Where the scientific style of speech is used. How to distinguish the scientific style of speech from other styles

Lecture questions:

    concept scientific style. Its functions.

    Features of the scientific style at various language levels.

    Scientific style genre system.

1. The concept of scientific style. Its functions.

scientific style 1 - one of the functional varieties of the general literary language, serving the sphere of science and production. The scientific style belongs to the book styles of the literary language, which are characterized by a number of general conditions for functioning and language features: preliminary reflection on the statement, monologue, strict selection language tools, normalization of speech. The emergence and development of the scientific style is associated with the development of various areas of scientific knowledge, different areas human activity. At first, the style of scientific presentation was close to the style of artistic narration - its separation occurred in the Alexandrian period, when in Greek strict scientific terminology began to form, subsequently supplemented by terms in Latin, which became the international scientific language of the European Middle Ages. During the Renaissance, scientists strove for conciseness and accuracy of scientific description. Newton's strict logical exposition can be considered an example of scientific language.

In Russia scientific language and the style began to take shape in the first decades of the 18th century, when Russian scientific terminology began to be created. Scientific works of M.V. Lomonosov and his students accelerated the formation of a scientific style, and it finally took shape in the second half of the 19th century. - during the period of scientific activity of the largest scientists of this time.

The scientific style has a number of common features that manifest themselves regardless of the nature of the sciences themselves (natural, exact, humanitarian) and the genres of expression (monograph, Research Article, report, textbook, etc.), which allows us to talk about the specifics of the style as a whole. At the same time, it is quite natural that, for example, texts on physics, chemistry, and mathematics differ noticeably in the nature of presentation from texts on philology, philosophy, or history.

The style of scientific works is determined by their content and the goals of scientific communication (explaining the facts of the reality around us as accurately and fully as possible, showing cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, identifying patterns of historical development, etc.). The scientific style is characterized by a logical sequence of presentation, an ordered system of connections between parts of the statement, the desire of the authors for accuracy, conciseness, unambiguity of expression while maintaining the richness of the content.

Often the scientific style is called "dry", devoid of elements of emotionality and imagery. However, often in scientific works, in particular polemical ones, emotionally expressive and figurative means of language are used, which (although being, however, an additional device) stand out noticeably against the background of a purely scientific presentation and give scientific prose additional persuasiveness. Here, for example, is an excerpt from the scientific work of the famous surgeon of the mid-19th century. N.I. Pirogova: “Like a calligrapher who paints complex figures on paper with the same stroke of the pen, a skilled operator can give the cut a very different shape, size and depth with the same stroke of the knife ... How soon did you bring this flap into close contact with bloodied edges of the skin, his life changes, he, like a plant transplanted to foreign soil, along with new nutritious juices, acquires new properties. He, like an alien plant, begins to live at the expense of another, on which he vegetates: he, like a newly grafted branch, requires that he be groomed and carefully preserved until he becomes related to the place that the surgeon assigns him to stay permanently.

The main function of the scientific style is not only the transfer of logical information, but also the proof of its truth, and often novelty and value.

The function of evidence is manifested in the formal structure of the style. In examples of some varieties of scientific style, such as mathematical, argumentation is often directly referred to as proof.

Teacher E.I. Korenevsky, confirming that conclusiveness is one of the most important functions of the scientific style, criticizes the style of some methodological essays: “... they lack a description of the way in which the author came to the idea of ​​the need to apply this or that method in teaching... Often a specific question Methodology is presented in our country as if until that time no one in the press had touched it ... As a result of all this, there is a lack of real evidence in methodological writings, which deprives them of persuasiveness.

Secondary function of scientific style, associated with its main function - the activation of the logical thinking of the reader (listener). In the scientific and educational sub-style of the scientific style, this function is of paramount importance. The task of the popular science substyle is different: to interest a non-specialist in scientific information.

The main function of the scientific style determined its main distinguishing features. Depending on the "purity" of their manifestation, the scientific style is divided into three main varieties- three substyles: proper scientific, scientific and educational, popular science(close to artistic and journalistic styles). In the literature, substyles are often referred to as styles.

In addition, the scientific style has varieties depending on the type of science (more precisely, the cycle of sciences). Thus, the physical-mathematical and socio-political varieties of the scientific style represent its opposite poles.

Assessing the role of the scientific style of the Russian language, one must keep in mind that it not only serves the domestic scientific and scientific-pedagogical sphere, but also becomes an important factor in international scientific communication.

Used in the field of science and teaching. Its main features are the following: generalization and abstractness, terminology, emphasized logic. Secondary features: unambiguity, semantic accuracy, standardity, objectivity, brevity, rigor, clarity, non-categorical, impersonal, figurative, evaluative, etc.

There are three substyles: the proper scientific style of the text (articles, monographs, dissertations, scientific reports, speeches in scientific conferences, disputes), scientific and educational (lectures, textbooks), messages, essays).

Scientific style: its main characteristics

Academician D.S. Likhachev pointed out in his works:

1. The requirements for scientific style are significantly different from the requirements for the language of fiction.

2. The use of metaphors and different images in the language of scientific work is permissible only if it is necessary to put a logical emphasis on a certain thought. In the scientific style, imagery is only pedagogical reception necessary to draw attention to the main idea of ​​the work.

3. Really good language scientific style should not be noticed by the reader. He should notice only the thought, and not the language in which the thought is expressed.

4. The main advantage of scientific language is clarity.

5. Other advantages of the scientific style are brevity, lightness, simplicity.

6. Scientific style involves minimal use subordinate clauses in scientific works. Phrases should be short, the transition from one sentence to another should be natural and logical, “unnoticed”.

7. You should avoid frequent use of pronouns that make you think that they are replaced by what they refer to.

8. No need to be afraid of repetition, try to get rid of them mechanically. One and the same concept should be denoted by the same term, it cannot be replaced by a synonym. Only such repetitions should be avoided that come from the poverty of the writer's language.

10. Scientific style calls to convert Special attention on the quality of the words. It is better to use the word "on the contrary" instead of "on the contrary", "difference" instead of "difference".

Scientific style texts: characteristics of language means

- high frequency (about 13%), prepositions, conjunctions, prepositional combinations(due to, with the help of, on the basis of, compared with ..., in relation to, in connection with ... etc.);

- complex sentences (especially complex ones);

- sentences with introductory words, adverbial and participial phrases.

The scientific style should be familiar to everyone and everyone.

General characteristics of the scientific style of speech

The scientific style of speech is a means of communication in the field of science and educational and scientific activities. Every member modern society in different time life and to a different extent encounters texts of this style, functioning in oral and written form, therefore mastering the norms of the scientific and scientific-educational style of speech is important integral part culture of Russian oral and written speech.

The scientific style is one of the book styles of the Russian literary language, which have general conditions functioning and similar language features, including:

pre-contemplation of the statement,

monologic nature of speech,

strict selection of language means,

striving for standardized speech.

The emergence and development of the scientific style is associated with the progress of scientific knowledge in various areas life and activity of nature and man. Initially, scientific presentation was close to the style of artistic narration (emotional perception of phenomena in scientific papers Pythagoras, Plato and Lucretius). The creation of a stable scientific terminology in the Greek language, which spread its influence over the entire cultural world, led to the separation of the scientific style from the artistic one (Alexandrian period). In Russia, the scientific style of speech began to take shape in the first decades of the 18th century in connection with the creation by the authors of scientific books and translators of Russian scientific terminology. A significant role in the formation and improvement of the scientific style belonged to M.V. Lomonosov and his students (second half of the 18th century), the scientific style finally took shape only by the end of the 19th century.

1. Varieties of the scientific style of speech

The scientific style of speech has varieties (substyles):

actually scientific,

scientific and technical (industrial and technical),

scientific and informative,

scientific reference,

educational and scientific,

popular science.

Realized in written and oral form of communication, the modern scientific style has various genres, types of texts:

Educational and scientific speech is implemented in the following genres:


answer (oral answer, answer-analysis, answer-generalization, answer-grouping),


language example,

explanation (explanation-explanation, explanation-interpretation).

The variety of types of scientific style of speech is based on inner unity and the presence of common extralinguistic and proper linguistic properties of this type of speech activity, which manifest themselves even regardless of the nature of the sciences (natural, exact, humanitarian) and proper genre differences.

The sphere of scientific communication is distinguished by the fact that it pursues the goal of the most accurate, logical, unambiguous expression of thought. The most important form of thinking in the field of science is the concept, the dynamics of thinking is expressed in judgments and conclusions that follow each other in a strict logical sequence. The idea is strictly argued, the logic of reasoning is emphasized, analysis and synthesis are closely interconnected. Consequently, scientific thinking takes on a generalized and abstracted character. The final crystallization of scientific thought is carried out in external speech, in oral and written texts of various genres of the scientific style, which, as was said, have common features. General extralinguistic properties of the scientific style of speech, its style features, due to abstractness (conceptuality) and strict logic of thinking, are:

Scientific themes of texts.

Generalization, abstractness, abstract presentation. Almost every word acts as a designation of a general concept or an abstract subject. The abstract-generalized nature of speech is manifested in the selection lexical material(nouns prevail over verbs, general scientific terms and words are used, verbs are used in certain temporary and personal forms) and special syntactic constructions(indefinite personal sentences, passive constructions).

Logic of presentation. Between the parts of the statement there is an ordered system of connections, the presentation is consistent and consistent. This is achieved by using special syntactic constructions and typical means of interphrase communication.

Presentation accuracy. It is achieved by using unambiguous expressions, terms, words with clear lexico-semantic compatibility.

Proof of presentation. Reasoning argues scientific hypotheses and positions.

objectivity of presentation. Manifested in the presentation, analysis different points view of the problem, in the focus on the subject of the statement and the absence of subjectivity in the transfer of content, in the impersonality of the linguistic expression.

Saturation of factual information, which is necessary for evidence and objectivity of presentation.

The most important task of the scientific style of speech is to explain the causes of phenomena, to report, to describe the essential features, properties of the subject of scientific knowledge.

These features of the scientific style are expressed in its linguistic characteristics and determine the consistency of the actual linguistic means of this style. The scientific style of speech includes language units of three types.

  1. Lexical units that have a functional and stylistic coloring of a given (that is, scientific) style. These are special lexical units, syntactic constructions, morphological forms.
  2. Interstyle units, that is, language units that are stylistically neutral, are used equally in all styles.
  3. Stylistically neutral language units, predominantly functioning in this particular style. Thus, their quantitative predominance in a given style becomes stylistically significant. Quantitatively marked units in the scientific style are, first of all, some morphological forms, as well as syntactic constructions.

2. Vocabulary of scientific style

Since the leading form scientific thinking is a concept, then almost every lexical unit in the scientific style denotes a concept or an abstract object. Name special concepts precisely and unambiguously scientific field communication and reveal their content special lexical units - terms. A term is a word or phrase denoting a concept special area knowledge or activity and is an element of a certain system of terms. Within this system, the term strives for unambiguity, does not express expression and is stylistically neutral. Here are some examples of terms: atrophy, numerical methods of algebra, range, zenith, laser, prism, radar, symptom, sphere, phase, low temperatures, cermets. Terms, a significant part of which are international words, are conditional language Sciences.

The term is the main lexical and conceptual unit of the scientific sphere human activity. In quantitative terms, in scientific style texts, terms prevail over other types of special vocabulary (nomenclature names, professionalisms, professional jargon, etc.), on average, terminological vocabulary usually makes up 15-20 percent of the total vocabulary of this style. In the above fragment of the popular science text, the terms are highlighted in a special font, which allows you to see their quantitative advantage over other lexical units: By that time, physicists already knew that emanation is radioactive chemical element zero group of the periodic system, that is, an inert gas; its serial number is 85, and the mass number of the longest-lived isotope is 222.

Terms, as the main lexical components of the scientific style of speech, as well as other words of the scientific text, are characterized by the use in one, specific, definite meaning. If a word is ambiguous, then it is used in a scientific style in one, less often in two meanings, which are terminological: strength, size, body, sour, movement, solid (Force is a vector quantity and at each moment of time it is characterized numerical value. This chapter contains information about the main poetic meters.). Generalization, abstractness of presentation in a scientific style at the lexical level is realized in use a large number lexical units with an abstract meaning (abstract vocabulary). "The scientific language coincides with the conceptual-logical language, ... the conceptual language appears as more abstract" (Bally Sh. French style. M., 1961, pp. 144, 248).

O.D. Mitrofanova in her work "The Language of Scientific and Technical Literature" (M.: MGU, 1973, pp. 30, 31) notes the monotony, homogeneity of the vocabulary of the scientific style, which leads to an increase in the volume of the scientific text due to the repeated repetition of the same words. So, according to her data, in texts on chemistry for a text volume of 150 thousand lexical units, the following words are used the following number of times: water - 1431, solution - 1355, acid - 1182, atom - 1011, ion - 947, etc.

The scientific style also has its own phraseology, including compound terms: solar plexus, right angle, inclined plane, deaf consonants, participial turnover, a compound sentence, as well as various kinds of clichés: consists in ..., represents ..., consists of ..., is used for ..., etc.

3. Morphology of scientific style

The language of scientific communication has its own grammatical features. abstraction and generalization scientific speech are manifested in the features of the functioning of various grammatical, in particular morphological, units, which is found in the choice of categories and forms, as well as the degree of their frequency in the text. The implementation of the law of economy of language means in the scientific style of speech leads to the use of shorter variant forms, in particular noun forms male instead of forms female: keys (instead of a key), cuffs (instead of a cuff).

The singular forms of nouns are used in the meaning plural: Wolf - a predatory animal from the genus of dogs; Linden begins to bloom at the end of June. Real and abstract nouns are often used in the plural form: lubricating oils, noises in the radio, great depths.

Science-style concept names predominate over action names, resulting in less use of verbs and more use of nouns. When using verbs, there is a noticeable tendency to their desemantization, that is, the loss of lexical meaning, which meets the requirement of abstractness, generalization of the scientific style. This is manifested in the fact that most of verbs in the scientific style functions as connectives: to be, to be, to be called, to be considered, to become, to become, to be done, to seem, to conclude, to compose, to possess, to be defined, to be presented, etc. There is a significant group of verbs that act as components of verb-nominal combinations , where the main semantic load falls on the noun, denoting the action, and the verb performs a grammatical role (denoting the action in the broadest sense of the word, conveys the grammatical meaning of mood, person and number): lead - to the emergence, to death, to violation, to emancipation ; produce - calculations, calculations, observations. The desemantization of the verb is also manifested in the predominance of verbs of broad, abstract semantics in the scientific text: exist, occur, have, appear, change, continue, etc.

Scientific speech is characterized by the use verb forms with weakened lexical and grammatical meanings of time, person, number, which is confirmed by the synonymy of sentence structures: distillation is performed - distillation is performed; you can draw a conclusion - a conclusion is drawn, etc.

Another one morphological feature scientific style consists in using the real timeless (with a qualitative, indicative value), which is necessary to characterize the properties and signs of the objects and phenomena under study: When certain places of the cerebral cortex are irritated, contractions regularly occur. Carbon is the most important part of a plant. In the context of scientific speech, the past tense of the verb also acquires a timeless meaning: n experiments were made, in each of which x took on a certain value. In general, according to the observations of scientists, the percentage of present tense verbs is three times higher than the percentage of past tense forms, accounting for 67-85% of all verb forms.

The abstractness and generalization of scientific speech is manifested in the peculiarities of the use of the aspect category of the verb: about 80% are forms of the imperfect aspect, being more abstract and generalized. Few perfective verbs are used in stable phrases in the form of the future tense, which is synonymous with the present timeless: consider ..., the equation will take the form. Many imperfective verbs are devoid of paired perfective verbs: Metals are easily cut.

The forms of the person of the verb and personal pronouns in the scientific style are also used in accordance with the transmission of abstract-generalizing meanings. The forms of the 2nd person and the pronouns you, you are practically not used, since they are the most specific, the percentage of forms of the 1st person singular is small. numbers. The most frequent in scientific speech are abstract forms of the 3rd person and pronouns he, she, it. The pronoun we, in addition to being used in the meaning of the so-called author's we, together with the form of the verb often expresses the meaning of varying degrees of abstraction and generalization in the meaning of "we are the totality" (I and the audience): We come to a result. We can conclude.

4. Scientific style syntax

The syntax of the scientific style of speech is characterized by a tendency to complex constructions, which facilitates the transfer complex system scientific concepts, establishing relationships between generic and specific concepts, between cause and effect, evidence and conclusions. For this purpose, proposals are used with homogeneous members and generalizing words attached to them. Common in scientific texts different types complex sentences, in particular, using composite subordinating unions, which is generally characteristic of book speech: due to the fact that; in view of the fact that, while, etc., the means of communication between parts of the text are introductory words and combinations: firstly, finally, on the other hand, indicating the sequence of presentation. To combine parts of text, in particular paragraphs that have a close logical connection with each other, words and phrases indicating this connection are used: thus, in conclusion, etc. Sentences in the scientific style are monotonous in terms of the purpose of the statement - they are almost always narrative. Interrogative sentences are rare and are used to draw the reader's attention to an issue.

The generalized abstract nature of scientific speech, the timeless plan of presentation of the material determine the use of certain types of syntactic constructions: indefinitely personal, generalized personal and impersonal sentences. Actor they are absent or thought of in a generalized, indefinite way, all attention is focused on the action, on its circumstances. Indefinitely personal and generalized personal sentences are used when introducing terms, deriving formulas, when explaining material in examples (Speed ​​is depicted as a directed segment; Consider the following example; Compare sentences).


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Scientific style of speech

Scientific style of speech - functional style, which serves the field of science and technology, provides an educational process in higher education.

The specific features of this style are due to the purpose of scientific texts to convey objective information about nature, man and society. He receives new knowledge, stores and transmits it. The language of science is a natural language with elements of artificial languages ​​(calculations, graphs, symbols)


1) proper scientific, the addressee is scientists, and the goal is to obtain new knowledge about nature, man, society; (its genres are monograph, article, report),

2) scientific and educational, the addressee is new generations, the goal is the assimilation of the scientific picture of the world; (genres - textbook, manual, lecture),

3) scientific and technical, the addressee - specialists of a technical and technological profile, the purpose - the application of the achievements of fundamental science in practice; (genres - abstract, abstract, patent description, dictionary, reference book, catalog)

4) popular science, the addressee is the general population, the goal is to increase the general cultural level of the people ( feature article and etc.).

Specific features of the scientific style in all its varieties:

1) accurate and unambiguous expression of thoughts

2) abstract generalization

3) emphasized logical presentation

4) clarity, reasoning

Signs of substyles:

Own-scientific sub-style - academic presentation addressed to specialists, the accuracy of the information transmitted, the persuasiveness of the argument, the logical sequence of presentation, conciseness.

The popular science sub-style is addressed to a wide readership, so scientific data should be presented in an accessible and entertaining way. He does not strive for brevity, for conciseness, but uses linguistic means close to journalism. The terminology is also used here.

The scientific and educational sub-style is addressed to future specialists, therefore it contains a lot of illustrative material, examples, explanations.

Linguistic features of the scientific style

abstraction and generalization- almost every word appears in a scientific text as a designation of an abstract concept or an abstract subject - “speed”, “time”, “quantity”, “quality”, “regularity”, “development”.

Often these words are used in the plural. including: "magnitudes", "frequencies", "forces", "latitudes", "voids", "speeds". “Let us accept the definition of molecules given by chemists as the smallest particles of a substance from which larger objects are built, and we will give a few arguments.” In a statement, each of the words expresses either general concept(“definition”, “reasoning”), or an abstract object (“molecule”, “particle”, “substance”), even specific vocabulary (“chemists”) stands for a general concept - these are not people known to us, but chemists as representatives of this field of knowledge, chemists in general.

Main features vocabulary scientific style:

1 homogeneity,

2 there are no vocabulary colloquial, evaluative, emotionally expressive,

3 many words of the middle gender: phenomenon, property, development,

4 a lot of abstract vocabulary - system, period, case,

5 compound words, abbreviations: PS (software), LC (life cycle);

The syntax uses complex sentences with participles, adverbial and participial phrases, temporal connection (in connection with something), simple sentences like what is what(hydrogen is a gas), impersonal sentences. Mostly declarative sentences are used, interrogative - in order to draw attention to the problem.

In scientific style, the pronoun is not accepted "I", it is replaced by "we" ("from our point of view", "it seems obvious to us").

The logic of scientific speech- another specific feature of it. Logic is present at all language levels: in a phrase, a sentence in a paragraph and between paragraphs, in general in the text.

The principle of logic is implemented:

1) linking sentences with repeated nouns, often in combination with demonstrative pronouns;

2) the use of adverbs - “first”, “first of all”, “next”, “then”,

3) the use of introductory words expressing the relationship between parts of the statement - “therefore”, “secondly”, “so”, “thus”;

4) the use of unions - “because”, “because”, “to”;

5) the use of structures - "Now let's dwell on the properties ....", "Let's move on to the consideration of the issue ....", "Next, we note ..."

6) the predominance of complex sentences with an allied connection, especially complex ones.

The specificity of the style of scientific literature is connected with the specifics of technical theories. Technical theories describe objects that have yet to be created. Language means: the use of verbs in the future tense, in the imperative mood.

Various kinds of technological prescriptions, instructions, recipe requirements use a large set of standard expressions, verbal clichés, clichés (“after which it is necessary to do the following ...”, “it is necessary to follow the specified sequence ...”).

Forms of implementation of the scientific style, its genres: monographs, scientific articles, dissertations, abstracts, theses, reports at scientific conferences, technical documentation that is used in production, lectures, textbooks and teaching aids.

The scientific style language is supplemented by drawings, diagrams, graphs, symbols, formulas, diagrams.

Ways to create genres of scientific literature: description and discussion.

Scientific Description does not contain an event, it has no plot and characters. The goal is to reveal the signs of an object, phenomenon, to establish connections and relationships. Descriptions are usually short. There are descriptions detailed, detailed and concise, brief. In the center of this type of speech there can be one object, process, phenomenon or comparison. AT scientific descriptions often resort to grouping objects, comparing and generalizing their features. Description is present in almost all genres of the scientific style of speech.

reasoning- the most common type of scientific speech. Its purpose is to verify the truth or falsity of any statement (thesis) with the help of such arguments that are not in doubt. Reasoning is built as a chain of inferences based on evidence and rebuttals. An example of the most rigorous reasoning: proof of theorems in mathematics, derivation of physical and chemical formulas.

Methods of logical organization of scientific text: deduction, induction, problem statement, analogy.

Deduction(lat. - derivation) - this is the movement of thought from the general to the particular, from general provisions and laws to particular provisions and laws. The deductive method of reasoning is actively used in scientific discussions, theoretical articles on controversial issues, and at seminars in universities.

The composition of deductive reasoning consists of three stages:

1) a thesis is put forward (from Greek - position, the truth of which must be proven), or hypothesis (from Greek - foundation, assumption).

2) the main part of the reasoning is the development of the thesis, proof of truth or refutation. Various types of arguments are used here - logical arguments

3) conclusions and suggestions.

inductive method(lat. - guidance) - this is the movement of thought from the particular to the general, the movement from the knowledge of individual facts to the knowledge of the general rule, to generalization.

Composition of induction:

1) in the introduction, the thesis is not put forward, but the purpose of the undertaken research is determined.

2) the main part - the accumulated facts are stated, the technology for their production is described, the analysis, comparison and synthesis of the material obtained is done.

3) on the basis of this, conclusions can be drawn, a pattern has been established, and the properties of the material have been determined. Scientific reports at conferences, monographs, reports on (NIRS) research work are built as inductive reasoning.

Problem statement involves the activation of mental activity by posing problematic issues, solving which, one can approach theoretical generalizations, the formulation of rules and patterns. This method has a long history and originates from the famous "Socratic conversations", when, with the help of skillfully posed questions and answers, the famous sage led his listeners to true knowledge. At this moment, one of the main advantages of the problem presentation is manifested: the listener's awareness that he is on the path of knowing the truth, is capable of discovery, he is involved in the researcher. This activates the mental and emotional capabilities, raises the level of self-esteem and contributes to the development of personality.

Analogy- in the presentation goes back to the logical operation "inference by analogy". Its essence can be formulated as follows: if two phenomena are similar in one or more respects, then they are probably similar in other respects. Inferences by analogy are approximate, therefore, many consider the analogy less acceptable for the genres of the scientific style of speech. However, analogy is a very effective means of visual explanation, so its use in scientific literature is especially important.

Usage various styles speech plays important role for the Russian language. The scientific style of speech helps to talk about the phenomena, processes, patterns that occur in the world around us. What are its features?

The scientific language arose due to the fact that various narrow-profile areas of life were rapidly developing. At first it could be compared with artistic style speech, but over time it began to differ, acquire its own characteristics and features.

AT ancient time in Greece, the privileged class of people used a special terminology that ordinary citizens could not understand correctly. At the same time, experts began to identify the main features of the scientific style of speech. Initially, the terms were used exclusively in Latin, but then all world scientists made translations into their native languages.

Over time, the style of the scientific text became precise and concise, which separated it as much as possible from the literary presentation. After all artistic language introduces a significant coloring in the perception of the text, which is unacceptable for the scientific style.

The scientific style of speech and its definition was formed rather slowly. The opinions of representatives of science regarding the application of styles were significantly divided. This can be judged by the negative statements of Descartes about the works of Galileo. He said that his scientific work contain a lot artistic means. Kepler, who believed that Galileo quite often uses a literary description of the nature of things, was of this opinion.

One of the important stages in the development of the scientific style of speech was the work of Isaac Newton. They are long time served as a kind of standard of style, which everyone tried to adhere to when presenting information.

The scientific style in the Russian state began to take shape only at the beginning of the 18th century. On this historical stage people writing their own texts or translating began to form their own terminology.

In the second half of the 18th century, the famous scientist Mikhail Lomonosov, together with his followers, made an impetus for the formation of a characteristic scientific type of speech in Russia. Most experts took his works as a basis. Finally, the main scientific terms were created only at the end of the 19th century.

Varieties of scientific language

According to modern standards, there are several types of scientific style in Russian, which have their own characteristics. These include the following speech styles:

Popular science

This type of text is addressed to those people who do not have special skills and knowledge in a particular area. It is characterized by simplification of presentation in order to achieve accessibility for the public, but at the same time it retains a sufficient amount of terminology and clarity.

In addition, it is allowed to use such speech forms that cause emotionality in the audience. The purpose of a public scientific language is to familiarize people with certain facts or phenomena.

This species also has a subspecies called scientific and artistic. With such a presentation, a minimum of special terminology and digital values ​​​​is used, and if they exist, then experts try to explain them in detail.

The popular science style is characterized by a comparative analysis with ordinary objects, easy reading and perception of information. This text is used in books, magazines and other publications.


It is designed for people studying in educational institutions. The task of this style is to familiarize pupils and students with the information that is required to acquire certain knowledge in a particular area.

Scientific style and its features in this case are to use many typical examples. This style is characterized by the use of professional terms, a clear division into categories, smooth transitions from the general to the particular. Such texts can be found in textbooks, manuals, manuals.

Actually scientific

In this case, the audience is people who specialize in this field, and scientists. The task of such texts is to describe certain facts, phenomena, patterns, and so on. They can make your own own conclusions, but do not paint them with special emotionality. An example of the scientific style of this variety is in dissertations, reports, reviews.


This type is necessary for highly specialized specialists. The purpose of this style is to describe the skills and abilities that have been obtained in a practical way. It is characterized by a lot of digital, statistical data and technical characteristics.

style signs

Over time, the scientific style of speech, the definition and its features have undergone changes. In modern times, some patterns of such a presentation of information have already developed.

Scientists identify the main features of the scientific style of speech, in connection with which the text should be:

  • Logical. This feature is the most basic for using this speech style. Absolutely any connected statement must have this property. But at the same time, the scientific language is distinguished by its own logic, which is characterized by emphasis and rigor. All components of information have a rigid semantic connection and are presented in a strictly sequential chain, ending with conclusions. This is achieved by using the inherent scientific texts means, for example, sentences are connected by repeated nouns, which are often combined with demonstrative pronouns. Also, the fact that the information is presented sequentially is indicated by frequently occurring adverbs, introductory words, and conjunctions.
  • Accurate. This is another important property that indicates that the text is written in a scientific style. In order to accurately state all the information, the words are chosen very carefully. However, they are used exclusively in the literal sense. In addition, terminology and special vocabulary are widely used. In such texts, one can often find repeated repetition key phrases which is absolutely normal.
  • Objective. This trait also applies to scientific style. In such texts, only objective information is presented, for example, the results of experiments, patterns identified in the process of their implementation are described. All the described information requires reliable quantitative and qualitative characteristics.
  • Generalized. This important feature necessarily contains any examples of texts in a scientific style. In this regard, specialists often resort to the use of abstract concepts that are almost impossible to imagine, feel, or see.

When presenting scientific information use words that have an abstract meaning. Often they use formulas, symbols, give graphs, draw up tables, draw diagrams and drawings. All this allows us to most clearly reveal and explain this or that phenomenon.

The scientific style of speech is not characterized by a feature when exclamatory statements are used, as well as one's own subjective opinion. Therefore, personal pronouns and verbs in the first person singular are rarely used in such texts. Usually they use indefinitely personal, impersonal, definitely personal expressions.

All the above signs make it possible to understand that the scientific style of speech is not characterized by emotionality, excessive coloring of phenomena.

The text should be logical, accurate, correspond to reality. All this is achieved due to the fact that when presenting information adhere to certain rules scientific text.

Characteristic features of scientific information

The scientific style and its features were formed long time have undergone many changes. Currently, there are three groups of characteristic features of this language:

  1. lexical;
  2. morphological;
  3. syntactic.

Each of these groups reveals specific features that distinguish the scientific style of speech from all the others. Therefore, it is worth considering them in more detail.


The scientific style and its peculiarities of vocabulary are based on the fact that such information has its own immediate task, which is to designate phenomena, objects, name them, explain. To achieve this goal, first of all, nouns are required.

The vocabulary of the scientific style has the following characteristic features:

  • Words are used exclusively in the literal sense.
  • When presenting information, the means by which, in literary works describe various images. These include epithets, metaphor, comparison, hyperbole.
  • Abstract sentences and terminology are often used.

Features of the scientific style of speech are the allocation of three groups of words:

  1. Stylistically neutral. They are used in any speech styles, so they are called generally accepted.
  2. General scientific. They may contain an example of the scientific style of different areas, and not just one area.
  3. Highly specialized. These are words that are characteristic of a particular scientific field.


Features of the scientific style of speech include morphology. When disclosing information, consider the following:

  • In texts, it is extremely rare to find the use of verbs in the first or second person singular. With a literary style, this is quite acceptable.
  • Many present tense verbs are used, which are quite similar to verbal nouns. Their use makes it possible to convey a reliable assessment of facts and phenomena quite well.
  • The scientific style is not characterized by a presentation feature in which a large accumulation of adjectives can be found in the works. They are used little, and they are mainly included in the profile terms. While in literary text they are used a lot along with epithets and other artistic means.
  • When scientific information is disclosed, parts of speech and their grammatical forms are used a little differently than in the texts of other speech styles.


The scientific style and its features are also determined by syntactic features, which include:

  • special revolutions, for example, according to Newton, from experience;
  • the use of the word "further" as an introductory word;
  • the use of words such as "given", "known", "corresponding" in order to logically connect sentences with each other;
  • use of a sequence of words in the genitive case;
  • the use of a large number of complex sentences, especially the complex type. With the help of complex sentences with an explanatory clause, you can make a generalization, describe a phenomenon or law.
    And if used with a subordinate clause of reason, then it is possible to quite widely reveal the causal relationship of certain phenomena in the world around us. In such sentences, conjunctions are used to consistently link statements together;
  • the use of such word forms: “as is known”, “scientists believe”, “it is clear” and others in the case when it is necessary to make a reference to the source, to specific facts, prescriptions, and so on;
  • widespread use of participles, gerunds and their turnovers.

All these characteristics speeches make it possible to separate the speech style under consideration from other styles, to isolate it as a separate area, for which the use of special rules of the Russian language is inherent. All this is necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of presenting thoughts in a scientific style.

An example of a scientific text style is the following excerpt from a textbook on animals:

“Based on the data from the experiments and the information that is presented in work No. 5 and displayed in Fig. 2, it can be concluded that hedgehogs living in North Africa are psychologically vulnerable creatures.”

Here is another scientific style of text - an excerpt from a medical manual:

"Gastritis is inflammatory process mucous membrane of the walls of the stomach. Symptoms of this disease are pain that occurs during hunger or after eating, nausea, vomiting, problems with stools. The diagnosis is made after an endoscopic examination of the stomach. The treatment is carried out with a medical method that helps to reduce the acidity in the stomach.

Thus, in the Russian language there are different speech styles that perform their specific tasks. Having studied the scientific style of speech, the definition and features of such a text, it becomes clear why it was singled out in separate category. An example of the scientific style can always be found in dissertations, reviews, reports and other documents created by professors, scientists and other specialists in the field of science.