The influence of the external environment on the organization. The main factors affecting the activities of the organization

Indirect environmental factors or the general external environment usually do not affect the organization as markedly as direct environmental factors. However, management needs to take them into account. The indirect impact environment is usually more complex than the direct impact environment. Therefore, its study is usually based primarily on forecasts.

The environmental factors of indirect impact include:

1) technology;

2) the state of the economic environment;

3) sociocultural factors;

4) legislative political factors;

5) international changes.

Consider the possible directions of impact on the enterprise of each of the factors listed above.

1) Technology is a set of means, processes, operations, with the help of which the elements included in the production are transformed into output ones.

Technological change includes scientific and technical innovations in a particular industry, as well as in society as a whole. Technology is both an internal variable and an external factor of great importance. As an external factor, it reflects the level of scientific and technological development affecting the organization, for example, in the areas of automation, informatization, etc.

Economic changes reflect the general economic situation in the country or region in which the company operates. Economic factors are the most significant, as the current and projected state of the economy may adversely affect the strategic goals of the organization. Indicators such as inflation rate, stability national currency, international balance of payments, tax rate, purchasing power of the population, dynamics of GNP, GDP, unemployment rate, interest rates, as well as the main trends in the structure of industries and organizational forms management must be constantly diagnosed and evaluated.

Management must be able to assess how general changes in the state of the economy will affect the operations of the organization. The state of the world economy affects the cost of all inputs and the ability of consumers to buy certain goods and services.

It is important to understand that a particular change in the state of the economy can have a positive impact on some organizations and a negative one on others.

2) The activity of the enterprise takes place in society. In the process of this activity, the enterprise establishes relationships with various elements of the structure of society. This causes the impact on the enterprise of factors of the social and cultural environment. Sociocultural factors of the macro environment include demographic characteristics, norms, customs and life values the country in which the organization operates. Sociocultural factors influence the formation of the demand of the population, labor Relations, level wages, working conditions, etc.

First of all, the demographic situation is considered, within which the geographical distribution and population density, sex and age structure, social stratification society, national homogeneity, the level of education of the population, and the level of income.

Factors of the system of social norms have a great influence on the activities of firms: social behavior and cultural environment. These factors include public values and accepted principles of behavior (for example, attitude to work, spending free time), social expectations. important questions currently prevailing in society the propensity for entrepreneurship, the role of women and national minorities in society, the change in the social attitudes of managers, the movement to protect the interests of consumers.

A special role is played by social organizational structures - parties, trade unions, the press, consumer associations, youth organizations.

3) The legislative and political factor is based on federal and local legislative acts, as well as political actions that are aimed at establishing control over the activities of organizations. The political component of the external environment must be studied first of all in order to have a clear idea of ​​the intentions of the authorities state power with regard to the development of society and the means by which the state intends to carry out its policy.

Some aspects of the political environment are of particular importance to the leaders of the organization. One of them is the mood of the administration, legislatures and courts in relation to business. Closely related to sociocultural trends, in a democratic society these sentiments influence government actions such as taxing corporate income, establishing tax breaks or preferential trade duties, requirements for recruitment and promotion practices of members of national minorities, consumer protection legislation, price and wage controls.

Of great importance for companies with operations or markets in other countries is the factor political stability. National conflicts, the activities of terrorist organizations or unstable political regimes are conditions that prevent the development of normal activities. They increase property, operational and financial risks.

4) International changes in the external environment are events occurring outside the country of origin of the company and opportunities for the development of the company's business in other countries. From international environment new competitors, buyers and suppliers appear. It also forms new technological and social trends. The process of globalization now embraces all more countries. Therefore, even firms that focus only on the domestic market are forced to think on an international scale, assessing the potential and threats of the external international environment.

Summing up, we can say that factors of indirect significance can have a different degree of influence on the organization, primarily related to the specifics of the company's activities, its market share, interaction with foreign partners, the degree of development of the information technology base and the state of the economy as a whole.

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This work considers the external environment, concept, definition, its impact on the organization. The main characteristics of the external environment, environmental factors and their impact on the organization will be given, the external environment will be analyzed in a certain economic organization. The integrity of the organization and its openness as a system determine: the separation of the internal and external environment, the organization's dependence on external factors, the interaction of the internal and external environment, the varying degree of influence of the parameters of the internal and external environment and their management.

Any organization is located and operates in the environment. In the socialist years, environmental factors and the degree of their impact were not given special significance. But with the transition of Russia to market relations, this topic has become relevant.

The external environment is a source necessary to maintain the internal potential of the organization at the proper level. The organization is in a state of constant exchange with the external environment, but the resources of the external environment are not unlimited. They are claimed by many other organizations in the same environment. Therefore, there is always the possibility that the organization will not be able to obtain the necessary resources from the external environment. The task of strategic management is to ensure such an interaction of the organization with the environment that would allow it to maintain its potential at the level necessary to achieve its goals, and thus enable it to survive in the long term.

In order to determine the strategy of the organization's behavior and put this strategy into practice, management must have an in-depth understanding not only of the internal environment of the organization, its potential and development trends, but also of the external environment, its development trends and the place occupied by the organization in it. At the same time, the external environment is studied by strategic management in the first place in order to reveal those threats and opportunities that the organization must take into account when defining its goals and achieving them. Strategic management considers the external environment as a combination of two environments: the macro environment and the immediate environment.

To survive in this environment, organizations have to pay attention and reckon with all factors. Managers and leaders Russian companies difficult to cope with this task, since the history of modern entrepreneurship and transition period the Russian economy, compared with the stable situation in other countries, is the shortest.

In the course of the analysis of the external environment of the organization, it is necessary to identify factors that affect the effectiveness of activities, develop possible way development of the enterprise to obtain better results, to prevent negative phenomena, to propose suitable methods and methods that would regulate external influences. The object and subject of research are environmental factors. The assessment of the external environment of the given enterprise will use the SWOT method, the organization profiling method. It is necessary to identify the immediate environment of the organization, to characterize, suppliers, competitors, the market work force, buyers, analyze their supply and demand.

The first chapter of the work presents theoretical basis the influence of the external environment on the organization, gives an idea of ​​the external environment. The second chapter describes a specific organization. The third chapter tells about the planned developments, a SWOT analysis is done for the enterprise.

1. Theoretical foundations of the influence of the external environment on the activities of the organization

1.1 Importance of environmental factors

In management thought, the idea of ​​the importance of the external environment and the need to take into account the forces external to the organization appeared in the late 50s. It was one of the important contributions to the science of management because it emphasized the need for the leader to view his organization as a whole, consisting of interconnected parts that interact with the outside world.

The changes taking place in the outside world forced us to pay more attention to the external environment. Managers had to consider the environment because the organization, as an open system, depends on outside world in relation to the supply of resources, energy, personnel, as well as consumers. Since the survival of the organization depends on management, the manager must be able to identify significant factors in the environment that will affect his organization. He must propose suitable methods and methods that would regulate external influences.

Only those organizations that "evolve", develop and adapt to changes in their environment, are able to survive and remain effective. Many environmental factors can influence an organization. Steiner and Miner point out: “In the past, leaders focused on economic and technical circumstances. However, private changes in people's attitudes to social values, political forces and areas of legal responsibility forced leaders to expand the range of external influences that require consideration.

There is a certain interrelationship between environmental factors, which is defined as the level of force with which a change in one factor affects other factors.

The external environment has a certain complexity. The complexity of the environment refers to the number of factors an organization must respond to, as well as the level of variability in each factor (government regulations, frequent renegotiation of union contracts, multiple interest groups, multiple competitors, and accelerated technological change). The external environment also has mobility. The mobility of the environment is the rate at which changes occur in the organization's environment. Many researchers point out that the environment of modern organizations is changing at an increasing rate (most strongly in the pharmaceutical, chemical, electronics, aerospace industries, computer production, biotechnology, and telecommunications). In a highly mobile environment, an organization or department must rely on more diverse information to make decisions. effective solutions.

The external environment of an organization has another characteristic, such as uncertainty. Uncertainty is a function of the amount of information that an organization (or person) has about a particular factor, as well as a function of confidence in this information. If there is little information or there is doubt about its accuracy, the environment becomes more uncertain than in a situation where there is adequate information and there is reason to consider it highly reliable. As business becomes more and more a global endeavor, more and more more information, but confidence in its accuracy is reduced. Therefore, the more uncertain the external environment, the more difficult it is to make effective decisions. The most important part of the external environment of the organization is the infrastructure, that is, a complex of elements and connections that provide, ensure the conditions for the life of the organization's team and serve the main processes of production and management. Infrastructure includes communication organizational culture, which includes great value is given to people, their knowledge, abilities and art of interaction. These are market infrastructure, environmental monitoring natural environment, healthcare, science and education, culture, trade. Communications are means of communication (air, water), forms of communication (oral, written), communication channels (telephone, radio, etc.). The main thing in the communication process is the exchange of meaning, the content of information. The quality of communication processes and, in general, production and management processes largely depends on organizational culture organizations.

The higher the level of development, stability and efficiency of the infrastructure sectors of the region, the higher will be the moral and psychological climate in the team (there are no delays in transport, in stores), the higher the qualification level of workers ( high quality education), better health worker (all branches of the region work well).

The success of an organization largely depends on the consideration of external factors. The object and subject of marketing research and how the functions of management and the governing body are environmental factors.

When considering the external environment and its impact on the organization and the economy as a whole in recent times more and more take into account the influence of non-economic factors (sociocultural factors, etc.) on economic processes.

In order to better understand how the external environment affects the activities of the organization, it is better to analyze each of its elements.

1.2 The essence of the macroenvironment of the external environment

The macro environment creates the general conditions for the organization to be in the external environment. In most cases, the macro-environment does not have a specific character conciliatory to a single organization. Although the degree of influence of the state of the macro environment on different organizations is different, this is due to differences in the areas of activity, in the internal potential of organizations. It is possible to identify the main factors (components) that affect the activities of the organization.

Under the environment of indirect impact understand the factors that may not have a direct immediate impact on the organization, but affect its functioning. It's about about factors such as the state of the economy, scientific and technological progress, socio-cultural, environmental and political changes, the influence of group interests and events in other countries that are significant for the organization.

Influence international factors, that is, the number of “hot spots” in the world where any military conflicts take place; the number of military and other persons involved in “hot spots” in given time; the number of international symposiums, conferences, exhibitions, film festivals, competitions and other events of the highest category held in this moment in the country and in the world in the field of education, culture, scientific and technological progress; trends in life expectancy of the population as a whole in the world community.

Influence of political factors. The political component of the macro-environment is studied in order to have a clear idea of ​​the intentions of the state authorities regarding the development of society and the means by which the state intends to implement its policies. The study of the political component should focus on finding out what programs various party structures are trying to implement, what lobbying groups exist in government bodies, how the government treats various sectors of the economy and regions of the country, what changes in legislation and legal regulation are possible as a result of the adoption new laws and new norms governing economic processes. The political system is characterized by the ideology that determines the policy of the government; government stability; degree of public discontent; opposition political structures. The key process of the political component of the macro environment is the struggle for power. The authorities determine how access to money is carried out, how and in what amount money is alienated from organizations for state needs. Both of these processes are a source of opportunities and threats to the functioning of the firm.

Influence of economic factors. The economic component allows you to understand how resources are formed and distributed. This is vital to the organization, as access to resources very strongly determines the login state of the organization. The study of the economy involves the analysis of a number of indicators: the value of the gross national product, inflation rates, unemployment, interest rates, labor productivity, taxation rates, balance of payments, accumulation rates, etc. In the economic component, it is important to pay attention to factors such as the overall level economic development, extracted natural resources, climate, type and level of development of competitive relations, population structure, level of education of the labor force and wages.

Influence of socio-demographic factors. The social component is understood as the impact on business of people's attitudes to work and quality of life, customs and beliefs existing in society, people's values, the demographic structure of society, population growth, education level, people's mobility, etc. The peculiarity of the social component is that it affects both other components of the macro environment and the internal environment of the organization. One more distinctive feature social processes is that they change relatively slowly, but lead to significant changes in the environment of the organization. Therefore, the organization must seriously monitor possible social changes. It is this component that greatest influence on the formation of consumer preferences, on which the direction and magnitude of consumer demand strongly depend, and, consequently, the ability of the company to sell its products.

Influence of legal factors. Analysis legal regulation, which involves the study of laws and other regulations that establish legal norms and frameworks for relations, gives the organization the opportunity to determine for itself the permissible boundaries of actions in relations with other subjects of law and acceptable methods of defending their interests. The legal component also includes legal security, the dynamism of the legal environment, the level of public control over the activities legal system society. It is very important to find out the degree of obligatory action of legal norms, whether they apply to all organizations or whether there are exceptions to the rules, how inevitable the application of sanctions to the organization in case of violation of legal norms.

Influence of environmental factors. These include parameters of the country's ecosystem; expenditures in the country's budget (in %) for maintaining the country's ecosystem; the number of cities and the proportion of their population that do not meet environmental requirements. Neglect of environmental aspects of production in modern market economy may have a negative impact on the organization (penalties).

Influence of natural factors. Includes: assessment of the main natural resources country and its place in the world community; extraction from the bowels of natural resources intensity in relation to general reserves and degree of extraction; characteristic climatic factors countries; degree of use of secondary resources; scarcity of certain types of resources in the regions of the country.

Influence of the scientific and technical factor. This factor is currently the most significant for firms in the territory. Russian Federation, since the company that owns more advanced technologies, equipment has great advantages (productivity, quality, speed).

cultural factor. These include: average level education of the population of the country; provision of the country's population with cultural facilities (theaters, cinemas, libraries, sports palaces and complexes and other cultural facilities); people's attitude to the environment; long-term development trends in the field of cultural values. Currently, there is an increase in the influence of this factor on Russian firms. First of all, this can be seen in the prosperity of such a business as tourism. For example, if in 1988 4.3 million people traveled abroad from the USSR. (including about 1 million through tourist organizations), then in 2008 - 2009 the figures increased almost 3 times. There has been a significant increase in the number travel companies. There is also an increase in the number of entertainment establishments (casinos, discos, bars). People began to turn to the church, and this, in turn, expands the market for firms associated with the production of church supplies.

1.3 Key environmental factors

external environment macro environment international

The study of the immediate environment of the organization is aimed at analyzing the state of those components of the external environment with which the organization is in direct interaction. At the same time, it is important that the organization can have a significant impact on the nature and content of this interaction and thus actively participate in the formation of additional opportunities and in the prevention of threats to its further existence.

In an environment of direct influence, the main thing is the market and the laws that regulate it. The enterprise and the market are two inherently different forms of coordination. economic activity. There are no market relations within the enterprise; they can only be imitated to improve production efficiency.

Analyzing buyers as components of the organization's immediate environment aims to build a profile of those who buy the product sold by the organization. Studying buyers allows an organization to better understand which product will be most in demand, how much sales the organization can expect, how much buyers are committed to the organization’s product, how much it can expand the circle of potential buyers, what the product expects in the future, etc. .

The idea of ​​the buyer can be compiled according to the following characteristics: geographical location; demographic characteristics (age, education, field of activity, etc.); socio-psychological characteristics (position in society, style of behavior, tastes, habits, etc.); the attitude of the buyer to the product (why he buys this product, whether he himself is a user of the product, how he evaluates the product, etc.).

By studying the buyer, the firm also understands for itself how strong his position is in relation to it in the bargaining process. If, for example, the buyer has limited opportunity choosing the seller of the goods he needs, then his bargaining power is significantly lower. Otherwise, the seller should seek to replace this buyer with another who would have less freedom in choosing the seller. The trading power of the buyer also depends on how important the quality of the purchased products is for him. There are a number of factors that determine the trading power of the buyer, which must be uncovered and studied in the analysis process. These include: the ratio of the degree of dependence of the buyer on the seller with the degree of dependence of the seller on the buyer; the volume of purchases made by the buyer; level of customer awareness; availability of substitute products; the sensitivity of the buyer to price, depending on the total cost of his purchases, on his orientation towards a certain brand, on the presence of certain requirements for the quality of the goods, on the amount of his income.

When measuring the indicator, it is important to pay attention to who pays, who buys and who consumes, since not all three functions are necessarily performed by the same person.

The analysis of suppliers is aimed at identifying features in the activities of entities supplying the organization with various raw materials, energy and information resources, etc., on which the efficiency of the organization, the cost and quality of the product produced by the organization depend.

Suppliers of materials and components, if they have great competitive power, can make the organization very dependent on themselves. Therefore, when choosing suppliers, it is important to deeply and comprehensively study their activities and their potential in order to build relationships with them that would provide the organization with maximum strength in interaction with suppliers. The competitive strength of the supplier depends on the level of specialization of the supplier, the value of the cost for the supplier to switch to other customers, the degree of specialization of the buyer in acquiring certain resources, the supplier's concentration on working with specific customers, the importance for the supplier of sales volume.

When studying suppliers of materials and components, first of all, attention should be paid to the following characteristics of their activities: the cost of the goods supplied; guarantee of the quality of the delivered goods; time schedule for the delivery of goods; punctuality and obligatory fulfillment of the terms of delivery of goods.

Consideration of competitors, those with whom the organization has to fight for the buyer and for the resources that it seeks to obtain from the external environment in order to ensure its existence, occupies a special and very important place in strategic management. This is necessary in order to identify weaknesses and strengths competitors and build your competitive strategy on the basis of this.

The subjects of the competitive environment are also those firms that can enter the market or that produce a replacement product. In addition to them, competitive environment organizations are significantly influenced by the buyers of its product and suppliers, who, having the power to bargain, can significantly weaken the position of the organization. It is important to take into account these features and create barriers to entry of potential competitors in advance (deep specialization in the production of a product, low costs due to economies of scale, control over distribution channels, use of local features that give an advantage in competition). Manufacturers of substitute products have very strong competitive power. The peculiarity of the market transformation in the case of the appearance of a replacement product is that if the old product is forced out, then it is already very difficult to return it to the market. Therefore, in order to be able to adequately meet the challenge from firms that produce a replacement product, the organization must have sufficient capacity to move to create a new type of product.

The study of the labor market is aimed at identifying its potential in providing the organization with the personnel necessary to solve its problems. The organization must study the labor market for the presence in this labor market of the necessary specialty and qualifications, the required level of education, the required age, gender, and labor costs. An important direction in the study of the labor market is the analysis of the policies of trade unions that influence the market, since in some cases they can severely restrict access to the labor force necessary for the organization.


Analysis of the environment is very important for the development of an organization's strategy and a very complex process that requires careful monitoring of the processes occurring in the environment, assessment of factors and establishing a connection between factors and those strong and weaknesses organization, as well as the opportunities and threats that are contained in the external environment. All factors of the external environment are complex in structure, are not subject to influence and are interconnected. A change in one of the factors necessarily leads to a change in other factors.

In order for an organization to effectively study the state of factors, a special system tracking the external environment. This system should carry out both special observations related to some special events, and regular observations of the state of external factors important for the organization.

The task of management is to maintain a balance between the organization and the external environment by creating a product and exchanging it in the external environment for the resources necessary to ensure the life of the organization. Strategic management is interested in how the organization should behave in the long term in order to achieve a balance in exchange with the external environment in the conditions of competitive interaction with other organizations, and thereby ensure the sustainable existence of the organization.

The organization studies the environment in order to ensure its successful progress towards its goals, develops a strategy for interacting with elements of the external environment that provides it with the most comfortable coexistence.

List of used literature

1. Ivanov I.N. Corporation Management: Textbook. - M.:INFRA-M, 2008

2. Management: Textbook / ed. V.V., Tomilova - M.: Yurayt-Izdat, 2009

3. Maksimtsov M.M., Ignatieva A.V., Komarov M.A. etc. Management: Textbook - M.: UNITI, 2009

4. Vakhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. Management: Textbook - 3rd ed. - M.: Gardiriki, 2010-528s.

5. Management (lecture notes). - M.: "Publishing house PRIOR", 2008-192s.

6. Porshnev A.G. Organization Management: Textbook / ed. A.G. Porshneva, Z.P. Rumyantseva, N.A. Salomatina. - 2nd ed. Revised add. - M.: INFRA-M - 2009. - 669 p.

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The success of an organization also depends critically on forces external to the organization and operating in the global external environment. In today's complex world to effectively perform managerial functions, it is necessary to understand the effect of these external variables. Modern organizations have to adapt to changes in the external environment and implement changes within themselves accordingly. Today's changes in the outside world make us pay special attention to the external environment. The organization as an open system depends on the outside world for the supply of resources, energy, personnel, and consumers. Since the survival of the organization depends on management, the manager must be able to identify significant factors in the environment that will affect his organization. It must also suggest suitable ways to respond to external influences. Organizations like biological organisms, must adapt to their environment in order to survive and remain effective.

Many environmental factors can influence an organization. Previously, managers focused mainly on economic and technical circumstances, but changing attitudes of people, social values, political forces and areas of legal responsibility forced to expand the range of external influences that require consideration.

Environmental factors are largely interrelated. The interrelationship of environmental factors is the level of force with which a change in one factor affects other factors. Just as a change in any internal variable can affect others, a change in one environmental factor can change others. For example, in connection with the current economic crisis, oil is getting cheaper on the world market. This, accordingly, has a negative impact on the Russian economy, since the Russian economy is directly dependent on natural resources, mainly on the sale of oil on the world market. And as a result, this situation affects, mainly in a negative way, organizations operating on the economic foothold of Russia.

The fact of interconnectedness is especially significant for the world market, as the world is rapidly turning into a single market. External factors can no longer be considered in isolation, they are interrelated and change rapidly. Experts even introduced the concept of “chaotic change” (hyperturbulence) to describe the external environment of the 80s, which was characterized by even faster changes and stronger interconnectedness compared to the previous period. Going forward, the pace of change will continue to increase, and the survival of an organization will be critically related to the level of knowledge the organization has of its environment.

The complexity of the external environment. The complexity of the external environment refers to the number of factors to which the organization must respond, as well as the level of variability of each factor. An organization that is under direct pressure from government regulations, contracting with unions, vested interest groups, multiple competitors, and rapid technological change is in a more complex environment than, for example, an organization that is preoccupied with the actions of only a few suppliers, a few non-union competitors and technology changes are slow. In terms of the diversity of factors in more than difficult conditions there will be an organization that uses many and different technologies, undergoing faster development than an organization that is not affected by all this. In a less complex environment, a less complex organizational structure and such organizations have to deal with a small number of parameters necessary for decision making.

The mobility of the environment. Environment fluidity is the rate at which changes occur in an organization's environment. Environment modern organizations changes at an increasing rate. The external environment is especially mobile, for example, in the pharmaceutical, chemical and electronic industries, while in mechanical engineering, the production of spare parts for automobiles, and in the confectionery industry, the rate of change is much lower. In addition, the mobility of the external environment may be higher for some departments of the organization and lower for others. For example, a research and development department may be faced with a highly fluid environment, and Production Department immersed in a relatively slowly changing environment. Given the complexity of operating in a highly mobile environment, an organization or its departments must rely on more diverse information to make effective decisions about their internal variables. This makes decision making a more difficult process.

Uncertainty of the external environment. The uncertainty of the external environment is a function of the amount of information that an organization (or person) has about a particular factor, as well as a function of confidence in this information. If information is scarce or there is doubt about its accuracy, the environment becomes more uncertain than when there is adequate information and there is reason to believe it is highly reliable. Dependence on the opinions of foreign experts or analytical materials presented on foreign language exacerbates the uncertainty. The more uncertain the external environment, the more difficult it is to make effective decisions.

The organization as an open system depends on the outside world for the supply of resources, energy, personnel, and consumers. Organizations must adapt to their environment in order to survive and remain effective.

The main characteristics of the influence of the external environment: Ilyenkova, S.D. Fundamentals of Management / Mosk. State. University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics, Institute of Dist. education. - M.: MESI, 2006. - S. 193.

  • 1. Interconnection of factors: the strength with which a change in one factor affects other factors.
  • 2. Complexity: The number and variety of factors that affect the organization in a meaningful way.
  • 3. Mobility: the relative rate of change in the environment.
  • 4. Uncertainty: the relative amount of information about the environment and confidence in its accuracy.

Absolutely all organizations are worried about the external environment in their environment. This is done in order to identify favorable opportunities and use them in the future to achieve all sorts of corporate goals and at the same time avoid the threat of obstacles. This process is the analysis of the factors of the external environment of the organization.

The very first step in the analysis of environmental factors is the collection of information about economic, social, technological and political trends that relate to changes in the environment of existence of an organization. For this, a certain employee can be appointed or an external consultant is invited, who must follow different sources of information, these can be:

  • newspapers and books
  • professional magazines,
  • Information Systems,
  • Scientific research,
  • the Internet,
  • libraries,
  • buyers, competitors, suppliers, etc.

It is these specialists who submit review reports to the management, which is responsible for organizing research on environmental factors. It should be noted that in very large organizations this is done all the time.

After the work done on collecting information, it is being discussed and evaluated. If questions arise, they are raised at meetings with managers. Because their task is to identify opportunities and threats and develop baselines of high performance depending on the identified opportunities and threats. As an example, an analysis of the environment can easily determine an increase in base interest rates, and as a result, an organization could, based on these indicators, reduce the amount of borrowed funds, which in turn would increase its profit and income. Once processed, managers prioritize all of these metrics and thus compile a list of important success factors. After that, it is transferred to the departments of the organization itself.

Characteristics of factors

All factors of the external environment of the organization are divided into 4 large groups:

  1. Legal and political.
  2. Economic.
  3. Cultural and social.
  4. Technological.

Each of them in its own way is part of the analysis of the environment, taken together, they provide a complete analysis of it.

Legal and political

Various factors of a state and legislative nature affect the level of opportunities and threats directly in the organization's activities. Foreign and national governments may well be for some organizations the most important regulators of their activities. This means that it is very important to see the influence of external factors on the organization in advance. Thus, the most important aspect of a complete analysis of the external environment may be an assessment of the political situation.

There are a lot of such factors, but their combinations are even more common. Here are the most common combinations in the process of conducting an analysis of the external environment.

  • The alignment of political forces,
  • changes in tax legislation,
  • patent law,
  • government spending,
  • federal Election,
  • money-credit policy,
  • government budgets,
  • political conditions in foreign countries,
  • government relations with other states.

Some of these factors have an impact on commercial organizations. It could even be a change in current tax laws. Some only affect a large number of firms operating in the market (antimonopoly law). The rest are important for political organizations(election results or the alignment of political forces).

But in spite of everything, to one degree or another, directly or indirectly, legal and political factors have an impact on all organizations, because laws apply to the quality of a particular raw material and to the import and export of goods.

Economic forces

There are a large number of economic factors that have an impact on an organization. This includes currency exchange, and lending, and taxes, and much more. The very ability of an organization to be profitable is particularly influenced by the state of the economy and the stage of development of its cycle. The macroeconomic climate will primarily determine how much high level the ability of organizations to achieve their economic goals. Naturally, bad economic conditions will reduce the demand for both goods and services of organizations, while good ones, of course, will increase it.

Also, economical external factors affecting the organization have a number of indicators, which in turn are also important.

These are such as:

  • interest rate (in the economy has a great influence on consumer demand). This means that often the buyer takes out a loan before purchasing the goods. But, if the interest is large, then he will not do this, since he simply cannot pay it.
  • currency exchange and its exchange rate (the value of the ruble in relation to the European currency and other monetary units different countries). Everything is connected with export and import to the world market. If the value of the ruble is too low or too high, then the benefits of both the export and import of various goods are lost.
  • economic growth, its pace (with an increase in growth in the economy, consumers' expenses automatically increase, and this, in turn, puts pressure on the organization; and a decrease in economic growth leads to competitive pressure and the threat of a crisis).
  • inflation (with inflation, organizations cannot plan further actions, because they do not know how much the value of money will increase, so to speak.)
  • economic conditions in other states;
  • consumption structure, its dynamics;
  • change in demand;
  • trade balance indicators;
  • trends in the securities market;
  • monetary and financial policy;
  • GNP dynamics;
  • tax rates;
  • the level of labor productivity.

Cultural and social

Cultural and social factors external influences on the organization, in turn, shape our life, or rather its style (consumption, work). They have a great impact on all organizations. An example is the fact that many have moved away from using CFCs in their production and have switched to recyclable packaging. What influenced both cultural and social environment. When identifying the most significant opportunities, the fact of an aging population and the increased number of women who work should be taken into account.

The main socio-cultural factors include:

  • fertility,
  • mortality,
  • disposable income,
  • quality attitude,
  • energy saving,
  • shopping habits,
  • educational standards,
  • life expectancy rate,
  • attitude towards work
  • goods and services,
  • life style,
  • problems of interethnic relations,
  • social welfare,
  • relation to the government
  • Social responsibility,
  • attitude towards rest.

Technological factors

It so happened that their influence on organizations is the most basic. revolutionary change technological processes had a huge impact on organizations. With the advent of nanotechnology, everything has changed. For example, record and cassette factories have closed because computers and other inventions of modern science have replaced everything.

Thus, the factors of the external environment of the organization are very important for its productive work. And when observing them, it is much easier to help improve the work of an organization.

The environment in one way or another affects the living organisms that live in it. may be direct or indirect. All elements of the environment that surrounds us that affect living organisms make up environmental factors. Depending on the nature of the origin, they are divided into biotic, anthropogenic and abiotic.

The latter include all elements inanimate nature. This includes climatic conditions, light, soil and water composition, etc. So, for many plants, light and water are important. The condition of the soil affects the nature of the vegetation.

Anthropogenic factors appear as a result of human activity. In recent years, they have had the greatest impact on the environment. This is due to the development of science and technology and the increase in population.

All three types of factors can affect living organisms simultaneously to a greater or lesser extent.

How environmental factors affect organisms depends on the strength with which they act. Since this effect is permanent, under normal conditions it does not have a detrimental effect. This is called the ecological optimum.

If there are deviations up or down, then the viability of organisms decreases. There is a limit to the endurance they can endure. This indicator may differ for each individual species or even individuals. This factor also influences the results. natural selection. Those living organisms that can adapt to external factors survive and continue to exist.

For each living organism, environmental factors have their own significance. The influence of each of them may be different in relation to each individual. So, for example, some plants cannot do without light and certain mineral compounds. Animals need food, water and oxygen. The presence of the latter is vital.

Environments can influence the strength of each other. Some are important for more living organisms, others are not so in demand.

A change in just one of them can affect the state of all living organisms.

The main external environment is light, water and temperature.
Light is essential for photosynthesis in many plants. Its presence determines the vegetation cover and, accordingly, the presence of animals.

Water is also considered one of the most important elements. Metabolic processes in every living organism take place with its participation. The availability of water also influences the number of populations and the nature of settlement.

Temperature affects many life processes of organisms.

Anthropogenic factors depend on human activity. But today they are the most influential. With the unreasonable use of resources, its change occurs, the disappearance of some living organisms. Sometimes these effects can be eliminated. Some of them do not require human intervention. Nature is capable of self-healing. In some cases, man must help nature to renew its potential. But sometimes there's nothing to fix.

Individuals are also affected by factors environment. Therefore, it is necessary to organize their activities more carefully and rationally.