The national idea in the Republic of Kazakhstan is what unites us. Behind the line of the message: the national idea of ​​Kazakhstan embodied the individuality of the country, its strengths and the best qualities of the people - Professor of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhanylzhan Dzhunusova. National

Nurkanova Bakytzhan Zhambyrbaevna

History and Geography Teacher

KSU " high school No. 2 of the city of Taiynsha"

Subject: National idea « Mangilik ate "as a vector for the development of Kazakhstani society.

1. In the Address to the people of Kazakhstan dated January 17, 2014 “Kazakhstan Path -2050: common goal, common interests, common future”, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev proposed to develop and adopt the Patriotic Act “Mangilik El”.

“Mangilik El” is the national idea of ​​our all-Kazakh home, the dream of our ancestors. Over 22 years of sovereign development, the main values ​​have been created that unite all Kazakhstanis and form the foundation of the future of our country. They are not taken from transcendental theories. These values ​​are the experience of the Kazakhstan Way, which has stood the test of time,” said the Head of State.

This year 2016 is marked by an important event - the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. All the achievements made over these years are the merit of the peaceful people of Kazakhstan, who, thanks to the far-sighted policy of our ate bass-Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev, created one country-peace-loving, looking towards a bright future. The national idea should unite our aspirations, worldviews, spiritual values, national priority areas economy..

Time has shown that the most reasonable path is to combine the interests of all citizens of the country, regardless of their ethnicity. The country's transition to a civil state of society, the formation of a single people in Kazakhstan becomes the core of the national idea.

Any national idea is a capacious, but at the same time extremely compressed formula, from which a basic ideological concept is developed that determines the life of the state, society, and citizens for the long term. The following characteristics of a national idea are considered generally accepted. It must: have a visual image - a symbol and be based on ideology; belong to ancestors through history, stories, legends; be beneficial to the individual, society, and government; not contain deliberate unrealizability and lies; be brief; be understandable to the child.

All this is embodied in the idea of ​​“Mangilik El”.

The idea of ​​“Mangilik El” -this is national unity, peace and harmony in our society. Secondly, this secular society and high spirituality. This is economic growth based on industrialization and innovation. This is the Society of Universal Labor, a common history, culture and language, this is national security and the global participation of our country in solving global and regional problems. Thanks to these values, we have always won, strengthened our country, and multiplied our great successes. The ideological basis of the New Kazakhstan Patriotism lies in these state-forming, national values.”

Scientific, cultural figures, and intelligentsia of our country are considering and creating various directions in the implementation of the national idea “Mangilik El”. And I think the main direction is modern education.

From 2017, the country will provide guaranteed free technical education for young people, and a system of dual technical and vocational education. In addition, the priority of trilingualism was confirmed, that is, the study of Kazakh, English and Russian languages. As the Leader of the Nation emphasized, average secondary schools should match the level of teaching to Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools.

The education of the modern younger generation depends largely on the social structure of the state. A lot is being done in our country for the benefit of tomorrow's future.

In modern school it has become more technology- computers, interactive whiteboards, the Internet, multimedia classes, which have a positive effect on the quality of lessons and various events, and give positive changes in the process of teaching the subject.

Another innovation in education is that attention is paid to small schools, resource centers are being created, big job on pre-professional and specialized education of students. Student from rural areas, coming to a city school, he can improve those subjects in which he had difficulty before.

Our country is fighting for the right to be a competitive state, which is why international research is conducted in schoolsTIMSS, PISA, PIRLSand other testing of schoolchildren. The natural-mathematical, reading and functional literacy of schoolchildren is tested. Based on the results of international research, a national report is compiled, as a result of which changes are coming in our schools better side. I believe that such independent assessments of ZUN will give a real picture of modern education in the country and will help raise the level of education of our younger generation.

The modern pedagogical community in Kazakhstan is experiencing major reforms in course preparation. Teaching using Cambridge technology gives the teacher a new worldview - the worldview and consciousness of what a teacher and student should be like changes. Teachers are trained at 1 advanced, 2 basic and 3 basic levels. New technologies in teaching and raising children give a great boost of incentive to the teacher in his pedagogical practice. Integration of seven modules into pedagogical work– this is the main goal of the courses.

The efforts of the administration and teaching staff are aimed at creating conditions for the development of the child as a free, responsible and creative personality based on the variability of programs, textbooks, training courses, use innovative technologies, individualization of the educational process, formation healthy image life. The main focus is on improving the qualifications of teachers and quality education for schoolchildren. This is also facilitated by work in various forms to improve the pedagogical skills of teachers, the development of practical skills of students in lessons and in interest groups, the participation of children and adults in seminars, conferences, the organization of exchange of experience, certification of teaching staff and school graduates.

There has been a steady trend in personnel policy schools aimed at developing a professional teacher and creative personality.

A positive attitude of teachers towards continuous psychological and pedagogical education and self-education has been formed

In the context of the transition to 12-year education, the dissemination of innovative pedagogical experience has acquired a new quality and is considered as one of possible forms teacher training.

Tomorrow's school is the school of the future. I think such a school is Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, where gifted and talented children have the honor of studying and will be able to receive further higher education anywhere in the world. It is gratifying that such schools are opening in all regions of our country.

2 .I believe that the idea of ​​“Mangilik El” can be traced in the training and education of the younger generation, starting with preschool education.

Specifically within the curriculum:

In science and mathematics lessons they use different kinds works in mathematics - word problems where the text contains patriotic content,

In the computer science lesson, students are faced with population data for the regions of Kazakhstan; in practical classes, texts about Astana are used.

In geography lessons, demographic data on the size and ethnic composition of the population for each region of Kazakhstan is often used. Here you can also find historical population data.

In mathematics and world knowledge lessons in primary school, children learn from vivid examples of friendship between the peoples of Kazakhstan; the tasks contain text about our homeland, capital, national rites, customs, and traditions of different ethnic groups.

The lessons of the humanitarian cycle - Kazakh language and literature, Russian language and English, history of Kazakhstan - reflect peaceful cooperation, patriotism, good neighborliness of representatives of different nationalities and ethnic groups.

“Kazakh Khalky Assemblies”, “Bir shanyrak astynda”, “Birlik pen yntymak eli”, “Ultaralyk kelisim” - Kazak tili sabagynda ote kop takyryptar zhasөsporimderd і tattoo pen yntymaktastykka tәrbieleydі.Zhogary sonyptarda kazak tili sabagynda da “Mangilik el-mangilik til ideas” , “Tauelsizdik tolgauy”, “Nurly dol” siyakty takyryptar okylyp otedi. Various olympiads, competitions of district, regional and republican significance reflect intercultural and interethnic connections: Abai and Pushkin readings, Makhambet readings, “Zharkyn Bolashak”, where are our children annually take active participation, take prizes.

Extracurricular activities are aimed at developing tolerance, mutual understanding, respect for national traditions and customs of the peoples of Kazakhstan.

High school students actively participate in district debate tournaments, where the main topics are moral principles.

Understanding and mutual assistance between ethnic groups and religions in our country has grown into strong friendship, cohesion of a single people, and mutual respect. This is evidenced by the festive new date - Gratitude Day, which is celebrated on the day of the creation of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan - March 1.

May 1 - Unity Day of the Peoples of Kazakhstan is held very solemnly at school every year; children represent many nationalities - in concert program songs are played in different languages. Nauryz Meiramy united all the nationalities of our country; every year you can see representatives of various ethnic groups on stage.

All valuesraising a teenagergenerations - respect, friendship, tolerance, love and mutual assistance, readinesshelping begins with the family.It is becoming a good tradition to hold events within the walls of the school, dedicated to the Day families are round tables with parents and children.

3. In the “Plan of the Nation - 100 steps to implement five institutional reforms”, steps 85 and 89 are devoted to the idea of ​​Mangilik El in the form of a task to create a draft patriotic act and the task of introducing the values ​​of Mangilik El into existing ones learning programs school education.

Teachers must play important role in the implementation of the “Mangilik El” program, voiced by the President, and teachers of the social and humanitarian cycle are primarily responsible for promoting the national idea among the younger generation. New 2015-2016 academic year in all secondary education organizations of the republic began with the Day of Knowledge, where a peace lesson was held on the topic “Values ​​of Mangilik El”,

This event helps to develop citizenship and patriotism in students, instilling a sense of love for their Motherland, respect for its history and culture, and respect for nature native land, pride in the achievements of modern Kazakhstan.

In modern conditions, the civic-patriotic education of students is of particular importance, and the role of educational organizations in the education of young citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan is increasing.

For these purposes, school history teachers hold debate tournaments among high school students. In geography lessons and an elective course in local history, children are instilled with a love of their homeland and a sense of responsibility for the future of their native land.

Class teachers conduct cool watch dedicated to the events of our country:

Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Victory Day.

20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

20th anniversary of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan;

Holding the International Exhibition "EXPO-2017".

When conducting extracurricular activities I think it is productive to use new teaching technologies and active forms of learning studied in the third (basic) level courses of the Program for Advanced Training of Teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the developers of which are AEO Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools and the Department of Education at the University of Cambridge.

Thus, all events organized for the implementation of the “Mangilik El” program will be aimed at creating an educated person with developed leadership qualities, ready to make independent decisions in a situation of choice, capable of cooperation and intercultural interaction, with a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country, actively participating in achieving the main goal of the Strategy “Kazakhstan Way - 2050: common goal, common interests, common future.”

The national idea “Mangilik El” is the vector of development of Kazakhstani society, which should guide a modern teacher.

Its foundation must be laid in the school. As part of the implementation of this idea, it is necessary to purposefully conduct educational and educational work At school. The study of subjects should be aimed at the formation of spiritual and moral qualities and patriotic feelings, civic responsibility of students, the development of national self-awareness and tolerance, the strengthening of secular values ​​and the formation of conscious rejection by young people of the idea of ​​terrorism and extremism, the ability to communicate in the conditions of multi-ethnic Kazakhstan.

Pedagogical efforts should be aimed at raising a creative and talented person who loves his family and friends, his people, his homeland, a true citizen of his country. To achieve effectiveness, it is necessary not only to provide knowledge and skills that contribute to the formation of appropriate ideals, principles and worldviews, but also to develop the necessary personal qualities, spiritual world children and students so that they become worthy citizens of their country.

To be a citizen and patriot of one’s Motherland means to have an active civic position, competently use one’s rights, and fulfill one’s duties honestly and conscientiously. Be hardworking to maintain a decent standard of living and take care of those who need your help and protection, feel responsible and involved in the past, present and future of your country.

It is noteworthy that at the conclusion of the message, the President addressed the younger generation. The following words were spoken to them: “I especially appeal to our youth. This Strategy is for you. You will participate in its implementation and you will reap the benefits of its success. Get involved in the work, each at his own workplace. Don't be indifferent. Create the destiny of the country together with all the people!”


    Teacher's Guide “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools”, 2012

    Republican essay competition “Constructivist education: present and prospects.” Essay “Education: yesterday, today, tomorrow”

    Message to the people of Kazakhstan dated January 17, 2014 “Kazakhstan path -2050: common goal, common interests, common future”

4. (website )

More than a hundred nationalities, united by one history and one future, live in peace and harmony under the roof of Kazakhstan. “We, Kazakhstanis, are one people! And our common destiny is our “Mangilik El”, our worthy and great Kazakhstan! “Mangilik el” is the national idea of ​​our all-Kazakh home, the dream of our ancestors,” said President Nursultan Nazarbayev in his annual message to the people of Kazakhstan. Most likely, every Kazakhstani understands that we can achieve our goal of entering the top 30 most developed countries in the world only by combining the efforts of every citizen. We can handle such ambitious tasks, says Leo Schick, a representative of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, who shared his opinion on the national idea with our readers.

- Leo Bogdanovich, do you think the unity of the people of Kazakhstan is already a reality or is this what we are still striving for?

I believe that Kazakhstan is our common home. Thanks to the wise policy of the Head of State, all conditions have been created in our country for a peaceful and friendly life in interethnic and interfaith harmony. A lot has been done to unite Kazakhstanis in the republic. Most importantly, I believe that the Constitution begins with the words “We, the people of Kazakhstan.” And this circumstance already speaks of the unity of all citizens. The main document of our state declares the main principle - equality before the law. Not a single resident of the republic is disadvantaged and has the right to enjoy all the benefits provided.

- Since we are talking about the Constitution, do you think that the interests of representatives of various nationalities are fully respected?

Probably, only in Kazakhstan a unique instrument for regulating interethnic relations has been created, which previously had no analogues in the world. I'm talking about the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. This organization includes representatives of all nationalities and ethnic groups inhabiting the vast expanses of modern Kazakhstan.

As practice shows, the assembly has become a truly functional body. Just think about it: in the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, nine deputies are appointed from among its representatives! There is no doubt that they take into account the interests of Kazakhstanis of different nationalities at the legislative level. This circumstance speaks precisely of the unity of the people.

The Assembly found its development in the creation of friendship houses, which were approved by our president. I can say that there are nine friendship houses in Eastern Kazakhstan, uniting representatives of 105 nationalities. In addition, schools for the revival of national cultures and languages ​​have been created. In them, those who wish to study Kazakh, their native language, and English languages. In the message “Kazakhstan Way - 2050: common goal, common interests, common future,” the Head of State once again focused on this issue. So a lot is being done in Kazakhstan compared to other countries. The results of such work are peace and interethnic harmony.

On the initiative of our president, representatives of all world faiths gathered at one table. In my opinion, it is a great achievement to bring them all under one roof. Religion, as we know, plays a big role in people’s lives; it is in the soul of every person.

- The head of state spoke about the need to adopt the Patriot Act. Leo Bogdanovich, what does the independence of Kazakhstan mean to you?

The independence of Kazakhstan is the centuries-old dream of the people inhabiting a vast territory, and those people who came under the roof of the state-forming nation - the Kazakhs. Hospitable Kazakhstan has become our home.

The independence of our state allows us to fully realize ourselves in life, to become people and professionals. We have the opportunity to develop our age-old culture, study our languages, and observe our traditions. Therefore, independence is dear not only to the indigenous population, but also to all representatives of the united people of Kazakhstan. Sovereignty allows us all to carry out long-term planning together, make plans for seven five-year plans ahead and become one of the most developed countries in the world. Independence guarantees us the achievement of all our goals.

- Last year, a lot was said about history in Kazakhstan. As the president said in his message to the people, we are united by a common destiny and past. Leo Bogdanovich, do you feel a common destiny and its unifying influence?

Regarding the generality of history, I can speak from my own personal experience. The fate of my ethnic group - the Germans - was tragic in its own way. After we were evicted to Kazakhstan, this land accepted us as its own. I received education and recognition here, and was able to realize myself in life. We have a lot in common with Kazakhstan; we went through all the difficult times together. The Kazakhs extended a helping hand to us. In turn, people of other nationalities contributed their huge contribution in the development and formation of modern Kazakhstan. We all built and are building our future together. We went through and survived the years of the Great Patriotic War together and defended Moscow.

Subsequently, we went through the history of general upsurge National economy. The Kazakhstan virgin soil was raised by all peoples. Visitors from other regions of the USSR subsequently stayed here and devoted their lives to service and work on Kazakh soil. And now the question is being raised about how to raise agriculture using intensive methods with the introduction of all the latest achievements. We need to reconsider our views on life; there should be creators in society, and not people who are trying to live easily and leave nothing for posterity. They don’t picture a cloudless paradise for us, but they tell us that we need to achieve everything step by step and only through our own labor.

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The national idea is today one of the most discussed topics in Kazakh society. For a number of years, it has not left the pages of newspapers and magazines, becomes the subject of television and radio programs, and is analyzed by the scientific community at scientific conferences and in discussion clubs.

A national, or the term “national” idea that we use in a certain sense, is a complex of orientations, values ​​and ideological ideals aimed at consolidating the people of Kazakhstan, sustainable socio-economic development of society, strengthening the security and independence of the state. One of the main questions when developing the problem of a national idea is how it can be formed or, as they say, found. Obviously, it cannot simply be invented. Its components are contained in the depths of national self-consciousness, reflecting the picture of national existence; it finds its expression in philosophy, history, science, poetry, literature, music, painting, dance, art, and language.

The relevance and priority of research and development of a national idea is determined by the fact that it is the system-forming beginning of the consolidation of Kazakhstani society, the formation of an adequate level of national identity of the country's citizens, the spiritual foundation for the rise of public consciousness and culture, the basis for the progressive socio-economic development of Kazakhstan in the context of globalization.

It should be said that the above definition of the national idea lies in line with the concept called “nation-building”, the meaning of which is the formation of a single nation from a multi-ethnic society. Not everyone, however, approves of the concept of nation-building. Many political scientists and politicians believe that building a single nation in a multi-ethnic society is impossible, since the ethnic identity of people will always dominate their identity with the state and with representatives of other ethnic groups.

In their opinion, in Kazakhstan there is only one nation, which is the Kazakhs, while all other peoples living in the republic are diasporas. Therefore, the national idea of ​​Kazakhstan is nothing more than the national idea of ​​the Kazakhs, or the Kazakh national idea. The national idea should become the basis for the revival of the Kazakhs as a nation. As a result of this approach, the indigenous ethnos received in public opinion, and then in science, the name of the titular nation. In the literature on the national question, this approach is called the “ethnocultural understanding of the nation.” This name follows from the fact that the elites of the indigenous ethnic group, speaking on their behalf as defenders of the interests of the people, place ethnic culture, primarily language, at the forefront. At the same time, they assign a special role to the state, which must protect the culture of the indigenous ethnic group from the influence of other cultures and at the same time elevate it to the status of the foundation of the culture of a multinational society.

Fundamentally different positions are taken by those who believe that the national idea cannot be the idea of ​​only one people, in a multi-ethnic state. In Kazakhstan, the national idea should be essentially a national idea aimed at uniting all citizens of the country, regardless of their ethnicity, into a single people based on the commonality of their Kazakh citizenship. This approach is called a civil nation in modern ethnopolitical science.

Today in Kazakhstan these two approaches to understanding the national idea are dominant. Supporters of the Kazakh national idea have their allies almost completely, which is quite natural among the Kazakhs themselves. The champions of a different approach to the national idea are, as a rule, representatives of non-indigenous ethnic groups, although there are many Kazakhs among its adherents.

Adherents of the Kazakh national idea defend the special position of the Kazakhs among all nationalities of Kazakhstan, giving priority to the interests of one, but the main, from their point of view, ethnic group. In contrast, supporters of the civil national idea believe that the national idea should reflect the interests of all ethnic groups in Kazakhstan. The basis of the national idea, from their point of view, should not be the priority of one, even the largest, indigenous ethnic group, but the equality of all of them as components single co-citizenship of Kazakhstan. The opposition of two approaches to the national idea, titular and civil, gives rise to an ideological conflict among their adherents. It should be noted that such a contradiction is characteristic not only of Kazakhstan; most post-Soviet societies, where the population is ethnically diverse, are faced with it today. Moreover, the contradiction between the ethnocultural and civil understanding of the national idea and nation is typical for many states modern world.

Almost all new independent states the task is to nationally consolidate the multiethnic population into a single community, united high level identity. In many states, various contradictions persist between the largest ethnic group (group of the largest ethnic groups) and other, smaller ethnic groups. The governments of most modern states with a multi-ethnic population are faced with a fundamental question: how to resolve the real contradiction between the civil and ethnocultural understanding of the nation and the national idea?

As the actual practice of nation-building in various states of the modern world shows, the principle of “both-and” and not “either-or” dominates in resolving this contradiction. Consequently, the point is that in developing the national idea of ​​Kazakhstan, it is necessary to use both concepts of the nation - civil and ethnocultural, and not rely on only one of them, discarding the other.

How is the contradiction of these concepts resolved in Kazakhstan? This method is the formation of a single people as a civil community around the Kazakh ethnic group, which is the titular ethnic group for Kazakhstan. One of the largest modern ethnopolitical scientists and nation theorists, Anthony Smith, calls this method of nation building one of the most common in the world, the “dominant ethnic group” model.

In Kazakhstan, the lack of a mature civil society is associated with the difficult legacy of the country’s totalitarian past, which has an impact on negative impact, including on the processes of nation-building. Here we see the reasons that Kazakhstani society, considered (mentally, of course) autonomously, in isolation from the state, cannot still propose and develop a national idea that would become the basis of civil national identity.

In a situation where civil society has not matured to such a level as to become the leading social force in the process of forming a civil nation in Kazakhstan, the role of the leading subject of nation-building is assumed by the state. It is the state of its national policy purely practically, as they say, by touch, without sufficient theoretical justification on the part of the scientific community, it is trying to implement the model of a civil, Kazakh nation based on the state-forming Kazakh ethnic group. Thus, the state is trying to resolve the contradiction between the civil and ethnocultural concepts of the nation in Kazakhstan on the basis of the “both-and” principle.

Not only national policy, but also economic, social, cultural, educational and all other types of management of social relations in Kazakhstan are determined by the state with little participation of non-state institutions as representatives of the emerging civil society. The state regulates interethnic relations and processes in its national policy on the basis of the legal framework, including the Constitution of Kazakhstan, and the relevant bodies and institutions operating at the level of both central, regional and local authorities. At the same time, compromises between the interests of the Kazakh part of the population and other ethnic groups of Kazakhstan play a significant role in the national policy of the state.

Thus, in the national sphere of Kazakhstan we have the following configuration of the main actors. At the extreme poles are, on the one hand, the Kazakh elites who adhere to the ideology of the titular understanding of the nation, and on the other hand, the Russian-speaking elites with the ideology of the civil understanding of the nation. At the center of this disposition is the state, which, through its national policy, tries to bring together and reconcile extremes, strives to prevent confrontation of ideologies, so that the conflict of values ​​does not develop into a conflict of interests and actions dangerous to society.

From the standpoint of institutional analysis of the problem of the national idea in Kazakhstan, it is of interest not only to study the disposition of the main actors in the national sphere of Kazakhstan and their ideologies, but also the resources at their disposal. Of course, in Kazakhstan, like any other country, the state has the greatest resources for activities in the national sphere. If we keep in mind that in the republic civil society is at an early stage of its development, then there is no doubt that the importance of the state for regulating relations in the national sphere is significantly increasing.

If we talk about other factors of the national sphere - ethnic elites, then the resources at their disposal, primarily material, are small. Perhaps the main one is support for the ethnic groups on whose behalf they speak. If it is strong, it contributes to the ethnic mobilization of the masses, which is a serious challenge for the state seeking to maintain political stability in society. Today, the level of ethnic mobilization of the masses in Kazakh society is low. In other words, ethnic elites currently do not have a broad and stable social base in society.

Thus, in Kazakhstan, as a multi-ethnic society, there is an objective need for the existence and implementation of both the titular, ethnocultural concept of the nation, and the civil concept. Ignoring any of them will have harmful consequences for the general situation in the national sphere.

In this regard, we would like to point out the most important, from our point of view, needs and interests of society and the state in strengthening both the civil national identity and the ethnocultural identity of the Kazakhs.

In the first case, these interests and needs appear to us as follows.

Firstly, the inclusion of the idea of ​​a civil nation in the national idea of ​​Kazakhstan contributes to internal security and stability of society. The formation of a civil nation as an interethnic community of people will help smooth out contradictions and conflicts of interests and values ​​of ethnic groups.

Secondly, the formation of a civil nation in Kazakhstan will have the most in a positive way on the identity of all Kazakhstanis, regardless of their ethnicity, with their home country - the Republic of Kazakhstan. The united Kazakh people will become the real embodiment of the slogan “Kazakhstan is our common home.” Kazakhstani patriotism and high morale will become real attributes of a civil nation, a real social and political force. President Nursultan Nazarbayev emphasized at the XII session of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan: “We must be a united and united nation, a nation that will be integrated by common values, with a harmonious linguistic environment, a nation that is focused on the future, not the past.”

Thirdly, an important result of the formation of a civil nation in Kazakhstan should be a mature civil society. The civil nation and civil society are closely interconnected and cannot exist without each other.

Speaking about the need to include the ethnocultural concept of the nation in the national idea of ​​Kazakhstan, we point out the following reasons.

Firstly, if we are talking about a model of national construction of a single Kazakh people around the state-forming ethnic group - the Kazakhs, then it is natural to assume their special place in the structure of the civil nation. We are, of course, talking about such an inclusion of the ethnocultural concept in the national idea of ​​Kazakhstan, which would be largely compatible with the civil concept of the nation, and not exclude one another.

Secondly, it is necessary to keep in mind the character of the people being formed in our country. It's about that the Kazakh people are not, by the way of their formation, an emigrant nation, like the one that exists in America (both North and South), Australia and some other regions of the world. The nation in Kazakhstan has distinct ethnic and historical roots, which are associated primarily with the Kazakhs. This ethnohistorical aspect of the formation of the Kazakh people should undoubtedly find its place in the national idea.

Thirdly, the ethnocultural aspect has great importance in terms of methodology for developing a national idea for Kazakhstan. The very concept of nation-building presupposes a constructivist approach to the research and development of the national idea. In other words, the elite forms a national identity and, therefore, a nation from the multi-ethnic composition of the population on whose behalf it acts. In our opinion, neither the civic concept of the nation nor the constructivist approach should be absolutized.

Thus, the inclusion of an ethnocultural component in the structure of the national idea of ​​Kazakhstan is of fundamental importance for justifying its historical and cultural continuity. We are talking, if we turn to Smith, about reconstructing the traditional culture of the Kazakhs so that certain of its elements and symbols can organically fit into modern culture.

Summing up our work, we would like to note that the search and development of a national idea is a difficult problem for any nation. It is a product of the creativity of society, elites and the state. For Kazakhstan, the synthesis of civil and ethnocultural concepts of the nation and the national idea is of fundamental importance. We are confident that it is on this path that we will find the national idea of ​​Kazakhstan.


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The national idea is designed to consolidate society. To develop it, it is necessary to unite all Kazakhstanis, without dividing anyone according to ethnicity. One of the fundamental documents, the principles ( “One country - one destiny”, “ Various origins- equal opportunities”, “Development of the national spirit”) which formed the basis for the formation of the national idea, was the “Doctrine of National Unity of Kazakhstan”, adopted in 2010.

At the beginning of 2014, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, speaking with a Address to the people, called on residents to work to achieve the goals of the Kazakhstan-2050 strategy, aimed at creating a prosperous society based on a strong state, a developed economy and opportunities for universal labor, as well as the republic’s entry into number of the 30 most developed countries in the world. One of the features of the speech of the Leader of the Nation was that he said: “We, Kazakhstanis, are one people! And our common destiny is our Mangilik El, our worthy and great Kazakhstan! “Mangilik El” is the national idea of ​​our all-Kazakh home, the dream of our ancestors.” Thus, N. Nazarbayev proposed to develop and adopt the Patriotic Act “Mangilik El” (“Eternal Country”). In his opinion, over 22 years of sovereign development, the main values ​​have been created that unite all Kazakhstanis and form the foundation of the country’s future. They are not taken from transcendental theories. These values ​​are the experience of the Kazakhstan Way, which has stood the test of time. The President listed these as:

Firstly, this is the Independence of Kazakhstan and Astana;

Secondly, national unity, peace and harmony in society;

Thirdly, this is a secular society and high spirituality;

Fourth, economic growth based on industrialization and innovation;

Fifthly, this is the Society of Universal Labor;

Sixth, common history, culture and language;

Seventh, this is national security and the country’s global participation in solving global and regional problems.

According to Elbasy, thanks to these values, Kazakhstanis have always won, strengthened the country, and multiplied great successes. The ideological basis of the New Kazakhstan Patriotism lies in these state-forming, national values. Thus, the President called on all Kazakhstanis, especially young people, to make every effort to achieve a great common goal, a common future. At the same time, instructions were given to organize the development and adoption of the Patriotic Act “Mangilik El”.

In fact, this document is the national idea of ​​Kazakhstan, which has its own peculiarity. It is based on multi-ethnicity. Only respect for the interests of all citizens of the republic will lead to the transition to civil society and the formation of a single people, which is the basis of the national idea. Only together will Kazakhstanis be able to build a successful and prosperous Kazakhstan. Therefore, “Mangilik El” is a state ideology.

In January last year, the development of the concept of the national idea began. For this purpose, a working group was created from representatives of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the government, the Assembly of the People, and the national movement “Kazakhstan-2050”. The main objective of the “Mangilik El” concept was to formulate the principles of the unity of Kazakhstani society, and the document became the basis for the patriotic education of the country’s residents.

On the eve of the early presidential elections held in April 2015, Nursultan Nazarbayev announced the need to legally formalize the concept of the national idea. He voiced the same proposal before the delegates of the Assembly of the People of the Republic. The development of such a document was considered unique, since there is no state in the world that would record the national idea in the form of a legal act. “There is no such experience anywhere, and we are ahead of everyone,” the Leader of the Nation said on this occasion.

The other day, at the XXIV session of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, the program document “Mangilik El” was adopted, documenting the national idea of ​​the state. "The Patriot Act is a collection the most important values, directly affecting today's life and the future. The Patriot Act is a mandate to future generations of the founders of independence. We must work to root these values ​​in the consciousness of every Kazakhstani,” Nursultan Nazarbayev noted. It is symbolic that the national idea appeared in the year of the 25th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Thus, the national idea is built on the values ​​that allowed the Kazakh people to achieve historical success. Following it will allow Kazakhstan to become a participant in solving all significant regional and global issues. As N. Nazarbayev noted, national unity, peace and harmony, history and culture, the integrity of the language are a guarantee of unity and stability in the state, since on the basis of these values ​​the foundation of new patriotism is laid.

Ruslan Khadimullin

On the question of the national idea.

Recently, the debate on the topic of the national idea and the doctrine of national unity of Kazakhstan has intensified in society. In this article I would like to express my point of view on this issue.

To begin with, I will formulate the descriptive parts of the national idea, as I understand it, and in the light of such definitions I would like to consider the situation with the national idea in Kazakhstan.

The key questions that require answers are: what is the national idea as an element of society, what characteristics should it have, how does it appear (created) and how is it implemented.

What is the national idea?

The national idea is a light and a beacon in the development of society.

The national idea is a goal, an ideal, a holy aspiration forward. The national idea is an element that determines the direction of development of society and is a measure of society's progress in this direction. The national idea is a unifying, rallying principle for the development of society and an indicating vector of its development. This is precisely why a national idea is needed - this is the ideal, the values ​​from which members of society draw their inspiration, what is common to those who share the idea, what gives energy, incentive and direction to the individual’s activities.

The desire for development, improvement, expansion is internal property human society. Otherwise, it begins to rot and disintegrate. At the same time, the question of what such development remains globally open. The national idea is the answer to this question. It becomes a beacon that sets the direction of this development on the one hand, and on the other hand it sets a certain system of measurements and comparisons of the changes taking place. By setting a system of measurements and comparisons, it thus embeds a system of values ​​in every member of society who shares the idea.

The important point is that there are no permanent national ideas. They change and evolve along with the development of society. Society and people do not know how to think on a historical scale, so the national idea should be understandable for one, two or three generations. A more global idea becomes either too abstract and distant, and therefore does not “catch” a person, and a short-term one is too small to capture significant sections of society. At the same time, the idea itself, of course, can be grandiose, such as building a “thousand-year Reich” or a “world revolution,” but in this case it is divided into very specific stages of implementation.

From this point of view, two important conclusions follow that are relevant in the current discussion about the national idea and national doctrine.

Conclusion one. Discussion of the thesis of what the national idea should be: “Kazakh” or “Kazakh” is fundamentally destructive and such a discussion should be taken out of the discussion. If we need an idea for the development of Kazakhstan, then it certainly cannot be “Kazakh”, it must be Kazakh. In this regard, supporters of the “Kazakhness” of ideas are clearly opponents of the bright future of Kazakhstan.

Discussions within the framework of national politics are understandable, but this is a completely different plane and a completely different area.

Conclusion two. The search for a national idea in the thousand-year history of any people, territory, cultural traditions, etc. is useless. The national idea is a look into the future, a striving forward, and in this matter it makes no sense to rest on the achievements or failures of distant ancestors. The national idea is short-term - for one - two or three generations - and it makes no sense to derive it from the deep past. I do not deny the influence of traditions, history, and national identity. But these elements will be internally included in the national idea simply because it must be “woven” into the individual’s value system. Otherwise, it will not capture the mind and aspirations of a person and will be stillborn.

What should the national idea be?

The national idea is laconic, simple, understandable and emotional.

Based on the fact that ideas are a beacon for members of society, it should be understandable for any level of intellectual development and definitely emotional, because only in this way, in sensations and experiences, does the interaction between a person and an idea arise.

In this regard, all national ideas, no matter how beautifully they are “wrapped,” come down to one thought: “we will show you all.” The formulation may be crude, but the national idea must excite and tone up society as a whole, all its layers, and therefore appeal to raw feelings. Then there are variations on the theme “what exactly will we show.” Here are examples: let’s show everyone else “civilization and culture” (the Roman Empire and now, probably the USA with its democracy), quality (post-war Japan), civil society and freedoms (Napoleonic France), a democratic society of equal opportunities free from the church and classes (USA during the years of struggle for independence), we will not surrender to the French (the beginning of the unification of the German States), and then Germany is above all (in different variations in German history).

In practice, the national idea is formulated briefly and clearly, it stimulates society to perform exploits, and in what direction to accomplish these feats is a matter of politics.

The national idea of ​​France before Napoleon was “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”, and gradually transformed into carrying civil code and bourgeois freedoms on army bayonets throughout Europe, while in France itself these freedoms did not remain.

The history of the “German Song”, written by H. Hofmann von Fallersleben, is indicative. It contained the following lines: Deutschland, Deutschland über alles, über alles in die Welt (Germany, Germany above all, above everything in the world!).

“When H. Hofmann von Fallersleben, a liberal who was exposed in the 30s and 40s. persecution in Prussia, in 1841 he wrote these words, he had in mind the noble desire to put above all else the interests of the fatherland torn apart and to fight for its unity, independence and, above all, for its freedom. The song turned out to be very tenacious and amenable different interpretations. During the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871. in Germany these lines were enthusiastically repeated, implying not so much freedom as the strength of Germany and its destiny to become the arbiter of European destinies. It is characteristic what happened to the “German Song” in the future. In 1922 it was declared the anthem of the Weimar Republic. When Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933, it was combined with the Nazi anthem with a song about Horst Wessel and made this hybrid the anthem of the Third Reich. After the end of World War II, the "German Song" was banned by the Allies - the victors of German fascism. But in 1952, its third stanza, beginning with the words “Concord, truth and freedom,” was declared the anthem of the Federal Republic of Germany. Thus, the fate of the “German Song” symbolically reflected the fate of the German national idea.” (Obolenskaya S.V. National ideas in the 19th century. Do we need a “Russian national idea”?).

“So the national idea, born in Germany in early XIX V. as the idea of ​​a linguistic and cultural community, was transformed into the idea of ​​a single national state…. It then carried the function of a democratic program for uniting free citizens of the German lands for the sake of the public good.

Transformation of the national idea in the second half of the 19th century. was one of the reasons for the deliberalization of mass consciousness that developed in Germany. Nationalism became the most important ideological tool that the dominant forces in the state consciously used to include the masses in the policy of aggression and racial crimes. Distorted beyond recognition, during the years of Hitler’s dictatorship, the German national idea became an integral part of the ideology of world domination and mass destruction.” (Obolenskaya S.V. National ideas in the 19th century. Do we need a “Russian national idea”?)

The national idea corresponds to the aspirations and expectations of society.

As already mentioned, the national idea meets the current expectations of society. Let me emphasize the importance of the concept “current”. The national idea is a response to specific and tangible challenges of the current moment. It is not connected with “thousand-year-old” history, culture and prerequisites - it is quite specific and relevant for the current time and is a reaction to it.

Of course, the national idea is framed as some kind of philosophical concept such as “thousand-year Reichs”, “the special role of the people in history” - but this is only ideological tinsel.

The national idea is a stimulating and active element, so it is quite real and applied in nature. It is a specific instruction, a stereotype of behavior, an algorithm of action that is applied constantly, automatically in Everyday life. And philosophical concepts are then built on by an intellectual layer or developed for more effective management, its transformation in the interests of the dominant forces in the country.

The national idea has clear boundaries along which there is a division between “friend and foe”.

Due to the fact that the national idea must unite and cement society, it must have clear boundaries to distinguish between us and others. At the same time, oddly enough, a national idea is not always actually national.

Ancient Rome is a collection of peoples united by the concept of Rome - the center of civilization. The national idea of ​​France united not only the French.

This is what F. Engels wrote in “The Role of Violence in History” using the example of Alsace and Lorraine, whose population before the revolution undoubtedly belonged to the German ethnic group.

“But then,” he wrote, “the French Revolution broke out. What Alsace and Lorraine did not dare to hope to receive from Germany was given to them by France... A serf, obliged to do corvée, the peasant became a free man, in many cases the free owner of his estate and fields... Nowhere in France did the people join the revolution with more enthusiasm than in the provinces with a German-speaking population. When the German Empire declared war on the revolution... then the Alsatians and Lorraineers were no longer part of the German nation, then they learned. hate and despise the Germans, then in Strasbourg “Marseillaise” was composed, set to music and sung for the first time by the Alsatians, and then the German French, regardless of language and past, on the fields of hundreds of battles merged into a single people with the French.”
National idea of ​​Germany.

The population of Prussia, Austria, Bavaria, Westphalia and other German states, although connected by language and culture, did not constitute a single political, state nation, as was the case, for example, in France.

After Napoleonic wars Many problems - economic and social mainly - were common to all German lands, and general political national sentiments also developed. Political events, which took place in individual states, often acquired a pan-German sound. Gradually, national unity became a political demand; liberalism and nationalism merged. This happened on the eve of the revolution of 1848-1849. The German national idea became the idea of ​​uniting Germans on the basis of civil freedom and state independence.

The revolution revealed a tragic discrepancy between the German national idea and the real situation and balance of forces that emerged in the course of events. National demands, sometimes contradictory to each other, called into question the idea of ​​a single national state, the idea of ​​the historical unity of the German lands. The Polish question, the problem of Schleswig and Holstein and the problem of Austria and its members national territories, turned out to be insoluble and became an insurmountable obstacle to the implementation main task revolution - national unification. However, with the defeat of the revolution, the national idea did not die. Germany did not become united nation state, but the consciousness of the need for unity was not only preserved, but also strengthened. In the mass consciousness, national feeling during the revolution of 1848-1849. intensified.

Franco-Prussian War 1870-1871 - the final stage of the unification of Germany along the paths of the Bismarckian revolution from above - was actually provoked by Bismarck. But for Germany it began as a war of national and liberation, as a reflection of an attack. To unleash a war against France, to resolve the issue of annexation of Alsace and Lorraine, to create an empire under the auspices of Prussia, Bismarck used a wave of national upsurge, which at its climax acquired the character of chauvinistic hysteria. Losing its liberal character, the German national idea became the basis of nationalist ideology, in which special meaning acquired the image of an enemy embedded in her in ancient years.

How is a national idea created and how is it spread?

The national idea is not a product of creativity or the creation of the intellectual elite of society. It is a formulated demand, a need of society and comes from the people (society), but not from the intellectual elite.

In this regard, discussions among the intelligentsia and intellectuals about the fate of the nation, their proposals are meaningless hot air. The simplicity of the national idea makes it impossible for the “educated” part of society to formulate it. This part complicates the design, conducts abstract discussions and categories, and considers the acceptability of this or that idea. The emotionality of an idea also does not allow it to be “developed” on the basis of intellect.

Thus, I assume that the national idea is “thrown” into society and, if accepted, begins to be implemented, modifying, modernizing, changing along the way, but maintaining emotional attunement.

Moreover, the “throwing in” of ideas can occur both from the ruling class and from the opposition or revolutionaries. And the idea that will be the most successful in uniting society will become national.

And after the idea has been formulated and found a response in society, the intellectual layer of society comes into force - writers, philosophers, artists, musicians, scientists, etc. They begin to fill, develop and spread the idea to the masses. In general, this is what is called ideology. After the first resonance of the idea and the expectations of society, after the first response of society to the idea, a more subtle attunement of the idea and society occurs.

For the ruling classes, maintaining this attunement - the politics and expectations of society - becomes critically important. Under conditions of attunement and resonance, one can smoothly change expectations and rebuild society. This is the actual implementation of the national idea. The authorities formulate tasks in the context of the idea and pursue certain policies that correspond to the idea. The most important element remains maintaining the connection between policy and idea. At the same time, as mentioned earlier, the idea can be modified and changed to please the authorities, but these changes must be smooth, “inconspicuous” in order to maintain stability. The presence of an idea is the key to the development of society, but an idea is the expectations of society, and it is impossible to change them through willpower. Therefore, the idea is important, but it must be managed carefully.

In this sense, totalitarian regimes are easier to manage, but only if there is a real national idea. When such an idea exists, then society has an understanding of the usefulness of its own existence and a willingness to sacrifice the individual for the benefit of the public. There is a resonance with the authorities, which means that through subtle propaganda, which is easily done under authoritarianism, a smooth change in society itself becomes possible. In a democratic society, propaganda becomes significantly more difficult, which means manipulating the population becomes a much more difficult process.

Thus, to develop the national idea of ​​Kazakhstan, there is no need to delve into history and “substantiate” the national idea with intellectual reflections. We just need to formulate what we want Kazakhstan to be and test these ideas in society.

Tasks like “Strategy 2030”, “Get into the top 50 (20.10)” are absolutely not suitable. Everything should be simpler, like “Freedom”, “Equal opportunities”, “Catch up and overtake America”, “Let’s get up from our knees”, “All power to the people”, “Us against everyone”, “Japanese quality”.

And secondly, politics must remain in tune with the idea and society. “All power to the people” - then the Council of People’s Commissars, “equal opportunities” - then democracy, “freedom” - then demolish the monarchies, “let’s get up from our knees” - then centralization, strengthening of power and toughness in foreign policy.

The national idea in society is a huge potential energy, and if society is charged with it and not allowed to truly manifest itself, then it can destroy the society itself (in general, this is how revolutions happen according to the classic scheme “the lower classes cannot - the upper classes do not want to”).

In conclusion about national policy and national doctrine.

The issues are very sensitive for Kazakhstan, but they are sensitive precisely in the absence of a national idea. When there is no beacon and light ahead, people begin to divide and quarrel with each other, as in fact in any group. When there is a clear common task that is shared by the majority in society, power is focused on completing this task, and not on seeking differences and squabbles.

The USA is a society of equal opportunities, which constitutionally declared the equality of all people, and was legally freed from racism only 40 years ago. And still mentally bound by racist prejudices. Napoleon, who brought liberalism and bourgeois freedoms across Europe, banned 80% of newspapers.

It is clear that national policy is extremely important, but national policy must be part of the general policy of society (state), which in turn is strongly based on the national idea. And in this sense, even just the formulation of the Kazakh national idea, which meets the aspirations of citizens, will in itself remove much of the urgency national question. Again the example of the French National Idea demonstrates this.