Origin and original meaning of the name Eugene. Eugene, the meaning of the name, character and fate for boys

short form name of Eugene. Zhenya, Zhenya, Zhenechka, Zheka, Enya, Gene Zhenyura, Zhenyusha, Zhesha, Evgekha, Evgesha, Gesha, Enyuta, Enyukha, Enyusha, Enyasha, Evgenyushka, Evgenya, Genya.
Synonyms for the name Eugene. Eugenios, Eugene, Eugen, Eugene, Eugenio, Eugeni, Eugen, Owen, Yvain.
Origin of the name Eugene The name Eugene is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Eugene translated from Greek means "noble", literally this name can be translated as "with good genes." A female name was formed from a male name - Evgenia. In Russia, the names Eugene and Eugenia began to be widely used in the 19th century. So the nobles began to call their children. But they used the name Eugene, mainly in the French manner - Eugene (then the modern diminutive treatment Zhenya appeared from him) or English version- Eugene.

The second English version of the name Eugene is the name Owen. But it is also possible that the origin of the name Owen comes from the Welsh "lamb" (oen) or "youth" (eoghunn). One of the heroes of the epic about King Arthur was called that name, he was one of the knights of the Round Table.

As a child, Eugene is a big dreamer. Showing ingenuity, will come up with interesting game completely from nothing. Likes active, noisy games, always in which he - main character conquering evil. But in life, Eugene prefers to find compromises peacefully. Eugene is easily given foreign languages, mathematics, he writes poetry well and speaks competently. At school, he usually studies well, pleases his parents with his successes.

For Zhenya, his own world is very important. It is sometimes very difficult for him to accept the real world as it is, therefore, even with early childhood such features as indecision are manifested in him, he cannot concentrate on one thing for a long time. He needs to practice self-confidence. But his indecision does not extend to communication: it is easy for him to find mutual language with both boys and girls.

Growing up, Eugene can become short-tempered. Since his doubt in his own forces can make him quite nervous, very vulnerable to any remarks. Zhenya very often tries to hide his fears, putting on a mask of indifference or cheekiness, and his true feelings doesn't trust anyone. He will never refuse to help, he is very attentive to loved ones.

Eugene has a very well developed intuition, he knows how to notice the smallest details that help him to keep abreast of all events. The owner of the name Eugene is well versed in completely different issues. Eugene is a very versatile young man, with whom it is pleasant to have conversations on any topic. Eugene is a refined and impassive man.

It is easy for Evgeny to be the soul of the company, because he can always tell a joke, an anecdote, interesting story. His sociability, artistry and intelligence adorn any party or reception. Dislikes routine work. Eugene gravitates towards theater and literature. He also likes to understand technology, often enjoys logical, mathematical problems, various puzzles.

Eugene does not like obstacles in his path, often does not know how and does not really want to overcome them. Therefore, the owner of the name Eugene does not like creative activity, prefers logical and sequential actions. He always works honestly and conscientiously, but he is also not devoid of ambition and will try not to miss the moment when he can advance in his career. Very often among Eugene chooses technical professions- engineer, programmer, architect, designer. But Evgeny is very strong and his second side is romanticism, so there are many writers, actors, journalists among Evgeny.

In family life, Eugene exemplary husband and an excellent father. He has enough patience not to start quarrels, to separate his beloved children, helps everyone in the family to find a compromise and agree. In women, Eugene appreciates openness, a rich inner world and purity of soul. Therefore, Zhenya is very jealous, fickle in feelings and may be disappointed in his ideal.

Name day Evgeny

Eugene celebrates name day on January 21, February 3, February 25, March 4, March 10, March 20, August 3, August 31, September 20, September 23, October 8, October 29, November 11, November 20, November 24, December 7 , December 23, December 26.

Notable people named Eugene

  • Evgeny Vakhtangov (actor, director, founder of the theater, which became the theater after him)
  • Evgeny Evstigneev (actor of theater and cinema)
  • Eugene-Francois Vidocq ((1775 - 1857) French criminal, later - founder and head of the Main Directorate national security, as well as the world's first private detective bureau)
  • Eugene Delacroix ((1798 - 1863) French artist)
  • Evgeny Zamyatin (writer)
  • Yevgeny Mironov (actor of theater and cinema, National artist Russia)
  • Yevgeny Yevtushenko (Russian, Soviet poet, prose writer, publicist, screenwriter, film director)
  • Evgeni Plushenko (figure skater, Olympic champion 2006)
  • Evgeny Morgunov (actor of theater and cinema)
  • Evgeny Schwartz (writer, playwright)
  • Evgeny Petrov (writer, co-author of Ilya Ilf)
  • Evgeny Klyachkin (bard, singer-songwriter)
  • Evgeny Vuchetich (sculptor-monumentalist)
  • Flavius ​​Eugene (Usurper Emperor of the Western Roman Empire (392-394))
  • Eugene I ((d.657), pope)
  • Eugene O'Neill ((1888 - 1953) American playwright, laureate Nobel Prize on literature)
  • Evgeny Grishin (famous Soviet speed skater and coach)
  • Eugene Salias de Tournemire ((1840 - 1908) Russian writer)
  • Yevgeny Abalakov (Soviet sculptor and famous climber)
  • Evgeny Baratynsky (famous Russian poet)
  • Evgeny Mravinsky (conductor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Evgeny Samoilov (actor of theater and cinema, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Evgeny Primakov ( political figure, economist and historian (born 1929))
  • Evgeny Grishkovets (writer, actor, musician, director)
  • Evgeny Kafelnikov (tennis player, Honored Master of Sports of Russia)
  • Evgeny Dvorzhetsky (actor of theater and cinema)
  • Evgeny Zharikov (actor of theater and cinema)
  • Eugene Ionesco ((1909 - 1994) French playwright of Romanian origin, one of the founders of the theater of the absurd)
  • Eugenio Beltrami ((1835 - 1900) Italian mathematician)
  • Evgeny Dolmatovsky (poet and prose writer)
  • Evgeny Krylatov (composer)
  • Eugene Lansere (artist)
  • Eugenio d'Ors, Eugeni d'Ors ((1881 - 1954) Spanish and Catalan philosopher, writer, publicist)
  • Eugenio German (Brazilian chess player)
  • Eugeniusz Romer ((1871 - 1954) Polish geographer and cartographer)
  • Evgeny Leonov (actor of theater and cinema, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Evgeny Khavtan (guitarist, composer, leader of the Bravo group)
  • Evgeny Martynov (pop singer, composer, musician, teacher)
  • Evgeny Obolensky (Decembrist)
  • Eugene of Savoy (an outstanding commander of the Holy Roman Empire, of French origin, generalissimo)
  • Yevgeny Vesnik (actor of theater and cinema, theater director)
  • Evgeny Svetlanov (outstanding Soviet Russian conductor, pianist and composer, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Evgeny Trubetskoy (Russian philosopher, publicist, jurist, public figure)
  • Gene Kelly ((1912 - 1996) American dancer, choreographer, actor, singer and film director)
  • Gene Simmons ((born 1949) real name - Chaim Witz; one of the founders of the Kiss group)
  • Eugene Dühring ((1833 - 1921) German philosopher and economist)
  • Eugene de Beauharnais, Eugene de Beauharnais ((1781 - 1824) son of Josephine de Beauharnais, stepson of Napoleon Bonaparte, Prince of France, Viceroy of Italy)
  • Eugene-Charles Catalan ((1814 - 1894) Belgian mathematician)
  • Evgen Zamechnik (Czech violinist, conductor and composer)

It is no secret that each name has its own characteristics and features. Knowing everything about the name Eugene, you can solve the riddle of your own personality - If you are Eugene - or learn more about the representative of this name.

The meaning and origin of the name

This name is the feminine form of the male given name Eugene. They come from the same ancient Greek root. The name Eugene can be translated as "noble blood" or "noble".

This name has been known in Russia for a long time. It gained its popularity first in noble circles. True, there the girls were called Eugene in the French manner, from which the diminutive form Zhenya was later formed. Often, Eugene can be shortened to Eva, which, of course, also leaves an imprint on the personality.

The nature and fate of the name Eugene

The owners of this name win their hearts with their honesty and openness. Evgenia does not like gossip or empty talk, she knows how to keep secrets, and others appreciate it. Evgenia can be trusted with any secret and not be afraid that in a couple of days what has been said will become the property of all mutual friends. The inner nobility inherent in Eugenia is also manifested in other things. She is fair in her actions and judgments, and is also in perfect control of herself.

As a rule, Evgenia loves refined things, knows how to present herself, dresses with taste and devotes time not only to her appearance, but also to her inner beauty. She strives to impress in conversation, tries to be an erudite and diversified personality. Among the negative qualities of Evgenia, one can only name suspiciousness: the owner of this name can find a disease in herself that is not known to any doctor, or suspect that she is not liked in the new team, although in fact this is not in sight.

In the character of Eugenia, modesty and ambition coexist, under certain conditions both self-sacrifice and some selfishness are characteristic of her, moreover, one does not contradict the other. For example, Evgenia is ready to do a lot for the sake of her loved ones or people whom she considers worthy. But she is not without a thirst for recognition and certainly will not tolerate insult or neglect of her person.

With due self-confidence, Evgenia is building a very impressive career, and her best qualities help her in this. For example, Evgenia will make an incorruptible lawyer or judge. Her good taste and developed sense of beauty can be useful to her in the most different areas art, from professional photography to contemporary dance. Evgenia feels the inner world of people well, so she can get carried away writing a novel or psychology.

Evgenia connects her fate with a proven and reliable person - the same as she considers herself. Before she meets her beloved and only, Evgenia can be very strict with applicants for a relationship, even if their intentions are quite serious. At home, she is comfortable, because she invests a lot and diligently in life and family. She knows how to find harmony with her man so that no one in the couple feels slighted or inferior to the other half for the sake of her well-being. If Evgenia sacrifices her career herself, she does it without hesitation and internal calculation, preparing to devote herself to children. If the spouses decide to work together, Evgenia will be a supporter of a compromise. She will not tolerate deceit or betrayal, as she considers them unacceptable to herself.

The meaning of the name Eugene for a child

As a child, Zhenya is a calm, balanced and not a problem child. She can find something for herself, she likes to draw or read, she can early years get carried away with needlework or another harmless and pleasing hobby. However, if at the same time little Zhenya is not physically developed, she can often get sick.

Zhenya does not immediately find a common language with peers. Nevertheless, Zhenya's friends and girlfriends are, with rare exceptions, reliable people who can be relied upon. Very often, Evgenia carries school friendship through long years and even all my life.

At school, Zhenya is diligent, even if some subjects are not given to her. She usually succeeds where she is interested. When choosing the name Zhenya for their daughter, parents should be ready to support her and help develop self-confidence. Children's complexes or fears may affect her future character, so it is important to support Zhenya in childhood, and she will certainly respond in kind when she grows up.

You can shorten the name Eugene in different ways: the most popular options are Zhenya, Zheka or Eva.

Characteristics of the name Eugene

Name energy: even, harmonious, strong enough due to kinship with male name Evgeniy. But it can go through periods of decline when Evgenia is not in the mood or is recovering from an illness. At such moments, Evgenia needs support and comfort.

Name day: Eugenia celebrates her name day on January 6, the day of Eugenia of Rome. Eugenia was born into a wealthy family that professed paganism. Having believed in Christ, being a representative of the nobility, she changed into a man's dress in order to leave her native land secretly from her parents and go to a monastery.

What patronymic is the name suitable for: Vadimovna, Gennadievna, Sergeevna, Alexandrovna, Andreevna, Antonovna, Valerievna, Vladimirovna, Ivanovna.

Lucky number: Five - the number of real excellent students in all areas of life.

Zodiacality: the name suits girls born under the sign of Capricorn.

Name element: air.

Charm stone: green stones - the emerald will be a good talisman.

Metal: tin.

Color: any dark shades of blue and green will suit Evgenia.

Guardian planet: decisive and warlike Mars will endow Eugene with strength of character and willpower.

Totem animal: mountain goat.

Charm plant: as protection for Eugenia, strong plants are suitable, for example, fir - a coniferous tree with strong energy, hawthorn with powerful thorns or thistle - a well-known talisman against evil forces.

Notable Representatives: Saint Eugenia of Rome. Eugenia Montijo, daughter of a Spanish count and wife of Napoleon III, was considered a trendsetter during the "second Rococo". Evgenia Ginzburg, journalist and memoirist. Evgenia Simonova, actress and People's Artist of Russia. As a pseudonym, the name Eugene was used by the Countess and writer Elisabeth Salias de Tournemire.

Numerology of the female name Evgenia

Five is the number under the sign of which the name Eugene passes. Five - not only privileges, but also obligations. Mind, diligence, perseverance, responsibility, pedantry, punctuality, accuracy. In addition to these advantages, it is also distinguished by high moral qualities than few can boast. At the same time, Evgenia is not arrogant and can soberly assess her merits ... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is possible.

All names in alphabetical order:

Impressive events await us all on March 21: Full Moon in Libra, the beginning of a new astrological year and...

Representatives named after Eugene are distinguished by independence, independence, maximalism and exactingness towards themselves and people. What does the name Eugene mean and what other character traits are inherent in a man with this name, it is easy to conclude from an analysis of his origin and energy of sounds.

The male name Eugene reached the peak of its popularity in the eighties, since then it has been losing ground more and more. An infrequently occurring name gives the owner a punchy character, the ability to go against the opinion of the crowd and pave his own path to happiness.


The history of the name begins in Ancient Greece. The name came from the ancient Greek Eugenios, which translates as "high-born", it can also mean "descendant of a noble family." The translation of the name is partly connected with such traits in Zhenya as aristocracy and the ability to present oneself.

The origin of the name Eugene explains Zhenya's changeable mood, his fluctuations in situations where you have to make a choice. The Greek egregore gives him a head start in the arts, science, and trade. It is from the influence of Greek culture that the skill of persuasion inherent in him from childhood can also come.

The interpretation of the name Eugene is closely related to the energy potential of the sounds of which it consists. Each sound is responsible for a certain emotion, quality, personality trait. Thanks to the sound-letter analysis, the meaning of the name Eugene is revealed - in particular, the most striking features that are inherent in the representatives of the name:

  • Peacefulness, kindness, sociability.
  • Insight.
  • Thirst for knowledge, curiosity.
  • Responsibility and integrity.
  • Intelligibility, critical mind.
  • Strength of mind.
  • Creative approach to problem solving.

The forms that are often used in addressing Eugene have an impact on the personality. The most common of them: Zhenya, Evgen, Gesha. Abbreviated versions of the name complement, diversify the main qualities of the full name:

  • Zhenya - is distinguished by the wealth of the inner world, high self-esteem, the ability to achieve her own, despite any difficulties. (In France, the pronunciation of the name is Eugene, from where the form Zhenya supposedly originated.)
  • Evgen is direct, open and firm.
  • Gesha is a modest, but very attentive, thoughtful person, he grasps everything on the fly and knows how to quickly find the best course of action.

The secret of the name Eugene and the guarantee of his happiness lies in the ability of a man to unite people and lead them to success. The absence of difficulties in interactions with people and the desire to learn, develop, grow - strengths men bearing this name. Therefore, Zhenya will certainly be able to prove himself if he relies on these qualities.

Personal development

The characterization of the name Eugene allows us to outline an approximate path for the development of representatives of this name. Little Zhenya has an inquisitive mind and many inclinations. The child will strive to feel everything, learn everything, learn to read early.

Books and games are of great value to the boy, thanks to which his imagination and ingenuity develop. He conquers those around him with his imagination and ingenuity, he is always ready to invent something new and exciting to do it with a group of friends.

Zhenya is hardworking, obedient and independent. Parents do not cause trouble, easily cope with school assignments and help around the house with pleasure. The description of the name speaks of the peaceful and thoughtful nature of Eugene, and this has been manifested since childhood: as a child, Zhenya prefers to be an arbitrator and resolve conflicts peacefully. On the other hand, he knows how to show toughness and strength, so he fights for a just cause until victory.

The character and fate of the boy are closely connected with his love for fantasies, for the world of the imaginary. These traits often help him solve complex issues easily and in an original way.

AT adolescence Zhenya becomes scrupulous and ambitious, inspired and striving upwards. In maturity, Eugene rarely sets himself challenging tasks, he will be able to do with full dedication only what he really deeply cares about.

Thanks to his brilliant intellectual abilities, attention to detail, scrupulousness, he achieves great success in the exact sciences, in working with technology, mechanisms. Developed imagination will help Eugene in any kind of art.

His ability to easily connect with people, exceptional insight and the ease with which he grasps the whole picture as a whole, serve as an excellent basis for working in a leadership position.

In general, Eugene is versatile and an interesting man. He quite easily achieves what he wants, but infrequently he is interested in something enough to make it his goal. Representatives of this name usually do well with their own business, but they will have to hold their horses a little, not take too many risks.

Friendships and romantic connections

Eugene easily converges with people and wins them over, which usually means the presence of an extensive network of acquaintances, in addition, this name contributes to sociability, peacefulness, and optimism. Surface and useful acquaintances he can have many, but he selects his friends carefully, Eugene is not used to letting everyone into his inner world.

Eugene's gallantry and attentiveness in dealing with women win over the representatives of the opposite sex, so he rarely remains without the admiring glances of the ladies. Zhenya expects sensuality and spiritual purity from a girl. Because of his tendency to idealize, he does not always clearly imagine the nature of his beloved.

Eugene is erudite, intellectually developed and is looking for a wife to match himself. In addition, he does not tolerate violent showdowns, squabbles and quarrels, he is unlikely to succeed with a brawler. For Zhenya, the family is the center of life, he is ready to do a lot for her, so he will try to save the marriage to the last, even if he feels unhappy in it.

From the meaning of the names it is easy to deduce hypothetical compatibility between a woman and a man. It should be borne in mind that the nature of the individual and its features do not fit into the name alone, which means that name compatibility only increases the likelihood certain development relations.

  • . Relationships are built on trust and respect, both partners strive to create a lasting alliance, so they easily make compromises.
  • . The high compatibility of the names Anna and Eugene is due to the extreme similarity of the views and sympathies of Anya and Zhenya, due to which conflicts and misunderstandings rarely arise between them.
  • . A passionate and lasting union, despite periodic conflicts and showdowns, which seem to further increase the attraction of a man and a woman to each other.
  • Natalia. Often, Zhenya and Natasha improve their relationship to the ideal; friendship, understanding and mutual support reign in their union. Love flares up more and more every day, they are always interested in each other.
  • . Thanks to the independence and passion of both partners, the relationship includes both vivid emotions and joint development. The union does not cause trouble as long as Eugene and Ksenia remain patient and strive to understand each other.

Low compatibility is associated with those aspects of the relationship that separate a man and a woman, eventually leading to absolute misunderstanding and even hatred. With the following girls, name researchers prophesy relationships to Zhenya, fraught with various problems, which, however, are usually easy to eliminate by learning to listen and accept each other.

  • Evgenia. The low compatibility of the names Eugene and Eugene in marriage is due to Evgenia's desire for independence and independence, while the man wants her to devote herself to the family.
  • Marina. On the one hand, this is a union full of happiness and joy, on the other hand, contradictions push partners foreheads together. For the sake of maintaining relations, both Zhenya and Marina should think more about each other's desires, and not just about their personal aspirations.
  • Catherine. Bright love is often replaced by uncertainty and alienation. Katya is a headstrong, freedom-loving person who is aloof from trying to even slightly control and stabilize their relationship.
  • . Passions rarely burn in this union, the success of the relationship depends on whether they can give up the struggle for power.
  • . The low compatibility of the names Anastasia and Eugene is explained by cardinal differences in their approach to life. The girl aims at the great, while the man is used to thinking too practical and soberly, which leads to conflicts and misunderstanding.

The day of the name (name day) falls on the day of memory of the saint, whose name Zhenya was baptized. Often the patron saint is unknown, and then, to choose the day of the angel, just look into church calendar Name days fall on the date closest to the person's birthday. Days of memory of saints with the name Eugene:

  • January - 21, 31.
  • February - 3, 25, 26.
  • March - 4, 10, 20.
  • June - 13.
  • August - 3, 31.
  • September - 20, 23.
  • October - 8, 29.
  • November - 11, 18, 20, 24.
  • December - 7, 23, 26.

Angel Day is an important holiday in a person's life. This day is traditionally dedicated to thinking about actions, ideals and goals. Eugene can find landmarks in the life of his patron saint.

Creative, strong, greedy for impressions and interesting person- this is exactly how a man named Eugene appears. The meaning of the name determines many of the features of Zhenya's character, it also allows you to look at the features of his personality from a new angle. Each name contains a lot of potential, having shown which a person will certainly achieve happiness and success if he makes every effort and never gives up.

If you met Eugene, he certainly attracted attention with his mysterious character, charm and intelligence. Unusual meaning name Eugene and the energy of this name give a person a special character and unique, interesting fate in whatever family he was born.

Let's find out what the name Eugene means, what is its origin and translation, and also what is the fate and character of this person. Many believe that the name Eugene means "brilliant" and comes from the word "genius", but this is not entirely true. Although it is worth recognizing that among the Evgenievs there are indeed more talented people than among men with some other names.

But true value the name Eugene is “noble”, that is how it is translated, and its origin is Greek. This name is full, short - Zhenya, and affectionately - Zhenechka, Evgesha, Gesha. Women's version there is also - Evgenia, and she is also called Zhenya.

Good character, good fate...

From early childhood, the smartest, kindest and most modest boy in the class is little Eugene, the meaning of the name “noble” is confirmed in the character of the child from an early age. The traits of nobility and courage appear in him really early, and regardless of upbringing. Zhenya never gets into fights, doesn't get into trouble, avoids bad company, and generally tries to spend more time either alone or with best friend, which he usually has one and only, or with brothers and sisters.

For this boy are very important family bonds, and often a brother or sister and becomes his best friend forever. Mom, dad, grandparents also play a huge role for a child, he loves them with all his heart, trusts them and needs their support even in a difficult transitional age. It is very rare to meet an adult Eugene who never calls his parents or for a long time forgets about their existence.

Zhenya, among other things, is very smart, this boy shows early inclinations towards the exact sciences, and they can develop in him simultaneously with talents for music, drawing or other types of art. He surprisingly combines interest in creativity, science, and spiritual development. Likes to read, study everything in the world, put scientific experiments and experiments.

The boy always has a very keen interest in nature and the world order, he is inquisitive, not lazy and diligent. He may not study perfectly - but only because he gives preference only to subjects that interest him, and if the subject is not interesting to him, he will not waste his time on it.

In adult Eugene, the character remains kind, but courage, strength and even valor are added. He is a bit conservative in his views. Of great importance for him is endurance and consistency, Eugene, for example, is ready for a long time wooing the girl he likes before taking bolder steps, while his peers try to achieve everything at once.

He conquers girls not with his beauty, style or impudence, but with an unusual upbringing, gentleness, courtesy. It is difficult to witness how Zhenya screams, swears or shows any kind of strong emotions - he experiences everything deep inside himself, such is his character.

He is sensual, emotional and vulnerable, but outwardly does not show it, and many people think that he is completely insensitive and callous. But in fact, a man whose name is Eugene knows how to love and hate as passionately as anyone else.

The future and fate of this man depend on what he decides and determines for himself in his youth. Oddly enough, despite the fact that he greatly respects and appreciates his parents, his background and family do not particularly influence his decisions regarding work, profession, personal life. He will still act as he decides, and it is among the Evgenievs that most of all those who have been doing their job all their lives.

He is an excellent family man, but he gets a wife and a child, already being a mature and experienced person, and therefore does it consciously and accurately. The fate of his family will be happy, relations in the family will be harmonious, because he is a complaisant and very wise man.

As for a career, Zhenya can become a great artist, musician, professor and scientist, architect or sculptor. His character is more inclined towards new discoveries, he is attracted by creative professions and those areas where you can constantly discover and find something new.

He will not be in poverty, but he is unlikely to become rich either, because this is not of real interest to him, and this person hardly aspires to wealth. His values ​​are much more spiritual and mature.

Relationships and Compatibility

In personal relationships, the character of Eugene is fully revealed, but gradually. He knows how to wait and hates to rush, he needs to study the character of the chosen one for a long time and carefully in order to understand whether it is worth starting with her serious relationship. He is constant, faithful and responsible, in a word - an ideal lover and husband. Let's see what is its compatibility with different female names.

1. Excellent and even perfect match Evgeny with women whose names are: Anastasia, Vera, Daria. With these ladies it's very likely happy fate, strong marriage forever, mutual understanding and passionate love that will never fade away.

2. Average compatibility: Valentina, Rosa, Natalia,. Average compatibility means that happiness is quite possible, and there is every chance. But for this, both partners will need to improve their character and inner qualities, develop wisdom and accept a partner - everything, entirely.

3. But low compatibility is Ekaterina, Marina, Elena, Barbara, Lydia. Here the characters are different, and finding common interests will not be easy.

But it is important to know the following. If your compatibility is high, if you are, say, Julia, Victoria or Anastasia, this does not mean at all that you can relax and not work on the formation of harmonious relationships - you still need to take care of them and act in such a way that they do not spoil or destroy.

And vice versa, if you are, say, Marina, Svetlana or Ekaterina, do not despair! You can correct your own character and its individual features, try for the sake of relationships and love your chosen one sincerely, then the relationship will be excellent. Sincerity and honesty are great value in a relationship, and Eugene knows this like no one else.

There were not many saints with this name in history, and Eugene celebrates his own name day twice a year - on March 6 and December 26.

The personality of Eugene is not simple and very interesting, and a lot is hidden in every man under this name. Understanding another person is always a great joy. And a name can say a lot! Author: Vasilina Serova

Winter Eugene is an optimist who looks to the future with hope for the best. He does not lose heart even in the most difficult situations, which often helps him to easily solve problems. serious problems. This is a self-confident person whose active life position becomes an example for others.

Spring Eugene overly impulsive and emotional. This is an adventurer, whose imbalance and inconstancy often prevent him from achieving success in his professional activities, as well as creating strong family. Only by learning to control his emotions and overcome natural laziness, he will be able to achieve a lot in life.

Summer Eugene - a person of weak character and subject to other people's influence, therefore if this "influence" is bad, then Yevgeny's life is unlikely to be happy and prosperous.

Autumn Eugene - a real strategist who calculates his every step, so it is quite difficult to bring him out of balance. You can always rely on autumn Eugene in everything, because he is a faithful and reliable friend.

Stone - talisman

The stones that bring Eugene good luck are ruby ​​and jasper.


From time immemorial, the ruby ​​has symbolized royal dignity, passionate love, peace, vitality and strength. It is believed that this stone brings good luck and happiness to its owner, prolongs life, settles conflicts and puts thoughts in order.

In the Christian tradition, the ruby ​​plays the role of a poison neutralizer. In addition, this particular stone is the personification of the passions of the Lord.

Interesting Facts! Products with a ruby ​​are recommended to be worn on the left side of the body. A dark-colored stone is considered "male", and a light-colored stone is considered "female".


Jasper gives its owner vital energy, gives courage, enhances concentration. Also, this stone enhances the gift of foresight.

Jasper is able to neutralize the effect of poison, sharpen the sense of smell and vision, reduce the manifestations of fever and female suffering, strengthen the heart, and eliminate arrhythmia.

In the East, jasper is the personification of the mystery of being. In addition, this stone, according to popular beliefs, protects against drought.


Blue, blue and white colors will bring good luck to Eugene, the meaning of which can be found in the article "The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of a name on a person's life".





The animal is a symbol

Animal symbols of Eugene are a seahorse and pearl barley.

Sea Horse

This marine life symbolizes power, strength, power, loyalty to one's convictions and ideals, courage, stubbornness and perseverance. At the same time, this symbol endows its owner with such qualities as sentimentality and excessive emotionality.

People who are patronized by this totem animal are able to quickly adapt to any circumstances, which helps them avoid danger and cope with the troubles that have befallen them. The seahorse brings good luck to those whose professional activity connected to the sea.


The pearl symbolizes devotion.


Plants that bring good luck to Eugene are linden, foxglove and forget-me-not.


This tree symbolizes friendship and fruitful cooperation. Also, thanks to the heart-shaped linden leaves, this plant is associated with cordiality, femininity, softness and tenderness.


This plant with bright flowers resembles a sewing thimble and symbolizes diligence and perseverance. In addition, our ancestors believed that foxglove bells are the houses of fairies, whose task is to protect the house from the negative effects of evil spirits.


This flower is a symbol of long memory, devotion and friendship that overcomes all obstacles.

Forget-me-not personifies tenderness and love, the strength of which is tested by parting.


Eugene's metal is gold, personifying the sun, prosperity and divine intelligence. This precious metal symbolizes dignity, greatness and power.

Gold helps to increase the concentration of energy and spiritual improvement. However, this symbol also has negative sides: for example, this metal symbolizes depravity, decay and decline.

auspicious day


origin of the name Eugene

Name translation

The name Eugene has ancient Greek roots and comes from the word "eugenes", translated as "noble".

Name history

Among Slavic peoples the name Eugene gained wide popularity in the 19th century, and representatives of the nobility were called by this name.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most common forms of the name Eugene are: Zhenya, Zhenechka, Zheka, Gesha, Genya.

The legend of the name Eugene

Eugene of Vifinsky, who received his nickname from the name of the Roman province of Bithynia, lived with his wife and only daughter, Mary. After the death of his wife, he decided to go to the monastery, while the daughter, who dearly loved her father, decided to put on men's clothes and follow her father. She did not change her mind and, changing her name Maria to Marin, she settled in a monastery near Alexandria. Saint Eugene of Vifinsky led a charitable life in the monastery. He died in the monastery, a few years after his arrival.

The secret of the name Eugene

name patrons

  • Rev. Eugene of Vifinsky.
  • Presbyter and Hieromartyr Eugene of Antioch.
  • Martyr Eugene Melitinsky.
  • Martyr Eugene of Sebaste.
  • Martyr Eugene of Trebizond.
  • Martyr Eugene of Damascus.
  • Bishop and Hieromartyr Eugene of Chersonesos.
  • Martyr Eugene of Caesarea.
  • Hieromartyr and Priest Eugene Isadsky.
  • Hieromartyr and Deacon Eugene Nikolsky.
  • Martyr and psalmist Yevgeny Dmitrov.
  • Hieromartyr and Abbot Yevgeny Vyzhva.
  • Hieromartyr and Priest Yevgeny Popov.
  • Hieromartyr and Priest Yevgeny Elkhovsky.
  • Hieromartyr and Priest Yevgeny Vasiliev.
  • Hieromartyr and Priest Yevgeny Yakovlev.
  • Hieromartyr and Archpriest Eugene (Kharkov).

Angel Day (name day)

January: 21st and 31st.

February: 2nd, 3rd, 25th and 26th.

March: 4th, 10th and 20th.

August: 3rd and 31st.

September: 20th and 23rd.

October: 8th and 29th.

November: 11th, 20th and 24th.

December: 7th, 23rd and 26th.

Famous people

Famous actors named Eugene:

  • Evgeny Mironov;
  • Evgeny Dvorzhetsky;
  • Evgeny Leonov;
  • Evgeny Vakhtangov;
  • Evgeny Matveev;
  • Evgeny Morgunov;
  • Evgeny Zharikov;
  • Evgeny Sidikhin;
  • Evgeny Evstigneev.

Famous singers named Eugene:

  • Evgeny Osin;
  • Evgeny Margulis.

Famous writers named Eugene:

  • Evgeny Baratynsky;
  • Evgeny Yevtushenko;
  • Evgeny Kataev;
  • Evgeny Dolmatovsky;
  • Evgeny Zamyatin.

Famous composers named Eugene:

  • Eugene Doga;
  • Evgeny Zharkovsky.

Evgeny Kafelnikov is a Russian tennis player.

Evgeny Petrosyan - Russian comedian

The meaning of the name Eugene

For a child

Little Eugene grows up as a very smart and capable child who learns to read and write early. He has a well-developed fantasy and imaginative thinking, so peers are always interested in him. His natural ingenuity helps him to easily cope with various tasks.

It is easy for parents with an independent Zhenya, who does not cause them much trouble either at home or at school, as he grows up as an obedient, hardworking and responsible boy, ready to help his parents.

Eugene is kind, generous, open and calm. The character of the boy surprisingly combines mobility and calmness, impulsiveness and poise. At the same time, even in childhood, he prefers to resolve disputes and disagreements peacefully, although if necessary he can give a tough male rebuff.

I must say that Zhenya lives in his own world and prefers not to delve into the problems of others, which can subsequently develop such a character trait as superficiality. He is unsure of himself, moreover, he often resorts to lies "in the name of salvation", so parents should Special attention focus on these aspects.

He is attentive and gallant to girls who compare him to a real knight.

For teenager

In his youth, as in childhood, Eugene is hardworking, but various kinds of troubles and difficulties easily take him out of balance, and it is extremely difficult for him to quickly get together, concentrate and overcome them on his own. At the same time, the young man hides his self-doubt behind a mask of indifference and cynicism.

Eugene is very ambitious, but far from always being able to achieve his goal. It is interesting that peers take the calm disposition, non-conflict and poise of young Zhenya for weakness of character. But this is not at all the case, as they will be able to see if his interests are affected. It is worth offending Zhenya, as he will show himself in all his glory, but keep in mind that his main weapon will not be strength, but the word (he has practically no equal in irony and sarcasm).

It is extremely important for Zhenya that everything goes on as usual, without any surprises and surprises that unsettle him. He will never remain indifferent to someone else's grief and help a friend, but decisive action and you should not expect full dedication from him.

For a man

The adult Evgeny combines both strength and weakness, and masculinity, and fear. He is sociable, fair, persistent and cheerful. But Yevgeny is also characterized by such negative qualities as stubbornness, rudeness, irascibility, aggressiveness.

If in childhood Eugene is hardworking and responsible, then over the years he becomes lazy: yes, he will go to work and perform all the tasks assigned to him, but he will not show much enthusiasm and zeal, despite his craving for ideality. Basic driving force in work for him is the achievement of material goods, through which he can live comfortably. Therefore, it is very important that in childhood, parents instill in Evgeny a love of work and independence.

Eugene takes remarks addressed to him to heart, so he is often overly emotional and irritable, which can negatively affect the work of his nervous system.

In communication with others, Eugene is friendly and correct. He has a great sense of humor, but he does not have too many friends, because he prefers not to let anyone into his soul and his world.

If we talk about relationships with women, then Zhenya is correct, gallant and attentive. In a woman, he appreciates, above all, spiritual purity and sensuality. He tends to idealize his chosen one, attributing to her non-existent qualities. As a result, Eugene is often disappointed in relationships and closes even more.

Description of the name Eugene


Eugene knows how to adapt to various circumstances and, if necessary, is able to easily adjust the system moral values for this or that situation, especially if such changes promise him material benefits.


In general, Evgeny can be called the owner good health, however, its vulnerabilities are the nervous and immune systems. He gets tired quickly, so he is shown a long sleep and a well-composed daily routine. Yevgeny should also take care of the bronchi and eyes.


In women, Eugene appreciates openness and sincerity. In addition, it is important for him that the chosen one has a secret that he is ready to unravel all his life. His companion should be educated and well-read (Zhenya likes to talk about "high things").

His tendency to idealize a woman can turn into a disappointment in love, because Zhenya often ascribes to her beloved those qualities that she does not possess.

In general, Eugene is a very amorous man, which is why he creates a family at a fairly mature age.

Eugene attracts the fairer sex with his lightness, sociability and sparkling sense of humor. He is gallant and educated, which also contributes to the increase in the army of his fans. At the same time, he parted with almost all his passions without quarrels and scandals, so he can communicate with them later "on a pleasant note."

Rudeness, bad manners and insincerity of a woman can repel Eugene. You should not provoke quarrels and scandals in relations with him, because a man with this name does not like violent showdowns. And one more thing: Eugene is very jealous, so it’s better not to give him a reason for jealousy and suspicion.


Eugene, who can tie the knot more than once, can be called an exemplary family man who will help with the housework and spend time with children, and about material well-being family will be taken care of. It is extremely important for him that an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding reign in the family (for this he is ready not only to compromise, but also to give up the place of the head of the family). But the wife may mistakenly perceive his tolerance for spinelessness, which can lead to the fact that sooner or later they will no longer reckon with the opinion of Eugene.

But there are no perfect people, and Eugene is no exception. He cannot be called a faithful husband, and he does not see anything shameful in his betrayals, since he believes that men are polygamous by nature. In fairness, we note that he carefully hides his adultery, while he does not even think about divorcing his wife (Eugene will not initiate a divorce, even if he feels unhappy in marriage, because for him the family is the basis of life).

Family relationships

Eugene is an attentive and caring husband, a true protector of his family and a true friend to his children, who love him very much. His kind and cheerful disposition wins over children, relatives, and friends, so there are often guests in his house.

Problems that arise in his family, he solves for the general round table, while never assessing the situation superficially, on the contrary, carefully listens to the problem, delving into the smallest details, analyzes it, calculates possible options development of events, and only after that gives advice or draws a conclusion.

Companion Eugene appreciates him for his kindness, understanding, openness and tenderness.


Eugene is very sensual and sexy man, especially in his youth (over the years, sex for him becomes, rather, a "biological necessity"). This attitude to sex can cause the spouse to feel unsatisfied and deprived of love and affection. To maintain the "fire of passion" in the Wife, his woman needs, firstly, to be open to experiments, and secondly, to always remain an unsolved mystery, otherwise he will seek sexual satisfaction "on the side."

In sexual life, Eugene tries not only to enjoy himself, but also to deliver it to his partner.

Mind (intelligence)

Eugene is the owner of a powerful intellect, but he fully uses his brain only when he is really interested in achieving his goal. This kind of selectivity can subsequently play a negative role in his professional activities.

The disadvantage of Eugene is also that he pays too much attention to trifles, which often makes it difficult to concentrate on the main thing.


Evgeny's analytical mindset, scrupulousness and scrupulousness contribute to the fact that an excellent technician, engineer, designer, researcher will come out of him (in other words, the owners of this name are advised to pay attention to professions related to technology and the exact sciences). At the same time, it is extremely important that the work really captures Yevgeny, otherwise he will achieve fairly average success in the professional field.

I must say that Eugene will feel great in a leadership position, and he can manage several departments or areas at once.

Artistry and developed imagination can lead Zhenya to a creative path (history knows many outstanding actors, musicians and poets with this name).

Zhenya's main problem is that, despite his natural industriousness, he will not give all his best at work, especially if it does not bring him a decent material reward.


Eugene's ambition is the driving force that can inspire him to open his own business, which will surely flourish thanks to Zhenya's diligence, prudence and determination. The only thing that can become an obstacle to the development of a successful and stable business is Evgeny's adventurism, who loves to take risks.

And one more thing: Eugene does not accept partnerships, preferring to do business alone, because, firstly, he does not know how to trust people, and secondly, he wants to enjoy the fruits of his labor alone.


Character type

According to the type of thinking, Eugene can be attributed to phlegmatic people ( more information about this type can be obtained from the article "Elements, planets and numbers in human life").


Eugene is indecisive and passive (especially if the goal set does not promise him any benefit). The softness of his character often becomes the reason that in the chosen profession he may not reach the heights that he deserves. In love, he is also in for a lot of disappointments, because women love assertive and courageous men, while Eugene prefers to let things take their course. But the owners of this name should not be underestimated, since their potential is truly high: for example, Zhenya can easily break the "bank" at a time when no one expects it from him.

Evgeny has everything calculated and logically justified, he is prudent and far-sighted, which allows him to build a stable future. The main thing is not to lock yourself in and on yourself, otherwise depression cannot be avoided.

In dealing with people, Zhenya is harsh and overly straightforward, while he is sincerely surprised that people are offended by his statements. His excessive emotionality and irritability are also the reason that Eugene does not have very many friends, and they do not particularly indulge him with their attention, since it is often quite difficult to find a common language with a person who lives in some special world.


Eugene has a well-developed intuition, which he successfully uses to achieve his goals.

Horoscope named after Eugene

Eugene - Aries

This is a sensitive, receptive and touchy man who is not used to opening his soul even to the closest people. It is extremely important for him that those around him love, appreciate and do not skimp on praise. But Eugene-Aries will not forgive ridicule, rude words and insults (he will not take revenge on his offenders, but he will stop communicating with them once and for all). The chosen one of Zhenya, born under this sign, should be a caring, sensitive and gentle woman.

Eugene - Taurus

This is a soft, charming, open and friendly person who knows how to listen and hear people, understand their problems and empathize with their troubles. Therefore, it is not surprising that he is surrounded by many friends and acquaintances. Eugene-Taurus is soft in communication and does not try to impose his opinion, for which he is respected by colleagues and superiors. In relations with a woman, he does not claim leadership, but, on the contrary, is ready to make concessions for the sake of maintaining peace and harmony.

Eugene - Gemini

This is a man with a wonderful sense of humor, which, combined with original thinking, attracts interesting and unusual people to him.

Eugene Gemini is a creative person, he can compose poetry, write plays, and direct. He enjoys the constant interest of women, which is quite natural, given his generosity and ability to beautifully look after. However, his imbalance and impulsiveness can become an obstacle to creating a friendly family.

Eugene - Cancer

Impressibility, suspiciousness and weak will are those character traits that significantly complicate the life of Eugene-Rak, for whom the family is the most important thing. It is the house, wife and children that become the meaning of his life and that abode, within the walls of which he can hide from all troubles and misfortunes. For this reason, Eugene-Rak, who will make a faithful, loving and caring family man, marries early. However, the role of the head of the family still goes to his wife.

Eugene - Leo

This nature is open, cordial and somewhat narcissistic. He likes to exaggerate his importance. He considers his abilities and possibilities to be unlimited, positioning himself as perfect man. Moreover, he is not averse to hearing confirmation of his unsurpassedness from those around him. Eugene-Leo also chooses an ideal companion: a beauty, a clever girl, a hostess, a lover, and a teacher all rolled into one.

Eugene - Virgo

Kind and sociable Eugene-Virgo has a rather windy disposition. Life for him is a cup of wine that intoxicates, gives a feeling of lightness, awakens adventurism and promises pleasure. Therefore, he perceives modern realities carelessly and frivolously, because of which there may be problems both at work and in the family. Women love Eugene-Virgo for tenderness, generosity and kindness, but they cannot endure his optionality and frivolity for a long time.

Eugene - Libra

This is a restrained, balanced, calm and shy nature who wants one thing - to live in peace and harmony with himself and with the world around him. He cannot stand quarrels, scenes of jealousy and rudeness, which disgust his gentle nature. Eugene-Libra, due to his indecision and insecurity, often falls under the influence of his chosen one. He will answer sincere love and fidelity to the understanding and tenderness of a beloved and loving woman.

Eugene - Scorpio

A rather contradictory nature with a rich inner world and a broad outlook. Eugene-Scorpio loves to analyze everything, while reflections on his life are so deep that they can lead to the development of depression. Eugene-Scorpio is a pessimist and insecure person who is dissatisfied with neither work nor family life nor the people around him. Only a patient and strong woman who looks to the future with confidence can help him cope with decadent moods.

Eugene - Sagittarius

This is an emotional, passionate and impulsive person, thirsting for new sensations. Eugene-Sagittarius is a real adventurer, whose life is filled with risk, passions, bright novels, disappointments, suffering and love experiences. He is loved by women, whom Eugene-Sagittarius has a lot of in his life. It is hard to fall in love with him and even more so to marry him, because what he lives for is freedom and independence. His ideal woman should also be an adventurer by nature.

Eugene - Capricorn

This is an insightful person who really looks at life and soberly assesses his capabilities. Eugene-Capricorn can be called without exaggeration an egoist who seeks, first of all, to satisfy his rather high demands. He is energetic and purposeful, therefore a woman who wants to become a worthy passion of Eugene-Capricorn must have strong character and big ambitions.

Eugene - Aquarius

It is highly intelligent and versatile developed person who lives not only for himself or his family, but also dreams of leaving a mark on history. Eugene-Aquarius is ambitious and talented, but often does not know how to properly realize his abilities. If his genius is not recognized, he will become withdrawn, irritable, aggressive and suspicious. Eugene-Aquarius simply needs a muse that will not only inspire him, but also take care of all domestic and organizational issues.

Eugene - Pisces

This is the most successful sign of the zodiac for Eugene, promising good luck and prosperity. Eugene-Pisces has a well-developed intuition, through which he not only competently chooses his environment, but also solves everyday pressing tasks. He is waiting for a fast career and a strong family, but on the condition that the work will bring pleasure, and the beloved woman will be unpredictable and mysterious.

Eugene name compatibility with female names

Eugene and Olga

In this ideal union, everything is built on trust, love and respect. For Olga and Evgeny, it is the family that is the meaning of life, therefore, in order to create and prosper, they are ready to compromise and put up with each other's shortcomings.

Eugene and Anna

it strong union in which a man and a woman direct all their efforts to the development of the family. Both Anna and Eugene are monogamous, adhering to traditional family values ​​​​and principles. They prefer a quiet joint vacation to noisy parties. Their marriage is based on such concepts as reliability, care, fidelity.

Eugene and Elena

This is a fairly stable and strong union, which is destined for a bright future, which can still overshadow the struggle for power between Eugene and Elena. Mutual understanding reigns between partners, they are connected, first of all, by friendship and deep affection, and not by ardent passion. At the same time, such a format of relations is quite satisfactory for both.

Eugene and Julia

For this couple, loud showdowns are common and familiar, because in this way they not only maintain passion for each other, but also give vent to accumulated emotions. And if any other union can break up after another scandal, then this does not threaten Yulia and Eugene, especially if there is not only passion between them, but also love.

Eugene and Anastasia

Eugene and Maria

These different people form a rather strange couple in which there is no room for compromise and mutual understanding, but this does not prevent Eugene and Maria from being together. This is a very passionate union, which is based primarily on the sexual component. They will be together until both get bored of playing love and passion.

Eugene and Svetlana

This union is ruled by reason and calculation, which does not prevent Evgeny and Svetlana from building strong and prosperous family relationships. Love over time develops into a deep unity of souls, mutual respect and friendship, which neither time nor circumstances can destroy.

Eugene and Christina

This is a very tender and touching union in which partners take care of each other. Zhenya and Kristina try to create a calm and serene atmosphere in their family, anticipating and implementing each other's wishes. They are vulnerable and impressionable, do not accept rude treatment and rudeness. They can be safely called halves of one whole.

Eugene and Victoria

Victoria sees in Evgenia a reliable and faithful partner who will protect her from all troubles. And in return, she will give him love and tenderness, which the insecure Eugene needs so much. They are ideal partners not only in life, but also in sexual terms, which undoubtedly strengthens their union.

Eugene and Ksenia

This is a passionate, bright and temperamental union in which the independence of partners does not let them get bored. Eugene and Ksenia are wonderful lovers, faithful friends and true allies. But even between them there are quarrels and scandals, which, in the absence of patience and mutual understanding, can lead to the couple breaking up.

Eugene and Love

Love is overly suspicious and touchy, but the balanced Eugene knows how to find an approach to it, which has a positive effect on the development of their relationship. In return, Lyuba gives her chosen one affection, care, tenderness. In their pair there is no division of duties, they interact as a whole.

Eugene and Yana

Yana in this tandem is assigned the role of a generator of tasks and ideas, while Zhenya gladly takes on the implementation of the plan. Both partners gravitate towards self-development and like to take risks.

For them, the concept of "happiness" is not a passive reflection on the meaning of life, but its active transformation.

Eugene and Hope

Hope is a cheerful and sociable person, while Eugene prefers to be silent and listen, so this union may well be successful, especially considering the fact that the characters of both partners are very similar.

Eugene and Diana

Shy Diana finds a protector and a reliable shoulder in Evgeny. The poise and calmness of a man allows Diana to open up, relax and give her chosen one a bright range of feelings. Eugene appreciates femininity, tenderness and affection in his partner. Their union is stable and durable.

Evgeny and Evgeniya

In this independent and freedom-loving union, feelings are subordinate to reason. Each of the partners knows the measure of permissibility, and therefore will never cross the line beyond which their union may fail. Trust, mutual understanding and respect - these are the "pillars" on which the marriage of Evgenia and Evgeny rests.

Eugene and Daria

The characters of Evgeny and Dasha are in many ways similar, so they perfectly understand each other without words. In intimate relationships, they also have complete harmony, and the ardor of their feelings does not fade over time, but only flares up.

Eugene and Olesya

This is a strong union in which both partners are practical, patient and purposeful. For Evgeny and Olesya family traditional values mean a lot, so their marriage is stable. Passions in this tandem do not rage, but there is a place for harmony.

Eugene and Alena

This union rarely stands the test of time and everyday life, because the man in it is a bulwark of stability and practicality, while the woman is frivolous and impulsive. Alena is in no hurry to fully devote herself to the family, which does not suit Evgeny.

Eugene and Margarita

This is a rather complicated tandem, in which Margarita wants, first of all, to realize herself in her career, while for Evgeny the main priority is the family. If Rita can moderate her ambitions somewhat, then this union may well be strong.

Eugene and Alexandra

In this successful union, both partners are "on the same wavelength", supporting each other in all endeavors. Eugene and Alexandra are not only wonderful lovers, but also true friends, between whom there are no secrets.

Eugene and Inna

This union is supported mainly by sexual compatibility, while in all other areas partners cannot find those points of contact that would allow them to build a strong family. For this reason, Evgeny and Inna can rarely create a prosperous and friendly family.

Eugene and Valeria

This couple is ruled by feelings and emotions, therefore, with their weakening, the union may fall apart. To maintain relations, the eccentric Valeria and the practical Eugene must, firstly, learn to put up with each other's shortcomings, and secondly, bring a rational grain to the union.

Eugene and Irina

This is a pair of like-minded people whose train of thought converges. The witty and charming Irina brings vitality to this tandem, and the solid Eugene ensures the stability and strength of the union.