Reservoirs of our region. The largest rivers in Russia - I want to know A message about the rivers of our country

We can say with great confidence that Russia is the country most supplied with fresh water. There are more than 2.5 million rivers (both small and large) on the territory of the Russian Federation. All of them belong to the three oceans. Let's talk to you about what are the most important rivers of Russia. The names of most of them were formed historically, so we will touch on the past a little. On the territory of the Russian Federation there are a lot amazing rivers and lakes.

Some general information

Approximately 70% of the rivers that are located in Russia belong to the Arctic Ocean. The longest and deepest rivers, such as the Yenisei, Oba, Lena, etc., flow into the basin. To the pool Pacific Ocean include Amur and Anadyr. The features of the last two are their relatively short length and rapid flow. To the pool Atlantic Ocean Don refers. Don't miss one important point, which lies in the fact that many rivers are located in several border states at once, for example, in Mongolia, Ukraine or Belarus.

As already noted a little above, there are more than 2.5 million rivers on the territory of Russia. This fact speaks of a huge supply of fresh water. For Agriculture This is also very important for industry. For example, there is no such problem as drought in farmland, which is due to sufficient water resources. It should also be said that the total length of all rivers in Russia is approximately 10 million km. You might think that our country ranks first in the world in terms of water resources? No, unfortunately, it’s the second one. The first is Brazil, where the volume of fresh river water is slightly larger.

The average long-term flow is 4290 cubic meters per year. This is quite a lot, but given the uneven distribution of rivers in the country and various kinds of difficulties in organizing rational use water resource, the stable annual flow is only 1400 cubic meters. As for the amount of water per person, in the Russian Federation it is approximately 18 thousand m 3 per year, while in the USA - 8 thousand m 3, in Finland - 23.9 thousand m 3 for the same period.

Let's take a closer look at the main rivers of Russia. There are a variety of names - invented both by other peoples and by indigenous residents. Let's start with the most interesting.

The main river of Russia is the Volga

Surface waters occupy 12.4% of common territory countries. Moreover, 84% is concentrated in the east of the Urals. On the territory of Russia there is one of the largest rivers in the whole world, and this is the Volga. Its basin occupies more than 30% of the European part of the Russian Federation. It flows through four regions and eleven republics.

If we list the rivers of Russia whose names are most often mentioned in history, the Volga will be in first place. Its length is more than 3,500 kilometers. This is the distance between Berlin and Moscow multiplied by two.

Of course, the Volga has simply enormous economic importance, and has been used for hundreds of years as a transport route, as well as one of the main sources of hydropower.

If speak about industrial production In Russia as a whole, approximately 45% of enterprises use the resource of the river in question. All this suggests that the Volga has great importance. If it weren’t for this body of water, life would be much more difficult for you and me.

The names of large rivers in Russia, such as the Volga and others, must be remembered, if only because we get more than 80% of all fish from them.

The Volga begins on the Valdai Hills. Every year people come there to take a sip of Volga water. In the indicated place, this river is a small spring, which becomes wider and deeper with every meter. Lotuses grow here - beautiful flowers that we all associate with the East. Many songs and plays are dedicated to this great and ancient river. You can talk endlessly about the beauty and grandeur of this river, but all this is little impressive if you don’t see the reservoir with your own eyes. You already know how many rivers there are in Russia, so let's talk about those that are of great importance for the development of the country.

Cupid, or "Black Dragon"

This giant is located in Transbaikalia. Crossing mountain ranges and plains, the Amur flows into the river spreads across three states: Russia, Mongolia and China. Approximately three thousand kilometers of the border between Russia and China runs along the Amur. In China it is a dragon. According to legend, a very, very long time ago, two dragons lived here: white - evil, and black - good. When the black dragon defeated evil, he remained to live at the bottom. This name stuck with the Chinese.

It is noteworthy that at the border Amur basin you can observe an amazing sight - the change of four physical-geographical zones. Here there are steppe and semi-desert zone, as well as forest and forest-steppe. During the entire existence of the Amur, more than thirty peoples of the world and different ethnic groups settled in these places. If you remember the names of large rivers in Russia, the Amur immediately comes to mind.

It is safe to say that the wetlands of the Far Eastern giant are considered very valuable natural complex. The point is that they reproduce here fish resources, and the river is of great importance for the migration of hundreds of thousands of birds. It is on the Amur that almost 95% of Far Eastern and 50% of white-naped and red-crowned cranes nest. There are more than 5,000 species here various plants and approximately 400 species of birds, as well as 70 species of mammals. One of the rarest is the Amur tiger.

IN last years The situation on the Amur has worsened significantly. This is due to active human intervention in the river ecosystem. The fact is that more than one hundred million people live in the Amur basin, and this is only about China. If we still know exactly how many rivers there are in Russia, then in a few years the Amur may not exist, and man will be to blame for everything.

Don - witness of Russian history

According to the research, scientists were able to name the approximate time of the origin of this river. According to most scientists, the Don appeared approximately 23 million years ago. This is the largest river in the south. In Greek literature, the name Tanais appears. A long time ago, the legendary Amazons lived here - warriors who had practically no equal. There are also mentions of these female warriors in Russian stories, according to which they often fought with the heroes of Rus'.

If we list the rivers of Russia, the names of which were given by other peoples, then the Don is one of them. Iranian peoples lived for some time in places Northern Black Sea region, then these tribes gave the name to the river, which is still used today. Don in Russian means “river”.

The southern economy largely depends on river transport. Most of them are carried out along the Don. It is safe to say that approximately 85% of the main industry is located on the banks of the river. There are engineering factories, food and chemical, and tobacco industries. There was also energy. The Rostov Nuclear Power Plant is located on the Don, as well as the Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant.

It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that there are three Dons all over the world. The most important one is located on the territory of Russia, it is also the largest. The younger namesake flows in the Scottish county of Aberdeen. Another Don is located in York County, England.

As you can see, the rivers located in Russia are very popular, and some are known even in foreign countries. We continue our story further, because there is still a lot of interesting things.

What is the longest river in Russia?

The answer to this question is probably of interest to many people. The Lena River is the longest in the Russian Federation. In the world, it ranks tenth in length and eighth in depth. It originates in the mountains in southern Siberia and flows into the Laptev Sea. The length of the river is 4,400 kilometers.

The Lena River originates on the slopes of the Baikal ridge. In those places it is a very small lake, which does not even have its own name. It is located at an altitude of approximately 930 meters above sea level, ten kilometers from Lake Baikal. Among the mountains, the Lena has no tributaries and flows along the bottom of a small valley. IN winter time It freezes almost completely, and in summer it dries out almost completely.

Having received the first tributaries, the river becomes deeper and wider. Mountain currents are very fast and tortuous. If you ask what long river in Russia is of great importance for the country, then this is, without a doubt, Lena. The fact is that this reservoir is the main transport route of Yakutia. Almost everything that is brought here from the north comes by river. This is due poor condition expensive

It is impossible not to consider the issue of occupancy. Studies have shown that few people live on the banks of the Lena. Main part settlements is located in Yakutsk, otherwise we're talking about only about

Today it is almost impossible to establish where the name came from. Scientists make assumptions that the origin of the name refers to the Tungus-Manchu “Yelyu-Ene”, which means “Big River”.

The Russians discovered the reservoir in 1621. First, this was done by the explorer Pyanda, and then by the centurion Pyotr Beketov.

"Borisfen", or Dnieper

This river flows through the territory of three countries: Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. Despite the fact that most of it is located in the Russian Federation, the Dnieper is of great importance for all of the listed states. It is difficult to say exactly when this source of food and water appeared for ancient peoples. However, even Herodotus in his treatises mentioned a river called “Borysthenes” and its great importance for the population. Then he said that this is one of the most profitable rivers in the whole world. Much has been said about high quality water. It was transparent and pleasant to the taste. The large number of fish living in the Dnieper contributed to the development of fishing villages.

Today the river is approximately 2,201 kilometers long, making it the third longest in Europe. The Dnieper is characterized by a slow and calm current. In fact, this is a typical lowland river.

The Dnieper originates on the Valdai Hills, in the Smolensk region. It flows into the Black Sea, or more precisely, into the Dnieper-Bug estuary.

If we list all the rivers flowing through Russia, then the Dnieper is one of the most fertile, as it has more than 400 tributaries and a lot of fish. Catfish, pike perch, carp, perch, as well as about a hundred species of different birds live here, including plovers, grasshoppers, swan, ducks and many others.

We can talk endlessly about how beautiful the Dnieper is during sunset or dawn, but it’s better to see it all once, and it doesn’t matter where you are - in Russia, Ukraine or Belarus.

Yenisei is the real pride of the country

There are whole legends about the origin of this river. But all stories are not confirmed by facts. It is unknown where the name came from. Someone says that from the Tungus peoples, from the word “Enesi”, which translated means “ big water" Another part of researchers and scientists is inclined to the Kyrgyz origin of the word “enee-sai” - “mother river”. But one thing is for sure: this unique river. The fact is that in the upper reaches of the Yenisei there are camels, and if you go downstream, you are likely to meet entire families of polar bears hunting on the banks. It is noteworthy that on the left bank of the river there are Siberian plains, and on the right the taiga begins. The Yenisei also has a certain influence on the Arctic Ocean. The fact is that Siberian rivers carry out a huge amount of heat, making the climate of the North less harsh.

If you describe big rivers Russia, which remove significant volumes of water from their riverbed, the Yenisei is in first place. Approximately 600 km 3 of water per year flows into this river, several times more than the flow of the Volga. The length of the reservoir is 3,487 km, so it rightfully ranks fifth in length in the Russian Federation. The Yenisei is very beautiful, especially in summer and winter, when it is covered with greenery or snow. Of course, there are other long rivers in Russia, which we will talk about now.

Oka and Ural

As you have probably already noticed, the names of the largest rivers in Russia are sometimes not at all connected with the activities of Russian people in their native territory. Oka, for example, originates from the Finno-Ugric word “ioku”, which means “river”. Since ancient times, the Oka has been an important trade artery. Afterwards it became a defensive line in the south of Russia. For our country, the river is of very great importance, since the whole central Russia lies on the banks of the Oka. The area of ​​its basin is slightly more than 240,000 km 2. In fact, this is the same amount as the whole of Great Britain. The length of the river is 1,500 kilometers.

Despite the fact that it is not the largest in Russia, it has higher value than the Nile to the Egyptians. There are several important nature reserves on the Oka River. One of them is located in the central current - Prioksko-terrasny, the second - Oka State biosphere reserve- located in the Ryazan region.

The Volga and Danube are the longest rivers in Europe. In third place is the Urals, which stretches for 2,428 kilometers. In ancient times, the river was called “Yaik”, which translated from Turkic means “flooding, spilling”. During the reign of Catherine II in 1775, the river was renamed the Ural, however, despite this, most people in Kazakhstan use the former name.

As you can see, the names of large rivers in Russia quite often have foreign origins. The peoples living on the territory of the country gave the reservoirs their names.

The most surprising thing is that one bank of the Urals is in Europe, and the other in Asia. Today, along the river you can see many tourists and fishermen, but shipping interest has practically disappeared, so it is difficult to call the Urals an important trade and transport artery of Russia.

Everyone should know

It is safe to say that it is necessary to remember the great rivers of Russia, because this is our history. For example, the Volga - one of the largest rivers in the world - enchants with its grandeur. Here you can meet amazing representatives flora and fauna. If you love nature, then be sure to visit the Urals. To be more precise, visit its part located slightly below Orsk.

The gorge of the Guberlinsky Mountains, as well as the Orsky Gate, have beautiful views. There are many geological and landscape monuments here, which, although they do not have important for the infrastructure of Russia, but are of interest to travelers. It is in the Urals that many active fishing enthusiasts gather. You can also see many tourists traveling along the current.

The largest river in all respects is in Siberia, and this is the Ob. It is formed by the merger of two currents, such as the Katun and Biya. The length is often calculated from the very source of the Irtysh, in this case the river stretches 5,410 kilometers. There are a large number of industrial bases on the Ob. This is due to the fact that this reservoir is home to more than fifty species of different aquatic life. Approximately 25 species of fish have industrial value, so shipping is very well developed here.

However, not everything is as rosy as it seems at first glance. Ecology is a significant problem. The names of Russian rivers (we reviewed the list above) have long become something familiar to us, so it is important to consider that some reservoirs are in danger of extinction.


So we looked at the names of the rivers of Russia. The list turned out to be impressive, but, in fact, it is only a few percent of the state’s total water resource.

Very important issue, which rises more and more every year, is the environmental situation. A large number of dams and chemical plants on the banks of large rivers significantly worsen the living conditions of their inhabitants. As a result, fish production decreases and water quality suffers.

I would like to note that for Russia small rivers are no less important than such giants as the Lena, Volga, etc. The fact is that tributaries of many large rivers are formed from them. But, as practice shows, uncontrolled withdrawal of water from small sources leads to their narrowing, shallowness and even drying out. Today, irreversible consumption is approximately 4% per year, and this is quite a lot. At this rate, in 12 years approximately 50% of small rivers will be lost.

The situation can only be improved a little in the following way: reducing the amount Wastewater. But hardly anyone is going to solve this issue. All that ordinary residents can do is not engage in illegal fishing and not pollute the water.

Small businesses hurt too big damage rivers of the Russian Federation, but this is incomparable with the harm that the activities of hydroelectric power stations and nuclear power plants entail. We must not forget that many rivers are located on the territory of several states. But if the population of, for example, Belarus is not so numerous, especially on the banks of rivers, then in China hundreds of millions of people live in the coastal zone, depleting natural resources.

In any case, take care of nature, do not throw garbage into rivers, as this negatively affects the quality of the water we drink. In the end, all this affects our health.

In the territory Russian Federation there are more than two million large and small rivers. Many of them are small in size, but the top ten, which include the largest rivers in Russia, occupies leading positions on a global scale. In the European and Asian parts of the country there are huge water arteries, the size of which amazes the imagination.

The largest rivers in Russia: Western and Eastern Siberia

The Ob, Yenisei and Lena flow through the territory of Siberia. Their length is 5410, 4287 and 4480 km, respectively, and the areas of the basins are 2.99, 2.58 and 2.49 million square meters. km.

The Ob is formed when two water flows Biya and Katun. Its tributary, the Irtysh, is also significant. Usually its length is considered together with the Irtysh, so it takes first place in this indicator and rightfully tops the list "the largest rivers in Russia". Its waters are rich commercial fish, about 50 species are found here. The Ob flows into the Ob Bay, a bay of the Kara Sea.

Ob is the largest river in Russia

The source of the Yenisei is located in Mongolia. The main part of its basin lies in our state, and in terms of its area the Yenisei ranks second. It flows into the Kara Sea. It is formed by the confluence of the Big and Small Yenisei and is the border between Eastern and Western Siberia.

Lena originates in the Baikal region. Its source is considered to be a small lake near Lake Baikal. It flows into the Laptev Sea. It was discovered and put on the map of the Russian state in the 17th century.

Yenisei River

The Yenisei River is the fifth longest river in the world

Far East

In the far east of the country there is a large water artery - the Amur. Except Russian state it flows through the territories of Mongolia and China. Its length is 2824 km, and its area river basin– 1.855 million sq. km. It is formed by the merger of Shilka and Arguni. The mouth is located on the shore of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Amur is rich in fish. 139 species live here, of which about 40 are of commercial importance. Nine species of salmon live in its waters, some of them endemic.

Amur river

Fishing on the Amur River

The Volga is one of the largest rivers in Russia

This huge waterway is the largest in Europe and one of the largest on the planet. The location of its source is the Valdai Plateau. Flows into the Caspian Sea. Its length is about 3530 km, and its basin area is 1.361 million square meters. km. The Volga flows through the Russian Federation, only part of its delta lies on the territory of Kazakhstan.

Volga river

The Volga River is not only one of greatest rivers our country, but also the longest and most water-rich in all of Europe.

European part of the country

Here, in addition to the Volga, the Don and Northern Dvina flow. Their lengths are 1870 and 744 km, and the areas of the basins are 422,000 and 357,000 sq. km. The Don begins in the Tula region in the territory Central Russian Upland and ends its journey in Taganrog Bay. The Northern Dvina is formed by the confluence of the Sukhona and the South. It starts in the Vologda region. Flows into the White Sea. It was here that Russian shipbuilding began.

Fishing on the Don River

North of the Russian Federation

The mostmajor rivers of Russia, flowing in the north in the permafrost zone are Indigirka, Kolyma and Khatanga. Their lengths are 1726, 2129 and 1636 km.

The source of the Indigirka is located on the Khalkan ridge, where it is formed at the junction of Tuora-Yuryakh and Taryn-Yuryakh. It flows through Yakutia, its delta is located on the shore East Siberian Sea. The Kolyma also flows through Yakutia. It is formed by the confluence of Ayan-Yuryakh and Kulu, and carries its waters to the Arctic Ocean. Khatanga is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Its source is located at the junction of Kotui and Kheta. It flows through the North Siberian Lowland and ends in the Northern Arctic Ocean. Along its shores there are many large and small lakes, of which there are more than 110,000.

Indigirka River

There are about 2.5 million rivers in Russia. Most of these rivers are relatively small and their length is usually no more than 100 kilometers. But as for large rivers, they are truly huge and reach shocking sizes.


the largest river in Russia

The Ob is a river in Siberia, formed by the confluence of the Katun and Biya rivers. If we count from the source of the Irtysh, then it has a length of 5410 kilometers, which makes it the most big river Russia by length. In the North, the river flows into the Ob Bay, a bay in the Kara Sea. The area of ​​the Ob basin is 2,990,000 square kilometers (which is why the river takes first place in our ranking). The waters of this river are home to more than 50 species of fish, half of which are of industrial importance.


The Yenisei is a river in Siberia that flows into the Kara Sea. The length of the river from the sources of the Small Yenisei is 4287 kilometers. The Yenisei flows through two countries (Russia and Mongolia), its area is 2,580,000 square kilometers, which allows it to take second place among the rivers of Russia.


The Lena River originates in the mountains of Siberia and flows into the Laptev Sea. Lena, one of the largest Russian rivers, has a length of 4,480 kilometers. Its area is 2,490,000 square kilometers, which rightfully makes it the third largest river in Russia. It is believed that the Russians first learned about this river in the 17th century, when they sent a detachment of Cossacks to search for it.


The Amur is a river flowing through the territory of three states (Russia, Mongolia and China). The area of ​​the basin is 1,855,000 square kilometers, and the length of the river is 2,824 kilometers. There are many points of view about the origin of the name Amur, one of which is general basis Tungus-Manchu languages ​​"amar" and "damur" (big river).


This river originates from the Valdai Plateau in the Tver region. The Volga is one of the largest rivers on Earth, its length is 3530 kilometers, and it is located on the territory of two states (Russia and Kazakhstan). The basin area is about 1,361,000 square kilometers, making it largest river Europe.


This is a river in Yakutia, the length of which is 2,129 kilometers. The Kolyma is formed by the confluence of two rivers (Ayan-Yuryakh and Kulu) and flows into the Kolyma Bay. The basin area is approximately 645,000 square kilometers. The discovery of Kolyma by the Russians was also accomplished by the valiant Cossacks.


Don is a river in Russia, originating in the Central Russian Upland ( Tula region). Its area is 422,000 square kilometers and its length is about 1,870 km. The Don is one of the oldest rivers in Russia.


A river located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Its length is 1636 kilometers. Khatanga is formed at the confluence of two rivers (Kheta and Kotuy) and flows into the Khatanga Bay. The basin area is about 364,000 square kilometers.


It originates on the slopes of the Halkan ridge, and its source consists of two rivers - Kuidusun and Omyokon. The area of ​​Indigirka is 360,000 square kilometers.


It originates in the Vologda region, at the confluence of two rivers (Sukhona and Yug). The basin area is 357,000 square kilometers. It was on this river that the history of Russian shipbuilding began.

That's basically it! Now you know what they are, the largest rivers in Russia.

Rivers entangle all of Russia like a web. If you count them all down to the smallest, you get over 2.5 million! But the vast majority of them don’t even have names, so it’s better to pay attention to the largest rivers in the country, not forgetting what you can catch in them, because there are a lot of fishermen in Russia.

1. Lena (4400 km)

The longest river in Russia, and at the same time in Siberia, is the Lena. It is also solid by world standards, since it closes the top ten longest water arteries peace. Lena takes its beginning from a small lake near Baikal, winds a lot through the mountainous Baikal region until it turns north and rushes to the Laptev Sea, where it forms an extended delta. Together with the latter, it has a length of 4,400 km with a basin area of ​​2.5 million square meters. km, the water flow in the lower reaches is 16,350 cubic meters. m/s. This is the longest Russian river, flowing entirely through the territory of the country, and the largest in the world, completely passing through the territory of permafrost. The Lena still remains one of the cleanest rivers in the world. Man has not yet been able to change its course; he has not built a single dam, hydroelectric power station or other energy structures. In areas remote from human activity, you can still drink water directly from the river.

2. Irtysh (4248 km)

Like most of the large rivers of Siberia, the mighty Irtysh from the depths of the Asian continent heads north until it flows into the Ob, being its main tributary. Their joint water system stretches for 5,410 km, which makes it the seventh longest on Earth. But this is not even the main attraction of the Irtysh, but the fact that it has become the longest tributary in the world, since its own length is 4248 kilometers. In this category, it is significantly inferior to second-place Missouri, which has a length of “only” 3,767 kilometers.
Translated from the Turkic language, Irtysh means “digger,” and this reflects the nature of the river, which very often changes its course, undermining the banks. The Irtysh is fed by meltwater and tributaries. But now floods rarely occur here, since several hydroelectric power stations have been built here, the dams of which regulate the release of water.

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3. Ob (3650 km)

In the northeast of Asia, in the Altai Territory, near the administrative border with the Altai Republic, two mountain rivers Biya and Katun, as a result of which the powerful full-flowing Ob River is formed, the name of which has still not been revealed. The Ob crosses from south to north Western Siberia and after 3,650 kilometers it flows into the Kara Sea, or more precisely, into a long (800 km) gulf called the Gulf of Ob. The Ob has the largest basin in Russia, occupying almost 3 million square kilometers, and in terms of fullness it is second only to the Yenisei and Lena, bringing 12,300 cubic meters of water to the mouth every second.

4. Volga (3531 km)

The great Russian river Volga has over 150 tributaries; few other rivers on the planet have as many. Taking into account average speed With a current of 4 km/h, it is calculated that the water in it reaches the mouth in 37 days. This river even has its own holiday - Volga Day is celebrated on May 20. The entire Volga basin is located on the territory of Russia, it crosses the territories of four republics and 11 regions of the country, and only one small branch of it, Kigach, turns into the territory of Kazakhstan.
And the source of the Volga is located on the Valdai Hills, in the Tver region near the village of Volgoverkhovye. Although not the largest in Russia, the Volga is nevertheless the largest river in Europe. Her pool spans a third European territory Russia, occupying 1,855 million sq. km, and water consumption is 8060 cubic meters. m/s. 9 hydroelectric power stations with reservoirs were built on the Volga; half of the country’s agriculture and industry are served with its water.

5. Yenisei (3487 km)

The Yenisei River appears after the confluence of the Big Yenisei (Biy-Khem) and the Small Yenisei (Kaa-Khem). The Yenisei flows for almost 3.5 thousand kilometers only through the territory of Russia, and before that it winds through Mongolia for another 600 kilometers. At the end of the journey, it flows into the Yenisei Bay, which belongs to the Kara Sea. The source of the Yenisei is located near the geographical center of Asia near the city of Kyzyl, in which there is even an obelisk reminiscent of this.
In terms of basin area (2.58 million sq. km), the Yenisei is second only to the Lena; its water consumption is also large - 19,800 cubic meters. m/s. In three places it is blocked by powerful hydroelectric power stations: Sayano-Shushenskaya, Krasnoyarsk and Mainskaya. As for the name of the river, it is associated either with the Tungus word “enesi”, which means “big water”, or with the Kyrgyz “enee-say”, that is, mother river.
The mighty, stormy Yenisei is especially notable for its ice drifts. During the winter, a powerful ice shell grows on the river, from which the river is freed for at least a month. Thousands of tons of ice rush along the river, forming jams here and there that block the flow. As a result, the river overflows its banks and floods the surrounding area. The power of this water element at one time I had to feel different cities- Yeniseisk, Krasnoyarsk, Igarka and Minusinsk.

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6. Lower Tunguska (2989 km)

This is another Siberian river, which is the right tributary of the Yenisei. Lower Tunguska flows through the Irkutsk region and Krasnoyarsk region. It winds for a long time along the middle part of the Siberian Plateau until it comes to the Putorana Plateau. Because of large quantity rapids and whirlpools, navigation along the Lower Tunguska is severely limited. Back in 1911, plans were made to connect the Lena and Lower Tunguska near the city of Kirensk, since here they converge to a distance of 15 kilometers, however, the Lower Tunguska flows almost 85 meters above the Lena, and is also not navigable in this place. Therefore, the construction of a connecting canal between them was abandoned due to the high cost and inexpediency of the project.

7. Amur (2824 km)

The Amur River is international - it flows through the lands of Russia, China and Mongolia, and flows into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk in the area of ​​the Amur Estuary. The length of the Amur is 2824 kilometers, and the basin area is 1.855 million square meters. km with a water consumption of 10900 cubic meters. m/s. The Amur flows through 4 different climatic zones: semi-desert, steppe, forest-steppe and forest; 30 different nationalities live on its banks. There is no clarity regarding the origin of the name of the river, but the most common version is from the Tungus-Manchu words “damar” or “amar”. The Chinese call it the Black Dragon River, but in our country the Amur symbolizes Far East and Transbaikalia.

8. Vilyui (2650 km)

The longest and largest left tributary of the Lena, flowing through the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Yakutia, is called Vilyuy. It has served man since ancient times, giving him water and food. A couple of hydroelectric power stations were built on it. When intensive industrial development of Siberia began, the environmental situation in the Vilyuy basin worsened, causing concern to the indigenous residents.

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9. Ishim (2450 km)

Ishim is the left and longest tributary of the Irtysh; it passes through the territory of Kazakhstan and Russia. According to popular legend, the name “Ishim” comes from the name of the son of the Tatar Khan, Ishim, who drowned in a previously nameless river. But there is also a Tatar word “ishimak”, meaning “destroying”. There are two reservoirs on Ishim that are of great economic importance: the water from them is used local population, it irrigates fields and garden plots.

10. Ural (2428 km)

In the European part of Russia, the Ural River is one of the largest. It descends along the southeastern Black Sea-Caspian slope, running 2,428 kilometers from its very source to its confluence with the Caspian Sea. The area of ​​the river basin is 220 thousand square meters. km. The Ural is a very winding river, it is usually divided into three sections: from the source to Orsk, the middle from Orsk to Uralsk and the lower from Uralsk to the very mouth. A whole network of reservoirs has been built on this river, which provide much-needed water for industry and agriculture.

Rivers is a wonderful gift of nature.

Two large rivers (Kama and Chusovaya), 40 medium rivers and about 29 thousand small rivers flow through the territory of the Perm Territory. Large rivers are those that are more than 500 km long, and small rivers are those that are less than 100 km long.

The most extended and high-water rivers of the Perm region:

In terms of length, the Kama (1805 km) is the sixth river in Europe after the Volga, Danube, Ural, Don and Pechora.


529 km


493 km


415 km


460 km


403 km


283 km


267 km


266 km


257 km


247 km

The rivers of the Western Urals are very picturesque and varied in character. Some are typically flat (these are all the right tributaries of the Kama: Kosa, Urolka, Kondas, Inva, Obva and others: some left ones: Veslyana, Lupya, South Keltma, Tulva, Saigatka). They have a calm current, a winding channel with numerous meanders, islands, channels, and aquatic vegetation. Their floodplains abound in oxbow lakes and lakes and are often swampy.

The left bank tributaries of the Kama, originating in Ural mountains, in the upper reaches - typically mountain rivers with fast current. Along the banks of these rivers there are often outcrops of numerous stones and picturesque cliffs. The riverbed is replete with riffles, rapids and small waterfalls. When entering the plain, rivers lose their mountain character.

The total length of all rivers in the region exceeds 80,000 km. The total area of ​​all rivers and lakes in our region is approximately 2% of its entire surface, much more than in neighboring regions. This is probably why the Kama region is called the water region.

In addition to rivers, in our region there are about 800 lakes and more than 300 ponds, three large reservoirs: Kamskoye, Votkinskoye and Shirokovskoye.

Lakes poetically called "the blue eyes of the planet." The Perm region presents the most Various types lakes: deep and shallow, small and medium, flowing and drainless, surface and underground, floodplain, karst, tectonic, natural and man-made, fresh and salty, overgrown, completely lifeless and rich in fish, with beautiful names and completely nameless. However, most lakes are small, floodplain and nameless. In terms of the number of lakes, the Kama region is inferior to other Ural regions. The total area of ​​lakes in the Perm region is only 0.1% of its area.

The most big The lakes are located in the north of the region:

  • Chusovskoye (19.4 sq. km)
  • Big Kumikush (17.8 sq. km)
  • Novozhilovo (7.12 sq. km)

The most deep lakes (all of them are of karst origin):

  • Rogalek (depth 61 m)
  • White (depth 46 m)
  • Bolshoye in Dobryansky district (depth 30 m)

Highest salinity Among surface lakes, Lake Igum (25.6 g/l) in the Solikamsk region has.

The largest of the underground currently considered to be a lake in the Grotto of Friendship of Peoples in the Kungur Ice Cave (about 1300 sq.m.). In total, over 60 lakes were discovered in this cave. Lakes are also known in other karst caves - Pashiyskaya, Divya, Kizelovskaya.
Lake Goluboe- the emergence of an underground river.

Some lakes in the Kama region are protected by the state. State reserve on Lake Chusovskoye was created to protect thousands of flocks of migratory birds. The reserve on Lake Adovo is intended to preserve the nesting grounds of the whooper swan, which is rare in the region.

Ponds and reservoirs. Ponds were created in the Kama region for a variety of purposes: to regulate the flow of small rivers, for the needs of small-scale energy, timber rafting, fishing, water supply, irrigation, and for decorating rural areas. The largest ponds:

    Nytvensky (area 6.7 sq. km) on the Nytva River

    Seminsky (area 5.2 sq. km) on the Zyryanka River

    Ochersky (area 4.3 sq. km) on the Travyanka River

The most ancient ones were created 150-200 years ago at ancient Ural factories. Now about five dozen such veteran ponds as Ochersky, Nytvensky, Pashiysky, Pavlovsky, Yugo-Kama and others have become unique monuments of history and culture.

There are also larger reservoirs in the region than ponds - reservoirs created in connection with the construction of hydroelectric power stations: Kamskoye and Votkinskoye on the Kama, Shirokovskoye on Kosva.





Normal retaining level, m above sea level




Total volume, cubic km


Surface area, sq. km



Depth at the dam, m

Reservoir length, km


Year of filling




Hydroelectric power station capacity, thousand kW


Swamps V Perm region widespread, both upland and lowland. The swamps and lakes in the north of the region are traces of former continental glaciation. Some swamps were formed as a result of natural processes in low-flow water bodies. Often leads to waterlogging economic activity human: intensive deforestation, creation of reservoirs, construction of dams, construction of roads.

In the Perm region there are over 800 bogs, the peat deposits of which can be of industrial importance. But the development of peat in many swamps is not recommended due to their water conservation role, biological and other valuable qualities. In addition, vitamin-rich cranberries and cloudberries grow in the swamps. Many swamps are good hayfields.

Most large swamps are located in the north of the region:

    Bolshoye Kamskoye (area 810 sq. km)

    Djuric-Nur (area 350 sq. km)

    Byzimskoe (area 194 sq. km)

The groundwater . Diversity natural conditions region created many of their species. Particularly well represented fresh waters having wonderful drinking qualities. IN Lately Several dozen types have been discovered in the Kama region mineral waters, many of which are of interest for resort construction. So far, iodine-bromine and hydrogen sulfide waters are most widely used in the resorts of Ust-Kachka, Klyuchi and in the hydropathic clinics of the city of Perm.