Husband of Maria Zakharova Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation biography. Foreign Ministry representative Maria Zakharova: biography, personal life, career. Selected quotes by Maria Zakharova

Maria Zakharova - charming woman, which attracts the attention of many residents of the country, even those who are not interested in politics. She is for short term became very popular and famous. Sergei Lavrov appointed her as a personal assistant, whom he takes with him on trips to other countries. The woman then scrupulously and accurately describes everything that happened during the trip, allowing those who read the information to form their own opinion about the policy of the Russian Federation.

It was her first for the whole Russian history the woman was entrusted to become a representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry. She is respected not only in our country, but also in other states. Her speech is literally divided into quotations. A woman is distinguished by objectivity and simplicity, so she is appreciated by many politicians around the world.

Height, weight, age of Maria Zakharova

Maria Zakharova is distinguished by harshness and even some harshness of statements. But many people not only Russian Federation, but also foreign countries interested in all the information about her, including the height, weight, age of Maria Zakharova. During the speeches of this representative of the Foreign Ministry, men look at her appraisingly, marveling at the perfection of her forms and the luxury of her body. Women, on the other hand, look with envy at her figure, although she almost always appears in public in a diplomat's suit. But he emphasizes the perfection of the lines of the body.

On the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs you can find out that the year of birth of our heroine was 1975. Having made simple calculations in the mind, we can say that Maria Zakharova is 42 years old. The height of the diplomat is 170 centimeters and weighs 58 kilograms.

A woman has stubbornness and perseverance, which is important for moving up the career ladder.
On the page on Instagram, Maria Zakharova: a photo in her youth and now posted recently. Many subscribers put a class under the pictures.

Biography of Maria Zakharova

Father - Vladimir Yuryevich Zakharov and mother - Irina Vladislavovna influenced their daughter. It was thanks to their attention that the girl became so purposeful, courageous and open.

Maria has been interested in politics since childhood. She watched the International Panorama with interest. The girl studied well at school, wrote poetry, studied Chinese and English, which she now knows perfectly. After graduating from an excellent school, Maria Zakharova entered MGIMO on the first attempt. The girl chooses journalism. After receiving a diploma, a young diplomat goes to practice in the East. She chose China's Beijing.

After working at the Chinese embassy, ​​the girl becomes an employee of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In 2003 the dissertation was written by the girl, which was soon brilliantly defended at RUDN University. She became a candidate of historical sciences. At first, Maria Zakharova did not serve in responsible positions, she became an editor in a special magazine for diplomatic figures - Diplomatic Bulletin.

After a short period of time, a young diplomatic worker began to work on monitoring funds mass media. Rapid promotion up the career ladder was ensured due to the fact that Maria performed her duties well. After 2-3 years, a woman begins to serve in the representation of the Russian Federation to the United Nations as a press secretary. In 2008, Zakharova was transferred to the central office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, where she served for three years.

At the beginning of 2011, she began to serve in the Department in charge of information and press affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At this time she becomes public person, communicating with journalists of various newspaper and magazine publishing houses and television and radio services.

Sergei Lavrov, during his trips outside the country, took a woman with him as his personal assistant. She performed her tasks with great responsibility, and then she posted reports on the results of the trip on Instagram, Odnoklassniki and VKontakte.
It was thanks to Maria and her scrupulousness that the articles became emotional, and sometimes humorous. It was she who became the political person who helped defend the honor of Russia in various television show programs.

Since 2015, Zakharova began to represent the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, working as the official representative of this institution.
About how she came to the profession, Maria Zakharova herself, the Russian Foreign Ministry, reports. The biography (Wikipedia gives only the most limited information about the young diplomat) Zakharova is revealed to the audience in more detail.

Personal life of Maria Zakharova

The young woman does not talk about her personal life at all. For the broad masses of Russian residents, this is a mystery. All questions about this are ignored by her. She only replies: “No comment,” and smiles enigmatically.

The personal life of Maria Zakharova is not advertised in in social networks and blogs. No one has any idea when she began dating members of the opposite sex, whether she has a husband. This is hidden, since Maria works in an organization where frankness is not expected. Only recently it became known that Zakharova has official husband who surrounds his wife with attention and care.

Family of Maria Zakharova

The family of Maria Zakharova was distinguished by education and intelligence. The father of our heroine was a diplomat, specialized in Chinese and other oriental languages. But in the 80s he was sent to work in the Chinese people's republic, where he moved with his family - his wife and daughter Masha. After returning to Russia, he worked at the Higher School of Economics and the School of Oriental Studies. mommy same famous representative The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation did not work anywhere in her youth, she took care of the hearth.

After returning from China, she began working at the Museum fine arts named after Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. During the years of her stay in China, she perfectly studied the culture, history and traditions of this eastern country. The couple recently released a book of Chinese folk tales, among the main images you can recognize their daughter and granddaughter.

Recently, Zakharova, in an interview, said that she received her determination thanks to her grandmother, but she did not name her last name, first name, or patronymic.

Children of Maria Zakharova

Are there any children of Maria Zakharova, until recently it was unknown. They cannot be known from official sources, nor on the global web. Social networks also do not provide any information on this issue. It gave birth a large number of rumors. They said that Zakharova's children study at elite schools Abroad. But how many children, what age and what they like to do - was hidden. It was said that such secrecy is due to the fact that children can be kidnapped or killed.

Only in recent times it became known that our heroine has a little daughter, whom she loves incredibly. The girl is brought up by Maria's parents, who try to do everything for the girl.

Daughter of Maria Zakharova - Maryana

A few months ago it became known that Zakharova has a little daughter, who was named Maryana. But sometimes another name is mentioned - Marianna. On Wikipedia, you can read that the daughter of Maria Zakharova, Maryana, was born in mid-2010. The girl recently celebrated her 7th birthday.

Next year, Marianna - Maryana will go to one of the Moscow schools. But now she can speak Chinese and English. The girl is interested in the East, especially China, about which she likes to listen to fairy tales and stories.

Recently, information appeared on the World Wide Web that Maryana was bitten by a dog on vacation in Sochi. The bites were small, now the baby has fully recovered.

The husband of Maria Zakharova - Andrey Makarov

Until recently, it was impossible to find on the World Wide Web whether Maria Zakharova had a husband. There is no information on this issue on the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

But in June 2017, Zakharova herself posted a joint photo of herself and young man. She captioned the picture: "Me and my beloved man." In early autumn, she posted another picture, which depicts a wedding ceremony. So it became known that the husband of the young representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is Andrei Makarov. But the wedding took place in 2005. The husband of Maria Zakharova - Andrey Makarov is engaged in business. He is successful in this area.

Photo by Maria Zakharova in Maxim magazine

The young woman is absolutely not shy, she often posts her candid pictures on social networks. Men look at her photographs with interest, and girls are amazed at the beauty and sophistication of forms.

At the beginning of 2017, one could view a photo of Maria Zakharova in Maxim magazine. In some pictures, a young Foreign Ministry official poses naked. She impresses with her impeccable body lines, without the presence of any flaws.
Maria Zakharova also starred for Playboy magazine, a woman posted a photo in a swimsuit on her Instagram page.

Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Zakharova

The young diplomat has pages on many social networks. On the page on Instagram, you can see photos that illustrate information about where Zakharova went, how she goes in for sports, and keeps house.

But Instagram and Wikipedia of Maria Zakharova do not provide absolutely no information about the children and wife of the young diplomat. But you can find out how a young woman spends her free time. On pages on social networks, you can read Zakharova's poems and a fairy tale written by her parents. Posts to photos are written in a humorous way, which attracts the attention of many subscribers of the page.

"Mogendovid" by Mariam Zakharova
or Mindfulness Above All!

"Zakharova's parents are diplomats."

I immediately remembered Vladimir Volfovich with his unforgettable: Russian mother, lawyer father.
And then both of them are diplomats.
Judging by the comments to the article, the formation of a nation of dear Russians is going well.”

+ + +
Start here:

Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ Λόγος, καὶ ὁΛόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν Θεόν, καὶ Θεὸς ἦν ὁΛόγος

Today I was sent a screenshot of a commentary by a certain "Mikhail Chernovol" posted on the website of the newspaper "Tomorrow". Usually I do not comment on this and do not pay attention at all. But for a number of reasons, I will make an exception for these words: "... this Masha on her chest on a gold chain flaunted not a symbol of Christianity, but "Mogendovid" - a six-pointed star, the star of David."

I remember in the second grade I brought a new word from school - "Jew". Mom asked if I understood the meaning. I answered that I didn’t understand, and the guys said so, but I remember that it sounded like the word “livery”. Mom put me, a seven-year-old child, on her knees and said: “This is such a nationality. The French are also a nationality, both Chinese and Ukrainians. Here we are Russians. Live in the world different people and there are many nationalities. They have different languages, different dances, different fairy tales. They can live in different countries or in one country. Everything was clear, and I was about to get off my knees. “But I want to tell you one very important thing. Unfortunately, you will still hear a lot of bad things about different nationalities. There are people who will say that one nationality is good and the other is bad. One nation is better or worse than another. It is not true. In every nation there are good and bad. Remember this. And whatever you hear, know that there are no bad or good nationalities, there are bad or good people'' Mom said. Then she thought and added: "Since you learned this new word for you today, I want you to understand its meaning." “I understood, mom, you explained it,” I hurried about my business. But my mother said: “No, not completely. You're russian. And my dad and I are Russian, and your grandfather is half Ukrainian. We speak and think in Russian and live like Russians. But you were born thanks to a doctor who was Jewish. And if not for him, it is not known how everything would have turned out for us, the Russians. Remember this forever. And never allow people of other nationalities to be humiliated in your presence.” And I remembered. Probably because they were very simple words, a very clear example. Or just because I have such a mother. I remember them forever.

At the age of 20, I ended up in Israel - it was a one-day excursion on a boat during a week-long vacation in Cyprus, where my mother and I were taken by her brother. Those few hours in Jerusalem and Bethlehem changed my life. Fully. It had religion. Not faith. She was before, in the form of an intuitive feeling, foreboding and even understanding. But all this was somehow ... pagan, or something. And it burned there. This charge is still enough. All memories are fresh and even tangible. While still in Bethlehem, I said that I would go through all the rituals in Moscow. And my uncle, who then helped us a lot financially, bought me the very same one in one of the local jewelry stores. gold chain which is always on me. Returning to Moscow, I was baptized. Since then I have been Orthodox, in the sense that I try to be one. On the back of my small cross, which was bought in an Arab shop and which is always with me, is written "Jerusalem".

Our religion forbids hatred. She punishes her. But in me there is something that in English is called objective hate, and in Russian, forgetting about the pathos, you can probably express the well-known "noble rage." I hate all kinds of nationalism (from racial discrimination to religious intolerance), I hate being humiliated or bullied, no matter who. And I also hate the stupidity and stupid malice that can see the Star of David, not only in a flower or a snowflake, but even in the benzene formula.

When I thought about who to ask to be my daughter's godparents, I had two cherished desires. First. To these people were kind and loved to laugh. Second. So that they, if possible, represent different nationalities or live in different countries. So that my child from the very early childhood, as with my milk, absorbed the richness and diversity of this world and smiled. So that borders, skin color, cultural differences will never be barriers for her. Consider this my personal contribution to the fight against nationalism.

I'm lucky. Our godfather is Georgian. Sparkling and cheerful, and very kind, despite the fact that due to national question, most likely, he will never again see Sukhumi, Sukhumi, beloved and dear to his family. Our godmother, I don’t even know who by nationality (judging by the bright beauty, everything is mixed there), lives in NY, and when we all get together, Maryana enthusiastically plays with her son, born in marriage to a burning Brazilian. And our nanny, who put her soul into Maryana, is an Armenian. Cool twist. "Mikhail Chernovol" would have been torn apart;)) (

A typical reaction of the Russian Runet:

“Here, I think, it would also be very helpful for Masha to get acquainted not only with the nationality of the mother’s doctor, but also with the nationality of her parents’ grandparents, both mom and dad, and other relatives. And I am sure that she would have been filled with even greater gratitude to the Jews for having come into this world, and you and I would have been much more understandable of her Israeli religious insights, feelings that flared up and the fire that burned her soul from that young 20- of your summer age.

Masha's extremist definition of nationalism becomes more understandable, as the eternal cosmopolitan feeling of a pathological liberal, in relation to its moral antipode, national feeling, as a sense of belonging to one's people and its culture and pride in all the good that this people has, pride in its history and his accomplishments. But judging by the statements of Masha, such feelings towards Russia and the Russian people are alien to her, she did not say a single word about her country of residence here. The same cosmopolitan liberal spirit includes her extremely negative comments about Stalin and the habitual lie she repeated, like a parrot, about the "multi-million victims of the Stalinist regime." Here, as in other liberal mantras, the liberals themselves are like answering machines.”

Chief Sephardic Rabbi of Israel
offered to send all the goyim out of the country

You can see the Mogendovid here:

…and here:

For reference. Types of the "Star of David" performed by Jewish jewelers:
Pendants Star of David (jewelry)

O. Maxim Kozlov: The Star of David is now -
it is an anti-Christian symbol of Judaism

An Orthodox priest believes that Christians should not wear a six-pointed star...

"The Star of David is currently used as a symbol of Judaism, the Jewish religion and, to a large extent, is used in a non-Christian or anti-Christian context", - said the rector of the house church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Archpriest Maxim Kozlov, answering the question of a reader of the Tatyana's Day online newspaper about Orthodox symbols six-pointed star, and why it is called the Star of David.

The priest emphasized that the six-pointed star itself is not special symbol Judaism, but the meaning she has acquired for herself now forces the Orthodox to abstain from its use.

In the Russian political world a huge number of well-known bright personalities, they do not cease to arouse the interest of the public, and there are those who attract the attention of the most. To such famous person refers to Maria Zakharova, she is a speech maker of the department that oversees foreign affairs in our country.

Biography of Maria Zakharova

Biographies of Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova should be given Special attention. Zakharova's date of birth was December 24, 1975, respectively, the zodiac sign Capricorn. Maria Zakharova's father also followed the diplomatic line and was a highly qualified orientalist. Leningradsky state institute Vladimir Yuryevich Zakharov graduated in 1971, as a result of which he received a diploma and was a specialist in the field of literature and the Chinese language. He devoted most of his life to diplomatic work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, first of the USSR, and then of Russia, here Zakharov Vladimir Yuryevich spent 34 years in the periods 1980-2014.

Zakharova's father was the head of the Russian consulate in China for 13 years, was an adviser on culture and education in the same consulate. The next post he held was that of department head, and in a later period he became chief adviser to the minister. Today he is a senior lecturer in Oriental studies at the Higher School of Economics. In parallel, Zakharov is considered the head of the University of Scientific and Political Research, which is located in the Black Sea-Caspian region.

Mother Irina Vladislavovna Zakharova, born in 1949, graduated from Lomonosov University in Moscow and worked at the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. On this moment she is a senior research fellow in the Department of Aesthetic Education. Zakharova Irina Vladislavovna defended her thesis at the Art Academy, after which the woman was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Maria Zakharova spent her childhood like all children, walked, adored the picturesque streets of China, visited monasteries, where her parents often went and various parks. young girl I studied very well, at the instruction of my parents I studied Chinese. With her peers, Maria played with dolls and created houses for them, it was a real affection, which in her youth turned into a hobby, and it was realized in the creation of miniature interiors. Like her parents, Maria Zakharova was soon drawn into a seething and flaming life, got a serious job, followed in her father's footsteps.

Maria's favorite program was "International Panorama", where foreign issues were discussed in relation to economics and politics. After graduation, the family of Maria Zakharova returned to Moscow, where the girl entered MGIMO for journalism. She knew a lot about the east, so she went in this direction. The last course ended in 1998, and undergraduate practice took place at the Russian Embassy in China. After 5 years, Zakharova Maria had a grandiose defense of her dissertation on the topic “How do people celebrate New Year in China", as a result of which she was awarded the degree of candidate of historical sciences.

How did the career start?

Labor activity began very actively, Zakharova Maria Vladimirovna was an employee of the journal "Diplomatic Bulletin" and worked in the editorial office. Here she met Alexander Yakovenko, he was later Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. Life principles bosses coincided with those that grandmother Zakharova adhered to. He believed that only clear teamwork would help achieve good results.

Grandmother taught Maria to be honest, to do her job with high quality, so that any check would pass without remarks, and the inspector would not have the opportunity to make complaints, but she quickly joined the position in the team, she was accepted as her own. Everything went quite smoothly in the editorial office, and later Maria Zakharova was transferred to the Department of Press and Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

It was a new environment, to which Zakharova quickly got used to, figured out her work and began to rapidly grow up the career ladder, because already in 2003 she became the head of the department in the operational monitoring of media information. Two years later, a business trip to New York followed, it was a matter of a lifetime, where Maria Zakharova served as a press secretary.

She returned to her editorial office in 2008, but after 3 years she was appointed to the position of deputy head of the press and information department, and soon the head of the unit. very professional qualities high level, therefore, Maria moved up the career ladder tremendously quickly.

As a representative of the highest competence, Zakharova participated in a talk show and expressed her opinion competently, could organize a briefing, form information support, and much more. Four years ago, which also reflects her biography, Maria Zakharova received the Runet Prize in the nomination of culture and communication. Participates in the organization of the Eurasian Women's Forum, which was held in St. Petersburg.

Maria Zakharova - husband, children

Maria Zakharova's husband Andrei Makarov is a very responsible and reliable man, their marriage can be called truly happy, where he helps her in any endeavors, ups and downs. Her husband is an entrepreneur, the wedding took place in New York on November 7, 2005, when Maria worked in America. In those moments it marital status no one was embarrassed, but a few years later a public outcry was caused by joint photographs.

The daughter of Maria Zakharova Maryana was born 8 years ago. When Maria gives an interview for this or that news, she tells how she is already at work by nine in the morning, she is not embarrassed by a long working day, it can be different, sometimes even free time is given to professional time. While Zakharova was pregnant, she did not feel tired, but when she had to take her little daughter Maryana to work, since there was no one to leave at home with, certain difficulties appeared that were a little frightening.

The personal life of Maria Zakharova is not on public display and her husband is not a public figure. During the holidays, she writes poetry and posts it on social networks. For each diplomatic meeting, Maria tries to buy new things, updating her wardrobe is a hobby. Maria Zakharova in a swimsuit does not hesitate to be photographed, she is beautiful both in soul and figure, attracts the attention of many.

She is educated, intelligent and purposeful in life. Maria's parents are involved in the upbringing of her daughter, since Maria Zakharova is very busy man and for several months can simply disappear at work. Maria speaks Chinese and English language, loves Chinese fairy tales and historical stories. Gorgeous and stylish, she tries to observe the strictness of a diplomat in everything, but at the same time remain feminine.

Biography official representative The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of the Russian Federation Zakharova Maria Vladimirovna is interesting even to people far from politics. They want to know literally everything about her: who are her husbands, have children, who is her nationality. A photo of the Russian counterpart James Psaki, that is how Zakharova is often called, can be easily found on the Internet.

She is this Russian weapons President, because it is she who reveals most machinations against their country. She is not only a diplomat and director of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Press, but also a wonderful wife and mother. She manages everything and everywhere, although she admits that sometimes it is very difficult.

This is a woman who combines both femininity and moderate severity, it is always a pleasure to watch her. The educated and humane Zakharova Maria Vladimirovna, a diplomat of the Russian Foreign Ministry, and her biography deserves special attention, as well as her career ladder on which she moved very rapidly.

On duty of the father:

  • a diplomat
  • orientalist;
  • specialist in Chinese and literature;
  • later (in 2014) Senior Lecturer in World Economics and Politics.

The Zakharov family moved to the Chinese city of Beijing, where our heroine spent her childhood. And Maria was born in Moscow on December 24, 1975, according to the zodiac sign Capricorn. Departure followed shortly after her birth. They lived in China for 13 years.

Young Maria loved walking together with her parents along the Beijing park streets and monasteries. Then she gladly shared her impressions with her grandmother, who remained in Russia.

The girl was a diligent student, she was quite easily given the Chinese language. As a child, she, like all girls of her age, loved to play with dolls and even glued houses for them. Over time, this hobby has grown into a serious hobby. As an adult, Masha began to create miniature interiors.

The girl dreamed of following in the footsteps of her father, she liked to be in the spotlight. The field of activity of Maria Vladislavovna, mother of Maria, in the past a museum employee of the fine arts, attracted her no less. While most of the children could not be torn off from the program "Visiting a Fairy Tale", Maria was interested in the completely non-children's TV show "International Panorama". She soaked up information about economic and political events abroad like a sponge.

The Zakharovs returned to their homeland when their daughter graduated from high school. In Moscow, she entered MGIMO, choosing the specialization "Journalism and Oriental Studies". In 1988, the girl, being in her final year, was sent to China, which became painfully native to her. At the Embassy of the Russian Federation, she underwent undergraduate practice.

After 5 years, Maria successfully defended her dissertation at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia on the topic "celebrating the New Year in China." For which she received a degree, becoming a candidate of historical sciences.

Career growth

The editorial office of the journal "Diplomatic Bulletin" is the first place of work of Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova. Thanks to professional qualities and the ability to get along with people, she quickly joined the team.

Soon, by decision of the leadership, the girl was transferred to the Department of Information and Press under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of the Russian Federation. And already in 2003, Zakharova worked at the head of the operational monitoring of the media.

She held this position for 2 years, after which she went to New York, where she was the press secretary of the permanent government of the Russian Federation at the United Nations.

From the biography of Zakharova, it follows that her return to Moscow to the previous department took place in 2008. And in 2011 she was appointed to the position of deputy head of the department and press.

She occupied this chair for 2 years, after which she became the head of the structural unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, taking the post of Alexander Lukashevich, former boss. The employment of a Russian woman by nationality did not prevent her from arranging her personal life.

Her happiness is in her husband and children, more precisely in her daughter. Some photos of Zakharov are shared on social networks.

  1. Organization and holding of briefings by the official representative of the Ministry.
  2. Maintaining official social media accounts.
  3. Providing information support for Sergei Lavrov (Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation) during his trips abroad.

All this was the responsibility of Maria Zakharova.

Maria Zakharova before losing weight: l personal life

As for her personal life, Maria Vladimirovna prefers not to talk about her. It is only known that she is married to businessman Andrei Mikhailovich, who supports her in everything. On November 7, 2005, they signed in New York. At that moment, Zakharova was in the United States for work. In 2010, the couple became happy parents.

Their daughter Maryana was born. In her free time, Maria Zakharova writes poetry, some of which she posts on her pages on social networks.

In addition, she is the author of the text of the song "Bring Back the Memory", which the woman dedicated to the Russian servicemen who died in Syria. She is like any family woman, loves to spend weekends (which fall out so rarely) with family.

It happened that she had to take her daughter with her to work, since there was simply no one to leave the baby with. The civil servant admitted: she does not have stylists, she chooses her own clothes for everyday life and diplomatic meetings, and she does it exclusively for her own money.

Maria's hobby

A very strict and aristocratic diplomat woman, very soft and feminine at home. And she chose a very symbolic hobby for herself. Masha does not often like to share even two words of her life, which takes place far from everyone. But she says that she loves to write poetry. She does not often have such an opportunity, because she has very little time to spend it at home. But sometimes she writes poetry and shares it on social networks with her followers. And her poems give out in her a very subtle nature, light and soft. Exactly the way a real woman should be.

Another passion of hers is songwriting. And the woman caused a big stir when the singer Nargiz performed her song at the International Moscow Festival. The song was dedicated to military soldiers who fought and died in Syria. And at the closing of the festival, another song by Zakharova was performed, which Alexander Kogan had already performed. And how this woman also manages to write songs, poems, take care of her family and take care of her country remains a big mystery. But all the politicians and diplomats of Russia and abroad bow before her. And such a woman truly deserves such respect.

Now time for Mary

Now the woman continues her diplomatic activities. She is still active. She still participates in various programs, where discussions with her personality are very popular and active. She is never shy about expressing opinions, not only for herself, but also for the Ministry. And it turns out that a woman is very at ease and accessible language.

Maria Zakharova Vladimirovna, a diplomat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who does not talk about her husband, child, rarely exposes a photo, and even keeps silent about the nationality of her family, she is so rich in biography on activities for the good of her country. A woman is a wall for the President of Russia, and there is nothing surprising that she is so valued, and it is hoped that she will serve for the good of her country for a long time to come.

Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova is a diplomat, director of the information and press department at the Russian Foreign Ministry. Official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. He has a Ph.D. in history. In the foreign press she is called "the sexy, smart and terrible miracle weapon of Putin's propaganda", in Russia they admire her straightforwardness, an amazing combination of femininity and toughness, often calling Zakharova " Russian counterpart Jen Psaki.

Childhood and family

Maria spent her childhood in Beijing, where her diplomat parents arrived in the early 80s. Father, Vladimir Yuryevich, orientalist, specialist in Chinese language and literature, worked as an adviser to the secretariat until 2014 Shanghai Organization cooperation, after that he was a senior lecturer at the Faculty of World Economy and World Politics in high school Economics, also lectured at the School of Oriental Studies. His wife Irina, upon her return from China, became a researcher at the Moscow Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkin. She is a candidate of art criticism, knows the culture, history and traditions of China very well. Together with her husband, she published a book for children “From year to year we wish happiness” - a collection of Chinese folk tales.

She dreamed of doing the same stormy and serious work as her father, and writing as well as her mother. Perhaps that is why little Masha's favorite program was the weekly program "International Panorama", which discussed the main economic and political events abroad.

Maria Zakharova dances "Kalinka"

After graduating from school, Maria and her parents returned to Moscow, where she entered the Faculty of International Journalism of MGIMO (specializations in Oriental Studies and Journalism). In 1998, in her final year, Zakharova underwent postgraduate practice at the Russian Embassy in China, which was almost native to her. Five years later, in 2003, in Russian University Friendship of Peoples Maria successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis on such a familiar and close topic about the celebration of the New Year in China, after which she received a Ph.D.

Diplomatic career

The first place of work of Maria Zakharova was the editorial office of the magazine of the Russian Foreign Ministry "Diplomatic Bulletin". In the editorial office, Maria met Alexander Vladimirovich Yakovenko, her first leader and future Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Alexander Vladimirovich adhered to the same principles in his work as Maria's beloved grandmother. He believed that quality, professional interaction between team members is important in work. Masha's grandmother also taught the girl to think that any work should be done perfectly, even if no one checks it. As an example, she cited embroidery, which even with reverse side should look neat. So the girl easily joined the team.

Having shown herself well in the editorial office, Maria, by decision of the leadership, soon moved to the Department of Information and Press under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Having settled into new job, in 2003 Zakharova headed the department of operational media monitoring. Two years later, Maria went to New York as the press secretary of the Permanent Mission of Russia to the United Nations.

In 2008, Maria returned to her native department, to Moscow, but three years later she was appointed deputy head of the Press and Information Department and only two years later she headed it, replacing her former boss Alexander Lukashevich. The reason for the appointment was not only Maria's professionalism, experience and knowledge, but also her popularity in the media sphere. The woman was a frequent guest on numerous talk shows, did not miss the opportunity to express her position on social networks.

Maria Zakharova is loved for her aggressive, straightforward rhetoric

She was responsible for organizing the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, maintained the official accounts of the Ministry in social networks, and provided information support to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov during trips abroad. Zakharova was soon appointed to the post of official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Since then, the diplomat has often appeared on TV screens explaining the official position of the Ministry, but she did it so informally and naturally that she repeatedly provoked heated debate and discussion.

For her high professionalism, Maria Zakharova was awarded the rank of a top-class diplomatic adviser and admission to the Council for foreign policy and defense of Russia.

Maria Zakharova on relations with the United States (Vladimir Solovyov's broadcast)

Personal life of Maria Zakharova

Maria does not say anything about her personal life. It is only known that she is married, her wife's name is Andrey Makarov.