Why do you dream that your mother is pregnant: interpretation of sleep for men and women. Mom interpretation from the dream book

Giving birth in a dream is a positive symbol, personifying the completion of things that could not be completed due to a number of problems that arose literally out of nowhere; the sign can also foretell a man who will soon pay a visit to the dreamer.

What if I dream about my mother giving birth to a boy?

If a mother gave birth to a boy in a dream, it means that in reality one should expect favorable changes: prosperity in business, recovery, a successful business trip, all the plans and intentions of the dreamer will come true, but this interpretation true in the case when the child was born healthy.

When interpreting why a mother dreams of giving birth to a boy, they attach importance to the dreamer’s internal state; he is probably not satisfied with relationships with loved ones, he is in real life lack of attention. It is possible that he wants to receive more affection, love, care from his own mother; such a desire is expressed in interesting symbolism dreams.

When in reality the dreamer’s parent died, and he dreams that his mother gave birth to a boy, the interpretation of the dream comes down to the fact that favorable changes await the dreamer, an increase in material level.

A dream where a mother gives birth to a child can be interpreted as the appearance of a person in her life who is trying to control her, attack and put pressure on her psychologically; it is possible that under such circumstances the intervention and protection of the dreamer will be required, he needs to find out the details.

A dream where the dreamer’s mother managed to give birth to male Siamese twins foreshadows the dreamer’s ardent love; if in real life he is not married, it means that he will soon tie the knot.

A similar symbol appeared in a dream to one of the spouses - an addition to the family should be expected soon; the dream can also symbolize two aspects of the dreamer’s personality, two contradictory character traits, and psychological imbalance.

The mother of twins gave birth - in the near future the dreamer will have a chance to meet his soulmate; twin male babies can symbolize help from a person who is very dear to the dreamer.

A night dream where the sleeping person’s mother gives birth to a black boy means that in real life the dreamer is extremely concerned about issues of childbirth.

What does it portend?

Mom gave birth to several black babies - funny adventures await in reality; if the babies in the dream were capricious and crying, this means that in reality the dreamer will be burdened with a burden of problems.

In a dream, the sleeping person held his mother’s child in his arms and lulled him to sleep - a delightful omen that predetermines imminent favorable changes, material wealth, and it is possible that the dreamer himself will show interest in raising children and want to become a parent.

In a dream, being present at the birth of a mother means that the dreamer will become a witness in reality. important event, if in a dream he delivered a baby, it means that a great responsibility will soon fall on his shoulders, and the plot also promises grandiose changes in his personal life.

When such night dreams visit a sleeping person during an illness, it means they promise recovery, but if a baby born in a dream dies, this means a quarrel in reality between the dreamer and his mother.

A dream in which the dreamer saw his mother giving birth to a boy sometimes indicates that the dreamer in reality will take care of solving other people’s problems; seeing his mother’s children as adults means success, receiving benefits, successful deals, and being creative.

A night dream where a mother gave birth to a daughter may mean that the dreamer in reality lacks maternal care, guardianship, attention, and the sleeper is also sad that he lacks communication with others, these nuances result in interesting night scenes.

What if you dream about your mother giving birth to a girl?

When a mother gives birth to a girl in a dream, the plot can be interpreted as a favorable omen; in reality, the dreamer is doing well, health and financial situation at a good level. Definitions of why a mother dreams of giving birth to a girl, large number, it is necessary to focus on the main details of the night vision, it is worth considering how the baby behaved, what the dreamer did, what then happened to the mother.

Such dreams are mainly interpreted in a positive way, they promise quick changes in many areas of activity, they will make everyday life brighter, more attractive, and will bring a lot of positive things. It is believed that the birth of a baby in a dream is comparable to the emergence of new prospects and plans for the future; it is possible that dramatic changes will soon occur in the life of the dreamer and his family, thanks to which the family budget will increase.

A dream where a mother gives birth to a daughter is often identified with pleasant chores, it is quite possible that in reality the dreamer’s parent will become pregnant with a girl. If such a plot visited a daughter who was pregnant in real life, then the dream promises a happy pregnancy, an easy birth, and the birth of a healthy child.

To a son who saw in a dream that his mother was giving birth to a sister, night dream announces that he wants to become a parent, promises surprise, as well as a significant life event. If in a dream the dreamer had to hold in his arms the little sister whom his mother recently gave birth to, then such a sign is very favorable; the sleeper will be lucky; lulling a child to sleep means strong love and the onset of financial success.

When in a dream the birth process lasted a very long time and was difficult, then the dream means the appearance of obstacles in life; if the child cries and screams all the time, then the dream indicates internal complexes, negative character traits of the dreamer.

In a dream, a girl dies having just been born - the negative interpretation comes down to bad relationships the dreamer with his own mother, in real life the dreamer can make everything a reason for conflict, probably because of this he will not be able to advance in life.

What does it portend?

To see in a dream how a mother is swaddling, kissing a girl, playing with a baby - the plot promises an optimistic mood, a newborn is playing with a rattle - a promising omen, it means that the dreamer will soon have a wedding and a prosperous family life. The dream also promises happiness, prosperity, improved health and family relations, implementation of plans, the dreamer can be offered more prestigious job, raise your salary. Seeing in a dream how a mother gives birth to her second child - a charming and calm girl - is in most cases a good symbol; a dream is interpreted in a positive way, where the dreamer sees his sister as an adult; the dream informs that difficult problems are left behind.

A dream where the mother dies during childbirth is interpreted as a negative sign, meaning that in reality the dreamer’s mother will be affected by psychological pressure and she urgently needs help.

To dream of a foundling girl being thrown by her mother means that in reality someone will try to shift the blame onto the dreamer and spoil his reputation, but the dreamer will be able to count on the help of family and friends, and everything will end well for the dreamer.

Dreams are special language images, symbols that can predict future events, give answers to nagging questions, and warn against rash, dangerous actions and deeds. Dreams, one way or another, are a kind of dialogue with the inner “I”, concerning the most secret fears, hopes, desires.

The closest, dearest, dearest person with whom we could share all these thoughts is my mother. Therefore, if we see her in a dream, then we attach special meaning, this dream. You just need to remember that there are a huge number of interpretations of such a dream.

Much depends on a series of upcoming and future events, physical condition, marital status person. To understand why mom dreams, you need to read and analyze the information that can be found in the most popular, and therefore effective, dream books.

I dreamed about my mother

Like any other, a dream with the image of a mother can have a lot of different interpretations, both positive and carrying some kind of caution and warning. Sometimes such visions can precede a new, important stage in life. For example, readiness for motherhood. They can also be interpreted as a subconscious desire to receive advice, a hint or protection.

You should try to remember the pictures and images of the dream as accurately as possible, because every little detail matters for a correct understanding of what you dreamed about. As a rule, people experience very painfully bad nightmare visions associated with such a close person. But they do not always promise negative consequences.

Dreams and goals

The interpretation of a dream in which a mother appears is often associated with life priorities. If the sleeper saw her in an ordinary, daily environment, then most likely this good sign, promising stability in business, strong relationships, and success in your endeavors, achieving your goals.

The most daring plans will come true in the life of someone who dreamed of a mother in a state of happiness or fun. Dream Interpretations interpret such a plot as a great time with high chances of creating successful marriage union, or make peace with a loved one with whom for a long time We didn’t communicate because of resentment. Business people may interpret such a vision as a promise of quick and significant profits and an increase in market position.

Particular attention should be paid to the dream in which the conversation with the mother took place. In fact, this is a unique chance for the dreamer, because each word contains invaluable information that tells you how to act life situation. By remembering the topic of the conversation, you can understand what dangers are being warned about, which of those around you are not entirely sincere and friendly. This is the opportunity for an impartial, objective assessment of one’s own actions and actions, which many people forget about, or avoid, or fear in reality. After all, being honest with yourself is not so easy!

Why do you dream beautiful mom? It symbolizes the prosperity and happiness of the family, and also promises the fulfillment of the most cherished desires and plans. But the image of a young mother means global changes either in lifestyle or in thinking. This is a sign of the need for spiritual renewal and redistribution of powers and responsibilities. Perhaps this one is the one best moment for changing jobs, retirement. For young and energetic people, such a vision can foretell the success of their endeavors, with good financial prospects.

Remember your loved ones!

For a legally married woman, the interpretation of a dream with the image of a mother can mean well-being and prosperity. This is an excellent symbol of the fact that the husband is kind to his wife and is ready to sacrifice a lot for her and the children.

But married men such a vision is sent so that they pay attention to loved ones. It is possible that some of them need to be visited, while others just need to be called or written.

Representatives of the stronger sex may dream about calling or looking for their mother. This means that they actually need support or care from loved ones. Such a plot can also symbolize the lack of sincerity in the relationship, the lack of care and affection on the part of the spouse.

Hugging our mother in a dream, we receive a signal that we will soon need to protect our loved ones from future adversities and help in difficult life situations.
If a young girl hugs her mother, then this is predicted by Miller see you soon with relatives who live far away or are still unknown to her.

We wake up with some anxiety after looking for or calling our mother in a dream. This dream shows that in our souls we admit that we pay little attention to those closest and dear people. Or it makes us understand that soon we will either have a long business trip or move to another city or country. And this means that in reality we lose the opportunity for frequent and daily communication with those who are truly dear to us.

Mother is sick

If you dreamed that your mother was sick, then this cannot be ignored. First, remember how difficult the vision of the condition was. And then analyze it, taking into account where she actually is now. If she is being treated in a hospital, then the dream book promises a worsening of her condition. And if mother feels bad, but is at home, do not despair. Because such a dream indicates that by turning to her family for help, she will be able to get her back on her feet.

A dream in which the closest person suffers from illnesses can bring serious problems people doing business. Especially young people. The interpretation of such a picture is the machinations of ill-wishers, active actions competitors. You should draw conclusions and do everything possible to save your business, especially since everything you see can be interpreted as advice or a warning.

Not the most pleasant dream in which mom is drunk. On the one hand, if in fact she drinks, then this is rather a reflection of the sleeping person’s worries about the health and life of the parent. And if in reality she does not abuse alcohol, then this is already a reflection of the problem associated with morale dreamer It is likely that he is experiencing some kind of mental drama, stress, or under the pressure of circumstances he cannot give a worthy answer and rebuff ill-wishers.

Fight with mom

Most dream books interpret visions in which conflicts with the mother occur as warnings against actions that were carefully thought out in advance and seemed doomed to success. However, not everything is so simple.

For example, if in a dream a young woman quarrels with her mother, then in real life she may find herself in an annoying situation that will negatively affect both her reputation and public opinion about her family. This dream is regarded as advice: to give up public events in the near future and spend more time in the company of relatives.

Such a dream also warns a man against actions that would be unseemly or immoral. It will be better if the dreamer pays more attention to the affairs and problems of home or family. Communication with relatives will also benefit him.

The interpretation of a dream in which a married woman is scolded by her mother means love affairs on the side. The spouse will certainly become aware of them, which will seriously complicate the relationship or lead to divorce.

If a girl or young man in a dream sees himself in a fight with his parent, then this means conflicts in the near future, the culprit of which will be the dreamer. To avoid such developments, you need to listen more carefully and follow the advice of your parents or other older family members.

A brutal fight is a reflection of deep grievances, anger, in cases where there is no full-fledged conflict and mutual understanding with parents.

Dreams in which your mother cries do not bode well. This is a sign of impending troubles, which, however, can be avoided if you heed the advice of relatives received the day before. For unmarried girls such a dream could mean a quarrel or even separation from the groom. Positive value such an omen is an opportunity to prevent such a development of events. To do this, you need to openly talk with the young man and find out the reasons for his claims and discontent.

I dreamed about my mother's wedding

A sleeping person can see his mother's wedding in a dream. It's useful to remember everything before the smallest details marriage ceremony, since any of them has a special meaning and symbolizes changes in the near future. For example, for unmarried girls this is the opportunity for a fateful acquaintance or a marriage proposal.

If the parents of the person who sees such a dream are divorced in real life, it foreshadows the fear of losing at least part of the mother’s love and affection. This is the most common jealousy, the cause of which may be not entirely sincere relationships, or fears of appearing to be an overly sentimental, sensual person.

Mom died (deceased mother)

A real shock for any person if he dreamed mom is dead, although in fact she is alive. Don't worry, this vision does not always promise something bad and catastrophic. It should probably serve as advice necessary for the implementation of immediate plans.

If you see the funeral ceremony itself for a long time and in detail, then this promises the parent long life without any special health problems. But if the dreamer sees himself present at a funeral, and not particularly mourning, but rather preoccupied organizational issues ceremony, this indicates his laziness and inability to prioritize. Therefore, his dreams and plans are not destined to come true.

If you dream about your mother's funeral and you understand that this is her last path escorted, but her face cannot be seen, and she is not visible, then this is a sign of a confusing situation and a complex set of circumstances. The culprit for this development of events, however, is the dreamer himself.

Seeing your mother in a coffin in a dream is not bad at all. The coffin is a symbol of completion, the end of something. For example, this is a signal that the time has come and there is an opportunity to pay off loan obligations.

But seeing your mother drowning is an unkind dream that promises problems. First of all, this concerns people in the service who are facing layoffs. You will have to seriously sweat or flounder to retain your place.

A terrible vision in which the dreamer independently kills the woman who gave birth to him. Such a nightmare can be interpreted simply - the time has come to free oneself from the excessive guardianship and care of parents. And if strangers take the life of a mother in a dream, then in reality they are waiting difficult relationships with unlikable people who are also likely to occupy positions of authority.

A dream in which mother falls from high altitude and remaining alive promises success and unexpected help in solving problems. This also indicates that you can count on moral and even financial support from your parents.

When you dream of a mother who actually passed away, in the morning you should remember everything she did and said. Thus, it is possible to warn relatives about the danger that threatens them, before which they can give up without moral support and care. This may also be a signal that some people around the dreamer are secretly jealous or plotting against him.

A bad dream in which a deceased relative stretches out her hands to the deceased and calls him with her. This is a sign of an impending threat, health problems. At the same time, such stories may be interpreted as signs of late repentance for the fact that during his lifetime to a loved one not enough attention and care was given.

I dreamed of a pregnant mother (mother gives birth)

If you dreamed of a mother giving birth or bearing a child, then this is a reflection of fear for loved one or a sign of jealousy, the cause of which may be a lack of affection and attention.

Such a vision for a young woman should mean imminent pregnancy or the possibility of conception.

It is curious that if in a dream a mother gives birth to a boy, then we must expect material changes for the better, and if it is a girl, then positive emotions and joy are just around the corner. A difficult birth is an omen of obstacles that await along the way.

Other people's mothers

It happens that in a dream you can see someone else's parent. So if a girl sees her mother young man, then this promises her an official acquaintance with his family in the near future in the role of an “official” bride. If in the observed plot the young man’s mother is benevolent, then in life relationships with his mother-in-law will develop easily and without problems.

If a young man dreamed of the mother of his beloved girl, then this is a signal that it is time to propose marriage. Such a union will be strong, feelings will remain for a long time. for many years.

Seeing a godmother is an excellent sign, symbolizing imminent changes for the better. You should boldly start new projects and wait for profit or general recognition. If you dream about your friend's mother, it means that your friends need help.
As you can see, dreams in which we see the person who gave us life are interpreted with huge differences. However, if you think about it, these are almost always coded messages with wise advice and important warnings that should play a fateful role. That is why you should treat such dreams carefully; however, you should treat your living parents in the same way.

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The process of having children is associated with femininity and health, the implementation of some project. The birth of a boy in a dream is a good sign and foretells health, prosperity and in love. The dream is especially favorable for women - it promises the dreamer happy love and wealth. Next, let’s take a closer look at why you dream about having a boy.


    Miller's Dream Book

    The birth of a baby indicates that the dreamer's life will change in better side. The birth of a boy portends successful passing of an exam or project, and an improvement in social status.

    If a woman dreams of birth - this predicts an improvement in current affairs, a tide vitality and energy. For unmarried ladies, the dream indicates a marriage proposal, which they have been waiting for so long.

    Young girls such a dream warns that they should behave more carefully and reservedly, otherwise she will not be able to maintain her dignity and will discredit her honor. The vision also indicates the likelihood of an unplanned pregnancy outside of marriage. The favorable meaning of the dream is that you will soon receive an inheritance.

    The birth of an unwanted child indicates vanity and empty chores, about that too great value a person attaches importance to minor problems and minor troubles. A sick boy in a dream speaks of minor obstacles on the way and family disagreements.

    For a man to see how he gives birth to a son indicates the dreamer’s reluctance to take responsibility and be responsible for his actions.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Baby born in a dream represents liberation from problems, overcoming obstacles, a fundamental change in destiny. If the birth was easy and quick, then in reality you can count on the support of others.

    The birth of a boy portends financial well-being and receiving pleasant, useful news. If the baby’s mother is a relative or close friend of the dreamer, this indicates a significant replenishment of the family budget, and a happy, prosperous future for the mother herself.

    Married woman to see such a dream promises peace and harmony in the family, care and respect of the spouse. Seeing the birth of twin boys indicates an addition to the family not only of the dreamer himself, but also of his friends or relatives.

    To an innocent girl the dream foretells happy mutual love, a comfortable and joyful life.

    Freud's Dream Book

    Give birth to a boy in a dream portends a meeting with a soulmate, although at first the dreamer will not like this person too much. But the future ones will be filled with passion and romance.

    To a young girl seeing her own childbirth portends her imminent pregnancy. If a woman dreams that her beloved man is delivering the baby, then this indicates her complete trust in him.

    If a man dreams of his son being born, this foreshadows the discovery of his extramarital affair with a woman of dubious reputation. Such information can destroy not only a man’s family, but also his career and reputation.

    Loff's Dream Book

    If a woman dreams of giving birth to a boy, this indicates her reluctance to become a mother, as well as the desire to terminate an existing pregnancy. dreams like this if he wants to break romantic relationship with someone special.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    Dream about the birth of a son predicts a girl a bright, promising future in which she can realize herself from different sides. For men, having a dream where he is present during childbirth speaks of events that worry him, worries and doubts.

    The birth of an unwanted boy means that in reality, a person wastes time on trifles and misses the most important. Seeing a child literally jump out of diapers means overcoming all obstacles.

    Jewish dream book

    Seeing the birth of a boy in a dream indicates that peace, order and mutual understanding reign in the dreamer’s family. The dream also indicates the inner harmony of the sleeper, life in harmony with oneself and the world around us.

    Big dream book

    I dreamed that I gave birth in a dream - it means in reality, a person will be led both in business and in love. The dreamer will be accompanied by luck everywhere and whatever he undertakes will turn out great for him. The dream is especially favorable for entrepreneurs - it foretells the possibility of expansion, prospects and material enrichment.

    Give birth to a son right in your own home promises prosperity and wealth in the family, perhaps the purchase of some useful equipment or furniture in the home. To be present at childbirth means solving long-standing problems, meeting useful or interesting people, networking.

    Universal dream book

    For an unmarried girl to give birth to a boy in a dream, it predicts financial independence, success in business and career growth, as well as getting to know interesting men. For a married woman, the dream promises the well-being of her family, receiving a lot of positive emotions, a period of life without quarrels and disagreements, complete understanding with her husband.

    Give birth to a boy who soon began to talk - this means that a period begins in the life of the sleeping person without worries and worries, deprivation and worries. A person will lead a measured, stable life, without fear for his future and the future of his loved ones.

    Seeing a friend of the dreamer give birth to a boy portends her success in her career with the help or support of the dreamer. Seeing your own daughter give birth in a dream promises her a strong, happy marriage.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    If a young woman gives birth to a boy, then she won't get married soon, so she can enjoy her freedom to the fullest and not have to worry about anything. For a pregnant woman, a dream promises an easy, safe birth.

    Producing an illegitimate, spoiled son speaks of the dreamer’s dubious reputation, of his notoriety.

If a man sees a dream

The birth of an heir in a dream foreshadows a man’s profit and success, as well as the acquisition of complete independence in material and moral terms. The man will rise significantly in the eyes of the people around him and will have many useful acquaintances. If a child walks or speaks soon after birth, this indicates a large profit.

To give birth to your wife yourself means mutual understanding between spouses in reality, happy love and family well-being . In addition, if a man provides all possible assistance during childbirth, then this foreshadows the appearance of a faithful, reliable friend. Seeing your childbirth means that in reality the dreamer will take risks to achieve his goal.

Seeing a wife give birth in someone else's house, speaks of the need to show initiative and activity, otherwise you may miss the chance to change your life for the better. Similar also means receiving good news.

Finding out in a dream about the birth of a son from someone else’s lips means the insincerity of some friends, acquaintances, betrayal of important strategic partners, even friends.

If a boy in a dream was born weak and sickly, this means that any actions of the dreamer will cause indignation among the people around him and condemnation.

A friend, mother or sister gave birth to a son in a dream

If a mother gave birth to a son in a dream, this foretells the dreamer good luck and success, bringing his plans to life. The dream book indicates that a period has come in the dreamer’s life when fate is especially favorable to him.

For the sleeper, such a dream indicates stagnation in his life, the need to urgently take active action so that life around him begins to boil again.

If in a dream your sister gave birth to an heir, then this promises a new addition to your sister’s family, good luck and material well-being.

What do you dream about in reality before the birth of a child?

Nowadays, to determine the sex of a child, it is not necessary to wait for his birth; it is enough to simply do an ultrasound analysis. But the gender of the child can also be determined by the dreams of the expectant mother - certain recurring stories will tell about who will soon be born. What do you dream about when you are pregnant with a boy?

Often expectant mothers dream prophetic dream, where her child plays or sleeps peacefully in a crib. Pregnant women have a heightened intuition, so on a subconscious level, each of them already knows who will be born to her, without any diagnostics.

When carrying a boy women often see the following stories in dreams:

  • Fish or fishing, hand-held fishing in a pond.
  • Dreamed dolphin.
  • feeding, showing care for a lost animal definitely dark in color.
  • Knives, swords and other types of weapons.
  • Picking cucumbers, zucchini and other oblong-shaped vegetables in the garden.
  • Plunge into the font, into a small hole on a frozen lake.
  • See how big the spider weaves its web.
  • Plant, water and otherwise care for the tree or a small bush.
  • Storm, hurricane, typhoon and other natural disasters.

Also, for the birth of a son, dreams are seen in which shades of blue, violet and cyan predominate.

I want to interpret every dream that I managed to clearly remember. There are many dream books that reveal the meaning of what they saw. Seeing your mother in a dream also probably means something. Let's consider how the most popular dream books interpret dreams about mother. So, why do you dream about mom?

Mom - Miller's dream book

Generally see parents in good mood means, according to Miller’s dream book, favorable relationships in own family and change for the better. If a young girl sees her mother in a dream, and even more so has a heartfelt conversation with her, this means that she herself will have good mutual understanding in the family, fidelity and devotion on the part of her husband.

Seeing a mother who actually died means it’s time to prepare for trouble. This dream should make you think: perhaps this is a warning about difficult times in life. Miller's dream book interprets the dream in exactly this way in relation to any of the parents. Seeing a mother crying means that there may be some risks to human health.

Vanga's dream book - what does mom dream about?

Mom is in a dream in her usual state at your home, then expect changes for the better in business, business, any of your work. If you have a calm conversation with your mother in a dream, then the dream means that you will receive good news about something you have been looking for answers to for a long time.

If a woman sees her mother in a dream, it symbolizes a prosperous marriage and a happy family life. Mom rocking you to sleep with a lullaby - possible sign your lack of attention to your own family.

Hearing your mother’s call in a dream means loneliness; you will be left alone, without the support of friends; can also mean the wrong path in your affairs. Maternal tears in a dream are always a sign of misfortune: beware of illnesses and troubles in life. Sadness and melancholy are foreshadowed by a dream in which you see someone else’s mother dead.

Mom in a dream - interpretation according to Freud

Why do you dream about mother according to Freud?

If a young man or man sees his mother in a dream, it means that he is very dependent on her. It may also be associated with sexual complexes. For example, seeing a mother having sex with another man in a dream speaks of a pronounced Oedipus complex.

Behind all this there may be an attraction to the mother, as well as failures in his personal life. Often, men who are too dependent on their mother try to find a wife or girl who is similar to their own mother. But this usually ends in failure and disappointment.

Seeing your mother in her usual state means that you are not paying her due attention. But if a girl sees her mother in a dream, perhaps she has a rival in her personal life - it’s worth taking a closer look at her man.

Seeing mom in a dream - Longo's dream book

Mom is the closest and most loving person to you, so Longo’s dream book interprets a dream about a mother in a good way: this is for well-being, happiness. If you see your mother with clear outlines, as if in reality, then you will probably meet her soon.

If she is no longer alive, then it is necessary to visit the mother’s grave. A mother in illness symbolizes conflicts, troubles at work, family life; Perhaps more mature people are judging you for something. If your mother is cooking in a dream, then it’s time for you to go to the stove - wait for guests.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation - Why Mom Dreams

Hasse's dream book interprets the dream about mother differently. Seeing a deceased mother means living for many years own life. A conversation with your mother in a dream means that you are about to learn news about your ill-wishers; perhaps they have bad intentions towards you.

A mother on the verge of death in a dream foretells sadness and anxiety in your life. A nursing mother suggests that there will be a favorable outcome in matters that you have been thinking about for a long time.

Family dream book - mother

Like many other dream books, family dream book interpreted by a mother in a dream as a favorable marriage for a girl. Such a dream means that your affairs will be resolved in positive side. Talking to your mother in a dream means receiving good news in life. If she calls you, then you are probably very lonely.

What does it mean to see mom in a dream according to women's dream book

The women's dream book advises you to pay very close attention to every word said by your mother in a dream. Perhaps in her words you will find answers to your questions or advice on how to solve certain life problems. If your mother is cheerful and joyful in a dream, then everything will be fine in your life. If she is sad, then you also expect the arrival of sadness, difficulties and problems in reality.

If you see a dead mother calling you, holding out her hand, under no circumstances should you follow her. This means that illness and death may await you too. If your mother dies in a dream, then in reality you are tormented by your conscience. Giving gifts to your mother in a dream means obvious indecision: you don’t know what’s best to do, you’re at a crossroads.

Why do you dream about a guy’s mother?

It is not possible to clearly interpret such a dream. A guy’s mother in a dream can mean both a rival and an ally. It all depends on the other details of your dream.

For example, if you quarreled with a guy and then saw his mother in a dream, get ready for reconciliation. Quarreling with a guy's mother in a dream means being among unpleasant people who will treat you negatively.

If a guy’s mother dies in a dream, then unpleasant news, problems at work, and illness await in life. Seeing how you live together with your boyfriend’s mother also promises troubles that you can solve, but you will have to spend a lot of time on this. When a guy's mom praises you in a dream - wait good news, and also gifts.

Dream Interpretation – pregnant mother or that mother gave birth

If you see your mother pregnant or giving birth to another child, it means a lack of maternal love towards you. Under such a dream lies unconscious jealousy towards your mother: you do not want to share her love for you with anyone else.

A pregnant mother in a dream also portends profit, new knowledge that should bring benefits to your life. Also, a dream about a mother giving birth can relate directly to the mother: perhaps it means that your mother is full of strength and energy to change her life. Maybe we should listen and help her with this?!

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend's mother?

The dream book interprets a dream about a mother ex-boyfriend, as the presence of complexes regarding one’s appearance. You don't feel attractive or feminine. Also, your ex-boyfriend’s mother can symbolize your truce with him and a possible reunion.

Seeing your ex-boyfriend's mother in a dream means sadness and longing for your past relationship. There may also be news from afar that you have not been expecting for a long time.

A crying, drunk mother in a dream - why?

Most dream books interpret mother's tears as a warning about illnesses and various misfortunes.

But such a strange dream about how your mother is drunk... If your mother is actually alive, but appeared drunk in the dream, perhaps there are problems in her personal life, for example with her husband, or she has started an affair with a new person.

If, however, deceased mother dreamed about being drunk, then the dreamer himself has problems in life. The mother is trying to reason with her child, to warn about the consequences of his incorrect behavior or bad habits.

In any case, the mother in your dream always means something. Mother and child are so close that even in a dream she tries to protect the child or, on the contrary, make her happy. Many stages of every person's life are unconsciously associated with how their mother raised them. If you dreamed about your mother, do not ignore the dream under any circumstances, but listen to it and think about it.