Small home business ideas. Do your friends tell you that you are great as a toastmaster and that you can organize an interesting evening, party or your best friend's wedding? Great - your home business: organizing events. Business ideas for men

Home Business Ideas

A list of ideas that you can make with your own hands at home and sell. Production of handmade products from fabric, wood, cardboard, shells, leather bottles.

Features of producing aquaprint with your own hands at home, as a business with minimal investment for beginners. Equipment for aquaprint.

Answers to the question of how to make money as a full-time student in the evening. Online work from home ideas for students with daily pay.

Options for making money without leaving home. The answer to the question of what to do at home, for students, women on maternity leave, and freelancers.

List of business ideas for small production at home for men in 2019. Options for making money in the field of production at home for beginners.

List profitable ideas 2019 at home for women. How can a girl start her own business with minimal investment at home and achieve success? Options for additional income.

Mini business ideas with minimal investment at home in 2019. Options for making money for aspiring entrepreneurs at home with their own hands.

The most lucrative home-working jobs for women in 2019. How can a woman make money at home with her own hands with minimal investment?

Advice from farmers on which animals are profitable to breed for business at home. Advantages and disadvantages of raising animals for income from home.

Top ideas on what you can do while on maternity leave to earn money. Business in maternity leave for women. Where to begin? Profitable earning options.

Ideas on how to open your own home business

Opening your own business at home will be beneficial for budding entrepreneurs with a limited budget. Business at home is promising, quite profitable and quickly pays off. How to make money at home? Home business has many significant advantages. Firstly, you can sell some types of goods, manufacture products, and provide services right at home. The only downside is that not every type of activity can be done at home. For example, it would be unrealistic to open a store or pharmacy in an apartment. Also, neighbors will not always be happy to be next door to an entrepreneur, especially if your way of earning money somehow disturbs their peace. Therefore, before choosing which business to start at home, it is worth wisely analyzing possible business ideas at home. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur with little start-up capital and no experience in the commercial field, then home-based business ideas are just for you. Don't be afraid to take risks, everything is in your hands.

Million dollars - American dream, which our compatriots are adopting. But you need to start small, so before you open your business from scratch, you should learn all the intricacies at home. And we will help you with this!

How to open your own business from scratch - the beginning

Since not everyone succeeds in starting their own business, especially from scratch, it is necessary to delve into the intricacies, find ideas, and study your personal qualities. If you are a businessman by nature, there will be no difficulties.

Moral preparation

1. It’s always difficult to start, so it’s important to prepare psychologically. Realize that not only ups and downs await you ahead, but also downs that must be overcome. Step by step - this is how it is, the path to the top.

2. It is important to understand once and for all that they are immersed in their business headlong. Perhaps you will forget about your family and husband for a while, sit for hours on papers, sleep 4 hours a day. Are you ready to give up your established life, stable job and monthly payment? If yes, go for it!

3. Prepare for the fact that you will need to study every day, study a lot and diligently. You will encounter ill-wishers, boring landlords and suppliers. You will have to master negotiation techniques and fine-tune the work brick by brick.

4. Despite all this great importance have your personal qualities, namely stress resistance, ability to control yourself, cunning, intelligence, ingenuity. If you are ready to take risks on all counts, get support, forget about prejudices, and proceed to the next step.

Field of activity

1. Before you open your business, you need to conduct preliminary analysis from scratch at home. Study the region, city, area where you plan to operate. It is necessary to understand which areas are not very developed, and in which, on the contrary, there is crazy competition and it will be difficult to break through.

2. It is important to choose an area that can be developed. Otherwise, in a year you will stagnate, the desire to do what you once loved will fade, and there will simply be nowhere to grow. Think about it, are you ready to work for 6-12 months for a “thank you”?

3. If you have definitely decided that you want to open a grocery store/hair salon/atelier, study all the nuances of this business. It is necessary to prepare in advance for the pitfalls organizational issues, taxation, etc.

4. What is important is that you must be smarter, more professional and experienced than the people who work for you. But we are not talking about the technical part (for example, cutting hair). The main thing is that your subordinates see you as a leader, leader of the pack, and authority.

Start-up capital

1. If you don't have a big budget, don't give up on your plans. Look for an idea that doesn't require a lot of money. Do not count on immediate income, the business will pay off, there are practically no risks with small capital.

2. Before you open your own business, understand that you can build a business from scratch without loans at 100%, loans from distant relatives or false friends. Talk to your family at home and make a decision together.

3. At the start, your business does not always go smoothly, so you should not apply to the bank for a loan. Monthly payments plus your nerves will ruin you at an early stage.

4. Do not use money intended for children’s education, home renovation, purchase of a family car, or treatment as starting capital.

5. Look for other ways, for example, selling off unnecessary items, old household appliances or the second family car.


1. A personal file will “suffocate” without a goal. On initial stage planning and thinking, face it - what do you expect from your business? Do you want to be a leader, earn a lot of money or prove your worth to others? If you answered “Yes” to one of three goals, most likely, the matter will not work out.

2. Owning your own business does not mean getting rich quick or managing personnel. This is, first of all, a set of targeted actions that need to be brought to automaticity.

3. It is very important at the initial stage to be 100% confident in a positive result. Because thoughts of failure or the slightest doubt will only become stronger in the future. You will doom the case to a negative result in advance.

4. Only a positive-minded person will achieve success. From now on it is necessary to read motivating books, watch films about successful people or stories from YouTube.

Quality of products/services

1. When deciding how to open your business from scratch, you need to pay due attention to the quality of the products or services offered. At home, you need to study the market, identify negative and positive sides competitors.

2. For example, many of them take in quantity, subsequently struggle with endless complaints and spoil their nerves. Others are smarter and focus on quality. Who do you want to be?

3. The buyer will always give his plus sign to the company that provided him with the product highest quality, served with a smile and wished Have a good day. This is how you will build your customer base in the future.

4. To answer the question accurately, it is enough to find out how high-quality the product or service you offer is. If you do not like the result, reconsider the option offered to the end consumer.


1. Some people, when asked how to open their own business, transfer some of the responsibilities for paperwork from scratch to intermediaries. But after sitting and thinking at home, you will be able to carry out these manipulations yourself.

2. Don’t assume that if you have the money, professionals will do all the work for you. They will not do it as well as the business owner himself. In addition, you will have to contact various authorities again and again in the future. Why not pay intermediaries for small pieces of paper?!

3. Successfully register an individual entrepreneur/LLC, register a primary charter, choose a landlord, hire employees, create all the conditions for work - you can do all this and much more on your own, without resorting to the help of companies.

Small business with minimal investment - ideas

There are basic areas of activity with which you can start your own business with virtually no investment of funds. Often such activities require registration of an individual entrepreneur. To understand how to open your own business from scratch, decide what you can do at home.


See yourself as someone who can give something to others. If you do handicrafts, quality work If presented correctly, people will definitely appreciate it. The first clients will appear.

Think about what you can really do. Perhaps you are good at knitting, manicure, baking, haircutting, sewing, massage, and makeup artistry. If you know how to do hair, try yourself as a hairdresser.

Intermediary services

Intermediation services in Lately are in demand and are very popular. If you have previously sold any products and were doing well, you should start your own business.

How to start such a business from scratch? Ideas can appear suddenly. You can start purchasing small quantities of various goods. Start with the little things. China may be a good supplier. Implement ideas and calculate profits. Small victories are the key to great success.


If you have previously specialized in any field of activity, the information you possess can bring profit. You know foreign language or academic subject? Great! Take up tutoring.

Read if necessary necessary literature and remember the little things. You can prepare schoolchildren and students for exams. Make abstracts and term papers. They pay well for such activities.


When thinking about how to open your own business from scratch, remember your abilities. If you have noticed some peculiarities in yourself, it’s time to implement them.

You may be able to see a situation differently than others and be able to predict the outcome. A serious person in a company may need a valuable adviser in your person.

For example, you must analyze the situation and find a way out. Such employees are especially valued in times of crisis.

Do you have a lot of ideas? Do not hesitate to report them to your manager. Solve the situation together and think about how to improve your business, only as a partner. Set your own conditions.

Strategy on how to start your own business

Step #1. Defining an idea

Think carefully and choose a direction that will really interest you. At home, ideas can be limited, don't forget that.

Once you have decided on a goal, think about what you can give the client. Your offer must be unique and different from competitors. Assess the level of competition.

Step #2. Drawing up a business plan

How to write a business plan without special knowledge for a small business? Don't be alarmed, there's nothing wrong with this. You need to do some simple calculations yourself. In them you need to calculate approximate expenses and income already with markup.

It is important to determine the effectiveness of the business you are going to do. Soberly assess how much you can and are willing to invest. Consider consumables and possible equipment and furniture. Analyze, perhaps you already have some of the things.

Next, you need to calculate the point at which you will not incur losses. The payback time of the business will depend on this criterion. Clearly analyze the prices of purchased products. Select suitable suppliers. Don't forget about shipping costs.

Step #3. Start of action

When deciding how to open your business from scratch, it is important to calculate all the details at home. If necessary, find suitable premises for rent.

Buy everything you need. This must be the product, consumables, furniture or equipment offered. Prepare the work area thoroughly.

Step #4. Recruitment

This step is not particularly important if you can handle the job yourself. Look for help if necessary.

Choose workers who have experience in your field of activity. Remember, never do business with loved ones or family. Ultimately, failure is guaranteed.

Step #5. Starting a business

Attract clients with any accessible ways. Try to advertise yourself in in social networks. Post budget advertisements yourself. Hand out flyers.

Generate your first sales, don’t rush to rejoice, even if everything is fine. Be cool, do the necessary analysis. Consider the shortcomings. Run your business in test mode. You need to get things done.

Step #6. Generating income

Do not stop there, improve and continue to improve the process of activity. Think and select the most suitable sales options.

Strictly control financial flows. Set aside part of your profits to expand your business. Do not try to spend income on personal needs; 70% of profits should go to expanding the business.

To understand how to start your own business from scratch, you need to learn a lot. Do not rush to “rush” to ideas that have just appeared in your head. Analyze everything carefully at home. Compare competitors and the opportunity to enter your business niche.

Financial independence provides a person not only with peace of mind in relation to tomorrow, but also allows you to implement Creative skills. But what about those who are limited in their capabilities: pensioners, mothers on maternity leave, the disabled? Start earning money on your own, without an employer and without leaving home.

But before you set off on a free voyage, you need to resolve several basic issues:

  • The most important thing is to decide what kind of business to open at home? It is necessary to formulate an idea that will be developed in the future. It is better if it is related to your hobbies and skills;
  • Decide what you will need to develop your own business, find out what equipment you may need, whether there is enough space for it, whether you will need the help of hired workers;
  • Rate financial opportunities, draw up a business plan. Much depends on the required starting capital;
  • Choose at home options that will be within your capabilities, both in terms of time and moral effort, financial investments or basic knowledge;
  • Find out the prospects of the chosen business. Opening another online store for a product that is sold by tens of thousands may seem attractive, but it is unlikely to bring the desired results;
  • Do you think you have prepared enough and can start a business? You can go to the tax office and register as individual entrepreneur. We advise you to ask the tax inspector all the questions that interest you, because you will not only have to work, but also report on the profit received.

It should be remembered that a company that does not have a license, is not registered, or violates an obtained license is considered illegal. However, to establish the illegality of a business, it is necessary to establish its systemic nature or the fact that large-scale income was received.

And a small home-based business can hardly be classified as such cases, at least in the early stages. Therefore, small home business options that do not immediately generate large incomes can be started without registration.

And later, when you get back on your feet and start making a good profit, you can go through these official procedures.

Watch the video: Making a photo album using scrapbooking technique

What kind of business can you start at home?

Many of today's big businessmen started their business by working from home, why not follow their example? Decide what you can already do really well?

About the most latest news and trends in business with a franchise can be read

Great business idea: building houses

You can take advantage of the strangeness of our real estate market. For example, an apartment in the city. Even if it’s not the biggest one, it’s quite expensive. At the same time, for a much smaller amount you can purchase a plot of land and build on it frame house decent area.

Even taking into account the supply of all communications, it will cost much less. And this state of affairs gives rise to the idea of ​​building houses for sale.

However, the implementation of such a plan will require the hiring of qualified work force and careful development. But the profit, with the right approach to business, will be very, very good.

Another piece of advice that will be useful to anyone who wants to start. Don’t think that owning your own business is necessarily something new, unrelated to what you are doing now.

Eg, good economist may well turn his knowledge to his own benefit and become a good trader in the market valuable papers, bonds or Forex. It is not necessary to look for funds to open your own salon - it is quite possible to receive clients at home.

And a knowledgeable doctor can provide online consultations over the Internet. Each of us already knows how to do something and loves to do it, so the best idea will be one that allows you to enjoy your work - only in this way can a business bring both real income and real pleasure.

We decided to do own business? To do this, it is not necessary to rent an expensive office, the rent of which will have to pay a large part of your earnings - if it is a small business, then there are dozens of ideas for home production. This kind of thing requires a small investment! Let's explore what you can do now.

Pros and cons of a home business

Before opening a workshop in your garage or next door, it is better to first weigh the pros and cons of such a decision. Despite minimum investment, you will still have to spend part of the funds on preparing the site, purchasing materials, and any additional expenses. If you know the advantages and disadvantages in advance, this will allow you to more accurately assess your own strengths.

The advantages include:

But, of course, there were some downsides. The most striking disadvantages include:

  • Difficulties with self-organization. Freelancers often suffer from this because it is difficult for them to create a productive work schedule.
  • At the beginning of a career, high labor costs are expected both for the production of goods and for their sale. You may even have to work seven days a week at first.
  • Income depends only on you - by going on vacation or taking sick leave, you lose part of the profit.
  • If you open a business without registering it, you cannot receive vacation pay, sick leave, or other social guarantees.

What options can a man choose?

Let's take a closer look at the most suitable types of business for men. To the most profitable ideas include the following:

Production of polyurethane foam

This product is very popular in construction and renovation. Despite the fact that this product is relatively new on the market, it is indispensable not only for professional builders, but also ordinary people using the product for domestic purposes.

The main steps to produce a product are as follows:

  1. Mix all the ingredients according to the instructions to obtain polyurethane foam.
  2. Place the resulting mixture in a sealed container. If it “leaks”, the polymerization process will go wrong and you won’t get the final product.
  3. We create the necessary pressure in the vessel using propane-butane.
  4. After a certain time (this will also be indicated in the instructions), you need to connect the gaseous components of the foam and the polyurethane foam composition.
  5. We put a special valve on the container - the mixture is ready for use.

It is important to remember - the production of polyurethane foam requires special knowledge, therefore, at first it is better to consult with experts in this matter.

Cement production

Probably, cement is one of the most popular materials in the construction industry, since it is used for building houses, pouring paths, etc. However, this cannot be done without a small start-up capital to purchase all the required equipment. But if things go well, you can quickly recoup your investment and start making good profits.

The main stages of the technological process:

  1. Clinker is an intermediate material consisting of granules. It is the basis of ready-made cement. To get it, you need to mix clay and lime, and constantly. This process is one of the most expensive – it accounts for more than 65% of the cost of cement.
  2. Next, the components of the mixture are ground - clinker, mineral additives and gypsum are crushed. The size of the treated grains should be no more than 100 microns.

By the way, the method of cement production will also depend on the production of raw materials:

  • Wet. IN in this case the raw materials should be crushed directly in water, and the mixture will have the form of a suspension. Humidity will be approximately 40%.
  • Dry. In this case, the charge will be in the form of a powder, which must be dried before mixing it with the other components.
  • Combined option, requiring a combination of “dry” and “wet” methods. In this case, the resulting mixture will have a moisture content of about 20%.

Most of the expenses will go towards the purchase of equipment, since you will need to buy a special crusher for crushing limestone, a mill for grinding the rest of the products, a clay mixer, a kiln (to produce clinker), refrigeration units, pumps for supplying the mixture, packaging equipment.

Tool making

You can start making shovels or rakes - such a tool is needed both in construction and in agriculture. Therefore, it is profitable to produce it, especially if your prices are lower than those of your competitors. Here you also cannot do without equipment, but the main thing is the ability to work with your hands.

What small business ideas are good for women?

But not only men, but also women can engage in home production - they cope with such small businesses no worse, and in some cases have advantages. Let's look at some profitable options.

Sewing workshop

The main thing here is not to do everything with your own hands, but to properly organize a staff of craftsmen, organizing sewing production at home.

At the same time, you are responsible for opening an individual entrepreneur, forming a staff, purchasing raw materials, providing work, finding clients and promoting the business, maintaining accounting - that is, all administrative and organizational work.

To minimize risks and not go broke, it is worth expanding the list of manufactured goods - this could be bed linen, children’s clothing, outerwear, school uniform. Separately, it is worth dwelling on sewing clothes for dolls from scraps that were left over. In this case, you will simply have waste-free production.

One of good ideas– creating festive costumes that can not only be sold, but also rented out.

Production of semi-finished products

Whatever the economic situation in the country, people will always buy food. That's why it's very profitable business is the production of semi-finished products. To make this small home manufacturing business idea a reality, you will need:

  • High quality freezers.
  • Cooks.
  • Bags or packaging containers.

In addition, you can make jams at home, various confectionery. However, to do this, you should contact the competent authorities to obtain permits to conduct such a business. The best way to promote your business is by word of mouth, when your phone is passed from hand to hand. But posting advertisements, advertising on the Internet, and contacting offices and other companies directly to organize lunches are also suitable.

Landscape design

To decorate the garden, people often use various figurines, accessories, and other items. This is where you can start making good money, especially since the process of making products is very simple, does not require large investments, and sketches for manufacturing can be found on the Internet.

Which options are considered the least expensive?

Most often, beginning entrepreneurs do not have much money to purchase serious equipment and set up production processes. Therefore, there are several business ideas that practically do not require start-up capital.


Many people today are engaged in hand-made things: beautiful bracelets, accessories, jewelry, toys—whatever people produce. You just need to choose the option that suits you - better do what your soul strives for, because only in this case the accessories will be of high quality, beautiful, and interesting.

So, you can create your own website and additionally make pages on social networks, you can find a shop with souvenirs and give them your products for a percentage. Don’t forget to participate in specialized exhibitions - you will definitely find your buyers there.

Making business cards

This business is considered very profitable and quite simple if you own special programs, and the contribution will be minimal. The main thing is to create unique and interesting business cards that people will want to buy. You can post your work on freelance sites or even create your own website, promote it, and distribute advertisements in offices and shopping centers.

Making business cards is very simple: we create a layout, print business cards, laminate them and hand them over to clients after payment.

Dry cleaning

A very profitable business, the organization of which does not require serious investments. You just need to purchase equipment (you can use one washing machine) and good cleaning products. Advertising your business is easy - place advertisements on the Internet, newspapers, or you can post them at entrances. In the future, when the business begins to generate income, you can start visiting clients - picking up laundry, doing dry cleaning and bringing it back. In this case, there will be many more clients.

Animal care

This area is very popular and can bring good income if proper organization. For example, you can organize a temporary hotel for animals whose owners need to leave for a few days. You can sew clothes for animals by posting your work on social networks.

A few unusual ideas - take note

If growing and caring for plants is more your thing, let's look at the following small business ideas.

Growing coffee trees

Today, many people would like to purchase for themselves a “home” tree or bush that would bear fruit. Why not grow a coffee tree? First, try to start with 3-5 seedlings no more than two years old, which will allow you to immediately begin harvesting cuttings. Try to sell such trees during their flowering period - then they are most attractive.

Growing Tender Violets

The main advantages of choosing violets are that they require minimal care, are easy to propagate and grow, and bloom for about 7 months of the year. Some of the species of this flower can bloom for about 10 months.

To achieve maximum effect from growing, it is best to organize a mini-garden in a separate room with an area of ​​at least 15 square meters, where you can create the required conditions for temperature and humidity. Also prepare a substrate for growing plants: you will need peat moss, vermiculite, perlite, Activated carbon, dolmite flour, microelements.

Growing figs (wine berry)

This plant and its fruits are known throughout the world due to their useful properties, because fig fruits contain iron, a lot of vitamins, organic acids, minerals - such fruits have a lot of advantages. True, the disadvantages of the fig tree include its rather high cost, because a good option– grow figs yourself at home, especially since they do not require serious care or the creation of any special conditions.


We told you about several suitable ideas for promoting a home business. The main thing is to choose a niche and fruitfully promote it, not forgetting to register with the tax authorities, which will allow you to avoid fines for illegal business activities.

In contact with

Some people, when they stop working for someone else, seriously think about starting their own home business. So what to do? Great news! - it's not as difficult as it seems, some types of business are within reach for anyone who wants to take the risk and start working for themselves.

To open most of your own businesses presented below, 50 thousand rubles or less is enough.

1. Do you know what finance is? Great - start working as an incoming accountant or financial analyst.

Before you start, think about what you want? You can run several small companies and individual entrepreneurs. Or, having extensive experience, you can include in your services the services of a chief accountant: balance sheet, reporting tax authorities, maintaining financial and business documents. This service is in demand even among medium-sized businesses. Also, a relevant service is for financial management: tax optimization, cost reduction, etc. Often even large businesses need this service. By recruiting several clients, you will ensure yourself a good home business.

The cost of opening such a business is the cost of opening an individual entrepreneur and a little advertising.

2. Do you know how to repair equipment and love bicycles? Great - start repairing, tuning, renting and selling used bicycles.

IN last years Bicycles have become a part of people's lives, both in large metropolitan areas and in medium-sized cities. The population has a huge amount of bicycle equipment in their hands. Which undoubtedly breaks down or, from time to time, requires a little modernization. And here you can turn around - repairing chains, shock absorbers, bushings, changing tires, replacing spokes, fenders, seats, replacing brakes - this is a small part of what you can do, literally in your garage.

The second direction of this business is purchasing broken bicycles from the population, repairing them and selling them at prices lower than the cost of new ones. Many people dream of an advanced bicycle, but do not have the funds for new ones. And here your service is in demand.

The cost of opening a bicycle repair business is the cost of opening an individual entrepreneur, the cost of advertising (flyers), renting premises, a small material base of spare parts. It’s easy to meet 30 thousand rubles.

See more details:

3. Do you know what finance is, but don't want to be an accountant? Great - start helping aspiring businessmen - sell ready-made business plans and provide other assistance.

So, do you know what a business plan is? And are you ready to help people? Get started now. Ready-made business plans are very valuable, and the service is in great demand. Moreover, in addition to ready-made business plans you can carry out marketing research, make up financial analytics and other non-standard services for business.

The cost of opening such a business is the cost of opening an individual entrepreneur and the cost of small advertising.

4. Have you always liked risk and heights? Great! The good old profession of a chimney sweep suits you.

Chimney cleaning and inspection is, at first glance, an outdated service. But, if you look to the suburbs? Any good private house has several chimneys - from the heating boiler to the fireplace. Plus a bathhouse. All chimneys must be cleaned, otherwise there is a huge risk that the smoke will not leave the room, resulting in a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. This is exactly what you should write in your advertisement and distribute it to nearby private houses.

Attention! If I provide such a service, you must obtain a license, including a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The cost of opening such a business is opening an individual entrepreneur, training and obtaining a license, equipment.

Related business ideas:

5. Do you like to clean the house? Great - open a cleaning service.

At first glance, cleaning is a dirty business. On the other hand, people are willing to pay good money for this business. Especially if you can not only clean the premises, but also wash windows, dry-clean carpets and furniture, and also polish parquet and wooden floor coverings. Cleaning is a service that will always be in demand.

The cost of opening a cleaning service is opening an individual entrepreneur, household chemicals, hired personnel and a little advertising. Moreover, first you can place advertisements on free bulletin boards or directly distribute flyers to houses in your area.

6. They call you a geek, and your friends bring you old equipment? Great - open a computer and mobile equipment repair service.

It's very simple - you repair computers or Cell phones, and people pay you money for it. Difficult? Much easier than nailing it. Try reading relevant educational literature. You will see that replacing the screen glass on an iPhone 6S takes 2 hours, but people are willing to pay 10 thousand rubles for these 2 hours... and it will be great if these 2 hours of time are yours.

In addition, you can buy old equipment, repair and sell it.

The cost of opening such a service is opening an individual entrepreneur, renting a space, and a material supply of spare parts.

7. Hey you! Do you love teaching people and have a lot of experience? Great - you are a born consultant.

Become a consultant in an area of ​​expertise you are familiar with. You once helped a gym director turn his business into a chain of fitness clubs? Or you know how to quickly and cheaply build a house and are ready to provide estimates, plans, lists necessary documents? Amazing. Thousands of people are now looking for you who are willing to pay well for your experience.

The cost of starting a consulting business is starting an individual entrepreneur, a little advertising.

8. Do you know the value of old things and like to tinker with them? Great - you can become a professional junk dealer on eBay!

Yes, you read that right. Professional junk dealer on eBay! Like this? You can collect old or unnecessary things from yourself, your family, friends, acquaintances, neighbors. Some things need to be repaired a little, others need to be cleaned, others need to be given a marketable appearance. There are a lot of, well, crazy people in the world who are ready to pay you a tidy sum for these things. List your finds on eBay - put a fixed amount or start an auction, if the item is worthwhile, you will quickly see for yourself that there is a demand for them. Open your own little shop on eBay.

The cost of opening such a store is only your time to do what you love.

9. Your friends tell you that you are great as a toastmaster and can organize an interesting evening, party or wedding best friend? Great - your home business: organizing events.

If you are well versed in modern trends, you know how to find an interesting restaurant or good musicians. You can easily organize a birthday party, a wedding, a party and any other event. Most people don't want to deal with all the organizational paperwork and they will pay you if their evening is top notch.

The cost of opening such a business is opening an individual entrepreneur and a little advertising.

10. Are you an expert? Great - open your own expert bureau.

Expert assessment or acting as an expert witness in court is extremely required service in some business sectors. Your experience and expert opinion will be greatly appreciated. A little advice - don’t focus on your city or region, cover the whole country, be prepared to travel to where your expert opinion necessary.

The cost of opening such a business is obtaining the necessary licenses, organizing legal entity, premises rental, advertising.

11. Do you know how to save money on rent? Great - share your experience with people. For money.

Energy resources are becoming more expensive every year, but most of The population has not yet learned how to save correctly and wisely. Teach them to save gas, electricity, heat. Conduct an inspection of the premises and equipment. Identify weak spots. Provide detailed calculations, on paper, that replacing old windows with new highly efficient windows will result in significant savings on heat, literally next year. And installing a new gas water heater with automatic ignition will save several cubic meters of gas per month, which was spent on burning the wick of the old water heater.

Additionally, you can provide the services of an intermediary or auditor between customers and clients when changing equipment.

The cost of opening such a business is opening an individual entrepreneur, advertising.

12. Do you know how to do little? Great - you can make one-page sites, customize contextual advertising or just make money online.

The stable demand for one-page sites generates a huge number of offers. But still this cannot satisfy the demand. Find a niche for cheap one-page websites - it doesn’t matter how you make them through a one-page generator, or download a collection of templates, the main thing is that you satisfy the request - a cheap and fast one-page website. Additionally, you can set up contextual advertising for these sites. You can easily find how to make websites and set up advertising on the Internet; there is no shortage of such tutorials.

The cost of such a home business is a little of your time for primary advertising.

13. Do you know how tiles and wallpaper combine? What color suits a room on the sunny side? Great - get involved in interior design and architectural supervision.

Despite all the ups and downs - people change homes, buy new ones, move and they need new interiors. This does not even count the opening of new stores and various offices.

Provide interior design services, select materials for finishing, and provide supervision over construction crews who will decorate the premises according to your design.

The cost of opening such a business is the organization of a legal entity, advertising.

14. You do beautiful jewelry for yourself and your friends? Great - start making designer jewelry to sell.

Making jewelry has always been considered a profitable business, since the demand for this kind of product is stable - materials change, but not fashion. Find your style and offer people your creations. Try different materials - pearls, silver, plastic, gold, stones. To promote your business, give your best products public people. Despite the huge selection of “jewelry” on the market, there are not so many truly exclusive products. You find yourself in a half-empty niche. A little persistence and you will achieve sustainable success.

You can carry out primary promotion of your product via the Internet, on free message boards.

The cost of opening such a business is renting premises, opening a legal entity, advertising.

15. Do you have a talent for writing and love to bargain? Great - become a marketing copywriter.

Learn to describe the product in such a way that anyone who reads it will want to buy it. That’s the whole secret of writing advertising texts, articles and booklets. The higher your experience, the more stable the demand for your services. Start recruiting it on content exchanges, little by little you will gain a list of regular customers and good source arrived.

  • The cost of opening such a business is your time and your experience.
16. Have you been involved in sports since childhood and have experience, titles and professional acumen? Great - you're a personal trainer!

Teach people how to do yoga, fitness, pump iron, play chess, ski, golf... and much more. All people strive for excellence, why not help them in this? Organize a personal one-on-one training business with your favorite activity. You will be rewarded for your skill and effort.

The cost of starting such a business is your time, your experience and a little advertising.

17. Do you understand a little about electricity and know how to extract it... from the sun? Great - give electricity to people!

Today more and more more people are turning their attention to generating electricity from the sun. Autonomous power supply is the dream of any owner of a private home. On the other hand, equipment for solar power plants available to everyone, but not everyone can correctly and effectively collect it on their site. Help them. Select equipment, provide installation recommendations, or install it. This is a great home business. Your home business.

The cost of opening such a business is opening an individual entrepreneur and advertising.

18. Can you repair furniture? Excellent - provide repair and upholstery services for upholstered furniture.

Modern furniture - designers from ready-made elements - base, back, seat. Everything can be dismantled and repaired. Take advantage of this. If you have no experience, but have a desire, you can find advice and instructions on your questions on the Internet. The required tools are minimal, but the demand is high.

The cost of a home furniture repair business - opening an individual entrepreneur, initial tools, advertising.

The home business presented below, to open which you need to spend a little more than 50 thousand rubles.

19. Do you know that a compressor produces cold in a refrigerator, not Santa Claus? Excellent - major repair household appliances your business.

You must understand the circuitry of such devices and know what is responsible for what. Then everything is relatively simple. Modern technology has a component circuit and each component can be replaced with a similar one. Therefore, you just need to learn how to change these components and know how to connect them correctly. For example, all refrigerators with the “NoFrost” system (a technology by which refrigerators do not require defrosting) are equipped with an analogue or electronic timer that starts the heating element on a schedule to melt the ice automatically. Melt water flows into the pan and evaporates from there due to the heating of the compressor. Just? Very. So, this relay costs about 500-700 rubles and is universal for most refrigerators. And its breakdown is the most common occurrence. Replacing such a relay with a specialist will cost 4000-5000 rubles and 20 minutes of time (the roof in the freezer compartment is removed, the old relay is turned off, a new one is connected, the lid is put in place). That's the whole business.

The cost of such a business is opening an individual entrepreneur, a material supply of spare parts for large household appliances and a small advertisement (on free boards like Avito).

20. Love it heavy physical work, know how to work with various materials? Great - installing fences is your business.

Surprised? But the fence is the most ordered construction service. Yes. At the same time, the variety of shapes and designs of fences is amazing. Check out all the types. Make a small estimate per linear meter for each type you might install. Wood, metal, concrete, corrugated board, wicker, rattan - this is a small list of materials used.

Place an advertisement listing all types of fences that you can install. Your service will definitely be ordered. And the speed of installation will allow you to earn the necessary amount during the season to wait out the off-season.

  • Additionally: You can assemble greenhouses to order .

The cost of such a business is opening an individual entrepreneur, a team, tools, advertising, a car for transportation.

21. Do you like to do manicures, know how to take care of your hair and do good makeup? Great - your home business: home stylist services.

Beauty is a terrible force. Therefore, there will always be a demand for beauty. Start meeting this demand. Technologies for hair extensions, manicure, nail extensions, proper makeup are available, and sufficient training can be found on the Internet. Consumables can also be easily ordered online.

The cost of such a business is opening an individual entrepreneur, equipment, consumables, advertising.

22. Do you enjoy being outdoors and love to tinker with the soil? Great - you can provide services according to landscape design and equipment natural areas recreation.

Landscape design is a modern business area that is only gaining momentum and demand is increasing every year. Lawn installation, drainage, irrigation systems, alpine slides, decorative ponds and fountains, vertical gardening, planting plants and flowers, installation of sidewalks, laying paving stones, landscape lighting, construction of gazebos, barbecues - a small list of your services.

All of the above and additional services are widely presented on the Internet, literature is available, ready materials(rolled turf etc.) are available - you need to gain insight and knowledge.

Place your advertisement, prepare ready-made solutions and estimates for various types of services, so that your future clients have an idea of total cost works Distribute leaflets to all villages in the suburbs of your city. And start working.

The cost of this type of business is opening an individual entrepreneur, a team, tools, transport and materials for work.