Geography of Africa: geology, climate, deserts, reservoirs, natural resources and ecology. Geography of Africa

Incredibly beautiful architectural structures, mysterious ancient necropolises, vast reserves with many rare animals and plants, squares of historical cities and attractions, the history of which still raises many questions. Where can you see all these unique objects? In Africa! On a continent that most tourists associate exclusively with the Sahara Desert and sweltering heat. Literally every African country has amazing sights that deserve the attention of curious tourists. The continent is rich in incredibly beautiful natural reserves, many ancient cities have been preserved in it, and the Pyramids of Giza are considered one of the most recognizable landmarks in the world. Anyone looking for an unforgettable African adventure should definitely visit the unique World Heritage Sites.

In the southeast of Algeria, among the lifeless landscapes of the Sahara, there is the unique Tassilien-Ajjer plateau. The main value of this place is the petroglyphs, some of them date back to the 7th millennium BC. Currently, the plateau, which is about 500 meters long, is part of a large national reserve Tassilin-Ajer, whose total area is more than 70,000 square meters. meters. In addition to incredible archaeological sites, the plateau is also notable for its original geological formations.

Over thousands of years, under the influence of wind, incredibly beautiful and harmonious stone arches were formed from sandstone, and geologists were also able to establish that stormy rivers once flowed through these places. Visitors to the attraction will have the opportunity to see more than 300 unique geological formations, peer into hidden caves, and walk through some of the world's most valuable archaeological sites.

In 1909, bright rock paintings were discovered on the plateau, depicting people, animals, and various scenes from life. They are another excellent confirmation that the desert area was once full of life. Rivers flowed here, along the banks of which there were fertile soils, herds of domestic animals grazed in the spacious meadows. In total, more than 15,000 rock paintings were discovered on the plateau, some of them are about 8 thousand years old, and the latest drawings were painted in the first centuries of our era. The Tassilin-Ajjer plateau is one of the world's largest concentrations of rock art, making it a landmark of global significance.

In the Benin city of Abomey there is a unique historical complex - beautiful royal palaces, which are a reminder of the reign of the Dahomey kings. In total, there are 12 palaces in the complex, the history of whose construction is associated with an interesting cultural tradition. With each change of ruler, it was customary to build a new, large-scale complex next to the old palace, which was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1985.

Travelers who love to explore unusual attractions should head to The Gambia. Here, in the Senegambia region, there are mysterious circles of megaliths, the purpose and history of which scientists from all over the world have been arguing about for hundreds of years. Scientists were able to find out that the mysterious rings were built in the period from the 8th to the 12th centuries; upon a more thorough study of the area, they discovered burials from earlier periods.

There is an amazing object in Ghana that will definitely appeal to lovers of unusual architectural sights. We are talking about the traditional buildings of the Ashanti people located in the Asante region. The complex of 13 buildings is incredibly beautiful, it is the only reminder of the once powerful and prosperous Ashanti state. The heyday of the state was in the 18th century, and from the beginning of the 19th century it was hit by a series of destructive wars.

The Theban Necropolis is one of the most important attractions in Egypt. Here travelers can see the unique burial places of the pharaohs, surviving funeral temples and other historical buildings, one way or another connected with the culture of the ancient Egyptian city of Thebes. Among the memorial temples, the most interesting is the temple of Queen Hatshupsut, located in the Deir el-Bahri area; it is also interesting to visit the memorial temple of Ramses III.

Travelers for whom the Theban necropolises are not enough should visit the ancient Egyptian city of Memphis and get acquainted with its unique sights. The history of this once powerful city lasted more than 3,000 years and ended in the 5th century AD. Today Memphis is a unique museum under open air. Not a single building has survived on the territory of the ancient city; for many years its entire territory has been under constant excavation by archaeologists.

In the center of the Sinai Peninsula there is a unique religious landmark - the Monastery of St. Catherine. This monastery was founded in the 4th century and has been operating continuously for more than one and a half thousand years; it is one of the oldest in the world. The monastery was built by order of Emperor Justinian; it was originally called the Monastery of the Transfiguration, and acquired its current name only in the 11th century. For many hundreds of years, the monastery has remained a traditional place of Christian pilgrimage, the main artifact hidden within its walls is the relics of St. Catherine.

Perhaps the most unusual nature reserve in Africa is the Sanga forest. It is so vast that it is located on the territory of three states at once - Cameroon, Central African Republic and Congo. For this reason, Sanga Nature Reserve is often called the Forest of Three Nations. A significant part of the reserve is covered with evergreen trees. rain forests, which are the venue not only for tourist excursions, but also for important scientific research.

Kenya is home to one of the world's most important natural attractions - Lake Turkana, which is also known by another name - Lake Rudolph. This lake is located on the territory of the Great Reef Valley, its depth is relatively small and averages about 30 meters. At the same time, the scale of the lake is quite impressive, its length is about 290 km, and its width is about 32 km, and the total area of ​​the reservoir is 6,405 sq. meters.

In Congo, nature lovers can visit the Okapi Nature Reserve; it is located in the northeastern part of the state; the area of ​​the reserve is about 13.7 thousand square meters. km. The main value of the national reserve is the rare animals living on its territory, some species of which are on the verge of extinction. 13 species of monkeys alone can be seen in the reserve; forest elephants are also found in the park, and the main inhabitants of the park are okapi.




Saransk 2010



NEEDLE" align="left" width="125" height="120 src="> S, 19°59" E. d.). Located on the territory Republic of South Africa, 155 km southeast of the Cape of Good Hope.


Hafun, cape on the Somali Peninsula, extreme eastern point African continent(10°26" north latitude and 51°23" east longitude)." align="left" width="100" height="64 src="> Cape Verde is a peninsula on the African coast of the Atlantic Ocean, in Senegal The westernmost point of continental Africa, the city of Dakar, the capital of Senegal, is located at the southern tip of Cape Verde." width="19" height="40">.gif" alt=" Signature:" align="left" width="316" height="130 src=">.jpg" align="left" width="94" height="64"> Эль-Абьяд, мыс на побережье Средиземного моря, в 13 км к северо-западу от г. Бизерта (Тунис). Самая северная точка Африки (37° 21° с. ш. и 9° 45° в. д.).!}


SIDRA (GREAT SIRT)" align="left" width="106" height="83 src="> Sidra (east of Greater Sirte) - a large bay of the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Libya, up to 1374 m deep, up to 465 km wide (at the entrance to the bay).

GABES" align="left" width="136" height="112 src="> Gabes is a bay of the Mediterranean Sea off the northern coast of Africa, in ancient times called Little Sirte. It washes the territory of Tunisia. It extends over more than 100 km and has a depth of about 50 m. In the southern part of the entrance to the bay is the island of Djerba, and in the northern part is the island of Kerkennah

TUNISIAN" align="left" width="232" height="96 src="> The Gulf of Tunisia is a large bay of the Mediterranean Sea off the northern coast of Africa, washes the territory of Tunisia. south coast The bay, where the capital of Carthage was previously located, is now the city of Tunis.

GUINEA" align="left" width="126" height="86 src=">

The Gulf of Guinea is a gulf of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Equatorial Africa. It juts out into the land between the capes of Palmas in the northwest (Liberia) and Palmeirinhas (Angola) in the southeast. The Gulf of Guinea is composed of the Gulf of Benin (in the north) and Bight of Biafra (in the east).

BENIN" align="left" width="131" height="102 src="> Benin is a bay in the Atlantic Ocean on south coast West Africa, component Gulf of Guinea. It extends 640 km east from Cape St. Paul (Ghana) to the mouth of the Niger River. The waters of the Bay of Benin wash the coasts of Ghana, Togo, Benin, and Nigeria.

BIAFRA" align="left" width="104" height="81 src="> Biafra is a gulf in the Atlantic Ocean, part of the Gulf of Guinea. Waters The bay washes the coasts of Nigeria, Cameroon, Equatorial Giveni and Gabon.

ADENSKY" align="left" width="298" height="169 src=">

The Gulf of Aden is part Arabian Sea Indian Ocean. Length 890 km. The northern shore of the bay forms the Arabian Peninsula (the state of Yemen). The southern and western shores of the bay make up the African continent (the states of Somalia and Djibouti). In the west, the Gulf of Tadjoura is distinguished; in the southeast, the bay is separated from the rest of the Indian Ocean by the Socotra Islands (Yemen). The bay is connected to the Red Sea by the Bab el-Mandeb Strait.


GIBRALTAR" align="left" width="148" height="102 src=">The Strait of Gibraltar is an international strait between the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula and the north -the western coast of Africa, connecting the Mediterranean Sea with the Atlantic Ocean. Length 65 km, width 14-44 km.

BAB EL-MANDEB" align="left" width="186" height="165 src="> Bab el-Mandeb Strait - a strait between the southwestern the tip of the Arabian Peninsula (the state of Yemen) and Africa (the states of Djibouti and Eritrea). It connects the Red Sea with the Gulf of Aden of the Arabian Sea. The smallest width is 26.5 km, the smallest depth on the fairway is 182 m.

MOZAMBICAN" align="left" width="123" height="102 src=">


CANARY" align="left" width="172" height="161 src="> The Canary Current is a cold and, subsequently, moderately warm sea current in the northeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean. The Canary Current draws most of its water from the Azores and Portuguese Currents, as well as from waters rising from the depths and rich in minerals. Initially, it flows in a southern and southwestern direction along the northwestern coast of Africa and past the Canary Islands. .


Benguela Current, cold current of the Atlantic Ocean, northern branch of the current Western Winds. It passes off the western coast of South Africa from south to north and further to the northwest, turning into the South Trade Wind Current.

MOZAMBIQUE" width="20" height="112">DIV_ADBLOCK50">" width="64" height="115">" align="left" width="294" height="198 src="> The Amirant Islands are an archipelago in the western part of the Indian Ocean to the north east of the island of Madagascar, approximately 300 km southwest of the Seychelles. Part of the Republic of Seychelles. Area 83 square kilometers." align="left" width="88" height="69 src=">.jpg" align="left" width="148 " height="115 src=">

O. Ascension

Ascension Island is a volcanic island located in the Atlantic Ocean 1600 km west of the African coast. It is part of the British overseas territory of Saint Helena, from which it is located 1287 kilometers to the northwest.

CANARY" align="left" width="112" height="76 src=">.jpg" align="left" width="100 " height="76 src=">

CAPE GREEN" align="left" width="100" height="76 src=">.jpg" align="left" width="100 " height="76 src="> The Cape Verde Islands are a cluster of 10 large and 8 small islands in the North Atlantic Ocean, west of Senegal, divided into Leeward and Windward groups.

MADEIRA" align="left" width="142" height="172 src=">DIV_ADBLOCK51">

NE. ELENA" align="left" width="98" height="69 src=">148" height="40" style="vertical- align:top"> St. Helena Island is located in the Atlantic Ocean, 2800 km west of Africa and belongs to Great Britain. Also, Saint Helena is an overseas possession of Great Britain, which, in addition to Saint Helena itself, includes the Ascension Islands and the Tristan da Cunha archipelago, as well as small islands and rocks.

COMOROS" align="left" width="208" height="88 src="> Comoros, Union of the Comoros (UCO) on the archipelago of -vov (Anjouan (Njuani) - 424 sq. km, Grande Comore (Ngazija) - 1146 sq. km, Mayotte (Maore), Moheli Island state off the southeastern coast of Africa. Located in the Mozambique Strait of the Indian Ocean between the eastern coast of Africa and northwestern Madagascar.

SEYCHELLES" align="left" width="89" height="100 src="> Republic Seychelles- an island state in the western Indian Ocean, slightly south of the equator, approximately 1600 km east of the African mainland, north of Madagascar. The republic includes more than 100 islands and islets, only 33 are inhabited. The largest island is Mahe (142 sq. km.). The capital of the state, Victoria, is located on it. Other large islands are Silhouette, Praslin, La Digue.

MASCHARENE" align="left" width="124" height="84 src=">.gif" width="43" height="137 "> PEMBA" align="left" width="100" height="76 src="> Pemba, coral island in the Indian Ocean, off the eastern coast of Africa, separated from the mainland by the Pemba Strait. Area 984 sq. km. Part of Tanzania. Height up to 99m. The climate is equatorial-monsoon. Precipitation up to 1000mm per year. Clove tree and coconut palm are cultivated." align="left" width="132" height="89 src="> Zanzibar is an archipelago in the Indian Ocean, off the coast of Tanzania, which and belongs to. The largest islands are Pemba and Unguja, also commonly called Zanzibar." width="96" height="78">.jpg" align="left" width="112" height="85 src= ">.gif" width="31" height="106"> Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world, located in the Indian Ocean, off the eastern coast of Africa, separated from it by the Mozambique Channel. The area of ​​the island is 590 thousand square meters. km. Length - about 1600 km, width - over 600 km. The island is home to the Republic of Madagascar.


Socotra is a small archipelago of six islands in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Somalia, about 350 km south of the Arabian Peninsula.

GULF OF GUINEA" align="left" width="184" height="116 src="> The largest islands are Bioko, Sao Tome, Principe, Annobon. Bioko is an island in the Gulf of Biafra (part of the Gulf of Guinea) of the Atlantic Ocean, the largest of the islands belonging to the Equatorial

Guinea; ocean.


SOMALIA" align="left" width="125" height="107 src="> Somalia (Horn of Africa) is a peninsula in the east of the African continent. From the north it is washed by the waters of the Gulf of Aden, from the east - the Indian Ocean. The territory of the peninsula is part of the state of Somalia, part of it is part of Ethiopia. The area is about sq. km.

RIVERS" width="97" height="59"> NILE" align="left" width="92" height="63 src="> The Nile is a river in Africa, one of the two largest in length rivers in the world. The river originates on the East African plateau and flows into the Mediterranean Sea, forming a delta. In the upper reaches it receives large tributaries - Bahr el-Ghazal (left) and Achwa, SOBAT, Blue Nile and Atbara (right). Below the mouth of the right tributary of the Atbara, the Nile flows through a semi-desert, having no tributaries for the last 3000 km. The length of the Nile (with Kagera) is about 6700 km (the most often used figure is 6671 km), but from Lake Victoria to the Mediterranean Sea it is approximately 5600 km. The area of ​​the basin, according to various sources, is 2.8-3.4 million square meters. km. (fully or partially covers the territories of Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan and Egypt).


Atbara (Arabic: Bahr el-Asuad) is a river in Africa (in Sudan and Ethiopia), a right tributary of the Nile (flowing into the Nile River near the city of Atbara in Sudan). The source is located near Lake Tana in Ethiopia. It flows mainly along the Sudanese Plateau.


The Blue Nile is much shorter than the White Nile, but it plays a much larger role in the formation of the Nile regime below Khartoum. The Blue Nile originates from the Abyssinian Highlands, flowing from Lake Tana.


Below Sobat, the river receives the name White Nile (Bahr el-Abyad), leaves behind an area of ​​swamps, and then flows calmly in a wide valley through a semi-desert area to Khartoum, where it merges with the Blue Nile. From here to the Mediterranean Sea the river is called the Nile (El-Bahr). The distance from Khartoum to the Nimule Gorge is approximately 1800 km; to Lake Victoria - about 3700 km.


The Kagera is a river in East Africa that flows through Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, as well as partly along the borders between them. It is the longest tributary of the Nile. It is formed at the confluence of the Nyavarongo and Ruvuvu rivers near Lake Rweru, from where its length to the mouth is 420 km; If we count from the source of the Rukarara River, which is located in Burundi near the northern edge of Lake Tanganyika and is the point of the Kagera river system farthest from the mouth, then its length is about 800 km.

CONGO" width="13" height="62"> Lualaba - local name The upper reaches of the Congo River are described by foreign researchers as the main tributary of the Congo. It flows from its source on the Shaba Plateau to Stanley Falls in the Congo. The length is about 2100 km. A hydroelectric power station was built in the upper rapids. In the middle course the river is navigable (644 km).


Upper "href="/text/category/verhovmze/" rel="bookmark">upper reaches of the Congo River). Some researchers consider it the main source of the Congo River (Zaire). Length (from the source of Chambeshi) over 1500 km, basin area 265.3 thousand sq. km. Originates south of Lake Tanganyika, flows through several branches into Lake Bangweulu, then flows through Lake Mweru, below which it is called Luvua.

LOVOIA" width="186" height="12">



Lomami is a river in Africa, on the territory of the Democratic Republic of Congo, a left tributary of the Congo. Length 1450 km, basin area about 110,000 sq. km. The river originates on the Katanga plateau and flows north, forming numerous waterfalls and rapids." align="left" width="256" height="255 src="> UBANGI

Ubangi, a river in Central Africa, the largest right tributary of the river. Congo (Zaire); flows along the borders of the Republic of Zaire with the Central African Republic and the People's Republic of the Congo. Formed by the confluence of the river. Knotle and Mbomou. The length from the source of the Uzle is about 2300 km (according to other data, about 2500 km), the basin area is 772.8 thousand square meters. km.


Quangor River in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Kwango River is a left tributary of the Kassai River. Its length is 1,100 kilometers. The sources are in the highlands of central Angola, the river flows mainly to the north. In its middle course, the Kwango forms the state border between Angola and the Congo, overcomes the Shute-Tembo waterfall, then flows through the territory of the Congo and below the city of Bandundu flows into the Kasai.


Kasai, river in the Center. Africa, the largest left tributary of the river. Congo, the flow is 20% of the Congo flow. Length 2153 km, basin area 880.2 thousand square meters. km. It originates on the Lunda plateau and descends from its northern slope, forming picturesque rapids and waterfalls; divides Angola and Congo. The main tributaries on the right are Lulua, Sankuru, Fimi-Lukeni, on the left - Kwango.

RUFIJI" align="left" width="208" height="165 src="> Rufiji is a river in Tanzania. The river is formed at the confluence of the Kilombero rivers and Luwegu, originating in the mountains east of Lake Nyasa (Malawi). The length is about 600 km, the source is in the southwestern part of Tanzania. In the upper reaches, a typical mountain river flows through the lowlands in a wide valley. near Mafia Island, approximately 200 km south of Dar es Salaam. The basin area is 178 thousand sq. km. Main tributary- Big Ruaha.


Interstate structures" href="/text/category/mezhgosudarstvennie_strukturi/" rel="bookmark">between the states of Tanzania and Mozambique. Length about 800 km, basin area 145 thousand sq. km. Originates in the mountains to the east of the lake Nyasa (Malawi), flows into the Indian Ocean. The largest tributary is the Luzhenda River (on the right).

ZAMBEZI" width="125" height="55"> The Zambezi is the fourth longest river in Africa. Basin area - 1 sq. km, length - 2,574 km. The source of the river is in Zambia, the river flows through Angola, along the borders of Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe, to Mozambique, where it flows into the Indian Ocean.

QUANDO" width="172" height="38"> LUANGWA


LIMPOPO" align="left" width="220" height="162 src="> Limpopo is a river in South Africa. Flows through the territory of South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique. Originates on the slopes of the Witwatersrand ridge, flows into the Indian Ocean. The length of the river is 1600 km. Large tributaries are Shashe, Ulifants, Shangane.

ORANGE" align="left" width="160" height="147 src=">.gif" width="116" height="47 "> Shari, a river in Central Africa (CAI, Republic of Chad and along the latter’s border with Cameroon). Formed by the confluence of the river. Uam and Gribings; flows into the lake Chad. The length, according to various sources, is 1400-1500 km (from the source of the Uam River), the basin area is about 700 thousand square meters. km.


The Niger is the most important river in West Africa. Length 4,180 km, basin area 2,118 thousand square meters. km, the third according to these parameters in Africa after the Nile and Congo. The source is in Guinea, then the river flows through Mali, Niger, along the border of Benin, then flows through Nigeria and flows into the Gulf of Guinea. The main tributaries of the Niger: Milo, Bani (right); Sokoto, Kaduna and Benue (left).

BENOUE" align="left" width="80" height="88 src=">.gif" width="96" height="50 "> The Senegal is a river in West Africa and forms a natural border between the states of Senegal and Mauritania. The length of the river is about 1970 km. The area of ​​the river basin is 419,575 square meters. km. Main tributaries: Falem, Karakoro and Gorgol.

GAMBIA" align="left" width="158" height="151 src=">



Victoria is a lake in East Africa, in the territory of Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. Located in the tectonic trough of the East African Platform, at an altitude of 1134 m. Area 68,870 thousand square meters. km, length 320 km, maximum width 275 km. The high-water Kagera River flows in and the Victoria Nile River flows out. The northern coast of the lake crosses the equator.

RUDOLF" width="78" height="58"> Kyoga is a large shallow lake, or rather a complex of lakes, in Uganda, with an area of ​​about 1720 sq. km, is located at an altitude of 914m above sea level. The White Nile flows into Kyoga on its way from Lake Victoria to Lake Albert.


Rukva, endorheic shallow water salt Lake in East Africa, in the southwest. Tanzania. It lies in a tectonic depression at an altitude of 792m." width="16 height=16" height="16">

NYASA" align="left" width="220" height="112 src="> Malawi (Nyasa) is a lake in Central-East Africa. The lake runs from north to south, length 560 km, depth 706 m.

BANGWUEULU" width="137" height="66"> .jpg" align="left" width="148" height="132 src="> Mweru is a mountain freshwater lake on the border of Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Located at an altitude of 917m above sea level southwest of Lake Tanganyika. Maximum length 110 km, width 45 km, depth up to 27 m. The lake is inhabited by bream and tilapia. Described by David Livingston." width="19" height="123"> .gif" width="275" height="34"> TANA" align="left" width="315" height="78 src="> Tana, Tsana, Dembea, lake in Ethiopia, in Ethiopian highland, at an altitude of 1830 m. Length 75 km, width up to 70 km. Area 3100-3600 sq. km. Depth up to 70 m.

CHAD" align="left" width="127" height="86 src="> The surface of the lake is not constant: usually occupying about 27 thousand square meters . km, the lake in the rainy season overflows to 50 thousand, and in the dry season it shrinks to 11 thousand sq. km. From the south, the rivers Shari with a wide and shallow delta and Mbulu flow into the lake, from the west - Komadugu-Vaube, and from the east - low-water Bar el-Ghazal.

ASSAL" align="left" width="122" height="100 src="> “Livingston Falls” - a system of rapids and rapids in the lower reaches Congo River, located in the territory Democratic Republic Congo (DRC) in western equatorial Africa. Named after the Scottish explorer of Africa D. Livingston, the “waterfall” system is a rapids section of the river 350 km long with a total drop of 270 m.




In the upper reaches of the Zambezi. flows through the Barotse plain, having a slight fall (over 1200 km, an average of 0.2 m per 1 km). 100 km below the confluence of the river. Luangingi is home to a series of rapids and waterfalls, including Gonye Falls.

STANLEY Stanley Falls, waterfalls in the upper reaches of the river. Congo (Zaire), between the cities of Ubundu and Kisangani, on the territory of the Republic of Zaire. 7 significant rapids, separated by stretches, at a distance of about 150 km; the total drop is about 40m.

MURCHISON" align="left" width="222" height="155 src="> Atlas Mountains, mountain system all in. Africa; to the west. parts of Morocco - three parallel. chains: middle (High Atlas or Idrar-in-Deren with the peak of Jebel Ayashi. 4500 m, southern Anti-A. and northern Er-Rif; in Algeria and Tunisia two chains: in the north of Mal. Atlas or Tell , on the south of the Great Atlas (2300m.), between them is the Shotto plateau (1100m.).


Saharan Atlas, a system of mountain ranges and massifs in the south of the Atlas mountainous country within Algeria. Height 1200-1500 m, individual peaks over 2000 m (Aisa mountain up to 2336 m).

ANTIATLAS" align="left" width="124" height="89 src="> Ethiopian (Abyssinian) Highlands - a mountain system in the northeast Africa in Ethiopia, Eritrea, and northern Somalia. Average height of Cape Nai. highest point- Mount Ras Dashen 4533m, the fourth highest in Africa.


Mitumba, mountain range in the center. part of the East African Plateau, in the southeast. and V. Congo (formerly Zaire). It is composed of young volcanic and ancient crystalline rocks. Length from N to S approx. 400 km, altitude up to 3305 m. Flat tops predominate at several levels. North Part of the ridge extends along the tectonic depression occupied by lakes Edward, Kivu and Tanganyika.

DRAGON MOUNTAINS" width="113" height="77">


Cape Mountains, mountains in southern Africa, in South Africa, between Port Elizabeth in the east and the mouth of the river. Olifants in the west. The length is about 800 km. Consist of several parallel ridges. The average height is 1500m, the highest is 2326m.


Ras Dashan, most high peak in the Semien Mountains in the Ethiopian Highlands. Height 4620m.


Kenya is the highest mountain in Kenya and the second highest mountain in Africa (after Kilimanjaro). The highest peaks are Batianm), Nelionm) and Point Lenanam). The mountain is located in the central part of the country slightly south of the equator, 150 km north-northeast of Nairobi.

KILIMANJARO, VOLCANO" align="left" width="173" height="120 src="> Somalia is a plateau bordered in the southeast and north by coastal lowlands. Rivers - Jubba, Vebi-Shebeli. Most of the territory is desert.

DARFUR, PLATEAU" width="98" height="51"> High plateaus - common name intermontane semi-desert plateaus in the Atlas. Height m in the west, 700-800m in the east. Located between the Tel Atlas ridges in the north and the Saharan Atlas in the south.


BODEL" align="left" width="115" height="80 src="> Qattara is a waterless depression in Egypt in the north of the Libyan Desert in Africa Area sq. km.


Kalahari, a depression in the central part of South Africa, coinciding with the syneclise of the same name on the African Plate. Located in Angola, Zambia, Namibia, Botswana, Southern Rhodesia and South Africa. Area about 630 thousand square meters. km.


ARABIA" width="44" height="70"> Arabian desert, north-east. part of the Sahara (Egypt) between the Nile Valley and the ridge. Etbay, stretching along the Red Sea. To the south (at 22° N) it becomes the Nubian Desert. The plateau descends from east to west towards the Nile valley from 1000 to 200 m, and is intensively dissected by valleys with dry riverbeds (wadis)." align="left" width="149" height="114 src="> NUBIAN

Nubian Desert, in Africa, for the most part on the territory of Sudan, between the river. Nile and the Red Sea, from which it is separated by the Etbai ridge.


Libyan Desert, a desert in Africa, in the northeast of the Sahara, west of the river. Nile, within eastern Libya, western Arab Republic of Egypt and northern Sudan. Area about 2 million square meters. km.

Generalization lesson on the topic “Africa”.

The purpose of the lesson: summarize students’ knowledge on the topic “Africa”, summarize the results of studying the topic.

Lesson objectives:

Educational: repeat the main objects of the nomenclature, check and generalize students’ knowledge about the characteristic features of the continent’s nature - relief, climate, inland waters, flora and fauna, population, African countries.

Developmental: strengthen students' skills in locating the main geographical objects of Africa; establish cause-and-effect relationships between various components nature; give self-assessment of your activities; unleash the creative potential of students.

Educational: increasing motivation to study the subject, activating cognitive interest, instilling discipline.

Type: generalization and systematization of knowledge and skills.

Lesson type: lesson independent work(reproductive type - oral or writing exercises).

Lesson methods and techniques: reproductive, project.

Forms of organizing educational activities in the classroom: front work, individual work.

Equipment: physical map of Africa, atlases, presentation, handouts.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

Good afternoon friends! I'm glad to see you and really want to start working with you!

2. In-depth repetition of previously studied material.

Various words are written on the slide in front of you. Think and tell me, what is the topic of our lesson today? What goals can be identified for our lesson?

Today in the lesson, each of you will give a self-assessment of your work in the lesson according to the criteria. They are on the tables in front of you.

Task 1 on the map for knowledge of nomenclature.

. (slide 4)

Westernmost point (Cape Almadi), island (Madagascar),

Gulf (Guinea), sea (Mediterranean), Strait (Gibraltar),

extreme southern point(metro station Igolny), sea (Red), ocean (Atlantic),

peninsula (Somalia), strait (Mozambique).


Nile River, Atlas Mountains, Ethiopian Highlands, Lake Victoria, East African Plateau, Niger River, Cape Mountains, Congo River, Lake Chad,

Task 2.

Fill in the missing words.(slide 5-6)

    Africa is crossed almost in the middle by uh quator and that's why she's in northern And southern hemispheres.

    The prime meridian crosses Africa at western parts and it is located in western And eastern hemispheres.

    Africa is being washed Atlantic and Indian oceans

    Africa is remote from all continents except Eurasia.

    Independence in performing work. 1 point

    Compliance with work completion time 1 point

    Accuracy in performing work 1 point

    Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

Task 3.


What climate zones is Africa located in?

Write them down in your notebook (slide 7)

    Equatorial belt

    Subequatorial belt

    Subtropical zone

    Tropical zone

1. Occupies the band between 20° N. w. and 20° S. w.

2. Located in a tropical area

3. Occupies the Congo River basin and the coast of the Gulf of Guinea.

4. Lies in the very north and in the very south of the continent.

5. There is only one season - summer.

6. Weather all year round hot and dry.

7. Summer is hot and dry, winter is warm and humid.

8. Two seasons - wet and dry

9. There is little rainfall all year round.

10. Almost always in the afternoon goes strong shower.

Right answers(slide)

    Equatorial belt: 3, 5,10

    Subequatorial belt: 1.8

    Subtropical zone: 4.7

    Criteria for assessing independent work.

    Task 4. .

    (slide 9-12)

      Giraffe, koala, kangaroo, polar bear

      Birch ,palm, sakura, bamboo

      Ostrich, hummingbird, partridge, lyrebird.

      Condor, tsetse, platypus, kiwi.

    Task 5. . (slide 13-15)

    This is a state in northern Africa. The main population of the country is Arabs. It is washed in the north by the Mediterranean Sea, and in the east by the Red Sea. The attraction is the pyramids. (Egypt)

    A state in the western part of the Indian Ocean, on an island with the fourth largest area in the world. (Madagascar)

    A state in the south of the mainland. The population is immigrants from the Netherlands - Afrikaners (Boers) and the British. (SOUTH AFRICA)

    Evaluation criteriatasks :

    Write down the number of points scored on your answer sheet.

    Task 6. .

    Take an imaginary journey from the northernmost point to the westernmost point across the Indian Ocean.

    Evaluation criteriacreative assignment :

    3. Speech culture 1 point

    Task 7. "Who it? What's happened?"(slide 16 - 26)

      GIRAFFE is the tallest living animal. The mammal ​is common in sub-Saharan Africa, where the species ​usually inhabits savannas.

      Pygmies are a group of ​short Negroid peoples living in the forests of tropical Africa​.

      Kilimanjaro is a volcano - the highest point in Africa. Located on the East African Plateau

      Neil is the most long river​in the world. It flows through the Sahara Desert and overflows at the end of summer, during the hottest and driest weather.

      TANGANYIKA - the world's longest freshwater lake

    (length 650 km). Located in a narrow long tectonic depression, maximum depth 1470 m (second deepest after Baikal).

      David Livingstone Scottish missionary, ​outstanding explorer of Africa. Discovered Victoria Falls on the Zambezi River.

      Victoria Falls on the Zambezi River was discovered by D. Livingston and named after Queen of England. Water falls from a ledge 120 m high into a narrow (130 m) and deep (140 m) canyon.

    Victoria is a lake in East Africa, the 2nd largest freshwater lake in the world and the largest lake in Africa.

      Congo is a river in Central Africa, the deepest and ​second longest river in Africa; crosses the equator twice.

    The Republic of the Congo is a state in Africa, a former ​colonial possession of France. The capital is the city of Brazzaville.

      Mount Kenya is the second highest African peak. Its height is 5199 meters above sea level.

    Kenya is a country in East Africa, the equator crosses the country almost in the middle. Capital: Nairobi.

      The Sahara is the largest desert on Earth, located in North Africa, on the territory of more than ten countries.

    Evaluation criteria

    2. Incomplete answer 1 point.

    Task 8. "The fifth is odd."

    Find and write down the extra word in your notebook. (slide 27-28)

      Niger, Zambezi, Volga, Congo, Neil

      Victoria, Chad, Baikal, Nyasa, Tanganyika

      Zebra, giraffe, elephant, lion, kangaroo

      Somalia, Egypt, Mexico, Morocco, South Africa

    Criteria for assessing independent work.

    1.Independence in performing work. 1 point

    2. Compliance with work completion time 1 point

    3. Accuracy in performing work 1 point

    Task 9. Geography quiz.(slide)

    “The most, the most, the most...”

    1. The hottest continent on Earth. (Africa)

    3. The most long lake peace. (Tanganyika)

    4. The smallest inhabitants equatorial forests Africa. (pygmies)

    6. The largest lake in Africa (Lake Victoria)

    8. The largest waterfall in Africa. (Victoria)

    9. The largest island off the coast of Africa. (Madagascar)

    10. The most large peninsula mainland. (Somalia)

    11. The most unique plant of the Namib Desert, having only 2 leaves that grow within 50 years. (velvichia)

    12. The most powerful tree of the savannahs of Africa. (baobab)

    13. The fastest predator on the continent. (cheetah)

    17. The highest peoples of the mainland. (tootsie, himie)

    Each correct answer is worth 1 point.Write down the number of points scored on your answer sheet.

    Norm of ratings: 36 points or more – “5”,

    35 – 29 points - “4”,

    28 – 16 points – “3”,

    15 points or less – “2”.

    3. Reflection.

    I was very pleased to communicate with you throughout the lesson, and now I would like you to show me what mood you had during the lesson.

    "Reflection book":

    Page 2 - I want to say….

    Page 3 - I want to wish...

    4. Homework.

    A) Repeat paragraphs 44 – 52.

    B) Creative task. Imagine that you are working in travel agency, and yours wage depends on the number of clients visiting Africa. You must write me a letter in which you name at least 10 reasons why I should visit Africa. Complete the work on a separate sheet of paper.

    C) Prepare a message or presentation for 2-3 minutes on the topic: “Interesting from the world of animals and plants of Africa.”

    5. Lesson summary.

    Evaluation paper


    Type of work

    Number of points scored

    Exercise 1

    A) Name the geographical objects of Africa

    B) Show geographical features on the map

    Task 2

    Fill in the missing words

    Task 3

    Determine which climatic zone characteristic signs

    Task 4

    Choose from the suggested words representatives of Africa

    Task 5

    What country are we talking about? Name and show it on the map

    Task 6

    Individual creative task

    Task 7

    "Who it? What's happened?"

    Task 8

    "The fifth wheel"

    Task 9

    Geography quiz

    Total points

    Norm of ratings: 36 points or more – “5”,

    35 – 29 points - “4”,

    28 – 16 points – “3”,

    15 points or less – “2”.

    Evaluation paper



    Type of work

    Number of points scored

    Exercise 1

    A) Name the geographical objects of Africa

    B) Show geographical features on the map

    Task 2

    Fill in the missing words

    Task 3

    Determine which climate zone is characterized by signs

    Task 4

    Choose from the suggested words representatives of Africa

    Task 5

    What country are we talking about? Name and show it on the map

    Task 6

    Individual creative task

    Task 7

    "Who it? What's happened?"

    Task 8

    "The fifth wheel"

    Task 9

    Geography quiz

    Total points

    Norm of ratings: 36 points or more – “5”,

    35 – 29 points - “4”,

    28 – 16 points – “3”,

    15 points or less – “2”.

    Exercise1. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

    Exercise2. Criteria for assessing independent work.

    1.Independence in performing work. 1 point

    2. Compliance with work completion time 1 point

    3. Accuracy in performing work 1 point

    4.Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

    Maximum amount– 12 points.

    Task 3.

    Criteria for assessing independent work.

    1.Independence in performing work. 1 point

    2. Compliance with work completion time 1 point

    3. Accuracy in performing work 1 point

    4.Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

    The maximum number is 13 points.

    Task 4.Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

    Task 5. Assessment criteriatasks :

    1.Correct name of the country 1 point

    2. Show it correctly on the map 1 point

    The maximum number of points is 2.

    Write down the number of points scored on your answer sheet.

    Task 6.Evaluation criteriacreative assignment :

    1.Knowledge of factual material 2 points

    2. Logic of presentation of the material 1 point

    3. Speech culture 1 point

    4. Ability to defend your work 1 point

    The maximum number of points is 5.

    Task 7. Evaluation criteria

    1. For a complete correct answer 2 points.

    2. Incomplete answer 1 point.

    The maximum number is 2 points.

    Task 8. Criteria for assessing independent work.

    1.Independence in performing work. 1 point

    2. Compliance with work completion time 1 point

    3. Accuracy in performing work 1 point

    4. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

    The maximum number is 7 points.

    Task 9. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

    "Reflection book":

    Page 1 - today in class I….

    Page 2 - I want to say….

    Page 3 - I want to wish...

    "Reflection book":

    Page 1 - today in class I….

    Page 2 - I want to say….

    Page 3 - I want to wish...

    Task 8. Geographical dictation.

    On the desk:

      Kilimanjaro. 7. Ras-Engela 13. Needle.

      Madagascar. 8. Bengali. 14. Somalia.

      Guinean. 9. Almadi. 15. Gibraltar.

      Suez. 10. Kalimantan. 16. Vavilov.

      D. Livingston 11. Roca. 17.Mariato

      30.3 million sq. km 12. Equator. 18. Ras - Hafun

    19. 24, 2 million sq. Km.

      The largest island in Africa.

      Africa area.

      Northernmost point.

      The highest altitude in Africa is 5895 m. It is called....

      Africa intersects almost in the middle......

      Africa is separated from Europe by a shallow and narrow strait.

      Southernmost point.

      In the northeast it is connected to Eurasia by an isthmus.

      The largest peninsula in Africa.

      Great Gulf of Africa.

      Westernmost point.

      He crossed Africa from west to east, explored the Zambezi, discovered Victoria Falls, described the upper reaches of the Congo, Lake Nyasa.

      Easternmost point.

      He collected more than 6,000 samples of cultivated plants and established that Ethiopia is the birthplace of valuable varieties of wheat.

    Answers: 1. 2 6. 15. 11. 9.

    2. 6. 7. 13. 12. 5.

    3. 7. 8. 4. 13. 18

    4. 1. 9. 14. 14. 16.

    For a complete correct answer - 2 points, incomplete - 1 point.

    The name of the second largest continent appeared in the 2nd century. BC e. The Roman army founded a colony on the territory of conquered Carthage, which was named after the Afarik tribes. Modern Africa is very contrasting. The climate, topography, nature, culture, cuisine and standard of living change from region to region.

    Basic Geographical Information

    The continent is located on both sides. It crosses Africa almost in the middle. Due to this placement, the area receives a huge amount of heat and light. The continent's area is 30.3 million km². The territory of the mainland from north to south has a length of 8 thousand km, and from west to east - 7.5 thousand km.

    The coastline of Africa is practically unbroken. The coasts are washed by the Atlantic and Indian Ocean, as well as Red and Mediterranean seas. Extreme points of the continent:

    • northern - Cape Ben Sekka;
    • southern - Cape Agulhas;
    • western - Cape Almadi;
    • eastern - Cape Ras Hafun.


    This desert is about 80 million years old. The Namib is the oldest desert on the planet, located along Atlantic coast. The symbol of the state of Namibia is the tumbua plant, which grows here in large quantities. It withstands drought, feeding exclusively on condensate. The forest of dead trees, Deadvlei, attracts travelers with its mystical appearance. The highest dune is 380 m.

    Inland waters

    Lake Victoria

    Rivers and lakes are unevenly distributed. The Nile, the longest river in the world, is located in Africa. Its floods were once the source of soil fertility in Egypt. After the construction of the hydroelectric power station, the river level is controlled. The Nile meets 10 states on its way. Its valley separates the Libyan and Arabian deserts.

    The second largest, Congo, stretches for 4,700 km. Dangerous due to fast current and depth. In some places it reaches 25–30 m. Water flow is uniform throughout the year, without drying out or spilling. Scientists explain this by the location of the basin on both sides of the equator. Congo flows into Atlantic Ocean. The river has a large industrial, economic and trade value. Lakes have different origins. The Great Lakes are Tanganyika, Victoria, Albert, Edward, Kivu and Malawi.

    Lake Victoria is the second largest in the world.


    Equatorial climate zone

    Due to the location of the continent, a unique climatic environment has been created. The equator divides Africa in half. The following main climatic zones are distinguished:

    The life and livelihoods of people depend on a specific type of climate. Even during the cold season, the temperature does not drop below -10° C. In the tropics, the influence of the oceans is very limited. The north of the continent forms low pressure zones that spread throughout Africa. Monsoons blow from the South Atlantic region and reach the Guinea coast. There is humid air and heavy rainfall here. States in the north of the mainland are under the influence of the Indian monsoon. All regions of Africa are characterized by temperature differences. Precipitation falls unevenly. There is a lot of rain in the equatorial regions. Annual precipitation amounts depend on the terrain. The Cameroon region receives the most rain.

    Flora and fauna:

    Vegetable world

    On east coast and Madagascar grow wet rainforests. Deciduous-coniferous forests grow on the outskirts of the southeast. Equatorial Africa framed by savannas divided into typical, tall-grass and desert types.

    The vegetation of the Sahara is sparse. The most common are shrubs. The date palm is one of the most important oasis trees. The Namib and Kalahari are famous for their acacias and succulents. Evergreen forests include coffee tree, rosewood and baobab trees. Cedar, olive and cork oak trees grow in the Atlas Mountains.

    Animal world

    An abundance of fauna is observed in savannas. Live here:

    • Ungulates: buffalos, gazelles and antelopes.
    • Monkeys: baboons, gorillas, baboons and chimpanzees.
    • Predatory: jackals and hyenas.
    • Birds: ostriches, marabou, vultures, crowned cranes.
    • Reptiles: monitor lizards, pythons, cobras, crocodiles, chameleons.

    They attract tourists with their diversity of flora and fauna. The northern and southern deserts are home to different species of animals. In the north live jerboas, fennecs, and jackals. Present a large number of snakes, lizards and other invertebrates. On southern territories There are practically no animals. The dune is a natural habitat for insects and reptiles. Seals set up rookeries on the coastline.

    There are a huge number of invertebrates in evergreen forests, and crocodiles live in reservoirs. Mammals are represented by a small number of ungulates, birds and monkeys. The continent's tropical reserves are popular among travelers. Here you can admire zebras, elephants, flamingos and ostriches.


    Africa is the world's storehouse of ore, gases and precious metals. In the east, the continent's foundation is shallow, so minerals are found close to the surface. Gold and copper are mined here. The mainland is the leader in the amount of reserves of these minerals.

    Diamond deposits are located in the center of Africa and on the southeast coast. The northern and western parts are rich in oil, natural gas and phosphorites. South Africa is the most resource-rich country. Platinum and cobalt are mined here. There is a lot of coal on the territory of the state. The processing industry is poorly developed. Because of this, most production is exported raw.

    Ecological situation

    The main problems of the continent are overuse of natural resources. Deforestation and expansion of agricultural land lead to erosion, desertification and a sharp reduction in green areas.

    Resource extraction pollutes the air and water. Due to poaching, many animal species are at risk of extinction. The hide, bones and tusks are prized on the black market. The bans have virtually no effect on poachers: in seven years, the elephant population has decreased threefold.

    The countries are fragmented, they are pursuing policies that are not aimed at preserving the unique flora and fauna. Some states are concerned about the state of the continent. Animals are protected in national parks, water in rivers is being cleaned, new trees are being planted in forest areas. Creation national parks- the last hope for endangered species of animals and plants.

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    Africa is the hottest continent on the planet, which ranks second in size among the continents. This is a part of the world with a very interesting history, traditions and culture. There are many world-famous attractions, natural and cultural monuments of historical significance.

    The majestic pyramids of Egypt or the pyramids of Giza

    The Pyramids of Giza are classified as ancient buildings worldwide, located near the city of Cairo. They are a complex of pyramids different sizes, the largest of which is considered the pyramid of Cheops (Khufu). The Pyramid of Khufu, about one hundred and fifty meters high, the construction methods of which are still debated among scientists, is considered one of the seven ancient wonders of the world. Inside the pyramid there are several rooms, they are called tombs, and many descending and ascending corridors lead to them. Nearby are slightly smaller, but equally majestic and mysterious pyramids of Mikerin, Khafre and three mini-pyramids.

    Great Sphinx

    Not far from the pyramids of Giza there is an equally mysterious statue of the Great Sphinx. The statue is a figure of a lion with a human head, twenty meters high and more than seventy meters long. According to legend, the sculpture was erected to protect the tombs of the pharaohs located in the pyramids. According to historians and archaeologists, there should be three passages under the monument, but so far only one has been discovered.

    Valley of the Kings

    The Valley of the Kings is located near the city of Luxor, at the base of Mount El Korn. The valley is famous for the multiple burials of royalty and their entourage. Sixty burials were discovered on its territory, the most famous of which are the tombs of Mentuhotep, Intef, Tutankhamun, Al-Khokh, Nefertari. Because of the precious objects with which noble deceased were buried, royal burials were subject to robbery, despite all sorts of tricks to disguise the entrance to the crypt. The tomb of Tutankhamun, opened in 1922, was the only tomb that was not looted. Countless treasures were discovered here, which are now kept in the Cairo Museum. The main tourist attraction in the Valley of the Kings is the tomb of Queen Nefertari. Its walls are decorated with bas-reliefs, drawings depicting gods and excerpts from the life of the queen. And the ceiling is made in the form of a dark blue starry sky. The burial hall itself, where the sarcophagus with the body was kept, is a golden room with pictograms from the Book of the Dead carved into the walls.

    Cairo Museum

    The Cairo Museum in Egypt, located in Tahrir Square, was opened in 1902. The museum contains a huge number of historical exhibits dedicated to the era of the pharaohs, some of them are about five thousand years old. Among the exhibits you can see objects of ritual significance, scrolls, manuscripts, sarcophagi, statues, etc. The statue of the Colossus of Ramses II, ten meters high, made of pink granite rock, as well as a sculpture depicting Amenhotep III, amazes with its enormous dimensions. One of the outstanding attractions of the museum is the hall where eleven mummies of the pharaohs are located. The treasury of Tutankhamun's tomb makes an unforgettable impression. She is so rich that she occupies eight rooms in the museum.

    Ancient city of Carthage

    The city of Carthage, built in 814 BC, was at one time the center of Africa. Ruins every year ancient city, located twenty kilometers from Tunisia, attract many tourists from all over the world. Some of the visited places in Carthage include the baths of Antoninus Pius, decorated with mosaics and numerous sculptures, as well as an amphitheater that seats more than thirty thousand spectators, which is still used for musical concerts, the sacrificial altar of Tophet, where residents sacrificed their gods firstborns.


    Bandiagara is a plain with ancient rock dwellings in which the Dogon people live to this day. About ten villages are located on the territory of Bandiagara. Among the special attractions are the mosque, rock paintings, and cave burials of the ancestors of the peoples living here.

    Victoria Falls

    Victoria Falls is Africa's most famous natural landmark. It is located on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia. The size of the waterfall is enormous, its height is more than one hundred meters and its width is almost two kilometers. This most beautiful place is very popular among tourists all over the world. There are many observation platforms for a panoramic view. For active rest Sports activities such as kayaking and rafting are organized.

    Dallol volcano in Ethiopia

    Volcano Dallol is also called the gates of hell. This is the only volcano whose crater is located below sea level. What makes the volcano unique is its unusually colorful landscapes. It's all about deposits of mineral substances washed to the surface, which have scarlet, yellow, green shades. And in the crater of the volcano itself you can observe basalt formations of bizarre shape. According to scientists, the volcano is not expected to be active in the near future, so walking in this area is not dangerous. By the way, the journey to the volcano is not easy, since the terrain here is quite steep. Not far from the volcano live local tribes, meeting whom will allow you to get acquainted with local traditions and the peculiarities of life outside civilization.

    Ethiopian Danakil Desert

    The Danakil Desert is enchanting and at the same time incredibly frightening. beautiful views. This is a valley of sulfur lakes and volcanoes. The lava lakes of active volcanoes mesmerize with their impressive glow at night. The air here is very heavy and poisonous from sulfur fumes, but despite this there are people who want to look at the enchanting beauty of the valley.

    Giraffe Center in Kenya

    The Kenya Giraffe Sanctuary was founded in 1983. In the park you can climb onto the bridge, from where you have a unique opportunity to take a closer look and even feed the animal directly from your hands.

    Valley of the Whales Wadi Al Hitan

    Wadi al-Hitan is located one hundred and fifty kilometers from Cairo. The valley is a significant paleontological find discovered in 2005. The value of the find lies in huge cluster the remains of ancient cetaceans, from which scientists were able to recreate a picture of the evolution of this species of animal. In addition to the remains of whales, the skeletons of turtles, crocodiles and many animals of the local fauna are also preserved here.

    Baobab Sunland

    Baobab Sunland is located in South Africa, in Limpopo. The peculiarity of this tree is its incredible size. Its height is more than twenty meters, and its volume is one hundred and fifty-five. In addition, the Sunland baobab is one of the oldest plants on the planet. There are many stories and legends associated with it. Interestingly, inside the tree there is a bar with a capacity of up to forty people.

    Kirstenbosch Garden

    Kirstenbosch Garden in South Africa is one of the most beautiful natural areas. The reserve includes more than seven thousand representatives flora planets. There are many houses for tourists in the garden.