Russian language and speech culture. Orthoepic and accentological norms: Orthoepic norms

Orthoepic norms regulate the pronunciation of individual sounds in different phonetic positions, in combination with other sounds, as well as their pronunciation in certain grammatical forms, groups of words or in individual words.

It is important to maintain uniformity in pronunciation. Spelling errors influence the listener’s perception of speech: they distract his attention from the essence of the presentation and can cause misunderstanding, indignation and irritation. Pronunciation that corresponds to orthoepic standards greatly facilitates and speeds up the communication process.

Orthoepic norms are determined by the phonetic system of the Russian language. Each language has its own phonetic laws that regulate the pronunciation of words.

The basis of the Russian literary language, and therefore literary pronunciation, is the Moscow dialect.

In Russian orthoepy it is customary to distinguish between “senior” and “junior” norms. "Senior" norm preserves the features of the Old Moscow pronunciation of individual sounds, sound combinations, words and their forms. "Junior" norm reflects the features of modern literary pronunciation.

Let's turn to the basic rules of literary pronunciation that must be followed.

Pronunciation of vowels.

In Russian speech, only vowels that are under stress are pronounced clearly: s[a]d, v[o]lk, d[o]m. Vowels that are in an unstressed position lose their clarity and clarity. It's called law of reduction (from the Latin reducire to reduce).

Vowels [a] and [o] at the beginning, words without stress and in the first pre-stressed syllable are pronounced as [a]: deer - [a]laziness, being late - [a]p[a]zdat, magpie - s[a]roka.

In an unstressed position (in all unstressed syllables, except the first prestressed) after hard consonants in place of the letter o pronounced short (reduced) unclear sound, the pronunciation of which in different positions ranges from [s] to [a]. Conventionally, this sound is denoted by the letter [ъ]. For example: side - side [a]rona, head - g[a]lova, dear - d[a]rogoy, gunpowder - gunpowder[']kh, gold - ash[']t['].

After soft consonants in the first pre-stressed syllable in place of letters a, e, i make a sound average between [e] and [i]. Conventionally, this sound is indicated by the sign [and e]: tongue - [and e]zyk, pen - p[i e]ro, clock - h[i e]sy.

Vowel [i]
after a solid consonant, a preposition, or when pronouncing a word together with the previous one, it is pronounced as [s]: pedagogical institute - pedagogical institute, to Ivan - to [y]van, laughter and tears - laughter [s] tears. If there is a pause, [i] does not turn into [s]: laughter and tears.

Pronunciation of consonants.

Basic laws of pronunciation of consonants in Russian - stunning and assimilation.

Voiced consonants, standing before deaf people and at the end of words, are stunned- this is one of the characteristic features Russian literary speech. We pronounce stol [p] - pillar, snow [k] - snow, ruka [f] - sleeve, etc. You should pay attention to the fact that the consonant [g] at the end of a word always turns into a paired dull sound [k ]: smo[k] - smog, dr[k] - friend, etc. In this case, the pronunciation of the sound [x] is considered as dialectal. The exception is the word god - bo[x].

[G] pronounced like [X] in combinations gk and gch: le[hk"]y – light, le[hk]o – easy.

Voiceless consonants standing before voiced ones are pronounced as their corresponding voiced ones: [z]dat - hand over, pro[z"]ba - request.

There is a fluctuation in the pronunciation of words with the combination chn, which is associated with a change in the rules of the old Moscow pronunciation. According to the norms of modern Russian literary language, the combination chn That's how it's usually pronounced [chn], This especially applies to words of book origin (endless, careless), as well as relatively new words (camouflage, landing). The combination chn is pronounced like [shn] V female patronymics in -ichna: Kuzmini[shn]a, Lukini[shn]a, Ilyini[shn]a, and is also preserved in separate words: horse[shn]o, skuk[shn]no, pere[shn]itsa, ya[shn] ]itsa, starling [sh]ik, etc.

Some words with the combination chn, in accordance with the norm, have a double pronunciation: order [shn]o and order [chn]o, etc.

In some words, instead of h pronounce [w]: [w]something, [w]that, etc.

Letter g in endings -wow-, -him- reads like [V]: niko[v]o – no one, moe[v]o – mine.

Final -tsya and -tsya in verbs they are pronounced as [tssa]: smile[tsa] – smiles.

Pronunciation of borrowed words.

As a rule, borrowed words obey modern spelling norms and only in some cases differ in pronunciation features. For example, sometimes the pronunciation of the sound [o] is preserved in unstressed syllables (m[o]del, [o]asis) and hard consonants before the vowel [e]: an[te]nna, ko[de]ks, ge[ne]tika ). In most borrowed words, the consonants before [e] are softened: k[r"]em, aka[d"]emia, faculty[t"]et, mu[z"]ey, shi[n"]el. Consonants g, k, x are always softened before [e]: ma[k"]et, [g"]eyzer, [k"]egli, s[x"]ema.

Variant pronunciation is allowed in the words: dean, therapy, claim, terror, track.

You should pay attention and to place emphasis. Stress in the Russian language is not fixed, it is flexible: in different grammatical forms of the same word, the stress can be different: ruka - ruk, accepted - accepted, konets - finite - finish.

In most cases it is necessary to contact orthoepic dictionaries of the Russian language, in which the pronunciations of words are given. This will help you better understand pronunciation norms: before using any word that causes difficulties in practice, you need to look into a spelling dictionary and find out how it (the word) is pronounced.

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Dialects are variations in the system of one language. They are not characterized by global differences in phonetics, vocabulary, syntax, grammar and other aspects of the language, but by particular ones. Naturally, only one version of a language cannot exist and develop normally. Dialects arise because people living in different territories, but speaking the same language, are subject to different linguistic influences from neighbors, immigrants, etc. What is orthoepy and dialects is easier to understand with examples: remember the softened “g”, which is often pronounced in Kuban - the influence of Ukrainian, or the “letter by letter” pronunciation of St. Petersburg - a consequence of too large quantity literate people.

Literary Russian speech

In Russia, as elsewhere, there are a great many dialects. They are even classified into species and subspecies! The most famous are probably Vologda and Kuban. Pronunciations common in St. Petersburg and Moscow are considered literary speech.

Basic rules of orthoepy of the Russian language

a) stunning. in Russian, sometimes they become noisy (that is, completely deaf) before, in fact, noisy and at the end of a word. Examples: in the word mushroom we pronounce “p”, although we write “b” (the end of the word);

b) before sonants, voiced and vowels, as well as at the beginning of a word, sounds are sometimes voiced (“s” in the word request).

We will consider pronunciation separately, since it is this that differs most in different dialects:

a) akanye is the transformation of “o” into “a” in an unstressed position. The opposite phenomenon - okanye - is common in Vologda and other northern dialects (for example, we say “mAlAko” instead of “milk”);

b) hiccup - “e” turns into “i” in an unstressed position (we say vIlikan, not giant).

c) reduction - that is, the reduction of vowels in post- or pre-stress positions, that is, their faster and more crumpled pronunciation. There is no clear difference here, as with stun or hiccups. You can only observe for yourself that we pronounce some vowels longer than others (marmalade: the last “a”, if you listen closely, is pronounced much longer than the first).

What is orthoepy for different languages peace?

In the Russian language, morphological spelling is widespread - that is, the uniformity of the morpheme throughout the entire process of word formation (exceptions are alternations in roots and the writing of “y” after consonant prefixes). In Belarusian, for example, the system is phonetic: as we speak, so we write. Therefore, for Belarusian schoolchildren it is much easier and much more important to understand what orthoepy is. Or, for example, in some languages ​​of the world (Finnish, Turkish) words can be very, very long - it is impossible to pronounce many different vowels in one word. Consequently, the vowels all adapt to one thing - the stress. Over time, this principle transferred to writing.

Correct speech

It is even more difficult to master and constantly use than to write correctly, but, nevertheless, this skill is one of the most important for an intelligent person.

Competent oral speech is the key successful communication. The ability to correctly express your thoughts will help not only when applying for a job or in business negotiations, but also in everyday life. But in order to perfectly master oral speech, you need to know and follow the orthoepic norms of the Russian language. This is what our article will be devoted to.

What is orthoepy?

The word "orthoepy" consists of two Greek roots - "orthos" and "epos", which are translated as "correct" and "speech". That is, the science of correct speech is what orthoepy is.

Graphic abbreviations

Graphic abbreviations include initials next to the surname, designations of volume or distance, for example, liters (l), meters (m), also pages (s) and other similar abbreviations that serve to save space in printed text. When reading, all these truncated words must be deciphered, that is, the word must be pronounced in full.

The use of graphic abbreviations in a conversation can be assessed as a speech error or irony, which may only be appropriate in certain circumstances.

First names and patronymics

Orthoepic norms of the Russian language also regulate the pronunciation of names and patronymics. Note that the use of patronymics is typical only for our language. In Europe, such a concept does not exist at all.

The use of a person's full name and patronymic is necessary in various circumstances, both verbally and in writing. Such appeals are especially often used in a work environment and official documents. Such an address to a person can also serve as a marker of the degree of respect, especially when talking with elders and elderly people.

Most Russian-language names and patronymics have several pronunciation options, which can vary, among other things, depending on the degree of closeness with the person. For example, when meeting for the first time, it is advisable to pronounce the interlocutor’s name and patronymic clearly, as close to written form as possible.

However, in other cases, the orthoepic norms of the Russian language (pronunciation norms) provide for the historically established oral speech method of use.

  • Patronymic names ending in “-evna”, “-evich”. In female versions, it is necessary to comply with the written form, for example, Anatolyevna. In men's - let's say short version: Anatolyevich / Anatolyich.
  • On “-aevich” / “-aevna”, “-eevich” / “-eevna”. For both men and women female options a short version is allowed: Alekseevna / Aleksevna, Sergeevich / Sergeich.
  • On “-ovich” and “-ovna”. In the male version, contraction of the form is acceptable: Alexandrovich / Alexandrych. For women, full pronunciation is required.
  • In female patronymics, formed from names ending in “n”, “m”, “v”, [ov] is not pronounced. For example, instead of Efimovna - Efimna, Stanislavovna - Stanislavna.

How to pronounce loanwords

Orthoepic norms of the Russian language also regulate the rules of pronunciation foreign words. This is due to the fact that in a number of cases the laws of the use of Russian words are violated in borrowed ones. For example, the letter “o” in unstressed syllables is pronounced the same as if it were in strong position: oasis, model.

Also, in some foreign words, the consonants preceding the softening vowel “e” remain hard. For example: code, antenna. There are also words with variable pronunciation, where you can pronounce “e” both hard and soft: therapy, terror, dean.

In addition, for borrowed words the stress is fixed, that is, it remains unchanged in all word forms. Therefore, if you encounter difficulties with pronunciation, it is better to turn to a spelling dictionary.

Accentological norm

Now let's take a closer look at orthoepic and accentological norms Russian language. First, let's figure out what an accentological norm is. This is the name for the rules for placing stress in a word.

In the Russian language, stress is not fixed, as in most European ones, which not only enriches speech and increases the possibilities of language play, but also provides enormous opportunities for violating the accepted norm.

Let's consider the functions that a non-fixed accent performs. So here it is:

  • provides an opportunity for stylistic coloring of words (silver - silver) and the emergence of professionalisms (kompas - compas);
  • provides for a change in the etymology (meaning) of the word (melI - meli, Atlas - atlas);
  • allows you to change morphological features words (pines - pines).

Also, placing stress can change the style of your speech. So, for example, the word “maiden” will refer to the literary, and “maiden” will refer to the neutral one.

There is also a class of words in which the variability of stress does not carry any semantic load. For example, Butt - butt, barge - barge. The emergence of these exceptions is due to the lack of a unified norm and equal existence of the dialect and literary language.

Also, placing stress in some words can be simple outdated form. For example, music is music, an employee is an employee. In essence, you are only changing the stress, but in fact you are starting to speak with an outdated syllable.

Most often, the placement of stress in a word has to be remembered, since existing rules do not regulate all cases. In addition, sometimes a violation of a literary norm can become an individual author's technique. This is often used by poets to make a poetic line sound smoother.

However, one should not assume that accentology is included in the orthoepic norms of the Russian language. The emphasis and its correct placement are too broad and complex topic, therefore it is usually placed in a special section and studied separately. Those who want to familiarize themselves with the topic in more detail and eliminate violations of the norm of stress placement from their speech are recommended to acquire an orthoepic dictionary.


It would seem that what could be difficult about speaking your native language? In fact, most of us have no idea how many norms of the Russian language are violated every day.

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Colloquial speech is a unique system that exists in parallel with book speech within the general national language. One French linguist argued (and rightly!) that “we never speak as we write, and rarely write as we speak.” And the famous English writer B. Shaw was sure that “there are fifty ways to say “yes” and five hundred ways to say “no” and only one way to write it.” One way or another, the opposition between two forms of language, oral and written, has sufficient grounds. We will not dwell on the features of everyday speech; Let's talk about something else - about the norms of literary stress and pronunciation, without observing which one cannot speak of literate speech in the full sense of the word.

Orthoepy called the doctrine of the normative pronunciation of sounds of this language, a set of rules of oral speech that establish the uniformity of literary pronunciation. This also includes issues of stress and intonation that have important for oral speech.

WITH loop or with pe?aphids?

Everyone will answer the question asked in the title differently. Some will say with pe?aphids(which is considered the norm, enshrined in most dictionaries), and others - (and the majority of them) - with loop.

Most often, fluctuations in stress are explained by the presence of two pronunciation variants - bookish (traditional) and colloquial: ke?ta - chum salmon?, cottage cheese?g - cottage cheese etc.

The difficulties of Russian accent are associated, as is known, with two of its features. Firstly, it is variable, not associated with a specific syllable in a word, as in some other languages. Secondly, it is mobile, i.e. can move from one syllable to another when changing (declension or conjugation) of a word. It hardly needs reminding that the skills to correctly place stress are an essential element of speech culture.

Coping with Russian accent is not easy, but difficulties must be overcome. If the accent is in initial form many, many words have to be memorized (or checked by looking in reference dictionaries), then to determine the place of stress in the derivative forms of words of certain grammatical categories (for example goose or goose?? re?ku or river??) there are rules.

So, many monosyllabic nouns masculine are in shape genitive case singular accent on the ending; bandage - bandage?, pancake - pancake?, bean - boba?, beaver - beaver?, screw - screw?, harm - harm?, coat of arms - coat of arms?, hump - hump?, mushroom - mushroom?, tourniquet - tourniquet?, umbrella - umbrella?, whale - whale?, shred - shred?, fang - fang?, ladle - ladle?, mole - mole?, hook - hook?, kul - kul?, tench - tench?, layer - layer?, fruit - fruit?, sickle - sickle?, whitefish - whitefish?, stack - stack?, trail - trail?, polecat - polecat?, flail - flail?, canoe - canoe?, pole - pole? etc.

Regarding goose, then there are two possible stress options - and goose?, And goose. And there are many such words: pond? and so on? Yes, a rogue? and rogue, rod? and what? evil, milk mushrooms? and I'm loading etc.

Nouns feminine in the form accusative case The singular is partly accented on the ending and partly based on:

1) trouble?, tops?, armor?(protective casing) , widow?, spring?, count?, gum?, length?, hole?, snake?, ashes?, hut?, pick?, goat?, hole?, sheep?, alder?, saw?, slab?, floor ?, dew?, rock?, saliva?, resin?, owl?, plow?, foot?, country?, stanza?, string?, grass? etc.;

2) bo?roda, mountain, do?sk, earth, winter, po?ru, sleep?well, wall, price, cheek etc.

A number of words have two possible stress options: harrow and harrow?, river and river?, ke?tu and chum salmon? etc.

Some monosyllabic feminine nouns of the 3rd declension are pronounced with emphasis on the ending when used with prepositions V And on in circumstantial meaning: in a handful?, on the chest?, in the bones?, in the blood?, in the night?, on the stove?, in connection?, in the steppe?, in the shadows?, on a chain?, in honor? etc. However: on the door? and on the doors, in the cage? and in the cage etc.

Some nouns of the 3rd declension in the genitive plural form are pronounced with the accent on the stem, and some - with the accent on the ending:

1) sublimities, stupidity, insolence, localities, pastures, honors, profits, sermons, strands, hacks, joys, pranks;

2) branches, handfuls, posts, poles, brushes, fortresses, blades, masters, small things, news, regions, queues, weaves? th, flat, square, story, role, set, tablecloth, speed, degree, sterlet, shadow, cane, fourth, slit etc. However, it is possible: about?industries and industries, information and information etc. Sometimes prepositions take on stress, and then the noun (or numeral) following them turns out to be unstressed: hour about the hour, year about the year; to? night before? semi etc. Most often, prepositions take over the emphasis:

On: on? leg, on? mountain, on? hand, on? back, on? winter, for? soul, na? wall, on? head, on? side; on? shore, on? year, for? house, on? nose, na? corner, on? ear, on? day, on? night, tooth on? tooth; on? two, on? three, on? six, on? ten, na? one hundred;

For: for? leg, for? head, for? hair, for? hand, for? back, behind? winter, for? soul; for? nose, for? year, for? city; for? ear, for? ears, for? night; for? two, for? three, for? six, for? ten, for? forty, for? one hundred;

By: By? sea, by? field, by? forest, by? semi, by? nose, by? ear; By? two, by? three, by? hundred, by? two, by? three;

Under: by?the feet, by?the arms, by?the mountain, by?the nose, by?the evening;

From: and?from the nose;

Without: without news, without any sense, without a week.

However: and?from sight and from sight, and?from the house and from the house, and?from the forest and from the forest, on? water and water etc.

Many short adjectives(without suffixes in the stem or with suffixes -k-, -l-, -n-, -ok- in most cases have stress on the first syllable of the stem in all forms except the feminine singular form (where it changes to the ending). But some of these adjectives have plural parallel form with an accent on the ending: pale, pale?, pale, pale?; close, close?, close, close?; striker, striker?, striker, striker?; cheerful, cheerful?, cheerful, cheerful?; harmful, harmful?, harmful, harmful?; stupid, stupid?, stupid, stupid?; deaf (deaf), deaf?, deaf?, deaf; hungry, hungry?, hungry, hungry; proud, proud?, proud, proud?; bitter, bitter?, bitter, bitter?; rude, rude?, rude, rude?; thick, thick?, thick, thick?; cheap, cheap?, cheap, cheap; long, long?, long, long; long; expensive, expensive?, expensive, expensive; friendly, friendly?, friendly, friendly?; pathetic, pathetic?, pathetic, pathetic; alive, alive?, alive, alive; green, green?, green, green?; strong, strong?, strong, strong?; little one, little one?, little one, little one; young, young?, young, young; right, right?, right, right? you; empty, empty?, empty, empty?; rarely, rarely?, rarely, rarely?; light, light?, light, light; full, full?, full, full; those?sen, cramped?, cramped?sno, those?dreams?; stupid, stupid?, tu?po, tu?py?; cold, cold?, cold, cold?.

Difficulties are caused by placing stress on a number of verbs in the past tense form. Here we can distinguish three groups of verbs:

1) with emphasis on the base in all forms: beat - beat, bi?la, bi?lo, bi?li; shave - shaved, bri?la, bri?lo, bri?li; blow - blow, blow, blow, blow; reap - sting, sting, sting, sting; put - put, put?la, put?lo, put?li; steal - stole, kra?la, kra?lo, kra?li; cover - wing, wings, wing, wings; wash - soap, we?la, we?lo, we?li; crumpled - crumpled, ma?la, ma?lo, ma?li; mouth - fell, pa?la, pa?lo, pa?li; neigh - neighed, neighed, neighed, neighed; sew - sewed, shi?la, shi?lo, shi?li;

2) with emphasis on the stem in all forms, except for the feminine form (in which the emphasis goes to the ending): take - took, took?, took, took; to be - was, was?, was?lo, was?whether; vit - fork, vila?, vi?lo, vi?li; heed - heeded, heeded?, heeded, heeded; lie - lied, lied?, lied, lied; drive - drove, drove?, drove, drove; tore - tore, tore?, tore?lo, tore?li; live - lived, lived?, lived, lived; call - called, called?, called, called; pour - lil, lila?, li?lo, li?li; drink - drank, drank?, drank, drank; swim - swam, swam?, swam, swam; tear - tore, tore?, tore, tore; take off - took off, took off?, took off, took off; sleep - slept, slept?, slept?, slept? etc. However: take - took, took?, took?, took? give - gave, gave?, yes?lo?, yes?li, etc.;

3) with emphasis on the prefix in all forms, except for the feminine form (in which the emphasis goes to the ending): don?t - got it, got it?, got it?, got it; froze - froze, froze?, froze, froze; occupied - occupied, occupied?, occupied, occupied; lock - locked, locked?, locked, locked; hired - hired, hired?, hired, hired; begin - began, began?, began, began; leave(leave) - about? departed, departed?, about? departed, about? departed; understand? - got it, got it?, got it, got it; arrive - arrived, arrived?, arrived, arrived; accept - accepted, accepted?, accepted, accepted; cursed - cursed, cursed?, cursed, cursed; decrease - have? been, decreased?, have? been, have? been; die - died, died?, died, died.

Some of the verbs allow a parallel form with emphasis on the root: live?, live?, live?, live?, live; finish up - up?pi?l, finish up?, up?drink?lo, up?pi?li; zada?t - for?da?l, asked?, for?da?lo, for?da?li; make money - on? lived, made?, on? lived, on? lived; take away - oh? sip?t - oh?tpi?l, took a sip?, oh?tpi?lo, oh?tpi?li; submit - by?da?l, filed?, by?da?lo, by?da?li; lift?t - by?day?l, raised?, by?day?lo, by?day?li; sell - pro?da?l, sold?, pro?da?lo, pro?da?li; live - pro?lived, lived?, pro?lived, pro?lived; spilled - pro?li?l, spilled?, pro?li?lo, pro?li?li etc.

A similar phenomenon is observed in some passive participles past tense: in the feminine form, in some cases the emphasis falls on the ending, in others - on the prefix:

1) taken - taken, taken?, taken, taken; vi?ty - vit, vita?, vi?to, vi?you; outlived - outlived, outlived?, outlived, outlived; started - started, started?, started, started; accepted - accepted, accepted?, accepted, accepted. However: to? given - to? given, to? given, to? given, to? given; o? given - o? given, o? given?, o? given, o? given; at? given - at? given, at? given?, at? given, at? given; pro?given - pro?dan, pro?given?, pro?given, pro?given; born - born, born?, born, born; created - created, created?, created, created;

2) selected - selected, selected, selected, selected; do?branny - do?brano, do?brana, do?brano, do?brany; taken away - taken away, taken away, taken away, taken away; for? torn - for? torn, for? torn, for? torn, for? torn; for? called - called, for? called, for? called, called; and?chosen - and?chosen, and?chosen, and?chosen, and?chosen; tattered - tattered, tattered, tattered, tattered; dialed - dialed, dialed, dialed, dialed; dialed; na?called - named, na?called, named, called; selected - selected, selected, selected, selected; torn - torn, torn, torn, torn; recalled - recalled, recalled, recalled, recalled; selected - selected, selected, selected, selected; called - called, called, called, called; called; interrupted - interrupted, interrupted, interrupted, interrupted; tidied up - tidied up, tidied up, tidied up, tidied up; called - called, called, called, called; called; called - called, called, called, called; called; collected - collected, collected, collected, collected; convened - convened, convened, convened, convened etc. However: requested? given - requested? given, requested? given?, requested? given, requested?.

In verbs to -edit two groups are distinguished: with an emphasis on And(their majority) and with emphasis on A:

1) to vote, to embalm, to block, to guarantee, to debate, to conduct, to disqualify, to discredit, to debate, to debate, to distill, to discipline, to differentiate? plan, illustrate, dramatize, inform, qualify, compromise, compete, ascertain, copy, liquidate, maneuver, deceive, minimize, operate, counter, ratify, refine, rehabilitate, register, summarize, scalp, summarize, telegraph, third, transport? exaggerate, formulate, force, photograph, quote, shock, evacuate etc.;

2) bombarding, corrugating, engraving, make-up, grouping, draping, sealing, varnishing, marching, camouflaging, furnishing, sealing, premium? t, form?t etc. However: gasi?rova, norm?rova etc.

Similar groups stand out among the passive past participles formed from verbs ending in – edit: form on -and?bed matches the form on -and?rovanny, form on -irova?t- form on -iro?bath:

1) block - blocked, plan - planned, illustrate - illustrated, stage - staged, exaggerate - exaggerated etc. Exceptions type: distillate - distilled;

2) bombarded - bombarded, varnished - varnished, sealed - sealed, premium - premium, formed - formed etc. Respectively: gas?rova?t - gas?ro?bath, rationed?rova?t - rationed?bath etc.

In conclusion, let us recall some words in which placing stress causes difficulties.












apartments And apartments


arbu?z, arbu?za, pl. watermelon

argume ? nt

are ? st

aristocrat ? Tia

asbe ? st

astronomy ? m

A ? tlas(meeting geographical maps)

atla ? With(textile)




pampered bath


barge and barge?






block? block, block? break





armor(assigning something to someone)

armor?(protective lining made of steel)










vision(ability to see)



thief, thief, pl. vo?ry








coat of arms, coat of arms?, pl. coats of arms?









two? dear











contract, pl. agreements


call me, call me



Don't let me

board?, pl. do?ski, do?juice And dosok, doskam And board?m






gland?, pl. glands, glands, glands?m

pearl, pl. pearls?


make a reservation(to assign something to someone)

make a reservation(cover with armor)

envious bottom





a long time ago


ring?, ring?

zai?ndevet And frosty




rust? And rust


call, call

health resort








chosen one



and?for a long time




otherwise And otherwise







spark And spark




disappeared and (colloquial) run out

flounder and (colloquial) flounder?

camphor? And camphor

camphor And ka?mforny




quarter(part of the city; quarter of the year)


ke?ta And chum salmon?

ke?tovy And keto?vy



ky?rzovy and (colloquial) tarpaulin


show off




whooping cough



combo?iner And combine operator






cooking And cook? I




be lazy










small and (colloquial) briefly?m

metallurgy and (colloquial and prof.) metallurgy


tiny and (less often) miserable





muscular And muscular









naked?(hold a checker)

need to?















standardize and (colloquial) normalize





make it easier






lend, borrow?


window?, pl. o?window, o?con



lean on


freshen up


where? to flog


pa? restless








loop and (colloquial) loop?







immersed(to platform)

immersed(in water; in thought)

give, give, give



let's eat




by the handrails


in the morning?(There is)

at the funeral, at the funeral


give a bonus



approximate(to something)






conscript(item, age)



I'll force you



cursed(consecrated to damnation)


about?sec and (less often) pro?sec



developed (child), developed (industry)

developed (provisions developed in the report)

developed (curl)

shell and (colloquial) shell

get angry, get angry



rust?and rust?



lead, lead



soot And sa?zhen

fireworks, fireworks, eat




flog, past whipped, whipped?, whipped?, whipped?(chop)



symmetry And symmetry

orphan?, pl. orphans

folded(from details)

folded(having a particular body type)



sable knowledge

perfect(achieved perfection)





means, pl. means








happy, happy[sl]



cottage cheese and (colloquial) cottage cheese



those?ftels And meatballs



then? fuel




coal, genus. y?look And coal?

carbonic(from coal)

carbonic(from corner)




aggravate And aggravate?beat

junk, scrap






phenomenon And phenomenon







chaos(V ancient greek mythology)

chaos And chaos(mess)






move? skew, move? skew


sleek And sleek








chaba?n, shepherd?







dandies? ha












language(relating to the verbal expression of thoughts)

linguistic(pertaining to an organ in the oral cavity)


Look up to the announcer!

Of course, we will talk about the exemplary literary pronunciation of radio and television announcers and professional dramatic artists.

Standard pronunciation plays huge role in the process of communication between people. Any deviation from the norm in this area distracts the listener from the content of the statement, interferes with its correct perception, and causes a feeling of dissatisfaction. Literary pronunciation and stress are the most important components of spoken speech. Therefore, it is necessary to know the basic rules of pronunciation of unstressed vowels, voiced and voiceless consonants, individual sound combinations and grammatical forms.

An important role in our language is played by the nasal consonants [m] and [n] and the smooth consonants [l] and [r], with which a significant part of the words of the language begin; These consonants have great sonority and musicality. The appearance of plurality in speech soft sounds explained by such a phonetic feature of the language as softening of consonants before vowels front row[i] and [e].

In Russian words there are almost no combinations of sounds that are difficult to pronounce, as a result of which speech acquires such valuable qualities as lightness and smoothness.

Great value has a movable, varied stress, due to which, in combination with intonation diversity, rhythm, musicality, and expressiveness of speech are created.

A few words about the ways of development of Russian literary pronunciation. Its historical basis is Moscow speech, which developed in the first half of the 17th century. By this time, Moscow pronunciation had lost its dialectal features and combined the pronunciation features of both the northern and southern dialects of the Russian language. M.V. Lomonosov considered the Moscow “dialect” to be the basis of literary pronunciation: “The Moscow dialect is rightly preferred not only for the importance of the capital city, but also for all its excellent beauty...”

With the development of the Russian national language, Moscow pronunciation acquired the character of national pronunciation norms. The orthoepic system developed in this way has been preserved in its main features to this day as stable pronunciation norms of the literary language.

However, one cannot ignore the fact that over the last century there have been fundamental changes in all areas of the life of our people, that the literary language has become the property of many millions of people. masses and thus the composition of native speakers of the literary language expanded significantly. The national and social composition of the population of Moscow changed significantly, especially in the second half of the 20th century; in short, conditions were created for the “shaking” of some previous orthoepic norms and for the emergence of new pronunciation variants that coexist today with the old norms.

It should also be taken into account that the styles of the literary language differ from each other not only in terms of vocabulary and grammar: the differences between them also extend to the area of ​​pronunciation. Thus, we can talk about two types of pronunciation style - the bookish (high) style, which finds its expression in public speaking, lectures, etc., and conversational style, manifested in everyday speech, in everyday communication. These styles are respectively associated with vocabulary - bookish and colloquial. And between these two styles there is a neutral pronunciation style.

If we ignore vocabulary and evaluate only the phonetic side of speech, then two styles stand out: complete, characterized by clear pronunciation of sounds and a slow pace of speech, and incomplete, characterized by less careful pronunciation of sounds and a faster pace of speech.

What might interest us in the field of pronunciation? First of all, those cases that obey the literary norm. Then there are cases when pronunciation options are acceptable, of which one is still preferable and can be recommended: this means the choice between the old and new, bookish and colloquial options. In short, the same question is being solved: “What’s the best way to say it?”

If we talk about the main trend in the development of Russian literary pronunciation, then it is the rapprochement of pronunciation with writing. An explanation for this process should be sought primarily in such socio-cultural factors as universal literacy of the population, widespread distribution of means mass media, craving for a book, etc. Getting to know literary language(including standard pronunciation) begins mainly at school. And from the first days of schooling, before the eyes of children there is always a graphic image of a word, which, with a tenacious child’s memory, is firmly remembered and leaves its mark on the pronunciation.

Maybe you noticed the double pronunciation of the suffix -sya/-sya- with soft [s’] and hard [s]? The previous Moscow norm recommended firm pronunciation(it is preserved to some extent on the theater stage, in the speech of radio and television announcers): was afraid[sa], we strive[sa], battle[With], I hope[With]. Currently, pronunciation with soft [s’] predominates. It is not difficult to explain this change. Even at school, children learn that in letter combinations Xia And sya the vowel letter and the letter “soft sign” indicate the softness of the pronunciation of the preceding consonant (this is illustrated by examples: [s’a] yeah, yeah[With']). How can a schoolchild know what to do? verb forms this provision does not apply and that in them -xia sounds like [sa], and -s- how [s]? Much easier to remember general rule, and you can safely pronounce the indicated suffixes (postfixes) softly.

According to the previous norm (not yet completely lost), adjectives in -hiy, -kyy, -hiy (strict, distant, quiet) and verbs - nod, - nod, - huff (extend, push, swing) were pronounced without softening the back consonants [g], [k], [x] and with weakening (reduction) of the subsequent vowel (in place of the letter And a sound was pronounced between [a] and [s]). But the schoolboy knows that in the words [g’i] briskness, [k’i] wat, [x’i] third These consonants, according to the laws of Russian pronunciation, sound soft, and there is no need to inform him that in some grammatical forms this rule is not followed. That's why general position it extends to special cases. In this case, you can also safely use the new “soft” norm.

You can point out other changes in pronunciation that are explained by the same reason - the influence of spelling. Yes, letter combination LJ according to the previous norm, it was pronounced as a long soft [zh’]. But hissing [f] is hard by nature, and it is not surprising that words like reins, buzz nowadays they are increasingly pronounced with a hard long [zh].

The pronunciation of the letter combination has changed under the influence of the spelling chn. Previously in book words (endless, eternal, exact etc.) combination chn was pronounced in accordance with the spelling, but in everyday words - like [shn] ( measles[shn] eve, plum[shn] th etc.). Nowadays pronunciation chn how [shn] was preserved in a few words: of course, boring, laundry, trifling, mustard plaster, birdhouse, scrambled eggs etc.

Let us dwell on two more cases: the pronunciation of double consonants and words of foreign origin. Matching the pronunciation of words gamma - grammar, mass - massage, we notice that double consonants in the position between vowels are pronounced as a long sound if the stress precedes the double consonants ( ha?mma, ma?sa). If the stressed syllable is located after double consonants, then they are pronounced as a simple (not long) sound ( grammar, mass). Hence the difference in pronunciation of words with double consonants:

1) the words are pronounced with a long consonant at the root: va?nna, g?mma, gr?ppa, cape?lla, ka?sa, mass?sa, program?mma, to?nna, tr?ppa etc.;

2) with a simple (short) consonant at the root the words are pronounced: cancel, assistant, influenza, group, correspondent, Saturday, terrace, terrorist, tunnel etc.

A long consonant is also pronounced at the beginning of a word before a vowel ( quarrel, loan) and at the junction of morphemes: prefix and root ( carefree, seat) or root and suffix ( deep, equestrian).

In the pronunciation of words of foreign origin, we are interested in the pronunciation of unstressed O and pronunciation of consonants before e.

According to the rules of Russian phonetics, the letters are in place O in the first pre-stressed syllable [a] is pronounced (compare literary pronunciation words water, leg, time etc.). But in some words of foreign origin, the literary norm recommends pronunciation in accordance with the spelling, i.e. in words boa, bordeaux, necklace, hotel, foyer, highway etc. on site O pronounce [o]. In separate words ( poet, sonnet, phonetics etc.) on site O Along with the pronunciation [o] (book version), there is the pronunciation [a] (colloquial version).

As is known, in Russian words (as well as in borrowed words, but which have long since entered the Russian language) the consonant before e pronounced softly: [b’] white, [V'] take away, [d’] day, [l’] here it is,[m’] ena, [n’] no, [p’] first, [With'] gray etc. However, in words of foreign origin that are not sufficiently mastered by the Russian language and are perceived as borrowed, the consonant before e not softened: for example: ice[b] erg, en[T] enna, [d] Elta, ka[f] e, cough[n] e, ku[p] e, summary[m] e, you[r] e, chimpan[h] e, highway[e].

Just a short conclusion

Our traveling together the world of language is over. But each of you has ample opportunities to continue it on your own: there are no limits to learning your native language.

It is appropriate to recall the statement of the famous French philosopher and educational writer Voltaire: “Learning several languages ​​is a matter of one or two years; and to learn to speak your language properly, it takes half your life.”