"Australia and Oceania. Microsoft Power Point, Didactic material. Progress lesson

7th grade
1 option
Part A
Choose the correct answer
1. Australia is surrounded by oceans
A. Quiet and Indian
B. Indian and Atlantic
B. Atlantic and Pacific
G.Tikhim and Arctic
2. Any point in Australia has
A. northern latitude and east longitude
B. south latitude and east longitude
B. north latitude and west longitude
G. south latitude and west longitude
3. Which part of Australia is the highest?
A. northern B. eastern C. central
4. Big barrier reef located
A. off the eastern coast of Australia
B. off the northern coast of Australia
V. u southern shores Australia
5. On the windward slopes of the Great Dividing Range, precipitation falls
A. mainly in winter B. mainly in summer C. evenly throughout the year
6. The north of Australia occupies climate zone
A. subequatorial
B. tropical
V. arctic
G. subtropical
7. Maximum temperatures air over most of mainland Australia are observed in
A. JanuaryDecember
B. DecemberNovember
V. MarchApril
G. JuneJuly
8. The predominant type of feeding of Australian rivers is
A. rain B. snow C. glacial
9. Murray River Flows
A. to the Great Australian Bight
B. to the Gulf of Carpentaria
V. to Bass Strait
10. Marsupials include
A. platypus and kangaroo B. kangaroo and koala C. koala and echidna
11. Uniqueness organic world mainland is explained by the fact that Australia
A. the driest continent
B. has long been separated from other continents and is located in isolation
V. has no glaciers and active volcanoes
12. By the time the Europeans arrived, the Australian Aborigines
A. were engaged in cattle breeding and farming
B. mastered cattle breeding, but did not know agriculture
V. did not master either cattle breeding or agriculture
13. The highest population density is currently characteristic
A. for the northeast of the mainland
B. for the center of the mainland
V. for the southeast of the mainland
14. Australia occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of livestock
A. horses B. cows C. sheep
15. Most islands of Oceania is located
A. in equatorial and tropical latitudes
B. in tropical and temperate latitudes
V. in temperate and arctic latitudes
16. The peaks of huge volcanic massifs rising from the ocean floor are
A. islands New Zealand
B. island of New Guinea

B. Hawaiian Islands
G. Islands of New Caledonia
Part B
Restore the chain of cause and effect relationships
A. Most of the continent is desert
B. Mountains retain moisture air masses from the ocean
B. There is little rainfall
2. What are screams?
3. What Australian plant are we talking about?
This endemic has leaves with an edge towards sunlight, so the crown does not shade the soil. They are called
"tree pumps".
Part C.
1. Why are there no active volcanoes and earthquakes in Australia?
2. Determine the climate type from the climatogram and give a description given climate

Test on the topic: “Australia and Oceania”
7th grade
Option 2
Part A
Choose the correct answer
1.The territory of Australia is located:
A. in one hemisphere B. in two hemispheres C. in three hemispheres
2. Australia intersects almost in the middle
A. equator
B. southern tropics
V. Arctic Circle
G. prime meridian
3. The relief corresponds to the ancient Australian platform
A. Bolshoi Watershed Ridge and Central Lowland
B. Central Lowlands and Western Australian Tablelands
B. Western Australian Tablelands and Great Dividing Range
4. The most high peak mainland is in
A. southwestern B. northern part C. southeastern part of the mainland
5. Most of Australia is occupied by a climate zone
A. subequatorial B. subtropical C. tropical.
6. The climate of Australia compared to the climate of Africa
A. drier B. wetter C. colder
7. On your own natural features Lake Eyre most closely resembles the African lakes
A. Victoria
B. Tanganyika
V. Chad
G. Nyasa
8. Most of the mainland’s rivers belong to the ocean basin
A. Indian
B. Atlantic
V. Quiet
9. Most characteristic of Australia
A. mammals and marsupials
B. marsupials and oviparous animals
10. Which animal is not a marsupial?
A. koala
B. kangaroo
V. echidna
11. Most of Australia is occupied natural areas
A. deserts and rain forests
B. savannah and mixed forests
B. savannas and deserts
12. Australia was a colony
A. England
B. Holland
13. Leading place in agriculture Australia ranks
A. sheep farming
B. vegetable growing
B. cattle breeding
14.The capital of the Commonwealth of Australia is a city
A. Sydney
B. Melbourne
V. Canberra
15. The islands of Oceania are located
A. in Severny Arctic Ocean
B. in Pacific Ocean
V. Germany
G. France

V. in Indian Ocean
G. in Atlantic Ocean
16. The climate of most of the islands of Oceania is characterized by
A. low humidity and air temperature
B. low humidity and high temperature air
B. high humidity and low air temperature
G. high humidity and air temperature
Part B
1. Restore the chain of cause and effect.
A. Mountains trap moist air masses from the ocean.
B. Forests are located on the eastern slopes of the Great Dividing Range.
B. There is a lot of rainfall on the windward slopes of the mountains.
2. What is called a scrub?
3. Name Australia's largest river system.
Part C.
1. Why are 75% of Australia's plant and animal species endemic?
2. Determine the type of climate from the climatogram and characterize this climate:

Correct answers and evaluation criteria
1 option
Part A
Part B
1. BVA
2. Screams of temporarily dry rivers
3. Eucalyptus
Part C.
1. Because at the base of the continent there is an ancient Australian platform and areas of ancient
folding, no junctions of lithospheric plates.
2. Tropical desert. The average monthly summer (January) temperature is +24+28
degrees. Precipitation is less than 250 mm per year. Large daily and annual temperature fluctuations
air. Rainy season (summer) – October March, dry season (winter) – April September
Part A
Option 2

Part B
2. Scrub - thickets of bushes and low-growing trees with small leathery leaves.
3. Murray river system with Darling tributary
Part C
1. Australia was separated from other continents long ago and the organic world developed in isolation and
well preserved.
2. Subtropical Mediterranean. Summer is generally hot and dry, lasting from December to March.
February is the most hot month. In turn, winter is quite wet and cool. The most
large number precipitation falls between May and September. Average temperature January +24. July
+16 average annual precipitation – 600800 mm.
Answers from parts A and B are worth 1 point, parts C are worth 2 points.
Total – 23 points
2123 points for “5”

1820 points for “4”
1217 points for "3"
Less than 12 points for “2”

Test on the topic: “Australia and Oceania”

7th grade

Part A

Choose the correct answer

1. Australia is surrounded by oceans

A. Quiet and Indian

B. Indian and Atlantic

B. Atlantic and Pacific

G. Quiet and Arctic

2. Any point in Australia has

A. north latitude and east longitude

B. south latitude and east longitude

B. north latitude and west longitude

G. south latitude and west longitude

3. Which part of Australia is the highest?

A. northern B. eastern C. central

4. The Great Barrier Reef is located

A. off the eastern coast of Australia

B. off the northern coast of Australia

V. off the southern coast of Australia

5. The north of Australia occupies a climate zone

A. subequatorial

B. tropical

V. arctic

G. subtropical

6. Maximum air temperatures across most of mainland Australia are observed in

A. January-December

B. December-November

V. March-April

G. June-July

7. Murray River Flows

A. to the Great Australian Bight

B. to the Gulf of Carpentaria

V. to Bass Strait

8. Marsupials include

A. platypus and kangarooB. kangaroo and koalaV.koala and echidna

9. The uniqueness of the organic world of the continent is explained by the fact that Australia

A. the driest continent

B. has long been separated from other continents and is located in isolation

V. has no glaciers or active volcanoes

10. By the time Europeans arrived, Australian Aborigines

A. were engaged in cattle breeding and farming

B. mastered cattle breeding, but did not know agriculture

V. did not master either cattle breeding or agriculture

11. The highest population density is currently characteristic

A. for the northeast of the mainland

B. for the center of the mainland

V. for the southeast of the mainland

12. The territory of Australia is:

A. in one hemisphereB. in two hemispheresV. in three hemispheres

13. Australia intersects almost in the middle

A. equator

B. southern tropics

V. Arctic Circle

G. prime meridian

14. Most of Australia is occupied by a climate zone

A. subequatorial B. subtropical C. tropical.

15. The climate of Australia compared to the climate of Africa

A. drier B. wetter C. colder

16. Most of the mainland’s rivers belong to the ocean basin

A. Indian

B. Atlantic

V. Quiet

17. Which animal is not a marsupial?

A. koala

B. kangaroo

V. echidna

18. Most of Australia is occupied by natural areas

A. deserts and rainforests

B. savannas and mixed forests

B. semi-deserts and deserts

19. Australia was a colony

A. England B. Germany

B. Holland D. France

20. Australia occupies a leading place in agriculture

A. sheep farming

B. vegetable growing

B. cattle breeding

21.The capital of the Commonwealth of Australia is a city

A. Sydney

B. Melbourne

V. Canberra

22. The islands of Oceania are located

A. in the Arctic Ocean

B. in the Pacific Ocean

V. in the Indian Ocean

G. in the Atlantic Ocean

Part B

1. Restore the chain of cause and effect
A. Most of the continent is desert

B. Mountains trap moist air masses from the ocean

B. There is little rainfall

2. What are screams?

3. What Australian plant are we talking about?

This endemic has leaves with an edge facing the sunlight, so the crown does not shade the soil. They are called “pump trees.”

4. What is called a scrub?

5. Name Australia's largest river system.

Travel lesson “Nature of Australia”

Objective of the lesson: creating conditions for active cognitive activity of students in

Lesson through various shapes and types of learning activities.


  1. Educational: continue to familiarize students with the natural features of the continent, introduce them to the plants and animals of Australia

  2. Educational: improve skills to work with different sources information (map, textbook, additional literature, COR); develop the ability to put acquired knowledge into practice; develop students' thinking and abilities, develop interest in geography.

  3. Educational: promote active education creative personality, able to see, pose and resolve non-standard problems; cultivate communication and tolerance in group work.
Equipment: Lesson progress

    1. Organizational moment.
“...This region is the most curious in globe! Its appearance, plants, climate - all this surprised, surprises and will still surprise... The most bizarre, most illogical country that has ever existed! This is how one of Jules Verne’s heroes described Australia in the novel “The Children of Captain Grant.” Today we will commit exciting journey across this amazing continent. Tourists go to Europe to admire ancient castles, museums, architecture, but what attracts travelers to Australia? (Nature) What components of nature are we going to get to know? Students formulate the objectives of the lesson and draw up a diagram:

^ 2. Testing knowledge and skills.

We rushed to the shores of Australia. Along the way, we will remember and repeat the topics we have studied. Map experts, who will show their knowledge? Solving an electronic crossword puzzle, showing objects on a wall map.

  1. The most eastern point Australia.

  2. The strait between Australia and the island of Tasmania.

  3. The most southern point Australia.

  4. The westernmost point of Australia.

  5. Bay in northern Australia.

  6. The sea washing the northern shores of Australia.

  7. The sea washing the north-eastern coast of Australia.

  8. An island located south of Australia.

  9. An island located southeast of Australia.
(Correct answers: 1 - Byron; 2 - Bass; 3 - South East Point; 4 - Steep Point; 5 - Carpentaria; 6 - Arafura; 7 - Coral; 8 - Tasmania; 9 - New Zealand).

  1. ^ Learning new material.
Students are divided into 4 groups with positional division (“time holder”, “speakers”, “schematizer”, “organizer”). Groups receive tasks. Execution time -10 minutes.

^ Group 1. “Geomorphologists”

  1. List the main features of Australia's topography:
a) what forms of relief predominate: mountains or plains? Determine their average height.

B) show on the map the Central Lowlands, the Great Watershed Range, the town of Kosciuszko.

  1. Are there active volcanoes in Australia? Explain why.

  2. What minerals is Australia rich in?
Group 2. “Climatologists”

  1. What climate zones is Australia located in? Which climate zone occupies the largest area?

  2. By using climate map tell us about the main features of the Australian climate: a) average and absolute temperature in January
b) average and absolute temperature in July

B) average annual precipitation. Why Australia is

The driest continent?

3. Which areas of Australia receive the most rainfall? Why?

Group 3. “Hydrologists”

  1. Tell us about inland waters Australia. Show the largest ones on the map river systems, lakes. What are screams?

  2. Use examples to show the relationship between climate and inland waters.

  3. Why is Lake Eyre called the “dead heart of Australia”? Tell us about this lake.
Group 4. “Biologists”

  1. Why is Australia called a huge nature reserve?

  2. What is endemic? Why is the organic world of Australia so poor and unique?

  3. Name typical representatives flora and fauna of Australia. Tell us about them.

  4. What animals are depicted on the Australian coat of arms. Why do you think?

  5. Why do Australia have laws prohibiting the import of plants and animals into the country?
The schematizer on the board depicts a diagram prepared by the group, the speaker presents the message of his group, based on the diagram, the class students perform this diagram V contour maps, ask questions about the content of the speech. The students' story is accompanied by a show of slides 16-49 of the presentation.

^ 4. Consolidation, control of knowledge and skills.

Exercise: Complete the final test according to the options (questions with 3 answer options, you must choose one correct answer):

1 option

^ 1. Australia is...

A. the wettest continent

V. the coldest continent

S. smallest continent

2. Australia is washed by oceans...

A. Indian and Atlantic

V. Quiet and Indian

S. Atlantic and Pacific


A. equator

B. southern tropics

N. Arctic Circle

4. In Australia they call a “tree pump”...

A. eucalyptus

V. baobabs

S. acacia

^ 5. Any point in Australia has...

A. north latitude and east longitude

B. south latitude and east longitude

N. south latitude and west longitude

^ 6. Mountains in Australia are called...

V. Himalayas

7. Easternmost point of the mainland

A. Cape Yugo-Vostochny

W. Cape Byron

S. Cape York

8. In Australia there are no:

A. volcanoes

B. glaciers

N. depression below 0 m.


10. Australia is the world leader in production of:

A. iron ore

V. gold

S. diamonds

Answers: 1C, 2B, 3B, 4A, 5B, 6C, 7B, 8A, 9B, 10C.

Option 2

^ 1. Any point in Australia has...

^ 2. The northernmost point of the mainland

A. Cape Byron

E. Cape Steep Point

S. Cape York

3. Australia intersects almost in the middle...

A. prime meridian

V. Arctic Circle

N. southern tropics

A. Everest

V. Kostsyushko

S. Elbrus

5. In the north of Australia there is a bay...

A. Great Australian

V. Bengalsky

S. Carpentaria

A. acacia

V. eucalyptus

S. palms


A. platypus

V. rabbit

8. Australia is the world leader in production of:

A. iron ore

V. gold

S. diamonds

^ 9. In the west, Australia is washed by the oceans...

A. Indian

S. Atlantic

10. Periodically drying up rivers in Australia are called:

S. shotty

Answers: 1C, 2C, 3C, 4B, 5C, 6B, 7A, 8C, 9A, 10B.

Option 3

^ 1. Australia intersects almost in the middle...

A. equator

B. southern tropics

N. Arctic Circle

2. There is a bay in the south of Australia

A. Great Australian

V. Bengalsky

S. Carpentaria

^ 3. Westernmost point of the mainland

A. Cape Byron

E. Cape Steep Point

S. Cape York

4. The coat of arms of Australia depicts:

V. platypus

S. kangaroo

^ 5. Periodically drying up rivers in Australia are called:

A. in the northern part of the mainland

V. in the southwestern

N. in the southeast

^ 7. The largest area in Australia is occupied by the climate zone:

A. tropical

V. subtropical

S. subequatorial

A. Darling

S. Murray

9. Australia is inferior in area to:

A. Africa

B. Antarctica

S. to all continents

^ 10. In Australia there are no:

A. volcanoes

B. glaciers

N. depression below 0 m.

Answers: 1B, 2A, 3B, 4C, 5B, 6C, 7A, 8C, 9C, 10A.

Option 4

^ 1. Mountains in Australia are called...

V. Himalayas

S. Great Watershed Ridge

2. Easternmost point of the mainland

A. Cape Yugo-Vostochny

W. Cape Byron

S. Cape York

^ 3. Australia is washed by oceans...

A. Indian and Atlantic

V. Quiet and Indian

S. Atlantic and Pacific

4. Periodically drying up rivers in Australia are called:

^ 5. Australia is the world leader in production of:

A. iron ore

V. gold

S. diamonds

A. Everest

V. Kostsyushko

S. Elbrus

^ 7. Australia is...

A. the wettest continent

V. the coldest continent

S. smallest continent

8. In the north of Australia there is a bay...

A. Great Australian

V. Bengalsky

S. Carpentaria

^ 9. The uniqueness of the organic world of Australia is explained by:

A. remoteness

B. climate features

S. the size of the continent

A. tropical

V. subtropical

S. subequatorial

Answers: 1C, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5C, 6B, 7C, 8C, 9A, 10A.

Option 5

^ 1. Westernmost point of the mainland

A. Cape Byron

E. Cape Steep Point

S. Cape York

2. The coat of arms of Australia depicts:

V. platypus

S. kangaroo

A. Everest

V. Kostsyushko

S. Elbrus

4. Australia is...

A. the wettest continent

V. the coldest continent

S. smallest continent

^ 5. The largest area of ​​Australia is occupied by the climate zone:

A. tropical

V. subtropical

S. subequatorial

6. Australia intersects almost in the middle...

A. equator

B. southern tropics

N. Arctic Circle

^ 7. There is a bay in the south of Australia

A. Great Australian

V. Bengalsky

S. Carpentaria

8. Largest river Australia:

A. Darling

S. Murray

A. in the northern part of the mainland

V. in the southwestern

N. in the southeast

^ 10. Australia is called the “dead heart”:

A. Great desert Victoria

W. Lake Eyre

C. Great Sandy Desert

Answers: 1B, 2C, 3B, 4C, 5A, 6B, 7A, 8C, 9C, 10B.

Option 6

^ 1. Australia intersects almost in the middle:

A. prime meridian

V. Arctic Circle

N. southern tropics

2. Extreme northern point of the mainland:

A. Cape Byron

E. Steep Point

S. Cape York

^ 3. Australia is the world leader in production of:

A. iron ore

V. gold

S. diamonds

4. In the west, Australia is washed by the ocean...

A. Indian

S. Atlantic

5. Australia is called the “dead heart”:

A. Great Victoria Desert

W. Lake Eyre

C. Great Sandy Desert

6. In Australia they call a “tree pump”...

^ 7. Endemic to Australia is:

A. platypus

V. rabbit

8. Any point in Australia has...

A. south latitude and west longitude

B. north latitude and west longitude

N. south latitude and east longitude

^ 9. Periodically drying up rivers in Australia are called:

10. The largest area of ​​Australia is occupied by the climate zone:

A. tropical

V. subtropical

S. subequatorial

Answers: 1C, 2C, 3BC, 4A, 5B, 6B, 7A, 8C, 9B, 10A.

Peer review, grading.

^ 5. Reflection, summing up.

Reflective screen Last name __________________

  1. Homework.

  • On "3" Paragraphs 35, 36, 37; answer the questions after §§, show objects on the map.

  • On "4" Using the diagrams and text of §§ 35-37 and atlas maps completed in the lesson, prepare a story about the nature of Australia.

  • On "5" Write an essay “One Day in Australia”.

Australia, 1st option.

1. Australia is washed by oceans...

1) Pacific and Indian 3) Atlantic and Pacific

2) Indian and Atlantic 4) Pacific and Arctic

2. Australia intersects almost in the middle...

1) the equator 3) the southern polar circle

2) southern tropic 4) prime meridian

3. The Great Watershed Range in its structure belongs to... mountains

1) folded 3) folded-block

2) sedimentary 4) volcanic

4. The north of Australia occupies a climate zone...

1) subequatorial 3) arctic

2) tropical 4) subtropical

5. Maximum air temperatures over most of the continent are observed in...

6. In terms of its natural features, Lake Eyre most of all African lakes resembles...

1) Victoria 2) Tanganyika 3) Chad 4) Nyasa

7. The uniqueness of the organic world of the continent is due to the fact that Australia...

1) the driest of the continents

2) has no glaciers or active volcanoes

3) the smallest continent

4) has long been separated from other continents and is located in isolation

8. By the time the Europeans arrived, the Australian aborigines...

1) were engaged in cattle breeding and agriculture

2) mastered cattle breeding, but did not know agriculture

3) have not mastered either cattle breeding or agriculture

4) were engaged fishing

9. Before the arrival of Europeans, the greatest density was characteristic of... part of the mainland

1) northeast 3) southeast

2) central 4) northwestern

10. Australia was a colony...

1) England 2) Holland 3) Germany 4) France

11. The largest areas of cultivated land are concentrated in... part of the mainland

1) northern 3) northwestern

2) central 4) southeastern

12. The share of Aboriginal people in the population of the Commonwealth of Australia is...

1) 1 % 2) 4.5 % 3) 10 % 4) 20 %

13. The most specific hunting weapon for the Australian Aborigines is...

1) bow and poisoned arrows 3) trap

2) gun 4) boomerang

Australia, option 2.

1. Any point in Australia has...

1) northern latitude and eastern longitude

2) southern latitude and eastern longitude

3) northern latitude and western longitude

4) southern latitude and western longitude

2. The base of the continent is formed by the following tectonic structures...

1) ancient platform and area of ​​new folding

2) area of ​​new and ancient folding

3) area of ​​ancient folding and ancient platform

4) new folding

3. The relief of the ancient Australian platform corresponds...

1) Great Dividing Range and Central Lowland

2) Central Lowlands and Western Australian Tablelands

3) Great Barrier Reef and Great Dividing Range

4) Western Australian Tablelands and Great Dividing Range

4. The north of the mainland receives greatest number precipitation when the Sun is at its zenith above...

1) prime meridian 3) equator

2) northern tropic 4) southern tropic

5. The predominant type of feeding of Australian rivers is...

1) rain 3) ground

2) snowy 4) glacial

6. In Australia, there are more endemic species among...

1) minerals 2) fish 3) animals 4) plants

7. In Australia they call a “tree pump”...

1) baobabs 2) eucalyptus 3) casuarinas 4) acacias

8. Australian Aboriginals are considered to be from...

1) Western and Southern Europe 3) Northern and South America

2) Northern and Western Africa 4) Southern and Southeast Asia

9. The highest population density is currently characteristic of... the mainland

1) northeast 3) center

2) northwest 4) southeast

10. Most Anglo-Australians live in...

1) New Zealand 3) rural areas

2) cities 4) undeveloped territories

11. The first European settlers were engaged in...

1) fishing 3) livestock farming

2) agriculture 4) gold mining

12. Capital of the Commonwealth of Australia...

1) Adelaide 2) Melbourne 3) Canberra 4) Sydney

13. The main occupation of modern Australian Aborigines...

1) agriculture 3) gathering

2) cattle breeding 4) gold mining