Oge on history typical options. Oge in history

OGE for any graduate high school- one of the first serious examination tests, which can rightfully be compared with the Unified State Exam for eleventh graders. The results of the OGE, expressed in points, will allow children to enter a specialized college or class, will contribute to obtaining a good certificate, and will also become the first step to admission to the desired university. History, as before, in 2018 can be taken at the student’s request.

It is usually taken by students who want to transfer to law colleges or educational institutions, specializing in art history, design and architecture. Those who want to choose these specialties after 11th grade also take history, because the Unified State Exam allows you to check your current level of knowledge and prepare for the Unified State Exam. Of course, a huge amount of data in the form of names, dates and events makes history not the simplest OGE, but understanding the structure and content of CIMs will allow you to be well prepared for the test!

  • Demo version of the OGE in history
  • Requirements Codifier

OGE dates in history

To create a personal preparation schedule for the OGE, it is worth finding out in advance what dates Rosobrnadzor has allocated for taking the exams. According to the published project, in 2018 schoolchildren will have to write history on the following days:

  • Early examination is scheduled for April 23 (Monday). In case of unforeseen circumstances, the organizers have allocated a reserve day - May 3 (Thursday);
  • The main examination is scheduled for May 31, 2018 (Thursday). In case of force majeure, the OGE may be postponed to June 18 (Monday);
  • The additional exam will be held on September 10, 2018 (Monday), and September 18 (Tuesday) is named as an additional exam.

Answers to the OGE in history 2018, all options, answers to tests on the history of the OGE 2018

Facts and myths about answers to the OGE in history 2018

The OGE in History is rapidly approaching. This year the testing will take place on June 7. This exam is chosen mainly by those schoolchildren who plan to study in humanities classes and, perhaps, already know that they will need history for the Unified State Exam in two years.

But there are also those who chose to take history rather by elimination. But they never bothered to prepare. If you are one of these unlucky graduates, you are probably wondering where to get ready-made answers.

What answers are we looking for?

The OGE in history, like many other exams, consists of two parts. In the first, you need to give a short answer to 30 questions, in the second, a detailed answer to another 5.

Unlike the Unified State Exam, which includes questions on foreign history, the Unified State Exam includes only national history. The exam contains the following blocks:

  • antiquity and the Middle Ages (VII – late XVII century);
  • new history (late 17th – early 20th centuries);
  • modern history (beginning of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century).

A variety of knowledge will be required: historical dates, facts, figures, Therussiantimes reports. The ability to determine cause and effect is also useful. historical events and analyze information from written sources. In addition to history itself, knowledge of the cultural history of Russia is also tested.

Where can ready-made answers help? First of all, in test tasks. It is not so difficult to remember or write down ready-made answers - as a rule, they include a number, a word or a sequence of numbers. It will be a little more difficult with detailed answers, although in the OGE they should not be long, a few sentences are enough. However, copying word for word is still dangerous. It will be much better if you can understand the main essence of the answer and formulate it in your own words.

The main question: where to download the answers?

If you have already tried to find ready-made answers to the OGE in history, you have probably noticed that many sources do not give any results. Somewhere there are offers to install useless virus software, supposedly to download answers, somewhere you need to send an SMS, register or do something else. And very often all these actions lead to nothing - in the end you get either nothing or just old samples of CMMs.

Why is this happening? Because scammers are trying to deceive you. They know very well how excited schoolchildren are on the eve of an exam, and they try to take advantage of this in order to get money. Of course, there have been cases when someone actually received real answers, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

The conclusion is simple: it is better not to hope for luck, but to try to refresh your knowledge of history. You probably actually know most of the names and dates very well, you just haven’t remembered them for a long time. With a little effort, you can easily score enough to pass the OGE.

Structure and content of KIM on history

The specialized commission came to the conclusion that last year’s version of the ticket was optimal in terms of structure and content. When compiling history tickets special attention was given to tasks that test knowledge in the field of Russian history and are a priority when studying this discipline. In addition, KIMs include the history of the development of the world from ancient times to the present day. The commission has a number of tasks:

  • check how well schoolchildren navigate the key historical dates, stages and events from Russian and world history;
  • identify knowledge about the life and work of outstanding historical figures;
  • determine the understanding of cultural and value achievements that were formed in the process of evolutionary and historical development Russia and the world;
  • check understanding of cause and effect major events in the history of Russia and the world;
  • find out whether 9th grade students can use and interpret data presented in the form of tables, texts, schematic drawings and illustrations, selecting the necessary information to answer questions, conduct comparative analysis and problem solving;
  • evaluate skills in working with historical maps;
  • determine whether the student can apply his knowledge to write historical essays;
  • test the ability to systematize historical information, understand the terminology and conceptual apparatus of the discipline.

Only thorough preparation will help you complete all 35 tasks

Students will need to complete 35 tasks on the history cards. The work is presented in two parts:

  • the first part – 30 tasks requiring you to write down the answer in the form of a number, several numbers, one or several words. In the first part, students need to solve tasks on the history of the 8th–17th centuries, the 18th–early 20th centuries, events from 1914 to 1945, as well as the period from the post-war years to the present day. The main emphasis is on the events that unfolded during the Second World War. In addition, significant attention is paid to the life and work of key figures in the history of Russia, as well as the peculiarities cultural development countries in specified periods. Most assignments will require students to extract information from presented maps, diagrams, or illustrations. The tasks from the first part are worth a total of 32 points (72.7% of all points for the ticket);
  • the second part – 5 tasks in which you need to write down a reasoned answer with conclusions and cause-and-effect relationships on a form. This part of the ticket tests the skills and practical skills of schoolchildren. Assignments can relate to any of historical periods, consider a variety of cultural, social and economic aspects. The total points for all tasks from the second part is 12 (or 27.3% of all points for the ticket).

Successfully completing all tasks will earn you 44 maximum points.

Regulations for the OGE in history in 2018

High school graduates will have to complete the ticket in 180 minutes. The regulations state that at the OGE you should not have any additional items other than a pen and knowledge. Before entering the classroom, remove anything that might attract the attention of observers. Don't think you can bring a smartphone or a paper cheat sheet! However, even if you manage to hide these things at the entrance, they will be found in the exam room, and this is a direct road to the cancellation of the OGE results and the risk of being left without a certificate.

How are OGE scores recalculated for the certificate?

  • the mark “2” is given if the student managed to score from 0 to 12 points;
  • a grade of “3” is given if the student scores from 13 to 23 points;
  • a grade of “4” is given to students who were able to score from 24 to 34 points for the exam;
  • mark “5” is the result of a student who scored from 35 to 44 points.

In specialized classes and educational institutions Guys who have scored more than 32 points in history can be recommended.

Start working in September to avoid getting into trouble during the exam!

How to prepare for the OGE in history?

Practice shows that the following tips and recommendations help when passing the OGE in history:

  • focus on school curriculum and make sure you have a set of good textbooks and manuals. Subject teachers advise using books by A.A. Danilova and L.G. Kosulina, R.V. Pazina, P.A. Baranova. The textbook on Russian history, published at Moscow State University by the authors A.S. Orlov and V.A. Georgiev;
  • V mandatory solve the CMMs recommended for the trial OGE (download demo version possible at the beginning of the article). This type of preparation will help you understand the structure of the ticket and the features of filling out the form, as well as test your knowledge of history and determine your weak and strong points;
  • start learning history in September - you won’t be able to remember all the dates and events in a month or two;
  • look documentaries about great historical figures. An interesting presentation of the material will allow you to remember additional information;
  • Take online tests regularly - this will help you get better;
  • work through the history requirements codifier (see the link at the beginning of the article) - it describes how to approach each task;
  • use richly illustrated encyclopedias and reference books. The tickets contain many problems with illustrative material, so you will have to identify historical figures from photographs or reproductions of paintings;
  • Take time to learn about the culture of various historical milestones. Examinees most often fail on such tasks. The work may include assignments that affect the life and work of Feofan the Greek, Andrei Rublev, Feofan Prokopovich. You may have to identify famous architectural structures, icons, paintings and even TV shows from the 20th century;
  • try to express your thoughts neutrally. Do not criticize any historical figure, but simply describe his contribution to the development of history - the examiners may have an opinion different from yours, so excessive emotional coloring will only harm you;
  • make tables with chronicles of historical events, as well as a list of personalities who took part in them. Place them in the most visible places so that your memory constantly absorbs this information.

Option 2

Part A

Choose the correct answer, one in each case, write it down in numbers and letters...

A1. The most important historical merit of Prince Ivan Kalita was :
1) adoption of the first set of laws “Russian Truth”
2) the liberation of Rus' from Horde dependence
3) creation of the first all-Russian Code of Law
4) strengthening the role of Moscow as a center for the unification of Russian lands

A2. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of the publicist Yu.F. Samarin and indicate the name of the emperor whose reign began we're talking about.
“The last reign began with the fact that on one frosty day, on Palace Square, best color a whole generation. A violent interruption followed in the development of our society.”
1) Pavel Petrovich 2) Alexander Pavlovich 3) Konstantin Pavlovich

4) Nikolai Pavlovich

A3 . Indicate the year with which the beginning of the Romanov dynasty is associated:
1) 1649; 2) 1645; 3) 1654; 4) 1613.

A4. Completed Russian-Turkish war The Berlin Congress, at which Russia managed to defend the independence of Montenegro, achieve autonomy for Northern Bulgaria, took place in:
1) 1815; 2) 1856; 3) 1878; 4) 1905

A5. Which of the following happened in the 19th century?
1) abolition of the patriarchate 2) establishment of collegiums
3) proclamation of Russia as an empire 4) abolition of serfdom.

A6 . Who owns the words: “Come to me, brother, in Moscow”?

    Vladimir Monomakh 2. Yuri Dolgoruky

3. Andrey Bogolyubsky

A7. Otkhodniks in XVIII V. in Russia they called:

1) peasants leaving their native villages to earn money 3) migrants to Siberia

2) runaway peasants 4) peasants recruited

A8. A tax levied on all men of the taxable classes, in XVIII V. was called:

1) household 2) per capita 3) townsman

4) direct

A9. Reason Northern War Russia's desire appeared:

1) annex Finland

3) get access to the Baltic Sea

2) get access to the North Sea

4) restore the trade route “from the Varangians to the Greeks”

A10. Which of the cultural figures listed below belonged to the Itinerant artists?

A) I.N. Kramskoy

B) A. M. Opekushin

B) A.K. Savrasov,

D) K.P. Bryullov

D) V.M. Vasnetsov

E) O.A. Kiprensky

Please indicate the correct answer.

1) AED 2) BGE 3) ABG 4) WHERE

A11. Dates 1801, 1825, 1855, 1881 refer to:
1) the process of liberation of peasants;
2) the beginning of the reigns of the Russian emperors;
3) public administration reforms;
4) stages of the industrial revolution in Russia.

A12. The title of “Sovereign of All Rus'” was adopted by:
1) Ivan Kalita 2) Vasily II 3) Vasily the Dark 4) Ivan III

A13. Who were called “guests” in Medieval Russia?

    Foreigners who were in public service

    Merchants conducting foreign trade


A14. Which of the figures XVIII V. Petra I went from Peter's orderly I to His Serene Highness, the Generalissimo?

1) B.P. Sheremetev 2) G.A. Potemkin 3) A.D. Menshikov

4) P.A. Rumyantsev

A15. What was the name in Rus' for land ownership that belonged to the owner as a full hereditary property?






A16. To history Crimean War include:
1) Battle of Sinop, defense of Sevastopol;
2) Battle of Borodino, Tarutino march-maneuver;
3) the battle of Austerlitz, defense of Sevastopol;
4) the battle of Narva, the Battle of Leipzig.

A17. Which of the following events occurred later than all the others:

A) Battle of Kalka

B) Standing on the Ugra

B) Battle of Kulikovo

D) the ruin of Moscow by Tokhtamysh

A18. What was the name of the first Russian chronicle? 1) “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign 2) “The Tale of Bygone Years” by Nestor
3) “Teaching to Children” by Vladimir Monomakh 4) “A Word about Law and Grace

A19. Rus' adopted Christianity:

A) from Rome

B) from Lithuania

B) from Byzantium

D) from Poland

A20. Specify chronological framework Northern War:

A. 1707-1708 B. 1700-1721 C. 1718-1720

Part B

B1. Match the elements of the left and right columns. One element of the left column corresponds to one element of the right.



1. Localism

A. People who received a “kupa” - a loan and are obliged to work for it for the gentleman who provided the “kupa”

2. Purchasing

B. Appointment to public office depending on the nobility of origin.

3. Feeding

B. The procedure for maintaining officials at the expense local population

4. Feudalism

G. transformations in government and social life.

5. Posad people

D. a system of organizing society based on the relationship between master and subject, the land dependence of some people on others.

6. Reform

E. Craftsmen, traders and other segments of the population who lived in the settlement; constituted a special class.

7. Oprichnina

I. the policy of Ivan the Terrible, aimed at strengthening his autocratic power.

Write your answer as a combination of numbers and letters, separated by commas.

B2. Which three the features listed below characterized the period palace coups?

      1. strengthening the role of the guard

        dynastic crises

        strengthening of serfdom

        the struggle to strengthen Russia in Europe

        expansion of the rights of the townspeople

        development of draft Russian Constitution

Write down your answers in ascending order (without spaces or any symbols, no more than three numbers).

B3 Place events in chronological order

A. Signing of the Treaty of Nystadt

B. Defeat of Russian troops near Narva

B. Naval victory Russian fleet off Grengam Island

D. Battle of the village of Lesnoy

Q4. Working with a historical source.

Read the legend of the Tale of Bygone Years about the first religious reform of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich:

“In the summer of 6488 (980) ... And Vladimir began to reign in Kyiv alone and placed idols on the hill behind the tower courtyard: a wooden Perun with a silver head and a golden mustache, then Khors, Dazhbog, Stribog, Simargl and Mokosh.

And they made sacrifices to them, calling them gods, and brought their sons and daughters to them, and these sacrifices went to the demons, and they desecrated the earth with their sacrifices. And the Russian land and that hill were defiled with blood. "..."

Vladimir put Dobrynya, his uncle, in Novgorod. And, having come to Novgorod, Dobrynya placed an idol over the Volkhov River, and the Novgorodians brought sacrifices to him as to a god...”

    Why did Prince Vladimir need to create a single pantheon of pagan deities in Kyiv?

    How was this related to the tasks of strengthening the state unity of Kievan Rus?

B5. Read excerpts from the works of historians and name the ruler to whom these characteristics apply:
N.M. Karamzin: “Europe reads with surprise her correspondence with philosophers, and is surprised not by them, but by her. What a wealth of thoughts and knowledge, what insight, what subtlety of mind, feeling and expression.”
P.A. Vyazemsky: “The European press was her humble and obedient servant. All the outstanding political and literary figures of her era were devoted to her. Voltaire, d’Alembert and many others wrote as if under her dictation and were the heralds of her political views, her victories and her conquests.”

B6. Read an excerpt from historical source and indicate the name of the period in the history of Russia in question. Explain why you determined this.

“After that, they galloped at full speed from one city to another all the way to Putivl, leaving behind this news in all the inns, namely that Dmitry was not killed, but escaped, as a result of which the whole country from Moscow to the Polish border believed that Tsar Dmitry really escaped and is still alive.

Rumors about this reached Moscow, and wild and absurd thoughts arose among the common people in connection with this.”

B7. Read an excerpt from the historian’s essay and indicate which emperor is being discussed. Explain why you determined this.

“The reign of the emperor began with the suppression of the uprising on Senate Square. As the emperor himself stated, he received the throne “at the cost of the blood of his subjects.”

Personally participating in interrogations and investigations, he tried to understand the reasons for this movement. Like the Decembrists, the emperor realized the detrimental nature of serfdom, arbitrariness, and lack of enlightenment for the country.

However, he believed that the necessary reforms should come from the government. Having concluded that the nobility was in an unfavorable mood, he sought to rely on the bureaucracy.”

B8 . Place in chronological order the following events:
1) Battle of Borodino 2) the beginning of the Patriotic War
3) Decembrist uprising 4) Establishment of ministries

Q9. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich and write the name of the emperor, whose death is described and the year when this event occurred.
“Sunday, March 1, my father went, as usual, to the parade at half past two. We boys decided to go...skating.
At exactly three o'clock the sound of a powerful explosion was heard.
- It's a bomb! - said my brother George.
At the same moment, an even stronger explosion shook the glass of the windows in our room...

A minute later a panting footman ran into the room.
- The Emperor has been killed! - he shouted.

B10 . Read an excerpt from the diary entries of an eyewitness to the events and write the name of the war referred to in the document provided and the year in which it occurred.
“Confidence in all senior officials has been seriously undermined. However, everyone unanimously praises Skobelev... There is no doubt that the attack on Plevna was carried out remarkably ineptly... Skobelev and his small detachment acted... separately and independently. There were no reserves. Thirty-six cavalry squadrons stood idle on the flanks instead of seizing the communications routes between Plevna and Vidin and Sofia.”

Part C

Answer the questions briefly or fill in the missing words.

Write down only the answers.

C1. Read an excerpt from a historical document and answer the questions.

Summer 7106 November on the 24th day of the king and Grand Duke Fyodor Ivanovich pointed out all Russia. Who are peasants because of the boyars, and because of the nobles, and because of the clerks, and because of the boyars’ children, and because of all sorts of people, from estates and from estates, from patriarchs, and from metropolitans, and from sovereigns (the highest hierarchs of the church), and ran out of the monastery estates for five years before the current year 106, and for those runaway peasants in their escape and for those landowners and patrimonial owners, for whom they, having run out, live, that landowner, because So they ran out, and the patriarchs, and the metropolitans, and the lords, and the children of the boyars, and the monastery villages, the clerks and servants, gave court and searched loosely with all sorts of detectives.

And after the trial and the search for those runaway peasants with their wives and children and with all their bellies, take them back to where they lived.

1. What is the name of the document from which the excerpt is taken?

2. During the reign of which king was it created?

3. About what social process what does the document say?

4. Name the main reasons for this social process.

C2. Write the names of the monuments shown in the illustrations and indicate the cities where they are located.

1) 2)

3) 4)

C3 . Recover the passage by inserting the missing words :

IN ____________(month name) The French left Moscow, but the Russian army, which had strengthened and increased in number, stood in their way. The defeats inflicted on the French under ___________________________ and ________________________ forced the emperor _______________ to turn his troops onto the _________________________ road.

The enemy retreating to the western borders was pursued by the Russian army and _______________________ detachments. When crossing the river ______________, the French lost 30 thousand soldiers. The emperor himself, abandoning his troops, fled to Paris. When asked where the army was, he was forced to answer “__________________________________________.”

C4. Place the words below in the gaps. Words are given in alphabetical order in the nominative case.

The answer must be a combination of the corresponding letters, placed in the order in which the words are missing in the text. For example, GZVBAZHED.

Please note that one of the concepts is redundant.

A). Veche D). Russian single state

B). Rus E). Feudal fragmentation

IN). Prince J). Feudal Republic

G). Primitive communal Z). Feudal

INIXin Rus' a (1) ______ system began to take shape. Rich people were no longer satisfied with the existing management order in the tribes, since it could not ensure the protection of their property and create conditions for its increase. First state Eastern Slavs called (2) _______. Supreme power it belonged to (3) _______.

At the endXIV. sounded, and inXIIV. The slogan triumphed: “Everyone holds his own fatherland.” This marked the beginning of (4) _____. Forms political structure in the Russian lands during this period were very diverse: from the feudal monarchy to the existence in Novgorod and Pskov (5) ______. The supreme power in these two cities belonged to (6) _______.

Later, Moscow took the leading place among the cities of Rus'. She led the fight to overthrow the Golden Horde yoke and unify the Russian lands. As a result of the active policy of the Moscow princes towardsXVIV. the education process has been completed (7) ______.

C5. Read the text, answer the questions about it.

"The first victims new policy became a press and a school. The new censorship statute had the goal of strangling the opposition press... all radical and many liberal periodicals ceased to exist: “Otechestvennye zapiski” M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin, “Case” N.V. Shchelgunova, “Golos”, “Zemstvo”... university autonomy was liquidated, uniforms were reintroduced for students as a “means of supervision” over them, when entering the university it was necessary to present a characteristic “of trustworthiness”, tuition fees at universities increased by five times... a circular was issued, known as “about cooks’ children,” according to which it was forbidden to admit into the gymnasium the children of coachmen, footmen, laundresses, and small shopkeepers.

All primary schools were transferred to the church department - the Synod...

Tolstoy started the transformation of zemstvo institutions. The socio-economic development of Russia naturally led to the weakening of the position of the nobility in the zemstvos and the strengthening of the role of the commercial and industrial bourgeoisie, new landowners from merchants, and rich peasants. Most of all, the government was worried about the growth of opposition sentiments and constitutional claims of the Zemstvo residents.

Therefore, the goal of the planned reforms was to strengthen the representation of the nobility, i.e. “nobility” of zemstvo institutions, as Witte accurately noted. For this purpose, the qualification for the nobility was reduced and the number of noble vowels increased. The peasantry was deprived of elected representation. The governor himself appointed the peasant representatives. Not a single decision of the zemstvo was made without the approval of the governor or the minister of internal affairs.

One of the most reactionary reforms was the introduction of the institution of zemstvo chiefs... Zemstvo chiefs were appointed by the Minister of Internal Affairs from local hereditary nobles on the proposal of governors.

By combining the functions of administrator and judge in their hands, they received essentially unlimited power. The magistrate's court in the village was destroyed. All activities of peasant self-government were under their control... By this act, the autocracy essentially restored the power of the landowners over the peasants, lost under the reform of 1861.”

1. Write the name of the emperor during whose reign the reforms described in the text were carried out. Indicate the year of publication of the decree “on cooks’ children” and on zemstvo bosses.

2. Based on the text and your knowledge of history, identify at least three reasons for the tightening of domestic policies.

H. List at least three consequences of the reform in rural areas.

This manual is intended to prepare 9th grade students for the state final certification- the main state exam (OGE) in history. The publication includes standard tasks on all content lines exam paper, as well as approximate options in the 2019 OGE format.
The manual will help schoolchildren test their knowledge and skills in the subject, and teachers - assess the degree to which individual students have achieved the requirements of educational standards and ensure their targeted preparation for the exam.

The publication contains tasks different types on all topics tested by the OGE in history, list key issues, concepts. Answers and assessment criteria are provided at the end of the manual.
The publication will provide invaluable assistance to students in preparing for the OGE in history, and can also be used by teachers in organizing the educational process.

Download and read OGE 2019, History, Assignments, answers, comments, Gevurkova E.A., Solovyov Y.V., 2018

The authors of the assignments are leading scientists, teachers and methodologists who are directly involved in the development of control measuring materials for the OGE.
The manual contains 14 variants of standard test tasks of the Basic state exam 2019, answers to all tasks and detailed criteria for checking and evaluating tasks with a detailed answer.
The purpose of the manual is to develop students' practical skills in preparation for the OGE in history.
The manual is intended for teachers and methodologists who use tests to prepare students for the Main State Exam, as well as for self-preparation and self-control of 9th grade students in basic schools.

Download and read OGE 2019, History, 9th grade, 14 options, Typical test tasks, Kurukin I.V., Lushpay V.B., Taratorkin F.G.

Attention 9th grade graduates educational organizations proposed training manual to prepare for the main state exam (OGE), which contains 10 options for exam papers.
Each option includes assignments of different types and levels of difficulty for all sections of the Russian history course: “Antiquity and the Middle Ages”, “Modern times”, “ Recent history", knowledge of the content of which is tested as part of the OGE.
Significant bank in terms of volume exam materials(300 tasks of part 1, 50 - parts 2) provides great opportunity for intensive training and mastery of the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to successfully pass the OGE.
At the end of the book, self-test answers to all tasks in part 1 and the main content of answers to tasks in part 2 are given.

Download and read OGE 2019, History, 10 training options, Artasov I.A., 2018

Specification of control measuring materials for conducting the main state exam in HISTORY in 2019.
The purpose of the KIM for the OGE is to assess the level of general educational training in the history of graduates of IX grades of general education organizations for the purpose of state final certification of graduates. The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools.
OGE is carried out in accordance with Federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation.”
The content of the examination work is determined on the basis of the Federal component state standard general education(Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 03/05/2004 No. 1089) and the Historical and Cultural Standard, which is part of the Concept of a new educational and methodological complex on Russian history.

Download and read OGE 2019, History, 9th grade, Specification, Codifier, Project

Demo version No. 1 control measuring materials for the main state exam in HISTORY in 2019, studying the subject based on a concentric teaching system.
The demo version is intended to enable any exam participant and the general public to get an idea of ​​the structure of the future examination paper, the number and form of tasks, as well as their level of difficulty. The given criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer, included in this option, will allow you to get an idea of ​​the requirements for the completeness and correctness of recording a detailed answer.
This information gives graduates the opportunity to develop a strategy for preparing for the history exam.

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Take the test “OGE 2018 History Training option No. 3” online

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Take the test “OGE 2018 History Training option No. 4” online

Story | OGE 2018

The solution to the online OGE test in history 2018 introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM problems. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. Training option The OGE in history corresponds to the 2018 demo version.

Take the test “OGE 2018 History Training option No. 5” online

Story | OGE 2018

The solution to the online OGE test in history 2018 introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM problems. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the OGE in history corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test “OGE 2018 History Training option No. 6” online

Story | OGE 2018

The solution to the online OGE test in history 2018 introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM problems. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the OGE in history corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test “OGE 2018 History Training option No. 7” online

Story | OGE 2018

The solution to the online OGE test in history 2018 introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM problems. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the OGE in history corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test "OGE 2018 History Training option No. 8" online

Story | OGE 2018

The solution to the online OGE test in history 2018 introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM problems. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the OGE in history corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test “OGE 2018 History Training option No. 9” online

Story | OGE 2018

The solution to the online OGE test in history 2018 introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM problems. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the OGE in history corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test “OGE 2018 History Training option No. 10” online

Story | OGE 2018

The solution to the online OGE test in history 2018 introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM problems. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the OGE in history corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test “Demonstration version of control measuring materials for the 2018 main state exam in HISTORY” online

Story | OGE 2018

Solving the OGE test in history introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of the 2018 OGE demo version and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. To train and control students, teachers can use online history testing in their lessons for free.

Take the test “OGE 2018 Social Studies Training option No. 1” online

Social Studies | OGE 2018

Take the test “OGE 2018 Social Studies Training option No. 2” online

Social Studies | OGE 2018

The solution to the online OGE test in social studies 2018 introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the OGE in social studies corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test “OGE 2018 Social Studies Training option No. 3” online

Social Studies | OGE 2018

The solution to the online OGE test in social studies 2018 introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the OGE in social studies corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test “OGE 2018 Social Studies Training option No. 4” online

Social Studies | OGE 2018

The solution to the online OGE test in social studies 2018 introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the OGE in social studies corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test “OGE 2018 Social Studies Training option No. 5” online

Social Studies | OGE 2018

The solution to the online OGE test in social studies 2018 introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the OGE in social studies corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test “OGE 2018 Social Studies Training option No. 6” online

Social Studies | OGE 2018

The solution to the online OGE test in social studies 2018 introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the OGE in social studies corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

The OGE in history is an optional examination test, which is optionally taken when moving from 9th to 10th grade. Before you start preparing for the exam, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the syllabus, which indicates all the points that you should pay special attention to. The exam consists of 2 blocks: in the first, test-type tasks require you to choose the correct answer from those proposed, in the second, students are asked to give a detailed answer to the question. The answer must be formulated clearly, concisely, scientifically and reasoned.

History is a difficult subject, which is confirmed by the level of exam scores obtained. The subject is consistently passed not very successfully from year to year. But this does not mean that for quality preparation it is necessary to hire a tutor or take courses. At a certain level diligence and systematic preparation, history can only be passed on the basis of school knowledge.
The exam program includes topics on the history of Russia until the twentieth century, and it is important to regularly repeat the material from previous classes. The complexity of the situation is that this is difficult to do in a school setting, given that there are 2-3 history lessons per week.
If the student’s level of knowledge is low, it is recommended to use outside help - tutors, distance and stationary courses. An effective way practice before the exam - online testing.
What topics should you pay special attention to?
IN list of program topicsthere are those who call every year greatest number problems. Among them:

  • Events civil war 1917;
  • Geographical expeditions of Russian scientists;
  • Development of culture at different stages.
Difficulties are associated with tasks on knowledge of maps, cultural objects, painting, architecture, and science. The easiest topics are related to the knowledge of historical personalities - emperors and kings, history Ancient Rus' also refers to simple and accessible. Get to know .

The number of tasks may change from year to year, but not significantly. Usually there are 35 tasks, they are divided into 2 parts: tests and detailed questions that relate to tasks increased complexity. The test tasks require you to find the correct answers from several suggested ones. This requires knowledge of dates, terms, characters, maps, sources, events, historical processes. Answering detailed questions requires not only knowledge of facts and theory, but also presupposes the ability to use it, argue, compare, analyze data, and compare eras.
How to prepare? Main - regular classes and systematic repetition of material. In the process of studying and repeating, it is worth paying attention , which are the most difficult - they should be given extra time. To pass the tests successfully, you need to practice. “I’ll solve the OGE in history” - the opportunity to take part in online mode tests for previous years, training tasks. It's lightweight and affordable way It’s better to remember facts and theory, use time wisely, and cope with exam anxiety.