Rosnow Department. RosNOU: student reviews. Russian New University


Open Day

From 10:00 Moscow, st. Radio, 22

Admission Committee RosNOU

schedule Working mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu. from 10:00 to 18:00 cab. 218

Fri. from 10:00 to 17:00 cab. 218

Latest reviews of RosNOU

Valentina Soboleva 15:48 07/04/2017

Graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Russian New University. If you want to learn and develop professionally, then RosNOU is what you need. The teachers are good. The faculty sends to practice, all the time holds various events: conferences, excursions, out-of-school field lectures, etc.

The university itself has a homely atmosphere, it is pleasant and comfortable to be in it. I really miss RosNOU

Anonymous review 11:32 06/09/2015

When I applied to rosnow, I, like many other applicants, was frightened by the status of the university. Still, in our country there is much less trust in non-state universities than in state ones. As it turns out, there is almost no difference. I was afraid that there would be some kind of diploma, but the university issues state diplomas. sample, exactly the same as in state universities. I study on a budget, and studying at the university is really free, because. nobody extorts money, while...

RosNOU Gallery

general information

Autonomous non-profit organization higher education"Russian new university»

Branches of RosNOU

Colleges of RosNOU


No. 01759 is valid Indefinitely from 11/12/2015


No. 02046 is valid from 06/24/2016 to 03/24/2022

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for RosNOU

Indicator18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)4 4 4 5 4
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of education58.66 59.96 57.49 56.85 62.17
Average USE score credited to the budget69.91 69.31 70.08 68.83 72.31
Average USE score enrolled on a commercial basis56.56 58.05 56.96 53.77 61.02
Average for all specialties minimum score USE enrolled in the full-time department45.35 46.49 44.65 42.44 44.12
Number of students9274 9849 10243 9048 9893
full-time department2428 2801 3048 2494 1973
Part-time department377 524 964 1106 1543
Extramural6469 6524 6231 5448 6377
All data Report Report Report Report Report

University Reviews

We choose universities in Moscow, where you can learn up to several foreign languages. A large list of universities, a summary analysis of profiles, forms and tuition fees.

About RosNOU

The Russian New University (RosNOU) has been successfully operating since 1991 and has the status of a classical university, which is confirmed by state accreditation and a perpetual license. Today, this non-state university is officially equated to state universities and, starting from 2012, has the right to recruit students for budget places(training at the expense of the federal budget on a full-time basis).

According to the monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation, RosNOU is recognized as an effective university, and in 2006 he was awarded the Order of Labor prowess". In addition, the Russian New University, according to the rating agency RA Expert, entered the top 100 best Russian universities. The university is headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Council of the Association of Non-State Universities of Russia V.A. Zernov.

Educational programs of RosNOU

The university has eight faculties that provide education in 60 programs, and the college, which is a structural subdivision of the university, trains specialists in 11 educational programs.

Training is conducted in seven main areas:

  • humanitarian sciences;
  • physical and mathematical sciences;
  • Social sciencies;
  • economics and Management;
  • education and pedagogy;
  • informatics and Computer Engineering;
  • service sector.

At the Russian New University, you can study at all stages of education - from preparatory courses and bachelor's to master's, postgraduate and doctoral studies, with diplomas state standard. In addition, here you can also buy additional education: graduating short courses or enrolling in a second higher education. And applicants will be interested in information that on the basis of the university, courses have been created to prepare for the Unified State Exam and enter higher institutions education.

Each applicant can choose the form of study that is convenient for him: full-time, part-time (traditionally or remotely) or part-time (evening or weekend group), external study.

RosNOU provides an opportunity to get higher education as a tourism manager, lawyer, tax consultant, economist, specialist in the field of information technologies, translator, psychologist and others.

Additional opportunities for RosNOU students

At the RosNOU College, students have the opportunity to receive education under the British program.

Students of all faculties of the university, if desired, have the opportunity to study two foreign languages ​​in depth. At the end of the training, such students will be issued a diploma of "Translator in the field of professional communication". A nice bonus will be the possibility of passing international internships.

On the basis of the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy, the psychological laboratory "Gifts of the Soul" operates, where students undergo training and work, and at the end they receive a certificate of additional training.

Students studying at the Faculty of Humanitarian Technologies improve their practical skills at the Department of Public Relations of the Russian New University and at LIKI - the Laboratory for Innovative Communication Research. Also, students of this faculty can receive a diploma of the second higher education of the faculty. teacher education Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov.

Students of the Faculty of Law have the opportunity to develop their professional skills in the laboratory of legal research, in the legal office and in the laboratory of customs examination of goods, which work on the basis of the faculty.

student life

By enrolling in RosNOU, each student will be able to prove himself not only in studies, but also in public life university. Help students open up student council, Youth Personnel center, student scientific society, music studio, various circles and sport sections, theater and dance studio and other creative associations of the university. The university constantly hosts competitions and events dedicated to various holidays and dates. The most famous of them is "Mr. and Miss RosNOU". Students can also use the pool or gym RosNOU.

And students from great feeling humor can try themselves in the KVN movement. It's no secret that the KVN team of the university has achieved significant success, became a finalist in the KVN Premier League and received the right to play in the Major League.

University leads educational activities on the basis of a license (No. 2120 dated April 28, 2016, unlimited) and state accreditation (No. 2046 dated June 24, 2016, the certificate is valid until March 24, 2022).

Since 2012, the Russian New University has been accepting students at the expense of the federal budget.

At present, RosNOU is recognized as an effective university according to the results of monitoring by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, it is included in National ranking universities according to the Interfax information group, one hundred of the best Russian universities according to the Expert RA rating agency, in the top 200 ranking of universities in the CIS, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, became a member of the IREG International Ranking Expert Group, included in world university ranking QS, entered the first ranking of Russian universities, compiled by Forbes magazine, is included in the Round University Ranking (RUR) list of the best universities in the world and entered the RUR ranking in technical sciences (go to the "Achievements" section).

The head of the Russian New University is the chairman of the board of the Association of Non-State Universities of Russia (ANVUZ), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Alekseevich Zernov.

scientific activity From 1999 to 2012, the Russian New University was supervised by Professor Sergei Petrovich Kapitsa (1928–2012). Now the scientific director of RosNOU is a professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, laureate State Prize USSR Evgeny Alekseevich Palkin.

RosNOU has 20 scientific schools, 10 scientific projects external research activities and 4 internal, an annual International scientific and practical conference“Civilization of Knowledge”, scientific seminars are held, scientific journals"Vestnik RosNOU", Cardiometry. An annual competition for the best research work of students (NIRS) of RosNOU is held, since 2016 a competition of design research works of students (PIRS) has been held. For the training of highly qualified specialists at the Russian New University, there is a postgraduate course. RosNOU received 15 patents and entered the top five Russian universities in terms of the international scientometric indicator (Hirsch index). In October 2018, RosNOU, along with the leading technical universities countries

ANO VO "RosNOU", reviews of which will be carefully analyzed below, opened in 1991 and exists under the name "Russian New University" with a license for educational activities and state accreditation. Since 2012, it has been accepting applicants for a budget form of education. According to the results of monitoring by the Ministry of Education and Science, RosNOU has good reviews. It is recognized as an effective university and is included in all efforts of the team of teachers, administration and students of this educational institution are aimed at further increasing the authority of the institution in terms of scientific and educational activities.

Ratings and names

RosNOU also has reviews from the Interfax group, as well as other associations put it on high ratings. For example, the Expert RA agency included RosNOU in the top 200 among the universities of the CIS, Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. In addition, the university is a member of IREG (International Ranking Expert Group) and is present in the QS list of world universities.

RosNOU is headed by a very authoritative person - V.A. Zernov, professor, doctor of technical sciences, chairman of the board of the ANVUZ (Association of the Russian Federation. The curator of RosNOU from 1999 to 2012 was professor S.P. Kapitsa. Now science is headed by the laureate of the USSR State Prize, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, professor E.A. Palkin.

The science

The university has twenty scientific schools, fourteen internal and external projects Every year, the "Civilization of Knowledge" - an all-Russian conference - is held here. At the educational institution, scientific seminars are constantly working. The university has its own publications: RosNOU Bulletin, Cardiometry and Special Equipment and Communications.

RosNOU annually holds a competition where the best research student work is determined. Postgraduate courses train specialists of the highest qualification at RosNOU. By 2015, RosNOU managed to obtain fourteen patents and enter the top five Russian universities, according to the Hirsch index (an international scientometric indicator).


The teaching staff is a special pride of RosNOU. Reviews about teachers are not in vain filled with respect and gratitude. Of the three hundred and twenty full-time employees working with students, sixty-five are doctors of science, one hundred and eighty-four are candidates of science, and five are laureates of state awards. Eight people are foreign teachers of the highest qualification. In addition, the university invites the best mentors from Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, MGIMO and other universities, including foreign ones, to give lectures in short courses.

For almost a quarter of a century, RosNOU has collected the most favorable reviews. All forty-five thousand trained specialists who graduated from the walls of the university are employed and show their best in the workplace. professional quality which the university instilled in them. Now eighteen thousand people study here at the same time, who also love RosNOU. Students' comments are already full of gratitude for the excellent attitude of university teachers towards them.


There are one hundred and sixty-one accredited educational programs for studying at the New University, all of them are divided into profiles. For the full development of them, dozens of multimedia and computer classes are used here, Wi-Fi is distributed free of charge.

Two buildings - on Radio Street and near the Planernaya metro station, receive students in ninety-six classrooms, including fourteen computer classes, nine multimedia rooms and a permanent gym. Electronic and classical libraries also always function. The university hostel is small, but has its own, it has 663 beds.

University for students

Leisure at RosNOU is most colorfully described by students: the work of the student council, and the scientific society, and the music studio, and the theater, and dance. Annual tournaments - interfaculty, then interuniversity, KVN collect full halls, also often pass "Own game" and "What? Where? When?". Many festivals - vocal (MixVoiceRosNOU), dance (MixDanceRosNOU), peoples' friendship festival and arts festival are also held within the walls of the university. And the most noted competitions: "Mr. RosNOU" and "Miss RosNOU".

Very colorful and fun at the holiday warm reviews about trips and excursions. But the students themselves invent, organize and conduct a lot, and not only for themselves. For example, competitions, tournaments, lectures are organized for schoolchildren. Even the Cup named after Kapitsa is played in the game "Humor + Intellect". Schoolchildren love the game "Legal Volunteers" very much. All this creates good feedback about RosNOU. Moscow is very fond of such an initiative and responds gratefully. It should also be noted that the university has established the All-Russian rating of school sites.

Practice and employment

Feedback on activities related to the employment of RosNOU graduates is positive and numerous. The university organizes internships for students - pre-diploma, industrial, educational. At least eighty percent of graduates after graduation get exactly the job in which they practiced. Highly big weight when employed, he has the diploma that the Russian New University gives to the graduate. RosNOU also often receives feedback on the excellent training of specialists from their employers.

The faculty, for example, offers undergraduate students an internship before graduation, even abroad. Yes, and he is not alone. Here you can also get an international certificate that will confirm ownership foreign language. ECL Certificate - official document for European Union confirming high level linguistic competence required for participation in international programs. You can also take courses for free and improve your skills, also with the issuance of a certificate upon completion. Takes care of its graduates RosNOU. Moscow presents reviews of students of this university every year to its applicants so that they make the right choice.


There is also a college in the structure of the university, which helps to build a chain continuing education: secondary vocational education - bachelor's degree - master's degree - postgraduate study. RosNOU College in Moscow also receives excellent reviews. The teachers are excellent, almost the same as at the university. New technologies reign here innovative methods teaching and a sensitive, one might say individual, approach to students.

They enter college after the eleventh grade, and after the ninth. Many are transferred from neighboring and distant secondary vocational schools and even universities. The reason here is clear: a college graduate has more opportunities to enter RosNOU and can graduate from it in three years, according to an abbreviated program. Leisure of students is no less interesting than that of university students. Together they like to visit museums and theaters, travel a lot in groups around the country and even abroad.

Access Centers

The university opened its branches in twelve cities of Russia, and more more seats in different corners countries have access centers to information and educational resources of RosNOU. Nizhny Novgorod has reviews of such a center, and a number of other cities from Vladimir to Gorno-Altaisk mention them. This, of course, is less than a branch, but it is also worth a lot. It is difficult to talk about everything within the framework of a short article, so it is better to focus on some spontaneously selected branches of the university.

Alexandrovsky branch

For example, since 1997, the Alexandrovsky branch has been supplying the entire Vladimir region with qualified specialists, forming the intellectual potential of this region: economists, lawyers, specialists in tourism and cultural services are beyond praise here. New specialties that prepare bachelors have also been opened: "Business Informatics", "Customs", "Management" and "Trade". Here Special attention given educational work which is carried out according to the principles of reasonableness, honor, courage, respect, humanity.

These are guidelines for the development of morality - just what is often lacking in the education of our youth. Kindness, mutual assistance, charity are traditionally cultivated here, here young people learn to give and receive support in difficult times. The branch patronizes the orphanage, and with all responsibility: not only material aid these children need, but also personal meetings, concerts, games. And the students themselves, helping others, cultivate only the best inner qualities in themselves.

Autonomous non-profit organization of higher education "Russian New University" (ANO VO "RosNOU") was founded in 1991.

The University conducts educational activities on the basis of a license (No. 2120 dated April 28, 2016, unlimited) and state accreditation (No. 2046 dated June 24, 2016, the certificate is valid until March 24, 2022).

Since 2012, the Russian New University has been accepting students at the expense of the federal budget.

Currently, RosNOU is recognized as an effective university according to the results of monitoring by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, included in the National University Ranking according to the Interfax information group, in the top 100 Russian universities according to the Expert RA rating agency, in the top 200 ranking of CIS universities , Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, became a member of the International IREG Ranking Expert Group, officially included in the candidates for the QS World University Rankings (go to the "Achievements" section).

The head of the Russian New University is the chairman of the board of the Association of Non-State Higher Educational Institutions of Russia (ANVUZ), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Alekseevich Zernov.

The scientific activity of the Russian New University from 1999 to 2012 was supervised by Professor Sergei Petrovich Kapitsa (1928–2012). Now the supervisor of RosNOU is Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR Evgeny Alekseevich Palkin.

There are 20 scientific schools in RosNOU, 10 scientific projects of external research activities and 4 internal ones, the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Civilization of Knowledge" is held annually, scientific seminars are held, scientific journals "Vestnik RosNOU", "Special Equipment and Communication", Cardiometry are published. An annual competition for the best research work of students (NIRS) of RosNOU is held, since 2016 a competition of design research works of students (PIRS) has been held. For the training of highly qualified specialists at the Russian New University, there is a postgraduate course. By 2016, RosNOU received 15 patents and entered the top five Russian universities in terms of the international scientometric indicator (Hirsch index).

At the beginning of 2016, 397 teachers work at RosNOU, including 75 Doctors of Science, 207 Candidates of Science, 9 laureates of state awards, 8 foreign teachers. In addition, the university cooperates with leading teachers of Moscow State University, MGIMO, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and other Russian and foreign universities.

Over 25 years of work, the Russian New University has graduated more than 45,000 graduates. Now 18 thousand students study at RosNOU.

Education at the university is conducted according to 161 accredited educational program(including profiles).

The educational process (in two buildings of RosNOU - at 22 Radio Street and at the Planernaya metro station) takes place in 96 classrooms. Among them are 14 computer classes, 9 multimedia rooms and a gym. There are classical and electronic library. Free Wi-Fi is available on all floors of the university. There is a hostel for 663 places.

The university provides assistance in finding employment, organizes educational, industrial and undergraduate practice for students. According to the monitoring data of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, at least 80% of RosNOU graduates immediately after graduation get a job.

The Russian New University has a student council and a student scientific society, theater, dance and music studios, various sections and circles. Annually, inter-faculty and inter-university KVN tournaments, the game “Own Game”, the contests “Miss RosNOU” and “Mr. RosNOU”, the festival of arts, the festival of friendship of peoples are held, dedications to students are held, trips and excursions are organized.

For schoolchildren, the university organizes open lectures, competitions, tournaments, the game "Legal Volunteers", and other interesting and useful events.

RosNOU is the founder of the All-Russian rating of school sites.

I studied at the Faculty of Business Technology. She graduated from the bachelor's degree and entered the master's program on a budget. I want to say that I am very satisfied with the learning process. The teachers are very intelligent and educated people. I really liked that ROSNOU provides opportunities to study abroad, while there are a lot of options: France, England, China, Montenegro, etc. I also received additional education in Paris thanks to ROSNOU. Students are attracted to participate in international exhibitions and conferences...

Graduated in 2016 from the Faculty of Law! Thanks to excellent teachers, he received a chic education. There were no problems with employment, I stayed to work in a law firm that had an internship.

After graduating from this university, for a long time I hung around in different offices, traveled half the city, they didn’t take me anywhere. He stood at the labor exchange for a penny allowance. He worked as a courier, and a security guard and for the state. service for a penny with various habalk bitches. As a result, life brought (accidentally) with call girls from Krasnodar, talked for a while and they offered me a job as a security guard. Regretted, fed / watered. Is this what I dreamed of? No. For this I grew up, studied? But I had no other choice. Any money...

I am studying in the direction of "advertising and CO". There are profile subjects, but for the most part they repeat each other: social Psychology, the psychology of mass communications, the foundations of the theory of communication are one and the same. The theory of advertising, introduction to the profession - one and the same. Get a three in given university impossible. Teachers give automatic 5 to anyone who is more or less able to read and makes a report for each seminar, which, of course, reads. All 10 pages. The teachers are either too amorphous...

This is not an institution, but a hack. There you are specially brought to a diploma, if you suddenly decide to quit, then they call, persuade you not to quit and pay money for your studies. And when you reach the diploma, they do not count any practice. Although everything is done, everything is sent several times. They do not say any comments. Just put "unsatisfactory". At the same time, you write a diploma, send it to in electronic format and stitched. You are being asked to consent to posting it on the site. And that's it. Practice...

I am a 2nd year student at Rosnow. Extensive database of practices and internships. The university cooperates with many people. We are always happy to help with the place where the practice will take place. If you have any difficulties, you can contact the employment center, they will always help!

3rd year student, "Cry of the Soul". Disappointed, I wish I didn't go to this school. Like a complete fool Nizhny Novgorod entered the institute, and in this sloppy "Institute". The teaching staff is weak, if you value nerves and money, choose another university to receive education using distance learning technologies. Nobody cares about the students. Interface personal account terrible. Future students, please do not waste your time, health, money and nerves on...

He studied part-time for six years. I am very grateful to my teachers. Now I work in a state institution, I continue to do science. Although, who cares.

My son's life does not add up, he does not work in his specialty, he receives little. Physical labor only. No one takes him seriously, they wrap him up everywhere. People laugh, I am ashamed of my neighbors, acquaintances, that my son is mediocre and a loser. Lonely. Paid for 5 years, had connections and good relationship with the dean's office, they promised that the son would work, there would be no problems. They don’t take anywhere, except for courts for a penny. Sitting at home for years, depressed, drinking beer and cognac. Disappears. Because of the disorder, he thinks how to hang himself ...

I am very satisfied with my studies at Rosnow College, throughout my studies there were a lot of interesting things, a friendly atmosphere was felt, especially I can not say about the director of the college I. Yu. Zamula (and I think everyone who studied at the college will support me) for her kindness and understanding for every student. And I also want to express my gratitude to the teachers L. P. Akulova, N. A. Balova, and O. V. Bukina for their professionalism, for a responsible approach to work, for interesting, cognitive activities. Also, what is very...

If you want to get the necessary knowledge, then you definitely have nothing to do at Rosnow College on Planernaya. In pairs, teachers talk to students about everything except the subject, so when the credit week goes on, some teachers give the right answers. We have a girl studying in our group, she has a lot of debts for the first and second year, she did not write coursework last year, and for a year already, the dean's office doesn't care about her, they don't expel her. Sometimes in the magazine you can even find estimates that ...

The representative office in the city of Ulyanovsk of RosNOU will soon collapse, as the local swindler Sergei Borisovich Zhdanov, who is also the director of the Ulyanovsk Regional Art Museum, seized power. AT this moment there is chaos in the above institution. The former head, Natalya Vladimirovna Karagaeva, was a responsible person, responsible for every action and word, caring for a high level of education, in the first place. And Zhdanov thinks only of personal gain and is guided by ...

Hello, I hasten to share my opinion about the RosNOU college on Planernaya. I would never recommend anyone to join it. more, thanks to Deputy Director of Education I. Yu. Malchevskaya. It is simply impossible to speak with this inadequate woman, clarify or ask anything, although she is the first one to be approached with educational questions (the teachers are sent to her). After asking her a question in a calm and respectful tone, she begins to yell as if, apart from cattle, there is no more ...

If nerves and money are dear to you, choose another university for education using distance learning technologies. Nobody cares about the students. The user interface is terrible. Nothing is clear, teachers do not respond to messages and letters - they stupidly ignore. IDO support is just as terrible as the interface. The same tasks are sent a hundred times, despite the fact that the student has already passed them. And it's all for a lot of money. Emails are answered slowly. I highly do not recommend this university.

I am writing about the RosNou branch at the address: st. Radio, 22, I can say one thing, if not everything, then at least a lot depends on teachers. Anyone who disagrees with this. I say this as a student who received a certificate of higher education in this bedbug. And that's exactly it! At first glance, everything is fine, a university, not an institute, no matter where, but in the center. But as they say, don't judge a book by its cover. If you dig deeper, you can experience so many emotions on yourself that words cannot ...

Years wasted. It's been 5 years, the maximum where he got - in a private security company! The very last place. I advise young guys - it's better to go to the police! Civil service, guarantees, privileges. Here is a diploma, everyone laughs, I work with anyone. Thanks RosNOU! All dreams and aspirations have been shattered. I stand at the post in uniform, carry out access control and always replace drunken colleagues. Since all the rabble, rabble, from other places, who are expelled, work in private security companies. Once again, many thanks to the university! I'm happy. There is no money forever.

Despite the presence of individual inadequate deans, from whom leading specialists and teachers leave in batches (which, of course, is a flaw in the rector V. A. Zernov), in general, the university is organized better than many state ones - schedules, workloads, etc. are planned very clearly. Most of the teachers - doctors and candidates of sciences - part-time workers from leading universities in Moscow. The faculties with which I worked do not take bribes. What's going on in the branches - a separate issue. But this is also in state universities ...

It so happened that in connection with changes in the law on non-state universities, ROSNOU absorbed the institute where I studied. There was no choice - either look for another educational institution, either in as soon as possible be transferred to advertising and PR - and this despite the fact that I studied journalism. I didn't regret it at all! In comparison with other state and non-state universities, ROSNOU actually teaches. In a three-week session, I learned many times more than in a year in former institute. I don't know about the daytime...