Where and how long do you study to become a doctor? Correspondence secondary medical education at Galaxy College

Study, study and study again - this is what Vladimir Ilyich Lenin bequeathed. And those people who want to receive medical education in absentia. But there are a number of nuances and aspects that must be taken into account by every person who decides to follow this path.

Specialties for which distance learning is possible

Medical higher education (and secondary education) must be of high quality, because it is of great importance for human health. Therefore, there are a number of restrictions. So, a person who wants to become a doctor has only one option - full-time education at a university where they teach not only theory, but also practice. And these requirements are not surprising - after all, who would want to be dealt with by a surgeon, therapist, cardiologist or dentist who only has theoretical training? Therefore, there are few specialties in which you can obtain a medical education by correspondence. This is if we talk about first education. But at a distance it is quite possible.

Secondary medical education is also possible. Here you can acquire enough skills in absentia to carry out successful activities. This was a general outline of the situation, but now let's pay attention to it in more detail.

Secondary education

The most popular are "nursing" and "medical optometrist". You can spend a little more than 2 years of study on your second specialty. After this, the person receives the qualification “medical optician”. About the first specialty, we can say that it will take 4.5 years to obtain it. As a result, the person will receive the specialty of a nurse or nurse. To those who enroll extramural, do not put forward such strict requirements as for full-time students.

Knowledge of biology, Russian language and chemistry is important for admission. When choosing what kind of education to receive, people are often not interested in the profitability of the specialty, but want it to be easy to study and work. Therefore, they pay attention to higher medical education. How are things going here?

Higher education

If you want to get a specialty in General Medicine, forget about it right away. Here only (daytime or evening). You won't be able to become a doctor or paramedic without practice. But it is not all that bad. There is a specialty that requires a good knowledge of theory (better than practice) and is not related to intervention in the human body (directly) - pharmaceuticals. Despite the fact that pharmacies currently do not create medicines on their own, such a specialist is required to have sufficient knowledge about the human body, the processes that take place in it, and must also be familiar with chemistry and biology.

Where and for how much do you get a medical education by correspondence?

This is possible in all universities and colleges. Thanks to the development of new methods of obtaining education, the training process can also take place remotely. But it is necessary to remember that if you have a specialty in general medicine, this means that only advanced training is offered for general or thematic improvement. But if you already have the education of a nurse or nurse, then a person can expand the scope of his knowledge in absentia and receive training in preventive and primary medical care to the population, in obstetrics.

The cost of such training is relatively low. But if you are interested in higher education as a pharmacist, then you will have to shell out 70 thousand rubles per year. At the same time, the most popular are Moscow State University and Moscow State University. medical University them. I. M. Sechenov.

What is required from the student?

If you want to receive a correspondence medical education, then you should understand that in this case the person is required to high level self-organization and responsibility. This is due to the fact that students acquire a significant amount of knowledge on their own. The sources are educational literature: books, scientific journals, encyclopedias and so on. That is, success largely depends on how a person knows how to gather and concentrate. After all, the better the information is absorbed, the more effectively it will be applied. At the same time, the presence of practice has a positive effect on the result of study.

You can also start from the position of junior medical staff, getting a job as a laboratory assistant at the nearest hospital. In this case, it will be easier to learn. This will not affect higher medical education (correspondence) if you want to become a doctor, except for the opportunity to consult with specialists about certain issues. But even in such cases it is possible to assimilate new information in the process of performing work.

Medical courses

The standard questions of a person who wants to get a higher education have already been addressed. But correspondence medical education also has options such as courses. They were previously mentioned only in passing. So let's fix this. There shouldn't be any problems with the choice. If you are interested in a medical diagnostic specialty, then obtaining an education will not be difficult.

There are numerous ratings compiled according to different criteria and allowing one to assess the significance of the knowledge presented. Here the choice is up to the person - it is necessary to decide what is important for him, and, based on his preferences, apply to a certain university. The situation is more relaxed with advanced training. Here distance learning You can study in almost all areas of medicine. In this case, during educational process It is based on the intensive work of a specialist, which is very strictly controlled.

In this case, it is important to have special means training. These include digital information media, various manuals, guidelines and textbooks. It is important to build a general training course. Therefore it is widely used modern technologies(for example, the Internet), within the framework of which they agree on the methods of communication used between the student and his mentor. This is done so that key issues can be resolved quickly and efficiently, and also improves the final result through the use of feedback.


When training pursues different goals, the preparation time and price differ. So, the cheapest and shortest is advanced training. Then comes primary specialization. Moreover, in in this case It would be better to say “treading on toes.” Then comes specialization. And closing the gap, due to its duration and cost, is professional retraining. Also, some requirements are put forward to the student’s technical capabilities. So, he needs to have a computer, uninterrupted Internet access, and it is very desirable to have Skype and a webcam.

An important advantage and feature is the availability of training information systems, through which students can become familiar with curriculum, schedule, and remotely access the contents of the electronic library.


What are the benefits of receiving distance medical education? First of all, it is a flexible development schedule curriculum. There is also a whole range of expenses (for a hostel or a trip to the university), both monetary and temporary. Also, before paying for educational services, it would be a good idea to inquire about the availability of a license to provide them and check the information received.


Before you start training, evaluate your capabilities. Job surgeon associated with constant nervous and physical stress. Long hours of operations will require you to good health and great endurance. The surgeon must have such qualities as willpower, determination, the ability to quickly navigate the situation and make a decision on which the patient’s life depends. Not all people are capable of this. If you decide to become a professional, start preparing in advance - increase your endurance and improve your health. To do this, practice every day physical activity.

Enroll in medicine or pediatrics if you want to specialize in pediatrics. For five years you will study medicine together with future therapists and obstetricians under a single program. In the sixth year, students will be assigned to three areas and undergo subordination in a specific specialty. Many students want to become surgeons, but not all pass the competition. For this there must be excellent and good grades for most subjects.

In subordination you will study various areas surgery at departments located directly in clinical departments hospitals. Take a closer look at what area you would like to work in. There are several areas in surgery, all of them have their own specifics. Oncologist surgeons treat various neoplasms, neurosurgeons operate on the brain and spinal cord, vascular surgeons perform operations on blood vessels, etc. Each specialty has its own characteristics. Not everyone will be able to work with cancer patients every day; some will find it more enjoyable to work plastic surgeon. Define the area future work immediately, then you will have to specialize in the chosen direction.

After completing your studies, you will receive a diploma without specifying your specialty. It's not that to become a surgeon, you will specialize in a surgical department. When enrolling in an internship, choose from the options offered the one that matches or is close to your preference. During the year you will work as a doctor under the supervision of the internship supervisor, most often the head of the department. After completing the internship you will receive a certificate surgeon and you can start practicing on your own.

If you want to specialize in a particular area of ​​surgery, such as becoming a cardiac or plastic surgeon, you will need to complete a residency. This is a two-year training cycle on the basis of an institute or advanced training academy. You will undergo a course of theoretical training in the chosen field of surgery and master practical surgical skills. If you have a desire to do scientific work, you can continue your studies in full-time or part-time (on-the-job) graduate school.


Education can be obtained not only full-time, you can study remotely and, of course, by correspondence. But when it comes to medicine, is it possible to get an education in a medical specialty by correspondence? Let's find out.

What does it mean to study medical specialties by correspondence? Not everyone imagines how one can learn this complex profession in absentia. Of course, no one can teach, say, surgery or dentistry in absentia. To become a doctor, you must study at a university and only full-time, with all the necessary theory and practice. It’s strange to imagine a dentist who received his medical specialty in absentia. What if it is a surgeon, cardiologist, gynecologist or therapist? Who would risk entrusting their life to a doctor who studied by correspondence? I think there are few people so desperate.

Medical specialties by correspondence

When we talk about distance learning for doctors, we usually mean advanced training or retraining for those who already have a diploma in some kind of medical educational institution. But, nevertheless, there are some specialties that can be conditionally classified as medical, which can be learned in absentia. For example, “medical optics” with the qualification “medical optician”. This specialty can be obtained in college, by correspondence in just over 2 years of study. Also, for example, you can get the specialty “Nursing” in absentia with the qualification of manager.

One of the few medical specialties that can be obtained by correspondence, because it is not directly related to intervention in the human body, but requires more good theoretical training than knowledge of some practical things, this is pharmaceuticals. Nowadays pharmacies do not make their own medicines, but sell ready-made medicines, but, nevertheless, the pharmacist must also know a lot about the human body, about the processes in this body, and have an excellent knowledge of chemistry and biology.

Correspondence studies at the pharmacy department can be obtained, for example, at the Moscow state university them. I.M. Sechenov, it will cost approximately 70,000 rubles. behind academic year. At Moscow State University, training in this specialty will cost approximately 200,000 rubles, Russian University friendship of peoples - about 75,000 rubles. for the academic year.

You can also get a correspondence medical specialty as a nurse or nurse. For example, medical Faculty of RUDN University accepts applicants for the specialty “Nursing”. The duration of training will be 4.5 years, the form of training is contractual, entrance exams: biology, Russian, chemistry.

The requirements for applicants to the part-time department are not as strict as for full-time students. They note that getting into Moscow State University and First Medical University is somewhat more difficult than entering other Moscow universities.

As for the specialty “General Medicine”, the answer is clear. No correspondence training. Correspondence medical specialties in Russia are a great rarity, a value tending to zero. It is safe to say that it is impossible to become a physician (doctor, paramedic) in absentia. Full-time training only, day or evening. In general, as mentioned above, medical workers with an existing medical higher or secondary education have the opportunity to receive a correspondence medical education.

Where do you study a medical specialty by correspondence?

Medical specialties can be obtained by correspondence in many educational institutions. These include all Moscow medical universities and colleges. You can take courses in nursing, midwifery, primary health care and preventive care for the population. Such courses are intended for nurses in clinics, hospitals, and primary health care institutions.

More and more actively developing modern methods obtaining education, including obtaining medical specialties by correspondence. There are Interactive online courses for medical workers “Interactive Academy of Doctors” based on First Med (First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov). In absentia, only a set of cycles of advanced training for general or thematic improvement is offered. Short courses (16-144 hours), which present current and helpful information. Certification courses and professional retraining courses in full-time and part-time form.

When enrolling in the correspondence department, you need to understand that your studies will require you to be more self-organized and responsible, since with this form of education, students obtain a large amount of knowledge independently, from educational literature. And how well you will absorb the information and be ready to apply it in practice depends only on your ability to gather and concentrate.

It is much more difficult to obtain medical specialties by correspondence than any other, there is no need to explain for a long time why. Constant practice can help in your studies. For example, you can start with junior medical staff, getting a job as a nanny or laboratory assistant in a hospital. And in the process of work it will be somewhat easier to learn and comprehend the theory and obtain the qualification of a nurse. If you want to become a doctor, you will have to obtain higher full-time education.

Who do we usually thank for being born? Parents and God. But at the same time, we forget that at the birth of almost each of us, at least one other person was present. It's about about a gynecologist - a doctor who is loved and hated at the same time, to whom they sometimes go to see as if they were “being shot” and whom they are ready to kiss when he says “congratulations, you are becoming a mother.”

Who do we usually thank for being born? Parents and God. But at the same time, we almost always forget that at the birth of almost each of us, at least one other person was present. A person on whom not only the safety of the sacrament of birth itself, but also the health of the woman, both before and after childbirth, largely depends. This is about gynecologist- a doctor whom they love and hate at the same time, to whom they sometimes go to see as if they were “being shot” and whom they are ready to kiss when he says “congratulations, you are becoming a mother.”

Who is he, this amazing doctor who opens the doors to this world for us? What personal qualities should a real gynecologist have and how to get this profession. You can learn about all this, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of being a gynecologist, in this article.

Who is a gynecologist?

A gynecologist is a highly qualified specialist who studies and treats the female reproductive system and diseases unique to women, monitors the course of pregnancy and delivers babies.

The name of the profession comes from the Greek γυναίκα (woman) and λόγος (study). That is, this is a specialist who studies a woman. The formation of this profession occurred in ancient times, although at that time the obstetrician (in Rus' - midwife) dealt with gynecological issues. Gynecology was identified as a separate branch only in the Middle Ages, and the systematization of the professional duties of a gynecologist occurred at the end of the 19th century.

IN modern society gynecologist profession, as in ancient times, again combined both obstetrics and gynecology. At the same time, many narrow specializations of gynecologists have appeared: a gynecologist-endocrinologist, a pediatric gynecologist, a gynecologist-venereologist, etc. Note that gynecology is closely related to many related areas of medicine, therefore a qualified gynecologist has knowledge and skills in the field of pediatrics, internal medicine and general surgery.

IN professional responsibilities gynecologist includes: identifying, studying diseases, as well as carrying out activities aimed at treating diseases within the framework of their own specialization, diagnosing pregnancy and monitoring a pregnant woman, terminating an unwanted pregnancy, organizing and conducting medical examinations of patients with gynecological diseases, provision of urgent emergency medical care in obstetrics and gynecology, monitoring of actions medicines, conducting consultations on family planning, prescribing contraceptives, consulting doctors in other specialties, diagnosing and treating AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.

What personal qualities should a gynecologist have?

Experts say that a gynecologist, like a dentist, should be visited regularly (at least once every six months). However, many Russian women specialists are sent to “meet” with this extremely reluctantly, and often as a last resort. This is largely explained psychological barrier associated with our mentality. In addition, some women consider gynecologists, as well as all doctors, to be cynical and materialistic individuals who “will find a problem where there is none.” Let us note that in gynecology, as well as in other industries, there really are “random” people. However, in the conditions of modern competition, only true professionals can achieve success, for whom gynecologist work is not a means of earning money, but a way to contribute to the development of society. Therefore, a gynecologist by vocation necessarily exhibits such personal qualities, How:

  • tact;
  • psychological sensitivity;
  • responsibility;
  • patience;
  • communication skills;
  • loyalty;
  • composure;
  • accuracy;
  • persistence.

If we talk about professional qualities gynecologist, then a highly qualified specialist not only knows his specialization thoroughly, but also knows the basics of psychology, masters new methods of diagnosis and treatment, and is constantly developing and improving.

Advantages of being a gynecologist

The most important advantage of being a gynecologist, this, of course, is a feeling of personal significance and involvement in the emergence of a new life. In addition, a gynecologist is one of the professions in demand, so, as a rule, no problems arise with employment (it is much more difficult to “hold on” to a job, since “bad” doctors do not stay in one place for long). It is also necessary to note such advantages as:

  • high level of salary (though only if the gynecologist does not work in a public medical institution or has additional income);
  • prestige of the profession;
  • diversity of professional knowledge and skills;
  • great opportunities for career growth(however, like a doctor of any other specialization).

Disadvantages of being a gynecologist

Talking about disadvantages of the gynecologist profession, first of all, it is necessary to note the enormous responsibility for the health and life of not only the woman in labor, but also her child (not only the girl, but also her future children). In addition, the work of a gynecologist involves:

  • irregular work schedule - the help of a gynecologist may be needed both at night and on a holiday or weekend (this is without mentioning that sometimes childbirth lasts 10-20 hours, and all this time the doctor must be “ready”);
  • not always pleasant working conditions - needless to say, sometimes gynecologists have to examine women who are not the cleanest;
  • nervous tension - pregnant women are not always distinguished by prudence and calm behavior, so sometimes it is gynecologists who have to reassure expectant mothers.

Where can you become a gynecologist?

The medical university invites or Training takes place in full-time and part-time form using distance learning educational technologies, which allows you to combine study with work. The training program is based on relevant educational and professional standards.

Get a profession as a gynecologist is possible only at a specialized university in the department of gynecology and obstetrics. Moreover, during the first five years, the student receives only basic education, and specialization begins only in the sixth year of study (the so-called subordination). Only after completing the subordination, the student receives the qualification of a gynecologist and can begin independent work V antenatal clinic. But the gynecologist’s training does not end there. To obtain the right to deliver a baby, a gynecologist must undergo residency training (2 years) or internship (1 year), where a young specialist is “attached” to an already experienced doctor and, under his guidance, masters all the intricacies of his profession. After completing his training, the young doctor receives a certificate as an obstetrician-gynecologist, which gives him the right to perform childbirth on his own.

In the future, an obstetrician-gynecologist must confirm his qualifications every 5 years and pass certification exams. That is, to become a qualified gynecologist you need to spend at least 6-8 years studying. Therefore, the desire of applicants to enter best medical universities in Russia, which allow you to obtain not only diplomas, but also a competitive level of knowledge and skills, is completely justified and understandable.

By far the best medical universities Russia recognized:

  • (First Moscow State Medical University named after Sechenov);
  • Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov (Russian National Research Medical University named after Pirogov);
  • Northwestern State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov (Northwestern State Medical University named after Mechnikov);
  • St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. Academician I.P. Pavlova (SPbSMU named after I.P. Pavlov)
  • Volgograd State Medical University (Volgograd State Medical University).