What is logistics in transport. Transport and logistics systems, essence and goals of functioning

Logistics from an economic point of view is the activity of organizing, managing and optimizing the movement of various kinds of flows from their source to the direct consumer. This science is divided into several types. One of them is transport logistics.

This is a kind of system that is responsible for organizing delivery. In other words, transport logistics is engaged in the movement of certain people from point A to point B. At the same time, the optimal route of movement is chosen. Active application of this field of knowledge occurs in the sixties of the XX century. It is during this period that the intensive development of production occurs. It became clear that knowledge of all points of the movement of raw materials makes it possible to identify losses. Thus, competent transport logistics reduces the cost of goods. A significant role in the development of science was played by the achievements of scientific and technical progress, thanks to which communication over vast distances became possible.

Functions and tasks

It is customary to distinguish between operational and coordinating. The first are associated with the management of the movement of values ​​in the sphere of direct production and distribution. The second is related to the coordination of the level of supply and demand. This includes analysis and (mainly material) of the production process, planning and forecasting the development of markets, customer needs and much more. In other words, based on the data received, logistics connects the needs of customers with the capabilities of the enterprise.

Now about tasks. They can be divided into two large groups: public (global) and private. The first one should include the achievement of the maximum possible result with minimal cost. The second group of tasks includes the creation of a minimum level of stocks, the reduction of the time period required for transportation, and many others.

If we talk about the functions characteristic of this type of science under consideration, such as transport logistics, then an important place is given to personnel, without which it is impossible to achieve the goal. This also includes the need for classification and the organization of pricing policy.

Transport logistics: system and infrastructure

Next, we will talk about the transport and logistics system. This concept characterizes the entire set of customers and producers of goods, services, as well as the means of communication used for their interconnection, transport, buildings and structures, control systems and other resources. Transport logistics cannot exist without the appropriate infrastructure.

After all, the movement of objects, their storage, warehousing and support of all processes with financial and information flows is impossible if there are no necessary technical means. The infrastructure ensures uninterrupted and accurate performance of all functions. The final volume of costs largely depends on the quality of the transportation carried out. Therefore, transport logistics at the enterprise should also take into account the following aspects: the efficiency of each individual, the efficiency of organizing transportation from the manufacturer to the consumer, as well as accounting for the storage and handling of goods, which is especially important for the client.


Transport logistics plays huge role in the activities of the enterprise. This is a necessary link in the system, since this science is responsible for managing all flows, and material flow management is impossible without organizing its transportation. Thus, transport should not only be used efficiently, but also be flexible. This will make it possible to realize the main goal of the transport and logistics system, even in the face of rapidly changing demand.

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When producing a product, every entrepreneur first of all thinks about its sale and obtaining the maximum possible profit. That is why he seeks short period cover as much space as possible where this product will be relevant and in demand. Turning to any company, the customer may be faced with several proposals for solving the problem. In this case, the basics will help you choose the right option. transport logistics for start-up entrepreneurs and individuals who decide to use the services of cargo transportation. It is the knowledge of the basics of transport logistics that will help you choose the right company among competing companies that you can entrust your cargo with.

The history of the emergence of transport logistics

Few people paid attention to the fact that logistics appeared in ancient times, when there were special ministers who distributed products between different provinces, settlements, people. main meaning inherent in the very word "logistics" (logistike) - the ability to calculate, evaluate, reason. A striking example is the laying of trade routes for caravans with overseas goods. And yet, as an industry, the creation of transport logistics is attributed to the time of the Second World War. It was necessary to solve strategic tasks, the purpose of which was the correct distribution of food and the supply of the army with weapons and ammunition. Logistics was divided into several types, and transport was only a small part of it. Gradually, the meaning of the term changed and included the management of warehousing and merchandising. Each customer will know, having studied transport logistics, how to calculate the cost of cargo delivery, and what type of transport to give preference to.

When developing a system for the delivery of goods in logistics, the following factors are taken into account:

  • cargo dimensions;
  • carrying capacity of the vehicle;
  • distance of the route;
  • period.

The commercial success of a particular company or entrepreneur depends on how quickly the method of transporting goods is selected, the route is calculated, and other participants in transport logistics are involved. Therefore, the goals and main tasks of transport logistics are to organize regular deliveries, maximize the use of the carrying capacity of the vehicle, the correctly chosen route of the cargo.

The main stages of transport logistics:

  • selection of the optimal mode of transport;
  • estimated cost calculation;
  • preparation of a package of documents;
  • loading and installation of cargo;
  • transportation;
  • unloading at the required point.

The management of transport logistics in road transport can be combined with the adjustment of the activities of another mode of transport.

Factors hindering the rapid development of logistics:

  • economic instability;
  • weak level of the production base for the manufacture of containers and packaging;
  • bad roads that do not allow to develop the maximum allowable speed;
  • low level of production base.

But even with the existing difficulties, the importance of transport logistics is great and the future lies with it.

Basic concepts of transport logistics

The essence of transport logistics is briefly as follows - to organize the timely delivery of goods to a specific area at a specific hour. In doing so, you must perform the following tasks:

  • analyze delivery points and cargo properties;
  • choose the right type of transport;
  • choose a specific carrier and other partners;
  • build a route;
  • constantly monitor the movement of cargo;
  • to form and ensure the unity of all "participants" in the process of cargo transportation;
  • to optimize the movement process.

Having mastered the concepts of transport logistics, each customer understands how important it is for the further development of the company.

Transport and warehouse logistics - "two sides of the same coin"

Transport logistics in Russia cannot effectively exist without a well-established warehouse accounting system. After all, it is the stock of goods in warehouses that allows you to get rid of serious downtime and disruptions in the execution of a special order. Consider how the transport logistics of automakers in Germany is organized. In this country, the automotive industry occupies a significant share and influences the production activities of auto parts suppliers. Here, special systems have been developed to ensure the internal market, where the concept of "just in time" and "just one after the other" is applied.

The meaning of the concepts lies in the timely delivery of the necessary spare parts for production. And for enterprises where there are no warehouses, the logistics of supplying components is so precisely calculated that it delivers products exactly at the right time on the conveyor. The whole of Europe clearly works according to this principle and effectively solves the optimization problems of transport logistics. For Russia, this model is not yet acceptable due to the relatively low level of production development. For effective work transport logistics, special software products are being introduced that calculate routes for specific modes of transport, the volume of products, their weight and other analytical studies. Information technology in transport logistics makes it possible to compare actual and planned routes, which clearly reflect deviations and will identify unreasonable downtime.

10.1. transport and logistic

The mission of transportation in the logistics service system: " deliver the right product of the required quality and quantity at the right time and at the best cost ". In the structure of logistics costs, transportation costs account for a significant share - 20-40% or more, so the optimization of transportation solutions will allow logistics management to obtain significant cost savings, but it will also require special attention.

Transport service in modern conditions includes not only the actual transportation of goods from the supplier to the consumer, but also a large number of forwarding, information and transaction operations, services for cargo handling, insurance, security, etc. So transportation can be defined as a key logistics function associated with the movement of products by a vehicle (or vehicles) using a certain technology in the supply chain and consisting of logistics operations and functions, including forwarding, cargo handling, packaging, transfer of ownership of the cargo, risk insurance, customs procedures etc.

At the level of the company's logistics management, transportation management consists of several main stages:

    choice of transportation method;

    choice of mode of transport;

    choice of vehicle;

    choice of carrier and logistics partners for transportation;

    optimization of transport process parameters.

When organizing transportation, it is necessary to coordinate and plan its operations together with other logistics functions, for example, warehousing, cargo handling, packaging, etc.

During transportation, a large number of optimization problems are solved. In addition, when organizing integrated logistics, complex transportation planning is necessary in conjunction with other logistics functions:

    joint planning of transport processes on various modes of transport in the case of mixed (intermodal, multimodal) transportation;

    ensuring the technological unity of the transport and storage process;

    joint planning of the transport process with warehouse and production processes, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages various kinds transport in LS. There are the following main modes of transport: rail, sea, inland water (river), road, air, pipeline.

When choosing a mode of transportation, a vehicle and a specific carrier, the logistics manager must take into account the inherent advantages and disadvantages of each mode of transport in Table. 10.1.

Each type of transport (with the exception of pipelines) has an appropriate production and technical base necessary for the operation, maintenance and repair of vehicles and is characterized by the technical and operational parameters of rolling stock, means of communication and terminals. For rolling stock with such parameters are:

    technical and operational speed;

    dimensions cargo containers and vehicles themselves;

    engine power (power plants);

    carrying capacity and overall dimensions of trailers, semi-trailers, wagons, etc.

For ways of communication:


    carriageway (track) width, fairway depth;

For terminals:

    usable storage area;

    number of revolutions (turnover speed);

    performance of handling and storage equipment, etc.

Table 10.1

Comparative characteristics of modes of transport

Kind of transport




High carrying and carrying capacity. Does not depend on climatic conditions, time of year and day, High regularity of transportation. Relatively low rates; significant discounts for transit shipments. High speed of delivery of goods over distances above 1500 km.

Limited number of carriers (natural monopoly). Large capital investments in the production and technical base. High material consumption and energy intensity of transportation. Not available at endpoints of sale (consumption). Insufficiently high safety of cargo.

Possibility of intercontinental transportation. Low cost of transportation over long distances. High carrying and carrying capacity. Low capital intensity of transportation.

Limited geography of transportation. Slow delivery speed. Depends on geographical, navigation and weather conditions. Low frequency of sendings. Strict requirements for packaging and securing cargo. It is necessary to create a complex port infrastructure.

Inland water (river)

High carrying capacity on deep-sea rivers and reservoirs. Low cost of transportation. Low capital intensity.

Limited geography of transportation. Slow delivery speed. Depends on uneven depths of rivers and reservoirs, navigational conditions. Seasonality. Insufficient reliability of transportation and safety of cargo.


High availability. Possibility of cargo delivery “from door to door”. High maneuverability, flexibility, dynamism. High delivery speed. Ability to use different routes and delivery schemes. High safety of cargo, the possibility of sending cargo in small lots. Ample opportunities to choose the most suitable carrier.

Low efficiency. Dependence on weather and road conditions. High cost of transportation over long distances. Insufficient environmental cleanliness. The impossibility of a long wait for unloading. The possibility of theft of cargo and theft of vehicles.


The highest speed of cargo delivery. High reliability. The highest safety of cargo. Most short routes transportation.

The high cost of transportation, the highest tariffs. High capital intensity, material and energy intensity of transportation. Weather dependent. Limited geographic availability.


Low cost. High performance. High security of cargo. Low capital intensity.

Special types of cargo (gas, oil products, emulsions of raw materials). Transportation of only large volumes of goods.

Main directions for increasing competitiveness domestic transport and forwarding companies:

    development of the production and technical base, transport service infrastructure, information systems support of the logistics process for the implementation of transportation;

    improvement of the current document management system and customs procedures for cargo clearance;

    increasing the level of interaction and information communication between participants in the transportation process, terminals, warehouses, customs, other enterprises and consumers of their services;

    creation of a unified regulatory framework, adoption of modern laws in the field of transport logistics;

    introduction of modern logistics technologies for forwarding activities.

10.2. Main modes of transportation (types of transportation)

Unimodal (single-mode) transportation carried out by one mode of transport, for example, by road. It is usually used when the initial and final points of transportation (TLS) of the logistics chain are set without intermediate warehousing and cargo handling operations. The criteria for choosing the mode of transport in such transportation are usually the type of cargo, the volume of shipment, the time of delivery of the cargo to the ZLS (consumer), the cost of transportation. short distances - automobile.

Multimodal transport cargo (mixed separate transport) usually done with two modes of transport, for example: railway - road, river - road, sea - rail, etc. In this case, the cargo is delivered by the first mode of transport to the so-called transshipment point or cargo terminal without storage or with short-term storage and subsequent reloading to another mode of transport. A typical example of multimodal transport is the service of railway stations or a sea (river) port of a transport hub by motor transport companies. The signs of mixed separate transportation are the presence of several transport documents, the absence of a single freight rate, and the scheme of consistent interaction between participants in the transport process. In direct multimodal transportation, the cargo owner concludes an agreement with the first carrier acting both on its own behalf and on behalf of the next carrier representing another mode of transport. Thus, the cargo owner is in fact in a contractual relationship with both, and each makes settlements with the cargo owner and is financially responsible for the safety of the cargo only on "his" section of the route.

Combined transport differs from mixed use of more than two modes of transport. The use of mixed (combined) modes of transportation is often determined in drugs by the structure of distribution channels: large consignments are sent from the manufacturer to the wholesale depot by rail (in order to minimize costs), and delivery from the wholesale depot to retail outlets is by road.

A.N. Rodnikov considers mixed, combined, intermodal transportation and direct mixed traffic as synonyms, i.e. "cargo transportation, carried out by two or more carriers of different modes of transport common use under a single transportation document with cargo transshipment at a transfer point (or points) without the participation of the cargo owner". It should be noted that in Civil Code Russian Federation, the terms "combined transportation" and "direct multimodal transportation" are used as synonyms (Article 788 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

In accordance with the European agreement AGTC under the term combined transport “means the carriage of goods in the same loading unit, transport equipment, which includes large-capacity containers, swap bodies, semi-trailers and road trains (vans) using several modes of transport.”

The modern practice of transportation is associated with the expansion of transportation by one forwarder (operator) from one dispatch center and under a single transport document (multimodal, intermodal, transmodal, A-modal, combined, segmented, etc.).

It should be noted that there is still no established terminology in Russia for these modes of transportation. Usually "intermodal (integrated) called multimodal transportation of goods "from door to door", carried out under the direction of the operator on one transport document using a single (through) freight rate".

By definition UNCTAD ( United Nation Conference on Trade and Development ) "intermodal is an transportation of goods by several modes of transport, when one of the carriers organizes the entire delivery from one point of departure through one or more points of transshipment to the destination and, depending on the distribution of responsibility for the transport, issues various types of transport documents, and multimodal if the person organizing the transportation is responsible for it along the entire route regardless of the number of participating modes of transport, while a single transportation document is issued” .

In wintermodal systems, consolidated packages are transported at uniform rates and shipping documents with equal rights for all participating modes of transport; in multimodal transportation, one of the modes of transport acts as a carrier, and interacting modes of transport act as customers paying for its services.

In the "Terminological Dictionary" on logistics under multimodal transportation is understood as “multimodal transportation performed by vehicles owned by the same legal entity or under its operational management (for example, delivery of goods to the airport, air transportation and delivery of goods from the airport, performed by vehicles owned by the same company). express mail)".

In intermodal transportation, the cargo owner concludes a contract for transportation for the entire route with one person (operator). It can be, for example, a forwarding company, which, acting throughout the route of cargo transportation by various modes of transport, frees the cargo owner from the need to enter into contractual relations with other transport companies. Signs of intermodal (multimodal) transportation are:

    the presence of a delivery operator from the initial to the final point of the logistics chain (channel);

    single through freight rate;

    single transport document;

    one responsible for the cargo and execution of the contract of carriage.

The main principles of intermodal and multimodal transportation systems in drugs are the following:

    unified commercial legal regime;

    an integrated approach to solving financial and economic issues of transportation organization;

    maximum use of telecommunication networks and electronic document management systems;

    a single organizational and technological principle of transportation management and coordination of actions of all logistics intermediaries involved in transportation;

    cooperation of logistics intermediaries;

    complex infrastructure of transportation by various modes of transport.

For multimodal transportation outside the country (export-import operations), customs clearance procedures for cargo, as well as transport legislation and commercial legal aspects of transportation in those countries along which the cargo route passes, become essential. AT international multimodal transportation unity of the commercial legal regime means:

    harmonization of overall characteristics of cargo units and vehicles;

    simplification of customs formalities;

    introduction of standard commercial cargo and transport documents of international standard.

As mentioned above, there is still no agreed terminology for the types of transportation (methods of transportation), and this applies not only to Russia, but also to international practice. This indicates the need to continue the standardization of the terminology of multimodal freight transport and the formation of a legislative framework. Some basic definitions in the field of international transport law regarding modes of transportation are given in Table. 10.2.

Table 10.2

Definitions of modes of transport and related terms,

applied in international practice




Unimodal transportation

Transportation of goods by one mode of transport by one or more carriers. If only one carrier is involved, it issues its own transport document, such as a bill of lading, waybill, air waybill, etc. If there are several carriers (for example, transportation is carried out from one port through another to a third with transshipment of cargo in an intermediate port), then one of them may issue a through bill of lading for the entire transportation from port to port or only for that part of it that is carried out by its own vessel ).

Intermodal transportation

Transportation of goods by several modes of transport, with one of the carriers organizing the entire transportation from the point (or port) of departure to the point (or port) of destination through all intermediate points (or ports). Depending on how the responsibility for transportation is divided, different types of transportation documents are issued.


Segmented transportation

The carrier organizing the transportation takes responsibility only for "its" part. He can issue a bill of lading for intermodal or combined transport.


Multimodal transportation

The operator organizing the transport takes responsibility for the entire transport. At the same time, he issues a document for multimodal transportation.


Combined transport

Carriage of goods in the same container or vehicle by successive modes of transport (road, rail, etc.) using a through document, such as a bill of lading FIATA.


Multimodal transport agreement

One contract for the carriage of goods by at least two different modes of transport.

UNCTAD/ITC Rules for Multimodal Transport Documents

Multimodal transport operator (MTO)

Any person who has entered into a multimodal transport contract. Implies responsibility for the implementation of the specified contract as a carrier.

UNCTAD/ITC Rules for Multimodal Transport Documents

Multimodal transport document

The document certifying the multimodal transport contract may be replaced by messages electronic exchange data: in the form of negotiable document; in the form of a non-negotiable document indicating the name of the consignee.

UNCTAD/ITC Rules for Multimodal Transport Documents

In recent years, transportation technology, especially for multi- and intermodal transportation, has been associated with the use of cargo terminals and terminal complexes in logistics chains and channels. Therefore, the corresponding transportations are called terminal transportations.

Terminal transportation. One of the main objects of the logistics infrastructure of the ITC are cargo terminals (the definition was given in 9.2).

The transportation of goods organized and carried out through terminals is called terminal transportation. The importance of this type of transportation in modern RTLS has increased enormously, which is predetermined primarily by the integration of a large number of logistics functions. The terminal interacts with carriers, forwarders, clients, intermediaries, customs, banks and a number of other counterparties.

In the general case, the terminal carries out the operations of consolidating / picking cargo and disaggregating cargo lots. In normal mode, goods, returnable packaging and shipping documents go through terminal cargo processing cycles,

Main technological processes accompanied by a number of supporting processes and additional logistics services, in particular, maintaining the schedule and schedule for the implementation of technological processes; control over the state and preparation of containers; providing a variety of services to customers, calculating payments and monitoring the movement of payments, etc.

cargo unit. One of the key parameters for organizing operations related to transportation and subsequent warehouse processing is cargo unit - a number of goods that are loaded, transported, unloaded and stored as a single mass. The parameters of this mass link technological processes in different parts of the logistics chain into a single whole.

An essential characteristic of a cargo unit is the correspondence of its dimensions to the vehicle and the ability to maintain integrity and original geometric shapes in the process of transportation and cargo handling. The coordinated dimensions of cargo units, as well as the parameters of equipment for their processing, make it possible to effectively use the material and technical base of various participants in the logistics process at all stages of the material flow.

Standard euro pallets (euro pallets) are usually used as a base (platform) for forming a loading unit; for vehicles, their size is 1200x800x150 mm or 1200x1000x150 mm. Based on these dimensions, the basic packaging module is determined.

The loading unit maintains its integrity during the execution of logistics operations due to packaging - i.e. linking the load unit and the pallet into a single whole.

There are various methods for packing cargo units: bandaging with steel or polyethylene tapes, ropes, rubber couplings, adhesive tape, etc. One of the most progressive methods for forming cargo units is packing cargo with shrink film.

A properly formed cargo unit allows you to provide:

    high degree of cargo safety;

    relatively low labor costs;

    efficient performance of loading and unloading operations due to their complex mechanization and automation; overload without reshaping;

    safe warehouse operations.

10.3. Choice of logistics intermediaries in transport logistics

In the logistics process, the company can use various transportation options, modes of transport, as well as various logistics partners (intermediaries) when organizing the delivery of products to specific points in the logistics chain (supply chain). First of all, the logistics management of the company decides whether to create its own fleet of vehicles or use hired transport (public or private). When choosing an alternative, they usually proceed from a certain system of criteria:

    costs for the creation and operation of its own fleet of vehicles (rent, leasing of rolling stock);

    the cost of paying for the services of transport, forwarding companies and other logistics intermediaries;

    speed (time);

    quality (delivery reliability, cargo safety, etc.).

Creating your own fleet is associated with large capital investments in rolling stock, production and technical base for the maintenance and repair of vehicles and infrastructure. Ultimately, it can be justified in the event of a significant gain in quality, reliability and cost with large sustainable traffic volumes. As a rule, it is justified to create one's own fleet of motor vehicles (railway cars, tanks, etc.). The assessment of alternatives should be carried out in a comprehensive manner, taking into account as many criteria as possible.

In most cases, the central company in the supply chain (company - manufacturer of goods or trading company) turns to the services of specialized transport or forwarding companies.

Logistic selection procedures include:

    choice of type of transportation (method of transportation or system of delivery of goods);

    choice of type (or several types) of transport;

    selection of main and auxiliary logistics intermediaries.

All of these procedures are performed on the basis of one or a system of criteria, subject to the restrictions specified by the LS. These restrictions are due to the goals of the firm's logistics strategy or factors of the surrounding macro- and microeconomic environment. For example, in the distribution system, restrictions may be the delivery time of the GP, the cost of transportation, the safety of the cargo, the location of the ZLS, where the warehousing or transshipment of the cargo to another mode of transport, etc. is carried out.

The choice of transportation method, mode of transport and logistics intermediaries is made on the basis of a system of criteria. The main criteria for choosing a method of transportation and mode of transport include:

    minimum transportation costs;

    agreed time of transit (cargo delivery);

    maximum reliability and safety;

    minimal costs (damage) associated with stocks in transit;

    capacity and availability of the mode of transport;

    product differentiation.

In the foreign practice of choosing carriers, specially developed systems of ranking indicators are often used. From the point of view of the priority of individual criteria (indicators), the ranking procedure when choosing individual modes of transport in the organization of transportation in drugs is only for an approximate assessment of the compliance of a particular mode of transport with the conditions of a particular transportation. When choosing the appropriate mode of transport, the logistics manager must take into account the capacity and carrying capacity, technical and operational characteristics and spatial availability of transport. An important condition for the choice is to ensure the safety of the cargo in transit, compliance with the quality standards of the transportation process, international environmental requirements.

At the same time, the procedures for choosing the method of transportation (transportation), the type of transport and the carrier are interconnected and, in fact, multi-criteria and must be solved by special methods of vector optimization. The complexity of the multi-criteria approach to the problem of choice under consideration lies in the multidirectionality of the criteria, the different dimensions and the qualitative nature of many indicators.

Central to transportation decisions is the choice of carrier (or multiple carriers). Often, the logistics manager entrusts this choice to the freight forwarding company (forwarder), with which the cargo owner has a long-standing business relationship. At the same time, the freight forwarder is given certain characteristics of the cargo, criteria and restrictions from those listed.

When a logistics manager chooses a carrier on his own, he must follow a certain algorithm (Fig. 5.5). When the method of transportation and the mode of transport are determined, an analysis is made of the specific market of transport services, which, as a rule, has a fairly large number of carriers with different organizational and legal forms. The main criteria for the preliminary selection of carriers are the cost of shipping, the reliability of meeting delivery dates, and the safety of the cargo. The selection procedure additionally includes a system of other quantitative and qualitative indicators.

10.4. Forwarding service

Along with the carrier, the main logistics intermediary in transportation is a freight forwarding company (or forwarder). According to Art. 801 of the Civil Code (CC) of the Russian Federation under the contract transport expedition, one party (forwarder) undertakes, for remuneration and at the expense of the other party (client - consignor or consignee), to fulfill or organize the performance of the services specified by the expedition contract related to the transportation of cargo.

The forwarding contract provides for the obligations of the forwarder to organize the transportation of cargo by the transport and along the route chosen by the forwarder or the client, to conclude on his own behalf or on behalf of the client a contract (contracts) for the carriage of cargo, to ensure the dispatch and receipt of cargo, as well as other obligations related to transportation.

Forwarder usually provides clients Additional services:

      execution of documents for export-import of goods;

      fulfillment of customs formalities;

      checking the completeness and condition of the cargo;

      loading and unloading of vehicles;

      payment of duties, fees and other costs associated with transportation;

      storage, warehousing, sorting, cargo assembly;

      information services, insurance, etc.

As can be seen from the above list of services, freight forwarding firms essentially integrate a large number of logistics operations and functions into the LAN.

Overseas, many large freight forwarding companies and express delivery companies such as Ryder, DHL, Schenker- BTL, Federal Express, UPS, Leasnay, TNT, ASGAB, other perform a large number of different logistics operations and functions, trying to capture the largest possible number or length of logistics channels, integrating logistics functions in the territorial zone or based on product orientation . This allows GP manufacturing firms and shippers to significantly reduce the costs associated with transportation, cargo handling, storage, and improve the quality of logistics services.

Freight forwarding service begins from the moment the cargo is accepted for transportation and includes following operations :

    preparation of cargo for transportation,

    its delivery to railway and road transport stations, ports of sea and river transport, airports,

    registration of documents of title and delivery of goods to the carrier,

    its storage, packaging and labeling.

Forwarding services are also carried out in the process of transportation itself and are associated with the transfer of goods from one mode of transport to another. The latter includes work on finalizing the cargo, bringing it, if necessary, into a transportable state, performing customs formalities in ports and border stations, sending transport documents and shipping notices. Freight forwarding services are also provided at the final destinations of the cargo.

Currently Freight forwarding companies and firms perform the following main operations:

    Organization and registration of transportation.

    Warehouse operations related both directly to the process of transportation of goods, and with its warehousing.

    Bringing goods into a transportable state.

    Preparation of documents submitted to the customs authorities for the movement of goods across the customs border.

Freight forwarding companies, as a rule, employ specialists not only in transport issues, customs procedures, international trade and transport customs, but also employees who monitor the market for transport services, in particular, tariffs for sea, rail, road and air transportation . There are special companies involved in collecting additions and changes to transport tariffs, classifying these changes, publishing and sending them to interested customers.

Almost all freight forwarding firms and companies have regular carriers that they trust with cargo. Having received an order to organize the transportation of goods, forwarders establish contacts with transport companies in order to reserve the necessary vehicles for the goods. A modern freight forwarder is often at the same time the owner (or lessee, general contractor) of road trains, sea, river and aircraft. Large forwarding companies usually have various vehicles for the transport of goods: trucks, vans, refrigerated road trains. Forwarding companies often keep these vehicles in large specialized trucking companies that provide their maintenance.

Large freight forwarding companies have their own warehouse facilities, workshops for the manufacture of containers and packaging of goods, sorting centers, their own fleet of vehicles and equipment, including containers, pallets, lighters and wagons. Let's list services of transport-forwarding companies:

    consultations of consignors or consignees when choosing the type of vehicle, taking into account the convenience, speed and cost of cargo delivery;

    organization of cargo delivery from the sender's warehouse to the railway station or port and from the station or port to the recipient's warehouse;

    new packaging, labeling and assembly of loading lots, consolidation of small lots into a combined large shipment to maximize the use of the carrying capacity of a container, wagon or ship;

    preparation and execution of documents for concluding a contract for the carriage of goods with a carrier or with its agent, broker;

    assistance in customs, sanitary, quarantine and other clearance of shipments;

    transfer of cargo to the carrier or his agent (port, station) and execution of acceptance and transportation documents (bills of lading, waybills, etc.);

    organization of cargo storage in warehouses and loading and unloading operations at points of reloading and transshipment of goods from one type of transport to another;

    assistance in settlements between the seller and the buyer for the sold goods by transferring the necessary transport and shipping documents to the bank at the place of shipment of the goods;

    acceptance of cargo at the point of destination from the carrier or its cargo agent (port, station), checking the number of pieces, weight of the cargo, the condition of its tare and packaging;

    registration with carriers or their cargo agents of commercial and other acts on the shortage or excess of cargo, spoilage and damage to cargo and containers, regrading, etc.;

    settlements for the transportation of goods and loading and unloading operations at the point of departure/arrival;

    sorting large consignments of imported cargoes into smaller ones, as well as by grades, sizes, etc., their subsequent repacking and re-labeling;

    organization of cargo escort by conductors during its transportation; equipment of wagons and ships for the transportation of special cargoes (citrus fruits, grains, etc.).

It should also be noted that a certain part of the transport and forwarding operations is performed by suppliers of export and consumers of imported products by their special structural units - transport departments or subsidiary auxiliary enterprises.

In addition to the above services, freight forwarding companies help exporters determine the minimum costs for packaging and transportation of goods and make an optimal calculation of the transport component of its export price. In international trade, there is a practice of drawing up a price list, which includes all costs for the delivery of goods to the buyer at the destination, with the help of a forwarder. These costs usually depend on the basic conditions for the delivery of goods, the working conditions of linear conferences, etc. For the convenience of exporters, many freight forwarding companies can provide not individual elements of transportation costs, but a flat rate, which includes all the costs of the international freight forwarder in the process of transporting the goods, including the costs associated with issuing documents and maintaining correspondence.

It should also be noted that the freight forwarder often acts as a multimodal transport operator. A modern freight forwarder is often at the same time the owner (or lessee, general contractor) of road trains, sea, river and aircraft. Therefore, having accepted an order for the carriage of goods, he primarily uses his means of transport.

Transport logistics acts as a necessary component of the entire theory and practice of commerce logistics, since logistics as a science deals with the management of all flow movements, and material flow management is impossible without its transportation.

Logistic operations on the way of the material flow occur using various vehicles.

The cost of these operations is approximately half of the total cost of logistics.

Given this approach to transport as part of the logistics chain, commerce logistics is considered in different aspects:

1) from the standpoint of the efficiency of individual modes of transport;

2) from the point of view of the organization of transportation from the cargo producer to the recipient;

3) taking into account the interests of the client, not only the main transportation is important, but also processing, storage.

The quality of transportation in more is reflected in the total costs than their cost, so taking into account the above aspects contributes to the optimal choice of transport services.

Transport, being an important link in the logistics system, must be flexible enough to ensure the transportation process to meet changing demand.

The transport itself is divided into:

1) public transport (covers the needs National economy in the transportation of goods and passengers);

2) non-public transport (transport of the enterprise itself and transport belonging to non-transport companies).

The tasks of transport logistics are to provide participants in the transport process with technical compliance - this is the consistency of vehicle parameters, which allows you to work with both containers and packages; technological compliance, where technological compliance is the use of a single technology for transportation and direct reloading; coordination of economic interests and use unified systems planning.

Creating transport corridors, choosing the mode of transport, choosing the route and type of vehicle - all these tasks also relate to transport logistics.

2. Basic concepts of transportation and freight forwarding

The main function of transport logistics is to create a system for optimizing the transportation process, as well as in transport and forwarding support.

The basic concepts of transportation and freight forwarding include:

1) activities related to forecasting, organization and implementation of the delivery of products from the place of its manufacture to the final destination and additional transportation services;

2) registration of necessary documents;

3) legal support (conclusion of contracts) for transportation;

4) payment for the carriage of goods;

5) carrying out and organizing loading and unloading operations;

6) packaging, packaging, warehousing;

7) increase in the volume of small and reduction in the volume of large shipments;

8) information support;

9) insurance, financial and customs services.

Transport support is work associated with the movement, movement of goods and passengers, the provision of loading and unloading services and storage services.

The transportation technology consists in the sequence of technological operations in the course of the transport process.

Forwarding support is part of the process of movement of goods from the producer to the consumer and includes a number of additional works, without which the transportation process cannot be started and completed.

3. Types of transportation of goods

Information about characteristic features different modes of transport is the basis for choosing the mode of transport that is optimal for a particular transportation.

According to the number of modes of transport involved in the transportation, delivery systems are divided into single-type and multi-type.

Unimodal transportation is referred to as single-species, multimodal and intermodal transportations to multi-species.

Unimodal transportation, unlike intermodal and multimodal transportation, is carried out by transport of the same type. Multimodal transportation is carried out, as a rule, within the country, intermodal transportation is a system for delivering goods in international traffic.

4. Advantages and disadvantages of individual modes of transport

All of the listed types of transportation have their differences, but along with this they also have similarities, they have a common technological basis in the form of specific technological schemes.

Consider the main advantages and disadvantages of various modes of transport.

Road transport is involved in the transportation of goods over a relatively short distance (within 200-300 km), the main advantage of this type of transport is good maneuverability, which allows the delivery of goods "from door to door".

This type of transport makes it possible to ensure the regularity of delivery, as well as to carry out deliveries in small batches. There are less stringent requirements for packaging.

It should also be noted the speed of delivery of goods and passengers, in terms of its speed characteristics it is second only to air transport.

The main disadvantages are:

1) high cost of transportation;

2) the likelihood of theft of cargo and theft of the vehicle itself;

3) light load capacity;

4) bad condition roads and their insignificant length;

5) expensive maintenance, high cost of material and technical base;

6) motor transport is environmentally unfavorable, which reduces the possibility of its use.

But, despite the listed shortcomings, road transport actively provides freight transportation for all services of the national economy.

Road transport performs most passenger movements over short distances, in suburban traffic, as well as in intercity transportation at a distance of up to 500 km.

Rail transport is well suited for the transport of various consignments in any weather. The organization of transportation by this type of transport is regular and carried out over long distances.

The key advantage is the relatively low cost and availability of discounts.

Also a positive aspect is the possibility of laying railway lines in almost any territory of the country and a high carrying and throughput capacity. railways.

Rail transport is characterized by relatively high economic indicators and quite advanced transportation technology.

For an objective assessment, it is necessary to list the shortcomings, these include: a limited number of carriers, the impossibility of delivery in the absence of railways.

The use of rail transport is beneficial in the transportation of goods (coal, mineral fertilizers, metals, etc.) over long and medium distances, between enterprises that have railroad tracks. In some cases, the use of rail transport is beneficial even with a small freight turnover.

Maritime transport plays important role in the development and strengthening of economic ties with foreign countries, it is the largest carrier in international transportation.

Compared to other types of transport, maritime transport has a number of positive differences in providing mass intercontinental transportation.

Sea routes do not require additional costs, so this transport does not need additional capital investments.

This transport is characterized by: low cost of transportation, unlimited capacity.

The disadvantages of maritime transport include:

1) dependence on natural and navigational conditions;

2) the need to build a complex port economy;

3) low speed and strict packaging requirements.

Maritime transport is associated with overseas transportation and delivery of goods for import and export to countries with trade ties.

Interior water transport characterized by low freight rates and is an important link in the overall transport system in areas where there are rivers.

River transport is distinguished by a large carrying capacity, low cost of transportation, and low capital investments.

The disadvantages are the limitation of the use of rolling stock associated with the seasonality of work, the lengthening of the routes of cargo, the low speed of transportation. River transport is efficient in areas where there are no other modes of transport.

Air Transport. The main advantage is speed. Also air Transport distinguishes the possibility of reaching remote areas, high safety of goods.

Air transport is mainly engaged in passenger transportation, cargo transportation carried out by it, in comparison with the volume of transportation carried out by other modes of transport, has a small weight.

Air transport is engaged in the delivery of goods to industrial centers and the delivery of vegetables, fruits and other perishable products to the northern regions, as well as mail and other valuable goods.

The high cost of transportation is the main disadvantage of this type of transport. The disadvantages include dependence on weather conditions.

Pipeline transport. Pipelines are divided into oil pipelines, product pipelines and gas pipelines. This type of transport provides low cost with high bandwidth and a high degree of cargo safety. The disadvantage of pipeline transport is the small amount of goods to be transported. Pipeline transport is engaged in the pumping of oil and gas from fields, the movement of oil distillation products.

5. Transport documentation

The main documents regulating the rules of transportation are the Charter of the Railways of the Russian Federation, inland waterway, road transport, the Merchant Shipping Code.

The statutes and the Code define the obligations and rights, as well as the responsibility of transport organizations and citizens using transport. They regulate the relationship of transport organizations with each other and with consumers of products.

When transporting goods, a contract is concluded in the form of an agreement under which the carrier assumes the obligation to deliver the goods by its own means from the place of destination to the final destination on time, and the sender undertakes to pay a fixed fee for transportation.

For different types transportation, there are different contracts.

The contract for the carriage of goods by rail is a waybill, which is drawn up by the sender of the goods. A road bill is a document that accompanies the cargo along the way.

Wagon sheet - a document drawn up for each loaded wagon.

In liner shipping, the contract is a bill of lading, which simultaneously serves as a carrier's receipt of receipt of the goods.

Bills of lading can be registered (drawn up for a specific recipient), order, bearer (valid upon presentation).

In foreign navigation, with a non-linear form of navigation, the contract is drawn up by a charter.

When transported by sea, the primary document is a loading order.

In direct, water or mixed traffic, a waybill is used instead of a loading order.

Waybills are issued for towing rafts and other floating objects, transportation by air.

For motor transport organizations, a standard contract has been established. A truck driver, when the car leaves for a flight, is issued a waybill, which is the main document for accounting for work, it is issued, as a rule, for one day and returned at the end of work.

The bill of lading is the basis for the customer's settlements with the motor transport company.

The list of documents required for the transportation of goods: waybill, waybills, power of attorney for transportation, specification, invoice of the supplier, power of attorney for transportation, summary sheets.

6. Transport management

On the federal level central link state system transport management is the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

The creation of management structures and the distribution of functions and powers between them presupposes the existence of an organization of a system of state regulation of transport activities.

The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation has its own central office and departments for modes of transport and road facilities. Departments of transport carry out a thorough analysis of the state and trends in the development of the sub-sector, in accordance with the unified state policy, develop a policy for the development of transport in the region.

The central office is strategic issues, development, preparation, coordination of draft laws and regulations, their implementation on the spot are carried out by independent centers of power in the form of local administrations. The emerging system of territorial management of transport operation consists of transport administration bodies, non-administrative economic and financial divisions and coordination structures.

7. Routing of cargo flows

An important logistics method in determining the optimal route is total cost analysis.

The forwarding agent of the cargo owner is engaged in the development of the optimal route upon receipt of an order for the provision of transport services for the transportation of a new cargo for him or a familiar cargo in a new direction.

At the end preliminary assessment several competitive options are identified, each of which is further analyzed to select the final optimal option.

Not only the cost of transportation is taken into account, but also the time of transportation, the possibility of unforeseen expenses, delays in transit and the likelihood of damage to the cargo.

After determining the optimal route option, the forwarder selects the participants in the transportation and concludes the necessary contracts.

8. Transport and logical chains, information support

The principles of logistics are most simply applied to the transport of bulk goods ( hard coal, iron ore, oil products).

Transport and logistics chains are most effectively implemented in the field of cargo transportation. Development of competition between market participants for quality service at minimal cost, development of merger processes between enterprises of various industries, application of the latest achievements information technologies having big potential for positive management - all this contributes to the formation of new organizational forms of interaction between supply chains and networks.

Until recently, market orientation was considered the main success factor, but for the profitability of enterprises, it is necessary to choose and combine resources correctly.

It was the resource orientation that was formed in the economic developed countries, which inevitably led to an understanding of the need for unified (integrated) logistics.

The characteristic features of integrated logistics have direct impact on the efficiency and productivity of the transport system, as well as on the quality of its functioning.

Features are in the accounting and use of resources that competitors do not have, in the ability of customers, paying for additional services, to derive additional benefits for themselves, maintaining stability in the long term.

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude: using the "value chain", the logistics approach is focused on all participants in the commodity and logistics process. The value chain consists of four links: communication with suppliers, consumers, technological processes within the enterprise; logistics processes within the enterprise between its divisions; unified communication between the enterprises of the transport and logistics chain.

Enterprises of the transport and logistics chain seek to reduce costs due to the rapid turnover of resources, cutting the time of order fulfillment, coordination of transport work with a network of consignors and consignees.

An important strategic resource for transport logistics is logistics information.

Information support allows the most efficient implementation of business goals, it is aimed at the timeliness of deliveries and the prevention of irrational loss of resources.

The use of electronics leads to a reduction in transportation costs due to the positive management of information flows, increasing their speed and coordination.

Depending on the source of obtaining information, within the information support of transport logistics, external and internal information is distinguished.

Internal logistics information includes information about transport services, costs, tariffs, methods of transportation and delivery.

To the external - information about markets, competitors, customer needs, changes in transport legislation.

Chained transport and logistics companies are interested in obtaining correct and timely data at all levels of management.

The information obtained in this way is taken into account as a resource and an independent factor of transport and transportation activities.

The degree of satisfaction of consumer requests for transportation depends on the completeness and accuracy of information resources in transport logistics.

Dissatisfaction with information support indicates a lack of complete information about cargo, transportation conditions and transport processes, untimely receipt of information on requests, the difference in the levels of training of the working staff that processes logistics information and uses it, the absence or underdevelopment of a communication network, the lack of technologies for monitoring the properties of information resources.

Transport and logistics processes include the search, processing and distribution of information.

Time and quality are key factors in the system of transport logistics.

Transport operations are subject to the requirement of logistics, delivery of safe cargo just in time.

A logistics approach is necessary for enterprises providing transport services; The service industry must function in such a way as to fully satisfy the needs of the client.

For the delivery of goods without delay with the least expenditure of resources, a single technological process is being developed and implemented, which takes into account the integration of production, transport and consumption. A single technological process allows for smooth operation of all parts of the logistics system.

9. Delivery and distribution systems

Modern approach to transport as an integral part major system involves consideration of the entire transportation process from the start to the end point (from the consignor to the consignee), including the processes of cargo handling, packaging and unpacking, storage and information support for the delivery of cargo.

The complexity of this process led to the creation of special logistics centers.

These centers carry out data analysis and develop proposals for improving cargo flows, distribution of traffic across all modes of transport, picking shipments, and the procedure for concluding contracts.

In logistics chains, during the delivery of goods, technological processes arise that have their own characteristics, depending on the characteristics of the cargo.

Delivery of goods is a set of activities carried out after the receipt of products for transportation and before it is received by the consumer. They include the delivery of materials, their warehousing and storage, as well as packaging and transportation by any means of transport.

This also includes operations such as scheduling and route selection. The purpose of these measures is the reliable delivery of goods and the elimination of the gap between production and the consumer. Freight forwarding service is the main part of the process of cargo movement from the producer to the consumer.

The main participants in the delivery system are forwarders, carriers, warehouses, etc.

When fulfilling an order from a cargo producer, the company acts as an organizer of the delivery process, selecting and coordinating the work of the participants in the process, and at the same time is responsible to the cargo producer and system participants. Product distribution involves the work of moving goods from producers to final or intermediate consumers.

The distribution system is based on:

1) the consistency of individual industries and firms involved in the process of movement of products from producer to consumer;

2) the totality of enterprises and organizations through which the product passes from the moment of its manufacture to the moment of its consumption;

3) the coherence of the activities of legal entities and individuals in the promotion of products as logistics providers between the manufacturer and consumer of products.

The set of distribution channels constitutes the distribution network.

With the development of the economy, the volume of foreign trade increases, and at the same time, the volume of transportation of foreign trade goods and the number of passenger traffic increase.

In modern conditions, transport occupies a key position in the integration processes. With the globalization of the economy and foreign trade exchange, new approaches to the development of transport and the search for cost-effective ways to master the transportation of people and goods are required.

10. International road transport

International transportation of goods by road provides economic ties our country with the countries of Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

The structure of transportation is very diverse. They are divided into two main groups: transportation of foreign trade goods (machinery, machine tools, equipment, raw materials and resources) and transportation of non-trade goods (diplomatic cargo, movable property during resettlement, exhibits, etc.).

International transportation, depending on the frequency of implementation, can be regular and one-time.

International transportation is regulated by agreements on international road transport between the governments of our country and the contracting country.

Carriage of goods is carried out on the basis of permits issued for each flight and giving the right to carry out transportation there and back.

If total weight goods and motor vehicles or their overall dimensions are not included in the norms established and valid in the territory of another country, and if it is necessary to transport dangerous goods, then, in addition to ordinary permits, special ones are also required.

All motor vehicles and the drivers driving them are subject to customs control. Rolling stock engaged in international transportation must have national registration numbers and decals.

Heavy trucks and vans are used for international transportation. Movement is carried out on a through system. The crew of the car consists of two drivers.

The efficiency of international transportation by road is to ensure the delivery of cargo "from door to door".

The modern market of well-built transport services implements a huge number of different offers. There are quite a lot of companies that offer such a service as transportation logistics. It is possible to easily choose the best option for the cost and variety of services provided.

Transport logistics management is a mechanism for managing transportation and transportation of already finished products or important elements intended for the organization. production processes. Properly constructed logistics is one of the important factors of commercial success. Logistics in the modern commercial world is a system for organizing the delivery of various categories of cargo with minimal time and material costs.

Types of transport logistics

Modern transportation management and logistics can be of two main types - external and internal. The first is designed to supply organizations and enterprises finished products, the second is used to organize intra-production transportation. The main goal of logistics is to use the maximum potential of the rolling stock carrying capacity and guarantee regular deliveries in the absence of warehouses. Professional logistics is carried out in several stages, achieving the following goals of transport logistics:

  1. Selection of the most suitable car.
  2. Identification of important expenses.
  3. Preparation of documentation.
  4. Loading work.
  5. Transportation.
  6. Unloading at the final destination.

If it is necessary to deliver products outside the country, customs issues are taken into account without fail. Customs clearance is carried out, and cargo clearance is carried out according to special principles. Answering the question of what transport logistics is and what it is, it can be noted that this universal view activities.

The main tasks of logistics

The main principles of transport logistics are based on the creation of chains of movement. They carry cargo. The selection of transport and ensuring full control over the safety of the cargo deserves special attention. The essence and tasks of transport logistics are as follows:

  1. End point analysis. This is laying the optimal route between points. At this stage, the most suitable vehicles are taken into account. In particular difficult situations it may be necessary to use vehicles of different categories on the same route.
  2. Analysis of the properties of the transported cargo. Held detailed analysis operational and specifications transported cargo.
  3. The choice of the most suitable transport and a convenient route is carried out. If transportation is arranged hazardous substances, a route safe for the population is being laid, and the use of special transport is being considered. In certain cases, permission may be required.
  4. Selection of vehicles. On the this stage the speed of delivery, the terms previously agreed with the customer are taken into account. The choice of transport is based on geographical location route points.
  5. Control over the transportation. During the transportation process, the delivery time is carefully observed, if necessary, certain changes are made to the overall route. On the way, there may be a delay due to a breakdown of the transport, a delay in loading and unloading processes. All this is eliminated as timely as possible so that the delivery deadlines are not violated. Vehicle tracking is carried out using modern navigation devices.

The main essence of transport logistics is based on ensuring the timely delivery of cargo, on its complete safety. Without following the rules and objectives listed above, it will be impossible to achieve this result. A professional company tries in every possible way to ensure a positive result in the transportation process. To do this, several different delivery options are created, and after screening out unpromising and complex routes, the most optimal one is selected, which will be accompanied by minimal time and material costs.

Important! If necessary, even in the selected route, certain adjustments can be made. They can be caused by climatic conditions and possible breakdowns..

Criteria for choosing a professional company

For the fastest and safest transportation of cargo, it is imperative to find a professional company. Only experienced specialists are able to provide prompt and high-quality services. When choosing an organization, you should take into account such important parameters as:

  • experience transport organization. The age of the company and the years of work are important, as this is evidence of its stability and well-functioning of the main working mechanisms;
  • Technology of transport services. Companies with extensive practical experience work on certain technologies that have been debugged over the years, which makes it possible to achieve positive results in the process of cargo delivery without any problems. Constant interaction with contractors at the stages of cargo movement allows us to solve a variety of issues;
  • Company employees. Each of the employees must have serious practical experience, which is a guarantee of the professionalism of the organization;
  • Logistics company specialization. There are companies that provide only intermediary services, and there are more serious companies that provide a full range of logistics services. Worthy of attention are organizations that are engaged in the delivery of groupage cargo.

Important! In the process of choosing a transport company, it is required to give preference to an organization that has been transporting for a long time and provides a wide range of services.

The long-term work of the company in the market of transport services is a guarantee that all tasks are solved in a timely manner and as professionally as possible. This will help her to withstand serious competition from numerous similar companies. Preference should be given to firms that carry out their labor activity in the market of transport services for more than five years. Employees of a serious company will respond as quickly as possible to all emerging difficulties and conflict situations. It is for this reason that the practical experience, the functions of transport logistics and the high level of qualification of staff members should not be in any doubt.

Benefits of working with professionals

For the transportation of goods, it is worth contacting an organization where a staff of qualified specialists works. They have deep knowledge in this field of activity and quite successfully apply them in practice. High professionalism gives them skills such as:

  • Acquaintance with the main transport and logistics complexes of a large number of countries of the world;
  • The ability to track all ongoing changes and innovations in this field of activity;
  • Timely development of the most effective schemes for the transportation of goods;
  • Provision of services in strict accordance with the interests of partners and numerous clients;
  • In the process of performing transport tasks, the most modern and creative solutions in logistics are used.

Modern transport and logistics companies are multi-level organizations for the delivery of cargo and control over it at all stages of movement. Professional companies work in full accordance with all the requirements and wishes of the client, taking into account their needs and the characteristics of the cargo being transported. A strictly individual approach is carried out for each customer. The basis of transport logistics is the complete coordination of actions of all participants in transport processes. Professional logistics companies are ready to take on the solution of tasks of various complexity and volume of work. Turning to specialists, you can be guaranteed to get the desired result.

Summing up

Modern road transport logistics is a rapidly developing business area that is gaining momentum in all countries. This is quite reasonable, since the development of logistics in the global economy is an important condition for making a profit.

Transport logistics is a detailed analysis of a large number of factors, professional development of optimal routes and schemes for the transportation of goods of various volumes and complexity. Professional transport companies provide high speed and the reasonable cost of all operations performed. The implementation of competent logistics is now mandatory for conducting and organizing the most efficient activities of companies operating in the field of international and intercity transportation.