achievement of educational results that comply with the Federal State Educational Standards of NEO.

P The proposed educational complex includes a workbook for first-graders and methodological recommendations for it.

Format: 200x285; 143x200

Volume: 24 pp., 64 pp.

Diagnostics are carried out during the 3rd–4th week of teaching a first-grader based on assignments in the workbook. Special diagnostic exercises are aimed at identifying those skills that help children cope with the main types of educational tasks at the beginning of 1st grade. They were partially developed on the basis of such real tasks. All exercises are performed under the guidance of a teacher based on the instructions presented in the guidelines. In addition, the teacher’s words are duplicated in the workbook. The tasks are made in the form of drawings, which makes them easier for the child to perceive.

Detailed description procedures for diagnostics, assessment and analysis of results are presented in the methodological recommendations for teachers.

For more information about what diagnostic readiness for learning is and what the diagnostic methodology is, read here:

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