Theory and methodology of e-education in informatics. Lectures

Chapter 1

1.1 Methods of teaching informatics as a pedagogical science

Together with the introduction to the school of the general education subject "Fundamentals of Informatics and computer science» formation began new area pedagogical science - methods teaching computer science , whose object is informatics training. The course of methods of teaching informatics appeared in the country's universities in 1985, and in 1986 the publication of the methodical journal "Computer Science and Education" began.

An important role in the development of computer science teaching methodology was played by didactic research on the goals and content of general cybernetic education, accumulated national school even before the introduction of the subject of computer science, practical experience in teaching students elements of cybernetics, algorithmization and programming, elements of logic, computational and discrete mathematics, etc.

The theory and methodology of teaching computer science should include the study of the process of teaching computer science wherever it takes place and at all levels: preschool period, school period, all types of secondary educational institutions, higher school, independent study of computer science, distance learning, etc. Each of these areas currently poses its own specific problems for modern pedagogical science.

The theory and methodology of teaching informatics is currently being intensively developed; The school subject of computer science is already almost twenty years old, but many problems in the new pedagogical science have arisen quite recently and have not yet had time to receive either a deep theoretical substantiation or a lengthy experimental verification.

In accordance with the general goals of teaching, the methodology of teaching computer science sets itself the following main tasks: to determine the specific goals of studying computer science, as well as the content of the corresponding general education subject and its place in the curriculum high school; to develop and offer the school and the teacher-practitioner the most rational methods and organizational forms of education aimed at achieving the set goals; consider the entire set of teaching aids for informatics (textbooks, software, technical means etc.) and develop recommendations for their application in the practice of the teacher.

The content of the subject of the methodology of teaching informatics determines its two main sections: general methodology, which discusses the general theoretical foundations of the methodology of teaching computer science, the totality of the main software and hardware, and private (specific) technique- methods of studying specific topics of the school course of informatics.

The methodology of teaching informatics is a young science, but it was not formed by itself. Being an independent scientific discipline, in the process of formation it absorbed the knowledge of other sciences, and in its development it relies on the results obtained by them. These sciences are philosophy, pedagogy, psychology, developmental physiology, computer science, as well as generalized practical experience in the methods of other general subjects of secondary school.

1.3 The subject of the theory and methodology of teaching computer science.

A modern teacher of informatics is not only a subject, it is a conductor of modern ideas and teaching technologies using a computer at school. It is at school that the attitude to the means of information technology is laid: either fear and alienation, or interest and the ability to use it to solve practical problems. The course "Theory and Methods of Teaching Informatics" should cover both the current state of schools in the field of computerization, and tomorrow, when distance communication and education of schoolchildren will become commonplace.

The proposed course reflects the features of teaching computer science by age, highlighting three levels: students of primary, secondary and senior classes. In an effort to reflect the features of the content of education, the following areas are distinguished:

    general education level,

    deep learning,

    specialized education, i.e. the features of teaching computer science in classes with a technical, mathematical, humanitarian and aesthetic bias.

One of the problems of the computer science course is software. A wide variety of types of school PCs, as well as the current trend of rapid progress in the development of software does not allow you to do anything full review pedagogical software.

The subject is intended to provide theoretical and practical training for teachers in the field of computer science teaching methodology.

Purpose of the course - to prepare a methodically competent computer science teacher capable of:

    conduct lessons at a high scientific and methodological level; - organize extracurricular work in informatics at school;

    to assist subject teachers who wish to use computers in teaching.

Course objectives :

    to prepare the future teacher of informatics for the methodically competent organization and conduct of classes in informatics;

    inform the techniques and methods of teaching informatics, developed to date;

    to teach various forms of extracurricular work in informatics;

    to develop the creative potential of future computer science teachers, which is necessary for the competent teaching of the course, since the course undergoes great changes every year.

Requirements for the level of mastering the content of the discipline

As a result of studying the discipline, the student must:

    understand the role of informatics in the formation of a comprehensively developed personality;

    know the basic concepts of teaching computer science, as well as programs and textbooks developed on their basis;

    be able to use the course software support and evaluate its methodological feasibility;

    be able to organize classes in computer science for students of different age groups.


      goals and objectives of teaching computer science at school

      basic computer science course

      differentiated teaching of computer science at the senior level

      organization of teaching computer science at school

The connection between the methodology of teaching computer science and the science of computer science, psychology, pedagogy and other subjects

The discipline "Theory and methods of teaching computer science", being an independent scientific discipline, has absorbed the knowledge of other sciences: computer science, psychology, and pedagogy. Since the object of study in the course of teaching computer science are the concepts of computer science, the course takes into account their specifics, any presentation of the material is carried out in accordance with the basic concepts of computer science: information, model, algorithm.

When selecting methods and organizational forms of work in the classroom, it is necessary to take into account the subjective psychological characteristics of students, knowledge about this is provided by the science of psychology.

The methodology is part of didactics, which in turn is part of pedagogy. Therefore, it uses the methods of research of pedagogy, the laws and principles of didactics are implemented. When teaching computer science, all known methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities are used, namely, general didactic teaching methods: information-receptive, methods of problem presentation, heuristic, research, etc.

Forms of organizing classes - frontal, individual and group, or in another classification: lecture, conversation, survey, excursion, laboratory work, workshop, seminar, etc.

It is possible to establish connections between the methodology of teaching informatics and almost any science.

The teaching of informatics at the modern level is based on information from various areas of scientific knowledge: biology (biological self-governing systems, such as a person, another living organism), history and social science (social social systems), Russian language (grammar, syntax, semantics, etc.), logic (thinking, formal operations, truth, falsehood), mathematics (numbers, variables, functions, sets, signs, actions), psychology (perception, thinking, communications) .

When teaching computer science, it is necessary to navigate the problems of philosophy (ideological approach to the study of the system-information picture of the world), philology (the study of text editors, systems artificial intelligence), mathematics and physics (computer modeling), painting and graphics (studying graphic editors, multimedia systems), etc. Thus, a computer science teacher should be a widely erudite person, and constantly replenishing his knowledge


1. The role and importance of the game in the educational process.

2. types and classifications of gaming techniques

3. requirements for the implementation of game methods in computer science lessons in primary grades

4. outline of the lesson using gaming techniques.


The game, being a simple and close to a person way of cognizing the surrounding reality, should be the most natural and accessible way to master certain knowledge, skills and abilities. The existing need for a rational construction, organization and application of it in the process of training and education requires a more thorough and detailed study of it.

The game is a unique phenomenon of human culture, its source and peak. In none of his activities does a person demonstrate such self-forgetfulness, exposure of his psycho-physiological and intellectual resources, as in the game. That is why the game expands its principles, invading previously unpredictable areas of human life.

The game as a cultural phenomenon teaches, educates, develops, socializes, entertains, and gives rest. The game reveals the character of the child, his views on life, his ideals. Without realizing it, children in the process of playing come closer to solving complex life problems.

For children, the game is a continuation of life, where fiction is the edge of truth. “The game is the regulator of all life positions of the child. She preserves and develops the “childish” in children, she is their school of life and “development practice”

In our work, we tried to show the importance of the learning game

Purpose of the study :

Research objectives :

1) consider the role of the game in the informatics lesson in primary grades

2) determine the types and classifications of gaming techniques

3) describe the requirements for the implementation of game methods in the informatics lesson in primary grades

4) draw up a plan-outline of the lesson using gaming techniques

Object of study : the influence of the game on the learning process and on the process of forming knowledge, skills and abilities.

Subject of study : didactic game as a means of increasing the effectiveness of the educational process

The role and importance of the game in the educational process

On the present stage school should not only form a certain set of knowledge in students. It is necessary to awaken and constantly support their desire for self-education, the realization of creative abilities.

It is extremely important for the most early stages learning to ignite in each student an interest in learning. This interest must be constantly maintained. It has long been noticed that a person remains in memory, and, accordingly, in skills, much more when he participates in the process with interest, and does not observe from the side.

There is a need for such an implementation within the education system that would allow schoolchildren different ages carry out tasks with interest.

The use of non-traditional, non-standard forms of education has a beneficial effect on the educational process.

Non-traditional lesson is a lesson that is characterized non-standard approach

  • to content selection educational material;
  • to a combination of teaching methods;
  • to external design

The game is a learning method, its main goal is to deepen interest in learning and thereby increase the effectiveness of learning. The game has great importance in a child's life. Outwardly seeming carefree and easy, in fact, the game requires the child to give the maximum of his energy, mind, endurance, independence. Often a teacher prefers to conduct classes with children in the usual form for them and for him only because he is afraid of the noise and disorder that often accompany the game. For students, a lesson-game is a transition to a different psychological state, a different style of communication, positive emotions, a sense of themselves in a new quality. For a teacher, a lesson-game, on the one hand, is an opportunity to better know and understand students, evaluate their individual characteristics, solve internal problems (for example, communication), on the other hand, it is an opportunity for self-realization, a creative approach to work, and the implementation of one's own ideas.

When the children learn to play, and the teacher manages the game, he will begin to feel how everyone in the game obeys him, is in his power. The conditions of the game require the child's speed of thought, special attention to emotional stress, he must enter the game. The main task of the teacher is to encourage such games for children, to teach during the game to support children's initiative in inventing and organizing various games to provide them with the necessary assistance. We must not forget that the didactic game is very emotionally saturated. Participating in it, the child experiences excitement, joy from a successfully completed task, grief over failure, a desire to test his strength again. A general emotional upsurge captures all children, even usually passive ones.

The game stimulates better memorization and understanding of the material being studied, and also the game helps to increase motivation and allows the student to use the senses in a complex way when perceiving information, as well as independently and repeatedly reproduce it in new situations.

Play is an activity whose motive lies within itself. That is, such an activity that is carried out not for the sake of the result, but for the sake of the process itself.

AT modern school widely used in informatics classes. gaming technology. You can play whole lesson or use game fragments in the classroom, we must not forget about the effectiveness of using this technology outside of class time.

Of course, the game should not be an end in itself, should not be carried out only for the entertainment of children. It must necessarily be didactic, i.e. subordinate to those specific educational tasks that are solved in the lesson, in the structure of which it is included. Because of this, the game is planned in advance, its place in the structure of the lesson is thought out, the form of its implementation is determined, and the material necessary for the game is prepared.

Didactic games are good in a system with other forms and methods of teaching. Usage didactic games should be aimed at achieving the goal: to give the student knowledge that corresponds to the current level of development of any science, in particular computer science.

At school, a special place is occupied by such forms of classes that ensure the active participation in the lesson of each student, increase the authority of knowledge and individual responsibility of students for the results of educational work. These tasks can be successfully solved through the technology of game forms of learning.

Game learning differs from other pedagogical technologies in that the game:

1. a well-known, familiar and favorite form of activity for a person of any age.

2. one of the most effective means activation, involving participants in gaming activities due to the meaningful nature of the gaming situation itself, and capable of causing them high emotional and physical stress. Difficulties, obstacles, psychological barriers are much easier to overcome in the game.

3. motivational in nature. In relation to cognitive activity, it requires and evokes in the participants initiative, perseverance, creativity, imagination, aspiration.

4. allows you to solve the issues of transferring knowledge, skills, abilities; to achieve a deep personal awareness of the participants of the laws of nature and society; allows them to have an educational impact; allows you to captivate, convince, and in some cases, heal.

5. multifunctional, its influence on a person cannot be limited to any one aspect, but all its possible effects are updated simultaneously.

6. predominantly collective, group form of activity, which is based on the competitive aspect. However, not only a person can act as an opponent, but also circumstances, and he himself (overcoming himself, his result).

7. . In the game, the participant is satisfied with any prize: material, moral (encouragement, diploma, wide announcement of the result), psychological (self-affirmation, confirmation of self-esteem) and others. Moreover, in group activities, the result is perceived by him through the prism of common success, identifying the success of the group, team as his own.

The game is an independent type of developmental activity for children of different ages. For them, it is the freest form of their activity, in which the world around them is realized, studied, a wide scope is opened for personal creativity, activity of self-knowledge, self-expression.
The game is the first stage of the activity of a preschool child, the original school of his behavior, the normative and equal activity of younger schoolchildren, adolescents, and youth, who change their goals as students grow older. It is a practice of development. Children play because they develop and develop because they play.
In the game, children freely reveal themselves, self-develop based on the subconscious, mind and creativity.
Play is the main area of ​​communication for children. It solves the problems of interpersonal relationships, gains experience in relationships between people.

2 Types of game techniques

In computer science classes primary school in the conditions of the usual class-lesson system, teachers successfully use game methods that allow you to effectively build the educational process.

This is due to the fact that these methods, including almost all forms of work (dialogue, group work, etc.), provide ample opportunities for creative activity and intellectual development of the child.

The game gives order. The system of rules in the game is absolute and undeniable. You can't break the rules and be in the game.
The game provides an opportunity to create and rally the team. The attractiveness of the game is so great and the game contact of people with each other is so complete and deep that the game communities reveal the ability to persist even after the end of the game, outside of its framework.

Purpose of the course

Course objectives:

1. Young scientific discipline

2. Novelty of scientific discipline



AT real process learning principles are interrelated with each other. It is impossible to both overestimate and underestimate this or that principle, because this leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of training. Only in combination they provide a successful choice of content, methods, means, forms of teaching informatics.

Particular methodological principles for the use of software in the educational process

They are subdivided into

1) principles related to the educational process when using software as an object of study and

2) principles related to the educational process when using software in teaching general education disciplines (including computer science).

The first group of principles.

PRINCIPLE OF UNDERSTANDING APPLIED PROBLEMS involves knowing why, when and where the systems under study are used.

PRINCIPLE OF GENERALITY requires bringing to the attention of students the functionality that this type of software provides.

THE PRINCIPLE OF UNDERSTANDING THE LOGIC OF ACTIONS IN THIS SOFTWARE TOOL is not taken into account in the practical methodology of teaching computer science, but meanwhile, without understanding the principles of organizing this tool, competent work is impossible

The second group of principles.

PRINCIPLE OF OPTIMAL USE OF PS. When using software in teaching, the teacher's time is significantly saved. So the organization of a survey of students with the help of software saves time because it is not necessary to check notebooks, the program usually issues diagnostics of the results of the survey immediately.

THE PRINCIPLE OF USING PS TO DEVELOP CREATIVE ACTIVITY OF STUDENTS. Meanwhile, the tasks formulated in an appropriate way contribute to the development of students' thinking, form research skills. For example, when studying graphic editors, you can offer students tasks that contribute to the development logical thinking, spatial imagination, etc.

PRINCIPLE OF INTEGRATED USE OF SOFTWARE FACILITIES. There is no universal learning tool that can solve everything learning objectives, so only the optimal combination various means training in the complex contributes to the effective flow of the educational process.

Educational, developmental and educational goals of teaching computer science.

1. Educational goals:

1. formation of ideas about information as one of the three fundamental concepts of science - matter, energy, information, on the basis of which the modern scientific picture of the world is built;

2. the formation of ideas about modern methods scientific knowledge - formalization, modeling, computer experiment;

3. formation of general educational and general cultural skills of working with information (the ability to competently use information sources, the ability to properly organize information process, estimate information security);

4. preparation of schoolchildren for subsequent professional activities (mastery of informatization tools and information technologies).

2. Developmental goals of teaching computer science.

Development of a logical-algorithmic style of thinking.

3. Educational goals of teaching computer science. Speaking about the educational goals of teaching computer science, they mean the development of the following traits and qualities of the student's personality:

  1. an objective attitude to the data of computer calculations, i.e. critical and self-critical thinking;
  2. respect for both technology and information, ethical and moral rejection of computer vandalism and virus creation;
  3. personal responsibility for the results of their work on the computer, for possible errors;
  4. personal responsibility for decisions made on the basis of computer data;
  5. need and ability to work in a team challenging tasks brigade method;
  6. concern for the user of the products of their labor.

Educational and methodological support of the school course of informatics. Software for educational purposes (directions of use, the structure of the technology for using software in the educational process, the criteria for the effectiveness of this technology).

Computer software as didactic tools can be classified as follows:

educational computer programs;

teaching-oriented application packages computer programs;

computer program-methodical systems.

Electronic educational resources (EER) or digital educational resources (DER) are specially formed blocks of various information resources intended for use in the educational process, presented in electronic (digital) form and functioning on the basis of information and communication technologies.

EOR classification:

for the purpose of creation:

pedagogical information resources developed specifically for the purposes of the educational process;

cultural information resources that exist independently of the educational process;

by type of basic information:

textual, containing predominantly textual information presented in a form that allows character-by-character processing;

figurative, containing mainly electronic samples objects, considered as integral graphic entities, presented in a form that allows viewing and printing reproduction, but not allowing character-by-character processing;

software products as independent, alienable works, which are programs in a programming language or in the form of executable code;

multimedia, in which information of a different nature is present on an equal footing and is interconnected to solve certain educational educational problems;

distribution technology:

local, intended for local use, issued in the form of a certain number of identical copies (circulation) on portable machine-readable media;

network, available to a potentially unlimited range of users through telecommunications networks;

combined distribution, which can be used both as local and as network;

by the presence of a printed equivalent:

representing an electronic analogue of a printed resource;

independent resources, the reproduction of which on printed media leads to the loss of their properties;

by function in the educational process:

presenting educational information, including demonstrations of objects, phenomena and processes;

information and reference;

modeling objects, phenomena and processes;

expanding the sector of independent academic work through the use of active-activity forms of education;

carrying out training of skills and abilities of a different nature, solving problems;

monitoring and evaluating students' knowledge.

The multimedia nature of EOR involves the synthesis of various types of information - textual, graphic, animated, sound and video, in which various ways structuring, integrating and presenting information.

EER interactivity can mean:

manipulating screen objects using computer input devices;

linear navigation;

hierarchical navigation;

automatically called or pop-up help;


constructive interaction;

reflective interaction;

simulation modeling;

surface context;

deep context.

EOR can provide:

obtaining information, skills and abilities, certification and control of educational achievements;

expansion of the independent work sector;

the changing role of the student teacher;

student's transition from passive perception of information to active participation in the educational process;

the ability to manage the educational process (including on the part of the student) and responsibility for the result;

implementation of new forms and methods of teaching, including independent individual learning.

Lesson analysis.

the specifics of the lesson

Whether the structure is rationally chosen

What material was emphasized in the lesson?

the degree of student activity in the lesson

means and methods of teaching in the classroom

Characteristics of students

Whether the requirements for the organization of classes in the informatics class were met

Have the goals been achieved (if not, list the reasons and what changes need to be made when preparing and conducting the lesson)

Typology of lessons.

V. A. Onischuk offers a typology of lessons depending on the didactic goal. This typology is by far the most common:

a) a lesson of familiarization with new material;

b) a lesson in consolidating what has been learned;

c) a lesson in the application of knowledge and skills;

d) lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge;

e) a lesson in testing and correcting knowledge and skills;

f) combined lesson.

It should be noted that the above typologies arose in different time, perhaps for this reason, they are largely equivalent in their content.

Organization of preliminary preparation of the teacher for the lesson.

Basic forms additional study informatics and its applications in high school. The content of extracurricular work in informatics.

Extra-curricular activities increase students' interest in the subject, encourage them to independent work in the classroom and the constant search for something new. By participating in extracurricular activities, children learn about the surrounding reality, fantasize, they have the opportunity to open up and express themselves creatively.

The following can be distinguished tasks that are solved in extracurricular activities in informatics:

1. Revealing creativity and abilities of any child, regardless of his grades in the subject.

2. Raise the interest of schoolchildren in the subject "Informatics", the passion of students for the subject, instilling in them a love for informatics through joint activities.

3. Stimulation search and cognitive activity.

4. Popularization knowledge of computer science among students. Popularization of achievements in the field of information technology.

5. Establishment new communication contacts (when studying telecommunication networks).

6. deepening knowledge of students in computer science (on electives). Expanding students' horizons.

7. Propaedeutics computer science lessons (on circles for elementary grades).

8. Implementation interdisciplinary connections.

9. career guidance students.

Extracurricular activities in computer science provide positive influence for classes held as part of the main schedule, as students involved in extracurricular work on the subject study the educational material more thoroughly, in depth, read additional literature, and master working with a computer. Extracurricular work on the subject stimulates independent study of computer science and information technology.

VR Forms in Computer Science

To date, vast experience has been accumulated in extracurricular work at school in various subjects, and the forms of this work are very diverse.

VR can be classified according to different criteria: systematic, student coverage, timing, didactic goals, etc.

By systematic there are two types of extracurricular activities (EO):

1) episodic CM:

– preparation and holding of school Olympiads in informatics; participation in regional, city Olympiads;

– summer computer camps;

- issue of a wall newspaper;

– holding quizzes, evenings, KVN on computer science;

– holding thematic conferences and seminars on informatics;

2) permanent VM:

– circles and optional classes in informatics;

– school scientific societies;

- various forms of correspondence and distance learning for students.

By enrollment can be divided into individual and mass work.

Individual work is in all types of EOI, it can be expressed in the preparation of an abstract, material for a wall newspaper, an evening, a conference, etc.

Mass work expressed in holding evenings, competitions, olympiads.

Computer science circles have their own specifics. They are designed to attract elementary school students to form propaedeutic computer skills. They are recommended to give students tasks to work in graphic editors, it is possible to get acquainted with one of the programming languages. Studies have shown that the most tedious for children 7-13 years old are computer games, in such classes over 88% of the time is spent working with the display, in other classes this value does not exceed 66%.

The least tiring for schoolchildren in grades 1-7 were classes mixed type(programming and games).

Studying the influence of computer classes different type made it possible to establish the optimal and permissible duration for children of different ages. So for children 7-10 years old, the optimal duration computer games is 30 minutes, allowed for games and mixed activities - 60 minutes. For schoolchildren aged 11-14, the optimal duration of computer games is 30 minutes, and the permissible one is 60 minutes, for mixed classes, respectively, 60 and 90 minutes.

Circle work with high school students is possible when organizing groups to work in telecommunication networks.

Electives in computer science are designed to provide a more in-depth study of the subject compared to general education. Some teachers in extracurricular classes practice solving problems from the entrance exams in computer science; prepare students for final exams. On electives, you can also teach individual sections of computer science in more depth. For example:

1. Computer Science Advanced Program in classes with a mathematical bias, it involves studying the basics of computer technology and programming (Pascal), elements of logical programming (Prolog), computer modeling, as well as familiarity with application software (ET, editors, DBMS);

2. The program of the special course "Database Management Systems" includes studying Access systems at the query language level, mastering a programming language (for example, Visual Basic), using a DBMS in solving practical tasks.

3. The program of the special course "Computer modeling" includes the following sections:

Models. Classification of models. computer models.

Technology of computer modeling.

Modeling of chaotic movements.

Modeling of random processes.

deterministic models.

discrete models.

Game modeling.

Chess and card games.

One of the central issues of the organization of VR in informatics is the definition of its content. In accordance with the principle of VR connection with computer science lessons, it should be related to computer science program material. Along with this, the VM can consider issues that are not directly related to the computer science program, but are of interest to students and contribute to broadening their horizons, i.e. additional material.


  1. generosity, condescension. Manifested in overestimation of marks;
  2. transfer of sympathy or antipathy from the student to the assessment (mark);
  3. mood rating;
  4. lack of firm criteria (for weak answers, the teacher can put high marks or vice versa);
  5. central tendency (the desire not to set extreme marks, for example, not to put twos and fives);
  6. the proximity of the assessment to the one that was set earlier (after a deuce, it is difficult to immediately put five);
  7. halo errors (manifested in the teacher's tendency to evaluate only positively or negatively those students to whom he treats, respectively, positively or negatively);
  8. transferring the assessment for behavior to the assessment in the academic subject, etc.

Distinctive features of "Theory and methods of teaching computer science". Aims and objectives of the course "Theory and Methods of Teaching Informatics".

Purpose of the course– to prepare a methodically competent computer science teacher capable of:

Conduct lessons at a high scientific and methodological level;

Organize extracurricular activities in computer science at school;

Provide assistance to subject teachers who wish to use computers in teaching.

Course objectives:

Determine the specific goals of studying computer science, as well as the content of the relevant general education subject and its role in the school curriculum;

To prepare a future teacher of informatics for the methodically competent organization and conduct of classes in informatics;

Report the techniques and methods of teaching informatics that have been developed to date;

To teach various forms of extracurricular work in informatics;

To develop the creative potential of future computer science teachers, which is necessary for the competent teaching of the course, since the course undergoes great changes every year.

Distinctive features of "Theories and methods of teaching computer science"

The discipline "Theory and methods of teaching computer science" has a number of distinctive features:

1. Young scientific discipline(it entered the plans of pedagogical universities relatively recently. This happened in the mid-80s of the last century, almost simultaneously with the introduction of the subject - the basics of computer science and computer technology) into the school), hence:

Lack of development of methodological approaches to teaching computer science;

Impairment, insufficiency methodical literature;

Lack of an established system of training and retraining of personnel.

2. Novelty of scientific discipline"Informatics" and the school subject "Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering", from here:

Constant changes in the content of training.

3. Close connection of school computer science with other subjects, which allows you to use the techniques of methods of other disciplines, as well as rely on the knowledge of students from other areas of knowledge.

2. The relationship of the main components of the process of teaching computer science. The connection between the methodology of teaching computer science and the science of computer science, psychology, pedagogy and other subjects.

On the same topic: "Introduction to computers" or "Studying a graphic editor" lessons will be held in completely different ways in junior, middle and senior grades. Not only tasks will be different, but also the forms of conducting classes, the behavior of the teacher in the classroom.

Being a part of didactics, TMPO uses pedagogy research methods, obeys its laws and principles. So, when teaching computer science, all known methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities are used, namely, general didactic teaching methods: reproductive, problem presentation, heuristic, etc. Forms of organization of classes - frontal, individual and group.

The teaching of informatics at the modern level relies on information from various areas scientific knowledge: biology (biological self-governing systems, such as a person, another living organism), history and social science (public social systems), Russian language (grammar, syntax, semantics, etc.), logic (thinking, formal operations, truth, lies ), mathematics (numbers, variables, functions, sets, signs, actions), psychology (perception, thinking, communication).

The connection with other sciences is especially growing in connection with the transition of the system of general secondary education in Russia to specialized education.

When teaching computer science, it is necessary to navigate the problems of philosophy (a worldview approach to studying the system-information picture of the world), philology (studying text editors, artificial intelligence systems), mathematics and physics (computer modeling), painting and graphics (studying graphic editors, multimedia systems) etc.

Thus, a computer science teacher should be a widely erudite person, and constantly replenishing his knowledge.

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1. Theoryteaching computer science as a pedagogical science

Together with the introduction of the general education subject "Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering" into the school, the formation of a new area of ​​pedagogical science began - the methodology of teaching computer science, the object of which is teaching computer science. The course of methods of teaching informatics appeared in the country's universities in 1985, and in 1986 the publication of the methodical journal "Computer Science and Education" began.

An important role in the development of the methodology of teaching informatics was played by didactic research on the goals and content of general cybernetic education, accumulated by the domestic school even before the introduction of the subject of informatics, practical experience in teaching students elements of cybernetics, algorithmization and programming, elements of logic, computational and discrete mathematics, etc.

The theory and methodology of teaching computer science should include the study of the process of teaching computer science wherever it takes place and at all levels: preschool period, school period, all types of secondary educational institutions, higher education, independent study of computer science, distance learning, etc. . Each of these areas currently poses its own specific problems for modern pedagogical science.

The theory and methodology of teaching informatics is currently being intensively developed; The school subject of computer science is already almost twenty years old, but many problems in the new pedagogical science have arisen quite recently and have not yet had time to receive either a deep theoretical substantiation or a lengthy experimental verification.

In accordance with the general goals of teaching, the Theory of Teaching Computer Science sets itself the following main tasks: to determine the specific goals of studying computer science, as well as the content of the corresponding general education subject and its place in the secondary school curriculum; to develop and offer the school and the teacher-practitioner the most rational methods and organizational forms of education aimed at achieving the set goals; consider the entire set of teaching aids for informatics (textbooks, software, hardware, etc.) and develop recommendations for their use in the practice of a teacher.

The theory of teaching informatics is a young science, but it did not form by itself. Being an independent scientific discipline, in the process of formation it absorbed the knowledge of other sciences, and in its development it relies on the results obtained by them. These sciences are philosophy, pedagogy, psychology, developmental physiology, computer science, as well as generalized practical experience in the methods of other general subjects of secondary school.

2. The subject of the theoryand methods of teaching informatics

A modern teacher of informatics is not only a subject, it is a conductor of modern ideas and teaching technologies using a computer at school. It is at school that the attitude to the means of information technology is laid: either fear and alienation, or interest and the ability to use it to solve practical problems. The course "Theory and Methods of Teaching Informatics" should cover both the current state of schools in the field of computerization, and tomorrow, when distance communication and education of schoolchildren will become commonplace.

The proposed course reflects the features of teaching computer science by age, highlighting three levels: students of primary, secondary and senior classes. In an effort to reflect the features of the content of education, the following areas are distinguished:

1. general education level,

2. deep learning,

3. specialized education, i.e. the features of teaching computer science in classes with a technical, mathematical, humanitarian and aesthetic bias.

One of the problems of a computer science course is the software. A wide variety of types of school PCs, as well as the current trend of rapid progress in the development of software does not allow for a complete overview of pedagogical software.

The subject is intended to provide theoretical and practical training for teachers in the field of computer science teaching methodology.

Purpose of the course- to prepare a methodically competent computer science teacher capable of:

1. to conduct lessons at a high scientific and methodological level; - to organize extracurricular work in informatics at school;

2. to provide assistance to subject teachers who wish to use computers in teaching.

Course objectives:

1. to prepare the future teacher of informatics for the methodically competent organization and conduct of classes in informatics;

2. inform the techniques and methods of teaching informatics that have been developed so far;

3. to teach various forms of extracurricular work in informatics;

4. to develop the creative potential of future computer science teachers, which is necessary for the competent teaching of the course, since the course undergoes great changes every year.

Requirements for the level of mastering the content of the discipline

As a result of studying the discipline, the student must:

1. understand the role of informatics in the formation of a comprehensively developed personality;

2. know the basic concepts of teaching computer science, as well as programs and textbooks developed on their basis;

4. be able to use the program support of the course and evaluate its methodological feasibility;

6. be able to organize computer science classes for students of different age groups.

1. Introduction

2. goals and objectives of teaching computer science at school

4. basic computer science course

5. differentiated teaching of computer science at the senior level

6. organization of teaching computer science at school

3. The connection between the methodology of teaching computer science and the science of computer science, psychology, pedagogy and other subjects

The discipline "Theory and methods of teaching computer science", being an independent scientific discipline, has absorbed the knowledge of other sciences: computer science, psychology, and pedagogy. Since the object of study in the course of teaching computer science are the concepts of computer science, the course takes into account their specifics, any presentation of the material is carried out in accordance with the basic concepts of computer science: information, model, algorithm.

When selecting methods and organizational forms of work in the classroom, it is necessary to take into account subjective psychological characteristics students, knowledge about this is provided by the science of psychology.

The methodology is part of didactics, which in turn is part of pedagogy. Therefore, it uses the methods of research of pedagogy, the laws and principles of didactics are implemented. When teaching computer science, all known methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities are used, namely, general didactic teaching methods: information-receptive, methods of problem presentation, heuristic, research, etc.

Forms of organizing classes - frontal, individual and group, or in another classification: lecture, conversation, survey, excursion, laboratory work, workshop, seminar, etc.

It is possible to establish connections between the methodology of teaching informatics and almost any science.

The teaching of informatics at the modern level is based on information from various areas of scientific knowledge: biology (biological self-governing systems, such as a person, another living organism), history and social science (public social systems), the Russian language (grammar, syntax, semantics, etc.) , logic (thinking, formal operations, true, false), mathematics (numbers, variables, functions, sets, signs, actions), psychology (perception, thinking, communication).

When teaching computer science, it is necessary to navigate the problems of philosophy (a worldview approach to studying the system-information picture of the world), philology (studying text editors, artificial intelligence systems), mathematics and physics (computer modeling), painting and graphics (studying graphic editors, multimedia systems) etc. Thus, a computer science teacher should be a widely erudite person, and constantly replenish his knowledge

4. individual method training

theory methodology training computer science

Individual training- form, model of organization of the educational process, in which: 1) the teacher interacts with only one student; 2) one student interacts only with teaching aids. The main advantage of individual learning is that it allows you to fully adapt the content, methods and pace of the child's educational activities to his characteristics, to monitor his every action and operation in solving specific problems; monitor his progress from ignorance to knowledge, make the necessary corrections in time in the activities of both the student and the teacher, adapt them to the constantly changing, but controlled situation on the part of the teacher and the student. All this allows the student to work economically, constantly control the expenditure of his forces, work at the optimal time for himself, which, of course, allows him to achieve high learning results. Individual education in such a "pure" form is used in a public school is very limited.

Individual approach- This:

1) the principle of pedagogy, according to which, in the process of educational work with a group, the teacher interacts with individual students according to an individual model, taking into account their personal characteristics;

2) focus on the individual characteristics of the child in communicating with him;

3) taking into account the individual characteristics of the child in the learning process;

4) creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions not only for the development of all students, but also for the development of each child individually.

Individualization of learning- This:

1) organization of the educational process, in which the choice of methods, techniques, pace of learning is determined by the individual characteristics of students;

2) various educational and methodological, psychological, pedagogical and organizational and managerial activities that provide an individual approach.

The technology of individualized learning is such an organization of the educational process in which an individual approach and an individual form of learning are a priority.

The individual approach as a principle is implemented to some extent in all existing technologies, so the individualization of learning can also be considered a "penetrating technology". However, technologies that prioritize individualization, making it the main means of achieving learning goals, can be considered separately, as an independent system that has all the qualities and features of a holistic pedagogical technology.

Considering the individual method of teaching, it is necessary to pay attention to the method of projects. Project method is a comprehensive teaching method that allows you to individualize the educational process, enables the child to show independence in planning, organizing and controlling their activities.

In modern domestic pedagogical practice and theory, the most striking examples of technologies within the classroom individualization of learning are the following:

Technology of individualized learning Inge Unt;

Adaptive learning system A.S. Granitskaya;

Training based on an individually-oriented curriculum by V.D. Shadrikov.

Learning individualization technologies are dynamic systems that cover all parts of the educational process: goals, content, methods and means.

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031200 - "Pedagogy and methods of primary education"

Main literature

1. "Theory and methods of teaching informatics at the primary level": the concept and experience of teaching an elective course in a teacher training university // Educational technologies. 2005. № 1.

2. Methodical approaches to the propaedeutic training of schoolchildren in the field of informatics and information technologies. Informatika i obrazovanie. 2005. No. 3.


4. Informatics program for grades I-VI // Informatics and education. 2003. No. 6-8.


1. Reflections on humane pedagogy. I 1995, 496 pp.

2. The mythical man-month, or How software systems are created. St. Petersburg: Symbol-Plus, 1999.

3. Sobr. cit.: In 6 vols. T. 5. M .: Pedagogy, 1983.

4. Psychology of thinking and the doctrine of phased formation mental actions. Studies of thinking in Soviet psychology. M., 1966 // Introduction to psychology. M., 1976.

5. "On the Human and Aesthetic Factors in Programming" from Cybernetics Magazine No. 5, 1972.

6. Programming is the second literacy. Abstract of the III World Congress IFIP "Computers in Education", 1981. Lausanne Switzerland.

7., School I1 format: concepts, conditions, perspectives (retrospective publication). Informatics and Education No. 1, 1995.

8. Academician's archive. Folder 66, Package of applied programs for automation of the school educational process "Schoolgirl", Novosibirsk, Computing Center of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, http://ershov. iis. nsk. su archive/.

9. Theory of learning. Modern interpretation: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions. M. Publishing Center "Academy", 2006.

10. Pedagogical analysis of the result of the educational process: a practice-oriented monograph. Moscow - Tolyatti: INORAO, 2003, 272 p.

11. The content of education: forward to the past. Moscow: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2000.

12. Diagnostics of the creative potential of children's intellectual readiness for developing school education. M.: RINO, 1999.

13.LednevB. C. The content of education: essence, structure, perspectives. M., 1991.

14. Didactic foundations of teaching methods. M., 1981.

15.window V. Introduction to general didactics. M.: graduate School, 1990, 383 p.

16. Pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary / ch. ed. -Bad. M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2002, 528 p.

17. Can they junior schoolchildren study remotely? On Sat. " Distance learning". Almanac "Issues of informatization of education" No. 3, 2006. M .: NP "STOiK", 2006.

18., Joint distance learning of children and teachers (work experience, concepts, problems). Abstracts of the conference "ITO-2000", part III. M., 2000.

19. Informatics at school and at home. The book for the teacher. St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2003.

20. Distance learning in the methodology of school informatics. International conference "ITO-2001", vol. IV "Information technologies in open education. Information technologies in control systems". M., 2001.

21. (ed.). Theory and practice of distance learning. Moscow: Academy, 2004, 411 pages.

22.Rubinstein SP. The principle of creative amateur activity (On the philosophical foundations of modern pedagogy) (the article was first published in 1922) // Questions of Psychology, 1986, No. 4, p. 101-107.

23. Selected philosophical and psychological works. Fundamentals of ontology, logic and psychology. Moscow: Nauka, 1997.

24. Traditional pedagogical technology and its humanistic modernization. Moscow: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2005, 144 p.

25.Strategy of modernization of the content of general education: Materials for the development of documents for the renewal of general education. M.: NFPC, 2001.

26. Pedagogical psychology. M., 1998.

27. Information system "Journal". Informatics and Education No. 5, 2001.

28. Distance learning. On Sat. "Distance learning". Almanac "Issues of Informatization of Education" No. 3, 2006. M.: NP "STOiK", 2006.

29., 1C: School. Computational mathematics and programming (grades 10-11). The book for the teacher. Guidelines. LLC "1C-Publishing", 358 s, 2006.

30., My province is the Universe (development of telecommunications educational activities in the regions). M.: Project Harmony, Program of interschool communications on the Internet, 1999.



LECTURE № 1 (2 hours)

Topic: Informatics as a science and subject at school

Definition of the concept of "computer science"

3. Information technology

3.1. Theoretical foundations of information technology

3.2. Basic Information Technology

3.3. Applied Information Technology

4. Social informatics

4.1. The role of information in the development of society

4.2. Informational resources societies

4.3. Information potential of society

4.4. Information society

4.5. Man in the information society.

In this list, as in the National Report, the structuring is based on the same four sections. However, within each section, the subject (disciplinary) structuring of the content is clearly expressed. The paper provides a more detailed description of the content of each of the sections.

The complexity of the task of constructing an exhaustive structure of both the subject and educational areas of computer science should be recognized. The reason lies primarily in the dynamism, in the rapid development of the subject. In addition, there are many disciplines that border between computer science and other sciences. You can always argue where to put them. Examples are operations research (including mathematical programming); numerical methods. What is it, branches of mathematics or computer science? Probably both. Such questions will constantly arise due to the vastness of computer science applications.

The structure of the general education courseinformatics

An extremely important task for pedagogical science is to find an answer to the question: how (by what part) should this vast educational area be represented in the system of general secondary education?

In the works of Academician V. S. Lednev, the principle of reflecting the educational field in the content of general education is defined. It is called the principle of "binary entry of basic components into the structure of education". Its essence lies in the fact that each educational area is included in the content of general education in two ways: firstly, as a separate academic subject and, secondly, implicitly - as "through lines" in the content of school education as a whole. As applied to computer science, the operation of this principle is that in school curriculum there is a separate academic subject dedicated to informatics, and at the same time, the methods and means of informatics are being introduced into the educational process due to the informatization of the entire school education.

In the domestic general education school a separate academic subject dedicated to the study of computer science has existed since 1985. For more than 20 years, its content has changed along with the change in the subject area of ​​informatics. In this process, a modern concept general educational course of informatics, the invariant components of its content were distinguished.

Since the 1990s, schools in Russia have been developing the experience of a three-stage study of computer science: a propaedeutic course in elementary school, a basic course in basic school, and specialized training in computer science in the senior classes of a complete secondary school. In 1992, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" proclaimed educational standards as the main regulatory documents that determine the content of education. In the course of work on the educational standard in informatics, the concept of meaningful lines of the general education course was formed. "These lines are the organizing ideas of the educational field or stable units of content that form the frame of the course, its architectonics." List of main content lines:

1. Information and information processes

2. Presentation of information

3. Computer

4. Modeling and formalization

5. Algorithmization and programming

6. Information technology

7. Computer telecommunications

8. Social informatics

Eight meaningful lines already in their names bear a reference point to the dominant subject of study. Such a structure corresponds to the disciplinary structure of the system of scientific knowledge in the field of informatics. The stability of these lines lies in their persistence in the process of development of informatics as its main directions: the internal content develops, but the lines remain.

The selection of the main content lines is of great importance for systematizing the content of a continuous informatics course at school (propaedeutic - basic - profile stages). The lines are a kind of concentric around which training is built with an increase in the level at each new stage.

In accordance with the list of informative lines of informatics, the structure of this encyclopedia is built. The second section includes the first two lines of content from the list. Each subsequent section (from the 3rd to the 8th) is devoted to a separate content line. Within a section, articles are listed in alphabetical order, following the tradition of an encyclopedia.

LECTURE № 2 (1 hour)

Topic: Diagnostics of the process and results of teaching informatics in a propaedeutic course. Project method

Lecture plan

1. Diagnosis of the process and learning outcomes

2. Didactics

3. Didactic spiral

4. Didactic substantiation of the school course of informatics

5. Distance learning

6. Competence and operational style of thinking

7. Content selection criteria

8. Principles and laws of learning

9. Propaedeutic informatics course

10. Standards, curricula and textbooks

11. Learning structure

12. Typification of teaching methods

13. Lesson is the main form of organization of education at school

The science of teaching and learning- didactics is the theoretical basis of any applied pedagogical science. In this respect, school informatics, facing its theoretical cradle, may look like an equal in the family of school disciplines subordinate to their mother - didactics. At the same time, the development trends of the modern information society, which was formed mainly as a result of the rapid development of informatics, make the position of informatics special.

An attempt to rewrite the didactics textbook at the beginning of the encyclopedia of school computer science in order to establish these kinship relationships would be not only ineffective, but simply unreasonable. And not at all because didactics textbooks are mostly thick. Didactics is an independent (and, admittedly, wider than computer science) "science and, moreover, a science from a direction not related to computer science. Associated with the structure and development of society, it draws its tasks from the needs of society and orients its results towards the formation individuals that make up society: if school computer science is basically a natural science discipline, then didakteak- social science, social.

Didactics is considered to be, if not conservative, then at least one of the least dynamic scientific disciplines. And yet in recent times fundamental updates reflecting changes in society are more and more noticeable in this science. First of all, this is the formation of the information society, the laws of which are in the field of view of informatics. It is no coincidence that new chapters of modern didactics are written under the influence of phenomena generated by computer science and explained by it.

We can say that computer science takes the liberty of showing and explaining those phenomena that supplement modern didactics. And the first section of the Encyclopedia of Computer Science Teacher is, of course, not a didactics textbook, but rather a description of some subset of those reliable pins that fasten school computer science to its foundation - the science of learning.

It would be bold even to attempt to name here full list joints that hold together didactics and informatics. In those few articles that make up the didactics section of our encyclopedia, an attempt is made to give descriptions and interpretations of some terms, concepts, processes that may be useful (as a theoretical support) for a teacher of computer science who does not forget his mission - to be a teacher of computer science.

In the presentation of a general science, such as didactics, examples from specific applied fields are inevitable. And although such illustrations, generally speaking, could be drawn from any school discipline, here, for obvious reasons, examples are taken from the pedagogical practice of computer science.

At the beginning of this article there are words about the special role of informatics in the family of school subject disciplines. The teacher of computer science, if he really is - the teacher, apparently, has already realized this role. One of the articles in the section is devoted to the description of such a situation, which is not accidental in pedagogy. The teacher must not only understand his special position in the school as a social mission, but also explain it to his colleagues and defend it. However, any other article - written, unfinished or not yet written - should be perceived by an informatics teacher, reflecting on his own vision of school informatics and its broad interdisciplinary connections, which makes him responsible for the most important task of the modern information society - the formation and development of personality, which constitutes young generation of the planet.

Thus, the vast topic of the relationship between didactics and informatics, according to by and large can be considered open. And current generation Informatics teachers have a glorious job ahead of them - to create new and new chapters of the eternal science of didactics with their daily pedagogical work.

1. Diagnosis of the process and resultslearning

Direct and feedback in the educationalprocess

Relationships between teacher and student in the diagram overall structure training (see " Didactics" Sh) most important in the learning process. The communication channel from the teacher to the student is filled with information of direct impact on the student - the content of training in the form of the presented educational material, recommendations and settings, exercises, tests, standards.

The communication channel from the student to the teacher transports information, which in cybernetics - the science of control in technology, nature and society - is called feedback. Feedbackis the information reaction of the student to the messages perceived by him in the course of learning. Therefore, it is the information of this channel that makes it possible to diagnose the educational process, evaluate its results, design subsequent stages of training, differentiate tasks and methods, taking into account the individual advancement and development of students. Students, too, can have access to a formalized, teacher-processed representation of this feedback—information about their successes and mistakes. This information is called internal feedback.

The teacher uses feedback to carry out a number of actions that are part of the diagnostics of the educational process, analysis and fixation of learning outcomes. Here is how didactics defines and classifies diagnostic activities:

Examination- the process of establishing successes and difficulties in mastering knowledge and development, the degree of achievement of learning goals.

The control- the operation of comparison, comparison of the planned result with reference requirements and standards.

Accounting- ■ fixing and bringing into the system of indicators of verification and control, which allows you to get an idea of ​​the dynamics and completeness of the process of mastering knowledge and developing students.

Grade- judgments about the course and results of learning, containing its qualitative and quantitative analysis and aimed at stimulating the improvement of the quality of students' educational work

Marking- determination of a score (a quantitatively expressed assessment) according to an officially adopted scale for fixing the results of educational activities, the degree of its success.

Information fed by teachers performing various types of diagnostic activities is observed, stored, recorded, processed primarily in feedback channels. The volume of this information is steadily increasing, the need for efficiency in the processes of its storage and processing is growing, and the requirements for quantifying such information are growing. The only promising way to solve the problem that is visible today is the informatization of the system, the transfer of a significant share of work on formalized activities to information systems and computers. Today it seems clear not only the ways of extracting primary information from feedback channels (from the student to the teacher) and fixing it in the classroom journal, but also the construction of far-reaching conclusions and recommendations based on its analysis, by tracing the individual trajectory of learning and education of each student and student collective, in the context of the subject, teacher, school.

Learning and learning

If we talk about the most important integrative indicator of diagnostic activity, then they should be considered learning, which is important both as an independent pedagogical category and in comparison with learning. The Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary defines these two fundamental concepts of diagnostics of the educational process in this way.

learning- This a system of knowledge, skills and abilities corresponding to the expected learning outcome. The main parameters of learning are determined by educational standards.

Learnability represents individual indicators of the speed and quality of assimilation by a person of the content of training. Distinguish between general learning - as the ability to master any material, and special learning - as the ability to master certain types of educational material (sections of science courses, arts, practical activities). Learning is based on the level of development of cognitive processes (perception, imagination, memory, thinking, attention, speech), motivational-volitional and emotional spheres of the personality, as well as the development of the components of educational activity derived from them. Learning is determined not only by the level of development of active cognition (what the subject can learn and learn on his own), but also by the level of "receptive" cognition, i.e., by what the subject can learn and learn with the help of another person, in particular, a teacher.