Universities majoring in clinical psychology. Clinical psychologist. Description of the profession

head of the department - doctor of psychological sciences, professor N.D. Tvorogova

CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY - a new psychological specialty

Clinical psychology is a psychological specialty of a wide profile, which has an intersectoral character and is involved in solving a set of problems in the healthcare system, education, and social assistance to the population. clinical psychologist can work in centers mental health, hospitals, consulting rooms, etc., have a private practice (not to be confused with a psychiatrist!). For example, he may deal with people who complain of a state of anxiety, expressed in functional disorders of the emotional or sexual nature, or difficulties in coping with troubles. Everyday life.

In 2000, the State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education in Clinical Psychology was approved in the Russian Federation, and the training of specialists corresponding to it began in our country. The specialist is called upon to the following types professional activities: diagnostic, expert, corrective, preventive, rehabilitation, advisory, research, cultural, educational, educational.

The name of the specialty is associated with the word "clinic", the Greek origin of which suggests the meaning: klinikos - bed, kline - bed. Modern meanings of this word: a place where people come for individual examination, diagnosis and / or treatment. In that general meaning the term covers the physical and psychological aspects. Usually defining words are attached to the word to make the orientation of the clinic clear, for example: behavioral clinic (specializes in behavior therapy, its modification), child education clinic (specializes in psychological problems ah children), etc. In this context, the word "clinical" means: (1) an individual approach to psychological work with this particular person; (2) a type of therapeutic practice that relies on the subjective, at the same time scientifically verified decisions of the clinician (the work of a psychologist with each client who comes to him for help is unique); (3) an approach to research carried out by a psychologist for scientific purposes, based on a small number of subjects in their natural setting (as opposed to an experimental approach). It is in this sense that the word "clinic" gave rise to the name " clinical psychology».

In their theoretical concepts clinical psychology relies on a holistic approach to a person, the concept of "health" (and not just the concepts of "disease", "pathology"), the idea of ​​personal responsibility for one's health; on a family approach to providing psychological help client, taking into account the social context of his life.

The strategic "targets" of the professional activity of a clinical psychologist are mental "objects" on which the influence of a psychologist is directed in the course of his work with a client. The clinical psychologist deals with the difficulties of adaptation and self-realization of his clients.

The reasons for maladjustment can be related to physical (congenital or fictional bodily defects, chronic disease, consequences of trauma or surgery, etc.), social (divorce, job loss, change of profession, moving to a new place of residence, etc.), mental (emotional tension, experience of fear, resentment, etc.) and spiritual (loss of the meaning of life, devaluation of habitual life goals, changes in the value system, etc.) state. Responding to the challenges of life in its various spheres, a person has to adapt to the ongoing changes in his body, his mental life, financial situation, his social life, etc. This adaptation is achieved by restructuring one's psychological reality, changes in the motivational sphere, value orientations, goals, by modifying one's behavior, changing mental and behavioral stereotypes, social roles, correction of the self-image, etc. In the process of adapting to changes in life, a person masters new functions (professional, domestic, social, etc.). Adaptive behavior is useful behavior that helps with adaptation; in everyday life is regarded as reasonable, normal. Maladaptive behavior patterns are associated with mental distress.

In the process of adapting to a dynamic, constantly changing life, a person has to compensate for the loss of one or another of his capabilities (physical, social, etc.) in order to maintain his usual functions. Compensation is a replenishment, compensation, balancing. Freud believed that the individual uses compensation to make up for the lack of something. In Adler's theory, compensation was seen as the main mechanism by which a person overcomes feelings of inferiority. In a difficult situation for himself, a person is constantly looking for resources to maintain important functions for himself, I compensate for the disturbed functioning mechanisms, thereby maintaining the stability of his psyche, personality, ego.

However, the individual has the opportunity not only to adapt to life due to the mechanisms of adaptation and compensation, but also to protect himself from it, for example, consciously adapt life to himself, making it more stable, “adjust to himself” (conscious social practice is one of the most important characteristics activity of the individual, its resource for maintaining its mental well-being in a changing world). Incarnated outside, making personal contributions to people, objects, living and inanimate nature a person seeks to change the world of things and people, while maintaining his individuality unchanged. In a situation of threat, a person turns on a dynamic complex of protective and adaptive mechanisms (already become habitual or develops new complex). In clinical psychology, psychological defense is any reaction, any behavior that eliminates psychological discomfort, protecting the spheres of consciousness from negative, traumatic experiences. One of the productive methods of protection is a successful social practice aimed at changing the environment (biological and social) of habitat (development of new laws, rules, traditions, development of science and technology to make life easier, finding people who are pleasant for you and maintaining friendship with them, etc. .) and prevent the development of unfavorable tendencies in it.

The tasks of a clinical psychologist include assisting his client on the path of his adaptive self-change, assisting in finding resources to compensate for his losses. And on the path of social practice (and creativity associated with it), a person often needs the help of a clinical psychologist in finding psychological resources for her, in obtaining social support.

A client who comes for a consultation with a psychologist can demonstrate problems associated not only with his maladjustment, but also problems that accompany the processes of self-realization. The adaptive behavior model does not describe all types of personality activity. To describe subjective well-being ( mental health) personality, the following indicators are more often used (M. Jahoda, 1958): self-acceptance, optimal development, growth and self-actualization of the personality; psychological integration; personal autonomy; realistic perception of the environment; the ability to adequately influence the environment. These indicators of well-being can be considered as the target function of psychological assistance to the client with any of his requests, with any actual conflict, problem.

Characteristics of the training of clinical psychologists

at the First Moscow State Medical University. I.M. Sechenov

The focus of the training of clinical psychologists on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard;

Harmonization of training of clinical psychologists with European standards;

Availability of professionally trained teaching staff;

The availability of the necessary educational process material and technical base (including a computer class, purchased psychodiagnostic methods, a package of methods for processing a psychodiagnostic examination; for students there is a psychological training room and a room for individual consultations; there is a room for self-training, equipped with a personal computer with Internet access);

The practice of students takes place in the clinics of the University;

The university has a postgraduate program in the psychological sciences;

The main aspects that highlight the training of clinical psychologists at the First Moscow State Medical University. I.M. Sechenov

Clinical psychologists are trained primarily to work in the healthcare system and medical (pharmaceutical) education;

The training of clinical psychologists at the university is carried out not only by highly professional psychologists, but also by leading representatives of medical specialties;

The training is aimed at the formation of professional competencies that allow the graduate of the department to start practical activities;

Practical training of students is combined with fundamental psychological training;

Students have the opportunity to use the unique information resources of the University Fundamental Library without leaving their homes;

In the course of mastering the specialty, students are offered the opportunity to receive individual psychological consultations, participate in group training sessions;

During the years of study, psychology students have the opportunity to make friends among future doctors, pharmacists, registered nurses, social workers;

Based on the results of the 2nd year research work, students who have achieved success in it are invited to take part in student scientific conferences;

After graduating from the university, graduates have the opportunity to become a member of the Russian Psychological Society (its Moscow branch), which has a history of more than 100 years (formed in 1885), to take part in the work of its section “Psychology of Health” (headed by Prof. N.D. Tvorogova ).

Characteristics of a friendly faculty

Between the First Moscow State Medical University. I.M. Sechenov and Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, after the opening of the Department of Clinical Psychology at the First Moscow State Medical University in 2010, a cooperation agreement was signed (students of the Department of Clinical Psychology of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov have the opportunity to listen to lectures by leading professors of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University);

Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University along with the Faculty of Psychology of St. Petersburg University- the first faculties that began training professional psychologists in the USSR. The Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University is characterized by a scientific school that has become the leading one in the USSR, the Russian Federation, recognized by the international scientific community;

First MGMU them. I.M. Sechenov is historically associated with Moscow State University, being a student of the medical faculty of the Moscow Imperial University (the old name of Moscow State University);

After the beginning of the training of psychologists at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, professors and clinics of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov (in 1966, when the training of professional psychologists began in the USSR - the First Moscow State Medical University had a different name) participated in their specialization in medical psychology. At present, graduates of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, its graduate students formed the basis of the teaching staff teaching various psychological disciplines at the First Moscow State Medical University.

Characteristics of the training of psychologists that are not available in other universities

First MGMU them. I.M. Sechenov - the oldest and universally recognized medical university in the country, which has proven the high quality of training specialists in it; currently it is the leading university under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

First MGMU them. I.M. Sechenov has a long tradition of studying the human psyche (at the end of the 19th century, a psychological laboratory was opened, headed by Prof. Tokarsky; the Korsakov Psychiatric Clinic has a long tradition of studying mental phenomena; in the Soviet period, it operated a laboratory of psychodiagnostics, which was headed by Professor Berezin, professors Sechenov, Anokhin, Sudakov worked at the Institute of Human Physiology, creating a unique scientific school that contributed to the understanding of psychophysiological processes, etc.);

At the First Moscow State Medical University. I.M. Sechenov in 1971, immediately after the first graduation of professional psychologists in the USSR, the first department of medical psychology was opened in the country's medical universities, which successfully adapted the psychologists accepted to work on it to the requirements of medical science and practice, to the requirements medical education; has become the leading base for improving the psychological and pedagogical qualifications of teachers of medical and pharmaceutical universities THE USSR; prepared the author's model of psychological training of healthcare organizers, laid the foundations for the psychological training of certified nurses and family doctors, which for the first time in the USSR began to be prepared within the walls of the Sechenovka, became in 2011. base department of the Department of Clinical Psychology;

Currently, the professional training of clinical psychologists in the senior courses of the department takes place on the basis of unique university clinics;

Students of the department of healthcare organizers teaching at the First Moscow State Medical University. I.M. Sechenov, have the opportunity to obtain information about promising areas of work of clinical psychologists in reformed healthcare institutions;

Already on the student bench, students of the department can present their prepared coursework and theses at scientific conferences not only of a psychological profile, but also of a medical one;

The head of the training of clinical psychologists at our medical university is a doctor of psychological sciences, who has academic psychological training at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University (she specialized in neuropsychology, a student of Prof. A.R. Luria) and all her professional life dedicated pedagogical work within the walls of the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov (Member of the Moscow House of Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, full member of the International Academy of Informatization and the American Academy of Sciences, Education, Industry and Arts (The international academy of sciences, education, industry, & arts / California), academician of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences; has the highest qualification category majoring in Psychotherapy, Member of the Presidium of the Moscow Psychological Society, Honorary Professor of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, Member of the Presidium of the UMO for Classical University Psychological Education Since 1998, for five years, he has been a member of the Doctoral Council in Restorative Medicine at the I.M. Sechenov, since 2007 - member of the doctoral council in medical psychology at Moscow State University; since 2011 - chairman of the educational and methodological commission on clinical psychology of the UMO for medical and pharmaceutical education of Russian universities, member of the Committee on Psychology and Health (SC on Psychology and Health) European Federation of Psychological associations (EFPA), member of the RPO Ethics Committee, chairman of the Health Psychology section of the Moscow Psychological Society. Awards: Medal of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow, badge "Excellent Health Worker", in 2012 the prestigious award "Golden Psyche" and a diploma of the Russian Psychological Society "For the best tutorial in psychology, etc.);

Enrolled in the young department of the oldest medical school country applicants and successfully mastered the general educational program in clinical psychology, have a chance to be among those who lay down the traditions of the Sechenovka brotherhood of psychologists, have a chance, thanks to their indifferent position, creative attitude to mastering a specialty, to participate in the development of the Department of Clinical Psychology of the First Moscow State Medical University, to lay traditions that will contribute to high quality training of clinical psychologists within the walls of a medical university.


Specialization No. 1 "Pathological diagnostics and psychotherapy"

Specialization No. 2 "Psychological support in emergency and extreme situations"

Specialization No. 3 "Neuropsychological rehabilitation and correctional and developmental education"

Specialization No. 4 "Clinical and psychological assistance to the child and family"

Specialization No. 5 "Psychology of health and sports"

Specialization No. 6 "Clinical and social rehabilitation and penitentiary psychology"

At present, the department is conducting mono-training in specialization No. 1, laying the foundations for other specializations that can be mastered at the postgraduate level of advanced training.

Many of those who are thinking about becoming a psychologist have little idea of ​​what they can do. Various areas applications psychological knowledge often confused in the head. Agree, the work of a psychologist in kindergarten fundamentally different from the work of providing emergency psychological assistance in emergency situations.

Therefore, even at the stage of obtaining a psychological education, it is worth deciding on the desired direction of activity and learning better about what a psychologist can do and where he can work. Many psychologists have to try the most different professions before they find exactly what they want to do. Someone goes through work at school, in kindergarten or on a helpline before realizing that they would like to do psychological training. Someone finds his calling in working with orphans and psychological rehabilitation of families. Someone from the very beginning knows that his path is a private psychological practice, with his own office. Someone chooses a research direction.

All these areas are very different. Each of them requires different skills, abilities, experience. Even within the same field of activity, you can do a variety of things. For example, a psychologist in private practice may work with children, with families, or with specific problems. A psychologist at school can work with parents, children and teachers, conduct classes, engage in psychological diagnostics.

If the direction of future professional activity is known in advance, it is possible already at the stage of training to focus on a particular topic and field of activity, to acquire additional skills and knowledge necessary for this particular direction. However, if it is very difficult to decide, attempts to find yourself in different directions are unlikely to bring harm - they, rather, will allow you to broaden your horizons, better understand yourself, decide what exactly you would like to do.

Psychologists are those who want to work with people, help or have power over them. And someone simply considers this profession fashionable, popular and prestigious. Psychological education in modern conditions becomes an important success factor in various fields(personnel, trade, services, management). Specialists who understand the principles of human behavior and are able to communicate are in demand everywhere and always.

After graduating, a young specialist can work:

    psychologist-consultant in the education system and preschool education in the social sphere; in the service of psychological counseling (family, individual, coaching);
    in hospitals and clinics;
    teach psychology in universities, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, schools;
    in personnel service(assistant director, recruiter, manager or HR director);
    in trade (from a seller in an elite boutique, an administrator and supervisor to a corporate trainer).

Getting a degree in psychology is just the beginning. You need to choose the sphere of application of forces, patiently accumulate experience and "study, study and study again." good psychologist will not be without work.
A psychologist with an education but no work experience can count on working in schools, kindergartens, a state psychological center, etc.
A psychologist-specialist with at least three years of experience can continue to improve professionally or, by changing the field of activity, can take up personnel work, administration, sales, starting from the lower or middle level.
A professional psychologist with at least five years of experience can work in a specialized psychological service, engage in private counseling, get a job as a business coach, become a human resources director or general director.

To be successful, a psychologist must be: a personally mature person (authentic), have life experience, high intelligence, erudition, emotional stability and competence, sense of humor and charm.

Let's imagine that you decide to work in the field of psychology, in the field of education, business, culture, social sphere. Do you know what kind of specialists are needed in these areas, and what exactly they do? Here is an incomplete list of them:
Organizational psychologist- solves the problem of optimizing the use of human resources in institutions, firms, public associations. It is, first of all, all kinds personnel work- from the selection of personnel to the development of the personnel policy of the company, assistance to managers, ensuring external relations of the organization with the public.
legal psychologist works in the field of legal relations, most often in close contact with lawyers of various profiles. It could be staff work. law enforcement, including special units, in penitentiary institutions. A legal psychologist can become an indispensable assistant to lawyers by participating in lawsuits both on the part of the plaintiff and the defendant.
Clinical (medical) psychologist is a specialist who takes responsibility for organizing a special process during which the client acquires the ability to solve his life's difficulties. Traditionally, a clinical psychologist is engaged in psychodiagnostics (for example, during a medical and social examination), counseling (non-medical psychotherapy) and rehabilitation (restoration of lost mental and physical capabilities). Recently, such modern areas of work of a clinical psychologist as neuropsychology, psychopharmacology have been increasingly developed.

Where can a clinical psychologist work?

First of all, this is the healthcare sector, various medical institutions of a general somatic and psychoneurological profile in inpatient and outpatient settings for adults and children.
Another important area of ​​application of forces is the field of education, where clinical psychologists can work as psychologists in educational institutions. different levels, teachers of psychology in secondary, special and higher educational institutions any profile.
The third important area is the work in the departments of the Ministry emergencies. This is work with diverse manifestations in adults and children of post-traumatic stress disorders that arose as a result of emergency events: disasters, terrorist attacks, death of loved ones and relatives, etc.
Another important area and a very popular field of activity of a clinical psychologist is the penitentiary system, which is actively developing a psychological service and is in dire need of highly qualified clinical psychologists.
Finally, this is the widest area social work in all its diversity.
In addition, clinical psychologists can work as human resources managers, management, business and public relations consultants.

It should be noted that the broadest and fundamental professional training that ensures the performance of diagnostic, corrective, consultative, expert, preventive, rehabilitation, research and educational activities by clinical psychologists makes them quite competitive and in demand as specialists in a variety of and sometimes unexpected fields.

Who do the experts work practical psychology? Mostly clinical psychologists in general hospitals, psychiatric hospitals, neuropsychiatric and narcological dispensaries, children's rehabilitation and recovery centers, a speech pathology center, as well as at enterprises in personnel management departments.

Psychologist in the education system conducts work in an educational institution aimed at ensuring the mental health and development of the personality of children and adolescents. Identifies conditions that impede the formation of the child's personality and through psychoprophylaxis, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection, counseling and rehabilitation. Provides assistance to children, teachers and parents (persons replacing them) in solving personal professional and other specific problems. Forms psychological culture children, teachers and parents (persons replacing them), including the culture of sexual education.

Advising managers and employees educational institution on the development of this institution, the practical application of psychology, focused on improving the socio-psychological competence of children, teachers, parents (persons replacing them).

Practical psychologist- a specialist with the appropriate education and skill level, providing psychological assistance (psychological services) to the population, including a full or partial range of areas provided for by the relevant official duties determined by the relevant "Regulations on the psychological service" and a specific situation requiring psychological intervention or the use of special psychological knowledge and technologies.

The main activities of a practical psychologist in the establishment of the education system, provided for by the "Regulations on the psychological service of education" are:

Psychologist-consultant. Understanding counseling as "helping people to help themselves".

In the practical work of a consultant, especially if he uses systemic changes as a method of assistance, his assistance can take on a very different nature: from family counseling and psychotherapy (in the case of working with the family as a microsystem) to organizational and political counseling. However, despite such a wide range that psychological assistance can have, it should be borne in mind a set of specific possible outcomes or outcomes that are typical of care practice :

    improved understanding (problems, self, others, etc.);
    change emotional state(this may be the discharge of emotional stress, the study of one's feelings, the acceptance of some of one's feelings, etc.);
    ability to make a decision;
    the ability to implement the decision;
    confirmation of their thoughts, feelings, decisions;
    getting support;
    adaptation to a situation that cannot be changed;
    search and study of alternatives;
    receiving practical help through direct action (assistant and other professionals attracted by the assistant);
    development of existing skills and abilities, acquisition of new ones;
    receiving the information;
    response to the actions of other people and the situation.

Counseling is a process in which a person achieves more high level personal (personal) competence.
Just as a psychologist can work in various professional “roles” depending on the goals, objectives and place of work (for example, as a researcher, theorist, expert, psychotherapist, consultant, psychologist-trainer, teacher, etc.), so can a consultant, depending from the goals, objectives and place of work can in varying degrees use predominantly one or another method of assistance.
Of course, no matter how many types of assistance we single out, each of them cannot be free from theoretical principles and values.


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Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology. Raoul Wallenberg

The first non-state university in Russia that specializes in training personnel capable of providing qualified psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance to people with a variety of psychological problems.

For friends!


The profession of a clinical psychologist is one of the most prestigious and promising professions in the 21st century (according to Forbes and Money magazines).

Clinical psychology is a scientific and applied branch of psychology that studies the patterns of mental properties, processes and conditions in people suffering from various diseases, which develops methods of clinical psychodiagnostics, psychological assistance, psychoprophylaxis and psychohygiene.

However, the goal of clinical psychology is more universal - it is work with a person's personality to preserve, maintain and restore his health.

This allows the clinical psychologist to be in demand in any human-oriented professional field.

The training system for clinical psychologists provides an opportunity to obtain a specialist diploma, which has become unique for Russia.

Description of activity

The main areas of professional activity of a clinical psychologist are:

  • psychological work with a person who has difficulties in adaptation and self-realization associated with his physical, psychological, social and spiritual state;
  • psychological diagnostics aimed at solving diagnostic and therapeutic problems of clinical practice;
  • psychological counseling within the framework of preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitation processes, in crisis and extreme situations, as well as for the development and adaptation of the individual;
  • protection and restoration of health, disease prevention;
  • psychological expertise in connection with the tasks of medical and social (labor), pedagogical, judicial and military expertise.


average for Russia:average in Moscow:average for St. Petersburg:

Job responsibilities

Job responsibilities of a clinical psychologist depend on the place of work. In the clinic, he primarily provides a diagnosis of the patient's psychological problems, his personality, determines the features of the ideas and experiences associated with the disease. Given these data, the clinical psychologist provides psychological support patient, aimed at facilitating the healing and recovery process. For this, technologies and methods of psychological counseling and psychological correction are used.

The methods of work that a clinical psychologist owns can be used by him in working with people and in any other professional field - education, social protection, production, etc. Although its tasks labor activity will be in more determined by the need to maintain and improve health.

Features of career growth

Peculiarities career development clinical psychologist depend on chosen direction professional activity. It is possible to develop as a specialist (in a clinic, a rehabilitation center, a bureau of medical and social expertise, a school, an enterprise, etc.) - through the accumulation of experience, advanced training, and the acquisition of new professional competencies. The path of development of a clinical psychologist as a leader is also possible.

Great opportunities for growth are provided by clinical psychology as a science that allows short time acquire scientific degrees and pursue a career as a scientist and/or teacher. Ample opportunities for private practice allow you to combine the career of a clinical psychologist with the career of a businessman.

Employee characteristic

The profession of a clinical psychologist requires high responsibility and competence. Working with a person, especially a sick person, is associated with the need to control one's emotions and think systematically. Such a specialist should be aware of the value of life and health, be able to empathize and rejoice, interact constructively with other people to solve problems. complex tasks characteristic of this profession.

The social significance and demand for the profession of a clinical psychologist attracts the attention of those who are just choosing a career path or have decided to change their field of activity. Are you also interested in a promising specialty? Wondering where is the best place to study? Teachers of ANO "NIIDPO" will answer the most common questions about the profession of a clinical psychologist.

I want to help people difficult situations. to me suitable profession clinical psychologist?

A clinical psychologist studies the relationship of mental phenomena with various disorders of human health. He deals with the prevention, diagnosis, therapy, correction of psychological disorders in people suffering from serious illnesses and addictions who are in stressful situation undergoing adaptation to a new environment.

If you decide to study clinical psychology and build a career in this field, you will have to work with patients who, for example, have lost relatives, learned about a terminal diagnosis or disability, experienced violence. Therefore, you will need not only the desire to help patients and the ability to empathize with other people's problems, but also resistance to stress, emotional stability, and tact.

Is it necessary to spend several years to become a clinical psychologist?

When choosing an educational institution where to enroll as a clinical psychologist, consider your career ambitions, current level and profile of education, time and financial opportunities.

If you already have a higher psychological education (or higher education and retraining in psychology for at least 1000 hours), you do not have to go to university and complete a specialty, bachelor's or master's degree to get a new specialty. You can get professional retraining. It will take only 1-1.5 years instead of 5-6 years required to obtain a second higher education. Moreover, in ANO "NIIDPO" they teach clinical psychologists in absentia - you master the program through a remote portal at a convenient time for you. This allows you to work, study full-time, travel, that is, lead a familiar lifestyle and at the same time master a promising profession.

Have you decided to retrain in the specialty "Clinical Psychologist"? Choose the appropriate program from the catalog of ANO "NIIDPO" *

Course name

How much to study to be a clinical psychologistunder this program?

Awarded qualification

2030 hours - 17 months

"Clinical Psychologist"


1690 hours - 14 months

"Clinical Psychologist"

1080 hours - 11 months

"Clinical Psychologist"

2030 hours - 17 months

"Clinical Psychologist"

"Crisis Psychologist"

2030 hours - 17 months

"Clinical Psychologist"

"Perinatal Psychologist"

2030 hours - 17 months

"Clinical Psychologist"


*The catalog is regularly updated with new programs. Check the current list of courses with managers.

I am already 30/40/50/60 years old. Is it too late for me to study to be a clinical psychologist?

Getting a new specialty and starting a career is not too late at any age. Especially now, when there is a distance learning form that allows you to study without interruption from work and personal affairs. Additional professional education most often received by people aged 30-40 years. But there are also those who enter the courses during full-time study at the university (at 18-25 years old) or after retirement.

What is required to enroll in vocational training courses?

To enroll in courses, you will need to provide electronic copies of the following documents to the admission committee:

  • a diploma confirming the presence of a higher psychological education (or higher education and retraining in the field of psychology with a volume of at least 1000 hours);
  • a certificate from the place of study, if you are a senior student;
  • identity document;
  • a document that confirms the change of surname (if any).

Senior students are also accepted. Enrollment is carried out without exams, subject to the presentation of documents confirming the level of education (or training in the last courses of the university).

How will the training take place?

Groups for training in courses are formed by the entire calendar year. Once enrolled, you will have access to personal account on the educational portal where you will:

  • study materials electronic library;
  • participate in webinars online and view them in the recording;
  • communicate with other Students and teachers on the forum;
  • to work on practical tasks helping to consolidate the theoretical material covered;
  • undergo certification.

personal presence in training center professional retraining and advanced training programs are not required.

What document will I receive at the end of the course?

After passing final certification you will be issued a diploma of vocational retraining with the assignment of the appropriate qualification program (“Clinical Psychologist”, “Crisis Psychologist”, “Pathopsychologist”, “Oncopsychologist”, etc.), which are recognized by employers on a par with university diplomas or a certificate of advanced training.

A clinical psychologist is a traditionally sought-after education for those who want to get not only a promising, but also a noble profession, to help people in difficult life situations. But before you finally decide on a future specialty, you should get to know it better. Where to study to be a clinical psychologist? What are the prospects after graduation? Where can you get a job? The answers of our teachers to the 10 main questions about the profession of clinical psychologist will help you find out.

  1. What does a clinical psychologist do?

Clinical psychology is a branch of science that stands between medicine and psychology. It studies the relationship of mental processes with various diseases and conditions that are different from normal. By deciding to become a clinical psychologist, you will connect your professional future with counseling, diagnosis, treatment of psychological problems in people who suffer from stress, addictions, illnesses, etc.

  1. Where to apply for a clinical psychologistto save time and money?

The standard option for obtaining an education in clinical psychology is to enroll in a university for the relevant specialty. But those who have already graduated from any university have the opportunity to undergo professional retraining and receive a diploma that gives them the right to work in private structures, and if you have a basic higher education in psychology, then in state structures, in just 1-1.5 years.

  1. Why is the volume of professional retraining programs in the specialty "Clinical Psychologist" much less than higher education programs?

Vocational retraining programs have a maximum practical orientation. Their curricula contain only general professional and special disciplines that are necessary for obtaining a new qualification and further work in the specialty. University (including second higher) education programs contain more theoretical material, general education disciplines. Hence the differences in the duration of training.

  1. Professional development is shorter and cheaper than professional retraining courses. Can I pass them and work as a clinical psychologist?

No. Retraining is a program for those who are just planning to become a medical psychologist. Already practicing specialists who need to expand, update, deepen their skills improve their skills. professional competencies. Such programs are designed for development in 16-250 hours and are devoted to specific aspects of the work of a medical psychologist, for example:

  • etc.
  1. How do I train to be a clinical psychologist if I'm working and can't go to class every day?

Our Academy implements distance learning programs that allow you to master the course program in absentia - according to an individual schedule through the Internet portal. You do not need to attend classes according to a strictly established schedule. Get acquainted with the materials of the electronic library, watch recorded and online webinars, take certification tests and communicate with teachers and fellow students at a convenient time in any place where there is Internet access.

  1. What kind of education do you need to have in order to undergo professional retraining as a clinical psychologist?

If you plan to work in government organizations, then you need to have a higher psychological education or retraining in psychology, and after that you need to retrain as a clinical psychologist. But in private structures it is allowed to work with a diploma of vocational retraining obtained on the basis of any higher professional education.

To improve your qualifications, you need to have a diploma from any university or college.

  1. Is it hard to get into clinical psychology courses?

The procedure for enrolling in courses requires you only to provide documents confirming the required level of education. None entrance examinations The Academy does not.

  1. What is the best program to study clinical psychology?

Our Academy offers a large program of education from 1000 hours, which includes general professional and special disciplines. It is suitable for those who master the profession from scratch:

If you already have a higher education in psychology or professional retraining in psychology, or higher medical and residency or internship in psychiatry, or neurology, then you can complete a program with in-depth knowledge in the field of psychotherapy:

There are also shorter programs devoted to certain aspects of the work of a medical psychologist, for example, programs in perinatal psychology. They are designed for practitioners who want to gain deeper knowledge in a particular area of ​​their professional activity. All available programs are presented