Ecological quiz for pre-school groups "nature around us". Outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (preparatory group) on the topic: Ecological quiz for children in the preparatory school group "Nature Experts"

Target: generalization and systematization of children’s knowledge about nature, the beauty of the forest and its riches, and medicinal plants.

Educational: To consolidate in children knowledge about the culture of behavior in nature and the ability to correctly evaluate the actions of others.

Educational: Develop logical thinking children through problem solving.

Educators: Foster love and respect for nature, the ability to work in a team.

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, social - communication development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Materials and equipment: multimedia installation; emblems for team members; pictures with rules of conduct in the forest; tree silhouettes puzzles; didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from?”; tree fruits: walnuts, pine cones, chestnuts; berry crossword; pictures with edible and inedible mushrooms; green and red card; pictures depicting migratory and wintering birds.

Preliminary work: learning poems and songs; reading works of Russian writers; conversations about plants, insects, birds and animals, their habits and characteristics; looking at illustrations and books about nature.

Progress of activities:

Children enter the hall and the teams take their places.


Us at any time of the year

Teaches wise nature:

Birds teach singing

Spider - patience.

Bees in the field and in the garden

They teach us how to work.

The sun teaches kindness.

Snow teaches us purity.

By nature all year round

Need to study

All the forest people

Teaches strong friendship.

Today we have gathered in the hall to show our knowledge about the nature of our region, about animals and plants, about their characteristics. Our quiz is called “Nature Experts”. Three teams will compete. Team "Hares", "Foxes" and team "Squirrels". Tasks will be given for each team. Rules: listen to the question, task to the end; do not prompt the respondent; who knows the answer, raise your hand; If the children of one team do not know the answer to a question, then the children of the other team answer. We present to you the jury of our quiz: ...

Educator: Girls and boys, the forest is the wealth of our Earth! It is home to animals, birds and insects. In the forest they find food for themselves, hide from enemies, and raise their offspring. Plants purify the air and delight with their beauty. Man makes furniture and builds houses from trees. The forest feeds us mushrooms, berries and nuts.

Educator: Let's first remember the rules of behavior in the forest.

(The teacher shows pictures, and the children explain what boys and girls are doing wrong.)

Physical education minute.

Educator: We are going to the forest,

Be careful, my friend. (Walking.)

There's a stream ahead,

Cross over - here is the bridge. (On the socks.)

Proceed carefully -

You can get your feet wet here. (Raise your legs high.)

We'll jump around a little

Along a winding path. (Jumping.)

When we hear thunder in the sky,

We'll hide under a bush. (Squat.)

Let's walk slowly -

The rain will catch us on the way. (Easy jogging.)

We came with you, my friend,

Into a dense forest. (Walking.)

Child 1: Take care and preserve the wealth of forests,

They will be grateful to you!

Child 2: Tree, animal, flower and bird,

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet!

Educator: Questions for all teams:

  1. What trees are called conifers?
  2. Why are trees called deciduous?
  3. Which trees do not change crown color?
  4. At what time of year do trees change leaf color?
  5. At what time of year do the leaves bloom on the trees?
  6. Which tree has a white trunk?

Educator: Now you must put together the puzzles and determine by the silhouette what kind of tree it is and name it.

Educator: Didactic game“Which tree is the leaf from?” (Each team is given sheets according to the number of children).

Educator: Outdoor game “Children from the Branch” (Collect the fruits of the trees that are given: walnuts, pine cones, chestnuts).

Educator: Not only trees and shrubs grow in the forest, but also various herbs. The guys will tell us whether we need them.

Child 3: Many useful herbs grow

On the soil of our native country!

Helps against diseases:

Linden, mint, St. John's wort!

Child 4: We know these plants,

We take care and protect!

Let's collect not for fun,

You rubbed your foot on the road, what plant can relieve the pain? (Plantain.)

What medicinal properties possesses a mother-stepmother? (Cough medicine.)

The name of this plant speaks for itself - it treats many skin diseases. (Celandine.)

What plants will help strengthen hair? (Nettle, burdock, chamomile.)

What plant besides coltsfoot helps with cough? (Chamomile.)

What plant infusion is drunk to stimulate appetite? (Dandelion.)

Tea from which plant has a calming effect? (Mint.)

Medicinal plant for 99 diseases. (St. John's wort.)

Which plant is used for rinsing during inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and toothache? (Yarrow.)

Educator: And now I propose to solve the “Berry crossword”.

  1. I'm red, I'm sour

I grew up in a swamp

Ripened under the snow,

Come on, who knows me? (Cranberry.)

  1. In the hot sun, the stumps have many thin stems,

Each thin stalk holds a scarlet light,

We rake the stems and collect the lights. (Strawberries.)

  1. She was born in a swamp,

Hidden in the soft grass.

Yellow brooch -

Berry... (cloudberry)

  1. What kind of berries are on the hummock?

Autumn makes their cheeks blush

And freeze, and soak, and cook jam,

And it’s good for fruit drinks - it won’t let you catch a cold.

Lean over and see if it’s ripe... (Lingonberry.)

  1. Under a leaf on every branch

Little children are sitting.

The one who gathers the children

He'll stain his hands and his mouth. (Blueberry.)

  1. Everyone knows these berries

They are replacing our medicine.

If you have a sore throat,

Drink tea at night with... (Raspberries.)

Educator: I invite you to take a journey “Through the pages of fairy tales.”

  1. What tree grows near the Lukomorye, in Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, along which the scientist cat walks and tells fairy tales? (Options: pine, oak, maple, poplar.)
  2. In Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "Thumbelina", from which flower did a little girl emerge? (Options: bell, lily, tulip, peony)
  3. What tree, in Russian folk tale"Geese-swans" hid and sheltered the children? (Options: plum, pear, apple tree, bird cherry.)
  4. Which flower bushes did Kai and Gerda look after in Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale? The Snow Queen"? (Options: behind rose bushes, behind peony bushes, behind chrysanthemum bushes, behind aster bushes.)
  5. Under what tree does the squirrel gnaw nuts and sing songs in the fairy tale “About Tsar Saltan” by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin? (Options: under pine, under spruce, under larch, under oak.)
  6. In Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale The Wild Swans, what grass did Eliza weave shirts from for her brothers? (Options: from fern, from wild rosemary, from lungwort, from nettle.)

Educator: Let's play the game “Edible - not edible” (they call them mushrooms, and the children raise a green card if the mushroom is edible and a red card if it is inedible).

Educator: In the forest, in addition to trees and other plants, they live different birds and animals. It's hard to imagine the forest without them. They are all ours faithful helpers and friends.

Child 5: Feed the birds in winter!

Let it come from all over

They will flock to us like home,

Flocks on the porch!

Child 6: Train birds in winter

To your window

So that you don’t have to go without songs

Let's welcome spring!

Educator: Now we’ll check how well you know birds. On the tables there are pictures depicting migratory and wintering birds; boys select wintering ones, and girls select migratory ones.

Educator: “Who lives where?” (after looking at the image of animals on the screen, children name their home).

Child 7: Dear forest, dear forest!

We say thank you

For your wonderful air

For rowan and viburnum,

For chamomile, St. John's wort.

Child 8: On one big planet

You and I will live together.

Let's be adults and children

Treasure this friendship!

Educator: No matter where a person lives: in the city or in the countryside, he is always surrounded by plants and animals. But unfortunately, people do not always treat nature with care. By cutting down forests and polluting water in rivers, people unwittingly destroy many wild animals for which the forest and river are home. Because of people, some plants and animals have disappeared forever, and many have become rare. Where are they listed? rare species animals and plants?

Children: To the Red Book.

Educator: The Red Book is a reference book about endangered animals and plants. Why red?

Children: Signal, danger...

Educator: Yes, indeed - the color red is a signal of alarm and prohibition, understandable to people all over the world. All animals and plants listed in this book must be protected. People create nature reserves and parks where hunting is prohibited.

Educator: Our environmental quiz is coming to an end, we ask the jury to sum up the results and identify the winners.

Child 9: Love your native nature -

Lakes, forests and fields.

After all, this is ours, with you

Forever native land.

Child 10: You and I were born on it,

You and I live on it.

So let's all be together, people.

We treat her kinder.

Target: test children’s knowledge about trees, shrubs, and forest vegetation.

Equipment: paintings; posters; phonogram; Russian costumes.

The recording contains sounds of the forest: the rustling of leaves, the singing of birds, the babbling of a stream. The hall is decorated with paintings and slogans. In the foreground there is an exhibition of tree fruits and seeds on the tables, and tree seedlings in pots.

Leading. Today we will talk about forest plants. I'm wondering what idea you have about the vegetation of the forest. I will ask you a series of questions, and you try to answer them. Young foresters and a forester have been invited to help.


The forest gives you riddles,

Give me the answers.

A house with columns stands

It is covered with a green roof

And with his hands he moves the branches,

Open for birds and animals. (Forest.)

The house is open to the winds all around,

Cool freshness beckons.

Trees live in it

And the bushes are growing. (Forest.)


She's wearing a white sundress

A head of green curls,

And beautiful and slim,

She's like a swan. (Birch.)

Stands on one leg

Everything moves its branches,

Dresses up in spring

In autumn he undresses. (Tree.)


He is powerful and big

Bogatyr in the forest country.

Its seeds are barrels,

Bird trills in the branches call. (Oak.)

The green maiden strives for the sky,

All in needles all year round,

But he doesn’t take orders

She doesn’t sew dresses for anyone. (Spruce.)


Gives the most delicious honey

The swarm of bees is calling to them.

Don't hurt me

Don't skin me. (Linden.)

There is no wind, but I'm trembling

I'm chomping at the bit with leaves.

This is a haven for squirrels and birds,

Moose will find food here. (Aspen.)


In spring it blooms white,

Sunbathes in the summer sun,

Burns in autumn

In winter he treats the birds. (Rowan.)

She looks like a Christmas tree

She has thorns too

Only they are long.

Barrel - try to catch up. (Pine.)

Children guess the names of the trees, point to the picture and give evidence why they think so.

Quiz hosts(in Russian costumes).

Let's start the quiz

We ask Sveta, Misha, Vitya

Don't be bored in our hall -

Answer questions.

Quiz questions

1st forester. What types of forests are there?

(Forests are deciduous. Trees have only leaves.

Coniferous forests(burs) - instead of leaves there are resinous needles.

Mixed forests. Coniferous and deciduous trees grow in them.)

Children answer and find the corresponding pictures to them.

2nd forester. Name the enemies of the forest.

(The most dangerous of them are chafer beetles, bark beetles, caterpillars. The larvae of chafer beetles eat the roots of young coniferous trees. Adult beetles eat the foliage.

Bark beetles eat bark and wood.

Caterpillars of silkworm butterflies feed on the leaves of various trees and shrubs.)

1st forester. Why do fires occur in the forest? (In the summer, fires can occur in forests. Plants, animals, and birds die.

It takes a very long time to grow in a fire new forest. Forest fires are often caused by people. People light fires and forget to put them out. Sparks from an unextinguished fire are fanned by the wind, spread far, and cause new fires.

A fire can also occur on its own due to lightning strikes.)

2nd forester. Which trees are most often struck by lightning? (Most often struck by lightning: oak, spruce, pine, birch.

This is because their main roots are close to the earth's surface.

Poplar, elm, and hazel are almost not affected by lightning, since their main roots are deep in the ground.)

1st forester. Why should you be afraid of a wolf's bast?

(Wolf's bast is a very poisonous plant. All its parts are poisonous. You should never put its delicious red berries in your mouth.

Wolf's bast is a shrub.)

2nd forester. Which trees generate dust?

(The alder is dusty in the gusts of the wind. Many of its earrings hang down and gather dust in the gusts of wind, that is, they bloom at this time.

The hazel tree is also dusty. It rises into the air like a light cloud and falls to the ground.)

1st forester. What can you tell us about the benefits of birch? Why is she interesting?

(Resinous, aromatic buds and leaves are highly valued for making infusions that people are treated with. They contain a lot of vitamin C. Birch sap is useful.)

2nd forester. There are great benefits from eating in the forest. What exactly is this benefit?

(The seeds of its cones feed on crossbills. Bears build dens in the spruce forest. White hares hide in it in winter. Squirrels build nests in the thorny branches.)

1st forester. How are fruits and seeds distributed in the forest?

(The seeds of birch, pine, and maple have thin wings. The wind picks them up and carries them far away. The fruits and berries are carried by birds, which eat them.)

2nd forester. What do people call oak?

(The oak is popularly called the hero. And oak forests are called oak groves.)

Leading. I hope you enjoyed the quiz. The best participants are... (lists). You deserve these prizes!

Forester. I offer an excursion to the forest nursery. There you will see and learn a lot of interesting things, receive plant sprouts so that you can plant them on the school site.


We showed our knowledge here,

They told a lot about the forest.

Come to the Club, friends,

Now goodbye.

The recording contains a Russian melody.

MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 21 “Thumbelina”

Summary of open lesson - quiz

in ecology in the preparatory group

« We are friends nature"

Prepared and carried out

teacher: Nesterova T.V.

Safonovo, 2017

Summary of the lesson-quiz on ecology “We are friends of nature” in the preparatory group.


Summarize children about the world around them, in the form of an environmental quiz.


    To consolidate children's knowledge about nature, about a careful and caring attitude towards nature

    Reveal knowledge about birds, insects, animals, trees

    Reinforce the rules of behavior in nature

    Develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and peers, a sense of responsibility to your team

    Teach children to answer questions with detailed phrases, using an evidential style of speech.

Vocabulary work: birch forest, spruce forest, oak forest,sheepfolds, cowsheds, predators, herbivores.


audio recording “Sounds of Nature”, “Voices of Birds”; environmental signs; sun and rainbow emblems; a chip for counting points, sketches of animal tracks, a poster “What the forest should not do,” pictures of migratory and wintering birds, environmental signs, pictures for a collage.

GCD move:

Guys, I invite you today to go on a journey, but not an ordinary one, but in the form of a quiz - “We are friends of nature.” We will play as teams, and for this we need to split up. You have cards on the table, you each need to come up and take one. In accordance with the image on the card, divide into teams.

We got two teams: “Sun” and “Rainbow”.

For each correct answer, teams will receive chips.

Team motto "Sun"

Always shine, shine everywhere and help friends in trouble!

Team motto "Rainbow"

Seven flowers - one family! We can't live without each other!

Well, here we are. Do you know where we're going?

I invite you on a journey through the forest. Want to? Have you ever been to the forest?

So, you know the rules of behavior in the forest, let's repeat them.

(Children are shown posters with prohibitory signs “What not to do in the forest”)

You can't make noise or run in the forest.

We must take care of anthills, because ants are forest nurses.

Do not go close to bird nests.

You cannot cut off cobwebs in the forest and kill spiders.

In the forest you need to walk along paths so as not to trample the grass into the soil, you cannot pick flowers, catch butterflies, dragonflies and other insects.

You cannot catch animals and birds and take them home.

You can't light a fire.

Educator: Well done boys! You have well learned the rules of behavior in the forest. So, you can go visit.

Do you know what a forest is? What grows in the forest? Who lives in the forest? (Forest is trees, bushes, herbs, berries, mushrooms, insects, birds, animals)

(Trees are the basis of the forest. They produce oxygen, necessary for clean air, and are housing and shelter for animals and birds).

People are guests of the forest; they should not disturb the forest inhabitants, destroy or pollute their home. The clean forest is a pleasant place to relax and walk.

Forests are different. What is the name of the forest where birches grow? – (birch forest, birch grove)

Where do spruce and pine trees grow? (spruce forest, spruce forest, pine forest, pine forest)

Are there many oak trees? (oak grove)

What is it mixed forest? (Forest where pine, birch, linden, oak, maple, rowan, aspen, spruce grow)

Well done! Well, are you ready? Closed your eyes (recording “Sounds spring forest»), open - we are already in the forest.

1 competition.

Look, guys, I see footprints here, let's try to guess whose they are. And to make it easier to guess, I will ask you riddles:

The team answers "Sun"

1) Who is cold in winter

Walking around angry and hungry? (Wolf)

2) The red-haired godmother tricked everyone (Fox)

The team answers "Rainbow"

1) He slept for a long time all winter, sucking his right paw.

And he woke up and began to roar.

This forest animal (bear)

2) I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,

I live in a dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak tree I gnaw nuts. (Squirrel)

The team answers "Sun"

Vocabulary work: 1. Describe appearance wolf2. Name the wolf family: wolf, she-wolf, wolf cubs3. What is the name of the wolf's house? – lair4. What does a wolf eat? – the wolf hunts hares, wild boars, moose, raids sheepfolds, cowsheds, etc.5. How a wolf prepares for winter - the wolf does not make provisions for the winter. By winter, the fur coat becomes fluffier and warmer.

Vocabulary work: 1. Describe the appearance of the fox.2. Name the fox family: fox, vixen, fox cubs3. Where does the fox sleep? - in the hole4.What does a fox eat? – beetles, frogs, lizards, mice, hare, berries, chickens, catches ducks in ponds, etc.5. How does a fox prepare for winter? – The fox doesn’t stock up. Foxes do not change color, but with the onset of winter cold, the fox's fur coat becomes warmer and more luxurious.

The team answers "Rainbow"

Vocabulary work:

    Describe the appearance of the bear

    Name the bear family: bear, she-bear, cubs

    What is the name of the bear's house? – den

    What does a bear eat? - he eats berries, honey,eats herbs, plant roots, acorns, nuts

    How does a bear prepare for winter? - For the winter he climbs into a den and sleeps until spring. In winter, 2 or 3 cubs are born in the den.

Vocabulary work: 1.- Describe the appearance of a squirrel.2.- Where does the squirrel sleep? - in a nest, hollow of a tree3.- What does a squirrel eat? – nuts, mushrooms, cone seeds.4.- How does a squirrel prepare for winter? – changes his red fur coat to a warm silver-gray one. Prepares supplies: dries mushrooms, collects cones, nuts.

Dynamic pause.

Game “Finish the sentence and show the movement”

team"Sun " team"Rainbow"

Cunning as... Hungry like...

Fast as... Clumsy as...

2 competition

Everyone is in a great mood, and I think we can continue our quiz.


1 “Sun” - Name the animals that hibernate in winter (bear, hedgehog, badger, frog, hamster, the bats, chipmunk)

2 “Rainbow” - Name the birds of prey. (eagle, falcon, owl, hawk)

1 “Sun” – Name the migratory birds. (starling, crane, ducks, swans, geese, rooks, swallows)

2 “Rainbow” - Name the birds that winter in our region. (pigeons, crows, sparrows, magpies, tits, bullfinches)

1 “Sun” - Name the birds that don’t fly? (ostriches, penguins)

2 “Rainbow” - What is worse for birds than hunger or cold? Why? (Hunger is worse, because when they eat, their blood circulates, which makes them warm)

1 “Sun” - Who is called the forest doctor? (woodpecker)

2 “Rainbow” - Which birds fly to us from the south first? (rooks)

2 “Rainbow” - Which bird is considered a symbol of wisdom and knowledge? (owl)

1 “Sun” - White-sided bird. (Magpie)

2 "Rainbow" - Red-breasted bird. (Bullfinch)

Select wintering and migratory birds. (one representative from each team)

On the stand:Sparrow, jackdaw, magpie, woodpecker, tit, owl. Swallow, nightingale, starling, rook, swan, crane.

Team "Sun" laid out on an easel: wintering birds.
Team "Rainbow" laid out on an easel: migratory birds.

We talked about birds and animals, but birds and animals cannot exist without plants.

5 competition

1 “Sun” - What are the names of huge plants with solid trunks from which branches extend? (trees)

2 “Rainbow” - What are the names of plants that have several trunks at once and are inferior in height to trees. (shrubs)

1, 2 teams – What are small plants with soft stems called? (grass)

(After each answer, the teacher displays the corresponding picture: tree, bush, grass)

Guys, look what we got - a ladder. In the forest, plants are arranged along a ladder. Please tell me what plants live below, in the middle, above.

Guys, what do you think, how are they? huge trees and small delicate flowers stand on the ground and don’t fall? What's holding them back? (root) Why do plants need roots? (Plants “drink” water through their roots and obtain nutrients from the soil.)

Didactic game “To whom - what?”

1 "Sun"- What is grass used for? (For animal food.) - What are the names of animals that eat grass? (Herbivores).

2 "Rainbow"- What are mushrooms and berries for and to whom? (For food of animals, birds and humans).

1 "Sun"- What are trees for? (This is a home for animals and birds, leaves provide fresh air).

2 "Rainbow"- What do insects do in the forest? (Food for birds, pollinate plants and flowers).

1 "Sun"- Are birds needed in the forest? (They are the orderlies of the forest and help it reproduce, they sing wonderful songs).

2 "Rainbow"- Tell me, based on the way they feed, what two groups are animals divided into? (Predators and herbivores). – Which of them eats what? (Predators eat meat, herbivores eat grass). (predators: tiger, lion, bear, wolf. Herbivores: giraffe, elk, cow, rabbit, zebra)

Physical education lesson “Animal exercises”

We're going to the woods

Be careful, my friend. (Walking.)

There's a stream ahead,

Cross over - here is the bridge. (On the socks.)

Proceed carefully -

You can get your feet wet here. (Raise their legs high.)

We'll jump around a little

Along a winding path. (Jumping.)

When we hear thunder in the sky,

We'll hide under a bush. (They squat.)

Let's walk slowly -

The rain will catch us on the way. (Easy jogging.)

We came with you, my friend,

Into a dense forest. (Walking.)

6th competition “Riddles-problems”

“Sun” - animals have two pairs of legs, two right legs, two left legs, two in back and two in front. How many legs are there in total? (4)

“Rainbow” - the long-awaited January came, and a lonely wild apple tree bloomed, and then three more linden trees. How many trees have bloomed? (trees don't bloom in January)

- “Sunny” - who can say this to themselves: “I live in a hole, sleep there, relax, then start hunting. I'm looking for a field mouse. I want to catch a hare, but I can’t catch up with him? "(fox)

“Rainbow” - about whom they say this: “In winter, I sleep soundly, buried in a warm hole. I’ve been preparing a stock of mushrooms and berries since the fall. I worked hard and was not lazy. The bear and I have the same concern in winter - to sleep soundly and wait for spring? "(hedgehog)

7 competition

And now the next task: a representative from each team must go to the tables where different objects are lying: drawn branches of pine, oak, spruce, walnut. The cups contain spruce and pine cones, acorns, and nuts. Whoever puts the “babies” to the branches faster gets a point.

8 Task “Find out by description”

1. - “Sun” - You cut a mushroom, and soon you will see that its leg has immediately darkened. And this one never gets dark, even when you dry it. What is the name of this mushroom? (white). The child finds a mushroom and puts it on the easel.

2"Rainbow". These mushrooms live on trees or stumps. live big companies. Sometimes you can collect a whole basket from one tree or stump. What kind of mushroom? (honeycomb) The child is working at the easel.

3. - “Sun” - A beautiful mushroom, bright, but you can’t eat it, but you can’t destroy it either. He heals some animals, and for humans - poisonous mushroom. What kind of mushroom is this? (fly agaric).

4. “Rainbow” Because of their color, these mushrooms are named after a cunning forest animal. (chanterelles)

9. And now a small quick survey:

Who carries the house? (Snail)

Not a bird, but with wings. (Butterfly)

Who wears a hat but doesn't know how to say hello? (mushroom)

What is the difference predator birds from other birds? (Very keen eyes, hooked beak, sharp claws)

Why are ice holes made on reservoirs in winter? (The fish don't have enough air to breathe)

What animal's eyes can see from the front, the side and even the back at the same time? (At the hare)

What bird is called the “forest doctor”? (Woodpecker).

Without what can a plant not grow? (light, water, heat).

What animals fly? - the bats.

- What is the "Red Book"? (The book identifies endangered species of plants, animals and the causes of extinction.)

10 competition.

I will distribute cards to each team. You must confer and lay out the chain. “What I was and what I became.”

Egg – tadpole – frog.
Seed – sprout – plant (dandelion).
Acorn - sprout - oak.

Egg - Chicken - chicken.

You guys answered all the teacher’s questions very well. And you, of course, know that sometimes a person harms nature through his inability to behave while walking. In order for the forests to rustle, birds to sing, and butterflies to frolic, it is necessary to follow the rules of behavior in nature. Knowledge of environmental signs will help you with this. Let's see if you know them.

11 competition. Working with environmental signs.

So, what should you not do in the forest?

    Don't catch beautiful insects.

    Don't tear up webs or destroy spiders, they are useful

    Don't knock it down edible mushrooms, the forest needs them

    Don't light fires

    Don't pick flowers

    Don't cut down trees

    Don't break branches

    You cannot take forest dwellers home with you.

And while the chips collected by the teams will be counted

and I suggest you post the collage “Forest”

Post a collage “Forest”(from the proposed material, children lay out a forest collage)

Well done, everyone did it. The collages turned out wonderful.

Guys, today we visited the forest, held a quiz and remembered who lives where and how, found out why plants need roots, how to behave correctly in the forest, answered questions, guessed riddles. Today you were all smart, and friendship won today.

(using ICT)

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about diversity natural world, respect for nature.

Objectives: to systematize children’s knowledge about the flora and fauna, about the interconnection of phenomena in nature, about environmental protection measures; enrich

and intensify lexicon: climate, predators, herbivores, medicinal plants, hibernation;

develop attention, memory, intelligence, erudition, Creative skills; cultivate a love for nature and a caring attitude towards it.

Preliminary work: looking at paintings, illustrations, reading stories, riddles, memorizing poems, working with layouts climatic zones, drawings and applications on the topic, viewing slides and videos about natural phenomena, role-playing games: "Zoo" , "Veterinary hospital" , "Pharmacy" .

Materials and equipment: tape recorder, laptop, layout natural areas, illustrations, a set of small animals, material for assignments, blanks for crafts "eco-toy" , medals, prizes.

Progress of the lesson:

Host: Hello, dear guests! Today we welcome everyone to the quiz "Ecological ABC" ! Our guys will try to show their knowledge about native nature. The game involves two teams. Our jury will evaluate them. (represents teachers)

Host: But first, let's remember the rules of the game: you cannot give hints or interrupt your comrades. And now we welcome our teams!

Team No. 1 "Predators" Our motto: He is a hero for nature who is a mountain!

Team No. 2 "Herbivores" Our motto: We are lovers of nature - through fire and water for it!

Host: And now before the game I suggest a warm-up - a fun dance "Zverobika" , everyone go out to the middle of the hall. (Children, as shown by an adult, pretend to be animals and dance.)

Host: So we begin, there are many interesting stations ahead of us.

1 station "Answer me"

  • what animals change color for winter? (squirrel, hare)
  • not a bird, but with wings? (butterfly)
  • who carries his own house? (snail)
  • what animal has a bush on its head? (elk)
  • Why are ice holes made on rivers in winter?
  • what animals hibernate? (bear, hedgehog, badger)
  • What bird never hatches its chicks? (cuckoo)
  • what time of year comes after winter? (spring)

2 station "Pathfinder" children are invited to watch slides depicting tracks of wild animals (hare, wolf, squirrel, fox, elk, bear) and determine which animal the trail belongs to.

3 station "Ecological" The children are given cards depicting some kind of environmental situation. The task is to talk about the situation and the consequences of what happened. (people were resting in the forest and left garbage in the clearing, what should be done and what could happen.)

4 station "Crossword" teams are asked to solve crossword puzzles so that keywords appear - the names of the seasons "summer" , "winter" .

5 station "Development" Children need to lay out cards, reflecting the stages of development of an animal or plant. (egg-tadpole-frog

acorn-sprout-oak, etc.)

6 station "Home" teams are offered models of the planet and sets of animals. The task is to resettle the animals in their habitats.

7 station "Green Pharmacy" The children are shown slides with images medicinal plants, they must recognize them and explain why they are useful.

8 station "Shadow" teams are shown one by one the shadows of garden flowers (poppy, rose, lily, carnation, gladiolus, iris) and the children recognize and name them.

9 station "Captains Competition" The children are asked to look at cards with pictures. The task is to read the hidden word from the first letters of the pictures.

10 station "Creative" invite teams to make an eco-toy from waste material, from previously compiled blanks. (for this, there are trays on the tables with plasticine, glue, scissors, paper, felt-tip pens)

The teams work, and the jury sums up intermediate results.

Then the jury evaluates the eco-toy (criteria: originality, use of unusual material, strength, independence of work)

Host: Guys, so you don’t get bored yet, listen to the fabulous announcements and guess their authors.

  • Friends who need needles contact me. (hedgehog)
  • I will help everyone whose alarm clock is broken. (rooster)
  • I am the fluffiest and reddest, please don’t call me Patrikeevna. (fox)
  • Whoever finds my tail, keep it as a souvenir, I will grow a new one. (lizard)
  • Please don’t wake me up until spring, I won’t hear you anyway. (bear)

Host: Guys, our quiz has come to an end. "Ecological ABC" . Today you showed your knowledge, erudition, and ingenuity. Well done!

May our native land
It will get more beautiful year after year.
We are not guests on the planet
Remember this, children!

Learn to save the world!
Happiness to you, see you again!

The jury sums up the results and says that friendship won. Children are awarded a medal

"Young ecologist" , handing out sweet prizes.

Completed by: Zemskova Irina Viktorovna, teacher, first qualification category, MBU d/c 23 "Volga droplets" Tolyatti

Size: px

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1 Quiz on ecology in a preparatory group with children 6-7 years old, authors and compilers: teachers of MADOU Molodtsova T.Yu., Bebeneva A.R. Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about ecosystems (meadow, forest, pond and their inhabitants) through an emotional attitude; to form a sustainable interest in nature. Develop children's ability to work in a team, develop reaction speed, quick wits, resourcefulness and logical thinking. Progress of the quiz. Leading. Guys, today Mother Nature invited us to visit. She wants to know how much you love and know nature. You are ready to go visit her. Children enter the hall and are greeted by Mother Nature. Mother Nature. Hello guys! I have long wanted to meet you, such smart, kind and cheerful guys. And today you came here to answer all my questions and check which of you knows better and knows more about nature. You are cheerful guys And you will not be bored You will answer all the questions of the quiz You answer together And there is no doubt Today friendship will be the Mistress of victories And let the struggle rage more intensely Stronger competition Success is not decided by fate But only by your knowledge Attention! Attention! Let's start our environmental quiz. -Let's introduce our teams. Today the teams “Lyuboznayki”, children of the 8th group, and “Pochemuchki”, children of the 5th group, led by captains, are participating in the quiz. I ask the teams to take their places. - As is customary in quizzes, each team must introduce itself. - Team “Lyuboznayki”, introduce us to your team. Greetings from the team. “We are friends with nature. We should all know about it.” And now the response is given to the “Why” team. “Why don’t people get bored? They just win.” Presenter. Who will evaluate your knowledge today? Let me introduce the members of our distinguished jury. Presentation of the jury members. Mother Nature. Nature hides many secrets and mysteries from us. But we are inquisitive people and any secrets will be revealed to us! Let's start the game. So forward to victory! Mother Nature. A bird is good with a feather, but a man is good with his mind.

2 So, our first competition is “Warm-up”. I will ask questions, and you will answer them. The team that gives the most correct answers in one minute wins. The jury notifies about the beginning and end of the competition sound signal. The team "Curious" begins. Questions for the team: When does grandpa dig potatoes? (in autumn) On which tree do acorns grow? (on an oak tree) What is the one word for the animals that live next to humans? (domestic) Crow, starling, sparrow, swallow, who is it? (birds) What do you call a baby cow? (calf) When does the icicle drip and melt? (in spring) Which animal has a red coat? (squirrel, fox) How many legs does a beetle have? (six) Who sleeps in the forest all winter? (hedgehog, bear, badger) When does the water on the rivers freeze? (in winter) Which bird has a red breast? (at the bullfinch) Is a lion a wild or domestic animal? (wild) Which insect has red wings with black dots? (y ladybug) When do strawberries ripen? (in summer) Which bird breeds chicks in winter? (crossbill) Host: The proverb certainly says about you, “The mind is more valuable than gold.” But we think that the Pochemuchki team is also not cut out for it. Why is the team ready? Let's start! Questions for the “Why” team When does a squirrel store nuts? (in autumn) What word is used to call birds that fly to warmer regions? (migratory) Crucian carp, catfish, pike, perch? (fish) What do you call a baby horse? (foal) When do raspberries ripen in the garden? (in summer) What animal can be called long-eared? (hare) How many legs does a spider have? (eight) What bird heals trees? (woodpecker) When in the sun White snow sparkles? (in winter) What is the one word for animals that live next to humans? (domestic) Is the dog a wild animal or a domestic animal? (domestic) Which tree has a white trunk? (at the birch tree) When does the snowdrop bloom in the forest? (in spring) What does a butterfly eat? (nectar) Which plant helps heal a wound? (plantain) Name the baby hens (chicks) Mother Nature. Well done! They answered our questions well. “Being strong is good, but being smart is better” Mother Nature. Do you guys know how animals and plants grow? Now we will check it! 2 competition. Our next competition is called “Chain of Growth” (2 people each) the whole team

3 Mother Nature: Dear guys! You also managed to prove yourself in this difficult competition. As they say, “The work of the master is afraid.” But everything worked out for you because you worked as a team. This is what the proverb says: “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends,” “One in the field is no warrior,” “All for one, one for all.” Mother Nature: We continue our competition. “Don’t go into the forest to be afraid of wolves.” The following activity will help us find out what you know about animals. 3rd competition “Predators and Herbivores” (3 people per team) Each team must use cards to determine where the predatory animal is and where the herbivore is. Mother Nature: Well, guys, you didn’t lose face in this competition either, you can handle everything! “We worked hard and had fun together,” “Time for business, time for fun.” Leading. And now, while the teams are resting, the jury will sum up the results after 3 competitions, and the audience will guess riddles about nature. Riddles for the audience: Will a twig crack in the distance? Will a bird fly somewhere? It will quiver, its ears will prick up, And it will rush away headlong. Hare I fly all night And catch mice It will become light I fly into the hollow to sleep. An owl who sits on a branch cries peek-a-boo 20 times. Cuckoo These playful friends, Jumpers and screamers, sing songs loudly and swallow mosquitoes. Frogs Russian beauty We all really like her White-trunked and slender And her clothes are green. Birch A mischievous girl in the water Plays and frolics Glistens with scales Swim with me. A fish He is flying over the river This is a miracle airplane Above the water he soars smoothly On a flower his landing. Dragonfly Hut house on the river And a dam on the river Who is this, tell me Architect and builder. Beaver The flower is dancing over the flower

4 He flaps his wings, so beautiful, so good, but you won’t find him in a flowerbed. Butterfly Mother Nature: We think that the jury is ready to announce the first results of our quiz. “Oh, jury, jury, jury, you are strictly not a jury!” The jury's word. This. In my opinion, this is already unnecessary. There will be a dance for a break. Mother Nature. And now our participants move on to the next competition: Wise nature teaches us at any time of the year Birds teach us to sing Spider patience Bees in the field and in the garden Teach us how to work The sun teaches us kindness Snow teaches us purity We need to learn from nature all year round! And you and I have already learned a lot. But as they say, “The head will teach, but the hands will do.” Now each team will have to use pictures to decompose ecosystems - forest, meadow and pond. 4 “Collage forest” (ecosystems) Teams make a collage of ecosystems from pictures of Mother Nature. Well done guys, you completed this task. They showed their ingenuity, intelligence, and patience. It’s not for nothing that they say “Patience and work will grind everything down”, “And do a small thing like a big one.” Guys, have any of you picked mushrooms in the forest? What should you know about mushrooms when picking them? It’s not for nothing that they say: “They are looking for mushrooms in the forest.” Our next competition is about mushrooms. 5th competition “Edible and non-edible mushrooms”. Each team must classify pictures with mushrooms into edible and inedible. Mother Nature: Guys, I’m very glad that you are completing tasks together and showing how much you know about nature. It is not for nothing that they say, “Whoever does not love nature does not love man.” Host: And now our esteemed jury will sum up the results. While the jury is summing up the results, we will check how the audience knows our nature. Questions for viewers: 1. What word is used to call the birds that spend the winter with us? Wintering birds 2. What mushroom is called forest predator? 3. What is one word for animals that live with humans? domestic 4. Crow, rook, starling, duck - who is it? birds 5. Fly, mosquito, ant, butterfly - who is it? insects 6. Which tree has a white trunk? birch 7. What is the name of the ants' house? anthill 8. Which bird throws its eggs into other people's nests? cuckoo 9. Which bird hunts at night? owl 10. Who carries his house on his back? Snail and turtle

5 11. Who sleeps in the forest all winter? bear 12. At what time of year do the trees bloom leaves? spring 13. What wild animal is called long-eared? hare 14. What are the animals of the forest called in one word? wild 15. Pike. Crucian carp, catfish, perch - who is it? fish 16. What bird heals trees? woodpecker 17. Who weaves a web in the forest? spider 18. Which bird has a red breast? bullfinch 19. Which tree has needles like a hedgehog? spruce 20. What insect sucks blood? mosquito 21. First spring flower? Mother and stepmother 22. Where does the water lily grow? In the swamp 23. On which tree do cones grow? Spruce, pine 24. What is the one word for birds that fly south? migratory 25. What is the name of the squirrel's house? hollow Mother Nature. Well then, guys. “The fairy tale will soon be told, but the deed will not be done soon.” We continue our competition. This competition is for captains - the smartest and most knowledgeable. 6th competition “Captains Competition” Mother Nature. Captains, you now have to solve riddles. *To the captain of the “Belchat” team. It lives in the seas and rivers, but often flies across the sky. And when she gets bored of flying, she falls to the ground again. Answer: Water *Captain of the “Hares” team It is not known where he lives. The trees will be oppressed. Tremors will whistle through the river. You're a mischief maker, but you won't stop. Answer: Wind *To the captain of the team “Squirrels” Everyone goes around this place: Here the earth is like dough; There are sedges, hummocks, mosses. There is no support for the feet. Answer: Swamp *To the captain of the “Hares” team Two brothers look into the water, They will not meet forever.

6 Answer: Shores *To the captain of the team “Squirrels” It goes through the nose into the chest and goes back. He is invisible, and yet we cannot live without him. Answer: Air * To the captain of the “Hares” team Flowers are falling from the sky onto the trees and bushes. White, fluffy, but not fragrant. Answer: Snow * To the captain of the team “Squirrels” It grows upside down, It grows not in summer, but in winter. But the sun will bake her - she will cry and die. Answer: Icicle *To the captain of the “Hares” team: Star in winter, water in spring. Answer: Snowflake Host: Indeed, you are real captains, you are not afraid to go into battle with you, and will go on a long voyage. You won't let your team down! Mother Nature: Guys, do you know that wild predatory animals can quickly find their prey by following their tracks. It is not without reason that they say that “the legs feed the wolf.” And we move on to the next competition. 7th competition “Whose traces”. What should children do here? Where are the clear verbal instructions? Mother Nature: That's the end of our quiz. You have successfully completed all tasks. As expected, the jury will sum up the results. Host: In the meantime, dear guys, we’ll watch one cautionary tale. Scene from the audience “Savage in the Forest” Crying ants appear. Leading. What happened ants? 1 ant. We were offended by an evil boy. 2 ants. He crushed our paws. 3 ant. The anthill was destroyed. A crying butterfly appears. Leading. Beautiful butterfly, what happened in the forest?

7 Tell me what grief happened to you? Butterfly. The evil boy caught me. He broke my wing. I can’t fly now. How can I not grieve? Presenter. What is the name of the evil boy who hurt you? Ants. Egor. Leading. Where can I find it? 1 ant. He lies under a bush, listens to music. There is a boy lying under a bush, a tape recorder next to him, plucked flowers and garbage all around. Leading. Come here Egor, there will be a serious conversation. You have done a lot of trouble: you have ruined the anthill. You broke bushes in the forest, picked flowers in a clearing, broke a butterfly’s wing, but you’re not little anymore! We won't let you into the forest, get out of these places! Ants and a butterfly (menacing). Get out of our forest! Egor. Don't drive me away! I don't know how to behave in the forest. Leading. Guys! Let's teach Yegor the rules of behavior in the forest. Children line up in a semicircle. In their hands are drawings with geographical indications of the rules of behavior in the forest. The guys take turns naming these rules and explaining them. Egor. Dear butterfly, I will take pity on you, And I will warm your wing with my breath, And for you, hard-working ants, I will put the house back together, And I will take the garbage and specks Home. (collects garbage and picked flowers) Forgive me, forgive me. I will not destroy nature! And only in the forest, as a guest, will I come to the animals! The jury's word to sum up the results: Awarding the teams with “Young Ecologist” medals.

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