Business plan for opening a beauty salon. Description of the industry and company. Outside equipment requirements

The beauty industry is one of the most popular. Not surprisingly, there is huge competition. But everyone wants to be beautiful, therefore, if you correctly build your business plan for a beauty salon, then there should be no problems with the clientele. Another thing is to understand all the legal, technical, accounting components this business may not be all. It is important here not to go at a loss immediately after you open. The institution must justify the funds invested in it. This means that this should be approached responsibly even at the stage of the appearance of the idea, and after that, start collecting data step by step, perhaps even using as an example already ready-made business plans beauty salon. illustrative example allows you to convey information about how to do it, and how not to do it much faster.

But it should be understood that each project is individual in its own way, and for your salon to be successful, its owner and manager must choose their own path, suitable only for them. Some can start from the smallest, while others prefer to open a huge institution at once, which already with one swing says that it’s cool here. But this does not mean that the small salon will burn out. In fact, in this business it is preferable to start small and then grow. No need to do some dubious sharashka. Clients should be comfortable, and a well-written business plan for a beauty salon with calculations will allow you to clarify how much money is needed for this. In addition, it is he who can be an excellent reinforcement in case a loan is taken to create a business.

What is a business plan

Perhaps no one will argue that the creation own business This procedure is not for the stupid. In this business, drawing up a business plan is the basis of everything. Precisely on the basis this document they can issue a loan, invest funds, etc., of course, provided that it is correctly drawn up. But in many situations, this is far from the truth.

People are used to believing that a business can be developed at random. But in fact, such “enthusiasts” burn out very quickly, because negligence is not tolerated in business, even if the area where the plan will be used is a cosmetology studio, or the plan was developed for a beauty salon. A person who encounters such an institution for the first time will be surprised at how complex its organization is. But if you want to succeed, then you need everything to be better, cooler, more beautiful and more convenient than the competitor, and with all this, it is desirable that the prices be relatively affordable.

In order for the plan to open a beauty salon to be accepted as a successful investment, a huge number of nuances must be taken into account:

  • Where will the future salon be located, because if there are salons of competitors nearby, then the chances that the client will enter yours drop sharply. In addition, it is important that it is convenient to get to the institution, especially for big city;
  • The number of services and their specifics also matter, because the type of future salon and the number of beauty parlors depend on it. The more of them, the higher the cost of such a project, and investors may demand to reduce the overgrown list;
  • Estimation of expected expenses, etc.

The main thing is not to hide anything, so that later you will not have to answer to investors in court. In general, there are a lot of points, and each of them directly affects whether the business will be successful. Think of it as a skeleton on which literally everything rests. And this is no exaggeration.

What type of business plan is best for opening a beauty salon

Before you start drawing up a business plan for opening a beauty salon, you need to clarify which type of this document can be used in order to maximize the chances of achieving specific goals. That is why almost all business plans are divided into several categories. Let's try to consider each and find out which one can be used as a template for writing your own document:

  1. Investment business plan for a cosmetology studio.
  2. Enterprise business plan.
  3. Business plan for a loan.
  4. Grant business plan.

Already from the very title of this document, one can draw conclusions on what exactly it is aimed at. Of course, its goal is to receive investments from people who are ready to invest their money in a start-up business, so that when it rises, they will receive good dividends from this. A properly drawn up sample of such a plan should contain as much as possible detailed description the following items:

  • The area of ​​activity of the company, and in our case, we are talking about the beauty salon;
  • Marketing analysis data;
  • well-defined goals;
  • Specified tasks.

AT this case this plan can also be used when opening salons, only the content of the sample in question consists of a slightly different “contingent” of information, in particular:

  • The main points of the activity of the future beauty parlor or salon are indicated;
  • Describes the problems associated with the opening and operation of the institution;
  • Methods for solving the difficulties that have arisen are considered;
  • beauty studio project organizational structure and institution strategy.

Besides, this plan is developed exclusively for the management of the institution when implementing the idea of ​​​​a business in life.

Issued for a loan to open an office. Moreover, it is important to see that the conditions under which the loan was issued are as favorable as possible.

To get a loan, you need to confirm your solvency, and this is not the easiest procedure, since starting a business requires a lot of money. Therefore, the owner of the salon must show that, even in spite of this, he will be able to make regular payments to pay off the loan. Despite the difficulties, the loan contributes to the opening of a beauty salon, because it is taken most often.

In this case, the money for the salon is not given by the bank or investors. Initial capital formed charitable foundations and government agencies. Money can come in the form of a loan, that is, it must be returned, but with much lower interest than in a bank. Besides, the right amount may be given as a subsidy. In general, it is also a pretty good option for implementing plans to open beauty salons.

What items do business plans consist of in 2017

A business plan refers to those types of documents for which no special requirements are required, at least at the state level. But a certain structure must still be observed solely in order to indicate all necessary information without forgetting anything. Or if you need to find some special information so that you do not have to spend several hours searching for it.

But drawing up a business plan in order to carry out cosmetic procedures in your institution depends on many factors. In particular, this is the legal form of the salon, scope (for example, how many offices will operate, and what procedures are carried out in them), and so on. But there are points that cannot be ignored:

  1. Summary.
  2. Description of what cosmetic services will be provided by the office, etc.
  3. Marketing plan(sales of services).
  4. Production plan.
  5. Organizational plan. This is the organizational structure of the future salon, the number of staff and personnel policy. It also consists of several items.
  6. Financial plan, which indicates the calculations of this enterprise.
  7. Direction and effectiveness of the project.
  8. Risks and guarantees.
  9. Applications, namely: reference documentation.

This section indicates short description document, as well as some key concepts of the business plan that was created to open a beauty parlor. For example, if a person needs to get a loan to open a business, he must indicate:

  • Purpose of receiving money;
  • The amount needed to create a business, which is confirmed by calculations;
  • Approximate terms of debt repayment;
  • The presence or absence of investment partners;
  • Whether own financial resources and their quantity will be used;
  • Estimated demand for goods;
  • The risks of this business.

In this section, beauty salon projects are described in more detail, but only in terms of the services they will provide. It also indicates the goods that a potential buyer can purchase in a future institution. This section also describes the technical aspects of the business, what equipment is used and how it is better than that that competitors have.

If any special procedures will be carried out in the salon, then this is also necessarily indicated, as well as the use innovative technologies. An example of a project with a high chance of success is the low cost, high quality of procedures and other nuances that make the institution in question better.

This is the document that is the basis of the business plan. Here, a market analysis is made, that is, market goals are indicated and ways to achieve them are described. Through this part of the plan, problems can be identified, such as unsatisfactory demand for services, in order to further formulate the right marketing strategy.

  • Examples of a place for the deployment of a future salon;
  • Are there transport interchanges to make it convenient for future customers to get to their destination;
  • Do I need to buy expensive special equipment;
  • Should employees with the appropriate qualifications work in the salon;
  • Will any special engineering communications be required?

The costing template should be shown as a table to make it much easier to check the data. If there are already ready-made samples of products for the provision of services, their real cost should be entered.

Each of these points can be considered almost a separate document that considers the idea of ​​​​a business from its own side. That is why it is important to describe all the parts so that the business becomes popular, and does not go bankrupt in the first month of operation, if it can be opened at all.

How to deal with calculations for a business plan

The financial side of the issue is one of the most problematic, as there are various categories of establishments. For example, an elite beauty salon or a budget one. Naturally, the calculation for these establishments must be done differently, since they have completely different specifics, the intended range of customers, and therefore the equipment must be appropriate. Therefore, when making calculations, this must be taken into account.

For example, let's take the calculations for equipment in the salon. We will proceed from what you need to buy right now and without which you can’t do without it. In this case, we will deal with examples using calculation tables:


Price per one. rub.

Total, rub.

Signboard (light box-lightbox)

reception desk

The waiting area:


Hair salon:

baby chair


Manicure room:

manicure table


massage room:

massage couch

table for cosmetics and appliances

massage chair

other furniture

Beauty parlor:

beauty machine


beautician chair

Unexpected expenses


As you can see, the table is filled with data. It is this format for compiling the financial part of the business plan that should be used. This makes the job much easier. But in addition to such, small at first glance, expenses, there are also larger, capital ones. For example, to purchase professional cosmetology equipment, and not only. In general, let's calculate, using the example of salon planning, how much such a coveted business will cost us:

  • First you need to register with the IFTS and order a seal. It will cost 10 thousand rubles (if you save a lot);
  • Further, it is necessary to bring the room into a divine form, and ordering the interior design of a small room will cost at least 100 thousand rubles;
  • The purchase and installation of air conditioners, fire alarms, video surveillance systems will cost, according to the most conservative estimates, somewhere around 200 thousand rubles;
  • Several computers will also be needed to store the customer database, etc. - 60 thousand rubles;
  • The cost of advertising a new institution must also be taken into account. They amount to 15 thousand rubles;
  • In addition, the financing of a beauty salon, with the calculations of which we are now getting acquainted, must be carried out until the moment when it begins to pay for itself. And the approximate amounts that will be needed for this are millions of rubles;
  • In addition, a commodity stock must be created that will allow the salon to function normally.


When the opening is nearing, and most of the work has been done, the turn has come to pay attention to those who will work here. Salon staff should be professional. This is the key to the success of this establishment. And now we need to think about how many employees to hire, and what salaries they will have. Of course, the number of people and their size wages depends on how much profit the institution will bring.

Let's say that in order to work at the proper level, we need 15 people, provided that the rooms with cosmetic procedures work in two shifts. In total, we get such a ready-made example of the number of staff in a salon with cosmetology services:

  • Five versatile barbers with salary 26 thousand rubles. The total amount is 130 thousand rubles;
  • Two cosmetologists with a salary of 35 thousand rubles. As a result, the owner needs to pay them 70 thousand rubles;
  • Two masseurs receive the same as beauticians. This means that another 70 thousand rubles must be invested in the budget;
  • Three manicure masters who will work for 30 thousand rubles. - 90 thousand rubles;
  • Two administrators, whose salary, for example, will be 15 thousand rubles each. - 30 thousand rubles;
  • Cleaning lady - 10 thousand rubles.

For example ready plans can be said to be the most beneficial early stages The work of the institution is a piecework wage system. But this rule applies to the working personnel involved in the procedures. Administrators and cleaners always receive a flat rate.

Often, some business women have the idea of ​​​​opening a beauty salon and spa centers. At the same time, in each individual case, there are peculiarities and differences from the standard business plan.

Opening a beauty salon - a business plan at the initial stage

The organizers of such a business, firstly, cannot take existing analogues as a basis.

Each individual beauty studio should have its own zest. In connection with the rapid development of the salon business, as well as its characteristic variability, available in the funds mass media data becomes outdated quickly.

Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly study the opening of a beauty salon. A business plan can be very helpful in this case.

Stages of organizing a salon business

It already turns out in practice that the owners of this business are women. Despite the fact that this is the "weak" half of humanity, it is women who understand exactly how to organize a beauty salon.

The first step is, of course, thinking about the idea itself. Basically, it occurs among specialists in this field who are tired of working for someone.

An example is the conflict between a manicurist and the owner of a beauty salon. As a result, the specialist is left without work and offended by the whole world.

It seems to the master that she is able to carry out the opening of a beauty salon, the business plan of which has already been even formed in conjectural terms.

The second stage is the direct registration legal entity. Here it is very important for oneself to determine the status of a business entity, since individual entrepreneur it will be very difficult to obtain the medical license required to operate.

The third step is finding a suitable location. He demands most time, since the location of the salon affects the success of the salon, namely: it must be at least the first floor of a residential building (it is better if it is a separate building). It matters appearance, design, the presence of similar salons nearby, as well as potential customers (in other words, it is very good if the beauty studio is located among residential buildings).

The fourth stage consists in documentary confirmation of water and energy supply capacities. This factor is very important for doing business. All documents with energy sales organizations, Vodokanal and local public utilities must be drawn up in the prescribed manner. On the this stage it is also necessary to provide for the preparation of documentation for a possible redevelopment (if necessary) with the obligatory invitation of an expert from the BTI as a specialist.

The fifth stage is to conduct a high-quality advertising campaign with the involvement of relevant specialists. In this case, the installation of outdoor advertising is possible. There is also such a thing as primary advertising, which must be carried out at least a month before the opening of a beauty salon.

Stage six - purchase cash register, registration of the necessary package of documents. This may also include the conclusion of an agreement on the connection of a fire alarm.

Recruitment process

This is also a rather time-consuming and painstaking stage in setting up a new beauty salon. The professionalism of the hired specialists depends on how rapidly the client base will expand.

Therefore, often this process is not only laborious, but also painful, since the owner of the salon has to repeatedly refuse applicants or dismiss inappropriate ones.

Those housewives who try the services provided by their specialists on themselves are doing the right thing. First, they will be sure of their quality. Secondly, they will be able to safely recommend this or that specialist to their friends for their image.

An important role is given to the administrator of the salon. He is obliged to coordinate all the work of the beauty studio, bring to the clients various promotional offers, as well as novelties in the provided hairdressing and cosmetology services.

And, of course, an indispensable employee is an accountant. This should be a specialist in accounting and tax accounting.


The equipment must be ordered already when all the necessary documents for the acquisition or lease of premises have been drawn up. Even if this room requires some repair work, when ordering equipment, it can still be delivered within three months. Upon receipt, it is imperative to check all certificates, warranty and service contracts. Its installation should be carried out only by professionals of supplier companies.

Certification and Licensing

One of the answers to the question: “What is needed to open a beauty salon?” Is the correct execution of all permits. There is no licensing for ordinary household services. However, in order to avoid any misunderstandings in the future, it is necessary to contact the local administration with this issue.

But the licensing of medical activities is mandatory and is carried out by the territorial department of Roszdravnadzor.

Primary printing products

This stage is perhaps the most creative in the entire organizational process. After all, the answer to the question: “How to make a beauty salon profitable?”, To a large extent, lies precisely in correct design business cards and brochures. We must not forget about this required document, as a price list, which should always be in the lobby and be available to visitors. Then they will ask questions only for those items of service that are not reflected in the price list.

Buying Consumables

Under them, you need to understand all those little things that are necessary for specialists in a beauty salon in the implementation of their professional activities.

Efficiency of beauty salons

As with any business, efficiency is the profitability of beauty salons, which depends on marketing research the market for these services either by the owners themselves or by specially hired professionals. In connection with the appearance on the market of new types of cosmetics and equipment, improvement cosmetic procedures and hairdressing services, the requirements for organizing a salon business are also increasing.

Then the opening of a beauty salon, the business plan of which is already drawn up taking them into account, will be successful. One of its sections should be mandatory advanced training or the passage of special trainings by masters of hairdressing, manicure or cosmetology services.

The total cost of creating a salon

How much money is needed to open a beauty salon, it is definitely impossible to answer. This largely depends on the location of the salon itself. If it's about major city, the cost of the premises is much higher here. But this item of expenditure has the largest share in the total cost.

However, in such a city there is the prospect of further expanding the client base and making more profit. At the same time, of course, the requirements of customers are higher, so highly qualified specialists are needed.

The cost of the costs depends on the structure of the services provided. For example, if we are talking about cosmetic services, then you should consider the need to purchase expensive equipment and provide high-quality lighting. However, in this case, you can cheat a little.

For example, if massage services are provided in the salon along with cosmetology services, then for these two types one folding couch chair is enough. At least for the first time. The main thing is that the administrator correctly draws up a schedule for the provision of such services.

Thus, the cost of opening a beauty salon, for example, in Moscow, in a room with a total area of ​​100 square meters will be in the range from 98 thousand to 165 thousand dollars.

The largest share in the costs are: repair of the premises (50 thousand - 75 thousand dollars) and purchase of equipment (up to 50 thousand dollars).

Considering the structure necessary equipment, you should clearly define what you need to buy first. So, a hairdresser's chair costs from 4,000 to 12,000 rubles, and devices for body shaping and lymphatic drainage - within 120,000 rubles.

However, one cannot do without appropriate furniture, the production of which for a small salon will cost from 50 thousand rubles.

So, it should be noted that a beauty studio should be created under the same scrutiny as any other business. Accounting for income and expenses should be maintained at the proper level, and profitability should be constantly monitored. Only in this way it will be possible to identify weak spots in business and respond to them through the implementation of certain activities.

Currently, the salon business is considered one of the most profitable and fastest growing. This can be explained by the fact that people always want to look good, especially women. Yes, of course, you can do without extended nails, but you can’t do without a hairstyle. Most long hair annoy men and pensioners. Therefore, a salon or even a small hairdresser will always be in demand, regardless of financial well-being world economy.

Our business plan for opening a beauty salon will help novice businessmen make their start in this area very successfully. You will find out which registration form you need to choose for the salon, which services are worth providing and which are not. We will give the most common financial plan for the purchase of equipment, indicate the criteria for choosing a suitable room, consider the profitability of a beauty salon and payback.

The relevance of the beauty salon business idea

Now we can confidently say that the salon business is firmly entrenched in the services market. Wherever you look - only salons! And even sometimes you can see several beauty salons located side by side with each other. Are their owners so sure of themselves that they are absolutely not afraid of competition?

It should be noted that there has always been competition in this area. But when opening such a business, it is better to think not about competition, but about the quality of the services provided. Then your competitors will worry. If the salon has good advertising, experienced craftsmen and a full range of services, then it will always bring good profits (even at the initial stage).

But the interior of the salon is different. Now even the most ordinary hairdressers call themselves "salons", although the level, of course, is not the same. Therefore, do not deceive customers with a proud sign.

If you are thinking about opening such an institution, then first ask yourself a question. Who is the salon for? If you are in a large metropolis with a huge number of inhabitants and plan to provide a large number of business class services, then, of course, open a beauty salon and think carefully about its image name. But if services will be provided mainly to pensioners who are more accustomed to hairdressing salons and are afraid to go into salons, then the salon is useless. We call the business in the old fashioned way "hairdressing salon", otherwise it will scare away your potential customers. You can also subdivide salons into other categories, such as pet salons, children's beauty studios, image studios, etc. The main thing is not to get confused in all this variety of names and be able to accurately indicate the categories of your salon.

Salon registration

After the direction of the salon is chosen, it's time to think about registration. The best thing . in this case it will be 93.02.

The following documents are required to register a salon.

  • Business plan.
  • Lease contract.
  • Conclusions from the fire and sanitary services.
  • Permission to carry out activities.
  • Contract for the export of waste materials (in this case, hair).
  • Agreement on maintenance with the JEC.
  • Certificate of conformity.
  • Medical records for all employees.

Depending on the region, the package of documents may be supplemented.

Note that you need to remember that some areas of the beauty salon must be licensed. Obtain a license if the salon will provide massage or cosmetology services. That is, these are all those services that involve a violation of the skin.

How to open a beauty salon from scratch?

Premises for a beauty salon

First you need to think about where to carry out this activity. That is, what kind of room is needed for this. It can be of any area, but most likely you will not own it. There are two ways: either rent the premises, or buy it. The second option, of course, is acceptable only for very wealthy citizens, since commercial real estate in our time is big money. Therefore, most will have to be content with renting a room for a beauty salon. Of course, God knows what, and the dependence on the landlord is great, but rent always pays off.

The main thing when choosing a room is to pay attention to the fact that there are all the necessary conditions for work. In the cabin, you will definitely need a utility room, a bathroom, sinks. If plumbing is not installed, then be sure to agree with the landlord on its installation.

Purchase of equipment and furniture

To carry out the type of activity of a beauty salon, you will need to purchase the following equipment (an indicative list):

  • mirrors,
  • barber tables,
  • manicure table,
  • reception desk,
  • barber chairs,
  • lockers and bedside tables.


For an opening salon, the selection of employees is very important, because the whole business can depend on it. All tests of the skill of "recruits" should be carried out only by a qualified specialist in this field. In no case should you draw any conclusions during an oral interview. Note that it is better to immediately combine oral interviews with practice. At the interview with the masters, it is necessary to evaluate not only their level and work experience, but also evaluate their behavior and sociability.

Calculating the wages of employees is also a simple matter. Usually the master gets percentage of work done. If an employee is just starting to gain experience in this area (trainee), then he is given a fixed salary.

You can search for employees different ways: through ads, employment exchange, in educational institutions through friends and the internet.

Description of the beauty salon

A novice businessman should know that in just open saloon you do not need to immediately offer visitors all possible services. Such innovations are introduced gradually. You need to be able to please customers with new services every time. If you immediately dump the whole arsenal on them, then, firstly, it will be difficult to figure out which services are in great demand, and secondly, you can simply confuse visitors.

In addition, when choosing a set of services, you must rely on the category of customers that you are going to serve. Naturally, piercings and trendy hairstyles will not be popular among pensioners, but you can introduce inexpensive spa treatments or your own anti-aging program.

We offer a small list of services of a beauty salon:

  • spa treatments,
  • mesotherapy,
  • body shaping programs
  • face and nose cleansing
  • manicure and pedicure,
  • thalassotherapy,
  • solarium,
  • massage, etc.

If you want to distinguish yourself, then you can try to arrange in your salon something that your competitors do not have. For example, do afro weaving, piercing, perm and eyelash extensions, depilation, henna drawings. The main thing here is the imagination of the business owner.

Financial plan: how much does it cost to open a beauty salon?

The minimum amount to open the simplest salon is about 60,000 rubles. But, as practice shows, not everyone manages to meet it. For a medium-sized salon, open from scratch, you will need somewhere around 400,000 rubles. This is a more real cost of such pleasure.

The sources of profit in this case are all employees. It is best if they receive a salary as a percentage of work. Then they can not be included in the initial costs of opening a salon. After all, if there are no customers at the initial stage, then a fixed wage can become an unplanned expense item.

It is more difficult with sources of expenses, because there will be many more of them. These are the costs of renting premises, salaries, utilities, garbage collection, consumables, telephone communication, security, etc. These are the main sources. You may have more or less of them - the main thing is to take into account everything possible when calculating, because then you will not have to expect unforeseen troubles.

Approximate calculations

  • from 1 hairdresser - 40,000 rubles. per month (this is minus the salary of the master);
  • from 1 manicure master - 30,000 rubles. per month;
  • if we have two hairdressers and a manicurist, then the total monthly profit will be 110,000 rubles.
  • rent - 20,000 rubles;
  • utility bills - 5,000 rubles;
  • garbage disposal - 3,000 rubles;
  • purchase of consumables - 10,000 rubles;
  • alarm system (security) - 15,000 rubles;
  • telephone conversations - 3,000 rubles;
  • advertising - 5,000 rubles.

Total: expenses amount to 61,000 rubles.

110,000 - 61,000 \u003d 49,000 rubles. net profit from one salon per month.

Business selling dresses for brides and other wedding services:

Beauty salon payback

To determine whether it is profitable to open a beauty salon, you need to make average calculations of the profit of the salon. Of course, in different period time income may be different. For example, during the holidays, the profit is greater, and during the holidays it can be completely zero.

Experts advise such a formula for calculating profit. We take, for example, hairdressers. We estimate the average price of the service (since they can be different) and multiply it by the average number of clients per day, then multiply by working days. We subtract 40% of the employee's salary from this and get a profit from this category of craftsmen per month. In order to get net income, it is necessary to subtract the costs of rent, material, etc. from the resulting amount.

As a rule, the average salon pays off from one to two years, in rare cases the payback period may be less.

If we take the above example, then at a cost of 400,000 rubles. to open a salon, it will pay off in 10 months. Why 10 and not 8 months? Everything is simple. We take into account how much money we still have to spend on initial expenses in the form of repairs to the premises, and also deduct from net income a certain amount that we will spend on ourselves every month.

beauty salon advertisement

Salon advertising should be singled out as a separate item, because usually all novice salon owners stumble on this. Just signage is not enough. After all, modern salons are so diverse in their services that one sign “Beauty Salon” makes it completely incomprehensible whether they offer a service that we have been looking for for a long time, or whether they just do a haircut here.

Outdoor advertising

It could be billboards. But the shield expensive pleasure especially for big cities. Therefore, in our advertising, the main thing will not be its size, but information. Outdoor advertising is obliged to attract attention with its unusualness - you don’t need to do it like everyone else.

Advertising in periodicals

Advertising in newspapers and magazines is still bearing fruit, you should not treat it with disdain. But you should not advertise there for business class. Information in magazines is sought by those who need good discounts, as well as graduates of educational institutions.

TV and radio advertising

Internet advertising

A very popular method now. You can advertise the salon everywhere: on forums, in groups, in social networks. networks. However, it will be most effective if you make your own website or start a blog.

Active advertising

Active is now called the ad that specifically encourages visitors to come to you. It could be flyers that you hand out on the street, or even a person with a mouthpiece shouting out information about promotions. Highly good way. But it is not recommended to hire a special person for this.

In addition, the owner of the salon himself should not engage in active advertising. An owner running down the street with flyers (even at the opening stage) will give his business a bad reputation. It is best to send advertisements to the salon of masters in turn, especially those who have this moment no clients.

The first point with the basic data of the project.


Activity: services in the field of beauty.
Location: indicate the city and district in which the enterprise is opened, the population.
Area: 70 square meters.
Form of ownership: rent.
Schedule: 9:00-21:00 , seven days a week.


  • Hairdressing (including hair extensions);
  • Manicure and pedicure (including nail extension);
  • Epilation;
  • Cosmetology, including hardware;
  • Body care (wraps, massage);
  • Sunburn in the solarium.

Market analysis

The target audience- people aged 18-45 years. Wherein most of clientele are women 20-35 years old (about 70%), about 20% of visitors are people 35-45 years old, the remaining 10% are elderly people and teenagers.

The most successful choice of location is a sleeping area, built up high-rise buildings. In this case (subject to placement in a large city), approximately 30-40 thousand people will become potential customers of the institution.

Before starting work, analyze all institutions located in the area, their list of services and pricing policy. Develop your advantage for each competitor. For example, a “protection” from a large institution will be a service that only you offer, a bright sign, affordable prices.

Business organization

This paragraph provides a description of the registration entrepreneurial activity, obtaining permits, choosing a taxation system.

Open IP with simplified taxation. OKVED codes:

  1. 93.02 Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons (this includes standard hairdressing procedures, makeup, manicure).
  2. 93.04 Physical culture and health-improving activities (massages, solarium).
  3. 85.14 Other health protection activities.
  4. 52.13 Other retail trade in non-specialized stores.
  5. 52.33 Retail cosmetic and perfumery products.

A package of documents with which you can start working: permissions from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, State Fire Supervision. For cosmetic procedures, epilation, massage, a medical license is required. When calculating how much it costs to open a beauty salon, start with these costs.

Marketing plan

To get the client to contact you, develop competitive advantages . For example, the middle price segment at high quality, a large assortment procedures, discounts and bonuses for regular customers.

Image and advertising

To start such a business from scratch, you will need:

  • Outdoor sign (about $500);
  • Development of corporate identity, logo (100-150 $);
  • Website development and promotion ($150-350);
  • Printed handouts: flyers, business cards ($150);
  • Placement in a popular women's magazine (about $300).

Promotion channels

You can effectively promote an institution with the help of a website, communities in in social networks(VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram). The most important channel is the clients themselves, word of mouth.

Sales promotion methods

You can increase demand and attract attention with promotions:

  1. Solemn opening ceremony with drawing of gifts and distribution of certificates with discounts.
  2. Sale of gift certificates. Especially relevant for the holidays - February 14, March 8, New Year. The target audience is men who want to give a gift to their beloved, and women who choose a gift for a friend.
  3. When ordering a complex of procedures, the first procedure is free of charge. This will help the visitor to be convinced of the effectiveness of your methods and will not scare away the “unreasonable price”.


Given the orientation of the institution to the average (and slightly above average) price category, we are developing a price list. Let's give an almost ready-made example with the most profitable and popular services (prices are in dollars):


  • A haircut. Women's - 7-8, men's - 5;
  • Laying - 4-5;
  • Toning - 8;
  • Highlighting - 13;
  • Lamination - 15;
  • Hair straightening - 23;
  • Perm - 30-38;
  • Hair extensions - 70-120.


  • Daytime - 13;
  • Evening - 23;
  • Wedding - from 25;
  • Eyelash extensions - 23;
  • Eyebrow extension - 30;
  • Eyebrow correction - 4.

Nail care

  • Manicure - 5;
  • Pedicure - 11;
  • Paraffin therapy - 4;
  • Nail extension - 12-30 depending on the technology.

Depilation and epilation

  • Leg depilation - 8;
  • Depilation of the hips - 8;
  • Depilation of hands - 8;
  • Armpit depilation - 6;
  • Classic bikini - from 8;
  • Deep bikini - 18;
  • Electrolysis - 16/hour;
  • Laser hair removal - 4.5 / 1 sq. cm;
  • Photoepilation - from 55.


  • Ultrasonic facial cleansing - 26;
  • Whitening with vitamin C - 15;
  • Facial massage - 12;
  • Facial peeling - 30-60;
  • Correction of mimic wrinkles (botox, relatox, xeomin) — 4/unit;
  • Anti-couperose program - 29-38;
  • Lip augmentation with Botox - 5 / unit, (about 150 - full course).

Body care

  • Massage - from 13;
  • Lymphatic drainage massage - from 23, general - 70/hour;
  • Vacuum roller massage - 15/session;


  • Honey - 20;
  • Algal - 23;
  • Chocolate - 23;
  • Thermal wrap - 46.


3-4/10 minutes.

Production plan

For an institution to bring good income, inside you need to place as many jobs as possible.

Room requirements:

  • Separate entrance;
  • Water supply is cold and hot. Water should flow not only into utility rooms, but also into the working area;
  • Good lighting - daylight plus artificial light - only about 30-35 lamps;
  • Flow ventilation and air conditioning system;
  • System fire safety.

The project provides for the correct division of the premises into zones:

  1. Reception, wardrobe - 9 sq. m;
  2. Hairdresser's room - 15 sq. m;
  3. Make-up artist area - five square meters;
  4. Manicurist zone - 6 sq. m;
  5. Massage room - 11 square meters;
  6. Cosmetology room - 10 sq. m;
  7. Solarium - eight square meters;
  8. Utility room - 3 sq. m;
  9. Shower - three square meters.

Renting such a room will cost about $ 900 per month.

Technical base

The most important investment is equipment. Opening a beauty salon requires the purchase of the following equipment and furniture for the arrangement of the establishment (prices in dollars):

The waiting area

  • Reception desk - 300;
  • Cash register - 180;
  • Computer, phone - 300;
  • Wardrobe for things - 230;
  • LCD TV - 240;
  • Sofa - 150;
  • Coffee table - 70.

hair salon

  • Two armchairs – 300-400. A good choice low-cost hydraulic chairs are produced by the Image Inventor brand.
  • Workplace with a mirror(two) - 300. Image inventory or Panda.
  • Sushuar- 150. An inexpensive one can be purchased from the Profreshchenie company, a more expensive and better option - from the Italian company Vision.
  • climazon(two) - 550. In the middle price category, Polish Harmony, Italian EGG, Ceriotti are popular.
  • Armchair with sink- 240. The best and inexpensive manufacturers - Image-master, Image-inventor.
  • Washing- 130. Recommended and high-quality for little money - Italian Laguna, "Sonata" from Image Inventor.
  • Sterilizer– 55. Sanity, Germix.
  • Cart(two) - 96. Modus, Artecno.

Nail care cabinet

  • Manicure table - 90. Best Options offer Artecno, Madison, Euromedservice.
  • Rack - 110. Artecno.
  • Manicure apparatus - 300. Saeshin, Euromedservice.
  • Manicure hood - 60. Ultratech.
  • UV lamp - 50. Germix, Yoko.
  • Chairs (two) - 330. Lemi, SalonISPA.
  • Wax traps, paraffin therapy equipment – ​​100. Yoko, Madison.
  • Shelves - 75. Lemi, Armando.
  • Bath for pedicure - 30. Polaris, Refreshing.
  • Pedicure machine – 1000. Podomaster, Unitronic.


  • Armchair - 40. Image master, Lemi.
  • Mirror and table - 230. SalonISPA, J-Mirror.

Beauty parlor

  • "Toplaser" for photoepilation - 4600.
  • Apparatus for vacuum-roller massage "Diflexi" — 5300.
  • Pressotherapy apparatus "Bloomoon" — 2300.
  • Device for ultrasonic peeling SILVER FOX - 320.
  • Master's chair - 75. Madison, Gezatone.
  • Couch - 200. Madison, Image Inventor.
  • Beautician's table - 120. Lemi.

Body care

  • Thermal blanket SILVER FOX – 300.
  • Electric massage bed – 200. Cesare Qaranta, Belberg.
  • Massage table – 40. Belberg, Diacoms.
  • Couch for wrapping (spa-couch) - 1800-2000. Relatively inexpensive and convenient options are Livia, SPA SUITE, SAVONAGE, SMERALDO.


Vertical - 8000. The best and time-tested options are Luxura, MegaSun, SmartSun.
Horizontal - 9000. Luxura, MegaSun, ErgoLine.

In addition, it is necessary to make a lot of smaller acquisitions.. These are cosmetics, tools, consumables, uniforms for workers (three sets per person).

Most often, masters come to work with their own set of tools.. But in any case, it is worth knowing which brands offer the highest quality tools and consumables in the field of beauty. The "face" of the enterprise is very dependent on the brands with whose products it works.

Hair cosmetics and hair care tools:

  • Schwarzkopf;
  • Loreal;
  • Londa;
  • Goldwell;
  • Estel;
  • Wella;
  • Dikson;
  • BaByliss;
  • Moser;
  • hairway.

Cosmetics and make-up tools:

  1. dive;
  2. Faberlic;
  3. INGLOT;
  4. Clinique;
  5. L'Oreal;
  6. Max Factor;
  7. Maybelline;
  8. Yves Rocher;
  9. SIGMA;
  10. Mary Kay.

Tools and supplies for nails:

  • Mertz;
  • LaFrez;
  • Solingen;
  • Zinger;
  • redmond;
  • Vitek;
  • scarlett.

Wrap cosmetics:

  1. Algotherm;
  2. Blue
  3. Arabia Organic.

organizational plan

The staff includes:

  • Administrator;
  • Manager;
  • Cleaning woman;
  • 4 universal hairdressers (work in shifts);
  • 2 manicurists;
  • Cosmetologist;
  • Masseur.

Accounting is outsourced. All employees must have a document confirming their professional level; a specialized education is required for a cosmetologist.

The salary is received only by the administrator, manager and cleaning lady. All masters receive a percentage of the work performed - 30% from the cost of the service + tips.

Launch plan

It will take 4-6 months to open a business. Work on its launch consists of the following stages:

  1. Business registration;
  2. Rent and repair of premises, decoration;
  3. Technological and engineering design, carrying out the necessary communications;
  4. Obtaining permits and licenses;
  5. Purchase of equipment and consumables, installation of equipment;
  6. Personnel search;
  7. Advertising campaign.

Also on , for completeness.


Before the beginning it is worth assessing the possible risks and develop ways to overcome them.

  • The emergence of new competitors. Should be supported high level services, improve quality and expand the list of procedures.
  • Deterioration of the market situation, reduced solvency. The development of additional proposals, the introduction of special programs, and the holding of promotions will help. It is important to build a base of regular customers. In any situation, a woman will want to be beautiful, so you will not lose visitors.
  • Theft. It will help you escape security alarm and property insurance.

Financial plan

Let's deal with financial model business.

Capital cost ($)

  • Registration with the IFTS, obtaining permits - 1000;
  • Rent for the year ahead - 11 thousand;
  • Interior design development - 1500;
  • Engineering design - 700;
  • Technological design - 400;
  • Repair of the building, premises - 2500;
  • Installation of communications, fire safety systems, video surveillance systems, lighting - 3000;
  • Finishing, purchase of decor items - 3000;
  • Appliances, furniture, equipment - 38 thousand;
  • Purchase of consumables - 3000;
  • Advertising - 1500;
  • Unforeseen expenses - 2000.

Total- 68 thousand dollars.

Costs per month (USD)

  • Wage fund - 1500 (masters work piecework);
  • Bookkeeping - 250;
  • Purchase of consumables - 1000;
  • Advertising - 200;
  • Utility payments (including garbage collection) - 100;
  • Unforeseen expenses - 150.

Total- 3200 dollars.

Efficiency and income

Efficiency calculations are based on the fact that in the first months the salon will be loaded by 30-40%. This figure rises to 50-60% by the end of the first year and up to 85% by the middle of the third as the popularity of the institution grows. Sales peaks are spring and December. The decline is observed in the summer due to the holiday season.

Based on the above prices, average check is about 20-40 dollars. Revenue in the first 4-6 months will be about 7 thousand dollars, and net profit (including salaries for craftsmen) - about 2000 dollars. The positive dynamics of development allows in two or three years to reach the volume of revenue in the region of 24-30 thousand dollars.

Only detailed plan then you can start taking action. All events must be scheduled literally on a weekly basis. and stick to the schedule. Then the payback of the business will be optimal.

beauty salon business plan unique document future institution. Finished example with calculations can be downloaded for free on the page.

Before the start of business activities, it is necessary to subject each activity to calculations. Business is built on the basis of the idea, needs and demand of the market for goods and services. A beauty salon, a car service center, a store will not bring the desired benefits if everything is not thought out. the smallest details the functioning of the enterprise. A business plan is the backbone of any institution. This free resource page provides a ready-made example of a beauty salon business plan with calculations. Consider the main features of this project.

The plan to create a beauty salon can look completely different. There are no mandatory criteria for its design. beauty salon business plan- it's always unique individual work. the main objective discussed paper carrier information - to decompose each stage into subparagraphs, and identify all kinds of risks of activity, expected profit, and other issues. A business plan for a beauty salon should include a huge amount of information.

Mandatory points of a business plan for a beauty salon

  • Title of the project;
  • Content, summary, title, chosen style;
  • The main idea, the location of the premises;
  • List of proposed services;
  • Opening a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, advertising developments, description of future consumers;
  • Analysis of nearby competitors;
  • Pricing, staff, equipment for operation.
Despite the huge competition in the field of the direction in question, the beauty salon will be successful if all the nuances are correctly calculated. The list of services provided, professional craftsmen, cleanliness of the premises, unique offers - all this is only a plus for a potential client. It is not at all necessary that the cost of the work of specialists should be lower than that of competitors. Nowadays, quality stands much higher in the formation of a plan of business structures. Appearance man plays huge role in life. AT business relations this factor is one of the fundamental elements of initial success.