Damage to armor with various types of ammunition. Tank Coil shell

And a passive one (pallet), made according to the caliber of a gun. In the first BPS, the sabot was an integral part of the projectile, but already in 1944, British ammunition designers developed a modern modification - an armor-piercing sabot projectile with a separating pan from the active part after it exits the barrel. BPS with separable tray - main anti-tank shell in the ammunition loads of modern tanks. Armor-piercing sabot shells with an integral sabot also continue to be used, but in to a greater extent as ammunition for automatic small-caliber guns, where the implementation of a pallet separating from the active part is difficult or impossible. There are BPS stabilized in flight by rotation and tail.

English-language designations of BPS types

In foreign, and subsequently in domestic publications on the relevant topic, the following abbreviations are often used: English notation BPS types:

  • APCR - A rmour- P iercing C composite R igid (armor-piercing compound rigid) - BPS with an integral pan and a harder active part (core);
  • APCNR - A rmour- P iercing C composite N on- R igid (armor-piercing composite non-rigid) - BPS with an integral crushable pallet and a harder active part (core) for artillery pieces with a conical bore;
  • APDS - A rmour- P iercing D iscarding S abot (armor-piercing sub-caliber with a detachable tray);
  • APFSDS, APDS-FS - A rmour- P iercing D iscarding S abot- F in- S tabilized (armor-piercing finned sub-caliber with a detachable tray).

Armor-piercing finned sabot projectiles (BOPS, OBPS)

With the adoption of the T-62 medium tank, the USSR became the first country in the world to massively use armor-piercing finned sub-caliber ammunition (BOPS) in tank ammunition. Thanks extremely high speed And long range direct shot.

Armor-piercing shells to the 115-mm cannon U-5TS (2A20) were superior in armor penetration at an angle of 60 degrees. from the normal, the best sub-caliber shells for rifled guns were 30% higher and had a direct shot range 1.6 times greater than the standard ones. However, unitary shots for the GSP U-5TS did not allow the full potential of the rate of fire and reduction of the internal armored volume of the promising tank to be fully realized, in addition, due to increased gas contamination fighting compartment T-62 designers were forced to resort to a mechanism for removing spent cartridges, which somewhat reduced the tank's rate of fire. Thus, the problem of automating the process of loading a tank gun became relevant, which, along with increasing the rate of fire, made it possible to significantly reduce the internal volume, and, consequently, security.

At the beginning of 1961, work began on the creation of 115-mm separately loaded rounds with OBPS, cumulative and high-explosive fragmentation shells for the D-68 (2A21) gun.

The completion of work on the creation of separate loading rounds for the D-68 cannon installed in a new medium tank with mechanized loading was successfully completed, and the newly created ammunition was put into mass production in 1964.

In 1966, the T-64 tank with the D-68 cannon and new rounds for it was put into service.

However, for a number of reasons, the 115 mm caliber gun of the T-64 tank was considered insufficient to ensure guaranteed destruction of promising foreign tanks. Perhaps the reason was an overly inflated assessment of the armor resistance of the new, most powerful English tank at that time, the Chieftain, as well as fears of the imminent entry into service of the promising American-German MBT-70 tank, which was never put into service. For these reasons, an improved version of the T-64 tank was created, designated T-64A and put into service Soviet army in May 1968. The tank was armed with a 125 mm D-81T (2A26) cannon, developed in 1962 at plant No. 172 (Perm) in OKB-9 under the leadership of F.F. Petrova.

Subsequently, this gun, which earned a lot positive feedback for its high technical and performance characteristics underwent numerous upgrades aimed at further increasing its characteristics. Upgraded versions D-81T (2A26) guns such as 2A46M, 2A46M-1, 2A46M-2, 2A46M-4 are the main weapons domestic tanks to this day.

The beginning of the 60s and the end of the seventies, the adoption of OBPS stabilized by plumage.

The period of the late 60s and late seventies was characterized evolutionary development foreign tanks, the best of which had homogeneous armor protection within 200 (Leopard-1A1), 250 (M60) and 300 (Chieftain) millimeters of armor. Their ammunition included BPS for 105 mm L7 guns (and its American analogue M68) and 120 mm L-11 rifled gun of the Chieftain tank.

At the same time, the USSR entered service with a number of OBPS for 115 and 125 mm GSP tanks T-62, T-64 and T-64, as well as 100 mm smoothbore anti-tank gun T-12.

Among them were shells of two modifications: solid-body and having a carbide core.

Solid-body OBPS 3BM2 for PTP T-12, 3BM6 for GSP U-5TS tank T-62, as well as solid-body OBPS for 125 mm GSP 3BM17, which was intended primarily for export and crew training.

OBPS with a carbide core included 3BM3 for GSP U-5TS of the T-62 tank, 125 mm OBPS 3BM15, 3BM22 for T-64A/T-72/T-80 tanks.

Second generation (late 70s and 80s)

In 1977, work began aimed at increasing the combat effectiveness of tank artillery rounds. The organization of this work was associated with the need to defeat new types of enhanced armor protection, the new generation M1 Abrams and Leopard-2 tanks being developed abroad. The development of new design schemes for OBPS has begun, ensuring the defeat of a monolithic combined armor in a wide range of angles where the projectile meets the armor, as well as overcoming remote sensing.

Other objectives included improving the aerodynamic qualities of the projectile in flight to reduce drag, as well as increasing its initial speed.

The development of new alloys based on tungsten and depleted uranium with improved physical and mechanical characteristics continued. The results obtained from these research projects made it possible at the end of the 70s to begin the development of new OBPS with an improved leading device, which ended with the adoption of OBPS “Nadezhda”, “Vant” and “Mango” for the 125-mm GSP D-81.

One of the main differences between the new OBPS compared to those developed before 1977 was a new driving device with “clamping” type sectors using aluminum alloy and polymer materials.

Previously, OBPS used leading devices with steel sectors of the “expanding” type.

In 1984, the 3VBM13 “Vant” OBPS with the 3BM32 projectile of increased efficiency was developed; “Vant” became the first domestic monoblock OBPS made of a uranium alloy with high physical and mechanical properties.

OBPS "Mango" was designed specifically to destroy tanks with combined and dynamic protection. The design of the projectile uses a highly efficient combined core made of tungsten alloy placed in a steel casing, between which there is a layer of low-melting alloy.

The projectile is capable of penetrating dynamic protection and reliably hitting the complex composite armor of tanks that entered service in the late 70s and until the mid-80s.

plan for the development of BOPS in the period from the late nineties was carried out big job, the backlog of which consisted of BOPS 3BM39 "Anker" and 3BM48 "Lead". These projectiles were significantly superior to such BOPS as “Mango” and “Vant”; the main difference was the new principles of the guidance system in the barrel bore and a core with a significantly increased elongation.

New system guiding projectiles in the barrel not only made it possible to use longer cores, but also made it possible to improve their aerodynamic properties.

It was these products that served as the basis for the creation of modern domestic OBPS of a new generation. The results obtained from these works served as the basis for the creation of new, modern projectiles.

After the collapse of the USSR in the early 90s, a sharp degradation of the domestic military-industrial complex began, which had a particularly painful impact on the industry for the production of new types of ammunition. During this period, the issue of modernizing the ammunition load of both domestic tanks and those exported became acute. The development, as well as small-scale production of domestic BPS, continued, but mass introduction and large-scale production of new generation BPS samples was not carried out. Positive trends in some aspects of this issue have emerged only recently.

Due to the lack of modern BPS, a number of countries with a large fleet of domestic tanks armed with a 125 mm cannon have made their own attempts to develop a BPS.

BOPS (Armour-piercing finned sabot projectiles)

With the adoption of the T-62 medium tank, the USSR became the first country in the world to massively use armor-piercing finned sub-caliber ammunition (BOPS) in tank ammunition. Thanks to its extremely high speed and long direct shot range.

Armor-piercing shells for the 115-mm U-5TS (2A20) gun were superior in armor penetration at an angle of 60 degrees. from the normal, the best sub-caliber shells for rifled guns were 30% higher and had a direct shot range 1.6 times greater than the standard ones. However, unitary rounds for the GSP U-5TS did not make it possible to fully realize the potential for rate of fire and reduce the internal armored volume of a promising tank; in addition, due to the increased gas contamination of the T-62 fighting compartment, the designers were forced to resort to a mechanism for removing spent cartridges, which somewhat reduced tank's rate of fire. Thus, the problem of automating the process of loading a tank gun became relevant, which, along with increasing the rate of fire, made it possible to significantly reduce the internal volume, and, consequently, security.

At the beginning of 1961, work began on the creation of 115-mm separate-loading rounds with OBPS, cumulative and high-explosive fragmentation shells for the D-68 (2A21) cannon.

The completion of work on the creation of separate loading rounds for the D-68 cannon installed in a new medium tank with mechanized loading was successfully completed, and the newly created ammunition was put into mass production in 1964.

In 1966, the T-64 tank with the D-68 cannon and new rounds for it was put into service.

However, for a number of reasons, the 115 mm caliber gun of the T-64 tank was considered insufficient to ensure guaranteed destruction of promising foreign tanks.

Perhaps the reason was an overly inflated assessment of the armor resistance of the new, most powerful English tank at that time, the Chieftain, as well as fears of the imminent entry into service of the promising American-German MBT-70 tank, which was never put into service.

For these reasons, an improved version of the T-64 tank was created, designated T-64A and adopted by the Soviet Army in May 1968. The tank was armed with a 125 mm D-81T (2A26) cannon, developed in 1962 at plant No. 172 (Perm) in OKB-9 under the leadership of F.F. Petrova.

Subsequently, this gun, which earned many positive reviews for its high technical and operational characteristics, underwent numerous upgrades aimed at further increasing its characteristics.

Modernized versions of the D-81T (2A26) gun such as 2A46M, 2A46M-1, 2A46M-2, 2A46M-4 are the main armament of domestic tanks to this day.

BPS burning cylinder with tubular powder (SC) - Right

Burning cartridge (SG) - Left

Core - In the middle

As you can see in the pictures, a burning cylinder (SC) with tubular gunpowder is put on the BPS; the SC is made of cardboard impregnated with TNT and during the shot it completely burns out and nothing remains of it. The burning cartridge case (SG) is made using a similar technology; after the shot, a metal tray remains from it. The means of ignition is the galvanic impact bushing GUV-7, which differs from the usual one in that it has an incandescent bridge that ignites the gunpowder when the striker touches it, but it can also work like a regular one from impact.

The domestic BPS consists of a leading ring consisting of three sectors with a parting plane at 120 degrees, fastened with a sealing belt made of copper or plastic. The second support is the stabilizer feathers, equipped with bearings. When leaving the barrel, the ring is divided into three sectors and the sectors fly up to 500 m s high speed, it is not recommended to be in front of a firing BPS tank. The sector can damage lightly armored vehicles and injure infantry.The separating sectors of the BPS have significant kinetic energy within 2° of the shot (at a distance of 1000 m)

A burning cylinder (SC) with tubular gunpowder is put on the OBPS; the SC is made of cardboard impregnated with TNT and during the shot it completely burns out and nothing remains of it. The burning cartridge case (SG) is made using a similar technology; after the shot, a metal tray remains from it. The means of ignition is the galvanic impact bushing GUV-7.

The beginning of the 60s and the end of the seventies, the adoption of OBPS stabilized by plumage.

The period of the late 60s and late seventies was characterized by the evolutionary development of foreign tanks, the best of which had homogeneous armor protection within 200 (Leopard-1A1), 250 (M60) and 300 (Chieftain) millimeters of armor.

Their ammunition included a BPS for the 105 mm L7 guns (and its American counterpart M68) and the 120 mm L-11 rifled gun of the Chieftain tank.

At the same time, the USSR entered service with a number of OBPS for 115 and 125 mm GSP tanks T-62, T-64 and T-64, as well as 100 mm smoothbore anti-tank gun T-12.

Among them were shells of two modifications: solid-body and having a carbide core.

Solid-body OBPS 3BM2 for PTP T-12, 3BM6 for GSP U-5TS of the T-62 tank, as well as solid-body OBPS for 125 mm GSP 3BM17. OBPS with a carbide core included 3BM3 for GSP U-5TS of the T-62 tank, 125 mm OBPS 3BM15, 3BM22 for T-64A/T-72/T-80 tanks.

3VBM-7 projectile (3BM-15 projectile index; projectile index With throwing charge3BM-18 ) (approx. 1972)

Active part This projectile is slightly lengthened compared to the 3BM-12, which did not affect the overall length of the projectile due to the greater penetration of the active part into the additional charge. Despite the fact that the projectile had not been used in the Soviet Army for a long time, it remained until the collapse of the USSR the most modern OBPS available to recipients of Soviet export T-72 tanks. The BM-15 and its local analogues were produced under license in many countries.

Shot 3VBM-8 (projectile index 3BM-17; projectile index With throwing charge3BM-18) (from approx. 1972)

A simplified version of the 3BM-15 projectile; There is no tungsten carbide core; instead, the size of the armor-piercing cap has been increased to compensate for the drop in armor penetration. Presumably used for export and training purposes only.

Shot 3VBM-9 (projectile index 3BM-22; projectile index With throwing charge3BM-23) (p/v 1976)

Research topic "Hairpin". AC length almost identical to the a.h. BM-15, however, a much more massive armor-piercing damper is used. As a result, the projectile is noticeably heavier than the BM-15, which led to a slight decrease in initial velocity. This projectile was the most common in the Soviet Army in the late 70s - early 80s, and although no longer produced, it has been accumulated in large quantities and is still approved for use.

Appearance core of one projectile variant.

Second generation (late 70s and 80s)

In 1977, work began aimed at increasing the combat effectiveness of tank artillery rounds. The organization of this work was associated with the need to defeat new types of enhanced armor protection, the new generation M1 Abrams and Leopard-2 tanks being developed abroad.
The development of new design schemes for OBPS has begun, ensuring the destruction of monolithic combined armor in a wide range of angles where the projectile hits the armor, as well as overcoming remote sensing.

Other objectives included improving the aerodynamic qualities of the projectile in flight to reduce drag, as well as increasing its initial speed.

The development of new alloys based on tungsten and depleted uranium with improved physical and mechanical characteristics continued.
The results obtained from these research projects made it possible at the end of the 70s to begin the development of new OBPS with an improved leading device, which ended with the adoption of OBPS “Nadezhda”, “Vant” and “Mango” for the 125-mm GSP D-81.

One of the main differences between the new OBPS and those developed before 1977 was a new driving device with “clamping” type sectors using aluminum alloy and polymer materials.

Previously, OBPS used leading devices with steel sectors of the “expanding” type.

In 1984, the 3VBM13 “Vant” OBPS with the 3BM32 projectile of increased efficiency was developed; “Vant” became the first domestic monoblock OBPS made of a uranium alloy with high physical and mechanical properties.

OBPS "Mango" was designed specifically to destroy tanks with combined and dynamic protection. The design of the projectile uses a highly efficient combined core made of tungsten alloy placed in a steel casing, between which there is a layer of low-melting alloy.

The projectile is capable of penetrating dynamic protection and reliably hitting the complex composite armor of tanks that entered service in the late 70s and until the mid-80s.

Shot 3VBM-11 (projectile index 3BM-26; projectile index With throwing charge3BM-27) (p/v 1983)

Theme "Nadezhda-R". This OBPS was the first in a series of projectiles with a new leading device.

This ammunition was also the first to be developed and tested specifically for the purpose of parrying advanced multi-layer barriers used on promising NATO tanks.

Used with the main propellant charge 4Zh63.

3BM-29. "Nadfil-2", OBPS with a uranium core(1982) similar in design to 3BM-26.

Shot 3VBM-13 (projectile index 3BM-32; projectile index With throwing charge3BM-38 ) (p/v 1985)

Research topic "Vant". The first Soviet monolithic uranium OBPS.

Shot 3VBM-17 (projectile index 3BM-42; projectile index With throwing charge3BM-44) (p/v 1986)

The research topic "Mango" was opened in 1983. A projectile of increased power, designed to destroy modern multi-layer armored barriers. It has a very complex design, including a solid ballistic and armor-piercing cap, an armor-piercing damper, and two high-strength tungsten alloy cores of high elongation. The cores are fixed in the projectile body by means of a low-melting alloy jacket; during the penetration process, the jacket melts, allowing the cores to enter the penetration channel without wasting energy on separation from the body.

VU - further development The VU used with OBPS 3BM-26 is made of V-96Ts1 alloy with improved characteristics. The projectile is widely distributed and was also exported as part of Russian and Ukrainian T-80U/T-80UD and T-90 tanks delivered abroad in the last decade.

OBPS "Lead" (projectile index 3BM-46; projectile index With throwing charge3BM-48) (p/v 1986)

A modern OBPS with a monolithic high-aspect ratio uranium core and sub-caliber stabilizers, using a new composite VU with two contact zones. The projectile has a length close to the maximum permissible for standard Soviet automatic loaders. The most powerful Soviet 125-mm OBPS, exceeding or corresponding in power to the OBPS adopted by NATO countries until relatively recently.

Shot withincreased power

Increased power projectile with tungsten core high elongation and sub-caliber stabilizers, using a four-section composite VU with two contact zones. In Rosoboronexport literature, this projectile is referred to simply as a “high-power projectile.”

The developers of this ammunition were the first to create a high elongation projectile with new scheme management

The new BPS is designed to fire from the D-81 tank gun at modern tanks equipped with complex composite armor and dynamic protection.

Compared to the 3BM42 BOPS, due to the elongated tungsten alloy body and a charge made from higher-energy powders, a 20% increase in armor penetration is ensured.

Performance characteristics summary table

Shot index


3 V BM-8



3VBM- 10





Projectile index


3BM-1 7

3BM-2 6



Index of projectile with additional charge


3VBM- 1 8



3BM- 30














speed, m/s










Core length, mm

Weight (without VU), g










Core (alloy based)



Depleted uranium







Management scheme

Ring-type control unit made of steel, expansion type and tail

Aluminum alloy clamping unit and empennage

Double-support VU

Standard penetration at 2000 m, 60°


In terms of the development of BOPS, a lot of work has been carried out since the late nineties, the groundwork for which was the BOPS "Anker" and 3BM48 "Lead". These projectiles were significantly superior to such BOPS as “Mango” and “Vant”; the main difference was the new principles of the guidance system in the barrel bore and a core with a significantly increased elongation. The new system for guiding projectiles in the barrel not only made it possible to use longer cores, but also improved their aerodynamic properties.

After the collapse of the USSR, the industry for the production of new types of ammunition began and continues to lag behind. The issue of modernizing the ammunition load of both domestic tanks and those exported became acute. The development, as well as small-scale production of domestic BPS continued, but mass introduction and mass production of new generation BPS samples was not carried out.

Due to the lack of modern BPS, a number of countries with a large fleet of domestic tanks armed with a 125 mm cannon have made their own attempts to develop a BPS.

Comparison of 125 mm caliber OBPS 3BM48, 3BM44M, M829A2 (USA), NORINCO TK125 (PRC)

and OBPS caliber 120 mm DM53 (Germany), CL3241 (Israel).

OBPS 125 mm caliber developed in the 90s in China and other countries of Eastern Europe: NORINCO TK125, TAPNA (Slovakia), Pronit (Poland).

The term "sabot projectile" is most often used in tank forces. These types of shells are used along with cumulative and high-explosive fragmentation shells. But if earlier there was a division into armor-piercing and sub-caliber ammunition, now it makes sense to talk only about armor-piercing sub-caliber projectiles. Let's talk about what a sub-caliber is and what its key features and principle of operation are.

basic information

Key Difference sub-caliber shells from conventional armored ones in that the diameter of the core, that is, the main part, is smaller than the caliber of the gun. At the same time, the second main part - the pallet - is made according to the diameter of the gun. The main purpose of such ammunition is to defeat heavily armored targets. Usually this heavy tanks and fortified buildings.

It is worth noting that the armor-piercing sabot projectile has increased penetration due to its high initial flight speed. The specific pressure when breaking through armor has also been increased. To do this, it is advisable to use materials that have the highest possible specific gravity as a core. Tungsten and depleted uranium are suitable for these purposes. Stabilization of the projectile's flight is achieved by fins. There is nothing new here, since the principle of flight of an ordinary arrow is used.

Armor-piercing sub-caliber projectile and its description

As we noted above, such ammunition is ideal for shooting at tanks. It is interesting that the sub-caliber does not have the usual fuse and explosive. The principle of operation of the projectile is entirely based on its kinetic energy. If you compare it, it is something similar to a massive high-velocity bullet.

The subcaliber consists of a reel body. A core is inserted into it, which is often 3 times smaller than the caliber of the gun. High-strength metal-ceramic alloys are used as core material. If previously it was tungsten, today depleted uranium is more popular for a number of reasons. During the shot, the entire load is taken by the pallet, thereby ensuring initial speed flight. Since the weight of such a projectile is less than that of a conventional armor-piercing projectile, by reducing the caliber it was possible to achieve an increase in flight speed. We are talking about significant values. Thus, a finned sabot projectile flies at a speed of 1,600 m/s, while a classic armor-piercing projectile flies at 800-1,000 m/s.

The effect of a sub-caliber projectile

Quite interesting is how such ammunition works. During contact with the armor, it creates a small diameter hole in it due to high kinetic energy. Part of the energy is spent on destroying the target’s armor, and projectile fragments scatter into the armored space. Moreover, the trajectory is similar to a diverging cone. This leads to the machinery and equipment breaking down and the crew being injured. What is most important, due to high degree Due to the pyrophoricity of depleted uranium, numerous fires occur, which in most cases leads to the complete failure of the combat unit. We can say that the sub-caliber projectile, the principle of operation of which we have examined, has increased armor penetration at long distances. Evidence of this is Operation Desert Storm, when the US Armed Forces used sub-caliber ammunition and hit armored targets at a distance of 3 km.

Types of PB shells

Currently, several effective designs of sub-caliber projectiles have been developed, which are used by the armed forces of various countries. In particular, we're talking about about the following:

  • With non-detachable tray. The projectile travels the entire path to the target as a single whole. Only the core is involved in penetration. This solution has not received sufficient distribution due to increased aerodynamic drag. As a result, the indicator of armor penetration and accuracy decreases significantly with the distance to the target.
  • With non-detachable tray for conical implement. The essence of this solution is that when passing along a conical barrel, the pallet is crushed. This reduces aerodynamic drag.
  • A sub-caliber projectile with a detachable tray. The point is that the pallet is torn off by air forces or centrifugal forces (with a rifled gun). This allows you to significantly reduce air resistance in flight.

About cumulative

Such ammunition was first used by Nazi Germany in 1941. At that time, the USSR did not expect the use of such projectiles, since their principle of operation was known, but they were not yet in service. Key Feature similar shells were that they had high armor penetration due to the presence of instantaneous fuses and a cumulative notch. The problem encountered for the first time was that the projectile rotated during its flight. This led to the dispersion of the cumulative arrow and, as a result, reduced armor penetration. In order to exclude negative effect, it was proposed to use smoothbore guns.

Some interesting facts

It is worth noting that it was in the USSR that arrow-shaped armor-piercing sub-caliber projectiles were developed. This was a real breakthrough, as it was possible to increase the length of the core. Almost no armor protected against a direct hit from such ammunition. Only a successful angle of inclination of the armor plate and, consequently, its increased thickness in the reduced state could help out. In the end, BOPS had such an advantage as flat trajectory flight range up to 4 km and high accuracy.


A cumulative sabot projectile is somewhat similar to a conventional sabot projectile. But in its body it has a fuse and an explosive. When armor is penetrated, such ammunition provides destructive effect both for equipment and manpower. Currently, the most common shells for cannons are 115, 120, 125 mm, as well as artillery shells 90, 100 and 105 mm. In general, this is all the information on this topic.

MOSCOW, July 23 – RIA Novosti, Andrey Kots. If modern tank fire with an armor-piercing "blank" from the Second World War, then, most likely, only a dent will remain at the point of impact - through penetration is practically impossible. The "puff" used today composite armor confidently takes such a blow. But it can still be pierced with an awl. Or “crowbar,” as the tankers themselves call armor-piercing finned sabot projectiles (BOPS). Read about how these munitions work in the RIA Novosti article.

An awl instead of a sledgehammer

From the title it is clear that sub-caliber ammunition is a projectile with a caliber noticeably smaller than the caliber of the gun. Structurally, it is a “coil” with a diameter equal to the diameter of the barrel, in the center of which is the same tungsten or uranium “crowbar” that hits the enemy’s armor. When leaving the barrel bore, the coil, which has provided the core with sufficient kinetic energy and accelerated it to the required speed, is divided into parts under the influence of incoming air currents, and a thin and durable feathered pin flies towards the target. In a collision due to less resistivity it penetrates armor much more effectively than a thick monolithic blank.

The armor impact of such “scrap” is colossal. Due to the relatively small mass - 3.5-4 kilograms - the core sub-caliber projectile immediately after the shot it accelerates to a significant speed - about 1500 meters per second. When it hits the armor plate, it punches a small hole. The kinetic energy of the projectile is partially used to destroy the armor, and partially turns into thermal energy. Hot fragments of the core and armor exit into the armored space and spread like a fan, striking the crew and the internal mechanisms of the vehicle. In this case, numerous fires arise.

An accurate hit from a BOPS can disable important components and assemblies, destroy or seriously injure crew members, jam a turret, or penetrate fuel tanks, undermine the ammunition rack, destroy the chassis. Structurally, modern sabots are very different. Projectile bodies can be either monolithic or composite - a core or several cores in a shell, as well as longitudinally and transversely multilayered, with various types of tail.

The leading devices (the same “coils”) have different aerodynamics; they are made of steel, light alloys, and also composite materials - for example, carbon composites or aramid composites. Ballistic tips and dampers can be installed in the head parts of the BOPS. In short, for every taste - for any gun, for certain conditions tank battle and a specific goal. The main advantages of such ammunition are high armor penetration, high approach speed, low sensitivity to the effects of dynamic protection, low vulnerability to active defense systems that simply do not have time to react to a fast and subtle “arrow”.

"Mango" and "Lead"

Under 125-mm smoothbore guns of domestic tanks back in Soviet time developed a wide range of feathered "armor piercers". They were taken up after the appearance of M1 Abrams and Leopard-2 tanks from a potential enemy. The army desperately needed shells capable of hitting new types of reinforced armor and overcoming reactive armor.

One of the most common BOPS in the arsenal of Russian T-72, T-80 and T-90 tanks is the ZBM-44 “Mango” high-power projectile, adopted for service in 1986. Ammo has enough complex design. A ballistic tip is installed in the head part of the swept body, under which there is an armor-piercing cap. Behind it is an armor-piercing damper, also playing important role in penetration. Immediately after the damper are two tungsten alloy cores held inside by a light alloy metal jacket. When a projectile collides with an obstacle, the jacket melts and releases the cores, which “bite” into the armor. In the tail part of the projectile there is a stabilizer in the form of an empennage with five blades, and at the base of the stabilizer there is a tracer. This “crowbar” weighs only about five kilograms, but is capable of breaking through almost half a meter tank armor at a range of up to two kilometers.

The newer ZBM-48 "Lead" was put into service in 1991. Standard Russian tank automatic loaders are limited in the length of the projectiles, so Svinets is the most massive domestic tank ammunition of this class. The length of the active part of the projectile is 63.5 centimeters. The core is made of uranium alloy, it has a high elongation, which increases penetration and also reduces the impact of dynamic protection. After all, what longer length projectile, the smaller part of it interacts with passive and active barriers at a certain point in time. Sub-caliber stabilizers increase the accuracy of the projectile, and a new composite “coil” driving device is also used. The Svinets BOPS is the most powerful serial projectile for 125 mm tank guns, capable of competing with leading Western models. The average armor penetration against a homogeneous steel plate from two kilometers is 650 millimeters.

This is not the only similar development of the domestic defense industry - the media reported that especially for the newest tank T-14 "Armata" was created and tested BOPS "Vacuum-1" with a length of 900 millimeters. Their armor penetration is close to a meter.

It is worth noting that likely enemy also does not stand still. Back in 2016, Orbital ATK launched full-scale production of an advanced armor-piercing finned sabot projectile with the fifth-generation M829A4 tracer for the M1 tank. According to the developers, the ammunition penetrates 770 millimeters of armor.