Causes of global problems of mankind. Factors causing global problems

Global problems humanity.


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Factors causing appearance global problems.

In the second half of the 20th century, humanity faced a set of problems affecting the vital interests of all mankind and requiring coordinated actions of the entire world community for their resolution - global problems (from the Latin globe - Earth, globe).

Global Problems - Set problems of mankind that confronted him in the second half of the 20th century, on the solution of which the existence of civilization depends. These problems were the result of contradictions accumulating in the relations between man, nature and society

Causes of occurrence:

1. The global community of people, the integrity of the modern world, which ensures contradictions, conflicts, problems from local become global.

2. Active transforming human activity does not always correspond to the level public organization, political thinking and environmental consciousness.

Common features: 1. affect the life of all mankind 2. manifest as an objective factor in the development of society

3. urgently need a solution.

4. involve international cooperation of various countries

5. depends on their decision further fate humanity.

All global problems are interconnected. It is impossible to solve them separately, it is necessary to solve them together in order to save life on Earth.

GPU types:

1. Intersocial - preventing a global nuclear catastrophe and creating optimal conditions for the social progress of all peoples, preventing the backwardness of developing countries.

2. Problems resulting from the relationship between society and nature - providing humanity with the necessary resources, preventing pollution environment.

3. Problems in the system of relations between a person and society - overcoming the negative impact of scientific and technological revolution, a demographic problem. human health problem.

The unresolved problem of reversing aging in humans and poor public awareness of negligible aging.

the problem of "North-South" - the gap in development between rich and poor countries, poverty, hunger and illiteracy;

thermo prevention nuclear war and ensuring peace for all peoples, prevention by the world community of unauthorized proliferation of nuclear technologies, radioactive contamination of the environment;

prevention of catastrophic environmental pollution and reduction of biodiversity;

providing humanity with resources;

global warming;

ozone holes;

the problem of cardiovascular, oncological diseases and AIDS.

demographic development (population explosion in developing countries and demographic crisis in developed ones).


Global problems are the result of the confrontation between nature and human culture, as well as the inconsistency or incompatibility of multidirectional trends in the course of the development of human culture itself. natural nature exists on the principle of negative feedback (see biotic regulation of the environment), while human culture - on the principle of positive feedback.

Top Priority SOEs:

1. The problem of peace and disarmament,

2. Environmental

3. Energy

4. Food

5. overcoming the backwardness of developing countries.

6. demographic

7. Raw

8. use of the world's oceans

9. world space exploration.


1. Formation of a new planetary consciousness, education of a person on the principles of humanism, wide information about global problems.

2. Bringing international cooperation to a new qualitative level

3. A comprehensive study of the causes and contradictions, the conditions leading to the emergence and exacerbation of problems

4. Observation and control of global processes on the planet, obtaining information from each country and international research is necessary for forecasting and decision-making.

Concentration of efforts of all countries to solve the GP. Cooperation in the field of creating new technologies, a common world center for the study of GP, a single fund of funds and resources, information exchange.

5. Clear international system forecasting.

6. Population transition - the natural end of the 1960s population explosion

Nuclear disarmament

energy saving

Montreal Protocol (1989) - fight against ozone holes

Kyoto Protocol (1997) - fight against global warming.

Scientific prizes for successful radical life extension in mammals (mice) and their rejuvenation.

Club of Rome (1968)

The resolution of socio-political problems is impossible without limiting and complete cessation arms races, peaceful resolution of any conflicts, radical distribution of world income in favor of poor states (debt cancellation), elimination of the conditions that give rise to terror and violence.

Socio-environmental problems are impossible without abandoning the idea of ​​conquering nature and moving to a strategy for its worldwide protection.

Socio-economic problems can be solved by changing the dominant quantitative mood of modern civilization, which requires a change in our consciousness. Another condition for their solution is to increase the role of the spirituality of mankind.

Many modern thinkers are offering their proposals for solving the PHR. For example, the outstanding domestic scientist and thinker V.I. Vernadsky created the doctrine of the noosphere, the modern Russian scientist N.N. Moiseev sees a way out in co-evolution - joint harmonious development nature and society, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, laureate Nobel Prize proposes to create a "zone of non-violence" in the Tibetan Plateau, where man and nature could live in peace and harmony, many scientists see the solution to the problem in changing consciousness, the ethics of reverence for nature or the ethics of reverence for nature.

Given the presence of HP, humanity makes various predictions:

Pessimistic "environmental pessimism" connected with the fact that it is impossible to solve the GP, because this will require measures that are not feasible in practice. For example, the suspension of population growth, the rejection of scientific and technical progress. inevitability ecological disaster- the end of history, the death of mankind.

Moderately optimistic "scientific and technical optimism", scientific and technological discoveries and technological innovations can address the GP. The conditions for this is the adoption by the world community of the concept sustainable development, according to which scientific and technological progress should be subordinated to the interests of survival, the preservation of the natural environment for the existence of mankind.

The first people on Earth, getting food, did not violate natural laws. But in the process of evolution, the attitude of man to nature has changed. With the development of technology, man began to put more and more pressure on nature. Already in ancient times, this led to desertification. Great geographical discoveries led to the predatory exploitation of natural resources, which seriously affected the biosphere. And the development of capitalism and the industrial revolution gave rise to environmental problems. Human impact on nature reached global proportions in the 20th century. during economic activity Human long time occupied the position of a consumer in relation to nature, naively believing that its reserves are unlimited. As a result, the depletion of natural resources began. People mastered various energies, including atomic energy, which is not very safe.

Another aspect is environmental pollution. Ozone holes. Not only air and land are polluted, but also water. This causes the death of many species of animals and plants, including the deterioration of the human gene pool. Another problem is the growing population of the planet. Judge for yourself, in the Neolithic era, 7 thousand years ago, 10 million lived on Earth in 2000 - 6 billion. This gave rise to a demographic problem that has 2 sides: 1. population explosion in developing countries and underreproduction of the population in developed countries. However, it is already clear that the Earth's resources (primarily food) are limited, and even today governments in many countries are limiting the birth rate. Simple reproduction is the replacement of generations without an increase in the number of people. the current population is unbearable for the planet, which cannot provide people with everything they need right now. In addition, there are problems associated with overpopulation in underdeveloped countries, hence drug addiction, vagrancy, crime, low education.

The emergence of global problems is not accidental. It is related to a number of factors.

Related to the problem of demography is the problem of the gap in the level of economic development between developed and developing countries. (North-South problem).

The threat of a third world war. Today, many scientists refer to health problems and social values ​​to HHR.

In today's world, the global problems of mankind are diseases. There are many incurable diseases in the world that affect millions of people. For example, leprosy (leprosy). There are diseases where treatment leads to consequences in severity comparable to the disease itself. For example, malaria. AIDS is one of the diseases that emerged in the 20th century.

Drug addiction is a serious danger to mankind.

First, scientific and technological progress has significantly accelerated socio-economic processes throughout the world. It was in the 20th century that more scientific and technical discoveries were made than in the entire previous human history (radio, television, computers, space exploration, the use of atomic and nuclear energy, etc.)

Secondly, the power of a man armed modern technology, has grown to such an extent that it can cause irreparable damage to nature. Today, nature is exposed to ever-increasing anthropogenic impact in all corners of the world. the globe, as well as in above-ground space (atmosphere, geosphere, space).

Thirdly, in the 20th century, the rapid growth of the population (demographic explosion) - from 2 billion people at the beginning of the century to 6 billion at the end, this increased pressure on nature and exacerbated the problems of ecology and providing humanity with the necessary means of subsistence to the limit (quality drinking water, food, energy).

Fourthly, since the second half of the 20th century, the Damocles sword of nuclear catastrophe has hung over humanity. The "nuclear club" has recently been replenished with India, Pakistan, South Africa, Israel, Brazil and other countries are next in line.

Classification of global problems. There are different opinions among researchers regarding the classification of PHR. However, the most common classification of PHR is socio-political, socio-economic and socio-environmental.

Socio-political relate to interaction between states (problems of war and peace, disarmament, world social and economic development, overcoming the gap in the levels of economic development). Thus, the migration of the population from the countries of the poor South (South America, Africa) to the countries of the rich North (USA, countries Western Europe) increases social tension in the latter, causes the growth of nationalist sentiments. An example is the current events in France, where increasing competition from migrants from poor countries is having a significant impact on social security native French. This shows how the developed countries themselves are suffering from the current system of world income distribution, which creates poverty and hunger in the countries of the South. This group of problems also includes the problem of international terrorism - a rare day goes by without reports of terrorist acts (explosions, hostage-taking, hijackings).

Socio-environmental arise as a result of spontaneous, often predatory use of renewable and non-renewable natural resources - food, industrial raw materials, water reserves, energy sources.

The problem of food is of serious concern, and if for poor countries it appears in the form of its shortage, then in developed countries the question is about the safety of products for human health and life.

The following facts testify to the extent of the destruction of the human environment. About a third of the forests (lungs of the planet) are in critical condition, their area is annually reduced by 11 million hectares. In a year, 6 million hectares of fertile lands turn into deserts. The number of animals and plants disappearing as a result of human activities is steadily increasing. The areas of territories belonging to the zones of ecological disasters are increasing (half of the population of Russia lives in such conditions). Air pollution contributes to a serious deterioration in human health.

Socio-economic associated with the relationship of man and society (problems of population, education and culture, population growth and health care, the future of man).

Mankind is faced with the need to foresee and prevent negative consequences NTR, doubtful results scientific research and experiments, conscious use of natural resources. These problems are insoluble without changing the education system and culture. Modern conditions human existence impose a number of new requirements on the education system, aimed at forming a perspective, rather than a momentary view of the course of world development. In addition, there are tens of millions of illiterate or partially literate people in the world today.

What are global issues?

What are the ways to overcome them?

Homework: Par.32, visa, abstract. TEST.

The global problems of mankind affect our planet as a whole. Therefore, all peoples and states are engaged in their solution. This term appeared in the late 60s of the XX century. There is currently a special scientific branch, which is engaged in the study and solution of global problems of mankind. It is called globalization.

Scientific specialists from various fields work in this area: biologists, soil scientists, chemists, physicists, geologists. And this is no coincidence, because the global problems of mankind are complex in nature and their appearance does not depend on any one factor. On the contrary, it is very important to take into account the economic, political, as well as social change occurring in the world. Life on the planet in the future depends on how correctly the modern global problems of mankind will be solved.

You need to know: some of them have existed for a long time, others, quite “young”, are connected with the fact that people began to negatively affect the world around them. Because of this, for example, the environmental problems of mankind have appeared. They can be called the main difficulties modern society. Although the problem of environmental pollution itself appeared a long time ago. All varieties interact with each other. Often one problem leads to another.

Sometimes it happens that the global problems of mankind can be solved and completely get rid of them. First of all, this concerns epidemics that threatened the lives of people on the entire planet and led to their mass death, but then they were stopped, for example, with the help of an invented vaccine. At the same time, completely new problems are emerging that were previously unknown to society, or already existing ones are growing to a world level, for example, the depletion of the ozone layer. The cause of their occurrence is human activity. The problem of environmental pollution allows you to see this very clearly. But in other cases, too, there is a clear tendency for people to influence the misfortunes that befall them and threaten their existence. So, what are the problems of mankind that have planetary significance, exist?

environmental disaster

It is caused by daily environmental pollution, depletion of terrestrial and water resources. All these factors together can accelerate the onset of an environmental catastrophe. Man considers himself the king of nature, but at the same time does not seek to preserve it in its original form. This is hindered by industrialization, which is proceeding at a rapid pace. By negatively influencing its habitat, mankind destroys it and does not think about it. No wonder pollution standards have been developed that are regularly exceeded. As a result, the environmental problems of mankind may become irreversible. To avoid this, we must pay attention to the preservation of flora and fauna, try to save the biosphere of our planet. And for this it is necessary to make production and other human activities more environmentally friendly so that the impact on the environment is less aggressive.

demographic problem

The world's population is growing at a rapid pace. And although the “population explosion” has already subsided, the problem still remains. The food situation is deteriorating natural resources. Their stocks are shrinking. Simultaneously increases Negative influence on the environment, it is impossible to cope with unemployment, poverty. There are difficulties with education and health care. The solution of the global problems of humanity of this nature was undertaken by the UN. The organization created a special plan. One of his items is the family planning program.


After creation nuclear bomb, the population tries to avoid the consequences of its use. For this, treaties between countries on non-aggression and disarmament are signed. Laws are being adopted to ban nuclear arsenals and stop the arms trade. The presidents of the leading states hope in this way to avoid the outbreak of the Third World War, as a result of which, as they suspect, all life on Earth can be destroyed.

Food problem

In some countries, the population is experiencing food shortages. The people of Africa and other third countries of the world are especially affected by hunger. To solve this problem, two options have been created. The first is aimed at ensuring that pastures, fields, fishing zones gradually increase their area. If you follow the second option, it is necessary not to increase the territory, but to increase the productivity of existing ones. For this, the latest biotechnologies, methods of land reclamation, and mechanization are being developed. High-yielding varieties of plants are being developed.


In spite of active development medicine, the emergence of new vaccines and drugs, humanity continues to get sick. Moreover, many ailments threaten the lives of the population. Therefore, in our time, the development of methods of treatment is actively conducted. Substances of modern design are created in laboratories for effective immunization of the population. Unfortunately, the most dangerous diseases XXI century - oncology and AIDS - remain incurable.

The ocean problem

AT recent times this resource is not only actively explored, but also used for the needs of mankind. As experience shows, it can provide food, natural resources, energy. The ocean is a trade route that helps restore communication between countries. At the same time, its reserves are used unevenly, military operations are conducted on its surface. In addition, it serves as a base for the disposal of waste, including radioactive waste. Mankind is obliged to protect the wealth of the World Ocean, avoid pollution, and rationally use its gifts.

Space exploration

This space belongs to all mankind, which means that all nations should use their scientific and technical potential to explore it. For the deep study of space, special programs are being created that use all modern achievements in this area.

People know that if these problems do not disappear, the planet may die. But why do many do not want to do anything, hoping that everything will disappear, “dissolve” by itself? Although, in truth, such inaction is better than the active destruction of nature, the pollution of forests, water bodies, the destruction of animals and plants, especially rare species.

It is impossible to understand the behavior of such people. It would not hurt them to think about what to live, if, of course, it is still possible, on a dying planet their children and grandchildren will have to. Do not count on the fact that someone will be able to rid the world of difficulties for a short time. The global problems of humanity can only be solved jointly if all of humanity makes an effort. The threat of destruction in the near future should not frighten. Best of all, if she can stimulate the potential inherent in each of us.

Do not think that it is difficult to cope with the world's problems alone. From this it seems that it is useless to act, thoughts appear about powerlessness in the face of difficulties. The point is to join forces and help the prosperity of at least your city. Solve the little problems of your habitat. And when every person on Earth begins to have such responsibility to himself and his country, large-scale, global problems will also be solved.

Humanity has come a long way from savage ignorance to the historic landing on the moon, the conquest of the Red Planet. Surprisingly, with the growth of scientific thought, technology has not benefited ordinary citizens of our planet. On the contrary, they entail a decrease in jobs, crisis and military phenomena. Consider global problems of our time and ways to solve them.

In contact with

Fundamental concepts

Global problems of our time (GP) are critical phenomena affecting interests of every person, society and world states generally.

The term became popular in the 60s. XX century. To prevent negative consequences a joint plan of action by all countries is needed.

The modern GP classification is a system that takes into account the origin, level of danger, and the possible consequences of each danger. Structuring makes it easier to focus on solving urgent problems.

Like any phenomenon, ours has a number of properties that form the concept:

  1. Independence of time - risk groups affect the planet in a destructive way, but their speed is significantly different. For example, the demographic crisis of humanity has been developing longer than natural disasters occurring overnight.
  2. They concern each state - the integration of world powers has led to mutual responsibility between them. However, it is important to draw the attention of the entire world community to a constructive dialogue.
  3. Threat to humanity - all kinds of global problems of our time call into question the integrity and life of world society, planets.

Attention! Until the middle of the 20th century, scientists did not think about the brevity of the global issues of mankind. The relationship between human society and nature was raised only at a philosophical level. In 1944 V.I. Vernadsky introduced the concept of the noosphere (the area of ​​activity of the mind), arguing this with the scale of the creations of mankind.

The emergence of global issues

The causes of the global problems of mankind do not appear from scratch. We bring to your attention a list of factors that shape actual problems modernity:

  1. The globalization of the world - the economy and relations between states have reached new level. Now each participant in the world arena is responsible for the well-being of their neighbors (and not only).
  2. The widest field of activity is the “conquerors of the world”, this is how modern society feels. Today there are no areas where the human foot has not set foot.
  3. Irrational consumption of resources - the planet's margin of safety is not unlimited. Research earth's crust indicate that the energy sector (gas, oil and coal) will collapse in 170 years. I hope you understand what this threatens.
  4. Environmental destruction - this includes the rapid development of technology. After all, multimillion-dollar projects require tons of minerals. Hence the deforestation, unsystematic extermination of the gifts of the World, pollution of the atmosphere and outer space.
  5. Morality and society - common man not interested in current issues of the day. But carelessness at the "lower" level is fraught with relaxation of the ruling circles, the scientific elite.
  6. The uneven socio-economic development - the "young" states are significantly inferior to the powerful of this world, which allows them to manipulate the weaker ones. This situation is fraught with an increase in world tension.
  7. Weapon mass defeatnuclear warheads threaten the very existence of humanity. However, it is also a reliable (so far) deterrent.

The global issues of our time facing humanity testify to the incompetence of world leaders of states, an aggressive policy towards nature.

Important! Scientists have long identified the causes of the difficulties of our time, but their solution has not yet brought visible results. It will take tens, hundreds of years to restore the lost heritage of mankind.


The best minds of our time are working on structuring global dangers for humanity.

Some arrange them according to their origin, others - according to their destructive impact, others - according to their importance for world civilization. We invite you to review each option.

The first group includes factors associated with foreign policy states, their contradictions and mutual claims. To resolve global problems, it is necessary to provide political prerequisites.

The second group is the globalization of the relationship between man and society, the state. This includes ethnic, religious, terrorist confrontations.

The third group is the link between world civilization and the nature of the planet. The solution of these problems should have a scientific and political character.

Let's analyze GP classification, based on the direction of impact:

  1. The threat to the world - the development of modern technologies requires a resource base, the formation of which pollutes the environment. Most of modern industry ejects decay products into . The protection of the environment includes not only the reduction of emissions of harmful substances, but also the development of new, “clean” technologies. Similar projects are already being created in economically developed countries, but transnational companies are hindering their implementation (fabulous income from gas and oil).
  2. Overpopulation – scientists predict that a population of 12 billion people will lead to to the destruction of the planet's ecosystem. In short, we will have to "get rid" of more than 5 billion in order to restore the natural balance. Cruel Way to Shrink - Third World War, more humane - birth control, fantastic - colonization.
  3. Lack of energy resources - without minerals (gas, oil, coal), human civilization will collapse. The loss of electricity will lead to a halt in production, degradation of communication systems, and limitation of the information space. Alternative energy sources will help humanity to be saved, but powers of the world this is not interested in this.

Social aspect

The development of modern society has led to a sharp decline in the values ​​of mankind, which were formed over hundreds of years.

The desire to provide for loved ones has grown into greed and uncompromisingness, and developed countries live off the main "raw material base" - less developed neighbors.

Let's voice obvious problems modernity in the social sector:

  • the degradation of public morality - the legalization of drugs and prostitution contributes to the rooting of new values. Selling one's own body and smoking drugs is the norm of modern life;
  • crime - with a decrease in the level of spirituality in society increased crime and corruption society. The formation of the moral foundations of mankind has always been assigned to the family, the church, the educational system;
  • prostitution and drug addiction - the spread of psychotropic substances can be attributed to the global problems of our time in society. They not only enslave the will of a person, but also reduce his social activity - they make him an easy target for manipulation and propaganda.

Remaining types of global problems modernity are listed below:

  1. Disarmament - the main item of expenditure of most states is the defense industry. Cash could improve world ecology, reduce illiteracy, stop hunger.
  2. Use of the World Ocean - in addition to catching a huge amount of fish and other seafood, many nuclear tests are held in the sea. We can't talk about the harm to the environment.
  3. Global problems of our time are manifested in human space exploration. The government of each country is trying to conquer or take a dominant position in the yet unexplored expanses.
  4. Overcoming backwardness - infringement of the rights of citizens of developing countries has reached the limit. Strong neighbors interfere in every possible way in the internal and foreign policy"partners". This heats up the situation on the world stage.
  5. Infection control - the social and humanitarian aspects of global problems may disappear after several waves of infectious diseases. Therefore, it is important to respond to the emergence of new strains, viruses.

Crisis exit strategy

The global problems of our time and ways to solve them are a priority task for the world community.

The tasks of solving these problems can be very diverse and concerning different areas society.

They require not only huge financial injections, but also great efforts, both mental and physical.

Let us briefly list such tasks.

All of the above dangers require prompt resolution:

  • increasing the productivity of the agricultural sector, new arable land;
  • reducing the consumption of electricity, resources in general. Industry optimization reduce fuel consumption, material costs. Reducing harmful emissions is a priority;
  • gratuitous help developing countries, humanitarian missions to fight poverty and hunger;
  • peaceful disarmament - renunciation of chemical and nuclear weapons. Limited use of "peaceful atom", development of alternative energy sources;
  • the global problem of mankind is the fall of the moral and ethical principles of society. Coming painstaking work on the introduction of new values, cultivation good habits, improvement of the educational system;
  • outer space needs to be rid of debris, neutrality can be called a feature.

Attention! The financial market is not modern sources global danger, the impact of money on the environment or the educational system is negligible.

Global problems of the world and ways to solve them

World environmental problems


The main features of the global problems of mankind include the scale, the relationship constituent parts destructive consequences. The complexity of solving such problems lies not so much in money, but in the unwillingness of a number of countries to change the established picture of modernity.








Each historical epoch, each stage of the development of human society has its own peculiarity, at the same time they are inextricably linked with both the past and the future. At the end of the twentieth century, human civilization enters a qualitatively new state, one of the most important indicators of which is the emergence of global problems. Global problems have brought humanity to the boundaries of its existence and forced to look back at the path traveled. Today, it is required to assess the goals that mankind has set for itself, it was necessary to make the necessary adjustments to the "trajectory" of its development. Global problems have put humanity in front of the need to change itself. Now it is necessary to develop such a global system of value orientations that would be accepted by the entire population of the planet.

The global issues of modernity cannot be resolved without a detailed study of them by philosophers and representatives of specific sciences. The specificity of global problems lies in the fact that they require a program-targeted organization of scientific research. At present, global problems are being studied by many sciences - ecologists, geographers, sociologists, political scientists, economists, etc. Also, global problems are studied by philosophy in the worldview, methodological, social and humanitarian aspects. The basis of the philosophical analysis of global problems is the results of private sciences. At the same time, this analysis is necessary, in addition to its heuristic value, for further research, as it contributes to the integration of particular sciences that need consistency in coordination in the study of global problems. Philosophy becomes a link for representatives of various scientific disciplines, as it is oriented in its analysis to interdisciplinarity.

Each era has its own philosophy. Modern philosophy must first of all become a philosophy of survival. The task of modern philosophy is to search for such values ​​and social systems that would ensure the survival of mankind. The new philosophy is designed to develop a model for solving global problems, to help the practical orientation of a person in the modern world in the matter of the survival of civilization.

The new impetus lies in the development of an applied philosophy dealing with practical problems. Without a philosophical vision of the entire situation as a whole, none of the global problems can be solved in principle.

The specifics of the philosophical understanding of global problems:

1) Philosophy, forming a new worldview, sets certain values ​​that largely determine the nature and direction of human activity.

2) The methodological function of philosophy is that it substantiates private theories, contributing to a holistic vision of the world.

3) Philosophy makes it possible to consider global problems in a specific historical context. It shows, in particular, that global problems arise in the 2nd half. XX century.

4) Philosophy allows you to see not only the causes of the global problems of our time, but also to identify the prospects for their development, the possibility of solutions.

Thus, to the eternal philosophical problems being, knowledge, the meaning of human life, etc. the modern era has added a fundamentally new theme - the preservation of life on Earth and the survival of mankind.


Global problems(French g1obа1 - universal, from lat. g1оbus (terrae) - the globe) are a set of problems of mankind, on the solution of which depends social progress and the preservation of civilization: the prevention of a world thermonuclear war and the provision of peaceful conditions for the development of all peoples; prevention of catastrophic pollution of the environment, including the atmosphere, the oceans, etc.; overcoming the growing gap in economic level and per capita income between developed and developing countries by eliminating the backwardness of the latter, as well as eliminating hunger, poverty and illiteracy in the world; ensuring the further economic development of mankind with the necessary natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable, including food, industrial raw materials and energy sources; stopping rapid population growth ("demographic explosion" in developing countries) and eliminating the danger of "depopulation" in developed countries; prevention of the negative consequences of the scientific and technological revolution. The twenty-first century, having just begun, has already added its own problems: international terrorism, the continued spread of drug addiction and AIDS.

Philosophical understanding of global problems is the study of processes and phenomena associated with the problems of a planetary civilization, the world-historical process. Philosophy analyzes the causes that led to the emergence or exacerbation of global problems, studies their social danger and conditionality.

In modern philosophy, the main approaches to understanding global problems have developed:

    all problems can become global;

    the number of global problems must be limited to the number of urgent and most dangerous ones (prevention of wars, ecology, population);

    exact determination of the causes of global problems, their signs, content and methods for the fastest resolution.

Global problems have common features: affect the future and interests of all mankind, their resolution requires the efforts of all mankind, they require urgent resolution, being in a complex relationship with each other.

Global problems are, on the one hand, natural in nature, and on the other, social. In this regard, they can be considered as the influence or result of human activity, which had a negative impact on nature. The second option for the emergence of global problems is a crisis in relations between people, which affects the entire complex of relationships between members of the world community.

Global problems are grouped according to the most characteristic features. Classification allows you to establish the degree of their relevance, the sequence of theoretical analysis, methodology and sequence of solution.

The most widely used method of classification, which is based on the task of determining the severity of the problem and the sequence of its solution. In connection with this approach, three global problems can be identified:

    between states and regions of the planet (prevention of conflicts, establishment of economic order);

    environmental (environmental protection, protection and distribution of fuel raw materials, development, space and the oceans);

    between society and a person (demography, health care, education, etc.).

The global problems of modernity are ultimately generated precisely by the all-penetrating uneven development of world civilization, when the technical power of mankind has immeasurably exceeded the level of social organization it has reached, political thinking has clearly lagged behind political reality, and the motives for the activities of the predominant mass of people and their moral values ​​are very far from the social, ecological and demographic imperatives of the era.


The emergence of global problems, the increasing danger of their consequences pose new challenges for science in forecasting and how to solve them. Global problems are a complex and interrelated system that has an impact on society as a whole, man and nature, and therefore requires constant philosophical reflection.

The global problems, first of all, include: the prevention of a world thermonuclear war, the creation of a non-violent world that ensures peaceful conditions for the social progress of all peoples; overcoming the growing gap in the level of economic and cultural development between countries, eliminating economic backwardness throughout the world; ensuring the further economic development of mankind with the natural resources necessary for this (food, raw materials, energy sources); overcoming the ecological crisis generated by human intervention in the biosphere: stopping the rapid growth of the population (population growth in developing countries, falling birth rates in developed ones);

timely foresight and prevention of various negative consequences of scientific and technological revolution and rational and effective use of its achievements for the benefit of society and the individual.


In the previous topics, the idea of ​​the complexity, versatility of the development process and the significant role that a person plays in it has repeatedly sounded. The result of participation in it was not only the benefits created, but also the many difficulties that nature and man himself face as a result of his active transformative activity. At present, it is customary to talk about them as global problems of our time. These include such as environmental, war and peace, demographic, disease, crime and some others.

Let's focus on the named ones and, first of all, on the environmental problem, due to the reasons that everything that happens on planet Earth with or without human participation also occurs in nature. The latter is understood as a part of matter with which people directly or indirectly interact, perceive it, i.e. see, hear, touch, etc. It, in turn, in one way or another also affects each of us, society as a whole, affects the results of human activity. In this sense, man himself is a product of nature. It is also present in all creations of human hands.

Therefore, no matter how highly developed and how efficient industrial production becomes, man always depends on nature. The nature of these relationships is very complex and contradictory, because nature is very diverse and has a rather complex structure. It highlights:

1. Geosphere - the surface of the Earth, both uninhabited and suitable for human life.

2. Biosphere - a set of living organisms on the surface, in the bowels and atmosphere of our planet.

3. Cosmosphere - near-Earth outer space, in which spacecraft created by people are already located, as well as that area of ​​space that can be inhabited by earthlings in a historically foreseeable time and is the object of intensive scientific research.

4. Noosphere ("noo" - mind) - the area of ​​​​reasonable human activity, which is ultimately determined by the level of human intelligence and the amount of information processed by his brain.

5. Technosphere - (“techne” - art, skill, ability). It is a combination of all processes and phenomena created by man. It intersects with the geo-bio-cosmo- and noospheres at many points. And, according to scientists, it is in this intersection that the secret and cause of the global processes occurring in them, as well as the problems caused by these circumstances, lies.

In order to unravel them, all spheres of the relationship between nature and man were conditionally divided into natural and artificial habitats.

Geo-, bio- and cosmospheres turned out to be included in the natural one. It has a very large diameter, and an artificial habitat is concentrically embedded in it, including the technosphere. In their single center is the man himself, and consequently, the noosphere. The radius of the natural habitat is constantly expanding due to wildlife that has not been mastered by man, as well as the noosphere. And, of course, the impact to which the natural habitat is exposed cannot but cause us to fear for life on Earth, and, first of all, for man himself. After all, he is a biological being, and therefore, cannot live outside of nature.

Feelings for the future of our civilization have made the artificial and natural habitats the object of research by many scientists and, in particular, the outstanding representative of Russian science V.I. Vernadsky (1863-1945). He was primarily interested in the processes taking place in the biosphere and noosphere. Among the ideas expressed by him and of the greatest interest for the topic of our discussion was the assertion that the noosphere is not an independent formation, but the last of many states of the evolution of the biosphere in the geological history of the Earth. This process is exactly what is happening now.

A peculiar continuation of the mythical ideas of our ancient ancestors about it as a living being was the statements of some modern scientists about the need to perceive the biosphere as a complex organism that functions intelligently and according to certain laws, and therefore is able to quite actively influence many of the processes occurring on our planet.

One and the other points of view, despite their originality, no doubt carry a great charge of optimism and faith in the ability of MIND to overcome the global problems of our time and, in particular, environmental ones.

Thanks to the approaches discussed above, it is possible to take a completely different look at the interaction of artificial and natural habitats as parts of one whole, and not mutually unacceptable. But, in fairness, it should be noted that there are other points of view on the environmental problem. They openly express anxiety about the fact that the development of the technosphere, no matter what benefits it turns out to be for humans, must have limits beyond which the death of nature may be inevitable. Fears of this kind, of course, have a fairly solid foundation. The genius of man, his mind, the desire for self-expression and freedom of creativity made it possible, in a relatively short historical period of time, to go through a difficult path from a junior, and more often useless, partner to one who desired to become master over everyone. But how credible are these claims?

The answers to this question are sometimes the most contradictory. For example, a fairly large group of followers of technical scientism associate soil and water pollution, the destruction of forests, and the decrease in the Earth's ozone layer not only with the result of human production activities, but also with the imperfection of nature itself, which has a number of fundamental flaws. Therefore, they associate the way out of the ecological crisis with the organization of ecological production, designed to improve and improve nature in the interests of man, that is, they actually offer the option of creating an artificial environment instead of a natural one that “did not live up to expectations”. The problem with this point of view is:

In the absence of evidence of the imperfection of nature in relation to the activities of people,

In danger of disturbing the delicate balance still existing in nature as a result of ecological production,

In the probability of faster adaptation to the artificial habitat of organisms that are dangerous to human life: viruses, bacteria, etc.

In the absence of methods for accurately predicting and estimating possible consequences active ecological production. Another point of view can be assessed as more balanced, because it comes from the awareness of the need

Conservation and maintenance of the existing habitat,

Recognition of the inevitability of scientific and technological progress, but the desire to develop it in the direction of perfection of resource-saving and waste-free technologies preserving nature as much as possible.

The advantages of this approach include the awareness by modern researchers of the negative consequences of the development of the technosphere for the person himself, which can even become irreversible. Increasingly, they manifest themselves in changes in heredity, mutations, constant overloads of his body and psyche. After all, the change in life that occurs in people in growing cities, the growth of its pace is accompanied by:

Stress, i.e. extreme excitation of the human nervous system,

Depression, characterized by a decrease in the vital activity of the body, reaching a state of complete indifference to everything, pessimism, apathy. “Falling” into such states is pushing, especially the townspeople, to commit suicide, crime, participation in riots and other violent actions.

Observations on a person exposed to the active negative effects of the technosphere have recorded a decrease in his hearing, a drop in working capacity, a decrease in mental activity, a disease of the nervous system, etc.

But are there the most optimal options for harmonizing the development of a mechanism for the coexistence of natural and artificial habitats? According to V.I. Vernadsky and his followers, humanity should unite its efforts in the following areas: "

1. Population by people of the entire planet, which continues with increasing intensity.

2. A sharp transformation of the means of communication and information exchange between different countries, which is also happening in the world thanks to radio and television.

3. Strengthening political contacts between states.

4. The predominance of the geological impact of man over other geological processes occurring in the biosphere. And this is also the case. For example, the amount of rocks extracted from the bowels of the Earth is 2 times higher than the average volume of lavas and ash brought to its surface by volcanoes. And if the number of natural materials formed on our planet does not exceed 3.5 thousand, then people annually create tens of thousands of their synthetic types.

5. Expansion of the boundaries of the biosphere due to the exit of mankind into space, which has been happening with increasing intensity in recent decades.

6. Discovery of new energy sources. Their number is also growing due to the use of nuclear, solar, wind, thermal sources, etc.

7. Equality of people of all races and religions.

8. Increasing the role of the masses in resolving issues of domestic and foreign policy.

9. Ensuring the freedom of scientific thought and scientific creativity from the pressure of religious, philosophical and political sentiments and the creation in the social and state system of conditions favorable for free scientific thought, for the implementation of which humanity still has to make a lot of efforts.

10. Raising the well-being of the population, creating real opportunities in order to prevent malnutrition, hunger, poverty and the weakening of the impact of disease.

11. Reasonable transformation of the primary nature of the Earth in order to adapt it to meet the ever-increasing material, aesthetic and spiritual needs of a numerically increasing population.

12. Exceptions of wars from the life of society. V.I.Vernadsky considers this condition to be extremely important for the creation and maintenance of the existence of the noosphere.

Almost all of these conditions are being gradually fulfilled, but with varying degrees of efficiency. The synthesis of these processes, proceeding towards the harmonization of the human community and nature, is called co-evolution. Mutual adaptation to each other of man and nature is associated with it, and the biosphere - to man and to the technosphere. But these processes are very complex, and are ambiguously characterized by specialists. In particular, they are seriously concerned about the problems that may arise with the development of biological and information technologies.

The first of them, biological, is associated with genetic engineering, i.e. with the discovery of the possibility of creating new combinations of DNA by a person, thanks to which he will be able to “rewrite” hereditary information and create new genes, and, consequently, “design” fundamentally new living beings that can negatively affect the existence of wildlife.

Information technology makes it possible to create various, including autonomous, systems of artificial intelligence, which are already influencing the formation of a worldview and a system of cultural and spiritual values ​​and orientation among a significant part of the population of our planet. This is also reflected in active research towards the development of models of new generations of robots that can radically change the formula for the course of evolution, which may look like this: Live nature- human - robots of the 3rd generation and artificial intelligence systems.

Thus, the environmental problem is very relevant for all living beings and organisms inhabiting our planet. Its boundaries are very wide and go far beyond its own, which is not difficult to verify when analyzing the above described twelve conditions for the preservation of the Earth's biosphere, named by V.I. Vernadsky.

Let us turn, at least, to the problems of war and peace. It is known that for many centuries wars were perceived by mankind as an integral and objective component of its development. But historical experience, especially of the 20th century, not only confirmed the validity of the statement of I. Kant that the funds spent on them would be enough for the comfortable existence of mankind, but also made it possible to understand that wars are a specific form of violent armed solution of certain social, political, economic, religious and other problems.

In this century, everyone living on our planet and shocked by the horrors of the First and Second World Wars, after their end, had the illusion that such a nightmare should not happen again. In order to prevent new military tragedies, the League of Nations was created in 1922, and in 1945 the United Nations. But in neither case has the danger of war diminished. So, from 1945 to the present, more than 150 major wars. For several decades, the world, split into capitalist and socialist camps, lived in tense expectation of the inevitable 3rd world, but already a nuclear war. And when the communist system collapsed in the second half of the 1980s, the establishment of a new world order based on universal values ​​seemed inevitable to many politicians and ordinary citizens. As practice has shown, in the conditions of scientific, technological and information revolutions, a military conflict even between small and economically weak states can lead to dire consequences. The fact is that at present in the world such means of mass destruction of people as bacteriological and chemical weapon. For their production and delivery to the place of hostilities, a minimum of funds is required, and their use is fraught with the same catastrophic consequences for man and nature as the explosion of a hydrogen or neutron bomb. It is not for nothing that in a number of mass media the name " nuclear weapons for the poor." In addition, one should take into account the fact that a conflict between small states can also affect the political, religious, and economic interests of several groups of states at the same time, which will inevitably become involved in a global military confrontation.

Thus, even in the current international situation, the ongoing arms race is a reality, accompanied by irreplaceable, colossal costs of labor, material, natural resources, and the intellect of the scientific and technical elite of society. Consequently, the problem of recycling continues to remain relevant. nuclear waste, and health care, education, culture in all countries continue to experience a lack of funds.

Among the global problems of our time, one more should be singled out - this is the problem of population growth.

It is interesting that the English economist Malthus spoke about the inevitability of its occurrence as early as the 18th century in his book An Essay on the Law of Population. It outlined the complex situation that, according to the author, will arise on the planet as a result of a growing discrepancy between population growth, which is supposedly taking place exponentially, and the amount of food produced, which is increasing in arithmetic progression.

Despite the controversy in the accuracy of such calculations, it should be noted that since the beginning of the 20th century our planet has been experiencing a powerful population explosion. As a result, the number of inhabitants of the Earth by now has already exceeded 5 billion people and will reach 6 billion by the beginning of the third millennium. But this process cannot continue indefinitely, because it is limited by quite objective reasons:

The area of ​​soils suitable for agriculture,

The complexity of mastering agricultural technologies and production culture, which takes a long time,

Increasing urban growth,

The limiting possibilities of natural resources: air, water, minerals, etc.

Unproductive costs of states (for wars, liquidation of internal conflicts, fight against crime), the size of which is a significant part of the budgets of most of them.

Without a doubt, the growth rate of the world's population is constrained by numerous factors, in particular, such as wars, diseases, industrial, household and road traffic injuries, crime, hunger. For example, every year in the CIS countries alone, more than one hundred thousand people die at the hands of criminals in accidents on the roads and at workplaces.

At the same time, in other regions of the world, for example, in Asia, Africa and Latin America the number of births is very high, despite the strong efforts made by the government of some countries, such as China, to limit the birth rate. In most European countries, in North America and Australia, very different processes are taking place, as a result of which their population is growing at a very low rate.

According to experts involved in the study of these problems, and among them there are philosophers, and economists, and lawyers, and sociologists, the reason for this is:

A significant difference in living standards in highly developed and underdeveloped countries,

historical traditions,

geographic factor,

Religious dogmas.

If we touch on the latter, then they regulate, for example, a whole range of family and marriage relations between spouses. So, both Islam and Catholicism forbid women from having abortions. Islam also allows polygamy.

But the main reason, most likely, should be sought in the difference in the standard of living of people in both parts of the world. Countries with a high standard of living also comply with the standards applicable to:

The quality of medical care,

The structure of nutrition and its culture,

The system of raising children, as well as their education and living conditions.

In countries with low level life, these problems are given less attention. But on the other hand, it is in countries with a developed industry that the percentage of infertility among men and women is high, and in economically weak countries the mortality rate among children is high and the life of adults is short.

How is it supposed to solve the problem of population and related problems - food and disease? Modern scientists express a number of points of view on this issue, among which it is worth highlighting:

Development of international programs of assistance to peoples experiencing food problems or suffering from mass epidemics;

Assistance to underdeveloped countries in their economic development from the world community;

Development of humane methods and technologies for regulating the birth of offspring;

Promotion and implementation of a high culture of family and marriage relations.

The view of this problem by researchers who perceive the Earth's biosphere as an integral living organism, very actively reacting to the influence of a person on its vital activity, is also interesting. In particular, they argue that the biosphere has many abilities that we still do not know, and, in particular, the regulation of the human population, which will not cross the crisis line of 12 billion. These are called natural disasters, as well as diseases that affect people and were previously unknown to science.

Thus, scientists draw attention to the need for a more cautious and balanced attitude on the part of a person to the world around him, because a conflict with it can tear people away from themselves, destroying them.

In addition to the above-mentioned global problems of our time, the authors consider it necessary to draw the attention of readers to another one that is very relevant for both prosperous countries and those eking out a beggarly existence. It refers to the problem of crime. The variety of activities of modern man has given not only many positive results, but also generated an equally rich set of his illegal actions with varying degrees of negative consequences. They manifest themselves in the sphere of economics, finance, politics, administrative activities, having long passed the line when crimes are committed by individuals or their small groups.

The reasons for the criminal behavior of people are very diverse and therefore are studied by a number of sciences, in particular, criminology, legal psychology. We have repeatedly discussed the philosophical aspect of this problem, for example, in the study of the dialectic of the relationship between the concepts of "freedom - necessity". It began to be perceived as global since it acquired the character of an organized one and went beyond the boundaries of individual states. International syndicates and other associations of criminals involved in the production and sale of drugs, gambling, prostitution, trade in transplants, etc. involved millions of citizens of various states in the scope of their activities. The cash income from their operations is hundreds of billions of dollars.

The negative consequences of organized crime are:

In a threat to the lives and safety of large masses of people,

Undermining the economy of states,

Undermining people's health as a result of drug use and unhealthy lifestyles,

In child molestation,

In the formation of criminal political regimes etc.

Successful overcoming of this evil is possible only with the combined efforts of governments and law enforcement agencies of the entire world community, which is obliged to realize that such a phenomenon as crime has no boundaries and, first of all, affects the most capable part of the population, removes a lot of money and material resources from public circulation. .

At the end of consideration of the issue, we can conclude that it is precisely those of their large number that are associated with the global problems of our time, so well known to each of us in everyday life, which have taken on a universal character, have become not only the result of the transforming activity of people, but have not yet cosmic processes known to us.

These problems are also called global because they require universal efforts to overcome them. They also extend to the sphere of political, economic, spiritual relations between peoples.

One should hardly hope for the establishment of harmony in such complex systems as: “man - man”, “man - nature”, and in the future also “man - space”, if such a situation persists on our planet when abundance and prosperity reign in one part of it, and children die of hunger in the other when material resources and money will continue to be spent on ensuring ideological and military confrontation between countries, on scientific and technical or social experiments that are unfeasible or dangerous in their consequences.

Thus, the more actively humanity concentrates its efforts towards the successful resolution of the global problems of our time, the more reason it will be able to talk with optimism about the foreseeable and distant future, with more probabilities to make predictions on them.


Awareness of humanity as a planetary factor occurs not only due to the positive aspects of its influence on the world, but also through a whole range of negative consequences of the technogenic path of development. The global nature of these problems does not allow them to be solved regionally, i.e. in terms of one or more states. In organizational terms, the solution of global problems will inevitably require the creation of a special "general staff of mankind", which should determine the strategy for using knowledge to prevent global catastrophes.

When finding ways to solve global problems, it is necessary to determine a strategy for their solution. Here, as a starting point, we can take their classification into three interrelated groups. Today there are many attempts to develop ways to solve global problems. And here a special place is occupied by the Club of Rome, headed by Aurelio Peccei for a long time. At the initiative of this non-governmental organization, a number of major studies were carried out and published in the form of reports. These include: “Limits to Growth”, “Humanity at the Turning Point”, “Goals of Humanity”, etc. Within the framework of this direction, the unity of modern civilization and the common destinies of all countries and peoples are realized.

Global problems in many ways change the very approach to understanding social progress, forced to reevaluate the values ​​that have been laid down throughout the history of civilization in its foundation. For many, it becomes obvious what academician V.I. Vernadsky paid attention to half a century ago, who wrote: “For the first time, a person realized that he is an inhabitant of the planet and can - must - think and act in a new aspect, not only in the aspect of an individual, family, clan, state, but also in the planetary aspect. Such a generalized, planetary view of a person and his place in the world was an important step towards the formation of a global consciousness based on a person's understanding of his integrity. The next step consists in the moral reorientation of people, in understanding the current situation from these positions and in the search for practical ways out of it.

The crisis of modern society is largely due to the total, global alienation of man. Hence the salvation of mankind lies in the improvement of society and in the education of man himself, and not only in scientific and technological achievements. The system organization of programs for solving global problems involves the use of global modeling.

Global problems require spiritual unity from humanity in the name of saving civilization. They led to the need for qualitative changes in the life support systems of society and its value orientations. They require a fundamentally new relationship between people, as well as the relationship of people to nature.


    Global problems and prospects of civilization: philosophy of relations with the natural environment. – M.: INION, 1994.

    Kvasova I.I. Philosophy: Proc. Allowance for universities. - M.: RUDN, 1999.

    Klyagin N.V. Man in history. – M.: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 1999.

    Kropotov S. L. Economics of text in the non-classical philosophy of art Nietzsche, Bataille, Foucault, Derrida. Yekaterinburg, 1999.

    Kochergin A.N. Philosophy and global problems. - M., 1996.

    Leibin V.M. Global studies - history and modernity. - M.: Enlightenment, 1992.

    Nizhnikov S.A. Philosophy: a course of lectures: a textbook for universities. M.: Publishing house "Exam". 2006.

    Theory of Society: Fundamental Problems. - M .: Kanon-Press-C, Kuchkovo field, 1999.

    Philosophy: basic terms. Proc. allowance. - St. Petersburg, Aletheya, 1997.

    Lorenz K. Eight deadly sins of civilized mankind // Questions of Philosophy. - 1992. - No. 8.

    Science and global problems of our time. Round table//Questions of Philosophy. - 1984 - No. 7.

    Science and global problems of our time. Round table // Questions of Philosophy. - 1984 - No. 8.

Using the text and social science knowledge, name three positive consequences of the emergence of global problems of our time.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

In our century, the solution of a number of problems can no longer be limited to the scale of one country, they have to be solved on the scale of our entire planet. Such a perception of the planetary nature of man's relationship with nature first arose in connection with the advent of atomic bomb and the threat of a global nuclear war. It is generally accepted that such a war, wherever it may arise, in a few hours could poison the entire globe and end the life of a person. This threat is what makes people refuse to use nuclear weapons.

Now the world population is estimated at 3.7 billion people. If it continues to grow at the same rate (on average 2% per year) as in this century, then in 700 years our planet will be so densely populated that for every square meter the entire surface of the globe will account for one person. Of course, this is impossible, and the process of increasing human reproduction must be interrupted long before that. When and under what factors this will happen and what civilization will turn into is the most important global problem of the near future.

One of the most important global problems is related to energy, since the use of natural energy resources by people is the main factor determining the level of modern civilization and the well-being of mankind. Now the largest source of raw materials in energy is coal, and if its consumption stops at the current level, then coal reserves will be enough for about a thousand years. Even if humanity does not grow, but per capita energy consumption grows at the same rate as in the last 100 years, then coal reserves will only last 100-150 years. An even closer crisis can be foreseen for other types of raw materials. For example, silver will last within 13-40 years, lead - 20-60 years, etc. (taking into account the use of new, not yet found natural reserves on a fivefold scale).

exhaustion raw materials some important substances are already threatening our generation. And therefore, the solution of issues related to the technical and economic aspect of the problem of "man and nature" should be considered urgent. But here it immediately rises socially political aspect: by virtue of global character the solution of these questions is impossible on a national scale, it is realistic only with a broad international cooperation on the basis of the principles of peaceful coexistence of states with different social systems.

The next problem - ecological - arises as a result of imbalance in nature due to environmental pollution on the same global scale. The difficulty in solving this problem lies in the fact that the global scale technical processes at modern level civilizations began to change the environment around us in such a way - pollute the air, water and soil, destroy forests, change natural landscapes - that the biological balance that existed in nature until now can no longer be maintained, and this begins to lead to the death of fauna and flora, which are necessary for the existence of people.

When a shortage of materials and energy resources begins to arise on a global scale and this begins to catastrophically affect the level of people's well-being, then humanity will have no other choice but to start reducing weapons, since the risk of death from aggression will be less real than the danger of death from lack material resources. In addition, since the solution of global problems must take place with close international cooperation, people will begin to feel that they live in a common apartment and that all of humanity has only one common enemy: it is the coming global crisis, with which, forgetting all the strife, we must begin to fight together.

(according to P. L. Kapitsa)


The following consequences can be given:

1) a lack of resources will lead to a reduction in armaments;

2) the need to solve global problems of our time contributes to the development of international cooperation;

3) the need to find ways to solve the global problems of our time contributes to the development of science and technology.

Other positive effects can be cited.