Improving the existing organizational structure of management at the enterprise. Improving the organizational structure of the enterprise


As a rule, economic resources should be used fully and efficiently, increasing the level and quality of life. Hence, the problem of optimizing the use of an economic resource is possible under the condition of effective management of these processes with the obligatory consideration of specific conditions. Therefore, management is the central problem of management and social reproduction in general. The ongoing socio-economic transformations in Russia at the present stage of economic development have as their goal the formation of a stable society, however, in the social and labor relations there are very complex and inadequate problems. As a rule, these processes should follow logically from one another with stable feedback. All of the above emphasizes the relevance and practical significance of the chosen topic of the thesis.

The object of study of the final qualifying work is LLC Sklad Servis, located in the Kaluga region.

The subject of the study of the final qualifying work is the relationship that has developed at the enterprise, regarding the improvement of management.

The purpose of this study is to improve the organizational structure of enterprise management LLC "Sklad Service".

Based on the purpose of the presented study, the following objectives of the proposed study are defined:

· determine the main approaches to the concept of "organizational structure of management";

· analyze the problem of "organization management" in the light of modern management;

· study the legal and financial status of Warehouse Service LLC;

· suggest directions for improving the organizational structure of enterprise management;

The scientific basis of this study is the legislative acts of the Russian Federation, on the topic of the study, educational literature, periodicals, financial statements of the enterprise and data from the official website of the enterprise in question.

The methodological and methodological basis of the study is general scientific (method of scientific abstraction, induction, deduction, hypothesis, method of comparative analysis, experimental method) and special scientific methods (monographic method, calculation-constructive, balance, economic-mathematical method). In preparing this project, we used the work of leading domestic and foreign scientists on the problem under study, data from statistical authorities, regulatory and reference materials, and periodicals.

Expected results of the study. This study proposes to improve the organizational structure of enterprise management in order to improve the production process and enterprise management.

Based on the purpose of the proposed study, the following structure of the work was determined:

Introduction. It gives the main direction of the study, defines the goals, objectives, expected results of the study, also discusses the methods of work and the analyzed sources.

The first chapter is "Organizational structure as a control element". Here the theoretical foundations of the concepts of "organizational structure of management", "management" are considered, the relationship between management and management of the enterprise is revealed.

The second chapter “Description of the enterprise LLC “Sklad Servis”” is completely devoted to the description of the enterprise. It gives the socio - economic situation of the enterprise, and analysis of enterprise management.

In the third chapter, "Improving the organizational structure," proposals are made for improving enterprise management based on improving management and discusses economic efficiency these offers.

The work also contains a List of used sources, which presents a variety of literature used in the seasoned study and Appendixes, which collects sources on the subject presented. .

In this work, directions for improving the management of labor resources were developed and tested. The proposed study has been tested at the company LLC "Sklad Servis".

1. Organizational structure as a control element

1.1 Theoretical aspects of intra-company planning

Nothing raises so many questions in modern literature as the problem of planning in modern conditions. The directions of activity of the national economy in theoretical terms are considered as a planned structure. The scientific literature is devoted to issues in which, one way or another, the problem of planning is in the main directions. The need for planning is spoken by both representatives of private structures, businesses, and state and municipal authorities.

However, practice shows the opposite, most of the planning divisions of private structures are engaged in justifying the optimization associated with tax planning, and state structures, criticizing the "five-year plans" with great difficulty implement the annual periods of budget planning. For several years now, there has been no mention at all of the possibility of planning for a period of three years. And all the so-called problems come down to one thing - the problem of the crisis that engulfs the world economy..

It is planning that concerns all aspects of the life of the state. A well-established planning system makes it possible to determine the goals and priorities of the planned state actions, to substantiate the development paths and the necessary means of achievement. The first textbook on planning was published in China in the 4th century BC. BC. During this time, economic life has undergone a sufficient number of changes, new formations have appeared, and throughout the development of economic planning, due attention has been paid to all socio-economic formations of society.

Despite the idea greatest development planning during the formation and development of a market economy, one should not abandon the idea held by a number of economists that the planning system of the Soviet economy was advanced and progressive. However, right now, in the conditions of growth and improvement of the economy of modern Russia, few economic entities manage to successfully conduct business, and the success of the enterprise's activities largely depends on a carefully thought-out policy, a well-developed action plan. However, most firms do not use formally adopted planning systems, and those that do do not always do it well, despite the fact that intra-company financial planning promises a number of benefits.

Planning is understood as the optimal allocation of resources to achieve the goals and actions in the future. The math-oriented view of planning says that planning is a function with time as one of its arguments. So when considering the production process, planning is the process of optimal allocation of resources to achieve the goal.

There is also a definition financial planning, which is understood as the choice of goals according to the reality of their achievement with the available financial resources, depending on external conditions and the coordination of future financial flows. The following formulation of economic planning, which refers to the process of developing a centrally planned economy with a hierarchical structure of management of the national economy. Here, the hierarchical principle of building a structure is noted, in which the central authorities focus on determining the most important proportions of social production and a limited number of natural, cost and labor indicators.

The following interpretations of planning are given. So, planning is understood as a way of regulating macro and microeconomic processes by defining goals and ways to achieve them.

Planning is also considered one of the components of management, which consists in the development and practical implementation of plans that determine the future state of the economic system, as well as ways, methods and means to achieve it. When oriented towards policy, planning is the development of plans for economic and social development, as well as a set of practical measures for their implementation. The literature notes the experience of market states that use indicative planning methods.

So, by the nature of bringing planned targets to the executor, the following types plans:

· imperative (centrally setting tasks);

· normative (centrally setting standards);

· mixed (combination of imperative and normative).

The presented definitions show that the main motivation for planning is the problem of limited resource provision that arises in the process of activity. So, in general, planning involves the implementation of certain stages:

· development of goals and objectives;

· formation of an action algorithm;

· determination of resource provision and sources;

· work with performers and bringing plans to them;

· fixing the results of planning in material form.

In practice, financial forecasting in a market economy takes into account:

· investment and credit opportunities;

· financial experience economic activity;

· known future incoming and outgoing financial flows.

The planning system, being an important tool of production activity and a component of the success of any business structure, can be interconnected with those subjects of market relations with which it is connected by economic relations. Moreover, they have their own development plans, which must also be taken into account and, therefore, synchronized on the scale of regional and state processes.

The very process of planning in an enterprise begins with an understanding of what needs to be done to improve efficiency and operation. That is, the success of any planning depends on indicators:

· goal-setting in key development issues;

· analysis of the organization and external factors;

· competitiveness;

· implementation of the company's strategy.

Then planning is interpreted as an activity that involves the development of activities that determine the successive sequence in achieving specific goals. Here, there should be an account of the possibilities for the effective use of economic resources available to the enterprise. Management of organizations, based on planning, leads to the need to get answers to the following questions:

· production reserves;

· the possibility of loading production;

· the degree of completion of each of the orders;

· control possibilities.

Analyzing these issues, it is concluded that meeting the requirements for substantiating plans and the possibility of monitoring the progress of their implementation are quite complex.

Data is obtained only when this possibility of obtaining answers is initially laid down in the planning technology as a whole, and in each of the plans of the enterprise, and in the management culture in the process of fulfilling these questions. In other words, such an opportunity should be provided by a system of planned and control indicators. The opportunity in management is determined and provided by the art of leaders. Which are obliged to create conditions for ensuring the transition of financial and economic indicators to directly measurable natural indicators that characterize each functional unit in the organizational structure of the organization.

The same unit in relation to different management tasks can be characterized by physically different indicators. Here the specifics of the work of managing economic processes are determined. The following can be said as a conclusion.

There cannot be common sets of targets and benchmarks that are equally suitable:

· for different divisions;

· for different types of products;

· for various control tasks.

The next aspect of planning is the alignment of plans. That is, the plans for the timing of control must correspond to the plans for the actual progress of work. They must correspond to the schedule of the sequence and duration of the passage by a specific order of the delimited stages of the technological process. This approach has a two-level character.

At the first level, events are assigned, the completion of which is fixed:

· beginning (signing of a contract, opening of an order, etc.);

· completion (signing of the acceptance certificate, receipt of the last payment, export of products, etc.).

The appointment of control events and control demarcations sets the calendar dates for which it is objectively possible to control compliance with the planned schedule. So Western economists pay enough attention to such a concept as strategic planning, which is understood as large-scale, unlimited time-bound forecasts regarding the improvement of a competitive position, market choice, products, ways to achieve goals.

Strategic planning is a management function that represents the process of choosing goals and ways to achieve them. In other words, strategic planning is "an algorithm of actions related in space and time, aimed at fulfilling strategic objectives."

Another interpretation of this term looks like "... a set of actions, decisions taken by management that lead to the development of specific strategies designed to achieve goals." It is strategic planning that is presented as a set of management functions, namely:

· allocation of limited resources;

· adaptation of activities to the external environment;

· internal production coordination;

· understanding of the strategy of behavior.

The relevance of strategic planning is important for enterprises entering into fierce competition. Since the mid-1950s, in the American management literature, it has been noted that a number of authors determine the dominant role of strategic planning, as well as the fact that strategic management is the most highly intelligent and expensive element of enterprise management. Suffice it to say that large enterprises in this area employ specialists with a total number of 25 to 110 people. However, in modern conditions, Russian practice puts strategic planning significantly lower than in Western countries. The reasons are as follows:

· lack of qualified specialists;

· lack of corporate culture;

· low level of government.

Analyzing the experience of Russian enterprises, it was concluded that there was no planned direction at the enterprises under study, since they were abolished during the transformation of the economic management system.

It was the planning bodies, abolished during the transition from the planned economic model, that were engaged in collecting information, analyzing the state of the sectors of the national economy, and developing sectoral plans and development programs. Oddly enough, but it was the functional bodies involved in the development of a long-term production strategy that were eliminated.

The activities of enterprises for last years showed the futility of public administration, since it was during these years that the continuity of the Russian school of administration was undermined.

The use of Western developments is practically ineffective, since the experience accumulated in the world convinces us that the mechanical application of standardized procedures for the development of strategic plans in the specific conditions of the enterprise's economic activity is not very effective. National schools are more preferable, as they take into account the existing historical experience in the formation of the organizational culture of production.

It is in this approach that the plan for the development of production can become a detailed program of all production, economic and social activities. The strategic plan will have a direction to achieve the strategic goals with the fullest and most rational use of limited resources. This plan is aimed at providing the declared level of customer service, taking into account resource efficiency.

In strategic planning, basic strategies are used, the development of which is the prerogative of the company's management. Moreover, domestic enterprises distinguish the following basic strategies:


· stabilization or limited growth;


Attention is drawn to the fact that within the framework of the basic strategies, various strategic alternatives are implemented, which cannot be understood only as belonging to one basic strategy.

Based on this, the organization of the implementation of the enterprise strategy is a complex of management and production processes. The strategic plan includes a vision and mission, general goals that determine the place of the organization in the future.

With this approach, the strategic plan gives the enterprise certainty and at the same time individuality. Market conditions require an adaptive plan and the need to implement possible modifications. Attention is also drawn to the fact that the horizon of strategic planning is determined by the complexity and renewal of products, the age of the enterprise.

The economic literature presents various methods for developing a strategic plan. So Fatkhutdinov R.A. proposes to develop a system of strategic plans of the company, consisting of plans of two levels:

· 1 - strategy for the period;

· 2 - strategy by areas of activity.

Idrisov A.B. identifies strategic planning with business planning, which focuses on marketing strategy, where the emphasis in building a strategic plan suggests making concepts in the form of:

· results of strategic analysis;

· enterprise strategy, synergistic business portfolio, functional strategies;

· strategic planning programs;

· financial plan of the enterprise;

The practice of industrial management has accumulated experience in the successful implementation of strategic development plans and integrated structures. It is strategic planning that can provide an enterprise with many advantages, such as:

· financial benefit;



Thus, planning is understood as the optimal allocation of resources to achieve the goals and actions in the future.

In modern literature, strategy is understood as a general plan for conducting a struggle based on the specific conditions of a given stage.

1.2 The concept of the organizational structure of management

A modern enterprise operating in a market environment relies on a well-developed organizational management structure. However, such a state urgently requires a well-organized and professionally organized management structure. The organizational structure of management is understood as a set of specialized functional units, development, adoption and implementation of management decisions. As a rule, the organizational structure of management is presented as a hierarchical diagram showing the composition, subordination and relationships of the structural units of the organization.

Henry Mintzberg in his work "Structure in the Fist" defines the organizational structure (Eng. Organizational structure) as follows. This is a set of ways in which the labor process is first divided into separate work tasks, and then coordination of actions to solve problems is achieved. It is interesting what determines the distribution of responsibility and authority within the organization. The organizational structure is, first of all, a document that establishes the quantitative and qualitative composition of the enterprise's divisions, and also gives a schematic reflection of the order and interaction. This document is formed on the basis of the volume and content of the tasks solved by the enterprise, the direction and intensity of the information and documentation flows that have developed at the enterprise.

Defining the typology of organizational structures, attention is drawn to such a fact as responsibility, and, accordingly, to the distribution of existing responsibility.

The following criteria are distinguished for the most popular typologies of organizational structures:



· line staff;


· simplified matrix;

· balanced matrix;

· reinforced matrix;




Henry Mintzberg notes that the typology is based on the six main structural elements of the organization identified by him, to which he refers the following:

· the operating core of the organization;

· strategic pinnacle;

·middle line;

· techno structure;

· support staff;


Of course, the division is based on an ideal structure. And it is precisely on this basis that the author identifies six more types, the so-called superstructures, which include the following:

· simple structure;

· machine bureaucracy;

· professional bureaucracy;

· divisional form;


· missionary form.

Henry Mintzberg introduces the so-called principles of coordination when designing organizational structures.

The organizational structure can be understood as a certain way, an established scheme of interaction and coordination of technological and human resources. It is logical to add various kinds of interconnections as a characteristic, such as informational interconnections of divisions and individual performers with consistent subordination and endowed with certain rights and obligations.

So, depending on the number of links in the management structure, its levels are determined. Organizational structures are single-level and multi-level. And already, depending on the relationship between organizational structures, there are:

· linear functional;



The authors note the existence of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of these units. All this taken together speaks of the complexity of both the formation and management and existence of organizational management structures. This is what suggests that the interaction of structural divisions is regulated by numerous internal regulations that regulate the functions of each management body, as well as distribute rights and obligations between divisions and within their division. The directions along which the organizational structure is formed are determined. Here, special attention is paid to the dynamism of the structure. This direction relevant, based on the fact that changes in the internal and external environment of the organization makes it necessary to adapt to constant changes. Thus, forming the structure, attention should be transferred to the analysis of the external environment of the organization, which is a set of interrelated factors that influence everything that happens within the organization. These should include directions:

· economic conditions;


· competing organizations;

· technique and technology;

other factors.

The environment or the so-called external environment affects the team, which necessitates the development of measures to adapt the organization to new situations, and this, accordingly, entails changes in the organizational structure itself.

Market relations and the human factor oblige the enterprise and responsible persons to take into account environmental factors in the adaptation of organizational structures, that is, to make them flexible and adaptable. At the same time, one should not forget such a factor as human behavior, which actively influences the order of interaction of the organizational structure and efforts to coordinate managerial actions. It is generally accepted that it is human behavior that determines the effectiveness of the functioning of the structure to a greater extent than the formal distribution of functions between departments.

The existence of a limit on the number of structural units subordinate to one subject of management has been established. There is also a limit to the effectiveness of management in terms of information being passed.

The so-called information barrier defines the boundaries of the complexity of the volume of economic tasks solved by a certain management structure, with given technical controls. Management functions are generally considered as an objective necessity of the enterprise, as well as a managed object. Based on this, the functions of structural units express the specific content of management activities, as well as the sphere of influence on production itself. It is believed that the structural subdivision of the administrative apparatus is an administratively separate part that performs the function of management. It is believed that the effectiveness of the organizational structure of management is influenced by:

· relationships between structure and job responsibilities;

· management policy and management practices;

· powers and functions of employees.

It is noted that the organizational structure of management in many companies is built in accordance with the principles of management formulated in the early twentieth century. As a rule, the formulation of these principles was given by the German sociologist Max Weber:


· correspondence of powers and responsibilities;

· division of labor;

· formalization and standardization of activities;


· qualifying selection.

When building an organization according to these principles, a hierarchical or bureaucratic management structure is obtained. A common type of such a structure is the linear-functional one.

The basis of the type is the so-called "mine" principle of construction, when a hierarchy of services is formed that permeates the entire organization from top to bottom. Hence, the results of the work of each service are evaluated by indicators characterizing the fulfillment of their goals and objectives. The advantages of linear structures include the following:




· the possibility of an exchange.

The disadvantages of the linear structure are presented below:

· operational problems;

· weak horizontal links;

· low flexibility and adaptability;

· vague criteria for efficiency and quality of work;

· a large number of levels of management;

· overload of top-level managers;

· the dependence of the organization's work on the qualifications, personal and business qualities of top managers.

In this case, a vertical line is characteristic, going from the top manager to the performers. This structure is built without highlighting functions. This structure is transformed into a linear - staff, but this happens as the enterprise grows. It is similar to the previous one, but the control is concentrated in headquarters. This is how a group of employees appears who do not directly give orders to the performers, but professionally perform consulting work and prepare management decisions. Consider the organizational structure of management, which was named as a process model.

The origin of the concept of process control leads to control theories discovered in the nineteenth century. The appearance is associated with the name of an outstanding specialist in the field of management, Frederick Taylor, who proposed the use of process management methods for the best organization of the activities of that time.

Continuing this theme, Henri Fayol presents the concept of reengineering, which in general terms represents how the implementation of activities in accordance with the tasks set. What is interesting here is that the resources available are geared towards obtaining the optimal advantage.

Such a structure divides the organization into elements, each of which has a specific function and tasks. This structure is typical for organizations with a limited range and stability of external conditions.

The vertical of power, which is the line of the leader and performers, exists and is aimed at vertical and inter-level connections. As a rule, the manager's functions are blurred, which is a significant drawback.

Structure advantages:

· deepening specialization,

· improving the quality of management decisions;

· the ability to manage multidisciplinary activities.

Structure disadvantages:

· lack of flexibility;

· poor coordination of actions of units;

· low speed of making managerial decisions;

· lack of responsibility of functional managers for the final result of the enterprise.

To eliminate the shortcomings of functional management structures, organizations use the so-called divisional management structures, in which the distribution of responsibilities occurs not according to functions, but according to products or regions.

At the same time, the decentralized management system ensures high efficiency within individual divisions (divisions), which makes it possible to use at present by most organizations and large corporations.

However, analysts note a feature that includes a long chain of commands, which leads to uncontrollability of the structure. So, experts define the following as shortcomings:

· rising costs for management personnel;

· complexity of information links.

The matrix organizational structure of management allows you to combine the positive aspects of all management structures.

The use of this structure is associated with the need to adapt the country's socio-economic processes to the needs of the enterprise, when a high rate of renewal is required. The essence of matrix structures is as follows. The existing structures create temporary working groups that solve emerging problematic issues. A feature of this structure is complexity, double subordination of the head of the group and resources, a high probability of conflict situations, and the complexity of information links.

Analysts note this feature with flexibility and autonomy in solving personnel issues and efficiency in project implementation. As a rule, these structures are created when a high rate of renewal and innovation is needed, as a rule, these are scientific enterprises, aerospace enterprises, telecommunications companies that carry out large projects.

Thus, the organizational structure of management is understood as a set of specialized functional units interconnected in the process of substantiation, development, adoption and implementation of management decisions. The organizational structure of management is presented as a hierarchical diagram showing the composition, subordination and relationships of the structural units of the organization.

1.3 Trends in the development of organizational management structures

organizational management financial legal

In our time, promising management problems are more important for the Russian Federation, in which the twenty-first century has opened large-scale and deep processes of overcoming economic and managerial crises, as well as the transition to market relations.

The time is also characterized by the fact that during the period of socialism the leading countries of the world accumulated rich economic experience. Economists directly emphasize the issue of management, saying that it is management that is of paramount importance, considering it as the ability and ability to develop goals, determine value orientations, coordinate the implementation of tasks and functions, train employees and achieve effective results from their activities.

Experience characterizes management through its characteristics:



· impact on society.

All this taken together speaks of the great theoretical and practical significance of identifying and implementing the main trends in changing the organization of management that take place at the turn of the century. This fact is important from the point of view of studying the evolution of organizational management structures and stages characteristic of the development of organizations in the 20th century.

Having set the task, it is important to solve it by using the materials that determine the real cumulative factors of Russia's development in the period of the formation of a market economy. Analyzing the materials of the late nineties, the beginning of this century, it is determined that the features of the transition period are:

· creation of new institutional conditions for market relations;

· creation of other models of behavior of enterprises.

An analysis of events suggests that it is easier to carry out restructuring, price liberalization, and privatization than to build real and long-term relations between market entities.

Attention should also be paid to the fact that the very paradigm of market relations is changing in the world. A number of authors directly insist on the idea that such indicators as the volume of production, profit, and other indicators alone are not able to determine the direction and effectiveness of management. Market-oriented countries are focused on the fact that the main determinants of the market are the following:

· investment activity;

· performance;

· development of human resources;

the quality of work;

· market position;

· financial results.

Consequently, national enterprises now need to spend certain resources on establishing new production relations and connections. Following P. Drucker, the conclusion suggests itself about the primary management problem.

It is necessary to understand and implement the idea that, as a matter of priority, it is necessary to develop and develop high-quality governance structures. However, in this case, the problems also manifest themselves in the following aspects, namely, at the moment, the problem of the transfer of forms of ownership is quite acute.

It is property that determines the nature of power and, accordingly, the type of management, which can be said to be intermediate, that is, no longer administrative-command, but not yet purely market.

Accordingly, such uncertainty of the transitional period and transitional management gives us the following directions:

· changes in the management itself (democratization, decentralization, transition from vertical to horizontal links);

· an urgent need to manage the very transition from one economic system to another.

At present, enterprise management seems to be quite complex and uncertain. So the direction of survival of an enterprise is very often not clear. Management methods that have been worked out in the conditions of market relations for many decades can no longer be blindly and mechanically transferred to Russian enterprises.

We need a specific account of internal and external conditions, a temporary reserve for the accumulation of our own managerial experience. This primarily applies to:

· decentralization of intra-company management;

· the formation of a contract system for hiring labor;

· active work on the formation of marketing functions;

· use of the stock market and banking activities.

The same can be said about such aspects of management as the participation of shareholders in the management of companies. It considers the forms and methods of work of boards of directors, contractual relations, and the formation of a market infrastructure. Practically only in last decade of the last century, we began to consider the problem of information technology. At the moment, we have received a sufficient amount of information that opens up huge opportunities for obtaining data on the state of production.

Now we need to learn how to process and analyze the presented data in order to substantiate the strategy of economic development and successfully conduct competition in world markets.

It is noted that such an interesting problem as the problem of labor resources in the modern world began to be considered in a different format only in the last third of the last century.

Effective management cannot be built without changing the attitude towards the labor resource, which in modern methodology is considered as the leading resource, capital, and not as a factor in production costs. Hence, the main task is to combine the interests of shareholders with the interests of the society's economy. It is the solution of this problem that will allow Russian enterprises to actively compete in world markets.

So speaking about the development of the customs union, one should carefully consider and study the experience of transnational corporations, which play a major role in the world. So, the experience of these structures will allow not only to carry out the political unification of the republics of the former Soviet Union, but to integrate economic relations, creating transnational economic structures that unite the economic space of the former Soviet Union. At the same time, such associations cannot be carried out using purely administrative principles of management. Here it is necessary to use market forms of business relations. Only market governance will become the most important phenomenon of corporate governance in the long term.

From this follows the task of actively using and developing the world experience in managing transnational corporations, a matrix organization that simultaneously covers several sections of business activity. It is noted that the main feature new systems of internal management should be:

· long-term orientation;

· conducting fundamental research;

· diversification of operations;

· innovative activity;

· maximum use of the creative activity of the staff.

Therefore, in the administrative apparatus, the main directions of changes will be:

· decentralization;

· reduction of management levels;

· promotion of employees and payment depending on the results.

Speaking of decentralization, in large companies, it should be noted the creation of semi-autonomous or autonomous departments that are fully responsible for the results of their work. They are responsible for the organization of activities. As a rule, the resolution of strategic development issues is concentrated in a relatively small corporate governance body.

Raising the issue of engineering expansions, there is an urgent need to create engineering enterprises in the structures of companies and diversify production. These structures should focus on the production and independent promotion of new products and technologies operating on the principles of risky financing. Small enterprises are created both on an independent basis and by agreement with other companies, or on a cooperative basis.

The transitional economy objectively requires fundamentally new forms of organizations and management methods for Russian conditions. These include the following modes of operation:

· transformation of structures;

· change in state influence;

· change in market impact.

To do this, in order to form and reorganize enterprises, it is necessary to take into account, using a systematic approach, the features of development:

· internal features of economic management structures;

· dynamically changing external conditions;

· emerging progressive trends.

The presented materials are necessary for the emergence of a new scientific management model in the conditions of the transition period. The basis of this model will be integration processes that unite domestic markets with the help of global information systems.

This message has special meaning for Russia with its diverse historical experience, huge resource potential and scale of production. The long-term perspective of governance in a market economy seems quite feasible. Speaking about the trends in the development of organizational management structures, we will touch on the following of them.

Development of the corporate governance structure. This name comes from the Latin word "corporation", that is, association, community. It is the association that is the main factor. The structure is distinguished by specific conditions of activity that require the participation of many organizations and groups, the goals of which are combined with the general goals of the corporation. In this structure, the emphasis is on the specific characteristics of the organizational structure, which are formed in accordance with corporate goals, strategies, interests and values. The above characteristics should be considered as development trends, and not as quantitative values. The characteristics of well-known corporations differ from those of the model, due to traditionally developing processes or as a result of production features.

Consider the most significant characteristics.

The corporation has a sustainable development strategy recognized by the team and society (Known corporate structures are recognizable by their characteristic qualitative features). Economist Alfred Chandler writes that structure is driven by strategy. The structure, in turn, gives the strategy clarity, concreteness, vitality, realizability. It is the strategy through the structure that becomes the influencing factor, the means of control and the structural element. The difference between the structure lies in the formation of a special innovative thinking of employees and in the system of motivation aimed at innovations. That is, the image of the company creates the image of the organizational culture of the corporation as a complex characteristic of the management structure.

The next trend is the unification of the interests of shareholders, staff and managers. Here, the priority characteristic of the corporate structure is both the combination and unification of the interests of shareholders, and the interests of personnel and managers in the implementation of the corporate strategy. Attention is drawn to the interests of shareholders through their participation in the affairs of the company. An atmosphere of trust and interest in expanding capital is being created. Through the relationship between managers and staff, a style of cooperation is formed. Business energy is aimed at the correct selection of the motivation system, and its focus on common interests and goals.

Thus, each functional sphere continuously interacts both with the subjects of external relations and with elements of internal links. This structure is open to the formation of sustainable corporate motivation, corporate culture and leadership style. However, a high level of centralization of management remains, which is explained by the instability of the current economic situation in Russia, as well as the volatility of the financial market, economic instability is compensated by the professionalism of senior managers. It is noted that when forming the organizational structure of management, the main direction is aimed at the requirement that the organizational structure of management correspond to the development strategy of the organization as a whole. This includes a complex of socio-economic and organizational and technical characteristics of management, as well as compliance with the country's legislation.

The next trend is the presence of the principle of production specialization by types and types of an expanding product range, which accordingly increases the management hierarchy and complicates vertical interactions and information flows.

One of the trends sounds like industrial specialization and has a leading role in the formation of corporations. However, corporatism is manifested in a complex combination of industrial, economic and organizational integration. The united enterprises and organizations create a single organism that ensures the reproductive nature of the activity.

In our case, corporatism acts as a managerial characteristic, however, the degree of manifestation of corporatism in modern systems is different. And attention is drawn to this characteristic due to the fact that the formation of such structures has many positive aspects for the reformed Russian economy.

In the transition to market relations, the so-called infrastructural opportunities are of no small importance. So, one of the trends sounds like favorable conditions for investment. It is believed that the problem will grow to the key problem of the structural restructuring of the Russian economy. Moreover, the problem is relevant if it is implemented with the participation of financial capital of investment programs focused on the production of competitive products on the world market. Using experience, it was determined that one of the ways to ensure investment projects are financial and industrial groups. At the same time, the role of commercial banks is changing significantly, which not only provide loans to industrial enterprises, but also become co-owners of these enterprises by acquiring their shares. This path becomes mutual, as enterprises also become co-owners of the banking infrastructure, through the acquisition of shares in commercial banks or the establishment of their own commercial banks.

A positive feature of this association is noted, since it creates mutually beneficial conditions for development, through business relations between interested enterprises, which serves:

· takeover protection;

· distribution of risks between participants;

· stability and security;

· stability of risk level and profit dynamics;

· integration of participants' interests;

· stability and security with a stable level of risk and normal profit dynamics.

Thus, planning is understood as the optimal allocation of resources to achieve the goals and actions in the future. In modern literature, strategy is understood as a general plan for conducting a struggle based on the specific conditions of a given period of time and a comprehensive plan designed to ensure the implementation of the mission of the organization and the achievement of its goals within a certain period of time.

The organizational structure of management is understood as a set of specialized functional units interconnected in the process of substantiation, development, adoption and implementation of management decisions. The organizational structure of management is presented as a hierarchical diagram showing the composition, subordination and relationships of the structural units of the organization.

Of interest is another point of view on the problem as a set of ways in which the labor process is first divided into separate work tasks, and then coordination of actions to solve problems is achieved. This is achieved by the distribution of responsibility and authority within the organization.

2. Description of the enterprise Warehouse Service LLC

.1 General characteristics of the company "Sklad Servis" LLC

Vorsino Industrial Park is located at a distance of:

· 150 kilometers from Sheremetyevo airport;

· 60 kilometers from Vnukovo airport;

· 90 kilometers from Domodedovo airport.

The nearest settlements from the industrial park "Vorsino":

· Obninsk (population 120 thousand people);

· Balabanovo (population 25 thousand people);

· Naro-Fominsk (population 73 thousand people).

There is also a high regional population density, so, within the radius:

· 50 kilometers is home to more than 400 thousand people;

· More than 6 million people live in 100 kilometers;

· More than 25% of the population of the Russian Federation lives 600 kilometers away.

Kinds economic activity enterprises of Warehouse Service LLC are presented in table 1.

Table 1. Types of economic activities of Sklad Servis LLC

Class A warehouse complex of Warehouse Service LLC was put into operation in 2009, equipped with high-class equipment, an automated warehouse accounting system, specialized equipment that meets international standards, its own parking lot and the ability to work with 20 trucks at a time. Warehouse terminal services:


· shipment and storage of cargo;

· customs clearance;

services of temporary storage warehouse;


When analyzing the charter of Warehouse Service LLC, the main emphasis was placed on the description of the norms that significantly determine the dependence of the owner's rights. Description of the relevant norms established by the current legislation. Emphasis is also placed on the description of the specifics of the rights of the owner.

In the first section of the Bylaws, the definition legal status Companies based on the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

The Company is a legal entity under the laws of the Russian Federation.

The purpose of the company's activity and the subject of activity are set out in article No. 3 of this Charter, which states that the purpose of the company's activity is to make a profit.

Article No. 4 of this Charter speaks of the members of the Society. It also discusses the rights of a member of the company and his obligations. In addition to the obligations provided for by these Articles, additional obligations may be imposed on the participant (participants). The decision to impose and terminate additional obligations on the participant (participants) is made at the general meeting of participants.

3. The authorized capital of the enterprise

The authorized capital of Warehouse Service LLC is made up of the nominal value of the shares of its Participants. The authorized capital of the company is 10,000 (Ten thousand) rubles. Maximum size the share of the participant is not limited.

4. Personnel and organizational structure of the enterprise

Article No. 9 of this Articles of Association of Warehouse Service LLC determines the management and control bodies of the Company. These include:

· general meeting of participants;


In accordance with Article No. 9.1. of this Charter, the supreme governing body of the company is the general meeting of participants. Management of the current activities of the Company is carried out by the sole executive body of the Company - the director, who is accountable to the general meeting.

The competences of the general meeting are defined in Article No. 10 of this Charter. The sole executive body is a director elected by the general meeting for a term of at least one year. The director's competences are defined in Article No. 13 of this Charter.

Warehouse Service LLC is registered as a legal entity and operates on the basis of the charter and legislation of the Russian Federation. Warehouse Service LLC is a commercial organization pursuing profit making as the main goal of its activity. This enterprise has civil rights, as well as civil obligations necessary for the implementation of economic activities, i.e. has civil rights.

Warehouse Service LLC, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, has full economic independence. The enterprise has a separate property, has an independent balance sheet, bank accounts in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Also, the enterprise, on its own behalf, independently acts as a participant in civil circulation, acquires and exercises property and personal non-property rights, has obligations, acts as a plaintiff and defendant in court, in an arbitration or arbitration court and has other rights of a legal entity that is a commercial organization. Warehouse Service LLC and its officials take measures to preserve state and commercial secrets in the course of production, financial and business activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other legal acts.

The enterprise has a round seal containing its full company name in Russian and an indication of its location. In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as paragraph 1 of Art. 3 of the Federal Law of February 08, 1998 No. 14-FZ "On Limited Liability Companies", Warehouse Service LLC is liable for its obligations with all its property. The Company is not liable for the obligations of its members.

The authorized capital of the company is 10,000.00 rubles. The authorized capital of the company may be increased at the expense of the company's property, or at the expense of additional contributions from the company's participants, or at the expense of contributions from third parties accepted by the company.

The Company is obliged to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, make mandatory payments to the budget and extra-budgetary funds correctly and in a timely manner, comply with the accounting rules, as well as the procedure and deadlines for submitting state statistical reporting.

This enterprise is managed by a General Director appointed by the owner.

Based on the presented staffing table of the Company, the staffing is determined in the amount of fifty-eight staff units and is presented in table 2. There is a significant number of employees directly employed in warehouse work, this is, first of all, the driver - operator; warehouse specialist; operator; auxiliary worker. There is also traced the presence of lower-level specialists, the so-called line managers, middle-level specialists who carry out the bulk of the work related to the implementation of legally established activities.

Table 2. Staffing of Warehouse Service LLC

№ п/пДолжностьКоличество штатных единиц1Генеральный директор12Заместитель Генерального директора13Начальник службы безопасности14Главный бухгалтер15Начальник складского хозяйства16Главный экономист17Начальник отдела кадров18Начальник юридического отдела19Начальник информационного отдела110Энергетик111Бухгалтер412Кассир113Экономист314Главный специалист515Специалист316Водитель - оператор1017Дворник218Программист219Специалист складского хозяйства420Оператор421Подсобный рабочий9Итого:58

At the same time, certain areas necessary for the implementation of the enterprise's activities have been outsourced. Such areas include security functions and technical operations. Such activities are carried out in order to save resources.

Attention should be paid to the fact of the development of the enterprise. Given the short period of activity of the enterprise, the staff is in constant motion, the organizational structure of management is being improved and management approaches are being formed.

Figure 5 shows the organizational structure of management of Sklad Servis LLC. This structure is compiled on the basis of information received during communication with the Deputy General Director of the enterprise. Based on the presented organizational structure of management, it follows that this structure was created on the principle of a linear structure. In this case, the Director General is subordinate to:

· Deputy General Director;

· Director of security;

· Chief Accountant;

· Head economist.

It is these divisions that will allow the Director General to stand apart on problematic issues and business development issues, at the same time, the production itself, passing into the hands of professionals.

Based on the presented organizational structure of the management of Warehouse Service LLC, it follows that this structure was created according to the linear-functional principle of construction. This enterprise is managed by a General Director appointed by the owner. Based on the presented staffing table of the Company, the staffing level is determined as fifty-eight staff positions.

The enterprise has all the equipment necessary for production. The area of ​​land occupied by the enterprise is 6.5 hectares. That allows you to place warehouse space and auxiliary units. The enterprise has a developed infrastructure: medium-pressure main gas, its own electrical substation with a capacity of 300 kVA, and a car entrance. The road surface of the territory is suitable for the passage of heavy vehicles. The territory of the enterprise is closed to unauthorized persons, there are

An enterprise, on its own behalf, independently acts as a participant in civil transactions, acquires and exercises property and personal non-property rights, bears obligations, acts as a plaintiff and defendant in court, in an arbitration or arbitration court and has other rights of a legal entity that is a commercial organization.

The enterprise and its officials purposefully carry out measures to preserve state and commercial secrets in the course of production, financial and economic activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other legal acts.

In accordance with Russian legislation, the company is obliged to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, correctly and timely make mandatory payments to the budget and extra-budgetary funds, comply with accounting rules, the procedure and deadlines for submitting state statistical reports.

Thus, based on the title documents, the enterprise has a functioning body of management and control over the activities of the executive bodies of the company. Based on the charter documents of the Company, the General Director is elected by the general meeting of the company's participants for a period determined by the charter of the company - for three years. An agreement is concluded between him and the company, which is signed on behalf of the company by the person who chaired the general meeting of the company's participants, at which the person exercising the functions of the sole executive body of the company was elected. That is, as we see, the CEO is accountable to the general meeting of participants and the board of directors.

.2 Analysis of the financial condition of the company "Sklad Servis" LLC

The financial condition of the enterprise is characterized by a certain system of indicators reflecting the availability, placement, use of the financial resources of the enterprise, as well as all its production and economic activities. The general analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise is carried out on the basis of the balance sheet data for 2010-2012, profit and loss statements for 2010-2012. The number of periods considered in the analysis is 3.

Data for the first period under review are given as of December 31, 2010. Data for the last reviewed period are given as of 31.12.2012. The period with data as of December 31, 2011 was chosen as the base interval for analysis. As the reporting period for the analysis, the period with data presented as of 12/31/2012 was selected.

Further, the main approaches and directions that are used in financial analysis were considered. The balance sheet is a list of property and sources of its acquisition on a specific date. The property reflected in the asset balance is divided into:

· fixed assets;

· current assets.

Sources of formation of property in the asset are reflected in the liabilities side of the balance sheet.

Based on the analysis of forms, we analyze the main economic indicators of the activity of the organization under study.

Starting the analysis, it should be noted that the value of net working capital at the end of the analyzed period (December 31, 2012) amounted to 4283.00 rubles, which indicates that all current assets, as well as part of the fixed assets of the enterprise, are formed at the expense of short-term obligations.

Table 3. Balance sheet assets of Sklad Servis LLC

Balance item line code31.12.201231.12.201131.12.2010I. ВНЕОБОРОТНЫЕ АКТИВЫНематериальные активы11100,000,000,00Результаты исследований и разработок11200,000,000,00Нематериальные поисковые активы11300,000,005,00Материальные поисковые активы11400,000,000,00Основные средства1150390,00484,00520,00Доходные вложения в материальные ценности11600,000,000,00Долгосрочные финансовые вложения1170576,00576,00576,00Отложенные налоговые активы11800,000,000,00Прочие внеоборотные активы11900,000,000,00Итого по разделу I1100856,00950,00985,00II ОБОРОТНЫЕ АКТИВЫЗапасы1210826,002147,002690,00Налог на добавленную стоимость по приобретенным ценностям122000,0000,000,00Дебиторская задолженность12303632,001536,001203,00Финансовые вложения12400,000,000 .00Cash1250152.00121.00233.00Other current assets12600.000.000.00Total for Section II12004390.003720.003971.00BALANCE 16005136.004560.004846.00

It is noted that the structure of property over all the periods under review, when analyzing the balance sheet asset, showed that the total value of the enterprise's assets in the reporting period increased compared to the base one. As compared to the data as of December 31, 2011, assets and currency increased by 14.00%, which in absolute terms amounted to 576,000.00 rubles. Thus, in the reporting period, the balance sheet asset and the balance sheet currency are at the level of 5,136,000.00 rubles. To a greater extent, this happened due to an increase in the item "Accounts receivable".

Table 4. Liabilities of the balance sheet

Balance item line code31.12.201231.12.201131.12.2010III. EQUITY AND RESERVESShare capital131010,0010,0010.00Treasury shares repurchased from shareholders13200,000,000.00Revaluation beyond current assets 13400,000,000.00Additional capital13500,000,000.00Reserve capital13600,000,000.00Retained earnings (uncovered loss)13704173.003848.003683.00Total for Section III13004184.003858.003693.00IV. LONG-TERM LIABILITIES Borrowed funds14100,000,000.0 Deferred tax liabilities14200,000,000.0 Provisions for contingent liabilities14300,000,000.00 КРАТКОСРОЧНЫЕ ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬСТВАЗаемные средства15100,000,000,0Кредиторская задолженность15201063,00812,001263,00Доходы будущих периодов15300,000,000,00Резервы предстоящих расходов и платежей15400,000,000,00Прочие краткосрочные пассивы15500,000,000,00Итого по разделу V15001063,00812,001263,00БАЛАНС17005136,004560,004846,00

In the general structure of assets, non-current assets, the value of which as of December 31, 2010 amounted to 985,000.00 rubles, decreased by 12,900.00 rubles. (the rate of decrease in non-current assets amounted to -15.30%). As of December 31, 2012, the value of non-current assets was already 856,000.00 rubles. The rate of decrease is similar. Similarly, there is a decrease in the item "Fixed assets". So on December 31, 2010, this item was equal to 520,000.00 rubles, in the reporting year it was already 390,000.00 rubles.

The value of current assets, which amounted to 3,971,000.00 rubles as of December 31, 2010, also decreased by 419,000.00 rubles. (the rate of decrease in current assets amounted to -8%), and as of December 31, 2012, their value amounted to 4390.00 rubles. (60% of the total property structure). At the end of the reporting period, the largest share in the structure of total assets falls on current assets (80.00%), which indicates a fairly mobile structure of assets, contributing to the acceleration of the turnover of funds.

In the structure of non-current assets, their greatest change was caused by a decrease by 130,000.00 rubles, in comparison with the base period, in the item “Fixed assets”.

In the structure of current assets, the largest change was caused by a decrease by 1,864,000.00 rubles, in comparison with the base period, in the item “Inventory”. This indicates a positive trend. However, the amount of accounts receivable for the analyzed period increased by 2,429,000.00 rubles in total. which may indicate a deterioration in the situation with payment for the company's products and the choice of a suitable sales policy.

Considering accounts receivable, it should be noted that the company on December 31, 2012 has a surplus (accounts payable is lower than accounts receivable). The company pursues an active contractual policy. So the company finances its current activities at the expense of debtors.

The structure of the balance sheet liabilities and changes in the analyzed period are presented in Table. No. 6 and No. 7.

In terms of the liabilities of the analyzed enterprise, it can be seen that the increase in the balance sheet occurred mainly due to an increase in the item “Accounts payable”. Over the past period, the increase in the value of this item amounted to 251,000.00 rubles, which corresponds to -25.00% in percentage terms. Thus, at the end of the analyzed period, the value of the item "Accounts payable" was established at the level of 1,063,000.00 rubles.

The share of borrowed funds in the total sources of asset formation for the analyzed period decreased by 1.00%. Considering the change in the reserves of the enterprise and retained earnings, it can be noted that over the analyzed period their total value increased by an average of more than 30%.

Table 5. The structure of the liabilities side of the balance sheet of LLC "Sklad Servis"

Balance item line code31.12.201231.12.201131.12.2010III. КАПИТАЛ И РЕЗЕРВЫУставный капитал131010,0010,0010,00Собственные акции, выкупленные у акционеров13200,000,000,00Переоценка внеоборотных активов13400,000,000,00Добавочный капитал13500,000,000,00Резервный капитал13600,000,000,00Нераспределенная прибыль (непокрытый убыток)13704173,003848,003683,00Итого по разделу III13004184 .003858.003693.00IV. LONG-TERM LIABILITIES Borrowed funds14100,000,000.00Deferred tax liabilities14200,000,000.00Provisions for contingent liabilities14300,000,000.00Other long-term liabilities14500,000,000.00Total for Section IV14000,000,000.00V. КРАТКОСРОЧНЫЕ ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬСТВАЗаемные средства15100,000,000,00Кредиторская задолженность15201063,00812,001263,00Доходы будущих периодов15300,000,000,00Резервы предстоящих расходов и платежей15400,000,000,00Прочие краткосрочные пассивы15500,000,000,00Итого по разделу V15001063,00812,001263,00БАЛАНС17005136,004560,004846,00

In general, this can be called a positive trend, since an increase in reserves, funds and retained earnings may indicate the effective operation of the enterprise.

Changes in the analyzed period are presented in table. No. 6. In the general structure of liabilities, the amount of equity capital, which amounted to 3,693,000.00 rubles as of December 31, 2010, increased to 4,184,000.00 rubles. (growth rate was 22%), and as of December 31, 2012. To the greatest extent, this change occurred due to the growth of the item “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”.

Table 6. Changes in the liabilities side of the balance sheet of Sklad Servis LLC

LIABILITY31.12.201231.12.2011In abs. in terms of Growth Rate of Specific Gravity III. EQUITY AND RESERVESShare capital10,0010,000,000.00%0.00%Treasury shares purchased from shareholders0,000,000,000.00%0.00%Additional capital0,000,000,000.00%0.00%Reserve capital0,000,000,000.00%0, 00% Retained earnings (uncovered loss)4173.003848.00325.0011.00%0.00%Total for section III4184.003858.00325.0011.00%0.00%IV. LONG-TERM LIABILITIES Borrowed funds0,000,000,000.00%0.00% Deferred tax liabilities0,000,000,000.00%0.00% . SHORT-TERM LIABILITIES Borrowed funds00.0000.0000.0000.00%00.00%Accounts payable1063.00812.00251.0036.00%0.00%Deferred income0. for future expenses and payments0.000.000 .00%0.00%Other current liabilities0. V1063.00812.00251.0036.00%0.00%BALANCE1063.00812.00251.0036.00%0.00%

As of December 31, 2012, in the overall structure of debt, short-term liabilities exceed long-term ones, which, given the current amount of equity and reserves, may adversely affect the financial stability of the enterprise.

Short-term accounts payable, the amount of which as of December 31, 2011 was 812,000.00 rubles, increased to 1,063,000.00 rubles. (the rate of decrease was 37.20%), and as of December 31, 2012, its value was 1,063,000.00 rubles.

Table 7. Change in the income statement in the reporting period compared to the base period

Name31.12.201231.12.2011In abs. in terms of Growth Rate of Specific Gravity Income and expenses from ordinary activities ,0051.14%0.00%Selling expenses0,000,000,000,000.00%Administrative expenses0,000,000,000,000.00%Profit (loss) on sales444,00206.00238,0051.14%0.00%Other income and expensesInterest receivable0,000,000.0 .00% Interest payable0,000,000,000,000.00% Income from participation in other organizations0,000,000,000,000.00%Other income0,000,000,000,000.00%Other expenses(30.00)--30,007.9%0.00% before tax414,00206,00208,0052.42%0.00%Change in deferred tax assets0,000,000,000,000.00%Change in deferred tax liabilities0,000,000,000,000.00%Current income tax0,000,000,000,000.00%Net profit (loss)325 00165.00160.0046.03%0.00% For reference Aggregate financial result of the period325.00165.00160.0046.03%0.00%

The absence of the item “Borrowed Funds” had the greatest impact on the decrease in long-term liabilities.

The value of short-term accounts payable, which as of December 31, 2011 amounted to 812,000.00 rubles, on the contrary, increased (the growth rate was 35.00%), and as of December 31, 2012, its value amounted to 1,063,000.00 rubles. The largest share in the structure of short-term accounts payable as of December 31, 2011 is accounted for by the item “Accounts payable”.

Gross profit as of December 31, 2011 was 206,000.00 rubles. During the analyzed period, it increased by 238,000.00 rubles, which should be considered as a positive moment, and as of December 31, 2012, it amounted to 444,000.00 rubles.

Improving the efficiency of the enterprise can be called a higher rate of increase in cost in relation to the increase in revenue. The rate of increase in cost, while revenue changed by 27.51.%.

Assessing the dynamics of financial and economic activity indicators, special attention should be paid to the return on net assets and the weighted average cost of capital. For the successful development of activities, it is necessary that the return on net assets be higher weighted average cost capital, then the company is able to pay not only interest on loans and declared dividends, but also reinvest part of the net profit in production. The current situation at the enterprise suggests that the enterprise is able to pay not only interest on loans and declared dividends, but also reinvest part of the net profit into production. However, at the end of the period, the overall profitability of the enterprise was 2.5%. This state is considered as a positive moment, but it is necessary to look for ways to improve the efficiency of the organization. During the analyzed period, the values ​​of most profitability indicators either decreased or remained at the same level, which should rather be considered as a negative trend.

Thus, the organization under study is characterized by a relatively stable economic situation, accompanied by an increase in the volume of revenue and profit received, which gives it the opportunity for normal functioning in the future.

2.3 Analysis of the organizational structure of enterprise management

Warehouse Service LLC is equipped with production and storage facilities, as well as equipment necessary for production. Warehouse area is 40,000.00 sq.m.

Warehouse Service LLC is essentially a management company that performs the functions of corporate governance, financial and legal support. Based on the organizational structure of the enterprise, it was determined that the organizational structure is a functional management structure.

It is noted that Warehouse Service LLC pays sufficient attention to the issues of staff training and advanced training. Here, learning is not something external to the core function of the organization. Training should play a unifying role in achieving the organization's main strategic goals. The fact is that the company operates in a constantly changing environment, in which the knowledge and skills of people needed in their activities are also changing. Therefore, education and training must be continuous. It seems that Sklad Servis LLC evaluates training as an investment in human resources, which are evaluated similarly to other investments. Implemented learning methods such as on-the-job and off-the-job training are used in the organization, although not very often.

The main activity of the presented enterprise is trade, therefore, the manager can quite simply exercise control over employees.

There is a constant change in the management of this enterprise, focused on the search for perfect forms of influence. This is due to the youth of the enterprise and staff. Also, at the moment the company is actively working to improve the client base, choosing new approaches and methods of work. The company is looking for itself. The development of a specific structural policy involves both the definition of a general mechanism for its implementation, and the specification of the main directions of structural transformations. As for the general mechanism for pursuing a structural policy in the service market, the essence of the new approach here should be an orientation towards a two-level scheme of organization. Development should provide for the provision of both type and species diversity of wholesale organizations.

It is assumed that at the conceptual level, the strategy for the development of the wholesale link should proceed from the fact that the needs of the consumer goods market should be satisfied by two main types of wholesale organizations:

· large wholesale structures of a national (federal) scale;

· regional wholesalers.

Thus, wholesale organizations at the national level must ensure the wholesale turnover of large consignments of goods to consumers throughout the territory or in a number of regions of the country. These consumers may include wholesalers, large retail structures and their associations, as well as enterprises in the processing industries. The main purpose of this type of wholesale structures should be to form the necessary structure of distribution channels for large domestic manufacturers of products, as well as create favorable conditions for foreign suppliers of quality goods to enter the Russian consumer market.

The main priority for the functioning of this type of enterprise should be, on the one hand, the protection and support of domestic producers, and, on the other hand, the exclusion of the possibility of supplying goods to the Russian market through third countries, which leads to an overestimation of the general level of prices.

Thus, wholesale structures of the federal level must guarantee the strategic stability of the consumer market as a whole. Within the framework of this requirement, the product range of these wholesale organizations should also develop. Their assortment concept should be formed taking into account the list of goods purchased for federal needs and supplying consumers, as well as the product range, reflecting the specifics of the development of individual regions and hard-to-reach territories.

Representing the outer contour of the country's unified trading system, these structures should actually form a buffer zone in the wholesale services market. This zone should ensure the stability of the entire national wholesale trade system.

At the same time, a group of enterprises at the regional level should be formed, first of all, by autonomous or independent structures. Purchasing goods from wholesale structures of the federal scale and directly from commodity producers, both in the region of location and beyond, they bring them to retailers and other consumers in their area of ​​activity.

In addition to independent wholesale structures, regional wholesale trade systems are also formed by the marketing divisions of local industrial enterprises and wholesale structures of local large retail organizations (the so-called distribution centers). The priority of the activity of any wholesale structures of a regional scale should be the provision of goods to regional commodity markets. At the same time, no restrictions on the formation of their structure of economic relations on the part of the executive power of the regions should be provided.

The formation of a national wholesale trading system based on the principles of a two-tier approach will provide the necessary typical diversity of its constituent structures for Russian trade practice.

Speaking about the warehouse business, we define that warehouses are buildings, structures and various devices designed for receiving, placing and storing goods received by them, preparing them for consumption and release to the consumer.

Warehouses are one of the most important elements of logistics systems. The objective need for specially equipped places for holding stocks exists at all stages of the flow of materials, from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer. This explains the large number of different types of warehouses.

It is also noted that the sizes of warehouses vary in a wide range: from small premises with a total area of ​​several hundred square meters to giant warehouses covering areas of hundreds of thousands of square meters.

Warehouses also differ in the height of the stacking of goods. In some, the cargo is stored no higher than human height, in others, special devices are needed that can lift and accurately place the cargo in a cell at a height of 24 m or more.

Warehouses can have different designs: be placed in separate rooms (closed), have only a roof or a roof and one, two or three walls (semi-closed). Some goods are generally stored outdoors in specially equipped areas, in the so-called open warehouses.

The warehouse can create and maintain special mode e.g. temperature, humidity.

A warehouse may be intended for the storage of goods of one enterprise (single-use warehouse), or it may, under leasing conditions, be leased to individuals or legal entities (collective-use warehouse or warehouse-hotel).

An essential feature of the classification of warehouses is the possibility of delivery and export of goods. In order to deliver the cargo from the station, pier or port to the deep warehouse, it is necessary to use road transport. As a rule, the set of works performed in different warehouses is approximately the same. This is explained by the fact that warehouses perform the following similar functions in different logistics processes:

· temporary placement and storage of inventories;

· transformation of material flows;

· provision of logistics services in the service system.

Depending on the breadth of the range of stored products, there are:

· specialized warehouses;

· warehouses with a mixed or universal assortment.

Warehouses also differ in the degree of mechanization of warehouse operations:

· non-mechanized;

· complex-mechanized;

· automated;


We list the main operations that are performed in the selected areas of the warehouse. The first includes the unloading area, which is a mechanized and manual unloading Vehicle.

The next section is the acceptance expedition, where the product is accepted during non-working hours by the number of places and its short-term storage before being transferred to the main warehouse. Cargoes for the acceptance expedition come from the unloading area.

Plot acceptance of goods by quantity and quality. Cargoes to the receiving area can come from the unloading area and from the receiving expedition.

Storage area as the main part of the main warehouse premises where cargo is placed for storage and cargo is taken from storage places. In the immediate vicinity of it there is a picking area where the formation of cargo units containing a range of goods selected in accordance with customer orders takes place.

A dispatch expedition that connects the transport and the buyer with a logistics process, which involves both short-term storage of cargo units prepared for dispatch, and the organization of their delivery to the buyer.

This chain also requires a loading area with the possibility of loading vehicles in a manual and mechanized version.

Goods can be delivered to stores and other points of sale by centralized and decentralized methods. The most effective method of delivering goods to retailers is centralized delivery, in which the delivery of goods is carried out by the forces and means of the supplier based on the requests of retailers within the agreed time frame. The use of this method allows you to organize a more accurate supply of goods to stores, does not distract employees of retail trade enterprises from performing their main functional duties. With a rational, organized centralized delivery of goods, labor and transport are used more efficiently, and costs are reduced.

Freight turnover is determined on the basis of data on turnover and the average price of 1 ton of goods. Centralized delivery of goods should be carried out according to strictly established schedules, which is a timetable for the selection and delivery of goods to stores. They indicate route numbers, days of delivery, names of trade enterprises and their addresses, mode of transport and hours of delivery. When drawing up schedules, the location of the retail trade network, the volume of imported goods and the frequency of their importation, and the features of the operation of the transport used are taken into account.

To simplify the management of the supply process can be used technological maps. They indicate not only the day and time of delivery of goods to the store, but also the number of the vehicle servicing the route, the name of the driver, the size of the consignments of goods and other data.

The successful functioning of the supply system of a retail trade network requires the prompt collection, compilation and transfer to commercial services of information on the state of trade in individual goods at each retail trade enterprise. The operational management of the supply of goods to the retail trade network is assigned to the dispatch service. It collects and summarizes information received from stores, and promptly transfers it to the commercial service of the wholesale base to make the necessary decision on the import of goods.

It is important that when calculating the areas of storage devices, one should be guided by the current standards for the technological design of new, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of old warehouses. As a rule, the usable area is determined in two ways: by the method of loading per unit floor area and by using the coefficient

A variety of equipment is widely used in material warehouses - racks, pallets, warehouse unified containers, etc. The use of this equipment contributes to a more complete use of storage space volumes, the introduction of integrated mechanization and automation of loading and unloading and storage operations, ensuring the quantitative and qualitative safety of material assets.

The main requirements for equipment for storing materials:

· the quality of the materials must be ensured. Each brand, grade and size of a particular material must be stored in an appropriate rack, bin, bin, etc. It is impossible to store two (or more) grades of material grades in one cell of a rack, bin and bunker, so that this complicates the release of materials, causes its damage and re-grading; high-quality preservation of a material or product is ensured only if, along with the required type of building for storing this material, an appropriate type of shelving or other device is adopted;

· the equipment should allow the material to be laid on one side, and released on the other, while ensuring the direct flow of the receipt and release of materials;

· when choosing the type of rack or other device, it is necessary to strive to ensure convenient stacking and removal of material from the rack or other device using lifting and transport mechanisms that are used in the warehouse;

· the maximum use of the volume of the warehouse, racking and other storage device must be ensured;

· the design of racks and other devices, if necessary, should allow the use of their capacity in connection with a change in the amount of stored materials;

· the design of racks and other devices should be simple, light, cheap, and, if necessary, collapsible.

The dimensions of the cells and racks are used depending on the dimensions of the materials, the methods of their stacking and the accepted organization and mechanization of intra-warehouse work.

For warehouse processing of various materials, various types of hoisting and transport machines and devices can be used. So, for example, various carts, conveyors, cranes, loaders and other machines can be used to work with packaged and piece cargo. But among a large number of various machines and devices in relation to the processing of certain types of materials, not all are convenient and cost-effective. The convenience and economic efficiency of the use of certain mechanisms depends on the turnover, the nature of the processed materials, their weight, overall dimensions and other conditions. Only a thorough analysis and economic calculations will make it possible to establish and select the most advantageous type of material handling machine or other device for a given warehouse.

The logistics system needs to be improved. It must become a flexible mechanism helping the national economy to work rhythmically and steadily. In this regard, it is important to improve economic work warehousing of wholesale enterprises.

An important indicator for evaluating the work of existing warehouses is the uninterrupted supply of consumers. The quality of the warehouse operation is characterized by timeliness, continuity and completeness of the supply of materials to consumers with the least expenditure of material and money.

When choosing a variant of a warehouse device and mechanization of loading and unloading and intra-warehouse operations, the size of the initial capital investment is essential. The most profitable option will be considered the one that, at the lowest initial cost, will give the best technical and economic indicators. In this case, the payback period of investments will be shorter.

In our time, warehouse designers are tasked with the development, creation and implementation of new progressive technologies for warehouse processing of goods with the necessary progressive complex of machines and equipment. In accordance with this, the following key areas of scientific and technological progress in the design of modern automated wholesale trade enterprises with service shops can be named:

· development and formation of optimal structures for handling equipment in terms of carrying capacity and specialization;

· automation of loading and unloading, handling and storage operations with the widespread use of microprocessor technology, computers, the development of dispatching based on information systems;

· improvement of lifting and transport vehicles in order to increase reliability and reduce maintenance costs during operation;

· further development and improvement of the efficiency of container and package transportation of goods;

· development and implementation of unified progressive technological processes for warehouse operation.

Thus, we have considered, most likely, the ideal system for organizing the warehousing process at the enterprise under study.

It is important that the management of the enterprise is aware of the importance of change. The management itself is actively involved in the formation of a new business outlook, however, the existing management system at the enterprise, as a rule, hinders innovation. The disadvantages of this structure include the lack of a service necessary to solve specific administrative work.

3. Improving the organizational structure

.1 Suggestions for improving the management structure

In the previous chapter, we determined that Warehouse Service LLC, in terms of management and planning, is tied to its responsibilities. The task of the enterprise is reduced to a clear and professional implementation of its main function. It is on the basis of this thesis that the production strategy should be formed.

A comprehensive analysis of modern management practice, developed arguments of scientists and practitioners allow us to clearly state the need for effective organizational and methodological solutions to support management in market conditions. It is noted that the issues of strategic management should be interconnected and interact with each other.

When defining a strategy and calculating its effectiveness, two parts of the process should be taken into account, these are the income part and the expenditure part. This approach will allow to ensure a "balance of interests" and the calculation of forces.

It is determined that the expenditure part should collect the costs of formalization and analysis of business processes, order and regulation, as well as automation of management processes.

First, do not skip the training and retraining of personnel, and the ratio of its new management and information technologies. It is also determined that recently it is proposed to take into account the so-called external resource, primarily consultants, and the internal resource representing their own employees in the calculations, because when changing business processes, they spend a lot of extra time. To analyze the efficiency, there are quite simple algorithms, so it is easy to calculate the expenditure part.

Secondly, the main importance should be given to the reorganization and formation of the organizational structure of management.

Also, the income side causes more problems, and everything is not so simple here, because you need to take into account many different factors, ranging from receiving competitive advantage by the company as a whole and ending with the acceleration of individual business processes, the optimization of personnel costs and the improvement of the quality of individual processes. One of the activities is to obtain the main effect from the implementation of the management process.

Otherwise, the presented process can be described as putting things in order at the enterprise through the consolidation of optimized procedures by regulating and automating them. Here it is important to define the process as continuous improvement in a separate management cycle. That is this control will allow to formalize the existing processes in the company and change them in order to optimize them according to the set parameters of time, cost and quality.

Achieving the set parameters, as a rule, can be achieved in several ways. These include, first of all, the automation of processes, or the regulation of activities. So each of the proposed methods should have both positive and negative sides that affect the quality parameters.

Thirdly, a number of authors in the first places determine the issues of structuring information flows. These changes are designed not only to structure but also to fix the work routes. Here it is important to ensure the structuring of information flows. Process optimization is necessary to eliminate unnecessary cycles of interaction in the process. Typically, implementing this small change can reduce process time by 10% and also reduce costs in the process by 5-7%.

Russian practice shows that only the creation of measures to restore order in management processes is often impossible without the introduction of information systems. The changes themselves are necessary, but in our case they mean the introduction of a socially oriented management structure aimed at increasing production efficiency and solving issues of managing personnel problems. According to the pages of information sources, information was found that only an innovation aimed at structuring management decisions will increase the return on labor up to 20%

An important parameter in optimizing business processes is its cost over a certain period of time. In addition to reducing the time and cost of processes for the vast majority of companies, their quality is a very important factor. In addition to optimizing business processes to reduce cost, improve quality, and speed up their execution time, there are examples related to ease of change. For example, in a geographically distributed company, there is a process that affects all departments. At the same time, the process is supported by various information systems from different developers. If a change needs to be made to such a regionally distributed process, it will result in the need for multiple amendments across all systems. That if possible, it will drag on for more than one month and require a serious budget of several hundred thousand euros. Thus, the ability to quickly make changes to the production process is a defining criterion for many companies operating on competitive markets, which must also be taken into account in the calculations of the revenue side.

With such data on the effectiveness of management in the company, one should make a decision and implement changes to optimize existing processes.

After analyzing the enterprise and its problems, we concluded that it is necessary to carry out certain activities aimed at solving strategic problems.

One of the proposed directions is to change the organizational structure of management.

The presented changes will make it possible to plan the production process more clearly, and at the enterprise itself to form strategic directions for the production process. All this taken together will satisfy the needs of the market in a variety of products and involve high-quality labor resources.

We have proposed a different approach to the management system at this enterprise. To do this, it includes certain interconnected elements. These should include:

· determining the need for planning;

· ensuring the need for personnel;

· ensuring the management and planning process;

· strategic development of the enterprise.

The entire division is subordinate to the General Director. Therefore, the changes affected the structures of top management.

There was a resubordination of the economic service to the subordination of the Head of the Security Service.

Instead, the position of Deputy Director for Development was introduced, with the Information Department, the Planning Department and the Personnel Service being reassigned to him. This change will allow for a concentration aimed at improving development.

The quality of this unit will directly depend on the diligence, composure and focus of the leader. However, according to the personnel department, most likely, the new position will be offered to the Chief Economist, as he is most suitable for organizing innovations.

Table 8. Staffing of Warehouse Service LLC

№ п/пДолжностьКоличество штатных единиц1Генеральный директор12Заместитель Генерального директора13Заместитель Генерального директора по развитию14Главный бухгалтер15Начальник складского хозяйства16Главный экономист17Начальник отдела кадров18Начальник юридического отдела19Начальник информационного отдела110Энергетик111Бухгалтер412Кассир113Экономист314Главный специалист515Специалист316Водитель - оператор1017Дворник218Программист219Специалист складского хозяйства420Оператор421Подсобный рабочий9Итого:58

It is considered expedient to invite a specialist adapted to the current structure and who knows the process to the new division. Accordingly, the personnel in the new division will be recruited both at the expense of those currently working and at the expense of specialists. The total number of staff will thus remain the same.

Given the above elements, it is important to note that for the implementation of such a system, the most important aspect is the selection of personnel in a certain area, in this case, trading, therefore it is logical that the proposed service should include a specialist with skills in the following areas:

· general planning;

· management planning;

· internal production control.

In addition, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise, the main functions of the unit can be distinguished:

Methodological development and ensuring the functioning of the personnel planning system. Activities include the main areas:

Strategic aspect:

· development of a balanced scorecard;

· setting up strategic accounting;

· event control.

In addition, the newly created unit must also be engaged in operational activities related to compliance with personnel issues and its control. What does it imply:

· accounting procedures and regulations;

· implementation and support of enterprise management.

.Coordination of management activities to achieve strategic and operational goals:

· operational planning in the field of the created structure;

3. Information and analytical support for the process of making managerial decisions at the enterprise:

· information flows and document flow;

· current control over the execution of plans.

· process efficiency assurance:

· development of performance indicators.

Summarizing the above, it is concluded that the introduction of the proposed structure at the enterprise is expedient to carry out in three main areas:

.The preparatory stage is an analysis of the financial and economic condition of the enterprise, including an analysis of production and sales volumes.

.Implementation phase of the proposed service:

· creation of an organizational structure;

· creating a workflow schedule;

· distribution of duties and powers within the structure.

3.Stage of automation:

· collection of information about the system;

· training of specialists.

Thus, these proposals will make the planning process clearer and will allow to shape the production process in the enterprise, as well as to meet the needs of the market in a variety of products.

3.2 Calculation of the cost-effectiveness of proposals

The economic efficiency of the proposed innovations is determined by the ratio of financial costs and performance results that provide the required rate of return, and is calculated both for the entire project as a whole and for individual participants, taking into account their contributions. At the same time, the flow of money acts as an effect at the t-th step (Et). That is, there is an inflow Pi(t) and an outflow Oi(t) of funds. The difference between them Фi(t) = Пi(t) - Оi(t), is the due inflow of real money, where i=1,2,3…

Hence, there is a need to determine the budget efficiency, which in its general ideology reflects the impact of the results of the implementation of innovations on the income and expenses of the enterprise.

The main indicator of budgetary efficiency used to justify the measures provided for in the project is the budgetary effect of the enterprise.

We also note that active implementation at enterprises with Russian origin, budgetary basis for building the personnel base of the enterprise. This approach has greater transparency, compared to other approaches, and such a structure also provides new opportunities for management. That is, it allows how to develop managerial tasks more clearly, and, most importantly, allows creative approaches in the field of monitoring the execution of tasks. Moreover, a specific task is tied to the budget, and allows us to talk about the effectiveness of the implementation of the set managerial tasks even at the stage of the process.

budget effect. B(t) for the t-th step of the project is defined as the excess of the income of the corresponding budget D(t) over the costs R(t) in connection with the implementation of this project: B(t) = D(t) - R(t). The integral budget effect B(t) is calculated as the sum of discounted annual budget effects or as the excess of integral budget revenues (Dint.) over integral budget expenditures (Rint.).

The total costs are presented in table No. 11. The cost of the purchased equipment is 120,000.00 rubles. These prices are offered by specialized centers in retail trade.

Personnel training is planned to be carried out at the expense of the enterprise's own resources. Training costs average 15,000 rubles per person, for a two-week training. Considering that it is planned to cover the entire engineering and management personnel of the enterprise with training, this will be one of the costly budget items.

The purpose of the training is to develop an understanding of deviations and adaptation requirements, to ensure timely observation and development of measures to eliminate deviations; recognize problems and management practices. Learning is not something external to the core function of the organization. The process should play a unifying role in achieving the organization's key business objectives. The fact is that the company operates in a constantly changing environment, in which the knowledge and skills of people needed in their activities are also changing. Therefore, education and training must be continuous. Training should be valued as an investment in human resources. Implemented learning methods such as on-the-job and off-the-job training are used in organizations, although not very often.

Thus, on-the-job training is characterized by close interaction with normal work in a normal working situation. Theorists of this way of learning include non-standard situations faced by a specialist, as well as the invitation of an arbitrator to clarify the specific features of learning.

Learning outside the workplace, on the contrary, includes all types of learning outside the workplace. Such training includes various conferences, seminars, programs, advanced training courses. Upon completion of this type of training, a certificate is issued confirming the advanced training.

Let us present the total budget for the costs required to implement the proposed measures.

Table 9. Total costs required to create a new unit

NameCost, rub.Personnel training220000.00Information technology150000.00Workplace equipment120000.00Total490000.00

The next step will be to determine the source of funding for the proposed innovations. The project can be financed either from its own sources, or from borrowed sources, involving a bank loan.

Based on section 2.2. This study noted that the company has made a profit over the past three years.

Table 10. Profit of the enterprise for 2010-12

Name31.12.201231.12.201131.12.2010Net profit (loss) of the reporting period325.00165.00160.00

The company has a profit, which will finance the costs associated with the creation of a new management structure for the adoption. The data was obtained on the basis of the financial analysis of the enterprise. After conducting a financial analysis of the company, we found that the company has a profit, which will go to the creation of the project.

This project will be financed from its own sources. We will calculate the expected profit from the implementation of this project. The calculation will be made as the average value of the indicators presented in section 3.1. this study:

· coefficient - deflator;

· refinancing rates;

· MIBOR rates - Moscow InterBank Offered Rate.

This method of calculation will increase the accuracy of the forecast and at the same time take into account the existing risks.

(30% + 56% + 8,25% + 8,21%)/4

As a result of the calculations, the so-called cost transfer coefficient for a defined period was obtained.

This coefficient turned out to be equal to 1.2562.

The next step is to calculate the expected profit for 2013, based on the assumption of the profit received from the improvement of the enterprise management structure.

Table 12. Profit of the enterprise for 2010-12 (thousand rubles)

NameDecember 31, 2012 Value transfer ratio Estimated profit 2013 Net profit (loss)325,001,2562408,37

Thus, the enterprise, when implementing the proposed changes, will have a profit, which will finance the costs associated with the creation of a new management structure. This, based on the data given, this structure will increase the revenue side of the budget up to 30% to reduce current costs. According to the balance sheet, this enterprise has a profit, and it is expedient to finance the project at the expense of its own resources.

Consequently, the cost reduction will occur to the level of 2657412.00 rubles.

Also, in connection with the foundation of this unit, labor productivity should increase to 1.5% due to the optimization of operations, material and technical, labor efficiency.

Hence, the payback period of the presented project, it is advisable to calculate based on 12 months.

Having invested financial resources in the management process, as there is an improvement in the use of the enterprise's labor resources, additional labor capital is attracted, production is optimized, personnel are rotated, and the enterprise's assets are effectively used.


The current state of the market economy forces us to build a company associated with a change in the system of labor resources on other principles. Management of labor, labor and material resources are not new concepts that we are dealing with, however, the dynamism of the modern world and social changes force us to consistently study and form various optimization models of labor resource management. It is significant that only socio-economic management allows us to approach the problem of labor resource management from a different side than before.

The purpose of this study was to improve the management of the enterprise on the basis of improving the management of labor resources of LLC Warehouse Service.

In preparing this project, the works of leading domestic and foreign scientists on the problem under study, data from statistical authorities, regulatory and reference materials, and periodicals were used.

In the Introduction, the main direction of the research is given, the goals, objectives, and expected results of the research are defined.

The first chapter “Organizational structure as an element of management” reveals the concept of strategy, the term “organizational structure of management”, which should be interpreted as a set of specialized functional units interconnected in the process of justification, development, adoption and implementation of management decisions. The organizational structure of management is presented as a hierarchical diagram showing the composition, subordination and relationships of the structural units of the organization.

It is in the post-industrial economy that the resource should not be considered in isolation from the economic system, since this purposefully affects economic growth and becomes driving force economic progress.

It is planning that concerns all aspects of the life of the state. A well-established planning system makes it possible to determine the goals and priorities of the planned state actions, to substantiate the development paths and the necessary means of achievement. The first textbook on planning was published in China in the 4th century BC. BC. During this time, economic life has undergone a sufficient number of changes, new formations have appeared, and throughout the development of economic planning, due attention has been paid to all socio-economic formations of society. Despite the idea of ​​the greatest development of planning during the formation and development of a market economy, one should not abandon the idea held by a number of economists that the planning system of the Soviet economy was advanced and progressive. However, right now, in the conditions of growth and improvement of the economy of modern Russia, few economic entities manage to successfully conduct business, and the success of the enterprise's activities largely depends on a carefully thought-out policy, a well-developed action plan.

The second chapter "General characteristics of the enterprise "Sklad Servis" LLC" is completely devoted to the description of the enterprise. It gives the socio - economic situation of the enterprise, and analysis of management structures.

Warehouse Service LLC is a limited liability company. Full company name of the legal entity Warehouse Service LLC. Warehouse Service LLC was founded in 2008. The date of registration of this enterprise is August 24, 2008. When organizing this enterprise, the authorized capital was used in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and is equal to 10,000.00 rubles.

Warehouse Service LLC is located in Vorsino, Kaluga Region, 75 kilometers from Moscow. The legal address of this enterprise: Kaluga region with. Vorsino, industrial park "Vorsino".

It should be noted that the Vorsino Industrial Park was created by the Government of the Kaluga Region represented by the Regional Ministry of Economic Development together with the Kaluga Region Development Corporation. The status of an industrial park was assigned - April 1, 2008. The purpose of this project is the placement of enterprises of various industries.

The park is located along the M-3 Moscow-Kyiv highway, six kilometers from Obninsk, seventy-five kilometers from Moscow and ninety-five kilometers from Kaluga. In the immediate vicinity of the industrial park are:

· Highway M-3 "Moscow-Kyiv" with a capacity of 1,250 vehicles per hour with a four-lane traffic organization and the prospect of increasing to six lanes;

· Highway M-1 "Moscow-Minsk" at a distance of 40 kilometers;

· Highway A-101 "Moscow - Warsaw" at a distance of 15 kilometers;

· The customs terminal is located 5 kilometers from the industrial park "Vorsino";

· The railway station "Obninskoye" is located 10 kilometers from the industrial park (in the future - the opening of the railway station "Vorsino").

· Types of economic activities OOO Sklad Servis

Table 13

No. OKVED codeType of activity163.12.4Storage and warehousing of other goods

Currently, Warehouse Service LLC is a modern enterprise carrying out trading activities in the north of the Kaluga region. Warehouse Service LLC, registered in Obninsk, Kaluga region, founded in 2008. Currently, the company employs about 50 people. The enterprise has a developed infrastructure.

In the third chapter, "Improving the organizational structure," suggestions are made to more clearly design an organizational structure that is oriented towards work. It also considers ways to improve the process, as well as meet the needs of the market in a variety of products.

Conclusion. It serves to summarize the data obtained and present them in a form convenient for familiarization.

The work also contains a List of Sources Used, which presents a variety of literature used in the seasoned study and Appendixes, which collects sources on the topics presented.

List of sources used

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Increasing the efficiency of the enterprise is largely determined by the organization of the management system, which depends on the clear structure of the enterprise and the activities of all its elements in the direction of the chosen goal.

The need to improve the management structure at the present stage is determined by many factors. This includes optimizing the size of the administrative apparatus and its functions; introduction of automated control systems and development of decision-making systems.

Simplistically, the management structure is presented as its organization from separate departments with their relationships, which are determined by the goals set for the company and its departments and the distribution of functions between them. The organizational structure provides for the distribution of functions and powers for decision-making between executives responsible for the activities of the structural divisions of the organization.

The problem of improving the management structure involves clarifying the functions of departments, determining the rights and obligations of the manager and employee, eliminating multi-stage, duplication of functions and information flows. The main task here is to improve management efficiency.

The organizational structure, ideally, sees, first of all, the establishment of clear relationships between the individual divisions of the company, the distribution of rights and responsibilities between them. It implements various requirements for improving management systems, expressed in various principles. From these positions, the management structure can be viewed as a form of division and cooperation of management activities, within which the management process takes place.

In modern conditions, the success of an enterprise is determined, first of all, by the rational organization of production, cost reduction, development, i.e. management impact on internal factors production. The problem of flexibility and adaptability to constant changes in the external environment is put forward in the first place. These are, first of all, organizations that are associated with this enterprise by virtue of its goals and objectives. This includes both social factors and conditions that, without having a direct impact on the operational activities of the enterprise, predetermine its strategically important decisions. The significance of environmental factors is sharply increasing due to the growing complexity of the entire system of social relations.

At present, due to the high level of dynamics of the political and economic life of our society, the issues of adaptive and effective restructuring of the management systems of organizations of various levels and classes, regardless of the scale and technological complexity of their activities, are particularly acute. For many organizations, the timely restructuring of the management system in general becomes a matter of their “life”. From this point of view, knowledge of the principles and methods for assessing the effectiveness of management systems is a necessary requirement for the structure professional activity managerial workers.

The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the need to consider theoretical provisions for the development of practical recommendations for the implementation of the mechanism for the formation and development of the organizational structure of enterprise management in conditions of uncertainty, which ensures an increase in the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole.

1. Theoretical foundations of the organizational structure of management

1.1 The concept of the organizational structure of management

The organizational structure is the composition (specialization), the relationship and subordination of independent management units and individual positions that perform management functions. Each division and position is created to perform a specific set of management functions or work. To perform the functions of the subdivision, their officials are endowed with certain rights to dispose of resources and are responsible for the performance of the functions assigned to the subdivision.

The purpose of the organizational structure of management is to ensure the sustainable development of the socio-economic system through the formation, preservation and improvement of the ways of interconnection and interaction of the system with the external environment and the internal interaction of the elements of the system.

The components of organizational structures are:

Elements of organizational management structures - services or bodies of the management apparatus, as well as individual employees of these services (bodies);

Organizational relations - relations (connections) between organizational units, levels of its management, personnel, through which management functions are implemented;

Management levels - a set of rights, duties and responsibilities, characteristic of officials occupying a certain level in the hierarchical structure of the organization.

Authorizations are divided into three types:

1) the powers of line managers - the right to decide all issues of development of the organization or unit entrusted to them, as well as to give orders that are mandatory for other members of the organization (unit) to implement all functions, i.e. these are the powers to plan, organize, control, motivate the activities of personnel;

2) the powers of staff personnel - the right to plan, recommend, advise or help, but not order other members of the organization to carry out their orders, etc.;

3) functional authority - the right of an employee of the administrative apparatus to make decisions and perform actions that are usually performed by line managers.

The components of the organizational structure are interdependent: changes in each of them (the number of elements and levels, the number and nature of connections and the powers of employees) necessitate a review of all the others.

Thus, setting a new organizational task involves solving a number of questions: is it necessary to form a new department to solve it; who will be its leader; what will be the number of staff of the department; what functions he will perform, to whom he will report and what place he will occupy in the hierarchical structure; what will be its relationship with other parts of the organization.

An increase in the number of elements and levels in the management structure inevitably leads to a multiple increase in the number and complexity of connections that arise in the process of making managerial decisions, which often results in a slowdown in the management process, which in modern conditions is identical to the deterioration in the quality of the organization's management.

The organizational structure of the elevator is represented by departments with their relationships. In accordance with the goals and distribution of functions between departments, a special position is occupied by the department of work on the sale of manufactured products. It can be said that other divisions work to ensure the work of this department, which are in a kind of dependence on this department. In CJSC Tabunsky Elevator, a situation of this kind arose more than once: due to improper performance of the duties of sales managers, the elevator simply stopped and all workers, from managers to the cleaning lady, were forced to go on unplanned unpaid leave. Thus, in the organizational structure, this department is linearly interconnected with all other departments.

A number of objective and universal requirements are imposed on modern organizational management structures, due to general economic and organizational factors and conditions, the observance of which allows the organization to function effectively:

Compliance with the goals and objectives of the organization, therefore, subordination to production and its needs;

Optimal division of labor between management bodies and individual employees, ensuring specialization, creative nature of work and normal workload;

The relationship of each employee, endowed with authority and responsibility, and the management body with the establishment of a system of vertical and horizontal links between them;

Correspondence between functions and responsibilities, on the one hand, and powers and responsibilities, on the other (violation of this requirement leads to dysfunction of the management system as a whole);

Adequacy to the socio-cultural environment of the organization;

Reliability, i.e. the structure of the control apparatus must guarantee the reliability of information transmission, prevent distortion of control commands, and ensure uninterrupted communication in the control system;

Adaptability and flexibility in accordance with changing environmental conditions (expansion of the tourist service area, taking into account changes in the tastes and needs of consumers, etc.);

Economy, i.e. achievement of the planned effect from the functioning of the structure with minimal costs for the administrative apparatus.

A change in the organizational form of an organization directly affects the formation of its management structure. Thus, a change in the organizational and legal form of an organization, its entry into another organization will certainly lead to a reorganization of the management structure. What happened when CJSC Tabunsky Elevator joined the Grana Association in 1996.

1.2 Types of organizational management structures

The management structure is determined by its constituent links and hierarchical levels of management. The structure should ensure the unity of stable links between its components and the reliable functioning of the system as a whole. In essence, the organizational structure determines the distribution of responsibilities and authorities within the organization.

As a rule, it is displayed in the form of a graphic diagram, the elements of which are hierarchically ordered organizational units (divisions, job positions).

In modern management, two types of organizational management structures are distinguished - mechanistic and organic.

The mechanistic and organic approaches to building an organization occupy an important place not only in the theory and practice of management, but also in the theory of organization. The names themselves - mechanistic and organic - reflect the main features of these approaches.

The use of the term "mechanical" to the organization is used to show that the system is designed like a machine for productive operations.

The term "organic" seems to give the organization the quality of a living organism, free from the shortcomings of the mechanistic structure. The description of the considered approaches is based on the situational theory.

Table 1. Characteristics and conditions for the effective application of mechanistic and organic approaches in the design of the organization

Mechanistic type of organization

Organic type of organization


Narrow specialization at work

Broad specialization at work

Working by the rules

Few rules and procedures

Clear rights and responsibilities

Ambitious Responsibility

Clarity in Hierarchy Levels

Management levels blurred

Relationships are formal and official

Relationships are informal and personal

Uncomplicated, stable environment

Complex, unstable environment

Goals and objectives are known

Uncertainty of goals and objectives

Tasks can be divided

Tasks do not have clear boundaries

Tasks are simple and clear

Tasks are difficult

Work is measurable

Work is difficult to measure

Salary motivates

This power is recognized

Top-Level Needs Motivation

The following types of organizational structures can be attributed to the mechanistic model:

Linear - division of the organization into interconnected departments in terms of number, time, territory;

Linear-headquarters - division of the organization into interconnected departments, depending not only on the number, but also on the features of the projects being implemented;

Functional - division of the organization into interconnected departments depending on the implemented organizational function;

Linear-functional - is a synthesis of linear and functional organizational structures.

Divisional - the division of the organization into relatively independent divisions that have their own control center and work either in different territories or with different services and products.

And the organic model includes such types of organizational structures as:

Matrix - project management, temporary target groups, permanent integrated groups, solving production problems, introducing new technologies.

The design structure is most often an addition to an already existing linear or linear-functional structure. The purpose of its creation is to develop a new direction of the enterprise's work within the framework of a new project.

Choice of management structure, i.e. its construction and modification is an important, and sometimes the most important factor in the successful functioning of the organization. Its essence is the adaptation of the structure to external conditions (requirements of the consumer and the market, society, government agencies, etc.) and internal factors in the development of the organization (its resources, technology, organization of production and labor, managerial decision-making processes, etc.) .

Supporters of classical management note the need to link the management structure with the following situational factors:

With the development strategy of the organization: if the organization has adopted an innovative development path, it will need to introduce a flexible management structure;

Technologies: with the routine nature of technologies, hierarchical structures are most often used;

Technologies associated with uncertainty require the organic construction of control structures. Technology has the greatest impact on the structure of those organizational units that are directly related to the production of products and services;

Characteristics environment: the more dynamic the external environment is, the more adaptability it requires from the organization. For example, in conditions of fierce competition, market research and the needs of tourists are of particular importance, therefore, a marketing service is allocated in the organizational structure, which determines the work strategy and corrects the activities of customer service managers.

1.3 Types of organizational management structures

Ш Linear organizational structure:

The linear organizational structure of management is based on the principle of unity in the distribution of instructions, according to which only a higher authority has the right to give orders. The organization is headed by the head, in his subordination are deputies - heads of linear divisions. They are endowed with full authority to exercise sole leadership of their subordinates, but they cannot contact each other directly.

The linear management structure is used in small organizations in the absence of broad cooperative ties between them.

With a linear management structure, management influences that are transferred to other levels of production and management include administrative functions (organization) and procedures (decision making).

Administrative (hierarchical) subordination is a clear subordination of employees in accordance with a given hierarchical scheme of company management (each subordinate has one hierarchical leader). Any final decision on the use of an employee's working time (in case of an overload of tasks on the part of the administrative, functional and operational managers) can only be made by the immediate administrative head of the employee or a higher administrative head.

In addition to administrative functions, the manager can also take over other functions necessary for the performance of work by a specific executor. At the same time, there may be no feedback informing the manager about the progress of the work. The leader in such a structure is called linear. Administrative functions and procedures can be delegated to key managers at lower levels of the management structure. The contractor can also transfer part of his work to a lower level and act in relation to him as a line manager.

Ш Functional organizational

The functional organizational structure of management is based on the principle of functional division of labor, in accordance with which functional units are created in the organization, endowed with authority and responsibility for the results of their functional activities.

The overall task of managing an organization, starting from the middle level, is divided according to a functional criterion. Also here, with the help of directive guidance, hierarchically lower levels of management can be connected to higher levels of management. The transfer of instructions, instructions and messages is carried out depending on the type of task. Sometimes such an organizational structure is called multilinear.

The functional management structure is used for a large number of specialized activities in the organization. It provides for the grouping of specialists and units that perform individual management functions. At the same time, the implementation of the instructions of the functional bodies (departments of planning, accounting, production maintenance, etc.) within their competence is mandatory for production units. This organizational structure is aimed at performing constantly recurring, routine tasks that do not require prompt decision-making. Functional services usually include highly qualified specialists who perform specific activities depending on the tasks assigned to them. The positive and negative aspects of this structure are reflected in Table 2.

Table 2 - Positive and negative qualities functional management structure



Reducing the number of coordination links;

Reducing duplication;

Standardization, formalization and programming of phenomena and processes;

Strengthening vertical ties and strengthening control over the activities of downstream

Ambiguous distribution of responsibility;

Difficult communication;

Lengthy decision making process;

The emergence of conflicts due to disagreement with the directives, as each functional leader raises his own questions

in first place;

However, the functional structure is not suitable for organizations with a wide range of products operating in an environment with rapidly changing consumer and technological needs, as well as for organizations operating on a large international scale, in several markets at the same time in countries with different laws.

The linear-functional management structure is a synthesis of linear and functional organizational structures. It is based on the vertical of management and the specialization of managerial work according to the functional services of the organization. Sometimes such a system is called a staff system, since the functional managers of the appropriate level make up the headquarters of the line manager.

With such an organizational structure, movement through the authorities is preserved, but functions related to the entire organization, for example, personnel policy, production preparation, scheduling and monitoring of their implementation, etc., are allocated to functional departments, which are given the authority to give orders.

Heads of line and functional departments have the right to joint decision-making for the corresponding department of the organization. For example, the right to recruit personnel for the customer service department belongs jointly to the head of human resources and the head of the customer service department; if they do not come to an agreement, then a higher authority must intervene. For the final result of the organization as a whole, its head is responsible, whose task is to ensure that all functional services contribute to its achievement. Therefore, he spends a lot of effort on coordinating and making decisions on products and markets. The large costs of this structure can be offset by improved economic performance.

Practice shows that the formation of levels of the organizational structure is influenced by such factors as the scale and type of organization, the direction of its activities, the number of strategic business units, strategic plans, etc.

The ongoing process of decentralization of management within the framework of a linear functional structure leads to the fact that rights and responsibilities are more deeply divided between different bodies that manage technical development, purchase of raw materials and materials, production, marketing, etc. This process is most typical for enterprises where a huge number of homogeneous products are consistently produced and where economies of scale are significant.

This structure also has its advantages and disadvantages. They are provided in Table 3.

Table 3 - Positive and negative aspects of the linear-functional management structure



High efficiency with a small variety of products and markets;

Centralized control, ensuring unity in solving the problems of the organization;

Functional specialization and experience;

High level of use of the potential of the function specialist;

Economy achieved through homogeneity of jobs and markets

The emergence of problems of interfunctional coordination;

Responsibility for the overall results of work only at the highest level;

Insufficient response to market changes;

Limited scale of entrepreneurship and innovation;

Increased decision-making time due to the need for approvals

When implementing a strategy for expanding the service market, the linear-functional structure changes in the direction of decreasing centralization. To do this, the most important divisions are distinguished in its composition, which are directly controlled by top management with the help of their management apparatus. Heads of departments have their own administrative apparatus, the tasks of which are associated with this level of management. Practice shows that the formation of levels of the organizational structure is influenced by such factors as the scale and type of organization, the direction of its activities, the number of strategic business units, strategic plans, etc.

There are also other governance structures. The most popular of them are matrix, project and divisional management structures.

Ш Divisional structure

In a linear structure, an increase in the number of hierarchy levels leads to a corresponding increase in the time for preparing, making, and implementing management decisions; the economic efficiency of an enterprise will begin to decrease with an increase in the size of the enterprise. One of the obvious ways out is the delegation by the head of the enterprise of part of his powers to the lower level, the level of divisions.

In principle, the linear and divisional structures differ only in the amount of delegated authority, there is no clear line between them. The key figures in the management of organizations with a divisional structure are not the heads of functional units, but the managers (managers) who head the production departments.

The structuring of the organization by departments is usually carried out according to one of three criteria; by products or services provided (product specialization), by consumer orientation (consumer specialization), by territories served (regional specialization).

Organization of divisions along product lines is one of the first forms of divisional structure, and today most of the largest consumer goods manufacturers with diversified products use a product organization structure.

When using the divisional-product management structure, departments are created for the main products. Managing the production and marketing of any product (service) is transferred to one person who is responsible for this type of product. Heads of auxiliary services report to him.

This type of organizational structure is used in rather specific areas, for example, in the field of education, where recently, along with traditional general education programs, special departments for advanced training have emerged, etc. An example of the active use of a consumer-oriented organizational structure is commercial banks. The main groups of consumers using their services are individual clients (individuals), pension funds, trust companies, international financial institutions.

If the activity of the enterprise covers large geographical areas, especially on an international scale, then it may be appropriate to organize the structure according to the territorial principle, i.e. at the location of its divisions. The regional structure facilitates the solution of problems related to local legislation, customs and consumer needs. This approach simplifies the communication of the enterprise with customers, as well as communication between its departments. Different types of divisional structure have the same goal - to ensure a more effective response of the enterprise to a particular environmental factor.

Ш Project structure

A design organization is a temporary structure created to solve a specific problem. The most qualified employees are assembled into one team, who are entrusted with the implementation of a complex project. When the project is completed, the team members either return to their previous positions or start the next project.

The main advantage of a design organization is that it concentrates all its efforts on solving a single task. While the head of a regular department must be torn between several projects at the same time, the project manager concentrates exclusively on him.

It is advisable to create design organizations at large enterprises. At many medium-sized, and even more so small enterprises, the creation of purely design organizations is ineffective and even unprofitable. Therefore, the project structure is, as it were, superimposed on a functional structure that is permanent for a given organization. Such a combined organizational structure is called matrix.

Ш Matrix structure

The most widely known version of the design organization is so different from the types just described that it deserves a separate name. It is called matrix organization.

In a matrix organization, project team members report to both the project manager and the heads of the functional departments in which they work full-time. The leader has the so-called project authority. These powers can range from near-pervasive line power over all the details of a project to almost pure staff power. The choice of a particular option is determined by what rights are delegated to it by the top management of the organization.

The main disadvantage of the matrix structure is its complexity. It is too complex, difficult and sometimes incomprehensible form of organization to constantly resort to it. A lot of problems arise from the imposition of vertical and horizontal powers, which undermines the principle of unity of command. Research shows that this overlap often leads to conflict. Also, in such a structure, the expected result may not be visible, the experience of interpersonal communication may also not appear, general relationships may not improve.

Other problems may also arise: in the struggle for power, inability to adapt to adverse economic conditions, excessive overhead costs.

Matrix organizational structures allow you to take advantage of both functional and divisional structures.

1.4 Division of labor in the organization

management personnel labor

The purpose of the functioning of the majority of the organization is achieved through the consistent solution of a number of tasks, each of which has a functional content. The stages of the management process can also be represented as sequentially changing functions. Both of these aspects are the essence of the specialization of workers in the performance of certain types of work, operations, procedures. The distribution of tasks between employees is carried out according to their professional affiliation and the availability of relevant skills and experience. The effectiveness of the organization and the personal labor contribution of each of them depend on how fully the qualifications of the performers are taken into account.

Within an organization, there are horizontal and vertical divisions of labor.

Ш The horizontal division of labor is carried out with the help of differentiation of functions in the organization.

The top-level manager has direct control over the middle-level managers. In turn, middle-level managers have direct control over the corresponding lower-level managers, and those - directly over a certain number of performers. This can be seen as a functionalization. Along with this, there is a geographical (territorial) division of labor associated with the degree of distribution of physical acts of the organization in different regions. In this structure, communication, coordination and control become more difficult. The division of all work into its constituent components is commonly referred to as the horizontal division of labor. For example, a professor gives a course of lectures, and an assistant conducts practical classes. In this case, he could conduct practical exercises himself, but, given the difference in qualifications, it is more expedient to transfer these functions to an assistant.

Ш Vertical division of labor

The top-level manager manages the activities of the middle and lower-level managers, i.e. formally has more power and higher status. Vertical differentiation is related to the management hierarchy in an organization. The more steps in the hierarchical ladder between the highest level of management and the performers, the more complex this organization is. Powers are distributed by positions and managers holding these positions. The purpose of the organization is seen as a guideline for directing the flow of connections and powers. Since the work in the organization is divided into its component parts, someone must coordinate, coordinate the activities of all parts of the system through a vertical division of labor that separates the work of coordinating actions from the actions themselves. The activity of coordinating the work of other people is the essence of management. It is important to take into account the degree of isolation of management functions.

The objective limitations of any leader makes the hierarchical organization important. The manager can reduce his workload by delegating it to a lower level, but at the same time, the workload increases, which has the character of monitoring the performance of work. The need for the next level of the hierarchy appears with an increase in the amount of work to control the capabilities of the manager. The number of persons reporting to one leader is usually referred to as the "sphere of control" or "sphere of control".

There are no general rules that can be used to determine the appropriate "scope of government" in every situation. It depends on various circumstances - on the manager's ability to establish ties with employees subordinate to him, the nature of the functions performed, the territorial location of divisions, the qualifications and experience of employees, forms of control and coordination, the nature of the mood of informal groups, etc.

The more different areas in the organization that require specialized knowledge and skills, the more complex it is.

Horizontal specialization is aimed at differentiation of functions. It covers the definition of work (connection of various individual knowledge) and the definition of the relationship between different types of work that can be performed by one or many workers.

The vertical division of labor involves the management and coordination of certain groups of people to achieve the goal.

2. Analysis of the management structure at CJSC "TABUNSKY ELEVATOR"

2.1 Management structure at ZAO Tabunsky Elevator

CJSC Tabunsky Elevator is a part of the GRANA association. The products produced by Tabunsky Elevator are even supplied abroad.

Tabunsky Elevator was founded in 1927. Initially, the enterprise was called "Tabunskiy sypnoy point". At the beginning of the 1990s, the volume of work at the enterprise, which was called Tabunskaya Grain Base N2, significantly decreased. The management decided to develop industrial processing of grain. In September 1996, JSC "Tabunskaya Khlebnaya Baza N2" joined the Association of Grain Processing Enterprises "Grana". From the moment of joining the Grana Association, the enterprise has been constantly actively expanding production, due to which it has been transformed from a grain receiving point into a large grain processing complex. The elevator capacity is 31,500 tons.

In fact, any elevator can be imagined as a huge machine, the operation of which is provided by a huge number of people. And, probably, the most important role here is played by the management apparatus. Yes, of course, other divisions are important as well. But if leaders and managers build the wrong concept of management, then very soon this whole huge machine will simply stop.

The elevator management structure is a distribution of tasks between structural units and employees, including empowering them to carry out one or another area of ​​activity to ensure the functioning of the organization.

The organizational structure of management at this enterprise, as well as in any other organization, includes links (departments), levels (stages) of management and connections between them - horizontal and vertical. The links of enterprise management are determined by its scale.

In small organizations with a small staff, management links are represented by individual specialists. In large organizations, they are divided into structural units focused on the performance of the relevant management functions. Communications between structural divisions have horizontal character.

The levels of elevator management are a set of management links, reflect the hierarchical structure of the organization and the relationship of leadership and subordination between levels of different levels.

Managerial tasks of managers, engineers who work at different levels of management depend on the position and specialization. For example, a grain purchasing manager contracts with suppliers in certain regions and monitors compliance with the concluded contract. Vertical dependence and subordination of management levels make it possible to distribute responsibility for the adoption and implementation of management decisions among the employees of the organization. At the highest level of management - the director and his deputies (chairman of the board of directors) develop strategic decisions affecting the organization's policy in the field of development, expansion of the enterprise. In addition, managers coordinate the activities of their deputies - heads of departments and other subordinates.

The specifics of one-man or collegiate management determines two sublevels of management - authorized management and general management. The middle level of management ensures the implementation of the organization's functioning policy, developed by the top management, and delegates a certain amount of tasks to subdivisions and departments of the lower level.

Middle-level specialists are responsible for selecting employees for the task and providing it with the necessary resources and information, perform control functions, as they are responsible for the timely completion of tasks, and monitor the results in order to identify deviations from the planned indicators. For example, a commercial director plans the activities of product sales managers, sets a work schedule for them, future sales indicators, evaluates the results of their previous work, exercises current and final control, provides training and information support. Mid-level specialists need to know all the specifics of their activities, be good organizers, and have skills in working with personnel. At the lowest level of management, managers perform not only managerial, but also executive functions. They are engaged in the implementation of weekly and daily tasks, work directly with the organization's executive staff and are responsible for bringing specific tasks to direct performers. For example, a manager for the purchase of raw materials is looking for suppliers of grain, concludes contracts with them, controls the supply of grain, and is responsible for the quality of the purchased product.

A multi-level management structure in an organization is appropriate for: an extensive service network and a large geographical coverage, a large number of employees. This enterprise is characterized by a mechanistic model of organization.

After analyzing the organizational structure of CJSC Tabunsky Elevator, we can say that it is linear-functional.


1. There is an adequacy of the purpose and functions of the governing structures to the goals and strategy of the organization;

2. The susceptibility of the structure to changes in external conditions and the ability to process and disseminate intensive information flows;

3. Strict control is exercised over the course of execution of management decisions and their results;

4. Delegated authority: each employee, within the scope of his competence, has the right to take independent solutions and take full responsibility for them;

5. The qualifications of managers and employees correspond to the range of their functional duties;

6. Clear system of mutual relations;

7. Clearly expressed responsibility;

8. Speed ​​of reaction in response to direct orders.


1. Lack of links for planning and preparing decisions;

2. Lack of quality control department

3. Tendency to red tape when resolving issues between departments;

4. Overload of top-level managers - heads of departments and subdivisions.

In the management structure, responsibility for decisions made is formulated as a range of responsibility for each position. All officials know what work they have to do within the assigned range of responsibility, within which each of them acts independently and is personally responsible for the results.

For the purpose of management efficiency, “horizontal” interaction is used - these are business relations that officials enter into to decide on their issues related to their range of responsibility.

The basis of this linear-functional management structure is a linear organization. Line managers have the right to single-handedly manage production activities and bear full responsibility for the results obtained.

As a result, the linear type of organization provides a clear target orientation to solving production problems. The functional basis of the organization allows solving complex managerial tasks, ensures the effectiveness of management due to its specialization and the growth of professional qualifications of management employees. An important advantage of the considered structure of ZAO Tabunsky Elevator is its versatility, the ability to quickly adapt to external changes.

3. Improving the organizational structure of the enterprise CJSC "TABUNSKY ELEVATOR"

3.1 Basics of modeling the organizational structure of enterprise management in modern conditions

One of the main conditions for the successful implementation of the process of improving the organizational structure is to provide it with the necessary human and material resources, as well as adequate methodological and information support.

It is especially necessary to emphasize the importance of organizational support for structural changes, which to a large extent affects not only the quality of structural changes, but also the amount of resources associated with them.

Considering the above, the following main requirements are proposed for the implementation of the process of improving the organizational structures of the management of Tabunsky Elevator CJSC:





support from top management;

· availability of resources;

· socio-psychological readiness;

the involvement of members of the organization.

The main reasons determining the need to improve the organizational structure of the management of Tabunsky Elevator CJSC are the following:

1. The development of market relations forms a new external economic environment, characterized by high mobility and uncertainty, while the existing linear-functional structures are rigid and incapable of adapting to the external environment.

2. Increasing the independence of the organization provides it, on the one hand, with a wide choice of ways further development On the other hand, it increases the responsibility for the rational use of the existing production potential, which requires changes in the content of existing functions, the emergence of new ones. At the same time, the inhibitory effect of the standard rules and procedures of the existing organizational structure of the enterprise is enhanced.

3. A large number of support functions to ensure the production process has caused top managers and department heads to be overloaded with current tasks, lengthening communication channels, while a rapidly changing environment requires quick decision making.

4. The striving of divisions for independence, which is facilitated by the processes of privatization and corporatization, the impossibility of managing divisions with the old administrative-command methods, the development of horizontal ties contributes to the decentralization of management.

When determining organizational forms for building a mechanism for structural improvement, we proceed from the following provisions: organizational forms must be flexible, help reduce employee resistance to change, provide a comprehensive and cost-effective solution to structural improvement issues, the functions of developing a concept for improving the organizational structure should be assigned to the highest management bodies, and operational issues be delegated to lower management levels.

The matrix type of organizational structures provides for management in two areas:

1) vertically - management provided by specialized units and services, each of which performs parts of managerial functions corresponding to its specialization;

2) horizontally - targeted management of coordinating (horizontal) links between these specialized units and services,

3.2 Development of the organizational structure of management of ZAO Tabunsky Elevator

The results of the study of enterprise management structures make it possible to substantiate the rational management structure of CJSC Tabunsky Elevator.

The purpose of creating the proposed management structure of our company is to ensure successful operation in a market economy. This goal can be achieved by transforming the organizational structures of enterprise management, which consists in the implementation of a set of measures to bring the conditions for the functioning of the administrative apparatus of the enterprise in line with the developed model.

The objectives of the proposed enterprise management structure are:

1. Reflection of the goals and objectives of the organization, and, therefore, be subordinate to production and its needs.

2. Achieving an optimal division of labor between management bodies and individual employees, ensuring the creative nature of the work and normal workload, as well as proper specialization.

A feature of the modern model of the organizational structure of management proposed in this paper is the allocation of strategic business units within the organization and giving individual production and functional structures the status of independent production complexes.

3. The formation of the management structure should be associated with the definition of the powers and responsibilities of each employee and management body, with the establishment of a system of vertical and horizontal links between them.

4. Between functions and responsibilities, on the one hand, and powers and responsibilities, on the other, it is necessary to maintain a correspondence, the violation of which leads to dysfunction of the management system as a whole.

5. The organizational structure of management is designed to be adequate to the socio-cultural environment of the organization, which has a significant impact on decisions regarding the level of centralization and detail, the distribution of powers and responsibilities, the degree of independence and the extent of control of middle managers.

In order to develop a program for reforming the enterprise and to manage it in the future, it is advisable, in our opinion, to create a specialized council with the provision of the necessary powers to it. It seems to us that it should include the head of the enterprise; head of the financial body (accounting); chief specialists.

The head of the enterprise, together with the Specialized Council and the Financial Authority, based on the forecasts for the development of the market for manufactured products, the assessment of potential risks, the analysis of the financial and economic condition and the effectiveness of enterprise management, as well as the analysis of strong and weaknesses the enterprise develops an enterprise development strategy, which, in our opinion, should include the definition of the following parameters:

The region or territory to which the sale of products is directed, the degree of geographical differentiation of this sale;

Market share to be taken;

The group of consumers to which the sale of products is directed;

Basic pricing strategy;

Type of enterprise activity strategy (competition strategy, market expansion strategy, etc.);

Qualification and practical experience of the personnel necessary for successful competition;

Possibility of cooperation with other enterprises and organizations.

In accordance with the chosen strategy of the enterprise's behavior in the market, an interconnected system is determined, which, in our opinion, should include the following components:

Production, technological and innovation policy (minimization of production costs, bringing product quality in line with consumer needs, creating an optimal system for providing service services, increasing competitiveness based on improving products and existing production technology, creating fundamentally new products and industries);

Pricing policy (setting prices for the company's products as part of its sales management policy in order to achieve the most profitable sales volumes, average production costs and the highest possible level of profit);

Financial policy (analysis and planning of cash flows, selection of a strategy for attracting external resources (loans, issuance form of raising capital), management of receivables and payables, development of accounting and tax policies, control and management of costs);

Combinations various sources financing, attraction of borrowed funds);

Personnel policy (formation of the ideology and principles of personnel work, planning, attraction, selection and release of employees, organization of work and personnel management, advanced training and training of employees of the enterprise, introduction of a system to stimulate their activities, development of social partnership).

At the same time, the range of activities of the Specialized Council may include:

Development of a program of measures to reduce costs, reduce energy and material consumption of products, its certification;

Development of measures to ensure the transparency of the financial condition of the enterprise (based on the improvement of management accounting, the transition to international accounting standards), as well as measures to ensure control over financial flows;

As the analysis of the literature shows, it is rational for large enterprises to form the following production and functional structures (for medium and small enterprises, their functions can be combined):

The proposed changes will allow, in our opinion, to implement the following principles:

Ensuring flexible response to market changes;

Ensuring the optimal level of decentralization of management decisions;

Assigning to any structural subdivision of an enterprise the organization and performance of a specific function performed by the enterprise, and duplication of the performance of the same functions by these subdivisions is unacceptable;

Personification of responsibility for the organization and performance of each function carried out by the enterprise.

Relevant changes in the creation of the proposed management structure are proposed to be fixed in the staffing table and regulations on the structural divisions of the enterprise, containing:

The main activities of the enterprise;

The main functions of enterprise management (organization of production, finance, economics, accounting, personnel);

Auxiliary functions of the enterprise;

Organizational links of the enterprise and the functions assigned to them for the implementation of the activities of the enterprise with the definition of the procedure for their implementation (rights, obligations, terms, incentives and punishments);

Allocation of independent divisions (auxiliary, serving);

Determination of the procedure for monitoring the compliance of the organizational structure with the activities of the enterprise and personification;

Responsibility for the performance of the specified control function.


In the process of studying the organization's management structure, the basic concepts and principles of building management structures, types of organizational management structures were studied.

Based on the analysis of the improvement of the organizational structure of management, carried out in the work on the example of CJSC Tabunsky Elevator, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The organizational structure of enterprise management is the internal order, consistency and interaction of individual parts of a single whole. It is formed from two interrelated components: the management structure and the production structure of the enterprise.

The management structure is defined as a form of distribution and coordination of management activities in the enterprise. It includes the composition of the governing bodies and establishes the nature of the relationship between them. Management structures are divided into two large groups- mechanistic and organic.

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IMPROVEMENT OF THE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF MANAGEMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE V.V. Zharikov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor E.A. Sinelnikova, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor N.I. Markina, master's student Moscow State University for the Humanities and Economics

In the presented research work, the authors consider issues related to the improvement of the organizational structure of enterprise management. The article presents the main criteria and principles for building a rational and adapted management structure, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise, as well as the influence of environmental factors. Analyzed the main reasons for the restructuring of organizational structures. Based on the basic principles of design presented and analyzed by the research team, they schematically presented an algorithm for the formation of an optimal organizational structure for enterprise management. The presented algorithm will improve the efficiency of measures to develop, adjust and improve the organizational structure, taking into account the specifics and types of activities of the enterprise.

At present, the problem of improving the organizational structures of management is becoming increasingly important in the activities of any enterprise, since the functioning organizational structures of enterprises are not sufficiently adapted and adapted to solving new management problems, to introducing new progressive technology and applying optimal management methods, to coordinating and combining heterogeneous management activities, as well as the development and implementation of innovations. Therefore, when building any enterprise, the task of managers is to choose or develop the optimal structure that most effectively meets the goals, strategies, objectives, specifics and conditions of the enterprise.

One of the most important areas for improving the activities of an enterprise is the rational management of the organizational structure. As a rule, the organizational structure is a set of links (structural divisions) and links between them, which ensure purposeful functioning, efficient operation and contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise.

To date, there are many types of organizational structures for managing an organization, but so far a universal organizational structure has not been developed that would be equally suitable for all types of enterprises. In a rational organizational structure of management, in our opinion, the repetition of the same functions at different levels of making a certain decision should not be allowed, there should be no duality of subordination, and it should correspond to the specifics and types of activities of the organization.

In the process of designing an organizational structure, a program for evaluating the effectiveness of

the effectiveness of the functioning of each unit, because, in case of failure of the designed organizational structure, a set of corrective actions aimed at its completion and improvement should be ready. The need to improve the existing organizational structure arises in cases where the program to minimize costs and efficient use of organizational resources does not give positive results, there is an uneven distribution of functional responsibilities, which causes a reboot or low workload of employees, internal and external economic instability occurs, which leads to changes in the technology of production processes and in the processes of personnel management. When studying and comparing the existing organizational structures of management of various enterprises and organizations, we have identified the following reasons that require a restructuring of the organizational structure of management (see Fig. 1) . The presence of an imbalance in the distribution of job functions, when some employees (of one department or different departments) do not have time to complete the task in the required time period due to workload, while others have free time at work, is a signal that failures begin in the management structure. External factors, such as the economic crisis, which requires immediate cost reduction, and changes in production technology, allow you to review the performance of all types of work, and also influence the decision to make adjustments to the organizational structure of management. This, in turn, generates changes in the internal environment of the organization: new quality standards are being formed, regulatory documentation is being developed for staff loading and remuneration, control processes are being improved at all its stages, and approaches to

employee motivation. Changes to such an extent require consultation with specialists and a parallel audit within the framework of the financial and economic activities of the organization. Just so complex and

an integrated approach will make it possible to form an organizational structure that meets new requirements and is adapted (protected) to the effects of external and internal environments.

Rice. 1. The main reasons for the restructuring of the organizational structure of enterprise management

The improvement of the organizational structure of management should be carried out taking into account a large number of parameters and is directly dependent on the degree of response to internal and external factors, as well as the timely assessment of the criteria of rationality (optimality), reflected in the following:

Close interaction of all parts of the management structure;

The concentration of functional links in functional nodes, but with the condition of their partial independence, i.e. real opportunities for the participation of each individual link in a single management;

The minimum number of sources of "reception" and "exit" of commands for each link in the organizational structure of management;

The ability of the organizational structure of management to quickly adapt to the varying external and internal conditions of the enterprise.

The content of the formation of the organizational structure of the organization's management always strives for universality and depends on a large number of criteria formed by external and internal influences. It contains the formulation of goals and objectives, the establishment of the composition and a certain place of units, their resource support, the creation of regulatory documentation that consolidates and regulates the processes taking place in the organizational management system (see Fig. 2) .

The algorithm for forming the organizational structure described in Figure 2 does not contradict the traditional scheme for its creation: goals - tasks - the amount of work to complete the tasks - the number of performers - their grouping - the amount of managerial work - the creation of links. But at the same time, this algorithm is aimed at a more detailed analysis of the organizational structure of the enterprise and includes the following elements: the formulation of goals and objectives, the definition of the composition and location of units, their resource support, the development of regulatory documents that consolidate and regulate processes in the organizational management system that distinguish it from standard known algorithms.

Let us analyze in more detail each stage of the formation of the organizational structure of the enterprise management.

1. Pre-project preparation.

At this stage, the goals of the enterprise are set, taking into account the state of the external environment.

The external environment has a direct and indirect impact on the enterprise. Direct influence includes: suppliers, competitors, consumers, laws and government agencies, public organizations, shareholders. Indirect impacts include: technology, economics, politics, socio-culture, local population and geographic location.


Stage 1 - Design preparation.

V Establishing the goals of the enterprise: taking into account the factors of external feds; Conducting a study of the enterprise (existing);

V Feasibility study of the project;

V Compiled technical specifications for design; ^ Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise.

Stage 2 Analysis of the organizational structure. The degree of rationality of the structure of the operating enterprise is established in terms of the principles of construction

Stage 3 - Creation (improvement) of the organizational structure.

V Formation of the organizational model:

V Development of the main divisions and connections;

V Regulation of the organizational structure.

Stage 4 - Evaluation of the effectiveness of the organizational structure. It is carried out by determining the level of implementation of planned targets, the reliability of the control system and the speed of decisions.

Rice. 2. The process of forming the organizational structure of enterprise management

Target selection is made on the basis of marketing research, and is also set based on the preferences of the persons making the main management decisions.

At the same time, in our opinion, special attention should be paid to the feasibility study of the project when designing the organizational management structure (feasibility study). The structure of the feasibility study must necessarily include the following main sections: introduction with goal setting and related tasks; characteristics of the object and the existing organizational structure (for the organization of the real sector of the economy); criteria and limitations for the formation of a new organizational structure; functions and tasks of the formed organizational structure; expected technical and economic consequences of the formation of an organizational structure; conclusions and offers; especially it is necessary to think over the content of the application, where the main regulatory documents should be given, on the basis of which restructuring, improvement and design will be carried out.

After that, a detailed technical task is drawn up with the task of time lags. The terms of reference indicate: the purpose of creating project documentation; information about studies previously carried out at the enterprise; the planned scope of work on the analysis and design of the organizational structure; sources of information for the implementation of work; structure design salary level .

To analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, management must assess whether the enterprise has the potential to exploit opportunities (strengths), as well as what threats the enterprise has (weaknesses). Typically, the study is based on five functional areas of the enterprise: marketing, finance, production, personnel, organizational culture.

In the course of the analysis, proposals should be formed to improve the enterprise management system. To do this, the stage of pre-project preparation includes conducting comprehensive studies of the enterprise. When forming a new organizational structure, we propose to pay special attention to the process of feasibility study.

2. Analysis of the organizational structure.

This stage is designed to determine how appropriate the organizational structure is in terms of evaluation criteria and indicators (in accordance with the methodology and management principles).

This analysis is carried out by the heads of enterprises or divisions where a change or improvement of the organizational structure is planned, with the involvement of experts from the department (management) of strategic planning. In the course of the analysis, shortcomings of the existing structure are revealed, a decision is made on the need to correct it.

3. Creation of organizational structure.

3.1. Formation of the organizational model.

The organizational model is the principles of creating units, delegating authority and assigning responsibility.

Principles for the development of departments:

Functional model: "one division = one function";

Process model: "one division = one process";

Matrix model: "one process or one project = a group of employees from different functional departments";

Counterparty oriented model: "one division = one counterparty" .

Responsibility center oriented model: “one process or one project = payment for quality work performed by the functional unit of the organization” .

3.2. Development of the main divisions and connections.

It is assumed that organizational decisions will be implemented not only for large linear-functional and program-target blocks, but also up to the basic divisions of the management apparatus, division of tasks and building intra-organizational relations and extra-organizational relations within the framework of "responsibility centers".

Structuring an enterprise is a process of forming a structure from the following units: management, divisions / departments, departments, services, bureaus, etc. .

Independent subdivisions can be divided into smaller structural subdivisions: sectors, sections, groups, "responsibility centers".

3.3. Regulation of the organizational structure.

In the regulation of the organizational structure

the development of the properties of the management apparatus and procedures for management activities is envisaged. It contains: establishing a structure internal elements main divisions; finding the design quantity; distribution of work; definition of responsibility; designing procedures for the implementation of management work; calculation of management costs and performance indicators of the management apparatus in the conditions of the designed structure.

4. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the organizational structure.

The effectiveness of the organizational structure is evaluated at the planning stage, when the management structures of a functioning organization are analyzed to create improvement measures.

The efficiency parameter when comparing organizational structure options is the probability of a more complete and stable achievement of the goals of the management system at the lowest cost for its operation.

Of fundamental importance for assessing the effectiveness of a management system is the choice of a regulatory framework for determining the level of efficiency.

Indicators used in assessing the effectiveness of the organizational management structure:

1. A set of indicators characterizing the effectiveness of the management system, manifested through the final results of the functioning of the enterprise, and management costs. Here, the size of profit, the value of the cost, the size of capital investments, the level of product quality, the timing of the introduction of innovative technology are under consideration.

2. A set of indicators characterizing the composition and organization of the management process, including direct income and expenses of management activities. Here, the costs of management activities include the costs of maintaining the administrative apparatus, the use of technical means, the maintenance of facilities and the stage of personnel training.

3. A set of indicators showing the feasibility of the formed organizational structure and its technical and organizational level. This includes the number of links in the management system, the degree of centralization of management functions, the established standards of manageability, the division of rights and responsibilities.

In the end, we note that the creation of organizational structures cannot be carried out using only a technical approach. This process includes many different factors, each of which needs to be investigated separately. Of great importance is the legislation, and the industry, and the financial condition of the enterprise, and the psychological portrait of its manager. In addition, the difficulties are formed by the instability of the external environment and the opacity of the enterprise itself.

Thus, we can conclude that a properly designed organizational management structure plays an important role in improving the efficiency of the organization. Any enterprise strives to work with high efficiency and be competitive in the market, fitting into the general concept of socially oriented logistics. Therefore, in order for the organizational structure to be in line with the development strategy of the enterprise, it is necessary to clearly establish the main activities, the scale of production, at the same time carry out the correct division of duties and exercise strict control over the management process, which will generally achieve high results in the functioning of the enterprise. At the same time, for the effective operation of an enterprise, it is necessary to take into account external and internal factors that affect the choice of organizational structure and the main stages of its construction.

niya, allowing more efficiently and effectively to carry out work to improve it.


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11. Zharikov, V.V. Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of doctor of economic sciences in the specialty: 08.00.05 - "Economics and management of the national economy: economics and quality management", the topic of the dissertation research: "Improving the quality of engineering products: methods, reserves and mechanisms", Tambov: Publishing House printing center of TSTU, Format 60*84/16, circulation 100 copies, dated 06/29/2006. Order No. 365, 40 pages

12. Zharikov, V.V. Socially oriented logistics: goals, objectives and economic efficiency [Text] / V.V. Zharikov, N.A. Chainikov // Logistics. -2014. - No. 9. - P.54 - 61. [Electronic resource]: Access mode: // (Date of access: 04/15/2016)

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Keywords: organizational structure of management, principles of building organizational structures, design, improvement, algorithm, specifics of the enterprise, adapted organizational structure

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Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for building organizational management structures

1.1 Organizational forms and management structures

1.2 The concept of organizational changes in the enterprise and their need

1.3 Reasons for organizational change

1.4 Analysis and design of the organizational structure

1.5 Compliance of the enterprise management structure with modern requirements for effective management

Chapter 2. Analysis of the organizational structure of the management of the Federal State Institution "Land Cadastral Chamber" for Irkutsk region

2.1 General characteristics, tasks, functions of the Federal State Institution "Land Cadastral Chamber" in the Irkutsk Region

2.2 Analysis of the management structure and main functions of the departments of the Federal State Institution "Land Cadastral Chamber" in the Irkutsk region

2.3 Analysis of the work of the Federal State Institution "Land Cadastral Chamber" in the Irkutsk region

2.4 Analysis of the work of departments processing applications for state cadastral registration

Chapter 3. Improving the management structure of the Federal State Institution "Land Cadastral Chamber" in the Irkutsk Region

3.1 Proposals for the reassignment of the information processing control department

3.2 Development of measures to improve the activities of departments carrying out state cadastral registration


List of legal acts and literature


The structure of the organization is a way of building the relationship between the levels of management and functional areas, which ensures the optimal achievement of the goals of the organization under given conditions, i.e. "organizational structure of management" is one of the key concepts of management, closely related to the goals, functions, management process, the work of managers and the distribution of powers between them. Within the framework of this structure, the entire management process takes place (the movement of information flows and the adoption of managerial decisions), in which managers of all levels, categories and professional specializations participate. The structure can be compared with the framework of the building of the management system, built to ensure that all processes occurring in it are carried out in a timely manner and with high quality. Hence, the attention that leaders of organizations pay to the principles and methods of building organizational structures, the choice of their types and types, the study of trends in change and assessments of compliance with the tasks of organizations - this shows the relevance and importance of this topic in modern conditions.

The management structure is understood as an ordered set of stably interconnected elements that ensure the functioning and development of the organization as a whole. The organizational structure of management is also defined as a form of division and cooperation of management activities, within the framework of which the management process is carried out according to the relevant functions aimed at solving the set tasks and achieving the intended goals. From these positions, the organizational structure is presented as a system of optimal distribution of functional duties, rights and responsibilities, the order and forms of interaction between its constituent management bodies and the people working in them.

Relevance The problem under study is that today, in Russia, in the interests of survival and flexible response to dynamically changing market conditions, increasing sustainability and adaptive capacity in meeting consumer demand, overcoming the backlog in the development of technology and technology, in ensuring the high quality of services provided, organizational changes must be purposefully carried out. Thanks to this, inertia and stagnation in the management structures, in the existing system of connections and relations will be overcome.

The degree of knowledge. The problem of improving the structure of the institution is given great attention. A great contribution to these studies was made by both domestic and foreign authors.

When writing the final qualification work, the works of such authors as A.S. Bolshakov, O.N. Demchuk, P. Doyle, E.P. Golubkov, V.R. Vesnin, Yu.S. Dulshchikov, L.I. Lukicheva, V.S. Katkalo, M. Rice, G.W. Semenov, R.A. Fatkhudinov and others.

Object of study is the Federal State Institution "Land Cadastral Chamber" for the Irkutsk Region (hereinafter - FGU "ZKP" for the Irkutsk Region).

Subject research of the final qualifying work - the management system of the institution and its effective functioning.

When writing the final qualifying work used research methods: observation, expert, analytical.

aim final qualifying work is the development of proposals for organizational changes to improve the existing organizational structure of management and activities of the departments of the Federal State Institution "ZKP" in the Irkutsk region.

task final qualifying work is, study:

Organizational forms and management structures;

The concept of organizational changes in the enterprise and their necessity;

Reasons for changing organizational structures;

Analysis and design of the organizational structure;

Compliance of the enterprise management structure with modern requirements for effective management;

Study of the management structure and main functions of the departments of the FGU "ZKP" in the Irkutsk region;

Analysis of the work of the Federal State Institution "Land Cadastral Chamber" in the Irkutsk region;

Analysis of the work of departments that process applications for state cadastral registration;

Proposals for the reassignment of the processing control department


Development of measures to improve the activities of departments carrying out state cadastral registration.

The structure of the final qualifying work. The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of legal acts and literature that were used in writing the work.

The first chapter includes theoretical material concerning the main issues of organizational changes in the management structure.

The second chapter of the final qualifying work is devoted to the study of the object of study. It examines the existing organizational structure of the institution's management, reveals the main activities, tasks and functions of the FGU "ZKP" in the Irkutsk region, considers the analysis of received applications and the dynamics of processed applications, and identifies the problems of the institution.

In the third chapter, the development of proposals for organizational changes to improve the existing organizational structure and the direction of the activities of the departments that process applications in the Federal State Institution "ZKP" in the Irkutsk region was carried out.

Practical significance of the research results. The recommendations proposed in the work are of practical value and are necessary for the application in practice of the activities of the Federal State Institution "ZKP" in the Irkutsk region, which will positively affect not only the work of the departments, but also the work of the institution itself as a whole.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for building organizational management structures

1.1 Organizational forms and management structures

The control system has all the characteristics of the system and consists of the subject of control, the object of control, structure, function and purpose. The structure of the subject of management is the structure of the administration (director, deputies, departments). The structure of the control object is subdivisions, services, workshops, departments. The function reflects the tasks performed, both the subject and the control object. The goal is associated with the possible real states of the subject and the control object after a certain time, as well as with the desired state of the object and the control subject after a certain time.

Management links characterize the patterns of interaction of subjects with each other in the performance of functions and the level of organization of management. All control links can be reduced to two types - linear and functional, which characterize the type of production management structure. Linear links are links of direct subordination, functional ones are links of coordination, i.e. the decision of a recommendatory nature of a person equal to him or of a higher rank is brought to the subject of management.

Linear organizational structure of management

The linear structure is characterized by a stable connection between the boss and the subordinate. Leadership in a linear system covers all tasks and extends to the entire hierarchy.

The linear organizational structure of management has the following characteristics:

The existence of a unified command.

The order comes from only one boss to the executor.

The presence of a controllability norm, i.e. the maximum number of people in direct reporting who can be effectively managed (usually from 4 to 12 people).

Limit control limit, i.e. the magnitude of deviations, the excess of which does not allow to cope on their own and requires the intervention of a higher level of management.

Advantages of a linear organizational structure:

Simplicity of relationships between levels of management.

Ease of creation (it is enough to have one specialist).

Cons of a linear organizational structure:

Weakly receptive to changes (inflexible due to low qualification of performers).

The complexity and duration of decision-making procedures, as coordination of actions and decisions both at different levels and between performers of the same level is carried out only through higher performers.

Each manager should objectively possess universal knowledge and abilities, but he does not possess them.

Despite the shortcomings, the linear system of organization performs well in complex and emergency situations when it is necessary to quickly organize people to perform simple work.

Functional organizational structure of management

The main distinguishing feature of the functional organizational structure of management is the high quality of management at all levels. This favorably distinguishes it from the linear organizational structure of management.

But this organizational structure also has its positive and negative sides.

The positive side of the functional organizational structure of management:

At each level, the execution of specific functions is transferred to a body or executor with the appropriate qualifications and specialization.

The tasks in the aggregate cover all aspects of managing the facility's activities.

The distribution of work seeks to eliminate the duplication of functions of performers.

The specialization of performers is associated with fairly homogeneous work (ie, with a specific function).

The negative side of the functional organizational structure of management:

Contradicts the law of unity of management (the executor receives instructions from several leaders, moreover, often contradictory).

The specificity of the tasks and the specialization of the functions of each element of the functional organizational structure makes it difficult to manage and coordinate due to the relative autonomy of functional managers.

The process of execution of managerial orders is unnecessarily fragmented.

The subordination of performers is carried out for each function separately

Linearfunctional organizational structure of management

Since the linear and functional organizational structure have a number of shortcomings, the most common system in management is a system where a combination of linear and functional relationships mitigates the shortcomings of both systems and gives effect to their advantages.

The linear-functional organizational structure has the following characteristics - basically, management is carried out according to the linear principle, but some functions are carried out by special functional units. For example, a plant where a workshop, a site are linear divisions, and planning, sales, marketing, and personnel management divisions are functional divisions.

Project organizational structure of management

The project organizational structure of management is formed from a linear - functional structure. It may be temporary. If you need to create a project in order not to hire new people from functional departments, they take one representative each and create a project team, they also choose the head of this project team, who will later submit a report on the work done to the line departments.

Matrix organizational structure of management

The matrix organizational structure of management is implemented if large changes are required, it is similar to the project organizational structure, but several project teams are created here. Now a project team leader is selected from each line department, and its own project team is created from each functional department.

The matrix organizational structure has proven itself well in American management, in the implementation of space programs, and in large-scale construction. Matrix systems are widely used in world and domestic management practice.

This structure has a temporary nature and the highest level of qualification of performers and leaders in project teams.

Dvisionary organizational structure of management

The divisional organizational structure of management is used in large enterprises with different types of activities, with different production of goods on the market. Here, directors for various types of activities are appointed from the chief leader, each director has his own organizational management structure, and the leader himself does not concern production.

The structure of the organization is those fixed relationships that exist between departments and employees of the organization. It can be understood as an established pattern of interaction and coordination of technological and human elements.

1.2 The concept of organizational changes in the enterprise and their need

There is an increasing interest in organizational change. This is because in many firms, changing environmental conditions and technology necessitate appropriate organizational changes. It has even been argued that the rapidity with which social change is occurring and the growing complexity of environmental conditions alone determine the need for frequent organizational change. On this basis, W. Bennis argues that the bureaucratic type of organization will be replaced by "organically - adaptive" structures, i.e. "adaptive, rapidly changing systems of a temporary type, consisting of various specialists, united in an organic whole by the efforts of specialists in the coordination and evaluation of tasks."

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Figure 1.1 - Control system model

The concept of organizational change was introduced into management theory, and it takes place in the management system itself (see figure 1.1)

The faster an organization reacts to external changes and implements response actions, the faster organization will come out of the zone of instability and will be able to function competitively in new environmental conditions.

The renewal of the organization is the process of replacing obsolete and incapable of adequately fulfilling its functions with new elements or supplementing them with previously non-existent ones in order to bring its capabilities closer to the requirements of life. Lagging behind it affects, first of all, the overall results of its activities, leads to a narrowing of the circle of buyers and clients, a decrease in the quality of goods and services, a decrease in the scale of sales, and as a result is expressed in a drop in profits.

Organizational problems are usually associated with the outdated structure of the company, its management system, failures in information exchange, problems in personnel, finances, and technologies.

Approaching the break point requires the organization to take action to renew its core business. But even if things are going well and the organization is on the rise, it still needs to innovate if it wants to achieve or maintain a leading position in its field. Therefore, the process of improvement, in fact, is continuous and is one of the most important objects of management.

Organizational change can be viewed from a variety of perspectives. First of all, they are planned and unplanned. The former are carried out within the framework of evolutionary development, the trends of which are well monitored, and on the basis of this, the most suitable moment for transformations is outlined in advance. Unplanned often have to be carried out spontaneously, in unexpected situations, so sometimes their process can become spontaneous, uncontrollable.

Transformations can be one-time or multi-stage, which is largely determined by their scale, available time, the internal flexibility of the organization, its ability to withstand the shock caused by change.

If changes are forced on the members of the organization, they cause their dissatisfaction and reduce business activity; True, it is not always possible and expedient to agree on certain issues with the performers, however, it is recommended to do this whenever possible, for example, by involving ordinary members of the organization in joint decision-making, consulting, etc.

The methods by which transformations are carried out can be technological (modernization of equipment, reconstruction of an enterprise); organizational (reorganization, creation of a progressive system of norms and standards); propaganda and educational (demonstration of advantages, persuasion, explanation); administrative (coercion, threat of punishment); economic (material incentives).

It is necessary to emphasize the role of the leader in the transformations. the direction of the transformation process and the methods of their implementation should be consistent with each other, as well as with the day-to-day activities of the organization and its management system.

1.3 Reasons for organizational change

Improving the organizational structure of the enterprise, in accordance with the changed conditions, is one of the most important tasks of management. In most cases, decisions to adjust structures are made by the top management of the organization as part of their core responsibilities. Significant organizational changes are not carried out until there is a strong belief that there are serious reasons for this that cause them to be necessary. You can name some situations, individually or in combination, when the costs of adjusting the structure or developing a new project are justified.

Unsatisfactory functioning of the enterprise. The most common reason for the need to develop a new organization design is the failure to apply any other methods to reduce cost growth, increase productivity, expand ever-shrinking domestic and foreign markets, or attract new financial resources. Usually, first of all, measures such as changes in the composition and skill level of employees, the use of more advanced management methods, and the development of special programs are taken. But, in the end, top-level managers come to the conclusion that the reason for the unsatisfactory performance of the enterprise lies in certain shortcomings in the organizational structure of management.

Top management overload. Some businesses manage to function satisfactorily only at the cost of overworking a few top executives. If obvious measures to change management methods and procedures do not reduce the burden, do not lead to any lasting relief, then a very effective means of solving this problem is the redistribution of rights and functions, adjustments and clarifications in the forms of organization.

Lack of perspective orientation. The future development of the enterprise requires on the part of top managers more and more attention to strategic tasks, regardless of the nature of the enterprise and the type of its activity. And at the same time, many senior leaders still continue to devote most of their time to operational issues, and their decisions, which will have an impact in the long term, are based on a simple extrapolation of current trends into the future. The top manager (or a group of them) must be aware that his most important responsibility is to enable the enterprise to develop and implement a strategic program with the fullness that the legal and economic independence of the enterprise allows. Ensuring this capability is almost always associated with changes in organizational forms, as well as the introduction of new or fundamentally changed decision-making processes.

Disagreements on organizational issues. Every experienced senior manager knows that stability in the organizational structure of an enterprise, as a rule, indicates not so much internal harmony as successful resolution of conflict situations. The existing structure, whatever it may be, creates barriers to effective work, makes it difficult to achieve the goals of some departments or divisions, does not clearly reflect the meaning of some functional roles, allows for an unfair distribution of power, positions and powers, etc. When there are deep and enduring disagreements about organizational structure, and especially when senior management has doubts about the optimal form, the only way out is to study the structure carefully. A change in leadership often prompts a decision to reorganize. One group of leaders can operate effectively within a particular structure. The group that comes to replace them may find this form completely inconsistent with its approach to the problems of the enterprise.

These circumstances, which experience has shown to usually precede a large-scale study of the organization, are symptomatic of a number of causes, some operating within the enterprise and others completely outside its sphere of influence.

Growth in the scope of activities. Even with a stable product range, stable production processes and marketing, with a continuous increase in the size of the enterprise, there is a need for significant structural transformation. It is possible to adjust to the growth of the scale of activities through small changes in the structure. However, if the core structure remains unchanged, coordination will be difficult, managers will be overwhelmed, and the functioning of the enterprise will deteriorate.

Increasing diversity. Expanding the range of products or services, entering a variety of markets, additional development of new production processes bring completely new things to the organization. As long as these heterogeneous elements are relatively small, they can be adapted to any part of the existing structure. But when they take on huge dimensions - in terms of resources used, needs, risks, future opportunities, then structural changes become inevitable.

Association of business entities. The merger of two or more enterprises, even of the same nature, necessarily introduces some changes in the organizational structure. Problems of coincidence of functions, redundant personnel, confusion in the distribution of rights and responsibilities require an immediate solution. Merging with smaller units usually affects the structure to a lesser extent, but if such a merger occurs for a sufficiently long time, changes in the basic structure become inevitable. If two or more are combined large enterprises, then major structural changes should be expected.

Change of control technology. Scientific achievements in the field of management are beginning to have an increasing impact on organizational structures and processes (progressive methods of information processing, operations research and planning, design and matrix forms of construction, etc.). New positions and functional units appear, decision-making processes change. Some mass production industries, manufacturing industries, transportation and distribution systems, some financial institutions have actually changed dramatically due to advances in control technology. In these sectors, enterprises that lagged behind in the application of modern management methods found themselves in unfavorable conditions with fierce and ever-increasing competition.

Influence of technology of production processes. The impact of scientific and technological change on organizational structure has been the most researched and widespread aspect of organizational change in recent years. The rapid development of industry research, the growth of scientific institutions, the ubiquity of project management, the growing popularity of matrix organizations, all testify to the spread of the influence of the exact sciences on industrial organizations.

external economic environment. Most industrial enterprises are in a constantly changing economic environment. Some changes are made abruptly, because of which the previously normal functioning of the enterprise suddenly becomes unsatisfactory. Other changes, which are slower and more fundamental, are forcing enterprises to switch to other areas of activity or to move to new means and methods of managing activities in their former area.

In any case, the most likely result will be a change in the main tasks of management, and hence a new organizational structure.

1.4 Analysis and design of the organizational structure

Each of the circumstances noted above leads to changes in the structure and may equally indicate the need to revise the main strategy of the enterprise. Neither strategy nor structure can be established independently. However, priority is given to the tasks, goals, allocation of resources and the main programs that make up the strategy of the enterprise. This is due to the fact that most of the serious problems at large enterprises are of a strategic rather than organizational nature.

The inability to survive and function effectively is most often the result of:

Unreasonable strategic decisions are made;

Enterprises try to continue operations at a volume that is no longer economical;

It is not possible to establish the release of new products or products that are not marketable and not where they are needed;

Firms with a single market are not able to diversify production.

The redistribution of tasks, rights and responsibilities, information flows increases the efficiency of the organization by increasing productivity and at least temporarily restrains the growth of costs, increases profitability. Improvement in organizational forms often contributes to the development of new and better strategic decisions.

If a structure cannot exist without a strategy, then a strategy cannot be successful without a corresponding structure. In almost any large enterprise, examples can be found where the implementation of well-conceived strategic plans was hindered by an organizational structure that delayed their implementation or favored resolving secondary issues.

Thus, the structure is inextricably linked with the strategy. At one time, a static approach was practiced in the development of the organization's design and corrective changes. The tasks of the current activity of the enterprise were determined, which were then aggregated by ascending levels in the form of a traditional pyramid. Now, no organizational chart of a large enterprise can be based only on current activities. It must necessarily reflect any possible changes in the main task of the enterprise, goals and strategic programs of top management.

This relationship between strategy and structure underlies all recommendations for adjusting and changing the organization of enterprise management. The analytical process of studying the strategy of the enterprise is an integral element of adjustments in the structure, regardless of whether the production is diversified or homogeneous, private or public. The analysis methods used generally consist of five steps.

The first stage consists in clarifying the task of the enterprise, areas of uncertainty and the most probable development alternatives. An accurate and definite answer to the question about the tasks of the enterprise to a large extent determines the overall structure. It is almost always possible to give a clear and unambiguous answer to a question like this for many organizations or parts of them. In the case of the formation of completely new enterprises, the definition of the task may be limited to the establishment of design parameters.

The second step in organizational structure analysis is to identify variables that significantly affect task performance. At this stage, a deep analysis of the economic and production structure of the enterprise and its main components is necessary. It also requires an analysis of the environment in which the enterprise operates or its activities are planned. The exploration of these two closely related areas (external and internal) leads to key decisions that can determine the success of an enterprise.

At the third stage, the goals and programs for the development of the enterprise are studied. It is important to make sure that the current goals are consistent with the main task of the enterprise, and programs are aligned with the key factors for successful operation. This is essential because goals and plans have a direct impact on the organizational structure by prioritizing and prioritizing past decisions. Any organizational project involves inevitable changes. It is possible to have a different relationship between production efficiency and innovation, between market size and technical quality, between short-term and long-term planning. The programs of the enterprise, its strategy are the fundamental basis for making such decisions when designing an organization.

At the fourth stage, it is assessed how the structure of the organization meets the tasks, goals and factors on which the success of its functioning depends. To do this, it is necessary to carefully study the existing formal structure, identify all its strengths and weaknesses, find out what shortcomings in the formal structure compensate for informal elements and how effectively.

A difficult but inevitable moment in the analysis of the organization is the assessment of the human resources of the enterprise. Sometimes a serious shortage of workers in certain specialties cannot be filled by sufficiently rapid training of workers within the enterprise or recruitment from outside, which cannot be ignored in the distribution of functions within the existing structure. The researcher also studies the basic management processes - planning, resource allocation, operational control - in order to establish how much they contribute to the achievement of the task, goal and strategic programs. The probability and validity of changes in the processes themselves are considered. Analysis of the organization and environment provides a tremendous amount of information that must be evaluated so that a decision on the structure can be made, which is the final stage of the analytical process.

Making such a decision is a very difficult, almost entirely empirical process. The structure of large organizations has become extraordinarily confusing due to numerous changes. It can be difficult to choose among them, but it is even more difficult to overcome resistance to these changes. The speed of change is increasing so much that they are looking not so much for a specific, permanent structure as for a temporary one, which reflects a certain stage in the development of the organization. And, finally, the structure fixed in schemes and charters takes up less and less space in the projects of the organization. Information flows, decision-making processes, project schedules or time orders are becoming increasingly important sources of information about roles and distribution of rights and responsibilities. The structure can be chosen and understood only with a broad, integrated approach to changes in the enterprise and its environment.

As experience shows, the process of making adjustments to the organizational structure of management should include:

Systematic analysis of the functioning of the organization and its environment in order to identify problem areas. The analysis may be based on a comparison of competing or related organizations representing other areas of economic activity;

Development of a master plan for improving the organizational structure;

Ensuring that the innovation program contains the most simple and specific proposals for change;

Consistent implementation of planned changes. The introduction of minor changes has a greater chance of success than major changes;

Encouraging employees to raise their level of awareness, which will allow them to better assess their ownership and, therefore, increase their accountability for the planned changes.

When developing the principles and methodology for designing management structures, it is important to move away from the presentation of the structure as a frozen set of bodies corresponding to each specialized management function. The organizational structure of management is a multilateral concept. It, first of all, includes a system of goals and their distribution between various links, since the management mechanism should be focused on achieving goals. This also includes: the composition of units that are in certain connections and relationships with each other; distribution of tasks and functions among all links; distribution of responsibility, powers and rights within the organization, reflecting the ratio of centralization and decentralization. Important elements of the management structure are communications, information flows and document flow in the organization. Finally, the organizational structure is a behavioral system, these are people and their groups constantly entering into various relationships to solve common problems.

This versatility of the organizational mechanism is incompatible with the use of any unambiguous methods - either formal or informal. That is why it is necessary to proceed from a combination of scientific methods and principles for the formation of structures (system approach, program-targeted management, organizational modeling) with a large amount of expert and analytical work, the study of domestic and foreign experience, close interaction between developers and those who will practically implement and use the projected organizational mechanism. The entire methodology for designing structures should be based on a clear formulation of the goals of the organization. First - goals, and then - the mechanism for achieving them. The organization is considered as multipurpose system, since the focus on one goal does not reflect its diverse role in the development of the economy.

M. Meskon defines the following approach (sequence of actions) when designing a management structure:

Carry out the division of the organization into blocks according to the horizons, corresponding to the direction of the activity for the implementation of the strategy. Determine which types of activities are linear, which are full-time;

Establish the ratio of powers of posts. Determine levels of hierarchy;

Define job responsibilities.

In addition, when designing an organizational structure, the following issues are identified:

Formalization of management, that is, how much formal interaction is necessary;

Decision-making level: where, who, when;

Systematic organizational structure.

A. Fayol formulated the principles of good organization as follows:

Unity of management - regardless of the structure, one person is responsible for everything;

Scalar transfer method. Full responsibility implies the right not only to manage, but also to delegate authority;

Unity of subordination - everyone has only one boss;

Compliance principle: delegated authority to appropriate conditional responsibility;

The scale of management, the number of subordinates is limited; Efficiency and reliability of communication links;

The principle of orientation - organizations are built on the basis of tasks and do not depend on subjective factors;

Selectivity - the manager receives information of an exceptional type, that is, beyond the scope of the plan and requiring adjustment of actions;

Labor differentiation: linear, staff principle; skilled and low-skilled labor;

Segmentation and specialization - breakdown of the structure into simple and specialized components (tax specialist, cash flow specialist, etc.);

Control over operations - there should be a body that monitors the progress of affairs and the implementation of orders;

Planning precedes action;

Flexibility - the structure corresponds to the situation;

Availability of management levels - the employee has the opportunity to contact any manager on work issues.

Of particular importance is the nature of the influence of the external environment on the construction of the organization and the entire system of relations between the elements of the structure and the elements of external influences.

The systematic approach to the formation of the structure is manifested in the following:

a) not to lose sight of any of the management tasks, without the solution of which the implementation of the goals will be incomplete;

b) identify and interconnect in relation to these tasks the entire system of functions, rights and responsibilities along the vertical of management - from the general director of the enterprise to the site foreman;

c) explore and institutionalize all connections and relationships along the horizontal of management, i.e. to coordinate the activities of various units and bodies in connection with the implementation of common current tasks and the implementation of promising cross-functional programs;

d) provide an organic combination of vertical and horizontal management, meaning finding the optimal ratio of centralization and decentralization in management for the given conditions.

All this requires a carefully developed step-by-step procedure for designing structures, a detailed analysis and definition of a system of goals, a thoughtful allocation of organizational units and forms of their coordination.

The methods used until recently for building organizational management structures were characterized by an excessively normative nature, insufficient diversity, and hypertrophied use of standard solutions, which led to a mechanical transfer of organizational forms used in the past to new conditions. Often, the administrative apparatus at various levels repeated the same schemes, sets of functions and composition of units that differed only in number. From a scientific point of view, the initial factors in the formation of structures themselves were too narrowly interpreted: the number of personnel instead of the goals of the organization; a constant set of organs instead of changing their composition and combination under different conditions; emphasis on the performance of unchanged functions in isolation from changing tasks; outdated schemes and states as averages of existing organizations without analyzing their shortcomings and suitability.

One of the main shortcomings of the methods used was their functional orientation, strict regulation of management processes, and not their results. However, under the conditions of market relations, the composition and content of management functions become unstable. Therefore, the goals and interrelations of various parts of the management system often become more important than the strict establishment of their functional specialization.

A systematic approach, attaching great importance to the scientifically based definition of management functions and headcount standards as part of the overall process of forming an organizational and managerial structure, orients researchers and developers towards more general principles for designing organizations. First of all, it involves the initial definition of the system of goals of the organization, which determine the structure of tasks and the content of the functions of the management apparatus.

The diversity of goals, both at the highest, and at the middle and lower levels of the organization, usually cannot be reduced to one measure. The main purpose of most production organizations from the point of view of society is determined by the goals of satisfying the market demand for manufactured products and services, in any case, each goal reflects one of objectively necessary parties functioning and development of the organizational system. At the same time, the correspondence between the system of goals and the organizational structure of management cannot be unambiguous.

In a single system, various methods of forming organizational management structures should also be considered, many of which have appeared only in recent years. These methods are of a different nature, each of them individually does not allow solving all the practically important problems of building the organizational structure of the administrative apparatus and must be used in organic combination with others.

Figure 1.2 shows the general sequence of transition from the goals of the organization to its structure.

Figure 1.2 - Transition from the goals of the organization to its structure

Organization management structure as a design object -- a complex system. It combines both technological, economic, informational, administrative and organizational interactions that lend themselves to direct analysis and rational design, as well as socio-psychological characteristics and connections. The latter are determined by the level of qualifications and abilities of employees, their attitude to work, and leadership style.

1.5 Compliance of the enterprise management structure with modernnny requirements of effective management

The size of the organization has a great influence on the choice of management structure. As a rule, the more people employed in the enterprise, the more likely it is to use a hierarchical type structure, in which, with the help of appropriate mechanisms, coordination and control of their activities are ensured.

Technology is an important factor influencing the governance structure. With the routine nature of technology, hierarchical structures are most often used; technologies associated with uncertainty require the organic construction of control structures. Technology has the greatest impact on the structure of those departments of the organization that are directly related to the production of products and services.

The impact of the environment on the choice of the management structure of different organizations is predetermined by the nature and closeness of the relationship between them. The more dynamic the environment, the more adaptability it requires of the organization. Most often, this relationship is expressed in the use of various combinations of hierarchical and organic types of management structures.

When deciding which departments and services should be in the management structure, organizations take into account the division of work. , adopted in the structure of the organization. The choice of one or another form of division of work depends on the size and stage of the life cycle of the organization, as well as on the nature and variety of its activities. The increase in the range of products and activities makes it necessary to revise the division of work among management personnel. So, if an organization produces one type of product or service, it can effectively use the functional division of management work and a centralized approach to decision making. The growth in the diversity of activities may require abandoning such a structure and considering product, geographical or market-based approaches to the division of work, while increasing the level of decentralization of decision-making and changing coordination mechanisms.

The organizational structure of any commercial firm, hospital, bank, government agency or agency with any type of activity should be considered from different perspectives and taking into account different criteria. Its effectiveness and efficiency are affected by:

Real relationships between people and their work. This is reflected in organizational charts and job descriptions;

Current management policies and practices influencing human behavior; powers and functions of employees of the organization at various levels of management (lower, middle, higher).

To build a rational management structure, it is necessary that it meets the requirements for organizational structures by the new economic conditions. One of them is clarity. Each division of the enterprise, each of its employees (especially each manager) must clearly know where he is and where to go for information, help or solutions. Clarity should not be confused with simplicity. Simple structures may lack clarity. Conversely, very complex structures can be very clear. A structure that lacks clarity creates conflict, wastes time, annoys employees, and delays decisions.

Closely related to clarity is the demand for economy. Control, supervision and stimulation should require a minimum of effort. The organizational structure of management should promote self-control and motivation. To keep the enterprise on the move, the minimum possible number of people (especially highly qualified and hard-working people) should devote attention and energy to “management”, “organization”, “control”, “communication”, “personnel problems”.

The organizational structure should direct the attention of all employees not to efforts, but to the results of the enterprise as a whole. The performance of managers should be judged by economic results, not by the standards of narrow professional competence or administrative skill.

The organizational structure should not orient people towards pseudo results. It should not encourage the tendency to hang unprofitable products on profitable production lines. It should not orient people towards the intensification of efforts (i.e., increase in costs), but turn mastery into an end in itself.

The organization must help each employee to understand his own task and the overall task of the enterprise. In order to correlate his efforts with the good of the whole, each employee must understand how his task is related to the common task and how the common task determines his task, his efforts, his contribution.

An organization should also be judged according to whether it facilitates or hinders the decision-making process. A structure that pushes decisions up instead of making them as low as possible, a structure that delays critical decisions, a structure that focuses attention on redundant or secondary issues - bad structure.

The organization must be resilient over time and capable of self-renewal.

The organization must be able to produce the leaders of tomorrow on its own. A prerequisite for this is a minimum of management levels. A capable person, entering a low-level managerial job at, say, twenty-five years old, should not spend his life climbing from rung to rung. Otherwise, when he is at the top of the stairs, he will no longer have strength left. Even more important is the experience that can be gained in the organization. The structure should help each employee to learn and develop in any downgraded position, it should provide for continuous learning. The organizational structure should encourage the introduction of new ideas into the enterprise and readiness for new activities.

Compliance with the above requirements will create a flexible organizational structure capable of rapid restructuring, which will contribute to the development of the management system at the enterprise, increase its level of organization and create all conditions for the effective functioning of the enterprise as a whole.

Chapter 2. Analysis of the organizational structure of the management of the Federal State Institution "Land Cadastral Chamber" in the Irkutsk Region

2.1 General characteristics, tasks, functions of the Federal State Institution "Land Cadastral Chamber" in the Irkutsk region

The Federal State Institution "Land Cadastral Chamber" for the Irkutsk Region is the central structural unit of the Federal State Institution "Land Cadastral Chamber". And he is engaged in maintaining the state real estate cadastre in all territories of the Irkutsk region.

The institution in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal documents, orders of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Cadastre of Real Estate, as well as orders of the Office of the Federal Cadastre Agency real estate objects in the Irkutsk region, published on the issues of organizing the maintenance of the state land cadastre, the state cadastre of real estate objects and technical accounting of urban development objects, as well as the Charter approved by the order of Rosnedvizhimost dated February 21, 2005 No. P / 0027.

The main tasks of the institution include ensuring the maintenance of the state land cadastre, the state cadastre of real estate objects and the state technical accounting of real estate objects related to urban planning activities throughout the territory of the Irkutsk region No. 38.


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The search for ways to improve the organizational structure of the enterprise is one of the difficult but necessary issues of the present, since its successful resolution most often increases the efficiency of the enterprise.

The organizational structure is a kind of framework, the basis of the entire enterprise, and its construction is a very complex process. A properly built organizational structure allows an enterprise to effectively manage all departments, and, ultimately, determines financial results, since a properly built management leads to cost reduction and an increase in the efficiency of the enterprise. Therefore, the topic of improving the organizational structure is relevant for any enterprise.

The purpose of this study is to find ways to improve the organizational structure of the enterprise.

The subject of this work is the organizational structure of enterprises.

The objectives of this study: to determine the main directions for improving the organizational structures of enterprises; identify the positive impact of each of the identified areas.

The following scientists and businessmen dealt with this topic: Sh. Ackerman, A. Svirshchevskaya, S.E. Kameniper, F.M. Rusinova, W. Cleland, E. Makarov, V. Khodyaev, D. Hornova and others. But the issue of improving the organizational structure at enterprises has not yet been fully resolved, therefore this study will be very relevant.

    The main types of organizational management structures, their advantages and disadvantages

Organizational structure is one of the main elements of organization management. It is characterized by the distribution of goals and objectives of management between departments and employees of the organization. In fact, the management structure is an organizational form of the division of labor for the adoption and implementation of management decisions. The internal expression of the organizational structure of management is the composition, correlation, location and interconnection of individual subsystems of the organization. It is aimed primarily at establishing clear relationships between individual divisions of the organization, the distribution of rights and responsibilities between them.

The most common organizational structures of an enterprise are as follows:

    Linear - this is one of the simplest organizational management structures, which is characterized by the fact that at the head of each structural unit there is a single leader, endowed with all powers and exercising sole leadership of subordinate employees and concentrating all management functions in his hands. Its advantages: unity and clarity of command; coordination of actions of performers; ease of management (one communication channel); clear responsibility; efficiency in decision-making; personal responsibility of the head for the final results of the activities of his unit. Disadvantages: high demands on the manager, who must be comprehensively prepared in order to provide effective leadership in all management functions; lack of links for planning and preparing decisions; information overload, many contacts with subordinates, superiors and shift structures; difficult connections between authorities; concentration of power at the top.

    Functional - such a structure in which the performance of individual functions on specific issues is assigned to specialists, i.e. each governing body (or executor) is specialized in the performance of certain types of activities.

Its advantages: high competence of specialists responsible for the implementation of specific functions; release of line managers from solving some special issues; standardization, formalization and programming of phenomena and processes; exclusion of duplication and parallelism in the performance of managerial functions; reducing the need for generalists. Disadvantages: excessive interest in the implementation of the goals and objectives of "their" units; difficulties in maintaining constant relationships between various functional services; emergence of tendencies of excessive centralization; lengthy decision-making process; relatively frozen organizational form, with difficulty responding to changes.

    Linear-functional is a structure in which the full power is assumed by the line manager who heads a certain team. In developing specific issues and preparing appropriate decisions, programs, plans, he is assisted by a special apparatus consisting of functional units (departments, departments, bureaus, etc.). In this case, the functional structures of the unit are subordinate to the chief line manager. Its advantages: deeper preparation of decisions and plans related to the specialization of employees; release of the chief line manager from in-depth problem analysis; opportunity to attract consultants and experts. Disadvantages: lack of close relationships and interaction at a horizontal level between production departments; insufficiently clear responsibility, since the one who prepares the decision, as a rule, does not participate in its implementation; tendency towards over-centralization.

    Divisional - the most common form of organization of management of a modern industrial firm. Its meaning is that independent divisions are almost completely responsible for the development, production and marketing of homogeneous products (divisional-product management structure) or independent departments are fully responsible for economic results in certain regional markets (divisional-regional management structure). Each branch office is an independent production and economic unit. Its main advantage is to increase the independence and responsibility of branches in matters of maximizing profits and gaining positions in the market. Disadvantages: the growth of the administrative apparatus, the possibility of conflicts due to the centralized distribution of resources.

    Matrix - is a lattice organizational scheme built on the principle of double subordination of performers. With a matrix structure, the personnel of functional units, remaining in their composition and subordination, are also obliged to follow the instructions of project managers or special headquarters, councils, etc., which are formed to manage individual developments and carry out special work. Its advantages: the ability to quickly respond and adapt to changing internal and external conditions of the organization; increasing the creative activity of administrative and managerial personnel through the formation of program units that actively interact with functional structures; rational use of personnel due to the specialization of various types of labor activity; increase in motivation of activity due to decentralization of management and strengthening of democratic principles of leadership; strengthening control over individual tasks of the project; reducing the burden on high-level managers by delegating a certain part of the authority; increasing personal responsibility for the implementation of the program as a whole and its constituent elements. Disadvantages: a false structure of subordination, resulting in problems associated with setting the priorities of tasks and allocating time for their execution; the presence of a "spirit" of unhealthy rivalry between program managers; the need for constant monitoring of the "correlation" of forces between the tasks of control by objectives; difficulty in acquiring the skills needed to work on the new program.


As stated above, at this stage, industrial enterprises most often use the following types of organizational structures: linear, functional, linear-functional, divisional, matrix. None of them is perfect in a changeable external environment. Therefore, it is very difficult for modern enterprises to adhere to any one scheme of organizational structure constantly. They need an adaptive model that will be mobile to respond to changes in the world around them, and in the views of management.

No enterprise can function aimlessly, everyone should have an idea of ​​what awaits him, what he can achieve. The implementation of these provisions is achieved through the development of an enterprise development strategy, an effective combination of various types of planning, increasing the effectiveness of marketing, etc. This must be done constantly and continuously. But the effective fulfillment of these requirements is possible only if the organizational system of the enterprise, its mechanism allows creating favorable conditions for this. In fact, this means the need to improve the organizational structure itself, both as a whole and its individual elements. And the question arises as to how this can be done effectively. In this study, the author tried to identify several such areas for improving the organizational structure of the enterprise, namely:

 decentralization of management;

 specialization and diversification of production;

 improvement of the economic mechanism;

- organizational planning;

 creation of an appropriate system for managing the production and marketing of products.

2. 1. Decentralization of management

Relatively fast adaptation of the enterprise management system to the ongoing changes in business conditions, as the experience of domestic and foreign companies shows, depends on the degree of centralization (decentralization) in decision-making. This is due to the extent to which level powers are transferred to lower levels of government (decentralization) or retained at the top level (centralization).

The effective functioning of a structure consisting of a large number of levels requires the development of extensive rules, instructions and procedures. As a result, all this makes the management structure not only cumbersome, but also inflexible, unable to quickly respond to a rapidly changing situation. That is why, in conditions of rapidly changing demand, shortening the life cycle of many goods, expanding the range of products, reducing the volume of its production, complicating technological processes, strengthening requirements for the quality of service and product when solving the problem of timely fulfillment of orders, decentralization of management is of paramount importance. On the one hand, it allows you to quickly respond to customer requests, and on the other hand, it makes the decision-making process more efficient. Decentralization of management occurs in two interrelated directions:

1) by delegating rights in decision making,

2) due to downscaling large companies and the transition to relatively small autonomous structural units, endowed with the right to make decisions on all production and economic issues.

The delegation of power from higher levels of government to lower levels is due to a number of reasons. There is a lot of uncertainty and risk in production and economic activities, the situation is gradually changing, which becomes a characteristic feature of the development of the enterprise, the flow of production processes becomes more complicated. Therefore, not a single leader, even the most talented one, is able to capture in its entirety the ongoing changes and processes. The solution to this problem involves the delegation of power from the highest level to the lowest. It is important to remember here that when delegating power, leaders do not reduce their own responsibility.

The unbundling of companies follows the principle of creating horizontal structures, that is, companies reduce the number of levels of management and expand horizontally by creating autonomous structures reporting to vice presidents.

2. 2. Specialization and diversification of production

It is not difficult to guess that the company should pay a lot of attention to its main products. Take measures to improve its quality, develop new and improve old types, respond to the desires of consumers regarding this product - do everything so that this product or service is in real demand and the activity of the enterprise is not meaningless. But, nevertheless, you should not be limited to any one type of manufactured products. Time passes, the desires and needs of consumers change, and, consequently, the demand for products may decrease or even disappear. In such a situation, diversification comes to the rescue, which does not allow the company to focus on one thing. Specialization and diversification of production is the basis for its leadership in the market. Specialization and diversification in isolation from each other are unproductive. In this regard, the task of management is to establish the correct relationship between them, because it determines the productivity of the enterprise's resources, its sustainability and economic growth. Consequently, new elements appear in the organizational structure of the enterprise, which are responsible for diversification.

2. 3. Improvement of the economic mechanism

The improvement of the economic mechanism is the construction of organizational structures of management, motivation and management methods that would allow the enterprise not only to adapt to changes in the environment, but also create opportunities to be ready for the challenges of tomorrow. At the heart of improvement, as the experience of industrial companies shows developed countries, lies a series of innovations and new approaches to doing business. This is, for example, the creation of your customer. And for this, it is necessary to pay attention to the creation of a marketing team, which is currently not available at all enterprises.

The solution to this problem involves the constant conduct of critical introspection of the enterprise. The center of attention, according to V. Khodyaev, in conducting introspection should be in the field of searching for the unexpected. For example, you should ask: who does not buy the company's products and why? What do business buyers (and non-buyers) buy from others? What value do these acquisitions have for them? Do they actually or potentially compete with the satisfaction that the enterprise's products or services provide? All this makes the entrepreneur really take a market point of view, and not just talk about it. Therefore, marketing is more than market and consumer research. Firstly, his main task is to look at the business as a whole, and secondly, he must consider not just his consumer, his market, his products, but the market in general, the consumer as a whole, his purchases, value system, degree of satisfaction, established patterns of purchases and costs, his rationalism.

2. 4. Organizational planning

According to the classic formula, organizational charts are made up of little cubes that limit talented people without taking into account their creativity and individual effort. This is mistake. Organization involves such planning of the process, which defines specific activities for the implementation of decisions made by management. Lines of activity are grouped by positions so as to be distributed among individual employees who become responsible for their part of the work. But with such a distribution, it is necessary to analyze the working potential of each employee so that the result is as effective as possible. Authorities are also distributed for each individual position and, accordingly, for the employee responsible for it. This also applies to responsibility.

It is very important to put people who have a predisposition and desire for this in leadership positions in individual cells. After all, a person works more diligently and with pleasure only if his duties are not a burden to him. In this case, he will bear responsibility for his share of the work without any offense, and will make every effort so that there is no damage from the activities of his subordinate link.

Organizational planning should be a process designed to manage people as they are, with all their various qualities. Each employee wants to have his own clearly defined terms of reference and authority, and that no one should interfere with his work unnecessarily. Therefore, a well-planned structure serves to maintain control over personal politics and personnel conflicts. And the activity of the enterprise itself becomes more coordinated and efficient when there is such a personal interest of employees in their work.

2. 5. Creation of an appropriate production and marketing management system

During the period of dynamic development of scientific and technical progress, enterprises constantly experience its consequences through increased competition. To pass these tests, the production organization system at each enterprise must have a certain margin of safety. Since any enterprise, as a rule, is limited in its activities by the amount of production and financial resources, the economic entity must use the available personnel and equipment in the most efficient way. And this is achieved with the help of an appropriate system for organizing the management of production and marketing of products.

In connection with increased competition for sales markets, there is an increase in attention to product quality. This factor, in turn, necessitates appropriate changes in the product quality management system. In foreign countries, this has found its expression in the shift of emphasis from the management of product quality control to the creation of conditions for defect-free work.

There is also a need for a new approach to the placement of industrial equipment and the development of jobs. When placing equipment, one should adhere to the rule that everything that is intended for the production of the same type of products or a family of similar products must be grouped in one place (from the beginning to the end of the technological cycle). Within the framework of the classical school of management, as you know, all equipment is placed not according to the similarity of products or products, but according to the similarity of technological operations, so the path of movement of materials is much longer, as a result of which the waiting time for their turn for processing also increases. As a result, non-production losses increase, the flow of materials as a whole slows down, etc. This type of equipment placement was determined when the share of living labor costs in the cost of production was high. In the conditions of modern production, when the main source of growth in its efficiency is the saving of manual labor costs, material and energy resources, a more efficient form of equipment placement is cellular. At the same time, the processing time is reduced by 80%. When introducing a cellular form, it is required to maintain a balance of technological operations, i.e. so that they are all approximately the same in duration.

The experience of prosperous firms in America and Western countries shows that the practical use of new methods of organizing industrial production reduces inventory and work in progress by 50-100%, the need for production space - by 30-50%, total production costs - by 30-50% and etc.

Also, one of the directions for improving the organizational structure of the enterprise, the author considers contacting consulting companies on a certain range of issues. This will reduce the costs of the enterprise for the maintenance of the relevant departments and improve the quality of solving these issues. The implementation of the directions for improving management discussed above will allow it to be more than just receptive to change. Which are taking place in the economy, but also ready for these changes and able to implement them.


Improvement of the economic mechanism is the construction of organizational structures of management, motivation and management methods that would allow the enterprise not only to adapt to changes in the environment, but also create opportunities to be ready for the challenges of tomorrow. The basis of improvement, as shown by the experience of manufacturing companies in industrialized countries, is a series of innovations and new approaches to doing business. This is, for example, creating your own customer, shifting the focus from managing product quality control to creating conditions for defect-free work, attracting outside specialists, etc.

In the conditions of a changeable external environment, each enterprise needs to be ready to respond to any changes without prejudice to itself. And for this, it is necessary to create an adaptive organizational structure in which all communications will be transparent, there will be no congestion, each link will do its own thing, individual components will be correctly located, and there will be no obstacles to the dissemination of information.

This work reveals some directions for improving the organizational systems of enterprises, therefore, it can be used as a foundation for further development of this problem. The results of this study can be used in practice to improve the organizational structure in any enterprise.

As for the calculations, they showed that with different types of movement of objects of labor, the duration of the technological cycle also varies: with sequential movement of labor, it is maximum and equals 7600 minutes, and with parallel and parallel-sequential it is the same, and is 3700 minutes.

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