Message on the topic of environmental problem: deforestation. Environmental disasters: deforestation

Forest cutting is part of the natural process of changing green spaces. IN last decades she turned into one of the. Despite the fact that Russia has the most coniferous forest resources, the rate of their destruction in the country is also high. All this has unpleasant consequences for environment.

Realizing that the problem is growing, many states have united in the fight to preserve the plantings. As part of this, Russia has repeatedly introduced changes to the Forest Code.

Characteristics of forest resources

In Russia, it is customary to call only coniferous plantations or oak and birch groves forests. But the majority of the planet is tropical. The main characteristics of the forest, which allow us to assess the reserves of these resources in the world and in a particular country, are:

  • planting area;
  • forest cover;
  • standing timber reserves.

It is believed that the world's wood reserves amount to 384 billion m 3 . In Latin America, this figure reaches almost a third of the world level. But this tropical forests, which often have low consumer qualities.

The main problem is that cutting down forests of different properties leads to the same negative consequences. Modern technologies allow a more qualitative assessment of the condition of plantings. Google system She even created a special map that marks areas left without forests.

Why is it important to preserve forests?

From school, people learn that forests provide the Earth with oxygen. That is why they are called the “lungs” of the planet. In addition, their value lies in the following:

  • prevention ;
  • reducing the risk of soil waterlogging;
  • maintaining soil fertility by creating a microclimate and retaining moisture in the area;
  • maintaining the required groundwater level;
  • preserving the soil from drying out, wind drift and other unfavorable natural factors;
  • make the climate in the region softer and more comfortable for humans;
  • provide the necessary living conditions for animals, birds, insects;
  • provide an opportunity to obtain large amounts of energy and goods for the population.

The environmental results of logging are felt quite quickly. After all, already 5–10 years after the start of irrational use forest resources local population can highlight a whole range of real problems. This often reduces the attractiveness of the area for living.

Many animals are endangered. These include:

  • capercaillie;
  • white-backed woodpecker;
  • Amur tiger;
  • Far Eastern leopard.

IN natural environment Oaks and ash trees are becoming less and less common.

What happens after deforestation?

After the elimination of any number of trees, the environment for animals, birds and insects changes locally. This also affects plant life. The following characteristics of the territory change:

  • The illumination changes. And it doesn’t always have this positive influence. As a result of the abundance sunlight many plants that prefer shade die. The soil dries out faster, which reduces its fertility.
  • The level of temperature fluctuations is increasing.
  • The amount of nitrogen in the soil increases as a result of root decomposition. This can have an adverse effect on the plants and also prevent the growth of new trees.

After active deforestation, there is increased wind, an increase in the number of storms and other natural disasters.

Correct forest cutting

The problem of forest conservation is due to the fact that they are cut down illegally. Coupled with fires, this leads to colossal losses. This is typical not only for Russia. There are regular reports that countries Latin America Another illegally logged area has been found. This aggravates the environmental problems that already exist in these states. Similar situations are also typical for Russia.

In order for the natural renewal process to occur, deforestation must be carried out regularly. If wood harvesting is carried out for industrial purposes, then cleaning the area must also be carried out competently. The problem is that some trees do not meet the parameters of industrial harvesting. They are passed during the work process, but subsequently they must be eliminated, just like the garbage left after cutting.

There are a number of other reasons that lead to the need to eliminate forests:

  • expansion of the territory for population residence and construction of houses;
  • freeing up areas for crops and other agricultural work;
  • the need to carry out work for mining and laying communications and electrical networks.

Reasons for illegal logging

In order to obtain official permission to cut down, you must contact government authorities. They must:

  • determine the location of felling;
  • indicate the volume possible for cutting;
  • indicate the amount of the fee that must be paid to an individual or organization.

It is highly likely that the area where work will be permitted has inconvenient access roads. Or the potential customer will not be satisfied with the forest cover of the area.

Many loggers are reluctant to complete any paperwork. The introduction of foam payments significantly increases the cost of production, which can make felled trees uncompetitive.

Additional factors for the spread of this phenomenon should be considered:

  • unemployment in forest areas;
  • reduction in the number of persons controlling the forest area;
  • reduction of control in the process of acquiring wood, which allows you to buy illegally cut timber.

Types of deforestation

Depending on the purpose pursued by forest cutting, it is customary to distinguish several types:

  • Sanitary - this kind of felling solves environmental problems of eliminating diseased trees that fell during natural disasters, etc. The main task is to improve the health of the forest.
  • Final felling, which solves the problem of procuring resources necessary for industry. In Russia it is most widespread.
  • Complex, designed, together with other types of work, to solve the problems of landscaping the territory or conducting communications.
  • Care - needed to free up space for the growth of valuable trees. It must be carried out in a timely manner so as not to disturb the growing specimens.

In Russia, forestry experts are sounding the alarm that sanitary felling of trees is practically not carried out. The exception is trees in populated areas and cities. As a result, the number of insects that kill trees has sharply increased in the country. For Russia this could have serious consequences. environmental consequences, not counting the fact that bugs can devalue forests for industrial needs.

How to preserve forest wealth?

To prevent deforestation from becoming a disaster for Russia and the world, it is necessary to create a whole range of measures. They relate to the areas of legislative, executive and judicial power. The most common ways to combat destructive logging:

  • Establishing areas where legal logging can take place.
  • External control government agencies for the work being done in the forest.
  • Establishing serious penalties for violating the rules of deforestation.
  • Imposition of duty industrial enterprise carrying out reforestation work.
  • Determining the list of areas where tree felling is prohibited to preserve valuable and unique species.
  • Conducting specialized training that would make it possible to fill vacancies for foresters in the future. This is one of the pressing problems for Russia.
  • Determine how deforested forests should be noted in documents in order to control their further legal movement.
  • Creation of a road control system to promptly identify cutting violations.

This is far from full list activities that can lead to a reduction in negative consequences. How successful the fight for forest conservation will be depends on each person. After all, incorrect behavior in nature and the absence of signals about illegal logging can lead to the destruction of significant forest areas. For actions to be effective, states cooperate and exchange experiences. This allows us to improve the forest management system.

Forest destruction is accelerating. The green lungs of the planet are being cut down to seize land for other purposes. According to some estimates, we lose 7.3 million hectares of forest every year, which is roughly the size of the country of Panama.

INjust some facts

  • Forests currently cover about 30% of the world's land mass
  • Deforestation increases annual global carbon dioxide emissions by 6-12%
  • Every minute a forest the size of 36 football fields disappears on Earth.

Where are we losing forests?

Deforestation occurs all over the world, but tropical forests suffer the most. NASA predicts that if the current rate of deforestation continues, tropical forests could disappear completely within 100 years. Countries affected include Brazil, Indonesia, Thailand, Congo and other parts of Africa, and some areas Eastern Europe. The biggest danger is facing Indonesia. Since the last century, the state has lost at least 15.79 million hectares of forest land, according to the University of Maryland and the World Resources Institute.

And although deforestation has increased over the past 50 years, the problems go back deep into history. For example, 90% of the native forests of the continental United States have been destroyed since the 1600s. The World Resources Institute notes that indigenous forests remain in to a greater extent in Canada, Alaska, Russia and the Northwestern Amazon.

Causes of forest disappearance

There are many such reasons. As stated in the WWF report, half of the trees illegally removed from the forest are used as fuel.

Other reasons:

  • To free up land for housing and urbanization
  • Extraction of wood for processing into products such as paper, furniture and building materials
  • To highlight marketable ingredients such as palm oil
  • To free up space for raising livestock

In most cases, forests are burned or cut down. These methods lead to the land remaining barren.

Experts in forestry call the clear-cutting method “an environmental trauma that has no equal in nature, except perhaps a large volcanic eruption”

Forest burning can be done using fast or slow techniques. The ashes of burnt trees provide food for plants for some time. When the soil becomes depleted and the vegetation disappears, farmers simply move to another plot and the process begins again.

Deforestation and climate change

Deforestation is recognized as one of the factors contributing to global warming. Problem #1: Losing forests impacts the global carbon cycle. Gas molecules that absorb thermal infrared radiation are called greenhouse gases. Cluster large quantity greenhouse gases cause climate change. Unfortunately, oxygen, being the second most abundant gas in our atmosphere, does not absorb thermal infrared radiation as well as greenhouse gases. On the one hand, green spaces help combat greenhouse gases. On the other hand, according to Greenpeace, 300 billion tons of carbon are released into the environment every year precisely because of the burning of wood as fuel.

Carbon is not the only greenhouse gas associated with deforestation. water vapor also falls into this category. The impact of deforestation on the exchange of water vapor and carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and the earth's surface is the biggest problem in the climate system today.

Deforestation has reduced global vapor flows from the ground by 4%, according to a study published by the US National Academy of Sciences. Even such a small change in steam flows can disrupt natural weather conditions and change existing climate models.

Some more consequences of deforestation

A forest is a complex ecosystem that affects almost every species of life on the planet. Removing forests from this chain is tantamount to destroying the ecological balance both in the region and throughout the world.

INextinction of species: National Geographic says that 70% of the world's plants and animals live in forests, and their deforestation leads to habitat loss. The local population, which collects wild plant food and hunts, also experiences negative consequences.

Water cycle: The trees are playing important role in the water cycle. They absorb precipitation and release water vapor into the atmosphere. According to North Carolina State University, trees reduce pollution by trapping polluting runoff. In the Amazon, more than half of the water in the ecosystem comes through plants, reports the National Geographic Society.

E Rosa soil: Tree roots are like an anchor. Without forests, soil is easily washed away or blown away, which negatively affects vegetation. Scientists estimate that a third of the world's arable land has been lost to deforestation since 1960. On the spot former forests crops such as coffee, soybeans and palm trees are planted. Planting these species leads to further soil erosion due to the small root systems of these crops. The situation with Haiti is clear and Dominican Republic. Both countries share the same island, but Haiti has much less forest cover. As a result, Haiti is experiencing problems such as soil erosion, floods and landslides.


Many people think that to solve the problem you need to plant more trees. Planting can mitigate the damage caused by deforestation, but it will not completely solve the situation.

In addition to reforestation, other tactics are being used. This is humanity's transition to a plant-based diet, which will reduce the need for land that is cleared for livestock farming.

Deforestation statistics are very important for every country. Deforestation is a global problem that is getting worse every year. The negative consequences of deforestation affect not only human life, but also the planet as a whole. Thanks to statistics on unauthorized deforestation, the state can look for effective ways combating deforestation.

The problem of deforestation

A forest is a complex ecosystem. Its condition affects cleanliness, drinking and climatic conditions. Once upon a time there were a huge number of forests on planet earth. They occupied huge areas. When the number grew, active land development began, development appeared, and the number of forests began to gradually decrease. People cut down forests for various purposes, often without permission.

Today, deforestation has become an environmental problem on a planetary scale. Trees are a source of oxygen. They absorb many toxic substances and destroy microorganisms that cause diseases. They live in forests different types and plants. Trees absorb excess moisture, protect the soil, and protect against...

Although trees are renewable resources, the problem of deforestation is one of the most serious in the world. The rate of their reproduction is much lower than the rate of destruction. The planet is suffering enormous damage from deforestation. Everything could end in an environmental disaster.

Below is a photo from space, which clearly shows how the amount of forests in Brazil has decreased. On the left half you can see how the country looked before, and on the right, how things are with the number of trees now.

Why are forests cut down?

Humanity has many reasons for deforestation even in the 21st century. First of all, we need wood for building buildings. It is the most popular material in this industry due to the fact that it is a natural product and costs less. In many villages, especially in Siberia, wood is used to build houses. It is used to build sheds for animals, storage for hay or grain, and baths.

The second most popular reason is that forests are cut down to provide firewood for the winter. In many private houses in rural areas people still do not have the opportunity to heat with gas. They use wood stoves for this. Forests are also cut down for wood, which will be used to make furniture, doors, window frames, and parquet. It is used to make sleepers, carriages, and build bridges and ships.

Industrial deforestation also occurs, since wood is a raw material for manufacturing various materials. For example, paper, fertilizers, rubber, plastics, acetone, turpentine, vinegar. Deforestation statistics include the preparation of the area they occupy for the following purposes:

  • for the construction of power lines;
  • for plowing steppes;
  • under roads;
  • for the manufacture of sports equipment, musical instruments;
  • under construction;
  • in mining.

Today, more than 20 thousand items of things that people need are made from wood.

Consequences of deforestation

However, not everyone understands what deforestation leads to. Humanity has not yet understood that trees need to be protected. The destruction of forests disrupts the oxygen cycle on the planet. This may end in the fact that in some areas of the planet it will simply be impossible to live - there will be nothing to breathe.

The destruction of trees leads to swamping of the area, which threatens a change in vegetation. Reservoirs will be overgrown with grass and mud. Deforestation leads to a decrease in ozone in the atmosphere. This will lead to poor harvests, epidemics, an increase in the number of sick people, and the formation of ozone holes.

The disappearance of trees leads to desertification, as precipitation washes away the fertile layer of soil. Because of this, residents of areas that have become arid become refugees. Many animals and plants die. Deforestation statistics show that this leads to a change in the albedo of the earth and can provoke a disaster. Albedo is the ability of a planet to reflect radioactive streams from the sun. Additional consequences of deforestation:

  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • climate change;
  • an excess of sunlight, which will destroy plants that like to live in the shade;
  • creation of a greenhouse effect in the biosphere;
  • destruction of ecosystems;
  • The amount of nitrogen in the soil increases, which prevents new trees from growing.

Trees block the flow groundwater, because their roots feed on them. The death of forests contributes to an increase in their abundance of water, since there is no one to absorb excess moisture. The liquid comes to the surface, fills rivers, evaporates, and falls in the form of numerous precipitations. This is why deforestation is associated with increased flooding and the occurrence of floods in areas where they have never been seen before.

A striking example of this was the city of Bangladesh. When forests were cut down on the southern slopes of the Himalayas, this city began to suffer from floods every few years. Previously, this happened a maximum of two times in 100 years.

These are negative consequences deforestation on earth. In the future, everything may end up with us leaving our descendants with an unsuitable planet.

Ways to solve the problem

The most important solution to the problem of deforestation is the development of standards for the reasonable use of plant resources. The following principles must be adhered to:

  • preserve the forest landscape;
  • teach the population to treat trees, animals and plants with care;
  • protect forests from illegal logging;
  • strengthen control over the use of resources at the state level;
  • restore forests after cutting down - plant and grow new trees in large quantities;
  • improve legislation, issue laws that will protect forests from deforestation;
  • fight poachers. Bring to or responsibility for deforestation;
  • select only the most resistant tree species for planting in order to increase the number of forests;
  • create nature reserves;
  • develop methods of using wood waste;
  • prohibit mining companies from using large areas of forest for clearing for their development;
  • develop ecological forms.

How ordinary citizens can contribute to the fight against deforestation:

  • plant landscaping on your property;
  • use wood products sparingly;
  • plant trees near houses, in courtyards, near villages, along river banks;
  • complain about those who attempt illegal deforestation,

Of course, deforestation is a big problem all over the world, but ways to solve it can be found.

Responsibility for deforestation in the Russian Federation

In Russia, illegal logging entails punishment depending on the severity (Article 260 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). If the actions of the criminal resulted in the loss of a small number of plantings, then the penalty for deforestation will not exceed 500 thousand. rub. If an act of poaching was committed by a group of persons, taking advantage of their official position, then the amount of sanctions will range from 500,000 to 1,500,000 rubles. For a crime committed on an especially large scale, a penalty of 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 rubles is provided.

According to Article 8.28 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for individuals a fine of 3–4 thousand rubles is provided, provided that the equipment was not used for deforestation. For officials, the fine is 20–40 thousand rubles, for, among others, from 300,000 to 500,000 rubles.

As shown judicial practice, illegal cutting of trees is often punishable by imprisonment for a period of 2 to 7 years. The following penalties are also possible for unauthorized deforestation:

  • forced labor;
  • deprivation of the right to hold certain positions for a period of up to 3 years.

By law, you need to obtain permission to cut down forests. Every citizen can influence the situation with illegal deforestation. It is enough to notify the relevant authorities about cutting down trees. Initially, you can inform the local forestry department. Write down how many people are engaged in cutting down, take a photo, record vehicle numbers and the number of pieces of equipment.

If the work is being carried out legally, the forestry department will inform you about it. If loggers were engaged in poaching, specialists from the forestry department should go to the police with your materials. If you suspect that foresters are covering up for criminals, you can contact the police yourself.

World statistics

Statistics on deforestation in the world record the deforestation of about 200 thousand km² of plantings per year. This leads to the death of 100 thousand animals and plants. The table shows statistics on deforestation by country for recent years:

Country Number of hectares (thousands)
Canada 2,450
Brazil 2,157
USA 1, 7367
Indonesia 1,605
Congo 608
China 523
Malaysia 465
Argentina 439
Paraguay. 421

The fewest trees are cut down by Paraguayans, Chinese, Argentines and Malaysians. The secret is that China, for example, buys wood from other countries. In 10 years mass felling forests have reached the point where about 20 hectares of trees are destroyed every minute. It's time for humanity to learn how to replenish these riches of nature.

Today, due to the deforestation of tropical forests, there are more than two times less plantings left on our planet than there were before. They once covered 14% of the land, but now only 6%.

In India, the number of forests has been halved in half a century. Large-scale deforestation has resulted from deforestation in America and the Caribbean. Here the number of forests has decreased by 500,000 hectares.

In Brazil, huge numbers of trees have been replaced with concrete walls. Because of this, the populations of some animal species have declined. Approximately 17% of all forests are concentrated in Africa, which is about 767 million hectares. Now the number of forests on this continent is declining by 3 million hectares annually. In 100 years, 80% of the forests here have been cut down. In a number of African countries, people still use charcoal for heating. They don't have access to gas because of...

Deforestation in the Amazon and Madagascar has led to disastrous results. Most lands turned into arid and sun-scorched areas. Unique animals live here and plants grow that are not found anywhere else. But due to deforestation, many of them began to die out.

In Asia, deforestation has reached 98% of all land. Here trees are destroyed mainly for construction. In Europe, the problem has not yet reached such proportions, but programs are already being developed here aimed at restoring lost resources.

Data for Russia

The statistics on deforestation in Russia are disappointing - in our country much more trees are destroyed than in other countries. In the Baikal basin alone, 3 million cubic meters of forest have disappeared. Deforestation in Russia leads to the destruction of valuable coniferous species(cedar, pine).

In recent years, deforestation in Siberia and the Urals has led to the emergence of a large number of swamps in these regions. Floods have become more frequent here.

Constant deforestation on slopes Caucasus mountains has led to rivers overflowing more and more every year. Water erosion is developing, which is why cases have become more frequent. All this causes enormous damage to agricultural lands, as well as settlements, located near the mountains.

IN lately harvests have decreased on Sakhalin Island salmon fish. Due to deforestation in river basins, which has become more frequent in this region, the bottom of reservoirs becomes unsuitable for laying eggs. In addition, the fauna that salmon feed on is disrupted.

Many forests are being cut down in the Altai Territory, causing damage to the famous ribbon forest. Here, 3.5 thousand hectares of forests are destroyed every year. 66 plots were leased to timber harvesting enterprises.

According to statistics on deforestation by year, in Russia annually the damage from the destruction of trees exceeds 10 billion rubles. It will take our country about 100 years to restore its resources, provided that the destruction of trees stops completely.

A large amount of wood goes to. On the diagram shows how much timber was exported only in the first 6 months of 2016:

Ukrainian and Belarusian data

There are no statistics on deforestation in Ukraine. But recently, a catastrophically large number of trees have been cut down in the Carpathians. The satellite photo clearly shows how much area is now left without trees:

Statistics of deforestation in Belarus for 2015 shows the destruction of 18.5 million. cubic meters tree. However, the government of the Republic of Belarus plans to increase this figure by 18%. While the replenishment of resources in the country is very slow. Therefore, scientists fear for the ecology of the state.


As deforestation statistics show, Russia destroys the most trees in the world. A large percentage comes from illegal activities. The government and specialists responsible for the environmental well-being of the country need to look for more effective measures to combat the destruction of forests.

Forest zone Every state has it. Not a single corner of the planet can exist without forests. The forest zone is where it is warm and humid. The environment is very important for preserving natural resources.

Forest zones are varied. There are deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests. Russia is rich in all of the listed species, but along with its heritage, each country also receives associated problems.

Ecology is the science of the interactions of living organisms with each other and with the surrounding world. Environmental changes also affect the development of forests. The changing environment is directly related to human activity.

Progress in various fields of science and technological developments has revealed previously unknown obstacles. Humanity has encountered them before, but has not yet fully learned to solve them. Large-scale environmental difficulties have led to global problems.

A person’s attitude towards the world around him is the key to the solution, but often people only make the situation worse. They themselves became the main thing unfavorable factor, which affects the increasing complications of the already difficult environmental situation in the world.

The importance of forests is enormous. The forest, like vegetation, provides oxygen to humanity. It is rightly said that forests are the lungs of the planet. It produces oxygen and naturally disposes of chemical contaminants, purifying the air.

A properly organized ecosystem collects carbon that is essential for the existence of life on Earth. The accumulation prevents the greenhouse effect that threatens nature.

The forest protects the environment from dramatic temperature changes and seasonal frosts, which has a positive effect on the health of agriculture. Experts have found that the climate is milder in areas overgrown with vegetation.

The sowing benefit is due to the protection of the soil from leaching, winds, landslides and mudflows. Forests stop the advance of sands. Forests participate in the water cycle. The forest acts as a filter and retains water in the soil, preventing waterlogging of the area. Forests maintain normal groundwater levels and guard against floods. Absorption of moisture from the ground by the roots and intensive evaporation by the leaves helps to avoid drought.

Problems with forest ecology

Problems of the ecological nature of forests are associated with several reasons:

  1. Weather changes
  2. Uncontrolled hunting and poaching
  3. Increasing frequency of forest fires
  4. Garbage in the forest
  5. Deforestation

Let's take a closer look at each problem.

The influence of weather on forest areas

IN Russian Federation there are over seventeen million kilometers of forest land. A forest is a living ecological system. Most of this territory is tundra forest. Russia is recognized as a world leader in absorbing carbon dioxide. It accounts for forty percent.

Forest ecosystems feel an exorbitant burden of environmental problems of a different origin. For example, air pollution affects weather changes. The discrepancy between weather patterns and seasons is one of the main concerns of humanity. The scorching sun causes forest fires to become more frequent, and frosty air negatively affects the bark of trees, leading to their destruction.

Atmospheric air is a mixture of gases from the layer of the atmosphere closest to earth's surface. He has great value in ensuring life on the planet. The composition of the atmosphere has developed as a result of the evolutionary process, but human activity is increasingly interfering with the natural foundations that have developed over centuries.

Atmospheric air is becoming increasingly polluted, which leads to an increase in cases of detection of lung cancer, diseases respiratory system of various origins, nervous disorders. A growing number of allergy sufferers and people with congenital malformations are also attributed to excessive saturation of the air with substances that are harmful to the human body.

Atmospheric precipitation has a direct impact on the atmosphere and hydrosphere. They manifest themselves as rain, snow, hail, smog and fog. Recently, these manifestations have become negative: the irrepressible frequency and unnatural nature of the occurrence of precipitation affect forests in the worst possible way. Change chemical composition The atmosphere causes precipitation to dump all this chemistry to the surface.

The negative impact of polluted atmosphere on soil is associated with the loss of acid rain. These precipitation wash away the fertile soil layer and the beneficial substances contained in it. As a result, the process of photosynthesis is disrupted, which slows down plant growth and then completely causes its death. Forests are disappearing.

Disadvantages of hunting and poaching for the welfare of forests

Excessive hunting leads to complete or almost complete extermination some species of animals inhabiting the forest. Forest inhabitants contribute to the systematic development of trees. They exist peacefully in the forest. Without them, the cycle of substances and food chains will be disrupted.

Poaching is an extreme degree of non-compliance with forest protection standards. This is the same hunt, but carried out in a prohibited place or for animals that are prohibited from extermination. As a result of the uncontrolled activities of violators, entire species of living beings may disappear.

Hunting for predators leads to the proliferation of large-seeded plants; they begin to dominate the forest. The worst thing is that poaching can lead to the spread of zoonotic diseases, through the transmission of variable rotoviruses from animals to humans.

With such serious consequences, poaching is prohibited. Each state is developing a set of measures designed to effectively stop the extermination of animals in order to preserve their population, not disturb their habitat - the forest, and prevent the consequences of human environmental crimes from flaring up.

Forest fires

Fire is one of the most serious destroyers of forests. Forest fires are classified as unnatural harmful factors, since they mainly arise due to human fault. Yes, climate and weather conditions can also be one of the causes of forest fires, but they account for only four to five percent. The rest is the work of people.

The location of forests affects the regularity of fires. Coniferous forests, savannas and deserts without forest plantations, the steppe are more prone to fire and are more often subject to fires.

Plants in such forests have adapted to the statistics; they have thicker bark, which prevents the spread of fire. Coniferous trees adapted even better: with high temperature their cones release seeds that sprout when there is no trace of nearby trees. This continues their lineage and serves as compensation.

About two million tons of organic matter suffer from forest fires every year. In forests, the growth of trees decreases, the qualitative composition of plants decreases, the area of ​​windbreaks expands, and the structure of the soil deteriorates. In the absence of a forest, species of insects and fungi harmful to humans spread and destroy the tree.

Every year everyone large area forests are subject to fire. Governments around the world are taking all possible measures to stop the destruction of flora and fauna. Preventive measures are aimed at detecting fire and extinguishing it with the help of fire crews on the ground and in the air. However, despite these measures, forest fires continue to occur.

Careless handling of matches, lighters, open fire, ignorance and non-compliance with the rules fire safety contribute to a rapid fire, which in a matter of minutes can spread over kilometers of forested areas.

Forest litter

Who doesn't like to relax in nature? But not everyone cleans up after themselves after a pleasant pastime. People often throw garbage in the forest, thereby worsening the forest ecology.

It’s good when the waste is organic; such garbage will decompose after a while. It can even fertilize the soil. But what to do with plastic? What about metal products? They cannot be naturally recycled. Over time, the metal will begin to rust, and harmful plastic substances will enter the forest ecosystem, which can lead to negative consequences.

Litter in the forest poses a potential risk to human health, wildlife and the ecosystem as a whole. Considerable funds from the treasury of any country are spent on garbage collection. Volunteer work aimed at clearing debris from the forest should not be underestimated. However, every citizen must monitor the cleanliness of the forest.

Let's take care of nature, don't let the forests be filled with objects that have nothing to do with the world around us, wildlife, spoiling our rest and enjoyment of clean air.

Deforestation - the threat of disappearance of forest areas

Previously, forests were cut down in small quantities if necessary. The work was carried out using a simple ax. What are we seeing now? A lot of equipment leaves nothing after passing through the forests - a bare area with no plants, only stumps, black circles of fire pits and unsightly soil.

There is no chance that after the passage of tractors with logs, the seeds of those trees that have been cut down may sprout. The forest ecology is completely changed, the delicate balance is lost and after that for many years the place remains deserted.

Deforestation occurs everywhere, it is a mass phenomenon. Main problem the fact that not only trees disappear from the ecological system, but also shrubs and grass. This leads to the fact that insects and animals that previously lived in the forest move from this territory or even die, deprived of food and shelter. The ecosystem is collapsing.

The damage caused by deforestation is colossal. As trees disappear, less oxygen is produced through photosynthesis, but carbon dioxide accumulates. This leads to another global environmental problem - greenhouse effect. The soil is destroyed, and a steppe or desert is formed in place of the forest. Deforestation even affects the melting of glaciers.

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A forest is a complex ecosystem that affects the climate, air and water conditions of our planet. Forests help purify the air by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and producing oxygen. In addition, it is very good noise protection. Coniferous trees disinfect the air. The forests are home to birds and plants, including medicinal ones.

But forest is still a material for construction, as well as fuel and raw materials for production. Forests are cut down to obtain timber, to expand areas for agricultural purposes, and for mining.
There are several groups of forests:
Prohibited for logging (reserves, national parks).
Limited use. They are located in densely populated areas. Their recovery is monitored.
Operational forests. They are completely cut down and then replanted.

Main types of tree felling.

  • Main cabin. Solid. All trees except seed trees are cut down. This causes great harm to the territories.
  • Selective. Individual trees are cut down.
  • Gradual. Felling takes place in several stages.
  • Plant care cutting. Poor quality trees are removed, the forest is thinned out, and lighting improves. The remaining trees get more food.
  • Complex felling. They are carried out when the forest begins to lose its beneficial qualities. The forest is freed from blind and young wood. More light enters the forest and root competition is eliminated. Valuable breeds develop better.
  • Sanitary cabin. Conducted to improve the health of the forest. Sick, old, broken, fire-damaged trees are cut down. The most useful of all types.

Damage caused by deforestation.

The problem of deforestation is relevant all over the world. Forests are capable of regeneration, but the problem is that the volume of deforestation is many times higher than the volume of reproduction. This leads to the disappearance of rare tree species and plant species. Animals are forced to leave their habitats and move to other territories. Deforestation leads to temperature changes, changes in wind speed and direction, changes in precipitation, and changes in soil composition.

When forests are cut down, the composition of the soil changes, as the fertile layer is washed away by precipitation. New trees do not grow or grow very slowly and the felled areas become deserted. Animals, plants and birds die. Ecosystems are being destroyed. Rare species disappear forever.

There are many problems that need to be solved. Shortage human resources low wages for foresters. Gaps in legislation. Large companies Valuable species are cut down under the guise of small diseased trees.

Measures to help reduce damage from logging.

Preserve forest landscapes and their biological diversity.

  • Prevent depletion of forest resources.
  • Conduct moderate forest management.
  • Strengthen government control over logging.
  • Improve legislation.
  • Plant new forests.
  • Create new reserves and expand the territories of existing ones.
  • Protect forests from fires, fight diseases and pests that destroy forest areas.
  • More effectively protect forest areas from poachers.
  • Develop effective and safe logging methods.
  • Reduce wood waste and look for ways to use them.
  • Eco-tourism should also be encouraged. Perhaps people will see the current situation with their own eyes and think about the problem, begin to use paper rationally, begin to participate in landscaping in their cities, plant trees next to their homes, and become more careful about nature.

To maintain ecological balance, it is necessary to maintain a balance of deforestation and reforestation.

Collecting waste paper is another important way to save forests from deforestation. Moreover, it is also paid. For example, if you type in the search engine “waste paper price per 1 kg Saratov”, you can find out how much a kilogram of waste paper costs in this city.