Modern regional conflicts. The concept of regional conflict. The main sources and causes of conflicts at the regional level. Forms and types of regional conflicts

By regional conflicts we will understand those conflicts that arise on the basis of contradictions that arise between individual states, coalitions of states or individual regional subjects of social interaction within the state, and cover large geographical and social spaces.

By regional subjects of social interaction within the state we will understand individual administrative-territorial entities with their own economic, political, spiritual and other interests and values.

Features of regional conflicts

    Regional conflicts are directly related to global ones. On the one hand, they act as one of the forms of emerging global conflicts, and on the other hand, they can accelerate the process of maturation of such conflicts. For example, local wars as regional conflicts pose the threat of a world nuclear missile war, which in its scale will be a global catastrophe. In addition, local wars significantly aggravate the environmental situation in the regions military operations

    , they create the threat of accidents and catastrophes at chemical plants, nuclear power plants and other high-risk facilities. Regional conflicts are based on contradictions in the spheres of economics, politics, religion and ideology, and they, as a rule, occur in line with national-ethnic and religious clashes. Such conflicts are protracted and have a direct impact on the system.

    international relations Regional conflicts differ in the composition of the subjects,

    which are administrative-territorial entities or ethnic groups within a state, as well as states or coalitions of states. It is important to keep in mind that the main role among the subjects of regional conflicts is played by political, economic and national-ethnic elites. Geographically, such conflicts cover large geographical spaces (regions) and draw large masses of people into their orbit, significantly influencing the fate of these people. As a rule, such influence is negative.

    Regional conflicts also differ in their dynamics. The roots of conflict situations often go back to the distant historical past and are associated with the traditions of peoples, their socio-economic and cultural development. The formation of an image of a conflict situation among the people is directed by the political elite with the active use in this process of the media, as well as the means and methods of information warfare.

Open conflict interaction in regional conflicts can take place in various forms: ideological confrontation; economic sanctions; war and armed conflicts.

Regional conflicts are protracted. As a rule, they go through several cycles in their development.

The resolution of such conflicts is very difficult and is gradual. Often they actively participate in their resolution international organizations(UN, OSCE, etc.). The resolution of regional conflicts is always accompanied by the signing of treaties, agreements and other documents.

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for students studying in the specialtyREGIONAL STUDIESFaculty of Economics

Volume of classes: total 47 hours

Studied in the 7th semester

Developed by:

d.i. n. Plohotnyuk T.N.

Stavropol, 2007

Explanatory note

The content of the discipline “Regional Conflicts in the Modern World” is one of the components of the theoretical and practice-oriented training of students in specialty 350300 “Regional Studies”. Within the framework of this discipline, students receive modern knowledge on the identified issues and develop skills in analyzing the phenomenon of conflict in its various manifestations, which is necessary for working in practical government and non-government organizations involved in the field of foreign policy and national security.

Subject This discipline is a socio-political phenomenon of regional conflict. The training course “Regional Conflicts in the Modern World” reveals the definition of the nature and content of an international conflict, analyzes the forms of manifestation, the reasons for changes in its nature, classifies measures to prevent it, ways and means of its resolution, and methods of conflict management. Particular attention is paid to the phenomenon of terrorism: the roots of terrorism are shown in the context of social, political, ethnic, cultural, religious and other conflicts; the general and the particular in its various types are defined; analyzes the philosophy and psychology of terrorism.

In the process of teaching the academic discipline “Regional Conflicts in the Modern World” it is expected to achieve the following goals- contribute to a scientifically correct understanding of the phenomenon of conflict. While studying the content of this course, you must decide tasks formation of ideas among students:

Ш about the origins of modern conflicts, about the essence of the phenomenon of conflict;

Ш about the nature and ideology of modern terrorism;

Sh about character and driving forces terrorist organizations in various national and cultural environments;

As a result of mastering the content of the training course “Regional Conflicts in the Modern World,” the student must master the methodology for analyzing regional conflicts: identifying the causes of regional conflicts. determine their participants, the subject and object of the current stage of the regional conflict; analyze the objective needs and requirements of the subjects of the conflict; analyze the environment of the regional conflict; master methods of studying the dynamics of regional conflict; know about the best ways out of conflict

Studying the course requires knowledge of history, political science, geopolitics, ethnopolitical science, ethnoconflictology, and the foundations of world politics.

The presented program reveals the content of the discipline, includes lists of basic and additional literature, Internet resources, as well as questions for self-control.

The educational and methodological manual is compiled in accordance with the curriculum 63.DS.03 “Regional conflicts in the modern world”, meeting the requirements of the Educational Standard of the national-regional (university) component, as well as taking into account the requirements for the level of training of specialists with higher economic education.


The concept of regional conflict. Goals and approaches in the study of regional conflicts. Typology and classification of international conflicts. “Conflict-battle”, “conflict-debate”, “conflict-game”. Zero-sum and non-zero-sum conflicts. Global, regional and local conflicts. Symmetrical and asymmetrical conflicts. Ethnic, ideological and religious factors in modern international conflicts. Main types of regional conflict: international political and internal conflicts. Basic dimensions and functions of regional conflict. "Strength" of participants in regional conflicts. The role of violence in political confrontation. The relationship between political and armed conflicts. The role of the confessional factor in regional conflicts. Negative consequences politicization of religion in regional conflicts. Functions of regional conflicts. The relationship between conflict and stability in international relations. Theoretical analysis international conflicts. D. Burton, 3. Brzezinski, K. Boulding, I. Gantlung, G. Kahn, R. Langstrom, R. North, A. Rappoport, C. Rostow, T. Schelling on the nature and main causes of international conflicts.

Structure and process of developmentandinternational conflict

Participants in an international conflict. The structure of international conflict and the possibilities of its evolution. The main stages of development of an international conflict. Escalation and de-escalation of international conflict. International political crisis as a special phase in the development of international conflict. Identification of participants in regional conflicts. Identifying the causes of regional conflicts. Studying the background of the regional conflict and determining the time frame of the conflict phase under study. Definition of the subject and object of the current stage of the regional conflict. Analysis of the objective needs and requirements of the subjects of the conflict. Studying the environment of a regional conflict. Study of the dynamics of regional conflict.

Ways to prevent and eliminate regional co-operativesnconflicts

Theoretical problems resolution and prevention of international conflicts and the practice of modern international relations. Managing regional conflict. Implementation of conflict behavior strategy. Legal and moral regulators of the behavior of participants in a regional conflict. The influence of relations in society on the development of conflict. Conflict resolution. The role of the “third party” in resolving an international political conflict. Meaning of Track-I Diplomacy and Track-II Diplomacy. Activities to resolve and prevent conflict, C-series, P-series. Features of conflicts in end of XX-XXI centuries Influence on the course and resolution of international political conflicts of the modern system of international relations. Choosing the optimal way out of the conflict. Negotiation process. Post-conflict stage of conflict resolution. Post-conflict monitoring.

The role of international law in the peaceful resolution of international conflicts

Law and force in international relations. Morality and law in international relations. Political norms in international relations. International law as coordination of the will of states. Specifics of international law, its difference from domestic law. Sources of international law. Norms and principles of international law. Formation and development of the system of international law. Subjects of international law. International legal sanctions. International legal framework for regulating certain types of international relations. International legal aspects of foreign policy activities. Legal regulation armed conflicts of an international and non-international nature. International security law. Legal basis of international arbitration. International Court of Justice and international conflicts.

The role of international organizations in resolving conflicts and crises

The emergence of international organizations. Typology of international organizations. Specifics of decision-making in international organizations. United Nations: history of creation, structure, development problems. International organizations of the UN system. UN peacekeeping operations. The role of the UN Security Council in preventing conflicts and crises. Regional international organizations and regional conflicts. The role of non-governmental organizations in resolving international conflicts.

Global problems and international conflicts

Genesis of global problems. The main global problems of our time: environmental, energy, food, demographic, etc. The concept of global problems in modern political science. Global problems as a manifestation of the crisis of modern civilization. Global problems and conflict situations. Ways to prevent global conflicts. Necessity international cooperation to resolve global conflicts. Globalist concepts and international conflicts. The role of international institutions in solving global problems and preventing global conflicts and crises.

The phenomenon of terrorism and the problemth essential characteristics

Terror and terrorism: the evolution of concepts. Conceptual apparatus (radicalism, extremism, fanaticism, terrorism). The roots of terrorism. Typologies of terrorism, their strengths and weaknesses. Composite forms of terrorism. Multipliers of terrorism (media, transnational connections, modern technologies, etc.) Various contexts for the study of terrorism: philosophical, historical, political (power), legal, social, religious, technological, psychological. The complexity of the legal definition of terrorism. Terrorism in the civilizational dimension. Apocalyptic and eschatological idea and violence. Ethics of struggle and violence. Individual and group behavior of terrorists. Psychological types of terrorists. Organizational structure terrorist groups.

ORussian politics

International aspects and consequences of the collapse of the USSR. Geopolitical position of modern Russia. National and state interests of Russia. Economic interests of Russia and their reflection in foreign policy. The main approaches of Russian diplomacy to resolving international conflicts.

Modern foreign policy mechanism of Russia. Russia and former republics of the USSR. Russia and European countries. Russia and the USA. Russia and Japan. Russia and developing countries. Internal political struggle in Russia and Russian foreign policy.

Problems of global and regional conflicts in the external worldOpolitics of foreign countries

The economic situation of Western Europe, the USA and Japan in the context of globalization. USA in international conflicts and crises. Economic and political interests of Western Europe and international conflicts. Foreign policy of Western European countries. Japan's position on the main international conflicts of our time. Eastern Europe after the collapse of communist regimes. Reorientation of the foreign policy of Eastern European states. Eastern Europe and USA. Eastern Europe and NATO. Eastern Europe and the EEC. Eastern Europe and Russia. Interethnic conflicts in Eastern Europe and international relations. Eastern Europe and European security.

Regional conflicts in the post-Soviet geopolitical spaceOwandering

Historical and sociological aspects of the development of interethnic conflicts in the late 1980s - early 1990s. in the former USSR: Karabakh conflict (1989), events in Tbilisi (1989), Baltic states (1988-1990), Transnistria (1989-1991), conflicts in Central Asia and Kazakhstan, the Tajik-Afghan conflict. Geopolitical consequences of the collapse of the USSR. Typology of post-Soviet states. CIS in the system of modern international relations. Prospects for the development of the CIS. The role of the CIS in resolving conflicts in the post-Soviet geopolitical space. Conflict potential of international relations of the CIS countries. Current state and prospects for the development of regional problems and conflicts. Georgian-Abkhaz conflict. Problems of resolving the Transnistrian conflict. International conflicts in Transcaucasia. Conflict situations in the Central Asian region and international relations. Foreign policy of Ukraine and problems of Ukrainian-Russian relations. Political conflicts in the post-Soviet geopolitical space and prospects for their resolution.

Regional conflicts in Russia

Politicization of Islam and its consequences for Russia. Wahhabism, Islamic fundamentalism. Chechen crisis: causes, current state and prospects. Historical, socio-political and economic factors of the Chechen conflict. Ideological components of Chechen terrorism: “Wahhabism” and nationalism. Chechen War 1994-96 The situation in the CRI in the second half of the 90s: the proclamation of Islamic rule. The impact of events in Chechnya on the situation in the North Caucasus. Invasion of Dagestan in August 1999. Counter-terrorist operation of the Russian Federation. "Wahhabis" in Dagestan.

Regional conflicts in the modern global economyhVitya.

Globalization and regional conflicts. The ethnic factor in modern regional conflicts. The religious factor in modern regional conflicts. Features of regional and local armed conflicts. Regional security regimes. Regional conflicts in Europe. Arab-Israeli conflict in modern conditions. Regional conflicts in the Near and Middle East. Regional conflicts in South Asia. Conflict situations in East Asia. Regional and local conflicts in Africa. Conflict situations in Latin America.

Conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa. General characteristics of conflicts with a religious component (Northern Ireland, India and Pakistan, the Middle East). Sources of Middle Eastern terrorism (the Palestinian problem, inter-Arab contradictions, the Iranian revolution of 1978-79). The formation and development of Islamic radicalism and extremism in Egypt. Muslim Brotherhood Association. Political Islam and the concept of jihad. The concept of shihad. Zionism in Palestine and violence. Israel and the Palestinian problem. OOP and its activities. Terrorism and the right to national self-determination. The international aspect of Palestinian terrorism. Lebanese Knot and Hezbollah. Iran and the “export of the Islamic revolution.” Civil war in Algeria.


Genesis of the Afghan problem. The role of third countries in the formation of Islamic resistance. Afghan Islamists and traditionalists (“Taliban”). The phenomenon of Osama bin Laden. Iran and Hezbollah. Pakistan and the Kashmir problem. Ideological and ethnic terrorism in the region: Maoist groups in Nepal and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka.

Terrorism in Southern Europe

The tradition of violence in the political history of Southern European countries. Socio-political roots of terrorism. Typology of terrorist movements. “Black” and “red” terrorism in Italy: goals, political practice, social base. Sicilian mafia. Far-right, leftist and nationalist terrorism in Spain. ETA in the years of Francoism and at the stage of democratization: politics, ideology, relationships with society and the state. Methods and intermediate results of the fight against terrorism.


Terrorism as a long-term factor in world politics. Main trends of modern international terrorism. Various aspects of "state terrorism". International extremist structures (“Green International”, “Al-Qaeda”). Events of September 11, 2001 and “global anti-terrorism”. Events in Moscow (February), Madrid (March), London (July 2005) The fight against terrorism and the problem of national sovereignty and democracy. Coordination of efforts nation states in countering terrorism. Russia's role in the international fight against terrorism.

regional international conflict terrorism


"Regional conflicts in the modern world"

Total - 47 hours, of which 34 hours are classroom hours,

including lectures - 18 hours, seminars - 16 hours

TFR - 13 hours

Final form of control: test - 7th semester.


Regional conflict: essence and typology.

The structure and process of development of international conflict.

Ways to prevent and eliminate regional conflicts .

The phenomenon of terrorism and the problem of its essential characteristics.

Regional conflicts in the post-Soviet geopolitical space.

Regional conflicts in Russia.

Conflicts in the Middle East, North Africa, Central and Southeast Asia.

Terrorism in Southern Europe.

International terrorism and the fight against it.

Regionalconflict: essence and typology

Target: contribute to the formation of an understanding of the nature of the conflict, the factors of origin, the characteristics of conflicts in the modern world and the significance of their signaling, information and differentiating functions.

Issues for discussion

1. The concept of regional conflict. Goals and approaches in the study of regional conflicts.

2. Typology and classification of international conflicts. Main types of regional conflict: international political and internal conflicts.

3. Ethnic, ideological and religious factors in modern international conflicts.

4. The main functions of a regional conflict. The relationship between conflict and stability in international relations.

5. Theoretical analysis of international conflicts. D. Burton, 3. Brzezinski, K. Boulding, I. Gantlung, G. Kahn, R. Langstrom, R. North, A. Rappoport, C. Rostow, T. Schelling on the nature and main causes of international conflicts.

Modern conflicts pose a very serious threat to humanity due to their possible expansion in the context of globalization, development environmental disasters, serious humanitarian consequences associated with large numbers of refugees and civilian casualties. The emergence of armed conflicts in Europe, a region where two world wars broke out, an extremely high population density, and many chemical and other industries, the destruction of which during armed hostilities could lead to man-made disasters, also causes concern.

Thus, scientific interest in the conflict has been updated by modernity. Determining approaches to studying this phenomenon is a very significant methodological problem. One such approach is to derive conflict from “human nature.” This approach was formulated back in the 5th century BC. e. (Thucydides “history”). Proponents of this understanding explain the persistence of the conflict by the immutability of human nature. The class approach to conflicts became widespread in the 20th - 21st centuries. It is based on the tradition of dialectics, based on the need to identify contradictions in the very essence of phenomena and consider these contradictions as a source of movement and change in society. Another approach to understanding conflicts as a clash of interests is due to the fact that, according to its adherents, interest is the basis of any conflict. (N. Machiavelli, T. Hobbs, M. Weber, R. Dahrendorf, etc.) With all the variety of interpretations of interest itself, the difference of which reaches polar points of view, understanding conflicts as a clash of interests aims at searching for its true causes.

Speaking about the conflicts of the late 20th - early 21st centuries. We should dwell on the most important point, which has not only theoretical but also practical significance: why and how the nature of conflicts has changed. The answer to this question is directly related to determining the nature of modern political system and the possibility of influencing it. Immediately after graduation cold war there was a feeling that the world was on the eve of a conflict-free era of existence. But events in the world began to develop in such a way that the number of local and regional violent conflicts in the world immediately after the end of the Cold War increased. In this regard, researchers put forward various theories related to the growth of conflict potential in world politics. One of the most prominent representatives This direction was taken by S. Huntington with his hypothesis about the clash of civilizations. Among large quantity factors influencing the development of recent conflicts, special mention should be made of the restructuring of the world political system, its “departure” from the Westphalian model, which dominated for a long time. This process of transition and transformation is associated with key moments of global political development. In addition, problems associated with the proliferation of weapons, their uncontrolled use, and difficult relations between industrial and resource-producing countries, while simultaneously increasing interdependence, have made themselves felt. To this should be added the development of urbanization and population migration to cities, for which many states, in particular in Africa, were unprepared; the growth of nationalism and fundamentalism as a reaction to the development of globalization processes.

Most difficult moment The topic is the assessment of the role of conflict. The prevailing everyday assessment of any conflict is clearly negative. Public opinion basically evaluates conflict as an undesirable phenomenon, since conflict destroys a normally functioning social system. The opinions of scientists are not so categorical in determining the negative nature of the conflict. Even those experts who consider conflict a negative phenomenon still see some positive features in it. The scientific tradition, dating back to Aristotle, Hobbes, Hegel, Marx, Weber, generally views conflict as a constant and necessary component social relations. This tradition explains the usefulness of conflict through its ability to resolve contradictions.

Structure and process pdevelopment of regional conflict

Target: Having analyzed the structure and process of development of a regional conflict, contribute to the formation of a methodology for analyzing a modern regional conflict.

Issues for discussion

1. The structure of international conflict and the possibilities of its evolution. The main stages of development of an international conflict.

2. International political crisis as a special phase in the development of international conflict.

3. The importance of knowing the background of the regional conflict and determining the time frame of the conflict phase under study.

4. Definition of the subject and object of the current stage of the regional conflict.

5. Analysis of the objective needs and requirements of the subjects of the conflict.

6. Study of the environment of the regional conflict. Study of the dynamics of regional conflict.

Starting the discussion, let us clarify that conflict as such is preceded by a latent stage. It is characterized by a special socio-psychological atmosphere, which is called social tension. In fact, social tension is a certain state of social consciousness and behavior, a specific situation of perception and assessment of reality. It has general prerequisites, local causes that operate under a specific combination of circumstances, time and place. Social tension manifests itself at the socio-psychological and behavioral level and is characterized by features that make it possible to construct a system of indicators to measure the degree of tension.

Social tension is a kind of prologue conflict situation, the stage at which at least one of the subjects realizes its interests and the corresponding obstacles posed by the other side. As soon as a party that has realized its interests takes action to protect them, we can talk about the beginning of a conflict. Conflict escalates when its participants follow destructive patterns of behavior. During the escalation of the conflict, a kind of “enlargement” of the warring entities may occur due to an increasing number of participants.

Since in a conflict of interests the subject itself may change, the main role may be lost in the chaos of confrontation, in cases of regional conflicts it is important to know the background. Thus, numerous conflicts in Transcaucasia and the North Caucasus, which initially arose due to territorial claims, led to intense mutual hatred. The object in some conflicts may at some point cease to exist, but the remaining “unhealed wounds”, the consequences of the conflict, serve as the basis for new violent outbreaks.

Ways of prevention and eliminationregional conconflicts

Target: to find out the reasons for the low impact of numerous participants in the process of international and internal conflict resolution on modern regional conflicts.

Issues for discussion

1. Theoretical problems of resolving and preventing regional conflicts and the practice of modern international relations.

2. Conflict resolution. The role of the “third party” in resolving an international political conflict. Meaning of Track-I Diplomacy and Track-II Diplomacy.

3. Measures to resolve and prevent conflict, C-series, P-series.

4. The role of international organizations in resolving conflicts and crises.

5. Post-conflict stage of conflict resolution. Post-conflict monitoring.

During the discussion, it is important to argue that modern approaches to conflict resolution largely stem from their characteristics. Currently, social practice has sufficiently developed technology for this. Great importance procedures and methods of conflict resolution are given by the UN. For activities in this area the UN and its Secretary General Kofi Annan was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2001. Since conflicts pose a serious threat to regional security, their resolution is also the focus of attention of many regional intergovernmental organizations, including the OSCE, OAU, etc. Non-governmental organizations are also involved in resolving these issues. The next debated issue is low level effectiveness of influencing the conflict. The resistance of a modern regional conflict to impact is due to the fact that it affects the deep value and emotional structures of the participants, and therefore, as a rule, requires a long time for reconciliation.

Activities to resolve and prevent conflicts, depending on the situation, the nature of the threats, and the stage of development, include a whole range of activities. These include activities ranging from mediation and agreement monitoring to military operations. Many of these technologies were developed and introduced into practical use at the end of the 20th century. In general, influencing the conflict for its peaceful conclusion is carried out through preventive diplomacy, maintaining peace, preserving peace, restoring peace. Important in the practice of conflict resolution 1990-2000. It has also become that many participants are simultaneously involved in this process. In traditional diplomacy, conflict resolution is dealt with by states and intergovernmental organizations - the so-called first track of diplomacy (Track-I Diplomacy), or official diplomacy. In addition, non-governmental organizations and individuals take part in conflict resolution. This practice of unofficial diplomacy is called “Track-II Diplomacy”.

It should be emphasized that such multiple impacts correspond to modern realities - the diversity of conflicts, the multiplicity and heterogeneity of their participants, as well as the general trend associated with the activation of non-state actors. A special issue is the relationship between non-governmental organizations and official structures. These contacts are not always easy to build. Official authorities often try to limit the activities of non-governmental organizations in a conflict zone, considering it, if the NGO is international, as interference in internal affairs. The question of whether non-governmental organizations can and should remain neutral in conflict situations is far from simple.

Regional conflictson the post-Soviet geopolitical prOwandering

Target: analyze the causes of political conflicts in the post-Soviet geopolitical space and determine the prospects for their resolution.

Issues for discussion

1. The development of interethnic conflicts in the late 1980s - early 1990s. in the former USSR: Karabakh conflict (1989), events in Tbilisi (1989), Baltic states (1988-1990), Transnistria (1989-1991), conflicts in Central Asia and Kazakhstan, Tajik-Afghan conflict, Georgian-Abkhaz conflict

2. The role of the CIS in resolving conflicts in the post-Soviet geopolitical space.

3. Conflict potential of international relations of the CIS countries.

4. Current state and prospects for the development of regional problems and conflicts.

First of all, attention should be paid to the historical and sociological aspects of the development of interethnic conflicts in the late 1980s - early 1990s. in the former USSR. For this purpose, it is necessary to analyze the conditions and reasons for the annexation of the territories of Karabakh, the Baltic states, Central Asia and Kazakhstan to to the Russian state. An analysis of the events that expressed the content of the conflicts will be required: the Karabakh conflict (1989), events in Tbilisi (1989), the Baltic states (1988-1990), Transnistria (1989-1991), conflicts in Central Asia and Kazakhstan.

An assessment of the geopolitical consequences of the collapse of the USSR is necessary. The emergence of 15 new states in the post-Soviet space is clearly assessed by analysts as a conflict-generating factor. This is explained by the destruction of previous connections and relationships and the unwillingness to create new ones, on completely different principles. Despite the geographical conditionality of good neighborly contacts, countries in the post-Soviet space are divided by socio-political ideals, religious and ethnic differences, and the burden of historical hostility. The role of the CIS in resolving conflicts in the post-Soviet geopolitical space, created without clearly defined goals, in the absence of any joint body capable of actually performing unifying functions, is negligible. The single economic space was not preserved, which was considered one of the goals of creating the CIS.

The presence of the Russian military on the territory of the CIS countries was caused by a number of reasons. Firstly, the desire to form a military-political union of the CIS countries led by Russia. Secondly, the desire to maintain Russia's leadership position. Thirdly, internal instability in some of the CIS countries: the growth of separatism within the former Soviet republics. The latter circumstance turned Russian military formations into peacekeeping ones.

The preservation of the conflict-generating potential of international relations of the CIS countries is manifested in the current state of regional problems. A striking example of this situation is the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict.

Regionational conflicts in Russia

Target: determine that the emergence of “Wahhabism” in the North Caucasus is due to the fact that Islam is turning into a significant factor in the acquisition of national identity, coming into conflict with the firmly established traditions of life, customs and culture in the Caucasus, patterns of secular behavior and etiquette and threatening existing power structures.

Issues for discussion

1. Politicization of Islam and its consequences for Russia. Wahhabism, Islamic fundamentalism.

2. Chechen crisis: causes, current state and prospects. Historical, socio-political and economic factors of the Chechen conflict. Ideological components of Chechen terrorism: “Wahhabism” and nationalism. Chechen war 1994-96

3. The situation in the CRI in the second half of the 90s: the proclamation of Islamic rule.

4. The impact of events in Chechnya on the situation in the North Caucasus.

One of the most important issues to start the discussion is the problem of the politicization of Islam and its consequences for Russia. Most of the territories in which the modern “Muslim” North Caucasian autonomies are located were conquered by Russia in the 18th and 19th centuries. Islam remained a fundamental part of the consciousness and way of life of many peoples North Caucasus, and to this day they have managed to survive as a special religious, cultural and civilizational community.

Promoters of “true Islam” appeared in the North Caucasus at the turn of the 1980s-1990s, forming in opposition to other forms of the Muslim religion existing here: the Shafi’i madhhab, to which some Muslim believers (Avars, Dargins, Chechens, Ingush, Kurds, Ossetians) consider themselves and etc.); Muridism - a Sufi movement in Sunni Islam (its followers, who are also called “tarikatists,” are mainly the peoples of Chechnya, Ingushetia, and Dagestan); “folk Islam” - Muslim traditions and customs adapted to the Caucasian historical realities.

The supporters of “pure Islam” showed themselves most noticeably in Dagestan and Chechnya. But they also exist in other republics of the North Caucasus - Ingushetia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Adygea. The so-called Wahhabis, followers of Bagauddin Muhammad from Kyzy-lyurt (Dagestan) - the creator of the Islamic Shura (council), which included representatives of jamaats (communities) of Dagestan and Chechnya - made calls to bring local Islam into line with the normative understanding of this religion. They insisted on abandoning the worship of holy places (ziyarat), the cult of local saints and sheikhs, the veneration of the elderly (since this does not correspond to the principle of tawhid), and such a ritual rite of tariqas as dhikr. Wahhabism as a religious movement arose in Arabia in the middle of the 18th century. The principles of this doctrine were strict monotheism (tawhid), upholding the unconditional observance of the orders of the Koran and Sunnah in their literal understanding, condemnation of the cult of saints, etc., which brought Wahhabism closer to the most rigid and orthodox religious and legal school (madhab) of Sunnism - Hanbalism. It seems that when analyzing the “Wahhabi phenomenon” it is necessary to separate the purely religious sphere, the goals and interests of the main “players” of Caucasian politics from the political and propaganda component that dominates all this, which is present in abundance in both Russian and local, North Caucasian rhetoric.

The next block in the discussion will be an analysis of all components of the regional North Caucasus conflict. The “frozen” Ossetian-Ingush conflict, which broke out in the fall of 1992 in the Prigorodny district of Vladikavkaz, remains a factor of instability that challenges regional security. On November 30, 1995, the Ossetian and Ingush presidents signed an agreement “On measures to implement the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on overcoming the Ossetian-Ingush conflict,” in which they declared their renunciation of mutual territorial claims. But neither this nor other agreements concluded between Nazran and Vladikavkaz have yet resolved the contradictions between the republics. The main one is the return of Ingush refugees (approximately 36.5 thousand) to the Prigorodny district, which the Ingush continue to consider theirs.

Other conflicts in the North Caucasus (in the Republic of Dagestan, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic) are still in the stage of latent development of ethnopolitical or religious confrontation. But at any moment they can transform into a more dangerous quality - armed confrontation, religious war or terrorist protests.

The formation of illegal armed groups in the south of Russia, as well as the accumulation and proliferation of weapons there, remains a serious threat that undermines regional security. In most North Caucasian autonomies, residents are being almost completely armed, and the new post-Soviet elite even has its own armed units. In Dagestan, for example, illegal armed groups created under the pretext of self-defense are widely involved by Dagestan politicians and leaders of various clans in the internal political struggle. Such “militarization” of the region is even more dangerous because it occurs against the backdrop of a weakening position of the federal center, aggravation of interethnic relations and an intensification of the struggle of local elites and clans for power and property.

The Chechen conflict remains the most serious challenge to security in the North Caucasus region and in the Russian Federation as a whole. It facilitates the uncontrolled spread of weapons and drugs, stimulates mass migration of the population, and most importantly, it upsets the fragile political, ethnic and religious balance in the North Caucasus.

Thus, the emergence of “Wahhabism” in the North Caucasus is due to the fact that Islam is becoming an essential factor in the acquisition of national identity, but, firstly, the principles of this religious and political movement conflict with the firmly established traditions of life, customs and culture in the Caucasus , models of secular behavior and etiquette and cause a negative reaction from ordinary believers; secondly, in the reformist calls of the ideologists of the new trend, an attack on existing power structures is clearly visible, and therefore turns into a factor in maintaining the destabilization of the situation.

Conflicts in the Middle East, North Africa, and Central AsiaCentral and Southeast Asia

Target: show that the modern trend of the ideological and political revival of Islam is caused by the activation of two interrelated processes: on the one hand, the desire of the popular masses to find a way out of deepening socio-economic adversity and political disappointments in centuries-old dogma, on the other hand, the desire of the ruling circles to direct this process to the direction you need.

Issues for discussion

1. The formation and development of Islamic radicalism and extremism in Egypt.

2. Israel and the Palestinian problem. OOP and its activities.

3. The international aspect of Palestinian terrorism. Lebanese Knot and Hezbollah.

4. Iran and the “export of the Islamic revolution.”

5. Genesis of the Afghan problem. The role of third countries in the formation of Islamic resistance. Afghan Islamists and traditionalists (“Taliban”).

6. Ideological and ethnic terrorism in Central and Southeast Asia: Maoist groups in Nepal and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka.

The topic of the lesson is one of the most complex and large-scale within the training course, worthy of independent study. But still, even within the framework of one lesson, you can create general idea about the “confrontation of civilizations.” At the beginning of the discussion, it is important to draw up general characteristics conflicts with a religious component (Northern Ireland, India and Pakistan, the Middle East). And then analyze the humanistic ideals of Muslims to find out why they declared “Worldwide Jihad”. It is managed from headquarters located mainly in the Middle East and Central Asia. But almost all extremist organizations have branches in the United States and many European countries. Branches have their own names and their own leaders. This is a large network that has entangled the planet. The cells of this network communicate with each other. There are hundreds of them. They live their own lives, separate from the rest of the world. Old ones die off, new ones are born.

In order to correctly understand the essence of the existing contradictions in the Middle East, North Africa, Central and Southeast Asia, one should analyze their sources - the Palestinian problem, inter-Arab contradictions, the Iranian revolution of 1978-79. The formation and development of Islamic radicalism and extremism in Egypt. We must also pay equal attention to the genesis of the Afghan problem, determine the role of third countries in the formation of Islamic resistance, and characterize the concepts and activities of Afghan Islamists and traditionalists (“Taliban”). For now, the phenomenon of Osama bin Laden can only be mentioned, as closer attention to his activities will be paid in the lesson “International terrorism and the fight against it.” The problem of ideological and ethnic terrorism in Iran, Central and Southeast Asia will be refracted through an analysis of the activities of Hezbollah (an international Shiite organization created with the goal of uniting all Muslims), Maoist groups in Nepal and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam organization in Sri Lanka. Lanke (broadly combines the strategy of guerrilla warfare with the use of terrorist tactics).

Internanative terrorism and the fight against it

Target: present international terrorism as a natural phenomenon generated by the process of globalization, associated with the division of the world into poor and rich countries.

Issues for discussion

1. Main trends of modern international terrorism. Various aspects of "state terrorism".

2. International extremist structures (“Green International”, “Al-Qaeda”).

3. The fight against terrorism and the problem of national sovereignty and democracy. Coordination of efforts of national states in countering terrorism.

4. The role of Russia in the international fight against terrorism.

Let us recall that during the colonial period, European countries broke into all the closed civilizations of the East, based on religious traditions. Social and anti-Western protest resulted in the politicization of the Muslim religion. Already in the 19th century, with the emergence and strengthening of the anti-colonial movement, Islam became one of the most important factors in political life. During the period of the anti-colonial struggle, religion was in the eyes of the oppressed peoples a symbol of their former independence, which predetermined its important role in the formation of the ideology of the national liberation movement. In many developing countries, Islam has been proclaimed the official ideology. Their constitutions declare loyalty to Sharia law, guarantee religious education, recognize to one degree or another the authority of Muslim theologians and jurists, provide for the creation of various kinds of councils of ummas (priests) with advisory functions, ministries of religions, etc.

In the history of the development of Islamic social thought, there have been repeated outbreaks of theories proclaiming a return to the purity of Islam and calling for the re-creation of an ideal society that supposedly existed at the dawn of Arab-Islamic civilization. Even Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406), an Arab thinker, emphasized the cyclical nature of such phenomena. In his opinion, they appear every 100 years. The modern ideological and political “revival of Islam” in a broad sense should be considered in the context of the desire of the liberated states to fight for the reconstruction of international relations. Right-wing Islamic theorists seek to connect the necessary changes in a developing society with religious dogma. The egalitarian principles of early Islam, the ideal of “limitation of needs” are recognized as guarantees of social harmony, universal brotherhood and mutual assistance within the framework of Islamic society.

Right-wing theorists proclaim the superiority of their religion. From it the most orthodox features are brought to the fore, which claim to give Islam a universal character. Moreover, they seek to turn Islam into an ideology active action, and politics is declared to be part of religion. The moral values ​​of the “rotten”, “materialistic” West with its cult of individualism are contrasted with a “reborn and renewed” community of believers based on national traditions and spiritual heritage. In the 80s, Muslim movements, characterized as fundamentalist and preaching a return of society to the basic principles of early Islam, to the customs of the Muslim community of the times of Muhammad, gained wide popularity. In line with fundamentalist movements, many extremist organizations have emerged that profess terrorism as the main means of fighting for their ideals. However, one should not unambiguously identify fundamentalism with extremism. The essence of fundamentalism is the search for a model for the development of an alternative Western Christian civilization. It is possible that over time the moderate wing of fundamentalists will become part of the ruling structures based on coalition principles. Extremists, partly a by-product of the refusal of the government of Islamic states to allow them to participate in the system of democratization of public life.

Within the framework of terrorism, government popular, religious, atheistic, liberation and anarchist forces, moral values, financial interests, the sex industry, prostitution, drug trafficking, imposing discipline, poaching sympathy and misinterpretation of texts are intertwined Holy Quran. Some Muslims are used as a result of political, economic, social or psychological conditions his life to carry out terror. The burden of responsibility for this lies with those who involved them in this, seduced them with money, supplied them with weapons and technical means, who seduced them and led them astray from the righteous Islamic path. Militant Islamist groups operate under the motto of jihad locally and international level. At the government level, in particular in Arab countries, efforts are being consolidated to combat terrorism. In 1998, the Ministers of Justice and Internal Affairs of a number of Arab countries prepared the “Arab Agreement on the Fight against Terrorism.” This document was signed by 18 of 22 Arab countries, pledging to prevent terrorists from entering their territory from abroad, to prevent their training on their territory, not to finance their activities, to collect and exchange information, to arrest terrorists and bring them to justice. .

Analysis of the phenomenon of terrorism as a long-term factor in world politics will allow us to better understand the main trends of modern international terrorism and characterize existing international extremist structures (Green International, Al-Qaeda). Based on such an analysis, it is possible to form a more correct opinion about the methods and nature of the fight against terrorism. Particular attention should be paid to the analysis of US anti-terrorism activities. Despite the contradictions, mistakes and mistakes in organizing the impact on international terrorism, the United States is using all possible resources to the maximum. US policy is aimed at spreading its approach to terrorists among its allies. Most American experts agree that the most effective way to combat terrorism involves collecting intelligence as much as possible. Terrorist plans must be destroyed before they come to fruition. At the same time, the United States promotes collective actions against terrorists and countries that support international terrorism. When determining the role of the Russian Federation in the international fight against terrorism, attention should be paid to improving legal practice, customs activities, and intelligence activities. Attention should also be paid to coordinating the efforts of national states in countering terrorism.

Questionwasps for self-control

1. The concept of regional conflict.

2. Goals and approaches to the study of regional conflicts.

3. Main types of regional conflict: international political and internal conflicts.

4. Main dimensions and functions of regional conflict..

5. Regional conflict management.

6. The role of the “third party” in resolving an international political conflict. Meaning of Track-I Diplomacy and Track-II Diplomacy.

7. Measures to resolve and prevent conflict, C-series, P-series.

8. Features of conflicts at the end of the XX-XXI centuries. Influence on the course and resolution of international political conflicts of the modern system of international relations.

9. International political crisis as a special phase in the development of international conflict.

10. Methodology for analyzing regional conflict

11. Post-conflict stage of conflict resolution.

12. International organizations.

13. UN: main tasks and features of UN peacekeeping operations.

14. Non-governmental organizations: reasons for their emergence and specific legal status.

15. Historical and sociological aspects of the development of interethnic conflicts in the late 1980s - early 1990s. in the former USSR:

16. Current state and prospects for the development of regional problems and conflicts. Georgian-Abkhaz conflict.

17. Politicization of Islam and its consequences for Russia. Wahhabism, Islamic fundamentalism.

18. Chechen crisis: causes, current state and prospects.

19. Problems of international conflicts in political philosophy of the 20th century.

20. Traditions of studying international conflicts in Russia.

21. Geopolitical concepts of international conflicts.

22. Neoliberal trends in the study of world politics and international conflicts.

23. Genesis of the concepts of transnationalism and interdependence. Criticism of traditional ideas about the role of the state in international relations.

24. K. Walz and the emergence of neorealism. Neorealism and neoliberalism: similarities and differences.

25. Neo-Marxist concepts of world politics and international conflicts. Sociological approaches to the study of international conflicts.

26. Civilizational approach to the study of global international conflicts by S. Huntington.

27. The geopolitical nature of modern international conflicts in the works of Z. Brzezinski.

28. Terrorism as a form of political communication.

29. Religious and political conflict in the modern world (Middle East, Ireland, India).

30. Ethnonational conflict and terrorism (ETA, Kurdistan Workers' Party, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, IRA).

31. New forms of modern terrorism (intellectual, information, environmental, cyber terrorism, etc.).

32. Theory and practice of combating terrorism in the Russian Federation.

33. The concept of Islamic radicalism, extremism and terrorism.

34. Ethno-confessional factor in terrorist activities.

35. International terrorism and the fight against it.

36. Ethnic factor in the formation of conflicts in the North Caucasus.

37. Islamic revival in Russia.


1. Airapetova N. Russia in the role of a senior janitor? // Nezavisimaya Gazeta.-2002.-No. 2 (January 15).

2. Akinin V.P., Mandritsa I.V., Babin I.A. Geopolitical problems of security of the North Caucasus region and their refraction in the peacekeeping mission of women's non-governmental organizations // Current philosophical and methodological problems of modern scientific knowledge: Materials of the 44th scientific and methodological conference of teachers and students of SSU “University science - to the region”. - Stavropol: SSU Publishing House, 2000.

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Src="" alt=">Internet resources:">!}

The history of mankind and the history of military confrontations are inseparable. Unfortunately. Having rejected philosophical questions, many researchers have been trying for centuries to understand the root causes of why some people kill others. However, over the millennia, nothing new has appeared in this regard: greed and envy, the precarious position of one’s own economy and the desire to harm a neighbor, religious and social intolerance. As you can see, the list is not that long.

But there are also nuances. After the First and Second World Wars, humanity is no longer too keen on such solutions. If a state needs to resolve a conflict with another power, the military tries not to start a serious confrontation, limiting itself to targeted strikes. In some cases, ethnic and religious contradictions lead to the same results.

If you haven’t guessed it yet, let us explain: today the topic of our discussion will be regional conflicts. What are they and why do they occur? Is it possible to resolve them and how to prevent their manifestation in the future? People have not yet found answers to all these questions, but some patterns have still been identified. Let's talk about this.

What it is?

IN Latin There is a word regionalis, which means "regional". Accordingly, regional conflicts are a type of international disagreement or military actions due to religious tensions that arise in some local area and do not directly affect the interests of other countries. In some cases, it happens that two small nations living in different states fight in border areas, but both powers remain in normal relations and together try to resolve the conflict.

Simply put, these disagreements result in local armed confrontations. The hottest regions for the past ten years have been the South- East Asia and Africa, and the rest of the world often does not even know about military operations on the “Dark Continent”. Or he will find out, but after more than a dozen years have passed. However, this does not mean at all that modern regional conflicts in Africa are small in scale: they are extremely bloody and cruel, and there are even cases of captives being sold for meat (in the literal sense of the word).

Global at the regional level

One of the results of World War II was the creation of two independent states. The arena of confrontation between them served as one of the stumbling blocks in the politics of the USSR and the West. Almost all regional political conflicts that are shaking the world today, to one degree or another, affect the interests of Russia and NATO.

It all started with the fact that in 1945, united Soviet-American troops entered the territory of the mentioned country with the aim of liberating it from the Japanese army. However, the already traditional disagreements between the USSR and the USA, although they made it possible to expel the Japanese, were unable to unite the Koreans themselves. Their paths finally diverged in 1948, when the DPRK and the ROK were formed. More than half a century has passed since then, but the situation in the region remains extremely tense to this day.

Not long ago, the leader of the DPRK even announced the possibility of a nuclear confrontation. Fortunately, both sides did not further aggravate relations. And this is good news, because all regional conflicts of the 20-21st centuries may well develop into something much more terrible than both World Wars.

Not everything is calm in the Sahara...

In the mid-1970s, Spain finally abandoned its encroachments on Western Sahara, after which this area was transferred to the administration of Morocco and Mauritania. Now it is under complete control of the Moroccans. But this did not save the latter from problems. Even during the era of Spanish supremacy, they encountered rebels who proclaimed the creation of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) as their final goal. Oddly enough, more than 70 countries have already recognized “fighters for a brighter future.” From time to time at UN meetings the question of the final “legalization” of this state is raised.

Are there more famous regional conflicts? Not everyone knows the examples we gave. Yes, as much as you like!

This confrontation is probably known to most, if not everyone. In 1947, the same UN decided that two new states would be created on the territory of the former British fiefdom, Palestine: Israeli and Arab. In 1948 (yes, the year was eventful) the creation of the country of Israel was proclaimed. As one would expect, the Arabs did not pay the slightest attention to the UN decision, and therefore immediately began a war against the “infidels.” They overestimated their strength: Israel captured most of the territories that were originally intended for the Palestinians.

Since then, not a single year has passed without provocations and constant clashes on the borders of both states. Particularly interesting is France’s attitude towards regional conflicts in that region: on the one hand, the Hollande government supports the Israelis. But on the other hand, no one will forget about the supply of French weapons to “moderate” ISIS militants who are not against wiping Israel off the face of the earth.

War in Yugoslavia

The most serious regional conflict on European territory is the events of 1980 that occurred in the then unified Yugoslavia. In general, starting from the First World War, the fate of this country was extremely difficult. Despite the fact that many peoples in this territory had the same origin, there were differences between them on religious and ethnic grounds. In addition, the situation was aggravated by the fact that different parts of the state were at completely different stages of socio-economic development (which always stimulates local and regional conflicts).

It is not surprising that all these contradictions eventually resulted in a fierce intrastate confrontation. The bloodiest war was in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Just imagine this explosive mixture: half of the Serbs and Croats professed Christianity, and the other half professed Islam. Scarier civil war, caused by religious differences and the emergence of “preachers of jihad”, there is nothing... The path to peace turned out to be long, but already in the mid-90s, fueled by NATO bombing, the war broke out with renewed vigor.

However, all the regional conflicts, examples of which we have given and will give, have never been characterized by a small number of victims. The worst thing is that mostly civilians die, while military losses in these wars are not so great.

General explanations

There can be many root causes. But with all their diversity, it should be remembered that, unlike full-scale wars of the past, regional conflicts have never arisen for some trivial reasons. If such a confrontation has unfolded on the territory of a certain state (or states), even if outwardly prosperous, this fact indicates the most difficult social problems issues that have remained unresolved for decades. So what are the main causes of regional conflicts?

The conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh (1989) clearly showed that the formerly mighty Soviet empire was in a very deplorable state. Local authorities, which, according to many domestic researchers, by that time had already completely merged with ethnic criminal groups, were not only not interested in resolving the conflict, but also directly opposed the purely “decorative” Soviet power in attempts at a peaceful settlement. “Decorative” is an excellent description for Moscow’s power in that region at that time.

The USSR no longer had any real levers of influence (with the exception of the army), and there was no political will for the correct and large-scale use of troops for a long time. As a result, he not only actually moved away from the metropolis, but also largely contributed to the collapse of the country. These are the reasons for regional conflicts.

Features of regional conflicts in the territory of the former USSR

No matter how fresh the words of the anthem “Union of fraternal peoples...” may sound, they have never been particularly relevant. The party leadership did not advertise this too much, but there were enough disagreements on the territory of the USSR that would inevitably lead to a war in the end. An ideal example is the Fergana Valley. A terrible mixture of Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kazakhs and Russians, seasoned with underground preachers. The authorities preferred to bury their heads in the sand, and the problems grew, spreading and increasing, like a snowball.

The first pogroms took place already in 1989 (remember Karabakh). When the USSR collapsed, the massacre began. We started with the Russians, and therefore the Uzbeks and Tajiks fought among themselves. Many experts agree that the main instigator was Uzbekistan, whose representatives still prefer to talk about “external enemies” who “caused” the Uzbeks with other nations. The claims of local “rulers” do not meet with much understanding either in Astana or Bishkek, not to mention Moscow.

About the reasons on the territory of the former Union

Why are we all saying this? The thing is that almost all (!) regional conflicts on the territory of the USSR did not arise “suddenly”. All the prerequisites for their occurrence were well known to the central authorities, who, meanwhile, tried to hush everything up and transfer it into the plane of “domestic conflicts.”

The main feature of local wars on the territory of both our country and the entire CIS was precisely ethnic and religious intolerance, the development of which was allowed by the highest party elite (and then point blank not noticing its manifestations), which actually abdicated itself from all responsibility and left it at the mercy of local criminals. groups in almost all Central Asian republics. As we already know, all this cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of people who were carried away by these international and regional conflicts.

This leads to another feature of local clashes throughout the territory. former Union- their exceptional bloodiness. No matter how terrible the military actions in Yugoslavia were, they cannot be compared with the Fergana massacre. Not to mention the events in the Chechen and Ingush republics. How many people of all nationalities and religions died there is still unknown. Now let’s remember the regional conflicts in Russia.

Conflicts of regional significance in modern Russia

From 1991 to the present, our country continues to reap the fruits of the USSR’s suicidal policy in the Central Asian region. The First Chechen War is considered the most terrible result, and its continuation was little better. These local-regional conflicts in our country will be remembered for a long time.

Background to the Chechen conflict

As in all previous cases, the prerequisites for those events were laid long before their implementation. In 1957, all representatives of the indigenous population deported in 1947 were returned to the Chechen Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The results were not long in coming: if in 1948 it was one of the calmest republics in those parts, then already in 1958 there was a riot. Its initiators, however, were not Chechens. On the contrary, people protested against the atrocities that the Vainakhs and Ingush committed.

Few people know about this, but the state of emergency was only lifted in 1976. However, this was just the beginning. Already in 1986, it was dangerous for Russians to appear on the streets of Grozny alone. There were cases when people were killed right in the middle of the street. Happy! By the beginning of 1991, the situation had become so tense that the most far-sighted had to almost fight their way towards the Ingush border. At that time, local police showed their best side, helping robbed people get out of territory that suddenly became hostile.

In September 1991, the republic declared its independence. Already in October, the well-known Dzhokhar Dudayev was elected president. By 1992, thousands of “fighters for the faith” were concentrated on the territory of “Independent Ichkeria”. There were no problems with weapons, since by that time all the military units of the SA located in the Chechen Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic were plundered. Of course, the leadership of the “young and independent” state conveniently forgot about such trifles as the payment of pensions, salaries and benefits. Tensions were rising...


The Grozny airport became a world center of smuggling, the slave trade flourished in the republic, and Russian trains traveling through the territory of Chechnya were constantly robbed. Between 1992 and 1994 alone, 20 railway workers died and the slave trade flourished. As for civilian Russian-speaking residents, according to OSCE data alone, the number of missing people totaled more than 60 thousand (!) people. From 1991 to 1995, more than 160 thousand people died or went missing on the territory of the ill-fated Chechnya. Of these, only 30 thousand were Chechens.

The surrealism of the situation was that all this time money was regularly flowing from the federal budget to Chechnya for “payment of salaries, pensions and social benefits.” Dudayev and his associates regularly spent all this money on weapons, drugs and slaves.

Finally, in December 1994, troops were sent into the rebellious republic. And then there was the infamous New Year’s assault on Grozny, which resulted in huge losses and shame for our army. Only by February 22 did the troops take the city, of which by that time there was very little left.

It all ended with the signing of the shameful Khasavyurt Peace Treaty in 1996. If someone studies the resolution of regional conflicts, then the signing of this agreement should be considered solely in the light of how it is not necessary (!) to reconcile the parties.

As you might guess, nothing good came out of this “world”: a Wahhabi state was formed on the territory of Chechnya. Drugs flowed from the republic like a river, slaves of Slavic nationalities were imported into it. The militants took over almost all trade in the region. But in 1999, the actions of the Chechens finally exceeded all acceptable limits. The government was surprisingly indifferent to the deaths of its citizens, but did not allow militant attacks on Dagestan. The Second Chechen Campaign began.

Second war

However, this time things did not go so smoothly for the militants. Firstly, the population of the republic was far from delighted with the “freedom” for which they fought. Mercenaries from Arab countries, Africa, the Baltic states and Ukraine who arrived in Chechnya soon clearly proved that there would be no “Sharia”. The one who had weapons and money was right. Of course, the Dagestanis - for the same reasons - greeted the militants who invaded their territory not with open arms (which the latter really counted on), but with bullets.

This war was different in that the Kadyrov clan openly went over to the side of the federal forces. Other Chechens followed them, and the militants no longer received the same full support from the local population (theoretically). The second Chechen campaign turned out to be much more successful, but still dragged on for 10 years. The counter-terrorist operation regime was only lifted in 2009. However, many military experts were skeptical about this, noting that the militants’ sluggish guerrilla activity would continue for a long time.

As you can see, local-regional conflicts bring no less grief than a full-scale war. The tragedy of the situation is also that the war in this case does not help in any way to resolve the contradictions that served as its cause. We will remember the regional conflicts in Russia for a long time, as they brought an enormous amount of trouble and suffering to all the peoples who participated in them.

Macroregions of the modern world

This article presents a classification of countries of the world according to macro-geographical regions And continents ( Africa , America , Asia , Europe , Oceania ), used for statistical purposes in the United Nations ( UN ) in accordance with the document “Standard Country or Area Codes for Use in Statistics” developed by the UN Secretariat.

The grouping of countries by UN macroregions is used, among other things, in the All-Russian Classifier of Countries of the World, which is part of the Unified System of Classification and Coding of Technical, Economic and Social Information (ESCC) in the Russian Federation.

· East Asia

· Western Asia

· Southeast Asia

· Southern part of Central Asia

· East Africa

· West Africa

· North Africa

· Central Africa

· Southern Africa

· Eastern Europe

· Western Europe

· Northern Europe

· Southern Europe


Oceania (Australia and New Zealand)



· Polynesia

North and South America


· North America

· Central America

· South America

Regional conflicts of the modern world

Regional conflicts are those that arise on the basis of contradictions that arise between individual states, their coalitions or individual regional subjects of social interaction within the state; they cover significant geographical and social spaces.

Features of regional conflicts:

1. They are directly related to global ones. On the one hand, they act as one of the forms of emerging global conflicts. On the other hand, they can accelerate the process of maturation of global conflicts;

2. Since regional conflicts are based on economic, political, religious and ideological contradictions, they manifest themselves in the form of national-ethnic and religious clashes. They are protracted and have a direct impact on the entire system of international relations;

3. Regional conflicts differ in the composition of the subjects (administrative-territorial entities, ethnic groups, states or coalitions). The main role among the subjects is played by political, economic and national elites;

4. Regional conflicts differ in their distribution zones. They cover large geographical spaces (regions) and significant masses of people;

5. Regional conflicts differ in their dynamics. Thus, the formation of the image of a conflict situation is directed by the elites and occurs with the active use of the media, and sometimes - means and methods of information warfare. Open conflict interaction can take place in the forms of war, armed conflict, economic sanctions, and ideological confrontation.

The main causes of regional conflicts are 1) the discrepancy between administrative and political boundaries and ethnic ones; 2) territorial claims; 3) religious. The greatest danger to international peace represent armed conflicts (the most problematic region is Africa), and one of the most famous conflicts is the “triple” crisis in the Middle East, the Balkan problem and the problem of Western Sahara.

Turkish-Kurdish conflict- an armed conflict between the Turkish government and fighters of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, fighting for the creation of Kurdish autonomy within Turkey, lasting from 1984 to the present.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the Kurds remain the largest people without their own statehood. The Treaty of Sèvres between Turkey and the Entente (1920) provided for the creation of an independent Kurdistan. However, this treaty never came into force and was annulled after the signing of the Lausanne Treaty (1923). In the 1920s and 1930s, the Kurds unsuccessfully rebelled against the Turkish authorities several times.

Opponents Kurdistan Workers' Party Iraqi Kurdistan Türkiye supported by: Iraq (since 1987) Iran (since 2004) Total losses OK. 40,000 killed (1984-2011)

South Ossetian conflict (Georgian-South Ossetian conflict) - ethnopolitical conflict in Georgia between the central leadership of Georgia and the Republic of South Ossetia (from the late 1980s to the present). The aggravation of Ossetian-Georgian relations was caused by a sharp intensification national movements V last years the existence of the USSR and the desire of small nations to improve their status and form an independent state (the development of separatism in South Ossetia, from the point of view of the Georgian authorities). The development of the conflict was facilitated by the weakening of state power and the subsequent collapse of the USSR.

Arab-Israeli conflict - the confrontation between a number of Arab countries, as well as Arab paramilitary radical groups supported by part of the indigenous Arab population of the Israeli-controlled (occupied) Palestinian territories, on the one hand, and the Zionist movement, and then the State of Israel, on the other. Although the State of Israel was only created in 1948, the history of the conflict actually spans about a century, starting at the end of the 19th century, when the political Zionist movement was created, marking the beginning of the Jewish struggle for their own state.

During the Cold War, it was difficult to imagine that the small Yugoslav provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina or Kosovo could attract the attention of the world community and demand collective action by the leading powers to resolve the conflict that arose in them. The USA and the USSR sought to prevent the escalation of regional conflicts in their spheres of influence and interests, realizing that this would inevitably lead to a clash between the two superpowers. The end of the Cold War and the collapse of the bipolar system of international relations led to a real explosion of local and regional conflicts and their escalation.

Interstate conflicts have given way to regional ones, which have become the main threat to international security. Thus, according to the International Peace Research Institute in Stockholm, in 2005, for the first time, none of the existing conflicts were defined as interstate. Thus, in the new conditions, regional conflicts have acquired new characteristics and features, the identification of which is the purpose of this essay.

Most contemporary regional conflicts are conflicts based on religion, ethnicity or language. Researcher M.M. Lebedeva gives another term - identity conflicts, which are built primarily on an ethnic, religious and cultural-historical basis. Achieving a compromise in such conflicts seems almost impossible, since they are based not so much on the interests of the parties as on values.

This leads to another characteristic of regional conflicts – their protracted nature. American researcher Dan Smith provides the following data: as of 1999, 66% of existing conflicts lasted more than 5 years, and 30% of conflicts lasted more than 20 years. The reasons for the protracted nature of the conflict are often the resumption of hostilities after the conclusion of a truce due to the inability of the warring parties to reach an agreement in the process of developing the terms of the peace agreement or due to disappointment with the transformations that followed its conclusion; the formation of a radical group within the belligerent party that does not want to compromise, the goal of which is “war to a victorious end,” etc. It is impossible not to mention the psychological component: during a protracted war, the warring parties develop a certain type of mentality, which is based on the desire to take revenge (for your family, people, etc.).

The participation of multiple actors – both external and internal – is also a feature of regional conflicts. If earlier regular troops were the main participants in conflict operations, today the main role belongs to the people's militia, warlords, informal paramilitary groups, etc. The mentioned external actors of conflicts - international organizations, the media - also influence the development of the conflict through their actions (or, as in the case of Rwanda, inaction). The presence of many actors makes regional conflicts difficult to manage and unpredictable in their development.

Modern regional conflicts are also acquiring a certain political and geographical orientation. They arise in regions that are developing or in the process of transition from authoritarian regimes government to democratic. According to research conducted by the Center international development and Conflict Management University of Maryland, 77% of all regional conflicts that have occurred since the end of the Cold War involved at least one country classified as underdeveloped or developing.

Another characteristic of regional conflicts is localization. Most conflicts are geographically closed, that is, they do not go beyond the boundaries established by the conflict. An example is the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where decades of violence occurred primarily in the east of the country.

A high degree of violence is also inherent in modern regional conflicts. The warring parties are not guided by the “Laws of War” in accordance with the Geneva Conventions, which leads to the physical elimination of the enemy. This is partly due to the already mentioned struggle for values, a compromise on which is not possible, as well as the participants in the conflicts themselves (field commanders, paramilitary groups), who have certain methods of fighting.
And finally, the last characteristic of regional conflicts is the influence of globalization processes on their occurrence. Often the cause of regional conflicts is the struggle for control of oil or water sources (the Middle East) or mineral deposits (diamond fields in Africa), ensuring the safety of gas and oil pipelines, etc.

Thus, at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries. regional conflicts are characterized by a complex of interdependent features, namely the struggle for values ​​(religious, cultural, ethnic, etc.), the presence of many external and internal actors. Regional conflicts are often protracted in nature, arise in regions with a predominance of developing countries, and are localized within a certain territory. A high degree of violence and competition for the possession of resources are also characteristic features of modern regional conflicts.