Predictions about America did not come true. Vanga about the USA - fulfilled prophecies. A terrible prediction for the USA

Edgar Cayce's prediction about the future of the world

Edgar Cayce (1877–1945) American clairvoyant and healer. During his life, Casey made 26,000 predictions for the most different topics. come true one after another.

About tectonic cataclysm, America.

“The following changes in the physical appearance of the planet will take place: the territory of the western part of America will be split; most of Japan will go under water; in the twinkling of an eye the northern part of Europe will change; at east coast America will land.
There will be shifts in the Arctic and Antarctic earth's crust leading to volcanic eruptions tropical zone. This will be followed by a shift in the position of the poles, and as a result, polar or subtropical zones can become tropics ... "
Question: "When will changes in terrestrial activity become apparent?"
Answer: “As soon as the first cataclysm occurs in the South Sea (South Pacific Ocean) and subsidence and uplift of land begin to be observed in almost the diametrically opposite part of the globe, in the Mediterranean, in the region of Etna, this will be the beginning.”
Q: Will there be any changes? earth's surface in North America? If so, which regions will be affected and how?
Answer: “We find that the whole country will undergo changes to a greater or lesser extent. Biggest changes in America, in our opinion, will occur in the north Atlantic coast. Be on the lookout in New York!"

"Gradually will change geographical conditions in this country and around the world. Many areas will be destroyed both in the east and in west coast, as well as - central part USA.
In the coming years, new lands will appear in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and many coastal areas will become the bottom of the ocean. Even many modern (1941) battlefields will be covered by the waters of the oceans, seas and bays; new lands will arise with a new world order and with a new course of events.

Many areas of the East Coast near modern New York will disappear, or even much of New York itself. However, this is for future generations. Much earlier, the southern parts of the states of Carolina and Georgia will cease to exist.

The waters of the lakes (Great Lakes) are more likely to flow into the gulf (Gulf of Mexico), rather than into the waters (Gulf of St. Lawrence), as was discussed recently. The area (Virginia Beach) will be among the safe areas, as will areas in the modern states of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, as well as much of southern and eastern Canada. At the same time, a large part of the western lands will undergo destruction, which, of course, will also occur in other countries.

“Faults in the earth's crust will occur in many places. In the beginning - on the west coast of America; after the northern part of Greenland will go under water; new lands will appear in the Caribbean. Devastating earthquakes will shake the entire territory South America up to Tierra del Fuego, where new earth and a new strait.

Later, the seer spoke in more detail about the consequences of the tectonic cataclysm in North America: “Look at New York, Connecticut and the like. Many areas on the east coast will shake, just like central regions USA.
Los Angeles, San Francisco, most of these cities will be destroyed even before New York.
East Coast areas near New York, and possibly New York itself, will practically disappear from the face of the earth. Here, however, another generation will live; concerning southern parts Carolina, Georgia, they'll be gone. And it will happen sooner. The waters of the Great Lakes will merge into the Gulf of Mexico."

“I believe in the free will of man and do not believe that the future is completely inevitable. There are many people who have been warned, for example in a dream, of impending misfortunes, and they, having taken precautions, managed to avoid them. The classic example of this is given in the Bible. The Book of the Prophet Jonah tells that the whole repentant city was saved from the wrath of God. If a person as a person and as a citizen realizes his true nature and his connection with God, he can avoid repeating past mistakes.

To avoid death from starvation, Edgar Cayce advised people to leave the cities and live in the countryside. He constantly emphasized the need to return to the earth, "because we are talking about the need that has not yet come to this country, about the reserves and demand for products. Edgar Cayce said that the one who has the opportunity to buy a farm is lucky: "Buy it if you do not want to be left hungry"; "Take care of the earth, it will help you in difficult years." Warning of a food crisis, he said: "Saskatchewan, the pampas of Argentina ... part of South America ... these rich lands and parts of Montana and Nevada will feed the world."

Immediately before this catastrophe, as the seer predicted, the volcanoes Vesuvius and Pele, on the island of Martinique in the Caribbean, should resume their activity. The number of earthquakes on the planet will increase. In three months we should expect super-powerful cataclysms and floods caused by earthquakes. As the American prophet said, if it seems to you that something is stirring and rumbling in the bowels of the Earth, then this has begun to shift the inner core of the Earth. According to Casey, the earth's axis began to "slip out of its gravitational engagement" as early as 1936.

With terrible natural disasters, the territory of Russia, as predicted by Edgar Cayce, will suffer less than other countries. The huge continental plate on which Russia is located will remain almost untouched. The region from the Urals to Lake Baikal will become a modern analogue of Noah's Ark.

About Russia

“Changes are already being planned, and this will surely be an evolution or revolution of the ideas of spiritual thinking. And an example to the world will eventually come from Russia; But no, this is not communism! But, most likely, basically the same as the teachings of Christ - his version of communism ...
With the revival of faith in Russia, the world will bind great expectations. Then the one country or group of countries that are most closely related to it can benefit from the changes taking place and the establishment final order understanding how to rule the world."

“A new awareness of what is happening will come to Russia, and it will come to people who are worried ... until there is freedom of speech, the right to profess religion in accordance with the dictates of conscience, until then the human soul will seethe” (Edgar Cayce 1938).

"Mission Slavic peoples, - said Casey, - is to change the essence of human relationships, free them from selfishness and gross material passions, restore them on a new basis - on love, trust and wisdom.

“... What can be said about nations? The world associates its hope with Russia, but not with what is sometimes called communism or Bolshevism, no, it is associated with freedom. With the hope that each person will live in love with his neighbor! The principle has already been born. It will take years for it to crystallize, but from Russia comes hope for the whole world.”

“... it is Russia that will lead the revived civilization of the Earth, and Siberia will be the center of this revival of the whole world. Through Russia, the hope of a lasting and just peace will come to the rest of the world... The New Leader of Russia long years will not be known to anyone, but one day he will suddenly come into power ... Subsequently, he will become the Lord of the World, will become the Law that brings light and prosperity to everything that exists on the planet ... He, his descendants, his associates will not lack anything - not a pure fresh water, neither in food, nor in clothing, nor in energy, nor in weapons, for the reliable protection of all these benefits, at a time when the rest of the world will be in chaos, poverty, hunger and even cannibalism ... God will be with him ...

He will revive the Religion of Monotheism and create a culture based on goodness and justice. He himself and his new race will create hearths all over the world new culture and a new technological civilization… His home, and the home of his new race will be in the south of Siberia…” “…The hope of the world, its revival will come from Russia, and will have no connection with what is today called communism. It is in Russia that a true and great source of freedom will arise ... It will be a completely different way of existence, based on the principle that will become the basis new philosophy". He saw Western Siberia as the center of the resurgent civilization, which should become a kind of Noah's ark. "Yes, in Western Siberia already underway accumulation of clean energy, - said Casey. – It will protect this land from the destructive action of natural and energy disasters. Western Siberia will remain almost unscathed.

Predictions about the future

“What is the spirit of America? Most of its citizens proudly boast of "freedom." Freedom of what? If you bind people's hearts and souls in all sorts of ways, is this the representation of freedom of speech? Freedom of religion? Freedom from what? Until these principles are truly applied… one cannot feel free…

Yes, of course, America can boast of this, but more often this principle (of freedom) is forgotten ... and that is the sin of America.
Edgar Cayce spoke of America's future troubles thus: "Although there will be periods of great upheaval, when brother will rebel against brother, group, sect or race will rebel against race - still there must be a balance." He also warned of a major upheaval in America, urging "those at the pinnacle of power to use their means, money, education, and position" to consider those less privileged in society: "As for these people, in eventually, there will be a revolution in this country - and one area will rise against another. For it is a question of equality and of the ways that people resort to when there is abundance in some areas and a lack of livelihood in others.

The same applies to England, from where these ideas came - not ideals - ideas, at least slightly, but superior to others. You have to grow to the point where you deserve to be recognized, to earn the right to get something. This was and is the fall of England.
As for France, which was first attracted by this principle (to be above others), here it will turn into a means to satisfy its desires. This is the sin of France.

In this state, which was originally called Rome ... what led it to collapse? The same as Babylon. Schism, slavery and such a direction of activity with which only a few could agree and proclaim themselves the personification of the Higher Forces. It seemed to these people that they were acting for the sake of a person, but it ended in death. This is the sin of Italy.

What is China's sin? In a calmness that cannot be disturbed, the desire to maintain one's potential growth all the time. Through the centuries there has been a slow strengthening of this country, wanting to be left alone and allowed to be satisfied with what it has.
The same is true in India - the cradle of knowledge that has not found application anywhere except in itself. What is the sin of India? In herself, in her selfish interests!

About Antichrist

In his predictions, Edgar Cayce spoke of the appearance of the Antichrist in America: “When many islands and many lands will be subject to those who are not afraid of either man or the devil; who unites with his own kind, and this force will be great and mighty, and there will be a superman who will become an ideal for that generation, then your own land will see seas of blood, as in those periods when brother fought against brother.

Vanga about the United States in her predictions tried not to spread much, because, nevertheless, her native Bulgaria and Russia were much closer to her. Nevertheless, she could not help but notice the changes that would happen in the future with this country, and decided to tell people what awaits America.

In the article:

Vanga about the USA - fulfilled prophecies

Vanga's predictions about the United States that came true make it possible to trust her words with firm confidence, albeit uttered in an allegorical manner. So, the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant was able to see in advance and accurately describe the catastrophe that occurred September 11, 2001. Of course, her words were very vague, so little attention was paid to them until the tragic incident, which became one of the blackest and most mourning days in modern American history.

In the same way, the seer predicted that the Kursk submarine would sink, and in the same way no one listened to her, because everyone just laughed, thinking that she was talking about a city located in the middle of the mainland, which could not possibly be “at the bottom maritime". And even those who trust Vanga's prophecies, in that situation only suspected that some kind of flood or other might happen. natural disaster, but in no way connected the words spoken by Vangelia with the submarine.

This attitude towards prophecy is not an isolated situation. Even in ancient times, many great soothsayers were laughed at, not understanding what exactly these people wanted to say. But now almost every word written down by Vanga's relatives is definitely not ignored and is under extremely close attention. Hundreds of people around the world have devoted their lives to studying the predictions and prophecies of the Bulgarian blind woman, and her messages are constantly remembered by journalists, especially those related to any cataclysms.

So, another partially fulfilled prediction was. She originally said that the 44th president of America would be a "black" man. In the fifties, when these words were spoken, no one could believe that they referred to a representative of the Negroid race, but referred them only to moral character future ruler. At that time, black Americans, although they were not in slavery, were very often persecuted and certainly could not be elected to such a responsible position.

However, many people who are dissatisfied with the policy pursued by Barack Obama have an opinion that the phrase about a "black" person still refers not to skin color, but to his soul and thoughts, which adds an additional frightening note to the already sinister for Americans prediction. But most, nevertheless, believe that the prophecy came true precisely because new president is black.

Vanga's predictions about the United States for the near future

If you fully study the prophecy about the black president, then you can understand that from the words of Vanga - he will be the last. Because of the rule of this man, the United States will cease to be a world superpower, transferring the palm to Russia, and terrible cataclysms will begin on the territory. However, Vanga has already promised the death of all animals in the Northern Hemisphere, but this did not happen, so many are skeptical about such prophecies.

According to one interpretation, the United States will break up into several smaller states and lose its power, which means that there will be no president at all. Others, more modest in their assessments, believe that these words may refer to the ever-decreasing influence of the president in the political arena of the country. According to this opinion, soon his position will become as inconspicuous as in Germany - everyone knows Chancellor Angela Merkel, but almost no one remembers the president of the state - Joachim Gauck.

However, even the most optimistic interpreters of the prophecies do not see anything good for the United States in Vanga's words - in any case, troubles and misfortunes will await the country, until the moment when its inhabitants and the government do not dare to finally recognize the power and greatness of Russia, apologizing for their past actions.

Vanga about America - the distant future

In general, Vanga still did not deny that America for a long time will have a sufficient, though not dominant influence on the events taking place in the world. So, in one of her prophecies, which she announced in January 1988 after the handshake between Gorbachev and Reagan, there was a mention that this is a great event that will begin to improve relations, however, the final peace will come when the "Eighth Peacemaker" comes . Vanga did not say whether he would be the ruler of the United States or Russia.

Some believe that this prophecy can be attributed to the 48th president of the United States, others that it refers to the eighth president of Russia. There are many candidates for this role, but, in any case, this event will happen, albeit in the foreseeable, but not in the near future.

Also, Vanga prophesies large-scale war America with Islamic countries, which by that time occupy almost all of Europe. The war will begin in 2066, and during the hostilities the Americans will use the latest secret climate weapon, due to which a new ice Age, and in general, it will affect the weather throughout the Earth. This prophecy looks terrible, especially considering the events taking place now in Europe and the Middle East. Nevertheless, Vanga could not say who would emerge victorious from this destructive war.

After that, America, unlike Russia, is no longer mentioned. But our country has a great future. Nevertheless, one should not expect a complete and absolute collapse of Russia's geopolitical rival in the near future. Yes, the US will survive the series major upheavals may even split into several separate states, however, to some extent they will remain the main source of problems throughout the globe for a few more centuries.

blind Bulgarian seer Vangelia Geshterova, nee Dmitreeva, spoke a lot in her predictions about the end of the world. But all her most terrible predictions directly related to one country, the United States. It was with this country, with its deeds, and its future, that Vanga connected the coming of the Apocalypse.

And she said that it would hardly be possible to avoid this, since at that time a “black man” would be in power, at the helm of a superpower. Vanga's predictions about the United States are all the more terrible now, when the world is witnessing the first parts of the prophecy with its own eyes. Everyone is waiting in fear for 2017, knowing that by that time Europe must disappear from the face of the Earth.

Seventies. The United States is developing rapidly, and is confidently moving towards the title of a superpower. People are beginning to live better, and many countries are beginning to look up to America as a standard of well-being, confidence in tomorrow and stability. But, it was during these years that the most terrible prophecy of Vangelia sounded, and it concerned the inevitable collapse of the United States, which would bring the death of the world, and after 2017, the beginning of new era.

No one will remember why exactly the Bulgarian clairvoyant was asked questions about this country at that time, and who initiated this conversation. World leaders, observing the development of Europe, and analyzing the history of the past, came to the conclusion that the birth of a strong state will lead to war. After all, power, and even more so the big one, is dizzy, and weak people crumple themselves as the rulers of the world.

The soothsayer confirmed that, yes, America will reach unprecedented heights in its development, but in 2017 there will be no such state. Just at the height of its glory, the United States will allow terrible mistake which will lead the country to devastation, collapse, disappearance. But the main thing was not this, but the fact that the death of this state would bring with it a complete change in the world familiar to us. And the “black president” who came to power in this country will be to blame for everything. This was Vanga's main prediction about the United States, and about the role of this state in the global tragedy and the death of the foundations familiar to contemporaries.

With the advent of the black president, Vanga linked a terrible, disastrous financial crisis in a superpower, and said: “Europe will freeze!”. According to the blind clairvoyant, this will lead to the disintegration of the United States into separate states, the division of the country into southern and western states. No one believed such predictions, especially since people understood the "coming of a black man to power" in their own way - the coming to the "steering wheel" of a man greedy for money and power. Everyone decided that "black" is the definition of the essence, and not just the color.

With the advent of the black president, Wang linked the financial crisis

Vanga's words were thought about only after the African-American Barack Obama was elected president of the United States. It would seem that everything, after the election of Obama, is the last barrier dividing this country according to nationality, collapsed and this marks the beginning of a new era of prosperity, there are no more prejudices, and the state has reached the apogee of morality and equality in everything.

Barak was relatively young, full of energy and the desire to move forward, leading the country to new heights and breakthroughs. But it was not there, because fate made adjustments to Obama's life plans. It was after the election of Obama that confirmation of the words spoken by the seer began to appear. Predictions about the United States began to rapidly come true.

Europe will freeze! Empty Europe! Cold!”

The beginning of winter in Europe did not bode well. Everything was familiar, except that the temperature dropped more sharply, at the beginning of winter there were already frosts. But, now the second month of the cold season has come, and Europe has felt climate change especially strongly. Abnormal frosts, snowfalls, heavy precipitation, icing and cold winds in the central states left behind terrible victims and seriously shook stability. The temperature plummeted to minus forty Celsius. And after a heavy snowfall, they were urgently closed:

  • kindergartens;

    the shops;

    flights cancelled;

    travel out of town is prohibited;

    highways are blocked;

    the country is paralyzed, almost all traffic is stopped.

The US government is trying its best to stabilize the situation. All forces are thrown into clearing cities of snow, tons of oil are used to heat houses and state institutions, and outwardly it seems that everything seems to be under control. But when the first human victims of frost and snowfall appeared, panic began in the country.

Winter 2014 was a test for US residents

The population, who believed in the stability and regularity of life, turned out to be unprepared for the elements and its actions. The winter of 2014 was a terrible ordeal for the people of the United States. But not only this crippled the country, there was also the financial side of the issue. And here everything was much more serious and much larger.

US gas shortage and financial disaster predicted by Vanga

Abnormal cold, a sharp drop in temperatures and work to stabilize the situation required more and more financial investments. Gas, oil, fuel - the basis of life in large cities. And for the period of winter 2014, fuel consumption, and to be precise, it was gas, exceeded the norm in the United States several times. The gas storages are empty.

A serious financial hole formed in the country's budget, which required immediate filling. And again, the inhabitants of the country were under attack. Unable to recover from events winter period people fall into a government-created financial disaster. Expired tax breaks, and quitrent on entrepreneurial activity rose by two percent or more. And I must say that for private entrepreneurs this is serious sums and serious money. America is a country of trade and manufacturing, tax increases have hit the heart of stability, and Europe has felt the blow especially hard.

Dissatisfaction with the Obama administration, and the next incident has already raised a storm of indignation, Obama's popularity as president was getting lower and lower. The government failed to adopt and approve the budget for the next year, the future of the country was in jeopardy. The year began with two million employees not receiving their salaries for the first two weeks of December.

It was an unprecedented event in the US. The president's popularity then plummeted. And disaster is brewing. This is exactly what Vanga was talking about. The US will lose its prestige in the world, and the government will lose the favor of the population. Due to exhaustion natural resources in the US, not only the financial crisis and gas shortages will come, but also water shortages, the disappearance of fresh water.

African American president heralds the end of great power

And when on the territory of the European Union people work for water, and moisture becomes more expensive than gas, there will be a riot. Ruined Europe, cold for lack of gas and change temperature regime. Empty Europe due to lack of water. Wang said:

“When Europe is empty (vital resources disappear), no one will live there! Empty Europe! Cold!

The 44th president of America, an African American, heralds the end of a great power, the collapse of the European Union, and the United States in its original warehouse will not go into 2017. And as Vanga said, this fall will cause much more noise than the collapse of the Union. The wreckage of a once great state will crush many small countries and bring terrible losses. We will meet 2017 in a completely different world, with other foundations, canons and other life principles.

“Evil will break out of the ground and everything will disappear! A lot of people will die!” — Vanga on the Yellowstone Volcano

Vanga did not name the exact date when the worst tragedy will befall the United States, the awakening of the Yellowstone volcano. But her prophecy sounded like this: “Evil will break out of the ground (Volcano will wake up)! Europe will burst into flames (volcano spews lava and fire)! Everyone will die! Listen to me, listen!". Contemporaries interpret this prediction in two ways.

The first assumption concerns the use of the US nuclear weapons. Europe will apply nuclear strike on Eastern countries, Syria will fall under it. Russia, which is on the side of an independent Syria, will punish the country of the aggressor (the United States of America) with a retaliatory strike. In 2017, there will simply be no such thing as the European Union and Europe.

But, there is another explanation for this prophecy: "Evil will break out of the ground!". This prophecy refers just the same to the awakening of the Yellowstone volcano, which is also predicted for 2017.

Let's turn to history. And again to the words of Vangelia. On the territory of modern Syria are many world shrines. The first one is the Belt. Holy Mother of God. When did the US start fighting on the territory of Syria, which reached the point of using chemical weapons, even hardened skeptics shuddered. People started talking about what kind of behavior High power he will definitely not forgive, and such a sin will cost thousands of lives. And no matter how the United States tried to deny its involvement in this incident, everyone knew that now we need to expect a big disaster.

It was the punishment from above that the Bulgarian seer mentioned when she spoke about the evil that came from the bowels of the earth. In the bowels of the earth, as you know, lava, it breaks through the volcano to the surface of the earth. Depending on how big volcano, will also depend on destructive action. AT recent times the volcano began to remind of itself more and more often. So far, these are only quiet echoes, but no one can guarantee that tomorrow the volcano will not say its word loudly. So loud that humanity will hear it and respond with sobs and death.

“You will live in a terrible time! I pity you!" - Vanga about the USA of our time

Do not think that the tragedy in the West will not affect the East and the Central territories. All states of the world are interconnected. Do not forget that attracted by deceptive promises, many countries are striving to join the European Union at all costs, such as Ukraine. And the collapse of this power, the European Union will inevitably mean the collapse of states, all states that at that time will be in the warehouse of the Union or will maintain financial, trade, military relations with it. It is also worth considering that, according to Vanga, the war that began in the east will destroy the west by 2017.

The European Union is a world power

Several decades after the prophecy, we see that at least 20 countries have already become involved in the war in the East under the influence of Obama. This is an avalanche, the same volcano with its lava, which rushes at an incredible speed, involving more and more countries, more and more more states. If this action does not stop, by 2017 the whole earth will burst into flames. Vanga said: “In the spring, a war will begin in the East, and there will be World War III! The Apocalypse is coming! Chemical weapon, poorly! Europe will be empty, no one will live there!

The United States under Obama's rule will unleash a terrible war and die from it itself, but along the way this country will destroy many other states. Vangelia argued that the war would begin for resources and end with a war for water: “Water will be scarce, and there will be a war for water! There won't be much to eat! And there will be a food war! Be that as it may, the volcano will destroy Europe or war, but it is thirst and hunger that are the most terrible human punishment, entailing death, grief, and, as a result, rage, which can only be stopped by death. 2017 predicts terrible trials for us, which not everyone will survive.

Both esotericists and scientists have predictions about events in the United States, especially in connection with the coming of a new president. Predictions do not always come true, but this is food for thought.

Opinion of visionaries and analysts, what will be the fate of the United States in 2018

  1. By 2018, the United States has arrived on the eve of a major economic crisis;
  2. In 2018, the country can expect natural disasters and catastrophes;
  3. In 2018, the US should prepare for terrorism and social unrest;
  4. Since 2018, Donald Trump has the potential to destroy the old way of the United States;
  5. In 2018 will improve relations with Russia;
  6. In 2018, a well-defined, well-defined Trump policy plan will be implemented;
  7. In 2018, there will be a period of calm in politics.

Pavel Globa's opinion

There is no escape from the economic collapse of the United States. Based on the predictions of a thousand years ago from a certain Vasily Nemchin, the astrologer speaks of the fundamental differences between the new president and the previous ones. Trump is disorganizing the country, which will not be easy to fix:

See also:

Wolf Messing's predictions for 2018

As early as 2017, America will begin an economic deterioration that will last until 2020.

  • the dollar will depreciate;
  • unemployment will rise;
  • the level will increase;
  • there will be public unrest;
  • The USA will lose the world championship.

Edgar Cayce's Predictions

A clairvoyant from America predicted a change of power in the United States and after this unrest, a coup.

Palm Libraries and the Future of the United States

Sanskrit prophecies recorded on palm leaves and now published read as follows:

  • money will lose value, there will be the strongest economy in the world.
  • to divert internal discontent, America can organize a war with other countries.

Vlad Ross about America

Donald Trump

Trump's election victory was a result of fraud (Moon in the constellation Pisces). About Donald:

  1. He is an uncontrollable personality, directed towards upheavals and changes (Uranus with the rising Moon).
  2. Even the ancients said that the 44th President of the United States would be an apocalyptic figure, and Trump was born during lunar eclipse, i.e. prone to destruction.
  3. He is considered 44th because Grover Cleveland was president twice.

Seer Kaede Uber

A girl from France, "Vanga's heiress", predicts:

  • natural disasters;
  • the spread of terrible diseases;
  • wars and large-scale terrorist attack

See also:

Approach to the Earth of the asteroid TV145 in 2018: is it worth fearing a catastrophe?

Other clairvoyants

David Wilkerson predicted 5 things in his 1973 book The Vision.

Converge on the threat environmental disasters in the USA:

  1. Vera Lyon from Kazakhstan considers natural disasters the main problem of the world, including the United States. Melting arctic ice will lead to storms and cracks in the earth's crust on the coasts of the ocean. Epidemics will arise in the flooded territories, there will be a large number of refugees. Also, from a political point of view, discord in NATO is possible.
  2. Orson Pratt (Mormons) - social inequality in the USA will result in civil war between people and states. People and the economy will die. The start of the process is expected in 2018-2020.
  3. David Wilkerson, America. The same goes for natural disasters. This will be after the strongest earthquake in Japan (the prediction came true, this is Fukushima). In the United States, according to him, there will be something no less terrible.
  4. Dannion Brinkley (USA). Predictor of the Chernobyl disaster. There will be terrible disasters in America. The costs of rebuilding after the onslaught of the elements will devastate the country. There will be famine, looting, armed conflicts, the collapse of the state is possible.

Video predictions for the USA

It turns out that the famous predictor Edgar Cayce at the beginning of the last century, he told everything about the current confrontation between Russia and the United States, which began this spring. Moreover, he told how it will end.

Predictions for the Future from 13:15

Edgar Cayce

American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) is one of the most famous soothsayers in the world. He made his predictions in a trance - a state similar to sleep. He was asked questions to which he answered "without regaining consciousness." The words of the prophet were recorded by a stenographer, and, upon waking up, Casey himself did not remember what he was talking about.

There are numerous editions of these shorthand records, the first of which appeared in the 30s of the XX century. Many of these predictions have come true and continue to come true, and humanity gasps every time, making sure that Casey has long foreseen this or that event.

So, Casey predicted both world wars, and called exact dates their beginnings and endings and all major battles. He also predicted the collapse of the USSR and the fact that one day the communists would lose their power. And this is where the fun begins...

However, it is best to give the floor to Edgar Cayce himself, or rather the transcripts of his revelations. There are many false Cayce predictions on the Internet, these are also documented.

Here is the data that is available in every transcript of Cayce's revelations, you can make sure that these predictions are not fake:

"Reading 3976-29. This psychic reading was given by Edgar Cayce at the Association's office on Arctic Crescent, June 22, 1944.

In attendance: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Casey, conductor; Gladys Davis and Mildred Tansy, stenographers.

In subsequent predictions in this article, only numbers and dates are indicated, but in each of them the witnesses and the place of their sounding were also named.

Spirit of America

« What is the spirit of America? Most people will proudly say "free". Freedom from what? When you restrict people's hearts and minds in various ways and ways, does that give them freedom of speech? Freedom of religion? Freedom from want?»

These words are more relevant than ever now, when US policy towards the weak and developing countries- bombing of civilians, financing of color revolutions, etc. cause indignation among many people, including in the same America.

Recall, for example, the film "Avatar" by American director James Cameron - in it the predatory intentions of the United States are allegorically criticized. The huge success of this film around the world and in America itself suggests that most people around the world understand that the United States "limits people's hearts and minds"

Recall that according to the plot of the film, armed people from the United States carry out an operation to rob free, but weak natives of the fantastic planet Pandora, in the depths of which there are rich deposits of rare earth minerals. However, Pandora managed to defend herself against the aggressors. Who can make it weak and oppressed in reality, and not in a fantasy film?

« From Russia will come hope for the world; but not from communism or Bolshevism, no, but from a free Russia. Every man will then live for his fellow»…

I must say that this phrase has a deep meaning for us. In the mentality of Russians (who, of course, include not only Russians), this idea has always been present - to live not for money, but for something more - friendship, common happiness, "for the sake of a brother." It is enough to recall our fairy tales, proverbs, sayings - “Happiness is not in money”, “Disappear yourself, but help a friend out”, “Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends”.

Whereas in the West, and especially in the United States, the cult of money and individualism has always reigned, in Russia the people have always been the “peace”—i.e. community, acted together. And he strove for something more sublime - it is not for nothing that our Russian literature with its intangible values, ideas and thoughts - Chekhov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, is still considered an unsurpassed bar for the whole world.

Power is in the truth

Casey said:

« The mission of the Slavic peoples is to change the essence of human relationships, free them from selfishness and gross material passions, restore them on a new basis - on love, trust and wisdom.».

The Russians, being very strong, have always sought to help the weak. There are many examples of this in our history. There are many things to remember here. historical events, comparing the difference in the mentalities of Russians and the West, but you can limit yourself to just one. And everything will immediately become clear - everyone knows the victory over fascism in World War II - whose blood it was mostly paid for.

Even in the crazy 90s, when Russia began to be plundered and killed, something real remained in the depths of the people. Remember the films "Brother-1" and "Brother-2" - their popularity in our country suggests that the ideas from this film resonate in the hearts of millions of people.

This film is about how a young guy is trying to seek justice, and in the second film in the same USA. He is alone, in Russia there is devastation and banditry, he has nothing to rely on, he acts against the rules, but he is looking for his own truth.

Remember this quote from the movie:

“Tell me, American, what is the strength! Is it in money? So my brother says that in money. You have a lot of money, so what? I now think that the strength is in the truth: whoever has the truth is stronger! So you deceived someone, made money, and what - have you become stronger? No, I didn’t, because there is no truth behind you! And the one who deceived, behind him the truth! So he's stronger!

Now a lot has changed in our country, the country has woken up, felt its strength, and our truth has something to rely on. And many peoples began to pin hope for a brighter future with Russia - everything, as Casey predicted.

« There is great hope for the world in the religious development of Russia. The people or group of peoples that will be closest in relations with Russia will be able to live better, gradually changing the conditions of life around the world».

Shortly before (reading 452-6, November 29, 1932) Casey said: Changes are coming, you can be sure there will be an evolution or a revolution in the ideas of religious thought. The foundations for this for the whole world will eventually come from Russia; it will not be communism, but what Christ taught - his kind of communism».

Center of the World - Russia

Interestingly, Casey claims that Russia will be the new center of the world.

Moreover, at the same time, the Americans and Russia will be friends:

« Hope for the world will come again from Russia. Guided by what? Friendship with the people, on whose money it is written: “In God we believe” (inscription in US dollars).

At first glance, Casey means that something will change in the government of the United States itself, other forces will appear that will understand "what is the strength."

But this is not the only thing - according to the prophet, the United States is in for serious difficulties, and the inhabitants of America will inevitably have to be friends with Russia. By the way, we note that the most informed Americans are already moving to our country - remember Edward Snowden, a CIA officer who fled to Russia - precisely because of disagreement with US policy.

According to Casey, the United States and other countries are waiting for terrible natural disasters and global warming(reading 3976-15, January 19, 1934):

« The earth will be split in the western part of America. Most of Japan must sink into the sea. Top part Europe will be changed in the blink of an eye. There will be changes in the Arctic and in the Antarctic, which will lead to volcanic eruptions in hot areas, and there will be a pole shift - such that cold or subtropical climate will become more tropical, and moss and ferns will grow there».

"Many areas will disappear east coast near present-day New York or even much of New York itself. However, this is for future generations. Will cease to exist much sooner southern parts of the Carolinas and Georgia. Lake waters(Great Lakes) most likely to pour into the bay(Gulf of Mexico). The area (Virginia Beach) will be among the safe areas, as will areas in the modern states of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, as well as much of southern and eastern Canada. At the same time, most of the western lands will be destroyed, which, of course, will also occur in other countries.»

For many years this prediction was not taken seriously, but now the climate has indeed changed significantly - towards warming. And recently, there have been more and more reports of the activity of the volcanoes of the South and North America. Recently, a message came that the famous Yellowstone Park began to leave the animals, and seismologists warn of an upcoming serious eruption of the Yellowstone volcano. The other day there was information about a strong volcanic eruption in Chile.

Casey also said that after all these upheavals, the planet will change a lot, but Russia will suffer less than others. She will lead new civilization centered on Western Siberia.

It is interesting that in our country there is now an active development of Siberia and Far East The prophecy seems to be coming true...