II. Who is called a spy? — Categories of spies and their characteristics. — Recruitment and training of spies. — Treatment of spies. — Spy management

A spy is usually called someone who obtains information about the enemy either in various secret ways (spying, eavesdropping, including using special technical means), either by infiltrating on the enemy’s side, that is, presenting oneself as his supporter, or by a combination of both of these ways. A spy can be called something like full-time employee foreign intelligence, and a citizen of the state who is recruited by foreign intelligence and transfers to it secret information known to him through work, service or personal connections.

SPY m. -nka f. French spy, spy, secretive scout and carrier, southern. zap. špeg, Polish To spy, -to spy, -to spy, to spy, to spy, to spy; spy, eavesdrop, find out what one side has and pass it on to the other side; serve as a spy. He has all the spy tricks. Espionage, in wartime, is considered permissible.

In Russian, the word “spy” has a negative connotation, connecting it with behavior (eavesdropping, spying, gaining and abusing trust, deceit, deception) condemned by generally accepted ethics in society. The verb “to spy,” in addition to the basic meaning of “engaging in intelligence work,” has one more meaning: “to observe, spy with bad intentions.” As a result of this, agents foreign intelligence of their own country, who obtain information in other states using the same methods are usually called “intelligence officers” rather than spies.

Other similar concepts

Typically, the word “spy” is used in cases where we are talking about transferring information to another state. In the case when the same actions are performed with the aim of transferring the collected information to the authorities of one’s own country (for example, reporting to the authorities about the illegal activities of acquaintances), other terms of similar meaning are used: “informant”, “informant”, “agent”. IN official documents law enforcement agencies, in addition to the terms “informant” and “agent”, the neutral “secret employee”, abbreviated “sext” or simply “employee” can be used. An agent who is the direct source of information may be referred to as a “source” in official documents.

The difference between informants and spies is not always clear. Legality existing structures authorities are not always generally recognized, especially in conditions of prolonged wars, weakening state power, frequently changing borders, uncertainty of the population in tomorrow and so on. For example, in Ireland, informants were used by the British government in the fight against the Irish Republican Army, which had ultimate goal achieving state independence for Ireland. In such cases, such an informant may be considered an “intelligence officer,” “informant,” or “spy,” depending on the political beliefs of the individual.

Along with the concept of espionage as a crime against the state, there is the concept of industrial espionage, the object of which can be both domestic and foreign commercial organizations.

Status of spy and intelligence officer in international law

Thus, according to Russian legislation The subject of espionage can be not only information constituting a state secret, but also any information from open sources (newspapers, magazines), if such information is collected on the instructions of foreign intelligence and can be used to the detriment of Russia's external security. Of course, the perpetrator must be aware of the last two circumstances at the time of the commission of the act, otherwise his actions will not constitute a crime.

The Stasi had a special department for training such agents.

In works of art

Works of art, as a rule, clearly distinguish between the concepts of “spy” and “scout”. It is noteworthy that such a division - “ours are intelligence officers, others are spies” - was typical during the Cold War for the works of both Western and Soviet (pro-Soviet) authors, and almost the same artistic techniques were used to describe both sides cliches, types, and the only difference was which side was a priori considered right.

A "spy" is always an agent of the enemy. He is portrayed as two-faced, unprincipled, cruel (sometimes simply sadistic), working solely for material benefits or out of fanaticism.

“Scout” is your own intelligence worker. As a rule, he is a positive and likeable character, distinguished by his outstanding intelligence, dexterity, cunning and various skills. Examples are the well-known Stirlitz in the USSR, or, in Western culture, James Bond. Both are presented as compelling (if different) characters, both relying on other agents and their own dexterity to complete their assignments.

In literature

Novels by Yulian Semenov about the fictional state security colonel Vitaly Slavin:

  • "Intercontinental Junction" (1986)

To the cinema

  • “Black Eagle” (USA, 1988), where Jean-Claude Van Damme played a KGB intelligence officer, and Sho Kosugi played a CIA agent
  • “The Double” (Canada, 1997), about the fight against international terrorism
  • “A bet greater than life” (Poland, 1965-1968, 18 episodes) “Shield and Sword” (1968, USSR, 4 films)
  • “One chance in a thousand” (1968, USSR, Odessa Film Studio)
  • “Seventeen Moments of Spring” (1973, USSR, 12 episodes)
  • “Special Forces Squad” (1978, USSR, Odessa Film Studio)
  • “Spy” (2012, Russia, TriTe Studio)

See also

  • Accusations of Russian scientists of espionage and disclosure of state secrets



  • Peter Sloterdijk The theory of double agents // Critique of the cynical mind. Ekaterinburg: Ural University Publishing House, 2001. P. 144-146
  • Evgeny Zhirnov Russian folk spy mania Dengi Magazine No. 48 (655) dated 12/10/2007

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what “Espionage” is in other dictionaries:

    Espionage, spying, surveillance, observation, reconnaissance, reconnaissance, watchful eye, supervision Dictionary of Russian synonyms. espionage n. intelligence Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Context 5.0 Informatics. 2012… Dictionary of synonyms

    espionage- a, m. espionnage m. Activities of a spy. BAS 1. If this is kitchen literature, then its content is robber deeds of the most vile nature. If these are the exploits of a detective, then this is a struggle between a clever criminal and an even more clever espionage. Let's modernize... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    ESPIONAGE, espionage, many. no, husband (German: Spionage). The criminal activities of a spy. Engage in espionage. Execution on charges of espionage. Economic espionage for the benefit foreign country. Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

I have always been surprised by the language that the word “spy” has a negative connotation, while “scout” has a positive connotation. But this is not fair! Both of them eavesdrop, spy, gain trust and abuse it, maliciously deceive, deceive.

As a rule, the word spy is used in cases where we are talking about the transfer of secret information to the enemy side. And when the same thing is done for one’s own side - for example, reporting to the authorities about the illegal activities of acquaintances, other terms are used: “informant”, “provocateur”, “informant”, “agent”, and the first two have a clearly negative connotation and the last two - generally neutral.

In accordance with international standards humanitarian law, any person from the composition armed forces party to the conflict who falls into the power of the warring party while he is engaged in espionage is not entitled to the status of a prisoner of war (!!!), and he may be treated as a spy, that is, he may be subject to criminal prosecution - in accordance with current legislation. This appears to be the legal difference!
Unlike a spy, an intelligence officer, that is, a member of the armed forces of a party to the conflict who, on behalf of that party, collects or attempts to collect information in territory controlled by the opposing party, is not considered to be an espionage unless, in so doing, He wears a uniform their armed forces. Thus, in the event of capture, the intelligence officer has the right to prisoner of war status. Remember the joke about Stirlitz, behind whom a parachute was trailing and he was wearing shoulder straps and an order! The Germans could not shoot him according to their laws;))

The difference between informants and spies is outwardly little noticeable - like espionage and counter-espionage. At the same time, it often happens that the legitimacy of existing power structures is not always generally recognized or legally supported, especially in conditions of prolonged wars or revolutions, the weakening of state power, changing borders, and the population’s uncertainty about the future. For example, in northern Ireland, informants were very actively used by the British Scotland Yard. Such an informant was considered an “intelligence officer,” “informant,” or “spy,” depending on the political beliefs of the speaker.
According to the hairdryer, such people are called “informers” or “bitch” - these terms are invariably negative. In official papers, in addition to the terms “informant” and “agent,” “secret employee,” abbreviated “sexot” (a word coined during the Stalinist period) or simply “employee” may be used. Alternatively, such a “person” may simply be referred to as a “source.”

Along with ordinary espionage, there is the concept of industrial espionage, the object of which can be both domestic and foreign industrial commercial organizations. I wonder - who is the intelligence officer, who is the informer, and who is the spy?

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  • Why you should prohibit employees from using social networks
  • What information about a company can be stolen by quadcopters?

Here's how industrial espionage methods used by unscrupulous companies to gain an advantage in the market.

Unique technologies, goods delivery routes, business plan, customer base - all this is under the close attention of your competitors. Any company can face industrial espionage – size doesn’t matter.

7 methods of industrial espionage that you may encounter too

Method 1. Recruitment

Despite the abundance of spy equipment, the main source of the company's secrets is its personnel. Most often, competitors simply outbid the employee: they find a person in the company who provides the necessary information for money.

Example. An employee of a retail chain, through mutual friends, contacted the manager of a similar trading company. The competitor wanted to find out staffing table, the number of buyers, sales standards and what the premiums depend on. During a friendly conversation, the spy suggested that the manager sell this information for a monthly fee of 20 thousand rubles. However, the manager chose to contact the security service of his retail chain.

How to protect yourself. The likelihood of employees being recruited depends on their personal qualities and loyalty to the employer. Stimulate your employees in such a way that they are not tempted to betray you. Instruct the security service to compile a list of people who may be recruited. For example, those who have difficult relationships with the team or difficult financial situation. At least once a year, have conversations with them with the assistance of a psychologist.

Method 2. Blackmail

Another method of industrial espionage and recruitment of an employee by a competitor is blackmail. The spy studies the personal connections of employees and obtains compromising information. Next, the employee is persuaded to cooperate by psychological pressure. Every person has weak points that can be pressed on. The main thing is to understand what he is afraid of losing most: family, job or something else. Fear paralyzes the will and pushes us to rash actions.

Example. To the manager construction company showed photographs of their daughter in which she allegedly used drugs. The blackmailers threatened to publish the pictures on the Internet and send them to educational institution daughter, if the manager does not tell on what conditions the company is going to participate in the tender. The manager did not succumb to blackmail: first he talked to his daughter, and then contacted the enterprise security service. The daughter admitted that she tried marijuana at the party, but promised never to do it again. The data leak was prevented.

How to protect yourself. Observe changes in the psychological portrait of employees. If a person is blackmailed and persuaded to cooperate, his behavior changes, depression and fear appear. You should talk to such an employee to find out the reasons for the changes.

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Method 3: Monitoring Internet Activity

Spies monitor the activity of companies and their employees on the Internet: blogs, forums, social networks. There they find information about products, reviews about them, and establish contact with employees. Employees who actively communicate on social networks are a godsend for a spy. Social networks are an ideal dossier collected by a person on himself, which helps competitors select candidates for the role of a spy. Using a social network page, you can create a psychological portrait of a person and identify him weaknesses, find out job responsibilities in the company of interest. Social networks are also a channel for data leakage, where employees either accidentally or intentionally post trade secrets.

Example. The employee posted in social network photograph of the workplace. They hit the camera lens official documents, the disclosure of which threatened the company financial losses. The security service learned about the incident in time and demanded that the photo be removed.

How to protect yourself. Discuss with your staff the rules for using social networks in the workplace. Write it down in the internal rules labor regulations or a separate local act that employees do not have the right to:

  • indicate place of work;
  • tell what they do for work;
  • add photos from workplaces to albums;
  • communicate on the Internet on various production topics;
  • create and join groups created on a professional basis.

Method 4: Spy Injection

A labor-intensive method of industrial espionage is the introduction of “your” person into a competing company. Competitors monitor vacancies in the company of interest. When a suitable one appears, a suspected spy is sent for an interview, ready to sacrifice professional career. At the same time, they ensure that the false candidate meets the requirements of the vacancy and the expectations of the competing company as much as possible.

Example. Two organizations operated in the regional center of Russia - leaders in the market for the production of spare parts for road construction equipment. One of the companies employed its former employee with a competitor. Having gained access to commercial information, the spy transmitted information about counterparties, planned transactions and their costs, proposals and requests from clients. The company lost several tenders and lost tens of millions of rubles in profit. The security service analyzed the reasons for the loss of tenders and learned about the employee’s connections with his previous place of work. The company fired the sent agent and contacted the police. A criminal case was opened against the spy under Article 183 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Illegal receipt and disclosure of information constituting commercial, tax or banking secrets.”

How to protect yourself. Be wary if you get a job at a company former employee competitor. Analyze the reasons for dismissal. Find out whether the candidate maintains a relationship with the previous employer. But it’s better not to take it at all former employees competitor.

Method 5: Surveillance

There is a whole range of devices with which unscrupulous competitors obtain the information they are interested in: remote microphones with a range of up to 200 m, devices for night surveillance. The most popular tool is a radio bookmark. This is a small “bug” the size of a ruble coin and costs from 4 thousand rubles. Banal, but no less effective devices - an ordinary camera or mobile phone. A smartphone is an ideal spy attribute. It can instantly transmit information to anywhere in the world.

Example. A competitor recruited an employee of a cleaning company who served the company he was interested in. At the request of the spy, the cleaning lady replaced the surge protector in the meeting room, in which a competitor had installed a radio plug. After listening to the company's negotiations with partners, the competitor learned the price and terms of the transaction with the company's key counterparty.

How to protect yourself. To detect radio bombs, you need to invite specialists who will check the premises and find the information leakage channel. But this service is expensive: from 700 to 1000 rubles. for 1 sq. m. It is much cheaper to establish visual control and introduce a rule: strangers are on the company’s territory only if accompanied by employees. As for smartphones, refer to the experience of state companies and corporations, where employees and visitors leave phones at the entrance in special cells. At the same time, workers are given simple mobile phones without a video camera with paid corporate communications.

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Speaks General manager

Kirill Demurenko, General Director of the Stopdron company, Moscow

In the last two years, incidents involving quadcopters have become more frequent. For example, drones are used to deliver phones to prisons. They are also used as a method of industrial espionage.

Thus, with the help of aerial photography, it is possible to obtain information about unique technologies and strategic nodes at industrial facilities. Drones make it possible to hack into corporate networks. A drone with a Wi-Fi adapter with a password-cracking function flies up to the office and gains access to data exchange channels.

To protect against drones, drone detection systems are used - multi-sensor drone detection sensors. When they spot the drone in the air, an alarm is triggered and the “jammer” is turned on. The quadcopter stops broadcasting video from the camera, stops receiving commands from the pilot and signals from navigation satellites. It either freezes in place or returns to the starting point. There are sensors that detect quadcopters at a distance of one kilometer. This gives time to take countermeasures. By measuring the direction vector and distance to the emitter, the location of the “owner” of the drone can be detected.

Unmanned technology is conquering the world. There have been no high-profile cases of spying using drones in Russia. But in 2017 there will certainly be incidents. If in 2015, reports of incidents involving drones appeared once a month, then in 2016 - weekly.

Method 6. Cyber ​​attack

Computers – main source commercial data leaks. One person can steal huge amounts of information simply by copying data from hard drive. But main threat represent cyber attacks. Inventive competitors send infected emails allegedly from tax authorities and lure workers to sites that interest them. After clicking on the link, a virus enters your computer and downloads necessary information. This method of industrial espionage is quite expensive, so in relation to small companies rarely used.

Example. A high-profile case not from my experience: a member of a cybercriminal group stole a client base and 1 million rubles from VimpelCom. A hacker infiltrated the corporate network system and copied the data of 50 thousand clients to hard drive laptop and encrypted the received information. When the next attack occurred, operatives located the intruder and arrested him.

How to protect yourself. Store commercial information on computers without Internet access. But keep in mind that even in this case, any employee can easily copy the necessary data from the corporate network. To prevent this from happening, please allow information to be copied from hard drives only on registered media and with a personal password. All operations with information can be controlled using a DLP system (English, data leakage prevention). This is a virtual security loop: traffic passing through it is analyzed to identify confidential data and signs of information exchange with competitors. The system reports suspicious traffic to a specialist information security and blocks data transfer. The cost of such systems starts from 1 million rubles.

Method 7: Bribing the police

Another method of industrial espionage is the involvement of law enforcement agencies. The police have the right to request any information and view any company documents. By bribing a police officer, competitors will get the information they need.

Example. The deputy head of the department for combating economic crimes spent a year obtaining information about companies on behalf of competitors. The policeman, under the pretext of conducting an inspection, sent requests for information constituting a commercial secret. He passed on information to unscrupulous companies for a fee.

How to protect yourself. The law requires the provision of information upon requests from law enforcement agencies. But the same law does not prohibit officially clarifying with the head of the law enforcement agency for what purpose the information is being requested. If the purpose is not specified and if the police request is not issued on official letterhead indicating the unit, originating number, date, full name and position of the person, then you have the right not to respond. In this case, file a complaint with the head of the department where the request came from. Even such protection methods will stop curiosity and prevent data leakage.

How they steal secret technologies using a computer mouse

Pavel, commissioning engineer, on condition of anonymity

A company approached me with a request to obtain drawings of parts that competitors turn on CNC machines. Files with drawings are uploaded to machines via local network. We managed to agree with the machine operator that he would insert a flash drive into which the files would be merged. The difficulty was that the racks of the machines were tightly closed and sealed, and outside there was only a monitor, a mouse and a keyboard.

Without the system administrator, who was also a security officer, it was impossible to open the machine rack. Then I came up with the idea of ​​​​building a flash drive into the mouse. I bought a mouse of the same brand, took it apart, put a piece of a USB splitter inside, plugged a flash drive and an optical base for the mouse into it. Then I beat and scratched the mouse to give it a factory-worn look. Then everything is simple: the spy operator pulled the mouse out of the machine and complained to the administrator that it allegedly fell out. At the same time, he was holding the already replaced mouse in his hands. The administrator, not suspecting anything, opened the machine counter with his key and stuck a spy mouse. Thus, a flash drive appeared in the system, into which the necessary files were merged over the course of a month. Then the bribed operator again “accidentally” pulled out the charged mouse and replaced it with his old one. He gave me the mouse with the drawings, and I gave the flash drive to my competitors. The company never discovered the leak.

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Every citizen of his state is obliged to respect the laws of his country and not violate them. However, this is not always the case. Criminals may disdain the norms established by society and betray the interests of their country. For example, they can carry out espionage - which significantly harms the state. Naturally, it is necessary to consider this issue more carefully.

Concept of the presented crime

So, first you need to understand the term itself. Espionage is a type of crime that involves the illegal collection and transfer of any information. national importance to a third party. In this case, the client is most often a foreigner who has reached the age of 16.

It must be borne in mind that the information presented may or may not constitute it, but it may be very interesting for the opposite side.

Espionage is a type of crime that involves different ways transfer of information. This may be through personal contact, electronic means of communication, an intermediary, or other covert methods of communication.

Naturally, a spy must be as careful as possible in his activities. He receives a certain remuneration for his work. However, if a criminal falls into the hands of law enforcement agencies, he will certainly pay with his freedom.

Subjective and objective side of the offense

Espionage is a type of crime that has certain components that characterize any violation of the law. For example, this may include theft or collection of information, its storage and transmission. As for the subjective side, it has one important feature- direct intent. That is, the offender is well aware of what he is doing and understands what consequences and damage there may be. However, this does not matter to him, and the criminal will still commit his acts.

The subject of the presented violation of the law is precisely the person who seeks to obtain the necessary information, that is, the very spy who is subject to criminal punishment. As for the object, it is precisely the information the criminal needs.

Features of espionage as a crime

So, now we need to understand some of the nuances of this type of violation of the law. State espionage is a crime that carries great punishment. At the same time, the motives or goals of the lawbreaker are absolutely not taken into account. In any case, his actions lead to serious consequences for states.

Espionage (the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation calls it completed at the moment of transfer or theft of information) can be prevented by the criminal himself. To do this, it is enough to destroy the conditions under which the information falls into the hands of the interested person.

Types of espionage

Now let's move on to the classification of the presented violation of the law. There are these types of espionage:

Economic. It provides for the transfer of information about financial plans countries, as well as about economic design and development work that may be of value to other countries.

Political. In this case, information may be collected about some figures in the represented field. Moreover, not only their work plans can be stolen; people’s personal lives can also be investigated. Information obtained in this way is considered compromising evidence that can force a politician to change his decisions in accordance with the requirements of the enemy.

Military. It provides for the collection of information about the country’s strategic and operational plans, directions of technology development, technological and production developments of weapons.

Economic espionage: features

Information today is a very expensive product. Therefore, the theft of such information may become real threat for businesses, both large and small. Illegal practices can allow competitors to steal your funds, steal clients, and destroy your work.

In order to obtain information, an attacker can monitor the press, company computer systems, corporate websites, patent applications, and databases. At the same time, a criminal can obtain information both legally and illegally. In any case, a person receives a certain amount of someone else’s information, which he can use against its owner.

Features of the agent's work

So, economic espionage is special kind atrocity, which is aimed at weakening the position of a particular company or state in general in the international market. Naturally, in order to obtain information, you need to use agents. They can be almost any person who pursues mercantile goals. Although you can become a spy under duress.

An agent usually becomes either an employee who is dissatisfied with his position in the company, or a specially trained person. Moreover, in some countries there are even training centers for spies.

The best option is a prepared insider who knows in advance what he wants. Often agents become representatives of business structures or students. The main thing is that they have legal and free access to those premises where the necessary information may be contained.

Today, there are computer systems anywhere in the world. Almost all information is now translated into electronic form. It’s much easier to steal such information, despite everything modern means protection. That is, the presence of agents is not always prerequisite obtaining information.

Criminal liability for a crime

Like any other crime, military espionage should not go unnoticed. Naturally, there is a penalty for this crime. Since the crime is considered especially serious, the responsibility for it is not small. For example, this crime is punishable by actual imprisonment for a term of 12 to 20 years. In addition, the spy will have to pay a substantial fine (at least 500,000 rubles).

However, there are cases when punishment may not occur. For example, criminal liability can be avoided if the spy promptly and independently notified law enforcement agencies. In addition, a person can destroy the conditions under which the transfer of information is possible.

Also, criminal liability can be avoided if the agent helped prevent further harm.

As you can see, espionage is a very serious crime. However, it must be borne in mind that you can recruit any person who is related to important information. Therefore, you should somehow protect yourself from such a situation. Good luck!

In this review, we will tell you about 6 popular spyware programs for your computer/laptop, and also tell you how to protect yourself from them.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to control the actions of a person using a computer without his knowledge. This need may be for a company manager who wants to check whether his employees spend their time effectively while sitting at a PC. Or a jealous spouse will want to make sure that his other half has not developed an unwanted hobby on the Internet. Also caring parents They will want to detect their child’s bad habits in time and react to it in advance.

For such an issue, a solution is provided in the form of spyware, which allows them to be absolutely legally installed on user devices. The operating principle of these utilities is to secretly collect, analyze user actions on the computer, and provide data results. It is worth noting that there is a fine line between legal use and malicious espionage using these programs, perhaps determined only by the internal motive for their use.

Neo Spy

The Neo Spy developers have worked hard to expand the functionality of this program as much as possible. List of available functions even in free version will satisfy the most demanding user. What spying features are available:

  1. Monitoring the user's computer activity, startup time and duration of programs.
  2. The "keylogger" function reads the order of keystrokes and then saves them to a file. The document displays everything that the user typed - correspondence, passwords, entered data.
  3. Screenshots of the monitor are another opportunity to detail information about the user’s work. Standard settings allow you to take 1 image every 12 seconds (acceptable minimum 1.2 seconds), while drawing the cursor behavior. Screen viewing is also available in online mode.
  4. Connect to a webcam if the Internet is available. This is an excellent opportunity for security functions, parental control, and monitoring the actions of service personnel.
  5. Reports on sites visited by the user.
  6. Tracking the GPS coordinates of the device (laptop, smartphone, tablet) on which Neo Spy is installed. This option will allow you to know at any time the location of your loved ones or employees. If the device is stolen, its location can be tracked, and the thief's face can be photographed or recorded on video.

This is only partial functionality of one of the best spy programs, according to users. According to the strong recommendations of the Neo Spy developers, when establishing control over employees, the latter must be notified. This is done for ethical reasons, of course. Prices, depending on the version, range from 820-1990 rubles.

Advantages of Neo Spy:

  • wide functionality;
  • Russified interface;
  • absolutely hidden mode of operation.

Real Spy Monitor

Using this program, you can monitor the active activities of the user, monitoring and receiving reports on the actions performed. Since this utility can also block a number of actions, it is ideal for use with parental controls.

The downside is the display of the program process in the task manager and the relative high cost of the paid version. Since Real Spy Monitor has an English-language user interface, this may also seem like a disadvantage to some.

Real Spy Monitor features:

  1. Working in "keylogger" mode.
  2. Report on running programs and documents.
  3. Saving the user's complete correspondence in instant messengers.
  4. Saving screenshots.

Actual Spy

Actual Spy is essentially a keylogger that provides the ability to collect basic necessary information. Thanks to this program, as well as the fact that its activity on the device is completely hidden, you can carry out surveillance absolutely anonymously.

Since the utility can work in normal and hidden modes, it is necessary to make settings to completely hide it. The program may not appear in running processes and may not attract attention, remaining completely unnoticed.

Main features of Actual Spy:

  1. Track keystrokes and clipboard contents.
  2. Data about the startup and shutdown of applications and programs.
  3. Report on pages visited in the browser.
  4. Systematic saving of screenshots.


A spy program designed to monitor and track the actions of a PC user. Its operation is based on the principle of reading keystrokes. However, in addition to this, the utility contains a number of functions useful for managers, parents and jealous spouses.

List of SpyGo features:

  1. Reading passwords from any services (mail, social networks, dating sites) using a keylogger.
  2. Monitoring and full report of web page visits.
  3. Recording what is happening on a PC monitor.
  4. Online tracking using a webcam.
  5. Listening to what is happening within the radius of use of the device.

In addition to the free option, which allows you to monitor only 20 minutes a day, the developers offer paid versions of SpyGo. The price range ranges from 1980-3750 rubles. The program is suitable for Windows versions XP, 7, 8, Vista.


The program in its functionality has the entire list of capabilities necessary for tracking and collecting information from a computer. However distinctive feature Snitch is the ability to work effectively even if the tracking or monitored modules do not have a static IP address. This allows you to use the utility even in the absence of an Internet connection. The program is easy to use, does not consume large PC resources, but is very effective.

Benefits of Snitch:

  1. The program functions even without Internet access.
  2. Reading text by keystrokes (correspondence, passwords).
  3. Browser page traffic report.
  4. Analysis of information on the clipboard.
  5. Completely hidden installation mode.
  6. Small program requirements do not slow down the device at all.

The program is developed in a single version and is operational immediately after registration. In this case, you do not need to make any preliminary settings to get started.

Ardamax Keylogger

Another utility designed to read information from pressed keys is Ardamax Keylogger. Lightweight and easy to use, the program will save data entered in the windows of any programs, browsers, forms, and provide a detailed report on correspondence, passwords, and requests. Thanks to special regime invisibility, the program does not appear in the task manager, Windows startup folders, system tray, or in the Start menu.

Features of Ardamax Keylogger:

  1. Reading of typed texts from all forms, including popular instant messengers.
  2. Completely invisible operating mode.
  3. Visual surveillance with the ability to take screenshots and photographs.
  4. Sound recording what is happening using a microphone.

The developers offer to download a trial version for review. If the client wants to purchase full version, it will cost him $48.96.

How to protect yourself from spyware

The above spyware is a tool that can be used both for the benefit of people and for the harm. If parents want to protect their child from visiting malicious sites and use the program in order to respond to danger in time, this is a good motive. The use of keyloggers by business managers to monitor employees is also used to benefit the business. Although the developers strongly recommend notifying employees about installing this on their PC software.

It is unlikely that anyone would want to be watched without his knowledge. Even those who install similar programs on others’ devices. You need to know that all programs of this type classified as spyware viruses. Therefore, in order not to become a victim of attackers and not to lose personal data, you need to install an antivirus on your computer that is designed to recognize spyware and keyloggers. For example Spyware Terminator or Super Anti Spyware.

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