The highest temperature on earth. The hottest places on earth


Temperature is one of the fundamental concepts in physics; it plays huge role is that concerns earthly life of all forms. At very high or very low temperatures, things can behave very strangely. We invite you to learn about a number of interesting facts related to temperatures.

What is the highest temperature?

The highest temperature ever created by man was 4 billion degrees Celsius. It's hard to believe that the temperature of a substance can reach such incredible levels! This temperature 250 times higher temperature of the Sun's core.

An incredible record was set in Brookhaven Natural Laboratory in New York at the ion collider RHIC, the length of which is about 4 kilometers.

Scientists forced gold ions to collide in an attempt to reproduce conditions of the Big Bang, creating quark-gluon plasma. In this state, the particles that make up the nuclei of atoms—protons and neutrons—break apart, resulting in a “soup” of constituent quarks.

Extreme Temperatures in the Solar System

The temperature of the environment in the solar system is different from that to which we are accustomed on Earth. Our star, the Sun, is incredibly hot. At its center the temperature is about 15 million Kelvin, and the surface of the Sun has a temperature of only about 5700 Kelvin.

Temperature at the core of our planet is approximately the same as the surface temperature of the Sun. Hottest planet solar system– Jupiter, whose core temperature 5 times higher than the surface temperature of the Sun.

The most cold temperature in our system is recorded on the Moon: in some craters in the shadow the temperature is only 30 Kelvin above absolute zero. This temperature is lower than the temperature of Pluto!

Temperature of the human environment

Some peoples live in very extreme conditions and unusual places that are not entirely convenient for life. For example, some of the coldest settlements are the village of Oymyakon and the city of Verkhnoyansk in Yakutia, Russia. The average winter temperature here is minus 45 degrees Celsius.

The coldest is more large city is also located in Siberia - Yakutsk with a population of about 270 thousand people. The temperature there in winter is also about minus 45 degrees, but in summer it can rise up to 30 degrees!

The highest average annual temperature was seen in an abandoned city Dallol, Ethiopia. In the 1960s it was recorded here average temperatures - 34 degrees Celsius above zero. Among large cities, the city is considered the hottest Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, where average temperature is also in March-May about 34 degrees.

The most extreme temperatures where people work are seen in gold mines Mponeng V South Africa. The temperature at about 3 kilometers underground is plus 65 degrees Celsius. Measures are taken to cool the mines, such as using ice or insulating wall coverings, so miners can work without overheating.

What is the coldest temperature?

Trying to get lowest temperature, scientists were faced with a number of important things for science. Man has managed to obtain the coldest things in the Universe, which are much colder than any thing created by nature and the cosmos.

Freezing allows the temperature to drop to several milliKelvins. The most low temperature, which was achieved under artificial conditions - 100 picoKelvin or 0.0000000001 K. To achieve this temperature, it is necessary to use magnetic cooling. Also, such low temperatures can be achieved using lasers.

At these temperatures, the material behaves completely differently than under normal conditions.

What is the temperature in space?

If, for example, you take a thermometer into outer space and leave it there for a while in a place far from a source of radiation, you may notice that it shows the temperature 2.73 Kelvin or so minus 270 degrees Celsius. This is the lowest natural temperature in the Universe.

Temperature stays the same in space above absolute zero due to the radiation that remained after the Big Bang. Although space is very cold by our standards, it is interesting to note that one of the the most important problems that astronauts encounter in space is heat.

The bare metal from which objects in orbit are made can heat up to 260 degrees Celsius due to free sunlight. To lower the temperature of ships, they need to be wrapped in a special material that can only lower the temperature by 2 times.

The temperature of outer space, however, constantly falling. Theories about this have been around for a long time, but only recent measurements have confirmed that the Universe is cooling by about by 1 degree every 3 billion years.

The temperature of space will approach absolute zero, but will never reach it. Temperature on Earth does not depend on the temperature that exists in space today, and we know that our planet lately gradually warms up.

What is caloric?

Warmmechanical property material. The hotter an object, the more energy its particles have while moving. Atoms of substances in a hot solid state they vibrate faster than atoms of the same but cooled substances.

Whether a substance remains in a liquid or gaseous state depends on to what temperature should it be heated?. Today, any schoolchild knows about this, but until the 19th century, scientists believed that heat itself was a substance - weightless fluid, named caloric.

Scientists believed that this fluid evaporated from the warm material, thereby cooling it. It can flow from hot objects to cold ones. Many predictions based on this theory are actually correct. Despite misconceptions about heat, many have actually been made correct conclusions and scientific discoveries. The caloric theory was finally defeated at the end of the 19th century.

Is there a highest temperature?

Absolute zero- a temperature below which it is impossible to fall. What is the highest possible temperature? Science cannot yet answer this question accurately.

The highest temperature is called Planck temperature. This is exactly the temperature that existed in the Universe at the moment of the Big Bang, according to ideas modern science. This temperature is 10^32 Kelvin.

For comparison: if you can imagine, this temperature billions of times higher than the highest temperature, obtained artificially by man, which was mentioned earlier.

According to the standard model, the Planck temperature remains the highest possible temperature. If there is something even hotter, then the laws of physics we are used to will stop working.

There are suggestions that the temperature may rise even higher than this level, but science cannot explain what will happen in this case. In our model of reality, anything hotter cannot exist. Maybe reality will become different?

What's the weather like? In principle, it is possible to live at +50°C and -50°C, and even in a greater range. Air conditioners, fans and jackets will help us with this. Well, someone, of course, will die and nothing can be done about it, because we don’t live in a terrarium.

What is the lowest air temperature ever recorded on Earth?

The lowest air temperature on Earth was recorded at the Soviet Antarctic Vostok station on July 21, 1983, when the platinum thermometer at the weather site showed -89.2°C. This is the lowest temperature ever recorded meteorological observations.

The lowest temperature recorded in our country is -78°C. Incredible frost occurred in the upper reaches of the Indigirka River.

The lowest air temperature in inhabited areas of the planet was recorded in 1964 in Yakutia in the village of Oymyakon - -71.1°C. The entire interfluve of the upper reaches of the Yana and Indigirka rivers is considered to be the region of the Pole of Cold Northern Hemisphere.

What is the highest air temperature ever recorded on Earth?

The highest temperature on Earth recorded in Libya in 1922 is +57.8°C.

The highest soil temperature was recorded at Shurchi station in Uzbekistan. The temperature of irrigated light gray soils here reaches 79°C. At the Repetek station in Turkmenistan, the sand is heated to 77°C.

What is the maximum outdoor temperature a person can withstand?

For a short time a person can be in dry air with very high temperature. A person can tolerate temperatures of 160°C. This was proven by English physicists Blagden and Chantry, who conducted an experiment on themselves. A person can tolerate a temperature of 104°C for 26 minutes, 93°C for 33 minutes, 82°C for 49 minutes, and 71°C for 1 hour; This was established during experiments with healthy human volunteers.

What is the minimum outdoor temperature that a person can withstand?

It depends on the state of his health and clothing, but most importantly - on the speed of the wind. In Yakutia in winter, people spend hours in the cold, with air temperatures below -50°C, but they are dressed appropriately, and in the conditions of the central part of the Siberian anticyclone there is usually no wind. In Antarctica, winterers from continental stations are also happy long time you have to be outside, but there severe frosts often accompanied strong wind. Therefore, warm, windproof clothing is not enough there, and people are forced to wear a mask or cover their faces with the hood of a fur jacket (“parkas”). The staff of research stations in the Arctic and Antarctic, who by the nature of their work are forced to regularly be outdoors, sometimes use electrically heated clothing, which weighs less than ordinary warm clothing, is less bulky, and less restricts movement. Minimum temperature, at which people spent a short time in the air, is -88°C.

And two more facts

Maximum temperature solid objects with which people can come into contact for a long time - about 50 degrees Celsius (at a higher temperature a burn occurs).

At a constant body temperature of more than 42°C, a person dies.

Winter is already over, but memories of frost and cold are still fresh in my memory. When it’s below zero, your breath takes away, your lips begin to crack, your skin dries out... Your legs and arms freeze. Every year there are reports of people who decided to take a short break in a snowdrift. And no amount of civilization, science, medicine, or nanotechnology can save us from this most terrible victim of winter.

However, in most Russian cities, winter temperatures rarely drop below 30-40 degrees from zero, while this is not the limit at all. Even on our warm and cozy planet there are places with a rather frightening climate. And the lowest temperature on Earth can impress anyone.


A small village in Yakutia is considered a real pole of cold. It is the coldest locality. About five thousand people live in it, who are accustomed to the local climate and consider it a completely worthy payment for life in native land.

And the climate here is truly more than harsh. The village is not only located far in the north, it is also quite high relative to sea level and remote from the oceans. And due to the fact that it lies in a lowland, frosty air flows here in winter. The sum of these factors gives impressively low average annual temperatures, and the absolute minimum was -64.3 degrees Kelvin. It’s not very comfortable, but people have adapted to this too.

Vostok station

No matter how paradoxical it may be, the lowest temperature is at South Pole. Of course, “southern” in this case means “located at the bottom of the map,” and not “in the warm and pleasant south.” The coldest continent is frozen through, only in the summer does a small surface layer of soil thaw, allowing a limited amount of flora and fauna to survive.

Nice summer day

People do not live there, with the exception of particularly extreme scientists studying this inhospitable region. There are stations there from many countries, including Russia. And it was the inhabitants of the Russian “Vostok” who recorded the temperature, which for a long time was considered minimal - -89.2 degrees. This happened historical event June 21, 1983. And for almost twenty years this record seemed absolute.

Fuji Dome

Antarctica is an extremely inhospitable continent, but there are some impressive places there, for example, the Fuji Dome, also known as Mount Valkyrie. This hill is located in Queen Maud Land, one of the coldest areas. In addition, it is located at an altitude of 3600 meters above sea level, which makes the climate even more harsh. By the way, the Fuji Dome is one of the most high points continent, which contributes to obtaining unique weather conditions.

Bad day

It was in this area that the existing at the moment temperature minimum– 91.2 degrees. It is interesting not only that this is the minimum temperature, but also the first recorded one that crossed the line of 90 degrees below zero.

The method for detecting this temperature also differs. The fact is that most often the temperature is measured with a regular alcohol or electronic thermometer. The result obtained shows the temperature of the surface layer of air. But the new temperature record was measured not in the usual way, but from a satellite. Thus, the temperature of the earth's surface was measured, and therefore many question the validity of this record.

Somewhere over Sweden

If we talk not about the surface temperature, but about the entire planet, including the atmosphere, then the lowest temperature will differ significantly from the values ​​already mentioned.

Thus, in the Earth’s atmosphere at an altitude of 85 kilometers above Sweden in 1963, a temperature minimum that had no analogues was recorded -143 degrees below zero Celsius.

On the other hand, if you continue to rise, the temperature will decrease until it reaches -270 degrees, characteristic of outer space. True, it will no longer be considered a planet.

Somewhere in the laboratory

In 2001 Nobel Prize in physics was given to a group of scientists who were able to develop theoretical foundations cooling the substance to ultra-low temperatures and testing them in practice. To do this, the gas is cooled in a magnetic trap, where it cannot come into contact with the walls and be heated by them.

Later, based on this technique, the lowest temperature on the planet and in the entire Universe was obtained - 0.0000000001 Kelvin, which is one picokelvin above absolute zero.

It is unlikely that this particular thermometer was used, but the result would be similar

In outer space it is even higher, because its space is heated by the background radiation left after the Big Bang. Currently, the average temperature in interstellar space is about 3 degrees Kelvin. The Universe is gradually cooling, but very slowly, by about 1 degree every 3 billion years.

Therefore, so far the lowest temperature has been recorded on Earth, of course, if there are no other civilizations on other planets with their own scientists seeking to learn the secrets of matter and energy.

Normal human body temperature is 36.6 degrees. Therefore, he automatically perceives everything that is higher as hotter. The only question is how hot. For example, a shower with a temperature of 40 degrees is a pleasure, but the skin can no longer tolerate 45 degrees. Hot tea at a temperature of 45-50 degrees warms and relaxes, but at 60-70 it can already burn.

But these values ​​are only slightly different from normal temperature bodies, whereas even on our planet, which is familiar and cozy, they can be much higher. And if you want to know when and where the highest temperature on Earth was recorded, read this article.


In summer in Russia, the temperature does not even reach 30-35 degrees everywhere, but even this is perceived by many as a branch of hell.

At the same time, there are much hotter places on our planet. For example, in the Libyan desert near the surface of the earth in 2005, a temperature of 70.1 degrees was recorded. It was simply physically impossible to walk on it barefoot. And being in the sun in this weather is not very pleasant. It wasn't much better in the shade - about 60 degrees.

But this weather has a big advantage. In this weather, it is quite possible to do without a kitchen: heat water to 60-65 degrees to brew green tea, fry eggs on the hood of the car, make hot sandwiches with processed cheese. But in this weather, it’s unlikely that anyone will want hot tea and sizzling scrambled eggs. Here, ice cream and ice water are more likely to do.


But even such high temperatures may seem like only a temporary inconvenience compared to how hot the water can get. And now we are not talking about a gentle warm sea or a small warm river. We will tell you about their older brothers – geysers.

These underground springs burst into the air, carrying the heat of the deep layers. As a result, even in cold countries and during cold seasons, their temperatures can reach impressive temperatures. There are many such sources in Iceland, where enterprising local residents decided to use them to heat cities.

The main thing is not to get too close to him

Some offer healing (and most importantly, warm) baths, but some are not recommended to be approached close to. For example, the Deildartunguhver spring is near its boiling point even in winter. The water temperature in it is 97 degrees. A person will simply cook in it, but some bacteria feel quite comfortable.


Of course, neither air nor water can compare in temperature with the third element - fire. And there is plenty of it on earth too.

Volcanoes are one of the most beautiful natural phenomena. And one of the most terrible ones too. The basis of the eruption is lava - molten to liquid state rocks. In fact, lava is stones that are liquid from heat.

The temperature of lava can vary depending on composition, pressure, type of volcanoes and other parameters. The hottest in the world are Hawaiian, where lava can reach a temperature of 1200 degrees. For comparison, the flame obtained from combustion has approximately the same temperature natural gas.


But, of course, the highest temperature was recorded not on the surface of the Earth, but in its very center. Monstrous pressure causes a sharp rise in temperature. Not only stones are melted here, but also metals. Actually, the central part of our planet consists of liquid metal. The conditions there are so different from what we are used to that in their own way physical properties This metal is more like water.

But if you still overcome this resistance and descend even deeper, you may stumble upon something dense - solid metal central part planets. It is this core that has the maximum possible temperature of 6000 degrees Celsius. There was nothing hotter than this on the planet.


It wasn't until man came along. He was not satisfied with the maximum temperatures for normal elements, and he decided to create something even hotter - plasma. In fact, plasma is the fourth physical state any substance heated beyond its gaseous state. Perhaps the only example is a lightning strike.

But if plasma occurs in nature, then people managed to create something even hotter - quark-gluon plasma. It existed in the Universe only a few moments after the Big Bang, but man managed to recreate it in the Large Hadron Collider. True, for the same fractions of seconds, but even they were enough to record the highest temperature possible - 10 trillion degrees.

In such heat, not only do stones or metal melt, but molecules, atoms and even their nuclei melt into a uniform broth of basic elementary particles– quarks and gluons.

So far, this is the absolute recorded maximum not only for our planet, but also for the Universe. Of course, unless somewhere there lives its own civilization, which is also studying the physics of elementary particles. Then, perhaps, they managed to conquer or even surpass this milestone. Indeed, under the existing laws of physics, there can only be an absolute minimum temperature (-273 Celsius, when interatomic processes freeze), but not a maximum.

What's the weather like? In principle, it is possible to live at +50°C and -50°C, and even in a greater range. Air conditioners, fans and jackets will help us with this. Well, someone, of course, will die and nothing can be done about it, because we don’t live in a terrarium.

What is the lowest air temperature ever recorded on Earth?

The lowest air temperature on Earth was recorded at the Soviet Antarctic Vostok station on July 21, 1983, when the platinum thermometer at the weather site showed -89.2°C. This is the lowest temperature in the entire history of meteorological observations.

The lowest temperature recorded in our country is -78°C. Incredible frost occurred in the upper reaches of the Indigirka River.

The lowest air temperature in inhabited areas of the planet was recorded in 1964 in Yakutia in the village of Oymyakon - -71.1°C. The entire interfluve of the upper reaches of the Yana and Indigirka rivers is considered to be the region of the cold pole of the Northern Hemisphere.

What is the highest air temperature ever recorded on Earth?

The highest temperature on Earth recorded in Libya in 1922 is +57.8°C.

The highest soil temperature was recorded at Shurchi station in Uzbekistan. The temperature of irrigated light gray soils here reaches 79°C. At the Repetek station in Turkmenistan, the sand is heated to 77°C.

What is the maximum outdoor temperature a person can withstand?

A person may be exposed to dry air at very high temperatures for a short time. A person can tolerate temperatures of 160°C. This was proven by English physicists Blagden and Chantry, who conducted an experiment on themselves. A person can tolerate a temperature of 104°C for 26 minutes, 93°C for 33 minutes, 82°C for 49 minutes, and 71°C for 1 hour; This was established during experiments with healthy human volunteers.

What is the minimum outdoor temperature that a person can withstand?

It depends on the state of his health and clothing, but most importantly - on the speed of the wind. In Yakutia in winter, people spend hours in the cold, with air temperatures below -50°C, but they are dressed appropriately, and in the conditions of the central part of the Siberian anticyclone there is usually no wind. In Antarctica, winterers from continental stations also have to spend quite a long time outdoors, but there severe frosts are often accompanied by strong winds. Therefore, warm, windproof clothing is not enough there, and people are forced to wear a mask or cover their faces with the hood of a fur jacket (“parkas”). The staff of research stations in the Arctic and Antarctic, who by the nature of their work are forced to regularly be outdoors, sometimes use electrically heated clothing, which weighs less than ordinary warm clothing, is less bulky, and less restricts movement. The minimum temperature at which people were briefly exposed to air is -88°C.

And two more facts

The maximum temperature of solid objects with which people can come into contact for a long time is about 50 degrees Celsius (at a higher temperature a burn occurs).

At a constant body temperature of more than 42°C, a person dies.