Is it difficult to pass the exam in social studies? The main difficulties of the Unified State Exam in social studies. Unified State Exam in Social Studies

Any person who occupies a high social position in society strives to live up to his status and behave appropriately. From a person with the status of a banker, others expect very specific actions and do not expect others that do not correspond to their ideas about this status. Therefore, status and social role bind people's expectations. If expectations are formally expressed and recorded in any acts (laws) or in customs, traditions, rituals, they have the character social norms.

Although expectations may not be fixed, this does not make them cease to be expectations. Despite this, people expect a holder of a specific status to play a very specific role in accordance with the requirements that they place on this role. Society prescribes the requirements and norms of behavior for the status. For the correct performance of the role the individual is rewarded, for the wrong one he is punished.

A model of behavior focused on a certain status includes a set of status rights and responsibilities. Rights mean the ability to do certain actions conditioned by status. The higher the status, the greater the rights its owner is endowed with and the greater the range of responsibilities assigned to him.

A model of behavior focused on a certain status also has external insignia. Clothing is a social symbol that serves three primary functions: comfort, decorum, and conspicuous expression.

The function of status symbols is also performed by housing, language, behavior, and leisure.

(R.T. Mukhaev)

21. What, in the author’s opinion, connects social status and social role? What is this connection expressed in?

22. What two conditions are necessary for role behavior to become a social norm? How does society support the correct implementation of social norms?



Tasks 21–24 are a mini-test, including a fragment of a source and four task questions for its analysis and interpretation. The first two task questions (21, 22) are scored from 0 to 2 points, the next two (23, 24) - from 0 to 3 points. Thus, for complete correct execution In a mini-test with a text fragment, the examinee can receive 10 points.

When completing tasks 21 – 24 it is important:

2) Read the questions and underline in them the key words necessary to formulate the answer; determine the number of assessed elements in the task (What Andin what quantity required to be included in the answer).

3) Structure the response record.

If you can only answer part of the question, be sure to write down the answer within the scope of the question. Remember that elements of the answer can be given in the form of quotes from the text, as well as wording that is similar in meaning.

Task No. 21 requires the reproduction of information contained in the text in explicit form. When answering a task, you can use the question to record your answer.

Our example:

What,in the author’s opinion, connects social status and social role ? What is this connection expressed in?

There are two assessed elements in the task:

1) indicate what connects social status and social role

2) reveal what the connection is expressed in social status and social role.

Because It is most convenient to formulate an answer using the question itself; we can form the following sentences:

1) Social status and social role, in the author’s opinion, bind people’s expectations.

1) The connection between social status and social role is expressed in people’s expectation that the ownerspecific statuswill play a very specific role in accordance with the requirements that are presented to this role.

Task No. 22 is aimed not only at identifying the awareness of text perception, but also at interpreting the text. The answer can include both a quote from the text and a brief retelling of it.

Our example:

Whichtwo conditions are necessary to consolidate role behavior as a social norm ? How does society support the correct implementation of social norms?

1) Two conditions necessary to consolidate role behavior as a social norm:

Expectations must be formally expressed

Expectations must be recorded in any acts, customs, traditions, rituals.

2) The ways in which society supports the correct implementation of social norms:

For the correct performance of the role the individual is rewarded, for the wrong one he is punished.

Task No. 23 involves both text analysis and the use of additional social science knowledge. When answering, you do not need to use a direct answer in the text, but formulate the provisions yourself based on social science information.

Our example:

What three main functions of clothing as a social symbol does the author highlight? Using social science and historical knowledge, illustrate any two of them with examples.

Three main functions of clothing as a social symbol:

1) providing comfort

2) maintaining decorum (introduction school uniform allows you to avoid extraordinary clothing within educational process- a shirt, trousers and a sweater are more acceptable than shorts, wrestling shoes and flip-flops in a math lesson).

3) demonstrative expression (each caste in ancient india wore clothes of a certain color, which made it possible to determine a person’s social affiliation to a particular class).

Please note that the examples provided must have sufficient high degree specification.

Task No. 24 built onindependent formulation and argumentation of judgments related to the problems of the text. You must be able to evaluate social science processes and events and competently prove your assessment.

Our example:

Give the position of the text that reflects the relationship between the status of an individual, on the one hand, and the range and scope of rights and responsibilities that he or she has, on the other. Based on social science knowledge, give two arguments to substantiate this position.

1) The position of the text, reflecting the relationship between the status of an individual, on the one hand, and the range and scope of rights and responsibilities that he has, on the other:

the higher the status, the greater the rights its owner is endowed with and the greater the range of responsibilities assigned to him.

2) Arguments justifying this position:

A person holding a high position in social hierarchy, has the ability to make decisions regarding third parties (dismissal, signing a decree).

A person occupying a high position in the social hierarchy is responsible both for himself and for third parties (ensuring the activities of the enterprise and the employment of workers).

Task No. 25 requires revealing the meaning of a social science concept, as well as making two sentences to it.

Our example:

What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “political regime”? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the criterion(s) for identifying types political regimes, and one sentence revealing the features of a democratic regime.

1) Definition of the concept of “political regime”:

A political regime is a set of methods for exercising power and achieving political goals.

The task does not require memorizing complex terms, which are sometimes not even always clear to the graduate:

Political regime - way of organization political system, which reflects the relationship between government and society, the level of political freedom and character political life in the country.

The task requires revealing the content of the concept specified in the task.

2) A proposal containing information about the criterion(s) for identifying types of political regimes:

The criteria for identifying types of political regimes are the scope of human rights and freedoms, methods of exercising state power, the nature of relations between the state and society, etc.

3) A proposal revealing the features of a democratic regime:

The democratic regime is based on the principles of democracy, freedom and equality of citizens.

The determining factor in the answer is the definition of the concept. If the meaning of the concept is revealed incorrectly with any number of other elements of the answer, the task is scored 0 points.

In conditiontask No. 26 contains a requirement to illustrate with examples any social object. Please note that when answering, you should first write down the position/concept, and then the corresponding example.

Our example:

Name and illustrate with examples any three grounds for acquiring property rights provided for Civil Code RF.

1) processing and collection or extraction of things generally available for these purposes (Konstantin Ivanov collected in the forest near the city. Nizhny Novgorod blueberries).

2) creation (manufacturing) of a new thing (Petr Martsev painted a picture of one of the most picturesque places in Nizhny Novgorod - the arrow).

3) acquisition of ownership rights on the basis of an agreement or other transaction on the alienation of a thing (Yulia Soboleva purchased a laptop at the Tekhnosila store).

Task 27 represents a task task.

Our example:

According to the UN, about 113 million children in the world do not attend school for one reason or another. 97% (about 110 million people) of them live in third world countries: 48.5 million people - in the countries of South and South-East Asia; 42.3 million people are in African countries. Draw two conclusions based on the analysis of the data provided. Based on social science data and media materials, indicate one of the possible reasons that it is the countries of these regions that lead in the number of children out of school.

Elements assessed:

1) Two conclusions based on the table

1) Two conclusions based on the table:

A) The majority (97% of students) of students developed countries world attend classes.

B) Among the “third world” countries, the countries of South and Southeast Asia lead in the number of those who do not take part in training.

C) The number of people not attending school in third world countries is higher than in developed countries.

2) A proposal about the reason why the countries of these regions lead in the number of children out of school.

A) In “third world” countries, schoolchildren with early childhood have to work to provide their own food.

B) Low level social economic development prevents Third World governments from creating a wide network educational institutions financed from state budget and free for the population of these countries.

Task No. 28 assumes:

1) drawing up a detailed plan

2) disclosure of the content of the topic on its merits

To successfully complete the task, you must adhere to the following steps:

2) Remember the content of the topic

3) Divide the content of the topic into semantic parts and title them. In headings (points of the plan)should not similar formulations are repeated.

4) Detail at least two points

5) Check if all the main ideas are reflectedsequentially in the plan (if necessary, make adjustments).

6) Write down the answer in answer form No. 2.

Our example:

You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Taxes and their impact on the country’s economy.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

1) Definition of the concept of “taxes”.

2) Functions of taxes:

A) fiscal

B) distribution

B) stimulating

D) social and educational

D) specific accounting

3) Tax systems:

A) proportional;

B) progressive;

B) regressive.

4) Direct taxes

A) income tax individuals;

B) corporate income tax;

5) Indirect taxes

A) excise taxes;

B) value added tax;

6) Federal taxes

A) value added tax;

B) excise taxes;

C) personal income tax;

7) Regional taxes:

A) tax on property of organizations;

B) tax on gambling business;

B) transport tax.

8) Local taxes:

A) land tax;

B) tax on property of individuals;

B) trade fee.

9) The impact of taxes on the economic activity of market entities

10) The role of taxes in creating a positive investment climate

The absence of points 2, 3 and 9 of the plan in this or similar formulation will not allow us to reveal the content of this topic on its merits.

Assessment criteria for assignment No. 28

K1. Expanding the topic – 2 points

The plan must contain at least two mandatory points specified in the expert’s criteria for testing the Unified State Exam in social studies.

K2 Number of plan points – 1 point

As stated in the condition, the plan must consist of at least three points, two of which are detailed in subparagraphs.

K3 Correctness of wording – 1 point

The wording of paragraphs and subparagraphs of the plan should not contain errors or inaccuracies.

Task No. 29

When choosing a statement for your mini-essay, you should pay attention toa number of conditions:

1) is the meaning of the statement clear, is the problem associated with this statement clear?

2) the opportunity to express one’s attitude to the statement

3) knowledge of terminology

4) the ability to give examples from history, social life, own experience

The task is assessed according to several criteria.

K1 - Revealing the meaning of the statement – ​​1 point

Please note that if the meaning is revealed incorrectly (not disclosed), then the answer is not checked further.

K2 - Nature and level of theoretical argumentation – 2 points

The topic should be covered not only on individual concepts, but also on reasoning, conclusions and theoretical positions.

K3 - Correct use of concepts, theoretical positions, reasoning and conclusions – 1 point

Each of you can receive an additional point for a mini-essay in 2018 if there are no errors in the theoretical argumentation.

K4 – Factual argumentation – 2 points

The mini-essay must contain at least two examples of different sources(media reports, materials of educational subjects, facts of personal social experience and own observations).

Our example:

Choose one of the statements below, reveal its meaning, indicating, if necessary, different aspects of the problem posed by the author (the topic raised). When expressing your thoughts about the raised problem (designated topic), when arguing your point of view, use the knowledge gained from studying the social studies course, relevant concepts, as well as facts of social life and your own life experience.

One of the options for constructing a mini-essay

1. Quote

3. The meaning of the statement

4. Own point of view

5. Theoretical argumentation

6. Factual argument

7. Conclusion

“The beginning of personality comes much later than the beginning of the individual.” (B.G. Ananyev)

B.G. Ananyev in his statement crushes the problem of socialization and the formation of personality throughout her life. This problem is relevant in modern conditions, since the process of socialization, the entry of a new generation into the system public relations will never lose its significance. In addition, even today, discussions about the relationship between the biological and social components in humans continue.

The author believes that a person (a social being with reason and consciousness, as well as a subject of socio-historical activity and culture ) is born as an individual (a single representative of the human race, a specific bearer of all social and psychological traits of humanity ), and only in the process of socialization (the process of assimilation by an individual of social norms, cultural values ​​and patterns of behavior of the society to which he belongs ) he becomes a person (a human individual who is a subject of conscious activity, possessing a totality of social significant features, properties and qualities that he realizes in public life ).

I support the author's opinion. To support my position, I consider it appropriate to cite the hero of R. Kipling’s novel “Mowgli”. Since childhood, the boy, being brought up in an animal community, was unable to accept the rules of behavior, morality and ethics of his contemporary society, and therefore could not become part of it.

This is confirmed by R. Kipling's novel and media reports. In 2007, media attention focused on the life of a Cambodian girl, Rochom Pyengeng, who went into the jungle at the age of 8 and saw her parents 18 years later. After spending a huge amount of time in the jungle for 18 years, the girl was unable to adapt to living conditions in the human community and went into the jungle. This example confirms that both the biological and social aspects of a person’s essence are important.

Another example of the opinion of B.G. Ananyev is the life of Imanuel Kant. Not possessing by nature good health, thanks to his determination and fortitude, he entered the history of world philosophy as one of greatest philosophers, which would not be useful to him in the wild.

To summarize the above, it is worth agreeing with the opinion of B.G. Ananyev and his opinion on the formation of man in the system of social relations.

Written part of the Unified State Exam in social studies always causes difficulties for graduates. This requires not only confident knowledge theoretical material, but also the application of one’s own knowledge, broad outlook and understanding social interactions. I propose to analyze the real tasks of Part 2, encountered at the Unified State Exam 2016.

Part 2 of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies

Let us immediately highlight several blocks of “difficulties” associated with solving them on the Unified State Exam:

  1. Lack of time (a significant amount of written part, the need to write it out in a draft, and then carefully transfer the notes to the clean copy - answer forms 2);
  2. Insufficient knowledge of the theory of basic social sciences
  3. Inability to apply this knowledge in practice, giving examples from social practice and from one’s own life;
  4. Insufficient understanding of how to correctly, and in a “favorable” light, formulate an answer that will be checked by a subjectively minded person -

Let us also note that it is these tasks that will bring you about half of all possible points that you can score in the exam on the Unified State Exam - 27 out of 62, according to the evaluation criteria in

Real tasks and answers for Part 2 of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2016

I propose to look at how the work of Part 2 was completed by one of the graduates at the Unified State Exam in 2016, and then analyze it. First, let's look at the completed answer forms 2:

Now let’s look at the texts of the assignments and the deduction received by the graduate for completing the assignments of part 2:

Text (tasks 21-24)

Guarantees of law and order

IN rule of law exists the whole system guarantees of law and order. Guarantees of law and order refer to such conditions of public life and special measures. adopted by the state, which ensure a strong regime of legality and stability of law and order in society. There are different material, political, legal and moral guarantees of law and order.

Material guarantees include the following: economic structure society, within which equivalent relations are established between producers and consumers of material goods. With equivalent market commodity relations, a real material basis for normal functioning is created civil society. Under these conditions, any subject of law becomes economically free and independent. Supported and protected by law, it fully realizes its capabilities in the sphere of material production, which is the most important guarantee of law and order in society. A financially secure and socially protected individual, as a rule, conforms his behavior to the law, since his interests are guaranteed by the regime of legality and are objectively embodied in the legal order.

Political guarantees of legality and order are all elements of the political system of society that support and reproduce social life based on legal laws reflecting objective laws social development. The state, its bodies, various public associations and private organizations, labor collectives, that is, all links of the modern political system of society, in the interests of their livelihoods, fully support the necessary regime of legality and the stability of law and order. Those political organizations or separate politicians Those who oppose the order established by law are deprived of state protection.

Legal guarantees include activities government agencies and institutions specifically aimed at preventing and suppressing violations of law and order. It is carried out by legislative, executive and judiciary state power. The main directions in the fight against crime are formed by legislatures, issuing appropriate regulations, providing for legal liability for illegal actions. Direct work on the prevention and suppression of offenses is carried out by state law enforcement agencies. In the presence of sufficiently strong economic and political guarantees law enforcement state effectively ensures an optimal regime of legality and stability of law and order.

The moral guarantees of legality and order are a favorable moral and psychological environment in which legal rights and obligations of participants in legal relations; the level of their spirituality and culture; sensitivity and attention of government bodies and officials to people, their interests and needs. In creating a healthy moral environment in the field legal regulation all links of the political system of society participate, including charity organisations, cultural and art institutions, schools, higher education educational establishments, church. A morally healthy society is a society that functions on the basis of laws, in conditions of a stable legal order.

Legality and order in society are ensured by the entire system of guarantees, which organically interact with each other, are interdependent and complement each other.

  1. 2 points out of 2 possible.
  1. 2 points out of 2 possible.

What system, according to the author, is the basis for the normal economic development of society? How does the text explain that subjects economic activity Are you interested in ensuring law and order? Illustrate this interest with an example.

  1. 1 point out of 3 possible.

Which branch examples

  1. 1 point out of 3 possible.

  1. 2 points out of 3possible.

What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “social group”?
Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences:
one sentence containing information about the species social groups, and one sentence containing information about any of the functions of social groups.

  1. 3 points out of 3 possible.

Name and illustrate with (specific) examples the three types imperfect competition.

  1. 3 points out of 3possible.

A young person aged 16 years is hired under the following conditions: without medical examination, working day from 16 to 23 hours, vacation only after 6 months of work, and besides this, pay is hourly. It is necessary to find violations committed by the employer and explain them.

  1. 3 points out of 3 possible.

Topic plan “Activity as a form of human interaction with the outside world.”

29.3 3 points out of 5: 1(1) 1(2) 1(2)

“True patriotism as a private manifestation of love for humanity does not coexist with hostility towards individual nations” (N.A. Dobrolyubov).

Analysis of task completion of part 2

We will not comment or dwell in detail on those tasks where the maximum possible points were awarded. In the form of a joint analysis of the graduate and Unified State Exam expert Evgeniy Sergeevich Kotsar, we will analyze those moments for which the graduate might not receive maximum score:

23. 1 point out of 3

Which branch Do you know from your social studies course? Name them and bring them examples their activities to ensure law and order.

Alumni comments:

  • the condition did not say that examples should be specific.
    In addition, the Methodological Recommendations for Social Science Experts on page 18 states:

« Examples there may be facts of the past and present, gleaned from the personal social experience of graduates or that have become publicly known; real events, examples from art and simulated situations. In the answers allowed varying degrees specification , and in this regard, some examinees may follow the path of increasingly clarifying the initial position itself, highlighting its sides, aspects, forms of manifestation, etc.; others may give preference to individual facts that embody features (characteristics) of the general.”

  • I suspect that they gave only one point out of three because only the 3rd example seemed concrete to them, and the first two were considered for what in the criteria from the Demo version is called “Reasoning of a general type is given.”

Let's say the second example really looks like “general reasoning”. But why is the 1st example bad? In essence, it says about the development of a bill regulating the sphere economic relations, and the essence of this bill is indicated

  • Perhaps they would like to see in each example a link to some state. organ, i.e. so that in each example the subject of this activity is indicated. For example, in the 3rd I say about the court, but in the first two there is no such subject. But as far as I remember, the conditions did not say anything about the authorities - it was necessary to write about branches authorities. If, after all, it was not about branches, but about something more specific, then, probably, they removed it fairly

And yet, I think you can try to appeal 1 point for the first example.

Expert comment:

The second argument will definitely not be taken into account, “implementation of measures... (?which???)”

I agree that the 3rd example was most likely taken into account (more specifics), but also that it is possible to fight for the 1st (the wording of the task did not provide for specifics, the functions of the legislative branch are not distorted). The excerpt from the Methodological Recommendations is absolutely correct.

  1. 1 point out of 3

Using social science knowledge, give three explanations for the fact that a regime of legality and stable law and order contributes to ensuring the normal functioning of society.

Alumni comment:

IN in this case I don’t understand at all why there is only one point out of three. If you look at the answer to task 24 of the question, it doesn’t seem to require any specifics. Except that perhaps my writing is more detailed and more difficult to understand on first reading. In addition, various terms from the course are used quite actively.

A score of 1 means that the experts accepted only one of the three explanations. But in my opinion, here all three explanations are essentially the same in nature. That is, if we assume that there is some kind of flaw in one of the explanations, then the same flaw must be in the others. In this case, it was necessary to put either 0 or all 3 points. But I don’t see any problems with the explanation here, so I’m more inclined towards 3 points.

Unified State Exam 2017. Social studies. Workshop. Part 2 tasks.

Lazebnikova A.Yu., Rutkovskaya E.L.

M.: 2017. - 96 p. The social studies workshop is aimed at preparing students high school to the successful delivery of the One state exam . The manual contains all types of tasks of part 2, several dozen tasks of a high level of complexity for practicing each type of task, as well as recommendations for completing tasks of a high level of complexity, analysis of common mistakes, answers and evaluation criteria for tasks of part 2. The book is intended for teachers, parents, tutors, as well as high school students for self-study to the Unified State Exam.

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Preface 4
Features of tasks of part 2 6
Tasks for working with text (21-24) 10
Characteristics of texts 10
Characteristics of tasks 13
Common mistakes 22
Test yourself 27
How to work with text on exam 37
Training tasks 38
Disclosure of the meaning of a concept and its application in a given context (25) 46
Purpose of the task and assessment criteria 46
Common mistakes 49
Tips and tricks 51
Training tasks „ 53
Tasks to specify theoretical positions (26) 54
Tasks-tasks (27) 59
Training tasks 70
Tasks for drawing up a plan (28) 75
Features of drawing up a plan for the proposed topic 75
Training tasks 77
Task 29 83
Social science essay: specifics of task 83
Examples and comments 91

Part 2 is the most the hard part Unified State Examination in Social Studies. It contains tasks with detailed, freely formulated answers, mainly high complexity. The exception is tasks for texts 21 and 22, the purpose of which is to test not so much the level of students’ knowledge, but rather their ability to extract information from the presented text. At the same time, these tasks provide assistance in comprehending the text and its subsequent analysis.
High-level tasks 23-29 are designed to test the breadth and depth of students’ mastery of social science material and identify the level of their intellectual skills. These tasks require the ability to provide arguments, facts, examples to substantiate a particular theoretical position, formulate one’s own point of view, and connect theoretical knowledge and specific opinions and social situations. These same tasks also provide for identifying students’ general erudition, the ability to use contextual knowledge, as well as knowledge of related humanities: history, literature, geography.
The work ends with task 29 - a mini-essay on one of five topics, presented in the form of an aphoristic statement. Each essay topic relates to one of the six basic sciences of the social studies course: philosophy, economics, sociology, and social psychology, political science or law. While completing this task, the examinee selects a topic statement. Having chosen a topic, the graduate can demonstrate his knowledge and skills in the content of the social science course that is most attractive to him.

Is it difficult to pass the Unified State Exam in Social Studies? This is the question asked by everyone who decides to choose this subject. At first glance, the subject is not difficult, which is why the vast majority of those graduates who have not yet fully decided where they will enroll choose it. Also, according to statistics, social studies is chosen by all weak students, that is, those who have problems with most other subjects. They don’t even suspect that in reality it is very difficult to pass the Unified State Exam in social studies and get high scores. Why? Because there are specific difficulties here, which we will talk about in this article.

The first difficulty. High passage threshold. Competition.

The passing threshold for social studies has become very high since 2016. In 2018 it is 41. Therefore, there are a lot of twos. Parents and graduates are shocked. They came as a complete surprise to them. Moreover, even the guys who studied with a tutor get bad marks.

The problem is that the USE in social studies is chosen 10 times more than, for example, the USE in physics or the USE in chemistry. Social studies is required for admission to most humanitarian universities, and even for the most popular legal or economic education (and this is despite the overcrowding of these professions in the labor market!). Hence the high competition. That is, in order for the test to be successful, you must score at least 75-80 points. And this is already a difficult task.

The second difficulty. A huge amount of information.

Social studies, how school subject consists of five main sections, each of which includes an entire science. That is, you need to study five sciences at once. Here they are:

  • Philosophy
  • Sociology
  • Political science
  • Economy
  • Right

And when studying the spiritual sphere, they also partially study

  • Cultural studies
  • Art history
  • Religious Studies
  • Aesthetics

All these disciplines are studied in universities as separate subjects and are studied for years, and even in different faculties and even in different universities. This is how economics is studied Faculty of Economics, and law in legal terms. Hence the mountains. And all of them must be mastered in two years, or even one.

Difficulty three. Traps in the first part.

Out of twenty test tasks, there are always two or three tasks that baffle even experienced teachers and tutors. These are so-called double-answer questions.

For example. What type of society should the parliament be classified as: pre-industrial, industrial or post-industrial? The correct answer is the second one. But there was a parliament and pre-industrial society? After all, in England and France it arose when there was no sign of industry. And in post-industrial society it has not gone away either. Where can you guess the logic of the authors of the question? It's easy to make a mistake. You just need to know the answer.

Difficulty four. Cases and typos.

As soon as you change the case in a word or phrase, the computer will immediately generate an error. In addition, he may make an error if he does not understand the letter. And this happens. Scanners are very capricious.

In one case out of five, graduates make mistakes simply due to inattention, which is a consequence of mental and nervous overstrain.

Difficulty number five. Subjectivity of the inspector in the second part.

The person checking the second part is a person. Social studies is a humanitarian subject, and therefore variable. There may be incompatibility between the thinking of the reviewer and the writer.

The inspector may be given a setting. They can give the installation “ Check very strictly!", can give the setting " Check very loyal O". Do you think such installations are not given? They still give it.

Difficulty six. Ignorance of definitions, concepts and meanings.

In the second part, it is very important to know the definitions, understand the terms and concepts, and use them when writing an Essay.

Now we see that passing the Unified State Exam in social studies is quite difficult. And the preparation must be the most thorough. All means of preparation cannot be neglected here. Quality work in school lessons, tutoring.

A natural question arises:


In order to prepare well (especially if the preparation comes from scratch, and, as a rule, 80% of high school students have zero knowledge at the beginning of the 11th grade, believe my twenty years of teaching experience), you must first master the basic knowledge. But here is another difficulty! What is important and what is secondary in this sea of ​​information and mountains of textbooks? Who can help figure this out? Who will reveal the most complex theory and who will give practice?

Materials for exams (grade 11)

Thematic training tasks Unified State Exam in Social Studies

This section contains practice tests Unified State Exam assignments all types (A, B, C) grouped into thematic blocks: "Man and Society", " Social relations", "Politics", "Economics", "Law". The first file in each thematic block contains the texts of the tasks, the second file contains the answers to the tasks.

1. Repetition of all paragraphs of one of the sections of the textbook.

2. Solving all test tasks in the corresponding section.

3. Self-test using a file with answers, correcting errors.

4. Self-analysis of errors (number, possible causes).

5. Repetition of those paragraphs of the section, the content of which is associated with the majority of errors.

6. Consultations with the teacher on problematic issues.

Reminders for completing Unified State Exam assignments in social studies (C1 - C9)

Unified state exam in history and social studies 2012:

demo version of tasks in history and social studies

  • demo version of the tasks of the Unified State Exam 2011,
  • codifier of content elements for compiling control measurement materials (CMM) for the 2011 unified state exam - Please note the sections of your chosen subject included in the exam that need to be repeated
  • specification exam paper Unified State Exam 2011 - materials intended for teachers.

The site presents control measurement materials on history, social studies and other subjects.

Unified State Exam (social studies): examples of type "C" tasks

The third part (C) of the Unified State Examination tasks in social studies requires detailed answers from examinees. This is a practically oriented part of the examination paper, giving maximum amount points for each task.


The last task of block C involves the examinee stating his point of view, position on the problems raised in the given statements (the examinee chooses one of six statements by different thinkers related to such humanities as: philosophy, psychology, sociology, economics, political science, law, religious studies etc.). To prepare for the successful completion of “C 9” tasks, students are offered these recommendations (memo).