What is discussed in Zhdanov's lectures on the dangers of alcohol. Professor Zhdanov about alcoholism and the dangers of alcohol Alcoholism lectures Zhdanov

The presence of a drunkard in the family is great tragedy. This is especially true for people who love him. Similar marriage unions break up very often. This disease brings disability to the drunkard. There is no organ in the body that would not decompose under the influence of alcohol.

The most negative changes occur in the brain. The person loses his sense of shame. He becomes capable of heinous acts. Alcohol abusers often give birth to intellectually and physically handicapped children.

Women are especially vulnerable. Most rapes, murders, robberies and other atrocities are committed by people under the influence of alcohol. Professor Zhdanov invariably reminds the public of the dangers of alcohol.

Zhdanov's biography

Was born in 1949. My father served as a military doctor. Vladimir Georgievich deservedly was appointed professor of the Humanitarian-Ecological Institute, located in Siberia. He is also a member of the International Association of Psychoanalysts and is its President.

He became famous for campaigning against various narcotic substances. Started to popularize among the population Russian Federation absolute refusal of alcohol in the 1980s.

In 1983, his Lies and Truths about Alcohol were first published. He gave this lecture in most of the huge cities of the USSR. Since 1988, he has been conducting courses to help end alcoholism.

The treatment developed by him is based on the famous method of Dr. Shichko. A passionate sobriety fighter is against coding and does not use it. Also in 1988 he was elected and joined the Union of Spiritual Revival of the Fatherland.

Since 2007 lives in the capital. Serves at the International Slavic Academy. There he heads the department practical psychology. In 2008, he was elected chairman of the "Union for the struggle for universal national sobriety." In 2009, his accusatory speeches were seen in the TV show "Common Cause".

This talk show discussed the consequences of alcoholism:

  • an increase in the number of unhealthy children born from parents who drink alcohol;
  • rising crime rates;
  • decrease in the birth rate;
  • increase in mortality.

Zhdanov knows about the insidiousness of alcoholism from own experience. He states that he often drank alcohol in his youth. Could drink a bottle of vodka a day. This prevented him from studying normally and earning a living. His father and brother also have this addiction.

Acquaintance with the works of Fedor Uglov prompted him to quit drinking and start popularizing a sober lifestyle. The activities of Vladimir Georgievich enjoy the assistance of religious services. In addition to fans, he has many critics. They condemn him, arguing that his main statements are unreliable and false.

For example, Denis Novikov, associate professor high school declares that Zhdanov's lectures are not intended for those addicted to alcohol. They are oriented towards relatives who find in them an outlet for their aggression. His admirers attribute the negative reviews to bribing alcohol producers. After all, the sale of this product is very profitable.

The hidden truth about alcohol suits them completely.

Zhdanov's classification

Vladimir Georgievich distinguishes three stages of dependence. The latter, he believes, cannot be cured.

Features of the stages of alcoholism:

  1. the first - addiction to alcohol, constant libations. For example, 1 time in 2-3 days;
  2. the second - constant binges, the occurrence of withdrawal symptoms;
  3. the third - mental and physical attachment to strong drinks, moral regression. Absolute functional disorder of most vital organs.

The first stage of the disease is observed in many, but they do not want to recognize this addiction. The addict systematically looks into the glass in his spare time or on holidays.

After there is a hangover, irascibility, violations nervous system. To relax, you need to drink continuously. Even drinking a couple of beers during the week indicates the first stage.

At the next stage, the weakening of the rejection of ethyl alcohol increases, and self-criticism decreases.

It is important to remember that withdrawal symptoms are not just another name for a hangover.

These two states differ in the dynamics of well-being. With the latter, after some time, there is an improvement in well-being. If a person has withdrawal symptoms, then he gets worse. Sometimes this condition can cause terrible hallucinations.

In order not to experience suffering, the patient goes into a binge lasting several days or weeks. At this point, the person becomes aware of his addiction, but is unable to do anything.

During the third stage, the alcohol taken blocks the production of many natural hormones. The person cannot stop drinking.

Damage done to the nervous system cannot be repaired. In some cases, the addict loses the ability to intellectual activity.

Women's alcoholism progresses more rapidly than men's.

Causes of alcoholism according to Zhdanov

Vladimir Georgievich believes that there are several reasons for alcohol abuse.

Situations that push to drink alcohol:

  1. Poverty.
  2. Provocations of others.
  3. The customs of the people.
  4. Sustained prolonged stress.
  5. Decreased quality of life.

Unwritten laws play a special role. Zhdanov regularly reminds that they must be broken. He advises to celebrate marriages, New Year's and other holidays without wine. And also to eradicate beer alcoholism.

In this difficult matter, the hidden truth about alcohol will provide irreplaceable help.

Teen drinking problem

Even a small amount of alcohol can lead to a lasting attachment. It takes 3 to 7 years for an adult to become addicted, but a minor takes three years to complete this journey.

Some researchers indicate the conditionality of the emergence of addiction in children who have abusing father and mother.

This is due to the fact that under the influence of a large amount of ethanol, modifications occur at the gene level, which increases the risk of developing this addiction. The offspring of drinking parents drink more quickly.

Psychological factor also plays a role.

It must be remembered that hereditary predisposition can be overcome.

Children of alcoholics do not always become dependent. Zhdanov blames his parents for teenage drunkenness. Children not only drink themselves in front of the elders, but they even pour them.

Teenagers start drinking alcohol because of:

  1. The desire to look fashionable and follow the example of adults.
  2. Observations on drinking relatives.
  3. Annoying ads showing successful people enjoying alcoholic beverages.

The basis of the teachings of Zhdanov

This propagandist is a supporter of a total ban on alcohol. The public figure believes that with the help of intoxicating drinks the Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian peoples are harassed. This is a kind of terror.

In his speeches, he emphasizes that drinking alcohol is not a traditional Russian tradition. This opinion was imposed on the people in order to promote alcoholic beverages more easily.

It is also beneficial for the government that the population of its country use an intoxicating potion. This makes them easier to manipulate. The truth about the poisonous drink is hidden.

Professor Zhdanov has comprehensive information about alcohol and its harmfulness to the body. He speaks openly and exhaustively about this in his writings.

Notable works:

  1. TV movie "Let's drink or alcoholism." About the irreparable consequences of taking alcoholic beverages;
  2. TV movie "Children's Alcoholism". Dedicated to the causes of adolescent alcohol addiction;
  3. Video lectures "Alcoholic terror against Russia". In them, he emphasizes that dependence on alcohol destroys our people;
  4. Lecture "The way to sobriety". The propagandist lucidly reports on the devastating consequences of alcohol consumption, voices statistics.

The academician always emphasizes that drunkenness is fatal even in small portions. He also mentions the devastation that smoking and drug addiction bring.

The famous propagandist sincerely believes in human self-awareness and inner strength. He offers people help in the process of becoming sober.

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is a professor at the Siberian Humanitarian-Ecological Institute and president of the international association of psychoanalysts. The method of V. G. Zhdanov was developed in the 80s of the 20th century, when Vladimir Georgievich began his activities to educate the population of the USSR, directed against mass alcoholization. Professor Zhdanov talks in an accessible way about the dangers of alcohol and its consequences on the body, how it can destroy a person's personality.

In 1988, Zhdanov was elected a member of the board of the Union of Spiritual Revival of the Fatherland (SDVO). He was one of the founders of the Novosibirsk society "Fatherland". Having met the famous surgeon Uglov, Professor Zhdanov becomes an active member of the SBNT and begins an active sober propaganda. Academician Zhdanov gained his fame thanks to his lectures on restoring vision in a natural way using the Shichko-Bates method, on the dangers of alcohol, smoking and other drugs, as well as their impact on the structure of the state and the world.

In 1983 he visited many countries Soviet Union with a lecture "Truth and lies about alcohol", promoting a sober lifestyle. VG Zhdanov in his lectures urges people not to drink alcohol, drugs, to lead a healthy lifestyle. Zhdanov's lectures on the dangers of alcohol are accessible and understandable to everyone, they contain facts and horrific figures about the number of alcoholics in Russia. The professor believes that alcohol is deliberately imposed on the population, since it is beneficial to the state for many reasons.

Dr. Zhdanov was awarded the RANS medal. I.I. Mechnikov and EAEN named after Paul Erlich for their great contribution to improving the health of the population. He is a member of numerous teetotaling organizations: the Union of Struggle for People's Sobriety, Sober Russia and the International Academy of Sobriety. Dr. Zhdanov shoots video lectures, is the author of numerous books and materials about the dangers of alcohol. smoking and drugs. For his materials, he took F.I. Uglov and G.A. Shichko, who also vehemently advocate sobriety. V.G. Zhdanov has repeatedly appeared on television, he has many followers, as well as critics who condemned his ideas.

Academician Zhdanov on the dangers of alcohol

"The Way to Sobriety" is one of the most popular lectures by Academician Zhdanov on the dangers of alcohol. It was shown for the first time to the population of Perm in 2008. Professor Zhdanov talks about the dangers of alcohol, what alcoholism leads to and how it affects the country as a whole. The problem of alcohol is not only individual, but also global, at the state level. Zhdanov believes that alcohol is the number one drug that cripples the body and soul. In his lecture, the academician gives examples of the consequences of regular alcohol consumption, how it affects the human body. The main idea of ​​this report is that there are no alcohol norms for Russian people.

Another important lecture by Zhdanov about the dangers of alcohol is "Alcohol terror against Russia." He tells the Russian people about the hidden dangers of alcohol, drugs and smoking, how they are detrimental to the health of the nation. Academician Zhdanov believes that alcoholic beverages have become a weapon in the destruction of the Russian nation, the alcoholization of society is carried out by the state itself, since it is beneficial to many. Project-lectures "Russian Cross", TV appearances in the programs "Let's Understand" and "Be Healthy", as well as a series of programs "Sevastopol Meetings" dedicated to International Conference in sobriology.

Zhdanov's lectures on the dangers of alcohol

In his books and seminars, Zhdanov talks in an accessible language about the dangers and effects of alcohol on the human body. His lectures are understandable to everyone, regardless of age and activity, as the professor specifically avoids the use of scientific terms and words. Academician Zhdanov also distinguishes 3 stages of alcoholism:

  • the first stage is a passion for alcohol, regular drinking several times a week;
  • the second stage - regular binges, the development of an abstinence syndrome;
  • the third stage is the physical and psychological dependence from alcohol, damaging many internal organs, moral degradation.

The professor says that alcohol is instantly absorbed by the body and primarily affects brain cells. For this reason, children and adolescents primarily suffer from alcoholic beverages, the number of alcoholics among adolescents is increasing every year. Many do not see the danger in beer and low-alcohol drinks, although they are also considered alcohol. Dr. Zhdanov talks about the dangers of alcohol and emphasizes its danger to pregnant women, the unborn child and the family.

The first stage of alcoholism occurs in many people, but they are not aware of it. A person regularly drinks on weekends or during the week. Drinking is replaced by a hangover and irritability, nervous breakdowns. To relax, a person constantly resorts to drinking. Even drinking several bottles of beer during the week is considered the first stage of alcoholism. Many people suffer from the first stage of alcoholism, but no one wants to admit it.

In the second stage, the need for alcohol increases significantly, it is difficult for a person to accept that he is addicted to alcohol. The patient has an abstinence syndrome, which is a bit like a hangover, but differs significantly from it. With withdrawal syndrome, the patient begins to feel worse, he can no longer live without alcohol. When a person drinks, he becomes much better, his mood rises, he becomes more sociable. Without alcohol, a person may experience hallucinations and delusions, confusion, hands shaking. In the second stage, the patient may be aware that he is dependent on alcohol, but cannot do anything about it. He needs serious treatment.

Dr. Zhdanov talks not only about the dangers of alcohol, but also about its dangers at the 3rd stage of alcoholism. At this stage, the central nervous system is affected, as well as almost all internal organs. The human brain, heart, kidneys, liver, stomach are affected. The liver feels the greatest harm, as it is the filter of our body. Even small doses of alcohol have a destructive effect on its cells.

At higher doses of alcohol, liver cells are replaced by adipose tissue and cirrhosis of the liver occurs. At stage 3, the patient does not need large doses of alcohol to get drunk. There is a moral degradation of the personality, a person is not able to realize his actions and deeds. For the sake of drinking, he is capable of robberies, murders and other crimes. Quite often, in the third stage of alcoholism, patients die from accidents or from diseases of the internal organs. The patient can be cured, but this process will take a long time.

The path of sobriety is the salvation of the Russian people

Zhdanov's lectures tell not only about the dangers of alcohol, but also urge everyone to give up addiction, to save themselves from the "green serpent". The professor asks everyone to think about their lifestyle, evaluate the place that alcohol occupies in the family. He believes that the salvation of the Russian people lies in taking the path of sobriety and the complete rejection of alcohol, smoking, and drugs. V.G. Zhdanov is sure that information about the benefits of alcohol is deliberately disseminated in the media and popular publishing houses in order to deceive the population and influence it.

Alcohol companies are a huge business network and government revenue. If people stop drinking, many will suffer enormous losses. Academician Zhdanov believes that the alcoholization of the population is carried out in order to distract a person from the pressing problems of the state, the policy pursued, to force him to degenerate morally and physically. Such people are easy to manage and manipulate, deceive and make believe in any information. Professor Zhdanov's lectures on the dangers of alcohol have been repeatedly criticized and attacked by many scientists and public figures, since the academician is not a narcologist, psychotherapist or technology specialist Food Industry. However, this does not prevent his thoughts and ideas from being correct.

V.G. Zhdanov calls on every Russian person to think about their lifestyle, to give up alcohol, since alcohol is a poison. Special attention he pays to parents who allow children to drink from an early age. The professor believes that the idea of ​​alcoholism originates in the family itself and is supported regularly at holidays, significant dates, at every opportunity. Many parents do not attach importance to the dangers of alcohol and the impact on their children. They openly drink in front of children, let them taste alcohol from the age of 10, which subsequently leads to child and adolescent alcoholism.

Academician Zhdanov developed his own course of treatment for alcoholism, based on the methods of G.A. Shichko. At the same time, he uses a slightly different approach in his work, retaining the main elements of the original method: compiling an anti-alcohol questionnaire, keeping detailed diary entries, and daily work on self-hypnosis. This method is quite harsh and is not suitable for people with mental disorders and suffering from various phobias. However, it has established itself as an effective and long-term treatment for alcohol dependence. You can see for yourself by watching Zhdanov's film about the dangers of alcohol at the end of the article.

Fetal alcohol syndrome Is it possible to drink alcohol with gastritis? Alcohol poisoning Hepatoprotectors

Alcoholism is a global scourge. Only in our country every year, on the basis of strong intoxication, a huge number of various crimes are committed, ranging from minor misdemeanors to murders and robberies. Not to mention overcrowded hospitals, where there are people suffering from various pathologies due to the same drunkenness.

Therefore, in Russia a lot of energy is rushed to the fight and prevention of alcoholism, which destroys the entire personality of a person. One of the ideologists of the propaganda of the preventive direction, focused on the fight against alcohol addiction, is Professor Vladimir Zhdanov. Zhdanov's lecture on the dangers of alcohol reveals real reasons the rapid development of alcoholism in our country and the dangers that the "green serpent" poses to people.

Professor Zhdanov V. G. is known for his social activities for the fight against alcoholism

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov has long been known for his active social activities. He travels extensively and performs in front of various audiences. Zhdanov began his educational work back in the 80s of the last century..

The main goal of Zhdanov's lectures is aimed at restoring the self-awareness of the country's population with a focus on a sober lifestyle. According to the professor, this will help improve the quality of life and increase the birth rate.

History of educational activities

1983. Zhdanov presented his very first lecture to the public at the beginning of 1983. The work was called "Lies and truth about alcohol." With this work public figure traveled to most major Russian cities and the post-Soviet space.

Zhdanov's first lecture was published in 1983

1986. The world saw the famous lecture by Professor Zhdanov on the dangers of alcohol. For his famous anti-alcohol report, the professor received the following awards for his great and significant contribution to the strengthening of national health:

  1. Medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences named after Mechnikov.
  2. Erlich EAEN award.

1988. A public figure begins to conduct a series of courses, main goal which is the fight against alcoholism. He takes the method of therapy developed by the famous physiologist Gennady Shichko as the basis of the lessons. At first, Zhdanov's lessons diverged on audio and video cassettes, then on disks, and later on on the Internet resources.

2008. Vladimir Georgievich is elected to the post of chairman of the Union of Struggle for Universal National Sobriety.

year 2009. The professor takes an active part in the television talk project "Common Cause". The program was widely broadcast on the First Public TV Channel, so I got acquainted with it most of our citizens. As part of the ongoing talk show, all the most acute problematic factors associated with alcohol addiction were revealed:

  • increase in mortality;
  • falling birth rate;
  • increase in the level of crimes;
  • an increase in the number of sick children born to persons who abuse alcohol.

Zhdanov's activities are also actively supported by religious services. For example, in filming social project"Common Cause" was attended by Father Tikhon, a clergyman Sretensky Monastery. The priest said that only thanks to what Zhdanov said about alcohol, he was imbued with the general propaganda of the national struggle for a sober life.

One of the statements of Professor Zhdanov

The words, facts, reasoning and video of Zhdanov about the dangers of alcohol are truly shocking. Some listeners, after watching and getting acquainted with lectures and lessons, forever set the limits of dry law for themselves, others significantly reduce the amount of alcohol consumed. But there are also skeptics who talk about significant discrepancies between Zhdanov's facts and statistics.

In any case, we can make an unambiguous conclusion that lectures, video lessons and similar educational activities of the professor do not leave anyone indifferent.

What does Zhdanov say

The professor's students are representatives from different layers society, different ages and professions. Through his work, Zhdanov seeks to draw the attention of all people to the risks and dangers that alcohol brings with it. In his lectures and reports, Zhdanov uses easy-to-understand words and operates with available statistical facts, avoiding the use of formulations and concepts that are too difficult to understand.

The essence of alcoholism

The professor not only conducts oral lectures and conversations. He shoots a lot. Him documentaries shown on TV and used for educational work at school. Indeed, one of the areas of the professor's work is the problem of teenage alcoholism, which, unfortunately, tends to grow.

Stages of alcohol addiction according to Zhdanov

According to the professor, initial stage development of alcohol dependence passes without any somatic signs. A person only daily begins to drink alcohol, demonstrating constant irritability. With the development of the next stage, the craving for alcohol becomes more pronounced. At the same time, the level of self-criticism significantly decreases in a person. At this stage, the patient denies the presence of addiction.

At the second stage of alcohol addiction, the appearance of abstinence is noted. Withdrawal syndrome is fundamentally different from a hangover, although it has some similarities.

The third stage of alcohol addiction, according to Zhdanov's classification, is the most dangerous. Exactly at given time the most complicated consequences of long-term use of alcohol for the body develop. Moreover, violations of the work of internal organs and systems are already irreversible. Simultaneously happening global destruction liver, leading to cirrhosis.

Stages of alcoholism

Problems begin in intellectual development, but the individual, despite all the problems, continues to increase the rate of alcohol consumption. This is due to the impossibility of already achieving the euphoria and intoxication that were present at the beginning of the alcoholic's journey. Alcoholism at the extreme stage requires qualified medical intervention - only with the help of physicians it is possible to reduce the harmful effects of alcohol addiction.

Causes of alcohol addiction according to Zhdanov

In his lectures, the professor identifies five main factors that become the main reasons that push a person into the abyss of a drunken world. These are the following situations:

  1. Poverty.
  2. The social environment.
  3. National traditions.
  4. Constant long-term stress.
  5. Decreased quality and standard of living.

Indeed, what holiday in Russia is complete without alcohol. However, Zhdanov emphasizes that even without alcohol, people are able to have great fun and have a wonderful time. But the alcohol that is constantly present at the feasts leads to brawls and fights.

Vladimir Georgievich in his works encourages people to break old stereotypes and get rid of traditions that imply the mandatory presence of alcohol at the holidays.

Theory of the extermination of the Russian people

Zhdanov in his reasoning puts forward one curious conjecture. In his opinion, alcohol-containing drinks are used intentionally in order to eradicate the Russian nation and destroy Slavic culture. As evidential factors, the social activist cites statistical indicators of births / deaths. In the literature of a philosophical and sociological orientation, this theory of Zhdanov was called the "Russian Cross".

According to a public figure, in Russia 8 out of 12 citizens drink alcohol regularly, and total Alcohol consumption varies between 2.5-3 billion liters. Approximately 80% of all alcohol users are already suffering from first-degree alcoholism.

Alcohol consumption statistics in Russia and the USSR (with comparison)

The professor declares that with the help of alcohol, interested persons are systematically destroying Russian culture, erasing from the people's memory ancient traditions. Moreover, alcohol is much more effective than armed conflicts and epidemics.

According to Zhdanov, every 10-12 years in Russia, the same number of people die from alcoholism as died during the Second World War. Smoking, which is an integral part of drinking, only exacerbates and develops alcohol addiction.

The problem of child drinking

Vladimir Georgievich makes a separate study in his writings and the problem of teenage alcohol addiction. The professor explains that a young unformed organism is much more likely to be drawn into addiction. After all, the child's immune system has not yet been formed and is not able to withstand the influence of toxic ethyl alcohol. Among the main culprits provoking the appearance of drunkenness among adolescents, Zhdanov notes the following:

  1. The desire to appear older and imitate adults.
  2. Behavioral habits of parents who also drink alcohol.
  3. Intrusive advertising of alcohol-containing products, which featured successful and attractive young people.

The professor believes that young people unconsciously imitate the manners of older comrades and try with all their might to be considered and seem more mature and experienced. If they notice the drunkenness of older friends, parents, then they form the idea that drinking alcohol is a sign of adulthood and experience, which should be consistent.

Zhdanov paid special attention to the problem of teenage drunkenness.

The whole horror of teenage alcoholism lies in the sad and proven fact that in the case of a child, pathology develops much faster than in an adult. After all, the liver of a teenager has an increased degree of permeability of toxins and poisons. This organ is not yet strong enough to withstand and promptly remove from the body all the toxic residues of ethyl alcohol.

Even a small dose of alcohol in a teenager can lead the latter to the appearance of a persistent addiction and rapidly developing alcoholism.

In the spread of teenage alcohol addiction, the social activist, first of all, blames parents and environment teenager. The professor points out that some adults themselves pour alcohol (wine, champagne) at family holidays to children, accustoming them to alcohol.

To stop the regression, the steady extinction and alcoholization of the people of Russia, the public figure proposes a number of measures that are detailed in one of his works entitled "The Theory of Absolute Sobriety". We are talking about a global program of anti-alcohol policy, carried out with the simultaneous involvement of the media, restrictive measures in trade and the introduction of "dry law".

The essence of Zhdanov's theories

The central, dominant ideology of the professor's policy is the achievement of nationwide national sobriety. All Zhdanov's activities are aimed at achieving this goal. His lessons, lectures, films and other educational materials come down to one goal - to awaken people at a subconscious level of awareness that alcohol is the main enemy of the physical and mental health. To one of the most popular and famous works of the professor are the following works:

  1. Lecture "The way to sobriety". In it, the professor simply and simply describes examples from his life and the lives of friends, talks about the dangers of alcohol and provides various statistics.
  2. Seminars entitled "Alcohol terror against Russia". In these lectures, Zhdanov sets out one truth - that for a long time, under the auspices of alcohol, a mechanism has been launched for the total destruction of the Russian people, as a separate nationality.
  3. Documentary film "Children's alcoholism". In these works, Zhdanov talks about the problem and causes of teenage alcohol addiction.
  4. Documentary film "Let's drink or alcoholism." The professor tells in it about what irreversible and dire consequences come to someone who put his love for alcoholic beverages at stake in his life.

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov in his works, lectures, films, seminars encourages a person to stop, think and realize all the harm of alcohol. This is especially worth doing to parents who should at first identify and treat alcoholism in children.

Alcohol addiction is especially terrible at the age of 10-16 years, when there is a complete formation of personality, the formation of life beliefs and worldview. It is precisely in this way and in no other way that it is possible to save the Russian nation from self-destruction, improve the demographic situation and educate a worthy replacement of sober, healthy and morally stable people.

On the basis of alcoholism in Russia, many crimes are committed every year, so a sober lifestyle is promoted to prevent them. One of the ideologists of this direction is Vladimir Zhdanov. In his lectures and documentaries, he examines the causes of alcohol addiction and warns people about the dangers of the green snake.

Lectures by Professor Zhdanov on the dangers of alcohol

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is known for his social activities. He travels extensively in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, lecturing on a sober lifestyle.

Speaking to the audience, Zhdanov introduces himself as a professor at the International Slavic Academy. AT this case this title refers to an internal position of a public organization and does not indicate an academic degree or position of a university teacher.

In addition, Vladimir Zhdanov chairs the International Association psychoanalysts. This is an informal and non-scientific organization whose activities are aimed at solving a narrow range of problems - getting rid of alcohol and nicotine addictions, correcting vision. The association has nothing to do with the IPA organized by Sigmund Freud.

In addition, Zhdanov works closely with various public organizations who carry out anti-alcohol propaganda. Among them are "Sober Russia", "Sober Siberia", "Sober Bashkortostan".

With his lectures on the dangers of alcohol, Professor Vladimir Zhdanov seeks to draw people's attention to the dangers of drinking alcohol. He claims that the green serpent is destroying the Russian nation from the inside, as it leads to serious illnesses and is one of the main causes of death.

In his reports, the professor cites statistical data and facts, which he sets out in a language accessible to an ordinary person - without the use of complex scientific terms and formulations.

Zhdanov's listeners are people of different ages and professions. He not only gives lectures, but also makes documentaries that are shown on TV, as well as in schools. Zhdanov, among other things, is struggling with the problem of teenage alcoholism, which is rampant.
On the video is a lecture by Professor Zhdanov "Sober Russia - a Common Cause":


Vladimir Zhdanov has been active in educational work since the early 1980s, telling people about the dangers of alcohol. Its main goal is to restore the sobriety of the population in the post-Soviet space. In his opinion, this will help increase the birth rate and improve the quality of life.

The professor presented the first lecture "Truth and lies about alcohol" to the public in 1983. With this report, he traveled to many cities in Russia and the Soviet republics.

The audio recording of Zhdanov's speech contributed to the creation of a mass social movement for public sobriety. Since then, his lectures have been popular throughout the CIS.

Zhdanov published his famous anti-alcohol report in 1986. Then he received medals of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. I. I. Mechnikov and EAEN them. P. Erlich for a significant contribution to strengthening the health of the nation.

In 1988, Vladimir Zhdanov began conducting courses aimed at combating alcohol addiction in. At first, his lectures were distributed on audio cassettes, then on disks, and later they hit the Internet. Thanks to them, people restore their health and create various societies promoting sobriety.

In 2008, Zhdanov was elected chairman of the Union of Struggle for People's Sobriety, and in 2009 he participated in the creation of the Common Cause television project. Recordings of the programs were broadcast on Channel One, so they were watched by millions of people. As part of the talk show, they raised acute problems associated with alcoholism - an increase in crime, high mortality, the birth of sick children.

The lectures of Vladimir Zhdanov are also popularized Orthodox parishes. So, one of the documentaries within the framework of the Common Cause project was shot by Father Tikhon from the Sretensky Monastery. He said that thanks to Zhdanov he became interested in promoting sobriety.

The facts and information that Zhdanov voices in his lectures are shocking. Some listeners decide to establish a “prohibition” for themselves, others are skeptical about these data, pointing out their discrepancies with statistics government organizations. For sure, we can only state that Zhdanov's lectures about alcohol do not leave people indifferent.

Stages of alcoholism

Zhdanov distinguishes 3 stages of alcoholism:

  1. Strong craving for alcohol.
  2. Irreversible changes in the central nervous system.

Doctors have a similar classification. However, a public figure explains it in an accessible way. ordinary people language.

According to Zhdanov, there are no somatic symptoms at the initial stage. A person begins to drink alcohol frequently - either every day or occasionally. He constantly becomes irritable, violently reacts to any stress.

With the development of the second stage, the craving for alcohol becomes stronger. At the same time, the level of self-criticism decreases in a person, he ceases to realize that he has become addicted to alcohol.

In addition, withdrawal symptoms appear during the second stage of alcoholism. It is fundamentally different from a hangover, although in some ways it may resemble it.

A person's condition after overcoming a hangover quickly normalizes. However, withdrawal causes significant deterioration physical well-being. During this period, the need for alcohol increases sharply.

If a person does not take alcohol during the withdrawal period, his state of health continues to deteriorate, he has hallucinations. The patient is still aware that he is harming the body, but cannot cope with the addiction. As a result, he breaks down and goes into a binge.

The third stage of alcoholism, according to Zhdanov's classification, is the most dangerous. During this period, there are serious consequences for the body. Including the work of the central nervous system is greatly disrupted, and the changes become irreversible.

At the same time, the liver is destroyed, which soon leads to. There are violations of intellectual activity, but the person continues to increase the dose of alcohol, because it becomes more and more difficult for him to achieve the desired intoxication. Alcoholism of the third stage requires a qualified medical care- only in this case it is possible to reduce the harm caused to the body as a result of prolonged intoxication with alcohol.

Causes of alcoholism according to Zhdanov

Vladimir Zhdanov in his lectures highlights several factors of formation:

  • poverty;
  • constant stress;
  • poor quality of life;
  • social environment;
  • traditions.

The professor explains that in Russia people cannot imagine any holiday without alcohol. weddings, New Year, birthdays are always accompanied by drinking vodka or champagne.

At the same time, Zhdanov points out that in a sober state, people can also have a fun and interesting time: dance, joke, communicate. However, under the influence of alcohol, wedding guests begin to brawl and fight.

This development of events is even considered a certain tradition, although in reality it is not normal. Therefore, Zhdanov encourages listeners of his lectures to break stereotypes and eradicate established traditions.

The professor in his speeches voices the hypothesis that alcohol is deliberately used to destroy the Russian people. As evidence, he cites statistics that demonstrate an increase in mortality and a decrease in the birth rate. In the sociological literature, this problem has been called the "Russian Cross".

According to the data Zhdanov relies on, the volume of alcohol consumption in Russia is much higher than abroad. In particular, in China, 1 person has 5 liters of alcohol per year, and in our country - 15-18 liters. The professor argues that such figures are due to the availability of alcohol in Russia, the conviction of the population that there is nothing terrifying in its use, as well as the prevalence of drug addiction.

According to Zhdanov, 9 out of 10 Russians drink alcohol regularly, and its total consumption per year reaches 2.5 billion liters. Only a little of this amount is drunk by chronic alcoholics. The bulk of alcohol is consumed by people who are absolutely sure that they do not suffer from addiction.

They are deeply mistaken, the public figure is sure. After all, 80% of all who drink strong drinks regularly suffer from the first stage of alcoholism. For each of them, the brain is already slowly dying, the liver begins to atrophy, and the heart begins to swim with fat.

Zhdanov claims that with the help of alcohol, people interested in this are exterminating the Russian population. Moreover, the green serpent is more effective than armed conflicts and cataclysms.

The professor cites data that over the 10 years of the war in Afghanistan, 50 deaths have been less people than die in a year of alcohol abuse. He also claims that every 12 years as many people die from alcoholism in Russia as died during the entire period of the Great Patriotic War. Smoking increases the number of deaths because it almost always accompanies drinking.

Separately, Zhdanov considers the problem of child alcoholism. He explains that a growing body gets used to alcohol much faster, because it is not yet able to fully resist external influences.

The professor gives the reasons why schoolchildren start drinking alcohol. Among them:

  • desire to imitate adult comrades;
  • provocative behavior of parents;
  • alcohol advertisements featuring young people.

Zhdanov explains that teenagers unconsciously copy the behavior of their elders, because they consider themselves adults and independent. If they see that their parents are drinking, they take it as a norm that needs to be met. In addition, students want to earn credibility in the eyes of older friends who are already drinking.

The problem is that a teenager's liver has a higher throughput than in an adult. The structure of this body is not strong enough for him to fully process alcohol. Therefore, even drinking a small dose of alcohol can threaten a teenager with the rapid development of liver diseases, the consequences of which will have to be fought for the rest of his life.

In addition to the liver, in the body of a drinking student, the central nervous system and respiratory organs are seriously affected, immunity is greatly deteriorating, and brain activity is reduced. It takes a little time for a teenager to turn into a binge drinker.

Zhdanov also blames parents for the fact that teenage alcoholism is rampant. He points out that adults themselves pour champagne or wine for schoolchildren at family celebrations.

The child does not yet realize the danger, he does not know when to stop, so he often continues to drink in the company of his peers. As a result, by their coming of age, such children degrade and become antisocial elements. Zhdanov is convinced that today's youth is not able to think soberly, work effectively, and the reason for this is alcohol, so it must be abandoned.

Vladimir Zhdanov is sure that people who are endowed with power are to blame for the mass alcoholization of people. He is sure that the production of alcoholic beverages brings enormous profits, so officials turn a blind eye to harm to health.

As evidence, he cites expensive alcohol advertisements in which young people are filmed. Such videos make teenagers think that alcohol is an indispensable attribute of successful and beautiful guys and girls who are used to getting everything from life.

To prevent the degradation and extinction of the nation, Vladimir Zhdanov proposes his own measures, set out in the Theory of Absolute Sobriety. We are talking about the program of alcohol policy, the impact of the media and the introduction of "dry law".

Main theses of lectures and films

The central idea of ​​all lectures and films by Vladimir Zhdanov is people's sobriety. With all his activities, he is trying to make people realize that alcohol destroys their physical health, psyche, and this leads to the extinction of the nation.

Vladimir Zhdanov claims that because of affordable price and the free sale of alcohol in Russia, the crime rate is growing, which also confirms the fact of the deliberate extermination of the people.

On the basis of alcohol intoxication are committed:

  1. 82% kills.
  2. 75% suicide.
  3. 50% accident.
  4. 50% rape.

These data are criticized by opponents of Zhdanov. However, what is in drunkenness people commit crimes they would never commit sober, forensic scientists confirm.

One of the most popular lectures by Vladimir Zhdanov is "The Way to Sobriety". In it, the professor talks about the dangers of alcohol in an accessible language, citing statistics and examples from his own life.

The main idea of ​​the report is that the rate of alcohol consumption for a Russian should be equal to zero. The author of the report explains this by the fact that euphoria is achieved due to the death of hundreds of thousands of brain cells.

In parallel, there is a blockage of blood vessels, they are deformed and torn under blood pressure. Blood begins to flow into the medulla, and this provokes strokes, which end in death in 80% of cases. In addition, cirrhosis most often develops precisely under the influence of alcohol, and this disease is incurable.

In the form of the lecture "The Path to Sobriety":

Zhdanov's seminars called "Alcoholic terror against Russia" are also known. Their main thesis is that the mechanism for the destruction of the Russian people has been launched.

The author states that since 1991 the population of Russia has decreased by 20 million people, and this is happening in Peaceful time. However, in the 1920s and 30s there was a positive trend. Based on these facts, Zhdanov concludes that the nation is destroyed not by armed conflicts, not by natural disasters, but by alcohol.

The professor emphasizes the fact that alcohol is now sold everywhere, and its price is affordable even for children. This leads to the fact that most teenagers by the age of 14 try alcoholic beverages. In the future, healthy offspring cannot be expected from them, Zhdanov concludes.

The nation is being destroyed quietly and smoothly, so no one is sounding the alarm. No one is interested in why pharmaceutical companies produce dozens of times more narcotic drugs than are needed for hospitals, Zhdanov argues.

All this happens with the connivance of those in power, who create favorable conditions for the development of the alcohol business, the lecturer concludes. There is no need to attack a state in which ideals are being substituted. Drinking more and more, people die out on their own - from degradation, dementia, vulgarity and depravity.

Vladimir Zhdanov also created 2 documentaries for the Common Cause project broadcast on Channel One. One of them is "Children's Alcoholism". In this film, the professor claims that Russia leads the world in the number of teenagers suffering from alcoholism.

According to statistics, two out of three children aged 13-16 regularly drink alcohol, which indicates at least the first stage of alcoholism. In this case, in most cases we are talking about teenagers from prosperous families. These children are at risk of becoming chronic alcoholics who will give birth to sick children with .

Children begin to drink alcoholic cocktails in bright jars that seem harmless. Six months later, they develop addiction, psychosis, withdrawal symptoms appear. Parents long time They don't even notice what's happening to their children.

Documentary "Children's Alcoholism":

Another film by Zhdanov is "Let's drink, or alcoholism." It focuses on the severe and irreversible consequences of alcohol consumption.

Vladimir Zhdanov explains that half an hour after alcohol enters the body, the structure of the blood changes. After 1 hour, it turns into clumps of sticky and deformed erythrocytes.

In general, there is not a single organ that would not be damaged under the influence of ethanol. The biggest impact is on the brain. In it, the concentration of alcohol is 2-3 times higher than in other organs, and this leads to massive cell death.

Also, under the influence of alcohol, organic lesions of the liver, heart, and pancreas develop. Intoxication continues even 20 days after stopping drinking alcohol. Some breakdown products of alcohol remain in the body forever and accumulate in the brain, Zhdanov concludes his thought.

The professor also cites the results of an experiment on rats. Females exposed to ethanol developed ovarian tumors the size of rodents themselves. They also gave birth to babies without a brain.

Alcoholism is a terrible world scourge. In Russia alone, many different crimes occur under the influence of alcohol: from petty hooliganism to robbery and murder. And how many people suffer from various pathologies because of drunkenness?

Various forces are fighting this dangerous disease that destroys the personality and consciousness of a person in Russia: anti-alcohol government programs, private clinics and institutions, etc. Important is the prevention of alcoholism. Among the various figures in the prevention of drunkenness, Professor Zhdanov stands out. Almost all of his works and works tell about alcohol and the harm that it brings to people. His lectures and various programs on the dangers of the "green serpent" consider causes of drunkenness in Russia and the dangers posed by alcohol.

About the activities of Professor Zhdanov

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is actively involved in social activities, travels a lot around the country with his lectures and programs. He speaks to various segments of the population. propaganda healthy lifestyle Zhdanov began his life in the 80s of the twentieth century.

The main goal of the activity of a public professor is aimed at restoring the self-consciousness of the Russian people with the help of a sober lifestyle. This, in his opinion, can contribute to an increase in the birth rate and quality of life.

The first lecture on the dangers of alcohol by Professor Zhdanov, which was called "Lies and Truth about Alcohol", was published in 1983. With this lecture on alcohol, the professor traveled around many big cities USSR.

Published in 1986 famous report Zhdanov about the dangers of alcoholic products. For this work and for his great contribution to strengthening national health, the professor was awarded state awards: the award of the European Academy Natural Sciences named after Erlich and the medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences named after Mechnikov.

In 1988, Zhdanov began to conduct courses based on the method of the physiologist G. Shichko. These lessons were first distributed on audio and video cassettes, then on disks, and later on the Internet.

In 2008, V. G. Zhdanov was elected chairman of the "Union of Struggle for Universal National Sobriety", and in 2009 he participated in the television project of the First Channel "Common Cause". This program addressed the acute problems associated with alcoholism: an increase in mortality, a decrease in the birth rate, an increase in crime among people who abuse alcohol, as well as an increase in the total number of children born to people who use alcohol.

Zhdanov's activities are supported not only by public organizations, but also by religious services.

The materials, facts, arguments, reasoning and video of Zhdanov-professor about alcohol, about the dangers of alcohol-containing products are shocking. Many people, after getting acquainted with the lessons and lectures, significantly limit the amount of alcohol they use, and some even refuse to drink alcohol.

However, there are also people who find discrepancies in the facts of Zhdanov with official statistics. But in any case, activity professor leaves no one indifferent.

What is the professor talking about?

Zhdanov's audience consists of people representing all segments of the population, of different ages and all kinds of professions. The professor in his lectures tries to convey to the audience what danger and risk the use of alcohol-containing products brings. Zhdanov's speech is simple and understandable, it does not contain concepts and formulations that are difficult to perceive. The professor is accessible and easily operates with statistical data.

Zhdanov's activities are not limited to conversations and lectures. He makes documentaries that are broadcast on television and used for educational purposes in schools. Purposeful work with schools is carried out by the professor due to the exacerbation of teenage alcoholism, which is steadily growing.

Stages of alcohol addiction according to Zhdanov

Zhdanov distinguishes three stages of dependence on alcoholic products:

Problems also occur in intellectual abilities, however, an alcoholic, ignoring all the accumulated problems, steadily continues to increase consumed alcohol. This is a consequence of the fact that drinking man at this stage, he cannot reach the level of intoxication and euphoria that he easily achieved at the first stage.

On last stage alcoholism can be cured only with the direct intervention of trained physicians. Thanks to them, you can reduce the negative impact of alcohol.

The main causes of alcohol addiction

Zhdanov draws attention to 5 main reasons, pushing a person into the "embrace of the green serpent":

  1. Life below the poverty line.
  2. Environment social environment.
  3. Folk traditions and customs.
  4. Long term stress.
  5. Decrease in the level and quality of life.

Speaking of national traditions, Zhdanov notes that although no holiday in our country is complete without alcohol, people can have a good time, relax and have fun without it. And the presence of alcohol on the festive tables often causes scandals and fights.

In his lectures, the professor encourages people break free from outdated traditions imposing the use of alcohol during celebrations.

The theory of "Russian Cross" by Professor Zhdanov

Talking about negative impact alcohol, academician Zhdanov puts forward interesting hypothesis, according to which drinks containing alcohol are used specifically to eradicate the Russian-speaking population and the extermination of the culture of the Slavs. As evidence, the professor refers to the statistics of births and deaths of the population. In philosophy and sociology, this theory became known as the "Russian Cross".

V. G. Zhdanov cites data according to which eight out of twelve citizens constantly drink alcohol in our country, and the total amount of alcohol consumed fluctuates between 2.5 billion and 3 billion liters. Of all who take alcoholic products, approximately 80% are already in the first stage of addiction.

According to the academician, with the help of alcohol, some people deliberately, step by step, slowly erase ancient traditions and rituals from the memory of the Russian people. Moreover, alcohol does this much more effectively than epidemics, diseases and wars.

Zhdanov claims that the same number of people die from alcoholism in Russia every 10-12 years as died in the Great Patriotic War. It is also important that smoking while drinking contributes to the formation of alcohol dependence.

Teenage alcoholism

a separate topic for studying Professor Zhdanov highlights adolescent alcohol addiction. He talks about the fact that the body of adolescents, still very young and not formed, is exposed to alcohol faster than an adult. The immunity of children and adolescents, which is not yet well established, cannot fully resist the action of ethyl alcohol toxins.

According to Zhdanov, the main reasons contributing to the formation of addiction in children are:

  1. The desire to be like adults or seem like adults to others.
  2. An example of parents who drink alcohol.
  3. Advertising of alcoholic products, imposed on TV screens, where the main characters are attractive and successful young people.

Young people unconsciously try to imitate the habits and mannerisms of older friends, and also try to look older in their eyes. If they see that their older comrades and parents drink alcohol-containing drinks, then they get the idea that drinking alcohol is a sign of adult behavior, to follow.

The worst thing about drinking alcohol in childhood is that the disease progresses very quickly. This is due to the fact that the child's liver passes a large amount of poisons and toxins. She still cannot fight enough and bring everything out in time. toxic substances from the body.

The peculiarity of child alcoholism is such that a small dose of alcohol can cause addiction and rapidly growing alcoholism in a teenager.

According to the professor, parents and the unfavorable social environment are primarily to blame for the increase in the number of adolescents suffering from alcohol addiction. Zhdanov notes that very often parents themselves teach their children to alcohol by pouring them alcohol during the holidays.

In order to correct the current situation, Zhdanov recommends a global anti-alcohol program, with the involvement of all media, restrictions on trade and a complete ban on alcohol consumption.

The essence of Zhdanov's theories

The main, fundamental idea of ​​Zhdanov's policy is the idea of ​​all-Russian national sobriety. All the aspirations of the professor are aimed at reaching this goal. Awaken in the subconscious of a person the confidence that the first enemy of his mental and physical health is alcohol - here the main task activities of the professor, his lectures, lessons, films and teaching materials.

The works and works of Professor Zhdanov about the dangers of alcohol make people think and realize all the harmfulness of alcohol.

Zhdanov addresses his parents, considering it important that they early stages identified and sent for treatment addicted to alcohol adolescents. After all, addiction to alcohol at the age of 10 to 16 is dangerous because during this period there is a formation of personality, a worldview and personal beliefs are formed. Only in this way, according to the professor, it is possible to reduce mortality, raise a healthy, sober and morally stable generation of young people and save the Russian people from self-destruction.