What kind of profession is this - customs. Customs business: where to learn a specialty

05/38/02. Qualification: customs specialist

Higher education
Remote technologies
4 - 6 years
State accreditation
Acceptance of documents until 07.11.16
Reception after: 11th grade, school, college, university

For admission to universities for “Customs Affairs”, the Unified State Exam or written test is required:

  • Russian language;
  • Social science;
  • Foreign language.

Correspondence higher education, qualification – specialist. Distance learning.

Graduates of our institute in the field of Customs are awarded the qualification “specialist”. Correspondence education specialist lasts 6 years. This is an up-to-date correspondence higher customs education, it is the second stage of higher education, as well as master’s programs (Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”).

3 advantages of getting an education at the institute - the direction of Customs Affairs.

  • Customs specialists are trained to professional activities in a specific narrow customs area. You will be able to work independently in the customs service or in enterprises involved in foreign economic activity, analyze, design and organize your work.
  • Unlike a bachelor's degree, having received a specialty in customs, you can immediately enroll in graduate school.
  • Employers in our country value a specialist diploma much more highly. Thus, the prestige of a university diploma in customs is several times higher than any bachelor’s degree.

2 disadvantages of correspondence higher education in the field of Customs.

  • The customs diploma is not recognized in Europe. Specialists often face the problem of finding employment abroad. Only a master's or bachelor's degree is recognized there.
  • A graduate of the specialty Customs Affairs cannot study in absentia in a master's program budgetary basis, since this will already be the second higher education.

Where can you work after graduating from college - Customs?

  • IN government institutions, controlling the transportation of goods across the border and collecting customs duties and fees.
  • At customs terminals.
  • In trading companies with regional coverage and purchases from abroad.
  • In freight forwarding companies.

What do university graduates majoring in Customs Affairs have to do?

  • Collection of customs duties for the import and export of goods;
  • customs clearance and customs control;
  • control over compliance with legislation in the field of customs, taxation, and currency regulation;
  • prevention and suppression of offenses in the field of customs;
  • combating smuggling and searching for contraband goods;
  • customs inspection of things and passengers traveling abroad of the Russian Federation;
  • customs statistics - providing reports on work to higher government organizations.

After graduating from college with a degree in customs, you will have to start your career from low positions. As a rule, yesterday's graduates of the customs department of a university quickly acquire connections and after a few years work at port customs at inspections or in departments that deal with declarations. If you are more interested in earning prospects, we recommend law enforcement customs activities.

Have you decided to enroll in Customs? Check if you have professional qualities:

  • concentration and stability of attention;
  • organization, clarity, discipline;
  • excellent memory - short-term and long-term;
  • ability to make quick decisions under time pressure;
  • ability to analyze and systematize large number information;
  • observation;
  • emotional stability, self-control;
  • good physical and mental endurance;
  • developed intuition;
  • communication skills (ability to make contact);
  • ability long time do monotonous work.

Customs business (Wikipedia) is a set of means and methods of compliance with measures for customs tariff regulation and the introduction of restrictions and prohibitions that may be associated with alternation vehicles and goods across the state border.

According to the Wikipedia portal, the term “customs business” includes a wide range of legal and financial issues. All these questions, to one degree or another, relate externally economic activity. First of all, this applies to the provision by government bodies quality regulation foreign trade interactions. All these processes are carried out by establishing tariff barriers and various non-tariff restrictions.

The purpose of these measures is primarily to limit the supply of any product to the domestic market of the state. Thus, the customs policy of any country most often acts as a tool for establishing foreign policy and foreign trade relations.

Another aspect of the activities of the described structures is legal. IN modern Russia a narrow branch of administrative law was formed, which was called customs law. This category includes everything types of legal relationships that arise between the state and all participants foreign trade activities. The main regulatory document that regulates this type of activity is the Customs Code of the Customs Union.

Customs is government agency, main function which is movement control material assets, vehicles, people and animals. Other functions include collection of required duties, application of certain customs procedures, and preparation of relevant documentation.

Customs officer

An employee of the state customs service is not the most difficult, it does not require exceptional abilities from a person. Customs officers rarely work physically.

The main responsibilities of a customs officer are:

  1. Investigation of existing cases of violations of customs law.
  2. Preparation of relevant customs documentation.
  3. Work at checkpoints.
  4. Inspection at airports, train stations or at customs points of personal belongings of citizens or transported cargo.
  5. Accounting and control of confiscated property.
  6. Identification of goods included in the list of prohibited import and export.
  7. Identification of facts of smuggling.
  8. Prevention of offenses in the field of customs law.

In my professional activities customs officer checks accompanying documentation attached to the goods and prepares declarations. In addition, his responsibility is to determine the country of import and export and calculate the amount of duties.

Since the range of duties of a customs officer is quite wide, within this specialty there are several narrow divisions that depend on the specific place of activity of the specialist:

  1. Checkpoint officer.
  2. Employee passport control. Most often girls work here.
  3. International Customs Officer.

Customs inspection points may be located at airports, railway stations or in seaports.

Required Personal Qualities

The work of a customs officer is always associated with some risks and imposes certain requirements on the representative from a psychological point of view and personal qualities. Due to the specific nature of the activity and the large number of temptations, you will need enough high level honesty, integrity and patriotism. In addition, mandatory personal qualities customs officer must be:

Sometimes it is quite difficult to determine visually whether a person is carrying prohibited cargo, and very often comes to the rescue well developed intuition. An experienced customs officer can get ahead of this by some alone well-known signs. A good knowledge of psychology and your own “sixth sense” can help with this.

In addition, a thorough knowledge of all regulatory documents and legislative framework, rules for maintaining documentation, possession of certain speech style. Thus, everything who is interested in the question- is it worth going to study in the field of customs affairs? Should they develop it in themselves? necessary qualities personality and psychology skills.

Advantages of the profession

If you ask any customs officer about the merits of his profession, first of all he will start talking about the colossal public importance. Exactly these people who is on guard economic security states, prevent terrorists from crossing the border and smuggling contraband.

  1. One of the undoubted advantages of this profession is its high demand. The customs service is constantly expanding due to an increase in international trade contacts and an increase in the number of citizens who cross the borders of our country.
  2. Customs officers have certain benefits - early retirement and a good financial increase in pension. Benefits for employees who worked at checkpoints and identified goods prohibited from import are equal to benefits for regular military personnel.
  3. Under the influence of the specifics of their activities, such employees develop excellent analytical abilities, attention and observation, memory and intuition over time. All these qualities can be very useful not only in this narrow specialization, but also later in life.
  4. In the process of working at customs, an employee acquires such a volume of skills and knowledge in law and economics that will allow him to apply for a worthy leadership position in large company or at the enterprise.

Negative aspects of the profession

Like any profession, customs has not only obvious advantages, but also a number of disadvantages:

Thus, a long stay in such service can cause neuroses and prolonged depression. Therefore, it is very important to understand whether you are ready to work in this field.

Where is this profession taught?

To become a customs officer, it is not necessary to have a specialized education in this field. However higher education in any case, is an integral requirement for the applicant. Additional knowledge and skills can be obtained by taking specialized courses.

And yet, you can get this profession in specialized universities. Such specialists are valued much higher in a professional environment. The higher the employee’s qualifications, the greater his chances of a good career growth. Get such a specialty possible in leading Russian universities. One of best universities, which produces specialists in the profile “customs affairs”, - SFU (Siberian Federal University).

Customs is a modern, in-demand specialty that involves understanding the complex financial interactions directly related to the foreign and domestic political actions of a given state. Within the constraints of political decisions, customs officers must carry out their work with the honor of the military and the prudence of financiers. Specialists who have received a diploma in the specialty “Customs Affairs” are obliged to serve their state both in the political and economic fields.

Legislation on customs affairs

The provision of customs services and all work of customs are regulated by current regulations Customs Code. According to Art. 1 of this document, customs business is all methods and means aimed at complying with and ensuring tariff and customs regulation. This also includes the existing system of prohibitions and restrictions established by the legislative acts of the country and accepted for implementation at all customs offices of our state.

Regulating the flow of goods and vehicles that cross our borders directly or reverse direction, - this is the essence of the work of a professional whose diploma says “Customs Affairs”. Universities teaching this specialty are obliged to provide students with all the necessary knowledge about the principles of modern domestic and international legislation, as well as in-depth information on tax, accounting and warehouse accounting, which will certainly be useful to specialists in their future activities.

The second important area of ​​activity of specialists with a diploma in the specialty “Customs Affairs” is the harmonization of domestic laws and regulations with international rules logistics and trade and with the legislation of other countries with which our state has economic relations. Standardization of border crossing rules leads to a reduction in the time of delivery of goods to the end user, which means a reduction in the cost of goods for the consumer.

Structure of customs affairs

The basics of customs affairs can be presented as follows:

  • rules for crossing the domestic border for vehicles and goods;
  • existing customs regulations of various countries;
  • provision of various benefits and preferences separate categories goods and vehicles, if stipulated by current regulations;
  • maintaining customs records, international commodity specifications for various categories of goods;
  • determination of liability for violation of customs rules.

In principle, the profession of a customs officer is based on the listed rules as a systemic basis from which further orders and instructions arise that regulate the work of specialists in this area. Although these points are quite different in their meaning, their compliance leads to the same goal - achieving positive economic, regulatory and law enforcement results.

Where to study?

The specialty “Customs Affairs” has code 38.05.02. This parameter helps applicants calculate those educational institutions who provide training in this specialty. Upon completion of the entire course, the graduate is awarded a bachelor's, specialist or master's degree, and the diploma indicates the specialty “Customs Affairs”. This profession can be trained on full-time and correspondence departments specialized universities, and is currently spreading distance learning, helping people get the profession of a customs officer.


The Faculty of Customs is available in all higher educational institutions that specialize in training lawyers and general economists. The following educational institutions can be distinguished:

  • Russian Academy national economy and civil service under the President Russian Federation;
  • Russian Customs Academy;
  • Nizhny Novgorod state university them. N.I. Lobachevsky;
  • Northwestern Institute of Management of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

The training consists of a detailed study of the following sciences:

  • In the first courses, the humanities are studied: foreign language, history, philosophy. Some educational institutions introduce new item- history of customs affairs, and some leave the old discipline - domestic and foreign history. Attention is also paid to the study of jurisprudence and economic theory.
  • Studying mathematical and natural sciences prepares students for practical side customs affairs. This includes mathematics, science and computer science.

Completion of training

In senior years, students begin to be taught subjects directly related to their profession. Along with the discipline “Customs”, universities in our country offer the following subjects for study:

  • merchandising;
  • accounting and financial activities enterprises and organizations;
  • customs control and management;
  • expertise in customs affairs;
  • fundamentals of foreign economic activity;
  • principles of formation of prohibitions and restrictions in foreign trade.

This is not a complete list.


Students who choose this specialty undergo internships at nearby customs posts, conduct research activities, and can also take part in the development of new projects and customs laws. Persons who have already received a diploma in this specialty have the right to occupy jobs at state customs points, be employees of enterprises specializing in foreign economic activity, or become customs brokers who provide a range of services for goods crossing our borders.

"Customs" is one of the most popular specialties in modern world, because the number of countries willing to cooperate and engage in trade is increasing every day. This means that the state needs experienced and qualified specialists who will be able to ensure full compliance with customs agreements and customs policy in general. Where can I study the specialty “Customs Affairs”? Universities in Moscow offer optimal choice in the ratio of the quality of training to its cost.

Customs: definition

Methods and means of resolving customs issues related to the transportation of goods across the state border, the rules of prohibition and various restrictions when moving vehicles through customs - all this can be considered the definition of “customs business”. Universities offer another designation option.

Customs is a branch that regulates the foreign economic activity of the state, namely: trade, transportation of large goods across the state border. It turns out that this profession assumes deep theoretical knowledge in economics (which can be obtained by enrolling in the Institute of Customs Affairs), as well as practical experience in preparing commodity documentation, declaring goods and skills in management and accounting, because you will have to keep reports on taxation and acceptance of payments, penalties and duties for this or that violation during transportation through customs.

Features of the profession

The profession of a customs specialist is in demand not only in customs authorities, but also in various brokerage companies, credit institutions, enterprises engaged in foreign economic activity or logistics. A specialist in this field must have extensive knowledge and skills. Here are some of them:

  • have a good legal education;
  • be able to manage the activities of customs authorities;
  • keep records cash(payments, taxes);
  • analyze trade statistics;
  • correctly prepare documentation;
  • know how customs logistics works, and at any time carry out the necessary procedures to optimize the economic activity of the enterprise.

universities in Moscow

The profession of a customs officer is very responsible and complex, however, it is considered very prestigious and highly paid. That is why many applicants choose the specialty "Customs". Universities in Moscow have always been famous for their advanced teaching methods, so let's look at which of them teach in this specialty.

It is worth noting that before choosing a specific university, you need to decide for yourself the following questions: “State or private university?”, “Should I choose the faculty of customs on the basis of a contract or is there a chance of enrolling in the budget?” The capital offers the widest selection of universities, so everyone can find exactly the university that suits them both in terms of tuition cost and quality.

The next step when choosing a specialty in Customs is exams. What subjects do I need to take and for how many points? Let's figure out which universities offer internal exams, and which ones enroll you in studies based on the results of the Unified State Exam.

State budget universities: TOP-3

Over the past 15 years, major changes have occurred: many universities have opened new specialties and areas. One of the most prestigious and promising areas can be called “Customs Affairs”. Universities in Moscow can be divided into two groups: the first includes all state universities, and the second includes private institutions that have received state accreditation and issue a state diploma at the end of their studies.

For many applicants, the opportunity to study on a budget basis is the main criterion when choosing a future university. Here are the most best universities capitals where you can enter by gaining the required number of points on the Unified State Exam:

  1. Russian (named after Plekhanov) - the requirements here are very high, for admission you need to score an average of 82 points for each subject (Russian language, foreign language and social studies).
  2. RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation - this university does not have an institute of customs affairs, but at the Faculty of Law and national security There is a direction "Customs". The passing score for past years is approximately 270 for the same subjects as in Plekhanov University.
  3. - an educational institution located near Moscow (in Lyubertsy). The academy has a faculty of customs affairs, the average number of admission points is 250 for three subjects. One of the advantages of this university is the largest quantity budget places, there are 250 of them, while in others the maximum number is only 20.

State universities offering tuition fees

The number of fee-paying universities is increasing every year, as the demand for education is also growing. This is especially noticeable in Moscow: after graduating from school and passing the Unified State Exam, many applicants decide to enter the capital’s universities and come here from the most remote regions of Russia. It is not surprising, because it is in the capital that you can find a university that meets all the wishes and capabilities of the applicant:

  1. offers training on a contract basis, both for those who have passed the Unified State Exam and for those who wish to pass internal exams. On Faculty of Economics applicants are invited to choose three directions, including “Customs”. The cost of training is within 200 thousand rubles per year.
  2. MADI is another university specializing in training in Customs Affairs. The passing score is 120. The cost for a year of study at the Faculty of Logistics and General Transport Problems is 147 thousand rubles.
  3. Emperor Nicholas MGUPS is one of the oldest universities in the capital, the law institute consists of 6 areas, one of which is customs. The passing score is 180, and the cost of training is 198 thousand rubles for one academic year.

Private universities

Applicants who scored Unified State Examination minimum points, have the opportunity to enroll in non-state universities on a paid basis. Below is an overview of the most prestigious universities with state accreditation:

  1. The Moscow Institute of Jurisprudence is one of the most affordable universities, the cost of training is only 65 thousand rubles per year. At the same time, there is the possibility of admission without passing the Unified State Exam, instead you must take tests administered by the university itself.
  2. MFLA offers quality training in relatively low prices: 100 thousand rubles for the first year of study, then some discounts are possible. The university accepts both on the basis Unified State Exam results, as well as in internal exams. Foreign citizens also have the opportunity to enter this institution, they just need to pass an oral exam in the Russian language and write a short essay.
  3. Moscow University named after V. S. Yutte is one of the five best non-state universities in the capital. The cost of training at the Faculty of Economics and Finance is 110 thousand rubles, and the passing score is 100.

Whatever university you choose, remember that the main component successful learning- this is not the prestige of the educational institution, but your personal efforts.

Specialty 38.05 02 customs is in great demand in at the moment. During training, future specialists gain skills in conducting customs control, can independently determine the cost of goods and the country of origin, and also study the process of collecting and returning customs duties. The future specialist must be able to identify and suppress various administrative offenses and crimes, manage customs authorities (introduce planning, analysis and control of activities), apply to achieve the above goals information systems and technologies, as well as means to protect information from third parties.

A qualified customs officer can independently analyze and conduct customs statistics for foreign trade.

Customs specialties in universities

What specializations in customs affairs are offered at universities?

Universities with a specialty in customs offer students to obtain a diploma higher education for further targeted training of specialists for work at customs and customs authorities. Some universities offer specialties:

  • customs management (ITMO University, St. Petersburg),
  • specialty customs payments and currency control ( Volga Institute Department named after P.A. Stolypin Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Saratov, Moscow University named after S.Yu. Witte),
  • specialty organization of customs control (Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law),
  • customs payments and currency regulation (Moscow State University of Transport).

Specialty customs affairs - universities

  • St. Petersburg State economic university
  • St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation
  • Baikal State University
  • East Siberian Institute of Economics and Law
  • Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Southern University, Rostov-on-Don
  • Rostov State Economic University (RINH)
  • Vyatka State University, Kirov
  • Tolyatti State University

Specialty customs affairs - Moscow

  • Russian New University
  • Moscow Automobile and Highway State technical university(MADI)
  • Russian University friendship of peoples
  • Moscow Socio-Economic Institute
  • Moscow State Transport University
  • Institute of World Economy and Informatization
  • Moscow Humanitarian Institute named after E.R. Dashkova
  • Moscow Institute of Law
  • Moscow University named after S.Yu. Witte
  • Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
  • Russian Economic University named after. G.V. Plekhanov

Customs training

Specialty Customs: What to take?

Russian language, computer science (ICT), additional exam (additional test provided professional orientation to determine the degree of preparation of the applicant).

The passing score for a customs officer depends on the educational institution itself. Average score Unified State Exam for applicants in Russia: from 32 to 81 points.

You can get a specialty in customs after 11th grade either full-time, part-time, or through evening classes.

Duration of training: full-time- 5 years, evening and part-time - 6 years.

Customs specialty code: 05.38.02.

Student practice

Training practice is a mandatory event for future customs specialists. Students take it in various freight forwarding organizations, customs terminals and companies that conduct leading export-import operations; distribution at airports and brokerage companies involved in cargo clearance is also possible.

Final certification

Future graduates defend their own diploma project and pass state exam(some universities do not conduct state assessments).

College specializing in customs

Many graduates strive to obtain a specialty in customs after 9th grade; for this purpose it is necessary to have good grades in the certificate and pass the necessary exams for admission. The number of colleges providing training in the specialty "Customs" is much smaller than universities, however, the passing score for secondary education is lower, which is a very favorable fact for future students.

You can join the Federal Customs Service of Russia with a secondary education vocational education in the following areas: jurisprudence, economics and management and computer science and computer technology if there are vacancies.

Colleges with a specialty in customs:

  • Capital Business College, Moscow, customs management;
  • NOU "College of Information Technologies".

Work in customs specialty

Where and who to work in the specialty of customs? Almost all graduates ask themselves this question. The following specialties are available for future customs officers.