When is the best time to fly to the Dominican Republic with a child? When is the best time to go on vacation to the Dominican Republic - features, attractions and reviews. When is the best time to go on vacation to the Dominican Republic?

Tropical climate and exotic nature - this is what attracts tourists to the Dominican Republic. Here sea ​​winds during the day they soften the heat, and at night they do not allow the air to cool too much. As a result, the weather in the Dominican Republic is almost always wonderful, and the temperature does not fluctuate too much - from +22°C to +30°C.

However, the weather in the Dominican Republic is not always stable, so we have prepared for you the most detailed information about the best time to vacation in the Dominican Republic.

Temperature in the Dominican Republic

Most hot month in the Dominican Republic - August, when the temperature can rise to +31°C. The coolest month is January, with temperatures around +22°C.

True, far from the seashore the temperature is somewhat more contrasting. In the mountains, winter temperatures can even approach zero.

The water temperature during the year rarely drops below +25°C, but at times in some places it can rise to 32°C.

In the Dominican Republic, the year is usually divided into two seasons: the dry season and the rainy season. Although this division is too arbitrary: rain can fall here throughout the year, and warmth in this tropical country Always.

Dry or high season

It is believed that it begins in December and lasts throughout the winter. During this period here perfect weather for recreation: none extreme heat, not stuffy, always and everywhere it’s pleasant to sunbathe and swim. The usual air temperature is about +26..+28°C, the water temperature in the ocean is about the same. And in the Caribbean Sea the water is even slightly warmer. Heavy rain and strong winds are unlikely at this time.

Rainy season

It starts in April and lasts until October. Fortunately, this does not mean that at this time in the Dominican Republic it rains non-stop and it blows strong wind. They happen during this period, of course, more often. But the rains usually fall at night and, in general, hardly spoil the rest. After the rain, the sun shines only brighter, washed evergreen foliage shines in the sun, and a double rainbow shines halfway over the sea. This means you can go sunbathe and swim.

Beach season

The swimming season in the Dominican Republic continues all year round.

From November to March, the water temperature is always +25-27°C, so swimming is comfortable for both adults and children. There is almost no rain at this time, and a light breeze from the sea saves you from the stuffiness, caressing your tanned skin.

In summer, the water temperature is even higher +27-32°C, which is a plus for some, but a minus for others, since swimming in the sea does not bring the desired relief after sunbathing.

Velvet season

The velvet season in the Dominican Republic can be considered the months with more stable mild weather - the second half of October and the beginning of November. But we want to warn you that the climate on Earth is becoming more and more unpredictable, and velvet seasons in many countries they shift in time.

Hurricane Season

This is catastrophic natural phenomenon happens quite rarely. The Dominican Republic is saved from it by the Cordillera mountain range, which is why typhoons and hurricanes most often bypass the island of Haiti from the side where the state of Haiti is located.

If this does happen, then the most likely occurrence of a typhoon is from June to September.

Best time for excursions

It's always interesting to diversify your beach holiday with travel. The best time for this in the Dominican Republic is from November to March.

On educational excursions you will be shown the wonders of local nature - waterfalls, national parks, caves, and ancient cities, cathedrals and fortresses, old villages, and much more.

For those who like to learn something new, the following types of activities are developed in the Dominican Republic: active recreation, like diving and snorkeling, jeep safari, rope crossings, kayaking and rafting, ocean fishing and much more.

Whale season

If you find yourself in the Dominican Republic between mid-January and March, then you have unique opportunity witness the most beautiful moments of mating games and the birth of mighty giants - humpback whales.

Large humpback whales come to Samana Bay every year to raise families and breed. Whale watching is the most amazing and most unforgettable excursion in the world!

Winter season

Weather in the Dominican Republic in December

The Dominican Republic is the world's most popular holiday destination in December. There is nothing like this anywhere else during this period warm sea and so festive bright sun.

The air temperature on the island during the day stays at +28-29°C, and the water temperature is about +27°C. There are usually no heavy rains or winds in December, so you can be sure that your holiday will not be spoiled by bad weather.

However, holidays in the Dominican Republic in December are not so cheap - during the Christmas and New Year holidays, hotels and airlines significantly raise prices for their services.

Weather in the Dominican Republic in January

The end of December and the beginning of January is the most popular time to visit the Dominican Republic. And it's not just that new year holidays Many people want to spend time under palm trees by the ocean.

It is during this period that the Dominican Republic experiences the most beautiful weather - the sun shines almost constantly, a weak warm breeze blows from the ocean, the air temperature stays at around 27-28 C degrees.

During this period it can sometimes rain, but they do not cause much trouble - tropical showers in January are most often short-lived and very warm.

Weather in the Dominican Republic in February

The last month of winter is the driest month of the year in the Dominican Republic. The average daytime air temperature during this period is +26°С - +28°С. The water temperature in the ocean is also about +26°C.

There is especially little rain during this period, but this does not mean that the sky will be cloudless. In the tropics it is extremely rare to see the sky without a single cloud.

It is believed that the ocean in February is the coldest, but you must agree - 26 degrees for a Russian tourist is very warm!

Spring season

Weather in the Dominican Republic in March

In March, the dry season continues in the Dominican Republic - an ideal time to relax: it is still warm and dry, but it seems a little hotter. The air during the day still warms up to +28-30°C, and the water in the sea - almost to +26-28°C.

During this period, ocean currents are weaker than in winter.

That is, the weather is conducive to swimming, excursions, and active recreation.

Weather in the Dominican Republic in April

It is believed that the rainy season should begin in the Dominican Republic in April. There is still not too much precipitation this month, but still the holiday is not so cloudless. Sometimes the rain can last the whole day.

The average air temperature in April in the Dominican Republic is slightly higher than in March - about 30°C during the day, and 24°C - 25°C at night, the water temperature rises to about +27-29°C.

Weather in the Dominican Republic in May

In May, real tropical downpours occur, but fortunately, mostly at night. Clear weather for the whole day happens much less often at this time, but there is a real show going on in the sky - clouds and clouds of all types, sizes and shades that can only be seen in the tropics!

During this period, quite strong attacks can occur, although warm winds. The air becomes noticeably more humid. The air temperature during the day is still around +30°C, and the ocean is already warming up to +28°C.

Summer season

In June in the Dominican Republic, the weather and average temperatures are approximately the same as in May. But still, the days are often fine. During the day the air temperature is about +30°C, the water temperature is about 28°C.

Hurricane season officially begins in the Caribbean in June. However, you definitely shouldn’t worry; real hurricanes happen extremely rarely in the Dominican Republic, and even if they do happen, it happens towards the end of summer.

Weather in the Dominican Republic in July

In July, the Dominican Republic is often influenced tropical cyclones. Therefore the weather is unstable. Quite likely heavy rains, squalls, storms and significant pressure drops. It rains most often at night and early in the morning.

The average daytime air temperature in July is about +30°C, and the water temperature is about +28°C.

Weather in the Dominican Republic in August

The hottest days in the Dominican Republic are in August. And just in this month it falls and greatest number precipitation. At night, thunderstorms are accompanied by beautiful lightning and loud rumbles of thunder.

In August average temperature air temperature is maximum in the year, and sometimes reaches +32°C. Air humidity is also the highest.

Autumn season

Weather in the Dominican Republic in September

Most often typhoons and tropical hurricanes We came to the Dominican Republic just in September. Although, in general, no one can insure against such a disaster at any other time of the year. Another thing is that hurricanes most often strike the western part of the island - the Republic of Haiti, and only affect the Dominican Republic in the form of prolonged precipitation.

Nevertheless, in September you can have a wonderful holiday in the Dominican Republic. Dominican weather at the beginning of autumn is humid, hot, the temperature rises to +31°C, and the water warms up to +29°C.

Dominican Republic climate

The weather in the Dominican Republic is determined by the country's island location and proximity to the equator. The tropics of the Dominican Republic are the mildest option given climate. Unlike the sweltering heat of the real tropics, the heat in the Dominican Republic is moderated by the trade winds and the mountainous terrain located in the western part of the country. The only serious drawback of this paradise on earth can be considered the possibility of destructive hurricanes. However, every year there are serious winds here at certain times of the year. The country experienced hurricanes only a few times in the 20th century. Therefore, when going on vacation to an exotic Republic at the “right” time, you don’t have to fear anything.

The air temperature in the country does not drop below +29 degrees during the day and +20 at night in the country. winter months. In summer it is slightly higher. Daytime temperatures are close to +32…+33 degrees, and night temperatures are about +23 degrees Celsius. The water in the ocean warms up to +28 in the summer and “cools down” to +26 in the winter. Therefore, a holiday in the Dominican Republic is attractive for those who love warmth and bliss. If you can hardly stand the heat and the coolness of the evening pleases you more than the pleasure of getting fried on the beach, then this is not really your option.

« High season»

Peak tourist visits to the country occur between November and April. This is the best time for a beach holiday due to the reduction of high tropical temperatures to a level that is comfortable for visitors, the absence of winds, rains and the slightest weather disasters in general. Despite the high level of humidity, one cannot say that it is excessive and heavy rainfall on the island at this time is a rarity. Tropical typhoons avoid the Dominican Republic during the high season. The coldest month on the island is January. At this time, it could even get cold here during the day to +24 degrees Celsius, but such cases have not been observed for a long time.

"Low Season"

Falls on summer months, starting in May and ending in October. This is the season of rains and typhoons. Unlike the African tropics that do not dry out, in the Dominican Republic the incoming showers pour out quickly, quickly being replaced by the sun again, and therefore do not greatly disturb vacationers. Hurricanes pass by the island, almost never touching it. The Dominicans experience only strong winds, which, however, quickly subside. A longer-term result of weather changes is rough seas and some turbidity in the water. But it is not so scary for divers because it does not affect the deep layers, and you can swim with pleasure even in not very clear water.

Beach holidays in the Dominican Republic

Our tourists go to such an exotic distance exclusively for beach holiday. And the Dominican Republic, due to its mild climate, developed infrastructure and high level security is a leader among tropical holiday destinations. Snow-white beaches and evergreen palm trees are a tourist’s dream come true. Haiti is an island, the eastern part of which is occupied by the Dominican Republic, which is familiar to many from childhood cartoons and upon reaching adulthood and financial stability, many want to visit this paradise embodied on earth.

The natural and climatic conditions of the country are ideal for year-round sunbathing, swimming, diving and any other activities. aquatic species sports In the 21st century, when there are so few corners left on Earth where no human has set foot and has not caused irreparable damage to nature, the beaches of the Dominican Republic are especially attractive for their pristine cleanliness and environmental friendliness. The most famous and popular beaches among tourists are such resorts in the country as Pointe Cana, also known as the “Coconut Beach”, Samana ( Atlantic coast), as well as the beaches of La Romana and Jaun Dolio (Caribbean coast).

Economic and infrastructural development

The Dominican Republic is actively developing both through tourism and other sectors of the economy. Mined here natural resources, goods are produced. But, of course, tourism remains the main direction of development, thanks to the amazing natural and climatic conditions. Dominican cities have much to interest and delight numerous tourists. The country has even had a metro system since 2008. And natural attractions will be of particular interest to residents of temperate climate zones.

The Dominican Republic is one of the most amazing and... unique countries all over the world. In the small territory of this island state, snow-white beaches and mountain peaks, seas and oceans coexist, rain forests and arid deserts.

No matter what month you come to the Dominican Republic, you will always be greeted by hot sun and warm sea. The temperature here never drops below 26 degrees during the day and 20 degrees at night. Perhaps the only exception is mountainous areas Dominican Republic - Jarabacoa and Canstancia. Here the air temperature drops to 12 degrees. And in winter, having climbed to the very top high peak Caribbean region Peak Duarte, you can even see snow. Well, you won’t surprise us with snow, so we’re transported back to the eastern part of the Dominican Republic, where the famous resorts of Bavaro and Punta Cana are located. Throughout the year, the air and water temperatures here change slightly.

So, the weather in the Dominican Republic practically does not change from month to month, but our feelings change. For example, in winter, as a rule, the winds blow stronger, so it seems to us that the air temperature is lower than in summer. And in the summer, with the onset of the rainy season, moisture comes, which creates a feeling of unbearable heat.

Dominican Republic in January

The Dominican Republic in January is my favorite Dominican Republic. A warm breeze blows, creating a feeling of slight coolness and at the same time you do not need to wear a sweater or warm pants. Nothing in your wardrobe changes all year round. But in January you can afford beautiful and not the most practical clothes. For example, wear silk long dress and not be afraid that it will be too hot, and in the evening wear your favorite gins and not go crazy. The weather in the Dominican Republic in January is amazing. You can lie on the beach longer without fear of being swallowed alive by the sun. And the ocean is really refreshing. The Dominican Republic in January is popular among lovers of a comfortable holiday. For those who prefer real heat, you are welcome during the summer season.

Air temperature in January

Water temperature in January– 26 degrees.

Dominican Republic in February

The Dominican Republic in February is practically no different from the Dominican Republic in January.
A pleasant and refreshing wind still blows from the ocean, and you continue to dress beautifully. In general, the Dominican Republic in winter, and in particular in February, in my opinion, is the most favorable for relaxation. Well, first of all, you are leaving cold winter Russia to grab a piece of your tropical sun. And secondly, thanks to the pleasant evening coolness, you don’t go crazy from the endless and so unusual heat. But, as they say, felt-tip pens have different tastes and colors. Some prefer the heat, while others prefer the slight coolness typical of the Dominican Republic in February.

Air temperature in February– 29 degrees during the day and 20 degrees at night.

Water temperature in February– 26 degrees.

The Dominican Republic in March is practically no different from the Dominican Republic in February. But we are already clearly beginning to feel the arrival of spring. Along with spring, heat comes to the Dominican Republic. We feel the sun starting to get hotter and hotter. And now you can no longer lie in the sun without fear of getting badly sunburned. Forward for sunscreens! And there is practically no rain in March. Forecasters say that March in the Dominican Republic is the driest month of the year.
In addition, in the spring it appears more plants and fruits. For example, mango or fire tree. In winter, it is not so easy to find mangoes for sale, but in spring they appear on every store counter. So, a holiday in the Dominican Republic in March is very comfortable. The air temperature becomes slightly warmer, but the ocean water remains unchanged. This way, you still get nice, refreshing water. And the weather itself in the Dominican Republic in March is very pleasant both for relaxation and for life.

Air temperature in March– 30 degrees during the day and 20 degrees at night.

Water temperature in March– 26 degrees.

It's getting hotter every day. And you already feel in your gut the approach of summer. You know, before we moved to the Dominican Republic, I was looking forward to summer like manna from heaven. And now summer for me is the season of air conditioning and the most breathable clothes. Wait, it’s still spring here. So, what is the Dominican Republic like in April, and what kind of vacation awaits us this month? The weather in the Dominican Republic in April is wonderful, as it always is. The breeze is still blowing from the ocean, but much weaker than in winter, and new spring fruits are appearing on store shelves. Well, let's not forget about the most grandiose celebration in the Dominican Republic in April - Holy Week. From all corners island country people flock to Bavaro to celebrate the main religious holiday countries. Beer and rum flow like a river. And the rhythms of bachata and merengue can be heard from all sides. The Dominican Republic in April is definitely the most party-loving Dominican Republic!

Air temperature in April– 30 degrees during the day and 21 degrees at night.

Water temperature in April– 26 degrees.

The Dominican Republic in May is different for everyone. Fans of heat will like the weather in the Dominican Republic in May. Personally, I, a northern person, am wary of May in the Dominican Republic... After all, summer is approaching, which means the rainy season is approaching. The seasonal rains themselves do not cause discomfort, since they are warm and short-lived. Discomfort comes from the humid air that comes after rain.
True, I have more than once met tourists who claim that they like the Dominican Republic much more in the summer. You can stay in the water for hours and not wrap yourself up in the evenings. How many people, so many opinions. One thing I know for sure is that the Dominican Republic in May is mango season. For those with a sweet tooth and lovers of heat, welcome to the Dominican Republic in May. And prices for holidays in May are usually lower than winter prices.

Air temperature in May– 30 degrees during the day and 22 degrees at night.

Water temperature in May– 27 degrees.

Dominican Republic in June. Ugh. Of course, from the point of view have a good rest– the weather in the Dominican Republic in June is very good. But how to live here? There is practically no wind, the water is like fresh milk, and even at night you can’t find saving coolness. And all because of the rainy season, which begins in May and ends in August. The rains themselves are not boring at all. As a rule, they are all short-term and warm. But after the rain comes moisture. It feels like you are in a bathhouse all the time. Some people like it. Some people don't. Among the advantages we can safely name the following: calm sea - once. Warm sea – two. Super cheap and delicious mango - three. You can even sleep on the beach - four. The latter will undoubtedly become a significant argument for the budget tourist!

Air temperature in June

Water temperature in June– 27 degrees.

Dominican Republic in July – another phew! It's swelteringly hot outside. The rainy season and the accompanying bath moisture continue. You run to the city library in search of books on shamanism. So...how did the Indians cause coolness there? Well, okay, if you can’t induce coolness naturally, let's call it artificially. Air conditioners! This is my salvation in the Dominican Republic in July. But how many beautiful and loving couples walk along the beach. Just like the Maldives! The Dominican Republic is very popular among newlyweds in July. Thousands of newly-made spouses come to the hot Dominican Republic to spend an equally hot wedding night. Moreover, the weather in the Dominican Republic in July heats up their hearts even more;)

Air temperature in July– 31 degrees during the day and 23 degrees at night.

Water temperature in July– 28 degrees.

The Dominican Republic in August is encouraging. The winds will appear very soon. August in the Dominican Republic is popularly considered transition period between the rainy season and the hurricane season. August in the Dominican Republic is also considered the hottest month of the year. In fact, there are no such hurricanes here. It’s just that winds come to us from Africa and bring a little relief. It is known that starting in August, there is a short tourist lull in the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic in August is calm and dreamy. You can wander along the empty beach and enjoy your own Dominican Republic. Well, here I am again in the wrong place. The beaches are not completely empty, there are just noticeably fewer people. Holidays in the Dominican Republic in August are not at all worse than rest in June or July. Everyone just chooses a time that is convenient for them. Fortunately, in the Dominican Republic, all seasons are good in their own way.

Air temperature in August– 32 degrees during the day and 23 degrees at night.

Water temperature in August– 28 degrees.

Summer is over. The rainy season has also ended. By the way, the rainy season does not mean constant tropical downpours. And the winter season (or as it is also called the dry season) does not mean the absence of rain. Everything is changeable. For example, I remember the summer of last year (2013) as very dry summer, and the winter of 2014 is rainy. But now it's autumn. And it's time to talk about the Dominican Republic in September.
So, the Dominican Republic in September, what is it like? Definitely not the most popular among tourists. Almost empty beaches, lots of free sun loungers, relaxed hotel staff. Quiet and calm. Time to pause and relax, because in a month the hot tourist season will begin again! I love the Dominican Republic in September. After all, the so-called hurricane season comes to us and brings coolness. What is the hurricane season in the Dominican Republic through the eyes of a local resident? These are ordinary winds. In Russia this happens often. As a rule, they don’t touch Bavaro and Punta Cana at all, but on Caribbean coast It might make some noise. For example, the wind may rise and the sea will be rough, literally and figuratively. Boats will be prohibited from going out to sea. Fishermen will get a couple of extra days off. That's the whole hurricane season.

Air temperature in September– 31 degrees during the day and 23 degrees at night.

Water temperature in September– 29 degrees.

The Dominican Republic in October is very favorable for relaxation. Hurricane season is coming to an end and the weather is gradually becoming predictable. The weather in the Dominican Republic in October can safely be called transitional. Every day it gets a little cooler, and the ocean gradually moves away from the rainy season and cools down. Not much, just one degree.
October in the Dominican Republic – last month when there are not many tourists on the beaches yet. It feels like the ocean is enjoying its solitude and at the same time saying goodbye to it. After all, in a month it will belong to millions of tourists from different corners peace.

Air temperature in October– 31 degrees during the day and 22 degrees at night.

Water temperature in October– 29 degrees.

In November, the Dominican Republic opens its tender arms and opens its hospitable doors to the tourist season. Hurray, winter is coming, soon such long-awaited coolness will come to us. The weather in November can still throw numbers in the form of winds. But it’s very rare now. And even with a small amount of modesty: “they say, forgive me, good tourists, I’ll just fool around a little and stop.” Of course, holiday prices are rising by leaps and bounds. And like decent weather, it should not undermine the economic situation in the country. Only warm sun, light breeze and stunning ocean;)

Air temperature in November– 31 degrees during the day and 21 degrees at night.

Water temperature in November– 27 degrees.

The thermometer drops to a very pleasant level. It becomes incredibly comfortable in the Dominican Republic. Ask me, have I ever seen perfect weather? Yes and yes again! Dominican Republic in December - here it is, perfect weather! How I love the Dominican Republic in winter. True, many find it cool. But, as a rule, this local residents, which at a temperature of 26 degrees begin to freeze and wrap themselves in down jackets! They haven't seen it yet Russian summer;) The ocean is invigorating and refreshing, the sand doesn’t get hot, and you can sunbathe again under the sun without fear of getting a 2nd degree burn;) And at night you even turn off the fan!

Air temperature in December– 30 degrees during the day and 20 degrees at night.

Water temperature in December– 27 degrees.

At the end of the description of the weather for all months, I would like to add that the Dominican Republic is beautiful at any time of the year. Beautiful in its own way. In what month to visit it is not as important as visiting it itself!
We wish you a fair wind, bright sun and romantic rain!
After all, nature does not have bad weather...

Which dates to choose for vacation is not the easiest question. Yes, we depend on the authorities, who let us go at one time or another, and on many other circumstances. But if you have freedom of maneuver, it is better to arm yourself with knowledge about climate, tourism and other seasonal features. If you have already decided on the space and chosen a resort in the Dominican Republic, it’s time to decide on the time of rest. We studied the issue especially for you: we talked with old-timers of the market - operators this direction, host companies in the Dominican Republic, guides, compatriots who have lived in this country for a long time and serve guests. We read the latest reviews from tourists and went to trustworthy Russian and foreign sites.

Season for a beach holiday

You can swim and sunbathe on the beach in the Dominican Republic all year round. Tourist season Always. This is the main thing. Of course, there are nuances. The chance of rain is high from June to October, dry and sunny from December to May. But even during the rainy season, long, lingering tropical downpours are rare. Short-term rains, no more than half an hour, usually in the evening, night or morning time. Of course, there are also rains in the dry season, recent years the weather often brings surprises, and not only in the subtropics. Average annual temperature air – from 25 to 32 °C, sea ​​water– 26–29 °C. The weather by month is clearly presented in the table:

Weather in the Dominican Republic by month

Average daily temperature (°C) 29 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 31 30
Average night temperature (°C) 19 19 20 21 22 22 23 23 22 22 21 20
Qty sundial(daily) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7
Monthly precipitation (mm) 60 52 61 83 205 173 178 180 195 179 109 71
Sea water t (°C) 27 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 29 28 27

Velvet season occurs in November. The rains end, a comfortable air and sea water temperature of about 28 ° C is established, the sea at this time is clean and calm. Comfortable begins beach season.

Tourist seasons

The cost of hotel accommodation varies throughout the year, and it is determined by the most significant market for the country - the American market. The "low" season coincides with the summer rainy period, and the "high" season occurs during the dry and sunny winter. Peak hotel occupancy (and highest prices) occur during traditional American holidays such as Columbus Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, National Freedom Day, Mardi Gras, Valentine's Day, etc., college holidays, Christmas and New Year's.

Hurricane Season

This natural phenomenon also has to be taken into account when choosing vacation dates. According to the website dr1.com, the official annual hurricane season in the Dominican Republic begins on June 1 and lasts until November 30. According to the results of many years of observations by meteorologists, during this period there are from 10 to 16 so-called “tropical depressions” in the Atlantic, half of which “grow” into the state of a hurricane with wind speeds of up to 200 km/h. That is, on average, the country is hit by five to eight hurricanes per year. different strengths. The last major hurricane, Hurricane George, was in 1998. There hasn't been anything like it in the Caribbean since 1780. Dominicans have long been accustomed to them and perceive them as a natural phenomenon - unpleasant, but not fatal. All resort hotels have dedicated teams that are experienced and qualified to deal with the elements. Tourists receive special instructions that describe the procedure in case of a hurricane and safety measures.

Flora and fauna

About algae. Many tourists discuss in their reviews and social networks the cleanliness of Dominican beaches, namely the presence or absence of algae. Many people even talk about algae season. Indeed, in coastal waters algae grows everywhere. They are thrown ashore by waves that are formed as a result of strong winds during tropical storms and hurricanes in summer and autumn. But even in winter, during the dry beach season, less algae washes ashore. The amount of algae in a particular location on the coast also depends on local underwater currents, water temperature (affects the rate of plant growth) and the presence of coral reefs, which serve as a natural barrier for plants. Many tourists who vacationed in Bavaro this year note in their reviews the virtual absence of algae and the cleanliness of the local beaches. Nice hotels They value their reputation and regularly clean the beaches. If the presence of algae on the beach is critical for you, carefully study the website of the selected hotel (“the right” hotels have several webcams on the territory, including the beach), read reviews of hotel guests. On the other hand, algae only grows in clean water, treat their abundance as a natural thalasso procedure.

About fruits. A familiar indicator of a hotel’s level for many tourists is the availability of a buffet large selection seasonal fruits and freshly squeezed juices. Fruit is always in season in the Dominican Republic. Most often in hotels you can find: pineapples, bananas, passion fruit, oranges, tangerines, apples, pears, watermelons, melons, grapes, strawberries, sweet lemons, grapefruits, kiwis, papaya, star fruit, guanabana, granadilla, nispero, mamon. The availability of mangoes and avacados depends on the time of year. Mango season, or rather harvesting season, is from May to October. Then the mango on the table replaces the avocado. Some perishable fruits do not reach hotels, but you can buy them, for example, at the fruit market while visiting Santo Domingo.

About the inhabitants of the sea. The Bavaro resort in Punta Cana has three large dolphinariums where dolphins live in their own natural environment. You can swim with them and watch a show. In the coastal waters of the protected Samana Peninsula you can observe from the shore mating games humpback whales. Whale season is from January 15 to March 15. And the famous fishing blue marlin available almost all year round, with the likelihood of successful fishing being especially high in August and September. Best places for deep sea fishing – the Boca Chica area on the Caribbean coast and the Atlantic waters in the north of the country.

You can practice water sports in the Dominican Republic all year round. The surfing season is not limited to any particular period; strong winds and “long waves” traditionally attract extreme sports enthusiasts primarily to the Atlantic coast of the island. But divers care about the transparency of the water, which is established during the absence of rain and wind. By the way, the Dominican Republic ranks second in the world for cave diving opportunities after Mexican cenotes. In the underwater grottoes of Padre Nuestro, you can observe a unique optical phenomenon - a halocline, which occurs at the boundary of fresh and salt water.

So, all you have to do is choose your holiday season. And remember that “the best is the enemy of the good.” Thinking a lot is harmful, it’s time to decide when it’s better to rest.

When is the best time to vacation in the Dominican Republic? What can I say? Holidays in the Dominican Republic can be called a vacation in paradise. The high season in the Dominican Republic begins when cold, wind, snow and sub-zero temperatures arrive en masse at the native latitudes. It lasts from November to April. During these months, the daytime temperature is approximately +27ºС, and at night it is around +23ºС.

The water temperature at this time is usually +26ºС. The coldest time in the Dominican Republic is in January. During this period, the air can warm up to only +24ºС. Which, as we understand, is very good.

Summer reigns here from May to October. And it is precisely during this period that the notorious tropical rains and even typhoons occur. The air temperature does not fall; moreover, it increases to +31ºС.

And although it's warm here, we can talk about low season in the Dominican Republic. Few people want to get caught in a storm, get wet in a tropical downpour, or swim in a real storm. Although this doesn’t scare some people, of course.

In general, the climate in the Dominican Republic is very comfortable, mild and convenient. The waters of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic are always warm and welcoming and you can not only swim in them or sunbathe on the sandy beaches, but also engage in water sports.

Holidays in the Dominican Republic in winter

The weather in the Dominican Republic is dry and cool in winter. There is almost no precipitation, the sea is calm, many people confidently swim in the warm water. Even at this time, they admire the whales that swim to the shores of the island. You can visit any of the cities in the country, starting from Santa Domingo and ending with all kinds of resorts like Cabarete. This good time for excursions around the island, conquering the mountains in the heart of the country and numerous adventures in cities and nature reserves. In Rio San Juan winter time It’s especially cool, so if you’re worried about a sudden climate change coming from mid-latitudes and cold winters, this is the place for you.

Holidays in the Dominican Republic in spring

Spring on the island of Haiti is quite welcoming. The first noticeable rains begin towards the end of the season, in May. So you can safely sunbathe and swim in both March and April. The weather in the Dominican Republic is warm in spring. In Azua and Santo Domingo, for example, there is almost no rain throughout the season. By the way, carnivals may take place here around the beginning of spring. And Samana and Las Terrenas are good all year round. By mid-spring, a slight decline in tourists begins, as it becomes too hot for many. But if this doesn’t bother you, then spring is the ideal time to travel.

Holidays in the Dominican Republic in summer

Fly to Dominican Republic in summer it is not recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases and other serious health problems. It is very humid here and it rains. The weather in the Dominican Republic in summer will please those who prefer hot climate, so it's a matter of personal choice. Towards the end of the season, noticeable storms begin, and the rainfall here is tropical. Monte Cristo and Barahona have the least rainfall. So even at this time there will be something to do and where to go. And choose better south coast with its resort areas, or small lagoons in the Samana Peninsula area, there is less risk of encountering truly terrible typhoons.