United Nations Development Program. United Nations Development Program Project Support Office (undp) United Nations Development Program undp

United Nations Development Program

United Nations Development Program(UNDP) - an organization under the United Nations to provide assistance to member countries in the field of development. UNDP assists governments in research and development natural resources, in building educational institutions, in development energy resources, provides consulting and expert services, trains specialists, supplies equipment, etc. UNDP assistance is free of charge.

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The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is the most important body of operational activities of the United Nations in providing assistance (financial, technical and other) for development purposes. UNDP was established in November 1965.

The overall direction of the Program is carried out by the Executive Board, composed of 36 members representing both developing and the developed countries. Headed by UNDP Administrator who is appointed General Secretary United Nations after consultation with the Executive Council for a period of four years. His appointment is approved by the UN General Assembly. Since April 2009, the post of Administrator has been held by Ms Helen Clark (New Zealand).

The goal of UNDP is to promote developing countries and countries with economies in transition in building development capacity. UNDP financial resources are formed from voluntary contributions from UN member states, UN agencies, non-governmental organizations and the private sector (in 2009 - 4.7 billion US dollars per year).

With offices in 136 countries, UNDP has the largest field presence of any United Nations development assistance organization. Through these offices, the Program supports development efforts in 166 countries by working with governments and civil society organizations.

The Heads of the Program Offices usually combine the position of UN Resident Coordinator and represent the Organization's other field presences. The same applies to the Representative of the United Nations Development Program in the Republic of Belarus, Antonius Brook (Netherlands). Mr. Brook combines this position with the functions of the UN Resident Coordinator in Belarus.

The priority areas of UNDP work are to assist program countries in achieving the Millennium Development Goals, eradicate poverty, strengthen national institutions in the field of macroeconomic management, protect environment, promoting employment, improving the status of women, combating the spread of HIV / AIDS and others.

Cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and UNDP began in 1992 with the opening of a permanent UN/UNDP office in Minsk and the development of the UNDP Short-Term Program for Belarus for 1992-1994. Within the framework of this program, about 1.5 million US dollars were allocated to the Republic of Belarus to solve social and economic problems.

In the future, cooperation was carried out in the field of human resource development, strengthening the capacity of public administration, industrial restructuring, the conversion of military camps, and minimizing the consequences of the Chernobyl accident.

In the period 1999-2001 and 2005-2007 the Republic of Belarus was a member of the UNDP Executive Board.
In the period 2001-2005, two UNDP programs were implemented in Belarus: the Second Country Cooperation Framework (CCF) for 2001-2005 and the UNDP Regional Cooperation Program for Europe for 2002-2005.

Through the CDS, UNDP provided support to Belarus mainly in social and economic development, overcoming the consequences of the Chernobyl accident and healthcare. In the period 2001-2004, 28 UNDP technical assistance projects were implemented in the country with funding of about 6 million dollars. The most significant of them include: “Assistance to the Government of the Republic of Belarus in the formation and implementation of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development”, “Strengthening partnership mechanisms and mobilizing resources to reduce negative consequences Chernobyl disaster”, “Improvement of infrastructure innovation activities in the Republic of Belarus”, “Support and development of small business”.

Within the framework of the Regional Cooperation Program, projects were implemented with the participation of Belarus in the field of poverty alleviation, ensuring a level playing field in development, and conducting an open, accountable anti-corruption policy.

In general, the activities of UNDP in Belarus have become a significant factor contributing to the solution of socio-economic problems transition period. This is largely due to UNDP's non-politicized approach to addressing existing problems, orientation of the Representation to the development priorities and needs of our country. During 1994-2005 (12 years of cooperation), more than 30 million dollars were attracted to the country through UNDP.

The third UNDP country program for Belarus for 2006-2010 was approved by the UNDP/UNFPA Executive Board at the January 2006 session. The state authorities of Belarus took part in the development of the Program, which made it possible to include areas of cooperation in it that meet national interest countries.

The program is currently implementing more than twenty international technical assistance projects in five priority areas:

  • economic growth and improvement of living standards of citizens;
  • efficient and responsible public administration;
  • environmental sustainability;
  • rehabilitation and sustainable development of territories affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • cross-border cooperation.

Initially, the program provided for the mobilization of resources for the implementation of projects in the amount of more than 33 million US dollars. It is planned to allocate $4.1 million from the UNDP regular budget. Resources of $28 million were expected to be drawn from other UN agencies and from international donors. About 2 million dollars were planned to be attracted from national sources. At the same time, in practice, it was possible to significantly exceed the planned indicators for raising funds. The total amount of funds to be disbursed under the program as of December 2010 will be about 70 million US dollars. In 2010 alone, funds in the amount of almost 20 million US dollars were spent for these purposes.

The largest projects are carried out in cooperation with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. They are related to HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment and support State program"Tuberculosis".

Large projects supported and financed by the European Commission and other international donors are being implemented by UNDP in Belarus in the field of improving the energy efficiency of the economy and energy conservation, socio-economic and ecological recovery territories affected by the Chernobyl disaster, expanding microfinance and microcredit, combating human trafficking and other important areas.

In 2010, the Government of Belarus and the UNDP Office jointly developed a draft of the fourth UNDP country program for the Republic of Belarus for the period 2011-2015 with a planned amount of financing for international technical assistance projects of over 80 million US dollars. In September 2010, it was approved by the UNDP/UNFPA Executive Board.
Since 2011, the implementation of a new country program will begin. It will take place within the framework of four priority thematic areas identified during the development:

  • economic development and social protection;
  • energy saving and environmental protection;
  • prevention of the spread of HIV/AIDS and prevention of tuberculosis;
  • effective and responsible public administration, human security.

During the implementation of the program, adjustments are possible in order to ensure its full orientation towards supporting the implementation of the Program of Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus for 2011-2015.

United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

Firstly, UNDP explores the links between brain drain and development potential, and secondly, it promotes the transfer of knowledge through repatriates.

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)

The IBRD is the world's largest source of development assistance. Through loans, policy advice and technical assistance, he supports many programs aimed at reducing poverty and improving living standards in developing countries through effective investment in human capital, health and education.

At the regional level, active work is also being carried out in this direction. Thus, the three provisions enshrined in Art. 1 of the Charter of the Council of Europe in 1949, received a refraction in the migration sphere. First of all, as an organization that has as one of its main goals the protection of human morals, Council of Europe made a significant contribution to the development of the humanitarian component of migration regulation. Protocol 4 to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, adopted in 1963, secured the right to freedom of movement, as well as the prohibition of the expulsion of citizens and the prohibition of the collective expulsion of aliens. The European Social Charter of 1961 (as amended in 1996) contains the right of migrants to engage in paid activities in the territory of other countries and the right to assistance and protection.

A novelty in the activities of the Council of Europe is action in the field of combating human trafficking, racism and xenophobia. Thus, in 2005, the Council of Europe Convention on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings was adopted, which entered into force on February 1, 2008.

The activities of the OSCE concern economic and social issues migration work force and also contacts between people. As part of the first area of ​​activity, the OSCE is based on the need to provide potential migrants with decent work in their home country. Main elements this direction are orderliness of movement, equality and benevolence towards migrants and social integration (language of adaptation, education of children, family reunification, etc.).

In addition, in the context of conflict prevention, crisis management and post-conflict building, the OSCE operates in three thematic areas: border services and training of their staff; information exchange and coordination; assistance in setting up population registration systems while respecting the principle of freedom of movement.

Gradually, the OSCE began to form its position on the issues of inadmissibility of discrimination (since the Moscow meeting in 1991), ethnic cleansing, deportations, forced migration (since the meeting in Stockholm in 1992), racism and xenophobia (since the meeting in Sofia in 2004) .

On the African continent significant work on the international legal regulation of migration is performed by African Union(AC) . The Treaty on the establishment of the AU, adopted at the summit in Lome (Togo, 2000) and entered into force in 2001, spelled out a rather lengthy list of the goals of the organization, among which are "promoting sustainable development at the economic, social and cultural levels, as well as the integration of African economies" and "coordination and harmonization of the policies of emerging regional economic associations for the gradual achievement of the objectives of the Union ". It is within the framework of these areas work in progress AS for Migration.

One of the main tasks AU Assembly is the definition of a common policy at Union level, including on migration and refugees. The competence of the Executive Council of the AU includes the coordination and adoption of specific decisions on issues of common interest: citizenship, residence in the territory foreign country and immigration. Preparation of draft decisions and programs with their subsequent submission to the Executive Council, monitoring of implementation member countries decisions of the AU bodies, as well as the coordination of projects and programs of the AU, are entrusted to specialized committees of the AU, among which the Committee on Trade, Customs and Immigration Affairs deals with migration issues.

The main body of the AU that makes decisions on migration issues is Executive Council AS. One of the first such decisions was the resolution on the definition of strategic priorities for migration policy in Africa, adopted at the summit in Lusaka, Zambia, in 2001. During the meeting of the Council of Ministers in Banjul in 2006, a common position of African countries on migration and development was adopted , and at the meeting of the AU Executive Board in Accra (Ghana) in 2007, the AU program to implement the free movement of persons in Africa.

Great importance to become legal regulation migration at the AU level had the Tripoli Ministerial Conference of the EU and the AU on Migration and Development, held on November 22-23, 2006 in Libya. It adopted the Tripolye Declaration, which for the first time consolidated the foundations of the strategic partnership between the EU and the AU on migration issues, as well as an action plan to combat human trafficking, known as the Ouagadougou plan, which later became one of the fundamental documents to combat illegal immigration from Africa and trafficking people. The Tripoli Joint Ministerial Conference of the EU and the AU was of decisive importance for the intensification of cooperation between African countries within the framework of the African Union on migration and asylum issues.

To intensify cooperation on the issue of refugees at the level of the AU, an Coordinating Committee for the Relief and Protection of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, and within the AU Committee of Permanent Representatives, the Sub-Committee on Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons. For validation statistical information for internally displaced persons under the AU Commission was established specialized body(mechanism).

Funding for assistance to refugees and internally displaced persons is provided by the AU Special Fund for Assistance to Refugees in Emergency Circumstances and the Special Fund of the AU for Emergency Assistance to Combat Drought and Famine in Africa, as well as assistance from the global community.

Among the fundamental documents adopted on the problem of refugees at the regional level, one should mention the OAU Convention on Certain Aspects of the Refugee Problem in Africa of 1969, as well as the AU Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa, adopted at a special AU summit in Kampala November 22, 2009 and effective December 6, 2012

One of the most important forms of interstate cooperation on migration issues at the subregional level remains a political dialogue. One of the first such dialogues began in 2001 between the countries of West Africa that are members of the subregional organization economic cooperation ECOWAS. The main issues within the framework of the West African dialogue on migration were labor migration, joint border management, protection of the rights of migrants, the fight against illegal migration, human trafficking and the organization of channels for the transportation of illegal migrants, the return of illegal immigrants to their homeland with their subsequent reintegration, etc. In a similar format, the migration dialogue in South Africa was launched in 2000 among SADC member countries, and the Intergovernmental Organization on Development (IGAD) member countries agreed to establish a regional consultative process on migration in 2008.

Summing up, it should be emphasized once again that a significant number of international organizations are related to the international legal regulation of migration, an exhaustive list of which cannot be given. Each organization considers migration from the standpoint of its core competence. key question modernity regarding migration in the activities of international organizations is the establishment, maintenance and strengthening of the coordination of ongoing work.

  • The issue of regulating EU migration, which has found significant reflection in the legal literature, is deliberately ignored in this work. For EU law and practice, see for example: Abashidze A., Kiseleva E. Readmissions in relations between Russia and the EU: Prospects for concluding an agreement // Obozrevatel-Observer. 2004. No. 2. S. 48–53; Inshakova A. O., Kiseleva E. V. Fundamentals of Schengen law // Fundamentals of European integration law. Moscow, 2012, pp. 432–450; Chetverikov A. O. Legal regime people crossing the internal and external borders of Member States European Union: textbook, allowance. M., 2010; Meipg R., Collett E. The Future of European Migration; Policy Options for the European Union and its Member States. World Migration 2010// Background Paper. IOM, 2010.

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) was established in 1965 and is currently one of the most significant and leading international organizations. UNDP promotes the development of processes for the implementation of vital important issues to ensure the achievement of the interests of all segments of the population of various states, empowering them with broader rights in the field of creating jobs, improving the status of women, overcoming poverty in the world, solving environmental aspects, taking into account the impact of environmental factors.
The main goal of UNDP, as the most important financing body of the UN, is to create the necessary conditions for the functioning of sustainable processes of life support and human development, to assist developing countries in creating a real economic potential for the transition to a system of market relations.
UNDP is guided by the following principles in its work:
universality of activities - the formation of its resource potential through annual voluntary contributions from most countries of the world, the adoption by the Executive Council of the most important collegial decisions in the field of financing priority development programs of the UN member states;
globality of activity - UNDP has the largest network of representative offices in more than 175 countries and regional associations of the world, which allows for successful cooperation for development with the governments of many countries, legal and individuals for whose benefit this activity is being carried out. UNDP Resident Representatives lead its offices around the world and are the main coordinators of UN operational activities related to the management of special trust funds, coordination of efforts to assist countries in natural disasters and emergency situations;
adaptation of world achievements - promoting the development and use of the scientific, technical and socio-economic potential accumulated in the countries of the world, including in international and regional scientific and research institutions and non-governmental organizations, strengthening the promotion of interstate and national development programs of countries;
mobilization, concentration and implementation of priority areas of activity - providing financial support to specific promising government programs by raising funds in the amount of $ 9 billion annually and placing significant resources at the disposal of specialized trust and trust funds operating under the management of the UN.
Critical functional aspects of UNDP work include financing of the following priority areas, in the process of implementation of which in countries a significant social, economic and technical and technological result is achieved in real time:
development of potential areas of activity of countries aimed at coordinating the processes of mutual economic assistance between states, improving market reforms, deepening democratization, expanding cooperation with public organizations;
assistance to countries in the development of priority areas of activity in the interests of their sustainable formation, in the interconnection of universal global problems, their resource capabilities with national priorities of activity and the determination of real ways to achieve the set goals;
assistance to governments of countries in the implementation of targeted programs that reflect the strategy of national development;
participation in attraction of additional financial resources, assistance in their mobilization from various sources, including the World Bank and other specialized lending institutions, to create special country development funds;
ensuring the development of scientific and technical cooperation between countries by improving their joint activities and adapting their capabilities and needs in the interests of mutual benefit, expanding access to modern scientific knowledge and advanced technologies;
promoting the potential of countries in the development of civil and public relations, strengthening legal framework non-governmental and public organizations for the purpose of their active participation in solving state problems;
participation in the direct promotion of priority projects of countries to achieve real political values ​​associated with the use of innovative activities;
creation of the necessary conditions for the development of partnerships between regional economic blocs and associations, the formation international agreements on global issues world development;
support for the development of peace processes at the regional and national levels, conflict prevention, and improvement of the foundations of the world community.
UNDP is currently providing direct assistance in addressing priority human development issues and real human needs. UNDP finances the budgetary development strategies of more than 30 countries of the world, aimed at improving the living standards of the population. Organizational activity UNDP is characterized by a flexible response to the changing needs of the global community in the use of latest concepts characterizing the possibilities of human development.
The processes of decentralization of its activities actively implemented in UNDP with the expansion of the terms of reference and responsibility of its divisions for the development of priority programs in various countries of the world are now acquiring particular significance. This contributes to the successful implementation of critical aspects of UNDP activities (see Figure 10.4).

The UN Capital Development Fund finances promising development projects related to the life support infrastructure of the world's population, improving the lives of people in the least developed countries.
The activity of the Global Economic Fund is aimed at achieving decisive shifts in increasing the level of environmental sustainability of the environment and protecting the ecosystems of our planet, reducing the negative consequences caused by floods, emissions of technological waste into the atmosphere, deforestation, pollution of watercourses, depletion of the ozone layer of the earth, etc.
The result of the implementation of the UN Volunteers Program is to ensure the dispatch (on a voluntary basis) to developing countries of technically trained specialists to assist in national revival and development, to improve the living standards of the population.
The United Nations Development Fund for Women makes direct investments and provides real support to promising development projects in order to provide assistance to women, increase their status in society, and increase their participation in the processes of making and implementing major government decisions.
UNDP is currently using programmatic integrated approaches to support national priority areas of government that are directly linked to the country's long-term development goals. This provides the possibility of rational distribution of resource potential, achieving more high level interactions with others international organizations UN.

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) was established in 1965 and is currently one of the most significant and leading international organizations. UNDP promotes the development of processes for the implementation of vital problems to ensure the achievement of the interests of all segments of the population of various states, empowering them with broader rights in the field of creating jobs, improving the status of women, overcoming poverty in the world, and addressing environmental aspects, taking into account the impact of environmental factors.

The main goal of UNDP is to create the necessary conditions for the functioning of sustainable processes of life support and human development, to assist developing countries in creating a real economic potential for the transition to a system of market relations.

UNDP is guided by the following principles in its work:

· universality of activity – formation of its resource potential through annual voluntary contributions from most countries of the world, adoption by the Executive Council of the most important collegial decisions in the field of financing priority development programs of the UN member states;

· Globality of activities - UNDP has the largest network of representative offices in more than 175 countries and regional associations of the world, which allows for successful cooperation with the governments of many countries, legal entities and individuals in whose interests this activity is being implemented. Representatives - residents of UNDP head its offices in the countries of the world and are the main coordinators of operational activities with the UN related to the management of special trust funds, coordination of efforts to provide assistance to countries in natural disasters and emergencies;

· adaptation of world achievements - promotion of the development and use of the scientific, technical and socio-economic potential accumulated in the countries of the world, including in international and regional scientific and research institutions and non-governmental organizations, strengthening the promotion of interstate and national development programs of countries;

· mobilization, concentration and implementation of priority areas of activity - providing financial support to specific promising government programs through the annual attraction of funds and the provision of significant resources at the disposal of specialized trust and trust funds operating under the control of the UN.

The most important areas of UNDP work are:

· development of potential areas of activity of countries, such as coordinating the processes of mutual economic assistance between states, improving market reforms, deepening democratization, expanding cooperation with public organizations;

· assistance to countries in the development of priority areas of activity in the interests of their sustainable formation, in the interconnection of universal global problems, their resource capabilities with national activity priorities and in determining real ways to achieve the set goals;

· assistance to the governments of countries in the implementation of targeted programs that reflect the strategy of national development;

· participation in attraction of additional financial resources, assistance in their mobilization from various sources, including the World Bank and other specialized credit organizations;

· Ensuring the development of scientific and technical cooperation between countries by improving their joint activities and adapting their capabilities and needs in the interests of mutual benefit, expanding access to modern scientific knowledge and advanced technologies;

· assistance to the potential opportunities of countries in the development of civil and public relations, strengthening the legal foundations of non-governmental and public organizations for the purpose of their active participation in solving state problems;

· participation in the direct promotion of priority projects of countries to achieve real political values ​​associated with the use of innovative activities;

· creating the necessary conditions for the development of partnerships between regional economic blocs and associations, the formation of international agreements on global problems of world development;

· supporting the development of peace processes at the regional and national levels, preventing conflicts, improving the foundations of world society.

UNDP is currently providing direct assistance in addressing priority human development issues and real human needs. UNDP finances the budgetary development strategies of more than 30 countries of the world, aimed at improving the living standards of the population. Organizational activities of UNDP are characterized by a flexible response to the changing needs of the world community in the field of using the latest concepts that characterize the possibilities of human development.

Of particular importance in.n.v. acquire directions actively implemented in UNDP for the development of priority programs in various countries of the world. This contributes to the implementation of critical aspects of UNDP activities.

The structure of UNDP includes:

· United Nations Capital Development Fund, which finances promising development projects, infrastructure for the life support of the population in the world, improving the lives of people in the least developed countries.

· Global Environment Facility. Its activities are aimed at achieving decisive shifts in increasing the level of environmental sustainability and protecting the ecosystems of our planet, reducing the negative consequences caused by floods, emissions of technological waste into the atmosphere, deforestation, pollution of watercourses, depletion of the ozone layer of the earth, etc.

· UN Volunteers Program ensures the dispatch (on a voluntary basis) to developing countries of trained specialists to assist national revival and development, and improve the standard of living of the population.

· United Nations Development Fund for Women makes direct investments and provides real support to promising development projects in order to provide assistance to women, increase their status in society, and expand their participation in the processes of making and implementing important government decisions.

UNDP is currently supporting priority government directions of national importance, which are directly linked to the countries' long-term development goals. This provides an opportunity for rational distribution of resource potential, achieving a higher level of interaction with other international organizations of the UN.

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

UNCTAD is a permanent intergovernmental body and the coordinating center of the UN General Assembly in the field of trade, finance, technology and investment. The purpose of the organization's activities is to assist developing countries in solving problems related to the globalization of the IER and integration into world economy on a fair basis.

To achieve this goal, UNCAD carries out research and analytical work, organizes the discussion of relevant issues at the intergovernmental level, and also carries out activities in the field of technical cooperation, etc. At present, 188 states are members of the organization. Many intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations have observer status and take part in its work.

The conference, UNCTAD's highest governing body, is held every four years at the ministerial level to develop strategic directions and prioritize work.

Between conferences, the Trade and Development Board is convened annually, which is also governing body UNCTAD. The Council, which is open to all members of the Conference, currently comprises 144 countries. The Council has several subsidiary bodies - functional commissions.

UNCTAD is headed by the Secretary-General of the Conference with the rank of Deputy Secretary General UN. The secretariat is located in Geneva (Switzerland) and has about 400 employees. The annual budget of the organization for operational activities is about 80 million dollars allocated from the UN budget. Technical cooperation activities are funded by extrabudgetary resources from donor countries, as well as from some organizations, in the amount of $24 million.

Within the UN, UNCTAD collaborates with many other organizations of the UN system and beyond.