Social control types and types. Methods of social control

Social control is a system of social regulation of people's behavior and maintenance of public order.

There are two main forms of social control: interior And external control. Internal control involves the regulation by the individual of his behavior. Conscience acts as a factor of internal control. External control is a set of institutions that guarantee compliance with generally accepted norms and rules of conduct.

The system of social control includes two main elements: norms and sanctions. Social norms - these are prescriptions, requirements, rules that define the boundaries of acceptable behavior of people in society.

Social norms perform the following functions in society:

? govern general course of socialization;

? integrate personality in the social environment;

? serve as models standards of appropriate behavior;

? control deviant behavior.

Norms perform their functions depending on the quality in which they manifest themselves - as standards of conduct(duties, rules) or how behavior expectations(reaction of other people). For example, protecting the honor and dignity of family members is the duty of every man. Here we are talking about the norm as a standard of proper behavior. This standard corresponds to a very specific expectation of family members, the hope that their honor and dignity will be protected.

Social sanctions - These are measures of encouragement or punishment that encourage people to comply with the norms and rules of behavior. There are four types of sanctions:

? formal positive sanctions - public approval from the authorities, official institutions and organizations (government awards, state awards, promotion, awarding academic degrees and titles, etc.);

? informal positive sanctions public approval coming from the informal environment, i.e. from relatives, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, etc. (friendly praise, compliments, benevolent disposition, recognition of leadership qualities, positive feedback etc.);

? formal negative sanctions - these are punishments provided for by legal laws, official decrees, administrative instructions and prescriptions (fine, demotion, dismissal, arrest, imprisonment, deprivation of civil rights, etc.);

? informal negative sanctions - punishments not provided for by the legal system of society (remark, censure, expression of displeasure, rupture of friendly relations, unfriendly feedback, etc.).

The application of legal sanctions is ensured by state coercion, moral ones - by the force of moral influence on the part of society, church or social group. Different kinds social sanctions are interconnected and complement each other. This is one of the sources of increasing the effectiveness of their action. So, if legal sanctions are based on the moral foundations and requirements of society, then their effectiveness is greatly increased.

Thus, the significance of social control lies primarily in the fact that it regulates people's behavior and maintains public order, thereby contributing to the integration and stabilization of society. Functioning on the basis of the generally accepted values ​​and norms of the culture of a given society, social control is designed to ensure that human behavior conforms to these values ​​and norms. This role of social control is especially evident in the prevention of deviant (deviant) behavior (5.7).

External social control is a set of forms, methods and actions that guarantee compliance with social norms of behavior. There are two types of external control - formal and informal.

Formal social control based on official approval or condemnation, carried out by the authorities state power, political and social organizations, the education system, the media and operates throughout the country, based on written norms - laws, decrees, resolutions, orders and instructions. Formal social control may also include the dominant ideology in society. Speaking of formal social control, they mean, first of all, actions aimed at making people respect laws and order with the help of government representatives. Such control is especially effective in large social groups.

Informal social control based on the approval or condemnation of relatives, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, public opinion, expressed through traditions, customs or the media. The agents of informal social control are such social institutions as family, school, religion. This type of control is especially effective in small social groups.

In the process of social control, violation of some social norms is followed by a very weak punishment, for example, disapproval, an unfriendly look, a smirk. Violation of other social norms is followed by severe punishments - the death penalty, imprisonment, exile from the country. Violation of taboos and legal laws is most severely punished, and certain types of group habits, in particular family habits, are most mildly punished.

Internal social control- independent regulation by the individual of his social behavior in society. In the process of self-control, a person independently regulates his social behavior, coordinating it with generally accepted norms. This type of control is manifested, on the one hand, in a sense of guilt, emotional experiences, "remorse" for social actions, on the other hand, in the form of an individual's reflection on his social behavior.

An individual's self-control over his own social behavior is formed in the process of his socialization and the formation of socio-psychological mechanisms of his internal self-regulation. The main elements of self-control are consciousness, conscience and will.

Human consciousness - it is an individual form of mental representation of reality in the form of a generalized and subjective model of the surrounding world in the form of verbal concepts and sensory images. Consciousness allows the individual to rationalize his social behavior.

Conscience- the ability of a person to independently formulate his own moral duties and demand from himself their fulfillment, as well as to make a self-assessment of the actions and deeds performed. Conscience does not allow an individual to violate his established attitudes, principles, beliefs, in accordance with which he builds his social behavior.

Will- conscious regulation by a person of his behavior and activities, expressed in the ability to overcome external and internal difficulties in the performance of purposeful actions and deeds. The will helps the individual to overcome his inner subconscious desires and needs, to act and behave in society in accordance with his convictions.

Social control, in fact, is a process by which society, its individual areas, management systems, subsystems, social units determine whether their actions or decisions are correct, whether they need to be corrected.

Forms of social control[edit | edit wiki text]

Social control can be exercised in institutional and non-institutional forms.

1. institutional form social control is implemented through a special apparatus specializing in control activities, which is a set of state and public organizations (bodies, institutions and associations).

2. Non-institutional form social control - a special kind of self-regulation inherent in various social systems, control over people's behavior by the mass consciousness.
Its functioning is based mainly on the action of moral and psychological mechanisms, consisting of continuous monitoring of the behavior of other people and assessments of the conformity of its social prescriptions and expectations. A person becomes aware of himself by observing other members of society (organizations, groups, communities), constantly comparing himself with them, assimilating certain norms of behavior in the process of socialization. Society cannot exist without mental reactions, mutual evaluations. It is thanks to mutual contacts that people realize social values, acquire social experience and skills of social behavior.

A variety of institutional social control is state control.Among the types of state control are: political, administrative and judicial.

· Political control carried out by those bodies and persons who exercise the powers supreme power. Depending on the political and state structure, these are the parliament, regional and local elected bodies. Political control can be exercised to a certain extent by political parties that have received the support of the majority of the people, especially those represented in government.

· Administrative control carried out executive bodies all branches of government. Here, as a rule, control of higher officials over the actions of subordinates is implemented, inspection and supervisory bodies are created that analyze the implementation of laws, regulations, management decisions study the efficiency and quality of administrative activities.

· Judicial control all the courts at the disposal of the society are carried out: general (civil), military, arbitration and constitutional courts.

However, it is difficult for one state to respond to many social demands and demands, which leads to an aggravation of social conflicts that have a destructive effect on the nature of public life. This requires an effective feedback ensuring the participation of citizens in public administration, an important element of which is public control. Therefore, along with state control, public control is a special form of control - public control by society represented by the public, individual citizens, social organizations and movements, public opinion. In a modern democratic society, public control is primarily the activity of established institutions of civil society, formal and informal participation in them by individual citizens and their associations.

We all live surrounded by people, sharing our joys and sorrows with them. But not everyone wants to obey social norms and rules. For a certain orderliness of society, the concept of "social control" was introduced. These new phenomena in society are very effective. We all remember the social censure developed during the heyday of the USSR. When a person did not want to work or acted as a hooligan, he was taken on bail, but the whole society was condemned for such inappropriate behavior. And it worked! A person, perhaps not of his own free will, but began to change. As a result, the society achieved its goal. Social control was introduced for the same purpose - to streamline interpersonal and social relations.

Social control: concept, types, functions

A society can be called organized and relatively safe only if there are mechanisms for self-control of citizens and social control of the state. The higher the first concept is developed, the less social surveillance will be required from the authorities. Self-control is the responsible behavior of an adult who has developed the skills of volitional effort on himself at the level of self-awareness, control over his behavior in accordance with generally accepted norms in society.

Capricious, impulsive, spontaneously inherent in children. An adult, on the other hand, has internal self-control in order not to create conflict or other unfavorable situations for himself and for society. If a society consists of people with an underdeveloped sense of responsibility, then it needs to be introduced formal types of social control by special bodies. But we must not forget that constant hard oppression gradually makes self-control less and less significant, and, as a result, society is degrading, as there are fewer and fewer people who are able to think responsibly and control their will.

What are the main types of public control?

Existing species social management behavior is divided into two large sections, which are called formal and informal.

The essence of formal control lies in the implementation of legislative and rational regulation by state authorities and supervision of the behavior of citizens. In case of violation of the norms, the state applies sanctions.

Formal control was preceded by informal control, which still takes place in society. Its essence lies in the self-organization of a certain social group, where the rules are not written, but are regulated by the opinions of group members, authoritative personalities, and elders.

How is formal control carried out?

Formal control has its roots in historical period the formation of forms of social organization that goes beyond the simple, that is, the state. Today, the state form of organization of society has reached such a level of development that such types of social control as formal, simply must be highly organized. The larger the state, the more difficult it is to organize public order. Formal control is the organization of order on the territory of the entire state, that is, it has a global scale. Its functions are carried out by special people who receive state wages(judges, policemen, psychiatrists). The developing social control in society, its types led to the organization of entire institutions, structures and authorized bodies. These are the police, the prosecutor's office, courts, schools, the media and similar institutions.

Features of informal control

Informal management of behavior at the level big society inefficient. It is localized and restricted to group members. For violation of the norms established in such social groups, punishment is applied that takes the form of threats or real actions: physical impact on a person, rejection in communication, reproaches, ridicule, various kinds of censure ... Informal types and forms of social control do not neglect sanctions in the form exclusion from the community, the so-called ostracism. For a person to whom this group is important, such an action is very noticeable. He feels empty and hopeless. This prompts him to take various actions to return to such a group or, conversely, to replace interests and reassess values.

The degree of cohesion of the members of a social group, unity in goals, in opinion depends on how effective informal types and forms of social control, the level of its organization will be. Take, for example, a rural community of the past, whose traditions have been preserved in places to this day - there were no clearly defined rules, but the preservation of rituals, various ceremonies brings up social behavior, norms and a deep understanding of the need to comply with them.

Socialization as a form of control

In a traditional society with unwritten informal rules, the essence and types of social control differ significantly from a modern developed society, where all norms of behavior of individuals are strictly prescribed and clothed in a set of laws. Sanctions in such a group of people are imposed in the form of fines, prison terms, administrative, disciplinary and criminal liability. To reduce violations of the law, the state, through its institutions and structures, is taking measures to socialize society - through the field of education, cultural work, propaganda through the media, and so on.

coercion of man

If the methods of socialization do not work, it is necessary to apply such types and methods of social control as coercion. If an individual does not want to voluntarily obey, society forces him to do so by force. Coercion includes the main types of social control, which are described in the norms of each state, based on its norms and laws. Coercion can be local, preventive, for example, at the place of work, using the basic laws of the state. It can also be carried out immediately without warning, using harsh forms of influence on a person. Such a coercive type of social control is the psychological impact on the individual through psychiatric clinics with the use of drug treatment.

Forms of Human Responsibility

If a person does not show responsibility in work or behavior, the state assumes the functions of educating such a citizen by various methods. These methods are not always as humane as we would like. For example, supervision is not a very humane form of instilling responsibility on the part of the state. It is carried out in different ways.

Supervision can be general, when the supervisory body monitors the implementation of general norms, without going into details, looking only at the final result. It can also be detailed, when the controller agent monitors every detail, regulating the implementation of the necessary norms at each stage. Supervision on a state scale can take on such forms when not only behavior, but also thoughts and private life are regulated. That is, the state takes the form of total control, brings up denunciation, applies censorship, surveillance and other methods.

In a developed civil democratic society, social control (types of sanctions) is not total. Citizens are brought up responsible behavior that does not require coercion. Responsibility can be political, moral, legal, financial. Group and collective responsibility, fastened by cultural values, traditions and norms, is very important. When a person is in a team, he has a desire to correspond to a significant group of people. He, without noticing, is changing, trying to imitate the members of the team. Such a change in behavior does not imply pressure and violent influence on the individual.

Implementation of internal control

Internal behavior management implies the concept and types of social control that regulate measures aimed at the effective implementation by citizens of structural units of the tasks assigned to them. Thus, an auditing and controlling body is being formed that checks the financial part, economic and job descriptions compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards and the like.

On the other hand, internal control is understood as the responsibility of a person. An educated and responsible person will not allow himself to commit offenses or any actions that are contrary to the basic norms of society. Self-control is brought up in childhood. But also with the help of certain methods a person can be encouraged to take responsibility and regulate their behavior, emotions, words and actions.

What are the main functions of social control?

Internal social control, the types, functions that it is characterized by is the controllability of powers to avoid abuse in the workplace, verification of document flow and safety material assets. As for the functions of social control in general, they can be divided into:

  1. Regulatory.
  2. Protective.
  3. Stabilizing.

Regulatory - ensures the regulation of relations and their management at all stages of the development of society and its levels. Protective - aims to protect all traditional values ​​accepted in society, to stop all attempts to break and destroy these traditions. Stabilizing - takes measures to maintain public order in the norms adopted by law, predicts the behavior of individuals and social groups, preventing actions aimed at destabilizing public order.

A society without values ​​is doomed to destruction. This is what unites and expresses the goals and aspirations of society and its individual citizens. Values ​​have their own classification and hierarchy.

  • spiritual;
  • material;
  • economic;
  • political;
  • social.

According to direction:

  • integrating;
  • differentiating;
  • approved;
  • denied.

They are also divided according to the needs and type of civilization. In general, we can say that values ​​are classified into:

  • formed under the influence of traditions and modernity;
  • primary basic and secondary;
  • expressing the ideals of society (terminal);
  • expressing tools for achieving the goal (instrumental).

Whatever the type of value, it the main task- be a measure of the level of socialization of society and the implementation of the laws and behavioral norms adopted in it. In the USSR, oddly enough, values ​​were based on the principles of the Bible. A person was condemned for promiscuity, disrespectful attitude towards parents, theft, envy. After the mass revolutions of freedom, the so-called sexual revolutions, the values ​​of society turned upside down. The institution of the family has lost its former significance, children began to show less respect for their parents. Without a foundation, it is difficult to bring up responsibility and control the correct behavior of people. Now social control no longer performs an educational function, but a punitive one.

The Role of Social Control Agents

In modern society, there are certain people - agents who exercise social control. These people have gone special education to properly organize society. Agents of social control are policemen, doctors (psychiatrists), judges, social workers. They do not work on enthusiasm, but receive a certain payment for their work. It is difficult to imagine modern society without these people, since they are a kind of guarantors of previously adopted decrees, instructions, laws and regulations of the legislative branch of the state.

Social control today is not based on the principle "so the grandmother said", with the loss of the authority of the elders, other control methods appeared, which are determined by the state. On the this moment society is organized by institutions. These institutions are varied:

  • militia;
  • prosecutor's office;
  • places of deprivation of liberty;
  • media;
  • school;
  • social services.

These bodies are authorized by the state to maintain, regulate and improve public order through the application of punitive or educational methods to specific people. Naturally, all these methods are used strictly according to the instructions of higher authorities. If a person or a group of people does not heed the recommendations or orders of social control agents, sanctions are applied to them: criminal punishment, disciplinary or administrative liability.

Back to Social control

In sociology, there are different types and forms of social control.

Internal and external control.

A person who has mastered social norms is able to independently regulate his actions, coordinating them with the generally accepted system of values ​​and approved patterns of behavior. This is internal control (self-control), which is based on moral principles person. External control is a set of social institutions that regulate people's behavior and ensure compliance with generally accepted norms and laws.

Informal and formal control.

Informal (intra-group) control is carried out by participants in a social process and is based on the approval or condemnation of the individual's actions by the immediate environment (colleagues, acquaintances, friends, family members), public opinion.

Formal (institutional) control is carried out by special public institutions, control bodies, state organizations and institutions (army, court, municipal institutions, media, political parties, etc.).

Depending on who exercises social control, the following types of it are distinguished:

1. Administrative social control. For its implementation, higher authorities endow the administration of the enterprise and its divisions with appropriate powers. Administrative control is based on a pre-prescribed, legalized procedure, on existing legal documents and uses the means of influence clearly fixed in them.
2. Control of public organizations. It is carried out mainly by trade union organizations, various commissions formed in accordance with the Charter of trade unions.
3. Group social control, which refers to the impact of the team, individual groups on workers. Group social control has two varieties: official (meetings of the labor collective, production meetings, etc.) and unofficial, socio-psychological, expressed in spontaneous mutual reactions of team members to behavior. The last variety of social control includes refusal to contact, ridicule, approval, friendly disposition, etc. Often such an informal impact of the team is more effective than administrative.
4. The employee's self-control over his behavior, i.e., internal control associated with the assimilation by employees of the values ​​​​and norms of behavior accepted in society and the team. The more individual values ​​and norms coincide with the general collective, the more effective self-control is. With an increase in the level of motivation of employees, the importance of internal control based on a sense of duty, professional honor, and conscience will increase.

The most effective are the influences that combine external control and self-control. The combination of external control with self-control also determines the advantages of switching to a flexible (sliding) work schedule. In this case, intra-shift losses of working time due to the fault of the employee are eliminated, delays and premature departures from work are eliminated, and time losses due to administrative leave are sharply reduced.

The expansion of the role of group control and self-control of socially significant actions in the sphere of labor is associated with an increase in the scope of responsibility of the team and the employee for the final results of labor. Responsibility as a significant behavioral characteristic acts as a means of self-control.

Gain in modern conditions the importance of such subjects of social control as the primary labor collective and the employee himself, implies the expansion of their powers, rights and obligations contributes to the implementation in practical work. Participation in social control means that the primary team and each employee becomes the subject of responsibility, including legal, economic, moral. After all, responsibility arises only when a participant in labor relations is endowed with rights, duties, and independence.

Responsibility as the most important sociological category characterizes the employee's attitude to society, work, fellow workers and reflects the implementation of legal and moral standards, role responsibilities. A set of role responsibilities of an employee, primarily production and functional, depending on the positions he occupies in the system social relations characterizes the scope of his responsibility. Becoming an active participant in social control, the employee is responsible for his actions and actions, first of all, to himself.

The responsibility of each employee is closely related to the degree of his independence in the sphere of work. The higher the production independence of the worker, expressed, in particular, in the ability to choose the ways of performing the assigned work, to keep records of the results of work, the higher his initiative and sense of labor responsibility, the more responsible his behavior.

Further development of the problem of responsibility is connected with the specification of types, conditions, limits, the mechanism for the implementation of responsibility, as well as a combination of collective and personal responsibility in the sphere of work.

The influence of social control largely determines the higher economic results of the work of teams compared to those working individually. Group mutual control in teams allows assessing the discipline and conscientiousness of each member of the team, forming a responsible attitude to the work performed. In brigades of the new type, the number of violations of discipline is significantly reduced.

For the effectiveness of group mutual control, it is important to establish the optimal size of the primary team. It should not exceed an average of 7-15 employees. A large number of primary labor collective leads to a lack of information about the contribution of each to the common cause. Under these conditions, relations of mutual responsibility and interchangeability cause tension in interpersonal relationships, anxiety, dissatisfaction. Mutual social control ceases to work. In practice, however, when brigades are formed, the sociological aspects of their functioning are underestimated, and due importance is not attached to the creation of conditions for the operation of the mechanism of mutual social control.

Social politics
social role
social family
social system
social structure

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Control in all professions goes through the same stages of development.

§ 3. Types of social and legal control.

Leaders Decide

the issue of admission of new members, regulate the powers, establish standards of practical

work and professional ethics, agree on different levels of monopoly on the decision. However

However, control in social work reveals its own distinctive, characteristic features.

social work distinguish it special connections with other professions and social

institutions. Traditionally, social workers implement linking, mediating and

protective social functions, while simultaneously fulfilling its main function of providing

individuals and families of practical social services, the expansion of which

started after 1991. Social workers have today a wide range of activities.

The strengthening of social work is reflected in the expansion of its scope and ambiguity

professional features.

Modern professional leaders of social work not only accept, but

and exploit this ambiguity.

It may not be possible to achieve absolute clarity about

functions of employees of organizations social services. Wide range of species

activities and situations covered may partly explain why control

consider how educational process, then, as a process of control, then, as a mixture of addition and

As social services are organized and expanded, as work on

study of living conditions dysfunctional families and help them in the field of control arose

individual mentoring approach corresponding to the individual approach to each

occasion. On the special meaning, attached to the learning function of control, also influenced the development

university training of professionals. Control џ°_____ is perceived as a means of transmission

knowledge and skills from an experienced, trained worker to an inexperienced one. And in the region

vocational education - from the teacher and head of practice to the student.

Social workers often express dissatisfaction with the supervision and control of their

work, especially on over-reliance on traditional forms. They are

want to be seen as practicing professionals and not controlled.

At the early stages of professional development on the basis of the "mentor-student" model

knowledge is defined and principles are formed practical work. Until knowledge

acquire transferable, generalized forms, trainees learn by following the mentor's example, and

B.45 Social control: forms and types.

Society's efforts to prevent deviant behavior, punishment and correction of deviants, are defined by the concept of "social control".

social control- a mechanism for regulating relations between the individual and society in order to strengthen order and stability in society. IN narrow sense of social control - is the control of public opinion, the publicity of the results and assessments of people's activities and behavior.

Social control includes two main element: social norms and sanctions. Sanctions- any reaction on the part of others to the behavior of a person or group.

Kinds:Informal(intra-group) - based on the approval or condemnation from a group of relatives, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, as well as from public opinion, which is expressed through traditions and customs or through the media.

Formal(institutional) - based on the support of existing social institutions (army, court, education, etc.)

In sociology, it is known 4 principal forms of social control:

External control (A set of institutions and mechanisms that guarantee compliance with generally accepted norms of behavior and laws)

Internal control (self-control);

Control through identification with a reference group;

Control through the creation of opportunities to achieve socially significant goals by means most suitable for this person and approved by society (the so-called "multiple possibilities").

In the process of socialization, norms are assimilated so firmly that people, violating them, experience a feeling of awkwardness or guilt, pangs of conscience.

Generally accepted norms, being rational prescriptions, remain in the sphere of consciousness, below which is the sphere of the subconscious, or unconscious, consisting of elemental impulses. Self-control means containment of the natural elements, it is based on volitional effort. There are the following mechanisms of social control:

isolation - isolating the deviant from society (for example, imprisonment);

isolation - limiting the deviant's contacts with others (for example, placement in a psychiatric clinic);

rehabilitation - a set of measures aimed at returning the deviant to normal life.

B.46 Civil society and the state.

Civil society is a set of social relations, formal and informal structures that provide conditions political activity person, satisfaction and realization of various needs and interests of the individual and social groups and associations. A developed civil society is the most important prerequisite for building rule of law and his equal partner. Signs of civil society: the presence in society of free owners of the means of production; developed democracy; legal protection of citizens; certain level civic culture, high educational level of the population; the most complete provision of human rights and freedoms;

self management; the competition of its constituent structures and various groups of people; freely formed public opinion and pluralism; strong social politics states; mixed economy; a large share in the society of the middle class. The state of civil society his needs and goals define the main features And social purpose of the state. Qualitative changes in the structure of civil society, the content of its main areas of activity, inevitably lead to a change in the nature and forms of state power. At the same time, the state, having relative independence in relation to civil society, can significantly influence its condition. This influence, as a rule, is positive, aimed at maintaining stability and the progressive development of civil society. Although history knows the opposite examples. The state as a special phenomenon of social power has qualitative features. It is organized in the form of a state apparatus; manages society through a system of functions and certain methods. Externally, the state is represented in various forms. State signs- its qualitative features, expressing the features of the state in comparison with other organizations that carry out power-management functions in society. The main features of the state are: sovereignty, territorial principle exercise of power, special public authority, an inextricable link with law

B. 47 Mass consciousness and mass action. Forms of mass behavior.

mass consciousness- base of mass actions, behavior. Mass actions can be poorly organized (panic, pogroms) or sufficiently prepared (demonstration, revolution, war). Much depends on whether the situation is realized or not, whether there are leaders who are able to lead the rest.

Bulk Behavior(including spontaneous) is a term of political psychology that denotes various forms of behavior large groups people, crowds, circulation of rumors, panic and other mass phenomena.

The forms of mass behavior include: mass hysteria, rumors, gossip, panic, mayhem, riot.

mass hysteria- a state of general nervousness, increased excitability and fear caused by unfounded rumors (medieval "witch hunt", post-war " cold war", trials of "enemies of the people" in the era of Stalinism, forcing the threat of a "third world war" by the media in the 60-70s, mass intolerance towards representatives of a different nationality.)

gossip- a set of information that arises from anonymous sources and is distributed through informal channels.

panic- this form of mass behavior, when people who are faced with danger show uncoordinated reactions. They act independently, usually interfering and injuring each other.

pogrom- a collective act of violence undertaken by an uncontrolled and emotionally agitated mob against property or a person.

rebellion- a collective concept denoting a number of spontaneous forms of collective protest: rebellion, unrest, confusion, uprising.

B. 48. Culture as a system of values

culture is a system of values ​​accumulated by mankind over the long history of its development.

The concept, structure and types of social control

including all forms and ways of human self-expression and self-knowledge. Culture also appears as a manifestation of human subjectivity and objectivity (character, competencies, skills, abilities and knowledge). Basic elements of culture: language, customs, traditions, mores, laws, values.

Values- these are socially approved and shared by most people ideas about what kindness, justice, love, friendship are. No society can do without values. Values ​​are the defining element of culture, its core. They act like a) desirable, preferred for a given social subject(individual, social community, society) the state of social ties, the content of ideas, artistic form, etc.; b) criterion for evaluating real phenomena; c) they determine the meaning of purposeful activity; d) regulate social interactions; e) internally motivate to activity. IN value system social subject may include various values:

1 ) meaningful life (ideas about good and evil, happiness, purpose and meaning of life);

2 ) universal: a) vital (life, health, personal security, welfare, family, education, qualifications, law and order, etc.); b) public recognition (hard work, social status etc.); c) interpersonal communication (honesty, disinterestedness, goodwill);

d) democratic (freedom of speech, conscience, parties, national sovereignty etc.);

3 ) particular: a) attachment to a small homeland, family; b) fetishisms (belief in God, striving for the absolute).

The main varieties of social control.

social control- a system of methods and strategies by which society directs the behavior of individuals. In the ordinary sense, social control is reduced to a system of laws and sanctions, with the help of which an individual coordinates his behavior with the expectations of others and his own expectations from the surrounding social world.

Social control includes:

Expectations - the expectations of others in relation to this person;

social norms - patterns prescribing what people should do in specific situations .;

social sanction - a measure of influence.

Forms of social control- ways to regulate human life in society, due to various social processes.

The most common forms of social control:

v law - a set of normative acts that have legal force;

v taboo - a system of prohibitions on the commission of any actions;

v customs - ways of human behavior common in a given society;

v traditions - such customs that have developed historically in connection with the culture of a given ethnic group;

v morality - customs associated with the understanding of good and evil in a given social group;

v mores - customs that characterize the forms of behavior of people in a particular social stratum;

v manners - a set of habits of behavior of a given person or social group;

v habit - an unconscious action that has an automated character;

v etiquette - a set of rules of conduct regarding external manifestation relationship with people.

social norms- these are established standards of behavior from the point of view of society and specific social groups.

Most social norms are unwritten rules.

Signs of social norms:

1) general validity;

2) the possibility of applying sanctions (rewards or punishments);

3) the presence of the subjective side (freedom to comply with the norms);

4) interdependence (systems of norms that regulate the actions of people);

5) scale is divided into social (customs, traditions, laws) and group (mores, manners, habits).

social sanction- a measure of influence, the most important means of social control.

Types of sanctions: negative and positive, formal and informal.

Negative sanctions are directed against a person who has deviated from social norms.

Positive sanctions are aimed at supporting and approving a person who follows these norms.

Formal sanctions are imposed by an official, public or state body or their representative.

Informal ones usually involve the reaction of group members, friends, colleagues, relatives, etc.

Positive sanctions are usually more powerful than negative ones. The strength of the impact of sanctions depends on many factors, the most important of which is agreement on their application.

The concept of social deviation.

social deviation - social behavior that deviates from the accepted, socially acceptable behavior in a particular society. It can be both negative (alcoholism) and positive. Negative deviant behavior leads to the use by society of certain formal and informal sanctions(isolation, treatment, correction or punishment of the offender).

Causes of deviant behavior

· The basic premise of all theories of physical types is that certain physical traits of a person predetermine the various deviations from the norms committed by him.

· In accordance with sociological, or cultural, theories, individuals become deviants, since the processes of socialization they go through in a group are unsuccessful in relation to some well-defined norms, and these failures affect the internal structure of the personality.

· deviant behavior is one of the ways to adapt culture to social change. There is no modern society that long time remained

Types of social deviations

Cultural and mental deviations.

Social control - types and main functions

Sociologists are primarily interested in cultural deviations, that is, deviations of a given social community from the norms of culture.

Individual and group deviations.

Individual, when an individual rejects the norms of his subculture;

Group, considered as conformal behavior of a member of a deviant group in relation to its subculture

Primary and secondary deviations. Primary deviance refers to the deviant behavior of the individual, which generally corresponds to the cultural norms accepted in society. Secondary deviation is a deviation from the norms existing in the group, which is socially defined as deviant.

Culturally acceptable deviations. Deviant behavior is always evaluated in terms of the culture accepted in a given society:



Great achievements are not only a pronounced talent and desire, but also their manifestation in a certain place and at a certain time.

Culturally condemned deviations. Most societies support and reward social deviations in the form of extraordinary achievements and activities aimed at developing the generally accepted values ​​of the culture.

The function of primary social control is the moral regulation of the behavior of family members in various fields life, as well as responsibility and obligation in relations between spouses, parents and children, representatives of the older generation. This function is also performed primarily by women. It provides the formation and support of legal and moral sanctions in violation of the norms of relationships between family members. With successful reproduction of the social structure of society in a small social group corresponding to general requirements, providing social status to each member of the family, and conditions are created to meet individual needs in social advancement.

Leisure function - its main goal - communication, maintaining harmony in the family between its members.

This function involves the organization of rational leisure with simultaneous social control, mutual enrichment. Holding holidays, evenings of rest, hiking, reading fiction and scientific literature, watching television, listening to the radio, visiting cinema, theaters, museums, etc.

Leisure is a change of activity, excluding idle pastime. Unfortunately, parents, especially fathers, pay little attention to this function. IN more a woman is aware of this, imagining that the organization of leisure is a social function, a moral duty to society, since it contributes to the moral strengthening of the family. It is especially important to support the desire of children to communicate in clubs, hikes, etc. To awaken love for nature, a sensitive attitude towards it, to be able to see beauty is an extremely important moment in the educational activities of the family.

Sexual function - appropriate control over the moral side of the intimate relations of family members (spouses) when educating an individual's real ideas about intimate relationships. With this function, from the point of view of appropriate education, parents do not cope well. Prostitution, trade and exploitation of women have become widespread in the country. Family upbringing is opposed by the media, which actually supports this disturbing social phenomenon.

The multifunctional role of a woman in a modern family cannot be justified either theoretically or practically.

It is necessary to develop a national management mechanism social processes determining the position of a woman in a small social group, and creating conditions for the practical application in life of the theory of equality of family rights and obligations.

Ways to strengthen the family.

One of the manifestations of the family crisis is divorce. According to statistics, a divorce case is initiated mainly at the request of a woman, because. a woman in our time has become independent, she works, she can support her family herself and does not want to put up with the shortcomings of her husband. According to sociological surveys, more than half of men and women would like to remarry. Only a small part preferred loneliness. In divorces, in addition to spouses, there are also interested parties - children. The more divorces, the fewer children. This is the social harm of divorce. Divorce reduces the educational opportunities of the family in relation to children. Children suffer great psychological trauma, which parents often do not think about. Many people know that they cause suffering to their children, but not many understand what they can lead to, how it will affect the child in his later life.

Divorce is valued as a blessing only if it changes best conditions formation of the personality of the child, puts an end to the negative impact on the psyche of the child of marital conflicts.

According to some psychologists, the cause of most family problems and divorces is the lack of love between spouses and peace of mind.

social control

In other words, the reason for such social problems like violence, cheating, drugs or alcohol addiction etc. among married men and married women must be sought in emotional poverty. That is why many modern thinkers are looking for ways to strengthen love between spouses.

At the state level, in order to prevent divorces, they create and expand a system of preparing young people for marriage, as well as a socio-psychological service for helping families and single people.

Back in the early 1970s, sociological and demographic studies and surveys of the population revealed a shift in personal values ​​towards "material fetishism". At that time, already questions about the family and children caused endless complaints about housing and material difficulties. But children are not born solely for economic reasons. The intensive use of references to material obstacles to the birth of children, called the "concept of obstacles" in sociological demography and the sociology of the family, indicates the universality of alienation in this area.

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Over the long years of its existence, humanity has developed a number of different forms of social control. They are both tangible and completely invisible. The most effective and traditional form can be called self-control. It arises immediately after the birth of a person and accompanies him throughout his conscious life. At the same time, each individual himself, without coercion, controls his behavior in accordance with the norms of the society to which he belongs. The norms in the process of socialization are very firmly established in the mind of a person, so firmly that, having violated them, a person begins to experience the so-called pangs of conscience. Approximately 70% of social control is carried out through self-control. The more self-control developed among members of a society, the less that society has to resort to external control. And vice versa. The less self-control developed in people, the more often the institutions of social control, in particular, the army, courts, and the state, have to come into action. However, strict external control, petty guardianship of citizens hinder the development of self-consciousness and expression of will, muffle internal volitional efforts. Thus, a vicious circle arises, in which more than one society has fallen into throughout world history. The name of this circle is dictatorship.

Often a dictatorship is established for a while, for the benefit of citizens and with the aim of restoring order. But it lingers for a long time, to the detriment of people and leads to even greater arbitrariness. Citizens who are accustomed to submit to coercive control do not develop internal control. Gradually they degrade as social beings capable of taking responsibility and doing without external coercion (i.e. dictatorship). In other words, under a dictatorship, no one teaches them to behave in accordance with rational norms. Thus, self-control is a purely sociological problem, because the degree of its development characterizes the social type of people prevailing in society and the emerging form of the state. Group pressure is another common form of social control. Of course, no matter how strong a person's self-control is, belonging to a group or community has a huge impact on a person. When an individual is included in one of the primary groups, he begins to comply with basic norms, follow a formal and informal code of conduct. The slightest deviation usually causes condemnation by the group members, as well as the risk of exclusion. “The variation in group behavior resulting from group pressure can be seen in the example of the production team. Each member of the team must adhere to certain standards of behavior not only at work, but also after work. And if, say, disobedience to the foreman can lead to harsh remarks from the workers for the violator, then absenteeism and drunkenness often end with his boycott and rejection from the brigade. However, depending on the group, the force of group pressure may be different. If the group is very cohesive, then, accordingly, the force of group pressure increases. For example, in a group where a person spends free time, it is more difficult to exercise social control than in a place where joint activities are regularly carried out, for example, in the family or at work. Group control can be formal or informal. The official includes all kinds of working meetings, advisory meetings, shareholders' councils, and so on. Under informal control understand the impact on group members by participants in the form of approval, ridicule, condemnation, isolation and refusal to communicate.

Another form of social control is propaganda, which is considered a very powerful tool that influences the human mind. Propaganda is a way of influencing people, which in some respects hinders the rational enlightenment of a person, in which the person makes own conclusions. The main task of propaganda is to influence groups of people in such a way as to shape the behavior of society in the desired direction. Propaganda should influence those forms of social behavior that are closely connected with the system moral values in society. Everything is subjected to propaganda processing, from the actions of people in typical situations to beliefs and orientations. Propaganda is used as a kind of technical means suitable for achieving their goals. There are 3 main types of propaganda. The first type includes the so-called revolutionary propaganda, which is needed in order to force people to accept a value system, as well as a situation that is in conflict with the generally accepted one. An example of such propaganda is the propaganda of communism and socialism in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. The second type is destructive propaganda. Its main goal is to destroy the existing system of values. The clearest example of such propaganda was Hitler's, which did not try to force them to accept the ideals of Nazism, but at the same time tried with all its might to undermine the credibility of traditional values. And finally, the third type of propaganda is reinforcing. It is designed to consolidate people's attachment to certain values ​​and orientations. This type of propaganda is typical for the United States, where the existing system of values ​​is fixed in this way. According to sociologists, this type of propaganda is the most effective, it serves very well to maintain established value orientations. In addition, it reflects the prevailing, traditional stereotypes. This type of propaganda is mainly aimed at instilling conformism in people, which implies agreement with the dominant ideological and theoretical organizations.

At present, the concept of propaganda in the public mind is associated mainly with the military sphere or politics. Slogans are considered one of the ways to implement propaganda in society. A slogan is a short statement, usually expressing the main task or guiding idea. The correctness of such a statement is usually not in doubt, since it is only of a general nature.

During a period of crisis or conflict in a country, demagogues may throw, for example, such slogans as: "My country is always right", "Motherland, faith, family" or "Freedom or death". But do most people analyze real reasons this crisis, conflict? Or do they just go along with what they are told?

In his work on the First World War, Winston Churchill wrote: "Just one call is enough - and the crowds of peaceful peasants and workers turn into mighty armies, ready to tear the enemy apart." He also noted that most people, without hesitation, carry out the order given to them.

At the disposal of the propagandist there are also many symbols and signs that carry the ideological charge he needs. For example, a flag can serve as such a symbol, such ceremonies as a volley of twenty-one guns and a salute also have a symbolic character. Love for parents can also be used as leverage. It is obvious that such concepts - symbols as the fatherland, the motherland - the mother or the faith of the ancestors, can become powerful weapon in the hands of clever manipulators of other people's opinions.

Of course, propaganda and all its derivatives are not necessarily evil. The question is who does it, and for what purpose. And also in who this propaganda is being directed at. And if we talk about propaganda in a negative sense, then you can resist it. And it's not that hard. It is enough for a person to understand what propaganda is and learn to identify it in the general flow of information. And having learned, it is already much easier for a person to decide for himself how compatible the ideas suggested to him are with his own ideas about what is good and what is bad.

Social control through coercion is also another common form. It is commonly practiced in the most primitive as well as traditional societies, although it may be present in smaller numbers even in the most advanced nations. With a high population complex culture the so-called secondary group control begins to be applied - laws, various violent regulators, formalized procedures. When an individual does not want to follow these regulations, the group or society resorts to coercion to force him to act like everyone else. IN modern societies there are strictly developed rules, or a system of control through enforcement, which is a set of effective sanctions applied in accordance with various types of deviations from the norms.

Social control through coercion is characteristic of any government, but its place, role, and character in various systems are not the same. In a developed society, coercion is attracted mainly for crimes committed against society. The decisive role in the fight against offenses belongs to the state. It has a special apparatus of coercion. Legal norms determine for what state bodies can apply the method of coercion. The means of coercion are physical and mental violence, i.e. a threat. There is also no reason to believe that a threat can only be a means of coercion when it is punishable in itself. The state must also protect its citizens from coercion by threats, which in themselves are not punishable if the content of the threat is an illegal act, otherwise impunity for many cases of serious mental violence would be allowed. The element of coercion, joining the threat, gives it a different and greater meaning. It goes without saying that the threat must contain, in itself, an indication of a significant, in the eyes of the threatened, illegal evil, otherwise it will be unable to influence the will of the threatened.

In addition to the above, there are many other forms of social control, such as rewards, pressure from authority, punishment. A person begins to feel each of them from birth, even if he does not understand that he is being influenced.

All forms of social control are covered by its two main types: formal and informal.