Tulka: useful properties. Abrau kilka - what kind of fish is this? How many calories in dried sprat

Tulka or sausage- (lat. Clupeonella delicatula delicatula (Nordmann)).

Signs. The mouth is small, articulation of the lower jaw with the skull under the middle of the eye, the posterior end of the upper jaw under the anterior margin of the eye. There are no fatty eyelids on the eyes.

The last two rays of the anal fin are elongated. The body, and especially the belly, is laterally compressed; belly with well developed keel. Abdominal spines 26-29. Vertebrae 39-44.

related forms. The closest is the Caspian sprat, CI. delicatula caspia, different large sizes and a large number of gill rakers.

This is followed by big-eyed, CI. grimmi, and ancho-whisker, CI. engrauliformis, sprat found only in the Caspian Sea. In the lake Abrau (near Novorossiysk) and in the lake. Abouliond (Turkey, pool Sea of ​​Marmara) occurs special kind C.I. abrau.

Spreading. Desalinated parts of the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Azov. It enters the rivers, sometimes it rises quite high upstream (in the Danube - to Brailov and higher, to Lake Kalarash, in the Bug - to the rapids, in the Dnieper - to Nikopol). Oz. Paleostom.


Characteristic. Marine brackish-water schooling pelagic fish. Lives, as a rule, in a somewhat desalinated sea ​​water, with a salt content of not more than 13 ° / 00С1 (chlorine), comes in masses into fresh water.

Spawning takes place in the Sea of ​​Azov from April to August. The main spawning grounds are in the Taganrog Bay. Enters for spawning and in the estuaries of the northwestern part of the Black Sea, where it keeps all year round, as well as in some Kuban estuaries and rivers (Dnieper, Danube, etc.).

Caviar is spawned at water temperature from 4-5 to 24°C and salinity from 0 to 10% (usually below 5%). The height of spawning is in May, when the temperature of the kilka is from 13 to 20°C.

Development. Floating (pelagic) caviar, distributed in the sea in the surface layers of water. The eggs have a fatty drop and a large perivitelline (round-yolk) space, the diameter of the eggs is 0.8-1.05 mm.

The incubation period at average temperature 10 ° lasts 98 hours and s, at 14 ° -62 hours, at 20 ° -25 hours.

Hatching larvae are 1.8-1.9 mm long. The yolk sac dissolves when the larva reaches a length of 3.8-4 mm.

The fertility of the Black Sea-Azov kilka is from 5.2 to 20.1 thousand eggs, on average, about 10.6 thousand eggs.

Growth. Males reach a length of 8 cm, females - 9 cm (until the end of the middle rays C).

In the Sea of ​​Azov in the pre-war years, two-year-old and one-year-old individuals prevailed in the catches, there were few three-year-olds, and almost no four-year-olds were found.

Nutrition. Plankton-eating fish is the main consumer of plankton in the Sea of ​​Azov. The main components of food are copepods and cladocerans, mysids and other zooplankton organisms.

Competitors. Other plankton-eating fish in the Sea of ​​Azov are mainly the Azov shad.

Enemies. Pike perch, herring, partly sturgeon and other fish.

Migrations. In January - March, the main mass of kilka keeps away from the coast, in the central part Sea of ​​Azov. In April, kilka begins to enter the Taganrog Bay, where it gathers in abundance in May - June.

Approach to the coast begins at a water temperature of 4-6°C, mass approach at 10-18°C. Temperatures above 22-26° are avoided by kilka. In July - August, the bulk moves to the central part of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. In December, the distribution of kilka takes on a winter character.


Meaning. In terms of catches in the Sea of ​​Azov, kilka is in first place, and in the Black Sea special significance does not have. Commercial fishing in the Sea of ​​Azov began in 1930. Catches in 1936-1938. in the Sea of ​​Azov ranged from 749 to 832 thousand centners, in the Black Sea - from 22.5 to 34.4 thousand centners. Stocks of Azov kilka are used intensively.

Technique and the course of the fishery. The main fishing gear are fixed nets and alamans. Fishing is carried out in the spring during the spawning run, in summer and autumn - at the feeding grounds. The main mass is caught at the entrance to the Taganrog Bay, in the Berdyansk, Mariupol and Yeysk regions.

Usage . The fattest and most well-fed kilka occurs in autumn, in October - November (17-18.5% fat), it is less fat during spawning and immediately after it (4.5-8% fat). Almost the entire catch of tyulka is salted, in a small part - with the addition of vinegar and spices. Salted sprat due to the small size of the fish, high salinity and the presence of keel scales is a product of low value and low palatability. Experiments in the preparation of canned sprats from a large sprat yielded positive results. Part of the tyulka catch is processed into fodder meal and technical fat.

Salted tyulka (salting according to homemade recipe)

You can use this recipe when salting fresh or frozen small fish, like sprat, anchovy or another.


Tulka - 600 g - salt - 4 tbsp. l. - peppercorns - ground coriander - onions - 1 - 2 pcs. - vinegar - vegetable oil


Frozen tulka.

Rinse the sprat about 5 times in water to remove scales from the fish.

Drain the water from the fish and add salt.


Tulks are representatives small fish belonging to the herring family. They live in the waters of the Caspian, Azov and Black Seas. Their body weight reaches 10.0 g, and the length is 9.0 cm. Tulka reach sexual maturity at the age of two years, and general term their lives are 5-6 years. They feed on small plankton.

In Russia, kilka is considered one of the cheapest types of fish, but abroad, on the contrary, it is a delicacy. Currently, shops sell fresh, frozen, canned and salted kilka. It can be boiled, fried. In industrial conditions, very tasty canned food is prepared from tyulka, and also obtained from it fish meal.

The benefits of tulka

The beneficial properties of sprat for the human body are primarily due to the huge content of calcium in this fish. This element is necessary for the formation of bone tissue, healthy hair and nails, in addition, it regulates blood clotting processes.

For the absorption of calcium, phosphorus is needed, which is also rich in sprat. These minerals are mainly concentrated not in its meat, but in the tail, bones, ridge and skin. Therefore, the tyulka should be cooked as a whole and consumed as a whole, without trying to get anything out of it. a large number of fillet.

In addition to minerals, tyulka is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have pronounced antioxidant properties. Also, sprat meat contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which lower the level of triglycerides in the blood and thus have an anti-atherosclerotic effect. Therefore, nutritionists recommend including sprat in the diet of people suffering from atherosclerosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system and joints.

The composition and calorie content of tulka

100.0 g of sprat contains:

  • Minerals - 14.3 g;

Tulk fish. Calorie content and benefits of tulka

Calories: 88 kcal.

The energy value of the product Fish sprat (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 17.5 g. (~70 kcal) Fats: 2 g (~18 kcal) Carbohydrates: 0 g (~0 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|g|y): 80%|20%|0%

Tyulka fish: properties

How much does a sprat fish cost (average price per 1 kg.)?

Moscow and Moscow region 50 rubles

Quite often we buy big fish, since it is believed that it contains less bones with a significant amount of meat. Undoubtedly, this is true, but you should not ignore small varieties of fish, which, as a rule, are no less tasty and healthy for our body. There are indeed a lot of bones in them, but with heat treatment they soften perfectly and become completely edible.

The miniature fish deserves special attention. funny name tyulka. It belongs to small commercial marine species fish from the herring family. With a maximum body length of 9 centimeters, the mass of sprat fish hardly exceeds 10 grams. Interestingly, this fish reaches puberty already at five centimeters in length, while the life expectancy of a sprat is about 4-5 years.

The habitat of kilka fish is considered to be the Sea of ​​Azov, although it can often be found in the waters of the Northern and desalinated parts of the Black Sea. Spawning of kilka fish takes place mainly in May, but in the Black Sea this occurs a month or later.

The fishing industry is increasing the already rapid pace of fish production every year, thereby expanding the range of products. It is noteworthy that a significant place among such products is occupied by products made from tyulka fish. food industry sells not only chilled, frozen, salted and smoked tyulka, but also delicacy canned food and preserves from this sea fish.

Housewives are also very fond of this little fish and quite often use sprat to prepare a variety of delicious dishes. by the most in a simple way processing of sprat fish is considered to be its breading and frying in vegetable oil. In addition, you can easily prepare homemade canned food from tyulka, for example, in oil or tomato sauce. The calorie content of the sprat is low and is about 88 kcal per hundred grams of fresh fish.

The benefits of tulka

The benefits of tyulka (like most marine fish) for the human body lies in the high content of phosphorus, calcium and iodine, as well as other useful substances. Small bones of a tulka with cooking or salt are well softened, so they are perfectly absorbed by the body. It is known that there are many more of these elements in the tails and bones of sprat than, for example, in sturgeon.

In addition, the benefits of sprat are also obvious due to the content of a whole set of amino acids vital for humans, of which there are 23 names in it. Especially these elements are necessary for women and people old age, but it is important to consume such fish as a whole.

Product proportions. How many grams?

in 1 piece 10 grams

The nutritional value

Tulka - small sea ​​fish the Seldev family. Its length does not exceed 8-10 cm, and its weight is about 10 g. This fish lives in the Caspian, Azov and Black Seas (calorizator). In Russia, kilka is one of the cheapest, while abroad it is considered a delicacy.

Calorie content of tyulka

The calorie content of tyulka is low, it is only 88 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The composition of the tulka

Like any other sea ​​fish sprat contains a large amount of iodine, phosphorus, calcium, chlorine, fluorine. It also contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fats, amino acids. Vitamins: PP and others.

Useful properties of tulka

All these trace elements, fats, vitamins are necessary for a person. They can prevent diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart disease. Regular use of tulka has a beneficial effect on the health of hair, nails, and the formation of bone tissue. Normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Tulka in cooking

This fish is boiled, fried, stewed, steamed. On an industrial scale, canned food, preserves, fishmeal are made from it. But the most useful home-made canned food, for example, in a tomato. In stores you can see salted, smoked tyulka. The fish, although small, is tasty and healthy (calorizer). It is recommended to consume it whole. Since the bones, tail, ridge and skin contain the most calcium. Moreover, during heat treatment, all the bones soften.

Contraindications for use

Tulka is rich the following vitamins and minerals: vitamin PP - 14,5 %, chromium - 110 %.

Where % is the percentage of satisfaction daily allowance per 100 gr.

The complete guide to the most useful products you can look in the My Healthy Diet app.

Useful properties of Tulka


Energy value or calories is the amount of energy released in the human body from food during digestion. The energy value of the product is measured in kilo-calories (kcal) or kilo-joules (kJ) per 100 grams. product. Kilocalorie used for measurement energy value foodstuffs, is also called a "food calorie", therefore, when indicating caloric content in (kilo)calories, the prefix kilo is often omitted. You can see detailed tables of energy value for Russian products here.

The nutritional value - the content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the product.

Nutritional value of a food product- a set of properties of a food product, in the presence of which the physiological needs of a person in the necessary substances and energy are satisfied.

vitamins, organic matter required in small amounts in the diet of both humans and most vertebrates. The synthesis of vitamins is usually carried out by plants, not animals. The daily human need for vitamins is only a few milligrams or micrograms. Unlike inorganic substances, vitamins are destroyed by strong heating. Many vitamins are unstable and "lost" during cooking or food processing.

Search by calorie tables and chemical composition products and ready meals:

*** Cooking method:

The city of Mariupol, where I live, is located on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov. And in this sea is found various fish. These fish are caught by professional fishermen. They have an ancient fishing custom. To people passing by their "paraboat" (as they affectionately call their fishing boats), fishermen give some fish. So to speak in honor of the next catch.

So I happened to pass by and get my portion of fish. AT this case it turned out to be a tyulka, a delicious seafood.

By the way, Azov kilka has an individual taste and is not like other fish similar in classification (Black Sea or Caspian).

Freshly caught is generally very tasty. It remains only to carry out the salting.

Which is what I'm going to talk about now.

To do this, we need a basin, I use a plastic one.

And a pack of salt. Salt is ordinary large and not iodized.

At the beginning, the sprat must be washed, from its scales and simply from pollution. All the same food product. And from the sea it goes through several stages. This is both the deck and the hold. And it's not very clean.

After that, pour the washed tyulka into our plastic basin

That's when it is washed, it begins to look appetizing.

And sprinkle it with salt, so that the salt covers the sprat. While mixing.

It is desirable that the water that remains after washing is smaller. Then the salt absorbs it and the sprat turns out to be hard. Although there is a way of pickling in water with salt (the so-called "brine"). Then the tulka turns out to be soft. This is for everyone, whoever loves. I like both methods. By the way, with the second method, it is lightly salted (this is a barely noticeable taste of salt). And the first method allows you to get a more salty sprat. Again, a matter of taste and subsequent preparation.

The sprat is salted for 6-8 hours. It's so certain. You can hold it for a couple of hours, this is for lovers of freshness. After that, rinse again to the desired taste with salt.

And all the tyulka is ready for use and further cooking!

Is this a good recipe?

Medical directory / Food / T


Tyulka is a small commercial marine fish of the Herring family. It lives mainly in the Sea of ​​Azov, it can often be found in the Caspian Sea, as well as in the waters of the Northern and desalinated parts of the Black Sea. Her distinctive features is a short and wide head with a large interorbital gap and small eyes. They have a black iris. The body is laterally compressed, covered with large and easily falling off scales. On the abdomen there is a well-defined keel, which is formed by keel scales. Top part the heads and back of the kilka are painted in light green or bluish colors, the belly and sides are silvery.

The maximum age a kilka can reach is 6 years. During this time, it will grow to about 10 centimeters in length (there are also 15-centimeter specimens) and gain 22 grams of weight. Usually, males grow more slowly than females and reach a shorter length.

The process of feeding the fish takes place only during daylight hours, at night it stops. Because of this feature, the sprat is caught in the light at night.

These fish reach puberty by the age of 1-2 years, while their length is 5 centimeters. Tulka spawns in portions, at intervals of several days. At one time, the number of eggs can reach from 10 to 60 thousand pieces, on average this number is about 31 thousand pieces. Spawning spawning begins in April and ends in June. The fish feed on crustaceans cladocerans and fold-legs.

Tulka properties

The calorie content of fish meat is about 90 calories per 100 grams of weight. It has no carbohydrates at all, proteins are 70 calories, and fats are only 18 calories. Nutritional value consists of water, vitamins PP, B1, B2, essential amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals, including sodium, calcium, iodine and nickel, chlorine, molybdenum, fluorine and chromium, as well as phosphorus and potassium.

The benefits of tulka

A huge amount of calcium, which is contained in the sprat, contributes to the formation and strengthening of bone tissue, nail plates and human hair, and the regulation of blood clotting.

To fully absorb calcium, the body needs phosphorus. This element is also present in sufficient quantities in the sprat. The main part of calcium and phosphorus is found in the tail, bones, skin and spine of the fish, so it is useful to cook and consume it whole.

Fatty acids are natural antioxidants, that is, substances that fight free radicals, thus preventing the aging of the body.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids have an anti-atherosclerotic effect, since they lower the level of triglycerides (these are the most famous fats) in the blood. Therefore, tyulka will be useful for people who suffer from diseases of the joints, heart, vascular system, as well as atherosclerosis.

Abrauska tyulka - what kind of fish is this? Where does it live and what does it eat? Do you want to find answers to these questions? Then read the article further.


Abrau kilka is a medium-sized fish living in a freshwater environment, from the body reaches nine centimeters in length. The weight of one fish is ten grams. Abrau kilka lives no more than two years. Feeds on small zooplankton.


At the age of one year, it reaches sexual maturity. The length of the body at this time is from three to five centimeters. Spawning begins in May and lasts until October. It usually happens after the night. The water temperature for favorable reproduction is at least twenty degrees.

At one time, the Abrau kilka, the photo of which you see in our article, can bring over thirty pelagic eggs. They are developing at a very fast pace. From the moment of maturation of the eggs to the hatched fry, no more than twelve hours pass. After that, they independently sink to the bottom. They rise to the upper layers of water only when they dissolve. The adult Abrau kilka feeds on crustaceans. Young fish eat copepods, rotifers, plant life and eggs.


Often this type of fish is found on the closed lake Abrau, located near the city of Novorossiysk Krasnodar Territory. Abrau kilka often spawned in the nineties and brought large offspring. But everything changed with change climatic conditions, as well as with the appearance of other fish species in the lake. The latter bring discomfort to the Abrau kilka, resulting in the death of offspring, and the population is sharply declining.

Another subspecies

In Turkey, scientists have found an approximate species of fish to such a subspecies as the Abraul kilka. Pelagic type. Often found on the surface of the lake. It migrates in an upright position, usually together with plankton. During the day, the Abraul kilka can sink into the depths of the lake, at night, on the contrary, it rises to the surface of the water.

Why is the population declining?

Until the end of the 1950s, this herring fish considered massive. During catches, up to two hundred pieces fell into the net of trawls. After the nineties of the 20th century, the number decreased due to the appearance predatory fish In the lake. And after the pike perch was introduced into this place, the number of kilka completely decreased tenfold.

What is happening with this type of tyulka now?

On this moment The lake is not protected and is not located in a protected area. Measures to protect the sprat are not taken. In the near future, it is planned to conduct a wide survey of the water area of ​​Lake Abrau. If during research work the presence of sprat is detected, then it will be possible to estimate the abundance of this subspecies and carry out in without fail genome cryopreservation.

Recovery measures

At the moment, a program is being developed on how to conduct a comprehensive study and restore the kilka population. To do this, it is necessary to artificially reproduce the species, acclimatize it in freshwater or a reservoir.

The water temperature in it should correspond to that in Lake Abrau.

Poachers also play an important role in the fate and reproduction of this fish. After all, a variety of dishes and all kinds of snacks are prepared from it.

Today, the Abrau kilka is dying out. Red Book Russian Federation already included her in the ranks rare species fish, which are tyulki.
Immediate operation to restore herring fish of this type can help save them.


Now you know who the Abrau tyulka is. Photos for clarity are presented in the article. We hope that the information will be useful to you.

The calorie content of fish meat is about 90 calories per 100 grams of weight. It has no carbohydrates at all, proteins are 70 calories, and fats are only 18 calories. Nutritional value consists of water, vitamins PP, B1, B2, essential amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals, including sodium, calcium, iodine and nickel, chlorine, molybdenum, fluorine and chromium, as well as phosphorus and potassium.

The benefits of tulka

A huge amount of calcium, which is contained in the sprat, contributes to the formation and strengthening of bone tissue, nail plates and human hair, and the regulation of blood clotting.

To fully absorb calcium, the body needs phosphorus. This element is also present in sufficient quantities in the sprat. The main part of calcium and phosphorus is found in the tail, bones, skin and spine of the fish, so it is useful to cook and consume it whole.

Fatty acids are natural antioxidants, that is, substances that fight free radicals, thus preventing the aging of the body.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids have an anti-atherosclerotic effect, since they lower the level of triglycerides (these are the most famous fats) in the blood. Therefore, tyulka will be useful for people who suffer from diseases of the joints, heart, vascular system, as well as atherosclerosis.

The amino acids contained in fish are especially needed by women and the elderly, it is important to eat it whole with the skin and bones.

The use of tulka

The tulka is used by fishermen to catch zander in the winter season. The fish is suitable both frozen and fresh, it is better if they are medium-sized specimens.

This fish is the main food base for predatory fish such as burbot and perch.

In cooking, there are many tasty and healthy dishes from tulka. It can be cooked different ways: pickle and marinate, smoke, bake in the oven and fry, cook fish soup from it or make meatballs and cutlets. It should be remembered that calories fried fish increases.

Harm tyulka

A well-salted sprat contains at least 1.5 grams of salt per 100 grams of fish. This dose is about 30% of the daily requirement. In this form, fish should be consumed in limited quantities and infrequently. People with heart disease and kidney disease should completely exclude salted sprat from the diet. So suitable for people boiled or baked fish, it has beneficial properties and does not cause edema, and after its use, blood pressure does not increase.

Tulka, prepared in the form of canned food industrial way, can also harm human body, as it contains an excess amount of oil and salt. In most cases, canned oil is used the cheapest, which does not contain any useful substances. Using such a product, a person will receive only additional calories. The calorie content of tyulka in oil is as much as 320 calories, and in own juice- 200 calories per 100 grams of the finished product.


A small fish of the herring family. It has a pronounced pelargic appearance. Shiny scales are easily sprinkled. Tulka is a fish that can live in water with different levels salinity. Initially, it was considered a marine or fish inhabiting the lower reaches of the rivers. The fish are actively settling, capturing freshwater reservoirs. Currently, it has anadromous, semi-anadromous and freshwater forms. In addition to the previously known freshwater-lake form living in the Ural River basin, kilka has become massive view in many reservoirs of the Volga and other rivers Central Russia. The fish adheres to large reservoirs, rarely comes to the shore. The sizes are within 10-15 cm in length and weight up to 30 gr. Fish that live in Russian reservoirs are divided by scientists into two subspecies: the Black Sea - Azov and Caspian. Despite its small size, kilka is a popular fish with local residents coastal part of the south of Russia and Ukraine. In addition, it has become a favorite bait for lovers of catching river predators (zander, pike, perch) in all places of its settlement. To do this, the sprat is harvested and stored in the refrigerator in a frozen form.

Methods for catching sprats

In the sea, kilka is caught during the day or at night “in the light”, with net gear. To use the fish as a bait, in reservoirs and rivers, it is mined with the help of "net lifts" or larger varieties of the "spider" type. To lure fish, use lanterns or a small amount of cereal bait. For entertainment, a sprat can be caught on a float rod. In this case, there is no need to have complex equipment. The fish is caught on dough, bread or porridge, they can be flavored with sweet smells.

Places of fishing and habitat

In the waters of Russia, fish is found in the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas, it enters most of the rivers in the basins of these seas. Considering the modern distribution of this fish, we can talk about the most extensive distribution area. Resettlement continues to this day. Fish prefer large bodies of water, in most artificial reservoirs it has become a mass species. The settlement area extends to the basins of the Volga, Don, Danube, Dnieper and many other rivers. In the Kuban, the zone of existence of seals is located in the delta, the situation is the same with the Terek and the Urals, where the seal has spread to the lower reaches.


Considering that the fish easily adapts to local conditions, it is currently difficult to separate the various ecological forms of this fish. The fish becomes sexually mature in 1-2 years. The sprat is a schooling fish, the composition of the groups is mixed, with a predominance of 2-3 year olds. Depending on the preference of places of residence, it breeds in different conditions: from the seas to rivers, lakes and reservoirs, as a rule, away from the coast. Spawns in the spring, a fairly wide period of time, depending on natural conditions and features of the region. Portion spawning with an interval of several days. Anadromous forms can enter rivers for spawning in autumn.