The language and style of various kinds of documents. Features of the language and style of service documents

Language and style of business documentation: general characteristics, basic requirements, typical mistakes.

The following standard requirements are imposed on the language means and style of presentation of information in a business letter:

  1. the accuracy of the presentation of information,
  2. standardization and unification of language and text tools,
  3. neutral tone of presentation
  4. formality and severity of the language and style of a business letter (the most strict and restrained presentation of information, which in turn excludes the possibility of using expressive and emotionally colored language means in business speech texts),
  5. conciseness (the letter should not exceed the volume of one or two pages, otherwise the perception of information will be difficult),
  6. completeness of information (the document must contain sufficient information to make an informed decision),
  7. clarity,
  8. the unambiguity of the words and terms used,
  9. logic,
  10. objectivity,
  11. the text must be presented correctly in accordance with the current rules of spelling and punctuation, in the official business style.

Failure to comply with these requirements, on the one hand, makes it difficult to work with documents, and on the other hand, deprives or reduces their legal and practical significance.

Language official documents is a set of clichés, stamps, standards. Standardized phrases facilitate the perception of the text, speed up the preparation of an official letter.

the first sets out the motives that gave rise to the drafting of the letter,

in the second part - proposals, requests, decisions, orders.

Common mistakes in the language and style of business correspondence

Unfortunately, business letter writers often make a lot of mistakes. They can be subdivided into the following types: structural, syntactic, morphological, lexical, stylistic, technical.

Structural errors.

The source of structural errors is the incorrect construction of a business letter, the disproportionate position of its parts. It is important that each aspect of the content has a specific place in the logical structure of a business letter and does not overlap with another aspect. Failure to comply with this condition leads to long introductions and complex systems motivations.

Syntax errors.

Mistakes related to incorrect word order in a sentence.

Violation of the specifics of the use of adverbial phrases.

The adverbial turnover serves as a means of conveying an action that occurs simultaneously or in connection with another action. It is not difficult to correct errors in the use of adverbial phrases by replacing sentences with adverbial phrases with sentences with circumstances expressed by combinations of words.

Errors resulting from ignorance of the structure of a complex sentence. Often, the compilers of business letters unnecessarily complicate the text. Although the specifics of a business letter require close attention to the details of the presentation, however, not always and not all the details are appropriate in the text.

Therefore, unnecessarily complicated syntactic constructions should be simplified. This can be done both by direct reduction of the text, and by its processing, for example, by breaking up a complex text into separate phrases that are simple in composition and construction.

Morphological errors.

Mistakes in the use of full and short forms of adjectives.

It should be borne in mind that short forms of adjectives are more common in official business speech. Full names adjectives in such texts are out of place, they are felt as colloquial and even vernacular.

Lexical errors.

Incorrect use of words and terms.

Inappropriate or unjustified use of foreign words.

Borrowing foreign words is a natural way of enriching any language. Often, foreign words denoting concepts that have already been assigned a Russian equivalent get into the business language. However, it makes no sense to use a foreign word if there is a Russian term for this concept. The use of foreign vocabulary should be due to three circumstances: necessity, relevance and accuracy of word usage.

Tautology. Semantic repetitions that occur when cognate words coexist in a sentence. Tautological repetitions make the phrase dissonant. In addition, they make it difficult to perceive it, because they attract attention to themselves.

Errors in the use of synonyms. Errors in the use of synonymous words often result from the fact that a polysemantic word can be synonymous with another in only one of its meanings.

Stylistic interference.

Artificial lengthening of speech. Experts advise: "Do not state in a letter what you would not say orally." However, in our modern official correspondence, examples of artificial lengthening of speech are very often encountered. In the language of business correspondence, too long turns are unacceptable.

Technical interference.

These interferences include typos, errors, mechanical damage to the integrity of the text (tears, sticking to the envelope, etc.). the main reason for the occurrence of technical interference is negligence in the preparation of a business letter.


Compiling official documents is a difficult and complex process that takes a lot of time for employees and engineers. By streamlining this process, you can save time, improve the overall culture of documentation and managerial work.

In the work of documenting, the verbal design of decisions, actions, and connections plays an important role. When preparing documents, it should be taken into account that the language is not a passive fixer of the decisions made, but plays an active stimulating role in management activities. Thus, the effectiveness of directive and administrative documentation is largely ensured by the imperative - the imperative construction of the language of orders, orders, resolutions. Corresponding speech constructions are required by documents stating a request, demand, gratitude, etc. Business speech, business language, business official letter - certain concepts. Business language is the language of official relationships, it is a literary language.

Traditions and customs in documenting proved to be very tenacious. And now there are still obsolete terms, archaisms, phrases, speech stamps, clericalisms ("what images", "please do not refuse", "at the same time we direct", "given the real one" and etc.). When drafting documents, you must use the official business style.

The literary language has many styles, artistic and fiction, social and journalistic, scientific, industrial and technical, historical, official and business, etc., which are constantly developing and are in constant interaction.

“Under the style ... of a language,” says the well-known philologist A.N. Efimov, “it is customary to understand a historically developed variety of a language that differs both in terms of the composition and nature of the combination of speech means, and in terms of the patterns of their use. For each style there is the characteristic, the typical, and the forbidden."*

Each group of styles has its own varieties. So, the artistic and fiction style includes prosaic and poetic; social-journalistic - newspaper-magazine and literary-critical styles. Documentary business style incorporates the style of legislative and administrative documents (decrees, orders, orders, resolutions), business correspondence, telegraph style, etc.

"The style of legislative and administrative documents," noted Academician L.V. without any prodding, he will read every article of the law two or three times.

The quality and structure of styles are inconsistent and change from century to century, from era to era. After the October Revolution, many employees of pre-revolutionary Russia continued to work in institutions, business speech included a lot of clericalism and archaisms ("It is given to Petrov Ivan Yakovlevich that he really is the person by whom he calls himself, which is certified by the signature and application of the seal"). Therefore, a lot of time passed before they got rid of the old and unnecessary in language and style.

The official business style has specific differences from colloquial speech and other styles. literary language. When preparing the text of the document, the following basic principles should be observed: objectivity of the content and neutrality of tone, completeness of information and brevity of presentation, typification of speech means and standard terms. Official documents, as a rule, are drawn up on behalf of the legal entity of the institution or its structural subdivision. Forms of expression of public interests in an official document must comply with the norms of administrative law.

Most documents are written not from the first, but from the third person, and pronouns are replaced by nouns (not "I ask") but "the institute asks", "the Ministry does not object"). Dialects (local dialects), colloquial and slang words are unacceptable in service documentation.

The language of service documents must meet the following requirements:

1. Compliance with the norms of official business style and modern literary language, especially those that help to express the idea more clearly and completely.

Such variants of the language that are most expedient, appropriate, and therefore preferable often act as the norm. So, say, when choosing options like "to help - to help", "to make a mistake - to make a mistake" it is necessary to take into account the traditions of the style that are used in this case.

2. The presence of words used mainly in official documents, entrenched in administrative and clerical speech (such as "proper", "due", "above", "undersigned", etc.).

The use of terms and professionalisms (due to the subject matter, content of official documents), primarily legal and accounting;

Widespread use of complex denominative prepositions expressing standard aspects of the content, for example: "in order to provide assistance", "in order to provide assistance"",

Limited use of complicated syntactic constructions - sentences with participial and adverbial phrases, with various kinds of enumerations.

One of the most noticeable features of the official business style is the continuously ongoing process of standardizing business speech, primarily the language of mass standard documentation; widespread use of ready-made, already established verbal formulas, stencils, stamps. For example, "as a whole", "in connection with", "in accordance with", "for the benefit of"(standard syntactic patterns with denominative prepositions). Their use in documents is quite natural, as it facilitates the process of compiling standard texts.

The brevity of the presentation is achieved by replacing complex sentences with simple ones, as well as by eliminating participial and adverbial phrases and using generally accepted abbreviations.

Standardized turnovers require minimal mental effort and speed up the process of drafting documents. According to engineering psychology, standardized turns are perceived 8-10 times faster. The process of reading a document can be likened to searching for information. This search is carried out by means of keywords that determine the type of document (order, decision), and typed turnovers.

Today, one of the strongest means of influencing the language of the masses is the printed word. From books and magazines, readers draw not only special knowledge, but also examples of the correct and figurative presentation of thoughts. However, deviations from literary norms are still very common. For example. "welcome to the address", "reproaches to the address", "advanced outpost of science" and etc.

Unreasonably there are a lot of verbal cliches ("it is necessary to take revenge", "it is especially necessary to stop", "it is necessary to indicate", "to dwell on the question", "considering the foregoing", "to receive the following", "the indicated inventory", "this certificate has been issued" etc).

The hackneyed speech stamps used by speakers and lecturers also include: "start the fight for ...", "link the issue", "sharpen attention", "focus attention", "put at the forefront""in the center of attention", "we have today", "it is difficult to overestimate the value" etc.

Companion words sound standard, criticism is always sharp, support is always hot, etc.

1. Rules for the presentation of the material and the logical construction of the text of the document

Text is the fundamental attribute of any document. Therefore, the preparation of the text part of the documentation is the most important condition for well-placed documentation of management activities.

Depending on the number of questions considered in the text, documents are divided into simple and complex. The first are devoted to one issue, the second - to several. But the text of any document, according to the requirements of the USSD, must consist of at least two main parts. In the first of them, they give the rationale or basis for drawing up the document, in the second, they state proposals, decisions, orders, conclusions and requests. Even in the case when the text of the document consists of one phrase, if it is correctly composed, these two logical elements can be distinguished in it.

For example:

"In connection with the expected early cold snap, I order to complete all work on the insulation of the production premises of the factory before October 1 of this year."(text of the order).

In rare cases, the text of the document contains only one final part: in orders, for example, - an administrative part without a preamble, in letters and statements - a request without motivation.

However, in most cases, the text of the document consists of the following logical elements: introduction, evidence, conclusion. Often conclusions are preceded by conclusions.

In the introduction the reasons and the immediate reason for drawing up an official document are stated. In this part of the text, references are often made to other previously received documents that served as the basis for the creation of this document.

In proof the essence of the issue is expressed, arguments, facts, references to evidence, numerical data substantiating the correctness of the issue raised are given. A complex proof usually ends with a conclusion. Evidence must convince the addressee of the need to satisfy the petition, request or demand.

conclusions are not a separate logical element, since they are adjacent to the proof and are inseparable from it.

Conclusion -- the main logical component in which the main purpose of the document is formulated, its leading thought, request, offer, consent, refusal. The conclusion in the service document is mandatory.

By the nature of the content of the conclusion are not the same. They are divided into active and passive (or descriptive) Active conclusions, in turn, are divided into direct and indirect. In a direct active conclusion, the addressee is encouraged to certain actions. For example:

"I suggest that you arrange as soon as possible labor discipline in a group. To do this, develop detailed plan events. Take strict action against students who break discipline. Report the work done to the dean's office on 10. U. 96."

In an indirect active conclusion, an action is possible or expected. For example:

"Due to the intensification of frost, the external water supply network may fail."

Here, although no action is prescribed, it is assumed that measures will be taken to prevent damage to the water supply.

A direct active conclusion is used in orders, minutes of meetings, letters, telegrams, an indirect one is used in contracts, instructions, regulations, etc. If possible, an active conclusion should be preferred to an indirect one.

Depending on the content of the document, the direct or reverse order of the arrangement of logical elements is applied in the text. In the first case, the introduction is followed by a proof and a conclusion. In the reverse order, the conclusion is stated first, followed by the proof. There is no introduction to these documents.

An example of a direct arrangement of documents.

Introduction: In support of your claim No. 100-YUR dated May 22, 1996, you provided a copy of the act of the Commodity Expertise Bureau dated May 12, 1996.

Proof: To consider the issue on the merits, the submission of original documents is required.

Conclusion: Therefore, we ask you to urgently send the original of the act to the bureau of commodity examinations dated 12.05.96.

In the reverse order of presentation, this text will look like this:

Conclusion: We ask you to urgently send the original of the act of the Bureau of Commodity Examinations dated 12.05.96,

Proof: because To consider the claim on the merits, the submission of original documents is required.

Simple documents are presented in reverse order. They should be used as little as possible. The fact is that in the conclusion, if it is put in the first place, it is necessary to state the whole essence of the issue and in the subsequent part of the text to give its full justification. Otherwise, the document becomes incomprehensible and you have to read it in the opposite direction (from bottom to top). It is quite difficult to write a conclusion in such a way that it fully discloses the purpose of drawing up the document. That is why the direct order of logical elements is more acceptable, especially for preparing large documents. This method of presentation should be followed by the compilers of documentation to higher and peer organizations and institutions. In any case, the tone of the document should be correct, restrained, not giving rise to polemics and excessive correspondence.

The division of the text into logical elements is, of course, a conditional technique, which, however, helps to develop a document plan and consistently present the content. There is no need to artificially introduce all three elements into the text part, as this leads to the creation of unreasonably voluminous documents.

The text of complex documents containing information on various issues of the activities of an institution, organization or enterprise (regulations, instructions, reports, reports, reviews, etc.) can be divided into components by the standard: sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs (in Arabic numerals) .

Sections and subsections of the text should have headings that briefly express the essence of their content.

Dividing the text into constituent elements, of course, closely related to each other, and supplying them with headings improves the document, makes it more intelligible and expressive.

In narration, for example, although it involves the presentation of material in chronological order, one should strive to highlight the key events that are most characteristic facts, details, features. At the same time, we must not forget that the length of the phenomenon in time and the degree of importance of the phenomenon are not always directly proportional. For example, for an adult's autobiography, the events of his childhood are of no significant importance, although it lasted more than a decade and a half. and here is the information about the first years labor activity of any employee are of considerable interest in this service document. They must be reflected with due completeness. Here the gap in the chronology of the narrative will be quite justified.

When working on a descriptive text, one should strive to reveal the most important features of the phenomenon. According to the degree of importance, it is necessary to arrange them, which will serve the requirements of consistency in the presentation of the material.

characteristic feature such a type of text as reasoning is, as we have already noted, the presence of evidence - one of the main forms of thinking.

There are two types of evidence: deductive and inductive. In the first, thought develops in the direction from the general to the particular, i.e. from general judgments to particular conclusions. In inductive proofs, on the contrary, the thought proceeds from separate disparate facts to a generalization. In a similar way, the material is often presented in the argument. It is the inductive method of proof that lies in what is given on p. 38 example about the reasons for non-fulfillment of the production plan by the construction department. The deductive method of proof is the basis of such, say, reasoning:

"City bus transport is still working poorly. Buses start routes late, the schedule of their arrival at the bus stop is violated."(From a memorandum.)

According to the method of presentation, texts are usually divided into the following types: narration, description and reasoning.

in the narrative tells about events, phenomena, facts in the chronological sequence in which they actually happened. This type of presentation is most often used in documents such as news reports, certain types of protocols, autobiographies, memorandums, etc., for example:

"I, Nikolaev Ivan Olegovich, was born on 10.10.96 in the village of Petrovka, Alekseevsky district, Omsk region, in a family of collective farmers. In 1955 I graduated from a local high school" and etc.

In description a description of the phenomenon, event, action of a person or fact is given in the form of listing its signs, features, traits, manifestations. In this type of presentation, one can single out individual elements, passages that reveal certain aspects of the object. Such elements specify and justify the general characteristic, for example:

"The headquarters of the student brigade carried out a significant 1 joint work to improve the organization of work of students in the fields of the state farm "Avangard". Several sectors on labor and leisure issues were created, the nutrition of the fighters of the detachment was improved, their delivery to the place of work by state farm vehicles" etc.

In this example (from the report) the general position work to improve the organization of work of students ... " substantiated by concrete facts showing exactly what measures the headquarters took to improve the organization of labor of the detachment fighters.

Descriptive presentation is widely practiced in the text parts of a wide variety of documents.

A very common way of presentation is reasoning. It is expressed in a logically consistent series of definitions, judgments and conclusions that reveal the internal interconnection of phenomena or events and prove some position (thesis), for example.

"Due to bad weather conditions, the illness of a significant part of the workers, the short supply of building parts and materials, the construction department N5 could not cope with the production program for the fourth quarter of 1995"

It is easy to see that this reasoning is based on causal relationships between phenomena and facts. But in the texts of many documents, other types of reasoning are also used. They are built, in particular, on the establishment of conditionally concessive connections, comparisons and comparisons of facts, phenomena, events, objects.

It should be noted, however, that in its pure form the types of presentation of texts we have named are rare. Most often they are intertwined with each other, complement each other. This interaction is especially typical for complex documents.

This does not mean that the compiler of the documentation should not take into account the peculiarities of each type of presentation. On the contrary, it is necessary to use them creatively in the work of documentation.

The texts of complex documents (reports, reviews, certificates, etc.) are divided into parts, sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs, which are numbered in Arabic numerals in accordance with the requirements of GOST 1.5-85. The number of each part includes the numbers of the corresponding constituent parts, higher, for example: 1.1, 2.1. 3.2.1 etc.

2. Rules for abbreviations in the texts of documents

Various types of abbreviations are used in the documents of the ORD system. However, all abbreviations must meet the requirements of the "Consolidated Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation" approved in 1956, as well as the requirements of GOST 1.5-85. **

Abbreviations are justified because they shorten the time for compiling the text, reduce their volume and, of course, the cost of producing a document.

It is customary to distinguish between several types of abbreviations. 1. Letter (initial) abbreviations (abbreviations), which are formed from the initial letters of each word, for example. GUM, VTEK, Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc. Almost all initial abbreviations are written with a capital letter (with the exception of those that have become independent words, for example, registry office, university, etc.).

Compound abbreviated words of mixed education consist of abbreviations and truncated words. They are written in different ways, for example, VNIIugol, district, etc.

Compound words complex type, for example, a collective farm, state farm, motor ship, Rostselmash, Glavmorput, etc.

Separate, partially abbreviated words, consisting of a part of the stem and the full word, differ in some features in decoding, in the category of gender, declension, for example, head of staff, deputy director, main post office, etc.

Borrowed from other languages, for example: BBC, APN, napalm, lavsan, etc.

Conditional graphic abbreviations for designating positions, geographical concepts, periods of time, quantitative definitions, names of cities, villages, villages, regions, districts, streets, avenues, etc.

The peculiarity of graphic abbreviations is that they are not pronounced in oral speech. After such an abbreviation, a period is necessarily put, for example: city (city); from. (village); region, district, etc. Graphic abbreviations are always written in lowercase letters.

The requisites "title", "author of the document", "signature" are not reduced in the ORD. It is not allowed to abbreviate words through an oblique line, because this method is not provided, for example: n / factory (at the factory), m / mother (mother of many children), s / r (honored innovator). Common abbreviations are used in enumerations and references, with adjacent numbers, names, surnames, for example, etc. (and so on), etc. (and the like), etc. (and so on), etc. (and others), 1 million, 50 km, etc.

The union "that is" (i.e.), is abbreviated, and the words "because", "thus", "because", "so-called" should not be abbreviated.

The names of academic degrees, titles can be abbreviated immediately before the surnames both in the text and in the requisite "signature", for example: acad.

Zakharov, Assoc. Petrov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences Leonov, engineer. Ivanov and others. The title of the position may be abbreviated only in the text, for example: "Chief Mechanic L.P. Silaev spoke at the meeting." Moreover, the words "deputy", "head", "assistant" are written together (head of department, head of treasure, assistant director). But if these words are separated from the noun by an adjective, then a period is placed after them: for example, deputy. chief engineer.

Geographical concepts are abbreviated only before the words to which they refer, for example: lake. Balaton, Donetsk.

When writing the address in the requisite "addressee" it is allowed to abbreviate: st. (street), ave. (avenue), per. (lane), pl. (area), d. (house), bldg. (body), sq. (apartment), reg. (region), pos. (village). Reductions in time intervals and quantitative definitions are allowed after numerals expressed in numbers: 5 thousand wagons, 12 thousand head of livestock, 20 million krb.

The word "year" is abbreviated only with numbers, for example: 1992.

When designating a period of time, they write like this: 1990-1995, but if there is a preposition "by" between years, then you should write, from 1990 to 1996.

When designating the accounting economic and administrative budget of years, they write 1995/96 academic year, - in other cases, 1995/96 (if the year is administrative, economic, educational, budgetary).

When writing a date in a mixed way (verbal-numeric and alphabetic), the word "year" is written with the letter y, for example, May 22, 1996. When the name of the month and year are combined, the word "month" is not written: (in October 1995). Do not write in the text "in October this year." (this year), you must specify the year in full: in October 1995.

When calculating time in documents, they write 20 hours or 20-00, 8 hours 1 45 minutes, the word "morning" and "day" should not be used.

The words "hour", "minute", "second" are abbreviated with numbers, for example: -- 5 h 32 min 20 s (no dot at the end of the abbreviations).

Signs №, §, % in the text they put only with numbers, and in the plural they are not doubled, for example, No. 16, 6, 9, § 7, 10, 12, 50-60%.

Only officially accepted abbreviations for the names of institutions, organizations, for example, should be used. Ministry of Coal Industry, Ministry of Education, etc.

Abbreviated names of brands of machines, mechanisms, machine tools, tools, etc., consisting of separate alphabetic or mixed (alphabetic and digital) indices, must be written without quotes in capital letters. In such abbreviations, the numbers, if they are after the letter indices, must be separated by a hyphen, for example: GAZ-51, VAZ-69.

If the letters are after the numbers, then the entire index is written together. IL-18D.

3. Writing numbers and designing tables in documents

Numerical information and tables are often included in documents. There are certain rules for their design. So, single-digit quantitative numerals (answer the question "how many") do not have case accretion, for example, in the attribute "application" the number of sheets and copies is written only in numbers, for 3 liters in 2 copies (not written for 5, in 3- X). If the number has an abbreviated dimension, it is written only in numbers: 8 kg, 5 l, 25 km, etc., but if the numbers do not have units of measurement in the text of the document, they are written only in words, for example: in one direction, with three bolts, etc. (except for compound numbers: 21, 35, 198, etc.).

Numbers, starting from tens of thousands, are written in a mixed way: 15 million people, 20 thousand krb., 200 thousand copies, but uniformly within one text.

Ordinal numbers expressed in Roman numerals do not have case endings, for example: at the IV session of the Supreme Council of Ukraine. Ordinal numbers do not have extensions if they come after a noun, for example: fig. 2, damn. 2, on p. 41. If several (more than two) ordinal numbers stand side by side, case accretions are placed only with the last one, for example: 1, 2, 3rd, etc.

Compound words, the first part of which is a numeral, are written in a mixed way, with a hyphen (without case extensions), for example: 200 tons, 300 years, 40 mm, 12 volumes.

Units of measurement for numerals denoting the limit are written only once: 20-30 pieces, or from 20 to 30 pieces.

Monetary amounts are written as follows: first, the amount is indicated in numbers, and in brackets in words, for example: in the amount of 25600 krb. (twenty five thousand six hundred krb.).

If the text of the document contains a number of numerical values ​​of a quantity expressed by the same unit of measure, then this unit of measure is indicated only after the last digit.

Wrong: Right:

  • 8.0 mm, 8.5 mm, 12.0 mm, 14.0 mm 8.0, 8.5, 12.0, 14.0 mm20 cm x 40 cm x 50 cm 20 x 40 x 50 cm
  • 20 kg, 40 kg, 50 kg. twenty; 40; 50 kg.

Intervals between numerical value values ​​are written as follows: from 50 to 100, from 100 to 150.

The digital material placed in the document is recommended to be formatted in the input of tables (GOST 1.5-85), for example:

Table 1

Quantity of documents

Letters 10000 12000 2000 24000

Telegrams 300 250 550

A table may have a heading that is placed to the right above it. It is not underlined. The table is placed on the nearest page, after a link to it or, if this is not possible, in the nearest place.

If the text is small and there are many tables, then the latter can be located at the end of the text, in numerical order. Within a section, tables are numbered with Arabic numerals. The table number consists of the number, section and the ordinal number of the table, separated by a dot, for example: table 1.2(second table of the first section). When referring to a table in the text, the following is abbreviated: tab. 12. Repeated references to the table should be given as follows: see table. 1.2. If there is one table in the document, then it is not numbered and the word "table" is not written.

A table with a large number of columns can be divided into parts and placed one part under the other. In this case, the word "table" and its serial number are indicated once to the right above the first part, the word "continuation" is written above the remaining parts, indicating the serial number of the table, for example:

4. Names of institutions, organizations, enterprises in documents

All words in titles are capitalized. supreme bodies power and control Supreme Council of Ukraine.

In the names of republican state committees, ministries and other headquarters the first word is capitalized and, of course, proper names, for example Ministry of Ukraine for the protection of the population from the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

The names of independent main departments and departments within the Ministry or department are also capitalized, for example: Technological management for coal enrichment. Main production department.

The names of the departments that are part of the main departments are written with a lowercase letter, for example: department of new machines of the Technological Directorate, department of operation of the Main Production Directorate.

In the official names of organizations, the first word is capitalized, for example: Spert Palace "Shakhtar".

The names of associations, combines, mines, trusts and institutions, if they are preceded by generic words such as "production association", "combine", "trust", "institute", "mine", are written in quotation marks and are not declined, for example: production association for coal mining "Makeevugol" - production association "Donetsk-ugol".

In the absence of generic words, the names must be written without quotes, and they are declined, for example. Minugleprom - Tsonuglemash.

The names of organizations, enterprises, congresses, conferences, starting with the words: State, All-Ukrainian, Extraordinary, etc. or with ordinal numbers expressed verbally, are written with a capital letter, for example: State Library named after T.G. Shevchenko, State MacResearch Institute for Safety in Mining, II All-Ukrainian Festival.

The word "council" in the singular and plural is always written with a capital letter if it is included in the full name of the authority; for example. Voroshilovsky District Council of People's Deputies of Donetsk.

In abbreviated names, the word "council" is written together and with a lowercase letter, for example: city ​​council, village council, possovet.

In the titles of documents approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the words "Decree", "Regulation", "Charter", "Instruction" are written with a capital letter. The words "order", "decision", "act", application, "list" - with lowercase, for example:

"In accordance with the Instruction on remuneration for discoveries, inventions and rationalization proposals."

Geographical names, if they are not part of the company's own name, are written with a lowercase letter, Donetsk mine "Kirovskaya" but Starobeshevskaya GRES.

In symbolic, conditional names of enterprises or institutions, the first word is capitalized and the entire name is enclosed in quotation marks, for example: mine "Red Star", plant "Red Plowman".

The name of the enterprise, institution is not written in quotation marks if it contains the word "name" or "memory", for example: mine named after Skochinsky.

The abbreviated names (abbreviations) of institutions, read by the first letters, are written in capitals and without quotes, for example: VNIMI, VSHIDAD, MakNII, VNII-coal

In the plural, the words "state committees", "ministries", "main departments under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine" are written with a lowercase letter.

When listing several ministries or committees in the text, their full name should be written.

for example: "To oblige the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Forestry", but not "oblige the Ministry of Forestry and Finance...".

However, when listing associations, combines, trusts, etc. the generic word should be written once. ".. to oblige the production associations "Donetskugol", "Makeevugol", "Snezhnyanskantratsit", but not Association "Donetskugol", association "Makeevugol" etc.

5. Writing positions, titles and surnames

The names of the highest state and government positions are written with a capital letter, for example: President of Ukraine, Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council of Ukraine.

All other job titles are in lowercase, for example: Minister of Culture of Ukraine, member of the collegium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, general director of the production association for coal mining "Donetskugol".

The names of military, honorary and academic ranks are written with a lowercase letter, for example: Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine named after T.G. Shevchenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Honorary Miner, Colonel General of Justice In the names of orders, all words, except for the word "order", are capitalized, for example: Order of the Red Banner of Labor, Order of the Badge of Honor.

There are some features of the spelling and declension of names and surnames. Surnames ending in - ago, - yago, - oh, -ih, -ovo are not inclined: Zhivago, Dunyago, Black, Long, Khitrovo. Foreign surnames ending in a vowel sound (except for unstressed -a, -ya) are not declined: poems Hugo, novel Zola opera Verdi etc. Ukrainian surnames also do not decline to -ko: Petrenko, Shevchenko. Surnames on unstressed -a, -i are inclined, both Slavic and foreign: l: Lagoda: the work of Sh-ouda, a film with the participation of Julieta Mazina. at the Patrice Lumumba Institute. Russian and foreign surnames ending in a consonant are inclined if they are male, and do not decline if they are female, for example, to the worker Kirichek, to the worker Kirichek, to Karl Hoffmann, to Frau Hoffmann.

However, surnames derived from the names of animals, beasts, inanimate objects, although they end in consonants, do not decline, for example, Swan, Hare, Flint, Stupa.

In Russian double surnames, both parts are declined if they exist as independent surnames: Novikova-Krasnova, if the first part does not form an independent surname, then it does not decline, for example. Bonch-Bruevich, Yar-Mukhamedov and etc.

6. Deviations from literary norms in the texts of documents

Often in the texts of documents due to ignorance, inattention or negligence, various deviations are allowed. As a result, the text becomes obscure, full of verbal excesses, archaisms and clericalism. Little-known words of foreign origin, professionalism, neologisms complicate the understanding of the text. Do not decorate the documents of vernacular, dialectisms. The most typical shortcomings in the text will be discussed further.

7. Archaisms and clericalisms

Archaisms are obsolete words, expressions and grammatical forms that have fallen into disuse.

These include: prohibited (instead of prohibited), the above (mentioned above), henceforth (hereinafter), on the subject (for), therefore (therefore), according to belonging (as intended), with this we present (send, attach), transmitting (accompanying).

The following words also belong to archaisms: grateful, kindly inform, hang, trusting, inscribe, taste, guard and others.

Chanceryisms are complex, cumbersome words and phrases with a stable archaic structure and characteristic clerical unions and allied words, as well as dry, pompous official words, for example: a growing discrepancy between the growth of labor productivity and the available equipment ..., there are violations of safety regulations for the production of mine workings; for joining to work; fulfill the planned target for all indicators; it is necessary to develop measures to eliminate the existing shortcomings ...; we have to date in professional development; greetings to Petrov (instead of Petrov) and etc.

A lot of clericalism is found in official correspondence.

Features of the use and execution of documents

Style- this is a feature of the language, manifested in the selection, combination and organization of language means of communication with the tasks of communication. There are such functional styles, i.e. styles distinguished in accordance with the main functions of the language associated with a particular area of ​​human activity, such as journalistic, scientific, artistic and literary, colloquial, official and business.

Any information needs a language in which it will be recorded, transmitted and received. This complex process can be carried out with the help of special terminology - the main component of any functional style. The style of official and business communication of people in different spheres of life: economic, socio-political and cultural - has developed under the influence of the need to present facts with the utmost accuracy, brevity, specificity, and avoid ambiguity. Official business style is such a functional type of language that serves the sphere of official business relations predominantly in writing.

Documents can be diverse in genre and content, in volume and linguistic expression. Most documents in the content part are related to the sphere outside of individual communication (although individuals are also involved in relevant activities), but the individual-personal aspect is not reflected in the language and style of the document. The function of the business style is that the observance of the necessary form for the transfer of content gives grounds to consider the document as official business. Therefore, the language of documents is characterized by stylistic rigor and objectivity of presentation. In an official business style, there should be no emotionality, subjective evaluation and colloquialism. This is what brings the style of documents closer to a moderate bookish, scientific style, but the impersonal manner of presentation is a characteristic feature of the language of documents.

Since documents are associated with a legal norm, objectivity in the style of presentation is emphasized by the affirmative and prescriptive nature of the document. As a rule, documents are drawn up so that either the information contained in them is taken into account, or the corresponding decision is necessarily executed. Acts of the court, prosecutor's office, police, and administration are written in official business style. Such documents are based on scientific analysis. public relations, therefore, they should be precise and as concise as possible, and this should be achieved by appropriate language means. A characteristic feature of the official business style is the use of words in their specific meaning. In order to avoid errors in official documents, business information should not be combined with elements of journalism (for example, in draft decisions, some types of reports, protocols, etc.).

As a holistic structure, any document must meet certain requirements. This:

Brevity and compactness of presentation of official material;

Accuracy and certainty of wording, unambiguity and uniformity of terms;

Neutral tone of presentation.

The official business style is characterized by the use of words only in those meanings that are recognized as the norm of general literary word usage, as well as in the meanings that are traditional specifically for business documents, which do not violate their stylistic uniformity and correspond to the general trend of business language standardization.

The selection of vocabulary involves careful attention to the lexical meaning of words. Ignorance of the lexical meaning of individual words leads to errors like: " it is necessary to improve zootechnical and veterinary services for animal husbandry ” (livestock service can be improved, but not livestock), “ reduce the cost ”(you can reduce the price of goods, products, but not the cost - possible variant: « reduce

cost price »).

It is not allowed to use neologisms, even those formed according to traditional models, for example " constructor » , « reorganization ", as well as words related to colloquial vocabulary, for example" secretary », « laboratory assistant ».

If you choose the wrong word from a number of cognates that differ in meaning, you can distort the meaning. For example, the words “provide” and “provide” are often confused.

Imagine- 1) present, inform ("submit a list of employees", "submit evidence"); 2) introduce someone introduce a new employee to the team"); 3) to petition (for a promotion, for an award) (“ submit to the next rank», « submit to the order "); 4) compose, discover (" be of considerable value»); 5) mentally imagine (" imagine (oneself) a picture of the battle»); 6) depict, show (" present in a funny way»).

Provide- 1) to give at someone's disposal, use (" provide an apartment», « provide vehicles»); 2) to give the right, the opportunity to do, to carry out something (" give leave", "give the floor»); 3) allow to act independently or leave unattended (“leave it to yourself”, “leave it to chance»).

The inability to express a thought accurately and concisely leads to the following errors: “in the month of April” (April is exactly the month, and nothing else), “information message” (any message contains information). Repetitions such as: « benefit from use» , « the following facts should be taken into account », « This phenomenon is fully manifested in the conditions »...

For the texts of official documents, it is not typical to use

figurative phraseology, turns with reduced stylistic coloring.

Standard turns of speech like: " in connection with the order of the government”, “in order to provide material assistance», « due to the difficult situation that has developed ... "- are constantly reproduced in official documents, acquire a stable character and, in their role, are close to phraseological units. In the language of documents, they perform the same function as stable type combinations: "to take into account", "to bring to the attention". But if the norms are violated due to ignorance of the peculiarities of the use of one or another phraseological unit, errors occur. For example, the verb “to allow” (“to allow”) in the meaning of “to do something, to accomplish” can be combined with words expressing a negative result of activity: “to allow a violation”, “to make a mistake”, “to make a miscalculation”, etc., but not with words expressing positive action - "allow success."

Along with this kind of words, there are many words that demonstrate limited compatibility only within the business style. For example, in business style:


In business speech, constructions with a “split” predicate should be used, which not only name the action, but also designate the subject of this action. For example:

assist, not assist; to help, not to help; clean up, not clean up; to take into account, not to take into account; give support, not support; make repairs, not repair.

Business communication is carried out between organizations and officials and is official in nature, therefore it is characterized by the impersonal nature of the presentation of the text, in connection with which verbs should be used in the form of the 3rd person and, as a rule, in an indefinitely personal meaning.

For example:

“the commission carried out an inspection and established…”;

“The act was signed by members of the commission and approved…”.

A feature of business speech is the use of a large number of terms.

Term- a word or phrase that is the name

a certain concept of some special field of science, technology, art. The totality of terms of a particular field of knowledge or professional activity constitutes terminology.

When using terms in documents, it is necessary to ensure that the term is understandable not only to the author of the document, but also to all correspondents working with this document. When the author uses uncommon, unfamiliar terms, it is necessary to reveal the content and meaning of this term. This can be achieved in the following ways:

Give an official definition of the term (accepted definitions of terms are recorded in terminological dictionaries and GOSTs);

Decipher the concept with words related to neutral vocabulary; remove the term from the text and replace it with a commonly used word or expression.

In business speech, in order to compress speech, abbreviations are used to designate concepts.

There are two main types of abbreviations:

Lexical abbreviations (abbreviations) - compound words formed by removing part of their constituent letters or parts of words, for example: CIS, ACS, Mosgaz, deputy, special forces, etc .;

Graphic abbreviations - abbreviations used in writing

designations of words, for example: p / o, railway, point, sq.m, etc.

Lexical abbreviations (abbreviations) function as independent words. Graphic abbreviations are not words, they are used only when writing and when reading, they are deciphered and read in full.

Many abbreviated names of institutions and organizations have been officially legalized. Some of them: 1) by the first letters of the full name (letter abbreviations), for example, Moscow State University (Moscow State University); 2) according to the syllabic principle, for example, the Ministry of Health

(Ministry of Health care); 3) according to a mixed principle, for example Hyproholod ( State Institute for the design of refrigerators, ice cream factories, plants for dry and water ice and liquid carbon dioxide). At the same time, alphabetic abbreviations read by syllables are declined like ordinary words. The exception is the word HPS and the like, which do not decline.

Language and style various kinds documents.

Record keeping specialists distinguish different types and types of documents.

By addressing factorinternal and external business correspondence. The documents exchanged between the parties are called official letters.

According to the field of human activity: managerial, scientific, technical, industrial, financial, etc.

In terms of availability: open use, limited access and confidential nature.

By due date: urgent, secondary, final, periodic.

According to the criterion of primacy: original and copy.

According to the form of sending: for postal correspondence, electronic correspondence, fax sending.

For all documents there is a single rule: compliance with the rules for registration in accordance with existing GOSTs and standards.

We will consider those documents that you may need now.

reference- a document containing the requested information or confirmation of any facts and events. The name of the document is written in the center of the sheet in capital letters. The main text is stated using standard models: “Dana (full name) in that ...”, the interval below indicates the organization for which a certificate is issued or the phrase “Certificate is given at the place of requirement”. Below is the signature, including the position, personal signature of the person who issued the certificate. The signature is certified by the seal of the organization.

Statement- an internal official document designed to bring to the attention of an official information of a narrow focus.

Dean of SPF

prof. Spirina V.I.

1st year students full name,

residing at:…,


I ask you to release me from classes from April 1 to April 10 for a trip home for family reasons.

Date ____________Signature

A power of attorney is a document authorizing its bearer to perform any actions on behalf of the principal.

Power of attorney

I, full name, passport details: _______, residing at: ________, trust full name, passport details: _______, residing at: ________, to receive a scholarship for October 2006

Date ____________Signature

Recently, information and advertising documents have become widespread: a product offer, messages to potential consumers about the types of goods produced, summaries.

The requirements for these documents are different from those for regulated business papers. They should be memorable, arouse commercial interest, therefore they use language expressive means.

pay attention to summarythe word came from French and meant "brief conclusion", for example, on documents: “I agree”, “I do not mind”. Recently, the term began to be used in the sense: "A brief written summary of biographical data characterizing the educational background, profession, personal qualities of a person applying for a particular job, position."

A resume resembles a questionnaire, but you can be creative in its preparation, because. there are no hard and fast rules. The main task is to present yourself as advantageously as possible, exactly the information that is important to attribute to the chosen job: education, work experience, personal qualities, and characteristics of additional skills. For example, if you want to become an advertising agent, then their professional qualities are the ability to communicate with people, resourcefulness, knowledge of the basics of the psyche; if the vacancy is a primary school teacher, then the necessary qualities are love for children, responsiveness, kindness, patience ...

Typical resumes include:

personal data (name, date and place of birth, marital status);

address and telephone number for contact;

the name of the vacancy;

main text: list of places of study, work in chronological order indicating the official name of the organization, the time of study or work, the name of the position held;

additional information: freelance work experience, social activities, professional retraining;

Other information: related knowledge and skills: foreign language, foreign trips, computer skills, driving a car…;

Interests, inclinations related to the intended professional activity;

Other supporting information (at the discretion of the applicant);

date and signature.

When designing, the following is taken into account: the word "resume" is not written. Last name is better block letters for better legibility. This is where paperwork begins. Further in the middle - full name, at the left border of the sheet: home address, phone number; at the right address and the name of the organization in which the applicant studied or worked, office phone. Under these data, the name of the vacancy is given exactly with the one given in the source, then information about the applicant.

ANTONOVA Bella Mikhailovna

was born in Armavir on July 30, 1980.

House. address: Institute address:

Tel.: Work. tel.:

Primary school teacher.

Information about education and work experience - ASPU, 3rd year, socio-pedagogical faculty, student of the OZO.

She graduated from the cutting and sewing courses at the Polet studio in 2003.

From 2003-2006, she led the "Skilled Hands" circle at MSOSh No. 23.

Add. intelligence:

· Participated in the conference "Children are our future" (Armavir, 2005)

· Completed an internship at...

· Completed professional development courses.

Other information:

Reading and translating with a dictionary in English.

· I am computer literate.

· I have a driver's license to drive a motor vehicle of category C (I do not have a personal car).

Interests: I am fond of the theater, I sew for the puppet theater ...

Auxiliary information: by nature open, sociable, I love children ...

Date ______________ Signature

Question 5: The concept of "speech etiquette"

Speech etiquette call a system of requirements (rules, norms) that explain to us how to establish, maintain and break contact with another person in a certain situation. The norms of speech etiquette are very diverse, each country has its own characteristics of the culture of communication.

Compliance with the rules of speech etiquette will help you correctly convey your thoughts to the interlocutor, quickly reach mutual understanding with him.

Mastering the etiquette of speech communication requires gaining knowledge in the field of various humanitarian disciplines: linguistics, psychology, cultural history and many others. For a more successful mastering of the skills of a culture of communication, they use such a concept as the formulas of speech etiquette.

Basic formulas of speech etiquette are acquired at an early age, when parents teach the child to say hello, say thank you, ask for forgiveness for tricks. With age, a person learns more and more subtleties in communication, masters various styles of speech and behavior. The ability to correctly assess the situation, start and maintain a conversation with a stranger, competently express their thoughts, distinguishes a person of high culture, educated and intelligent.

Speech etiquette formulas - these are certain words, phrases and set expressions used for the three stages of conversation:

start a conversation (greeting/introduction)

main part

final part of the conversation



2 UDC (07) LBC I 7 I 41 Recommended by the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Management of BSATU Protocol 6 from the city of Compiled by: Ph.D. philol. Sciences, Assoc. E.P. Zankovich; Art. teacher T.M. Kapustich Reviewers: Cand. philol. Sciences, Assoc. N.G. Slykhalov (BGATU); cand. philol. Sciences O.E. Efimchik (Law College of Belarusian State University) The manual covers the requirements for the language design of documents, mainly organizational and administrative. The main attention of the compilers is focused on the following aspects: features of the official business style, types of texts used in documents, typical mistakes in the language and style of business documentation, declension of names and surnames, informativeness and persuasiveness of the document, etc. Intended for full-time and part-time students all faculties as additional material for the classroom and independent work. UDC (07) LBC i 7 2 BGATU, 2007

3 INTRODUCTION The purpose of the discipline "Documentation" is to give the necessary theoretical and practical skills in working with documents. As a result of studying the discipline, students should: know the basic principles of document management, registration of documents, control over their execution, rules for filing cases and the procedure for transferring documents to the archive; be able to draw up documents and organize their processing and storage; build texts of typewritten and printer design; have an idea about the principles of work of the assistant secretary for paperless services. An important place in the process of studying the discipline "Office work" is occupied by issues related to the style of business documents. The wording of the text of the document should be short, clear, legally correct. The language of official documents has its own peculiarities. First of all, it concerns lexical means. An incorrectly chosen word can distort the meaning of the document, lead to a double interpretation, which can negatively affect not only the practical, but also the legal assessment of the situation, facts, etc. The language means that are used in the texts of documents are diverse, they fix and transmit various information (economic, managerial, etc.). Thus, typical language situations are developed that contribute to the standardization of document texts. Standardization in many ways increases the information content of documents, reduces the text, and contributes to the efficiency of the workflow as a whole. Correctly, anyone can correctly compose the text of a document. However, you need to learn this, hone your skills in practice, and then the document will be concise, accurate, and legally correct. This educational and methodical manual most fully reveals such actual problems of office work as typical mistakes in the language and style of business documentation, indicates the most common lexical, morphological, syntactic and stylistic errors. 3

4 SECTION 1 Features of the official business style The term "official business style" refers to the features of the language of service and diplomatic documents. The official business style of the language serves the clerical, legal, administrative spheres of activity, is implemented mainly in monologic written speech: resolutions, decrees, instructions, codes, announcements, characteristics, charters, orders, protocols, conventions, acts, etc. Unlike other styles standard forms of expression are actively used here, expressive and individual author's means are minimally represented. Information is transmitted mainly from a person or group of persons authorized by the collective (institution, organization, enterprise, ministry, state, etc.). Documents require objectivity, consistency, categorical, unambiguous verbal formulations, therefore they are often drawn up on the appropriate forms or in the prescribed form. The language of service documents has some features: a sharp, in comparison with other language styles, narrowing the range of speech means used; a high degree the frequency of individual language forms in certain sections of the texts of documents. Let's consider these features. 1. The necessary qualities of documents are the completeness and timeliness of information, accuracy, conciseness of wording. The main task of the compiler of the document is to clearly reflect the information that has or acquires legal force. Neutral tone of voice is the norm business etiquette. The personal, subjective moment should be kept to a minimum. Therefore, outside of business speech are, for example, forms that have emotionally expressive coloring (nouns and adjectives with subjective evaluation suffixes, interjections). The use of colloquial, colloquial, dialectal, etc. words and phraseological units in business speech is unacceptable. Razu- 4

5 However, this does not mean that the style of presentation in the official text must always be absolutely neutral. A request or gratitude can be expressed in the document, a demand is made (often in a categorical form), etc. However, in any case, the means of a logical rather than an emotionally expressive assessment of situations and facts should be used first of all. 2. The restriction of the types of language units used in business texts and the general regulation of the form of documents determine another the most important feature business speech, the high frequency of individual language forms in certain sections of the texts of documents. As the simplest example, one can point to the absolute predominance of nominative case forms in the elements of document design, in texts built on the principle of questionnaires or tables. Texts based on "natural" coherent speech, of course, have a more complex grammatical organization. However, in this case, the reproducibility of individual language units is much higher than in other varieties of speech. The main reason for this phenomenon is the conscious attitude towards standardization of the language when displaying typical situations of business communication. So, in documents, as a rule, the use of neologisms (even formed according to traditional models) is not allowed if they do not have a terminological meaning and can be replaced by general literary words. If they are used, then they need explanations in the text (usually in brackets). When using terms (and they are very widespread in a business language), it is not allowed to distort their form or replace them with professionalism, jargon, etc. , a reprimand is announced, a reprimand is issued, a salary is set, etc. Business speech becomes phraseologically stable, filled with 5

6 ready-made language formulas, stencils, stamps. An example of such stamps are, in particular, constructions with denominative prepositions that motivate actions: in accordance with a decision (order, order), in connection with the beginning (opportunity, necessity), in order to improve (limit, save), etc. expressions (regardless of whether the speaker is aware of it or not) often begin to function as terms that correspond to the specifics of a particular managerial situation. The same role is played by the so-called bureaucratic words such as endorse, hear, proper, non-acceptance (of measures), which are little used in other styles of the language. Comparison of business, scientific, journalistic (newspaper) and literary texts allows us to highlight some grammatical features of the official business style: a) the predominant use of simple sentences (as a rule, narrative, personal, widespread full ones). Interrogative and exclamatory sentences are practically non-existent. Of the single-compound ones, only impersonal ones are actively used, and in some types of documents (orders, official letters) definitely personal: In order ... it is necessary to highlight ...; In case... you have to cut...; I command...; We draw your attention ... Of the complex sentences, non-union and complex sentences are more common with subordinate explanatory, attributive, conditional, reasons and goals, as well as constructions like ... fulfilled contractual conditions, which allows ... Widespread use of constructions with denominative prepositions (In order of supervision, ..; In connection with the refusal ...; ... due to underloading of materials) allows you to avoid the use of complex sentences with subordinate clauses reasons, goals, conditional. The subordinate parts of place and time are generally of little use; b) using offers with a large number words, which is due to: the prevalence of sentences; very frequent, for example, constants 6

7 ructions with consecutive subordination of the same type of case forms (usually forms genitive): Appointment of the Deputy Head of the Metal Heat Treatment Shop T.N. Nikolaev for the position of chief engineer of the plant was supported by the entire staff of the enterprise; an abundance of sentences with homogeneous members (their number, even in linearly written phrases, can reach twenty or more); an extreme case of complex enumerations are rubricated constructions of the type ... decides: 1. Define ... a) ... b) ... c) ...; 2. Organize... a)... b)... c)...; 3. Assign ..., and each rubric can be of any complexity (include homogeneous members proposals, supplemented by independent proposals, etc.); rubricated listings can include tens or even hundreds of words. The size of sentences in a business language is not very affected even by the presence or absence of separate turns in them. At the same time, only participial phrases and isolated additions with motivating nominative prepositions are actively used. Participle turnovers are rare, and usually they are stable constructions of the type based on ...; pay attention to...; given that...; c) the active use of passive constructions of the type seems to be possible ..., the commission found ... and impersonal forms, although in general the document is drawn up, as a rule, from a third person; d) the use of inflection methods atypical for other language styles, for example, the development of plural forms in abstract nouns. Very specific are such methods of management as finishing construction, accepting with good quality, transferring as belonging, etc. Despite the fact that such turns are quite common in business speech, they should apparently be avoided, since they do not meet the standards general literary usage. Thus, the process of standardizing business speech covers all 7

8 levels of language and vocabulary, and morphology, and syntax. As a result, a stable speech stereotype is formed, perceived by the speakers as a special, functionally oriented type of linguistic norming of texts, that is, a special functional style. General scheme The standardization of business speech as a whole is quite simple: a typical situation is a standardized speech manner. However, the language tools used by business speech are quite diverse, and they are perfectly adapted to convey very specific industrial, legal, financial and administrative information. Business speech has accumulated a huge number of terms, formulas, turns of speech that have been proven by many years of practice. In addition, the use of ready-made verbal formulas and constructions that have become firmly established in business use allows the speaker (writer) not to waste time looking for definitions that characterize standard situations. Standardization (more precisely, terminology) of business speech significantly increases the information content of documents, significantly facilitates their perception and evaluation by specialists, which contributes to greater efficiency of the document flow as a whole. Questions 1. Name all the functional styles of the literary language and give them a brief comparative description. 2. Indicate the areas of use of the official business style. 3. List the main requirements for the language of official business style. 4. Describe the grammatical features of the document style. 5. Explain the meaning of the concept of "standardization of business speech." 8

9 Tasks Task 1. Determine the style of this text and describe its speech features. PERFORMED: Sokolov P.I. On the elimination of shortcomings and deviations identified during the audit of the Prometheus branch. RESOLVED: 1.1. Heads of departments to develop measures to eliminate inconsistencies identified during the verification (internal) audit Shinkarev A.I. and Bondar I.N. update the structure of the branch for certification of the main production, introduce the scheme into the quality manual. Task 2. Indicate stable language formulas (stamps) in the text. When accepting and transferring cases, it was established: 1. All calculations were made correctly, documents were formed into cases in accordance with the nomenclature. 2. The nomenclature of cases is annually coordinated with the archive department of the enterprise within the established time limits. 3. No facts of death, loss, damage or illegal destruction of documents have been established. The Commission recommends that additional organizational equipment be provided to simplify the work with documents and make calculations. Attachment: memorandum on the state of the nomenclature of cases for 3 sheets. in 1 copy. nine

10 Task 3. Indicate the grammatical features of the official business style using this text as an example. Is there a frequency of individual linguistic forms in certain parts of the texts? LLC "Stroyprom" REGULATION Minsk APPROVED General Director I.N.Petrov On the document management service General provisions 1.1 The secretariat is an independent functional service responsible for establishing a unified procedure for working with documents in the company. 1.2 In its work, the secretariat is guided by the orders and instructions of the management of the organization, teaching materials archival authorities for working with documents and these Regulations. 1.3 The names of the positions of the employees of the secretariat are established in accordance with the staffing table of the organization. 1.4 The Secretariat is headed by an assistant secretary, who is appointed and dismissed from his position by order of the General Director of the organization. 1.5 The secretary-referent must have higher education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary specialized education and work experience in the specialty in commercial structures at least one year. Responsibility Employees of the secretariat are responsible for: 4.1 Failure to ensure the established procedure for working with documents in the firm. 4.2 Non-fulfillment of the work plan, instructions and instructions of the organization's management. 10

11 Task 4. Identify the features of business speech in the text. What offers are preferred in official (business) letters? Specify language stamps. Dear Sirs, We regret to inform you that so far we have not received a bank guarantee from you. In this regard, we would like to recall your letter dated, in which you asked us to change the form of payment by letter of credit due to the difficulties and additional costs associated with opening a letter of credit. Understanding your difficulties, our company went to meet you. An addendum to the contract was signed to change the original form of payment. Due to the delay in the provision of bank guarantees by you, we were forced to suspend the supply of spare parts to the enterprise. We ask you to immediately inform us when the bank guarantee is provided and confirm your agreement to pay the costs of storing spare parts in a rented warehouse. Waiting for your answer. eleven

12 SECTION 2 The text of the official document. Methods of presenting material in a document A modern official document is primarily a written text fixed by means of graphics. According to the method of syntactic organization of speech, as well as the type of its punctuation and spatial-graphic design, the following types of texts (or their sections in texts of mixed forms) can be distinguished: corresponding in style to the tradition of official correspondence. According to the project for the production of printed papers, the plant must be provided with purified alumina with a 12% content of M2O3. In view of the fact that the allocation of funds for refined alumina was refused, the plant is forced to carry out technical complex work for the complex processing of primary raw materials, which entails a significant cost overrun .... at present, the production of printed papers is not provided with either refined alumina (as required by the project) or alumina own production. 2. Stencil traditional, linear notation, but with gaps that are filled with variable information. A stencil is a type of formalized text: it provides in advance both a typical situation within which a service document will be used, and the language form in which this situation is displayed. Help Issued in that Help is given for presentation 12

13 3. Questionnaire. The questionnaire has similarities with a stencil, but there are also differences. First of all, the unequal syntactic organization of speech. The questionnaire is a list of pre-prepared questions. The question and the answer are two related independent sentences. They may have the same form (“Last name Petrov, First name Vladimir, Patronymic Nikolaevich, Year of birth 1968”), but this is not necessary (“I did not serve in the Russian Army”). The content of the questionnaire, as a rule, turns out to be more fractional than in the stencil. The text of the questionnaire is located vertically. Surname Name Patronymic Year and place of birth, etc. 4. A table is a collection of data presented in digital or verbal form and enclosed in columns of vertical and horizontal planes. Date Time, min Number of details, pcs It is allowed to combine texts of different types in one document. The traditional record of connected speech can be illustrated with tabular material, it can precede a questionnaire, etc. The form in which the texts of documents are presented is determined by the nature of the information contained in them. Formalized types of texts - stencils, questionnaires, tables - are one of the main means of unifying the form of official documents. Unification is justified primarily from an economic point of view: compiling a unified text requires less labor and time. The compiler of the document, working according to the model, gets the opportunity to focus on the most important, non-standard aspects of the information. 13

14 A unified text is perceived almost ten times more intensely than a non-unified one. Official documents have their own specifics in the presentation of the material. It is customary to distinguish three types of texts: narrative, description, reasoning. The story tells about the events (facts) public life, the actions of people, etc.) in the chronological sequence in which they occurred in reality. Narration as a type of presentation is widely used in official documents such as an autobiography, some types of protocols and reports, etc. In the narrative, it is important to highlight key events, the most significant facts and details. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the length of an event in time and the degree of its importance are not always in a direct relationship. For example, a speech at a meeting can be verbose, but of little substance, and, conversely, concise, but very capacious in meaning. The sequence of presentation in the narrative is subject to the chronological principle. Departure from this principle is possible, for example, when it is necessary to emphasize the dependence of phenomena separated in time, but internally connected. However, such digressions must be logically justified, motivated by the content of the text. The description characterizes the phenomenon (object, person, event) by listing its features, properties, features. Parts of the text that reveal certain aspects of the subject are elements of the description. Usually, the description also includes a general description of the phenomenon, which is specified and justified by the elements of the description. A descriptive presentation can be found in almost any official document - a report, act, order, resolution, etc. In the Druzhba SPK, work was carried out on integrated mechanization field work with round-the-clock use of machine-tractor 14

15 park. A wide involvement of young people in the courses of machine operators was organized and carried out (several graduations have already taken place), as a result of which mechanized units were fully staffed and work was provided in two shifts using machines in paddocks for hours a day. Hot meals were delivered directly to the place of work. The second and third brigades were allocated: four D-54 tractors In this excerpt from the report, the general situation was carried out on the comprehensive mechanization of field work, and is specified by listing the measures taken by the leadership. When working on a text containing a description, one should pay attention to the fact that the elements of the description reveal the really important features of the subject. It is customary to arrange the elements of the description in a sequence that itself indicates the degree of importance of the listed features: first of all, what is most significant at the moment and under the given conditions is usually considered. For example, when recommending an employee for a new position, first of all, it is necessary to note the level of his professional training, initiative and independence in decision-making, etc. The same signs as personal inclinations, hobbies, etc., may well be left without attention, or be considered as a last resort. However, when it comes to, for example, the admission of a new player to a basketball team, the first questions that the coaches of this team will ask are: how old is this player? growth? weight? jumping ability? reaction speed? temperament? etc. Arranging information in order of importance allows the reader or listener to quickly compose general idea about the subject. In a text called reasoning, a logically consistent series of definitions, judgments and inferences reveals the internal connection of phenomena and, as a rule, proves a certain position. Due to unfavorable weather conditions, soil erosion

16 exit roads and temporary underfulfillment of the main scheduled transportation plan, the motor depot currently does not have free cars that can be allocated for the excursion you organize ... This reasoning is based on establishing causal relationships between phenomena. Documents of complex composition, as a rule, are texts of mixed types. In official documents, narration, description and reasoning very often complement each other. Therefore, it is important for the compiler of documents to know the requirements for each type of presentation of the material. In reasoning, something is usually substantiated, proved. It is in reasoning that such a logical form of thought as proof finds its embodiment. The sequence of presentation of the material in the argument is usually determined by the structure of the proof. There are two main types of evidence: deductive, in which thought develops from general judgments to particular conclusions, and inductive, in which thought moves from individual facts to generalizations. The order of presentation of the material in the argument can be similar. The compositional harmony of the document is determined not only by the sequence of presentation of the content and the location of the material. In many ways, it depends on the nature and amount of information included in the document. It is desirable to devote a service document to one issue. Regardless of whether a document is simple or complex, it should not contain thematically heterogeneous, logically unrelated information. The document should be compact, as short as possible. So, the drafter of the document must be able to concisely state the essence of the matter, without retelling the general provisions in the introductory part. For example, such a beginning of a service letter is unsuccessful: ... as noted more than once in the orders of the Ministry and Departments on 16

17 the need for economical spending of funds and increasing the efficiency of economic work, the directors of farms and leading specialists are personally responsible for the implementation of instructions from higher organizations. Pointing out to you the overspending of funds committed through your fault and drawing attention to the presence of major shortcomings in the organization of the work of the economy, I propose that you immediately take the necessary measures to following questions... Of course, any farm manager knows that he is personally responsible for the implementation of the management's orders. When presenting the content, one should not clutter up the document with particulars, minor details. The author must be able to highlight the main thing, give decisive arguments, reinforcing his considerations only with the most necessary, most important facts or numbers. The document should not turn into a table or a statistical reference book (figures, lists, lists, etc. can be given in the appendix). A large number of figures, examples, digressions increases the volume of the main part of the document, complicates its composition. Headings are often used in official documents. This is the division of the text into its component parts, the graphic separation of one part from another, as well as the use of headings, numbering, etc. Rubrication is an external expression of the compositional structure of the text. The degree of complexity of rubrication depends on the content of the text, its scope, subject matter and purpose. The simplest heading is a paragraph right indentation at the beginning of the first line of each piece of text. The word "paragraph" also refers to the part of the text between two such indents. A paragraph serves as an indicator of the transition from one thought (topic) to another. Dividing the text into paragraphs allows the reader to make small stops before further reading, to mentally return to what they have read. 17

18 A paragraph may consist of one sentence, if this sentence is given special meaning, or of several sentences, sequentially revealing a complex thought. However, a paragraph is always an internally closed semantic unit. Paragraph division of the text is often combined with numbering with a digital (as well as alphabetic) designation of the sequence of arrangement of the constituent parts of the text. The numbering emphasizes the need for independent consideration of each of the numbered elements of the enumeration. There are currently two numbering systems in use. One, traditional, is based on the use of characters of different types of Roman and Arabic numerals, uppercase and lowercase letters (in combination with paragraph indents). The other allows the use of only Arabic numerals in a certain order. The choice of one or another numbering option depends on the content of the text, its volume, composition, and compositional structure. In the simplest cases, only characters of the same type are used, usually Arabic numerals or lowercase letters. Complex texts often require the use of both paragraph division and numbering. So, Roman numerals (capital letters are rarely used) denote large parts of enumerations, divided into subsections, which, in turn, are denoted by Arabic numerals, etc. When using characters of different types, the system of digital and alphabetic designation should be built in descending order: I ... II ... III ... IV) ... 2) ... 3) ... 4) a) ... b) ... c) ... d) ... Larger compared to paragraphs, headings can also receive verbal names part, section, chapter, paragraph (indicated by a sign), etc., which are also numbered. When dividing text into headings, it is important to consider the following: 18

19 1. Headings can be numbered only if there are at least two homogeneous enumeration elements. Correct Car repair plant 2 asks for an additional 20 tons of fuel oil Or: Car repair plant 2 asks for an additional 20 tons of fuel oil. Incorrect Auto repair plant 2 asks to additionally highlight: 1. Fuel oil 20 tons 2. The same type of numbering means (words, numbers, letters) can only be used in relation to the same type (by purpose, by place in the structure of the text) parts. Correct Car Repair Plant 2 asks for 20 tons of fuel oil, including 10 tons in April. Or: Car repair plant 2 asks for an additional 20 tons of fuel oil, including 10 tons in April. 2) Including in April 10 tons. Currently, in scientific and technical texts, as well as in official documents, digital system numbering. It is based on the following rules: 1) each component of the text corresponding to the concepts of a part, section, chapter, paragraph, paragraph, subparagraph (excluding paragraphs) receives its number (numbers are indicated only by Arabic numerals, a period is put after each digit); 2) the number of each component includes all the numbers of the corresponding components of higher division stages. Thus, the numbers of the largest parts of the text (the first, highest degree of division) consist of one digit. At the second stage of division, the constituent parts receive numbers from two digits, at the third from three, etc. Using this numbering system allows you not to use the words part, section, chapter, paragraph, etc. (or their abbreviated spellings). Let's say the text consists of three sections: 1, 2 and 3. Each of the sections 19

20 is divided into chapters. The chapters of the first section will have numbers consisting of two digits 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 (the first digit indicates the section number, the second number of the chapter); chapters of the second section will be numbered 2.1, 2.2, 2.3. If the chapters are divided into paragraphs, then the paragraphs of the first section of the first chapter will have numbers 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3; paragraphs of the first section of the second chapter of the number 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, and paragraphs of the second section of the second chapter of the number 2.2.1, 2.2.2, etc. This numbering principle applies to all constituent parts and with subsequent division text. Questions 1. Describe the types of texts of service documents. 2. What characterizes this type of presentation of material in a service document as a narrative? 3. What is the difference between a description and a narrative in a service document? 4. Describe this type of presentation in a service document as reasoning? 5. What is rubrication? Tasks Task 1. Analyze the text. Note any misplacement of material in the document. What errors are associated with ignorance of the features of a particular way of presentation? Edit the document. Act We have compiled the following act of examining the availability of special equipment issued to the second-year brigade working in the village of Belovo. After a two-week stay at the place of work is available: jackets (landing) 16; cotton trousers 25; padded jacket 4; rubber boots 18 pairs. twenty

21 Responsibility for the safety of the issued clothes, according to the receipt, is borne by the foreman Ovcharenko N.V. They received for the brigade: 20 jackets; padded jackets 5; trousers 25; boots 25. Ovcharenko N.V. refers to the departure of five students and the fact that some of the boots were in an allegedly unusable condition. Ovcharenko undertakes to hand over the received property in full by October 15, 2006. Deputy. head of the economic department of the House of students Signature Sergeeva L.I. Brigadier Signature Ovcharenko N. Task 2. Analyze the official letter in terms of the integrity of its content and composition. What questions require independent consideration? What parts of the letter can be shortened without compromising the persuasiveness of the document as a whole? Edit the document. The head of the local administration Pavlov A.P. At present, the plant really has the capacity to build two large-panel 9-storey 72-apartment tower houses according to standard designs. The issue of the construction of two housing cooperatives was positively resolved by the Ministry and city organizations. The necessary funds have been allocated, contractors have been identified. The trade union committee already has more than 200 applications from workers and employees of the plant with a request to include them in the housing cooperative. Among the applicants there are a significant number of large families and those in need of better living conditions. The vast majority of them are factory workers. The staff of the plant took an obligation to participate in the construction of buildings. However, the start of construction is delayed due to the fault of city organizations, 21

22, since the land plots allocated for development do not meet the necessary requirements. They are located at a distance of 4 km from the plant and have no access roads. Construction of paved roads to the development area by the city is not planned. We have repeatedly applied to change the building area, but the decision on this has not yet been made. We also ask you to pay attention to the fact that the decision of the administration to liquidate the temporary railway line passing through the territory of the industrial settlement has not yet been implemented. Although the decision provides for a demolition period of up to 12 months, its implementation is hindered by some employees of the road department. Therefore, we ask you to oblige Tsentrtransstroy to remove the railway tracks or move them outside the village. The plant team hopes that these issues will be positively resolved by you in the very near future. Chairman of the trade union committee [Signature] Task 3. Compose various types of texts for service documents. Task 4. Indicate the terminological meaning of the words naming various types of service documents. To what area of ​​administrative and economic work do they belong? Subscription, letter of credit, questionnaire, certificate, bulletin, statement, letter, declaration, decree, diagram, directive, power of attorney, conclusion, application, notice, instruction, receipt, code, communiqué, contract, license, memorandum, waybill, order, note, bond, order, report, patent, petition, order, prescription, presentation, price list, protocol, receipt, register, resolution, certificate, estimate, statute, tariff, decree, ultimatum, form, petition, circular. 22

23 SECTION 3 Language of official documents Special requirements are imposed on the language of official documents: neutrality; unification (stencilization), typification of speech means and standardization of terms; narrowing the range of speech means used; the repetition of individual language forms in certain sections of the texts of documents. Not knowing the elementary rules, when drawing up documents, employees of the administrative apparatus spend a significant part of their working time on this process and, moreover, make many mistakes. The most common structural errors occur due to the lack of developed standard forms. 3.1 Lexical errors Most of the errors that occur in business documentation can be systematized. Most of the errors in documents are lexical. 1. Unjustified use of foreign words. Often words denoting concepts that have already been assigned a Russian equivalent get into the business language. For example: the due date may be extended instead of extended; represent instead of imagine. Borrowing foreign words is a natural way of enriching any language. However, it makes no sense to use a foreign word if there is a Russian term for this concept. The use of foreign vocabulary should be due to three circumstances that are closely related to each other: necessity, relevance and accuracy of word usage. 2. Unjustified use of obsolete words and phrases, as well as neologisms. The emergence of new words and the loss of obsolete language

This is a natural phenomenon: new concepts require their linguistic embodiment; on the contrary, a number of phenomena are becoming a thing of the past, some concepts are losing their relevance, their social significance. The main condition for the correct use of neologisms and obsolete words is the justification for their use in this context. Archaic clericalisms should not be used in official business texts: at your discretion, I enclose herewith the above-named offender, upon receipt of such, this is given, I bring to your attention, today and beyond. Many new professionalisms are out of place in them, especially in those cases when a thought can be expressed in words of general literary use or with the help of "legalized" terms. Borrowed words are words that came into the Russian language from other languages. Borrowing of words, inherent in all languages. Mastering new concepts is often accompanied by the assimilation of their foreign names and designations. Borrowing of foreign words occurs throughout the history of language development. 3. The use of pleonasms. One of the causes of pleonasms (translated from Greek as excess) is the incorrect use of foreign words. Often there are expressions: industrial industry (the word "industry" already contains the concept of "industrial"); to force construction at an accelerated pace (“force” means “to conduct at an accelerated pace”); to suffer a complete fiasco (“a fiasco” is a “complete defeat”). When we say “in April”, should we add “month”, when we say “150 rubles”, should we add “money” (or “ Money"")? Nevertheless, it is possible to indicate more than one case when the assessment of the correctness (incorrectness) of word usage requires caution. For example, incorrect: price list (the price list is the “list of prices”); however, expressions such as price list of retail prices, price list of local prices are allowed, within which the concept of price is concretized and takes the form of a detailed phrase. 24

25 4. A lexical flaw is also a tautology of semantic repetition, which occurs in cases where cognate words coexist in a sentence: benefit from the use of mounted aggregates; the following factors should be considered; this phenomenon is fully manifested in the conditions. Tautological repetitions make the phrase dissonant and make it difficult to perceive, since they attract special attention to themselves. 5. Use of words-paronyms. Paronyms are similar-sounding related words that differ in specific meanings: guaranteed guaranteed; place place; carry out produce; pay, pay, etc. Often, drafters of documents confuse the meaning of the words “seconded” and “travel”. The word "seconded" is derived from the verb "to send" and has the meaning "a person sent on a business trip." However, often instead of the word "seconded" the word "business trip" is used. The word "travel" is derived from the noun "business trip" and denotes objects and circumstances associated with this concept: "travel certificate", "receive travel allowance". The word "traveler" cannot refer to a person, this is a mistake. Sometimes drafters of documents confuse the multi-valued verbs present and provide. The verb to present has the following meanings: present, report (present a list necessary equipment submit documents); introduce someone to (introduce a new employee to the team). The verb to provide has the meaning: to give at someone's disposal, use (provide vehicles); give the right, the opportunity to do something (grant leave, give the floor). 6. Errors in the use of synonymous words. Synonyms are words with the same or very close meaning: build build. Words-synonyms are rarely completely identical to one another. Let's compare the synonymous verbs "build" and "raise". Verb po- 25

26 build can be used in any context and in combination with any noun when it comes to building, building, building something: to build a house, a factory. The verb to erect, in accordance with the meaning of the prefix, can only be used in relation to something that rises above something, rises up: build a building, walls. When using the verb "erect", one must also take into account the fact that it is not customary to combine it with nouns that name buildings for service everyday use. Incorrect: build a barn, a bathhouse, should: build a barn, a bathhouse 7. Errors in the use of phraseological units and set phrases. The use of phraseology in book and writing styles, scientific, official and business has its own characteristics. For these language styles, the use of figurative phraseology, turns with a reduced stylistic coloring is uncharacteristic. On the contrary, stylistically neutral expressions in book-writing styles are represented very widely. Often, for example, there are phraseological units associated with the expression of evaluation, but devoid of expressiveness: leaves much to be desired, to be (to be) at the level of something, a bottleneck about difficulties, shortcomings in work, in production; call a spade a spade, speak the truth. Repeatedly repeating administrative and production situations are reflected in a limited set of speech formulas: In connection with the indication (order, requirement) of the ministry (head office, leadership) about ...; In accordance with the agreement (agreement) reached..; In order to provide technical, industrial, material) assistance ...; Due to the difficult situation that has developed ... They are constantly reproduced in official documents. Acquiring a stable character, in their role they come close to phraseological units. In the language of documents, they perform the same function as set phrases such as take into account, bring to the attention. 26

27 Questions 1. What are the requirements for the language of official documents? 2. What errors are lexical? 3. What is the reason for the use of foreign words in official documents? 4. The use of obsolete words in the texts of documents. 5. The use of pleonasms, paronyms, synonyms in official documents. 6. The use of stable turnovers in an official business style. Tasks Task 1. Indicate cases of violation of traditional contextual lexical compatibility and distortion of generally accepted meanings of words. 1. Book author, design author, machine tool author, project author, initiative author, costume author, misunderstanding author. 2. Dimensions of publications, dimensions of the machine, dimensions of construction, dimensions of the athlete, dimensions of the road, dimensions of growth. 3. Geography of oil production, geography of tourism, geography of search, geography of achievements, geography of silk, geography of tours, geography of records. 4. Heavy industry, processing industry, construction industry, tourism industry, household industry, souvenir industry, children's toy industry. 5. Improve academic performance, improve knowledge, improve success, increase requirements, increase demand study, increase product output. Task 2. Correct the sentences. 1. Modern lines are gaining momentum. 2. Fine grinders became partners of turning-milling units. 3. The development of horse breeding departments, their provision with year-round feed comes to the fore. 4. A good lecturer always links his conversation to practice.

28 tasks. 5. A protocol was signed on the restoration of consular relations interrupted by the break in diplomatic relations between states. 6. The activities presented by the farms need additional justification and manpower. 7. The school is equipped with tape recorders, with the help of which students will be able to listen to foreign speech in exemplary pronunciation. Task 3. Indicate the errors associated with ignorance of the compatibility and meanings of words. Correct the suggestions. 1. The duty of the unit to work in the field during a full day of light, and if necessary, a full day, all, day after day, working hours. 2. The gold medal was a compensation for her diligence, desperation, pride. 3. In the near future, the following climatic conditions are foreseen on the roads of the region. 5. Approved machines are transferred for testing in order to mass-produce them. Task 4. Expand the brackets; select the desired shape. 1. Domestic scientists (atomic scientists) supporters of the use nuclear energy only for peaceful purposes. 2. One of the main points of increasing the productivity of the mine workers (careful thrifty) attitude to technology. 3. Devices help to establish which parts are (defective rejects). 4. There are (elected selective) positions in this enterprise. 5. By the decision of the jury (diploma graduates) of the competition of amateur orchestras, they are recognized as Personal interests never (to fence themselves off) from public ones. 7. Registration (of business travelers) is carried out on 28

29 in the lobby. 6. In residential areas (build-ups), complex improvement has become the main thing. 7. In order to succeed, one must (take) (effective effective) measures. Task 5. Indicate the errors associated with the use of paronyms. Correct the suggestions. 1. Strong arguments are needed to change the traditional casting technology. 2. Quality control is carried out by the method of selective testing of products. 3. Desirable and achieved it different faces personality development. 4. At a number of enterprises, the deadlines for fulfilling orders are being held back. 5. Ultimately, no one ever manages to fence themselves off from life's problems. 6. The percentage of defective parts in the team is minimal. Task 6. Indicate cases of incorrect or stylistically unjustified use of borrowed words. Replace foreign words that have a coloring of bookishness with commonly used words. Correct the suggestions. 1. Unclear receipt of component parts limits work in repair shops. 2. The decision taken should be qualified at least as untimely. 3. Defects in the preparation of lecturers will be revealed immediately, as soon as they meet with the audience. 4. The report stated the facts of direct violations of the regulations for the operation of mixed machines. Task 7. Specify cases of lexical incompatibility. Correct the suggestions. 1. Meetings of seminars and circles began to develop into periodic 29

30 convened meetings. 2. Subsoil Western Siberia rich in deposits of building materials. 3. Please explain the change in salary to persons with five years of teaching experience. 4. As for the pool "Chaika", which has the necessary conditions for classes with sick children, the treatment groups and classes in them have not yet been restored. 5. Each performance, each exercise, the gymnast is obliged to diversify with emotional coloring. 6. In conclusion, a record was made in running. 7. It is known that some part of the audience suffers from undemanding tastes. Task 8. Find phraseological units. Mark cases of incorrect use of phraseological units, determine the nature of the mistakes made. Correct the suggestions. 1. Shooting played a decisive role in the distribution of places and in the overall success of the pentathletes. 2. Many young commercial bank managers have succeeded in cutting the ground under the feet of their Western colleagues. 3. The decision will at least give some thought. 4. The development of the region puts on the agenda the issue of using local water resources in the first place. 5. As you can see, the foreman has long given up on those annoying problems that were mentioned. 6. Every violator must firmly grasp that even the slightest deviation from the law will not come down to him. 7. The issue of local resources must not be overlooked. 8. The ability to face the facts comes with experience. 3.2 Morphological errors Morphological errors that occur in the texts of documents can be systematized. Difficulties associated with the formation and use of nouns that are names of persons. Nouns that name 30

31 persons on the basis of profession, position, rank, etc., as a rule, form parallel forms of masculine and feminine gender: teacher teacher, tractor driver tractor driver, pensioner pensioner. When using feminine nouns paired with masculine words, the following should be taken into account: a) as a rule, the main designations of positions and titles are masculine nouns: accountant, driver, director, combine operator, secretary, etc. In official texts preference is given to them regardless of the gender of the person denoted by the noun: Enroll G.Ya. Ivanov as a laboratory assistant. Release T.I. Ivanov from the duties of the head of the workshop; b) many feminine nouns formed with the help of the suffixes w(a), -ih(a), -k(a), -in(ya), -its(a), -ichk(a) (secretary, janitor, poultry breeder, geologist, doctor, geographer, etc.), coinciding in meaning with the corresponding forms of the masculine gender, have a colloquial, and often colloquial-slang stylistic coloring; c) if the words depending on the job title are consistent with this title in the masculine form, and in cases where women are involved, the text becomes strictly official: the chief technologist indicated, the teacher highly appreciated. However, if the woman's surname is indicated in combination with the title of the position or rank, then, naturally, subordinate words (usually verbs) are consistent with the surname and are used in the feminine form: Chief technologist of the plant T.G. Sergeeva noted; Deputy Dean G.V. Pavlova pointed out; d) the use of the names of persons in the feminine form is justified in texts for which an indication of the gender of the person is desirable, but cannot be expressed by other means: The success of Russian barriers is quite natural; The performance of the well-known activist of the human rights movement K. Cates has been announced; e) deviation from the rules for harmonization of definitions. If the definition is relative 31

32 goes to a noun that has an application, it is consistent with the main word of the combination: a new laboratory car, a universal winch-forklift. The main word in such combinations usually comes first. If the definition refers to a combination of a personal name and an application such as "factory director Ivanova", the definition usually agrees with the nearest noun: our shop manager Petrova, senior engineer Yakovleva, new laboratory assistant Serova. A deviation from this rule is observed in cases where the definition is expressed by participles: Deputy Director Associate Professor Sidorova who spoke at the meeting; researcher Alekseeva, who took part in the development of the project; f) errors in the use of full and short forms of adjectives. Compilers of business letters should take into account that short forms of adjectives are more common in official business speech. Full forms of adjectives (in nominative case) in such texts are out of place, they feel like colloquial; Correct The commission's conclusions are justified and fair. The decision to dismiss Ivanov V.G. illegal. Incorrect The conclusions of the commission are reasonable and fair. The decision to dismiss Ivanov V.G. illegal. g) when using cardinal numbers in business letters, telephone conversation, business conversation, when reading business texts in an official setting, it should be remembered that all quantitative numerals are declined. At the same time, all parts of complex and compound numerals change: up to six hundred and sixty rubles, with six hundred and sixty-six rubles, etc.; As already noted, in the text, quantitative numerals are usually written in numbers. Therefore, in order to avoid possible speech errors in texts intended for reading or pronouncing in an official setting, along with digital designations, their verbal notations should be given.

Addendum 2 to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 08.12.2010. 1218 PROGRAM of modern independent assessment of Russian language Russian language PHONETICS. ORTHOEPY. GRAPHICS. SPELLING Sounds of speech.

Lecture 1. The concept of language styles as functional varieties of the national language. Word accuracy. Purpose: to acquaint students with the issues of stylistic differentiation of language means,



WORKING PROGRAM OF INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP LESSONS ON THE SUBJECT "RUSSIAN LANGUAGE" FOR GRADE 7 EXPLANATORY NOTE Working programm The IHL in the subject "Russian language" for the 7th grade was compiled in accordance with

Explanatory note This work program was developed in accordance with the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated 29.12.12. 273-FZ; federal basic curriculum and exemplary curriculum

Name of sections and topics Contents educational material, practical work, independent work of students Volume of hours Mastering level 1 2 3 4 Section 1. 10 LANGUAGE AND SPEECH. FUNCTIONAL STYLES OF THE LANGUAGE

Annotation of the work program of the discipline "Stylistics" 1. The objectives of mastering the discipline The introduction of this course is due to the fact that knowledge of the stylistic approach to the use of speech

Program compiler: language and literature Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Russian Department Kuzmicheva N.V 2014 Reviewer: Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Russian Language Department

IS HE. Sokolova, T.A. Akimochkina Documentary support of management in an organization Recommended by the UMO for education in the field of statistics and crisis management as a textbook for students

The word is the basic unit of language. Difference of a word from other language units. The lexical meaning of the word. The main ways of transferring the lexical meanings of words. Interpreting the lexical meaning of a word using

Department social policy Administration of the city of Kurgan municipal budgetary general educational institution of the city of Kurgan "Secondary school 35" Considered at a meeting of the methodological

Theoretical minimum in Russian for the 1st quarter of the 5th grade 1. What styles of speech do you know? 2. What is called a spelling? 3. Name 2 ways to check the spelling of unstressed vowels in

The requirements for the Russian language have been developed for applicants of VIESU 2016, entering the bachelor's program on the basis of secondary general education. The requirements are based on the federal state

Regional financial and economic technical school

the Russian Federation Council of Deputies municipality Alexandrovsky village council of the Aleksandrovsky district of the Orenburg region, second convocation DECISION 09/08/2015 244 On approval of the Regulations "On

P / n Theme Thematic planning Grade 9 Number of hours. Russian language as a developing phenomenon. 2. R/r Official business style. 3. R/r Russian language language fiction. 4. Reading and its types.


Annex 3.1. to educational program basic general education Work program in the Russian language grade 7 basic level for the 2016-2017 academic year Developed by: MO teachers of the Russian language and literature

Isakov V.B., Personal site, 2011 Quick Reference on registration of acts of federal bodies state power The objectives of the project: to present in a systematic way the rules for the execution of acts of federal

Dagestan State University National economy Department of English Toktarova Naima Kamalovna The list of theoretical questions on the discipline "Russian language" Direction of training 38.03.01



Grade 8 (105 hours, 3 hours a week for 35 academic weeks) About the language (1 hour) Russian language in the family Slavic languages. Speech (17 hours) Systematization of information about the text, styles and types of speech; expanding understanding of language

Zovnishhnіshnє nezalezhne otsіnyuvannya 2013 roku z russian movie 1 Zmіst zavdannya that is correct vіdpovіd Vidpovіdnіst dannya program zvnіshnіshnіshnіshnіshnіshnії іnіїnіїї sіnyuvanniа z russian movie Hyphen between parts

Contents 1 Scope... 1 2 Normative references.. 1 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations... 2 3.1 Terms and definitions. 2 3.2 Abbreviations. 2 4 General provisions ... 3 5 Requirements for the construction and


Annotation to the work program of the discipline ODB.01 RUSSIAN LANGUAGE The discipline is included in the general education cycle of the PPSSZ. Aims and objectives of the discipline The content of the program "Russian language" is aimed at achieving the following

1 1. General provisions 1.1. A course project (term paper) as a form of current attestation of students is a type of independent work of students, which is a solution to a learning problem. 1.2. Basic

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school 1" CONSIDERED APPROVED at a meeting of the ShMO by the Methodological Council of Teachers of the Russian Language MBOU SOSH 1 and Literature

Criteria for assessing spelling literacy In the written work of students there are two types of incorrect spelling: spelling errors and typos. Spelling errors are a violation

The ability to independently conduct scientific research, carry out design work, systematize and generalize factual material; the ability to formulate conclusions and practical recommendations based on the results

2 3 1. Goals and objectives of the discipline. The purpose of the course is to give students a systematic understanding of the essence, structure, functions and variety of documents that form the basis for documenting management activities.

Planned results of studying the subject As a result of studying the Russian language in the 6th grade, the student should know / understand the role of the Russian language as national language Russian people, state

2. Semantic analysis of the text. The student is required to know the following topics: "Text as a speech work", "Semantic and compositional integrity of the text", "Text analysis". 1. Read carefully and thoughtfully

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SAKHA (YAKUTIA) State budgetary professional educational institution of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Yakut Agricultural College Guidelines and topics

EXPLANATORY NOTE The new form of the exam (GIA) is a tool that allows you to solve critical issues related to the special role of the 9th grade exam in the school system. First, this

EXPLANATORY NOTE Russian language course “Workshop on the Russian language. Preparation for the OGE ”is ​​intended for students of the 8th grade. The place of the subject "Russian language" in curriculum GEF LLC for the main general

Purpose: In pursuance of the order Federal Service on supervision in the field of education and science of 05/29/2014 785 REQUIREMENTS FOR THE STRUCTURE OF THE OFFICIAL SITE OF AN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION IN THE INFORMATION AND TELECOMMUNICATION

FEDERAL RAILWAY TRANSPORT AGENCY Ulan-Ude College of Railway Transport of the Ulan-Ude Institute of Railway Transport - a branch of the Federal State Budget

CRITERIA FOR ASSESSING SPELLING LITERACY There are two types of incorrect spellings in the written works of students: spelling errors and typos. Spelling errors are a violation

Appendix to the main general education program of basic general education of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School of the Settlement. Novokolkhoznoye S O G L

Program entrance examinations in Russian for applicants to the Volgograd State Medical University The program of entrance examinations is compiled in accordance with sample programs

È. Á. Ãîëëá àààààîèèèèèèèèåèåE Tutorial and workshop for academic undergraduate 2nd edition, corrected and complemented ðåêää ó Å Å Åáîîîîîääääääìììììììììììììììììììììììììììì

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Ural State Forest Engineering University Institute of Economics and Management Department of Management and foreign economic activity enterprises of N.A. Komarov

Page 2 of 8 1. General Provisions 1.1. Center for pre-university training (hereinafter referred to as the Center) of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Voronezh

Work program on the subject "Russian language" at the level of secondary general education (grades 10-11) 1. Planned results of studying the subject "Russian language" at the level of COO. As a result of studying

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Russian University of Economics named after

Annex A STO BTI AltGTU 2014 Guidelines for practical training Methodical instructions for practical exercises: "Individual tasks", "Theoretical foundations of office work",

The work program in the Russian language grade 7 Explanatory note The work program in the Russian language for grade 7 is compiled on the basis of

Workshop on the Russian language "Culture of speech" Explanatory note The work program is based on materials on the Russian language from grades 5 to 9. This practice can be used in the classroom

The date of the independent assessment of 2015 to the fate of the Russian language

Preparation and execution of municipal legal acts of the legal department of the administration of the Governor of the Arkhangelsk region and the Government of the Arkhangelsk region Municipal regulatory legal acts are drawn up