The doctor is traveling: how to apply to become a doctor at a foreign university. Where and how long do you study to become a doctor?

Who do we usually thank for being born? Parents and God. But at the same time, we forget that at the birth of almost each of us, at least one other person was present. It's about about a gynecologist - a doctor who is loved and hated at the same time, to whom they sometimes go to see as if they were “being shot” and whom they are ready to kiss when he says “congratulations, you are becoming a mother.”

Who do we usually thank for being born? Parents and God. But at the same time, we almost always forget that at the birth of almost each of us, at least one other person was present. A person on whom not only the safety of the sacrament of birth itself, but also the health of the woman, both before and after childbirth, largely depends. It's about gynecologist- a doctor whom they love and hate at the same time, to whom they sometimes go to see as if they were “being shot” and whom they are ready to kiss when he says “congratulations, you are becoming a mother.”

Who is he, this amazing doctor who opens the doors to this world for us? What personal qualities should a real gynecologist have and how to get this profession. You can learn about all this, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of being a gynecologist, in this article.

Who is a gynecologist?

A gynecologist is a highly qualified specialist who studies and treats the female reproductive system and diseases unique to women, monitors the course of pregnancy and delivers babies.

The name of the profession comes from the Greek γυναίκα (woman) and λόγος (study). That is, this is a specialist who studies a woman. The formation of this profession occurred in ancient times, although at that time the obstetrician (in Rus' - midwife) dealt with gynecological issues. Gynecology was identified as a separate branch only in the Middle Ages, and the systematization of the professional duties of a gynecologist occurred at the end of the 19th century.

IN modern society gynecologist profession, as in ancient times, again combined both obstetrics and gynecology. At the same time, many narrow specializations of gynecologists have appeared: a gynecologist-endocrinologist, a pediatric gynecologist, a gynecologist-venereologist, etc. Note that gynecology is closely related to many related areas of medicine, therefore a qualified gynecologist has knowledge and skills in the field of pediatrics, internal medicine and general surgery.

IN professional responsibilities a gynecologist includes: identifying, studying diseases, as well as carrying out activities aimed at treating diseases within the framework of their own specialization, diagnosing pregnancy and monitoring a pregnant woman, terminating an unwanted pregnancy, organizing and conducting medical examinations of patients with gynecological diseases, provision of urgent emergency medical care in obstetrics and gynecology, monitoring activities medicines, conducting consultations on family planning, prescribing contraceptives, consulting doctors in other specialties, diagnosing and treating AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.

What personal qualities should a gynecologist have?

Experts say that a gynecologist, like a dentist, should be visited regularly (at least once every six months). However, many Russian women specialists are sent to “meet” with this extremely reluctantly, and often as a last resort. This is largely explained psychological barrier associated with our mentality. In addition, some women consider gynecologists, as well as all doctors, to be cynical and mercantile people who “will find a problem where there is none.” Let us note that in gynecology, as well as in other industries, there really are “random” people. However, in the conditions of modern competition, only true professionals can achieve success, for whom gynecologist work is not a means of earning money, but a way to contribute to the development of society. Therefore, a gynecologist by vocation necessarily exhibits such personal qualities, How:

  • tact;
  • psychological sensitivity;
  • responsibility;
  • patience;
  • communication skills;
  • loyalty;
  • composure;
  • accuracy;
  • persistence.

If we talk about professional qualities gynecologist, then a highly qualified specialist not only knows his specialty thoroughly, but also knows the basics of psychology, masters new methods of diagnosis and treatment, and is constantly developing and improving.

Advantages of being a gynecologist

The most important advantage of being a gynecologist, this, of course, is a feeling of personal significance and involvement in the emergence of a new life. In addition, a gynecologist is one of the professions in demand, so, as a rule, no problems arise with employment (it is much more difficult to “hold on” to a job, since “bad” doctors do not stay in one place for long). It is also necessary to note such advantages as:

  • high level salaries (though only if the gynecologist does not work in a state medical institution or has additional income);
  • prestige of the profession;
  • diversity of professional knowledge and skills;
  • great opportunities for career growth(however, like a doctor of any other specialization).

Disadvantages of being a gynecologist

Talking about disadvantages of the gynecologist profession, first of all, it is necessary to note the enormous responsibility for the health and life of not only the woman in labor, but also her child (not only the girl, but also her future children). In addition, the work of a gynecologist involves:

  • irregular work schedule - the help of a gynecologist may be needed both at night and on a holiday or weekend (this is without mentioning that sometimes childbirth lasts 10-20 hours, and all this time the doctor must be “ready”);
  • not always pleasant working conditions - needless to say, sometimes gynecologists have to examine women who are not the cleanest;
  • nervous tension - pregnant women are not always distinguished by prudence and calm behavior, so sometimes it is gynecologists who have to reassure expectant mothers.

Where can you become a gynecologist?

The medical university invites or Training takes place in full-time and part-time form using distance learning educational technologies, which allows you to combine study with work. The training program is based on relevant educational and professional standards.

Get a profession as a gynecologist is possible only at a specialized university in the department of gynecology and obstetrics. Moreover, during the first five years, the student receives only basic education, and specialization begins only in the sixth year of study (the so-called subordination). Only after completing the subordination, the student receives the qualification of a gynecologist and can begin independent work V antenatal clinic. But the gynecologist’s training does not end there. To obtain the right to deliver a baby, a gynecologist must undergo residency training (2 years) or internship (1 year), where a young specialist is “attached” to an already experienced doctor and, under his guidance, masters all the intricacies of his profession. After completing his training, the young doctor receives a certificate as an obstetrician-gynecologist, which gives him the right to perform childbirth on his own.

In the future, an obstetrician-gynecologist must confirm his qualifications every 5 years and pass certification exams. That is, to become a qualified gynecologist you need to spend at least 6-8 years studying. Therefore, the desire of applicants to enter best medical universities in Russia, which allow you to obtain not only diplomas, but also a competitive level of knowledge and skills, is completely justified and understandable.

Today, the best medical universities in Russia are recognized as:

  • (First Moscow State Medical University named after Sechenov);
  • Russian National Research medical university named after N.I. Pirogov (Russian National Research Medical University named after Pirogov);
  • Northwestern State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov (Northwestern State Medical University named after Mechnikov);
  • St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. Academician I.P. Pavlova (SPbSMU named after I.P. Pavlov)
  • Volgograd State Medical University (Volgograd State Medical University).

The health of the nation is a concern that lies not only on our shoulders, but also on the state. Thousands of specialists are at their post every day, fighting and helping their compatriots overcome various health problems. To train healthcare professionals, the country has an education system that produces qualified healthcare workers at various levels every year.

On at the moment Medical workers are trained at the following levels;

  • secondary medical education;
  • higher medical education;
  • postgraduate training.

The total number of educational institutions providing secondary level education in Russia exceeds 400. The number of medical personnel involved in the health care system reaches one and a half million people. The difficult situation with mid-level medical specialists requires an immediate response at the state level. One of the ideas for changing the current situation is the decision to gradually transfer some of the functions performed by senior-level health workers to nursing staff.

The procedure for obtaining correspondence education at Galaxy College

As an option personal development man, one of his forms is for full-time training chosen specialty. This is a great opportunity to gain new knowledge and profession and radically change your life. At the same time, the person continues to work and work in his main specialty, attending college on weekends. This approach makes it possible to plan your week rationally, as well as participate in direct and live communication with college teachers.

The classes are structured in such a way that they involve both theoretical preparation and practice. Secondary medical education by correspondence is ideal for those healthcare workers who decide to combine their work with training to improve their personal qualifications or plan to change their activity profile.

State standard of medical education

At Galaxy College there is an opportunity to obtain the required level of knowledge in approved state program 10 medical specialties. This state standard was adopted on the basis of the experience of Russian educational institutions, the level of training of specialists, the level of science, the experience of foreign colleagues, prospects and development plans. The main difference is full-time full-time training consists of both to a greater extent freedom of the student, as well as his greater personal responsibility. This statement is based on the fact that this form of education presupposes self-study necessary educational material simultaneously with the constant supervision of college teachers.

Currently, two levels of average are accepted medical education:

  • base;
  • elevated.

With a basic course of study, the duration of study is 2 years 10 months. At the same time, nurses with a wide profile are trained, who can provide both first and emergency medical care and provide patient care. Increased level involves completing more in-depth programs, which makes it possible to train health workers in specialized departments and social security institutions. The duration of training is 3 years and 10 months.

Feature state standard is the opportunity for college leaders in each region to build their own educational programs taking into account its economic and social development, statistics on the development of certain diseases, and the ethnic characteristics of the population.

Secondary medical education by correspondence and the procedure for admission to college

To undergo this form of education, you must have a college or university certificate; there is no upper age limit. Both citizens of Russia and persons from near and far abroad countries can apply by submitting the necessary documents:

  • photographs in the amount of 4 pieces;
  • a photocopy of the identity document and the original for verification;
  • a photocopy of the education document and the original for authentication.

Studying at Galaxy College gives great opportunity change your life and the lives of people in better side thanks to solid knowledge and systematic approach to education.

Study, study and study again - this is what Vladimir Ilyich Lenin bequeathed. And those people who want to get a medical education by correspondence are worthy of praise. But there are a number of nuances and aspects that must be taken into account by every person who decides to follow this path.

Specialties for which distance learning is possible

Medical higher education(and even the average) must be of high quality, because this is of great importance for human health. Therefore, there are a number of restrictions. So, a person who wants to become a doctor has only one option - full-time study at a university, where they teach not only theory, but also practice. And these requirements are not surprising - after all, who would want to be dealt with by a surgeon, therapist, cardiologist or dentist who only has theoretical training? Therefore, there are few specialties in which you can obtain a medical education by correspondence. This is if we talk about first education. But at a distance it is quite possible.

Secondary medical education is also possible. Here you can acquire enough skills in absentia to carry out successful activities. This was a general outline of the situation, but now let's pay attention to it in more detail.

Secondary education

The most popular are "nursing" and "medical optometrist". You can spend a little more than 2 years of study on your second specialty. After this, the person receives the qualification “medical optician”. About the first specialty, we can say that it will take 4.5 years to obtain it. As a result, the person will receive the specialty of a nurse or nurse. To those who enroll correspondence department, do not put forward such strict requirements as for full-time students.

Knowledge of biology, Russian language and chemistry is important for admission. When choosing what kind of education to get, people are often not interested in the profitability of the specialty, but want it to be easy to study and work. Therefore, they pay attention to higher medical education. How are things going here?

Higher education

If you want to get a specialty in General Medicine, forget about it right away. Here only (daytime or evening). You won't be able to become a doctor or paramedic without practice. But it's not all bad. There is a specialty that requires a good knowledge of theory (better than practice) and is not related to intervention in the human body (directly) - pharmaceuticals. Despite the fact that pharmacies currently do not create medicines on their own, such a specialist is required to have sufficient knowledge about the human body, the processes that take place in it, and must also be familiar with chemistry and biology.

Where and for how much do you get a medical education by correspondence?

This is possible in all universities and colleges. Thanks to the development of new methods of obtaining education, the training process can also take place remotely. But you must remember that if you have a specialty in general medicine, this means that only advanced training is offered for general or thematic improvement. But if you already have the education of a nurse or nurse, then a person can expand his knowledge in absentia and receive training in preventive and primary medical care for the population, in obstetrics.

The cost of such training is relatively low. But if you are interested in higher education as a pharmacist, then you will have to shell out 70 thousand rubles per year. At the same time, the most popular are Moscow State University and Moscow State Medical University. I. M. Sechenov.

What is required from the student?

If you want to receive a correspondence medical education, then you should understand that in this case a person is required to have a high level of self-organization and responsibility. This is due to the fact that students acquire a significant amount of knowledge on their own. The sources are educational literature: books, scientific journals, encyclopedias and so on. That is, success largely depends on how a person knows how to gather and concentrate. After all, the better the information is absorbed, the more effectively it will be applied. At the same time, the presence of practice has a positive effect on the result of study.

You can also start from the position of junior medical staff, getting a job as a laboratory assistant at the nearest hospital. In this case, it will be easier to learn. This will not affect higher medical education (correspondence) if you want to become a doctor, except for the opportunity to consult with specialists about certain issues. But even in such cases it is possible to assimilate new information in the process of performing work.

Medical courses

The standard questions of a person who wants to get a higher education have already been addressed. But correspondence medical education also has options such as courses. They were previously mentioned only in passing. So let's fix this. There shouldn't be any problems with the choice. If you are interested in a medical diagnostic specialty, then obtaining an education will not be difficult.

There are numerous ratings compiled according to different criteria and allowing one to assess the significance of the knowledge presented. Here the choice is up to the person - it is necessary to decide what is important for him, and, based on his preferences, apply to a certain university. The situation is more relaxed with advanced training. Here distance learning You can study in almost all areas of medicine. In this case, during educational process It is based on the intensive work of a specialist, which is very strictly controlled.

In this case, it is important to have special means training. These include digital information media, various manuals, guidelines and textbooks. It is important to build a general training course. Therefore it is widely used modern technologies(for example, the Internet), within the framework of which they agree on the methods of communication used between the student and his mentor. This is done so that key issues can be resolved quickly and efficiently, and also improves the final result through the use of feedback.


When training pursues different goals, the preparation time and price differ. So, the cheapest and shortest is advanced training. Then comes primary specialization. Moreover, in in this case It would be better to say “stepping on toes.” Then comes specialization. And it closes, thanks to its duration and cost, professional retraining. Also, some requirements are put forward to the student’s technical capabilities. So, he needs to have a computer, uninterrupted Internet access, and it is very desirable to have Skype and a webcam.

An important advantage and feature is the availability of training information systems, through which students can become familiar with curriculum, schedule, and remotely access the contents of the electronic library.


What are the benefits of receiving distance medical education? First of all, it is a flexible development schedule curriculum. There is also a whole range of expenses (for a hostel or a trip to the university), both monetary and temporary. Also, before paying for educational services, it would be a good idea to inquire about the availability of a license to provide them and check the information received.

Studying to become a doctor abroad is a very difficult and, most often, expensive path. Moreover, not every country welcomes foreign students. But, having received such an education, you can be sure that all the knowledge acquired corresponds to the latest scientific data and after studying you will not have to prove your professionalism to a foreign employer for a long time. “Theories and Practices” explain how to choose the most suitable university, what documents are required for admission and how admission rules differ different countries.

How to choose a university

First of all, you need to decide on finances and language. Of course, good English is a big plus everywhere. However, the two main countries in which you can study to become a doctor for free are Germany and the Czech Republic, and there it is much more important to know German and Czech, respectively. Education in English in these countries is paid. To countries Eastern Europe Even Americans go to study (Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia), because a semester there costs much less than in the States or Western Europe.

There are also more and less open countries. For example, it is very difficult to enter a British or American university; there are quotas for foreign students. But the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland is proud that two thirds of the people studying there are from other countries. Hospitable countries include Germany, Ireland, Australia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, and Poland.

One of the main problems is that our 11th grade is most often not enough to enter a medical school abroad. Therefore, you usually need to study for several years at a local college, 1–2 years in Russian university or even get a bachelor's degree.

When to start preparing

For foreign universities, the applicant's school grades (up to quarter grades) and level of language proficiency (most often English) may be important. That is, you need to start preparing at least from the eighth grade (usually they look at grades of no more than 3 last year training). Of course there must be good preparation in biology, chemistry, mathematics and sometimes physics. Without very good grades the chances of admission are extremely low: medicine is a highly competitive specialty, especially in countries where doctors have decent salaries.

It is better to submit documents a year before leaving school. Usually this is a transcript with grades and some proof of language knowledge: TOEFL, IELTS or school testing results, but there are often additional requirements. If the desire to leave a Russian university arises already in the fourth year, then transferring without losing your course will not be possible. Since education systems are different, and in foreign university will compare the subjects that the student has completed. More often than not, it turns out that this is not enough even to enroll in the second year (our programs and textbooks are outdated - while evidence-based medicine was developing in the West, we were left with the legacy of the Soviet past: scientific schools that have opposing opinions that have no basis, an emphasis on own experience doctor and non-existent diseases). Then they are transferred to the first year with credit for certain subjects.


It is much easier to enroll in medical faculties, after which you will not become a practicing doctor. You can become a pharmacist or do biomedical research. Also, an alternative may be to become a nurse. In this case, Great Britain and the USA are already quite real options. Training in all these specialties is cheaper than in the case of future doctors.


In Germany there is quite a lot of competition for those wishing to become doctors, but the country is open to foreign students. In order for a person to have the opportunity to submit documents, after 11th grade he must complete two courses at a medical university or biology department in Russia. And preferably with very good results. You need to bring your certificate and grades from your university studies with you to Germany. If there is no desire and/or opportunity to stay in Russia, but you have money, you can enroll in the Studienkolleg, which will give necessary preparation for admission to a university (1 year at our university and a year at Studienkolleg is also an option). Applications to Studienkolleg can only be submitted through the chosen university. Another option could be international baccalaureate with very good grades.

It is also necessary to pass the TestDaF language exam, the results must be recent - no older than one year. And then - an exam on knowledge of professional terminology. To prepare for it, you need to enroll in fairly inexpensive courses.

The university looks at the results of the exam after the Studienkolleg and, if there are any, grades at a Russian university, and then the best candidates are invited for an interview. Those admitted study for six years.


You need to go to Australia with good knowledge English language and a good school certificate ( GPA- not lower than 4.5). With this, a person enters preparatory courses (Foundation Studies), where he studies for a year. Knowledge of the language is confirmed using TOEFL (results no lower than 550) or IELTS (results no lower than 5.5–6). Preparatory courses can be counted automatically if a person has studied in Russian for a year medical school. Then you need to pass exams at the university, it is also advisable to retake the language exams, since when entering a university the requirements are higher. For IELTS this can be 7 points, for TOEFL - 600. Upon admission, you must pass the International Student Admissions Test (ISAT). If you score enough points, the applicant will be invited for an interview. It takes approximately 7–8 years to become a doctor in Australia.

Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic, you can study to become a doctor in English (for a fee) and in Czech (for free). Universities offer year-long courses where you can learn the language. If an applicant wants to receive education in English, then he must pass the TOEFL with more than 550 points, or IELTS with no less than 6.5 points. You must also provide a notarized translation of your school certificate. What exams do I need to take? The set is standard: biology, chemistry and physics or mathematics. After studying at a Czech university for 6 years, you can practice throughout the European Union.


In Hungary, education is paid, but relatively inexpensive. There are programs in English, there are in German, but you will have to learn Hungarian in any case: during your studies you will need to communicate with patients. Students study here for five years and practice at the clinic for another year. After passing the final exams, the M.D. degree is awarded, and the person receives the right to practice in any country of the European Union.

The applicant must provide school certificate(or a certificate of grades from the school if the applicant is still studying), but the future student must be at least 18 years old. At the entrance exams you need to take English (written and oral), biology, and chemistry. Exams are taken in different countries. For example, teachers Faculty of Medicine University of Debrecen come to Moscow.

If a person feels that he does not have enough knowledge to pass the entrance exams, he can take a preparatory course at the same university. This can be done at 17 years old.


Ireland is quite welcoming to international students. You can apply to your local medical school online. However, for this you need to have a bachelor's degree. It is also necessary to confirm knowledge of English using IELTS (average score of at least 6.5), TOEFL (at least 600 points) or another exam (this is discussed with the university). To get a diploma, you need to study for 5–6 years.


If you have a great desire to practice medicine, and you definitely want to study for this in the USA, then the most common advice from experts is to go into science. Then you can create medicines, study various pathological processes in laboratories and get quite a lot of money for it. If you want to work with patients, go become a nurse: it’s also much easier to do and the salary is decent. Studying to become a doctor in America is very expensive, and getting accepted is almost impossible (in 2013, only 11 percent of foreign applicants were accepted).

In addition, not all medical schools accept foreigners. In the vast majority of cases, degrees earned outside the United States have no value. American medical schools accept the results of the Medical College Admissions Test, which must be passed after passing the Pre-Medical Track, where basic knowledge of chemistry, biology and physics is given over four years. You will usually also need to provide the results of one of the language exams and undergo an interview. After four years of study, a person must pass The United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) and complete a residency.

We would like to thank the Knowledge Center company and the Sistema-3 agency for their assistance in preparing the material.

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