Handbook on power supply to industrial enterprises Fedorov 1980. Electronic books on power supply to industrial enterprises and civil buildings. Fedorov's reference book on power supply for industrial enterprises

Mukoseev Yu.L. Electricity supply industrial enterprises M:, "Energy", 584 p.

The book is intended as a textbook for students of energy and polytechnic universities. Contains the main chapters: electrical loads and electricity consumption schedules, electricity distribution at voltages up to and above 1000 V, workshop transformer substations, power supply reliability, modes reactive power in networks and its compensation, voltage regimes in industrial networks, electricity metering and saving, features of protective grounding and safety measures in industrial electrical installations.

Fedorov A.A., Kameneva V.V. Basics of power supply for industrial enterprises. 1979. - M.: Energy, - 408 p., ill. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional Textbook for universities.

The book provides the basic initial data for creating power supply systems for industrial enterprises: electrical loads, basics of technical and economic calculations, issues of quality of electrical energy, selection of transformers, cross-sections of wires and cable cores, location of supply substations, issues of reactive power compensation.

The third edition of the book has been significantly revised and expanded to take into account the work carried out after the release of the second edition in 1972. The textbook is intended for university students studying issues of power supply to industrial enterprises and in-plant power supply.

Fedorov A.A. Power supply for industrial enterprises. 1961 - Moscow, Gosenergoizdat 3rd edition. 744 pp.

The book discusses the main issues of power supply to industrial enterprises: identification and classification of electricity consumers, determination of electrical loads, distribution of electricity at low and high voltage substations of industrial enterprises, increasing power factor, energy saving, relay protection, automation and dispatching.

Knyazevsky B.A., Lipkin B.Yu. Power supply for industrial enterprises in M.: Graduate School, 1969, 510 pp.

The book “Power supply of industrial enterprises” (power plants, electrical networks and power supply) was written in accordance with the course program in the specialty “Electric drive and automation of industrial installations” at the Moscow Energy Institute.

Serbinovsky G.V. Handbook on power supply for industrial enterprises. Industrial electrical networks. M. Energy, 1980, 576 pp.

Handbook on power supply for industrial enterprises. The book discusses the issues of electrical loads, the choice of devices, and provides materials on overhead electrical networks of industrial enterprises. The first edition was published in 1973 in two books. The second edition contains new types of equipment, the requirements of new GOSTs, PTEs and other regulatory materials.

Anastasiev P.I., Branzburg E.Z., Kolyada A.V. Design of cable networks and wiring. Under general ed. Khromchenko G. E. - M.: "Energy", 1980, - 384 p.

The book is intended for engineering engineers of design organizations engaged in the design of cable lines and wiring, and university students with electrical power specialties. The materials necessary for the design of cable networks and wiring of electrical installations of enterprises in various industries, cultural and public buildings and agriculture; Methods for calculating cable lines and data for selecting brands of cables and wires according to environmental conditions and installation methods are provided.

Ovcharenko A.S., Rabinovich M.L., Mozyrsky V.N., Rozinsky D.I. Handbook on power supply of industrial enterprises: Design and calculation. 1985. - K.: Technology, 279 p.

The directory contains data on the calculation of power supply systems for industrial enterprises, electrical network diagrams and their reliability, short-circuit currents, power quality indicators, reactive power compensation, starting and self-starting of electric motors, relay protection devices and automation. Designed for engineering and technical workers involved in the design and operation of power supply systems for industrial enterprises, and can also be useful to university students.

Barybin Yu.G. Handbook on power supply design M.: Energoatomizdat, 1990.

Contains materials and reference data for the integrated design of power supply systems for electrical installations of industrial enterprises. Progressive technical solutions for these systems are reflected, based on the use of substations with SF6 equipment, low-oil circuit breakers, static and filter compensating devices. Non-contact protection and network automation are considered. For engineering and technical workers involved in the design and operation of electrical installations of industrial enterprises.

Krupovich V.I., Barybin Yu.G. Samover M.L. Handbook of Electrical Supply Design. 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Energy, 1980. - 456 p., ill. -(Electrical installations of industrial enterprises.)

The directory contains technical solutions for power supply systems of industrial enterprises aimed at increasing the reliability and efficiency of electrical installations. The second edition was published in 1974 under the title “Handbook for the Design of Electric Power Supply, Transmission Lines and Networks.” In the third edition, all sections have been revised and updated to take into account best practices, as well as changes in regulatory requirements.

Fedorov A.L., Starkova L.E. Tutorial for course and diploma design on power supply of industrial enterprises. Textbook for universities. - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1987.

The book contains the basic provisions necessary for completing coursework and diploma projects on power supply to industrial enterprises. Electrical loads that do not overestimate the power consumed by the enterprise, diagrams of internal and external power supply systems, resistance of devices to short-circuit currents, and technical and economic feasibility of the decisions made are determined. For university students.

Fedorov A.A., Serbinovsky G.V. Handbook of power supply for industrial enterprises: Electrical equipment and automation. 1981. M.: Energoizdat -624 p., ill.

The reference book provides information on electrical equipment, its permissible overloads, relay protection devices and automation of power supply systems. Material on electrical loads, selection of devices, and overhead electrical networks was included in the Handbook of Electrical Supply for Industrial Enterprises.

Zevakin A.I., Ligerman I.I. Busbar trunking in electrical networks of industrial enterprises. M.: Energy, 1979. -96 p.

The book discusses designs, areas of application, development prospects, as well as issues of installation and operation of domestically produced 1000V busbars in electrical networks of industrial enterprises. The use of trunk, distribution, lighting and trolley busbars is considered.

Kozlov V. A. Electricity supply of cities. Ed. 2nd revised. 280 pp. with ill. Publishing house "Energy", 1977

The book discusses issues of rational construction of power supply to large cities, requirements for the reliability of power supply to urban consumers, technical and economic characteristics of cable lines and transformers, optimal options for power supply systems, features of their construction and design.

Kozlov V.A. City distribution networks. L.: Energoatomizdat, Leningrad. department, 1982. - 224 p., ill.

The issues of constructing urban electrical distribution networks are considered. The book presents the requirements for power supply to urban consumers, defines the design loads, examines the principles of constructing distribution networks, the protection and automatic devices used, the procedure for electrical calculations and selection of parameters of individual network elements, and technical and economic calculations.

Lipkin B. Yu. Power supply of industrial enterprises and installations: A textbook for technical school students. -3rd ed., trans., and dollars. - M.: Higher. school, 1981. - 376 p., ill.

The textbook provides information about electrical stations and electrical systems, describes the main electrical equipment of stations and substations, relay protection and automation devices, examines the electrical loads of industrial enterprises, and provides calculations of electrical factory and workshop networks. Intended for secondary special education students educational institutions. Can be used by engineers and technical workers dealing with these issues.

Tsigelman I.E. Power supply of civil buildings and municipal enterprises: Textbook for technical schools - M.: Higher. school. 1988. - 319 pp.

The book examines general information about electrical power plants and their operating modes, outlines theoretical issues of lighting engineering, provides instructions on the design and installation of lighting installations, provides circuit diagrams construction of supply and distribution networks with voltages up to 10 kV, methods for determining lighting and power loads of public, residential buildings and enterprises, calculations of electrical networks, general information about the operation of relay protection and the implementation of grounding devices are described, schematic diagrams of distribution points and transformer substations are considered, calculations are given short circuit currents and selection of high-voltage equipment.

Design of power supply systems. Tutorial

Mikhailov V.V. Tariffs and power consumption modes. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1986. - 216 p.: ill. - (Saving fuel and electricity)

The book examines the main systems of electricity tariffs and their impact on power consumption and finding optimal modes in order to equalize the load schedules of power systems. Electricity metering systems are described. The first edition of the book was published in 1974. The second edition contains changes and additions that correspond to new trends in the energy sector. For engineering and technical workers specializing in the field of power supply to industrial enterprises and general energy.

Information about the book...

Zimin E. N. Defense asynchronous motors up to 500 V. Ed. 2nd, reworked, and additional. M.-L., publishing house "Energy", 1967. 88 p. from hell (Electrician's book. Issue 209)

Information about the book...

Livshits D. S. Heating of conductors and protection by fuses in electrical networks up to 1000 V, M. - L., publishing house "Energia", 1959, 43 p. from hell (Electrician's book. Issue 6)

Information about the book...

Belyaev A.V. Selection of equipment, protection and cables in 0.4 kV networks - Leningrad department: Energoatomizdat, 1988.

Information about the book...

Karpov F. F. How to choose the cross-section of wires and cables. Ed. 3rd, revised M., “Energy”, 1973. 72 p. with ill. (Electrician's Book. Issue 386).

Information about the book...

Konstantinov B. A. Zaitsev G. 3. Compensation of reactive power. L., "Energy", 1976. 104 p. with ill. (Electrician's book. Issue 445.)

Information about the book...

1. Fedorov A.A., Kameneva V.V. Basics of power supply for industrial enterprises. M.: Energoatomizdat, 1984.

2. Handbook on power supply for industrial enterprises. In two volumes. /Under the general editorship of Fedorov A.A. M.: Energoatomizdat, 1980.

3. Handbook for power supply design. /Edited by Barybin A.N. M.: Energoatomizdat, 1991.

4. Regulatory principles for the design and operation of electrical installations. Glavgosenergonadzor of Russia, 1998.
5. Fedorov A.A., Starkova L.E. Textbook manual for course and diploma design. M.: Energoatomizdat, 1989.

6. Mikhailov V.V., Polyakov M.A. Electrical energy consumption - reliability and modes. M.: Higher School, 1989.

7. Budzko I.A. Power supply for agricultural enterprises and settlements. M., Kolos, 1975.

8. Industrial thermal power plants. Bazhenov M.I., Bogorodsky A.S., Sazanov B.V., Yurenev V.N.; Ed. E.Ya. Sokolov.-2nd ed., revised. M.: Energy, 1979.

  1. Fokin Yu.A. Reliability and efficiency of electrical systems networks. M.: Higher. school, 1989.

  1. Determination of electrical design loads for each workshop separately and for the enterprise as a whole.

  2. Selecting the voltage of the supply and distribution networks.

  3. Selection of the number and power of GPP transformers and workshop substations.

  4. Selecting a plant power supply scheme.

  5. Selecting the electrical connection diagram of the GPP or TsRP.

  6. Selecting the brand and cross-section of conductors of the supply and distribution networks.

  7. Calculation of short circuit currents and selection of electrical equipment of the power supply system.

Graphic material

  1. General plan of the plant with a mapping of loads, electrical load center, intra-plant network, substations and distribution points.

  2. Single-line power supply diagram (previous version).

  3. Single-line power supply diagram (2 failed options).

The first stage of designing a power supply system for an industrial enterprise (EPS) is determining the electrical loads. Based on the magnitude of the calculated electrical loads, the number and power of GPP transformers and shop transformers are selected at various stages of the EPP system, the electrical equipment of the EPP system is checked, etc. Capital costs, operating costs for the EPP system, and the reliability of the electrical equipment depend on the correct assessment of the expected loads.

The initial data for the calculation are the installed capacities in the plant's workshops, which are represented by a load sheet and demand coefficients ().

The design load (active and reactive) of the power receivers of the workshops is determined from the relations:


- the total installed power of all receivers in the workshop is taken according to the initial data; - average demand coefficient, taken according to reference data;
- corresponding to the weighted average value of the power factor characteristic of receivers in a given workshop.

The design load of a workshop's lighting receivers is usually determined by the installed power and demand factor for lighting:

- demand coefficient for lighting, taken from reference data;
- installed power of electric lighting receivers.

The value can be found according to the formula:

- specific load, W/m2;
- workshop area.

The total design power of the power and lighting receivers of the workshop is determined from the ratio:

Receivers with voltages above 1000 V are counted separately. The calculated active and reactive power of groups of receivers above 1000 V and the total are determined from the expressions:



Where ,
- active, reactive and apparent power of high-voltage load.

Total total power of power and lighting load:
Since the workshop transformers and the main step-down substation are not selected at this stage of the calculation, the power losses in them are approximately determined:



To determine the total design capacity of the enterprise as a whole, it is necessary to take into account all types of load, including:

  • power load voltage up to 1000 V;

  • power load with voltage above 1000 V;

  • lighting load;

  • power losses in transformers;

  • power of compensating devices (in order to reduce the number and power of transformers, as well as the consumption of conductor material).
The design power of compensating devices is determined:

- average annual capacity of the enterprise;
- total active power of power and lighting loads;
- the number of hours of use of the maximum active power, taken from reference materials; - annual number of operating hours of the enterprise;
- reactive power factor of the enterprise load;
- set value of reactive power factor.

Estimated power of the enterprise, taking into account power losses in transformers, power of compensating devices and different times of maximum loads:
- coefficient of different times of maximum loads (characterizes the displacement of the maximum loads of individual groups of receivers in time).

Based on the total estimated power of the enterprise, it is necessary to determine the type of receiving substation of the GPP or TsRP, and determine the power of the GPP transformers. The power of transformers must be determined taking into account their overload capacity. The overload capacity depends on the characteristics of the load graph, which is characterized by the graph fill factor. The total overload should not exceed 30-35%.

- rated power of the transformer.

The power of transformers is selected according to the calculated full power of the plant, taking into account the load factor of the transformer in normal and emergency modes, as well as taking into account the overload capacity. The transformer load in normal mode is:

in post-emergency mode (when one transformer is disconnected):

To determine the location of GPP, TsRP, TP when designing the power supply system of an industrial enterprise at master plan a load map is drawn. When constructing a cartogram, it is necessary to know the total design capacity of the workshops. A certain scale is adopted, and on the selected scale the areas of the circles of the cartogram are equal to the design loads of the workshops.

The area of ​​a circle on a scale is:

where the radius of the circle:

Where - power -th workshop;
- an arbitrary scale to determine the area of ​​a circle.

The main step-down substation and workshops should be located as close as possible to the center of electrical loads, thereby ensuring the construction of a rational power supply system. The center of electrical loads is located separately according to active power, since reactive loads are powered from other installations (generators, compensating devices).

The coordinates of the center of the electrical loads of the plant are determined by the formula:


where are the calculated active loads of the workshops;

, - coordinates of the location of workshops on the general plan.

To determine the coordinates and construct a cartogram, it is necessary to plot coordinate axes on the general plan (arbitrarily).

For enterprises of significant power with long distance From the substations of the electrical systems, external power supply to the plant is carried out by overhead lines with a voltage of 35 - 110 (220) kV, which are connected to the open part of the gas substation. The presence of consumers of the first category requires powering the plant from two independent sources, which are the bus sections of two transformers of the system substation, which have two power sources.

Transformers are installed on the open part of the GPP, connected through 35 - 110 kV switches on the higher side of the transformer. On the lower side of the transformer with a voltage of 6 - 10 kV, the equipment is performed by switchgear type devices, from which electricity is distributed to individual substations of workshops and distribution points of installations (compressor, pumping, etc.)

When the plant is located within the city district substations of the energy system, power is usually provided by 6 - 10 kV cable lines, which feed one or two distribution points of the plant, from which power is supplied to the transformer substations and distribution points of workshops and electrical installations.

Electrical supply to individual workshops is carried out by workshop and inter-shop substations, depending on the magnitude and nature of the electrical loads of the workshops and their placement on the general plan of the plant, taking into account the reliability of power supply in accordance with the categories of electricity consumers.

The choice of brand of conductors for electrical networks of enterprises depends on the nature of the environment and the method of laying cables. The cross-section of cable line conductors up to and above 1 kV is carried out according to the following conditions:

  • for heating by long-term permissible load current;

  • by voltage loss;

  • by mechanical strength;

  • by crown;

  • by economic current density (for cables above 1 kV);

  • by thermal resistance to short circuit currents.


The course project should consist of explanatory note and drawings.

The explanatory note is drawn up on sheets of A4 paper on one side. The volume of the explanatory note should be no more than 50 pages of text.

The first sheet of the explanatory note is front page, then comes the assignment for the course project, table of contents, text, and bibliography.

The text of the material should be presented in the first person plural(“determine”, “accept”) or the indefinite form may be used (“determined”, “chosen”). Abbreviations of words in the text and inscriptions above illustrations are not allowed.

When performing calculations, formulas must be moved from the general text material to a separate line. The explanation of the letter designations and numerical coefficients is given directly after the formula. The first line of the transcript should begin with the word “where”, without a colon after it.

In the settlement and explanatory note, uniform terminology should be observed.

The results of similar calculations are summarized in tables.

Illustrations for the relevant parts of the text can be located throughout the text of the note, at the end of it, or in the appendix. All illustrations are numbered Arabic numerals, for example, “Fig. 1". In the text, references to illustrations are given by type (Fig. 1).

When selecting and justifying technical solutions and performing calculations, the text of the note should be accompanied by the necessary graphic material (for example, electrical connection diagrams of substations, equivalent circuits, etc.).

The technical decisions taken on the main design issues should be briefly and clearly formulated and highlighted in paragraphs in the text.

Each chapter or section of the explanatory note must end general conclusion. In the conclusion, based on the calculations performed and decisions made, recommendations are given on the specific design issue discussed in this chapter or section.

Used in the text letter designations general technical and electrical quantities must be adopted in accordance with the standards.

After the numerical value of the dimensional values, it is necessary to indicate the units of measurement.

* Presented in accordance with the standard methodological manual for

part-time students of engineering and technical specialties
The graphic part of the project is carried out in pencil in compliance with current GOSTs for technical drawing and conventional graphic symbols in electrical diagrams, stamp samples, specification forms. The graphic part of the project must be completed in drawing paper. The volume of the graphic part is 2 sheets of A1 format. It is allowed to make drawings using computer technology.

The graphic part is developed by the student while working on the draft draft, and then drawn up on drawing paper. The materials presented in the graphic part of the project must correspond to what is stated in the calculation and explanatory note.

Each student completes a course project according to his individual assignment, indicated by the last two digits of his academic code in the grade book (the first digit is the assignment number, the second digit is the option number).

Fedorov's guide to power supply for industrial enterprises

Selecting cross-sections of wires and cables according to heating conditions 4-1. Permissible current loads on wires, cables and buses 4-2. Selecting maximum current protection for lines 4-3. Selection of wire and cable sections Section five. Semenov V.A. 2004 Emergency automation in load nodes with powerful synchronous electric motors. Electrical energy is used wherever the use of thermal, light, and mechanical energy is required; it is widely used in the public sector and in everyday life. The second edition is distinguished by the presence of a new type of equipment, the requirements of new GOSTs, PTEs are considered, as well as the presence of other regulatory materials. Ashkenazi G.I. Udolsky A.K. 1976 Electrical supply of civil buildings and public utilities.

Fedorov's Guide to Power Supply for Industrial Enterprises

Today it is impossible to imagine our life without the use of electrical energy. The reference book is intended for electrical engineers working on the design of industrial and utility power networks, and can also serve as a guide for electrical engineers and electricians involved in the installation and operation of electrical networks. Sometimes horizontally laid strips or round steel are used as independent grounding conductors. Volume 2 Borovikov V.A. Electrical networks and systems Booth D.A. Energy storage devices Vasilyeva R.N. Electrical installation devices and products Venikov V.A. Electrical systems. T1. Mathematical problems of electric power industry Venikov V.A. Electrical systems. Overhead lines 6-10-35 kV are also not always operated correctly; the main reason for intense damage is repeated switching in winter.

Heading: Equipment Title: Handbook on power supply for industrial enterprises. Moscow-Leningrad, publishing house "Energia", 1984 Discuss a reference book on the calculation of wires and cables. Volume 1 Borichev I.E. Handbook on electrical installations of industrial enterprises. The 3-d edition, revised and enlarged. - M. Energoatomizdat, 1984. - 448 pp. 4. Rules of Establishment of Electrical Installations. Part 1 Syusyukin A.I. Basics of power supply for enterprises In two parts. Instead of a coupling, dry termination is used on cable lines, which sharply reduces their reliability. The reason for the low reliability of 35 kV overhead lines is mainly unfavorable weather conditions, aging of insulators.

The usually used length of vertical electrodes is 2 - 3 m. Application of electrodes longer length(5 - 20 m) is advisable with high soil resistance and a small area allocated for the installation of a ground electrode. Chisinau: “Cartea Moldovenasca”, 1979. - 207 p. 42. Mordovin B. M. Electric networks and lighting. L. "Energy", 1975.-57 p. 43. Reliability of energy systems. The use of rods instead of pipes and angles leads to metal savings (approximately 6.5 tons per 100 electrodes). Vertical electrodes immersed in the ground are connected by steel strips laid at a depth of 0.5 - 0.8 m and welded to the upper ends of the vertical electrodes. Goldstein E.I. 2000 How to make a small electrical installation project. List of used literature: 1. Granovsky V.A. Siraya T.N. Methods for processing experimental data during measurements. — L. Energoatomizdat. It is more advisable to use angle steel, since it is cheaper than pipes. The greatest resistance occurs in winter time when the soil freezes and summer time when it dries. Electricity supply. Fedorov A.A. (ed), 1986 Handbook of power engineering for industrial enterprises.

This reference manual is aimed at all engineers, as well as technicians who work in the departments of the chief power engineers of industrial enterprises. Volume 1 - 1996 Fedorov A.A. Handbook of power supply and electrical equipment. Book 1 Fedorov A.A. Handbook on power supply for industrial enterprises. General information 1-1. Legend and supporting tables 1-2. Basic information from the theory of electrical engineering 1-3. Definitions 1-4. Rated voltages 1-5. Basic requirements for electrical networks Section two. The 6th edition. - M. Energoatomizdat, 1986. - 648 pp. 5. Sobirova Sh. R. Priority Streamlines of the Development of Tajikistan Energetic Complex // Bulletin of TSULBP. 2014, No. 5 (61) - pp. 126-135. 6. Reference-book on Electricity Supply and Electric Equipment. In 2 volumes.

Rational use natural grounding systems simplifies and reduces the cost of the construction of grounding devices. For timely and high-quality power supply to consumers, there are energy systems, to which they are presented high demands in terms of reliability, reliability and quality of provided electrical energy. Selection of conductors for thermal and dynamic resistance to short circuit current Section seven. When using reinforced concrete structures In order to be able to connect them to each other and the grounding network, the fittings must be provided with outlets to the outside in advance. The advantage of the considered natural grounding conductors is their low spreading resistance. Kireeva E.A. Tsyruk S.A. 2005 Power supply for computer and telecommunication systems. KSM products and services: site optimization Discuss a reference book for calculating wires and cables Publishing house "Energia" 1984 The book contains reference tables for calculating electrical networks with voltage up to 10 kV inclusive according to heating conditions, permissible voltage loss and economic current density. Determining Design Electrical Loads 3-1. Design loads of industrial enterprises 3-2. Design loads of residential and public buildings Section four. Losses of power and electricity in electrical networks Section ten. The tables are accompanied by a summary of calculation methods and solutions to illustrative examples.

When the voltage decreases or increases, the heating of network elements increases, power and electricity losses increase, operational reliability decreases, the service life of electric motors and transformers is reduced, and negative electromagnetic phenomena appear in the system. It is advisable to place the ring below the freezing level. The smallest dimensions of steel grounding conductors and conductors for corrosion resistance are as follows: round steel diameter 6 mm, strip thickness 4 mm, strip cross-section 48 mm, angle flange thickness 4 mm, pipe wall thickness 3.5 mm. When electricity consumption is limited, sharp jumps in the supply of electricity to energy distribution networks occur. Even short-term or infrequent power outages under the above conditions can lead to long-term disruption technological process, stopping the process and other consequences. Fig.8-9. Loop grounding conductor B lately Vertical grounding rods in the form of round steel rods with a diameter of 12 - 16 mm are becoming widespread. Handbook for calculation of wires and cables, ed. 2nd. M.-L. publishing house "Energy", 1984. 224 p. from hell Dyakov A.F. 2003 Management and marketing in the electric power industry. Sleptsov M.A. (ed), 2006 Overvoltage and electrical strength of high-voltage insulation. Belyaev A.V. 2005 Emergency control in load nodes with high-power synchronous electric motors. Kaminsky E.A. 1980 Compensation of capacitive currents in networks with an ungrounded neutral.

(1907 - 1985)

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR and the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic Anatoly Anatolyevich Fedorov is the founder of a scientific school on industrial power supply systems. He developed a method for optimizing power supply systems.
Fedorov A.A. started his labor activity in 1924 as an electrician. After graduating from the Moscow Energy Institute in 1931, he was appointed head of the Main Directorate of Educational Institutions of the Energy Center of the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR.
Working from 1933 to 1935 at the Moscow Electromechanical Institute of Railway Transport Engineers, A.A. Fedorov introduced a number of new courses and created a complex of electrical engineering laboratories.
His contribution to the development of the electric power industry is significant eastern regions countries where he worked in 1935-1942 in senior positions at Norilskstroy, Irtyshges Stroe, Altaienergo.
Professor A.A. Fedorov was a prominent scientist in the field of industrial energy. His works on optimizing power supply systems for industrial enterprises have been widely recognized by the engineering and scientific community in our country and abroad.
Since 1942 A.A. Fedorov teaches at the Moscow Energy Institute. From 1964 to 1972 he was vice-rector of MPEI. In 1966, the department of in-plant power supply was organized, which was later renamed the department of power supply of industrial enterprises, headed by A.A. Fedorov from 1966 to 1981.
Scientists of the department under the leadership of Fedorov A.A. methods were developed for selecting the optimal number, power and location of substations of industrial enterprises and methods for selecting the parameters of the most important elements of power supply systems, taking into account the dynamics of growth of electrical loads. Research was conducted on the quality of electrical energy, as well as methods for assessing the reliability of power supply systems, which made it possible to create rational in-plant power supply systems. The Department of Electrical Supply of Industrial Enterprises completed basic research for a number of specific power supply systems such as Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, Soyuzkhimpromenergo, Mosoblelektro.
For further development scientific work An industrial laboratory for industrial electrical power engineering was created at the department. The main results of research work carried out at the department under the leadership of A.A. Fedorov are reflected in textbooks and monographs. The textbook by A.A. is widely known. Fedorov “Fundamentals of power supply to industrial enterprises”, which went through several editions and was translated into a number of foreign languages, including on English language. Also known is the “Handbook of Electrical Supply for Industrial Enterprises”, which has gone through several reprints.
Professor A.A. Fedorov was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor and five medals of the USSR.

Handbook of power supply for industrial enterprises Fedorov 1973

Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. M. RGGRU, 2008. 100. Merkulov M.V. Kosyanov V.A. Heat engineering and heat supply for geological exploration. Theory, design and calculation. N.G. Yudushkin, 195585. Gas burner devices. Yu.V. Ivanov, 197286. Low power gas turbine engines. A. Judge. Energy today and tomorrow. A.N. Protsenko, 1986282. Eureka series. Abstracts of reports of the VI International Conference “New Ideas in Geosciences”. Part 2. M. MGGRU, 2003. 53. Kosyanov V.A. Justification of the maximum distances for placing receivers from the energy source according to the conditions for ensuring the required voltage level.

Per. with him. V.V. Pruss-Zhukovsky and I.N. Pruss-Zhukovskaya under the general. ed. M.P. Kostenko, 1961696. Electric micromachines. G. Stelting, A. Beisse. Industrial electrical networks. M. Energy, 1980, 576 pages. Textbook for universities. 2nd ed. reworked and additional Volume 3. I.I. Artobolevsky, 1979149. Mechanisms in modern technology Reference Guide. In 7 volumes. Ed. 2nd, revised

Ed. D.V. Galtsova, 1989431. Problem book on heat and mass transfer processes. Textbook for universities. V.V. Avchukhov, B.E. Pauste, 1986432. Problem book on heat transfer. Textbook for universities. 4th ed. reworked and additional E.A. Krasnoshchekov, A.S. Sukomel, 1980433. Problem book on thermal power plants. Practical guide, applicable to all branches of technology. P.S. Vyshinsky, 1904654. Hütte. Ed. M.O. Steinberg, 1992300. Handbook of low-capacity boiler installations. K.F. Roddatis, A.N. Poltoretsky. Compiled for midshipmen classes of the Naval Cadet Corps by Lieutenant General A.N. Krylov, 1913650. Textbook on fluid and gas dynamics651. Chemical sources current Textbook for chemical engineering. specialist. universities V.N. Varypaev and others. Materials VIII International Conference "New Ideas in Geosciences". Volume 6. M. RGGRU, 2007. 55. Kosyanov V.A. Limitovsky A.M. Gulyaeva L.A. Introduction of overhead lines with insulated wires for power supply of geological exploration work. The third edition of the book has been significantly revised and expanded to take into account the work carried out after the release of the second edition in 1972. The textbook is intended for university students studying issues of power supply to industrial enterprises and in-plant power supply.

Vol. 6) Information about the book... Belyaev A.V. Selection of equipment, protection and cables in 0.4 kV networks - Leningrad department. Energoatomizdat, 1988. Information about the book... Karpov F. F. How to choose the cross-section of wires and cables. Central Bureau of Labor Standards under the Labor Research Institute of the State Committee for Labor and social issues Council of Ministers of the USSR. M. 1978. 25. Ermolenko M.N. Rational use of heat in heating and ventilation systems of compressor stations of main gas pipelines. Compiled by G.B. Gorelik, 2001194. Course of lectures on hydraulics195. Course of lectures on thermal engineering196. Lasers. Ed. 5th. A.A. Eikhenwald, 1928706. Electrical safety during the operation of electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V Handbook. G.A. Dulitsky, A.P. Komarevtsev, 1988707. Electrical measuring equipment. Ed. 4th, revised G.V. Zeweke, P.A. Ionkin et al. 1975272. Fundamentals of the theory of electromagnetic shielding. D.N. Shapiro, 1975273. Fundamentals of heat transfer.

Ed. 5th, revised and additional N.V. Chernobrovov, 1974385. Relay protection. The book “Power supply of industrial enterprises” (power plants, electrical networks and power supply) was written in accordance with the course program in the specialty “Electric drive and automation of industrial installations” at the Moscow Energy Institute. Lecture notes. A.V. Golgovskikh, 2001375. Relay protection and automation of elements of the power supply system of an industrial enterprise. V.I. Khuduguev, 1996376. Relay protection and automation. The first edition of the book was published in 1974. The second edition contains changes and additions that correspond to new trends in the energy sector.

Part 1. V.A. Kostrykin, I.G. Shelepov, A.L. Shubenko, 2007530. Theory of electrical circuits Textbook for technical schools. I.N. Dobrotvorsky, 1989531. Theory of electricity. Download the book “Busbar trunking in electrical networks of industrial enterprises” (DjVu) Kozlov V. A. Power supply of cities. Turbines and pumps Textbook for universities. G.I. Krivenko, 197870. Hydraulics. Ed. 4th, revised and additional A.A. Fedorov, V.V. Kameneva, 1984279. Fundamentals of power supply A textbook on the discipline Electricity supply. Yu.Ya. Chukreev, 2001280. Fundamentals of electrical engineering. M.I. Kuznetsov.

Under general ed. K.D. Lavrenenko, 1979752. Energy of Russia during the Great Patriotic War. Ed. A.A. Zhukauskas and E.K. Kalinina, 198897. Testing of steam turbogenerators Methodical manual. M.A. Ukhobotin, 195298. Energy sources. P. Voinilovich, P. Albychev. Per. with him. N.A. Golubeva, ed. G.N. Petrova, 193532. Electric machines. Ed. E.V. Sarnatsky, S.A. Chistovich, 1990430. Dictionary of electrical engineering (English, French, German, Dutch, Russian), 1985431. Reduction of heat loss in buildings. J. Rzeganek, A. Janousz.

Ed. 2nd, revised and additional G.P. Pankratov, 1986410. Collection of problems on technical thermodynamics Textbook. 2nd ed. D.L. Zhukhovitsky, 2004411. Collection of problems in technical thermodynamics. T.N. Andrianova et al. Industrial electrical networks, published in 1980. The first edition was published in 1973 in two books. The second edition takes into account new regulatory guidelines and new types of equipment. Hydrostatics. Collection of typical problems93. Hydraulics. N.Z. Frenkel, 195694. Hydraulics. Proceedings of the IX International Conference “New Ideas in Geosciences”. Volume 2. M. RGGRU, 2009. 57. Kosyanov V. A. Bashkurov A. Yu. Energy and technological drilling complex. The principles of drawing up equivalent circuits of direct, reverse and zero sequence for calculating short circuit currents are considered. Textbook for universities. 2nd ed. corr. and additional F.F. Tsvetkov, B.A. Grigoriev, 2005554. Heat exchange in the furnaces of steam boilers. A.G. Bloch, 1984555. Heat transfer and hydrodynamic resistance. Ed. SOUTH. Barybina et al. 1990471. Handbook on the design of electrical power systems. S.S. Rokotyan, I.M. Shapiro, 1985472. Handbook for calculating wires and cables. The first edition was published in 1973 in two books. The second edition contains new types of equipment, the requirements of new GOSTs, PTEs and other regulatory materials. Download the book “Power supply of industrial enterprises” (DjVu) Knyazevsky B.A. Lipkin B.Yu. Power supply of industrial enterprises M. Higher School, 1969, 510 pp. Volume 2. I.I. Artobolevsky, 1979209. Mechanisms in modern technology Reference manual. In 7 volumes. Ed. 2nd, revised

Proceedings of the X International Conference “New Ideas in Geosciences”. Volume 2. M. RGGRU, 2011. 65. Kosyanov V.A. Limitovsky A.M. Badulin O.V. Methodological clarifications for determining the average and calculated electrical power during drilling operations. The information necessary for calculating the starting modes of electric motors and selecting loads is given. Ed. 2nd, revised and additional P.N. Shlyakhin, 1974298. Steam and gas turbines Textbook for technical schools. A.N. Smolensky, 1977299. Steam boilers with natural circulation. 1. Averkiev Yu.V. Diesel-electric units from the RUMO plant for small-scale power generation. Part 1, 1992274. Collection of guidance materials of the Main Technical Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Energy (Electrical technical part). Ed. 4th, revised and additional Ed. A.N. Ledovsky, 199135. SF6 circuit breakers of the VGT36 series. Electricity, magnetism and electrical engineering in their historical development. Volume 2. Ed. A.A. Fedorova, 1986488. Handbook on power supply of industrial enterprises Design and calculation. A.S. Ovcharenko, M.L. Rabinovich, V.I. Mozyrsky, D.I. Rozinsky, 1985489. Handbook of electrical materials. Yablochkov is the glory and pride of Soviet electrical engineering. N.A. Kaptsov, 1948230. Non-synchronous inclusions and resynchronization in power systems. With the assistance of G. Luks and Dr. Michalke, 1909105. Chemical current sources Textbook for chemical engineering. specialist. universities V.N. Varypaev and others.