What benefits are available to pensioners? Do benefits apply to swallow?

Some categories of citizens do not have the opportunity to pay for utilities, the cost of which is constantly increasing. Such people are in a difficult situation, and for them rent benefits are an opportunity to live in decent conditions and not go beyond the poverty line.

How are rent benefits different from subsidies?

The housing and communal services sector is a huge economic complex. Each of us is connected with it in one way or another, since we definitely use these services. We are talking about heat, water supply, electricity. Many people find it difficult to pay for expensive services, so they seek relief on rent.

There are institutions that take care of the housing stock. Such an organization also charges a fee for its service. These institutions provide housing and utilities. The state, in turn, strives to provide financial support to socially vulnerable citizens. That is why rent benefits are provided to low-income people, large families and other persons financial situation which leaves much to be desired.

There are two options for assistance:

  1. accrual of benefits;
  2. subsidizing.

These are two completely different types of help. The first is determined by the category of the citizen, and the second by the share of payments in the total family income. A person can use both the first and second options. It is important to consider that:

  • Rent benefits allow you to reduce the payment amount;
  • The subsidy is given in cash equivalent.

If a person has taken advantage of the housing payment benefit, he does not lose the right to receive a housing subsidy.

If the applicant has several grounds for receiving assistance, he will have to choose one of them.

If one of the family members, for example, a son or spouse, also has the right to receive a rent benefit, then you can make a deduction separately from relatives. Each type of financial relief will relate to some type of service. For example, the father receives a benefit for paying for electricity, and the mother receives a benefit for heating.

  • The management company will lose money if the owner loses a subsidy to pay for housing and communal services

Expert opinion

With the help of subsidies and benefits, you can increase the collection of utility bills

Natalia Abrosimova,

General Director of a self-regulatory organization " Non-profit partnership managing organizations of the Moscow region"

A person may lose his job, get sick, lose his main income, etc. In such situations, rent benefits can solve the problem. The subsidy is provided if the cost of utilities is more than 22% of the total family income. Of course, this share may vary in different regions of the Russian Federation, but it should not exceed the threshold value established by law.

The owner always has the opportunity to turn to the state for help. To do this, you will need documents for rent relief, which are not so difficult to collect and prepare.

Citizens should also be informed about the availability of other conditions for easing the burden of housing maintenance provided to various categories of citizens. It is advisable to post information about them on a stand or speak out orally.

What housing and communal services are eligible for rent relief?

Each discount is issued individually. Rent benefits are taken into account from the first day of the month following the date on which the person submitted the application. Of course, assistance is calculated taking into account the price, tariff, as well as housing and communal services standards.

Rent benefits apply to the following services:

  1. for housing:
  • maintenance/repair;
  • use of square meters;
  • renting an apartment;
  1. electricity;
  2. water supply and sanitation;
  3. heating.

Rent benefits can only be applied to one residential premises. If there is more than one eligible person living in the area, each person can apply for it. Of course, registration is important. If a citizen needs to receive benefits for rent at the place of actual residence, then he must first obtain a certificate indicating that no subsidies are provided at the registration address.

If a citizen has the right to various types help, then it is possible to receive only one of them, which he can choose independently.

  • Improving housing conditions: the procedure for citizens to apply

Who can apply for rent relief?

Persons referred to in Art. can receive benefits on rent, subsidies or compensation. 160 Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Russian laws and acts of local authorities determine which categories of citizens have the right to benefit from assistance from the state.

Of course, the list can be expanded. It depends on the state of the local budget and whether the municipal authorities have a desire to meet citizens halfway.

Socially vulnerable segments of the population can receive a rent reduction. These are the people whose income is various reasons does not allow you to pay utility bills in full.

In addition, rent benefits are available to people who have done something special and have served the country.

Citizens who have the right to receive assistance from the state can be grouped into several groups depending on what forces them to be in plight. Of course, all these people have something in common. Each of them has a very low income.

Assistance to such citizens can be provided in one of the following forms:

  1. rent benefits;
  2. compensation;
  3. housing subsidies.

A benefit that allows you to pay only half of the tariff can be provided to you if you:

  • disabled person, including war disabled person;
  • WWII participant/veteran, survivor of the siege;
  • veteran of other military operations (Afghanistan, Chechnya, etc.);
  • accident liquidator at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • widow, parent, dependent of the specified categories, as well as deceased employees of law enforcement agencies.

The following persons have the right to receive compensation:

  • pensioner;
  • disabled person;
  • single-parent, large family;
  • family with a disabled person.

A low-income citizen whose income is below the established minimum has the right to receive a subsidy. Other categories of the population can also take advantage of government assistance.

What rent benefits are provided for different categories?

  • Pensioners

Pensioners have the right to receive a housing subsidy. We are talking about single people and families, which include only persons who have reached retirement age. If an older person has a disability or is also a veteran, there are other types of assistance available. Nevertheless, he will have to decide which category of beneficiaries he considers himself to be, and what kind of relief in the financial burden he would like to receive.

For many older people, expenses such as paying rent become a real problem. Benefits for pensioners are the most popular.

If old man lives in a family, and his relatives are considered to be of working age, then he can receive benefits as a member of a low-income family. A family is recognized as such if the amount of income for each person is no more than 1.5 subsistence minimums. Of course, there must be good reasons for such a situation.

If relatives of a pensioner do not work because they are alcoholics or lead an antisocial lifestyle, then rent benefits are not provided.

If each family member works, but more than 22% of the total income is spent on utility bills, then you can apply for a discount.

Elderly people are entitled to a special partial exemption from payments, which is assigned by the federal fiscal authority. To receive rent benefits for pensioners, you need to visit the tax office and write an application for a tax deduction. To submit it you need a passport and pension certificate.

This benefit is provided for a period of no more than three years after retirement. The amount of the subsidy may vary from month to month. The fact is that the cost of rent and utilities may vary, so the amount of assistance also increases/decreases.

Only one type of financial relief is available to a pensioner:

  • rent benefits,
  • subsidy.
  • Disabled people

A person with impaired ability to work has the right to receive a benefit in the amount of at least half of the costs required for utilities and rent. Benefits for disabled people are provided regardless of the disability group, as well as the age of citizens.

Citizens with limited ability to work pay half of the payment if we're talking about on social rent, major repairs and maintenance of housing. This also includes costs for:

  • water and sewerage;
  • electricity;
  • heating.

The discount is provided to the person with a disability, as well as to a family with a disabled minor child. If we are talking about a WWII participant, then rent benefits also apply to his family members living next to him.

  • Veterans of Labor

Many pensioners are thinking about the question of how to obtain the status of “Veteran of Labor” and who can apply for this title.

According to the law, this category of citizens includes:

  • those who received the title “Veteran of Labor”;
  • persons who began working as minors during the Second World War, their work experience is 40 years for men, 35 years for women;
  • citizens who have a medal/order/ honorary title and length of service sufficient to qualify for an old-age/long-service pension payment.

According to the law, activities regarding veterans are structured as follows:

  • the authority has a corresponding unit where they work with veterans;
  • finances necessary to provide social assistance this group should be available at both the federal and regional levels;
  • Rent benefits for labor veterans are also established for federal level, and subjects of the Russian Federation.

Rent benefits for labor veterans are equal to similar assistance for veterans of the Second World War and other military operations. That is, they are entitled to a half discount on utilities and rent.

By the way, the benefit can also be extended to family members of the veteran who live with him.

  • Military personnel under contract

Contract servicemen receive official housing or compensation for rent in private housing.

Rent benefits for military personnel are only available to those who are veterans or disabled combat veterans. A military pensioner can also receive a subsidy. The Rent Relief for Combat Veterans is a half discount on utilities/rent.

  • Mobilized

If a serviceman was drafted into the army, then the right to use housing does not cease to apply. However, due to its long absence, the consumption of utilities is suspended. Therefore, a serviceman can provide a certificate to his management company and significantly reduce rent costs while on duty.

If, due to the conscription of one of the family members into the army, the total income of the family decreases sharply, then his relatives can receive a subsidy. Registration is carried out on a general basis.

  • Large families

Rent benefits for families with many children are provided in accordance with the Presidential Decree. It is important to understand that families with a large number of children are entitled to assistance even if they do not belong to the category of low-income citizens. Large families can count on receiving a 30% discount on:

  • heating;
  • water supply;
  • sewerage;
  • electricity;

As you understand, the rent benefit for a large family is a 30% discount, which is undoubtedly a significant help for such a large family.

  • Orphans

An orphan has the right to receive a rent reduction if she is a member of a low-income family, that is, she does not have her own income or its level is too low.

For orphans, subsidies are available on a general basis. Nevertheless, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation reserve the right to provide additional assistance to such persons. For example, Moscow orphans have the opportunity to receive a rent reduction.

  • Unemployed

If a person stopped labor activity as a result of dismissal and is unemployed, then no special benefits are provided for him. Nevertheless, the benefit given to this category of citizens is very modest, which means that such a person can be considered low-income.

  • How and where to get an extract from the house register: step-by-step instructions
  • Housing subsidy for utility bills: procedure for registration and use

By what standards are rent benefits calculated (using the example of Moscow)

Social norm housing area to pay for the apartment and heating (in sq. m. of the total area of ​​the premises):

  • single tenant - 33 sq. m;
  • two residents - 42 sq. m;
  • three or more residents - 18 sq. m for each family member.

Costs for repairs and maintenance of housing, according to the decision of the capital government, are calculated taking into account the fact that for each person registered in the apartment, the area increases by 7 square meters. m. Temporarily registered residents are not taken into account. The rule is general and applies to both the owner and the tenant. Each extra meter is paid at an increased rate. You may be exempt from this calculation scheme if you:

  • a pensioner and a disabled person living alone;
  • an orphan under the age of 18 for living space that you own;
  • city ​​dweller - a tenant of housing that is listed as state property in Moscow, occupying an apartment on the ground floor;
  • a family of pensioners and/or disabled people;
  • a family of pensioners and/or disabled people and dependent children under 16 years of age;
  • single tenant of a communal apartment;
  • owner of the apartment and pay for the maintenance and repair of your home at an increased rate;
  • a resident of a house or apartment recognized as unsafe or unfit for habitation;
  • a citizen who has the right to additional space due to health conditions;
  • a large family living in a low-rise building, which is state property in Moscow;
  • homeowner who has been temporarily deregistered (passing an urgent military service on conscription, treatment in a psychiatric hospital, serving a sentence in prison).

Benefits are also provided for public utilities. Here are the standards according to which the amount of payment reduction is calculated.

  1. Water and sewerage:
  • for a residential building with water supply, sewerage, a bath and centralized hot water supply - 11.68 cubic meters. m per person per month (incl. cold water- 6,935 cu.m. m, hot water - 4,745 cubic meters. m);
  • for a residential building with water supply, sewerage, a bath equipped with a multi-point gas heater - 9.86 cubic meters. m per person per month (including cold water - 9.86 cubic meters, hot water - 0);
  • for a residential building that has sewerage, running water, a bath with gas heaters - 9.49 cubic meters. m per person per month (including cold water - 9.49 cubic meters, hot water - 0).

The sewerage standard is calculated as the sum of cold and hot water for a certain type of house.

  1. Warm:
  • heating of the apartment - 0.016 Gcal/sq. m of total housing area per month;
  • water heating - 0.294 Gcal/person. per month.
  • in an apartment where there is gas stove and centralized hot water supply - 8.3 cubic meters. m/person per month;
  • in an apartment with a gas stove and a gas water heater (without centralized hot water supply) - 20.8 cubic meters. m/person per month.
  1. Electricity.

For a single tenant in an apartment where there is:

  • gas stove - 50 kWh/person. per month;
  • electric stove - 80 kWh/person. per month.

For a family in an apartment with:

  • gas stove - 45 kWh/person. per month;
  • electric stove - 70 kWh/person. per month.

Depending on which category the beneficiary belongs to, the subsidy is issued within the limits of the norms or without taking them into account for the entire living space. If a person is completely exempt from rent, then he is entitled to the entire necessary amount accrued for utilities. It should be borne in mind that only those who do not have debt on housing and communal services bills can apply for help.

  • Utility payments: structure, payment methods, responsibility for debt

Registration of rent benefits

A mandatory condition, without which it is impossible to assign benefits, is the determination of the applicant’s citizenship. It is also important that the person has a certificate confirming his ownership of the home. To receive the benefit, this apartment must be a place of permanent residence.

A citizen who wants to apply for a discount on rent needs to go to the SZN department at their place of residence and contact a specialist.

To receive complete information about the possibility of receiving benefits, you must visit one of executive bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation, government bodies authorized to resolve such issues. If you live in the capital, then you are expected at the City Center for Housing Subsidies.

To obtain assistance, a citizen submits an application in the manner prescribed by law.

Rent benefits can be applied for if you have the following documents:

  • passport of the applicant and each adult member of his family;
  • a document confirming that the applicant and his family members are relatives;
  • if the applicant has minor children, their birth certificates will be needed;
  • a document confirming the right to property or a social tenancy agreement;
  • certificate of family composition received from the housing office at the place of residence;
  • certificate of income of each family member for the last six months or tax return according to form 3-NDFL;
  • an extract from your personal account to confirm that rent and utilities are paid on time;
  • an official document confirming that the applicant has the right to receive social assistance from the state.

If a citizen is refused and not provided with a benefit, he has the right to appeal this decision in court.

Documents can be submitted:

  1. on a personal visit;
  2. through a proxy;
  3. by postal notification or email.

You can also apply for and receive rent relief through a single portal of public services or a multifunctional center. That is, this can be done both during a personal visit and online.

Where can I apply for rent benefits? The responsibility to provide assistance to citizens who need it is assigned to the authorities social protection population. This is where you should apply for a benefit or subsidy. The amount of expenses underpaid by citizens for apartments and services is covered by funds from the local/federal budget.

It is also possible to reimburse costs through compensation payments. That is, a citizen independently makes payments for utilities, and then receives compensation into his account.

Each application must be reviewed within ten days. This period is counted from the date on which the application was registered.

The benefit period is 6 months. After this period has expired, the citizen can extend it.

  • 4 common mistakes when dealing with defaulters

Reasons for termination of rent benefits

Reasons for termination assistance may include the following:

  • the citizen does not pay utility bills for two months;
  • the citizen does not repay the debt, that is, does not fulfill the conditions prescribed by the agreement;
  • the citizen ignores the requirements of the competent authority and does not provide documents confirming that he has moved to another place of residence or has changed his citizenship, family composition, the grounds according to which he was granted a benefit on rent, or his financial situation.

If any of the above happened good reason, then the rent relief can be renewed.

If this happened due to a minor event, then the provision of financial relief is carried out after the citizen pays off his debt or fulfills the requirements associated with submitting documents.

The competent authority has the right to suspend the relaxation regime if:

  • the person who is granted a rent benefit has changed his place of residence;
  • the composition of a citizen’s family, his citizenship or financial situation has changed, the right to assistance from the state has been lost;
  • it turned out that the person receiving the benefit provided fictitious information about himself or his family members;
  • the person does not repay the debt and does not agree on the terms of its payment without a good reason.

If a citizen took advantage of rent relief without any legal grounds, then he is obliged to return the amount received to the budget. This is done voluntarily. Otherwise, however, it is likely that the competent authority will file a lawsuit.

If you are applying for rent benefits in 2017, then try to take into account all the nuances that we discussed in this article.

  • How to force residents to pay for housing and communal services: 4 free ways

Expert opinion

What to offer an owner who has lost a subsidy

Sergey Shchetinin,

expert in housing and communal services

If a citizen has lost the right to receive a subsidy, he can be advised the following:

  1. enter into an agreement and pay off the debt in installments;
  2. partially pay off the debt.

Show the person caught in difficult situation that it is possible to solve the problem. It is important to convey that accumulating debt is not the answer. Rent relief cannot be provided if there are outstanding bills. But if you partially pay off the debt, then this may be quite enough. Talk to the debtor and together calculate how much must be paid so that the citizen will again have the opportunity to receive a subsidy.

If the competent authority has suspended payment financial assistance, then a person has the opportunity to eliminate the causes within one month. If he fails to do this, the provision of the subsidy is terminated.

At the same time, a retired veteran of labor may not worry about other benefits; for example, he will still have the right to compensate for 50% of the amount of utility bills, even if he writes an application to convert the remaining benefits into the corresponding amount of money.

What benefits are available to labor veterans in 2019?

  • travel free of charge on intraregional road transport (that is, on intercity buses within the subject of the federation);
  • receive compensation for the money spent on solid fuel for heating your home (you will need to confirm the presence of stove heating with an appropriate document indicating the composition of the family).

Benefits and cash payments for labor veterans in Moscow - how to get

Volume social support labor veterans in 2019 depends on the provisions of regulations in force in the territory of residence of a citizen who has many years of work experience and is marked with insignia for professional success, – after the redistribution of powers between the federal center and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, this category of beneficiaries moved to the category of regional ones.

State support for labor veterans in Moscow in 2019

Labor veteran is an honorary title; obtaining it is not as easy as it might seem to many at first glance. Federal law provides that each region has the right to set its own requirements for obtaining the coveted status, as well as to provide veterans with support measures at the regional level.

What benefits are provided to labor veterans in Moscow in 2019?

Many people, having worked for a long time at enterprises, they assume that upon retirement they will receive two certificates: a pension certificate and a “veteran certificate”. However, not everyone can qualify for the title “Veteran of Labor”. After all, you need to not only have impressive experience, but also meet the requirements.

Types of benefits and amount of payments for labor veterans in Moscow and the region in 2019

  1. Have awards, orders, titles for work or other merits. The complete list is established by the Russian government and is available on the official website for study.
  2. Work experience for men must be more than 40 years, and for women more than 35 years.
  3. Previously obtained labor veteran status. Even during the times of the Soviet Union is recognized as valid and on the basis of it is established in Russian Federation.
  4. For citizens of the country who began their working career before reaching 18 years of age during the Patriotic War.

Get compensation and benefits

  • travel in city, intercity and suburban transport is free;
  • free services when visiting public clinics and medical institutions;
  • annual leave is granted at will at any time if the veteran is working;
  • a working veteran has the right to additional unpaid leave of up to 30 days at a time convenient for him;
  • payment for only half of the railway ticket and water transport from September 1 to May 15;
  • 50% discount on utilities;
  • tax benefits for property, land and transport taxes.

What benefits are available to a labor veteran in Moscow and the regions?

Labor veterans are guaranteed certain benefits. At the same time, there are federal ones, which are provided regardless of the region of residence, and regional ones, which differ significantly depending on local legislation. Find out what federal benefits are relevant today and how you can get them in this article.

With a pre-prepared original and copies of the Russian Federation passport, an application, certificates of a veteran and a pensioner, a work record and its certified copy, an extract from the archive and two photographs, you will need to visit the local social security service. If state support is issued for special conditions, then it is necessary to clarify an additional list of documents.

Is a veteran of labor in Moscow entitled to an antenna benefit?

The citywide register of recipients of social support measures (including benefits for labor veterans) contains following information about citizens who have a place of residence in Moscow and have the right to receive monthly cash payments and other measures of state social support:

Benefits for labor veterans: what is required by the law on labor veterans of the Russian Federation

For the first time this title was secured in Federal law No. 5 Federal Law “On Veterans”. Before this, in the USSR, there was no title of “Veteran of Labor”, but only a medal “Veteran of Labor”, which was awarded to citizens as moral encouragement. This medal itself did not provide any benefits or privileges.

Benefits for labor veterans

Control over the implementation of social programs for preferential categories is carried out by special bodies. Federal programs are mandatory, but regional ones can be modified and supplemented every year, in proportion to the size of the budget and the capabilities of a particular region.

Labor veteran not pensioner benefits

if they live or have a residence permit in the city of Moscow: the right to free travel in Moscow on all types of urban passenger transport(except taxis and minibus); the right to free travel by rail commuter transport; 50 percent discount on payment for housing and communal services; monthly monetary compensation for payment of local telephone services in the amount of 190 rubles.

Benefits for a labor veteran

Some categories of citizens have the right to receive a tax deduction from the cadastral value of the plot. It is the indicated price that is the basis for taxation. At the Federal level, for some categories of citizens this amount is set at 10 thousand rubles. But, unfortunately, labor veterans are not included in the list of persons to whom it is provided. They can be included in this list only at the local level. This is done far and wide in all regions, because in this case, payment of benefits to labor veterans is made from local budget funds. But the government has so far refused to consider this issue at the federal level.

What benefits are available to labor veterans?

Compensation for utility bills and housing in the amount of 50% of the social norm. It is important to know that if more than one veteran is registered, compensation will be accrued only to his personal social norm, and not on the total consumption of utilities by all living family members

​In 2018 the system tax benefits provided to veterans and pensioners has remained virtually unchanged compared to 2017, with the exception of some aspects. Due to the economic crisis that has broken out in the country, financial savings affect almost all aspects social life. At the same time, deputies State Duma The Russian Federation has repeatedly stated that these changes will not affect pensioners.

In this article we will try to consider the main categories of benefits established by the state of the Russian Federation for pensioners for the current year.

Property tax benefits

Such benefits in 2018 are provided according to different rules, one of which is the regional principle (for example, benefits for real estate are all-Russian, and for cars - regional).

As is known , pensioners are exempt from tax payments for real estate. Of course, here it is necessary to comply with a number of conditions established by law, for example, real estate must be registered exclusively in the name of the pensioner, in addition, they cannot be used as objects of profit.

Tax benefits are provided in relation to:

  • private houses;
  • rooms/apartments;
  • premises used for creative purposes;
  • garages/car spaces;
  • buildings, the size of which is no more than 50 m2, which are located on country houses and other land plots.

In relation to other real estate, taxation is established in the usual manner. Benefits cannot apply to real estate whose value is over 300 million rubles.

An innovation is the rule establishing that benefits for real estate are provided in relation to one object of a specific type of property, which is determined by the pensioner himself. Thus, pensioners who own several real estate properties can count on benefits exclusively in relation to one property.

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Transport tax benefits

As already mentioned, transport tax belongs to the regional category, therefore the main features of issuing benefits for it depend on the region where the pensioner lives. The general rate of this tax in the Russian Federation is 3.5 rubles. for 1 hp, and each region has the right to set its own rate, but not higher than 10 times the total. As with land tax, pensioners enjoy the privilege of receiving transport benefits only in relation to one vehicle.

Let's look at examples of establishing these benefits in individual regions. So, for example, in Moscow they are completely abolished, in St. Petersburg you can achieve complete liberation from taxes. Most often, pensioners do not pay transport tax if the power of their car reaches less than 100 hp. IN Novosibirsk region pensioners pay only 20% of the rate for vehicles up to 150 hp, in Samara region the tax rate is 50% of the total.

Completely waived transport tax pensioners of the following categories are exempt: heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, having the Order of Glory (three degrees), veterans of the Second World War, disabled people of groups I and II; victims of nuclear accidents.

Land tax benefits

This type of benefit for pensioners is not provided for by current legislation, with the exception of a number of categories of citizens (small indigenous peoples of Siberia, Far East; disabled people; participants of the Second World War who suffered as a result of nuclear accidents, etc.). The establishment of a tax on land plots is the direct competence of local authorities. Municipal entity determines personally whether land benefits apply on their territory or not.

Application for tax benefits for pensioners. How to compose and where to submit?

The declarative procedure is prerequisite providing benefits to pensioners. Pensioners, to purchase benefits separate species taxes, must submit a written application to the tax office at their main place of residence (with the exception of taxes on property and land, in these cases, you should apply at the location of the property).

In addition to the application, individuals must also provide:

  • passport;
  • pensioner's certificate;
  • documents evidencing ownership of the proposed preferential facility.

The application is written in free form due to the fact that the official form is not fixed by law. At the same time, the application must reflect the following: the name of the body where it is submitted; personal data, TIN; passport information; place of registration; contact details; the main essence of the application indicating the regulatory legal act to which the pensioner refers; legal grounds for granting benefits; list of attached documents; date and initials.

All documents are presented in the form of originals and copies, certified independently by Federal Tax Service employees upon presentation.

In addition, pensioners should take into account the following circumstances:

  • for a specific type of tax, one set of documents is drawn up;
  • acts regulating the system of regional or local tax benefits should be requested from the authorities that issued them (usually municipal authorities);
  • If pensioners do not apply to the tax office in a timely manner in order to receive benefits (that is, when the time to pay taxes has come and the benefits have not been established), they should apply for a refund of the overpaid tax. IN in this case tax authorities recalculate;
  • If a person does not acquire pensioner status from the very beginning of the year, then the tax office recalculates taxes and calculates them until the moment when the person became a beneficiary.
  • in cases where a pensioner has a share of property, and other shares are assigned to persons who do not have pensioner status, benefits apply only to the share of the pensioner.

If you have any difficulties with drawing up an application for benefits, a refund of overpaid tax, or other questions regarding the provision of tax benefits to you by right of retirement age, then our on-duty lawyer online ready We can advise you on this issue free of charge.

What are benefits and how to use them? Which Russian citizens today can count on benefits in this or that area of ​​life? From this article you can learn about the various benefits that are provided by the state as support. individual categories population of the country.

Unfortunately, not all citizens of the Russian Federation fully enjoy the privileges that they are entitled to by law, since they do not have enough time and energy to always keep abreast of news in the field of benefits and subsidies. Everything is complicated by the fact that the assignment of benefits can only be carried out after a personal application from a citizen, and not on the initiative of government bodies. At the same time, almost every citizen can freely receive the benefit due to him from the state by submitting to the relevant government authorities necessary documents, confirming his rights. Social system is aimed at improving the lives of individual segments of the population and includes the following functions:

  1. achieving social equality in society - benefits are provided to such categories of citizens as minors, disabled people, large families;
  2. encouragement of citizens for services to the Fatherland - benefits are provided to such categories of citizens as disabled people and WWII participants, labor veterans, families of fallen military personnel;
  3. compensation to citizens for fulfilling certain conditions of activity for the interests of the state and society - benefits are provided to such categories of citizens as workers and military personnel who have been exposed to radiation;
  4. incentive means - benefits are provided to such categories of citizens as students combining work and study.

Who is entitled to benefits in Russia?

In accordance with standards Russian legislation are entitled to assistance:

  • disabled people and labor veterans;
  • participants of the Great Patriotic War and other hostilities, as well as the families of these participants;
  • citizens exposed to radiation;
  • citizens with state awards;
  • low-income and large families;
  • rehabilitated citizens and their relatives;
  • children under 16 years of age;
  • civil servants;
  • pensioners;
  • other categories of citizens who may be provided with benefits in certain regions.

Thus, the provision of benefits on the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out according to categorical principles, providing for the provision of assistance in the field of social services and welfare, employment and labor relations, and preferential taxation.

Important! The system for assigning benefits is built on an egalitarian principle - first of all, benefits are provided to the most needy citizens.

Types of benefits for citizens of the Russian Federation

The social benefits system is very diverse, it covers large number spheres of society, which allows timely provision of assistance to citizens in need. Benefits are mainly divided into the following categories:

Housing benefits

The most common of these benefits is the provision of housing, including the option of “social rent”, which is renting an apartment from the state at a price significantly below the market price. Citizens are provided with housing in municipal and state housing stock under a social rental agreement. As a rule, such options are used by citizens who have the status of orphans before reaching adulthood and by those whose housing has been declared unsuitable. Also, these citizens have the right to receive housing out of turn. Housing benefits also include benefits for improving living conditions. So, if the minimum sanitary standards living space per person, citizens can count on receiving this benefit. In addition, housing benefits include benefits for utility bills. Depending on the category of benefits and the region, they can reduce utility bills by 25-50%, and in some cases up to 100%, for example, some Crimeans today enjoy full benefits. Also, do not forget about preferential mortgage lending programs; they can also be classified as a housing category. By subsidizing mortgage rates, government agencies simultaneously solve several problems: stimulate the development of the construction industry and provide citizens with affordable housing.

Transport benefits

Almost all preferential categories of citizens are entitled to discounted public transport tickets within the city. Certain categories of citizens have travel benefits of around 50%, others - 100%, for example, pensioners and children who have lost their breadwinner. Special preferential rates are provided for residents of remote regions of Russia with international traffic. Thus, residents of the Far East and Kaliningrad have the right to purchase a train or plane ticket.

Health Benefits

By default, the healthcare system in the Russian Federation is publicly accessible and free, while people with disabilities also have access to some categories of medications obtained by prescription for free, if they are included in a special list of medications approved by the Russian Ministry of Health. Free dental and limb prosthetic programs are an affordable option in a number of regions of Russia for the disabled, pensioners, WWII veterans and other categories. People whose limbs have been amputated as a result of an injury at work, disabled children under the age of 18 who have lost a limb due to injury or illness, and employees can also receive a free prosthesis. law enforcement agencies who lost a limb while on duty. In these situations, the Social Insurance Fund fully covers the cost of prosthetics.

Educational benefits

Basically, benefits in the field of education apply to universities. It is worth noting that budget places for free education of students are available in absolutely all state higher educational institutions, and in some cases the state can also pay for a commercial department. Thus, prize-winners and winners of various federal competitions, disabled people and young people who have completed military service in the Armed Services of Russia can take advantage of admission benefits. In addition, on free training Children left without parental care and parents of disabled people, from low-income and large families. Depending on the category of beneficiaries, you can receive the following types benefits:

  • admission to university for budget place no entrance exams;
  • admission to study at a university at the expense of the budget within the quota as a result of successfully passing entrance examinations;
  • the right to admission to the preparatory department of a university to study at the expense of the federal budget;
  • preferential right to enroll in a university after successfully passing entrance exams and other equal conditions.
Important! If a particular region lacks specialists in a particular field, they can offer the applicant training in a targeted area, that is, the region undertakes to pay for his training on a commercial basis, provided that in the future he will work in this specialty in a place designated by the region.

Tax benefits

Based on Article 56 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the concept of tax benefits includes the opportunity to pay a fee in a smaller amount or not pay at all.

Benefits for personal income tax (NDFL)

The standard personal income tax deduction for children is applied when the child is supported by the parents. Starting from the month of birth of the child, one or both parents, as well as guardians, adoptive parents, trustees and adoptive parents has the right to apply a benefit when a monthly portion of income is not subject to personal income tax. Tax deduction is made for each child under the age of 18 or 24 years if he is a student full-time training, intern, graduate student, cadet and more.

Property tax benefits for individuals

Exemption from property tax for individuals established for certain categories of citizens. Thus, disabled people of groups I and II and disabled people since childhood, persons receiving a survivor's pension, and so on are exempt from paying tax. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, as well as participants in other military operations, are exempt from paying property tax.

Benefits for paying for land plots

The tax base is reduced by one taxpayer in relation to land plot, in use or lifetime possession by Heroes of the USSR, Russian Federation, disabled people, including disabled children, veterans of the Second World War and other military operations, individuals entitled to receive social support and others.

Benefits for paying transport tax

Note that since 2014, almost all regions have abolished transport benefits for most categories of beneficiaries, with the exception of:

  1. veterans of WWII and other military operations;
  2. Heroes of the USSR, Russian Federation and Socialist Labor;
  3. disabled people of groups I and II;
  4. Chernobyl victims.
Important! Even for this category of citizens, benefits apply only to one car, others vehicles that belong to the beneficiary are subject to taxation in full.

Another feature of the implementation of the legislation concerns the percentage ratio between the amount actually allocated in the form of transfers of funds to transport service providers and the amount that the labor veteran receives in cash. Depending on regional characteristics, the following options are available:

Who is entitled to a discount on public transport and what?

For example, discounts on travel on electric trains apply to pensioners and WWII veterans, as well as disabled people. These categories of citizens have the right to free travel. Schoolchildren and students during school hours can also claim bonuses when purchasing tickets. Travel costs are cheaper for such people. The discount on a ticket is on average 40-50%.

Who is entitled to benefits on public transport?

Also at the federal level, similar benefits are provided for other segments of the population. Benefits at the regional and municipal level may differ significantly from the federal ones. This is due to the types of public transport used and the financial situation in the region or specific locality.

Free travel for pensioners and children in Moscow

If a pensioner’s right to a legal benefit is ignored, he should write a statement demanding that this violation be stopped. The paper is submitted to the higher authorities of the organization whose employee committed this incident. If the answer does not arrive on time (the deadlines are set by law), the pensioner needs to visit the district prosecutor's office. There is a high probability that an unscrupulous organization has violated this right of pensioners before.

Travel benefits for pensioners in 2019 on public transport

The regulation of preferential pension travel is given to regional departments and the subsidies and payments provided may vary depending on the category of pensioner. Free travel can be set in full; there are options for limiting the allocated amount and travel limit. Regions determine their own procedure for providing subsidies: a single social travel pass, a transport card for pensioners, or a specific travel discount may be issued.

Travel benefits

Question: Good afternoon, my name is Svetlana. I am registered in the Bryansk region, but after retirement I live with my daughter in Moscow. Submitted documents to receive social card to enjoy discounts on the metro and buses, but I refused. Is this correct and how can I get the card?

Benefits for travel on public transport for labor veterans and pensioners in 2019

The economic crisis hits the most vulnerable part of our country’s population – the elderly – the hardest. On at the moment The Russian government intends to pursue an anti-crisis policy, which may also require a lot of funds from state budget. Of course, due to such circumstances, pensioners are especially interested in whether the benefits for them will change or be cancelled. Below we will consider the features of state social support in relation to free travel for pensioners to public transport.

What benefits are provided to pensioners for travel on public transport?

Labor veterans, among other things, are entitled to a 50% seasonal discount on the cost of travel on water and railway transport. Also, people of retirement age living in the Arctic and equivalent territories have the opportunity to go to sanatoriums and hospitals for free once every two years. In addition, they are served out of line at the ticket offices of all types of stations.

Who is entitled to discounts on public transport tickets?

In the current aggressive living environment Russian citizens When prices for all public and private services increase almost every year, while the indexation of many payments and benefits is suspended or reduced, a discounted travel ticket becomes an important part of life in a deficit budget. Who receives travel benefits, for how long are they issued and how are they implemented? Let's consider all the nuances of the topic in the article.

What benefits are available to labor veterans in 2019?

  • EGDV, which begins to be paid the next month after the month of circulation;
  • Free travel on commuter trains;
  • The right to purchase a discounted travel ticket for 1 month for all types of ground transport;
  • The right to buy a metro pass for 1 month at the price of one single cash allowance;
  • Additional 5 days of free vacation, which complement the 30-day vacation fixed at the federal level (similar to Moscow);
  • A benefit for paying transport tax, according to which this category is completely exempt from paying it.

What benefits are provided by law to a labor veteran in 2019?

The employer does not have the right to refuse additional leave at his own expense if all labor standards. In this case, a citizen can sue the employer who does not fulfill the obligation to provide extraordinary rest at the request of the veteran employee.

Benefits for labor veterans

As you can see, privileges can be expressed in completely different types, so you should find out the detailed list yourself. By the way, you can receive a small compensation for refusing some services, if this is allowed in the given area. Cash compensation benefits for labor veterans are often expressed in insignificant amounts. But if a citizen does not use the set of privileges provided, why not receive monetary compensation for them.

Do labor veterans from other regions of the Russian Federation have benefits for travel on public transport in Moscow?

The right to free travel will apply to regular transportation routes at regulated tariffs in urban and suburban traffic - buses, trams, trolleybuses, use of the Moscow metro, including the Moscow monorail transport system.

Get compensation and benefits

  • monthly city payment;
  • free treatment in a sanatorium as prescribed by the medical institution, with compensation for two-way travel to the place of treatment;
  • Dental prosthetics are free, with the exception of costs for metal-ceramics, etc.;
  • travel on city or railway commuter transport is not paid when a veteran obtains a social card;
  • refund of the cost of housing and communal services in the amount of 50%, the amount of compensation is transferred to the veteran’s account, or to the post office, or in cash in person. Read also the article: → “The procedure for paying compensation to pensioners for utility bills.”
  • compensation of 190 rubles for telephone services in Moscow every month;
  • A veteran can purchase a metro ticket for the price of a monthly payment.

Travel benefits for pensioners provided in Russia

A separate point is preferences for taxi services (and route services too). In most cases, no discounts are provided for their use, and payment is made at established rates. But pensioners with benefits have the opportunity to use a taxi preferential terms subject to their financing from the budget of the city or subject. In the absence of budget subsidies for the development of taxis, privileges are not provided to older people.